HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Notice 05/18/2010RESOLUTION 2010-360 ADOPTED DOC ID: 5907 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2010-360 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 4, 2010: WHEREAS, the Town of Southold Stormwater Management Plan & Regulations are intended to satisfy the regulatory requirements for mandatory MS4 communities and result in the issuance of a General Permit for the Town's stormwater discharges and represents an agreement by the Town and its respective departments to work together in reducing pollutants to our shared watersheds and waterbodies; and WHEREAS, as a part of its Stormwater Management Plan & Regulations, the Town of Southold will perform annual evaluations of their programs, including status of activities proposed and completed, program compliance, the appropriateness of identified management practices, progress towards achieving identified goals, and other program information; and WHEREAS, prior to submittal to the State Stormwater Management Program Office, the Annual Stormwater Management Status Report must be presented at a public forum and the public afforded the capability of offering comments; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets May 18~ 2010 at 4:35 p.m. at Southold Town Hall~ 53095 Main Road~ Southold, as the time and place to hold a public information hearing to allow the public to ask questions and make comments on the draft Annual SPDES Phase 2 Status Report Regarding the Town of Southold Stormwater Management Plan. A complete copy of the draft Annual Stormwater Management Plan Status Report will be available at the Southold Town Clerk's Office during normal business hours and will also be available on the Town's website: southoldtown.northfork.net. Seven (7) days will be provided for written comment after the close of the public hearing. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ruland, Councilman SECONDER: Vincent Orlando, Councilman AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Talbot, Krupski Jr., Evans, Russell 38 I MAY13,2010 I SUFFOLKTIMES.COM LEGAL NOTICES CONTINUED ~ F~cVK)US PAGE L~GAL ~ NOllCE Olr lqJ~l.lC I~E~G ~ 18 It~RE~T Cd~,~N that the Town Board of the Tovn~ of Southok] will hold a public information hearing THE TOWN ~ STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the /2- day of ,~qti'f ,2010, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a tree copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Re: Draft Status Report - Stormwater Management Plan Southold Town Clerk Sworn before me this I~q''~'~ day of /d[O~ ,2910. BONNI£J. DORO$Ig Nota~ Public, Sta~ · N~ No. 0ZD06095328, Suffolk Coun~ Term ExpkesJuly 7, 20 ~ ~