HomeMy WebLinkAbout34767-ZFORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-34280 Date: 04/20/10 THIS U~TIFIES that the building SWIMMING POOL Location of Pr~erty: 6305 HORTON LJ~ (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) County Tax ~ap NO. 473889 Section 54 Block 7 Subdivision Filed ~4ap NO. __ Lot No. __ SOUTHOLD ( HAMLET ) Lot 18.8 conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated JUNE 2, 2009 pursuant to which Building Petit No. 34767-Z dated JUNE 11, 2009 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ACCESSORY IN GROUND SWIMMMING POOL WITH FENCE TO CODE AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to ADAM & LISA ABLEMAN (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUF~I,~CO~T"fDEP~T~T OF }~J~THAPP~O~L~L N/A Z.Rt-£KIC~J~ 61~TIFICA~]~ NO. 11979 12/28/09 PLD~ERS CERTIFICATION DA'£E43 N/A Rev. 1/81 Form No. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUll,DInG DEPARTMENT TOWN HAI,L 765-1802 APPLICATION I;'OR CERTllelCATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following; A. For new building or new use: ~-~-"rT. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic fx:atures. .~". Final Approval fi.om Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 lbrm). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fixe Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead_ 5. Commerci~ building, industrial building, multiple resideuces and similar b,,iklings and installations, a cc-rtificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for tt~e building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural 'or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by thc applicant. Ifa Certificate of Occupm~cy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to thc applicant. C. Fee~ccrtificate ofO~y- New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwellin~ ~ 1. Swimming po $25d1.~.00 ece~ssory building $25.00, Additions to accesso~ bl i t ' 2. Certificate of Occx~pancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy-'$.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50,00 5, Temporary Ccaificate of Oecupancy * Residential $15~OO, Commercial $15,0, Date. New Construction: ~ ' Old or Pre;ex'sting Building: (check one) Location of Property: ~.' House No. 'Street Owner or Owncrs of Property: guffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section ~q Block ~-~ Subdivision Filed Map. PermitNo. ~ ~/~ ~ ~ DateofPermit.__ ...... Applicant: tlealth Dcpt. Approval: Hamlet Lot: Underwriters Approval: ............................................ Planning Board Approval: Request for: Temporary Ccrtificate Fee Submittcd: $ Final Certificate: (check one) Applicant Signature SUFFOLK IBUREAUof ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS. inc. 40 Nottingham Ddve, Middle Island, NY 11953 Telephone: 631 495 8136 · Fax: 631 980 6455 · E-Maih SBEIGS~gmail.com CERTIFICATE OF ELECTRICAL COMPLIANCE Applicant: Rough In Inspection Date: Application No.: Rons East End Electric December 28 ~2009 11979 Certificate No,: Final Inspection Date: Building Permit No.: 11979 December 28,2009 34814 34767 County Tax Hap No.: This Certificate of Electrical Compliance is limited to the inspection and compliance of electrical equipment and/or work described below, installed by the applicant named above, located at the premise of and not after the final inspection date above: Owner: t4r Abelman Site Location: 6305 Horton Lane, Southold, NY 11971 Owner's Address (if different): [] Residential [] indoor [] Basement [] Service [] Shed [] Commercial [] Outdoor [] First Floor [] Pool [] Hottub [] New [] Renovation [] Second Floor [] Attic [] Garage [] Addition [] Survey Other:screen room & poop INVENTORY Main Panel AC Cond ~ Single Recpt ........ Recessed Fixture i 6 Sub Panel 60a-p AC Blower .i Range Re<pt Flourescent ~ Transformer Appliances ~ D~yer Recpt ~- Emergency i Other Equipment: pool bonding-paddle fan HID Fixtur~ Smoke CO Detect Purnp~ The electrical work and/or equipment described above were inspected and appear to be in compliance with local, state and national electrical code requirements and this office. Applicant: Rons East End Electric Inspected By: Roger Richert License No.: 4860-ME Date Of Certificate: Jan 04,2010 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 34767 Z Date JUNE 11, 2009 Permission is hereby granted to: CHRISTOPHER A GRATTAN(ABLENLAN) 6305 HORTON LANE SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 for : REMOVAL OF EXISTING SWIMMING POOL AND CONSTRUCTION OF IN GROUND SWIMMING POOL WITH FENCE TO CODE PER APPROVED PLA/~S AS APPLIED FOR. PER ZBA at premises located at County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 054 pursuant to application dated JUNE Building Inspector to expire on DECEMBER 6305 HORTON LA SOUTHOLD Block 0007 Lot NO. 018.008 2, 2009 and approved by the 11, 2010. Fee $ 250.00 Authorized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-¶ 802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [~N ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ~] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] nRE ~ CONS'mtmT.~ [ ] fiRE RES~I'ANT ~F. NLrrRA'nON DATE [0 INSPECTOR~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ]FOUNDATION 1ST [ ]ROUGH PLBG. [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]IN~SUL~A.T~)N~ [ ]FRAMING/STRAPPING [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SJI~'EI'Y INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ REMARKS: J ~/~ ~--~ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION DATE INSPECTOR/~~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ]FOUNDATION 1ST [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ]FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ]FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION REMARKS: [ ] ROUG/~_BG. [ ],~IS'U LATIO N [//~ FINAL ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION DATE INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. ~ ~OUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ] FINAL FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: ~.~ ~ DATE INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ [ ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [ [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ [ ] ROUGH PLBG. ] INSULATION ] FINAL ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: DATE INSPECTOR FI-~L]~°~SPECTIoN REPORT{ DATE { 'COMMENTS FO~ATION (2~) . ROUGH ~G & pL~G ~S~ATION PER N. Y. STATE E~R~ CODE ~DITION~ COUNTS TOWN OF S_.OUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN'HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 SoutholdTown.NorthFork.net Approved ~(3 / /\ , 20 0q Disapproved a/c Expiration PERMIT NO. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applying? Board of Health 4 sets of Building Plans Planning Board approval - Survey Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Flood Permit Storm-Water Assessment Form Contact: Mail to: JUN 2 2009 Building Inspector Phone: ,~9¢ 7~/O )c / PLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date 6-,:,3~0~ .20 INSTRUCTIONS 4etely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 according to schedule. ,a. Thisap~, ~.~ . £ [~Tbecoml sets of ,,.,,o, .,.,.,.,.~,~ p,,,~ p,,~,, ~,~ o,..,,., ·, b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance ora Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. (Signature of applicant or name, ifa corporation) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, g.eneral contractor electrician, plumber or builder Nameof0w~¢erofpremises ~ ~-~/1/~5 .,Zl~,4/v~ /~[l~Z-L~fl, ft4d , ,~ ~ ' (As on the tax roll or latest deed Ifiap~li~ht iS a 6o orat oh', gi~ature of duly authodzed officer j'~' (Nme ~d title of co,rate officer) P~umbers M~nse No. ', ~ ~ ' El'e'~]n~s Li'eense No. ........ : Other Trade's License No. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 4'"'%-/ Block Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot ! ~. ,0 Lot 2. State existing use and ccupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed constructTon:'; a. Existing use and occupancy b. Intended use and occupancy. 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building Repair Removal Demolition 4. Estimated Cost Fee 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units If garage, number of cars Addition Alteration Other Work t~Z~o (Description) (To be paid on filing this application) Number of dwelling units on each floor 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front Height Number of Stories Rear Depth Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Depth Height Number of Stories' Rear 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Height Number of Stories Rear Depth , , 9. Sizeoflot: Front 10. Date of Purchase Rear Name of Former Owner Depth 1 1. Zone or use district in which premises are situated 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES NO 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES NO Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES NO 14. Names of Owner of premises Address Phone No. Name of Architect Address Phone No Name of Contractor Address Phone No. ~ 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES NO * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet cfa tidal wetland? * YES NO * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. 18. Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? * YES · IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. NO CONNIE D. BUNCH STATE OF NEW YORK) N0ta~ Public, 8tat~ ct Nm York No. 01BU6185050 COUNTY Commission Expires April 14r 20/r~ (S)Heisthe(Name °findividua' si~c°ntraot) ab°ve named:eing duly sw°m' dep°ses and say ~-~ ~'~ E~nt Co orateOffi( , g , rp cer, etc.) U U[ dUN _~ ' ~ OEPl 8LOG. · of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work h,a t~ ,.. ,, tI~W~OJ: 2qUT,~OLD,,,,~ ,~14Jllcauc' that all statements contained in this application are tree to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be pertbrmed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Notary Public Signature of Applicant Town of Southold Erosion, Sedimentation & Storm-Water Run-off ASSESSMENT FORM PROPERTY LOCATION: S.C.T.M. #: THE FOLLOWING AcTIoNS MAY REQUIRE THE SUBMISSION OF A ~~.~-~ ~ )~.~ ETOR"WATER~GRAEING*ERAINAGEANDERO$1ONCONTROLPLAH District ~ CI=KYI~'i~:u BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN THE STATE OF NEW YOlk. Item Number:. (NOTE: A Check Mark (~1') for each Question is Required for a Complete Application) Yes No 1 Will this Project Retain/MI Storm-Water Run-Off Generated by a Two (2") Inch Rainfall on Sile? (This item will include all Pan-off created by site deadng and/or construction activities as well as all Site Improvements and the permanent creation of in~ surfaces.) 2 Does the Site Plan and/or Survey Show All Proposed Drainage Structures Indicating Size & Location? ~_~ This Item shall include all Proposed Grade Changes and Slopes Controlling Surface WaterFIowl 3 Will this Project Require any Lend Filling Greding or Excavation where there is a change to the Natura r~ ~ Existing Grade Involving mOre than 200 Cubic Yards of Material within any Parcel? 4 Will this Application Require Land Disturbing Activities Encompassing an Area in Excess of r'~ Five Thousand (5,000) Square Feet of Ground Surface? L~U 5 Is there a Natural Water Coume Running through the Site? ~ ~. Is th s Project with n the Truslees jurisdiction or within One Hundred (100') feet of a Wet/and or Beach? 6 Will them be Site preparation on Existing Grade Slopes which Exceed Fifteen (15) feet of Vertical Rise to One Hundred (100') of Hodz0ntal Distance? I--I -- 7 ~'~/ill Driveways, parking Areas or other Impervious Surfaces be Stoped to Direct St~)rm-Water Run-Off into and/or in the direction of a Town right-of-way? ~ -- 8 Will this Project Require the Placement of Material; Removal Of Vegetatioh and/or the Construction of r~ any Item Within the Town Right-of-Way or Road Shoulder Area? (This item will NOT include the Installation of Driveway Aprons.) 9 WI lhis Project Requre S e Preparat on within the One Hundred (100)Year Floodplain of any Watercourse? r~ NOTE: If Any Answer to Questions One through Nine Is Answered with a Check Mark in the Box, a Storm-Water, Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan Is Required and Must be Submitted for Review Prior to Issuance of Any Building Perm/ti EXEMPTION! Ye__s N._~o Does this project meet the minimum standards for classification as an Agricultural Project? \/ Note: If You Answered Yes to this Question, a Storm-Water, Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan is NOT Requiredl __ STATE OF NEW YORK, COU; TY.O] , SS ~ . ,'~/'/~~ .................. ~ ............... . Notary Public, State of New Yor~ . No. 01BU6185050 ,~d d~at he/she is'the ............................................................................ : .............................. Gualified.h~Saffolk*County .................. (Owner. Conlrac~o~. ~ent, Corp~cate Officer. etc.) Commission Ex0ires Aoril ~4 20 Owner and/or representative of the Owner of Owner's, arid is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed herewith. Sworn to before me this; ........... ...................... ................. FORM - 06/07 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER STREET ~.~ ~).._~' VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT N~,~/~, ACR. S ~. C~ W ~>(~. C~ coDE DATE OF CONSTRUCTION ~N D IMP. TOTAL DA~ R~RKS ~ . , ~ /,/? ~ , ~ · ~ . . , ' ~d~la~ DEPTH H~ Plot B~D Total ! E~tension Extension ' Porch Breezeway O. B.. Foundation ~'~/~ ~ Basement Ext. Walls Fire Place .3'2./ Pool Patio ~ ~//./ Driveway Bath Floors I nterior Finish Heat Attic Rooms 1st Floor Rooms 2nd Floor I/° Extension Extension Foundation Basement Ext. Wails Fire Place Bath Floors Interior Finish Heat 'APPE.~t~S BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairmai1 James Dinizio, Jr. Lydia A. Tor~ora Lora S. Collins George Homing BOARD OF APPEALS FOWN'OF SOUTHOLD Soutkold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 ZBA Fax (516) 765-9064 Telephone (516) 765-1809 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERHINAllON MEETING OF JUNE 7,,1999 · AppL NO, 4692 - CHRISTOPHER AND HEiDEMARIE GRA'F]-AN. STREET & LOCALITY: 6305 Horton's La, Southold ~.00b-5+7-1.8.8 DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: 'May 20, !.999 FINDINGS OF FACT PROPERTY FA(~q-S/DESCRIPT[O. N: The agoli~ants' property is a 51,603 sq. i~. parcel improveQ with a ~NO-Story frame dwelling, With three front yards facing: (al the westerly side of Hor~on Lane (b) the north side of a private right-of-way and (c) thewest side of a private right-of-way, in Southold. A copy of a survey prepared September 8, 1992 by Young & Young shows the parcel with 156.37 feet along Harrah's Lane, 342.86 feet along the nerthefly side property line, and 3~.5.87 ft. 159A2 i~. along the remaining two front eroDerty lines. The existing dwelling is shown to be 82.1 ft. at its closest point from the front property4ine along Horton's Lane, 67,8 ff. from the southerly ftont property line (pnvate ROW), and 213.7 ft. from the westerly front property line (private ROW). BASIS OF APP!.JCAT[ON: Building Inspector's March 2'~ 1999 Notice of Dise0proval dting Section 100-30A.4 for nermission to locate accessory swimming,pool in the westerly front yard area. AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REOUES-[ED: Applicants request a Vadance to locate an accessory 16 fi, by 36 ft. in-ground swimming peel to be,94 feet from the southerly front (ROW) line and 130+- ft. from the west (ROW} line. A fence will e~dose the Deal in accordance with the requirements of the New York State Building Code and the Building Department. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION, DESCP,[BED BELOW: Based on the testimony and record before the Board, and personal inspection, the Board makes the following findings: 1. Grant of the area variance will not oroduce an undesirable chancle in the efiarac~er of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The properly is 'a large rectangular parcel improved with a single-family residence that contains three front yards as defined in the Sou~old Town Code. The dwelling fronts on Horton's Lane to the north; the southerly side yard fronts on a private right-of-way, and the westerly rear yard fronts on a private right-of-way. Although the proposed location Of the pool does not conform to the letter of the Town Code, the Board of Appeals finds that the location meets and/or exceeds the required rear yard provisions regulating accessory structures. Therefore, grant of this variance will have no adverse Page 2 -.lune 7, 1999 ' Appl. No. 4692 - C. & H. Grattan 1000-54-7-18.8 at Southold impacts on the neighborhood. 2. The benefit sought by applicant cannot be achievod by some method, feasible for appellant to pursue, other than an area variance because the provisions of the Town Code, which were applied to determine that applicant~' property has three front yards, automatically eliminated applieants' rear yard area which is the only conforming area in which the accessory pool could have located without a variance. 3. The requested area vadance is not substantial. 4. The difficulty is not self-created and is due ~o 5. The proposed variance will not have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the ne~ghberhoed o~ distdct because the swimming pool location conforms to the code-required setbacks for accessory slTuctures in what would typically be considered a large conforming rear yard area. In considering this application, the Board deems this action to be the minimum necessary and adequate to enable the applicants to enjoy the benefit of a new in-ground swimming pool, while preserving and protec~ng the character of the neighb~rh(~:l~ and the health, safety, welfare of the community. ~,E~OLUTION/ACTION: On motion by Chairman Goehiinger, seconded by Member Tottora, it ~.~as RE,,q~LVED, to GRANT the variance, as applied for and SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION that there be flo roof. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Goehdnger, Dinizio, Tortora, Morning. This ResolutiQn was duly ADOPTED (4-0). (Member Collins was absent.) ~ ~ /// GERARD P. GOEHRINGm CHAIRNAN For filing 6/11/99 c-jUP-.VE'r' OF: PROPER'Th" 51TUA'I'~ .%CK/THOLD TOi"qN: 5~K, ITHOLD SUFFOLK C, OUNt'r', N'r' ADAM ABLEMAN LISA ABLi~L~i LAWYER~ rl'{'~E INSURANCE CORFORATION SOUTH BAY ABSTRACT, INC. NOT~.~: · HONUH~NT FOUN[2 Ar'®o = .~1~1~ ~. F. Ar'eo = 1.1~,,50 ®RAPHIC c~_.., AL E I"= ,,,¢~.,¢ 0~ 0e-F-c''''c(cg ¢"vv'5" JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REF.-\\Compaqserver~pros\09\09-112.pro ~)_DETAI L I DETAIL I LONGITUDINAL POOL ~.OECTION 20' X 40~ PO0 POOL PLAN COMPLy WITH ALL CODES OF NEW YORK STATE & TOVVN CODES AS REQL~~ AND C~..N~IT,ONS OF -- N.Y,$. D~C OCCUPANCY OR USE IS UNLAWFUL WITHOUT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ,'IUMED!ATELY" ENCLOSE pOOL TO CODE IJpON COMPLETION BEFQRE "WATER" APPROVED AS NOTED EEE: a?SZ)' _O%y:_ NOTIFY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT 765-1802 8AM TO 4PM FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPEC HONS: 1. FOUNDATION - TWO REQUIRED FOR POUREB CONCRETE 2. ROUGH - FRAMING & PLUMBING 3. INSULATION 4. FINAL - CONSTRUCTION MUST BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW YORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION ERRORS. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW YORK STATE. UNDERWRITERS CERTIFI~A~ REQUIRED, h KEVISIONS: DATE TITLE