HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/2010ZONING BOAIU0 OF APPEALS Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-9064 Telephone (631) 765-1809 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerl6~,Dist~.ution/t~o :Supervisor Russell and Town Board Members) Leslie Kanes Weisman, ZBA-Chairpei'son/Department Head MONTHLY DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORT for: April 2010 May 11, 2010 Requires Immediate Attention: Nothing at this time II. Items of Concern: ZBA and 'frustees staffhave voiced concerns over safety and security in their off'ices and thc adjacent file storage/copier area, caused by the unsupervised public access that results from keeping the hallway fire door open. To address these concerns, LKW has scheduled a walkthrough and discussion with Phillip Beltz and Jennifer Andaloro of the Workplace Violence Prevention team, with staff and ZBA and Building Department Heads. CRrr¥ov~rs * Tbe ZBA office still needs an additional part time staff person to work on data entries of legacy tiles from 1957-1999. · The ZBA continues to respectfully request that the Town purchase the equipment that will e~mble Member Homing to deliberate on decisions from Fishers Island at our monthly Special Meetings, thereby increasing the time available for public hearings at the Regular Meetings of the ZBA, and Member Homing's ability m participate fully in all decisions rendered by the Board. II1. Policies: Improving Consistency in Documents used for ZBA decisions and Building Permits In the last several months, a number of agents for various applicants have submitted architectural drawings to obtain building permits after relief has been granted, that differ from tho~ cited in ZBA decisions. These inconsistencies have resulted in several requests to the ZBA from the Building Department for "interpretations." In an attempt to eliminate or at least lessen the number of secondary inter-department reviews and related correspondence after a decision is rendered, ZBA Chair drafted the following language which was reviewed and endorsed by the Asst. Town Attorney and Building Dept llead Mike Verity, approved by the Board members at the Special Meeting on April 8, 2010 and added to all future decisions effective as of April 2010: RECEIVED 13 2010 outhold Town Clerk When decision is GRANT AS APPLIED FOR: Any devialion from the surve.}; site plan and/or architectural drawings cited in this decisian will result in delays and/or a possible denial by the BuiMing Department of a buiMing permit, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. When decision is GRANT ALTERNATIVE RELIEF: Before applying for a building permit, the applicant or agent must submit to the Board of Appeals Jbr approval and filing, two sets of the final (choose/fill in as needed: site plan, survey, architectural drawings, recalculation af lot caverage etc. ) conforming to the alternative relie, f granted herein. The ZBA will Jbrward one set of approved, stamped drawings to the Building Department. Failure to follow this procedure may result in the delay or denial of a building permit, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board ~¢'Appeals. New Policy on Old Files, Automatic Adjgumments and Adjournments without a Date To address the huge backlog of"in limbo" applications with assigned numbers that have accumulated over the years in the ZBA office, the ZBA Secreta~, at the request of the Chair, sent registered letters to all applicants with incomplete and inactive applications notifying them that their applications are deemed closed. Formal closing is handled by Resolution of the Board at Special Meetings, and old paper files am being sent to lasher :fiche. The Chair has also instituted an office procedure regarding adjoummenls that is now included in the application insmtction packet as follows: EFFECTIVE AS OF APRIL 2010: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AUTOMATIC ADJOURNMENTS MAY APPLY TO YOUR APPLICATION, IF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING OCCURS RELATIVE TO YOUR APPLICATION: AN APPLICATION IS AMENDED - AFTER IT IS ADVERTISED AN AMENDED NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL IS ISSUED, BASED ON AN AMENDED OR REVISED PLAN BY THE APPLICANT, AFTER IT IS ADVERTISED (Correctinns will be accepted in certain situations) SURVEYS OR OTHER DETAILS RELATIVE TO THE ADVERTISED APPLICATION DELIVERED FOR YOUR FILE -AFTER IT IS ADVERTISED PI,EASE contact the Zoning Board of Appeals office if assistance is needed regarding the procedure to be followed, or if you have questions on situations similar to the above. ADDITIONALLY - all new correspondence must be suhodtted in seven (7) sets, filed, either during the Public ltearing, or to the ZBA office at least one week prior to the date of the Public ttearing. This includes amendment& letters and other data relative to your upcoming Public hearing. Please note name of applicant and file number on your submission. ADJOURNMENTS WITHOUT A DATE If at the Public ttearing your application is adjourned without a date, or applicant requests an adjournment ia writing prior to the Public Hearing, applicant will have six (6) months to request a re- bearing in WRITING, or the application will be deemed withdrawn and applicant will have to re-apply with a new application. IV. Financial/Budget Issues: ZBA Consultant Linda Kowalski Billingl~_r April 2010: 11 Hours (~ $341.77 Personnel Matters: Given the current and increasing workload in the ZBA office, the demands and complexities of data entries for legacy files, and the assistance needed by ZBA Secretary/Board Assistant Vicki Toth, the Chair continues to respectfully request that ZBA part time Clerk Typist Elizabeth Sakarellos be hired as a full time employee in the ZBA office, with the continued part time employment of ZBA Legal Stenographer Lucille Cappabianca. VI. Activities of the Board/Accomplishments: Regular Meeting~ Date: 4/22/2010 Call to Order: 9:00 AM Adjourned: 3:10PM Public Hearings: Total: 10 Number of new applications heard: 9 Number of Carryovers from previous hearings: 1 Number closed reserving decision to later date: 4 Number closed subject to receipt of additional information: 2 Number adjonrned to another date: 4 Nmnber adjourned w/o a date: 0 Number of Resolutions passed: 17 Number of decisions made: 1 Next Regtflar Meeting: 5/20/2010 Special Meeting: Date: 4/8/2010 Call to Order: 6:05PM Adjourned: 7:10PM Number of assigned draft findings discussed: 4 Number of decisions made: 4 Number of Resolutions passed: 9 Number of Site Inspections made by Board members: 10 x 5 = 50 Municity Work Sessions: None this month Meetings attended/initiated by ZBA Chairperson/Department Head 4/6 - Mtg. with Town Board in Executive Session re: work history of a particular person · 4/8 - Coordination mtg. to discuss legacy data entry, ZBA tracking system, and Municity interface with Vicki Toth, Elizabeth Sakarellos, Lucille Cappabianca, Betty Neville, John Sepenoski, Lloyd Reisenberg, and Stacey Norklun · 4/12 - Planning Board public hearing on an application also before the ZBA · 4/14 - Mtg. with Asst. ]'own Attorney re various new ZBA applications ,, 4/14 - Site inspection with Mike Verity re possible stop work order · 4/19 and 4/20 LKW took Vicki Toth on site inspections of applications scheduled fur public hearing on 4/22 re: training in field observation/analysis of criteria in State Statues required in area variances and other ZBA decisions 4/20 - ~ 'Landatarks Preservation Commission public hearing on application also betbm ZBA · 4/21 - Coordination meeting with ZBA and Trustees re: concurrem jurisdiction · 4/21 .- Mtg. with Special Council Frank Isler and Asst 'FA Jennit~r Andaloro re: litigation ,, 4/23 - Mtg. with Mr. and 'Mrs. Anello re: relief granted in ZBA decision on their application for area variances · 4/27 - ZBA Department Head monthly meeting with full staff · 4/29 - Code Cmt. Mtg. re: deer fencing and accessory apartments Staff Activities Number of people assisted at the counter: 67 hours spent assisting: 16 (Assistance includes filling out new applications, mailings and postings, providing copies of decisions, FOIL requests and other materials, and general inquirie,~9 Meetings attended by ZBAstaff 4/8 - fi~ll staffmtg with I,KW, Betly Neville, Lloyd Reisenberg, John Sepenoski, Stacey Norklun, re: legacy data entire/Municity 10-11:00 AM · 4/8 - V'I with Mark 'lZrO, re: LWRP rec. on ZBA application · 4/19 - VT Site Inspections with LKW l:30 -4:00 PM · 4/20 - VT site inspections with LKW 12:30 - 2:30 PM · 4/21 -. VT Coordination mtg. ZBAJTrustees re: concurrem jurisdiction 8:30-9:30 AM · 4/27 - full staffmtg, with LKW 12:30 - 1:40 PM · 4/28 - VI'/LC with Connie from accounting re: Kronos training