HomeMy WebLinkAboutFacility Site Plan r at ,kt D SITE NUMBER : NYCENY1059 / LI - 1059 SITE NAME : ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT DRAWING INDEX REV. DIRECTIONS: PROJECT INFORMATION T-1 TITLE SHEET 7 MIDLAND AVE (NORTH—WEST) TAKE RAMP (RIGHT) ONTO SR-17 .TURN RIGHT ONTO RAMP TAKE RAMP (LEFT) C ONTO SR-4. TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO 1-95 EXPRESS LN [NEW JERSEY TPKE]. MERGE ONTO 1-95 [NEW SCOPE OF WORK: AN UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY INCLUDING SP-1 SITE PLAN 7 JERSEY TPKE] KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO 1-295 [CROSS BRONX EXPY EXT]. TAKE RAMP (RIGHT) ONTO CROSS TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT AT GRADE LEVEL ATOP NEW ELEVATED SP-2 ENLARGED AT&T EQUIPMENT PLAN AND GENERAL NOTES 7 ISLAND PKY AT EXIT 30E, KEEP RIGHT ONTO RAMP (0.4 MI). TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO 1-495 [LONG ISLAND STEEL EQUIPMENT PLATFORM AND RELATED ANTENNAS MOUNTED INSIDE EXPY] AT EXIT 73, TURN OFF ONTO RAMP KEEP LEFT TO STAY ON RAMP BEAR RIGHT (EAST) ONTO CR-58 NEW RF TRANSPARENT MONOPOLE. SP-3 PARTIAL EAST ELEVATION, ANTENNA PLAN & ANTENNA DETAILS 7 [OLD COUNTRY RD]. KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO SR-25 [MAIN RD] TURN LEFT (NORTH—WEST) ONTO LOVE LN. SP-4 ANTENNA DETAILS 7 TURN RIGHT (NORTH—EAST) ONTO CR-48 [MIDDLE RD] TURN LEFT (NORTH) ONTO CR-48 [MAIN RD]. KEEP SITE ADDRESS: 40200 MAIN RD. STRAIGHT ONTO SR-25 [MAIN RD]. ARRIVE AT MAIN RD, ORIENT POINT NY 11957 ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PROPERTY OWNER: M.G.H. ENTERPRISES, INC. Town of Southold 40200 MAIN ROAD, ORIENT, NY 11957 m*LSM_�orida VICINITY MAP yns--, CONTACT PERSON: ROBERT HAASE (631 ) 323-2424 Deco ~ APPLICANTS: NEW LINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC nmuNOERsIONeo.PURsvANrmsouniaorowNcooEsecnon qtr s z 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE 'o'v"toA�'o'�OUTHATT'®CON°n7IGISnplAN o• mr 3N wn�RssaM9ulor APexmALOA'lm ARE ACCEPolD. 5 Gv kir PARAMUSF. , NJ 07652i�i`�ol ` aasatnwo �m��p��pp ��/p .ry is�cmMrnu+e oN Ip'- 1 I h y nmW•tip.xmm 30LA C�JI)i.V l SIVE ,i r �' r" LATITUDE: N 41 9' 9" **NAD (83) Mtn o�iti 7 I Poi F.P• ,.Tcr' �', . 1n I 6p y, p . p s� W 72' 14 39.7° e LONGITUDE. NAD 83 ePe ovPDev ( ) bLUPLA NNPIOB DAAD F :1 t - s' L t� ¢- rs qy s tt&s��„ aQ ` yar .' ! ELEVATION: 8'-0„ AMSL **NAVD (88) ITTLE A�rnoR®o'scNArfwe ° ° 1°Dom' R FveId „9. NOTE:The aoosoved 9+e,develo Ment Ln doll be slid fbr B JURISDICTION: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD aperiod ofI i$ i4jq ¢f '6 the yIopapproval as per code section 100-255. y°w�R� tp � , 2s p, t°Ro ?fi TAX I.D. NUMBER: BLK: 9 LOT: 8.1 SEC: 15Li ass 25 ZONING DISTRICT: ZONE: MARINE II MAP: N/A eTEI PR11R 14 tak¢ d � � ,�” ,' �` CURRENT USE: MARINA/RESTAURANT _ " R PROPOSED USE: MARINA RESTAURANTWIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY 1 / / 2r, o 4 CODE AND STANDARDS: "'` SITE QUALIFICATION PARTICIPANTS ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ALL APPLICABLE NATIONAL AND LOCAL9lic as - � 1 k1agiefNaQkP°Im ! ` NAME COMPANY NUMBER CODES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: ' g 3Y „ neRt 'c blah �ner,t 8ea°h UIIa,A A/E NEIL A. MACDONALD WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA (631 ) 689-8450 —BUILDING CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RCHITECTS, LLP —BUILDING OFFICIALS AND CODE ADMINISTRATION (BOCA) E A �O N " SAC VICTORIA BRENNAN SHORE 2 SHORE (631 ) 807-7836 —BUILDING CODE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK ,a —NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) subSWaPazk ` " I~'` RF SERHAD GUVEN BECHTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (201 ) 755-4297 —NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) x-I —AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) ti _Ist nensPoln CON RICHARD CHIAPPA BECHTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (201 ) 218-7763 e P°I _ v — SOCIATION ASA c.N 9R M € —AMERICAN STANDARDS AS (ASA) I d' sG . ,, I ,� �,�: � ,r rr 1,: I n_I ;'' '. .' CONTACT BOB HAASE ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT (631 ) 323 2424 —UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES (UL) 0INpr sm. .= F. —NATIONAL ELECTRIC MANUFACTURES ASSOCIATION (NEMA) O6/11/12 ISSUED FOR"FILING ALF ALF NM A SCALE'• NTS Q6 11/16/11 ISSUED FOR REVIEW ALF ALF NM QM/01/11 ISSUED FOR REVIEW C.P. ALF NM Q4 07/27/11 ISSUED FOR REVIEW ENA ALF NM �.RED AqWFC PROJECT NO. ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT 12/17/09 ISSUED FOR FILING GHM ALF NM �ui�5 r°' 'DER "1q� '.N 05-6 478 06/11/09 ISSUED FOR FILING GHM ALF NAT&T MOBILITY at&t w Q M 0 2� 1 L � LJ WILLIAM F. COLLINS, A I A AT&T # NYCENY1059 / LI- 1059 04/30/09 ISSUED FOR FILING GHM ALF NM * W TITLE s l E ET A R C H I T E C T S, L L P 40200 MAIN RD 04/01/09 ISSUED FOR FILING GHM ALF NM N l Y "' :�I2 AT&TATBcT MOBILITY 1 EIA 1z-1TEcHNOLOGYDRIVE SETAUKET,NY 11733 ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D �.`fi^ JOB NO. SITE NO. c DRAWING NUMBER REV VOICE: 631-689-8450 FAX: 631-689-8459 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 SCALE: AS NOTED DESIGNED BY: ALF DRAWN BY ALF 2`n 897 NYCENY1059 T- 1 7 DFN=STV[ie0,021 DWG 22 X 34 D SIZE 6 5 4 3 2 PSC= EXISTING OVERHEAD PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRIC CONDUITS TRENCHED UTILITY LINES FROM UNDERGROUND FROM PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRICAL UTILITY POLE #35 BEYOND _ .---- METER AND DISCONNECT SUPPORT RACK TOs PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED ON PROPOSED AT&T TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM PROPERTY LINE, TYP: PROPOSED ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM � o EXISTING UTILITY POLE #35 TO \ � o s ' PROPOSED MESA SPAN CABINET �' $o m AT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AND EXISTING RE2 SITE DATA PROPERTY STATIONRIIJ€- F U FUELING 1) NEW LEASE AREA (INCL. MONOPOLE & VERIZON MESA SPAN CAB) 519 tSQ. FT EXISTING TRANSFORMER, METER AND DISCONNECT S 2) (L NEW MONOPOLE TO SOUTH PROPERTY LINE SETBACK 240'-10" 3) CL NEW MONOPOLE TO SOUTH BULKHEAD SETBACK 196'-7" eft '7 4) NEW MONOPOLE TO SOUTH PROPERTY LINE SETBACK 40 -5 LOCATION OF PROPOSED AT&T OG E ' ELECTRIC METER AND DISCONNECT ma 5) $ NEW MONOPOLE TO EXISTING BUILDING 274'-0" SUPPORT RACK. SEE 1/SP-2 FOR 6) Ilk NEW MONOPOLE TO NORTH PROPERTY LINE SETBACK 759'-1" �- 3 7) (L NEW MONOPOLE TO NORTH BULKHEAD SETBACK 112-10" MORE INFORMATION EXISTING STORAGE S 8) q NEW MONOPOLE TO NORTH O.H. UTILITY 773'-3" BUILDING 5N °'' •� 9) q NEW MONOPOLE TO NORTH RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY LINE s 10) q NEW MONOPOLE TO NORTH RESIDENTIAL HOME SETBACK 860'-8" o 11) TL NEW MONOPOLE TO EAST PROPERTY LINE SETBACK 253'-6" ��P QP Q + o w 1m 12) % NEW MONOPOLE TO EAST BULKHEAD SETBACK 175'-9" �Q� S�P��,�'�P� E o ° 13) (L NEW MONOPOLE TO SE PROPERY LINE SETBACK 176'-1" P` \ T 14) q NEW MONOPOLE TO SE BULKHEAD SETBACK 154'-1" ��' XS�� S55 '-e� s �m�c, m '� n ° 15) q NEW MONOPOLE TO SOUTH EDGE OF PAVEMENT SETBACK 87'-0" 0 16) (L NEW MONOPOLE TO WEST PROPERTY LINE SETBACK 19'-5 17) NEW EQUIPMENT COMPOUND TO WEST PROPERTY LINE SETBACK 7'-1" 0 18) NEW EQUIPMENT COMPOUND TO EAST BULKHEAD SETBACK 174'-9" 19 DEPTH OF HIGH GROUND WATER BELOW GRADE 8'-0" �' m m c m s^ EXISTING { + MARINA PROPOSED 14'-0" HIGH X 6'-0" - WIDE EASTERN RED CEDARS ATNOTE: E 6'-0" O.C., TYP. OF (9) -- + / RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE TO BE E PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT —o z �_ p M oP o "GRAY/BLUE: SHERWIN-WILLIAMS #SW006 J CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW / 10 COPEN BLUE . ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL / o� \ / s �, ryD^ s a� +/ " \ NOTE: PLATFORM. SEE 1 /SP-2 FOR / � ¢ ° CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE I MORE INFORMATION �� �9 4 +/ CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTE. r PROPOSED AT&T 70'-O" HIGH RF 1. ig (�� g++ �� ° y 01 RESTORE ANY AREA SITE SPECIFIC SIGNAGE IN COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE AND 0 �F �5 +/ �� WHICH IS AFFECTED BY ACCORDANCE WITH AT&T z ANTENNAS (TO BE EXTENDABLE TO j s. �/ ��.� ��11 THE INSTALLATION OF PROJECT TECHNICAL ANY ITEMS 90'-0") � � I✓+�1�1 ° `°' 1. + EQUIPMENT WITHINRTHIS SGNAGIEATIONS FOR SITE SCOPE OF WORK. / O F NOTE: U qr OI y a' LEXISTING r /+ JZ� ��� ALL TRENCHES TO BE THE CONSTRUCTION AND PLACEMENT 1 I w &T p� 3 SEC D0 I g6 I MARINA + 1F �� HAND EXCAVATED AND OF THE FACILITY WILL NOT 240 rOR »C„ s� O �h P I / J� BACKFILLED TO ENSURE COMMUNICAINTERFERE TIONS ANDITH THE USUAL TRUEc4s7 OF I \,�� D �+ �� THAT EXISTING AND CUSTOMARY TRANSMISSION OR B NORry UNDERGROUND UTILITIES " ARE NOT DISTURBED. REC RECEPTION F RADIO, TELCOMMUNICATIONS ISION + MAKE ALL PVC JOINTS �, / j WATERTIGHT. TEST SERVICES OR WITH ELECTRICAL \ � �� + PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. TRANSMISSION LINES. c \ -•� / mil \t9i 9 / ° \ ° g + NOTE: 13e �.'n � DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS, CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE APPROVED BY PROPOSED RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A �+ PLANNING BOARDCONCRETE FOUNDATION IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK m � \ / STATE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED tiTOWN OF SOUTHOLD DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. a �'° i a s + DATE SEP �cb, �y+ 6' EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH RAMP TN NOTE: R°, 348.41' � � VL INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED UPON A SURVEY EXISTING VEGETATION TRAILER AND s. P. Z +p PREPARED BY: HAWKINS WEBB JAEGER PLLC, 560 WALT WHITMAN 3 BOATS TO BE CLEARED PRIOR TO �yP EXISTING BULKHEAD a o� � 5. ROAD, MELVILLE, NY 11747, (631 ) 732-7777, (DATED OCTOBER START OF CONSTRUCTION — E 1 + A 14' 27, 2011 , PROJECT NO: 06-0099) J EXISTING SHORELINE s3s44 ��R NORTH .4p"W EXISTING BAY ENTRANCE s �j 7 08/11/12 ISSUED FOR FILING ALF ALF NM NOTE: 0' 20 40' 80, n A �N R�' k 0 IF THIS SHEET IS 11" X 17 REFER N SITE PLAN BAY J ° y 9j Q tt/19/17 ssueo FOR REVIEW ALF ALF NM TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. 2 7 SCALE: 1'=40'-0" �� Q 08/01/11 ISSUED FOR REVIEW C P. ALF NM 3 Qq 07/27/11 ISSUED FOR REVIEW EAM ALF NM EPED Aq� WFC PROJECT NO. tiISIAD R"Wo 'm 05 06/11/09 ISSUED FOR FILING GHM ALF NM -6478 AT&T MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT Q3 12/1 /09 ISSUED FOR FILING GHM ALF NM �O F• �( „ U ���� >' ,1• U�-i 0 WILLIAM F. C O L L I N S, AIA AT&T # NYCENY1059 / LI- 1059 0I/30/99 ISSUED FOR FILING GHM ALF NM u, 4 * S ITE PLAN 0 A R C H I T E C T S, LLP 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY Qp 04/01/09 ISSUED FOR FILING GHM ALF NM sz-1TECHNOLOGY DRIVE sETAlKET,NY1I733 ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP•D F Joe No. SITE No. DRAWING NUMBER REV ' VOICE: 631-689-8450 FAX: 631-689-8459 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 SCALE: AS NOTED DESIGNED BY ALF DRAWN BY ALF 24897 NYCENY1059 SP- 1 7 0 DFN=STV[160,021 DWG 6 5 4 3 22 x 34 D SIZE PSC= PROPOSED 11VERIZON11 MESA SPAN CABINET BY GENERAL NOTES: OTHERS MOUNTED ON PROPOSED AT&T ELEVATED _ _ _ _ GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 . EXISTING STRUCTURE, TRUE NORTH, AND MISC. INFORMATION WERE TAKEN FROM VARIOUS SOURCES OF INFORMATION, I.E.: FIELD MEASUREMENTS DASHED LINES REPRESENT EXISTING l � PLAN DRAWINGS SUPPLIED BY THE OWNER, PHOTOGRAPHS, INFORMATION v SHRUBBERY AND UNDERLYING \-) r) r� �� 28'-0" r) It r) )r) ) FROM AT&T. THIS PLAN DOES NOT REPRESENT AN ACTUAL SURVEY / PERFORMED BY WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA ARCHITECTS, LLP OR ANY OTHER o VEGETATION TO BE REMOVED \ IF I lI ) J l / ) \ 1 I ) / 1 I ) 1 I ) 1 I ) (9) PROPOSED 14'-0" THIRD PARTY. I / I�1 ( / 1/ ` I / I / �` ( � / �` r / �� HIGH X 6RED WIDE o ^^ \ \ r � ) �Y \ I r/� ) ^^�\ \ �� ) \ ^' \ ( � ) \ ( � �� 2. THIS PROPOSAL IS FOR THE PLACEMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROPOSED AT&T TELCO CONDUIT \ J �� _j J^ \�\ � J \ � J � \ �� J � _� ^ EASTERN RED CEDARS AT EQUIPMENT ON AN ELEVATED PLATFORM AT GRADE LEVEL AND THE ROUTED FROM PROPOSED MESA �J �_�J /\ J��� J��\ ��-��J �� �� �� 6'-0" O.C.. SEE NOTE PLACEMENT OF ANTENNAS IN A NEW RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE. SPAN CABINET ALONG UNDERSIDE \ �y �y �� �� �� \ BOX BELOW OF PROPOSED EQUIPMENT — 1 �= 1 /� /= 1 \ 1 �- 1 3. OCCUPANCY IS LIMITED TO PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION, �� \ � \ APPROXIMATELY TWO TIMES PER MONTH, BY AT&T TECHNICIANS. PLATFORM TO PROPOSED HANDIR \ MOUNTED TELCO PANEL J �� -d �S/E �Y JT/ E WE WE 4. NO NOISE, SMOKE, DUST OR ODOR WILL RESULT FROM THIS PROPOSAL. 5. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN PROPOSED AT&T LTE GPS L1 / J 1 I / J I J 1 J 1 J 4 �� l PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRIC ACCORDANCE WITH AT&T PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS AND LOCAL CODES. UNIT MOUNTED TO - �\ �_ ) �30" 3'-3" ( ) r ) ) ) \ /^� CONDUIT TRENCHED 6. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL PERMITS PROPOSED HANDRAIL /)� UNDERGROUND FROM AND INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION. PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRIC x x x x x x x x x x x x x xT �� � ^ J METER AND DISCONNECT 7- SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ANY DAMAGE EXISTING TO PROPOSED AT&T CAUSED BY THE CONSTRUCTION OPERATION. i CONTOUR LINE, — — — ® �' ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED 8. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL TRASH AND DEBRIS FROM THE SITE " TYP. x �� /- 1 ON PROPOSED AT&T ON A DAILY BASIS. EXISTING AMSL �+ SPA 1\� I EQUIPMENT PLATFORM. 9• CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND PLAN E ELEVATION, TYP. I x yw CAB NE -/r , ( / �� SEE 1/SP-1 FOR MORE DIMENSIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AND BECHTEL x �� \\\� INFORMATION TELECOMMUNICATIONS OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO ORDERING (2) PROPOSED ST KED I Z8.3+ • / r J / )L 1 MATERIALS OR PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. I� 1 -O° II l I O. PHOTOGRAPH AND DOCUMENT EXISTING BUILDING OR SITE CONDITIONS OR 7 PURCELL CABIN PROPOSED BB U TO BE °Q w _ V x >4 Jr) 1 c , DAMAGE WHICH MIGHT OTHERWISE BE CONSTRUED TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED INSTALLED IN ROPOSED 3'-5" �? i I )J w BY WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT. PURCELL FL 16WS CABINET- � � x z I E'' w tl ������\ / J ) 11 . THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 4 x �/( I\ J�� ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE OR WHERE LOCAL CODES OR ORDINANCES TAKE PRECEDENCE. ° w x _ — �y�� I 12. THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS, C x PAVEMENTS, CURBS, LANDSCAPING AND STRUCTURES. ANY DAMAGED PART fO 9T I m ~ Z UMTS TS • BATTERY • •BATTERY • / '� J � �'� SHALL BE REPAIRED AT SUBCONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE TO THE � �O� �x 24 U�C CABINET CABINET �� \� SATISFACTION OF OWNER. CABINET CABIN r / � OTHER Al x ( �� 3 WHERE EXISTING ENCOUNTEREDS N THE WORK, SHALL BETPROTECTDED AT ALLTILITIES E r J L1 TIMES, AND WHERE REQUIRED FOR THE PROPER EXECUTION OF THE U �'f' WORK, SHALL BE RELOCATED AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEERS. EXTREME h 'y \ to Pj�S R P 11 ' 8" 4'-4!' N I x ( ) W CAUTION SHOULD BE USED BY THE SUBCONTRACTOR WHEN EXCAVATING e SEGO 1 OF I �� - OR DRILLING PIERS AROUND OR NEAR UTILITIES. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL P a I I I / � a � 0 E NOR � � _ \ '1 PROVIDE SAFETY TRAINING FOR THE WORKING CREW. THIS WILL INCLUDE C 1ROE J I x ^ IF ( � / J ) BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO A) FALL PROTECTION B) CONFINED SPACE C) ` I RRH RRH RRH ���( ` 1� ��� ELECTRICAL SAFETY D) TRENCHING & EXCAVATION. ...r.i „, F - x ��\ice7`�Y�� � 4UTILITIESTIWHICHINACTIVE IINTEREREEWITHWATER, THE XGAS, UTIONELECTRIC OF HEAND WORK,OTHER SHALL * `! r , .,T / A - BE REMOVED AND/OR CAPPED, PLUGGED OR OTHERWISE DISCONTINUED A r.+ A «' , µ M Z' r.FM , " '; ax �� \��� 0 S WHICH WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE 140, AT INT Lw, °` "' ' '" WORK, AS DIRECTED BY THE RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER, AND SUBJECT TO x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x J � 1� THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER AND/OR LOCAL UTILITIES. N / /� 5. THE AREAS OF THE OWNER'S PROPERTY DISTURBED BY THE WORK AND 1 '-9' 3'-8" 6" 2'-11N, 6"\ 2'-11" 2'-6" 2'-6" 4' 2'-6" 10" 10" ter/ NOT COVERED BY THE MONOPOLE OR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE GRADED TO m A UNIFORM SLOPE AND STABILIZED TO PREVENT EROSION. �p \ \ I PPROVED BY 6. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO EXISTING SITE DURING ~ 2 2'-6"t 4'-5' P 2\8 -0" PLANNING BOARD CONSTRUCTION. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, IF REQUIRED DURING QNTOW � N OF SOUTHOLD CONSTRUCTION, SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE LOCAL GUIDELINES B ti \ \\ \\ \ I` 8.3+ FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL. 35'-0" \ �— DATE P 1g 2012 7. THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SITE SIGNAGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROPOSED AT&T EMERGENCY GENERATOR PROPOSED 400 SQ. FT. AT&T LEASE AREA WITH AT&T PROJECT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR SITE SIGNAGE DOCUMENT RECEPTACLE MOUNTED TO SIDE OF POWER PANEL 13'-0" HIGH CHAINLINK FENCE, 4'-0" WIDE �Z NO. 24897-01 1 -000-3PS-A002-00013. ° PROPOSED AT&T E911 GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO LOCKABLE GATE AND GREEN 'PERMAHEDGE', OR 3 5. EQUAL PRIVACY SLATS NOTE: PROPOSED CABLE ICE BRIDGE POST RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE TO BE PROPOSED AT&T CABLE ICE BRIDGE PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED "GRAY/BLUE: SHERWIN-WILLIAMS #SW006 NOTE: PROPOSED AT&T COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES ON PROPOSED ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL COPEN BLUE" . U THE CONTRACTOR IS TO REGRADE THE ROUTED THROUGH PROPOSED CABLE ICE BRIDGE PLATFORM, TYP. n PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT COMPOUND AREA TO PROPOSED MONOPOLE PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNA CABLE NOTE: TO A LEVEL GRADE OF 8'-0" AMSL PRIOR TO (6) PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS MOUNTED WITHIN SUPPORT RACK FRAMEON TES: DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS, START OF EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION. RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TYP. (2) (3) PROPOSED AT&T RRH'S MOUNTED ON 1 . ALL PROPOSED LANDSCAPING SHALL BE CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN PROPROSED ANTENNAS PER SECTOR. SEE SP-4 FOR MORE UNISTRUT SECURED TO PROPOSED AT&T PLANTED TO PROVIDE CONTIGUOUS SCREENING RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE INFORMATION ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK FRAME TO THE NORTH AND WEST OF THE NEW 14• FOUNDATION IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK STATE 3 NOTE: PROPOSED 70'-0" HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE EQUIPMENT AREA. v LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED EXISTING TREES, LOW LYING VEGETATION, TRAILERS AND CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE (TO BE EXTENDABLE TO 2. LANDSCAPING TO BE KEPT IN GOOD/HEALTHY DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. BOATS IN AREA OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION TO BE go,—U,) LEGEND: CONDITION AND SHALL BE REPLACED SHOULD CLEARED PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. PROPOSED MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. —A—A— ANTENNA CABLE ANY TREE(S) DIE AT ANY POINT DURING THE SEE NOTE BOX THIS SHEET DURATION OF THE SITE BEING IN USE. 11 NORTH NOTE: o' 1' 2' 4' A —T—T— TELCO CONDUIT IF THIS SHEET IS 11" X 17 REFER N 1 EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUIT Q Oe/11/12 ISSUED FOR FILING ALF ALF NM TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. 1/4'"=1'—D" A aNi SCALE: 1/2'=1'-0" —T/ET/E— TELCO & ELECTRIC CONDUIT Qfi 11/10/11 ISSUED FOR REVIEW ALF ALF NM Q08/01/11 ISSUED FOR REVIEW C.P. ALF NM ^^IIII Q4 07/27/11 ISSUED FOR REVIEW EAM ALF NM -(Ea RCh, WFC PROJECT NO. AT&T 12/17/09 ISSUED FOR FILING GHM ALF NM �9F�, 1`�^R �ZSr� (�� 05-6478 & MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ���� 00/11/09 ISSUED FOR FILING GHM ALF NM `� W I L L I A M F. c o L L I r s, AIA AT&T # NYC ENY1059 / LI- 1059 Q D</3D/09 ssueD FDR FILING GHM ALF NM t ENLARGED AT&T EQUIPMENT PLAN y "Alm ARCHITECT S, LLP 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY QD 04/01/09 ISSUED FOR FILING GHM ALF NM v A AND GENERAL NOTES 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE SETAUICET,xv11733 ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APPD �� JOBoNo. SITE NO DRAWLING NUMBER REV S VOICE: 631-689-8450 FAX: 631-689-8459 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 SCALE: AS NOTED DESIGNED BY: ALF DRAWN BY ALF 24897 NYCENY1 059 SP-2 7 d O L) DFN=STV[160,02] DWG 22 x 34 D SIZE 6 5 4 3 2 Psc= 38" (3) PROPOSED AT&T LTE ANTENNAS AND (6) 70'-0"f G MHA'S MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE T.O. PROPOSED R.F. COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TYP. SEE SP-4 FOR g�S 3 MONOPOLE EXTENDABLE TO 90'—O" MORE INFORMATION TR rF�, SECTOR P 67'-0"t AGL �'G Op 9x p SySS pTN RAD. PROPOSED AT&T (3) PROPOSED AT&T UMTS ANTENNAS AND (6) PROPOSED CONCRETE MONOPOLE F S `�T N MHA'S MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. SEE 'FOTO c jRUE PROPOSED AT&T COAXIAL ANTENNAS CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TYP. SEE SP-4 FOR NOTE BOX BELOW AND SHEET �'>y ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED MORE INFORMATION SP-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION THROUGH PROPOSED 0 ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE FROM PROPOSED 70'-0" HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE PROPOSED 70'-0" HIGH AT&T R.F. PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE (TO BE EXTENDABLE COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE TO PROPOSED AT&T R.F. 57'-0"t AGL TO 90'-0' ) TO BE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0" COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE N RAD. PROPOSED PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNA CABLES (6) PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS MOUNTED A A A — E AT&T ANTENNAS ROUTED WITHIN PROPOSED AT&T WITHIN R.F. COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE MONOPOLE, TYP. (2) PER SECTOR. SEE PROPOSED 14'-0" HIGH X 6'-0" WIDE SP-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION 3 EASTERN RED CEDARS AT 6'-0" O.C., TYP. ti m = PROPOSED AT&T ELEVATED OF (9) Q ICE BRIDGE Q o TN 3 (1 ) PROPOSED AT&T LTE GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO PROPOSED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL o j BEYOND ANTENNA PLAN 0 2 4 8 14' E (1 ) PROPOSED AT&T E911 GPS UNIT MOUNTED 2 SCALE: NOT To SCALE /4"=r-o" NORTH TO PROPOSED CABLE ICE BRIDGE POST PROPOSED MESA SPAN CABINET BY OTHERS MOUNTED ON PROPOSED AT&T GALVANIZED STEEL ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM BEYOND (3) PROPOSED AT&T RRH'S MOUNTED ON 0 UNISTRUT SECURED TO PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK FRAME PROPOSED AT&T ELEVATED CABLE ICE BRIDGE STORM WATER RUN—OFF MANAGEMENT PLAN C a a PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT 1 . ALL STORM WATER RUN—OFF GENERATED BY THE PROPOSED T RACK DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE CONTAINED WITHIN THE PERIMETER OF THE E I PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION. 14'-0"t AGL PROPOSED AT&T OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT CABINETS TROPOSED SHRUBS MOUNTED ON PROPOSED ELEVATED GALVANIZED 2. THE AREA BELOW THE ELEVATED STEEL EQUIPMENT PLATFORM E .O. PSTEEL PLATFORM, TYP. SHALL BE EXCAVATED DOWN TO CLEAN SAND OR WELL—DRAINED (BEYOND) ¢ SOIL. THIS AREA SHOULD BE BACKFILLED WITH LOOSE SAND AND PROPOSED AT&T 13'-0" HIGH CHAINLINK GRAVEL THAT WILL BE GRADED TO ALLOW ALL STORM WATER 13'—O"t AGL FENCE WITH 4'—O" LOCKABLE GATE AND GREEN PASSING OVER OR THROUGH THE EQUIPMENT PLATFORM A PLACE TO a T.O. PROPOSED FENCE AND T.O. "PERMAHEDGE" PRIVACY SLATS OR EQUAL RECHARGE BACK INTO THE GROUND. e PROPOSED UPPER ICE BRIDGE 12'-5"t AGL 3. ALL CONSTRUCTION ON SITE SHALL BE PROTECTED BY HAY BAIL z T.O. PROPOSED AT&T AND SILT FENCING PURSUANT TO THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF y EQUIPMENT CABINET THE NY STATE STORM WATER DESIGN MANUAL. THESE FEATURES 9'-5"t AGL ¢ SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION SITE HAS BEEN T.O. PROPOSED LOWER ICE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED TO PREVENT EROSION. BRIDGE 4. ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO FEMA FLOOD ZONE REQUIREMENTS. 5'-3"f AGL 13'-3'f AMSL APPROVED BY T.O. PROPOSED AT&T PLANNING BOARD 3 EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 4'-0"t AGL (12'-0"t AMSL) 3'-10' AGL 1 1 '-10"t AMSL DATE 5`_P 1 `i 2012 B.O. PROPOSED AT&T T T.O. ISED CONCRETE PIER B EQUIPMENT PLATFORM (FLOOD LEVEL) 0'-0" AGL (8'—d'± AMSL) o� 45 • NOTE: NOTE: RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE PROPOSED TO GRADE 49' I I I BE PAINTED "GRAY/BLUE: SHERWIN—WILLIAMS I I I THE MONOPOLE SHALL BE DESIGNED MONOPOLE ' I I I I TO ALLOW FOR FUTURE INTERNALLY #SW0068 COPEN BLUE BASE I I I T T T T T TT T T 1 MOUNTED ANTENNAS AT A HEIGHT PROPOSED MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS.---l" I NE NE NE NE NE NEI —I- NE NE NE — I I I I I BETWEEN 40 AND 50 FEET AGL. NOTE: SEE NOTE BOX THIS SHEET I THE CONTRACTOR IS TO REGRADE THE AT&T I I I I EQUIPMENT COMPOUND AREA TO A LEVEL PROPOSED AT&T GALVANIZED STEEL I I I I NOTE: „ DUNNAGE RAILING AND STAIRS, TYP. - �_ �_ FOR GENERAL NOTES SEE SHT. SP-2. GRADE OF 8'-0 AMSL PRIOR TO START OF EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION. PROPOSED AT&T TELCO CONDUIT ROUTED FROM - �� - - � PROPOSED MESA SPAN CABINET ALONG UNDERSIDE LEGEND: NOTE: OF AT&T EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TO PROPOSED ANTENNA CABLE LENGTHS —A—A— ANTENNA CABLE DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS, AT&T HANDRAIL MOUNTED TELCO PANEL CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN PROPOSED RF 3 —T—T— TELCO CONDUIT PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRICAL CONDUITS TRENCHED PROPOSED AT&T TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED ANTENNA SECTOR A SECTOR B' SECTOR "C" COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE FOUNDATION IS "= UNDERGROUND FROM PROPOSED AT&T METER AND DISCONNECT UNDERGROUND FROM EXISTING UTILITY POLE #35 TYPE —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUIT TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK STATE LICENSED E SUPPORT RACK TO PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED TO PROPOSED MESA SPAN CABINET. ;SEE SP-1 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED DOCUMENTATION TO PROPOSED ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL FOR MORE INFORMATION, TYP. LTE 94'-0" 94'-0" 94'-0" —T/ET/E— TELCO & ELECTRIC FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. CONDUIT = UMTS 84'-0" 84'-0" 84'-0" 0 NOTE: 0' 2' 4' a' ui 1 PARTIAL EAST E LEVATI O N 7 08/11/12 ISSUED FOR FILING ALF ALF JNM Q 11/15/11 ISSUED FOR REVIEW ALF ALF IF THIS SHEET IS 11 X 17 REFER SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. Q08/01/11 ISSUED FOR REVIEW C.P. ALF 2� 0]/2]/11 ISSUED FOR REVIEW EAM ALF NM (E� RC WFC PROJECT NO. a w. u,idy, N5 NDE@ q ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ���� 12/17/09 ISSUED FOR FILING GHM ALF NM ¢���"� .6. °°- 0 05-6478 AT&T MOBILITY ;G Q 00/11/08 ISSUED FOR FILING GHM ALF NM j w I L L I A NI F. COLLINS, AIA AT&T # NYCENYi 059 / LI- 1 059 Qj 04/30/09 ISSUED FOR FILING GHM ALF NM N, ` ' ' A R C H I T E C T S, LLP y e� PARTIAL EAST ELEVATION, ANTENNA PLAN 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY QD 04/61/09 IssueD FOR FILING GHM ALF NM & ANTENNA DETAILS 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE SETAUICET,NY11733 ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE No. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP•D F nlI Joe NoSITE No, DRAWING NUMBER REV VOICE: 631-689-8450 FAX: 631-689-8459 PARAM U S, NJ 0 7 6 5 2 2 SCALE: AS NOTED DESIGNED BY ALF DRAWN BY ALF 24897 NYC E NY1 O 5 9 SP-3 S P-3 7 4 2 O t oFN=SN[160,02] DWG 22 X 34 D SIZE 6 5 3 PSC= NOTES: MOUNTING TO A WALL 3. ATTACH THE REAR BRACKETS TO THE HEX I "^ THE TMA CAN BE MOUNTED TO A SUITABLE BOLTS AND INSTALL FLAT WASHER, SPLIT LOCK FLAT SURFACE. WASHER, AND THE HEX NUT ON EACH BOLT. TIGHTEN HEX NUTS SECURELY WHILE 1 . THE REAR BRACKETS AND HARDWARE NOT USED. MAINTAINING ALIGNMENT BETWEEN TMA BRACKET . 2. IF PRE-INSTALLED. 3/8-16 UNC x 6 1/4" LG (M8 X AND REAR BRACKET. nEFk 160 MM) HEX BOLTS MUST BE REMOVED PRIOR TO - 4. ATTACH A GROUND CABLE TO THE TMA USING . :, WALL-MOUNTING. UNDO THE TWO CAP SCREWS TO DETACH THE PRE-INSTALLED HEX BOLT AND WASHERS. THE TMA BRACKET AND RETRACT THE BOLTS. RE-INSTALL ROUTE THE GROUND CABLE TO THE GROUND J THE TMA BRACKETS AND TIGHTEN THE CAP SCREWSD ' SECURELY. SECURELY WITH SUITABLEON THE TOWER FASTENERCTUE D ATTACH 3. MOUNT THE TMA TO THE WALL USING FOUR 5/16" OR 8 MM BOLTS (NOT SUPPLIED) THROUGH 5. ROUTE A JUMPER CABLE FROM THE 850 MHz THE HOLES IN THE TMA BRACKETS. ANTENNA TO THE TMA PORT MARKED "ANT 850" . 4. CONNECT RF AND GROUND CABLES, WEATHERSEAL ROUTE A SECOND JUMPER CABLE FROM THE AND SECURE WITH STRAPS AS OUTLINED ABOVE. 1900 MHz ANTENNA TO THE TMA PORT MARKED ANT 1900 . ROUTE A THIRD JUMPER CABLE ANDREW TOWER MAST AMPLIFIER NOTES: FROM THE TMA PORT MARKED " BTS' TO THE MOUNTING TO A POLE OR BEAM TOWER FEEDER. BE SURE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE A TMA ETD819HS12UB DETAIL ASSEMBLE THE POLE MOUNTING HARDWARE ON CURVE OR LOOP TO RELIEVE UNDUE STRAIN ON 2 SCALEIN.T.S. THE TMA AND INSTALL THE DESIRED LOCATION AS CONNECTIONS AT EITHER END. ' UMTS LTE < SHOWN IN DETAIL ABOVE. MANUFACTURER ANDREW 6. TIGHTEN RF CONNECTIONS TO 18 FT-LBS MODEL DBXNH-6565A-A2M L-BRACKET GPS ANTENNA 1 . INSERT THE 3 8-16 UNC x 7' LG M8 X 180 MM (25Nm) TORQUE. MOUNT KIT / ( ) BAND DUAL HEX BOLTS WITH THE WASHERS THROUGH THE HOLES IN 7. WEATHERSEAL THE CABLE CONNECTIONS PER THE TMA BRACKETS. BOLTS AND WASHERS MAY BE STANDARD PRACTICES IF REQUIRED BY LOCAL FREQUENCIES, MHZ 70OMHz to 210OMHz 3/4 TO 1 1 /27 PRE-INSTALLED ON SOME VERSIONS OF THE ETB CONDITIONS. PROVIDED MATERIALS IF ANY, CAN GALV. STEEL OR ALUM, INSTALL WEATHER SERIES TMA. BE APPLIED ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS POL DUAL MOUNTING PIPE PROOFING PER ON THE PACKAGE 2. ORIENT THE TMA IN THE SELECTED LOCATION WITH RET INSTALLED ANTENNA MANUF. THE BTS PORT POINTING DOWN, OR AS REQUIRED. 8. APPLY CABLE TIES OR STRAPS NOT CADWELD ON STEEL PIPE. INSTRUCTIONS ( L, IN 50.8 +/- CLAMP TO ALUM. W/BURNDY COAX CABLE ALIGN THE V-GRIPS OF THE TMA RACKETS WITH THE SUPPLIED) TO SECURE THE CABLES TO THE W. IN 10.6 +/- TYPE (W/N-MALE POLE OR TOWER MEMBER. TOWER STRUCTURE. C D. IN 5.2 +/- C-11 N (3/4" & 1" PIPE) OR CONNECTOR) WT, LB 34.2 +/- C-22 (1 1 /4" & 1 1/2" COAX CABLE PIPE) SUPPORT TYP. UMTS/LTE 2 AWG GROUND WIRE LUG ANTENNA DETAIL TO CRGB 'P' SECTION OR ELEVATION NOTES: SCALE, NOT TO SCALE NEAREST 'P' SUPPLEMENTAL 1 . UNSCREW THE BAND CLAMPS UNTIL THE END COME GROUND BAR (L-BRACKET MOUNT) LOOSE AND THREAD THE ENDS THROUGH THE SLOTS GPS ANTENNA IN THE MOUNTING BRACKET AS SHOWN, BEING INSTALL WEATHER PROOFING SET SCREWS CAREFUL NOT TO SCRATCH THE REAR FACE OF THE PER ANTENNA MANUF. COLLAR TMA. INSTRUCTIONS 1" (1 -5/16" O.D.) X 3'-0" 2. MOUNT THE TMA TO THE MOUNTING PIPE USING THE MAX. BAND CLAMPS AND TIGHTEN CLAMPS TO A TORQUE GALV. STEEL OR ALUM. ' OF 90Ib-in (10.2N-m). MOUNTING PIPE . -;r PROVIDE APPLICABLE -� -.-=••� - ,�"' ?�-,, 3. ATTACH THE JUMPER CABLES TO TMA CONNECTORS PIPE-TO-PIPE CLAMP GROUND (CABLE CLAMP _rm - -- = y: 21 G� J1 (850/90OMHz PORT) AND 2 (1800/1900/2100 (BURNDY TYPE C-11N OR MHz PORT) AND TORQUE NUTS ON THE DIN EQUIV.) 3 tia CONNECTORS TO 2041b-in (23N-m). REPEAT WITH INSULATED SPLIT-COLLAR FEEDER CABLE CONNECTION TO TMA CONNECTOR BUSHING (GARVIN P/N J3 (COMMON PORT). ICE BRIDGE POST GCHK100 WITH GROUND LUG 4. GROUND TMA BY ATTACHING A GROUND STRAP TO OR SIMILAR POST. REMOVED " � � THE M8 GROUNDING STUD ON THE SIDE OF THE 5 COAX CABLE _ ' " ' ` �x �`T� UNIT. ANDREW GROUNDING KIT, PART NUMBER (W/N-MALE CONNECTOR) ' ka 1, .E GND-1M-KT, OR EQUIVALENT, MAY BE USED. APPLY COAX CABLE SUPPORT ANTI-CORROSION PASTE TO THE GROUND '.;"`� "�__ 2 AWG GROUND WIRE rt1' CONNECTION. 5. WEATHERPROOF THE TMA CONNECTIONS USING CADWELD TO POST ONLY IF ANDREW WEATHERPROOFING KITPART NUMBER ELEVATION PROSECT ON OR NEAREST ED, OR LUG TO RP' B 221213 OR EQUIVALENT. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS SUPPLIED WITH THE KIT TO NOTES: (COLLAR MOUNT) SUPPLEMENTAL GROUND BAR WEATHERPROOF THE CONNECTORS. - 6. STACKING UNITS: 1 . LOCATION OF ANTENNA MUST HAVE CLEAR VIEW OF SOUTHERN SKY TO STACK TWO UNITS, REMOVE THE FOUR EXISTING AND CANNOT HAVE ANY BLOCKAGES EXCEEDING 25 Z OF THE M6x5Omm SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS THAT ATTACH SURFACE AREA OF A HEMISPHERE AROUND THE GPS ANTENNA. THE TMA OF THE MOUNTING BRACKET AND ATTACH 2. ALL GPS ANTENNA LOCATIONS MUST BE ABLE TO RECEIVE CLEAR TOGETHER USING FOUR M6x10Omm SOCKET HEAD AP;OFSO ED BY SIGNALS FROM A MINIMUM OF FOUR (4) SATELLITES. VERIFY WITH CAP SCREWS PROVIDED WITHEACH UNIT. HANDHELD GPS BEFORE FINAL LOCATION OF GPS ANTENNA. MOUNT THE TMA TO THE MOUNTING PIPE USING THE PLAOARD 3. CADWELDING SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED ON ROOFTOPS. BAND CLAMPS AND TIGHTEN CLAMPS TO A TORQUE TOWUTHOLD 4. LTE-GPS ANTENNA SHALL BE LOCATED 10' FROM ALL ANTENNAS. POWERWAVE UMTS OF 901b-in (10.2 N-m). Dare 2012 E911 / LTE GPS ANTENNA TSAW-07BP111 -001 TMA �9 a7 scAl EIN.T.S. c �Z 1*2dCALE, PIPE SAN D L- BRACKET MOUNT 'LillQ mm/ae/n ISSUED FOR BDNSR48/13 1 ISSUED FOR RUCTION ALF ALF NM ����JS A Q09/90/11 ISSUED FOR ROMMUCTION C.P. ALF NM VuU ,f Qp 09/tY/11 ISSUED FOR REMWINARY REVIEW EO ALF NM _ PES A WFC PROJECT NO ' AT&T MOBILITY ! 1 2012 ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT p msa"'°' ISSUED FOR E°9�UGrl°" GHM ALF NM ,5 R�. °"- os-6478 C7 VES '9�O WILL IAM F. COLLINS, AIA AT&T # NYCENY1059 / LI- 1059 a &�, D 08/27/09 ISSUED FOR EIONSIRUCTION GHM ALF NM n t� A R C H I T E C T S, LLP Q 04/20/09 IssueO FOR emNsrRucrlON GEM ALF NM r4 ' 1� , 40200 MAIN RD f'' '• ANTENNA DETAILS 0 W/Bm/O9 ISSUED FOR E1°"EiRUCTION ®PINI ALF NM AT&T MOBILITY � 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE SETAUKET,NY11733 ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE NO. DATE REVISIONS BY I CHR APPA F 12 AA y° Joe NO, SITE NO, DRAWING NUMBER IREVI VOICE: 631-689-8450 FAX: 631-689-8459 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 -... -�.-�� 89 � CENY S d SCALE. AS NOTED DESIGNED BY: ALF PRAWN BY ALF 24UJ7 N I DLIV I 1 059 JP--y 7 6 5 4 3 2 DEN=STv[ts0,02] DWG 22 X 34 D SIZE PSC= 00 6 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS *rjf SjyO Soutold,Box 1179 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ,`O l� Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS cn ac Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH IIIOlyCo (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR uiu ry, Southold, Telephone: 631765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 6, 2015 John Coughlin, Esq. c/o Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Approved Site Plan for New Cingular Wireless / MGH @ Orient by the Sea Located at 40200 NYS Rt. 25, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Zoning District: M-II Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Planning Board has found that the requirements of the above-referenced Site Plan have been completed based on the site inspection made December 17, 2014. The site is now in conformance with the Approved Site Plan entitled "New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises", prepared by William F. Collins, dated April 1, 2009, and last revised August 11, 2012. This letter does not condone any changes from the Approved Site Plan and approvals from other agencies; Planning Board approval is required prior to any significant changes to the site. Please, if you have any questions regarding this site plan or its process, do not hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman cc: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector Jamie Richter, Town Engineering Inspector Soulpold PlanningDe Staff Department p Report Site Plan Application Work Session Date January 5, 2015 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: New Cingular MGH @ Orient by the Sea II. Action Review all staff comments with regard to the final site inspection made December 17, 2014 III: Analysis 1. 70' gray/blue monopole for New Cingular Wireless (see photos) a. ZBA special exception in M-II zone b. Side yard variance to W (7.1') 2. Conditions of site plan approval: a. Note the Liber and Page of the Covenants and Restrictions required to be filed with the Suffolk County Clerk regarding the landscaping maintenance on Page A-1 of the site plan Staff: Liber D00012705 and Page 527 3. Enclosure: a. 13' high chain link fence with green "perma-hedge" to enclose 400sf lease area (see photos) Staff: constructed as approved 4. Landscaping a. Nine (9) Eastern Red Cedars @ 14' high and 6' wide; (6) to the west and (3) to the north of the enclosure Staff: all plantings listed above were planted as approved (see photos) V: Staff Recommendations It is recommended that the Planning Board send a memo supporting the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) to the Building Department 1 Southold Town Inning Board Work Session — Janua95, 2015 - Page 2 ..........................................................._........_................................................................._.. ............... . ........... ...... .............................................................................................................................................................,......................................._..................................... Pro'ect nam . SCT.... ._........... ..._........................................ ........... Location: 40200 SR 25, Orient ..................................................................................................................... .... ...............................................................-........................._......................._......_....................................................................................................................................................................................................__....._.._...._........ .......... Description: This revised Site Plan is for the construction of a 70 monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zonin District .........._................... -..._.........._................................................ ............_.....-....._....-.................._......_..__...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._ Status: Approved Pending Inspection .................................... ..................... ......................... .......- _. _ .. . ..................._........_............................. ...... .......... .. Action: Review comments from Final Site Inspection. .................................._................................................ ..........................._................................ ................................................................................ ...................._.... ._..._.................... ..................... ........ Attachments..............-......................._..._Staff.._Re.port..........................................._..........................._._.. _._._. ......._......................................................._........ Discussion: 1. Draft Planning Board Monthly Report for December 2014 2. Review comments to ZBA re: ❖ Soundside Landscape, Inc., SCTM#1000-52-5-58.3, 67575 Route 25, Greenport r Oub f• Vg OL" Submission Without a Cover Letter o 2 301- �16 Z 3 ,3 o c/ �•z�,v JJ Sender: tC Subject: rry/t, }t , SCTM#: 1000 - Date: j Z )Cl/ly Comments: '7- /-�rv��'L P4•41' 7 �g�te�Ttv�v o I' DEC - 9 2014 Southold Town Planning Board 0 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS OF soar P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI tio�� yOIO Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTYG� • i� 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDORI�COUIY�, Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 8, 2014 John Coughlin, Esq. c/o Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Extension Approval: New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises 40200 NYS Rt 25, ±400' e/o Cedar Beach Rd. & Rt. 25, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Zoning District: Marine II (M-II) Dear Mr. Coughlin: The following resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, April 7, 2014: WHEREAS, this Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 sq. ft. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District, Orient; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session held on January 9, 2012, the Planning Board accepted the application for review; and WHEREAS, on February 15, 2012, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) granted Area Variance File #6533 to install a new wireless communications tower and equipment at 7.1 feet from a residential property line where the Code required minimum distance shall be no less than 500 feet and side yard setback of 7.1 feet where the Code requires 25 feet; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action and, as lead agency, made a determination of non-significance and granted a Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board made a determination that the applicant has satisfied the requirements for a Special Exception pursuant to Town Code §280-142 based on the following: New Cingular/MGH Page Two April 8, 2014 1. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or of properties in adjacent use districts. 2. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in the district wherein the proposed use is to be located or of permitted or legally established uses in adjacent use districts. 3. That the safety, the health, the welfare, the comfort, the convenience or the order of the Town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location. 4. That the use will be in harmony with and promote the general purposes and intent of this chapter. 5. That the use will be compatible with its surroundings and with the character of the neighborhood and of the community in general, particularly with regard to visibility, scale and over-all appearance. 6. That all proposed structures, equipment and material shall be readily accessible for fire and police protection; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Special Exception Approval on the Site Plan entitled "New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises", prepared by William F. Collins, dated April 1, 2009, and last revised August 11, 2012; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2014, the Site Plan Approval expired; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2014, John Coughlin, Esq., agent, submitted a request for an Extension of Site Plan Approval; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session held on April 7, 2014, the Planning Board reviewed the original Site Plan Approval in light of any new Town Code requirements and found that the site plan remains in compliance with all pertinent rules and regulations; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants an Extension of Special Exception Site Plan Approval from March 19, 2014 to March 19, 2015 on the site plan entitled "New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises", prepared by William F. Collins, dated April 1, 2009, and last revised August 11, 2012. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Donald J. 1Nilcenski Chairman Soupold Planning Department Sto Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Completeness Date: March 24, 2014 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: New Cingular / AT&T @ Orient by the Sea Applicant: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Project Approved: September 17, 2012 Tax Map Number: 15.-9-8.1 Project Location: 40200 NYS Route 25 Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: M-II (Marine-II) II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Commercial Acreage of Project Site: 4.1 Building Size 70' monopole, 400 sf equipment lease area III: Analysis (request for approval extension dated March 19, 2014) A. Site Plan Info: a. Approved September 17, 2012 b. Expired: March 19, 2014 B. Approval Details a. 70' monopole wireless facility (extendable to 90') having internally mounted antennae at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400sf area. i. ZBA — Special Exception #6533 for wireless communications monopole within the M-II zone and granted an area variance for the 7.1' western side yard setback to a residential zoning district. 1. Special Exception remains active if ownership has not changed ii. SEQRA— Unlisted 1. Negative Declaration granted September 17, 2012 iii. NYSDEC — Tidal Wetlands Permit#1-4738-00898/00018 1. Issued September 2012; expires December 17, 2016 iv. Condition to site plan approval: 1. The site plan was approved with one (1) condition, to note the liber and page of the Covenants and Restrictions 1 required to be filed with the Suffolk County Clerk regarding the landscaping maintenance on page A-1 of the site plan a. Liber: D00012705 Page: 527 C. Bulk Schedule: M - II Zone Required Proposed Front 35' 759'-1" Side (W) 25' 7.1'** (see above) Side E 25' 50 combined 253'6" Rear 25' 40'5" 1. Fall Zone: i. Radius of fall zone required to be two times the height of the monopole (70') ii. Proposed fall zone : 140' 2. Lot Coverage i. 30% maximum ii. 0.36% existing, 0.38% proposed 3. Landscape Area i. 20% minimum ii. 10% existing, 11% proposed D. Staff Analysis a. Approved landscaping L Nine (9) Eastern Red Cedars 14' high x 6' wide @ 6' on center proposed to the north and west of the proposed equipment area 1. The proposed equipment area is elevated ±4' to meet FEMA flood zone requirements and reaches a height of 13' at the top of the proposed chain link fence and upper ICE bridge for related service lines to the monopole. V: Staff Recommendations 1. The site plan remains in compliance with current rules and regulations, accept the request for extension of site plan approval and set the application on the Planning Board's public meeting agenda for April 7, 2014. 2 WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, April 7, 2014 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meeting Hall 4:00 p.m. Applications 5:30 p.m. Review Public Meeting Agenda ;................................................................................................................-...................................................-...................................................................................._......._................................................................................................................................. ....................................................................... Project name: James Creek Landing ! SCTM#: i 1000-122-3-1.4 _. ...1 .. . ...... ....,._._..._.............................................................................. ..... ............... ........................ ............. Location: West side of Main Road, approx 280' south of New S .................. Description: This proposal is a Standard Subdivision of a split-zoned parcel into five lots. tatus: Conditional Preliminary Approval ........_......__. ......... .. .... ............... ._.............................. .......................... .... Action: Discuss possibility of setting Final Public Hearing. ........................................................................ _. ........ Attachments: Staff Re -ort........................................................................................... ...................................................P . . _.._._........................................................._..................................._............................. .........._............................... ........................................ ...... ................................._...................._..................................................._.................._......................................................................................................................................................................................._.......................................................... Project name The Vines i SCTM#: 1000-73-1-1 ....................................................................................................................................................................__......................._......_......................._.........._.._........................................................................................................................... ............ Location: 15105 Oregon ..........................._................................................................... . ........................,. ....._..._........................................_.. ............................... Description: This 80/60 proposed conservation subdivision will subdivide two R-80 and AC split-zoned parcels (SCTM#1000-73-2-4 and SCTM#1000-73-1- 1) into 7 lots where the total acreage of the parcels equals 36.8 acres ............................................ ......(80%...of which will...__be....preserved..._as..._o.pen..._space.)..... ................................ . ................... . tatus: Pendin .............................._..............................................................................................................g Action: Review new maps................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................... ............................... ...............................................p ;.._Attachments: Staff Report ........................ .......................................................................... . .......................... . . . . ..........................................................._.._._........................................ ..._._._.................._ Pro................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... Project name: New Cingular Wireless at MGH Enterprises ' SCTM#: 1000-15-9-8.1 P....... .................. .. Location: 40200 SR 25, Orient .......... ....... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............. Description: This approved site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70 monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on' 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District. ........ ........ ..... ......... Status: Approved . ......... .. ...... ..................................... Action: ; Review request for Extension of Final Approval ........... ...... Attachments Staff ..... ...... ..... ......... ........... ... .......... ................................................... ............................. ......... .......... ...................... Project name Premium Wine Group SCTM# 1000-121-6-1 . . ............... ................ ............... Location: n/s/o of County Road 48 at the n/w intersection of CR 48 and Cox Neck Lane, known as 35 Cox Neck Road, in Mattituck ..... . . ...... .. ......... .. .... Description: This amended site plan includes a new building of 5,384 sq. ft. added to the existing two buildings of 20,585 sq. ft. on a 3.563-acre parcel in the LB Zone. . ....._ ......_ ......... Status: Expired .__ .... ... ... .... ...................... .... Action: Review request for Extension of Final Approval ........ .... ... ... __. Attachments. Staff Rep11111--l-111111ort ..... ................. ........ __ ♦ 744t , RE, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 NORTH NEW YORK AVENUE HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 11743 TELEPHONE: (631) 425-4100 FACSIMILE: (631) 425-4104 OF COUNSEL March 19, 2014 WILLIAM J. NIELSEN By Hand Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building MAR 2 0 2014 54375 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Attn.: Heather Lanza, Planning Director RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC("AT&T") Request for .xtension of Site Plan Approval Premises: Orient by the Sea Restaurant&Marina,40200 Main Road,Orient,NY SCTM#: 1000— 15—9—8.1 Dear Ms. Lanza: As you know, we are the attorneys for AT&T with respect to the captioned matter. On September 18, 2012, written Special Exception and Site Plan Approvals were issued by the Planning Board, containing the resolutions adopted by the Planning Board at its September 17, 2012 meeting. Copies of the written approvals are enclosed herewith. In addition, the approved Site Plan drawings, prepared by William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP, revision date August 11, 2012, were stamped approved and signed by the Planning Board Chairman on September 19, 2012. The written Site Plan Approval, as well as the Planning Board stamped approved drawings and Code Section 280-132A, state that approved site plans are valid for eighteen months from the date of approval, within which time all proposed work must be completed, unless the Planning Board grants an extension. In the matter of AT&T's Site Plan Approval, by March 19, 2014. AT&T's construction has not been completed at this site due to several delaying factors, including, inter alfa, delays in AT&T's obtaining an updated National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) Report and submission of the Environmental Assessment to the Federal Communications Commission's(FCC)for review/approval and issuance of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The FONSI was issued on March 13, 2014. The original NEPA report prepared for this site was completed on October 22, 2009 and AT&T sought to update its NEPA rciort and, accordingly, its Tower Construction Notification System (TCNS). A new TCNS submission was made to provide the Indian Tribes an opportunity to comment on the latest design of the project, as approved by the Town of Southold, in particular any "new" federally recognized tribe not included on the initial TCNS notification. Although the resubmission to TCNS occurred on May 17, 2013, the last tribal response was not received until August 6, 2013. The updated NEPA report was then prepared and completed on August 19, 2013 AT&T is slated to start construction on this site in April 2014 and anticipates an approximate four-month construction timeframe for completion of the project(i.e., by August 2014). We respectfully request that AT&T's Site Plan Approval be extended for an additional period of at least one year (i.e. until February 19, 2015) so as to afford AT&T ample time to complete its construction at this location. Town of Southold Planning BOrd New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC("AT&T") March 19, 2014 Page 2 of 2 Please confirm whether this matter will be scheduled for the Planning Board's review and consideration at its April 7, 2014 public hearing. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RE,NIELSEN, HUBER& COUGHLIN, LLP By: J ou li JJC:mk Encls. ` I i ` PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��p�SOUjyo MAII.nv Box 1179 s: DONALD J.WILCENSKI h0 Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS CO- are Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS �O 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III ��. (cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR COUNT'l,N Southold,NY Telephone:631 765-1938 Fag:631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 18, 2012 i John Coughlin, Esq. c/o R6, Nielsen; Huber& Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Approval: Site Plan for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 NYS Rt. 25, ±400' east of Cedar Beach Road, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Zoning District: Marine-II i Dear Mr. Coughlin: i The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on September 17, 2012: i i WHEREAS, this site plan application is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57'for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District, Orient; and WHEREAS, on December 9, 2011, the agent, John Coughlin, submitted an application for site plan review and special exception review; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session held on January 9, 2012, the Planning Board accepted the application for review; and WHEREAS, on January 31, 2012, the Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 C., distributed the application to the required agencies for their comments; and WHEREAS, on February 22, 2012., the Orient Fire District determined there was adequate fire protection and emergency access for the site; and I New Cingular/MGH Page Two September 18, 2012 WHEREAS, on February 22, 2012, the Suffolk County Planning Commission deemed 1 the site plan application a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s); and WHEREAS, on February 27, 2012, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the above- referenced application and has determined the project to provide adequate drainage and the proposed drainage meets the minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and WHEREAS, on March 12, 2012, a public hearing was held and closed by the Planning Board for the above-referenced site plan; and WHEREAS, on March 23, 2012, the Town of Southold LWRP Coordinator reviewed the above-referenced project and has recommended the proposed project be found consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies; and WHEREAS, on August 8, 2012, the Southold Town Chief Building Inspector reviewed and certified the proposed site plan as a permitted use in the M-II Zoning District; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session held on September 17, 2012, the Planning Board found that all applicable requirements of the Site Plan Regulations Article XXIV, §280—Site Plan Approval of the Town of Southold have been met; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, in their Special Exception Approval resolution on September 17, 2012, and pursuant to Part 617, Article 6 of the Environmental Conservation Law acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, granted a Negative Declaration for this Unlisted Action; and WHEREAS, at their public meeting on September 17, 2012, the Planning Board granted approval to the Special Exception application for this site; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants Approval with One (1) Condition to the site plan entitled "New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises @ Orient By The Sea Restaurant", prepared by William F. Collins, AIA, dated April 1, 2009, last revised August 11, 2012, including the following five (5) plans: 1. T-1 Title Sheet 2. SP-1 Site Plan 3. SP-2 Enlarged AT&T Equipment Plan and general Notes 4. SP-3 Partial East Elevation,Antenna Plan &Antenna Details 5, SP-4 Antenna Details i New Cincwlar/MGH Page Three September 18, 2012 I and authorizes'the Chairman to endorse the site plan upon the condition being fulfilled to the satisfaction of the Planning Board. The condition is as follows: 1. Note the liber and page of the Covenants and Restrictions required to be filed with the Suffolk County Clerk regarding the landscaping maintenance on Page A-1 of the site plan. Please note the following requirements in the Southold Town Code relating to site plans: 1. Any outdoor lighting shall be shielded so the light source is not visible from adjacent properties and roadways. Lighting fixtures shall focus and direct the light in such a manner as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries. 2. All storm water run-off from grading, driveways and gravel areas must be contained on site. 3. Approved Site Plans are valid for eighteen months from the date of approval, within which time all proposed work must be completed, unless the Planning Boalrd grants an extension. 4. Any 6-hanges from the Approved Site Plan shall require Planning Board approval. 5. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Planning Board must inspect the site to ensure it is in conformity with the Approved Site Plan, and issue a final site inspection approval letter. Should the site be found not in conformance with the Approved Site Plan, no Certificate of Occupancy may i. be issued unless the Planning Board approves the changes to the plan. A copy of the Approved Site Plan is enclosed for your records. One copy will also be sent to the Building Department and the Town Engineer/Highway Department. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Donald ilcenski Chairman Encl. cc: Building Dept. w/map Town Engineer w/map J - MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �Qf soujy P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI h4� �j_ Southold,NY 11971 Chair �O OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS u, Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS • 54375 State Route 25 JAMES ` MARTIN H. RICH III SIDOR i (cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.)CQ(JN(`�, Southold,NY Telephone:631765-1938 Fax:631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 18, 2012 John Coughlin, Esq. c/o Re, Nielsen, Huber& Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Approval: Special Exception for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 NYS Rt. 25, ±400' east of Cedar Beach Rd, Orient SCTM#1000-159-8.1 Zoning District: Marine-II Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, September 17, 2012: i WHEREAS, an application for a Special Exception & Site Plan Approval for a wireless communication facility was accepted for review on January 9, 2012, including a site plan prepared by William F. Collins, dated April 1, 2009; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the above-referenced request for a Special Exception for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67'and 57'far New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District, Orient; and WHEREAS, on January 31, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Part 617, Article 6 of the Environmental Conservation Law acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, initiated the SEQR lead agency coordination process for thi Unlisted Action; and WHEREAS, the submission by the applicant has been reviewed and corroborated with an independent radio frequency engineer retained by the Town to assist in the review process; and WHEREAS, on March 12, 2012, a public hearing.was held and closed; and t New Cinaular/MGH Page Two September 18, 2012 WHEREAS, on March 23, 2012, the Town of Southold LWRP Coordinator reviewed the above-referenced project and had recommended the proposed project to be consistent j with Southold Town LWRP policies; and i WHEREAS, on August 8, 2012, the Southold Town Building Inspector reviewed the plan and certified that the proposed action is a permitted use in this Marine-II Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2012, the General Requirements in §280-70 were met; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board made a determination that the applicant has satisfied the requirements for a Special Exception pursuant to Town Code §280-142 based on the following: 1. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or of properties in adjacent use districts. 2. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in the district wherein the proposed use is to be located or of permitted or legally established uses in adjacent use districts. 3. That the safety, the health, the welfare, the comfort, the convenience or the order of the Town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location. 4. That the use will be in harmony with and promote the general purposes and intent of this chapter. 5. That the use will be compatible with its surroundings and with the character of the neighborhood and of the community in general, particularly with regard to visibility, scale and over-all appearance. 6. That all proposed structures, equipment and material shall be readily accessible for fire and police protection; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the application to determine whether it met the additional standards for a Special Exception Approval for a Wireless Communication Facility pursuant to§280-73B as follows: 1. Construction of the proposed facility or modification of the existing facility is a public necessity, in that it is required to meet current or expected demands of the j telecommunications provider and to render adequate service to the public. 2. The applicant has made substantial effort to co-locate with existing wireless facilities, or, failing that, has made substantial effort to locate on municipally- owned land or structures, or within or on existing buildings or structures. 3. There are compelling reasons which make it more feasible to construct the proposed facilities rather than alternatives; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action and, as lead agency, made a determination of non-significance and grants a Negative Declaration; and be it further i New Cinaular/MGH Page Three September 18, 2012 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby finds and determines that the standards for Special Exception Approval have been met; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that the action is consistent under the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program as outlined in the memo prepared by the LWRP Coordinator; and be it further RESOLVED, that after deliberation of the application and consideration of the above factors, the Southold Town Planning Board grants a Special Exception for the Wireless Facility as shown in the site plan application for"New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises", prepared by William F. Collins, dated April 1, 2009, and last revised August 11, 2012. Please also note the following requirements in the Southold Town Code relating to Special Exceptions: 1. Any Special Exception Approval granted under this article shall have a term of five years, commencing from the granting of the Special Exception, which may be extended for an additional five-year term upon application to the Planning Board. 2. On a renewal application, the applicant shall demonstrate that the wireless communication facility is in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and with all of the conditions of the Special Exception Approval and site plan, that the facility is necessary to provide adequate service, and that there is no reasonable alternative available to the owner which will provide adequate service without the continuing use of the facility. 3. Subsequent Special Exception renewals shall be subject to review by the j Planning Board and subject to such standards that shall be included in the Town Code at that point in time. i Enclosed please find a copy of the Negative Declaration for your records. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Very truly yours, Donald JNJilcenski Chairman Encl. cc: Town Engineer Building Dept. MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ���Si�UT P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �� y�/_ Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS y[ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS G Q 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III � � (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR COU NC't� Southold,NY Telephone:631765-1988 Fag:631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD State Environmental Quality Review NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination Non-Significance September 17, 2012 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Law. The Southold Town Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed j action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises SCTM#: 1000-15-9-8.1 Location: 40200 NYS Route 25, Orient SEQR Status: Type I O Unlisted (X) Conditioned Negative Declaration: Yes ( ) No (X) Description of Action: This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District, Orient. Reasons Supporting This Determination: An Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed and it was determined that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to occur should the prc�pect be implemented as planned. The action was granted a setback variance on February 15, 2012 by the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals. Negative Declaration Page Two September 17, 2012 i The property is zoned Marine II (M-II). Zoning districts located within the vicinity of the parcel include R-400 to the west (Orient State Park), R-40 (Residential) to the north and MII to the east. Open water is located to the south. The parcel is improved with a marina/restaurant use. Surrounding land uses within the vicinity of the site are public park, government facilities/marina and residential. Based on the existing use and improved facilities, the proposed action will not cause a substantial intensification of use in the area. Further, the proposed action will not cause significant impacts to agricultural, open space or recreational resources. No substantial adverse change in existing air quality, ground or surface water quality or quantity, traffic or noise level will occur as a result of the proposed action. The tower would be visible from New York State Route 25, a New York State Scenic Byway, and secondary roads. The structure would also be visible from the roadway serving Orient Beach State Park. A Visual Analysis titled Proposed Public Utility Wireless Communications Facility Orient by the Sea Restaurant(dated December 2011), prepared by VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C., has been submitted. Based upon the analysis, the proposed action will not result in a significant impact to view sheds important to the community. The action proposes to mitigate impacts through concealed antennae design, the installation of privacy fencing and Eastern Red Cedars screening on the east and north sides of the equipment area. The trees will be 14' in height and spaced 6' on center. No major change in the use of either the quantity or type of energy will occur. The applicant has submitted an assessment of Radio Frequency(RF) Compliance entitled Antenna Site FCC RF Compliance Assessment and Report(August 2, 2011). The report concluded that the radio frequency (RF) emissions from the proposed antenna to begin compliance with FCC Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits (48 times below tha established limits). Therefore, no known creation of a hazard to human health is expected to occur as a result of the proposed action. The site is cleared and improved, therefore, the proposed action will not result in the significant removal or destruction of large quantities of vegetation. No impact to soils is proposed. The New York Department of Environmental Conversation, in a 2009 policy memorandum entitled Guidelines for Consultation with NY Natural Heritage regarding Proposed Co-locations of Telecommunication Facilities on Existing Towers and Buildings (2009), has determined that proposed actions involving the co-location of new equipment on an existing structure (tower) are not likely to adversely affect Federally- listed species in New York, nor have any significant impacts on migratory birds or other trust resources. No significant impacts to a significant habitat area will occur. i i Negative Declaration Page Three September 17, 2012 The site is improved, therefore, the action would not result in adverse impacts to cultural/historic resources. Similarly, the proposed action will not impair the character or quality of important historical or architectural resources. The site is currently improved and the proposed action will not result in significant adverse impacts to aesthetic resources or to existing community or neighborhood character or result in a material conflict with the community current plans or goals as j officially approved. Based upon such, no significant adverse impacts to the environment are expected to j occur should the project be implemented as planned. For Further Information: I Contact Person: Mark Terry, Principal Planner Address: Southold Town Planning Board Telephone Number: 631-765-1938 cc: Town Board i I i i� i P S , k RE, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 NORTH NEW YORK AVENUE HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 11743 TELEPHONE: (631) 425-4100 FACSIMILE: (031) 425-4104 OF COUNSEL WILLIAM J. NIELSEN September 19, 2012 By Hand Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building SEP 2 0 2012 54375 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Attn.: Heather Lanza, Planning Director RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility Premises: Orient by the Sea Restaurant & Marina, 40200 Main Road, Orient,NY SCTM#: 1000— 15 —9— 8.1 Dear Ms. Lanza: As you know, we are the attorneys for AT&T with respect to the captioned applications. As requested by the Planning Board, enclosed please find a Certified Copy of "Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions," recorded with the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 9/18/12, Liber D00012705 at Page 527. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RE,NIELSEN, HUBER& COUGHLIN, LLP By: J. 6Atdhlin JJC:mk Enclosure fi CC#: C12-36325 COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, JUDITH A. PASCALE, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and the Court of Record thereof do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed with the original DECLARATION recorded in my office on 09/18/2012 under Liber D00012705 and Page 527 and, that the same is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this 09/18/2012 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK <;7-mix- Q. JUDITH A.PASCALE SEAL I IIIIIII IIII VIII VIII IIID VIII(IIII VIII VIII IIIIIIII Iillll VIII(IIII IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DECLARATION Recorded: 09/18/2012 Number of Pages : 8 At: 01 :51:31 PM Receipt Number : 12-0107374 LIBER: D00012705 PAGE: 527 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 015. 00 09.00 008.001 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $40.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5 .00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO TP-584 $0 . 00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $10 .00 NO RPT $60.00 NO Fees Paid $150.00 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County r Number of pages _ _ }`EC-IRDE{D _ JUDITH Pi. PASSCRLE This document will be public �;E;;=F,-,L}::; ,::,-,UI.;., record.Please remove all L G00012705 Social Security Numbers P 522 7 prior to recording. Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page/Filing Fee -"" Mortgage Amt. Handling 20. 00 1.Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Notation Spec./Assit. (R EA-52 17(County) Sub Total or Spec./Add. EA-5217(State) TOT.MTG.TAX R.P.T.S.A. U' �Qn� Dual Town Dual County Comm.of Ed. \ Held for Appointment 5. 00 , ; Transfer Tax Affidavit + �, Mansion Tax Certified Copy _ —""' �� The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Sub Total family dwelling only. Other YES or NO Grand Total ?' If NO, see appropriate tax clause on & page# of this instrument. _dDist.11 1000 01500 0900 008001 5 Community Preservation Fund Real Propert P T S Tax Service R DHo A Consideration Amount $ Agency 18-SEP-1 CPF Tax Due $ Verification 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address Improved RECORD&RETURN TO: Vacant Land ��` �w� 1 v C?. ct L-V-, kr LLP TD �- vv\.S , N\-A TD X31- LA25=- LAlo0 Mail to:Judith A.Pascale,Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 www.suffolkcount n ov/clerk Co.Name y Y 9 Title# 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached�A y-- �� by; made �., (S ECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of S�� l In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION made this ik day of September, 2012, by M.G.H. Enterprises, Inc. with an address of 40200 Main Road (a/k/a S/R/25), Orient, NY 11957, hereinafter referred to as "DECLARANT": WITNESSETH : WHEREAS, DECLARANT is the owner of certain real property located at 40200 Main Road (a/k/a S/R/25), Orient, NY 11957, County of Suffolk, State of New York, described in the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 15, Block 9, Lot 8.1 which is more particularly bounded and described as set forth in Schedule "A" annexed hereto, hereinafter referred to as the Property; and WHEREAS, the DECLARANT has entered into a lease agreement with New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("New Cingular") to construct a wireless telecommunication facility on a portion of the Property, as depicted on Schedule "B" annexed hereto; and WHEREAS, the New Cingular has made an application to Planning Board of the Town of Southold for site plan approval to construct a wireless telecommunication facility on a portion of the property as shown on the Site Plan entitled 'AT&T Orient by the Sea Restaurant', prepared by William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP, Revision 7, last revised August 11, 2012 (hereinafter the "Site Plan"); WHEREAS, in a decision dated September 17, 2012, the Planning Board of the Town of Southold granted New Cingular's site plan application with conditions; WHEREAS for and in consideration of the granting of said approval, the Planning Board has deemed it in the best interests of the Town of Southold that the within covenants and restrictions be imposed on the property, and the Planning Board has required that the within Declaration be filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office; and WHEREAS, the DECLARANT has considered the foregoing and has determined that same will be for the best interests of the DECLARANT and subsequent owners and lessees of the property. NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARATION WITNESSETH: That the DECLARANT for the purpose of carrying out the intentions above expressed, does hereby make known, admit, publish, covenant and agree that the said premises herein described shall hereafter be subject to the covenants and restrictions as herein cited, which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of said lots, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributes, successors and assigns to wit:: The following landscaping will be installed on the portion of the property where the wireless telecommunication facility is constructed as depicted on the approved Site Plan: 1. Six (6) Eastern Red Cedars to be located along the west side of the proposed equipment area, which measures approximately 36 feet in length (36' / 6'-wide cedars = 6 cedars); 2 2. Three (3) Eastern Red Cedars to be located along the north side of the proposed equipment area which measures approximately 19 feet in length (19' /6'-wide cedars = 3 cedars); 3. The Eastern Red Cedars shall provide contiguous screening of the equipment area to the north and west and will be planted so that the branches are touching; 4. Additional Eastern Red Cedars may be added to accomplish the purpose of the screening which is to mitigate any visual impacts to the adjacent New York State Park and the New York State Scenic Byway; 5. The landscaping shall be kept in good/healthy condition and shall be replaced should any tree(s) die at any point during the existence of the monopole and related equipment. THE FOREGOING covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding on the DECLARANT, its heirs, assign, purchasers, or successors in interest, and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked, or amended by subsequent owners of the premises, but shall immediately terminate upon the removal of the wireless telecommunication facility monopole and base equipment. If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants and restrictions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole, or any other part or 3 provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or unconstitutional. The aforementioned covenants and restrictions are intended for the benefit of and shall be enforceable by the Town of Southold, State of New York, by injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity or at law. The failure of the Town of Southold or any of its agencies to enforce same shall not be deemed to affect the validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability whatsoever upon the Town of Southold or any office or employee thereof. The within Covenants and Restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant and its successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked or amended by subsequent owners of the premises unless and until approved by a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold or its successor, following a public hearing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the within covenants and restrictions shall automatically terminate upon the removal or decommissioning of the wireless telecommunication facility monopole and base equipment. [SIGNATURE ON FOLLOWING PAGE] 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant(s) has duly executed this Declaration the day and year first above written. M.G. . nterprises, 1 c. By: Robert Haase, Vice President STATE OF NEW YORK ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the 10 day of September in the year 2012, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert Haase, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity, and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual or the persons on behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public E BARTOW State of New York A6246841 uffolk untpires IS lr t 5 Schedule "A" Parcel 1: All that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York,bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Main Road which point marks the northwesterly corner of premises herein described and the northeasterly corner of land formerly of the State of New York; running thence along the southerly side of Main Road,North 87 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds East, 151.72 feet to land of the United States Government; thence running by last mentioned land, South 11 degrees 43 minutes 20 seconds East, 752 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Gardner's Bay; thence southwesterly along the ordinary high water mark of Gardener's Bay, the tie line of which bears South 39 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds west, 348.41 feet to land formerly of the State of New York; thence running by last mentioned land North 4 degrees 40 minutes 45 seconds West, 1000 feet to the southerly side of Main Road, at the point or place of beginning. Parcel 2: All that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Main Road, said point being where the northeasterly corner of the premises to be described and the northwesterly corner of land N/F of MGH Enterprises,Inc., as described in Liber 18607 at page 67 intersect said southerly side of Main Road; running thence South 4 degrees 40 minutes 45 seconds East, along the land N/F of MGH Enterprises, Inc., 800.00 feet; thence South 87 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds West, 30.00 feet,to land of Orient Beach State Park; thence North 4 degrees 40 minutes 45 seconds West, along the land of Orient Beach State Park, 800.00 feet to the southerly side of Main Road; thence North 87 degrees 09 minutes 20 seconds East, along the southerly side of Main Road, 30.00 feet,to point or place of beginning. 6 n�u am mm Um"`:i � ;lA _ rac i..— � ow �. ICOM �Io1911t IAE � t 'iplf� ASE .. Int J A w t am t hat NNW Ar raw.MOMPM t �. . L -aarsaws°E rroenaa �a loll Ioebrmiror raEms w / s ,, Man 6 A la PNWAW Mazz N N a1g9//g 1 19 / r. 11E/WCtl410M OF. *� �.. lis ' SCR mE 11 Am PL4cowff Z. MMIA or WIM YAIYIII7 `_, �1p14/11117D, - MIII:R111Cr mmRqm OF wm-10&111ONolt B OR am / IwOI'.7h,MCslfiNG „' �Iackommomm Lem '� AIYeA1gL�' >l1MIL��!r011NOIIAGI #lRMO l ENIBIM4 AME IIrG N� M ar lIE � TOW A vm MIm . E7091NR MR WIIL7I IOYP •� N;il� �NO _ ,� �, /. NNr10�I#17Mi M 611®W=A SMffr wom AULWMA MA M MY WWAOW fNf,OF.VGIgIY�N ' lOi4�fAt14�f`1.1�;6171}74'7/)7,pa►191 OL'IO�I ". lx q Mt now= 7xa toM a if,x tr IIH9t116ti.it W A '� w-:yr A:NfMI�I[ L`f XitE, t.o{ -:r- �.� r ATkT MOBIUIY �1T.AY�lE,lEll�li'fAURAiR' :.1f1i6tIIiAtlr[iT6-0 ' a M ta IL �rwi. w r r fE RAO YOt4C. AmrY m oWw =mop. OIkJR PaR M7 11/ST 79 fASf IaNO'Igi@M f� a�� _ w `�esv4rlM- rstiw� MINMR IL 07lZ 24Y7 MCbM16M SP-1 7 • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �F so�jy P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ��`�` Old Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS N Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS O • 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III �l a� (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR COU Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1935 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 18, 2012 John Coughlin, Esq. c/o Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Approval: Special Exception for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 NYS Rt. 25, ±400' east of Cedar Beach Rd, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Zoning District: Marine-II Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, September 17, 2012: WHEREAS, an application for a Special Exception & Site Plan Approval for a wireless communication facility was accepted for review on January 9, 2012, including a site plan prepared by William F. Collins, dated April 1, 2009; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the above-referenced request for a Special Exception for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District, Orient; and WHEREAS, on January 31, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Part 617, Article 6 of the Environmental Conservation Law acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, initiated the SEQR lead agency coordination process for this Unlisted Action; and WHEREAS, the submission by the applicant has been reviewed and corroborated with an independent radio frequency engineer retained by the Town to assist in the review process; and WHEREAS, on March 12, 2012, a public hearing was held and closed; and New Cingular/MGH Page Two September 18, 2012 WHEREAS, on March 23, 2012, the Town of Southold LWRP Coordinator reviewed the above-referenced project and had recommended the proposed project to be consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies; and WHEREAS, on August 8, 2012, the Southold Town Building Inspector reviewed the plan and certified that the proposed action is a permitted use in this Marine-II Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2012, the General Requirements in §280-70 were met; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board made a determination that the applicant has satisfied the requirements for a Special Exception pursuant to Town Code §280-142 based on the following: 1. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or of properties in adjacent use districts. 2. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in the district wherein the proposed use is to be located or of permitted or legally established uses in adjacent use districts. 3. That the safety, the health, the welfare, the comfort, the convenience or the order of the Town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location. 4. That the use will be in harmony with and promote the general purposes and intent of this chapter. 5. That the use will be compatible with its surroundings and with the character of the neighborhood and of the community in general, particularly with regard to visibility, scale and over-all appearance. 6. That all proposed structures, equipment and material shall be readily accessible for fire and police protection; and WHEREAS, on September 17, 2012, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the application to determine whether it met the additional standards for a Special Exception Approval for a Wireless Communication Facility pursuant to §280-73B as follows: 1. Construction of the proposed facility or modification of the existing facility is a public necessity, in that it is required to meet current or expected demands of the telecommunications provider and to render adequate service to the public. 2. The applicant has made substantial effort to co-locate with existing wireless facilities, or, failing that, has made substantial effort to locate on municipally- owned land or structures, or within or on existing buildings or structures. 3. There are compelling reasons which make it more feasible to construct the proposed facilities rather than alternatives; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action and, as lead agency, made a determination of non-significance and grants a Negative Declaration; and be it further New Cingular/MGH Page Three September 18, 2012 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby finds and determines that the standards for Special Exception Approval have been met; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that the action is consistent under the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program as outlined in the memo prepared by the LWRP Coordinator; and be it further RESOLVED, that after deliberation of the application and consideration of the above factors, the Southold Town Planning Board grants a Special Exception for the Wireless Facility as shown in the site plan application for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises", prepared by William F. Collins, dated April 1, 2009, and last revised August 11, 2012. Please also note the following requirements in the Southold Town Code relating to Special Exceptions: 1. Any Special Exception Approval granted under this article shall have a term of five years, commencing from the granting of the Special Exception, which may be extended for an additional five-year term upon application to the Planning Board. 2. On a renewal application, the applicant shall demonstrate that the wireless communication facility is in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and with all of the conditions of the Special Exception Approval and site plan, that the facility is necessary to provide adequate service, and that there is no reasonable alternative available to the owner which will provide adequate service without the continuing use of the facility. 3. Subsequent Special Exception renewals shall be subject to review by the Planning Board and subject to such standards that shall be included in the Town Code at that point in time. Enclosed please find a copy of the Negative Declaration for your records. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Very truly yours, Donald J. ilcenski Chairman Encl. cc: Town Engineer Building Dept. • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS QF so P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �0� Old Southold, NY 11971 Chair y iTe iT� OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS N Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS 4- 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III Q� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR yCOU rm Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD State Environmental Quality Review NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination Non-Significance September 17, 2012 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Law. The Southold Town Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises SCTM#: 1000-15-9-8.1 Location: 40200 NYS Route 25, Orient SEQR Status: Type I ( ) Unlisted (X) Conditioned Negative Declaration: Yes ( ) No (X) Description of Action: This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District, Orient. Reasons Supporting This Determination: An Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed and it was determined that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. The action was granted a setback variance on February 15, 2012 by the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals. Negative Declaration Page Two September 17, 2012 The property is zoned Marine II (M-II). Zoning districts located within the vicinity of the parcel include R-400 to the west (Orient State Park), R-40 (Residential) to the north and MII to the east. Open water is located to the south. The parcel is improved with a marina/restaurant use. Surrounding land uses within the vicinity of the site are public park, government facilities/marina and residential. Based on the existing use and improved facilities, the proposed action will not cause a substantial intensification of use in the area. Further, the proposed action will not cause significant impacts to agricultural, open space or recreational resources. No substantial adverse change in existing air quality, ground or surface water quality or quantity, traffic or noise level will occur as a result of the proposed action. The tower would be visible from New York State Route 25, a New York State Scenic Byway, and secondary roads. The structure would also be visible from the roadway serving Orient Beach State Park. A Visual Analysis titled Proposed Public Utility Wireless Communications Facility Orient by the Sea Restaurant (dated December 2011), prepared by VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C., has been submitted. Based upon the analysis, the proposed action will not result in a significant impact to view sheds important to the community. The action proposes to mitigate impacts through concealed antennae design, the installation of privacy fencing and Eastern Red Cedars screening on the east and north sides of the equipment area. The trees will be 14' in height and spaced 6' on center. No major change in the use of either the quantity or type of energy will occur. The applicant has submitted an assessment of Radio Frequency (RF) Compliance entitled Antenna Site FCC RF Compliance Assessment and Report (August 2, 2011). The report concluded that the radio frequency (RF) emissions from the proposed antenna to be in compliance with FCC Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits (48 times below the established limits). Therefore, no known creation of a hazard to human health is expected to occur as a result of the proposed action. The site is cleared and improved, therefore, the proposed action will not result in the significant removal or destruction of large quantities of vegetation. No impact to soils is proposed. The New York Department of Environmental Conversation, in a 2009 policy memorandum entitled Guidelines for Consultation with NY Natural Heritage regarding Proposed Co-locations of Telecommunication Facilities on Existing Towers and Buildings (2009), has determined that proposed actions involving the co-location of new equipment on an existing structure (tower) are not likely to adversely affect Federally- listed species in New York, nor have any significant impacts on migratory birds or other trust resources. No significant impacts to a significant habitat area will occur. Negative Declaration Page Three September 17, 2012 The site is improved, therefore, the action would not result in adverse impacts to cultural/historic resources. Similarly, the proposed action will not impair the character or quality of important historical or architectural resources. The site is currently improved and the proposed action will not result in significant adverse impacts to aesthetic resources or to existing community or neighborhood character or result in a material conflict with the community current plans or goals as officially approved. Based upon such, no significant adverse impacts to the environment are expected to occur should the project be implemented as planned. For Further Information: Contact Person: Mark Terry, Principal Planner Address: Southold Town Planning Board Telephone Number: 631-765-1938 cc: Town Board • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��OF SOUTyO P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS N ,r Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS • ,O 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH OIyC�U (cor. Main u h Southold, Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR o 11 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 18, 2012 John Coughlin, Esq. c/o Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Approval: Site Plan for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 NYS Rt. 25, ±400' east of Cedar Beach Road, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Zoning District: Marine-II Dear Mr. Coughlin: The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on September 17, 2012: WHEREAS, this site plan application is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District, Orient; and WHEREAS, on December 9, 2011, the agent, John Coughlin, submitted an application for site plan review and special exception review; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session held on January 9, 2012, the Planning Board accepted the application for review; and WHEREAS, on January 31, 2012, the Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 C., distributed the application to the required agencies for their comments; and WHEREAS, on February 22, 2012, the Orient Fire District determined there was adequate fire protection and emergency access for the site; and New Cingular/MGH Page Two September 18, 2012 WHEREAS, on February 22, 2012, the Suffolk County Planning Commission deemed the site plan application a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s); and WHEREAS, on February 27, 2012, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the above- referenced application and has determined the project to provide adequate drainage and the proposed drainage meets the minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and WHEREAS, on March 12, 2012, a public hearing was held and closed by the Planning Board for the above-referenced site plan; and WHEREAS, on March 23, 2012, the Town of Southold LWRP Coordinator reviewed the above-referenced project and has recommended the proposed project be found consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies; and WHEREAS, on August 8, 2012, the Southold Town Chief Building Inspector reviewed and certified the proposed site plan as a permitted use in the M-II Zoning District; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session held on September 17, 2012, the Planning Board found that all applicable requirements of the Site Plan Regulations Article XXIV, §280 — Site Plan Approval of the Town of Southold have been met; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, in their Special Exception Approval resolution on September 17, 2012, and pursuant to Part 617, Article 6 of the Environmental Conservation Law acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, granted a Negative Declaration for this Unlisted Action; and WHEREAS, at their public meeting on September 17, 2012, the Planning Board granted approval to the Special Exception application for this site; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants Approval with One (1) Condition to the site plan entitled "New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises @ Orient By The Sea Restaurant', prepared by William F. Collins, AIA, dated April 1, 2009, last revised August 11, 2012, including the following five (5) plans: 1. T-1 Title Sheet 2. SP-1 Site Plan 3. SP-2 Enlarged AT &T Equipment Plan and general Notes 4. SP-3 Partial East Elevation, Antenna Plan & Antenna Details 5. SP-4 Antenna Details New Cingular/MGH Page Three September 18, 2012 and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the site plan upon the condition being fulfilled to the satisfaction of the Planning Board. The condition is as follows: 1. Note the liber and page of the Covenants and Restrictions required to be filed with the Suffolk County Clerk regarding the landscaping maintenance on Page A-1 of the site plan. Please note the following requirements in the Southold Town Code relating to site plans: 1. Any outdoor lighting shall be shielded so the light source is not visible from adjacent properties and roadways. Lighting fixtures shall focus and direct the light in such a manner as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries. 2. All storm water run-off from grading, driveways and gravel areas must be contained on site. 3. Approved Site Plans are valid for eighteen months from the date of approval, within which time all proposed work must be completed, unless the Planning Board grants an extension. 4. Any changes from the Approved Site Plan shall require Planning Board approval. 5. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Planning Board must inspect the site to ensure it is in conformity with the Approved Site Plan, and issue a final site inspection approval letter. Should the site be found not in conformance with the Approved Site Plan, no Certificate of Occupancy may be issued unless the Planning Board approves the changes to the plan. A copy of the Approved Site Plan is enclosed for your records. One copy will also be sent to the Building Department and the Town Engineer/Highway Department. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Donald ilcenski Chairman Encl. cc: Building Dept. w/map Town Engineer w/map M i�__�C RE, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP lit ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 NORTH NEW YORK AVENUE HUNTINGToN, NEw YORK 11743 TELEPHONE: (631) 425-4100 FACSIMILE: (631) 425-4104 O) LUUNSEL September 11, 2012 WILLIAM .1. NIELSEN By Hand Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Attn.: Heather Lanza, Planning Director SEP 1 2012 RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility Premises: Orient by the Sea Restaurant & Marina, 40200 Main Road, Orient,NY SCTM#: 1000— 15 — 9— 8.1 Dear Ms. Lanza: As you know, we are the attorneys for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (`AT&T') with respect to the captioned applications. In furtherance thereof, enclosed please find the following documents: Nine (9) sets of large size, revised Zoning Drawings, including Site Plan and Elevation Drawings, prepared by William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP, Revision 7, dated August 11, 2012. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RE, NIELSEN, HUBER& COUGHLIN, LLP By: J. C u in JJC:mk Enclosures CC: Phil Siegel, Esq.,via e-mail RE, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 NORTH NEW YORE AVENUE HUNTINGTON, NEW YORE 117413 TELEPHONE: (631) 423-4100 FACSIMILE: (631) 423-4104 September 11,2012 OP Cov as EL WILLIAM J. NIELSEN By Hand RECEIVED Ms. Kendall Klett, Environmental Analyst New York State Department of Environmental Conservation c rnr . 1 1 2012 SEP 11201Z � Division of Environmental Permits, Region One SUNY @ Stony Brook-50 Circle Road ADMINISTRATION Stony Brook,NY 11790-3409 REGION 1 RE: DEC Permit No. 1-4738-00898/00018—Request for Permit Modification Orient By the Sea Marina Proposed Construction of Telecommunication Facility and Related Equipment by New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC("AT&T")at Premises: 40200 Main Road(Route 25),Orient,New York SCTM4: 1000-15-9-8.1 Dear Ms. Klett: As you know, we are the attorneys for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") with respect to the captioned matter. In furtherance of your telephone conversation with Marisa Knoth of our office, please note that the Town of Southold, as part of its permitting/approval process has requested minor modifications (specifically, additional landscaping and the relocation of an equipment cabinet from the ground to the equipment platform)to the plans that were stamped approved by your office on April 17, 2012 and referenced in your office's Permit Modification and Reissuance Letter, dated April 16, 2012 (copy enclosed herewith). Inasmuch as the proposed modifications do not substantially change the scope of the previously permitted actions or the existing permit conditions, we respectfully request the NYS DEC's modification of Permit N 1-4738-00898/00018. Accordingly,we enclose the following materials: I. Our firm's check no. 1413 in the amount of$200.00,which amount represents the permit modification fee; 2. Four (4) original signed and sealed sets of construction drawings, prepared by William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP, revision 9,dated August 3,2012;and 3. Four (4) original signed and sealed copies of Site Plan, prepared by William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP, revision 9, dated August 3, 2012 (Sheet A-1 of the construction drawings) at the requisite F'=40' scale. Once we receive the modified permit from your office, we will file a copy of same with the Town of Southold as required for issuance of the Town's final approvals/permits for this facility. Should you have any questions or comments,please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanking you for your ongoing assistance with this matter,we remain Very truly yours, RE, NIELSEN, HUBER&COUGHLIN, LLP By: _Jo L ou h in JJC:mk Enclosures • 1 • � � � RE, NIELSEN, HIJBER & GOUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 30 NORTH NEW YORK AVENUE HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 11743 TELEPHONE: (031) 425-4100 FACSIMILE: (031) 425-4104 - September 7,2012 Wci,Eum .r. N*FLstN By Hand Town of Southold Planning Board 2 Town Annex Building SEP r 7 54375 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Attn.: Brian A. Cummings, Planner RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility Premises: Orient by the Sea Restaurant&Marina, 40200 Main Road, Orient,NY SCTM#: 1000— 15—9— 8.1 Dear Mr. Cummings: As you know, we are the attorneys for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (`AT&T') with respect to the captioned applications. In furtherance thereof, enclosed please find the following documents: 1. Nine (9) sets of revised Zoning Drawings, including Site Plan and Elevation Drawings, prepared by William F. Collins,AIA Architects,LLP, Revision 7, dated August 11, 2012; 2. Two (2) sets of revised Construction Draw s r gsenting, prepared by William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP, Revision 9,dated , 201'f and 3. One(1)copy of Emerson MESA Span XL OSP Cabinet detail packet. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RE,NIELSEN, HUBER&COUGHLIN, LLP By: (:��Iohfi J. Cduelin JJC:mk Enclosures CC: Phil Siegel, Esq., via e-mail 0 ,kkL`K_T , CSC From: Richard Comi [mailto:dick@telecomsol.com] Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 9:31 AM To: Lanza, Heather Subject: Re: New Cingular plans for settlement AUG 3 0 2012 Heather, We have reviewed the plans you sent us to determine if there is enough room for a carrier inside the monopole for a carrier below New Cingular inside the pole. New Cingular has plans for antennas with centerlines at 67' and 57. Using the same 10' centerline to centerline, another carrier that needs two levels within the pole could go at centerlines of 47'and 37'. New Cingular proposes antennas are 50.8 inches long. If additional height is needed for a carrier below New Cingular, the centerline to centerline of New Cingular could be reduced from 10' to T meaning a carrier below New Cingular could be located at 53' and 46'. There was no MPE documentation in what you sent. As long as the antennas are at or above the height previously reviewed that is no concern over MPE. If you require anything further, please let me know. Dick Comi CMS On Wed, Aug 29,2012 at 1:39 PM, Lanza, Heather <heather.lanzaro;,town.southold r1v.us> wrote: Dick, We are working on a settlement with New Cingular for the shot-clock lawsuit they brought against us. They sent new plans (attached), meeting our conditions, which were to increase the screening and construct the monopole so that another carrier could go below the New Cingular antennas. I need CMS to review the plans to ensure they are the same as the plans you reviewed previously (just the technical details like MPEweare reviewing it for landscaping and such.). I also need CMS to make sure the plans show that a carrier could be located below inside the monopole. First I need to know if CMS has any outstanding invoices for this application because our escrow balance is very low. Next, if there are no outstanding invoices, can CMS complete this final review for under$647? This is the balance we have left for a consultant fee on this application. Can you complete this review by, say 3pm on Thursday (tomorrow)? Let me know today if possible because we have a very short time-frame to get this review done. Heather Lanza,AICP Town Planning Director Southold Town Planning 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Phone: (6.,31)76.g-i9.,8 E-mail: heather.larnza a%town.southold.ny.us ------------- ------- Richard A. Comi Email:dick(a,telecomsol.com Visit Our Web Site: littp://,kw-w.telecomsol.com Phone:518-439-3079 Lanza, Heather From: Lanza, Heather Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 2:39 PM To: 'Richard Comi Subject: New Cingular recent estimate Dick, CMS has an open purchase order on this application, so please reference Purchase Order 23927 in the invoice for this work. CMS is officially authorized to proceed with this work. Thanks. Heather Lanza,AICP Town Planning Director Southold Town Planning 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Phone: (631)765-1938 E-mail: heatlzer.lanzantown.soiithold.nq.us From: Lanza, Heather Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 2:22 PM To: Randolph, Linda -0v Subject: FW: New Cingular plans for settlement Linda, Please print this for the file and prXseee o er for CMS to do this work not to exceed $500 for the review. This is for the New Cingular at Orient s application. When the purchase order comes bl an authorization letter to CMS along with the PO copy. The body of the authorization letter should readPlease conduct the review of the t Orient by the Sea wireless communication facility plans emailed to you on 8/29/12 as discussed. Orient d please find the purchase order for this work. Thank you. The letter can be from Heather From: Richard Comi [mailto:dick(&telecomsol.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 2:10 PM To: Lanza, Heather Subject: Fwd: New Cingular plans for settlement t Heather, •• •� As discussed, we will review to the plans to show that there is room for a carrier at a lower height inside the monopole. That review will not exceed $500. Dick Comi CMS --------------------------- Richard A. Comi F,mail:dick(u)telecomsol.com Visit Our Web Site: httLi://www.telecomsol.coni Phone:518-439-3079 z • • MT SMITH,FINKELSTEIN,LUNDBERG,ISLER AND YAKABOSKI,LLP ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 466 GRIFFING AVENUE, CORNER OF LINCOLN STREET RIVERHEAD, N.Y.11901-0203 FRANK A.ISLER ((331)727-4100 HOWARD M.FZNAELSTEIN SUSAN ROGERS GRUN FAX(631)727-4130 RETIRED GAIR G.BETTS JEANMARIE GUNDERSON PIERRE G.LUNDBERG PHIL SIEGEL RETIRED JONATHAN M.MARMO FRANCIS J.YAAABOSKI DANIEL P.BARKER OF COUNSEL REGINALD C.SMITH August 17, 2012 ozoao6G FILED VIA ECF Hon. Sandra J. Feuerstein United States District Court Judge United States Federal Courthouse AM 2 0 2012 100 Federal Plaza Central Islip, New York 11722 Re: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC v. Town of Southold Planning Board CV-12-2838 (SJF)(ETB) Dear Judge Feuerstein: This office represents the defendant in the above-referenced case. We respectfully request another extension of time to respond to the complaint in this case, from August 20, 2012, to September 21, 2012. Two prior requests for an extension of time to respond have been made in this case, which your Honor granted. Plaintiff's counsel has consented to this request. We are requesting this extension because the parties are still actively attempting to negotiate a settlement of the underlying issues in this case, including the details. Thank you for your courtesy and consideration in this matter. Respectfully submitted, Phil Siegel PS:cb Cc: John J. Coughlin, Esq. Chairman Donald J. Wilcenski Lynne Krauza Courtesy copy to Judge Feuerstein via facsimile no. 631-712-5636 SOpTholo 1, Town Hall Annex yy Telephone( 31) 765-1802 54375 Main Road T Fax (631)765-9502 P.O. Box 1 179 Cn Southold,NY 11971-0959 �0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM AUG - 9 2012 TO: Donald J. Wilcenski, Planning Board Chair FROM: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector DATE: August 8, 2012 REQUIREMENTS FOR SITE PLAN ELEMENTS & CERTIFICATION Project: Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Location: NYS Route 25, Orient SCTM# 1000— Section 15- Block 9— Lot 8.1 Date: April 01, 2009 Revised Date: November]8, 2011 1. ALL BUILDINGS AND USES SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTERS 144 AND 280 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. 2. OFF STREET PARKING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 3. ALL FENCING, SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 4. THE PROPOSED USE *Wireless Communication Facility IS A PERMITTED USE BY SPECIAL EXCEPTION IN THIS M1I DISTRICT AND IS SO CERTIFIED. * See ZBA APPLICATION # 6533 Michael J. Ve it Chief Building Inspector CW�mr, V,C RE, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 NORTH NEW YORK AVENUE HUNTINOTON, NEW YOEK 11743 TELEPHONE: (631) 425-4100 FAcsIXILE: (631) 425-4104 OF coVma.L September 7,2012 WILLIAM J. NIELSEN By Hand Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building SEP - 7 1 54375 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Arm.: Brian A. Cummings,Planner RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC("AT&T') Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility Premises: Orient by the Sea Restaurant&Marina, 40200 Main Road,Orient,NY SCTM#: 1000— 15—9—8.1 Dear Mr. Cummings: As you know, we are the attorneys for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (`AT&T') with respect to the captioned applications. In furtherance thereof,enclosed please find the following documents: 1. Nine (9) sets of revised Zoning Drawings, including Site Plan and Elevation Drawings, prepared by William F. Collins,AIA Architects,LLP,Revision 7, dated August 11, 2012; 2. Two(2)sets of revised Construction Drawj*�gs����rggpp��penting,prepared by William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP, Revision 9, dated eek W.1201't and 3. One(1)copy of Emerson MESA Span XL OSP Cabinet detail packet. Thanking you for your courtesies,we remain Very truly yours, RE,NIELSEN, HUBER&COUGHLIN,LLP By: J. C6WKlin JJC:mk Enclosures CC: Phil Siegel,Esq., via e-mail at&t SEP - 7 2012 SITE NUMBER: NYCENY1059 / LI-1059 SITE NAME: ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT DRAWING INDEX REV. DIRECTIONS: PROJECT INFORMATION T-1 TITLE SHEET 7 MIDLAND AVE (NORTH—WEST) TAKE RAMP (RIGHT) ONTO SR-17 .TURN RIGHT ONTO RAMP TAKE RAMP (LEFT) C SP-1 SITE PLAN7 ONTO SR-4. TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO 1-95 EXPRESS LN [NEW JERSEY TPKE]. MERGE ONTO 1-95 [NEW SCOPE OF WORK: AN UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY INCLUDING JERSEY TPKE] KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO 1-295 [CROSS BRONX EXPY EXT]. TAKE RAMP (RIGHT) ONTO CROSS TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT AT GRADE LEVEL ATOP NEW ELEVATED SP-2 ENLARGED AT&T EOUIPMENT PLAN AND GENERAL NOTES 7 ISLAND PKY AT EXIT 30E, KEEP RIGHT ONTO RAMP (0.4 MI). TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO 1-495 [LONG ISLAND STEEL EQUIPMENT PLATFORM AND RELATED ANTENNAS MOUNTED INSIDE SP-3 PARTIAL EAST ELEVATION, ANTENNA PLAN &ANTENNA DETAILS 7 EXPY] AT EXIT 73, TURN OFF ONTO RAMP KEEP LEFT TO STAY ON RAMP BEAR RIGHT (EAST) ONTO CR-58 NEW RF TRANSPARENT MONOPOLE. [OLD COUNTRY RD]. KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO SR-25 [MAIN RD] TURN LEFT (NORTH—WEST) ONTO LOVE N. SP-4 ANTENNA DETAILS 7 TURN RIGHT (NORTH—EAST) ONTO CR-48 [MIDDLE RD] TURN LEFT (NORTH) ONTO CR-48 [MAIN RD]. KEEPLSITE ADDRESS: 40200 MAIN RD. ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 STRAIGHT ONTO SR-25 [MAIN RD]. ARRIVE AT MAIN RD, ORIENT POINT NY 11957 • PROPERTY OWNER: M.G.H. ENTERPRISES, INC. 40200 MAIN ROAD, ORIENT, NY 11957 VICINITY MAP CONTACT PERSON: ROBERT HAASE (631) 323-2424 APPLICANTS: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE PARAMUS. NJ 07652 SITE p. LATITUDE: N 41' 9' 9" ..NAD (83) LONGITUDE: W 77 14' 39.7' **NAD (83) EF s 4 ELEVATION: 8'-O' AMSL •+NAVD (88) R n JURISDICTION: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TAX I.D. NUMBER: BLK: 9 LOT: 8.1 SEC: 15 ZONING DISTRICT: ZONE: MARINE 11 MAP: N/A "I'"I $ $� i OFCURRENT USE: MARINA/RESTAURANT F & a E e $ I PROPOSED USE: MARINA/RESTAURANT/WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY CODE AND STANDARDS: ,v ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ALL APPLICABLE NATIONAL AND LOCAL d o �°�—� f fir"+ SITE QUALIFICATION PARTICIPANTS CODES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: 5 JI oe 4� I N NAME COMPANY NUMBER -BUILDING CODE OF THE-BUILDING OFFICIALS AND TC°DE ADMINISTRATION (BOCA) v WN OF SOUTHOLD °o'�'dY' A/E NEIL A. MACDONALD WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AW (631) 689-6450 -BUILDING CODE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK ARCHITECTS, LLP -NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE SAC VICTORIA BRENNAN SHORE 2 SHORE (NEC)( � (631) 807-7636 -NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NEPA) "D r.. �..+ RF SERFIAD GWEN BECHTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS -AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) r'" (201) 755-4297 -AMERICAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION (ASA) M_El CON RICHARD CHIAPPA BECHTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (201) 218-7763 -UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES (UL) �,M, Z""""`"" CONTACT BOB HAASE /.�' Mi BY E RESTAURANT 631 323-2424 -NATIONAL ELECTRIC MANUFACTURES ASSOCIATION (NEMA) C�GD ( ) A I FEE p EFI QCs 4.0� 0 QQ arom, :q,a i.:S4, -LY 0 07i27/11 '�,` _ AN Cr Lo ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT w��� 0 FOR In s, e AT& 1,1261 !>` d o DR, ,� 3 1S I LLIAM F ('01 1 INS. ATA AT&T# NYCENY1059 / LI- 1059 wxim wL n LE SHEL_ A R C H I T E C 14 1 I_ P ( OD. FEE 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOHILITy Qo a,°'✓® i ORiEN' POINT, NY -1957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE ED ORTIF S, CH N. SITE NO SUFFERING HUMBea ecv PARAMJS, NJ 07652 „ ,. UNNI„ r 897 NYCENY'.D59 —1 6 j 4 3 2 1 .�' om=mf'eo.oz] owG Zt x 34 C $IZZ v___ Psc- PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRIC CONDUITS TRENCHED EXISTING OVERHEAD UNDERGROUND FROM PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRICAL oULITY LINES FROM METER AND DISCONNECT SUPPORT RACK TO UTILITY POLE #35 eEvoND PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED ON PROPOSED AT&T TELCO CONDUIT - V,ESQ v PROPOSED ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM PROPERTY LINE, TYP. > EXISTING UTILITY POLE X35 TO -� PROPOSED MESA SPAN CABINET '� AT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 11 EXISTING LNT SITE DATA PROPERTY \ AND MART V gE FUELING 1) NEW LEASE MEA III MONOPOLE &YERIZON MESA SPAN CM) 519 SSD. IT STAT ONi I EXISTING TRANSFORMER, METER AND DISCONNECT fl 2) Q NEW MONOPOLE TO SOUM PROPERTY UK SETBACK 240-10' 3) Q NEW MONOPOLE TO SOUM BULKHEAD SETBMK 196'-7' �� 4) Q NEW MONOPOLE TO SOUTH PROPBM LINE SETBACK 40'-S LOCATION OF PROPOSED AT&T i G 2]4'-0'TO NEW 5) ELECTRIC METER AND DISCONNECT 4. MONOPOLE IXISITIIC BUILDING .� SUPPORT RACK. SEE 1/SP-2 FOR �1 9) 4 KWMONOPOLE lb NORM PRDPERI'! UNE SETBIDN 759'-1' MORE INFORMATION �- 7) E NEW MONOPOLE TO NORM BUUMEAD SETWK 112-10r EXISTING STORAGE 8) C NEW MONOPOLE TO TO NORM O.H. "MT73•_S BUILDING 9) Q NEW MONOPOLE TO NORM RESIODO E PROPERTI' UNE 831-7 10) E NEW WNIOPOLE TO NORM RESIDENNE HOME SEM•DK aw.-Or I�\� 11) i NEW MONOPOLE TO EASE PROPERry UNE SETBACK 253'-e• SSP" QPq�QP� 12) G NEW MONOPOLE TO EASE BULKHEAD SELBIDK 175'-Y ?Q1J 13) f NEW MONOPOLE TO SE PROPERT LINE SETBACK 178'-1- �F 14) F NEW MONOPOLE TO SE BULIMFAD SETBACK 154'-1' 8� pRi / 15) Q NEW MONOPOLE TO SOUTH EDGE OF PAVEMENT SETBMK BT-O- \S . IB) Q NEW MONOPOLE TO WES! MOPE UNE SETBACK 19'-5 �O� � N% / 17) 4M EQUIPMENT COMPOUND TO WEST PROPERTY UNE SETBICK 7--1-8) EW EOUIPMD TO .P� 1NENi COMPOUNEAST BUUtHEAD SETBACK 174'-9' 1 C et 0 19 DFPM OF HMHI GROUND WATER BELOW GRME EXISTING + MARINA /4 (, PROPOSED 14'-0' HIGH X 6'-0" P �L��P�Vp 3M a /p WIDE EASTERN RED CEDARS AT x 6'-0' O.C.. TYP. OF (9) Ol�J �..� 18gy1.'e. RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE TO BE PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT _bi(— \ ..� ,o -GRAY/BLUE: SHERWIN-WILLIAMSSW006 CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW 101 11 COPEN BLUE'. ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL / \ o^IINN @+� ,f+ .g, q // PLATFORM. SEE 1/SP-2 FOR �I � � a 'A /+ MORE INFORMATION �t?� / / NOTE: NOTE: PROPOSED AT&T 70'-0- HIGH RF CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE AND 9•� 14 99� �.,�' ? / RESTORE ANY AREA SITE SPECIFIC SIGNAGE IN 0 t ANTENNAS (TO BE EXTENDABLE TO .I /+ E� 1 WHICH IS AFFECTED BY ACCORDANCE WITH AT&T THEPROJECT 90'-0r) �� s a I j✓*t w�' > �/ oJQe'p E�� ANY LITEMS A D/ORNSTALLATIONF SPECIFICATIONS TECHNICALFORSITE Q- EQUIPMENT WITHIN THIS SIGNAGE. CLQ SCOPE OF WORK. VI L /+ �vO Q LlL1L THE MA.XNNG / �\ \p THE CONSTRUCTION AND PLACEMENT SEC 7p NO \6 `' MARINA \5 ALL TRENCHES TO BE 2a R ..�' 1 i 9 s ° y I c J� / F J HAND EXCAVATED AND THE INTERFERE WITH WILL NOT TRUE POOR7op 1 I'L \,mss NO/ _ I / \J� THAT EXISTING ENSURE COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC THE USUAL ,,,���� UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CUSTOMARY TRANSMISSION OR B ARE NOT DISTURBED. RECEPTION OF RADIO, TELEVISION F o \ •, �� �� o '' * MAKE ALL PVC JOINTS OR OTHER COMMUNICATIONS O�z \ 4 \ �j WATERTIGHT. TEST ANWITH WII H ELECTRICAL s\.9 / $� // PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. TRSM SS ON a DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATIONPROPOSED ANTENNAS. CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE ' PROPOSED RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A +/ CONCRETE FOUNDATION IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK ,<* STATE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED > ` + DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH RAMP 348.41' fi / 'N NOTE: EXISTING VEGETATION, TRAILER AND ''- BOATS TO CLEARED PRIOR TO oo INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED UPON A SURVEY CO START OF CONSTRUCTION /� EXIS-ING BULKHEAD PREPARED BY: , NY 1S 47, ( J1) 73 PLLC, 560 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, NY 11747, (631) 732-7777, (DATED OCTOBER EX.STING S-10REUNE + Sig NORTH 27, 2011, PROJECT N0: OB-0099) aa'a0^ W EXISTING BAY ENTRANCE � I -- A DNS I � ,� � 9 0 5 1 SITE PLAN RS BAa., wviu X1 REFER LM1.��� A SCA Q oiOi, - e ECT TP ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ���� 0 mF.R ) os-6a 8 aT&' MOBIL u I L L I M F c u L L I N S. a I N AT&T# NYCENY1059 / LI- 1059 4 R C' 11 1 T F C T S I I. P wCnlm SITE PLAN MAIN RD AT&- MOBIL Ty 0° 4p0 ro` ' t OR ENT POINT N.Y. 11957 15 EAST MOLAND AVENUE a' LOB NO sTE Nc. 11A.NO 11uRFI [RE" ` �" """ PARAMDS, NJ 07652 , 24897 NICFN'10591 4 7 _ Omm = I'B0.121 owc 22 v 34 J SIZE PROPOSED "VERIZOM MESA SPAN CABINET BY GENERAL NOTES: _ OTHERS MOUNTED ON PROPOSED AT&T ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM 1.E%ISTING STRUCTURE, TRUE NORTH, AND MISC. INFORMATION WERE TAKEN FROM VARIOUS SOURCES OF INFORMATION, I.E.: FIELD MEASUREMENTS, - DASHED LINES REPRESENT EXISTING E \ ( E IST ) ( �� ) Y PIAN DRAWINGS SUPPLIED BY THE OWNER, PHOTOGRAPHS, INFORMATION SHRUBBERY AND UNDERLYING \� �� �� / 28'-0" �� /�l FROM AT&T. THIS PLAN DOES NOT REPRESENT AN ACTUAL SURVEY VEGETATION TO BE REMOVED \-\ /I,I ) / / '\/ I'' ) / \'\ i i % ) `� % ( '\ ) '� //)% PERFORMED BY WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA ARCHITECTS, LLP OR ANY OTHER i )J (9) PROPOSED 14'-0" THIRD PARTY. � � _�� ) HIGH % 6'-0" WIDE 1 \ \ J \ ` EASTERN RED CEDARS AT 2.THIS PROPOSAL IS FOR THE PLACEMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROPOSED AT&T TELCO CONDUIT \� J A�A� }� J V A/V J A J A� � � ROUTED FROM PROPOSED MESA �� -� '�� �% -�i� �� % -Jim -/ -�i�^^` -� `�^T� � -�i�^ EQUIPMENT ON AN ELEVATED PLATFORM AT GRADE LEVEL AND THE �, y 6'-0" O.C.. SEE NOTE PLACEMENT OF ANTENNAS IN A NEW RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE. SPAN CABINET ALONG UNDERSIDE BOX BELOW OF PROPOSED EQUIPMENT �� _ �, /--/-- \ �- /- - -/- \ /--�- ;,,--/--- 1 3.OCCUPANCY IS LIMITED TO PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION, PLATFORM TO PROPOSED HAND ��: ��- /1 ^ /� �� V wY'r- �� APPROXIMATELY TWO TIMES PER MONTH, BY AT&T TECHNICIANS. �' \V�\ r��/ VA A �V A �. _�T i�r\uE T/E—vE— MOUNTED TELCO PANEL /�I �� /� �� J iEy-r-�/E ��/'� T( �� 4.NO NOISE, SMOKE, DUST OR ODOR WILL RESULT FROM THIS PROPOSAL. -------�� ," (F i I Tom/ A j a / L �, )�- / C SII \J�I�V� 5.ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN PROPOSED AT&T LIFE GT'S,` / )<-1 � j J� " �J/ �L /J/')L1 J/ )`"1 J/AL1`1) //� PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRIC ACCORDANCE WITH AT&T PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS AND LOCAL CODES. UNIT MOUNTED TO _ I I I //J-� CONDUIT TRENCHED 6.SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL PERMITS �� f- /` 3 0" 3 �A ) UNDERGROUND FROM PROPOSED HANDRAIL _ J J AND INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION. PROPO x— x �x xxxxxxxx—x—x�-y ���x1 �)J METER SED A DADSCONNECTIC 7•SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ANY DAMAGE EXISTING ��_ �_/ -�i�^ TO PROPOSED AT&T CAUSED BY THE CONSTRUCTION OPERATION. CONTOUR LINE, x - - - - - - - - ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED &SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL TRASH AND DEBRIS FROM THE S17E TYF. ' /- N ON PROPOSED AT&T ON A DAILY BASIS. u r "+, �' EQUIPMENT PLATFORM. SPOTING AMSL I I (- 1\may `�' 9.CONTRAC70R SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND PLAN _ J /� / SEE 1/SP-1 FOR MORE ELEVATION, TYP. 'FF INFORMATION DIMENSIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AND BECHTEL Z_ ( ) TELECOMMUNICATIONS OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO ORDERING (2) PROPOSED ST KED y I I 8.3+ ' .,.,. _ I , r J/ Ll MATERIALS OR PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. 7 PURCELL CABIN 1 1 -0• _ ` / I ) 0.PHOTOGRAPH AND DOCUMENT EXISTING BUILDING OR SITE CONDITIONS OR PROPOSED BB TO BE °; u N �'�/ �� x L /�� a DAMAGE WHICH MIGHT OTHERWISE BE CONSTRUED 70 HAVE BEEN CAUSED INSTALLED IN OP SE I 3'-5" N i / //' BY WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT. PURCELL F 6WS CABINET-� x z u I r , - � �)�� �L� 1.THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS w u ACCORDING 70 THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE OR WHERE LOCAL CODES OR ORDINANCES TAKE PRECEDENCE. 4' • Nµj ,,, \��'y 2.THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS, C qT w I /- PAVEMENTS, CURBS, LANDSCAPING AND STRUCTURES. ANY DAMAGED PART - z �_ SHALL BE REPAIRED AT SUBCONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE TO THE SATISFACTION OF OWNER. 3.ALL EXISTING NITRE SEWER, WATER, GAS, ELECTRIC, AND OTHER UTILITIES 2qs`>c' \ 3'-5" •--' �- ) ) J WHERE ENCOUNTERED IN THE WORK, SHALL BE PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES, AND WHERE REQUIRED FOR THE PROPER EXECUTION XT THE Ty z&t „A 1' 8' q_q• j [� / ) WORK, SHALL BE RELOCATED AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEERS. EXTREME \ q P GSpft F N ^'- x ` \ u CAUTION SHOULD BE USED Bl' THE SUBCONTRACTOR WHEN EXCAVATING N � 1) � � /J - 0R DRILLING PIERS AROUND OR NEAR UTILITIES. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL C,, As C PROVIDE SAFETY TRAINING FOR THE WORKING CREW. THIS WILL INCLUDEN TRV J x \ J 'I BUT NOT BE LIMBED TOA FALL PROTECTION B CONFINED SPACE C �� ELECTRICAL SAFETY D) TRENCHING & EXCAVATION. \ tY` 4.ALL EXISTING INACTIVE SEWER, WATER, GAS, ELECTRIC AND OTHER -���y"'-� UTILRIES, WHICH INTERFERE WRH THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK, SHALL A - /- \ tiV BE REMOVED AND/OR CAPPED, PLUGGED OR OTHERWISE DISCONTINUED AT POINTS WHICH WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE J / I /\�\ WORK, AS DIRECTED BY THE RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER, AND SUBJECT TO x x x x xxx x x x x xx x xx / 1 1 THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER AND/OR LOCAL UTILRIES. h Y ! ) \\�`'\/� 5.THE AREAS OF THE OWNER'S PROPERTY DISTURBED BY THE WORK AND 1'- 3'-B" 6" 2'-11C 2'-11" 2'-6" 2'-6• 2'-6" 10" 10" i// \ NOT COVERED BY THE MONOPOLE OR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE GRADED TO �O S ( ) A UNIFORM SLOPE AND STABILIZED TO PREVENT EROSION. o W s P- \ \ \ 2'-6"t 4'-5 28'-0" I 6.SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE 70 EXISTING SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, IF REQUIRED DURING 8.3+ \ \ I CONSTRUCTION, SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE LOCAL GUIDELINES B FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL. 1 35'-0" 7.THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SITE SIGNAGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROPOSED AT&T EMERGENCY GENERATOR LPROPOSED 400 SQ. FT. AT&T LEASE AREA WITH AT&T PROJECT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR SITE SIGNAGE DOCUMENT RECEPTACLE MOUNTED TO SIDE OF POWER PANEL 13'-O" HIGH CHAINUNK FENCE, 4'-O• WIDE NO. 24897-011-000-3PS-AO02-00013. PROPOSED AT&T E911 GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO LOCKABLE GATE AND GREEN 'PERMAHEDGE', OR PROPOSED CABLE ICE BRIDGE POST EQUAL PRIVACY SLATS NOTE: \\\ TO PROPOSED AT&T CABLE ICE BRIDGE PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE"GRAY/BLUE: SHERWIN-WILLIAMSSW006 BE ON PROPOSED ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL NOTE: PROPOSED AT&T COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES PLATFORM, 7YP. COPEN BLUE% THE CONTRACTOR IS TO REGRADE THE ROUTED THROUGH PROPOSED CABLE ICE BRIDGE PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT COMPOUND AREA TO PROPOSED MONOPOLE PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNA CABLE pp7E: TO A LEVEL GRADE OF 8'-0" AMSL PRIOR TO (6) PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS MOUNTED WITHIN SUPPORT RACK FRAME START OF EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION. RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TYP. (2) NOTES. DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS, ANTENNAS PER SECTOR. SEE SP-4 FOR MORE (3) PROPOSED AT&T RRH'S MOUNTED ON 1. ALL PROPOSED LANDSCAPING SHALL BE CABLING ETC. THAT ARE 70 BE MOUNTED WITHIN PROPROSED UNISTRUT SECURED TO PROPOSED AT&T PLANTED TO PROVIDE CONTIGUOUS SCREENING RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE INFORMATION ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK FRAME TO THE NORTH AND WEST OF THE NEW 14 FOUNDATION IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK STATE NOTE: PROPOSED 70'-C" HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE EQUIPMENT AREA. * LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED EXISTING TREES, LOW LYING VEGETATION, TRAILERS AND CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE (TO BE EXTENDABLE TO 2. LANDSCAPING TO BE KEPT IN GOOD/HEALTHY DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. BOATS IN AREA OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION TO BE 9D'-O.) LEGEND CONDITION AND SHALL BE REPLACED SHOULD CLEARED PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. ANY TREE(S) DIE AT ANY POINT DURING THE PROPOSED MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. —A—A— ANTENNA CABLE DURATION OF THE SITE BEING IN USE. NORTH SEE NOTE BOX THIS SHEET o' 7 <' —T—T— TELCO CONDUIT EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUIT Q %/1,12 —F-nuw IF IF I T S 11" X Y REFER w%womm%mmI 1 SCA-E. 112•=1-0• --- —T/E—T/E— TELCO & ELECTRIC CONDUIT Z 1v1em PHIC S LE. /a"=�'-e' A p vw: Qi mlPrp' xl PROJECT NO W ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT A��� Q S v _ i X647 AW MOBIL'Y u I I.I.JAM r. C o 1 L IN S. AI A AT&T# NYCENY1059 /LI- 1059 Q a' .{ Na G'D A-8:' GUPMENT -_AN A R C I I H E C T S I L Y 40200 MAIN RC " )2 TraLc ORIENT POINT, N.Y. '1957 A_&T MOBILITY �° °'�°�® MP1 ' AND GENERA_ NCILS 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE E Sc. SITE NO. ORu LNG NUMBER SEI PARAMUS, NJ 07652 ..aw w, '� _ Cj�_ '24897 NYCEN11059 SP-2 7 6 7 ¢ 3 � � - orm-sM�eopil -D.c 22 x Y ) S17E PS,- 38" (3) PROPOSED AT&T LTE ANTENNAS AND (6) MMOUNTED WITHIN COMPATIBLE T.O PROPOSED R.F. COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE,, NP. SEE SP-4 FOR y, Piga N MONOPOLE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0" MORE INFORMATION �.°O=�c� SENOR OF 6T-O"t AGLAGL (3) PROPOSED AT&T UMTS ANTENNAS AND (6) PROPOSED CONCRETE MONOPOLE H'61, O'T'9f'Fj O FySNORiN RAY D. rL PROPOSED A7&7 MHA'S MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. SEE 1"Of0 TRUE PROPOSED AT&T COAXIAL ANTENNAS CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TYR. SEE SP-4 FOR NOTE BOX BELOW AND SHEET �/jy'n ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED MORE INFORMATION SP-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION THROUGH PROPOSED PROPOSED 70'-0" HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE PROPOSED 70'-lY HIGH AT&T R.F. ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE FROMPROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE (TO BE EXTENDABLE COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE TO PROPOSED AT&T R.F. 5T-0"t AGL TO 90'-0") TO BE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-O" COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE RAD. PROPOSED PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNA CABLES (6) PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS MOUNTED A A AT&T ANTENNAS ROUTED WITHIN PROPOSED AT&T WITHIN R.F. COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE MONOPOLE, TYP. (2) PER SECTOR. SEE PROPOSED 14'-0" HIGH X 6'-O• WIDE SP-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION EASTERN RED CEDARS AT 6'-O" O.C., TYP. PROPOSED AT&T ELEVATED OF (9) Q ICE BRIDGE (1) PROPOSED AT&T LTE GPS UNIT MOUNTED 0 2 TOPROPOSED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL HBEYOND ow ANTENNA PLAN w1� 'e (1) PROPOSED AT&T E911 GPS UNIT MOUNTED 2 scA�E: Hot to scA�e /+'=�'-o' NORTH TO PROPOSED CABLE ICE BRIDGE POST PROPOSED MESA SPAN CABINET BY OTHERS MOUNTED ON PROPOSED AT&T GALVANIZED STEEL ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM BEYOND (3) PROPOSED AT&T RRH'S MOUNTED ON UNISTRUT SECURED TO PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK FRAME PROPOSED AT&T ELEVATED CABLE ICE BRIDGE STORM WATER RUN-OFF MANAGEMENT PLAN C PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT 1. ALL STORM WATER RUN-OFF GENERATED BY THE PROPOSED ai RACK DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE CONTAINED WITHIN THE PERIMETER OF THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION. 14'-O"t AGL PROPOSED AT&T OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT CABINETS T.O. PROPOSED SHRUBS MOUNTED ON PROPOSED ELEVATED GALVANIZED 2. THE AREA BELOW THE ELEVATED STEEL EQUIPMENT PLATFORM STEEL PLATFORM, TYR. SHALL BE EXCAVATED DOWN TO CLEAN SAND OR WELL-DRAINED (BEYOND) SOIL. THIS AREA SHOULD BE BACKFILLED WITH LOOSE SAND AND 13'-0"t AGL PROPOSED AT&T 13'-O" HIGH CHAINUNK GRAVEL THAT WILL BE GRADED TO ALLOW ALL STORM WATER T.O. PROPOSED FENCE AND T.O. FENCE WITH 4'-0" LOCKABLE GATE AND GREEN PASSING OVER OR THROUGH THE EQUIPMENT PLATFORM A PLACE TO - PROPOSED UPPER ICE BRIDGE "PERMAHEDGE• PRIVACY SLATS OR EQUAL RECHARGE BACK INTO THE GROUND. h 12'_ 41' AGL \ 3. ALL CONSTRUCTION ON SITE SHALL BE PROTECTED BY HAY BAIL V'T.O. PROPOSED AT&T �I - y AND SILT FENCING PURSUANT 70 THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF EQUIPMENT CABINET 1 THE NY STATE STORM WATER DESIGN MANUAL. THESE FEATURES US SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION S17E HAS BEEN h 9'-5"f AGL PERMANENTLY STABILIZED TO PREVENT EROSION. V'L0. PROPOSED LOWER ICE BRIDGE (' � ' 4. ALL WORK MUST CONFORM 70 FEMA FLOOD ZONE REQUIREMENTS. :' A t AMSL 5'-3" GL 3 AT&TT.O. PROPOSED T& EQUIPMENT PLATFORM h 4'-O•t AGL (12' 0"t AMSL) .i 3'-1 AGL 11'-1O"t AMSL B.O. PROPOSED AT&T T T.O. ISED CONCRETE PIER EQUIPMENT PLATFORM (FLOOD LEVEL) h 0'-0• AGL (8'-O"t AMSL) ! NOTE: RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE PROPOSED TO V GRADE -T—�—f • Y TE BE PAINTED GRA / BLUE: SHERWIN-WILUAMS I MONOPOLEA I I I I THE MONOPOLE SHALL BE DESIGNED SWOO68 COPEN BLUE'. BASE 70 ALLOW FOR FUTURE INTERNALLY N T-r-7—r-r�r�T r T-t MOUNTED ANTENNAS AT A HEIGHT PROPOSED MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. NL NL NE —NEI-r NE NL —NE — OTE: �� BETWEEN 40 AND 50 FEET AGL. N SEE NOTE BOX THIS SHEET j j THE CONTRACTOR IS TO REGRADE THE AT&T PROPOSED AT&T GALVANIZED STEEL EQUIPMENT COMPOUND AREA TO A LEVEL DUNNAGE RAILING AND STAIRS, NP. �_ L-_ NO E. GRADE OF 8'-O" AMSL PRIOR TO START OF i FOR GENERAL NOTES SEE SHT. SP-2. PROPOSED AT&T TELCO CONDUIT ROUTED FROM - -- EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION. PROPOSED MESA SPAN CABINET ALONG UNDERSIDE LEGEND: NOTE: AT&TAT&T EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TO PROPOSED ANTENNA CABLE LENGTHS -A-A- ANTENNA CABLE DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS, AT HANDRAIL MOUNTED TELCO PANEL CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN PROPOSED RF SECTOR "A• SECTOR "L9" SECTOR 'C" —T—T— TELCO CONDUIT PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRICAL CONDUITS TRENCHED PROPOSED AT&T TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED ANTENNA COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE FOUNDATION IS UNDERGROUND FROM PROPOSED AT&T METER AND DISCONNECT UNDERGROUND FROM EXISTING UTILITY POLE #'35 TYPE —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUIT TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK STATE LICENSED SUPPORT RACK TO PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED TO PROPOSED MESA SPAN CABINET. SEE SP-1 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED DOCUMENTATION TO PROPOSED ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL FOR MORE INFORMATION, TYP. LTE 94'-0" 94'-0" 94'-0• —T/E T/E— TELCO & ELECTRIC ,FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. CONDUIT 1 PARTIAL EAST ELEVATION UMTS 84'-0• 84'-0" 84'-0 0 �, „ a z « g Scxe ,i4•=r-o• © Tei w < tP T}il$ $HF.EYi4S�-:1 1Y FER '� Q oam n :.TO ADJA ENT }1 LE. Q n µr PROD u0_ ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT A��� « d 8 P f «i m ISSUED IUR SURE SH. vv 11 1. A\1 1 ('01.L I N S. AIA AT&T# NYCENY1059 / LI- 1059 a Q 01S. 1 L V -T/ LEAS' ELEdA`iCN AN F_t'vA �IaN A R f H L C ! 4 2 v MAN RG AT&T MOBI Q S`111/m � & ANTENNA DE AIL� uim OR ENT POINT, N.Y_ X 957 15 - EAST MIDLAND AVENUt .-aoR rvo. sre U. ORAWnG ROuate Rev ' h1 PARAMUS, Nd 07652 iF i— DS INSIDE " _ _ a 24897 NYC-NY1O59 SP-3 7 6 OFN= P[160.091 nwc 22 r Y D SI/L 2 asc _ NOTES: MOUNTING TO A WALL 3. ATTACH THE REAR BRACKETS TO THE HEX s xr75sy.. . s"ef:'. THE TMA CAN BE MOUNTED TO A SUITABLE BOLTS AND INSTALL FLAT WASHER, SPLIT LOCK FLAT SURFACE. WASHER, AND THE HEX NUT ON EACH BOLT. TIGHTEN HEX NUTS SECURELY WHILE 1. THE REAR BRACKETS AND HARDWARE NOT USED. MAINTAINING ALIGNMENT BETWEEN TMA BRACKET 2. IF PRE-INSTALLED. 3/8-16 UNC x 6 1/4" LG (M8 X AND REAR BRACKET. 160 MM) HEX BOLTS MUST BE REMOVED PRIOR TO 4. ATTACH A GROUND CABLE TO THE TMA USING WALL-MOUNTING. UNDO THE TWO CAP SCREWS TO DETACH THE PRE-INSTALLED HEX BOLT AND WASHERS. THE TMA BRACKET AND RETRACT THE BOLTS. RE-INSTALL ROUTE THE GROUND CABLE TO THE GROUND THE TMA BRACKETS AND TIGHTEN THE CAP SCREWS BAR ON THE TOWER STRUCTURE AND ATTACH SECURELY. SECURELY WITH SUITABLE FASTENER. 3. MOUNT THE TMA TO THE WALL USING FOUR 5/16' OR 8 MM BOLTS (NOT SUPPLIED) THROUGH 5. ROUTE A JUMPER CABLE FROM THE 850 MHz THE HOLES IN THE TMA BRACKETS. ANTENNA TO THE TMA PORT MARKED "ANT B50". 4. CONNECT RF AND GROUND CABLES, WEATHERSEAL ROUTE A SECOND JUMPER CABLE FROM THE AND SECURE WITH STRAPS AS OUTLINED ABOVE. 1900 MHz ANTENNA TO THE TMA PORT MARKED "ANT 1900-. ROUTE A THIRD JUMPER CABLE ANDREW TOWER MAST AMPLIFIER NOTES FROM THE TMA PORT MARKED 'BTS TO THE MOUNTING TO A POLE OR BEAM TOWER FEEDER. BE SURE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE 1 2 ATMA ETD819HS12UB DETAIL ASSETMBLLE THE END INOLE MOU TDING ESIREDDWARE ON AS COON N CURVELOOP AT EIOTHERI END STRAIN ON THE UMTS LTE SHOWN IN DETAIL ABOVE. MANUFACTURER ANDREW 6. TIGHTEN RF CONNECTIONS TO 18 FT-LBS (25Nm) TORQUE. L-BRACKET GPS ANTENNA MODEL DBXNH-6565A-A2M 1. INSERT THE 3/8-16 UNC x LG (MB X 180 MM) MOUNT KIT HEX BOLTS WITH THE WASHERS THROUGH THE HOLES IN 7. WEATHERSEAL THE CABLE CONNECTIONS PER BAND DUAL f� THE TMA BRACKETS. BOLTS AND WASHERS MAY BE STANDARD PRACTICES IF REQUIRED BY LOCAL FREQUENCIES, MHZ 70OMHz to 210OMHZ 3/4' TO 1 1/Y PRE-INSTALLED ON SOME VERSIONS OF THE ETB CONDITIONS. PROVIDED MATERIALS IF ANY, CAN POL DUAL GALV. STEEL OR ALUM, INSTALL WEATHER SERIES TMA. BE APPLIED ACCORDING 70 THE INSTRUCTIONS MOUNTING PIPE PROOFING PER ON THE PACKAGE 2. ORIENT THE TMA IN THE SELECTED LOCATION WITH RET INSTALLED ANTENNA MANUF. THE BTS PORT POINTING DOWN, OR AS REQUIRED. B. APPLY CABLE TIES OR STRAPS (NOT CADWELD ON STEEL PIPE. INSTRUCTIONS ALIGN THE V-GRIPS OF THE TMA RACKETS WITH THE L. IN SO.B +/- CLAMP To ALUM. W/BURNDY COAX CABLE SUPPLIED) TO SECURE THE CABLES TO THE W. IN 10.6 +/- TYPE (W/N-MALE POLE OR TOWER MEMBER. TOWER STRUCTURE. C D. IN 5.2 +/- C-11N (3/4' & 1- PIPE) OR CONNECTOR) C-22 (1 1/4- & 1 1/2" LB 34.2 +/- PIPE) COAX CABLE TYP. UMTS/LTE � SUPPORT 2 AWG GROUND WIRE LUG ANTENNA DETAIL TO CRCE 'P' SECTION OR ELEVATION NOTES: 1 E NOT 10 SCALE NEAREST 'P' SUPPLEMENTAL 1. UNSCREW THE BAND CLAMPS UNTIL THE END COME GROUND BAR (L-BRACKET MOUNT) LOOSE AND THREAD THE ENDS THROUGH THE SLOTS I__�GPS ANTENNA IN THE MOUNTING BRACKET AS SHOWN, BEING INSTALL WEATHER PROOFING SET SCREWS CAREFUL NOT To SCRATCH THE REAR FACE OF THE PER ANTENNAMANUF. COLLAR TMA. INSTRUCTIONS 1" (1-5/16' O.D.) X 3'-0" 2. MOUNT THE TMA TO THE MOUNTING PIPE USING THE MAX, BAND CLAMPS AND TIGHTEN CLAMPS TO A TORQUE GALV. STEEL OR ALUM. OF 901b-in (10.2N-m). MOUNTING PIPE PROVIDE APPLICABLE „ 3. ATTACH THE JUMPER CABLES TO TMA CONNECTORS PIPE-TO-PIPE CLAMP GROUND CABLE CLAMP J1(850/90OMHz PORT) AND 2 (1800/1900/2100 \\ (BURNDY TYPE C-11N OR '"' MHz PORT) AND TORQUE NUTS ON THE DIN EQUN.) Epp` Y CONNECTORS TO 2041b-in (23N-m). REPEAT WITH INSULATED SPLIT-COLLAR FEEDER CABLE CONNECTION TO TMA CONNECTOR BUSHING (GARVIN P/N J3 (COMMON PORT). ICE BRIDGE POST GCHKIOO WITH GROUND LUG r 4. GROUND TMA BY ATTACHING A GROUND STRAP 70 OR SIMILAR POST. !. REMOVED) THE M8 GROUNDING STUD ON THE SIDE OF THE B COAX CABLE - " .*�''�:Y`T UNIT. ANDREW GROUNDING KIT, PART NUMBER (W/N-MALE CONNECTOR) ��T GND-1M-Ki. OR EQUIVALENT, MAY BE USED. APPLY COAX CABLE SUPPORT ANTI-CORROSION PASTE TO THE GROUND CONNECTION. �2 AWG GROUND WIRE 5. WEATHERPROOF THE TMA CONNECTIONS USING CADWEROD , OR L POST ONLY IF GUNANDREW WEATHERPROOFING KITPART NUMBER ELEVATION PROSECTION OR NEAREST UG TO RB P' 221213 OR EQUIVALENT. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS SUPPLIED WITH THE KIT 70 NOTES: (COLLAR MOUNT) SUPPLEMENTAL GROUND BAR WEATHERPROOF THE CONNECTORS. 6. STACKING UNITS: 1. LOCATION OF ANTENNA MUST HAVE CLEAR VIEW OF SOUTHERN SKY TO STACK TWO UNITS, REMOVE THE FOUR EXISTING AND CANNOT HAVE ANY BLOCKAGES EXCEEDING 25 % OF THE M6x50mm SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS THAT ATTACH SURFACE AREA OF A HEMISPHERE AROUND THE GPS ANTENNA. THE TMA OF THE MOUNTING BRACKET AND ATTACH 2. ALL GPS ANTENNA LOCATIONS MUST BE ABLE TO RECEIVE CLEAR TOGETHER USING FOUR M6x10Omm SOCKET HEAD SIGNALS FROM A MINIMUM OF FOUR (4) SATELLITES. VERIFY WITH CAP SCREWS PROVIDED WITHEACH UNIT. HANDHELD GPS BEFORE FINAL LOCATION OF GPS ANTENNA. MOUNT THE TMA TO THE MOUNTING PIPE USING THE 3. CADWELDING SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED ON ROOFTOPS. BAND CLAMPS AND TIGHTEN CLAMPS TO A TORQUE 4. LTE-GPS ANTENNA SHALL BE LOCATED 10' FROM ALL ANTENNAS. POWERWAVE UMTS OF 901b-in (10.2 N-m). TSAW-07BP1 11-001 TMA E911 / LTE GPS ANTENNA3 s A EN•S PIPE AND L- BRACKET MOUNT ' 1 2 CA_ENTs A �� ,a A o an c Pa a No. A Ar&T MCF.L_I at&t A u s78 ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT A uen,iw { u I L L I A M I C n L L 1 s_ AI n AT&T# NYCENY1059 / LI- 1059 «I,. yti AN-ENNA D---AILS A R C H T F C T S, LLP 4 2 - MAN �� wrvyu _ AT&I MOBILITY ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 i 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE DaAwwc muueca aev 59 SP-4 7 'a PARAMJS, NJ 07652 " .NN„ u. ..N..., ✓�- r' -i 24897 NYCENYt 0 P 4 z v =- oFN-svh so,0z] DwC 22 e 34 J SIZE m at&t3 D a ?e^ _ 7 PPI 0 SITE NUMBER: NYCENY1059 SITE NAME: ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT E DRAWING INDEX REV. DIRECTIONS: PROJECT INFORMATION T-1 TITLE SHEET 9 MIDLAND AVE (NORTH—WEST) TAKE RAMP (RIGHT) ONTO SR-17 SCOPE OF WORK: AN UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY INCLUDING A-1 SITE PLAN 9 TURN RIGHT ONTO RAMP TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO SR-4 TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT AT GRADE LEVEL ATOP NEW TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO I-95 EXPRESS LN [NEW JERSEY TPKE] ELEVATED STEEL EQUIPMENT PLATFORM AND RELATED ANTENNAS C A-2 PARTIAL SITE PLAN 9 MERGE ONTO 1-95 [NEW JERSEY TPKE] KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO 1-295 [CROSS BRONX EXPY EXT] MOUNTED INSIDE NEW RF TRANSPARENT MONOPOLE. A-3 EAST ELEVATION 9 TAKE RAMP (RIGHT) ONTO CROSS ISLAND PKY AT EXIT 30E, KEEP RIGHT ONTO RAMP (0.4 MI) SITE ADDRESS: 40200 MAN RD. (a.k.a. S.R. 25) `o TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO 1-495 [LANG ISLAND EXPY] AT EXIT 73, TURN OFF ONTO RAMP A-4 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS AND GENERAL NOTES 9 KEEP LEFT TO STAY ON RAMP BEAR RIGHT (EAST) ONTO CR-58 [OLD COUNTRY RD] ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 A-5 CABINET DETAILS 9 KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO SR-25 [MAIN RD] TURN LEFT (NORTH—WEST) ONTO LOVE LN TURN RIGHT (NORTH—EAST) ONTO CR-48 [MIDDLE RD] TURN LEFT (NORTH) ONTO CR-48 [MAIN RD] pg0pER7Y OWNER: M.G.H. ENTERPRISES, INC. E A-6 ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAILS 9 KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO SR-25 [MAIN RD] ARRIVE AT MAIN RD, ORIENT POINT NY 11957 A-7 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 9 VICINITY MAP CONTACT PERSON: BOB HAASE (631) 323-2424 A-8 STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN, NOTES AND DETAILS 9 E-1 ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM AND NOTES 9 APPLICANT: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC 1 15 E-2 ELECTRICAL DETAILS, SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 9 PARAMUSMNJ 0 IDLAND 652VENUE E-3 AC SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM FOR ARGUS TE-41 DC POWER PLANT 9 p LATITUDE: N ars 9' --NAD (83) 3, E-4 SYSTEM DIAGRAM,TOWER SITE WITH OUTDOOR BASE BAND RRHs ON GROUND 9 S 9 Logcl7uoE: w 77 14' 39.7' --NAD (83) k ELEVATION: 8'-0" AMSL +•NAVD (88) WIRING DIAGRAM, OUTDOOR BASE BAND RRHs ON GROUND a e nw.r ss u"a e y JURISDICTION: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD E-5 DC/DC CONVERTER 9 y t TAX I.D.NUMBER: BLK: 9 LOT: 8.1 SEC: 15 r E-6 TELCO, ELECTRIC, GROUNDING PLAN AND DETAILS 9 $e 4 ZONING DISTRICT: ZONE: MARINE II MAP:N/A E-7 GROUNDING DETAILS 9 � w `90 F CURRENT USE: MARINA/RESTAURANT E w A. PROPOSED USE: MARINA/RESTAURANT/WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY 3 ,nvx� nq Q § e Z a p SITE QUALIFICATION PARTICIPANTS o y CODE AND STANDARDS: �q��°,',�_' p 0• ,,.+ �L A/E NAME COMPANY NUMBER ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ALL APPLICABLE NATIONAL AND LOCAL CODES, INCLUDING BUTy,,, o. NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: "'^ NEIL A. MACDONALD WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA (631) 689-8450 f g'p 3, "�"'� //kyr, SAC ARCHITECTS, LLP �L —BUILDING CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD —AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) J RF VICTORIA BRENNAN SHORE 2 SHORE (631) 807-7836 :o< —BUILDING OFFICIALS AND CODE ADMINISTRATION (BOCA) —AMERICAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION (ASA) 'R � {/ —BUILDING CODE OF THE S�A7E OF NEW YORK —UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES (UL) ( ) g w„m CON SHARED HUSAIN BECHTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (978) 239-5328 „ —NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE NEC) —NATIONAL ELECTRIC MANUFACTU E ASSOCIATION NEMA �+' RICHARD CHIAPPA BECHTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS 218-7763 —NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) 9^•�+ MMUNICATIONS (201) 33 dura. CONTACT BOB HAASE ORIENT BY THE SFA RESTAURANT (631) 323-2424 0 zo o� awiv E p .,F IF A Q wmn tip: Qi 1/11111 % PP ECT NO 3 ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ���� � °x`ex® C5-6478 A'&- MOB`IN a o %I I L I A M r. c 0I L I s i. A I A NYCENY7059 / LI-1059 ® Nn.xw TITLE SHEET OF c A R l H T F l T S L L N NY7320 AT&T MOBILITY "^'rn :? E <0200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE II Na 517E No ocnwine NuueEa FE r•E xwE, s..xmr E,N .esx.� ORIENT PONT, N.Y_ "1957 PARAMUS, N. 07652 o .x No .. ..«. mcg 97 NYCENVI 059 T—' 9 N 6 5 4 3 2 —'P orN=sMlso,oz] owc 22 s 34 $IZE� ti __ osc= NEW AT&T ELECTRIC CONDUITS TRENCHED EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES FROM UNDERGROUND FROM NEW AT&T ELECTRICAL UTILITY POLE #35 BEYOND METER AND DISCONNECT SUPPORT RACK TO NEW 6 AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED ON NEW NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUff 6A�SMEw ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-4 FOR TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM PROPERTY LINE, Tva.� o MORE INFORMATION EXISTING UTILITY POLE #35 TO ° 3 r NEW MESA SPAN CABINET AT —EXISTING J^�/ m T CORNER OF I ANDMARPV FUELING SITE DATA PROPERTYSTATION, it v �� 1) NEW LEASE AREA (INCL MONOPOLE & YTOBZON MESA SPK! GB) 519±SO. RIF TRANSFORMER, �' v METER AND DISCONNECT- ! a 2) E NEW MONOPOLE TO SONH PROPERTY UNE SETBACK 2{0•-tp /--� �'• + O ,^ 3) (1 NEW MONDPOLE TO SOUTH BULKHEAD SETBACK 191 LOCATION OF NEW AT&T ELECTRIC I ,- v {) E NEW MONOPOLE TO Sd11H PROPERTY UNE SETBACK a0•-T METER AND DISCONNECT SUPPORT �.' G� 7 5) E NEW MONOPOLE M EXISTING BUI M 274•-7 RACK. SEE 1/A-4 FOR MORE / y 8) E NEW LN7NDPOLE TO NORTH PROPERTY UNE SETBACK 759•-1' INFORMATION 7) E NEW MONOPOLE TO NORTH BWOfAO SETBACK 112-1P EXISTING STORAGE O� o BUILDING � e) E NEW MONOPOLE To NORTH D.H. LrrIUTY n3•-Y 0 9) E NEW MOPOLE NOTO NORTH RF5CEH1IA1-PROPERTY U31'-7NE 8 (.zDE t✓ . IF y '� 10) E NEW MONOPOLE TO NORTH RESIDENTIAL HOME SETBACK 880'-S P.V'- QPFL�QPQ' N 0 11) E NEW MONOPOLE TD EAST PROPERTY UNE SETBACK 253'-4FAA 12) E NEW IpNOPOIF ro PAST BUIKNEAD SETBACK 175•-8' �� S P�f,S,XPt yy� e a 13) E NEW MONOPOLE TO SE PROPER} UNE SETBACK 178•-1' �, �c� \: 1{) E NEW MONOPOLE TO SE BULXHEAD SETBACK 1x•_1- �O t s+ / o Tp1!t j! E 15) E NEW MONOPOLE TD 5011TH EDGE OF PAVEMENT SETBACK 87'-lf VO OFL + s m 1' 19) E NEW MONOPOLE TD WEST PROPEM UNE SETBACK 19•-Y IF ` ''a u�° +� W e Bg p' X- o NEW o tEOUPMFM COYPOIIAD TO WPROPERTY EST UNE SETBACK T-7• 'FALL • � 18) NEW EpAPHIGH COMP D T I FAST GIIIIIFAD SETBACK I74'-9 0. •+ y + •® + ANp 19 DEPTH Of HIGH GROUND WRIER BELOW GRADE // /A,{ Z- 3 NEW 14'-O•• HIGH X 6'-lY MARINAG ° WIDE EASTERN RED CEDARS ® P� 120 1T'' 7 `0 6'-0" O.C., TYR. OF (9) FIX >8.`e. t * NOTE: � )� RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE TO BE NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT i — w� ' '+ o° i 'GRAY/BLUE: SHERWIN-WILLIAMS �1SW0068 ° CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW by ' * COPE/ BLUE". ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL oIF E PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION / NOTE: NOTE: o CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE d NEW AT&T 70'-0" HIGH RF / ,1..a I \ 9,3 ps RESTORE ANY AREA SITE SPECIFIC SIGNAGE IN r COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE AND 6 I \ •y9 vT / ?� WHICH IS AFFECTED BY ACCORDANCE WITH AT&T ti ANTENNAS. TO BE EXTENDABLE TO E, 1 j / Ny, THE INSTALLATION OF PROJECT TECHNICAL 90•-0" �� \I j +/ dt JSP QFQ' ANY ITEMS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS FOR SITE EQUIPMENT WITHIN THIS SIGNAGE. SCOPE OF WORK. s qr&r •s�``A t I �,rP a" P•�F,\ zq crQR .G" ° 5 TRUE- NOR OF AALLERENCHES TO BE THE CONSTRUCTION AND PLACEMENT "o 'yNO/ IA96/ 1 °'Oa I IEXISTING F �5 HAND EXCAVATED AND OF THE FACILITY WILL NOT sm h MARINA INTERFERE WITH PUBLIC SAFETY THAT dl J� BACKFILLED 70 ENSURE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES COMMUNICATIONS AND THE USUAL " - AND CUSTOMARY TRANSMISSION OR B N I A • ,/// ARE NOT DISTURBED. RECEPTION OF RADIO, TELEVISION b z d+ + rN MAKE ALL PVC JOINTS OR OTHER COMMUNICATIONS -X 1°° mss• �' %p'�/ WATERTIGHT. TEST SERVICES OR WITHELECTRICAL a yA �+ PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. TRANSMISSION LINES. a' >r• G �/ DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS, o '��@Y T I�.Z � N� /* u CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE PROPOSED RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A �+ ANTENNA CABLE LENGTHS CONCRETE FOUNDATION IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK STATE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED _ i m + ANTENNA B'SECTOR "A" SECTOR " SECTOR "C" DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. PA, C / EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH RAMP EXISTING UNDERLYING VEGETATION,SaB.ar - + / LTE 94'-0" 94'-O" 94-0"IF NOTE: r v TRAILER AND BOATS TO BE INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED UPON A SURVEY CLEARED PRIOR TO START OFo° UMTS / A, In" 84'-0" 84'-0" PREPARED BY: HAWKINS WEBB JAEGER PLLC., 3239 ROUTE 112, 33 CONSTRUCTION •L EXISTING BCLKHEAD BUILDING 6-SUITE 1, MEDFORD, NY 77763, (631) 732-7777, ?a EXISTING SHORELINE I� �« Q (DATED JULY 2ND, 2009, PROJECT NO: 06-0099) AFFAL ATo c7 L W m/a, « ' ��� E � — EXISTING BAY ENTRANCE €z 1 SITE PLAN N R$ gq�Y \ 1 °��4 0TPl '�rt sHcEr 1r REFER uti.r��� A a•g scALe r=ao•-o• I � : Q °nm_ d / 0 w�/ •79A6)ACE IC GALE. s ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT at&t °'�'� +x os-�a e ATa T MCBIL' W II L1441 P_ t'OI LIAS.A14 NYCENY7059 / LI-1059 ® I t o F/v/w A R L H T I B c T 5. T_T. r NY7320 /w® F,° w /FA SITE PLAN IrE( 40200 MAIN RU AT&T MAND A �° 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE no. srte eo. ore<wlrs eulnerR ew r o ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAM CS, NJ 07652 r, v+. v w ., w e.. 24897 N"„'N' 059 A--' 9 9 U I 6 ,7 4 3 2 — or"-sv[�ea,oz] �wc 22 x 34 D S11F� SYMBOL LEGEND: 19Q]E; pjQTEI NOTE; NOTE; STORM WATER RUN-OFF M6INM M NT P Au —A—A— ANTENNA CABLE DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF NEW ANTENNAS, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO REGRADE THE AT&T ANY EXISTING TREES, UNDERLYING VEGETATION, SEE SHEET A-4 FOR ADDITIONAL 1. ALL STORM WATER RUN-OFF GENERATED BY THE PROPOSED —T—T— TELCO CONDUIT CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE NEW EQUIPMENT COMPOUND AREA TO A LEVEL TTRAILERS O LERCLEARED ATS INTAREA OF O START OF NEW CONSTRUCTION N GENERAL NOTES. DEVELOPMENT SHALL CONSTRUCTION. ONTAINED WITHIN THE PERIMETER OF THE RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE GRADE OF 8'-0" AMSL PRIOR TO START OF —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUIT FOUNDATION IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK STATE EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION. 2. THE AREA BELOW THE ELEVATED STEEL EQUIPMENT PLATFORM LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED "F -T/E-T/E- TELCO & ELECTRIC CONDUIT DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY SHALL BE EXCAVATED DOWN TO CLEAN SAND OR WELL-DRAINED e.6t EXISTING AMSL SPOT ELEVATION OTHERS. EXISTING PROPERTY LIN NEW ESA SPAN CABINET MOUNTED SOIL. THIS AREA SHOULD BE BACKFILLED WITH LOOSE SAND AND ON NEWEW AT&TBY THROUGH ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL GRAVEL THAT WILL GRADED 70 ALLOW ALL STORM WATER BY Zt PLATFORM OTHERS PASSING OVER OR THROUGH THE EQUIPMENT PLATFORM A PLACE TO BECueorr Dery IMIO THE GROUND. EXISTING AMSL SPOT ELEVATION.TYP. _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' \ ( ( \ ( 1 T 1 3. ALL CONSTRUCTION ON SITE SHALL BE PROTECTED BY HAY BAIL NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUIT ROUTED FROM NEW �J ( �) 28'-� r) / -\ �/ ��% /--� AND SILT FENCING PURSUANT TO THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF 1'\ / "\ / �'� / �"\ THE NY STATE STORM WATER DESIGN MANUAL. THESE FEATURES -� MESA SPAN CABINET ALONG UNDERSIDE OF NEW J l I )A r� J J J -�`, ( ���/. �Y1�� ���/- �-��, �� �-��/1 ���� ��\� /�� �y."l` �/� HALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION SITE HAS BEEN a AT&T EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TO NEW AT&T -�-� 1 \ N 1 \ 1\/ ` J \ ERMANENTLY STABWZED TO PREVENT EROSION. HANDRAIL MOUNTED TELCO PANEL. SEE 1 AND � � 566/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATIO ` _/- %� L =!�y ` _/�y L ��y L =!�'�y_ �L =/ ^ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO FEMA FLOOD ZONE REQUIREMENTS 1.r � �- / \ cam / ° DASHED LINES REPRESENT EXISTING SHRUBBERY J(/� 1`` J�J� ]'��f J1� ��/ y�E-= •TIFi-�� J -'zT�E-y'��/� T' L. / -/(�f �L;vL NEW AT&T TELCO AND ELECTRIC CONDUITS AND UNDERLYING VEGETATION 70 BE REMOVED J1 \\ `(' \\ r( \)`, ( )� TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM EXISTING UTIL �� POLE )/35 AND NEW AT&T ELECTRIC METER AND DISCONNECT 70 NEW AT&T TELCO AND ELECTRIC NEW AT&T LTE GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO NEW/ `� /^ r 3' 0" 3'-3" (\�( \ II /), / PANELS MOUNTED ON NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT a EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL. SEE 801/A-6r �.\� ( 1//�/' PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-1, 1 AND 566/A-4 AND FOR MORE INFORMATION x x x x x X X—x—x—x X x—XTa� ^ \�/� � J 1/E-1 FOR MORE INFORMATION �'-� $ U N—NEW 400 SQ. FT. AT&T FENCED LEASE AREA (2) NEW PURCELL CABINETS STACKED. NEW BB TO BE INSTALLED IN NEW PURCELL FLX16WS CABINET. SEE 1/A-5 FOR MORE INFORMATION x Yw X J�ALJ �)1L- z C J )L� NOTES: 7t 1 -0" 1. ALL PROPOSED LANDSCAPING SHALL BE w. u �h h // I x /�� l u PLANTED TO PROVIDE CONTIGUOUS SCREENING 7 NEW AT&T TELCO AND POWER PANELS MOUNTED q_g N 1o,- -)I , 70 THE NORTH AND WEST Of THE NEW o TO NEW PLATFORM HANDRAIL SEE 416B/E-1 SIM. i I W / �� � / //� J w u \ (\� ' ) �'"C EQUIPMENT AREA. SEE 1/A-7 FOR MORE INFORMATION. -r_ 2. LANDSCAPING TO BE KEPT IN GOOD/HEALTHY I CONDITION AND SHALL BE REPLACED SHOULD o \ I III li I '_ -I ANV TREES) DIE AT ANY POINT DURING THE DURATION OF THE SITE BEING IN USE. n F P / I 3'-5" NEW AT&T EMERGENCY GENERATOR RECEPTACLE • J L I $ MOUNTED TO SIDE OF POWER PANEL. SEE 1/E-1 �y F' yS 11' B" W-4 N I ( --NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED ON R PT R"A v n� �� °-' NEW ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM, FOR MORE INFORMATION TO `� / A� O a a in /�)� NP. ZaUE —NEW 13'-0" HIGH CHAWLINK FENCE WITH 4'-0" j ��\ LOCKABLE GATE AND GREEN 'PERMAHEDGE' o x =J i� PRNACY SLATS OR EQUAL SEE SHEET A-7 FOR MORE INFORMATION xx xx—x x—x x— xx x—x x J NEW AT&T ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE. SEE 2/A-4 3 EXISTING CONTOUR LINE, NP. 'I v y N / ( �) �) FOR MORE INFORMATION 1'- 3'-B" 6" 2'-11" 2'-11" 2'-6' 2'-6" 2'-6" 10•L 10" j 1 (9) NEW 14'-0• HIGH X 6'-0" WIDE EASTERN G / \ \ RED CEDARS O 6'-0" O.C.. SEE NOTE BOX z 2'-6"f 4'-5" 28'-0" ABOVE U j 8.3t \ (6) NEW AT&T ANTENNAS MOUNTED WITHIN RF •� `-NEW AT&T E911 GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO NEW (3) NEW AT&T RRH'S MOUNTED ON UNISTRUT NEW AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK - -"- �< COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TYP. (2) Q g CABLE ICE BRIDGE POST. SEE 801/A-6 FOR SECURED TO NEW AT&T ANTENNA CABLE FRAME. SEE 3/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION �= ANTENNAS PER SECTOR. SEE 1/A-3 AND 3/A-6 FOR ti0 MORE INFORMATION SUPPORT RACK FRAME. SEE 1 AND 1104/A-5 MORE INFORMATION Q'v b j FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW AT&T COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED 3 NEW 70'-0" HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT THROUGH NEW ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE TO NEW ° MONOPOLE (70 BE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0-) MONOPOLE za NEW MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. SEE NOTE BOX m THIS SHEET x'w �— 1 hz p aria /� PARTIAL SITE PLAN NOTE: o m' - i IF THIS SHEET IS 11" X 1Y REFER �� tNORTH n 1 sat£ v2'=1'-0• of TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE BAR. ire"=r-m Q wr Kv yx Q. wn�m .y, r tc okn uc L 46478 ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT N NYCENY1059 / LI-1059 40 & mP1" .1 o WIIIIAM E (OL LIAS 1IA n a c e I T e i r s L P NY7320 0 """" A" - ;l P R'IAL saE PvaN ° AT&T MOBILITY 0° x''r lIJ11 FFC-1— w E _ ct F �.Fr 40200 MAN RD . _ roe mo s*c vo. DRAWINC NlM.11 [Fel EAST MIDLAND AVENUE E """ " """"" " """" ORENT 1OIN7, N.Y. 1'.957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 ,„ NYCENY1059 A-2 9 m o U owc 22 X 34 $ZEA vs= (3) NEW AT&T LTE ANTENNAS AND (6) MHAs MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE h 70'-0't AGL _ CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, IYP. SEE 3, 4 AND 5/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION E V T.O. NEW R.F. COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE (EXTENDABLE TO 90'-T) 67'-03 A L (3) NEW AT&T UMTS ANTENNAS AND (6) MHAs MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE e' RAD. NEW AT&T ANTENNAS CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TYP. SEE 3, 4 AND 5/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION s NEW 70'-O' HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE G a (TO BE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0') h NEW AT&T COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED WITHIN NEW AT&T ry 57-0'3 AGL MONOPOLE. SEE 1/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION RAD. NEW AT&T ANTENNAS (9) NEW 14'-0" HIGH X 6'-0" WIDE EASTERN RED CEDARS O 6'-0" O.C. `o BEYOND. SEE 1/A-7 FOR MORE INFORMATION U (1) NEW AT&T LTE GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO NEW EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL BEYOND. SEE 1121A/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION (1) NEW AT&T E911 GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO NEW CABLE ICE BRIDGE POST. SEE 1121A/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION E (3) NEW AT&T RRH'S MOUNTED UNISTRUT SECURED TO NEW AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT EE RACK FRAME. SEE 111OB/A-5 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW 'VERIZOTY MESA SPAN CABINET MOUNTED ON NEW GALVANIZED STEEL ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM BEYOND. SEE 1/A-2 FOR MORE D INFORMATION C v NEW AT&T ELEVATED CABLE ICE BRIDGE. SEE 2 AND 4/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION 0 NEW AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK. SEE 3/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION 0 E 14'-0"3 AGL NEW AT&T OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW GALVANIZED STEEL T.O. NEW SHRUBS ELEVATED PLATFORM, NP. SEE 1/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION ° (BEYOND) v 13'-0"3 AGL NEW AT&T 13'-0' HIGH CHAINUNK FENCE WITH 4'-0' LOCKABLE GATE AND GREEN .. T.O. NEW FENCE AND T.O. NEW 'PERMAHEDGE PRIVACY SLATS OR EQUAL SEE SHEET A-7 FOR MORE INFORMATION UPPER ICE BRIDGE v' h 12-5'3 AGL NEW GALVANIZED STEEL ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION 2 T.O. NEW AT&T ' EQUIPMENT CABINET c h 9'-5'3 AGL NEW CONCRETE PIER, NP. OF (6) LOCATIONS. SEE 1 AND 4/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION 7.0. NEW LOWER ICE BRIDGE L 5'-3'3 AGL 13'-3'3 AMSL T.O. NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT PLATFORM h4'-0'3 AGL (12'-0'3 AMSL) y 3 10'3 AGl 11'-10'3 AMSL - B v V 8.0. NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT r T. NEW CONCRETE PIER 3 PLATFORM (FLOOD LEVEL) � a r TH�CONTRACTOR IS TO REGRADE THE AT&Th 0'-0' AGL (8'-0'3 AMSL) LT V GRADE �� ? EQUIPMENT COMPOUND AREA TO A LEVEL 4 I I I GRADE OF 8'-0' AMSL PRIOR TO START OF MONOPOLE' NOTE. EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION. BASE 1 THE MONOPOLE SHALL BE DESIGNED NEW MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. SEE T T T—T—T—I T�T T T—T—T—T NOTE BOX THIS SHEET NE NE NE —NE NE NE I NE NE —NE NE NE TO ALLOW FOR FUTURE INTERNALLY I MOUNTED ANTENNAS AT A HEIGHT _ NEW AT&T GALVANIZED STEEL DUNNAGE RAILING I BETWEEN 40 AND 50 FEET AGL. r` AND STAIR, TYP. SEE SHEET A-8 FOR MORE I a,- LEGEND: a L-J L_J cQ —A—A— ANTENNA CABLE INFORMATION ( , TELCO CONDUIT NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUIT ROUTED FROM NEW MESA SPAN�CABINEf ALONG �� —T—T— DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION q q UNDERSIDE OF NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TO NEW AT&T HANDRAIL 0' 2 a' E' OF NEW ANTENNAS, CABLING ETC. —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUIT MOUNTED TELCO PANEL. SEE 1/A-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION NOTE. THAT ARE 70 BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE s3 T THIS SHEET IS 11"PHI X 1T REFER L��� o —T/E*/E— TELCO & ELECTRIC NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM EXISTING UTILITY TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. Ve'=r-a NEW RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE CONDUIT STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE FOUNDATION POLE ATI 70 NEW MESA SPAN CABINET. SEE 1/A-1 AND 566/A-4 FOR MORE IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK INFORMATION `°�°'�" STATE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL N z 0 _ SIGNED AND SEALED E." EAST ELEVATION NEW AT&T ELECTRICAL CONDUITS TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM NEW AT&T METER AND Q °vu" � ..DQCUM ON FOR THIS WORK NORTH `v- 1 DISCONNECT SUPPORT RACK TO NEW AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED TO NEW ELEVATED . L�, ll$SOEC 'BE- DTHERS. a� scA�e va•=r-o• poi=a= SHA - EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL. SEE 1 AND 566/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION 0 < qmr, Q qE li' ECT NO AVI 3 ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT at&t D qq A 0 6478 AT&T NCB DTY o N'ILL1.4N ECOL11AS. AIA NYCENY7059 /1-1-1059 I t 'L ARC C H I T F ( T S_ LIP P NY7320 """q a� EAST ELEVATION v c TEi . <=oan� .ETra .. 4C20C MAIN RC AT&T MOBILITY Z gimq E ` EAST MIDLAND AVENUP =oe srtE Nc oaAw�Na NuueEe eE� fi a 1O1 """'^ "^^" ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 4$J7 NYCENY1C59 A-3 9 v _ . sAL � 4 Y — _ oTN=s�C ecpzl �wv cc 1 34 ( SIjF�c i 11c GENERAL NOTES 1. EXISTING STRUCTURE, TRUE NORTH, AND MISC. INFORMATION WERE TAKEN FROM VARIOUS SOURCES OF INFORMATION, I.E.: FIELD MEASUREMENTS, PLAN DRAWINGS SUPPLIED BY THE OWNER, PHOTOGRAPHS, INFORMATION FROM AT&T. THIS PLAN DOES NOT REPRESENT AN ACTUAL SURVEY PERFORMED BY WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA ARCHITECTS, LLP OR ANY OTHER THIRD PARTY, 2.THIS PROPOSAL IS FOR THE PLACEMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT ON AN ELEVATED PLATFORM AT GRADE LEVEL AND THE PLACEMENT OF ANTENNAS IN A NEW RF COMPATIBLE FLAGPOLE. _F TRENCH FINISH GRADE, MATCH 3.OCCUPANCY IS LIMITED TO PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION, APPROXIMATELY TWO TIMES PER MONTH, BY CINGULAR SLOPE AND THICKNESS TECHNICIANS. m OF EXISTING 4.NO NOISE, SMOKE, DUST OR ODOR WILL RESULT FROM THIS PROPOSAL. c I_ I I—III 111_111_111_ j_I _I COMPACTED BACKFILL PER 5.ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CINGULAR PROJECT SPECIFICATION EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS AND LOCAL CODES. UNDISTURBED SOIL &SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION. [) a i = _-'_-= _ 7.SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE CONSTRUCTION OPERATION. VIII ILII6" WIDE METAL CORE, 8.SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL TRASH AND DEBRIS FROM THE SITE ON A DAILY BASIS. 'm —III— ----------- _ UNDERGROUND WARNING RIGID STEEL /RIGID GALV. STEEL 9.CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND PLAN DIMENSIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE =-_=-=7 -_ — TAPE PRINTED WITH "CAUTION CONDUIT PLUG ,[ CONDOR COUPLING ENGINEER AND BECHTEL COMMUNICATIONS OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS OR PROCEEDING WITH n -------- ----= Ij- BURIED UTILITY LINES" 6" GRADE CONSTRUCTION. 2x12 CCA.04 TREATED IO.PHOTOGRAPH AND DOCUMENT EXISTING BUILDING OR SITE CONDITIONS OR DAMAGE WHICH MIGHT OTHERWISE BE CONSTRUED '• IjI jjjj- CONTINUOUS PLANKS PAINTED RIGID GALV. TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT. o =jlj—j III RRED.EQ'DNFOR WIDOH POLANKS AS STEEL CONDUIT SCS ZEHEADSULE SIZE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE OR WHERE LOCAL CODES OR ORDINANCES TAKE PRECEDENCE. TRENCH 2.THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS, PAVEMENTS, CURBS, LANDSCAPING AND STRUCTURES. ANY RIGID GALV. STEEL SHOWN ON DAMAGED PART SHALL BE REPAIRED AT SUBCONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE TO THE SATISFACTION OF OWNER. a J' -VIII 1 BACKFILL (SAND OR TO PVC ADAPTER LAYOUTS 3.ALL EXISTING ACTIVE SEWER, WATER, GAS, ELECTRIC, AND OTHER UTILITIES WHERE ENCOUNTERED IN THE WORK, SHALL BE NATIVE SOIL) PER SCH. 40 PVC I— I_I PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES, AND WHERE REQUIRED FOR THE PROPER EXECUTION OF THE WORK, SHALL BE RELOCATED AS a TELEPHONE - j j= ` EARTHWORK SPECIFICATION DIRECTED BY ENGINEERS. EXTREME CAUTION SHOULD BE USED BY THE SUBCONTRACTOR WHEN EXCAVATING OR DRILLING . CONDUIT 1 SCH. 40 PVC PIERS AROUND OR NEAR UTILITIES. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SAFETY TRAINING FOR THE WORKING CREW. THIS WILL . ( POWER CONDUIT INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO A) FALL PROTECTION B) CONFINED SPACE C) ELECTRICAL SAFETY D) TRENCHING & ACTIVE, CONDUIT EXCAVATION. E AS REQUIRED) 4" MIN TO SECONDARY ELECTRIC 4.ALL EXISTING INACTIVE SEWER, WATER, GAS, ELECTRIC AND OTHER UTILITIES, WHICH INTERFERE WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE SIZE PER LOCALWORK, SHALL BE REMOVED AND/OR CAPPED, PLUGGED OR OTHERWISE DISCONTINUED AT POINTS WHICH WILL NOT INTERFERE TEL. CO. 1T MIN TO PRIMARY ELECTRIC WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK, AS DIRECTED BY THE RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER, AND SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER AND/OR LOCAL UTILITIES. S.THE AREAS OF THE OWNER'S PROPERTY DISTURBED BY THE WORK AND NOT COVERED BY THE MONOPOLE OR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE GRADED TO A UNIFORM SLOPE AND STABILIZED TO PREVENT EROSION. DETAIL @ UNDERGROUND 16.SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO EXISTING SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, IF C DETAIL TYPICAL UTILITY TRENCH REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION, SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE LOCAL GUIDELINES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT /,\ @ CONDUIT STUB-UP CONTROL. scnLe.Iv.rs. v SLALe.va•=r-a' 17.THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SITE SIGNAGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AT&T PROJECT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR SITE SIGNAGE DOCUMENT NO. 24897-011-000-3PS-A002-00013. CUT POST LENGTH TO SUIT BY 'o REMOVING UNCAPPED END NOTES: E 1.WHEN USING COMPONENTS AS SHOWN IN STANDARD ° [PN WB40001 OR W840002 DETAILS, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN BETWEEN SUPPORTS RIP LOOP, OUTLINE OF REAR OF UMTS CONNECTOR PAIR BCCH/GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO (SEE TABLE)] ON A CONTINUOUS SINGLE SECTION OF BRIDGE CHANNEL TYP. NODE "B" CABINET WEATHERPROOFED CABLE SUPPORT RACK 1Y WIDE X 120" LONG ICE SHALL BE 9 FEET FOR 10 FEET BRIDGE CHANNEL. o oBRIDGE CUT ICE BRIDGE JUMPER TERMINATION AT c NOKIA EQUIPMENT CHANNEL 2.WHEN USING COMPONENTS FOR SPLICING BRIDGE UMTS UMTS 3'-p^ MAX, mm LENGTH TO SUIT (SEE NOTES) CHANNEL SECTIONS, THE SPUCE SHOULD BE PROVIDED AT 3 3 THE SUPPORT, IF POSSIBLE, OR AT A MAXIMUM OF 2 (2)-1/2"a E911 COAX FROM LAST .. ` FEET FROM THE SUPPORT. rB JUMPERS SUPPORT TO [PN WB40003 (SEE TABLE)] 24 yp BATT BATT NOKIA TRANSITION EQUIPMENT w TRAPEZE KR 3.WHEN USING COMPONENTS, SUPPORT SHOULD BE -COAX LMFC AT 24VDC z (2) TRAPEZE KITS ARE INCLUDED PROVIDED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE ENDS OF ICE CONNECTOR CABINET E a o WITH ICE BRIDGE. ORDER WITH LEAVE 1/2" JUMPER -• m 1 BRIDGES, WITH A MAXIMUM CANTILNER DISTANCE OF 2 w o iv ADDITIONAL TRAPEZE KITS AS FEET FROM THE SUPPORT TO THE FREE END OF THE ICE o ° -EXTEND 5' 1'-0" F WEATHER UNISTRUT RACK i COAX REQUIRED, TO MAINTAIN MAXIMUM PIGTAIL s o BRIDGE. PROOFING AS REQUIRED T TOS SUPPORT, o f CABLE SPAN OF 3'-0" (TYP) UMTS 1 FOR i'-5 TRIP. a 3 j 4.CUT BRIDGE CHANNEL SECTIONS SHALL HAVE RAW EDGES A1�N CABINET, POWER RTO ROP SUPPORT B o TREATED WITH A MATERIAL TO RESTORE THESE EDGES TO TYR. m ANTENNA CABLES ARRANGEMENT THE ORIGINAL CHANNEL, OR EQUIVALENT, FINISH. 24VDC 24-$e Zv a m FRAME a w o BY SUB-CONTRACTOR OAX AND 2-]L14GND I 0 COAX T`+ 53CE BRIDGES MAY BE CONSTRUCTED WITH COMPONENTS SUPPORT, 1"C FOR ALPHA NOKIA�! z CONNECTOR FROM OTHER MANUFACTURERS, PROVIDED THE CABINET' WITH TYP. T1s TO E911 z u ? MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDELINES ARE FOLLOWED. EQUIPMENT AND TYP a l.� SUPPORT TVSS ALARM WEATHER- " ' Q 6.DEVIATIONS FROM STANDARDS FOR COMPONENT FRAME EOUIPMEN CABLE TO PROOFING PLATFORM o n CONCRETE PIER ECTIVE INSTALLATIONS ARE PERMITTED WITH THE RESP1 OOBTS MAIN COAX MANUFACTURER'S APPROVAL. 7# 0TY. 7,DEVIATIONS FROM ICE BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS REQUIRE LB70 ANTENNA ENGINEERING APPROVAL. #2 AWG GREEN UNISTRUT 1 5/8" CHANNEL GROUND LEAD TO COAX MTS �QPART GROUND LEAD TO COAX INSULATED (RT) P1000 (TYP); USE UNISTRUT GROUND BAR B-KS110-13B GROUND BAR BCW GROUNDW INSTALL DRIP LOOP ON ANTENNA CABLES AT BOLTING HARDWARE AT ALL GROUND KIT WITH MTS TPwN�A 802603 BOTTOM OF TOWER/MONOPOLE. BENDING GROUND KIT WITH WEATHER NEW EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS AND BASE WEATHER PROOFING (NO PART RADIUS PER MANUFACTURER'S STANDARDS PROOFING (HE IN BEND OF PLATFORM (UNISTRUT OR SIMILAR COLD IN BEND OF COAX) 3 COAX) FORMED STRUT CHANNEL) oB-KS110-15B MAIN COAX ' X I VALMONT PART $802604 j NMrs PART SMT-08269 CABLE SUPPORTSRLIR €� / \TYP. ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE DETAIL F R Q S O EQUIPMENT CABINET oALL �/v, K A o-� L SCALE'. N.T.S. o/2a/ '} •\ /.. Qs w/w/ wI IMUM MR K-1—RMEIR c p NI : ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT �w ���" os 6418 at&t /�/® nT Moe11'TY NYCENY1059 / LI-1059 ° W1111 AM E COI 11A5 AIA A R ( H I I L ( r s I L P NY7320 p /_'/� 1. ARCHITECTURAL CE-% AT&T MOBILITY E wmYs AND GENERAL NOTES r tiE r 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE eoe 0� srtc Nc. 0enwmc nuueea asv r vacs ,_ "NP nR ,x • +.-v" ORIENT POINT, NY_ 11957 PARAMJS, NJ 07652 897 NYCEN71059 A-4 ° ..,R..�.k. 6 S 4 Z L - ore=swf•60021 .owe 22 r 31 D S1/ `." Psc- DTH 10.38 WI 6.29" (263.31 mm) d •1TW (159.87mm ) 10B.2" 5 2' 01 6 2 .30m m) [jj�:(260 tt/r (157.40mm) 0s ? 23.20mm) te O ®_ i m 1; C SIZE AND WEIGHT TABLE +k ' - �f -j E E E HEIGHT W/0 CABLE WEIGHT �, 1,_�, b E 1r, E ;0 E RRH WIDTH DEPTH +. _ 5/e" D BOLT 0 _o n o N M MANAGEMENT COVER' W O BRACKET HOLE (TYP) 7 r o o o RRH 700 MHz c U FROM RIGHT SIDE FRONT BOLT HOLE PLAN m N N 12.r 10.8" 21" 51 LBS. ,., PLAN 2X40 (BOW) NOTE: NOTE: DIMENSIONS INCLUDE MOUNTING BRACKET, SOLAR SHIELD AND CONNECTORS. ATTACH CABINET TO EXIST STEEL BEAM/GRATING/PURCELL CABINET USING 1/r DIA BOLTS/J-BOLTS, WEIGHT 500 LBS MINIMUM CLEARANCE TABLE 0 u RRH CABINET CLEARANCES �ARANC S COMMENTS FIBER AND POWER 00.313 (7.94mm)(4 PLACES) FRONT 36" INSTALLATION ACCESS PURCELL EQUIPMENT CABINET DISTRIBUTION BOX DC2-48-60-0-9E ZERO REAR CLEARANCE IS ALLOWED USING a 1 scA�c ,_, r -moi•- 10 scnLc, , , z•-,._o• REAR r SUPPLIED MOUNTING BRACKETS RIGHT 4" AIR FLOW E LEFT 4" AIR FLOW TOP 12" AIR FLOW BOTTOM 12" j CONDUIT ROUTING ALCATEL-LUCENT 9442 c REMOTE RADIO HEAD (RRH) DETAIL FIBER & POWER DISTRIBUTION i n sLALL.NI `o 14 1 BOX W/48V DC SURGE DC2-48-60-0-9E. SEE o I e 10 0 0 NOTE 4 AND DETAIL 1100 THIS SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION 0 �\ i 700 MHz RRH. SEE DETAIL c 0 1104 THIS SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION P1000 UNISTRUT CHANNEL POWER DISTRIBUTION OR EQUIVALENT, TYP. BOX W/48V DC SURGE ° DC6-48-60-O-1B-01 a1 NEW AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK, - (NOTE 4) n TYP. SEE 1/A-3 AND 3/A-4 FOR MORE rn INFORMATION .� NEW EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL BEYOND, TYP. SEE 1/A-2 AND 1/A-3 FOR MORE INFORMATION 1 GROUND BARI s b � °" NEW AT&T ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM, TYP. + p (1r MIN.xrz1/ ") p SEE 1/A-2 MORE INFORMATION B 3 I a zd a; a NOTES 1. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL UNISTRUT OR EQUIVALENT) MOUNTING CHANNELS �a 2. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY (BUT NOT INSTALL) 3/80 UNISTRUT BOLTING HARDWARE AND SPRING NUTS. TYPICAL OF FOUR PER RRH. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BAG THE BOLTING HARDWARE AND HANG FROM INSTALLED UNISTRUT FRAME. E3. SPACING MAY VARY BASED ON SELECTED EQUIPMENT. ADJUSTMENTS TO SPACING WILL BE MADE v BY RRH INSTALLER. 0 3 4. THE BOX MAY BE MOUNTED DIRECTLY BEHIND THE RRH'S IF SPACE IS AVAILABLE. ? S. NO PAINTING OF THE RRH OR SOLAR SHIELD IS ALLOWED. N a A, E, �oREMOTE RADIO HEAD (RRH) RACK DETAIL - �� ��� p o A G� 1 CALE NTS owho,,, U Q WIINMQ' NO ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT 1r lr 64;a AT&T MOBI_ITY wlu,nAn r_ cou,�s.nln NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 i� og A a c u r F c T s. u F NY7320 CABINET EF7Ar_S 402DC MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY °= E 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE eo. sre eo. o�wwc nousee aLv � E °"L ""`"' x """-"'" CR'ENT POINT, N.v. ,1957 a PARAM'JS, NJ 07652 © o "oho . «",.�. '�4897 N"CENY'C_`9 A-,. 9 " r 4 ..� _ oru=svf'eo.oe] owa 7L r A SIZL 0 NOTES. ! 7 TOP CAP, BY OTHERS MOUNTING TO A WALL 3. ATTACH THE REAR BRACKETS TO THE HEX ' ` - THE TMA CAN BE MOUNTED TO A SUITABLE BOLTS AND INSTALL FLAT WASHER, SPLIT LOCK VIEW C ANTENNA MOUNTING �x, FLAT SURFACE. WASHER, AND THE HEX NUT ON EACH BOLT. BRACKETS BY OTHERS, TYR. r, TIGHTEN HEX NUTS SECURELY WHILE a �- 1. THE REAR BRACKETS AND HARDWARE NOT USED. MAINTAINING ALIGNMENT BETWEEN TMA BRACKET 2. IF PRE-INSTALLED. 3/8-16 UNC x 6 1/4" LG (M8 X AND REAR BRACKET. ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL B 160 MM HEX BOLTS MUST BE REMOVED PRIOR TO BRACKETS TO BE _ ) 4. ATTACH A GROUND CABLE TO THE TMA USING a PLACED AS NEEDED - BULKHEAD, BY WALL-MOUNTING. UNDO THE TWO CAP SCREWS TO DETACH THE PRE-INSTALLED HEX BOLT AND WASHERS. �� OTHERS 53 THE TMA BRACKET AND RETRACT THE BOLTS. RE-INSTALL ROUTE THE GROUND CABLE TO THE GROUND 'D a ANTENNA MOUN4NG THE TMA BRACKETS AND TIGHTEN THE CAP SCREWS BAR ON THE TOWER STRUCTURE AND ATTACH SECURELY. m BRACKETS BY OTHERS, j NQIE: SECURELY WITH SUITABLE FASTENER. TYR. I A FOR ANTENNA INFORMATION SEE DETAI 3. MOUNT THE TMA TO THE WALL USING FOUR 4'v 1 \� ` 2 AND 3 THIS SHEET. 5/16" OR 8 MM BOLTS (NOT SUPPLIED) THROUGH 5. ROUTE A JUMPER CABLE FROM THE 850 MHz THE HOLES IN THE TMA BRACKETS. ANTENNA TO THE TMA PORT MARKED "ANT 850". E 5' O.D. MAST 4. CONNECT RE AND GROUND CABLES, WEATHERSEAL ROUTE A SECOND JUMPER CABLE FROM THE AND SECURE WITH STRAPS AS OUTLINED ABOVE. 1900 MHz ANTENNA TO THE TMA PORT MARKED _ ANTENNA MOUNTING "ANT 1900". ROUTE A THIRD JUMPER CABLE DBRACKETS BY OTHERS, ANDREW TOWER MAST AMPLIFIER NOTFc. FROM THE TMA PORI MARKED 'BTS TO THE Typ NOMINAL MOUNTING TO A POLE OR REAM TOWER FEEDER. BE SURE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE VIEDIA. (IN.) 18 ATMA ETD819HS12UB DETAIL ASSEMBLE THE POLE MOUNTING HARDWARE ON CURVE OR LOOP TO RELIEVE UNDUE STRAIN ON SPIDER FLANGE BY Q scALe.NTs. - OTHERS MAXIMUM WIND THE TMA AND INSTALL THE DESIRED LOCATION AS CONNECTIONS AT EITHER END. LOAD (MPH) 100 SHOWN IN DETAIL ABOVE. 6. TIGHTEN RF CONNEC710NS TO 18 FT-LBS MATING FLANGE L-BRACKET GPS ANTENNA (25Nm) TORQUE. ANTENNA MOUNTHICKNESS (IN.) 2.5 MOUNT KIT 1. INSERT THE 3/8-16 UNC x 7' LG (MB X 180 MM) EBRACKETS TO ISOMETRIC ATTACHMENT BOLT n HEX BOLTS WITH THE WASHERS THROUGH THE HOLES IN 7. WEATHERSEAL THE CABLE CONNECTIONS PER PLACED AS NEEDED DETAIL @ANTENNA MOUNTING PLATES QUANTITY 6 3/4" TO 1 1/7 THE TMA BRACKETS. BOLTS AND WASHERS MAY BE STANDARD PRACTICES IF REQUIRED BY LOCAL GALV. STEEL OR ALUM, INSTALL WEATHER PRE-INSTALLED ON SOME VERSIONS OF THE ETB CONDITIONS. PROVIDED MATERIALS IF ANY, CAN SCALE:N.T.S. ATTACHMENT BOLT MOUNTING PIPE PROOFING PER SERIES TMA. BE APPLIED ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS DIA. (IN.) 1 ANTENNA MANUF. 2. ORIENT THE TMA IN THE SELECTED LOCATION WITH ON THE PACKAGE COAX CADWELD ON STEEL PIPE. INSTRUCTIONS THE BTS PORT POINTING DOWN, OR AS REQUIRED. 8. APPLY CABLE TIES OR STRAPS NOT _ CABLES ATTACHMENT BOLT (NOT VIEW ® LENGTH (IN.) 7 i ryPEP TO ALUM. W/BURNDY COAX CABLE ALIGN THE V-GRIPS OF THE TMA RACKETS WITH THE SUPPLIED) TO SECURE THE CABLES TO THE C (W/N-MALE POLE OR TOWER MEMBER. TOWER STRUCTURE. C-11N (3/4' & 1" PIPE) OR CONNECTOR) o DETAIL'S'@MOUNTING PLATE C-22 (1 1/4" & 1 1/2" ! j ) PIPE J1 ��COAX CABLE SCALE:N.T.S. � SUPPORT 2 AWG GROUND WIRE LUG o ar TO CRGB 'P' SECTION OR ELEVATION E NEAREST 'P' SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES: NQIE: GROUND BAR (L-BRACKET MOUNT)STEEL MATE AND ONLY INCLUDE ANTENNA 1. UNSCREW THE BAND CLAMPS UNTIL THE END COME 1.POLE WEIGHTS ARE A ✓-GPS - LOOSE AND THREAD THE ENDS THROUGH THE SLOTS d THE WEIGHT OF THE STEEL POLE. THEY DO NOT INSTALL WEATHER PROOFING SET SCREWS IN THE MOUNTING BRACKET AS SHOWN, BEING 5 REFLECT THE WEIGHT WITH ANTENNAS AND CABLES. PER ANTENNA MANUF. COLLAR CAREFUL NOT TO SCRATCH THE REAR FACE OF THE IONS " 2.PRIOR TO FABRICATION OF THE MATING FLANGE, VERIFY INSTRUCT1" (1-5/16" O.D.) X 3'-0" TMA. o WITH MANUFACTURERS ITS DIAMETER AND THICKNESS. MAX. h 2. MOUNT THE TMA TO THE MOUNTING PIPE USING THE GALV. STEEL OR ALUM. '154 ., BAND CLAMPS AND TIGHTEN CLAMPS TO A TORQUE PROVIDE APPLICABLE MOUNTING PIPE OF 901b-in (10.2N-m). /TYPICAL ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL PIPE-TO-PIPE CLAMP GROUND CABLE CLAMP scALcm rs (BURNDY TYPE C-11N OR 3. ATTACH THE JUMPER CABLES TO TMA CONNECTORS . EQUIV.) J1(850/900MHz PORT) AND 2 (1800/1900/2100 INSULATED SPLIT-COLLAR MHz PORT) AND TORQUE NUTS ON THE DIN r BUSHING (GARVIN P/N CONNECTORS TO 2041b-in (23N-m). REPEAT WITH ` ICE BRIDGE POST GCHK100 WITH GROUND LUG FEEDER CABLE CONNECTION TO TMA CONNECTOR OR SIMILAR POST. REMOVED) "'� :, _ J3 (COMMON PORT). B 4. GROUND TMA BY ATTACHING A GROUND STRAP TO COAX CABLE `' THE M8 GROUNDING STUD ON THE SIDE OF THE 3 - (W/N-MALE CONNECTOR) x- 'x UNIT. ANDREW GROUNDING KIT, PART NUMBER ' COAX CABLE SUPPORT �. we` -?- GND-iM-KT, OR EQUIVALENT, MAY BE USED. APPLY ANTI-CORROSION PASTE TO THE GROUND J, 2 AWG GROUND WIRE CONNECTION. Z UMTS LTE CADWELD TO POST ONLY IF MANUFACTURER ANDREW GROUNDED, OR LUG TO CRGB '� 5. WEATHERPROOF THE TMA CONNECTIONS USING ELEVATION 'P' SECTION OR NEAREST 'P' ANDREW WEATHERPROOFING KITPARi NUMBER o MODEL DBXNH-6565A-A2M SUPPLEMENTAL GROUND BAR 221213 OR EQUIVALENT. FOLLOW THE BAND DUAL NOTES: (COLLAR MOUNT) INSTRUCTIONS SUPPLIED WITH THE KIT TO WEATHERPROOF THE CONNECTORS. FREQUENCIES, MHZ 700MHz to 2100MHz 1. LOCATION OF ANTENNA MUST HAVE CLEAR VIEW OF SOUTHERN SKY 6. STACKING UNITS: AND CANNOT HAVE ANY BLOCKAGES EXCEEDING 25 % OF THE POL DUAL M6 STACK TWO UNITS, REMOVE THE FOUR EXISTING a RET INSTALLED SURFACE AREA OF A HEMISPHERE AROUND THE GPS ANTENNA. M6x50mm SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS THAT ATTACH �_ . 2. ALL GPS ANTENNA LOCATIONS MUST BE ABLE TO RECEIVE CLEAR THE TMA OF THE MOUNTING BRACKET AND ATTACH ° h L, IN 50.8 +/- SIGNALS FROM A MINIMUM OF FOUR (4) SATELLITES. VERIFY WITH POWERWAVE UMTS TOGETHER USING FOUR M6x100mm SOCKET HEAD +/- HANDHELD GPS BEFORE FINAL LOCATION OF GPS ANTENNA. TMA CAP SCREWS PROVIDED WITHEACH UNIT. W. IN 10.6 TSAW-O7BP111-OOT a 3 D. IN 5.2 +/- 3. CADWELDING SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED ON ROOFTOPS. J sYnLeN?s. MOUNT THE TMA TO THE MOUNTING PIPE USING THE S 4. LTE-GPS ANTENNA SHALL BE LOCATED 10' FROM ALL ANTENNAS. BAND CLAMPS AND TIGHTEN CLAMPS TO A TORQUE c< WT, LB 34.2 +/- OF 901b-in (10.2 N-m). TYP. UMTS/LTE E911 / LTE GPS ANTENNA ®" " '­ -- uE INSTALLATION WITH STEP 3. 06AVII IF/2 Eu ,_NOT USED ANTENNA DETAIL 1 2 PIPE AND L- BRACKET MOUNT o �1 N, I A n� SCALES NONE J SCAL NOT TO SCALE Qs wqo/n ✓ _ © wlv ERR MT a I AT&T MvBll_�'T' ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT �j �i�l os sal W 11.L I Ana T. c 0 L L I N s. A I A o NYCENY1059 / LI-1059 �����j�J, T` I �'�'� A R c H I T e L r N. I L r NY7320 "A'."' ANTENNA MCUN Inc oETAi_s ILITY � E vvoaepenA SE n,r:er..T r�. 40200 MAIN RD '5 EAST&MIDLAND VENUE ��� a siAEN DRAWN, nuuece acv t E ,on .,w _11..41, ORIENT POINT. N.v. 1'.957 _ D PARAMOS, NJ 07652 " .. o . me 29$97 NYCENVICSc A-6 9 w sru u c� o�c.c-a<,v o�u e.c . , L z 2 _ DAv=srvD sD,o>_] Dwc 22 v 34 C SIZE'". J PS'= CORNER, GATE, END OR PULL POSTI�4'-0" _ CLI EAR OPENING 2 1/2" O.D. POST 10'-0" O.C. (S TYPICAL WOVEN WIRE FENCING NOTES ` TERMINAL AND TOP BRACE RAIL s CORNER POSTS) TOP RAIL TOP RAIL 1. (INSTALL FENCING PER ASTM F-567, STRECHER BAR SWING GATE PER ASTM F- 900) a STRECHER BAR 2. GATE POST, CORNER, TERMINAL OR PULL POST SHALL GATE LATCH BEE2 P7 O SCHEDULE 40 FOR GATE WIDTH OF 4 ry S 3. WITH LOCK E 3. UNE POST: 2-3/876 SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER -- GATE FRAME ASTM-1`1083. 4. GATE FRAME: 1 1/2"6 SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER o b b ASTM-F1083. n n 5. TOP RAIL & BRACE RAIL: 1 1/4'0 SCHEDULE 40 E :2 "� PIPE PER ASTM-1`1083. DIAGONAL ° ROD/W 6. FABRIC: 11 GA. CORE WIRE SIZE Y MESH, 9GA. CHAIN LINK DIAGONAL ROD/W p7URNB CONFORMING TO ASTM-A392 CLASS 1. T DIAMOND. SEE STEEL TURNBUCKLE 7. TENSION WIRE: 7 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL. 1/A-2 FOR MORE 8. TIE WIRE: MINIMUM 11 GA GALVANIZED STEEL INSTALL a INFORMATION A SINGLE WRAP TIE WIRE A7 POSTS AND RAILS AT MAX. 24" INTERVALS. INSTALL HOG RINGS ON TENSION OUTSIDE AWIRE AT 24' INTERVALS. jLINE POST IRE 9.TENSION 9, GATE LATCH: 1-3/e" O.D. PLUNGER ROD W/ MUSHROOM TYPE CATCH AND LOCK (KEYED ALIKE FOR a ! ALL SITES OR COMBINATION AS SPECIFIED BY AWS). .r iv i GRADE "' I Z" 10. LOCAL ORDINANCE OF BARBED WIRE PERMIT �- ! REQUIREMENT SHALL BE COMPLIED IF REQUIRED. j 79 FINISH GRADE ! il. HEIGHT = 6' VERTICAL + 1' BARBED WIRE VERTICAL PORTION OF PIPE ! DIMENSION.EMBEDDED IN + a OR GROUND CONCRETE SHALL 11/Y MAT( 12. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM WITH THE PROJECT BE PAINTED WITH '� • CLEARANCE FROM SPECIFICATIONS. BACGRADE EASPHALT KPAINT, /I a al PORTION OF PIPE o c G� 7'-7' �• CONCRETE SHALL .o I NP. I I EMBEDDED IN BE PAINTED WITH o SECTION _ 1Y i_ ELEVATION ZSECTION 12"� BEONpaNTEDETE SWRLH CUTHBAALTKPAINi CUT DETAIL @ WOVEN ASPHALT BACKPAINT 41Z2DETAIL @ WOVEN WIRE FENCE DETAIL WIRE FENCE DETAIL DETAIL @ WOVEN WIRE GATE DETAIL 43 SCALE NIS 44 SCALE NTS. o � 1 Ir{7 1141-0105 ,lr1 /rI L /q o Ir;7 /r1i r. °�—''c :`f ��1', `C a.r' Us '�'4 a'� .L"f a.}3 J� ..7yA� 3" � 7)? NEW 14'-0' HIGH, ti NOTES: r-t (MINIMUM) JUNIPERUS 1. SET SHRUBS AT ORIGINAL DEPTH. SHRUB SHALL VIRGINIANA EVERGREEN BE SET PLUMB. REMOVE ALL TIES AND WRAPPING TREES PLANTED A7 6'-0' AROUND TREE TRUNKS AND TWINE FROM AROUND a �` O.C. (GUARANTEE TREES '�"` r— TOP OF ROOT BALL. LEAVE BURLAP IN PLACE AND 9 NEW 14'-0" HIGH X 6'-0" -Z'- FOR A PERIOD OF ONE r ROLL BACK 1/3 (REMOVE. UNLESS BIODEGRADABLE). _ O -,"r ^ SHRUB WRAP (505 z d WIDE EASTERN RED-CEDAR O t,f ` YEAR) OVER-LAP) UP 70 FIRST 2. ALL PROPOSED LANDSCAPING SHALL BE PLANTED -- - - ' 6'-0' O.C. SEE 1 A-2 FOR 14' tJ BRANCH TO PROVIDE CONTIGUOUS SCREENING TO THE NORTH MORE INFORMATION `` gl7h AND WEST OF THE NEW EQUIPMENT AREA. SEE o m xt`L` (�'- 12" �I 1/A-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION. m ON ALL SIDES 3. LANDSCAPING TO BE KEPT IN GOOD/HEALTHY r J`(,40 6' SOIL SAUCER CONDITION AND SHALL BE REPLACED SHOULD ANY TREE(S) DIE AT ANY POINT DURING THE DURATION OF v- i THE SITE BEING IN USE. �Q FINISHED 4" DEEP SHREDDED GRADE WOOD CHIP MULCH 3 QUANTITY KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SPACING I PURCHASE SIZE ROLL BACK .. ?� 9 1 JV JEASTERN RED-CEDAR JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA 6' O.C. 14'-0" HIGH X 6' O" WIDE BURLAP 1/3 a - BACKFILL TOPSOIL - --.� PV SUBSOIL io MIXTURE WITH TIME 0 rerm'o E� PLANT SCHEDULE DETAIL RELEASE FERT. TABLETS � w�a/, A a SCALE. , 4=1'-N Q 'ol„° Q aormp, -9 — © wry I+1 - - e oeoe� T No 0 a1T Q 1T AT&T MOBI_TY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT `Q[` 0 W. 05 46 e 9ILIIAM r. cOLLINs-AIA NYCENY7059 / LI-1059 .A R r H I T F c I s. LLP NY7320 o "'k'r°° 7 A3CHI'EC"J RAL DETAILS ` Ai&T MOBILITY 0 `"L'r°` / °i E cr - 4020C MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE ,,me No. srtc Nc. oanwwa nuw•eaa acv � E 1.u1ti ",... 1. h..u� OR_NT POINT, NY, 11957 �ARAMLS, NJ 07652 �� " kvCEN�'.059 A-7 9 N 6 ! 4 ? 2 14 C S!Z1` I STRUCTURAL STEEL NOTES: 1. ALL STEEL WORK SHALL BE FABRICATED AND ERECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT AISC SPECIFICATIONS. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL BEAMS CONFORM TO ASTM A-36 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL MATERIALS TO BE HOT DIPPED NEW REMOVABLE 6'-O' MAX 1'-6' GALVANIZED AFTER FABRICATION. BEAMS THAT ARE SHOWN TO BE TOO LONG TO HOT-DIP GALVANIZE MAY BE SPLICED HANDRAIL DEVELOPING FULL STRENGTH OF MEMBER DESIGNED BY STEEL FABRICATOR. NEW 4'x1/4' NEW 1 1/2" GALVANIZED 90' LIGHT WT MAX. b 2. ALL WELDING SHALL BE PERFORMED USING E70XX ELECTRODES AND WELDING SHALL CONFORM TO AISC AND AWS D1.1. KICK PLATE STEEL HANDRAIL TO BE 1 1/2"0 STANDARD ELBOW I WHERE FILLET WELD SIZES ARE NOT SHOWN, PROVIDE THE MINIMUM SIZE PER TABLE J2.4 IN THE AISC MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION'. ALL DAMAGE TO GALVANIZED COATINGS SHALL BE RESTORED WITH COLDSPRAY GALVANIZING. (4) NEW 5/8"0 WELDED TO 6'.6'x3/8' GALV. PIPE BOLTS EACH SIDE. APPROPRIATE POST _ r 3. BOLTED CONNECTIONS SHALL BE ASTM A325 BEARING TYPE (3/4'0) CONNECTIONS AND SHALL HAVE MINIMUM OF TWO STEEL PLATE. SEE 3/A-8 FOR PUN GO BOLTS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. TMP' MORE INFORMATION MOUNTING NICHOLS HANDRAIL 4. NON-STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS FOR STEEL GRATING MAY USE SIT DIA. ASTM A 307 BOLTS UNLESS NOTED 4' x 1/47 STEEL Ili OTHERWISE.CONCRETE EXPANSION ANCHORS AND EPDXY ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1-1/2"x3/16' 1/4' / SPLICE (AS I. s MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. THE ANCHOR BOLT, DOWEL OR ROD SHALL CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S GALVANIZED TOE PLATE. SEE REQUIRED) f el RECOMMENDATION FOR EMBEDMENT DEPTH OR AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. NO REBAR SHALL BE CUT WITHOUT SERRATED STEEL INFORMATION— FOR MORE I� PRIOR ENGINEERING APPROVAL WHEN DRILLING HOLES IN CONCRETE. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS, REQUIRED BY GOVERNING GRATING INFORMATION TOE BOARD �� a b n CODES, SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN MANUFACTURER'S MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LOADS. CONCRETE EDGE NEW 1Yx6'x3/8' GALV. STEEL SPLICE DISTANCES SHALL BE MAINTAINED DURING INSTALLATION. PLATFORM LINE PLATE WELDED TO STEEL 5. STRUCTURAL STEEL BEAMS ARE DESIGNED FOR AN EXTREME FIBER STRESS OF 24,000 PSI FOR COMPACT AND 22,000 DUNNAGE PSI FOR NON-COMPACT SECTIONS. B. ALL WELDING TO BE DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDERS. PROVIDE COPIES OF THE WELDER'S CERTIFICATE TO o ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. a 1/4' HANDRAIL ELEVATION u 7. BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH FABRICATION AND ERECTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS TO THE p ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL AT GENERAL CONTRACTOR COST. THE REVIEW OF SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE @EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CONSTRUED AS A COMPLETE CHECK BUT WILL INDICATE ONLY THAT GENERAL METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION AND DETAILING .- IS SATISFACTORY. REVIEW OF SUCH DRAWINGS WILL NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR OF THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR 1/4' 3 'CALe. ,/z `o ERRORS OF FABRICATION WHICH MAY EXIST AS THE DIMENSIONS AND DESIGN OF ADEQUATE CONNECTIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETAILS AND THE CORRECT FITTING OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS. o NEW 12"0 POURED CONCRETE SONOTUBE NICHOLS 1-1/2" GALVANIZED PIER, TYP. OF (2). SEE 5/A-8 FOR STEEL HANDRAIL. SEE DETAIL MORE INFORMATION 3/A-8 FOR MORE E INFORMATION 4'-47 NEW 6'x6'x1/2' GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE SECURED WITH (2) -1 1/2" O.D. a VAIZE 12" LONG p4 REBAR WELDED TO BOTTOM OF PLATE PROVIDE TyP, HANDRAIL MOUNTING DETAIL GNICHOLS 1-1Zx16-ALVANIZED SERRA ED PIPED 1'HOOK AT BOTTOM OF REBAR, TYP. FOR (2) PLACES Z STEEL GRATING RAIL WELDED 10 r 26-0 3/8' TO CHANNELS I ` 4E—c 4l-4 3/4' 21'-7 1/2" NEW 4'x1/4' KICK C m NICHOLS 1-1/2"x3/16' PLATEPICALSERRATED GALVANIZED SERRATED 3'-0' 0 3-5 1 G 3'-7 7/8' 2'-2" STEEL GRATING CtOx15.3 STEEL TREADS 0 T C10x15.3 x� � ____ W14x22 � � ' BOLTED TO DASHED LINES STRINGERS `o REPRESENT NEW ANGLES/i6 CLIP W14X22 BEYOND, TYP. E NEW 10'x10'xt/2" - 1' NON-SHRINK iv a' C10x15.3 io ai GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE x NEW W14x26 GROUT _ o L__ o \N SECURED WITH (4) t2" _-"-_I W14x2E n n m m o LONG JL4 REBAR WELDED � 1/4 NEW S' .%.'1 GALVANIZED w h WBx10 3 3 r--, (---I r-, n �I TO BOTTOM OF PLATE. STEEL PLATE SECURED WITH h x x a � ___ W14x26 I. PROVIDE 2" HOOK - <a_.'L- (2) 12" LONG #4 REBAR I" � N ',�I _ I R p I a_I f WELDED TO BOTTOM OF a ' , 1' NON SHRINK a b 1 1 P l PLATE PROVIDE 1' HOOK AT 7 1 a o GROUT I ;I n BOTTOM OF REBAR, TYP. FOR , W14x261 l --- : 2'-TO POURED . e ,.' I,a O � 1 2 PLACES _ _sl t`_ _J _ --- CONCRETE SONOTUBE " ' I 3'-2 5/8" w 10 PIER, (4000 PSI11 ii C10x15.3 STRINGER, TYP. m "o CONCRETE AT 28 DAYS, / b OF (2) O N1 2 1/8' 3/8' W14x22 n AIR ENTRAINED) P ---- il, (6) #4 REBAR a9`--= a < (6) MB REBARS . $4 REBAR TIES O 5' q `m i 3 12" NEW 10'x10'x1/2" GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE #4 REBAR TIES O e - - - I 'ik'-'-" I n ° tY0 POURED CONCRETE I WITH (4) 12" LONG #4 REBAR EACH, WELDED 12" O.C. SONOTUBE PIER, (4000 iI �'11 1 111 8'X8' POURED CONCRETE TO BOTTOM OF PLATE. PROVIDE Y HOOK AT c> a„ a it ......,, PSI CONCRETE AT 28 I BOTTOM OF REBAR, TYP. FOR (4) a� DAYS, AIR ENTRAINED) rt- --J' �, FOOTING, TYP. OF (2 °T NEW 2'-O'0 POURED CONCRETE --_- .e fn SONOTUBE PIER, TYP. OF (4). SEE LINE OF GRADE a 1-1/2" x 3/16" HOT it II 7i O 11'= 4'-4 1/2" 4/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION DIPPED GALVANIZED u r NEW GALVANIZED STEEL ACCESS STAIR. STEEL SERRATED GRATING. �� bj SEE 5/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION b - - o STEEL AC �, _ CESS STAT ELEVATION a a s 3 � _ ISI I �SCALE- 1-1 -0 p z Q 3/,6..-i,-0. VOTER TO STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN NOTEo �° .".' r.2" I 7 A AN NOTES DETAIL i, THIS SHEET. L_ STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN F THIS SHEET Is n' x 1r REFER PIER DETAIL o ��'I, 4, TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. NORTH Q state. , =r-o Q °ter a� �—.�� _. Q A/1" Y ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT at&t D s 6(tj P e AT&T M gl_h NYCENY7059 / LI-1059 ri T` �� °" NILt IAM P. ( nlllAS >IA , i, STRI.C'URAL FRAMING PLAN, A a c H I -1 e c 11. I- I- P NY7320 ""O® NA NOTES ANC DErAi_S AT&T MOBI LIN QQ wmr� 40200 MAIN R7 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENGE -. J- Na s,re No. oz wiN�NuuecN e11 E `O�`t `"""'° "` '""'"' ORIENT POINT, N Y. 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 �,ro...r - o /,24897 N.CENY1059 A-8 9 _ N 4 o .vC eo,oz] .awe 91 X ?4 . NOTES: SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 20DAMP, SINGLE PHASE, 120/240 VAC, 60HZ SERVICE FOR AT&T SITES. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH UTILITY COMPANY BEFORE THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. POWER AND TELEPHONE CONDUIT SHALL BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED PER UTILITY REQUIREMENTS. FOR COMPLETE INTERNAL WIRING AND ARRANGEMENT REFER TO DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY PANEL MANUFACTURER. ALL SERVICE EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE N.E.C. AND UTILITY COMPANY AND LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SUFFICIENT LENGTHS OF LFMC INCLUDING ALL CONDUIT FITTINGS (NUTS, REDUCING BUSHINGS, ELBOWS, COUPLING, ETC) NECESSARY FOR CONNECTION FROM THE NEMA BOX TO THE INTERIOR BTS CABINET. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ELECTRICAL SERVICE EQUIPMENT WITH FAULT CURRENT RATINGS GREATER THAN THE AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT FROM THE POWER UTILITY. m POWER, CONTROL AND EQUIPMENT GROUND WIRING IN TUBING OR CONDUIT SHALL BE SINGLE CONDUCTOR (#14 AWG AND LARGER), 60OV, OIL RESISTANT THHN OR THWN-2, CLASS 8 STRANDED COPPER CABLE RATED FOR 901C (WET AND DRY) OPERATION; LISTED OR LABELED FOR THE LOCATION AND RACEWAY SYSTEM USED. 01 s CUT, COIL AND TAPE A 5 FOOT PIGTAIL FROM END OF LFMC FOR TERMINATING BY BTS EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER. 6 SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH LOCAL TELCO UTILITY PRIOR 70 PROCURING AND INSTALLATION OF SSC ENCLOSURE AND COMPONENTS. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL SURGE PROTECTION DEVICES (BY ATLANTIC D SCIENTIFIC; ZONE BARRIER SERIES; PART NO. 90700 WITH MOUNTING DIN RAIL PART NO. 21607). BOND SURGE PROTECTION DEVICE DIN RAIL TO THE ENCLOSURE WITH #6 AWG INSULATED WIRE (REFERENCE STANDARD DETAIL 1015). BOND c. ENCLOSURE 70 THE SITE GROUND RING OR BAR WITH #2 AWG COPPER WIRE. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 6"x6'x4" (MIN.) NEMA 3R STEEL ENCLOSURE AND MOUNT TO CONDUIT RACK AT REAR OF CABINET. o NOTE TO NEW AT&T u EQUIPMENT CABINETS EB 24 VDC NOTES 1. 24VDC CABINET INSTALLER SHALL MAKE ALL FINAL TERMINATIONS AT 24VDC CABINET. NEW AT&T EXISTING PAD 2. NOKIA INSTALLER SHALL MAKE ALL FINAL TERMINATIONS AT NOKIA BTS CABINET. NOTE METER AND MOUNTED 3. 24VDS CABINET MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL BRIDGE KIT FROM 24VDC CABINET TO NOKIA BTS CABINET. E9 DISCONNECT TRANSFORMER 4. 24VDC MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL DC POWER CABLES READY FOR FINAL TERMINATION BY NOKIA. DC DISTRIBUTION ----- CABLES SHALL BE (2)-3/0 AWG FOR EACH BTS. NOTE -----x 1] A. ASSOCIATED CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR DC DISTRICUTION CABLES SHALL BE LEFT OPEN AND PROVIDED W/A REMOVABLE LOCKING NOTE II DEVICE OR TAG SO THAT THE BREAKER CAN NOT BE CLOSED. F E4 5. B.DC CABLES SHALL BE RHH/RHW AND CABLE TRAY (CT) RATED. NOTE NOTE NOTE 6. C.NOKIA INSTALLER TO PROVIDE DC DISTRICUTION CABLES LUGS ON NOKIA END. E2 E1 E3 SII 7. 24VDC INSTALLER SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL TELCO CABLE(S) BELDEN PART #7919A COILED AND READY FOR FINAL TERMINATION BY NOKIA. _ e. 24VDC MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL CDS DATACOM ALARM CABLE(S) PART #C03610075 COILED AND READY FOR FINAL TERMINATION BY NOKIA. `NOTE 9. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE W/NEC AND LOCAL CODES. C TAP EXISTING ES 1CALL CABLE ENDS AT THE NOKIA BTS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AND TAPED. V`o PAD MOUNTED B A SUFFICIENT SLACK SHALL BE PROVIDED TO PERMIT NOKIA INSTALLER TO TERMINATE ALL CABLES. 0 TRANSFORMER c O 2-1/Y C WITH 3-4/0 NOTE: NOTE: o AT&T I TRI RVI NOT E ELECTRICAL SERVICE IS DESIGNED BY OTHERS FOR NOKIA CABINET CONDUIT AND CABLE FOR CIRCUITS AND RATINGS SEE PANEL O 2" C WITH 3-3/0 & 1 # 4 CU WITHOUT INVOLVEMENT OF WFC. CONDUIT ROUTING TERMINATION POINTS SEE DETAIL 3 SHEET A-4. SCHEDULE, DETAIL 1 SHEET E-2 - SHALL BE SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. AN ELECTRICAL FE INSPECTION CERTIFICATE SHALL BE PROVIDED TO AT&T AND WFC AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. 0 ° UNISTRUT PIPE/CONDUIT CLAMP 35 8OG LV 4,-0" MAX. E1. COORDINATE ALL NEW SERVICE REQUIREMENTS WITH LIPA PRIOR TO BEGINNING NEW WORK. (3(2558-35 GAOWR) RECOMMENDATIONS FOR F. E2. ENGAGE THE SERVICES OF AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATING COMPANY TO LOCATE ALL BOLT MENDA PIPE CAP (TYP) UNDERGROUND EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA. ORQUE 3 1/2- O.D. POST UNISTRUT P1001 GAL E3. PROVIDE AND INSTALL NEW 120/240 VOLT 200 AMP SINGLE PHASE MAIN DISCONNECT SWITCH. E4. PROVIDE AND INSTALL NEW 120/240 VOLT SINGLE PHASE 200 AMP METER. < FOF 30 SCH.40 PIPE (GALV) B 3 v �� OR E5. PROVIDE AND INSTALL NUMBER 2 COPPER GROUND AND 3/4" X 10' GROUND RODS FOR NEW SERVICE. LL < S0 RGS CONDUIT (GALV) (TVP) MAXIMUM RESISTANCE TO GROUND SHALL BE 5 OHMS. PROVIDE AND INSTALL ADDITIONAL a GROUND RODS NOT LESS THAN 6' APART 70 MEET MINIMUM GROUND RESISTANCE AS NECESSARY. To 0 - z E6. NEW PANEL "A" IN WEATHERPROOF ENCLOSURE MOUNTED TO NEW EQUIPMENT PLATFORM RAILING. UNISTRUT 31001 (GALV) PANEL RATED AT 200A, 42kaic MAIN BREAKER, ALL COPPER BUS, 30 BOLT ON 22kaic of BREAKERS AND DOOR IN DOOR HINGED CONSTRUCTION. o m UNISTRUT P1001 (GALV) E7. PROVIDE AND INSTALL SURGE EQUAL TO ARRESTOR SUPPLIED WITH SSC ENCLOSURE, m r EQUAL TO INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY INC., MODEL # PTEO80. INSTALL WITH A 2P-30A BREAKER IN PANEL "A WITH 5 # 10 CONDUCTORS. FINISHED GRADE .E¢ E8. PROVIDE AND INSTALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING GFCI CONVENINENCE RECEPTACLES, ?i ? _N 24 VDC CABINET ETC. PER PANEL "A" SCHEDULE. COORDINATE WITH PROJECT MANAGER AS NECESSARY. 10"0 PLAIN CONCRETE OR t v E9. PROVIDE NEW 200A, SINGLE PHASE, 3 WIRE PIN AND SLEEVE EMERGENCY GENERATOR RECEPTACLE. PART # ;;� ..U, . SAKRETE PIER 3 GRINWIRRELAY-RAND RECEPTACLE #AR20033-RS z� Q METER AND DISCONNECT ° m" " ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM MOUNTING RACK o L` 1 SCALE.N.T S. mpepi FIT Q xiv x/ pu ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT °,A� , AT&" MOPiLTY at&t Qy 8�7 1 1, NYCENY1059 LI-1059 150ACS £ a� A R ( I N f. ( OI T S. AIA I 0 A a e N t r e E T s u r NY7320 D wi.•iw0. E `T �� 40200 MAIN RD AT&T M061 Lin' Q° atoms _ I�E RICAL RISER DIAGRAM AND NOTES role -sea sa. °� „�.�,.a 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE E - ORIENT POINT, Ny. S 1 g57 srz Na. orenwwa Nuuerc resv FARAMUS, NJ 07652 i m” `" �� ^° r �� �., 897 NYCENY1059 E-' 9 b 4 3 ° F,F,` _ '.% oM=FIE so.2] .owe 22 c 34 D 7ZEa •� 0 0 AC DISTRIBUTION PANEL WHT BLU o 1 o NOTES FOR TE20B INTRUSION ALARM: 1. DISCONNECT WIRE #22 FROM N.O. (OPEN) 240-120V 1 PHASE 20OA-BASED ON INTERSECT PANEL WITH STRIKESORB TVSS BLU WHET o 2 0 , TERMINAL OF SW5 & CONNECT WHET ORG o 3 o TO MALE 0.25' QUICK CONNECT (RED WIRE) LOAD (VA) ORG HT o 4 o NA FROM TE20B DOOR INTRUSION ALARM WRIT GRN o 5 e CABLE. USE PROVIDED FEMALE 0.25 QUICK d BRKR BRKR GRN WHIT o 6 o NA CONNECT m SIZE L1 L2 LCL L1 L2 SIZE �' 2. NOW CONNECT THE BLACK WIRE FROM c REV SERVICE DESCRIPTION AMPS BRKR VA VA VA VA VA BRKR AMPS SERVICE DESCRIPTION REV o� WHT BRN 0 7 o THE TE208 DOOR i 0 30 1 2P 326 652 326 2 2P 30 0 o BRN WHi e 8 NA INTRUSION ALARM CABLE 70 THE N.O. ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #1 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #2 -0--1TO X9 ALPHA a WNT SLT o 9 c OPEN TERMINAL OF SWS I 0 3 326 652 32fi 4 0 30 5 2P 326 652 326 6 2P 30 0 ALARM PORT o SLT WHT o 10— NA m 0 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #3 7 326 652 326 8 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #4 0 � RED BLU : 11 0 30 9 2P 326 652 326 10 2P 30 0 BLU RED 12 )NA 0 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #5 11 326 652 326 12 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER M6 0 RED ORG 133 RED 1 0 0 30 13 2P 326 652 326 14 2P 30 0 ORG RED �� BILKINTRUSION EXT ID IN 24V) 0 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET Nt RECTIFIER #7 15 326 652 326 16 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER X18 0 RED GRN � RED (EAC /1, T XT ID IN 0 30 17 (2P). 326 652 326 18 2P 30 0 '^ GRN RED 16 GRN ll TEMPORE IN 24V) 0 0 ARCUS 24VDC CABINET k1 RECTIFIER /9 19 326 652 326 20 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #10 0 v )(FAC �'2, TEXT ID #2) 0 30 21 2P 326 1076 750 22 2P 15 0 rc BRN RED ed 18 BLU 11TVSS ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #11 NOKIA HETA 1900 J(EAC �3, ID //27) 0 23 326 1076 750 24 0 0 0 15 25 2P 750 750 750 26 iP 15 FLXI2WS p w RED SLT a 19 e NOKIA HETA 850 z SLT RED a 20 0 ,NA 0 27 750 750 326 28 2P 30 FLX12WS 0 0 15 29 2P 720 3600 2880 30 1P 30 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET 0 U BLK BLU �� 2 W� COMM POWER FAIL (BY GC) UMTS CABINET HEATER JBLK K 2 ORG,(EAC #5, TEXT ID #5) ` 0 31 720 720 750 32 1P 15 Ra-AIT 0 BL 0 TELCO BOX RECEPTACLE 15 33 1P 180 1B0 34 0 x m 0 UMTS CABINET RECEPTACLE 35 1P 180 180 36 0 in K ` 4 OEL,(EAC #6, TEXT ID N6J V) m N BRN1(RECT 4V - MAJORyy ))PRE-WIRED IN 24 0 00 BATTERY CABINET N0.2 15 38 1P 180 1800 1 40 U C K �26� BLU J REECT 24,7E MID 7(PRE-WIRED IN 24V) 0 41 0 42 0 X27� VIO N —� BATTERY ACTIVE (PRE-WIRED IN 24V) i K 28 RY)(EAC #'8, TEXT ID #18) w C a 29 g 30NAx U a 31 o wzL o 32 0 NAo G o 33= c ORG L o 34 i'NA E 1 PANEL SCHEDULE YEL GRN o 35— GRN L o 36 e ,NA INTRUSION ALARMS 0 0 37 JUMPER'D ABBREVIATIONS 1 TOGETHER ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS e o 39 J� BY ARCUS AND e 39 o ROUTED TO PINS A AMPERE 0 AC GENERATOR CONNECTOR o 0 40 0 ��NA 13,14 o ACCA ANTENNA CABLE COVER ASSEMBLY o AWG AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE • CADWELD TYPE CONNECTION o e 41 BCW BARE COPPER WIRE y CIRCUIT BREAKER o 42 0 )NA 1rc m r o BGB BOTTOM GROUND BAR PRE-INSTALLED RED o 43 o e COAXIAL CABLE SHIELD ROUND BTS BASE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM TEMP ALARMS 44 KR CONNECTION JUMPER•D BLL 45 .POWER COMPARTMENT '" C CONDUIT COMPRESSION TYPE CONNECTION TOGETHER AND RED HIGH/LOW TEMP AND CIBGE COAX ISOLATED GROUND BAR EXTERNAL 46 DWG DRAWING COPPER GROUND BAR 1/4-z4-z20-, 1/0 EXTENSION ROUTED TO BLK 47 HGH/OW RY COMPARTMENT MS (E) EXISTING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE o _ EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING BOARD BY ARCUS 48 B G GROUND ES DISCONNECT SWITCH oa 49 1REAR PANEL, BATT AND 3 GEN GENERATOR ® GFI DUPLEX RECEPTACLE o 0 50 iPOWER BAY 5 GPS GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM O iINTRUSION ALARMS < cTw GENERATOR 0 0 0 GR GROWTH NC ORG NOTE 3 IGR INTERIOR GROUND RING (HALO) O GROUND ROD BATTERY CABINET KWH KILOWATT HOUR ® GROUND ROD WITH ACCESS LOW TEMP ALARM COM ORG Hi RED 22 RED N.C. C ; BLU III ALARM CABLE \ MIGB MASTER ISOLATED GROUND BAR N.O. dl F M GROUND WIRING BATTERY CABINET BACK ALARM (N) NEW HIGH TEMP ALARM COM BLU WHT TO 66-ALARM CABLE ° °' P PHASE MANUAL TRANSFER SWITCH IJ f PCS PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM METER ON METER/BREAKER UNITBLOCK 8LKFROM PPC POWER PROTECTION CABINET LCOM]INTRUSION TE20B RGS RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL PANELBOARD S66M1-50-50 BATTERY CABINET Q PRC PRIMARY RADIO CABINET POWER AND TELCO WIRING NOTES: RWY RACEWAY SN SOLID NEUTRAL REPRESENTS DETAIL NUMBER REF. POWER COMPARTMENT 1. MOUNT S66M1-50 BLOCK W/898 BRACKET IN TELCO BOX OR ON TELCO 9 ®—DRAWING NUMBER BACKBOARD OR IN NEW 3R ENCLOSURE AT OUTDOOR SITES. REAR LIFT-OFF ACCESS r d SW SWITCH 2. WIRE TO PROVIDE CONTINUITY WHEN CIRCUIT IS NORMAL. COM N.O. PANEL INTRUSION TCB TOP GROUND BAR O TRANSFORMER 3. INSTALL BRIDGING CLIPS (SIEMON-SA-1-25 OR EQUIVALENT) AS REQUIRED. T T ALARM '3 TYP. TYPICAL z°a V VOLT B XIT GROUND ROD 4. TURN BACK AND STORE UNUSED CONDUCTORS. < W WIRE 0 vov, WI SW5 €5L� ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVATIONS 66 BLOCK ALARM ASSIGNMENTS (24VDD� o 11 a� v susE-Nr.s. A'/ A AGE, 1/1,11 111 Il DUUMMAW A .1_ _.G. .M neon i uo oimi. �AU' 0 6 78 A.&T MCBILI"' 3 6 ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT at&t 1Y I LL I A M F c O L I [\S.A]A NYCENY1059 / LI-1059 at&t 0 me�Fc�AND BRE IA svveoLs _EIA R C H I T F ( 9 S. 1. L T NY7320 �' ""°° "'�' )I� arvC ABBREVIATIONS AT&T MCBILLTY 0° ainm. IED Rol ;; �a III 111 1111 F - — 40200 MEIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVEN'JE roe uo. srte NO o�wirvc vuueea eei °"`° CRIER POINT, N�. 11957 FARANUS. NJ 07652 scALE I No= AT „,�,. >,�� 24997 Nv^ENv+pSo E-2 9 u m U 6 5 c ♦ 3 2 �- nbo,ozl oW� a o slrP. EE_ Y CONDUIT W/16-1/C 8 AWG THHN OR THWN-2 AND 1-1/C 10 AWG THHN OR THWN-2 GREEN INSUL ONO, (FOR RECTIFIER) 2-1/C 10 AWG THHN OR THWN-2 & 1/C 10 AWG GND, (FOR HVAC) m f 2-1/C 12 AWG THHN OR THWN-2 S/G EG & 1/C 12 AWG GND, (FOR GFCI) a (NOTES 1 & 2) Es—/N IL, v rNOTE 30A 30A+ 2 L7 5L1 11-2 51_2 u 30A 30A cxi UPPER SHE U 0 21.1�O 6L1 RECTIFIERS 6-11 2L2 61_2-0m (NOTE 3) m 0 30A 30A 31-17L1 YY a7li 3L2�0A 30A 71-2o LOWER SHELF m RECTIFIERS 1-5 m E 11I 4LI BI r 411 L2 ZO *-BL2 JUNCTION 20A (HACR) 15A BOX FOR SEE DETAIL A (TVP) HVAC .. SPLY RTN SPLY RTN FOR AT&T PANELBOARD FOR O h • C 120/240V AC 10, 3W OR 'o HVAC GFCI 208/120V AC 30, 4W 0 ° 5-15R L� LLLJJJ GFCI 0 SEE EQUIPMENT SINGLE-UNE DIAGRAM - FOR DC BREAKERS 0 ONO c. BAR ARGUS Te41 CABINET m 2 AWG� o SHELF AC WIRING COMPARTMENT LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE r NOTES- 51_1— OTES-5L1— 1. UPPER POWER MODULE (SHELF) HAS (6) POSITIONS FOR RECTIFIERS. J< �W LOWER POWER MODULE (SHELF) HAS (5) POSITIONS FOR RECTIFIERS. oz'^ `� `J' r5L2— rn INSTALL CONDUIT AND CONNECT WIRING TO RECTIFIER MODULE mo L j ¢ o POSITIONS 1 TO 8. THE QUANTITY OF ACTNE RECTIFIERS SHALL BE 3 1 L J! 7 1 7 41_1— 3 a A DETERMINED BY OTHERS. �N i.N ��m a rc rc —1L2-� 21 "J 4L2— iii 2. INSTALL ONE 30A CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR EACH RECTIFIER 9 c0i TO BE INSTALLED. REFER TO PANEL SCHEDULE. UNTERMINATED WIRES z d 0 2 —2L1 7 7 3L1— � IN THE PANELBOARD SHALL BE CAPPED AND COILED. BREAKER v zow INTERRUPTING RATING SHALL MATCH PANELBOARD. Moi n a ' " i u —2L2 1 3L2 3. SEE MWR/KITTING LIST FOR QUANTITY OF RECTIFIER MODULES TO BE —GND V O DEPLOYED. PE PE 4. THIS DETAIL IS APPLICABLE FOR EITHER A +24V OR -48V POWER PLANT. �Q MODULE No. DETAIL A TERMINAL BLOCK WIRING 's 3 (LOWER SHELF SHOWN-UPPER SHELF SIMILAR) 0 z� _ AC SINGLE- LINE DIAGRAM "�" �� �z o .�,_ €� FOR ARGUS TE41 DC POWER PLANT e ���� a O42 SCALE N 1 s - o , oa oR o a u ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ���� os-6aB a'&T MOBN_I NYCENY1059 /LI-10590 WILLIAM ECO LLI'.S.AIA AC SINGLE—L?NE DIAGRAM A K C H r F c r S L L P NY7320 ARGUS 'E-4' DC POWER -LAV r- I ,Er ne 402MIN D A-&T MOBILITY m E 90 AR 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE d s e xo. sITE No. oa.wiec Nuueee reEv s E `""` ""`", ` """'"`° OREN' o01NT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 s„ ,„, , 24897 NYCENY1059 E-` 9 m v .a �, 6 4 z -- 34 C VIL Esc= NOTES: COAXIAL SURGE ARRESTORS 1. FURNISHED BY OEM/AT&T. NOTES 3 & 4 2. INSTALLED BY OEM OR AS SCOPED BY MARKET. (TYP FOR 6) 3. FURNISHED BY BECHTEL. m COAX TO ANTENNAS 4. INSTALLED BY BECHTEL. NOTES 3 & 4 5. FINAL CONNECTION BY OEM OR AS SCOPED BY MARKET. v (TYP FOR 6) - - -- - - 6. OPEN END OF CONDUIT TO BE LEFT WEATHERPROOFED UNTIL TERMINATED. m 7. ARGUS 053-997-20-0000 DUAL FEED DC-DC CONVERTER WITH 012-526-20-040 2KW MODULES. AISG CABLE DIPLE%ER DIPLEXER DIPLEXER DIPLEXER DIPLEXER DIPLEXER 8. PART OF CONVERTER WITH 18 BREAKER POSITIONS. BREAKERS SPECIFIED SEPARATELY. a FOR RET CONTROL NOTES 3, 4 j NOTES 3, 4 NOTES 3, 4 NOTES 3, 4 NOTES 3, 4 j NOTES 3, 4 9. BREAKERS TO BE TAGGED AND LOCKED OUT. D NOTES: 3, 4, 21 10. SIAD IS FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY OTHERS AND INCLUDES POWER CONNECTIONS AND FIBER TO a (TYP FOR 3) THE UNIT OR AS SCOPED BY MARKET. WHEN IN BECHTEL SCOPE, INSTALL 10 AWG CHASSIS GROUND, m N j PROVIDE (2) 10A BREAKERS FROM A 24V DC POWER SOURCE OR (2) 5A BREAKERS FROM A 48V DC COAX JUMPERS POWER SOURCE AND CONNECT USING MFR POWER CABLE WITH SPECIAL CONNECTOR. NOTES 3, 4 11. LEAVE COILED AND PROTECTED UNTIL TERMINATED. 12. LEC TO FURNISH AND INSTALL NETWORK INTERFACE DEVICE. 2 COUNT, SINGLE 13. SEE DETAIL 1408 FOR DC POWER CABLE SIZES. MODE FIBER CABLE 14. DC SURGE PROTECTION SHELF SHALL BE RAYCAP DC6-48-60-RM. SEE DETAIL 1409A FOR INTERNAL �Q NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 11 700 RRH AWS RRH 700 RRH AWS RRH 700 RRH AWS RRH WIRING DIAGRAM. (TYP FOR 6) NOTES NOTES li NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES 15. CONDUIT WHEN INSTALLED UNDERGROUND SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC. 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5 ! 1, 2, 5 1 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5 16. DC POWER CABLES SHALL BE COPPER, CLASS B STRANDING TYPE RHH/RHW UL LISTED FOR 90-C2/C DC CABLES j li DRY/75'C WET INSTALLATIONS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 11, 13 17. FIBER AND POWER DISTRIBUTION BOX W/48V DC SURGE SHALL BE RAYCAP MODEL DC2-48-60-0-9E. (TYP FOR 6) 6 AWG 18. SEE DETAIL 1411 FOR INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM. a �(TYP FOR 6) 19. FIBER AND POWER DISTRIBUTION BOX IS NQI REQUIRED WHEN THE DC CABLE BETWEEN THE OUTDOOR 1" _FMC (NOTE 11) CABINET AND RRH IS LESS THAN 50 FEET. ^' NOTES: 3, 4, 6 I L - 1 I - 1 - 1 - 1 - 20. GROUNDING CABLES SHALL BE COPPER, 7HHN/THWN UL LISTED FOR 90' DRY/ 75' WET INSTALLATION (TYP FOR 6) UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 0 21. RET CONTROL FROM THE RRH IS AN OPTIONAL METHOD OF CONNECTION. REFER TO RF DATA SHEET a ALARM CABLE FOR APPLICABILITY. FIBER & POWER DISTRIBUTION FIBER & POWER DISTRIBUTION FIBER & POWER BOX W/48VDC SURGE BOX W/48VDC SURGE BOX W/48VDC SURGDISTRIBE UTION NOTES: 3, 4, 5 22. TMAS MAY BE EITHER SINGLE UNITS (AS SHOWN) OR TWIN UNITS. c (NP FOR 3) (RAYCAP DC2-48-60-O-9E) (RAYCAP DC2-48-60-0-9E) (RAYCAP DC2-48-60-0-9E) 23. MAXIMUM 4/0 AWG CABLE LENGTH FROM 24V DC POWER PLANT TO CONVERTER SHALL NOT EXCEED 44 FEE. FLEXIBLE CONDUIT NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 17, 18 & 19 NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 17, 18 & 19 ,NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 17, 18 & 19 /�6 AWG (MIN.) N 24. SEE DETAIL 1505 FOR GPS ANTENNA AND SURGE SUPPRESSOR COAXIAL CABLE CONNECTION. C NOTES: 3, 4, 21 L/ (TYP FOR 3) (TYP Of 3) 25. SEE DETAIL 1150C FOR ALARM CABLE REQUIREMENTS. - � -Y- (2) 2/C DC CABLES - - _- ALCATEL-LUCENT (NP FOR 3)) NOTES: 3, 5, 13 9412 CABINET W/2 BOX i9926 (BBU) SURGE SUPPRESSORS GPS ANTENNA & (2) 2 COUNT, SINGLE (AT DC2 LI H- FRRAME) '' NOTES: 1, 2, 5 NOTES: 3, 4, 24 MODE FIBER CABLE MIN.15' z 6" .6" _ NOTES: 3, 4, 5 (MIN.) m (TYP FOR 3) (6) 2 COUNT, SINGLE MODE FIBER CABLE £ IN Y FLEXIBLE CONDUIT/INTERDUC7 ! y 2 1/Y IMC CONDUIT W/ 1 1/2' REDUCER (NOTE 15) NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 6 LTE ANTENNA LTE ANTENNA LTE ANTENNA FIBER WITH RET WITH RET i WITH RET MGMT TRAY _ - _ NOTES: 3, 4 NOTES: 3, 4 NOTES: 3, 4 en DC SURGE SHELF ` a 700 MHz AWB I` 6 AWO COAX jj LTE BBU LTE BBU NOTES: 3, 4, 14 JUMPER 2 NOTES: 1, 2, 5NOTES: 1, 2, 5 � �6 AWG 6 AWG (12) 1/C 12 AWG -- (2) 2 AWG I NOTES: 3, 4 - F B (2) 1/C 1 AWG IN AISG CABLE 3 NOTES: 3, 4, 21 48V DC BREAKER PANEL 1 1/T LFMC CONDUIT 1 (TYP FOR 3) 700 TMA AWS TMA 700 TMA AWS TMA 700 TMA AWS TMA ¢ ' NOTES: 3, 4, S. 6 NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES ' (2) 4/0 (1) 100A & 2 COUNT, SINGLE 3, 4, 22 I 3, 4, 22 3, 4, 22 3, 4, 22 3, 4, 22 3, 4, 22 u CLASS B OR 1 (6) 15A BREAKERS ALARM CABLE z d MODE FIBER CABLE c. ' CONDUIT IMC/RNC j NOTES: 3, 4, 8, 9 NOTES: 1, 2, 5 66 BLOCK SIAD NOTES: 1, 2, 5 COAX > " NOTES 3, 23 ----- - 1 NOTE: 10 (NP FOR 2) JUMPER o "w -4---_-- lll/ (TYP FOR 2) ! NOTES: 3, 4 1" LFNC CONDUIT N N " ALARM CABLES (W/ PULL STRING) TO -48V o ° TO (2) 250A / 2CONVERTE NOTES: 3, 4, 25 1 NOTES: 3, 4, 6 SII\ v- BREAKERS IN W/ ZION MODULES BY OTHERS 24V DC NOTES: 3, 4, 7 �6 AWG NETWORK INTERFACE DEVICE _- POWER PLANT - CHASSIS GND (VARIES BY MARKET) ,I11 E " 2 AWG NOTE: 12 - v OUTDOOR CABINET 3 z°m _+7__`2 AWG va SYSTEM DIAGRAM, TOWER SITE vZ € WITH OUTDOOR BASE BAND AND RHHs ON GROUND o u, A �, n� 40 ,,A 3ie=r-D• - E I Mi. is ino' eo ' ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT 05;- 8 AT&T vo�r�r wI AH r. nI I s_ si.� NYCENY1059 / LI-1059 at&t �' Sy M DIACRAM, -OWER STE WIT-1 OUTDOOR A H c H I T L c I S_ LL P NY7320 _ / EASE BAND AND RR's ON 3POJND AT&T MOBIL' 40200 MAIN RD' E 'S EAST MIDLAND AVENUE I R;'o a uo. src uo oa.w n0 nuuecA REv E "^` -""""" " '"""` ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMJS, NJ 07652 ,M � �2A897 NVCENY1059 j 7 _ DFN-S VDaoA21 ow3 2: M 34 D SIZE SC= AWS 700 SECTOR A SECTOR A (2) 1/C 1 AWG POWER CABLES U U v F F m 2 AWG x O x O 2/C 70 AWG POWER CABLES Z- 6 It o w ! (6 TYP) Z U m D L ALCATEL-LUCENT ca c G CABINET W/ ( + I + I + I + I + I + I + +48V DC O N N O O N N 9926 (BBU) 3 3 0009412 BB TYPE 2 INPUT - a 3. n r < a n rIp_AWS+ ' FIBER & POWERGND a a a a m m m m ti ti ti ff A_A _ + DISTRIBUTION +EE���� -I+I A-700+ WITH -+ 4BV SURGE PROTECTION +ALCATEL-LUCENT r A-700- _ RAYCAP DC2 _9926 BBU 48V DCJ 1+1 - OC SURGE SHELF RAYCAP ( ) 1TO DC6-48-60-0-1B-01 (NOTES 7 & 8)AWS 700 INPUT l� WG 6 AWG o / GROUND 2, 9T TO TO JACKS n I ' Il�l�� �+ 2/C POWER CABLES �6 AWG GROUND GROUND FIBER PORTS GND (6 TYP) (NOTE 6) pW5 700 1 2 3 GR T1 RJ45 101017110 JACKS I p� TO SECTOR B SECTOR B 2 AWG GROUND E TO RACK S2 GROUND ¢ o BAR o °0 3 a a rc (12) 1/C 12 AWG Z U m z U m .., POWER CABLES o + - ❑ + - o Qo MB-700- 49V FIBER & POWER C o K� v� DISTRIBUTION + _ AWC1 1 1 WITH - POWERCCAB ES 4/0 ■ — ■ ■ 48V SURGE PROTECTION +o RAYCAP DC2 `o (NOTES 7 & 8) _ 6 AWG �_ 6 AWG E TO TO o OV �­6 AWG GROUND GROUND +24V INPUT +24V INPUT 24V TO -48V CONVERTER AWS 700 ., FEED A FEED B (NOTE 3) WITH TO SECTOR C I SECTOR C r INTEGRAL -48V BREAKER PANEL s (NOTE 3) (NOTE 2) GROUND FACTORY F a a WIRING o ¢ o +GNDO/P p a w p w m OV (NOTE 4) -GND I/P (NOTE 3) o INSTALL (2) (N) I T •+ _ o + _ o 25M BREAKERS 2/0 AWG 6 AWG C-AWS+ + �FIBER &(NOTE 10) (NOTE 5) C-AWS- + WITH 24V TO TO C-700+ TION B '(+) NOTES GROUND GROUND C-700- +_ RAYCAP DC2 +_ 3 1. LABEL THE DC POWER CABLES AT BOTH ENDS OF EVERY WIRE AND IN ANY (NOTES 7 & 8) PULL BOX IF USED. LABEL SHALL BE DURABLE, SELF ADHESIVE, WRAPPED - _ 6 AWG _ 6 AWG a QV LONGITUDINALLY ALONG THE CABLE AND STATE THE SECTOR, FREQUENCY TO TO BAND AND POLARITY; I.E. "A-AWS+'. �6 AWG GROUND GROUND z-0 2. INSTALL IN AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT CABINET > 3. CABLE TERMINALS FOR +24V INPUT FEED A, FEED B AND REFERENCE GROUND SHALL BE 2-HOLE: 3/8' ON 1- CENTER. TO PART OF DC POWER PLANT 4. INSTALL CABLE TERMINALS FOR FEED A AND FEED B RETURN BACK-TO-BACK GROUND ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF PAD USING 1-HOLE 3/8- TERMINALS. 5. CABLE TERMINALS FOR CHASSIS GROUND SHALL BE 2-HOLE, 1/47 ON 5/T CENTER. 6. SEE DETAIL 1408 FOR CABLE SIZES. �¢ 7. SEE DETAIL 1411 FOR INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM. 8. FIBER AND POWER DISTRIBUTION BOX IS NO REQUIRED WHEN THE DC CABLE BETWEEN THE DC POWER CABINET AND RRH IS LESS THAN 6'-6-. r m 9. SEE DETAIL 1409A FOR INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM. 10. USE DETAIL 1424 FOR CONVERTER WIRING DIAGRAM. 03 11. DC POWER CABLES SHALL BE UL LISTED RHH/RHW RATED AT 90C DRY/79C z WET INSTALLATIONS. < 12. AC POWER AND GROUND CABLES SHALL BE UL LISTED. THHN/THHW RATED —El TT WIRING DIAGRAM, OUTDOOR AT 90-C DRY/7SC WET INSTALLATIONS. BAND AND RRHs ON GROUND' DC/DC CONVERTER o <� �` '�' 41 a y scue aie=r-o• Q _. ab r.uo ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT at&t s-ea B AT&T VOID 'N NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 at&t W ILLIH S COL LI.'.S.AId IVARI DIAGRAM, OUTTOOR BASE BAND .4 K c N T F l r S. u r NY7320 A RHs ON GROUND /.,C _AVVERTER 0 0-� �� na;�t 46200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY E 1� EAST MIDLAND AVENUE 9TE ua. owwna��Meca a[v u E �O1 """°' ' `� """"" ORIENT POINT, NY. 11957 - PARAM US, NJ 07652 _ o �x� w �P kr - 7 NIC 059 E-5 9 F E 4 T on=srvD so ozl owc [�x 14 ,. $!Z GROUND NEW SUPPLEMENTARY ROD, TYP. E-3 GROUND CABLE 2/0 AWG, TYP. GROUNDING NOTES 1, THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND INSPECT THE FACILITY r GROUNDING SYSTEM AND LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM AS DESIGNED AND " INSTALLED) FOR STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEC (AS ADOPTED BY THE AHJ), m r. �._ _'—__ --------- - --- --- - - - - - ----- -�-, THE SITE-SPECIFIC (UL, LPI, OR NFPA) LIGHTING PROTECTION CODE, AND GENERAL COMPLIANCES WITH TELCORDIA AND TLA GROUNDING STANDARDS. THE GRADE d SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL REPORT ANY VIOLATIONS OR ADVERSE FINDINGS TO THE J, _ _ __ _ _ _ _ CONTRACTOR FOR RESOLUTION. D 9 J 2, ALL GROUND ELECTRODE SYSTEMS (INCLUDING TELECOMMUNICATION, RADIO, - - LIGHTNING PROTECTION, AND AC POWER GES'S) SHALL BE BONDED TOGETHER, 7, 777 'm AT OR BELOW GRADE, BY TWO C MORE COPPER BONDING CONDUCTORS IN 2� ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC. 2 PROTECT THREADED AREA SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM IEEE FALL-OF-POTENTIAL RESISTANCE TO 1O FROM DAMAGE DURING EARTH TESTING (PER IEEE 1100 AND 81� FOR NEW GROUND ELECTRODE in AND AFTER INSTALLATION. SYSTEMS. THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL URNISH AND INSTALL SUPPLEMENTAL o GROUND ELECTRODES AS NEEDED TO ACHIEVE A TEST RESULT OF 5 OHMS OR LESS. El - I 4. METAL RACEWAY SHALL NOT BE USED AS THE NEC REQUIRED EQUIPMENT CADWELD TTT GROUND CONDUCTOR. STRANDED COPPER CONDUCTORS WITH GREEN INSULATION, ° SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC, SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED GROUND RING $2 AND WITH THE POWER CIRCUITS TO BTS EQUIPMENT. n 5. EXOTHERMIC WELDS SHALL BE USED FOR ALL GROUNDING CONNECTIONS BELOW - y GRADE. I E — — __J z J 6. APPROVED ANITOXIDANT COATINGS (LE., CONDUCTIVE GEL OR PASTE) SHALL BE GROUND ROD COPPERWELD ._. - "'-zz- - �. USED ON ALL COMPRESSION AND BBOOLTED GROUND CONNECTIONS. GROUND 5/8"0 X OD C" LONG 7. SURFACES TO BE CONNECTED TO GROUND CONDUCTORS SHALL BE CLEANED TO A BRIGHT SURFACE AT ALL CONNECTIONS. 8. EXPOSED GROUNDING CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE WITH COMPRESSION - CONNECTORS WHICH ARE THEN BOLTED TO EQUIPMENT USING STAINLESS STEEL C m / —.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.— —.�.—.—.—.—.—.—. .—.—.—.—.—.J HARDWARE. INSTALLATION TORQUE SHALL _o BE PER MANUFACTURE'S REQUIREMENT. NEW f2 AWG SOLID, ° TINNED, BCW BURIED 9. ALL CABLE TRAYS SHALL BE BONDED TO THE EXISTING BURIED GROUND GROUND RING. NP. ELECTRODE SYSTEM WITH A SINGLE CONDUCTOR #2 AWG SOLID TINNED `o COPPER WIRE. NEW SUPPLEMENTARY NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT 2 DETAIL @ GROUND ROD o GROUND CABLE 2/0 AWG CABINETS, NP. ++/ scALe IN I - NEW COPPER �/ r GROUND BAR, TYP. .- COAX GROUND COAX GROUND COAX GROUND E�1/1\8 \\✓� CAST IRON FLANGE AND a, GROUNDING NOTES: BAR AT BAR AT BAR AT 118 119 121 INSPECTION HAND COVER WITH WORD 'GROUND' '^ CAUTION!: AT ALL SITES THE CONTRACTOR SECT R "C" SECTO "B" SECTORA -4 E-4 E-4 HOLE ASSEMBLY CAST INTO COVER. o MUST VERIFY THAT THE SYSTEM IS TYP. TYP. Typ, EFFECTIVELY GROUNDED AND MEETS THE NEC ARTICLE 250 REQUIREMENTS AND ! h o- ACCEPTABLE TO THE LOCAL INSPECTOR/ 1 GROUND ROD 3 GRADE AUTHORITY. NEC ARTICLE 250-84 -4 TO EQUIPMENT E-3 _ _ SPECIFIES GROUNDING RESISTANCE OF 25 TYP. GROUND OHMS OR LESS FOR THE GROUNDING r SYSTEM. THE PROJECT REQUIREMENT IS 118 119 CABLE 70 ROD CAD WELDED _ FIVE (5) OHMS. TO MONOPOLE -4 -4 GROUND RING COAxGROU ID TYP TYP INSPECTION HAND HOLE MAY B NOTE° 6 AWG #!2/0 BE PRE CAST CONCRETE OR III g 1.ALL METALLIC OBJECTS LOCATED WITHIN PVC AND SHALL BEA MINIMUM bl 6'-O" OF GROUND RING SHALL BE MASTER OF 12" I.D.X36" DEEP. < BONDED TO THE GROUND RING. CONDUIT o 0 00 GROUND BAR n b u 2.PROVIDE STRAIN RELIEF AND PROTECTION OR COAX m FROM SHARP MATERIAL FOR INDIVIDUAL CABLES # 2 AWG SOLID TINNED BCW TEST - °C v CABLES. PROVIDE $6 GROUND MESA LOOP CAD-WELDED TO EGR. CONDUCTORS WITH TWO-HOLE SPAN UMTS UMTS 4 VD BATT BATT pU RCELL m CONNECTORS TO CABLE RACK SECTIONS ' '" TOGETHER. CLEAN SAND FILL o` ALLGROUNDWIRES GNO&TELCO RRH RRH RRH 1 , ARE #2 AWG GREEN CONDUIT BON RING #`2 AWG SOLID TINNED NOTE: 801 BCW GROUND b Pa INSULATED, TINNED 6 AWG ALL GROUND WIRES ARE b2 UNLESS NOTED MISC. METAL NEW E911 NOTE: o' r-a' 2'-e" s'-a' AWG GREEN INSULATED, OTHERWISE. OBJECTS GPS UNIT o IT RD v IF THIS SHEET IS 11" X 1Y REFER '�� TINNED UNLESS NOTED 71 SURGE - m TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. 3116-1-o' OTHERWISE. �S IPPRESSO /A\ GROUND ROD TEST WELL GPS UNNEWE {�6 AWG \+/ scALe rvr = r-o' AGROUND ROD COPPER WELD METERI armiz / 5/B" X 10'-O' LONG BANK IJ�O i",L2 EQUIPMENT GROUNDING PLAN TYP. GROUNDING SCHEMATIC DI„v,1 scALe-ai =r-o• °°°'wmRD A/Y M 6.P o ND ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANTat&t 6c ' M 31'` 'Y Ell o NYCENY1059 / LI-1059 `r r` "'" loRN'ILI IAM 1 011 IAS- AIA * TA 'ELCC EL°CGRCI:NG'NB � AN AaL eI ' e ( TS_ LLB NY7320 "°9" NO. 1 AND 1TAIS-1 it ii DDI 1T HITT 40200 MAIN RG ATPiM MOHILTY wmrveE +5 EAS MIDLAND AVENUEro �'��" E `O1 "`"" " ^"""'" ORIENT POINS, N.Y. "957 srte NO Dww nc nausea ae PARAMOS, NJ 07652 �� + 97 NYCENY'059 =E 5 F. 4 3 2 ��' - _�+_srvbea,oz7 ow. 2 r 34 D SIZE #6 AWG STRANDED Cu WIRE WITH GREEN, 60EACH GROUND CONDUCTOR TERMINATING ON ANY GROUND BAR SHALL HAVE 0V, NEWTON INSTRUMENT COMPANY, INC. AN IDENTIFICATION TAG ATTACHED AT EACH END THAT WILL IDENTIFY ITS FLAT WASHER, TYP. THWN INSULATION STAINLESS STEEL LOCKWASHER, 1'T BUTNER, N.C. ORIGIN AND DESTINATION L HARDWARE TYP' /�3/8' x T-1/Y 7� P P NO. REQ. PART NO. DESCRIPTION SECTION "P" — SURGE PROTECTORS / HEX BOLT GROUND BAR � I 1 4'x4'x30" SOLID GND. BAR m TWO HOLE v ON WALL, FLOOR 1 / CABLE ENTRY PORTS (HATCH PLATES) (�2) COPPER OR ON ANTENNA 2 2 A-6056 WALL MGG. BRKi. GENERATOR FRAMEWORK (IF AVAILABLE) (�'2) ` COMPRESSION NUT, TYP. 11B TOWER r r,., O TELCO GROUND BAR ((j2) i TERMINAL GROUND BAR E_Z O3 2 3061-4 INSULATORS COMMERCIAL POWER COMMON NEUTRAL/GROUND BOND (#2) a U ® 4 3012-1 5/8"-11xY H.H.C.S. +24V POWER SUPPLY RETURN BAR (#2) EXPOSED BARE —48V POWER SUPPLY RETURN BAR (#2) m COPPER TO BE KEPT o GROUNDING 70 ABSOLUTE OO 000 OO O Q 4 3015-8 5/8 LOCKWASHER RECTIFIER FRAMES. GROUNDING CABLE MINIMUM. NO ID OO O O OO ,�O �O COAX SUPPRESSION CABLE INSULATION ALLOWED `J DOUBLE CRIMP SECTION "A" — SURGE ABSORBERS F WITHIN THE ` CONNECTION INTERIOR GROUND RING (#2) COMPRESSION INTERIOR 2 EXTERNAL EARTH GROUND FIELD (BURIED GROUND RING) ($2) v TERMINAL, TYP. ANGLE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE WELD EXOTHERMIC WEL A7 THE LOWEST POINT ON THE BAR GROUND RING O / `-' METALLIC COLD WATER PIPE (IF AVAILABLE) (#2)2 BUILDING STEEL A AVAILABLE) (/2) ELEVATION SECTION (WELDING PROHIBITED \_ IF ON ROOFTOPS) #2 AWG SOLID BARE TINNED m5 SECTION "f— ISOLATED GROUND ZONE $ COPPER GROUND CONDUCTOR. 1 2 I 0 0� 4 ALL COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT FRAMES. ._.. EXOTHERMIC WELD TO BURIED GROUND a RING AND GROUND BAR P oA ISOLATED GROUND BAR — IGB (#2) o T NOTES, DETAIL NOTES: =E 1."DOUBLING UP' OR "STACKING' OF CONNECTION IS NOT PERMITTED. 4" EXOTHERMIC 2.OXIDE INHIBITING COMPOUND 70 BE USED AT ALL LOCATIONS. 13' 1 WELD 10. EXOTHERMICALLY WELD #2 AWG BARE TINNED SOLID COPPER CONDUCTOR TO o GROUND BAR. ROUTE CONDUCTOR TO BURIED GROUND RING AND PROVIDE a PARALLEL EXOTHERMIC WELD. GROUND BAR CONNECTION DETAIL /,SINSTALLATION OFGROUND WIRE TOCOAX CABLE GROUND BAR ,/,� RGB REFERENCE- GROUND BAR DETAIL (D USESECPERMANENTON AND MARKER TO DRAW EACH SEC ON THE LINES"BETWEEN) WITH IEACH LETTERS. SCALL N.T.S. SCALE N LS I SCALE N.T.S. C a N TO TRANSMIT o TO TOWER MOUNTED ANTENNA JUMPER REQUIRED " AMPLIFIER UNITS (TMA) ONLY FOR 1 5/8"0 MONOPOLE COAX OR FOR o (WHEN REQUIRED) AND EASE OF ANTENNA ( .E COPPER BONDING CONDUCTOR RECEIVE ANTENNA CONNECTION (TYP.) TO ANTENNA GROUND BARMONO CIGBE) SEE NOTE 1. EN, 60OV, BONDING BUSHING LUG CONNECTOR SEE DETAIL 118 WEATHERPROOFING KIT LUG r (TYP.) RX1/RX2 RX1/RX2 WEATHERPROOFING BONDING BUSHING ANTENNA CABLE 12" TO 24" KR (TYP.) STANDARD o (MANUF. T 8 B �� GROUND KR (GYP.) P/N BG80X OR I � I STANDARD GROUND LUG APPROVED EQUAL) GROUND KIT NOTE: X SUBSTITUTED FOR LUG WEATHERPROOFING KIT CONDUIT SIZE CONDUCTOR (TYP.) (SEE 6 AWG STRANDED Cu SCREW (SEE NOTE 3) I I I NOTE) WIRE THWN INSULATITH ION (TYP) ANTENNA GROUND CABLE GROUND KIT I ANTENNA BAR (CIGBE) CABLE BOTT M OF MONOPOLE BONDING BUSHIN COAX CABLE SEE NOTE 1. r SET SCREW /j6 AWG STRANDED Cu WIRE WITH �+ TO(TYP-) 'm GREEN, 60OV, THWN INSULATION (TYP.) (TYP. FOR ALL) SEE DETAIL 118 (GROUNDED TO GROUND BAR) (SEE I B BONDING NOTES 1 & 2) CIGBE (GROUND BAR), TO SHELTER EXOTHERMIC WELD 3 LUG DETAIL 118 MOUNTED VIA TRAY SCREW NEAR BELOW ANTENNA ICEBRIDGE ¢ / 2 AWG Cu SOLID METALLIC CONDUIT 2 AWG BCW BARE z d (RGS, IMC, EMT, FLEX) u m #6 AWG STRANDED Cu SOLID TINNED I NN W -v WIRE WITH GREEN, GROUND RING N DIRECTIONS: FROM TMA MONOPOLE PIER o v 1. MOUNT BONDING BUSHING ONTO CONDUIT NOTES: (WHEN REO ED) 6001 INSULATION 2. TIGHTEN BOND BUSHING SET SCREW 1. DO NOT INSTALL CABLE GROUND KIT AT A BEND AND ALWAYS EXOTHERMIC 2 AWG BCW SOLID " 3. INSERT COPPER CONDUCTOR INTO LUG #2 AWG Cu STRANDED WELD TYP. TINNED EXOTHERMIC DIRECT GROUND WIRE DOWN TO GROUND BAR. r P 4. TIGHTEN LUG CONDUCTOR SCREW WIRE WITH GREEN, 60OV, 5. TIGHTEN BONDING LUG SCREW 2. GROUNDING KIT SHALL BE TYPE AND PART NUMBER AS THWN INSULATION BONDED WELD TO MONOPOLE SUPPLIED OR RECOMMENDED BY CABLE MANUFACTURER. TO TOWER STEEL OR BASE PLATE NOTE: BONDING BUSHING, SET SCREW, LUG, OTE: DO NOT INSTALL CABLE GROUND MONOPOLE o-� LUG SCREW, COND. LUG SCREW, SHOWN KIT AT A BEND AND ALWAYS DIRECT ■ AS COMPLETE UNIT. 3. WEATHER PROOFING SHALL BE (TYPE AND PART NUMBER AS GROUND WIRE DOWN TO CIGBE. SUPPLIED OR RECOMMENDED BY CABLE MANUFACTURER.) NOTE: 3 GROUND WIRE TO GROUND BAR CONNECTION 1. NUMBER OF GROUND BARS MAY VARY z° Z scALE. N?s. DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF MONOPOLE, ....,ANTENNA LOCATION AND CONNECTION `o kl�/2./Il IEf37�fi N. PROVIDE AS REQUIRED.'cE€cz5 CONDUIT BOND / GROUND BUSHING DETAIL CONNECTION OF CABLE GROUND KIT TO ANTENNA CABLE Amy" L OUNDING-MONOPOLE TLV SCALE NI S 12 SCALE N.T.S. �' SGE N.*S,NN Ta/ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT Gt&t �. .a. n'a T o31L-Y 05 eaTWILL1411 fIOLLI\541.4NYCENY1059 / LI-10594 R c H 1 T E c T s. u r NY7320 �"'� ' - / cRouNoN;, c�All_ W AT&T MOBILITY axle .. 40200 MAIN RD E iSPARAM US,NN007652 U- Na s>E No. owwinc nNuerx ar 0 0 `O1 "Y9 kJ ' " ' ORIENT POINT, NY. 11957 A mo -.� C=. 2 97 NYCENY'C59 _— 9 6 5 L z �2 o 1,so osl 1wc 22 x 34 2 SIZE" osc= + e Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Subject—Method and Procedure for the Emerson Mesa Span XL URL V E: OSP Cabinet http://mvvzweb.verizon.com/nepdocs/Pr ivate/Methods%20%26%20Procedures/ 2008-18-NSTS. df Issuing Organization - Integrated Planning and Assurance URL V W-Same as Above URL NSTS Website: Supersedes—None Supplements—2008-019- http://netplan.verizon.com/site dir/dir NSTS/2008-21-NSTS berard.shtml Revision History Section 3.0— Page 5 Issue 3.0—08/05/2011 —Added Section 10.2, H-Frame Construction Using Rigid Conduit. Abstract Emerson Network Power has developed a new cabinet to be deployed in outside plant cabinet (OSP) applications. The new cabinet is called the Mesa Span XL. Mesa Span XL cabinet along with the Mesa Sole and the Charles Industries Cube RL will replace the TYCO CSC Cabinet as the approved cabinet for cell site deployments. The Mesa Span XL cabinet will also be deployed for BALI deployment for various applications. The Mesa Span XL is a new cabinet and is different from the Mesa Span cabinet. 7 2012 Target Audience OSP Local Access Design Effective Date This Method and Procedure becomes effective upon receipt. Contact Refer questions regarding this document to: David Baker— Integrated Planning and Assurance -- 804-772-7802 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 1.0 Table of Contents Section 1.0 Table of Contents 2 Section 2.0 Table of Figures 3 Section 3.0 Revision History 5 Section 4.0 Subject 6 Section 5.0 Mesa Span XL Cabinet Description 7 Section 5.1 Ordering 12 Section 5.2 Heat Exchanger 12 Section 5.3 Cabinet Alarms 13 Section 5.4 Environmental Control Card (ECC) 13 Section 5.5 Grounding 14 Section 5.6 AC Load center 16 Section 5.6.1 DC Powered Cabinet 18 Section 5.7 Battery Compartment 18 Section 5.8 Battery Heater 19 Section 5.9 Cable Entry 19 Section 5.10 Customer Handoff Box 23 Section 5.11 Cabinet Dimensions 25 Section 5.12 6"Platform for Pad Mounting Without Battery Chamber 28 Section 6.0 Cellsite Planning 31 Section 6.1 Site Layout 31 Section 6.2 Customer Requirements 38 Section 6.3 Cellsite Demarc 39 Section 7.0 Mounting the Mesa Span XL Cabinet on a Pad 40 Section 7.1 Site Selection 40 Section 7.2 Warnings and requirements for placing the Mesa Span XL Cabinet 41 Section 7.3 Concrete Pad Preparation 43 Section 7.4 Pad Mounting Instructions for the Mesa Span XL Cabinet 44 Section 7.5 Ordering Precast Pad/ Handhole 51 Section 7.6 Conduit Alignment Template 56 Section 8.0 Pole Mount Instructions for the Mesa Span XL Cabinet 59 Section 9.0 Wall Mounting the Mesa Span XL Cabinet 69 Section 10.0 H-Frame Mounting the Mesa Span XL Cabinet 80 Section 10.1 H-Frame Construction Using Class 3 Telephone Poles 81 Section 10.2 H-Frame Construction Using Rigid Conduit 90 Section 10.3 Mounting the Span XL on a H-Frame 96 Section 10.4 Grounding the H-Frame 97 Section 11.0 Reference Documents 103 Section 12.0 Verizon/Vendor Contact List 103 ------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 2.0 Table of Figures Figure 1 - Mesa Span XL Cabinet with Door Labels 9 Figure 2 - Mesa Span XL Equipment Compartment 30 Figure 3 - Mesa Span XL 11 Figure 4 - ECC Unit 13 Figure 5 - Grounding Diagram (from VZ 918-100-100) 15 Figure 6 -Grounding Bar 15 Figure 7 - Picture of AC Panel 17 Figure 8 -AC Schematic for the Mesa Span XL 17 Figure 9 - Picture of Battery Compartment 18 Figure 30 - Picture of Opening in Bottom of Battery Chamber for Cable Entry 20 Figure 11 - Pictures of Openings from Battery Chamber to Equipment Chamber 20 Figure 12 - Cable Entry Looking From the Bottom 21 Figure 13 - Cable Entry Port Installed Grommets/Plates 22 Figure 14 Customer Access Box 24 Figure 15 - Customer Access Box Ground Bar and Conduit Entrance 24 Figure 16 - Dimensions Top 26 Figure 17—Side Dimensions 27 Figure 18—Drawing of 6"Platform 29 Figure 19 - Expanded Drawing of 6"Platform 30 Figure 20—3D Drawing of 6"Platform 30 Figure 21 - Cellsite Layout with Concrete Pad or Precast Pad and External Handhole 32 Figure 22 - Cellsite Layout with Hubbell Quazite Box 33 Figure 23 - Mounting the Mesa Span XL on a Hubbell Quazite Box 34 Figure 24- Concrete Pad Layout 35 Figure 25-Concrete Pad Layout with Minimum Clearance Dimensions Needed For Door Swing 36 Figure 26-Side View of Customer Access Box and Conduit 37 Figure 27 - Cabinet Gasket 46 Figure 28 - Cable Entry 47 Figure 29 - Lifting the Cabinet 48 Figure 30 -Template Dimensions 49 Figure 31 - Concrete Pad Dimensions 50 Figure 32- Side View of Concrete Pad 50 Figure 33— Drawing of the Mesa Span XL Precast Pad 52 Figure 34 - Hubbell 36x6Ox36 Handhole and Mounting Cover 53 Figure 35—Hubbell Replacement Cover—Two Piece 53 Figure 36 - Hubbell Replacement Half Cover 54 Figure 37- Hubbell Cover Plate 54 Figure 38 - Replacement Cover for CSC Handhole for Mesa Span XL Mounting 55 Figure 39 - Conduit Alignment Template 56 Figure 40 - Concrete Alignment Template on Conduit Pad Template 57 Figure 41 -View From Below for the Conduit Alignment Template 58 Figure 42 - Picture of the Span XL Cabinet Pole Mounted 62 Figure 43—Items Included in the Pole Mount Kit 63 Figure 44- Attaching the Platform Support Brackets to the Vertical Mounting 63 Figure 45 -Attaching the Platform to the Platform Support Brackets 64 Figure 46 -Attaching the Platform Support Brackets 64 Figure 47-Securing the Platform Support Brackets 65 Figure 48 -Securing the Platform Support Brackets to the Pole 65 Figure 49— Removing/ Reinstalling the Battery Panel 66 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Figure 50 - Placing the Cabinet on the Pole Platform 66 Figure 51 - Securing the Cabinet to the Platform 67 Figure 52- Remove Eyebolts 67 Figure 53-Attaching the Top Bracket to the Cabinet 68 Figure 54-Securing the Top Brackets to the Pole 68 Figure 55 - Picture of the Mesa Span XL Cabinet on a Wali 72 Figure 56 - Parts Included in Wail Mount Kit 73 Figure 57 - Marking the Wall 73 Figure 58-Attaching the Platform Support Brackets to the Vertical Bracket 74 Figure 59 -Attaching the Vertical Mounting Bracket and Platform Support Bracket to the Wall 74 Figure 60-Attaching the Vertical Mounting Bracket and Platform Support Bracket 75 Figure 61 - Removing / Installing the Front and Rear Kick Panels 76 Figure 62 - Placing the Cabinet on the Platform 76 Figure 63 -Securing the Cabinet to the Platform 77 Figure 64 - Removing the Eyebolts 77 Figure 65 - Installing the Top Bracket Temporarily on the Cabinet 78 Figure 66 - Marking the Wall with the Top Bracket 78 Figure 67 - Securing the Top Bracket to the Wall 79 Figure 68— Layout H-Frame Drawing with Class 3 Telephone Poles 83 Figure 69 - H-Frame Side View 84 Figure 70- H-Frame Detail Drawings 85 Figure 71 - Kit Contents 86 Figure 72 - Platform Bracket 87 Figure 73 - Platform Assembly 88 Figure 74 -Sway Bracket Assembly 89 Figure 75—Layout of the H-Frame with Rigid Conduit 91 Figure 76 - Side View of H-Frame Layout with Rigid Conduit 92 Figure 77— Details A through C for H-Frame Design with Rigid Conduit 93 Figure 78—Installing Rigid Conduit in Concrete in the Ground 94 Figure 79—Installed C4 Channels Using Rigid Conduit in Concrete 95 Figure 80 - Placing Cabinet on the Platform 98 Figure 81 - Placing Cabinet on Platform - Detail E 99 Figure 82- Placing Top Bracket 100 Figure 83 - Installing Top Bracket 101 Figure 84—Installing Doors 102 --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ --------- ------ - --- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by —VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement ""'•L Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 3.0 Revision History Issue 1.0—Initial Issue Issue 2.0 6/22/2009- Revised Section 8.0 in entirety. Added Section 7.6 Added new H-Frame Mounting Kit. Issue 2.1 4/16/2009—Added Section 5.12. New 6"platform available for Mesa Span XL Issue 2.2—04/29/2011 - Recent field quality reviews audits have found some issues at cellsite locations. M&P is being reissued to reinforce current guidelines. • Tighten all ground lugs and do not double stack grounds (Section 5.5) • Use proper hardware from wall or pole mount bracket kit(Page 59, Note 1 / Page 69, Note 1) • Replace lifting eyes with proper bolts (Page 45, Note 16/Page 60, Notes 17,18/Page 70, Notes 13,14/Page 96 Notes 20,21/Figure 52,Figure 64) • Construct H-Frame as per Section 10.0 Special Note:When placing the Mesa Span XL cabinet, the cabinet must be level. The doors and panels will not seal and fit properly if the cabinet is not level. Issue 3.0 —08/05/2011 —Added Section 10.2, H-Frame Construction Using Rigid Conduit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 5 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Ve" ' P Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 4.0 Subject This document will provide installation instructions for the Emerson Network Power Mesa Span XL cabinet for pole, pad,h-frame, or wall mount applications. Mesa Span XL along with the Mesa Sole cabinet and the Charles Industries Cube RL will replace the TYCO CSC Cabinet as the approved cabinet for cell site deployments. In addition, the Mesa Span XL cabinet is also approved for other outside plant applications as needed. Since the Mesa Span XL will be used primarily for cellsites, a cellsite planning section has been added (Section 6.0). Section 5.1 below provides ordering information for the cabinet accessories and document 2008-019- NSTS provides VARTAC configurations with the Mesa Span XL cabinet. The Mesa Span XL cabinet is a new cabinet and is different from the existing Mesa Span cabinet. The concrete pad template, pole mount kit, and wall mount kit for the Mesa Span XL are new designs and will not fit the older Mesa Span cabinet design. Any Mesa Span (not XL) mounting systems such as the concrete pad template, pole mount kit, and wall mount kit will not work with the Mesa Span XL. An orange sticker is placed on all Mesa Span XL templates and mounting kits to distinguish between the templates. Reference 2008-021-NSTS for further details. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 6 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Will Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 5.0 Mesa Span XL Cabinet Description The Mesa Span XL cabinet is a small outside plant cabinet utilized for OSP applications. The cabinet houses electronic equipment in a sealed internal environment. The Mesa Span XL provides a space efficient cabinet to serve cellsite and BAU applications. The cabinet has two doors and two sets of equipment rails for mounting equipment. The Span XL also features an optional customer access box that is built into the side of the cabinet. The customer access box offers an area to provide direct customer access to Verizon services. A set of four different Span XL models are available from Emerson. The customer access box and the battery compartment are optional items. Details are shown below for the model options • Mesa Span XL with customer access box and battery compartment o Model includes the customer access box and the battery compartment. Standard Model that is primarily located at OSP cellsites • Mesa Span XL with customer access and without battery compartment o Model includes the customer access box only. o Cabinet model is placed at OSP cellsites when battery backup is not needed or backup is provided by the customer. • Mesa Span XL without customer access and with battery compartment o Model includes the battery compartment only. o Cabinet model is placed at OSP locations when a customer compartment is not needed. • Mesa Span XL without customer access box and without battery compartment o Model does not include the battery compartment or the customer access box. o Cabinet model is placed at OSP locations when a customer compartment and battery backup is not needed or backup is provided by the customer. All Mesa Span XL cabinets must be ordered from VARTAC equipped with approved Verizon equipment. Ordering information for equipped VARTAC Mesa Span XL cellsite cabinets is provided in document 2008-19-NSTS. The link to the document is shown below. The equipment rails are designed to mount 23" wide equipment. The rails are drilled at 1.00" spacing. A total of 50" of equipment mounting space is available in the Mesa Span XL (25' for each side). All rails are bonded to the Master Ground Bar. The equipment compartment is designed to mount 12" deep equipment with the equipment mounting ears with 5' front offset. (Emerson, 2008) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 7 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE:Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance All Mesa Span XL cabinets can be pad, pole, or wall mounted. When pad mounting the Mesa Span XL, the battery base or 6" platform must be attached to the cabinet. If placing the cabinet at a cellsite location, the responsibility for costs and placement of a poured concrete pad or placement of the Hubbell Handhole/Pad, or Flat Pad, belongs with the end user. Verizon should not be supplying the Hubbell products to the end user. The end user should be referred to Hubbell to obtain the approved products. Details on the Hubbell Product can be found in Product Selection Notice NP-PS-2005-038 For easy identification, the equipment compartment doors on the Mesa Span XL are identified by a Verizon symbol and a letter "A" or "B". The customer access box is labeled "Customer Access". The door labels are shown in Figure 1. Link to 2008-019-NSTS http://mvvzweb.verizon.com/n epdocs/Private/Flash/2008-019-N STS.pdf Link to NP-PS-2005-038 http://bhapps 19.verizon.com/apps5/netplan.nsf/675004644279b4l 585256bf2006c66al/def7Ob 1 f939aa84e85256fbd00500970/$FILE/NP-PS-2005-038%20Hubbell%20- %20Emerson%20FIat%20Pads%20 2 .pdf The equipment chamber with the door open is shown in Figure 2. A view of the Span XL with the doors closed is shown in Figure 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 8 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 2'ii E i Fra. Figure 1 - Mesa Span XL Cabinet with Door Labels ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 9 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance , Ma Nag vr+ ti i u: i a v : s � a r ii t: r. 1 l .,. !. � t f i S i 3'tt � i Note: GFCI Outlet is not shown in this picture. Figure 2 - Mesa Span XL Equipment Compartment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 10 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except underwritten agreement USAN" Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Figure 3 - Mesa Span XL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 11 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008.018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 5.1 Ordering All Mesa Span XL cabinets must be ordered from VARTAC equipped with approved Verizon equipment. Ordering information for equipped VARTAC Mesa Span XL cabinets is provided in document 2008-19-NSTS. http://myvzweb.verizon.com/nepdocs/Private/Flash/2008-019-NSTS pdf The Mesa Span XL cabinet is ordered from VARTAC on a TEO and charged to the FRC account 257C/2232.57,758C/2362.90 The following accessories can be ordered from Emerson Network Power. In order to correctly identify the correct template/kit for the cabinet being placed, Emerson has added a 3" orange sticker to the template and the template packaging. Material ID Part Number Description F1009177 Mesa Span XL with Battery Chamber and Customer Access F1009178 Mesa Span XL without Battery Chamber with Customer Access F1009182 Mesa Span XL with Battery Chamber without Customer Access F1009183 Mesa Span XL without Battery Chamber without Customer Access 11063562 F1009181 Mesa Span XL Pole Mount Kit 11063563 F1009180 Mesa Span XL Wall Mount Kit 11063564 F1009179 Mesa Span XL Pad Mount Template 11065890 F1009376 MESAS an XL Plug Kit for Pole Mount Kit 11066397 F1009419 Kit GFCI Outlet in Span XL Cabinet 11067838 F1009426 MESAS an XL H-Frame Kit includes Wall Mount Bracket 11071783 F1009639 MESAS an XL Conduit Alignment Template 11071772 F1009641 H-Frame Sway Support Bracket Kit 11088702 F1010042 6" Platform for Mesa Span XL Without Battery Chamber Section 5.2 Heat Exchanger A 650 watt heat exchanger is mounted on the outside of the "A" door to keep the temperature inside the Span XL cabinet within the equipment manufacturer's recommendations. The heat exchanger is equipped with two fans, an internal and external fan that can run independently of each other. The heat exchanger is controlled by an Environmental Control Card (ECC). The fan control module accepts -48V DC power for the heat exchanger. Also, the fan control module has a single alarm connection for fan failure. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 12 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 5.3 Cabinet Alarms Two environmental alarms are available inside the Mesa Span XL cabinet. A door alarm and ECU alarm are available for wiring to the alarm monitoring device. Section 5.4 Environmental Control Card (ECC) The environmental control card (ECC) is mounted inside the "A" door of the Mesa Span XL cabinet. The ECC monitors and controls the environment inside the Mesa Span XL Cabinet. The unit controls the heat exchanger fans and provides alarm functions for the fan units. A picture of the ECC is shown below. Figure 4 - ECC Unit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 13 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE:Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/0512011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 5.5 Grounding Please reference VZ 918-100-100 for proper grounding of the RT site or Cellsite. Reference numbers in the figure below are shown in VZ 918-100-100. Also reference 2003-00301-OSP for grounding details Grounding Notes from 2003-00301-OSP A 6 AWG grounding conductor (preferably jacketed) should be placed from Verizon's cabinet and terminated at the AC power service ground rod. This grounding conductor should be bonded to all other enclosures and to the metal fence, when they are within 6 feet [2 meters] from the cabinet. This is required to minimize voltage difference problems. • Route the 6 AWG copper conductor (preferably jacketed) through an appropriate cabinet knockout. • Connect one end of the 6 AWG copper conductor to the ground lug located inside the cabinet. • Connect the other end to the site's ground conductor using a compression connector. • Bond the cabinet to the site's ground ring with a 2 AWG conductor to be provided by the WSP (this conductor is typically left in the Grade Level Hand Hole or Strongwell/Hubbell box by the customer) The equipment compartment contains two 10-position, 2-hole ground bars. One ground bar is isolated from the cabinet frame. The ground bars are 1/4" stud with 5/8" O.C. Spacing for double hole lugs. Tighten all ground lugs. Do not double stack grounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 14 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Ve"291 Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance X Box 05P Cable Cable sHetd& I -F - - - - - - - - - - )-- -f AC Power Pod 5 Pun, CEGB PMtect W 7 61 (bolated 4 Q or h Uplona R AGEG C' 6 T (16 23 8 20 LL (6 201 43 2 MGB or OPGPS BPGB D (37 (+)Positive I g loptiw,al Return Bus Cabinet Chassis — — — — — — — — Ground Ring — — — — — — —I Figure 5 - Grounding Diagram (from VZ 918-100-100) q Figure 6 - Grounding Bar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ 2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 15 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 5.6 AC Load center The Mesa Span XL cabinet is equipped with a 2 position load center to accommodate customer supplied AC power or AC power from a PTS unit. The load panel is equipped with a 30 amp single pole main circuit breaker and one tandem branch circuit breaker. The tandem branch circuit breaker has a two 15A circuits on the device. One 15A branch circuit breaker will provide 120V AC power to the DC power supply. The second 15A branch circuit breaker will provide 120V AC power to the battery heater pads and the convenience outlet. VARTAC will include with each Mesa Span XL cabinet a two-foot "pig tail' equipped with a Hubbell Twist-Lock connector body on one end and a standard three prong plug on the other. This cord is for providing emergency AC power to the Valere power plant in the event of an AC power failure. The standard three-prong plug will plug into an extension cord that is to be connected to an AC generator. The Twist-Lock plug, from the Valere power plant, will plug into the Hubbell twist lock connector body. This emergency generator cord should be kept stored in the Mesa Span XL cabinet when not in use. The AC service from the PTS or the cellsite provider is terminated on the AC load center main breaker. The recommended route for the AC service feed is through one of the small conduit openings/large opening into the battery chamber. From the battery chamber route the AC service into the equipment chamber through one of the small openings between the battery chamber and the equipment chamber. Place AC service to the AC load panel. Place AC service in conduit. Maximum AC power draw for the cabinet is approximately 12A@120VAC. The maximum AC power draw might change and is dependent on the DC power draw of the installed and future configuration. A power worksheet is available to calculate the DC power draw of the installed configuration. The power worksheet is available on http://vartac.verizon.com/ under Resources-> Power. The AC load center is located outside the cabinet next to the customer access cabinet. A picture of the AC panel is shown in Figure 7 below. Please refer 2003-00167-OSP "AC Power Transfer Switch — Power Pedestal' for ordering a PTS AC power pedestal, if needed. Must follow the National Electric Code and local AHJ electrical codes when providing AC service (including proper grounding) to the Mesa Span XL Cabinet. htti)//mvvzweb verizon com/nepdocs/Private/Methods%20&%2OProcedures/2003-00167%20issue%203.doc A small amount of Mesa Span XL cabinets were built without 15A GFCI outlets. Please reference network planning document NP-PS-2009-029 for instructions and ordering information for placing the GFCI outlet. ------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------Y---------------- ----- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use b VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 16 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance +u>rt,3 tk rfs^ t 'ij!szms, -,y ISH�, }.: ate - i Figure 7 - Picture of AC Panel TO AC SOURCE N N J Al 15 J 0 � BB9 � w AC BREA< R PANEL r 0 r v To DC Power Supply Figure 8 -AC Schematic for the Mesa Span XL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 17 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 5.6.1 DC Powered Cabinet The cabinet can be powered from customer provided -48VDC power or +24VDC power(with the addition of a +24VDC to -48VDC converter). The multiplexer, smartjack shelves, cabinet ECU, and other associated equipment are powered by the -48VDC power. Typically, the battery compartment is not needed when the customer provides -48VDC. A battery compartment or 6" platform is needed if pad mounting the Mesa Span XL. The engineer and customer must size power wire correctly and must account for voltage drop in the copper cable loop for the maximum DC power draw for the configuration. Typical DC power draw for a Mesa Span XL configuration can be obtained by completing the power calculations worksheet located on the VARTAC website The power worksheet is available on http://vartac.verizon.com/ under Resources4 Power. Section 5.7 Battery Compartment The battery compartment has a capacity to house one string of 17OAh batteries. Batteries with amp hour ratings of less than 17OaH can be placed in the Mesa Span XL battery compartment. If using 17OA batteries, the Northstar 17OAh (NSB17OFT) batteries must be used. Typically, a battery with an amp hour (Ah) rating of less than 17OaH is supplied with the VARTAC cellsite models. Please reference VARTAC bill of materials for more details or document 2008-19- NSTS. Picture of the battery compartment is shown in Figure 9. Batteries are not included from VARTAC on certain models. Please refer to the bill of material for accurate listing of all parts included with the model. Figure 9 - Picture of Battery Compartment --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 18 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 5.8 Battery Heater A battery heater is placed below the batteries in the battery compartment. The battery heater pad is AC powered. Section 5.9 Cable Entry When placing a concrete template, eight cable entry points exist into the battery compartment from the bottom of the cabinet (template side). The template has openings for two (2) 4 inch, four (4) 1 inch and two (2) 3/4" inch conduits. If placing a precast pad or handhole, the cable entry into the bottom of the battery chamber can handle multiple conduits. The opening in the pad/handhole is an oval and the corresponding opening in the battery compartment is a square. From the battery compartment to the equipment compartment eight cable entry points exist. The sizes of the cable entry ports are: two (2) 3 inch, four (4) one inch, and two 1/4 inch cable entry ports. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 19 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Figure 10 - Picture of Opening in Bottom of Battery Chamber for Cable Entry Figure 11 - Pictures of Openings from Battery Chamber to Equipment Chamber ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ --- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 20 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE:Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/0512011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Drawing Below Shows the Bottom of the Cabinet(Looking at the Bottom) r o 0 • s e 0o 0 0 5. 26 � Yoyyo —Nod3. i5 3 . 50 6. 43 aYPICAL Figure 12 - Cable Entry Looking From the Bottom If mounting the Span XL on a wall or a pole, any vacant cable entry ports must be sealed. An open cable entry port is a possible ingress to water and insects. Emerson provides grommets and a cover for two of the 1", one of the %" openings, and one of the 4" cable entry openings If extra grommets and covers are needed, order Emerson part number F1009376. Emerson part number F1009376 contains a total of four (4) covers/grommets (two (2) - 1"/ one (1) - '/d', and one(1) - 4" ). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 21 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 4 4 0 Figure 13 - Cable Entry Port Installed Grommets/Plates --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 22 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 5.10 Customer Handoff Box The customer handoff box is attached to the Mesa Span XL cabinet. The customer handoff box features predrilled holes for the various handoff panels and a Krone block for dialtone handoff. The box also features a ground bar and five knockouts for five 2" conduits (2.5' OD). Room in the customer handoff box is limited; therefore excessive cable slack cannot be stored inside the customer handoff box --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 23 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance -.: :, ., Entrance into Equipment Chamber Krone Block Jack Panels SIP Panels Figure 14 Customer Access Box Uu Jif �t tY _ rm- n.�., 1 n _ Ground Bar Knockouts for Conduit Entrance Figure 15 - Customer Access Box Ground Bar and Conduit Entrance ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 24 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 5.11 Cabinet Dimensions The Mesa Span XL dimensions are: Height: • Without battery base: 31.02" • Battery base for 170 Amp hr. batteries: 15.20" • Total height with battery base installed: 46.22" Width: 39.43" Depth: 32.97' without customer access box 36.43" with customer access box Weight (approximate) • Span XL cabinet only 330 lbs. • Span XL fully configured without the batteries 453 lbs. • For a string of 1 OOAh batteries add approximately 329 lbs. If placing the 6" platform for the Mesa Span XL without battery base, add 6" to the height dimension above. Doors open on three sides of the cabinet. Plan on door opening dimensions listed in the figures below. Allow enough space to open the doors and access the equipment Recommended Concrete pad dimensions: 36" x 78.50" Flat pad dimensions: 42" x 42" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 25 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance -- __ 85 . 3 7 �- 30 . 9 4 -� 27 . 84 0 0 55 . 93 r �. 28 . 09 39 . 43 8 , 49 �--�---- 4 4 36 . 43 8 . 59 4 . 21 Figure 16 - Dimensions Top ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 26 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 29 . 50 15 . 42 1 . 09 29 . 93 23 . 00 46 . 22 15 . 20 Figure 17 — Side Dimensions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 27 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Y Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 5.12 6" Platform for Pad Mounting Without Battery Chamber The Mesa Span XL can be mounted on a pad without a battery chamber using the 6" platform from Emerson. The 6" platform is new item and must be ordered as an accessory to the Mesa Span XL cabinet. Ordering information is shown in Section 5.1. The 6" platform is placed between the main cabinet chamber and the concrete pad/handhole/precast pad and must be placed on a Mesa Span XL cabinet without battery chamber. Using the four existing bolt locations on the bottom of the Mesa Span XL (without battery chamber), the 6" platform is mounted to the bottom of the Mesa Span XL. The bottom of the 6" platform has the same bolt pattern as the battery chamber. Therefore, the 6" platform will mount on existing Mesa Span XL templates/handholes/precast pads. Features of the 6" Platform: • Removable front and rear covers. • Front and rear covers are attached using existing hole locations for front bolts. Front bolts are covered when door is closed. Rear cover is attached using tamper proof screws • Front and rear cutouts for access to the bolt locations • Clearance for cones, grommets, and hardware Material Included with 6" platform. Quantity Description 4 SCREW,CAP,1/2-13X1.5,HEX,S/S,PAS 2 NYLON CAP SRW,BLACK 1/2-13 X 3/4 4 WASHER,LOCK, SPLIT,1/2,S/S,PAS 5 WASHER,FLAT,1/2,S/S,PAS 4 NUT,HEX,FLAT,1/2-13,S/S,PAS(E30566) 1 SHORT ALLEN HEX/PIN KEY .312 HEX POLYBAG 5X7X.004 BG-20-R L-8636/ 1 BULK 14 WASHER,FLAT,NO10,S/S,PAS 14 WASHER,LOCK, SPLIT,#10,S/S,PAS 14 NUT,HEX,M/S,10-32,S/S,PAS 1 BARRIER PAD 1 38 51N. SOCKET WRENCH 4 WASHER,FLAT,NO 8,S/S,PAS 4 WASHER,LOCK, SPLIT,#8,S/S,PAS NUT,HEX,SML PATTRN,8- 4 32X.313,BRS,TIN Figures 18 through Figure 20 show the 6" platform. --------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 28 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance r Front Cover Holes for Conduits/Cones Figure 18 — Drawing of 6"Platform ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 29 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Y Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance t 'n. Y'ya V _ry f !1 �m Front and Rear Cutouts for Access to Bolts/Anchors Figure 19 - Expanded Drawing of 6"Platform st 3. vvtt Y a �'Yirc p.a r p =._,.A.:t..r:- :.';= Y".- -' `e'k sta��N' a� � � a .. v1'+ctsi }' f i ; t Figure 20 — 3D Drawing of 6"Platform ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 30 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE:Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 6.0 Cellsite Planning This section will describe briefly some planning considerations for standard cellsite design. Please refer to 2003-00301-OSP for further details for cellsite planning and non-standard cellsite design. httQ7//Mvvzweb.verizon.com/nepdocs/Private/Methods%20&°/20Procedures/Methods%20for%20Providina%20Te lecomm unications%20Services%20to%2OCell%2OSites.doc The cellsite should be fiber fed (see conditions in NP-GL-2008-013) and the Fujitsu 4100ES or the Alcatel Lucent DMXtend multiplexer will be used. Section 6.1 Site Layout The following site layout is adapted from 2001-00073-OSP. Two options exist for the layout of Verizon equipment at the cellsite property. The first layout is shown in Figure 21. This layout places a pad (concrete/precast), pole or wall mount Mesa Span XL cabinet. All the customer conduits terminate into one handhole outside the pad area. The conduits from the Mesa Span XL customer access box also terminate in the same handhole. This handhole connects all customer conduits into one handhole. The second option is to place a Hubbell Quazite box and cover assembly. The Mesa Span XL is placed on the Hubbell Quazite box. All Verizon service entrance conduits, customer conduits, conduits from the Mesa Span XL customer access box, AC service conduits, and grounds are terminated in the Hubbell Quazite box and cover assembly. The cellsite layout with the Hubbell Quazite box is shown in Figure 22 and Figure 23. Figure 26 shows conduit placement detail for the customer access box conduits. The customer access box conduits are placed outside the precast pad/concrete pad/ Hubbell Quazite box. The concrete pad layout is shown in Figure 24 and the precast pad is shown in Figure 33. Adequate space must be left around the cabinet to accommodate the door swing and walking space. A diagram with the minimum dimensions needed for adequate door swing is shown in Figure 25. ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 31 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Top View Of Hubbell Handhole for Mesa Span XL AC Entrance Five(5)2" Conduits Conduit Customer from Customer Access Chamber to Han h le Ground Conduits Wires Verizon Entrance Conduit(s) Mesa Span XL Cabinet Removable Customer Cover Conduits Customer Conduits Figure 22 - Cellsite Layout with Hubbell Quazite Box ---------- --------------- ------------- -------------- ----------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 33 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement N" Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance __-----_---___---- ----_ One 4" Conduit to Concrete Pad / ! Property Line or as Precast Pad/ directed by Verizon Pole Mount or (per 2003-00301- Wall Mount OSP) oo 11 1 L TJ I Four 1" Conduits and One %" Conduit Five 2" Conduits Stubbed Outside o From Customer Pad for AC Ground N Access Chamber to Wires, and AC Handhole Electrical Feed One'/," Conduit For Site Ground Ring Grade Level Handhole Customer"B" Customer"A" Individual Customer Cond Its Individ I Customer Conduits Terminating in Handhol rminating in Handhole Customer"C" Customer"D" Figure 21 - Cellsite Layout with Concrete Pad or Precast Pad and External Handhole ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------__- ----------- --- -------------- ------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 32 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement verrzep Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 00 0 00 0 08 0 0 Figure 23 - Mounting the Mesa Span XL on a Hubbell Quazite Box -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- --------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 34 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement veffmon Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance O p M f— 24.00" 1-1.4 --30.50" 24.00" OI o O ! M 00 00 1 5/16" ' 00 ------------------------------------------------- 78.50" Figure 24 - Concrete Pad Layout ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use b VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 35 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement verrzw Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Walking Area Around Cabinet (Emerson Documents Recommend 42") Minimum - Clearance Needed oDimensions For ui Door Swing " — 30.50" 24.00" 24.00 — 0 O M CD 3.75" ap 'n C3.75" Door Swing 1 5/16" �Lloor Swing - -- 1 L _ 78,50" N Minimum Clearance Dimensions Needed For Door Swing 86" Walking Area Around Cabinet With Doors Open (Emerson Documents Recommend 42") Figure 25 - Concrete Pad Layout with Minimum Clearance Dimensions Needed For Door Swing ------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use b VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 36 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement iwf n Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance • �',yexiz_onJ d? Concrete Pad1HubW1 Quaxite Pad or Precast Pao iff 1 . 255 —��— Figure 26 - Side View of Customer Access Box and Conduit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 37 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 6.2 Customer Requirements The following section is taken from the "CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS AT CELL SITES" PLEASE REFERENCE CURRENT DOCUMENT FOR UPDATED CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS. 1. The Wireless Service Provider(WSP) is responsible to obtain space, "Right-of-Way", provide a clear usable easement to the site, electrical power(when required) and pathways(from point-A to point-B)at no cost to Verizon that meets Verizon's agreed to specifications. 2. The customer is to secure all necessary permits. 3. There will be only one (1) Demarcation Point (DP)at each site regardless of the number of WSPs at the site 4. The preferred location for the DP is inside the fenced compound, in non-leased space and within 20 conductor feet 16 meters] of the power service ground (MGN)in order to minimize voltage differences. Verizon personnel must be guaranteed 24 hour/7 day access by the placement of a Verizon padlock at the entrance to the fenced compound. If 24 hour/7 day access cannot be guaranteed, the DP will be outside the fenced area in non-leased space and within 20 feet(conductor length)of the power service ground. 5. The Tower Management Company or first WSP on site will provide a concrete pad, Precast pad/handhole, grade level handhole or laminated post as specified by Verizon: NOTE: The Verizon representative should provide information on how to obtain the approved templates, brackets and handholes from Verizon approved Manufacturers. • Pad Mounted Cabinet- Precast Pad/Handhole—customer will supply pad/handhole and shall be obtained from Hubbell. • Pad Mounted Cabinet— Flat Pad—customer will supply flat pad and shall be obtained from Hubbell • Pad Mounted Cabinet- Poured Concrete Pad—Verizon will supply Emerson Template so customer can provide concrete pad (see Figure 31). It is recommended that conduits from the pad are brought out of the pad and terminated into a Precast Handhole placed at a distance not less than 24-inches from the pad. The Precast Handhole shall be provided by the customer and can be obtained through Hubbell. The recommended handholes are sized as 17x30x24 or a 24x36x24. - • Pole Mounted Cabinet—customer will provide a laminated post. Verizon will provide pole mount bracket when placing SPAN XL Cabinet (see Figure 46). • Wall Mounted Cabinet—customer will provide a concrete wall or an H-Fixture (Must construct H-fixture as shown in Section 10.0). Verizon will supply the wall mount bracket when placing the cabinet(see Figure 60). 6. Provide adequate working clearances around the cabinet. The concrete pad measures 78.50-inches wide by 36.00-inches deep. The mimium width required with side doors open is 86.00-inches. The mimimum depth with front door open is 56.00-inches(see figure 24 and figure 25). 7. The customer is responsible for stubbing out all conduits from bottom of cabinet. Although not a requirement, it is highly recommended that a handhole be placed to terminate conduits. If the handhole is not placed then all conduits must be terminated and brought to the edge of the concrete or precast pad for easy access. A total of two (2)four-inch conduits, Four(4)one-inch conduits and Two (2)three quarter-inch conduits are required for AC service/copper/fiber and grounds (see Figure 21). 8. The customer is responsible for placing one (1)four(4)-inch conduit, equipped with pull string, from the edge of the right-of-way or property line to the handhole. This conduit must have 90-degree sweeps at all turns.(reference 2003-00301-OSP) 9. The customer is responsible for providing conduit from the hand-hole or pull-box at the DP location to their equipment but or cabinet. 10. The customer is responsible for stubbing out from the customer chamber, a 2-inch customer conduit. The customer chamber can provide access for up to five (5), 2-inch conduits. The conduits should be placed from the customer chamber to the hand-hole. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y ------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use b VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 38 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 11. The customer is responsible for placing shielded cables/wires from their equipment to Verizon's cabinet. The shields of the customer's cables or wires are to be grounded inside the cabinet. 12. The customer access chamber in Verizon's cabinet allows service wires to enter through a cable cones to terminate on the Verizon handoff equipment. 13. Provide a 2 AWG grounding conductor to bond Verizon's cabinet to the site's ground ring (this conductor is typically left in the hand-hole or pull-box). 14. The customer is to provide commercial AC power. A dedicated 30-amp 120VAC circuit is required for the MESA SPAN XL cabinet. The circuit breaker serving the MESA SPAN XL cabinet should be clearly labeled on both the inside and outside of the AC panel for ease of identification. For laminated post installations, an AC cut off switch should be mounted on the side of the right post. 15. Special Construction Charges may be applicable. These charges will be applied in accordance with the appropriate Tariff or through the ICB/Special Assembly Process. 16. The customer is responsible for stubbing out all conduits from bottom of cabinet. Although not a requirement, it is highly recommended that a handhole be placed to terminate conduits. If the handhole is not placed then all conduits must be terminated and brought to the edge of the concrete or precast pad for easy access. A total of two (2)four-inch conduits, Four(4)one-inch conduits and Two (2)three quarter-inch conduits are required for AC service/copper/fiber and grounds (see Figure 21). Section 6.3 Cellsite Demarc Demarc rules can be found at http://demarc.verizon.com/. Other documentation for the demarc point are 2003-00301-OSP or 2003-00170-OSP. Link to 2003-00301-OSP http://m Vvzweb.verizon.com/nepdocs/Private/Methods%20&%2OProcedures/Methods%20for%2OProvidi ng%2OTe lecomm u nications%20Services%20to%2OCel I%2OSites.doc Link to 2003-00170-OSP http://myvzweb.verizon.com/nepdocs/Private/Methods%20&%2OProcedu res/Verizon%20DP%20 Policy%20for%2 0 th e%20 N o n%2 0 FTT P%20 N etw o rk.d o c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 39 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 7.0 Mounting the Mesa Span XL Cabinet on a Pad The Mesa Span XL cabinet can be placed on a concrete pad, precast pad or specially designed handhole. Section 7.1 Site Selection When selection the site for the Mesa Span XL cabinet, consider the following points below: • Pad site should be located above the 100-year flood plain and areas subject to water runoff or flash flooding during heavy rains whenever possible. • Placement of the concrete pad/precast pad requires accessibility to the site for a backhoe or other construction vehicle to maneuver • Proposed site should have safe parking available. • Site should be located on a recorded right of way. Obtain all permits/right-of-ways before the construction begins. Place the cabinet on dedicated (recorded) easements, or on property owned by the company. Do not place on any unrecorded easements. • ❑Use public safety road and street rights-of-way only when there is enough space to place the closure and provide safe working conditions. The cabinet should be easily accessible with adequate parking to ensure safety for people and vehicles. Place the cabinet where it will not create a visual or physical obstruction to either vehicles or pedestrians. • Vulnerability: Select locations that will minimize accidental or intentional vandalism. Consider the use of protective posts when the cabinet is located near parking areas where vehicles could back into the cabinet. Do not place the cabinet in ditches or areas subject to flooding. • Accessibility: Place the cabinet at least 42 inches away from any obstruction, fence, hedge,etc. • Attempt should be made to design the site to be as aesthetically pleasing as possible. • If an area is subject to frost, choose a site free of heaving. • Note the cabinet dimensions shown in Section 5.11. Provide enough clearance for door openings and technician access. • For ease of access when pole mounting, install the Cabinet at working level and in accordance with Verizon practices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 40 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance • When pole mounting, use a minimum Class 3 pole • Pole Mounting: Must be a minimum of three feet between the pole and the curb for access (cabinet on field side of pole) • Pole Mounting: A corner pole should not be considered due to guying. • It is recommended that the Cabinet be mounted on a concrete wall or pole and that you make sure the wall/pole is plumb Section 7.2 Warnings and requirements for placing the Mesa Span XL Cabinet Below are the warnings outlined in the Emerson Network Power documentation "631-205- 094/631-205-102". Follow all current published Verizon documentation/regulations/safety practices. • Do not install or store batteries in cabinet before cabinet is installed • Observe the following safety measures, as well as all local safety procedures, when performing the tasks in this section. • Keep the equipment and the cabinet away from any power lines. • Keep bystanders away from work operations at all times. • Only specially trained operators shall be permitted to operate crane equipment for lifting and setting the cabinet. • Operators should not suspend loads over people, nor should any person work, stand, or pass under a suspended load. • Before lifting the cabinet, block off the area. Vehicles should not park within 25 feet (7.6 m) of the lifting circumference. • All persons working with crane equipment shall wear standard safety gear according to local practices, including, but not limited to, safety helmets, steel-toed shoes, eye protection, and (when required) insulating gloves. • Do not operate the crane until all stabilizers are extended and in firm contact with the ground or adequate support structure. Do not attempt to retract or extend the stabilizers while a load is suspended from the crane. ---------------------—-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 41 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance • When raising the crane from the stowed position, and while operating the crane, be alert for overhead obstructions that might interfere with movement of the crane. Do not allow the cabinet or crane to touch any electrical wiring or equipment. • If the cabinet is to be moved while it is attached to the pallet (such as in a turnkey staging area or temporary storage location), lift it with a forklift vehicle positioned at the long side of the pallet. The forklift must be rated at 5,000 Ib. (2,268 kg) and have a minimum fork length of 50 inches (1270 mm). Do not lift the pallet and cabinet from the ends when using a forklift; lift from the sides of the pallet only. • If the cabinet will not be powered up for an extended period, place a heat source, such as two 150W light bulbs wired in parallel inside the cabinet to prevent condensation • Improper hoisting equipment and unsafe lifting procedures can result in serious injury or death. o One derrick (crane) capable of lifting 5,000 lbs. (2,268 kg.). o Two, 8-ft. long (minimum) (2.4 m) wire rope slings, each with 2,500 lbs. (1,134kg) capacity should be used. o Two connecting links to attach wire rope slings to the cabinet lifting ears. 0 0.63" (5/8-in) (4 cm) diameter rope, approximately 75 feet (19 m) long to be used as a tagline. o Do not use slings or connecting links of insufficient capacity o Only the crane rigging crew should set up the crane and rigging o Do not exceed the lifting capacity of the crane. o Maintaining a 45° angle or greater between the slings and the Cabinet roof. • See Figure 8 for illustration on lifting the cabinet • During lifting, the cabinet must be lowered so that the cabinet is level and parallel to the pad surface. Place the cabinet so that it lines up with the anchor bolts. Make sure the cabinet is clear of the conduits in the foundation pad. (Emerson, 2007/2008) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 42 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 7.3 Concrete Pad Preparation Concrete Pad Standards • If a concrete pad is placed, the compression strength of the concrete pad used must be a minimum of 4000 psi as determined by ASTM C39 test of compression strength of concrete cylinders. The slump of the concrete shall be 2 (50.8 mm) to 4 inches (101.6 mm) as determined using ASTM test method C143. Use a high-early strength concrete mix so the cabinet may be placed three days following concrete pouring. Coarse aggregate used in the concrete shall be graded from 3/4-inch (19 mm) to No. 4 only. • Use concrete only for the foundation pad. Do not use substitute materials. • The overall dimensions of the pad template are: 28.00" x 30.50", (72.39 cm x 60.96 cm). Reference Figure 30 for the concrete template details. • Use a minimum of six inches (15.24 cm) of sand or gravel as a base for the foundation pad. This will level the location to accept the pad. The arrangement and size of the reinforcing mesh and the template in the form prior to pouring concrete is shown in Figure 32. • The arrangement of the reinforcing mesh and the template in the form prior to pouring concrete is shown in Figure 32. • Square and level the template(s) on the stakes so the tops of the mounting plates are flush with, or no more than 0.25" (1/4-in). (6 mm) above, the top of the pad Square the template(s) so the diagonal measurement between the anchor bolts is equal. • A gasket is installed on the concrete pad to prevent corrosion between the concrete pad and the cabinet mounting surface • Reference Figure 30 for the template details. (Emerson, 2007) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 43 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 7.4 Pad Mounting Instructions for the Mesa Span XL Cabinet From Emerson Network Power document 631-205-102 1 . Construct concrete pad. Reference sections Section 7.4 and Section 7.3. See Figures 30 and Figure 32. 2. Clean all debris from the concrete pad. 3. Open the front and rear doors of the equipment chambers 4. Place the gasket into position on the foundation pad so that the gasket will lie underneath the bottom of the cabinet when it is placed. The gasket should lie so the cutouts are in position around the conduit openings, and over the anchor bolts. The gasket prevents corrosion between the concrete pad and the cabinet mounting surfaces. See Figure 27. 5. Remove the mounting bolts from the front and rear equipment base covers and remove the covers. Set the covers safely aside for later replacement. 6. Remove each cable cone from the cabinet floor by removing the 1/4" hardware. Remove and set the cable cones safely aside for later reattachment. See Figure 28. 7. If the cabinet will be equipped with cables from a remote location, remove the nozzles from the cable sleeves in the protection chamber. Set the cable cones safely aside for later reattachment. 8. Make sure the rear equipment chamber door is closed and latched in preparation for cabinet placement. Note: If the cabinet will be installed over cables, the rear door should remain open and secured with the wind latch. 9. Insert the lifting cable sling connecting links securely through each of the two lifting ears. To prevent the cabinet from tipping when the pallet brackets are removed, take up the slack with the crane. DO NOT tighten the cables so that the pallet lifts. The weight of the pallet will make it difficult to remove the bracket bolt. See Figure 29. 10. If installed, use a 216-type tool to remove the OSP cable side base panel of the battery chamber. 11. Remove the bolts from the pallet mounting bracket, which secures the cabinet to the pallet. 12. Dress the cable/conduit so that it will easily enter the cabinet splice chamber as it is being lowered onto the foundation pad. 13. Remove the anchor bolts and washers from the foundation pad. Set the hardware aside ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 44 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Datei08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance to attach the cabinet to the pad. The conduit has a turning locking nut and bushing already in place. The turning locking nut and bushing aid in aligning and securing the conduit to the junction box. 14. Place the cabinet on the pad. Loosen the slings so that the full weight of the cabinet is on the pad. Check to be sure the cabinet is properly lined up on the pad. 15. To secure the cabinet to the pad, install 0.5-13 (1/2-13) bolts with washers and lock washers into the bottom flange. Tighten all bolts securely. 16. When the cabinet is secured, remove the slings, the tagline, and the lifting eyebolts. Replace the eyebolts with the nylon hex-head bolts included in the cabinet loose parts package. 17. Ground per VZ 918-100-100 (Emerson, 2007) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 45 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance G ask et Figure 27 - Cabinet Gasket ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 46 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance p OSP CABLE ENTRY Figure 28 - Cable Entry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 47 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance SLINGS SHOULD BE USED, ONE FOR EACH EYEBOLT. SLINGS REQUIRED MINIMUM LENGTH 8 FEET(2.4 m) v Figure 29 - Lifting the Cabinet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 48 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 3'2 . 0 -- — _ L 3 ' 'p ® 24 , 5C 3F� . 0 i I Figure 30 - Template Dimensions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 49 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except underwritten agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 0 s ui 24.00" — 30.50" 24.00" — O o 0 O m r M OO 00 1 5/16" 00 78.50" Figure 31 - Concrete Pad Dimensions CABLE CONDUITS 2"(5.08 cm)ABOVE CABINET TEMPLATE CONCRETE PAD FLUSH WITH.TO 1/4"(6.4 mm) WOODEN FORM ABOVE TOP OF CONCRETE (2 x 6)TYPICAL 6"(1524 Cm) 2"(5.08 cm) CONCRETE PAD 211"(5.08 cm) I 0 0 o 16"STAKES SAND WELDED MESH OR GRAVEL COMPACTED GROUND WIRETO 6 X 6 X 4/4(4 GAUGE WIRE) SOIL GROUNDING SYSTEM Figure 32 - Side View of Concrete Pad -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 50 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 7.S Ordering Precast Pad/ Handhole Utilize all cautionary notices and installation instructions in NP-PS-2005-038 `Product Selection Notification for Verizon (VZ) approved Strongwell products for use with Emerson Mesa Bridge, Edge, and Span XL Cabinets" for mounting the precast pad/handhole. NOTE: When using the pad/handhole for cell site applications the end user should be supplying this product and not Verizon. Provide the end user the Material ID # and Hubbell Part # and advise them to contact Hubbell to obtain product. The ordering information for the precast pad and handhole is shown below. If a CSC handhole is placed in the field and a Mesa Span XL is planned for the site, a cover can be purchased to place the Mesa Span XL on the CSC handhole. The replacement cover is shown in Table 1 below. The new replacement cover design is shown in Figure 38. Material Part Number Description ID 11063916 PL42420523B3T Pad Flat 42x42 MESA SPAN XL Cabinet with 4x15 throat and mounting inserts. 11063843 PG3660Z578VY Handhole 36x60x36 MESA SPAN XL Cabinet, complete handhole assembly with knockouts & split cover with throat and mounting inserts for mounting Emerson Span XL cabinet. 11063841 PG3630C MESA SPAN XL Cabinet 1/2 cover for Mounting Cabinet. 11063842 PG3660C527VY Cover Replacement MESA SPAN XL Cabinet, replacement split cover with throat and mounting inserts for mounting Emerson Span XL cabinet. 11064683 PG4848C531 Handhole Replacement Cover for Hubbell Part Number PG4848Z515 to Place Mesa Span XL on Handhole Table 1 - Hubbell Parts List for Mesa Span XL Cabinet -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 51 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 42 [1067] 1/2-13 UNC 24 1/2 14 3/4 LIFTING INSERTS [622] [375] 4 PLACES 1/2-13 UNC INSERT _ _ o [184]1/4 9 1/4 6 PLACES-----------,, [235] EMERSON MESA SPAN & MESA SPAN XL BASE FOOTPRINT I 25 1/2 23 1/2 42 [648] [597] [1067] 2X RFULL I I I I I 1 5/16 y [33] - 0 4X R3/4 [19]—J/ SKID RESISTANT 4X 2 42 SURFACE [51] [51] Note: Dimensions in brackets are millimeters. Figure 33 — Drawing of the Mesa Span XL Precast Pad -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ 2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 52 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 24 [610] LG. CABLE. RACK 1/2-13 UNC SELF ALIGNING. HMT BRACKET 3 PLACES (1 CENTERED EACH REPLACEABLE S.S. NUT (CENTERED ONE SIDE; & CENTERED ONE END)- 2 PIACE:S—,_, END) PG366OB787 COVER GUARD SYRUP _ 2 PLACES 14 7/8 [378] LG. 22 [559] LG CABLE RACK '� CABLE RACK 3 PLACES (OVER .� «"" �� 14 6] 26 'TERMINATOR) It (914] TERMINATOR FOR 1/2-13 UNC ✓' 4' [102] CONDUIT LIFTING BOLTS JSP 8 PLACES 4 PLACES (2 EACH SIDE & 4 EACH END) ' X95110 2J [ 4] 6661 1 a 1/2 — 6X 02 1/2 [64] KNOCKOUT 4X 4 1/2 [114] X 9 [229] MOUSF.HOLE KNOCKOUT -------- (2 (2 EACH END WALL) ' 5/6 PULLING EYE 1500# [6672 N] MAX 1 45061 'l714 51] --01/2 [13] THRU HOLE PULL OUT 133 d '� (FOR EXCESS GROUND RIBBON) (1 F.ACH END)---------''J 01 iii \ 1—GROUNDMG RIHHON Figure 34 - Hubbell 36x60x36 Handhole and Mounting Cover 01/2 [13] S.S. 1/2-13 UNC X 1 3/4 [44] LG. FLAT WASHER S.S. HEX HEAD CAPTIVE BOLT 2 PLACES 2 PLACES 1 [25] X 4 [102] PULL SLOT 5/8 [16] X 1 [25] THRU SLOT W/ 01/4 [6] CENTER PIN W/ 01 1/4 [32] X 1 5/8 [41] 2 PLACES X 1/2 [13] DEEP C'BORE 2 PLACES SKID RESISTANT SURFACE MS-88 QUAZITE LOGO O® "` PG3630052809 67 SEE DETAIL 1 PG3630C529VY ® FULL COVER R\ P/N PG3660C527VY —1/2 [13] PAL NUT 2 PLACES Figure 35 - Hubbell Replacement Cover-Two Piece -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ 2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 53 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance EMERSON MESA SPAN & MESA SPAN XL 24 13/16 4 1/2 BASE FOOTPRINT [630] f- [114] 15/16 0 11 11 3/16 ° [283] I I 7 23 1 1 24 1/2 G [584] 11 I 1 [622] 29/32 II [23] 2 13/16 25 1/2 [71] y [648] 1 1/2-13 UNC INSERT 4 13/16 23 1/2 6 PLACES [122] [597] Figure 36 - Hubbell Replacement Half Cover 1/2-13 UNC X 1 1/4 [321 LG HEX HEAD HOLT (2 PLACES) 4 01/2 [131 FLAT WASHER 2 PLACES COVER PLATE Figure 37- Hubbell Cover Plate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 54 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 52 3/8 [1330] 2 7/16 � _ 47 1/2 [62] [1207] —~ 19 7/16 32 13/16�� [494] —'- [833] 1 2 7/16 [324 4] QUAZTTE LOGO [62] 24 7/8 I [632] I 5238 471 2/ / rI — — n C 49 3/4 [1330] [1207] ---t-- - - L [1264] ill fly 4X 05/8 [16] THRU ROLE W/01 1/4 [32] X 1/2 [13] 1/2 [13] X 4 [102] PULL SLOT DEEP COUNTERBORE W/01/4 [6] CENTER PIN Figure 38 - Replacement Cover for CSC Handhole for Mesa Span XL Mounting ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------'---------------' --------------- - - ---- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 55 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Vedzqf/ Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 7.6 Conduit Alignment Template Emerson has a conduit alignment template for use with the concrete pad template. The conduit alignment template bolts to cabinet mounting holes in the concrete pad template. The conduit alignment template allows the concrete pad to be enlarged to include the customer conduits or conduits to be placed outside the concrete pad. Special Note: If the conduits are placed in concrete, the concrete pad dimensions shown in various figures and paragraphs in the document do not include the concrete alignment template. The conduit alignment template is 8" tall by 27" wide, therefore the concrete pad must be expanded to accommodate the template. The conduit alignment template is shown in Figure 39 and depiction of the conduit alignment template on the concrete pad template is shown in Figure 40 and Figure 41. 5-2.5" 1.375" Openings Opening 0000 C110 2-.625" Openings Figure 39 - Conduit Alignment Template ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------Y----------------- ----- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use b VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 56 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance ,r X �r BOLTS TO CABINET MOUNTING HOLES Figure 40 - Concrete Alignment Template on Conduit Pad Template ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 57 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance VIEW FROM BELOW m+ d S f Y ' a +z r .r x �'" a" FYI# yP K y f Y 6 y fs 2.5" DIAMETER Figure 41 - View From Below for the Conduit Alignment Template ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C 2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 58 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 8.0 Pole Mount Instructions for the Mesa Span XL Cabinet Below is the steps outlined in the Emerson Network Power documentation "631-205-103". Follow all current published Verizon documentation/regulations/safety practices first. Reference Section 7.1 and Section 7.2 for guidelines. 1. Remove the parts of the MESA Span XL Cabinet Pole-Mount Kit from the packaging, verify that the Kit contains all of the required components and hardware as shown in Figure 43, and dispose of the packaging. 2. Using the Front Vertical Bracket supplied in the Pole-Mount Kit as a template, mark the two locations for the mounting holes on the pole, with one hole directly above the other, as shown in Figure 44. 3. At the locations you have marked on the pole, drill two holes, sized for the hardware (supplied by Verizon), from the front of the pole through the back. Make sure that the holes are level. 4. Use the two sets of the mounting hardware (Verizon supplied hardware) (two long stainless steel bolts [5/8-inch minimum], two nuts, and two washer plates) to attach the Front and Rear Vertical Brackets to the pole, as illustrated in Figure 44. 5. Tighten each set of hardware, holding the bolt head with an appropriately sized wrench, and tightening the nut with an appropriately sized wrench. 6. Use four sets of the mounting hardware supplied with the Pole-Mount Kit to attach the two Platform Support Brackets to the Front Vertical Bracket, as shown in Figure 45. Apply a torque value of 23 ft-Ib. 7. Use four sets of the mounting hardware supplied with the Pole-Mount Kit to attach the platform to the two Platform Support Brackets, as shown in Figure 46. Apply a torque value of 23 ft-Ib. 8. Align the hole on each Horizontal Bracket to the appropriate hole in the rear of the Platform, with the bracket as close to the pole as possible, as shown in Figure 47, and secure each horizontal Bracket with a set of mounting hardware supplied with the Pole-Mount Kit. Apply a torque value of 23 ft-Ib. 9. Select the most appropriate mounting hole on the side of each of the Horizontal Brackets, and use a drill with an appropriately sized socket to secure each Horizontal Bracket to the pole with a customer-provided lag screw and flat washer, as illustrated in Figure 48. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 59 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Mounting the cabinet 10. With the Cabinet still resting on and attached to its shipping pallet, use an "L" Security Hex Tool to open the Front and Rear Chamber Doors, then use a Can-Wrench to remove the Front and Rear Kick Panels as shown in Figure 49. Close the Front and Rear Chamber Doors. 11. If cables have been passed up through the Platform Assembly, make sure that these are placed in such a way so as not to interfere with the placement of the Cabinet on the Platform. 12. Prepare the cabinet for lifting as described in Section 7.1 and Section 7.2. Observe all warnings. 13. Position the Cabinet on the mounting Platform as shown in Figure 50, and then align the mounting holes in the Cabinet with the holes in the Platform. Three people are needed. (Two people are needed to position the Cabinet while the third operates the lifting equipment.) 14. Use the four 1/2-13 x 1" hex head screws, eight 1/2-inch flat washers, four 1/2- inch lock washers, and four 1/2-13 hex nuts supplied with the Cabinet to secure the Cabinet to the Platform, as shown in Figure 51. 15. Use a 5/8-inch wrench and a 5/8-inch socket wrench to tighten the hardware securely. Apply a torque value of 55 ft-Ib. 16. Disconnect the lifting equipment from the Cabinet. 17. Remove the two lifting eyebolts from the Cabinet as shown in Figure 52 and store these inside the Cabinet. 18. Use the two sets of 1/2-13 x 1-1/2" hex-head bolt, 1/2" lock washer and 1/2" flat washer included Pole-Mount Kit to secure the Top Brackets to the top of the Cabinet, as shown in Figure 53. Use the two holes from which you just removed the two eyebolts. Apply a torque value of 18 ft-Ib. 19. Select the most appropriate mounting hole on the side of each of the Top Brackets, and use a drill with an appropriately sized socket to secure each Top Bracket to the pole with a lag screw and flat washer (Verizon supplied), as shown in Figure 54. 20. If cables had been passed up through the Platform Assembly and had been dressed to the side to permit installation of the Cabinet on the Platform, carefully bring the cables inside the Cabinet as required. 21. Use an "L" Security Hex Tool to open the Front and Rear Chamber Doors, use a Can- Wrench to reinstall the Front and Rear Kick Panels as shown in Figure 49, and then close the Front and Rear Chamber Doors and secure these with the "L" Security Hex Tool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 60 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement verfz2" Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 22. Ground per VZ 918-100-100 (Emerson, 2008) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 61 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Nerlr�pn Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 0 �r '4 A °e f t o •• be Figure 42 - Picture of the Span XL Cabinet Pole Mounted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 62 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Rear Front Platform Vertical Vertical Supports Bracket Bracket Brackets ® Horizontal Brackets ° o m Platform ° ® Top Brackets 10 each, to secure the Platform Support Brackets to the Front Vertical Bracket, the 2 each, to secure the Top Brackets Platform to the Platform Support Brackets, to the top of the Cabinet: and the Horizontal Brackets to the Platform: //Q� Hex Head Screw, Carriage Bolt, 3/8-16 x 1" (/ 1/2-13 x 1-1/2• Flat Washer, 3/8" Split Lock Washer, 1/2" � Split Lock Washer, 3/8" © Flat Washer, 1/2" ® Nut, Hex, 3/8-16 Figure 43— Items Included in the Pole Mount Kit Rear Vertical Bracket Front Vertical Bracket 0 a 0 Hole Template to Mark Pole e 0 Figure 44- Attaching the Platform Support Brackets to the Vertical Mounting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 63 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Platform pporn&a ke6 0 w 0 r noting Hardw re Figure 45 - Attaching the Platform to the Platform Support Brackets Platform ® 8 m o m o "o�rn o F ate\ 0 Bolting Hardware (4 places) Figure 46 - Attaching the Platform Support Brackets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 64 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement ^ ^ ~~~- Issue 3ODo(e:08/V5/2O11 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: %VO8`ViR^NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance xoovmm| Brackets ' (2 places) . .'' Figure 47^ Securing the Platform Support Brackets Customer Supplied Post Attachment Hardware (2 places) Figure 48 ~ Securing the Platform Support Brackets to the Pole '------'—'----------'-------------'---'-------`-----------------------------' (g2011VER|Z0NNu8xo,k3emioeo For use byVER|ZONemployees All Rights Reserved Page 65vf103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance "1 0 Q Can-Wrench Figure 49 — Removing/ Reinstalling the Battery Panel 0 • 0 10 Figure 50 - Placing the Cabinet on the Pole Platform ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C 2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 66 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement vten�gn Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Q U • 0 Figure 51 - Securing the Cabinet to the Platform a i o i - • U • 0 • I O Figure 52 - Remove Eyebolts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 67 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 0 • U 6 4 • O 0 Figure 53- Attaching the Top Bracket to the Cabinet Hap,woosaadrea • WVx Top . B .."u P. e2 P.— 1I,TBes Uof Poo) 1 Q Figure 54- Securing the Top Brackets to the Pole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 68 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement IRf fjf Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 9.0 Wall Mounting the Mesa Span XL Cabinet Below is the steps outlined in the Emerson Network Power documentation "631-205-104". Follow all current published Verizon documentation/regulations/safety practices first 1. Remove the parts of the MESA Span XL Cabinet Wall-Mount Kit from the packaging, verify that the Kit contains all of the required components and hardware as shown in Figure 56. Using the Vertical Mounting Bracket supplied in the Wall-Mount Kit, mark the four locations for the mounting holes on the wall, with two holes directly above the other two, as shown in Figure 57. 2. At the locations you have marked on the wall, use the appropriate drill bit for the wall material to drill four holes, sized for the hardware (supplied by Verizon/WSP). Make sure that the holes are level. 3. Use four sets of the mounting hardware supplied with the Wall-Mount Kit to attach the two Platform Support Brackets to the Vertical Bracket, as shown in Figure 58. Apply a torque value of 23 ft-Ib. 4. Using the Verizon /WSP supplied hardware Attach the Vertical Mounting Bracket and Platform Support Bracket Assembly to the wall, as shown in Figure 59. The top bolts only go through the Vertical Bracket, while the bottom bolts must go through both the Vertical Bracket and Platform Support Brackets. Tighten each set of hardware using an appropriately sized wrench and applying the required torque value per the wall type and the bolting material type. 5. Use four sets of the mounting hardware supplied with the Wall-Mount Kit to attach the Platform to the two Platform Support Brackets, as illustrated in Figure 60. Apply a torque value of 23 ft-Ib. Mounting the Cabinet 6. Open the Front and Rear Chamber Doors with the cabinet secured on the pallet. Use a Wrench to remove the Front and Rear Kick Panels as shown in Figure 61. Close the doors. 7. If cables have been passed up through the Platform assembly, make sure that these are placed in such a way so as not to interfere with the placement of the Cabinet on the Platform. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 69 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 8. Prepare the Cabinet for lifting as described in Section 7.1 and Section 7.2. Lifting procedure should include, but is not limited to: • Use of both points (eyebolts) to lift the Cabinet. • Use of two (2) rope wire slings, each rated for 1500 Ib. • Maintaining a 45° angle or greater between the slings and the Cabinet roof. • Failure to comply with this and the main manual, Emerson Network Power document No. 631-205-102, MESA® Span XL Electronic Enclosure, Description and Installation, will void any warranty or service claim. 9. Lift the Cabinet, being sure to follow all local safety practices. Make sure the cables are properly supported during lifting. 10. Position the Cabinet on the mounting Platform as illustrated in Figure 62, and then align the mounting holes in the Cabinet with the holes in the Platform. (Two people are needed to position the Cabinet while the third operates the lifting equipment.) 11. Use the four 1/2-13 x 1-1/2" hex head screws, eight 1/2" flat washers, four 1/2" lock washers, and four 1/2-13 hex nuts supplied with the Cabinet to secure the Cabinet to the Platform, as shown in Figure 63. 12. Use a 5/8" wrench and a 5/8" socket wrench to tighten the hardware securely. Apply a torque value of 55 ft-Ib. 13. Disconnect the lifting equipment from the Cabinet. Remove the two lifting eyebolts from the Cabinet as shown in Figure 64 and store these inside the Cabinet. 14. Use the two sets of 1/2-13 x 1-1/2" hex-head bolt, 1/2" lock washer and 1/2" flat washer supplied with the Wall-Mount Kit (see Figure 2) to temporarily (finger tight) secure the Top Bracket to the top of the Cabinet, as shown in Figure 65. Use the two holes from which you just removed the two eyebolts. 15. Using the Top Bracket as a template, mark the two locations for the mounting holes on the wall, as shown in Figure 66, and then remove the Top Bracket that was temporarily installed finger tight per Step 14. 16. At the locations you have just marked on the wall, use the appropriate drill bit for the wall material to drill two holes, sized for the Verizon/WSP supplied hardware. Make sure that the holes are level. Use a vacuum cleaner to collect the dust from the drilling to prevent any of it falling into the Cabinet. 17. Use the two sets of 1/2-13 x 1-1/2" hex-head bolt, 1/2" lock washer and 1/2" flat washer supplied with the Wall-Mount Kit to permanently secure the Top Bracket to the top of the Cabinet, as illustrated in Figure 65. Apply a torque value of 18 ft-Ib. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 70 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 18. Use two sets of the Verizon/WSP supplied mounting hardware, as appropriate for the wall material, to attach the Top Bracket to the wall, as shown in Figure 67. 19. If cables had been passed up through the Platform Assembly and had been dressed to the side to permit installation of the Cabinet on the Platform, carefully bring the cables inside the Cabinet as required. 20. Use a Hex Tool to open the Front and Rear Chamber Doors, use a Wrench to reinstall the Front and Rear Kick Panels as illustrated in Figure 61, and then close the Front and Rear Chamber Doors and secure these with the Hex Tool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 71 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance a Figure 55 - Picture of the Mesa Span XL Cabinet on a Wall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 72 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance a - i r 8 each, to secure the Platform Support 2 each,to secure the Top Brackets Brackets to the Vertical Bracket,and the to the top of the Cabinet Platform to the Platform Support Brackets: /-*?\Hex Head Screw, '.. y'1 Carnage Bolt, 3/8-16 x 1' 6/"112-13 x 1-1/2" QQ Flat Washer, 3/8" Split Lock Washer, 1/2" Split Lock Washer,3/8" O Flat Washer, 1/2' ® Nut, Hex. 3/6-16 Figure 56 - Parts Included in Wall Mount Kit .t .�gll i e^jel�I i P i i I i Hole Template to ! Mark Wall � ! I X. I I L 0 � I � I � I I I I ! Vertical Bracket Figure 57 - Marking the Wall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 73 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Vert"" Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 0 vertical Bracke 0 o � • PlaPorm Support Brackets • M 0 V I I • i Boron,Hardware 0� Figure 58 - Attaching the Platform Support Brackets to the Vertical Bracket Of e Pe i i I I � i I i i I � I I � 1 i I I � ' 1 ° Bolling Hardware ° I 1 I I I I ®. Ct \ I I ®• I I I ® r Figure 59 -Attaching the Vertical Mounting Bracket and Platform Support Bracket to the Wall -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 74 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement ved, n Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance - -u I Platform I I s o0 l • Bolting Hardware (4places) o �I I I � j I �I I j I 1 Figure 60 - Attaching the Vertical Mounting Bracket and Platform Support Bracket -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 75 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except underwritten agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance U SBaJRTY HE(TIOOOL fl \ CAN WFe401 a' CIO, Figure 61 - Removing / Installing the Front and Rear Kick Panels � a 0 Q° I I O opo" Figure 62 - Placing the Cabinet on the Platform ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 76 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement erizen N Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Q .E Figure 63 - Securing the Cabinet to the Platform 1 m i 4 � I Figure 64 - Removing the Eyebolts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 77 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance TOP BAC*-7 r . o e Figure 65 - Installing the Top Bracket Temporarily on the Cabinet MAR<VOUAT iHEEE TNOLOCAIIONS Avil/ J, j 'spry Figure 66 - Marking the Wall with the Top Bracket -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 78 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 'eu y d B d �R x e 6x Figure 67 - Securing the Top Bracket to the Wall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 79 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Will Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 10.0 H-Frame Mounting the Mesa Span XL Cabinet Issue 3.0 — Added Section 10.2 for Mounting H-Frame Using Rigid Conduit. Added Grounding Section (Section 10.4) Below is the steps outlined in the Emerson Network Power documentation "631-205-110". Follow all current published Verizon documentation/regulations/safety practices first. The H- frame is designed to support a load of 1350 Ibs. Do not exceed 1350 pounds. A site ground must be in place at the H-frame location. H-Frame Kit Contents (Added U-Bolts in Issue 3.0 F1009426 (Material ID 11067838) consists of: Qty - Description 1 - WALL MOUNT KIT(PART# F1009180) 2 - H-FRAME BRACKETS 3 - C4 CHANNELS 2 - Sway Brackets 18 - Washer, Flat, 5/8", Stainless, Possivated 6 - Screw, Machine, 5/8 x 2", Stainless, Passivated 18 - Washer, Lock, Split, 5/8", Stainless,Passivated 18 - Nut, Hex, 5/8"-11, Stainless, Passivated 10 - Bolt, Carriage, 3/8"-16x1, Stainless, Passivated 12 - Washer, Flat, 3/8, Stainless, Passivated 12 - Washer, Lock, 3/8, Stainless, Passivated 12 - Nut, Hex, 3/8-16, Stainless, Passivated 2 - Screw, Machine, 3/8-16x2, Hex, Stainless, Passivated 2 - Washer, Flat, 3/8, Stainless, Passivated 12 - Screw, Machine, 5/8-11x16.0", Hex, Stainless, Passivated 12 - Washer, 3/4" Offset Hole, Stainless, Passivated 2 - Screw, Cap, 1/2-13x1.5, Hex, Stainless, Passivated 26 - Washer, Lock, Split, 1/2", Stainless, Passivated 26- Washer, Flat, .500" ID, 1.125" OD 12 - U-Bolt, f-13 THDS 24 - Nut, Hex, -z-12 ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ---- ----------- - ---- Q 2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by employees All Rights Reserved Page 80 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Vell Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 10.1 H-Frame Construction Using Class 3 Telephone Poles 1 . The H-frame is designed to be mounted on two Class 3 telephone poles (minimum) which are not provided in this kit. The Horizontal C4 Channels (provided in the kit) are to be mounted level and parallel to each other and attached using 5/8" hardware inserted completely through the poles as shown in Figure 68. Appropriately sized clearance holes for 5/8" bolts should be drilled per the Pole Layout Diagram and the 5/8" x 16" bolts used along with a 5/8" Flat Washer on the front of the pole and through the C4 Channel. A 3/4" Offset Washer, 5/8" Lock Washer and 5/8" Nut is used at each of the (12) bolting locations on the back side of the pole. Apply a torque value of 93 ft-Ib to each of the (12) locations. 2. At the site location, install the telephone poles 84 inches (2133.6 mm) apart, center to center, according to local practices and in the direction indicated on the engineering work prints. Note: THE TELEPHONE POLES MUST BE NO FURTHER THAN 76 INCHES (1930.4 mm) APART, INSIDE TO INSIDE. 3. Install the first (or bottom) C4 Channel as close to the ground as shown on the engineering work prints. 4. Install the second (or middle) C4 Channel so that its top edge is 15.00" (381 mm) from the bottom C4 Channel bottom edge as shown in Figure 68. 5. Install the third (or top) C4 Channel so that its bottom edge is 43.08" (1094.2 mm) from the top edge of the middle C4 Channel as shown in Figure 68. 6. Using two 5/8"x 2" Machine Screws, two 5/8" Flat Washers, two 5/8" Lock Washers and two 5/8" Nuts attach the Vertical Bracket to the middle C4 Channels as shown as shown in Figure 68. Do not tighten yet. 7. Using two more sets of the hardware attach the Platform Support Brackets (Gussets) to the Vertical Bracket by bolting both to the bottom C4 Channel. Apply a torque value of 23 ft-Ib to these bolts and bolts installed in step 6. 8. Use two sets of the 3/8"-16 x 1" Carriage Bolts, two 3/8" Flat Washers, two Lock Washers and two 3/8" Nuts to attach the upper rear corners of the Platform Support Brackets (Gussets) to the Vertical Bracket as illustrated as shown in Figure 72. Apply a torque value of 23 ft-Ib. 9. Use four each of the 3/8"-16 x 1" Carriage Bolts, 3/8" Flat Washers, Lock Washers and 3/8" Nuts to attach the Platform to the two Platform Support Brackets (Gussets), as shown in Figure 73. Apply a torque value of 23 ft-Ib. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 81 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except underwritten agreement UCLIf�l1 Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 10. Using two each of the 3/8"-16 x 2" Bolts, 3/8" Flat Washers, Lock Washers and 3/8" Nuts, attach the Sway Brackets to the C4 Channel. Do not tighten yet. 11. Using two each of the 3/8"-16 x 1" Carriage Bolts, 3/8" Flat Washers, 3/8" Lock Washers and 3/8" Nuts, attach the Sway Brackets to the Platform as shown in Figure 74. Tighten all hardware including that in the previous Step using a torque value of 23 ft-Ib. ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- - ---- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use b VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 82 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 84.00 SEE DETAIL -- 34.00 16.00 2.00 I SEE DETAIL B 43.08 46.08 _ . 2.00 0 q5.51 15.00 2.00 SEE DETAIL C Figure 68 — Layout H-Frame Drawing with Class 3 Telephone Poles --'------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use b VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 83 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance up 0 29 . 13 Figure 69 - H-Frame Side View -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 84 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement 11edzgn Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 16 " X 5/8" HARDWARE O DETAIL A 2 " X 5/8" HARDWARE DETAIL B O a a 0 a 0 0 0a a a a c 0 0 2" X 518" E ItL-o O DETAIL C D Figure 70 - H-Frame Detail Drawings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 85 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance RIGHT GUSSET OO • VERTICAL BRACKET LEFT GUSSET PLATFORM OWASHER SWAY BRACKET 12X 2X UPPER SUPPORT a o 0 0 0 C4 CHANNEL — NOT 10 SCALE 3X Figure 71 - Kit Contents -------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Y----------------- - --- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use b VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 86 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance l/ ✓� DETAILA / SEE DETAIL i/ n Figure 72 - Platform Bracket ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 87 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance ° ° ° . ° 0 a 8 �j a ® 1 m 1 o 0 ° 0 0 s 1y i a ° Figure 73 - Platform Assembly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 88 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement WOMP Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance _ � e SE1 DE1A L o Figure 74 - Sway Bracket Assembly -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 89 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 10.2 H-Frame Construction Using Rigid Conduit Must use with a minimum of 4" (4.5" O.D.) galvanized rigid conduit with a minimum wall thickness of 0.225". The conduit is not provided in the H-Frame kit. 1. A diagram of the H-Frame is shown in Figure 75. 2. The Horizontal C4 Channels (provided in the kit) are to be mounted level and parallel to each other and attached using 55 ft-Ib of torque. 3. At the site location, dig two holes, 12" in diameter and 4 feet deep with the spacing between the holes at 78.81" (2001.8 mm.) apart, center-to-center, according to local practices and in the direction indicated on the engineering work prints as shown in Figure 77. 4. Pour high strength concrete (5000 PSI) into the hole around the rigid conduit. Use a level to ensure that the conduit is plumb as shown in Figure 78. 5. Install the first (or bottom) C4 Channel by placing the two U-bolts around the rigid conduit as shown in Figure 77 and Figure 79. 6. Place a 1/2" flat washer, 1/2" lock split washer and 1/2-13 hex nut on each of the ends of the U-bolt. 7. Tighten the nuts with a socket wrench. Apply a torque value of 55 ft-Ib. 8. Install the second (or middle) C4 Channel so that its top edge is 15.00" (381 mm) from the bottom C4 Channel bottom edge as shown in Figure 77 and Figure 79. 9. Repeat Step 5 to Step 7 to install all the U-bolts as shown in Figure 77 and Figure 79. 10. Install the third (or top) C4 Channel so that its bottom edge is 43.08" (1094.2 mm) from the top edge of the middle C4 Channel as shown in Figure 77 and Figure 79. 11. Repeat Step 5 to Step 7 to install all the U-bolts as shown in Figure 77 and Figure 79. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 90 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 96.00 78.81 SEE DETAILA 8.00 16.00 2.00 O O O O 0 0 o 0 SEE DETAIL B 47.08 46.08 72.00 2.00 15.00 13.00 1 � 2.00 0 0 0 0 2.75 SEE DETAIL C 5.51 4 feet FRONT VIEW HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE -12.00 (5000 PSI) Figure 75— Layout of the H-Frame with Rigid Conduit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 91 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 29.1 SIDE VIEW Figure 76 - Side View of H-Frame Layout with Rigid Conduit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 92 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 6.75" X 1 /21) U-BOLT HARDWARE O 0 o DETAIL A 2" X 5/8 HARDWARE DETAIL B 2C�0-64 2" X 5/8 HARDWARE DETAIL C Figure 77 - Details A through C for H-Frame Design with Rigid Conduit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 93 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 4" RIGID CONDUIT 6 feet HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE (5000 PSI) 10 feet - GROUND LEVEL 4 feet HOLE 12 inch Figure 78 — Installing Rigid Conduit in Concrete in the Ground ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 94 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance ° ° ° ° • ° ° Iv • ° � µt Y$ �nkti I ° 0 ° ° Figure 79 - Installed C4 Channels Using Rigid Conduit in Concrete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 95 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 10.3 Mounting the Span XL on a H-Frame 1. With the Cabinet still resting on and attached to its shipping pallet, use an "L" Security Hex Tool to open the Front and Rear Chamber Doors, then use a Can-Wrench to remove the Front and Rear Kick Panels. Close the Front and Rear Chamber Doors. 2. If cables have been passed up through the Platform assembly, make sure that these are placed in such a way so as not to interfere with the placement of the Cabinet on the Platform. 3. Prepare the Cabinet for lifting • Use of both points (eyebolts) to lift the Cabinet. • Use of two (2) rope wire slings, each rated for 1500 Ib. • Maintaining a 450 angle or greater between the slings and the Cabinet roof. 4. Lift the Cabinet, being sure to follow all Verizon safety practices. Make sure the cables are properly supported during lifting. 5. Position the Cabinet on the mounting Platform as shown in Figure 80, and then align the mounting holes in the Cabinet with the holes in the Platform. (Two people are needed to position the Cabinet while the third operates the lifting equipment.) 6. Use the four 1/2-13 x 1-1/2" hex head screws, eight 1/2" flat washers, four 1/2" lock washers, and four 1/2-13 hex nuts (supplied with the Cabinet, not in this Kit) to secure the Cabinet to the platform, as shown in Figure 81. 7. Use a 5/8" wrench and a 5/8" socket wrench to tighten the hardware securely. Apply a torque value of 55 ft-Ib. 8. Disconnect the lifting equipment from the Cabinet. 9. Remove the two lifting eyebolts from the Cabinet. 10. Store eyebolts 11 . Use the two sets of 1/2-13 x 1-1/2" hex-head bolt, 1/2" lock washer and 1/2" flat washer supplied with the Kit to secure the Top Bracket (Upper Support) to the top of the Cabinet, as shown in Figure 82. Apply a torque value of 18 ft-Ib. 12. Use two sets of 5/8"x 2" Bolts, 5/8" Flat Washers and 5/8" Lock Washers and 5/8" Nuts to attach the Top Bracket (Upper Support) to the uppermost C4 Channel, as shown in Figure 83. Apply a torque value of 93 ft-Ib. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 96 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except underwritten agreement ved2kn Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 13. If cables had been passed up through the Platform Assembly and had been dressed to the side to permit installation of the Cabinet on the Platform, carefully bring the cables inside the Cabinet as required. 14. Use an "L" Security Hex Tool to open the Front and Rear Chamber Doors, use a Can- Wrench to reinstall the Front and Rear Kick Panels as shown in Figure 84, and then close the Front and Rear Chamber Doors and secure these with the "L" Security Hex Tool. Section 10.4 Grounding the H-Frame 1. Ground the H-Frame per current Verizon Guidelines (918-100-100) 2. Place No-Ox compound between the aluminum platform components and the galvanized C4 channel. The ordering information for the No-Ox compound is shown below Material 10 I Part Number Description 900232042 1 NO-OX I LB Grease No-Oxide 1 1.13 CN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 97 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance a Q 0 0 e 000 B , , Figure 80 - Placing Cabinet on the Platform -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 98 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Q Q° • • o s � a � � o m o D SEE DETAIL E DETAIL E Figure 81 - Placing Cabinet on Platform - Detail E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 99 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except underwritten agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance e e 0 0 0 0 • � o ® e o e a 0 0 e Figure 82 - Placing Top Bracket ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 100 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement i edzpn Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance • a O® 0 • 8 � o 0 • � o ® a o • 0 e 0 0 Figure 83 - Installing Top Bracket ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 101 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except underwritten agreement vedn" Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance 9 Figure 84- Installing Doors -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 102 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement Issue 3.0 Date:08/05/2011 NETWORK SERVICES Document Number: 2008-018-NSTS Integrated Planning and Assurance Section 11.0 Reference Documents Emerson Network Power Documentation 631-205-102 Pad Mount Verizon MESA® Span XL Description and Installation Emerson Network Power Documentation 631-205-103 Pole-Mount Kit for the MESA® Span XL Cabinet Emerson Network Power Documentation 631-205-104 Wall-Mount for the MESA® Span XL Cabinet Emerson Network Power Documentation 631-205-110 Verizon Mesa Span XL H-Frame Mounting Kit Description and Installation Network Planning, Product Selection Notice, NP-PS-2005-038, NP-PS-2008-057 VZ 918-100-100 OSP Remote Terminal (RT) AC Power and Grounding Standard 2003-00167-OSP - AC Power Transfer Switch — Power Pedestal Providing Telecommunications Service to Cellsite - 2003-00301-OSP Cellsite Ordering from VARTAC — 2008-019-NSTS Mesa Sole Method and Procedure — 2008-020-NSTS Charles Industries Cube RL Cabinet— 2009-007-NSTS Charles Industries 4300 Series Cabinet — 2011-002-NSTS Section 12.0 Verizon/Vendor Contact List DEPARTMENT I NAME Tel# e-mail Address Integrated Planning and Assurance I David Baker 1 804-772-7802 1 david.'.baker verizon.com Company NAME I Tel# e-mail Address Emerson Network Power Jeffrey Theis (518)761-6108 Jeffrey.theis@emersonnetworkpoweccom Hubbell Phil Stephens 865-986-9726 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2011 VERIZON Network Services For use by VERIZON employees All Rights Reserved Page 103 of 103 and approved contractors NOTICE: Not for use or disclosure outside the VERIZON Companies except under written agreement o EXISTING OVERHEAD 0 UTILITY LINES FROM EUTILITY POLE #35 BEYOND E NEW TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED PROPERTY LINE, TYP. oo° UNDERGROUND FROM EXISTING 3 y3 UTILITY POLE #35 TO NEW MESA EXISTING RESTAURANT NEW CINGULAR/METROPCS ELECTRIC CONDUITS SPAN CABINET AT SOUTHWEST AND MARINE FUELING a m TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM NEW CORNER OF PROPERTY EXISTING PROPERTY STATION �. MULTI-CARRIER METER BANK TO NEW OWNED BY ORIENT 2 a CINGULAR METROPCS ELECTRIC PANELS MOUNTED POINT STATE PARK ' ON THEIR m � PLATFORMS RESPECTIVE NEW ELEVATED EQUIPMENT TRANSFORMER, 7 METER ANDDISCONNECT 0 3 LOCATION OF NEW / 1 a MULTI-CARRIER ELECTRIC O� T� METER BANK �Nc�SN / �� ja� 2 z \ a EXISTING STORAGE Q �QP s o BUILDING �� o m o s� ° NEW METROPCS EQUIPMENT CABINETS 3 e� LID ' MOUNTED ON NEW ELEVATED 0 GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM Em 3 0 A O C 1Sn F + e eF NEW MULTI-CARRIER 80'-0" HIGH RF T�l � � �m 6 m wP 0 COMPATIBLE EXTENDABLE MONOPOLE AND ANTENNAS os 41o � EXI NG /+� � RINAW � oN OQ ^P O JF M , , 0 0 1 NEW CINGULAR & �5^oOJk 60 o-60N A-2 METROPCS LEASED AREA ��` 5 NOTE: NOTE: 0 - o / 6�' e 6D o + RESTORE TANY IAREA WHICH IS AFFECTED BY CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE \ j SITE SPECIFIC SIGNAGE IN / ° 9 �� O ACCORDANCE WITH CINGULAR + 61THE INSTALLATION OF AND METROPCS PROJECT ANY ITEMS AND/(),R NEW 14'-0" HIGH g� 5 / R 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS `m JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA 0 ��� y� s a1 % ` + �4��Q� EQUIPMENT WITHIN THIS FOR SITE SIGNAGE. 7'-0" O.C., TYP. OF (40) �! 1 y01 / O�� OQp SCOPE OF WORK. NEW CINGULAR EQUIPMENT s + N �P� G\ NOTE: NOTE: CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW 'AG• a�oo I�• / �p �' Fp ALL TRENCHES ,, BE THE CONSTRUCTION AND PLACEMENT ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL F v / EXISTING + �p HAND EXCAVATED AND WILL 0 ,, s 1 ) a Z WTERFERE WITH PUBLIC NOT PLATFORM 2 i MARINA N5 BACKFILLED TO ENSURE c' I • P 7 / 1F �� THAT EXISTING COMMUNICATIONS AND THE USUAL ° o S 9 IP i • �: + J UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND CUSTOMARY TRANSMISSION OR v o S INCOtAR i , // `v ARE NOT DISTURBED. RECEPTION OF RADIO, TELEVISION DO ECjOR • 0 a + MAKE ALL PVC JOINTS OR OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 0 .2E WATERTIGHT. TEST SERVICES OR WITH ELECTRICAL TE R(JE NORr/ F s\ oo` `o\ 1c� - V + PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. TRANSMISSION LINES. 0 AFsnaxINIATE s,wRe LINE " y \ , + 0 Z / NOTE: ° ° DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF NEW ANTENNAS, n EXISTING VEGETATION, TRAILER AND co + CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE NEW RF BOATS TO BE CLEARED PRIOR TO \6'; �= COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE FOUNDATION 0 o START OF CONSTRUCTION _ \X G �+ _ "Sa ,o, S TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK STATE LICENSED ro N� y ,Sp / '�2 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED DOCUMENTATION 1 0 ` c~n o �G� G `q, + FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. o 1 6 1 O O w O � W + NOTE 3 NAR 12 20 wW00 EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH RAMP o INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED UPON A; SURVEY o s 348,41• PREPARED BY HAWKINS WEBB JAEGER PLLC., 3239 ROUTE 112, BUILDING 8-SUITE 1 , MEDFORD, NY 11763, (631 ) 732-7777, � a +/ (DATED JULY 2ND, 2009, PROJECT NO: 06-0099) ° m �00 EXISTING BULKHEAD IN 0 3 _ 1h � a EXISTING SHORELINE NOTE: o' 20' 40' e0' C) J S394�•4p W F THIS SHEET IS 11 " X 17' REFER " 0 TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. 1 "=80'-0" 4 z c'IC �' A w' GqR pNEs EXISTING BAY ENTRANCE a 1 SCALE: r=4o'-0• BAY \ NORTH o > 0n 0 0 �ED AR Pc PROJECT No CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC. � w ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT 0)/29/09 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION GHM ALF NM \yC NOIR 05-6478 AND metroPCS, LLC. s NYCENY1059 / LI- 1059 XCingular metroPCS U Q 05/27/09 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION GHM ALF NM �\ WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA m NY7320 WIRELESS INC• 04/N/09 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION GHM ALF NM � A R C H I T E C T S, LLP WIRELESS 9 # SITE PLAN QA/27/06 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION AVJ ALF NM ETS 10-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE SETAUKET,NY11733 40200 MAIN RD 5SKYLINE.DR. NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D 9 694 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC. O JOB NO SITE NO DRAWING NUMBER REV �+ 3 VOICE. 631-689-8450 FAX 631 b89-8459 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE l '� ay ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 1 1 957 PARAMus, NJ o76sz HAWTHORNE,NY 10532 SCALE a As NOTED DesIGNED oRAwN Br Lr/AVJ R OF N �� 24897 NYCENY1059 A- 1 3 O o NY7320 U Z 2 DFN=STV[160,D27 DwG 22 x 34 D SIZE 6 5 4 3 PSG= NYSDEC APPROVED AS PER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PERMIT NO /-Y'7 DATE A C O E a� AGL 3 T.O. NEW EXTENDABLE RNEW METROPCS ANTENNAS MOUNTE F) COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE INSIDE MONOPOLE 3 8 TYP., (1 PER SECTOR) � 0 Z 77'-0"t AGL NEW METROPCS COAXIAL CABLES ROUTED Q. RAD. CNTR. OF NEW CINGULAR ANTENNAS ALONG NEW CABLE BRIDGE TO NEW a 2 (3) NEW CINGULAR ANTENNAS MOUNTED INSIDE MONOPOLEe RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, 2 m TYP., (1 PER SECTOR) 4 03 �° 67'-0"t AGL 3 a RAD. CNTR. OF NEW CINGULAR/METROPCS 80'-0" HIGH y FUTURE ANTENNAS RF COMPATIBLE EXTENDABLE MONOPOLE a� AND ANTENNAS 3 NEW CINGULAR GPS ANTENNA, 801 POLE MOUNTED TO NEW ANTENNA A-6 m o CABLE SUPPORT RACK 57'-0"t AGL ° 3418 3438 3438 NEW CINGULAR 12'-0" HIGH CHAINLINK e RAD. CNTR. NEW o A-5 A-5 A-5 FENCE WITH 4 -0 LOCKABLE GATE A-7 NEW GALVANIZED STEEL METROPCS ANTENNAS HANDRAIL, TYP. 2 NEW CINGULAR CABLE TRAY ICE NEW METROPCS PTC �1 NEW METROPCS LEASED AREA TO Em A-4 BRIDGING CABINET MOUNTED TO BE RE-GRADED AND MADE LEVEL NEW LINGULAR CABLE NEW STEEL PLATFORM WITH NEW CINGULAR LEASED ° QEQUIPMENT AREA > TRAY ICE BRIDGE NEW 14'-0" HIGH SUPPORT POST, TYP. 1 NEW METROPCS EQUIPMENT/1\//4\\ A-5 JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA ® CABINETS MOUNTED ON N 7'-0" O.C., TYP. OF (40) NEW ELEVATED GALVANIZED DASHED LINES REPRESENT cc STEEL PLATFORM EXISTING WOODEN RETAINING WALL 13NEW GALVANIZED TO BE REMOVED IN ENTIRETY N ���/// 14'-0"t AGL STEEL HANDRAIL, TYP. 7 „ P T.O. NEW JUNIPERUS NEW LINGULAR 12'-0 HIGH VIRGINIANA NEW CINGULAR EQUIPMENT (CABINETS a a CHAINLINK FENCE WITH 0 0 4'-0" LOCKABLE ATE u MOUNTED ON NEW ELEVATED e I NEW 14'-0" HIGH o GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM 17 3418 3438 3438 1 JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA 0 12'-0"t AGL NEW 200 AMP POWER PANEL a A-5 A-5 A-5 A_5 7'-0" O.C., TYP. OF (40) 73 0T.O. NEW FENCE AND T.O. NEW WITH EMERGENCY GENERATOR NEW METROPCS " a CINGULAR ICE BRIDGING CABLE RECEPTACLE MOUNTED TO NEW 2 GPS UNIT MOUNTED 12'-6 R AGL TRAY EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL, I -7 TO NEW EQUIPMENT T.O. NEW METRO ICE BRIDGE CABLE BEYOND PLATFORM TRAY E a 00 I 10'-5"t AGL o 73 T.O. NEW METROPCS 11 '-2"t AGL EQUIPMENT CABINET 0 T.O. NEW AT&T ¢ - o � EQUIPMENT CABINET 0 NEW CINGULAR ANTENNA CABLE HI " 0 0 AGL T.O. NEW METROPCS 0 m SUPPORT RACK EQUIPMENT PLATFORM AGL _. a NEW AT&T w w EQUIPMENT PLATFORM .... - 0a _ 0'-0"f AGL h 0 0'-0"f AGL 0 m GRADE T I GRADE 7 — II Ill E 0 E— E -- T/E T/ —T/E—T/E T/E— —T/E T/E—T/E T/E— T/E T/E E T/E— T/E- 0 - NEW CONCRETE PAD MOUNTED MESA --- T— T T— T SPAN CABINET BEYOND uL N NUD ELECTRICCONDUITS LEGEND: TNEW CHDUNUNDERGROUND FROM NEW 3'-6" R os —A—A— ANTENNA CABLE CINGULAR/METROPCS METER BANK TO NEW 1 1 NOTE: 0r—r— TELCO CONDUIT CINGULAR/METROPCS ELECTRIC PANELS A_1 A_4 DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION 0`0 MOUNTED ON THEIR NEW ELEVATED OF NEW ANTENNAS, CABLING ETC. THAT EQUIPMENT PLATFORMS NEW R ARE COMPATIBMEOUNTED MONOPOLE IN THE 14• —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUTN —T/E T/E— TELCO & ELECTRIC Of CONDUIT 3 SSTRUCTURE.0 B DESIGNED C BY A FOUNDATION YORK N o a NOTE: o' 2' a' 8' STATE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IF THIS SHEET IS 11 X 17" REFER ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED EAST ELEVATION TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. /8"= '-o" DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK NORTH op SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. ai SCALE1/4'=1'-0' O > ao 0 D QNEC PROJECT NO 0) ; 071n1W ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION GUM AlF NM 4�PNDER ryO'y � 05-6478 CINGULAR WIRELESS PCs, LLC. 0 � ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT Al 5/� �• �. AND metroPCS, LLC. U UP NYCENY1059 / LI- 1059 XC i n g u I a r m et ro PCS 05,27,09 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION GHM ALF NM �� QY WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA m NY7320 WIRELESS INC. 04/24/0ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION OHM A F NM * w A R C H I T E C T S, LLP WIRELESS 't ELEVATIONS Qp 04/D/06 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION AVJ PIF NM DO 94 10-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE SETAUKET,N-V11733 40200 MAIN RD NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC. 5SKYLINE DR. NO DATE REVISIONS ar CHK APP'O ,O JOB NO SITE NO. DRAWING NUMBER REV 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE Q'3 VOICE. 631-689-8450 FAX. 631-689-8459 ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 HAWTHORNE,NY 10532 OF IN NYCENY1059 SCALE AS NOTED DevGNED DRAWN Br LY/AVJ 24897 NY7320 A-3 3 u z03 DFN=SN[16D,G21 Dwc 22 R 34 D SITE 6 5 4 Psi- NYSDEC APPROVED AS PER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PERMITNO. %-u7j 30� �CJ, �� DAT 3I� C O 3 (3) NEW METROPCS ANTENNAS MOUNTED INSIDE a 6 �4 3 RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE. 1 5 ANTENNA PER SECTOR, TYP. BE RE-GRADED ANDNEW METROPCS ED MADEEA LEVEL T`ra���� NEW METROPCS COAXAL ANTENNA CABLES WITH NEW LINGULAR LEASED C, 10�o�cl ROUTED THROUGH NEW CABLE-TRAY ICE 2 EQUIPMENT AREA 3 S'0�2 'GOO'] CISsip NEW ELECTRIC CONDUIT TRENCHED BRIDGE TO NEW MONOPOLE 4 NEW METROPCS PTC CABINET .`o_ o, AO•�Oj.�l UNDERGROUND FROM EXISTING MULTI-CARRIER MOUNTED TO NEW STEEL S METER BANK TO NEW CINGULAR ELECTRIC PANEL NEW METROPCS ELECTRIC CONDUIT PLATFORM HANDRAIL aQ PROPERTY LINE, TYP. AGF FyOP�P MOUNTED ON NEW CINGULAR EQUIPMENT TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM EXISTING NEW GALVANIZED STEEL<6>2 2 `r� 9s PLATFORM MULTI-CARRIER METER BANK TO NEW e 0 HANDRAIL, TYP. pJ 0� METROPCS PTC CABINET MOUNTED ON 20DASHED LINE REPRESENTS y HANDRA ROPCS EQUIPMENT PLATFORM NEW EQUIPMENTCABINETS o EXISTING TREES, LOW LYING MOUNTED ON NEW 1 4 VEGETATION, TRAILER AND a BOATS TO BE CLEARED PRIOR ELEVATED GALVANIZED— — NEW CONCRETE PAD STEEL PLATFORM, TYP. TO START OF CONSTRUCTION NEW CINGULAR TELCO AND ELECTRICAL MOUNTED MESA SPAN Z PANELS MOUNTED ON NEW CINGULAR CABINET NEW TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED aU ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM UNDERGROUND FROM EXISTING HANDRAIL s o T/E T/E T/E T/E— T/E— T/E— E T/E T/E /E T/E T/E T/ET/E UTILITY POLE X35 TO NEW MESA O l ` ) ? ` vl ` ) vr� 1 CABINETSPAN If SOUTHWEST GO + V/t =+ CORNER OF PROPERTY \\ �� �r( 0 I+ T �( a i w ice'- w •� ' .. ' r,. w �EC�,$T c o )I:,% � J v JifJ NEW LINGULAR 1 _ /r-I e )I 'lt coNEW LINGULAR EQUIPMENT 0"EQUIPMENT CABINETS CABINETS _ I 1 TRU E NORS N NEW CINGULAR METROPCS Em MOUNTED ON NEW 21 '-11 7 -2" t` rELECTRIC CONDUITS TRENCHED cl -11311 1 -07UNDERGROUND FROM NEW1 -10" " ' " '-I5-D2 -6"62' "ELEVATED GALVANIZED '-6" 'D STEEL PLATFORM r -63'-0" MULTI-CARRIER METER BANK T O4'-2 o/ NEW CINGULAR/METROPCS r4\ J ) r x x x x x x— % �1)((�l�\I�_-a',` ° ELECTRIC PANELS MOUNTED xro THEIR RESPECTIVE NEW ELEVATED NEW LINGULAR 12'-0 HIGH r(- / \,may x r �� N " �fJ llk x = / — _ ��� / \` �00� �� \1 EQUIPMENT PLATFORMS CHAINLINK FENCE WITH �\ (�/J tl � I o k Ini��)(;(1 � l 0 4'-0" LOCKABLE GATE ro o 341B 3438 3438 I h I + x C14 -o o A-5 A-5 A-5 I h` ) '- '' I © o o - \Lr l x l I x I M '© CV ) -'ak") (( , o L / _ t � ) ) 1 NEW 14'-0" HIGH J )v�1= io I n r: a A_5 JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA ® t //J/)l�j`� x x L J i.. . l)((h IN jT-0 O.C.. TYP. OF (40) xx� x — — — — x — x —x x fJt1`)\) ^ i �\lJ�r)1�,� SOIL AREA u — — r/ NATIVE PAVED 0 `0 x x x x— X-- x— x— -� 0 / r1 ) v o s u 10'-029'-10" Jr � r Jr 5 - °" 12'-0'r l LIU/ l,` .-�•, Q�`� \1C`� �� \'�\ r ti /l h l /` I( f �.. \'\\ J ?l� " '( / IfI .�1� )� Jr J �Y / C� J� fJ urn r¢J lJ� S _ 1 1` 1 ��31 cf j ). 1 ��r( �r/>� 801 NEW CINGULAR GPS ANTENNA POLE (/rJ/)tl (//, )t� J o , - �` "� i- J/ tl .�1� r /^ t / 3 ( rJ/ ) ( rJ/) U �0 2 �4 r" \�\ -J�--^ v `�-- - i, ( r ) �`\ �J NEW 14'-0" HIGH JUNIPERUS o A-6 MOUNTED TO NEW ANTENNA CABLE ¢/ ��i -- � � -r, r�L - -% ^ SUPPORT RACK 2 U • to C tJ 11 1 r �' \� :.�/+ \�� Jf /mor') \ VIRGINIANA ® 7'-0" O.C. In U to O �- / ) � �j11, \lam'" "�;,-- �' � 1 U J / J tl / �\ r- \t c c N ( r / ) f tJ ll Jf J l / ) �� 11 TYP. OF 40 ` o p NEW CINGULAR CABLE TRAY ( l ( /� �` if( i/iLy �;�(/l)/)L� t r//� t ( ri/ ) / A-5 E E A-4 ICE BRIDGING �l �f�^ .` / J^ �` Q J� �rl1 I%�J^ 1 r) t r) h` /r) j / )t ^ 341: �� C r�rr NEW METROPCS 12'-0" �'1l `� Jr• \L (��j - '� ��. o NEW LINGULAR COAXIAL ANTENNA `l\ t ) ) � HIGH CHAINLINK FENCE ROUTED THROUGH NEW i-r" \,,y "r` i• \1�" / ��.1� ( r� o N ( rJl ) <- J )tl _ _�` / �� �C J l i` / )1` t v / I WITH 4'-0" LOCKABLE GATE A-4 CABLE-TRAY ICE BRIDGE TO NEW (lr / ) m rftJ lJ c t / ) �tJ f lJ. ' MONOPOLE NEW TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM U = o (�///>t� (/rJ )tl (/vJ/�t� /rJ/�tl 3418 3438 3438 E 566 NEW MESA SPAN CABINET TO NEW CINGULAR TELCO a x Z A-5 A-5 A-5 ° " A-4 PANEL MOUNTED ON NEW CINGULAR EQUIPMENT 1 w DASHED LINES REPRESENT EXI TIING WOO PLATFORM HANDRAIL A-3 w o Of RETAINING WALL TO BE REMOVE I IRETY m to r NEW METROPCS GPS UNIT 2 (3) NEW CINGULAR ANTENNAS MOUNTED INSIDE DASHED LINES REPRESENTS STI G SHRUBBERY MOUNTED TO NEW 2 RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE. 1 AND LOW LYING VEG N TO BE REMOVED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM 7 6 ANTENNA PER SECTOR, TYP. HANDRAI r 0 3 ffNELEGEND: NOTE: NEW MULTI-CARRIER 80'-0" HIGH RF COMPATIBLE SHEET IS11 " X17" REFER DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF NEW ANTENNAS, EXTENDABLE MONOPOLE AND ANTENNAS —A—A— ANTENNA CABLECABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE NEWPHIC SCALE BELOW. TN 3 —T—T— TELCO CONDUIT RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE o NEW MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. SEE FOUNDATION IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK STATE o 3 T I D' z' 4, e —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUIT LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED N z NEW TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM —T/E T/E— TELCO & ELECTRIC DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY ° PARTIAL SITE PLAN 566 NEW MESA SPAN CABINET TO NEW METROPCS PTC �s"=i'-o" CONDUIT OTHERS. NORTH a 1 SCALE. 1/4'=I'-O' A-4 CABINET BEYOND A o > a o 0 � 0 0 U s A,9 FC PROJECT NO ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT • PED c\ clNcuLAR wIRELEss PCS, LLC. U Q} O)/Y9/09 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION CHM ALF NM Oj-6478 AND YYI2tro PCS, LLC. NYCENY1059 / LI- 1059 c i n g u I a r m et ro PCS � 05/27/09 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION GHM ALF NM m � WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA o A R C H I T E C T S, LLP NY7320 WIRELESS Q1 01/21/09 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION GHM ALF NM W G 'It t m WIRELESS, INC. Q as/zi/Da ISSUED FOR coNsreucnoN AVJ uF NM IF Z j PARTIAL SITE PLAN, NOTES AND DETAILS 10-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE SETAUKET,NY 11733 402DG MAIN RD NEW LINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLQ 5 SKYLINE DR. No RATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D q v JOB NO SITE N0. DRAWING NUMBER REV O O VOICE: 631-689-8450 FAX 631-689-8459 ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 1 1957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE OJ PARAMus, NJ oY55z IIAwTxoxrrE,NY losaz F UF rIC'� 1 ] O NYCENY10591 Z U Z SCALE: AS NOTED DESIGNED DRAWN BY LY/AVJ '24897 NY732D A-2 3 6cJ 4 3 2 DFN=STV[i60,02] DWc 22 x 34 D SIZE Psc= NYSDEC APPROED AS PER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF fEPn47 d0_/ y74R )u S9F'/ DATL /d7/y� 3 kr(�k" �°J�� µ OR LniINM'ANE PANAVGNIANE KEY M4P QI vJ SCALE:1'=fi00' W s U Z MAINflOAlRfl 2S) J IL w a < v� Q � LANDS LATHAM LANE (50') B � "' o W Lo ryy^ 55 47' W W m 3A , W LU , ( Q z s e Cv\ ' 2 STORY FRAME oN£WN4 50r > J J d Os m cbg N w � 130' 2 STORY FRAME xWFLNG y Q LL O ya W K In V N b I11��1 '11111 U OD 'Nb 2 STORY LJ O 'xc Om c- `-L ¢ PARK VIEW LANE 50 LZ w 261 28, BO lee' ^ / V/ Q UB O W . a Z W W 211 I STORY BUILDING / \ / \\ O STORY FRAME OWEWNG / R SiG11111RT FRAME O,WE11'1{EW DWELLING / Q \ / \\ 230' � Z w \\ ^ry 2 STORY FRAME OKLUNG P a J / \ 1 si9flv eOlLDwc cn GO \ Q 11/2 STORY FRAME OWEWNG T \ / PK * aG la 307' \\ fl 230' ,8014 MAIN ROAD (S.R. 25) ( 66') 161' 41GO �\ '09'20"E IN *0 W 11 p 1 Ian 2 839.90• 151.7z'I ; '¢e� 1 STORY BRIGR BUILDING 11 OWNIERS WITHIN A 500' RADIUS: PROPERTY USE &ZONING: O 71 "' z° o I N 1 � p I \ STATE15.324 RESIDENTIAL VACANT LAND-13400 6� II U AGENCY BUILDING II lig O 1 Q EMPIRE STATE PL GO "moi U m I 1 U iq ALBANY,N.V.12238 0 T n BID OF I > 1 STORY BNIWING 11 W 2-1000.39.1-22 STATE OWNED PUBLIC PARK R400 LA ^ 4 1 LONG ISLAND STATE PARK COMMISSION o GO LL 1 N (ORIENT BEACH STATE PARK) O GO I 1 p 40000 ROUTE 25 o 13 ILL ORIENT,NY 11957 Of `i 1 j 3-1000-15-8-143 RESIDENTIAL VACANT LAND-R40 9N I 1 - STATE OF NEW YORK w 1 AGENCY BUILDING 1 EMPIRE STATE PLAZA 1 ALBANY,N.Y.12238 I 0 wr eunowc 1 1 4.1000.16b142 ONE FAMILY YEAR-ROUND 1 NORMAN D.ELSKY RESIDENCE-1340 p] sicxY FRAME eLOc I STORY MEi0.ewmMG 1 40495 ROUTE 25 E.I II a 1 ORIENT,NY 11957 W7-I I /L\ ANN CHRISTOPHER RESIDENTIAL VACANT LAND-1340 p o I , ❑f g 1 ANN&CHRISTOPHER GHIAFFITELLI Z 0 J w m I N F. BUGxBEAp 1 22 MORTON AVENUE ¢ 5O O I l�L�/A EAST ROCKAWAV,NY 11518 1—y y U V W N 2 STORY M1� 1 B-11000-15-8-14.4 RESIDENTIAL VACANT LAND-1340 H BLDGE& WILLIAM GILLOOLY ED o Q a I IJJ cARn¢ 1 RIV CEDAR LANE NJ0 11 RIVEROALE,NJ O]875 c m U I UNOERwATER IAN 1 ]-1000.15{>a0 ONE FAMILYYEAR-ROUND C I Q \ ROSERTAUGUSTINE&YVONNE BREUERCa UJI I O 1 50 THREE WATERS LANE RE910ENCE-1340 OF 0 W Ll I U F 1 ORIENT,NY 11957 I Y 1B-1000MAGG-15-9-KA9 ONE FAMILY YEAR-ROUNO G>:7 J I RESIDENCE-R40 NEW YORK,NY1D02 O O O I I O o I I 9-1000-15-9-1.18 ONE FAMILY YEAR80UND1% GO ti N I KURT 8 MARY ELLEN WEBBER _ 500' 119 WOODS AVEUE RESIDENCE-R40 o _ I O Z (7J MALVERNE,NY N 11565 Z m ti ti (/) 4 U M� r Ay1 ONE FAMILY YEAR-ROUND V wHELO I � I 10-1000-15-9-1 15 F O m 0 < I 435 ELANDS END ROADEVE RESIDENCE RESIDENCE-R40 w � S 3 ED Q g NB7°09'20'W I ORIENT,NY 11957 L-- -------------500--------- ---- Z 3000' FCA R O p 0 Of (7j - / 11-1000-159-114 ONE FAMILY YEAR-ROUND ANNA PAFITIS RESIDENCE-R40 y ♦° P.O.BOX 433 I LITTLE BAY OR ENT,NY 11957 II (ORIENT BEACH STATE PARK) i 12.1000. ONE FAMILY YEAR-ROUND O LONG ISLAND STATE PARKDANIEL,EUGENE&STACIE NICKEIA RESIDENCE-R40 x / P.O.BOX 186 111 COMMISSION �Q' ORIENT,NY 11957 M1W N / 131000-159.9I,ay F- 1 /may / UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT OFFICE E z R / BUILDING-1340 = O (PLUM ISLAND FACILITY PROPERTY) Q „ [l R 0 --SUBJECT PARCEL- MARINA&RESTAURANT-M II W 8 1000-159-B1 C) w M.G.H.ENTERPRISES Gy t•/] Of P.O.BOX 333 111 II N ORIENT,MY 11957 � � 4 I DO CEP2TIFY THAT THIS RADIUS MAP ACCURATELY DESCRIBES THE NAMES Allz "" w 11 // AND ADIDRESSES OF THE PROPERTIES SURROUNDING THE SUBJECT PARCEL, 0 Z \ / AS OF 1(0/27/2011. NAMES AND ADDRESSES SHOWN WERE OBTAINED FROM THE El PH W \ CURRENVT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ASSESSORS OFFICE AT 53095 ROUTE 25, SOUTHOLD,NV 11971. 'Zti' Z U Q MATTHEW D CRANE,L.S. N.Y.S.LICENSE NO.050065 O 0 O \ / LC) w \ \ // NOTES: Q / o 1)WITHIN 300-OF SUBJECT PREMISES IS ASCENIC BVWAV,MAIN ROAD WHICH m FORMS THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SUBJECT PREMISES. 3)THE WESTERLY AOJO(NER IS ORIENT BEACH STATE PARK,WHICH CONTAINS STATE REGULATED WETLANDS. -------- 4)THE EASTERLY ADJOIN ER IS THE LONG ISLAND DOCKING FACILITY FOR THE PLUM ISLAND RESEARCH FACILITY. u Cn O z r- w w x N W E S MAIN ROAD (SIR 25) ( 661) _ _ _ UNOERGROUNO �MU "ULT ; __ Y 181.72' N87'09'20'E •65' 6 " � p SIGN pELINLME1Qi 9(n Np 0..F9 I I j o •6.5' € 4 fsep .6.6' 11 gW \@ 16 W PAVEMEM a 00 V6. +6.6' 1 p \ 420' "f/- / O '67' 0 PfATFORM 1 \��L '63' OVER OOCR i 1 ',F,f� . ELECTRICPM`EL \'GU I 1L] :\ •� +6.4' 1. m 0 3'POSTNOMILE NCE/ -5.z' c.0 P,A, . faNE j�`1a ( AL '65, O P •I UNOFR4V �/ •62' V L 1 O I '62 ( ( Q Qz GENERATOR O6TOFAGE � — iGx cprvc.PAO ca C C TPIJiSFON M AT IA XEO TµR NZ EOIJAA0.4 pRT1EPETW/dL ELPUMPS ( 6pNc PO NL EHS _ Z v Q axc O N Z i •6.3' sumv STEP W 0 D 711 .6,2' T -� PAVEEN MT rw PROPANE �A. n m r xRs REFZER A L1 ) 58.8'® EcuARGs anA FRN7'E�wRAN\ O VC mr �55F. up §e Pm PECK ua 5 '0 - �m(Io I ® •64' smxo ,z PL Z\ D ml ® 42T 34T l D D ERNCE � ,xr.� vc�,KN wop6 m F ® ®0 FUTFLRM 59' 01 PAVFMEIiT ®®cBOBanc f N I ss%202R02' N N '6.1' a N EB Z' RFLOW OE"'Ow v11 eM i ms NO. 'PKOP.WETMIK E I 15TORV 7"5F GARAGE +5.6' FENCE3 PAVEM QR' rj 3fiw F—E l IT O.Os +57 Is 6'STOGKAOE i FENCE 5.6, li I ��_WOLONE ��ZOA'E 4EmEy f3 � 0 3' V 9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. �1 / -65 •I •5.6' •4.7' .1 gl ST 1—.teeto'/ 7.4 •.` F . a C WGOR / .fi 5' JI _ _- PRovoseN EiEvwrEp °T .Ecu '55, PLATFORM \. NLE LOR J 50'W op. s6L M cralE \ 6 7• p +6 9' O 1 A o S87°09'20"W / / •5 5' �..\0.00' scWJx uxK ' FO ENO C) FErvce 13 -92 O` NOTES: 1) ELEVATIONS NAVDBB. vj a 2) PILINGS INSIDE MARINA NOT INDICATED . av F%paa� o 3) FLOOD ZONES EXTRAPOLATED FROM F.E.M.A. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP#88 OF 1026, �a'T MAP#36103CO088 H DATED SEPTEMBER 25, 2009. F:P ROJ/2006/06-0099/D W G/06-0099-T ITL E.D W G SHEET NO, PROJECT: PROJECT No. 6s-Doss FILE No. �� Or = MAP OF LAND OF DAM OCTOBER 2011 SCALE ,^ as HAWKINS WEBB JAEGER PLLC�Q ��E� oacy�c; DESIGNED BY: ` M .G.H . ENTERPRISESDRANH BY: MsnawdD I CKD. BY: M.S. M.c- * mxJ' ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS SURVEYORS-PLANNERS ;z f . p�a MARINA,40200 MAIN ROAD REVISED: SITE AREA=4.64 ACRES (ORIENT POINT M ) 5x065 c t 560 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, MELVILLE NY, 11747 y0 SURVEY UPDATED 7-2-2009, F8 529, P. 1-2 (FB 493, P.20-22 SURVEY ORIGINALLY SFo [grv0 50P�¢ ESTAB. 1872 PHONE (631) 732-7777, FACSIMILE (831) 732-7760 PERFORMED 4-6-2006) ELEVATIONS UPDATED TO NAVD6810-27-2011 SITUATE AT: ORIENT POINT,SOUTHOLD,N.Y. I S.C. TAX MAP No. 1000-16-9-8.1 f �m at& D E 3 E SITE NUMBER: NYCENY1059 / LI-1059 SITE NAME: ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT DRAWING INDEX REV. DIRECTIONS: PROJECT INFORMATION T-1 TITLE SHEET 6 MIDLAND AVE (NORTH—WEST) TAKE RAMP (RIGHT) ONTO SR-17 .TURN RIGHT ONTO RAMP TAKE RAMP (LEFT) C SP-1 SITE PLAN 6 ONTO SR-4. TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO 1-95 EXPRESS LN [NEW JERSEY TPKE]. MERGE ONTO 1-95 [NEW SCOPE OF WORK: AN UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY INCLUDING E JERSEY TPKE] KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO 1-295 [CROSS BRONX EXPY EXT]. TAKE RAMP (RIGHT) ONTO CROSS TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT AT GRADE LEVEL ATOP NEW ELEVATED SP-2 ENLARGED AT&T EQUIPMENT PLAN AND GENERAL NOTES 6 ISLAND PKY AT EXIT 30E, KEEP RIGHT ONTO RAMP (0.4 MI). TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO I-495 [LONG ISLAND STEEL EQUIPMENT PLATFORM AND RELATED ANTENNAS MOUNTED INSIDE - ; SP-3 PARTIAL EAST ELEVATION, ANTENNA PLAN &ANTENNA DETAILS 6 EXPY] AT EXIT 73, TURN OFF ONTO RAMP KEEP LEFT TO STAY ON RAMP BEAR RIGHT (EAST) ONTO CR-58 NEW RF TRANSPARENT MONOPOLE. [OLD COUNTRY RD]. KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO SR-25 [MAIN RD] TURN LEFT (NORTH—WEST) ONTO LOVE LN. TURN RIGHT (NORTH—GST) ONTO CR-48 [MIDDLE RD] TURN LEFT (NORTH) ONTO CR-48 [MAIN RD]. KEEP SITE ADDRESS: 40200 MAIN RD. STRAIGHT ONTO SR-25 [MAIN RD]. ARRIVE AT MAIN RD, ORIENT POINT NY 11957 ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 ° PROPERTY OWNER: M.G.H. ENTERPRISES, INC. 40200 MAIN ROAD, ORIENT, NY 11957 CONTACT PERSON: ROBERT HAASE (631) 323-2424 VICINITY MAP APPLICANTS: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC 3 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE PARAMUS, NJ 07652 SITE LATITUDE: N 41' 9' 9" -*NAD (83) m s P LONGITUDE: W 72' 14' 39.7" .*NAD (83) E +uw.n. ya•� S �. � 4 ELEVATION: 8'-0' AMSL --NAVD (88) B JURISDICTION: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TAX I.D. NUMBER: BLK: 9 LOT: 8.1 SEC: 15 9 aQa ZONING DISTRICT: ZONE: MARINE II MAP: N/A �'S ut= CURRENT USE: MARINA/RESTAURANT PROPOSED USE: MARINA/RESTAURANT/WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY a A CODE AND STANDARDS; d, ; ; ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ALL APPLICABLE NATIONAL AND LOCAL �� .b SITE QUALIFICATION PARTICIPANTS CODES, INCLUDING BUT NOT UMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: 'F ,.+M o —BUILDING CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 7 P, '"'"�� "a yO""""Y N NAME COMPANY NUMBER A4. za•o>. .` o —BUILDING OFFICIALS AND CODE ADMINISTRATION (SOCA) -' "41p B wa.nr ""u'•' A/E NEIL A. MACDONALD WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA (631) 689-8450 —NA 01NAL ENG �ECTRIC ODE (NDE STATE EC)OF NEW YORK avk y��dg ARCHITECTS, LLP E —NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) d' s - SAC VICTORIA BRENNAN SHORE 2 SHORE (631) 807-7835 •°• —AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) A—AMERICAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION (ASA) ,,,• ....,.,+ RF SERHAD GUVEN BECHTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (201) 755-4297 l°"' :+"� —UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES (UL) >�'� CON RICHARD CHIAPPA BECHTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (201) 218-7763 IE —NATIONAL ELECTRIC MANUFACTURES ASSOCIATION (NEMA) l^"^w+'+•+ CONTACT BOB HAASE �.r ' -aRIFNT BY THE SG RESTAURANT (631) 323-2424 A w:a — D mmi � Ecr I • N.z ORIENT THE SEA RESTAURANT ESTAURANT 7 AT&T M OBILITY w INF, AT&T# NYCENY7059 / LI- 1059 at&t TILE SHEET 40200 MAIN RD ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 AT&T MOBILITY T w ITlE15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE oewiNc nuxeEa PARAMUS, NJ 07652 9 YCENY105 6 6 5 4 3 n2 y DTH=svT160o21 owc 22 z 34 D SIZE _ PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRIC CONDUITS TRENCHED EXISTING OVERHEAD UNDERGROUND FROM PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRICAL UTILITY LINES FROM a METER AND DISCONNECT SUPPORT RACK TO UTILITY POLE #35 BEYOND _ — — GF- PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED ON PROPOSED AT&T TELCO CONDUIT -� 61"SxOE� PROPOSED ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM PROPERTY LINE, TYR. RE EXISTING UTILITY POLE #35 TO PROPOSED MESA SPAN CABINET AT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF EXISTING RESJRl1RANT SITE DATA PROPERTY AND MARINE"FUELING \ 1) NEW cAcc.NFA(INCL IpNOPOME &VEWMN MESA SPAIN CNB) 519 359. FT STATION,' ��_ \ EXISTING TRANSFORMER, , 2) t NEW IIONOPME m SOUM PROPEIOY IIIE SETBACX 24C-1V METER AND DISCONNECT , D -o° 3) t NEW INONOPOLE ro SOUiN 9M1(NEA9 Sfl9NCK 195'-T 'E 4) it NEW MONOPOLE ro SOUM PROPEITIY MINE SETBACK 10'-S LOCATION OF PROPOSED AT&T 5) f Now MONOPOLE m Ex151NG 91J9oINO 274•-Lt ELECTRIC METER AND DISCONNECT t) t rEW MoxoPaE ro NomN PROPEIM uE SETflsLK 259•_1• SUPPORT RACK. SEE 1/SP-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION `• 7) t NEW MONOPOLE ro NORM BULKIEAD SETBACK 112-1(f 5) t NEW MONOPIXE ro NORM O.X. LIMY TI]'-S EXISTING STORAGE G , / NA, I 9) t NE11 MoNmoiE ro NORM RESIOENiNL PROPFRry uNE BUILDING EW ro NcwB N MONOPOLE RF90E1RML OME SE18WY( Baa-C \[\M 10) t N m 11) f NEN MONOPOLE ro FAST PROPERTY LIE SET&ACI( 253•-5' e�°� ep��Q7^� 12) t NEW YONgg1F ro FAST&x101E4D SETS, 175'-Y E 13) t NEW IIOIIOPgE ro SE PROPER!UNE SEIBMK 179'-1• 14) t fEW 110NOPOlE TO SE BM101FAO SETBACK 15a'-1• Y�� y��0�G pP,'~ / ' i 15) t NEW MONOPOLE ro SOUTH EOCE OF PAYEMnNr SETHsCK M'-P �G\\fIf\S f +/ • d� �� i - 16) [NEW 11oIlOP9LE ro Yl6f PROPERTY lIE SETBNLK 19'-5 \,� (JCi j7i) NEw EpIIPMENI COMPOUIO ro WEST PROPFRII'LRE SETBsLI( T-1' IF l 'q 8 +/ • 03��� �" \:°� % o te) NEw EpAPYEIR Ca/P01Rn ro usr 9ULKNEN) SflBACK na•-a LLy, 'y� • ` / � �3 19 OFPIXW HIGH N W.A R-0' "p3! •• & ti / .t d .P 't A •t� LE%ISTING + 'p MARINA a 7 PROPOSED 14'-0" HIGH JUNIPERUS VIRGINMNA O /K E 7'-0" O.C.. TYP. OF (5) <Q' �.. e�+@� °`+. yQjE: E PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE TO BE CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW / b z "GRAY/BLUE: SHERWIN-WILLMMS #SW006 ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL / COPEN BLUE'. 'r PLATFORM. SEE 1/SP-2 FOR v-+ ° - •Ps '> 'k /+/ ' MORE INFORMATION 7 PROPOSED AT&T 70'-0" HIGH RF / S t •5 yP°P +/ CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE AND gi " RESTORE ANY AREA SITE SPECIFIC SIGNAGE IN ANTENNAS (TO BE EXTENDABLE TO / /+ ?� 1 WHICH IS AFFECTED BY ACCORDANCE WITH AT&T 90'-0") + \ / P\f�V� THE INSTALLATION OF PROJECT TECHNICAL QF' ANY ITEMS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS FOR SITE •,p �" "� j+ GO EQUIPMENT WITHIN THIS SIGNAGE. PO / \ \ •, gp �y ,�{Q SCOPE OF WORK. U AT \•cFc�O Qp MOTE: NOSE; &T EXISTING THE CONSTRUCTION AND PLACEMENT SfC Mp' No' " J \Y' ALL TRENCHES 70 BE 2, TOR AST••C„ 1 I\9 I �, y MARINA F \y HAND EXCAVATED AND OF THE FACILITY WILL NOT ` TRUf SNORT F I 1 `�•-, �/ I /+/ �`Jtf THAT BACKFE)(I5TING ILLED TO ENSURE COMMUNICATIONS INTERFERE WITH PAND THUBUC E USUAL H / 1 `+ UNDERGROUND UTED. AND CUSTOMARY TRANSMISSION OR B ARE NOT DISTURBED. RECEPTION OF RADIO,TRANSMISSION �\ �..\ ,Tao° ��S / /+ MAKE ALL PVC JOINTS OR OTHER COMMUNICATIONS % WATERTIGHT. TEST SERVICES OR WITH ELECTRICAL i 2 \ \ _ \ >q•° / ' + PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. TRANSMISSION LINES. 2. /` H4IE: p DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS, + + CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE PROPOSED RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE FOUNDATION IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK STATE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED — aa: _ _A + DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH RAMP 349.41' EXISTING VEGETATION, TRAILER AND i BOATS TO BE CLEARED PRIOR TO 4 +/ INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED UPON A SURVEY START OF CONSTRUCTION EXISTING BULKHEAD PREPARED BY: HAWKINS WEBB JAEGER PLLC, 560 WALT WHITMAN E _ ROAD, MELVILLE, NY 11747, (631) 732-7777, (DATED OCTOBER EXISTING SHORELINE 27, 4011, PROTECT NO: 06-0099) S3R44'4p W PLAN 14' SITE PLAN D RSgA� 's��gs,y EXISTING BAY ENTRANCE N ��/� 0' 20 40 SD' A 1 SCALE:1'=40T-0• M � 4 „ 0 „x�a,� 11" X 1T REFER L�f� TO. .6 IC SCALE. �'=50'-p EU NO. ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT A��} W11M ISMO " '°' u+ �' '_•�� o 478 AT&T MOBILITY AT&T# NYCENY1059 / LI- 1059 d ` N u ( u l 1 c r r w,.m O1 40200 MAIN RD / I SITE PLAN _ ORIENT POINT, NY 11957 AT&T MOBILITY NN", cwt _ k 75 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE aae r+o. s*E NO oruWrvc HuxeEN acv PARAMOS, NJ 076520 W� y s _O�" r 24897 NYCENYl059 SP-1 6 cJ 4 3 �2 �� ��' DFNSTVI160.02] Gwc 22 x.14 7 SIZE =sc= GENERAL NOTES, l4) ED 1'ESTRUCTURE, RUNAND MISE. INFORMATION TAKEN -d' HIHFROM VARIOUS ,SOFINFORMATION, FIELD MEASUREMENTS.PLAN DRAWINGS SUPPLIED BY THE OWNER PHOTOGRAPHS, INFORMATION4-�(3) PROPOSED AT&T 28'-C' VIRGINIANA O 7'-C• FROM AT&T. THIS PUN DOES NOT REPRESENT AN ACTUAL SURVEY 11Z l�� 111 /�� ( O.C. PERFORMED BY WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA ARCHITECTS, LLP OR ANY OTHER RRH'S MOUNTED ON UNISTRUT SECURED TO /� �� THIRD PARTY. _ PROPOSED EQUIPMENT 1 ��- -� \ 1 ( J (2) PROPOSED 2.THIS PROPOSAL IS FOR THE PLACEMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM � / x /� �C / J �-- �(I x l` %�� _J_�r `\�j�� _ �/ ` �/ PURCELL CABINETS EQUIPMENT ON AN ELEVATED PLATFORM AT GRADE LEVEL AND THE \ J1YJ^� STACKED. PROPOSED PLACEMENT OF ANTENNAS IN A NEW RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE. a PROPOSED CONCRETE ��l�' l ��' \-���1 \ ��%�� \ = BBU TO BE 3.00CUPANCY IS LIMITED TO PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION, PAD MOUNTED MESA i'� \ ..� /'��= 1 _� j--/-- l _� ��/- 1 _� \ INSTALLED IN APPROXIMATELY TWO TIMES PER MONTH, BY AT&T TECHNICIANS. D SPAN CABINET r' � �" r' �� "� �i �� ���/ \1\ / �/ �./' u_ PROPOSED PURCELL T ( • Q\E'-�T/E—T/fi�/-F7 �T/Ef � �)E�T/E�T/C. T/E n ^ ^ r� ( ' v ( (J FLXI6WS CABINET 4.140 NOISE, SMOKE, DUST OR ODOR WILL RESULT FROM THIS PROPOSAL. / e /I )�-\ / / \/ )�-\ l I )�- S.ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN (�� �-� PROPOSED AT&T ACCORDANCE WITH AT&T PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS AND LOCAL CODES. ELECTRIC CONDUIT &SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL PERMITS 4'-0• TRENCHED AND INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION. x—x—X —X— x .—x—x—x—x—x—. x UNDERGROUND FROM 7.SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ANY DAMAGE PROPOSED AT&T EXISTING X — — _ — _ _ _ _ ELECTRIC METER &SUBCONTRACTOR SCAUSED BY THE HALL RREMOVE ALLUCTION TRASHAND DEBRIS FROM THE SITE AMST — — — — — — — _ AND DISCONNECT 70 ON A DAILY BASIS. v SPOT �+ I FX16WS ELECTRIC PROPOSED 9-CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND PLAN E ELEVATION, MOUNTED ON DIMENSIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AND BECHTEL TYP X 8.3+ CABINET x PROPOSED AT&T TELECOMMUNICATIONS OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO ORDERING TH CONSTRUCTION. 7 y • I I PLATFORM. SEE 10.EQUIPMENT PHOTOGRAPHTERIALS RAND ODOCUMENT NG LEX EXISTING BUILDING OR SITE CONDITIONS OR 1 -p DAMAGE WHICH MIGHT OTHERWISE BE CONSTRUED TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED °T I 1/SP-1 FOR MORE BY WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT. 3'-5• y INFORMATION 11.THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS { I i --(3) PROPOSED ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS NOTED AT&T RRH'S OTHERWISE OR WHERE LOCAL CODES OR ORDINANCES TAKE PRECEDENCE. u x — I MOUNTED ON '• UNISTRUT SECURED 12.THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS. C TO PROPOSED PAVEMENTS, CURBS, LANDSCAPING AND STRUCTURES. ANY DAMAGED PART x r r SHALL BE REPAIRED AT SUBCONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE TO THE E 9T I UMTS RX AT F. EQUIPMENT SATISFACTION OF OWNER. j s \ T— T o ABINEI 850 190 BATT BATTN PLATFORM • E T2QQ0 J I ABINET CABINET CABINET VDC CABINET CABINET op 13.ALL EXISTING ACTIVE SEWER, WATER, GAS, ELECTRIC, AND OTHER UTILITIES SHALL BE PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES, ENCOUNTERED ANDHERE EREQUI ED FOR TP HE ROPER EXECUTION OF THE ~ WORK, SHALL BE RELOCATED AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEERS. EXTREME o9sT c. T I CAUTION SHOULD BE USED BY THE SUBCONTRACTOR WHEN EXCAVATING PTD \ pT&TOR,.O SFC EAST ORTN' w an:�t N2 OR DRILLING PIERS AROUND OR NEAR UTILITIES. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALLN PROVIDE SAFETY TRAINING FOR THE WORKING CREW. THIS WILL INCLUDE TREEx BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO A), FALL PROTECTION B CONFINED SPACE C) ELECTRICAL SAFETY D) RENCHING & EXCAVATION. v T „Fry _ ,,,.,x w.,. 14.ALL EXISTING INACTIVE SEWER, WATER, GAS, ELECTRIC AND OTHER °^'�` � .s' - UTILITIES, WHICH INTERFERE WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK, SHALL BE REMOVED AND/OR CAPPED, PLUGGED OR OTHERWISE DISCONTINUED 3 IXISTIN "P"` - '" �" `A "' 'T- I • AT POINTS WHICH WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE B CONTOUR xs x—x x—x `x WORK, AS DIRECTED BY THE RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER, AND SUBJECT TO LINE, NP. N > X THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER AND/OR LOCAL UTILITIES. 2 11' 2' O• 2'-Or 2- 2'-6' 2'-S• 1 2'-6' 2'-6' 10" - 15.THE AREAS OF THE OWNER'S PROPERTY DISTURBED 5 URGED BY THER WO K AND \ 4 - 1 1 1 1 2,-s NOT COVERED BY THE MONOPOLE OR EQUIPMENT SHALL . GRADED TO 1 A UNIFORM SLOPE AND STABILIZED TO PREVENT EROSION. 4'-5• 28' D'• 16.SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO EXISTING SITE DURING I ` / 3\ 8.3+ \ 1 1 1 I 1 CONSTRUCTION. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, IF REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION, SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE LOCAL GUIDELINES B FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL. PROPOSED AT&T FENCED LEASE AREA 400 SO. FT. 17.THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SITE SIGNAGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2 PROPOSED AT&T GPS UNIT PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED ON AT&T PROJECT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR SITE SIGNAGE DOCUMENT MOUNTED TO PROPOSED CABLE ICE BRIDGE POST PROPOSED ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM, TYP. N0. 24897 PROPOSED PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNA CABLE PROPOSED AT&T CABLE ICE BRIDGE Q tw^ SUPPORT RACK FRAME PROPOSED AT&T COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED THROUGH NOTE. RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE TO BE ti PROPOSED AT&T TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED PROPOSED CABLE ICE BRIDGE TO PROPOSED MONOPOLE 'GRAY BLUE: SHERWIN-WILLIAMS UNDERGROUND FROM PROPOSED MESA SPAN CABINET / �SWOO6 AT&TPROPOSED REEK HIGH CHAINLINK FENCE WITH OR E LOCKABLE COPEN BLUE'. TO PROPOSED AT&TQ TELCO PANEL MOUNTED ON GATE AND GREEN 'PERMAHEDGE' PRIVACY SLATS OR EQUAL PROPOSED T EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL (6) PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE (1) PROPOSED RXATT CABINET MOUNTED ON PROPOSED NOS: CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TVP. 2 ANTENNAS PER SECTOR ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM ( ) DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS, PROPOSED 70'-0• HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN PROPROSED MONOPOLE (TO BE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-(r) Irrrun. RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE NOTE; < FOUNDATION IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK STATE PROPOSED MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO REGRADE THE —A—A— ANTENNA CABLE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED SEE NOTE BOX THIS SHEEP DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK SHALL PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT COMPOUND AREA —T—T— TELCO CONDUIT BE FILED BY OTHERS. NOTE: TO A LEVEL GRADE OF 8'-O• AMSL PRIOR TO —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUIT , EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN START OF EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION. p. EXISTING TREES, LOW LYING VEGETATION, TRAILER —T/E T/E— TELCO & ELECRIC CONDUIT NORTH scnLE:yr=r-D• AND BOATS PROPOSED TO BE CLEARED PRIOR TO F� S 11' X 1Y REFER L1L1� START OF CONSTRUCTION. „/�y�� ,; e' A HIC SCALE. i/a^=r-v A Q wove, tp II, ♦ q'4� ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT at&t y w . - /J� i -�a AT&T MOBILITY AT&T# NYCENY1059 /LI- 1059Nm I a u li F r s P 40200 MAIN RO a/nror 1 N GED AT&T EQUIPMENT PLAN ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 AT&T MOBILITY - rO AND GENERAL NOTES 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE _.� - o ANSl�rvo_ N07EO Nuueea eEv w. da �sov e. . ,. _._• PARAMOS, NJ 07652 �_� � ,� 7 NYCENY1059 6 5 "" ,_ U/r�i1q SP-2 6 4 3 y2 �\ _ �'v1 % DFN'SMIGOOFI -Dwc 22 M 34 SIZE 38 L I$ 70'-0"3 AGL o V T.O. PROPOSED R.F. COMPATIBLE (3) PROPOSED AT&T LTE ANTENNAS AND (6) MONOPOLE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0- MHA'S MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE ?pPFGt PT 500j— Of A 67'-0'3 L 3 SP--3CONCEAL FOR MOREMENT INFORMATION EE 2, AND 7Ao O,P,TiA Q Ep''pORT1'1 RAD. PROPOSED AT&T / PROPOSED CONCRETE MONOPOLE �" �. T WE E m ANTENNAS FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. SEE 1b O,� PROPOSED AT&T COAXIAL (3) PROPOSED AT&T UMTS/GSM ANTENNAS AND NOTE BOX BELOW AND SHEET , ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED (6) MHA'S MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE SP-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION THROUGH PROPOSED CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TYP. SEE 2, AND ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE FROM 4/SP-3 FOR MORE INFORMATION PROPOSED 70'-0" HIGH AT&T R.F. PROPOSED AT&T EQUIPMENT COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE TO PROPOSED AT&T R.F. 0 57'-0"3 AGL PROPOSED 70'-0" HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE TO BE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0" COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE RAD. PROPOSED CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE (TO BE EXTENDABLE (6) PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNAS MOUNTED .E A7&T ANTENNAS TO 90'-(") WITHIN R.F. COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT A A A PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNA CABLES MONOPOLE, TYP. (2) PER SECTOR. SEE ROUTED WITHIN PROPOSED AT&T 1/SP-3 FOR MORE INFORMATION T MONOPOLE ti PROPOSED AT&T ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE PROPOSED 14'-0" HIGH JUNIPERUS c� 0 u VIRGINIANA O 7'-0" O.C.. TYR. OF (5) PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD MOUNTED ANTENNA PLAN E MESA SPAN CABINET BEYOND 2 scnLe rvor ro scaLE V<=r-o' NORTH (2) PROPOSED AT&T GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO LTE700 ° PROPOSED CABLE ICE BRIDGE POST c MANUFACTURER POWERWAVE PROPOSED AT&T ELEVATED CABLE ICE BRIDGE $ MODEL P65-15-XLH-RR PROPOSED AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT BAND DUAL RACK PROPOSED AT&T OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT CABINETS FREQUENCIES, MHZ 698-894 1710-2170 MOUNTED ON PROPOSED ELEVATED GALVANIZED ROL DUAL STEEL PLATFORM, TYP. C RET INSTALLED E PROPOSED AT&T 13'-0" HIGH CHAINUNK L, IN 51.0 +/- 14'-0"3 AGL FENCE WITH 4'-0- LOCKABLE GATE AND GREEN W. IN 12.0 +/- T.O. PROPOSED SHRUBS "PERMAHEDGE" PRIVACY SLATS OR EQUAL D. IN 6.0 +/- (BEYOND) Wf, LB 30.0 +/- 13'-0"3 AGL (3) PROPOSED AT&T RRH'S MOUNTED ON t o iv%&D FENCE AND T.O. UNISTRUT SECURED TO PROPOSED TYPICAL LTE ANTENNA DETAIL am Y PROPOSED UPPER ICE BRIDGE EQUIPMENT PLATFORM sGALE: rvor To scnLE h 12'-5'3 AGL 3 V T.O. PROPOSED AT&T v EQUIPMENT CABINET UMTS/GSM h 9-53 AMANUFACTURER ANDREW V T.O. PROPOSED LOWER ICE BRIDGE MODEL DBXLH-6565-R2M F EE 5'-3"3 AGL 13'-3"3 AMSL BAND DUAL 7.0. PROPOSED AT&T FREQUENCIES, MHZ 1710-2180, 824-960 i EQUIPMENT PLATFORM Em Vh " POL DUAL 4 3'-103 GL11'-13 BOOED AMRET INSTALLED LLED AT&T T.O. PROPOSED CONCRETE PIER !1 EQUIPMENT PLATFORM (FLOOD L. IN 50.8 W. IN 10.6 W- $ 0'-0" AGE (8•-0"3 AMSL) D. IN V GRADE r WT, LB 34.2 MOBASE y BASE IL /\TYPICAL UMTS/GSM ANTENNA DETAIL / T— NE NE NE NE NE tE --NE —NE NE — \4 SCALE rvoi i0 SGLE 'I PROPOSED MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS) `r SEE NOTE BOX THIS SHEET PROPOSED AT&T GALVANIZED STEEL �� lam DUNNAGE RAILING AND STAIRS, TYP. FOR GENERAL NOTES SEE SHf. SP-2. DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS, PROPOSED AT&T TELCO CONDUITS TRENCHED CABUNG ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN PROPOSED RF UNDERGROUND FROM PROPOSED AT&T TELCO COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE FOUNDATION IS PANEL TO PROPOSED MESA SPAN CABINET ANTENNA CABLE LENGTHS LEGEND TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK STATE LICENSED —A—A— ANTENNA CABLE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED DOCUMENTATION ' PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRICAL CONDUITS TRENCHED SECTOR "A SECTOR "B' SECTOR "C" FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. UNDERGROUND FROM PROPOSED AT&T METER AND DISCONNECT —T—T— TELCO CONDUIT E SUPPORT RACK TO PROPOSED AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED —E— ELECTRIC CONDOR TO PROPOSED ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL NOTE: UMTS/GSM 100'-0' 94'-6" 88'-0' NOTE: RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE PROPOSED TO —T/E—T/E— TELCO & ELECTRIC IF THIS SHEET I REFER BE PAINTED 'GRAY/BLUE: SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CONDOR TO ADJACE t/6-t•-7 ENORTHTN /PARTIAL EAST ELEVATION /SWDO68 COPEN BLUE . LTE 79'-0 69'-0" 73'-0 A ° \ , / SCALE lis•=1'-0• Q nliVv �t•.�'li.-']� "� 0 V/nl A ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ^��� v J, WY-j 7 AT&T MOBILITY tt liit>,ttv ,�iii�.. .ti, AT&T# NYCENY1059 / Ll-1059 n R Q 40200 MAIN RD a,/wb P IAL EAST ELEVATION, ANTENNA PLAN -- ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 AT&T MOBILITY �° °'/°/s & ANTENNA DETAILS yr 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE Aosre uo. onAwus nuueev acv o PARAMUS, NJ 07652 . 1�6y,v{Q 97 NYCENY1059 SP-3 6 v , 6 S 4 3 �� /1- 1 rGy DFT-STv1160 02T owe 22 t J4 D 512E �E •� N s Q at&t D 03 r� �a SITE NUMBER: NYCENY1059 0o SITE NAME: ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT Em DRAWING INDEX REV. DIRECTIONS: PROJECT INFORMATION T-1 TITLE SHEET 6 MIDLAND AVE (NORTH-WEST) TAKE RAMP (RIGHT) ONTO SR-17 SCOPE OF WORK AN UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACIL TY INCLUDING C �p A-1 SITE PLAN 6 TURN RIGHT ONTO RAMP TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO SR-4 TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT AT GRADE LEVEL ATOP NEW ° TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO 1-95 EXPRESS LN [NEW JERSEY TPKE] ELEVATED STEEL EQUIPMENT PLATFORM AND RELATED ANTENNAS A-2 PARTIAL SITE PLAN 6 MERGE ONTO 1-95 [NEW JERSEY TPKE] KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO 1-295 [CROSS BRONX EXPY EXT] MOUNTED INSIDE NEW RF TRANSPARENT MONOPOLE. a g A-3 EAST ELEVATION 6 TAKE RAMP (RIGHT) ONTO CROSS ISLAND PKY AT EXIT 30E, KEEP RIGHT ONTO RAMP (0.4 MI) SITE ADDRESS: 40200 MAN RD. TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO 1-495 [LONG ISLAND EXPY] AT EXIT 73, TURN OFF ONTO RAMP (a.k.a. S.R. 25) A-4 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 6 KEEP LEFT TO STAY ON RAMP BEAR RIGHT (EAST) ONTO CR-58 [OLD COUNTRY RD] ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 A-5 CABINET DETAILS 6 KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO SR-25 [MAIN RD] TURN LEFT (NORTH-WEST) ONTO LOVE LN TURN RIGHT (NORTH-FAST) ONTO CR-48 [MIDDLE RD] TURN LEFT (NORTH) ONTO CR-48 [MAIN RD] pftopER7Y OWNER: M.G.H. ENTERPRISES, INC. A-6 ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAILS 6 KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO SR-25 [MAN RD] ARRIVE AT MAIN RD, ORIENT POINT NY 11957 A-7 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 6 CONTACT PERSON: BOB HAASE (631) 323-2424 o E A-8 STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN, NOTES AND DETAILS 6 E-1 ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM AND NOTES 6 VICINITY MAP APPLICANT: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC S r E-2 ELECTRICAL DETAILS, SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 6 15 EAST o esz AVENUE E-3 AC SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM FOR ARGUS TE-41 DC POWER PLANT 6 LATITUDE: N 41' 9' 9' -*NAD (83) s E-4 SYSTEM DIAGRAM,TOWER SITE WITH OUTDOOR BASE BAND RRHs ON GROUND 6 SITE LONGITUDE: W 77 14' 39.Y ..NAD (83) WIRING DIAGRAM, OUTDOOR BASE BAND RRHs ON GROUND ELEVATION: B-o AMSL ..NAND (eB) rs, gA- t JURISDICTION: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD E-5 DC/DC CONVERTER 6 rM ffFTAX LD.NUMBER: BLK: 9 LOT: 8.1 SEC: 15 E-6 TELCO, ELECTRIC, GROUNDING PLAN AND DETAILS 6 $ �a " ZONING DISTRICT: ZONE: MARINE 11 MAP:N/A B 0 E-7 GROUNDING DETAILS 6 m- - 3 .'{.g c `.;* CURRENT USE: MARINA/RESTAURANT PROPOSED USE: MARINA/RESTAURANT/WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY CODE AND STANDARDS SITE QUALIFICATION PARTICIPANTS ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ALL APPLICABLE NATIONAL AND LOCAL CODES, INCLUDING BUT �'-� ,y4. """�' NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: NAME COMPANY NUMBER o -BUILDING CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) r.-+... A E NEIL A. MACDONALD WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA 631 689-8450 G BUILDING OFFICIALS AND CODE ADMINISTRATION (BOCA)-AMERICAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION (ASA) ;y V7 / ( ) BUILDING CODE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK -UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES (UL ,w,w-. r q ARCHITECTS, LLP �3 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) -NATIONAL ELECTRIC MANUFACTURES ASSOCIATION (NEMA) ,xTa, SAC VICTORIA BRENNAN SHORE 2 SHORE (631) 807-7836 B NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) �;a+ SL - RF SHARED HUSAIN BECHTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (978) 239-5328 `4-...,. CON RICHARD CHIAP CHTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (201) 218-7763 CONTACT 808 H Ja BY THE SEA RESTAURANT (631) 323-2424 A � . , ti U N Q w/iyiRVXECT NO ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT a`�` 0 �� R - 7a AT&T MOBILITYma wn.uAM EcoulNs. AIA NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 SO TITLE SHEET A R c H I T r C T S. LLP NY7320 AT&T MOBILITY ,Tw INA �. i I. sic rim> 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE o. srtE rw. Daewwc noMeee aeV "-" F" °X"° ORIENT POINT, N.Y- 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 �2694A 4897 NYCENY1059 T-1 6 6 5 4 3 2 DM-SM 160021 Dwc 22 x J4 0 SIZE PSC- NEW AT&T ELECTRIC CONDUITS TRENCHED EXISTING OVERHEAD N UTILITY LINES FROM UNDERGROUND FROM NEW AT&T ELECTRICAL F METER AND DISCONNECT RT AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTEDO NNEW NEW UTILITY POLE NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUIT #35 BEYON D SOGNGE- v ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-4 FOR TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM PROPERTY LINE, NP. MORE INFORMATION EXISTING UTILITY POLE #35 TO 3 NEW MESA SPAN CABINET AT A a t SOUTHWEST CORNER OF EXISTING RESTAURANT PROPERTY EXISTING PROPERTY STAOTION RINE FUELING mo SITE DATA �a EXISTING TRANSFORMER, OWNED BY ORIENT 2 1) NEW IFAS£ARFA(INCL 1NINOPOLE Q YENZdI Y6A SPAN GB) 519 tSO. Fi METER AND DISCONNECT POINT STATE PARK APV" �. D z) E NEVI MONOPOIF ro SOUTN PROPERTY LSE SEIBACI( 241'-1P pti Q 3) E NEW MONO ro SOU111 &IIKHEW SETBACK 196'-YroDISCONNECT 3 LOCATION OF NEWAT&TLECTRIC o / r w 4) E raw ualDPas SOLIiN Plxwmry Ira METER AND DISCONNECNECsETeM.•Ic w•-5' T SUPPORT s) E NEw uONOPaE ro FKlmrw OUNDINc 274'-T RACK. SEE i/A-4 FOR MORE V z ��\SSYG SN 6) E NEW uoNDPaF ro NaRM T+tiOPEH1Y ME INFORMATION 9ETernc 759'-f aL, 7) f NEW tlOrEOPOIE ro NOIEIII &14OM SEIBALY( 112-10' R,SDING EXITING STORAGE GO % 6) E NEw MOIMPIXF ro NOITIN O.N. ML T73'-3" P(L'I'l 4 r a 9) E NEW uONOPDIF ro NpTIN RES�FNML PROPERTY ME 631•-T m o 10) f tFA'MOHOPOIE ro NORM PEBIOENIUL NOME SETBIG( 660'-6' 0 11) f NEW 110NONIE TO EIST PROPERTY UNE SE18AC1( 253•-C 12) f NEw YONOPOIE TO FAST BOILKHEW SETBACK 175'-C G J `o v 13) E NEw uoxoPac ro SE rNroPEm ME sE1TMCK 176•-1' � �F. v 14) E NEw uoNOPac ro sE T6INOIVD SEIHaLK to-r SIE t 15) f NEW MONOPIXF ro 6WN1 EDGE OF PAYFITEIR RIH.LK 67'-W + ryq E- 16) f NEW MONOPOLE ro WESf PROPERTY NNE c 17) NEW EWPMQET COMPOIMO ro NEST fNNNiATY LNIE SE18MM 7--1' ® a+ S A S B65b —.t 16) NEW EBUPMEI COYPOl6O TO FAST WU(HEAD SEIB.DK 174•-Y m �O + - `EXISTING P� /+ 4p�'t MARINA / C C NEW 14'-0" HIGH dam/ JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA O 7'-0' O.C., TYP. OF (5) �a � W. RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE TO BE Bg NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT z ry�N 4 / "GRAY/BLUE: SHERWIN-WILLIAMS #SW006 CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL o 'T> 4 /+/ COPEN BLUE'. PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-2 FOR ~-' '!' V J MORE INFORMATION NOTE: a I ,; ✓" + CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE a NEW AT&T 70'-O• HIGH RF RESTORE ANY AREA SITE SPECIFIC SIGNAGE IN COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE AND �yl WHICH IS AFFECTED BY ACCORDANCE WITH AT&T ANTENNAS. TO BE EXTENDABLE TO .�' 90'-0" + e' THE INSTALLATION OF o" / FQ' 4, PROJECT TECHNICAL + Gp COQ ANY ITEMS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS FOR SITE Q EQUIPMENT WITHIN THIS SIGNAGE. SCOPE S OF WORK. j / c `EXISTING +/ � �O fP N4IEE qT&T 's96 $� NC, MARINA J�\S�Y' ALL RENCHES TO BE THE CONSTRUCTION AND PLACEMENT - o S CTQR °s. OKE 5 �� tT HAND EXCAVATED AND OF THE FACILITY WILL NOT 0 240' "C" .'oN + �J BACKFILLED TO ENSUREINTERFERE WITH F4S COMMUNICATIONS PAND THE USUAL o TRUe NOR OF o + UNDERGROUND GROUNG AND CUSTOMARY TRANSMISSION OR B NORTH 4%/ UNDERGROUND UTIUTIE ARE NOT DISTURBED. RECEPTION CO RADIO, TELEVISION E , •' .: Sd + ANTENNA CABLE LENGTHS WATERTIGHT. ATE�GHT TE�JOINTS OR OTHER COMMUNICATIONS mss. ;'° ' PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. SERVICES OR WITH ELECTRICAL ANTENNA TRANSMISSION LINES. TYPE SECTOR "A" SECTOR "LT• SECTOR "C" 7. I ._ �� + '� ! G a a ? �� a4n UMTS/GSM 100'-0" 100'-0" 100'-0" DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS, S R. 10 0 ,�. G + E° 4,y j0 s,9. j* 4e,� ,„= CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE 0 LTE 100'-O'• 100'-0" 100'-O" PROPOSED RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A + CONCRETE FOUNDATION IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK {'4 Z STATE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED Kae + DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. _ EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH RAMP EXISTING UNDERLYING VEGETATION,3gR.41' 7N NOTE: TRAILER AND BOATS TO BE / INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED UPON A SURVEY -- CLEARED PRIOR TO START OF a PREPARED BY: HAWKINS WEBB JAEGER PLLC., 3239 ROU TE 1 12,EXISTING BULKHEADCONSTRUCTION BUILDING 8-SUITE 1, MEDFORD, NY 11763, 631 732-7777, (DATM.JU Y 2ND, 2009, PROJECT NO: 06-0099) o J EXISTING SHORELINE 53Y o 4ggO^W NORTH z I SITE PLAN GAF"" BAY EXISTING BAY ENTRANCE C) I �f1E C r R ER 0 2a 40 6B A SCALE 1_41,_0' 'wM/„ \ D JACEN U _ Q W/ii/,� i55uFD,on KRuwwm eMn c p ij. j I R O t P ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ""�'°' �'�""`°"s"""°" `"" 1 �- + 64 == AT&T MOBILITY NYC ENY1059 /LI-1059 at&t mn,rvo 7 m'o WILLIAM F. COLI,INS, AIA Q aMM1' o A R L H I T F C I S L L P NY7320 � _ SITE. PLAN 1.11 N�Ull s Ea . 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY �° O1m' •s s v c .+m v a v"a1.o 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE sTE N0. oRAwmc NUMBER RE, ORIENT POINT, N Y. 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 ,,,�. wr �� 269 00 97 NYCENY1059 A-1 6 6 54 3 2OrNsM�se,Ozl .owe 22 z 34 D SIZE so- •'E NOTE: ANY EXISTING TREES, UNDERLYING VEGETATION, TRAILERS AND BOATS IN AREA NEW CONSTRUCTION TO BE CLEARED PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. .6 T � "a DASHED UNES REPRESENT — °' EXISTING SHRUBBERY Te St— — — — — — — (5) NEW 14'-0" HIGH JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA ® 7'-0" REMOVED4•_0" 28,_0" O.C. SEE 1/A-7 FOR MORE INFORMATION m NEW AT&T TELCO AND POWER PANELS ( ( �� ( �� ( �� (2) NEW PURCELL CABINETS STACKED. NEW BBU TO BE It MOUNTED TO NEW PLATFORM )� (�,�( �\ \( \r INSTALLED IN NEW PURCELL FLX16W5 CABINET. SEE S HANDRAIL. SEE 4168/E-1 SIM. `(�\ r l J Y \ ���. ��,\ \ J� �-��,\ \ j�/. - ,\ \\ j 1/A-5 FOR MORE INFORMATION r� NEW AT&T EMERGENCY GENERATOR \ \ X1 �� J \1 J \�\(\) }yC J \�\I\\\I �Y��J \`\I\\\, iY` J NEW AT&T ELECTRIC CONDUIT TRENCHED UNDERGROUND z RECEPTACLE MOUNTED TO SIDE OF /',J ` J� �"� '�icy- �" `=^ ���^ L=may— FROM NEW AT&T ELECTRIC METER AND DISCONNECT TO $� POWER PANEL _� �— l 1 NEW AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED ON NEW AT&T :11, \ NEW CONCRETE PAD MOUNTED � '�� \,._. �" �� �� �� �" TiE—T. EQUIPMENT PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-1, 1 AND 566/A-4 MESA SPAN CABINET r 7— T [�-TiE—r TiE—� � �r E—rTp AND 1/E-1 FOR MORE INFORMATION J NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED UNDERGROUND 4'-0" FROM NEW MESA SPAN CABINET TO NEW AT&T TELCO —z—xx X—x—X—z—X—X—XX—X—X XXx PANEL MOUNTED ON NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL. SEE 1 AND 566/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION Em — — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ — — — _ eEl FLX16W5 I s 6 �j' I CABINET °L EXISTING CONTOUR UNE, TYR. ii BI x C vm J < 8.6 (3) NEW AT&T RRH'S MOUNTED ON UNISTRUT SECURED w as 3'-5" ti t` ? TO NEW EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL. SEE 1 AND EXISTING AMSL SPOT ELEVATION, 1104/A-5 FOR MORE INFORMATION S TYP. F +'. i I / ,p '—NEW 400 SQ. FT. AT&T FENCED LEASE AREA IS GFmP �X I UMTS Rx—AI7 �g50 rk, 1900 r BATT BATT NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW E 'P oT T CD C 1 CABINET ABINET CABINET CABINET 24 VDC CABINET CABINET ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM, TYP. A W d L d 6 d I � NEW 14'-(f HIGH— NO�: \ q PSW�OR"0 ~ I Y / LOCKABLE GATE AND HGR LEEN 'ERMAHED E 4PRIVACY THE CONTRACTOR IS TO REGRADE THE AT&T \ U SLATS OR EQUAL. SEE SHEET A-7 FOR MORE - _ EQUIPMENT COMPOUND AREA TO A LEVEL 6�UE NORM W I a I j� INFORMATION GRADE OF 8'-0" AMSL PRIOR TO START OF EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION. x z X x— X x x X— x NEW AT&T ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE. SEE 2/A-4 B E ro y X FOR MORE INFORMATION 2' 11" 2'-0" 2'-0" '-6" 2'-6" 2'-6" 2'-6" 2'-6" 10' a` 4 2._3. = v 2'-6"t 4'-5- 28'-0" £ o \\\ 8.5 \ 35'-0" / NEW AT&T COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED THROUGH / > NEW ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE TO NEW MONOPOLE o' z a' e' •� �S NEW AT&T GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO NEW CABLE ICE BRIDGE POST. SEE 801/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION /e'=i•-o" i.,o 2 NEW AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK FRAME. SEE SYMBOL LEGEND: NOTE; c 8 tiW U�J 3/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION —A—A— ANTENNA CABLE DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF NEW ANTENNAS, NOTE: (6) NEW AT&T ANTENNAS MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE. CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE NEW v3 IF THIS SHEET IS il" % 17' REFERTYP. (2) ANTENNAS PER SECTOR. SEE 1/A-3 AND 3/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION —T—T— TELCO CONDUIT RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE TO THE GRAPHIC SCALE ABOVE. —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUIT FOUNDATION IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK STATE NEW 70'-0' HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE o� LICENSED P ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED o z —T/E—T/E— TELCO & ELECTRIC CONDUIT NORTH (TO BE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0") DOCU F WORK SHALL BE FILED BY 6 NEW MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. SEE 8.6+ EXISTING AMSL SPOT ELEVATION OT PARTIAL SITE PLAN R A 1 NOTE BOX THIS SHEET sole. vz.=r_o. ,o�, �•,,-p r, /), � aiXncp FFFFFF v� ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ® `�� �� ;0 —fia Ai&i Mo31uiY m o WILLIAM P COLLINS, AIA NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 mnim }- -A' A R C IT I T E C T s_ L L P NY7320 �mn I ' - PARTIAL SIZE PLAN L s 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY 00 srt[no. onAwwc nuxe[a aEv < 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMOS, NJ 07652E9A , 7 NYCENY1059 z T 2 22 6 rj 4 3 "�2 �F N� orn-miso,ozl Pwc M34 D�S12E AGI T.0 NEW R.F. COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE (EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0") "- � 67'-0"3 A RAD. NEW AT&T ANTENNAS (3) NEW AT&T LTE ANTENNAS AND (6) MHA9 MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TYR. SEE 4/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION aQ (3) NEW AT&T UMTS/GSM ANTENNAS AND (6) MHAs MOUNTED WITHIN RF D COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TYP. SEE 2/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION my 53 5T-0"t AGL NEW 70'-0" HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE r� RAD. NEW AT&T ANTENNAS (TO BE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0') ,ate NEW AT&T COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED WITHIN NEW AT&T z n� MONOPOLE. SEE 1/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION (5) NEW 14'-0' HIGH JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA 0 7'-0" O.C. BEYOND. SEE 1/A-7 m o FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW CONCRETE PAD MOUNTED MESA SPAN CABINET BEYOND. SEE 1/A-2 `a v FOR MORE INFORMATION (2) NEW AT&T GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO NEW CABLE ICE BRIDGE POST. SEE 1121A/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION Em" NEW AT&T ELEVATED CABLE ICE BRIDGE. SEE 2 AND 4/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION i NEW AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK. SEE 3/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION a m NEW AT&T OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW ELEVATED C �N GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM, TYR. SEE 1/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW AT&T 13'-0' HIGH CHAINLINK FENCE WITH 4'-0' LOCKABLE GATE AND GREEN oq I "PERMAHEDGE' PRIVACY SLATS OR EQUAL. SEE SHEET A-7 FOR MORE INFORMATION 14'-0"t AGL T.O. NEW SHRUBS (BEYOND) 13-0"3 AGL (3) NEW AT&T RRH'S MOUNTED ON SUPPORT RACK. SEE 111OB/A-5 FOR MORE INFORMATION 7.0. NEW FENCE AND T.O. NEW v ? UPPER ICE BRIDGE 12'-5"3 AGL T.O. NEW AT&T _ EQUIPMENT CABINET 9'-5't AGL NEW ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL EQUIPMENT PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION T.O. NEW LOWER ICE BRIDGE 5'-3"t AGL 13'-3"t AMSL T.O. NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT PLATFORM NEW CONCRETE PIER, TYR. OF (6) LOCATIONS. SEE 1 AND 4/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION 4'-O"3 AGL 12'-O"3 AMSL 3'-10"3 AGL 11'-10'3 AMSL B E B.O. NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT k T.O. NEW CONCRETE PIER PLATFORM (FLOOD LEVEL) {' NOTE. h O'-0 AGL (8'-0"t AMSU a5 THE CONTRACTOR IS TO REGRADE THE AT&T V GRADE � v EQUIPMENT COMPOUND AREA TO A LEVEL J-�M—O�NOPOL GRADE OF 8'-0' AMSL PRIOR TO START OF6EE EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION. T NE NE NE —NE NE NE --NE —NENE NE —NE EGEND—A—A— ANTENNA CABLENEW MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. SEE NOTE BOX THIS SHEETDRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTAUATION r—r— TELCO CONDUIT OF NEW ANTENNAS, CABLING ETC.NEW AT&T GALVANIZED STEEL DUNNAGE RAILIN ���♦ 3 a —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUIT TYR. SEE SHEET A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE \/ N �3 —r/E—r/E— TELCO & ELECTRIC NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUITS TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM NEW AT&T TELCO NOTE: o' z' a' e' NEW RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE PANEL TO NEW MESA SPAN CABINET. SEE 1 AND 566/A-4 FOR MORE IF THIS SHEET IS 11" X 17' REFER VL��� STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE FOUNDATION .Q CONDUIT INFORMATION IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK o J TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. Va=�'-�' ENSED PROFESSIONAL o� NEW AT&T ELECTRICAL CONDUITS TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM NEW AT&T METER AND G GNED AND SEALED NORTH A z_ °" EAST ELEVATION 6 DISCONNECT SUPPORT RACK TO NEW AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED TO NEW ELEVATED �P FOR THIS WORK 1 EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL. SEE 1 AND 566/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION © ,o/m/„ BY OTHERS. g _ at lT mia / ; AT&T MOBILIT v ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ® `� mmrw ma wuL1eM ECOLLIN S. AIa NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 a *' A R C H I T E C T S LLP NY732O /epm EAST ELEVATION AT&T MOBILITY am-ua,cE�ernvAer_vra 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE srte ao. DRAw NG Houaca PC 1.11 5,'g voia11 a 1111.1,1 inn. m1z99-u�e ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 F Q^� 4 Q 7 NYCENY7059 A-3 6 T �59A vz G DFN=m[1so.021 UvrO 22 e 34 D SIL 6 5 4 3 2 L�� esc- CUT POST LENGTH TO SUIT BY .F REMOVING UNCAPPED END NOTES: RIGID STEEL RIGID GALV. STEEL I-WHEN USING COMPONENTS AS SHOWN IN STANDARD CONDUIT PLUG CONDUIT COUPLING [PN W840001 OR W840002 DETAILS, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN BETWEEN SUPPORTS GRADE ° (SEE TABLE)] ON A CONTINUOUS SINGLE SECTION OF BRIDGE CHANNEL 12" WIDE X 120' LONG ICE SHALL BE 9 FEET FOR 10 FEET BRIDGE CHANNEL. 0 o BRIDGE CUT ICE BRIDGE RIGID GALV. - - o o CHANNEL 2.WHEN USING COMPONENTS FOR SPLICING BRIDGE STEEL CONDUIT PVC SCHEDULE aP = m m LENGTH TO SUIT (SEE NOTES) CHANNEL SECTIONS, THE SPLICE SHOULD BE PROVIDED AT 40 SIZE AS ¢ TRENCH FINISH GRADE, MATCH '� 3 ; THE SUPPORT, IF POSSIBLE, OR AT A MAXIMUM OF 2 RIGID GALV. STEEL SHOWN ON D m m SLOPE EXI AND THICKNESS a a TPNI WBBE0003 (SEE TABLE)] FEET FROM THE SUPPORT. TO PVC ADAPTER LAYOUTS OF KIT HEN COMPACTED BACKFILL PER z (2) TRAPEZE KITS ARE INCLUDED 3 pROVIDEDI NG AS C�OSE ASNTPOSSIBLE TO THEULD E ENDSOF ICE SPECIFICATION EARTHWORK F + b WITH ICE BRIDGE. ORDER rrc ¢ I I BRIDGES, WITH A MAXIMUM CANTILNER DISTANCE OF 2 _ --===-5-==--__' UNDISTURBED SOIL o Z-4FEETTRAPEZE KITS AS FEET FROM THE SUPPORT TO THE FREE END OF THE ICE o �— -__--}}__-_= III— w REQUIRED, TO MAINTAIN MAXIMUM BRIDGE. ' III—III =_________=_= 6' WIDE METAL CORE, o CABLE SPAN OF 3'-C" (TYR) DETAIL @ UNDERGROUND UNDERGROUND WARNING z 4.CUT BRIDGE CHANNEL SECTIONS SHALL HAVE RAW EDGES b —III --___----- TAPE PRINTED WITH CAUTION a o3 TREATED WITH A MATERIAL TO RESTORE THESE EDGES TO CONDUIT STUB-UP -I= __ _________ 1= BURIED UTILIN LINES ANTENNA CABLES ARRANGEMENT THE ORIGINAL CHANNEL, OR EQUIVALENT, FINISH. C7 scaLe,vv=r-o• m`0 2x12 CCA.04 TREATED w BY SUB-CONTRACTOR x Tv 5ACE BRIDGES MAY BE CONSTRUCTED WITH COMPONENTS CONTINUOUS PLANKS PAINTED FROM OTHER MANUFACTURERS, PROVIDED THE oa° =III= III—� REQ'ONFOR WIDUMBER �H OLFANKS AS + MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDELINES ARE FOLLOWED. — = TRENCH Q 6.DEVLATIONS FROM STANDARDS FOR COMPONENT nL a y -I BACKFILL (SAND OR b nINSTALLATIONS ARE PERMITTED WITH THE RESPECTIVE NATIVE SOIL) PER CONCRETE PIER MANUFACTURER'S APPROVAL. E m` SCH. 40 PVC — TELEPHONE —III-EARTHWORK SPECIFICATION a DEVIATIONS FROM ICE BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS REQUIRE CONDUIT (1 SCH. 40 PVC :„y; PART 0 QTY. Z'ENGINEERING APPROVAL. o ACTIVE, CONDUIT POWER CONDUIT AS REQUIRED) 4" MIN TO SECONDARY ELECTRIC W840001 ROHN PART L I2' am a 0RN-WB-KS 110-138 A INSTALL DRIP LOOP ON ANTENNA CABLES AT C SIZE PER LOCA TEL. CO. 12" MIN TO PRIMARY ELECTRIC VALMONT PART 0802603 BOTTOM OF TOWER/MONOPOLE. BENDING MTS PART ON/A RADIUS PER MANUFACTURER'S STANDARDS WB40002 ROHN PART 0RN-WB-KS110-15B 6. VALMONT PART 0802604 MTS PART OMT-C8269 DETAIL @ TYPICAL UTILITY TRENCH /, TYP. ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE DETAIL SCALE NT.S. L SCALE N7.S. n E OUTLINE OF REAR OF NOKIA BCCH/GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO 09 ULTRASTTE POWER CABINET CABLE SUPPORT RACK RIP LOOP, COIL 1'-6" FOR T1 CABLE AND JUMPER TERMINATION AT _RIP 2'-6" FOR ALARM CABLE NOKIA EQUIPMENT UMTS 3/4" FLEX 3'-0' MAX. CONDUIT (2)-i/2"0 E911 COAX FROM LAST 9 JUMPERS SUPPORT TO _ _ 24 V C BATT BATT TRANSITION NOKIA COAX LMFC AT 24VDC EQUIPMENT CONNECTOR CABINET LEAVE 1/7 JUMPER B WITH I EXTEND 5' 1•_p- WEATHER - ° ° UNISTRUT RACK PIGTAIL T COAX o E PROOFING AS REQUIRED FOR 1�_ SUPPORT, UMTS YC FOR EACH -= 3'-0" CABINET, POWER TO DROP F SUPPORT MIN. TYP. 24VDC 24-08 iv a FRAME a£ AND 2-014GN0 COAX ° = OAX 1"C FOR ALPHA NOKIA i CONNECTOR SUPPORT, T1s TO E911 z WITH E° TYR. CABINET b o TTTNNN EW EQUIPMENT AND Typ I o WEATHER- _ - SUPPORT I EQUIPMEN MS ALARM iv PROOFING FRAME I CABLE TO PLATFORM 4 V Jv 1 OOBTS MAIN COAX 8 TO ANTENNA _ GROUND LEAD TO COAX 02 AWG GREEN CONNECTOR PAIR GROUND LEAD TO COAX GROUND BAR INSULATED (RT) WEATHERPROOFED GROUND BAR 3 BCW GROUND GROUND KIT WITH GROUND KIT WITH WEATHER H NEW EQUIPMENT UNISTRUT 1 5/8" CHANNEL WEATHER PROOFING (NOT e< PROOFING (NOT IN BEND OF PLATFORM o COAX) P1000 (TYP); USE UNISTRUT IN BEND OF COAX) CABLE SUPPORT MAIN COAX BOLTING HARDWARE AT ALL CONNECTIONS DFOR EQUIPMENT CABINETS (UNISTRUT ORSIMILARSCOLD 1 C no A v 3 scALe. a/a = r-o' FORMED STRUT CHANNEL) ��� F J wmn, ,tii_!� f♦ U o O ¢s,m z:wnnn�cMx i p �ro � � AT&T MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 WILLIAM FCOLLINS.AIA a♦&t ARCHITECTURAL DETAILSNY7320ARCH ITECTSLLP AT&T MOBILITY _ 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE V1 No. 111NI 111111 Ke a's c i- 1111 i...w4s" ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMUS, «.�. NJ 07652 0 Q 7 NYCENY1059 A-4 6 DFN=sM160021 Dwc 22 x 34 D Sd 6 5 4 3 2 O F N EVN N nt a a � n v PIPE CAP 0 ■ N 0 0 '^ -- ICE BRIDGE " 5/8^ D BOLT HOLE (TYR) �Q / \� UN FRONT RIGHT SIDE FRONT BOLT HOLE PLAN PLAN ATTACH CABINET TO EXIST STEEL BEAM/GRATING/PURCELL CABINET USING 1/Y DIA BOLTS/J-BOLTS. �='� FIBER & POWER DISTRIBUTION WEIGHT 500 LBS 03 ; r-- ' -- r- BOX WI DC SURGE PURCELL EQUIPMENT CABINET I4SEE 1 a I I if I 1 111 1 NOTE 6 AND DETAIL 100 THIS C z 11 - % o 111 I 1 11 1 1 SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION 10.38" 700 MHz RRH. SEE DETAIL 6.29" 1104 THIS SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION (159.87mm) (260325"Z. m) m`o \�� / - S/ 6.20" (260.330mm) y f _-__ P1000 UNISTRUT CHANNEL c° `o POWER DISTRIBUTION - r----� r----� r----� OR EQUIVALENT (TYP) (157.4omm) 203.20mm BOX Ill DC SURGE O O oa° DC6-48-60-0-18-01 f ICE BRIDGE POST, (NOTE 6) ^ I TYR. SEE 2/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION E E m" b E 1n E .n E NEW EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAII, TYR o o n n o GROUND BAR b z SEE 1/A-2 AND 1/A-3 FOR MORE INFORMATION n N N vm (12" MIN.^x 2" I I I I s 6 FIBER AND POWER 00.313"(7.94mm)(4 PLACES) 5 1 1 DISTRIBUTION BOX DC2-48-60-0-9E �p _ � ��ALE:, , -1 - WIDTH h ®_ V - - SIZE AND WEIGHT TABLE HEIGHT W/O CABLE WEIGHT RRH WIDTH DEPTH MANAGEMENT COVER W O BRACKET B r E o F b RRH 700 MHz 12 2^ 10 9" 21 51 LBS. 2X40 (BOW) _J4 1 L JI NOTE: DIMENSIONS INCLUDE MOUNTING BRACKET, SOLAR SHIELD AND CONNECTORS. 1270 PLAIN IL'°' �I MINIMUM CLEARANCE TABLE CONCRETE OR CLEARANCES = SAKRETE PIER RRH CABINET (INCHES) COMMENTS E° NOES 1. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL UNISTRUT (OR EQUIVALENT) MOUNTING CHANNELS. FRONT 36" INSTALLATION ACCESS _- - 2. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL ICE BRIDGE POSTS AS REQUIRED. ZERO REAR CLEARANCE IS ALLOWED USING 3. COAX. BRIDGE POSTS SHALL BE 3 1/YO.D., SCHED. 40 PIPE (ASTM-A36, A53 OR EQUIVALENT). REAR 2 SUPPLIED MOUNTING BRACKETS 4 RU SPRING NTS.. TYPICAL OF FOUR( INSTALL)P R RRH. SUB OiWC-&FP%tUTB&eJfW F&%e%AIBWARE RIGHT 4" AIR FLOW AND HANG FROM INSTALLED UNISTRUT FRAME. 5. SPACING MAY VARY BASED ON SELECTED EQUIPMENT. ADJUSTMENTS TO SPACING WILL BE MADE LEFT 4" AIR FLOW _- BY RRH INSTALLER. TOP 12" AIR FLOW 6. THE BOX MAY BE MOUNTED DIRECTLY BEHIND THE RRH'S IF SPACE IS AVAILABLE. °3 7. NO PAINTING OF THE RRH OR SOLAR SHIELD IS ALLOWED. R V BOTTOM 12" CONDUIT OUTING ,o a oz TEL-LUCENT 9442 REMOTE REMOTE RADIO HEAD (RRH) RACK DETAIL E� EAD RRH DETAIL A ti CPLE.N T.S. Q w/m/n 1 a o rsam rw cwmaucm, Qm/y,i iSWFn m axunwF1'PEVCW ce. u s A ECi ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT A^ iT ►r 78 AT&T MOBILITY ma WILIAM LE COLLINS,. COLLINS, AIA NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 ut A R C H I T E C T S. L L P NY7320 _ CABINET DETAILS AT&T MOBILITY t ui irrNnnigm ourve si;.Avkia sr 1m, 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE NO If srtE no. oruwwc nuueErz asv v- Vol(E n,v.elxas: r+x ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 V. ,„, vp. .i4 NYCENY1059 A-5 5 VZ 6 Jr 4 3 �2 Op N E� SFN=sM160,021 owc Z2 e 34 SIZE sc. 0 E NOTES: TOP CAP, BY OTHERS - MOUNTING TO A WALL 3. ATTACH THE REAR BRACKETS TO THE HEX THE TMA CAN BE MOUNTED TO A SUITABLE BOLTS AND INSTALL FLAT WASHER, SPLIT LOCK VIEW O ANTENNA MOUNTING _ .. FLIT SURFACEWASHER, AND THE HEX NUT ON EACH BOLT. . '3 v m BRACKETS BY OTHERS, TYP. TIGHTEN HEX NUTS SECURELY WHILE c - _ 1. THE REAR BRACKETS AND HARDWARE NOT USED. MAINTAINING ALIGNMENT BETWEEN TMA BRACKET ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL B - 5 2. IF PRE-INSTALLED. 3/8-16 UNC x 6 1/4" LG (MB X AND REAR BRACKET < BRACKETS TO BE 160 MM) HEX BOLTS MUST BE REMOVED PRIOR TO 4 ATTACH A GROUND CABLE TO THE TMA USING v PLACED AS NEEDED BULKHEAD, BY � WALL-MOUNTING. UNDO THE TWO CAP SCREWS TO DETACH THE PRE-INSTALLED HEX BOLT AND WASHERS. r „ OTHERS THE TMA BRACKET AND RETRACT THE BOLTS. RE-INSTALL D v ANTENNA MOUNTING / THE TMA BRACKETS AND TIGHTEN THE CAP SCREWS ROUTE THE GROUND CABLE TO THE GROUND m u I BAR ON THE TOWER STRUCTURE AND ATTACH BRACKETS BY OTHERS, 1 NOTE: SECURELY. SECURELY WITH SUITABLE FASTENER. o'} TYP. I FOR ANTENNA INFORMATION SEE DETAIL 3. MOUNT THE TMA TO THE WALL USING FOUR J II II \a 2 AND 3 THIS SHEET. 5116- OR 8 MM BOLTS (NOT SUPPLIED) THROUGH 5. ROUTE A JUMPER CABLE FROM THE 850 MHz r� THE HOLES IN THE TMA BRACKETS. ANTENNA TO THE TMA PORT MARKED "ANT 850". �z 5" O.D. MAST 4. CONNECT RF AND GROUND CABLES, WEATHERSEAL ROUTE A SECOND JUMPER CABLE FROM THE ac, r+ AND SECURE WITH STRAPS AS OUTLINED ABOVE. 1900 MHz ANTENNA TO THE TMA PORT MARKED - - ANTENNA MOUNTING "ANT 1900". ROUTE A THIRD JUMPER CABLE BRACKETS ev OTHERS. ANDREW TOWER MAST AMPLIFIER NOTES: FROM THE TMA PORT MARKED 'BTS TO THE TYR. NOMINAL MOUNTING TO A POLE OR BEAM m `o VIEWS DIA. (IN.) 18 /„ (TMA) ETD819HS12UB DETAIL TOWER FEEDER. BE SURE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPIDER FLANGE BY + SCALL,N.T.5. ASSEMBLE THE POLE MOUNTING HARDWARE ON CURVE OR LOOP TO RELIEVE UNDUE STRAIN ON OTHERS MAXIMUM WIND THE TMA AND INSTALL THE DESIRED LOCATION AS CONNECTIONS AT EITHER END. LOAD (MPH) 100 SHOWN IN DETAIL ABOVE. MATING FLANGE L-BRACKET GPS ANTENNA 6. TIGHTEN RF CONNECTIONS TO 18 FT-LBS 2.5 MOUNT KIT (25Nm) TORQUE. ru ANTENNA MOUNTING I I w THICKNESS (IN.) 1. INSERT THE 3/8-16 UNC z 7" LG (M8 % 180 MM) n " BRACKETS TO BE ISOMETRIC ATTACHMENT BOLT HEX BOLTS WITH THE WASHERS THROUGH THE HOLES IN 7. WEATHERSEAL THE CABLE CONNECTIONS PER Em` PLACED AS NEEDED DETAIL@ ANTENNA MOUNTING PLATES pUANTffY 6 3/4" TO 1 1/Y THE TMA BRACKETS. BOLTS AND WASHERS MAY BE STANDARD PRACTICES IF REQUIRED BY LOCAL ` SCALE:N.T.S. GALV. STEEL OR ALUM, INSTALL WEATHER PRE-INSTALLED ON SOME VERSIONS OF THE ETS CONDITIONS. PROVIDED MATERIALS IF ANY, CAN ATTACHMEM BOLT 1 MOUNTING PIPE PROOFING PER SERIES TMA_ BE APPLIED ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS : COAX DIA. (IN.) ANTENNA MANDE 2. ORIENT THE TMA IN THE SELECTED LOCATION WITH ON THE PACKAGE - CABLES ATTACHMENT BOLT CADWELD ON STEEL PIPE. INSTRUCTIONS THE BTS PORT POINTING DOWN, OR AS REQUIRED. 8. APPLY CABLE TIES OR STRAPS (NOT om WEWA ) ® LENGTH (IN.) 7 CLAMP TO ALUM. W/BURNDY COAX CABLE ALIGN THE V-GRIPS OF THE TMA RACKETS WITH THE SUPPLIED) TO SECURE THE CABLES TO THETYPE C C-11N (3/4" & 1" PIPE) OR (W/N-MALE POLE OR TOWER MEMBER. TOWER STRUCTURE. CONNECTOR) 0 o., C-22 (1 114" & 1 1/2" DETAIL'13'@ MOUNTING PLATE PIPE) COAX CABLE ` SCALE:N.T.S. oU 2 AWG GROUND WIRE LUG TO CRGB 'P' SECTION OR ELEVATION NEAREST 'P' SUPPLEMENTAL GROUND BAR (L-BRACKET MOUNT) 1.POLE WEIGHTS ARE APPROXIMATE AND ONLY INCLUDE GPS ANTENNA NOTES; THE WEIGHT OF THE STEEL POLE. THEY DO NOT SET SCREWS 1. UNSCREW THE BAND CLAMPS UNTIL THE END COME REFLECT THE WEIGHT WITH ANTENNAS AND CABLES. _ INSTALL WEATHER PROOFING PER ANTENNA MANUF. COLLAR LOOSE AND THREAD THE ENDS THROUGH THE SLOTS a - IN THE MOUNTING BRACKET AS SHOWN, BEING 2.PRIOR TO FABRICATION OF THE MATING FLANGE. VERIFY INSTRUCTIONS 1" (1-5/16" O.D.) X 3'-0" CAREFUL NOT TO SCRATCH THE REAR FACE OF THE WITH MANUFACTURERS ITS DIAMETER AND THICKNESS. MAX. TMA. GALV. STEEL OR ALUM. PROVIDE APPLICABLE MOUNTING PIPE 2. MOUNT THE TMA TO THE MOUNTING PIPE USING THE ,\TYPICAL ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL PIPE-ro-PIPE CLAMP GROUND CABLE C AMP BAND CLAMPS AND TIGHTEN CLAMPS TO A TORQUE (BURNDY TYPE C-1114 OR OF 9016-in (10.2N-m). EQUN.) 3. ATTACH THE JUMPER CABLES TO TMA CONNECTORS INSULATED SPLIT-COLLAR J1(850/900MHz PORT) AND 2 (1800/1900/2100 BUSHING (GARVIN P/N MHz PORT) AND TORQUE NUTS ON THE DIN ICE BRIDGE POST GCHKIOO WITH GROUND LUG CONNECTORS TO 2041b-in (23N-m). REPEAT WITH OR SIMILAR POST. REMOVED) FEEDER CABLE CONNECTION TO TMA CONNECTOR B ro COAX CABLE J3 (COMMON PORT).4. GROUND TMA BY ATTACHING A GROUND STRAP TO (W/N-MALE CONNECTOR) THE M8 GROUNDING STUD ON THE SIDE OF THE T (� COAX CABLE SUPPORT i UNIT. ANDREW GROUNDING KIT, PART NUMBER a5 �2 AWG GROUND WIRE GND-IM-KT, OR EQUIVALENT, MAY BE USED. APPLY v UMTS GSM CADWELD TO POST ONLY IF ANTI-CORROSION PASTE TO THE GROUND 9 LTE700 MANUFACTURER ANDREW GROUNDED, OR LUG TO CRGB CONNECTION. o MANUFACTURER POWERWAVE ELEVATION 'P' SECTION OR NEAREST 'P' S. WEATHERPROOF THE TMA CONNECTIONS USING MODEL DUALH-6565-R2M COLLAR MOUNT ANDREW WEATHERPROOFING KITPART NUMBER MODEL P65-15-XLH-RR BAND DUAL ( ) SUPPLEMENTAL GROUND BAR - - BAND DUAL NOTES. 221213 OR EQUIVALENT. FOLLOW THE FREQUENCIES, MHZ 1710-2180, 824-960 lipINSTRUCTIONS SUPPLIED WITH THE KIT TO FREQUENCIES, MHZ 698-894 1710-2170 1. LOCATION OF ANTENNA MUST HAVE CLEAR VIEW OF SOUTHERN SKY WEATHERPROOF THE CONNECTORS. POEROL DUAL AND CANNOT HAVE ANY BLOCKAGES EXCEEDING 25 DUAL SURFACE AREA OF A HEMISPHERE AROUND THE GP$ 9NTRNBA. 6. STACKING UNITS: RET INST 0 RET INSTALLED 2. ALL GPS ANTENNA LOCATIONS MUST RF ABLE TO RECEIVE CLEAR TO STACK TWO UNITS, REMOVE THE FOUR EXISTING L. IN 50.8 +/- SIGNALS FROM A MINIMUM OF FOUR (4) SATELLITES. VERIFY WITH M6x50mm SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS THAT ATTACH _ v L, IN 51.0 +/- - W IN 10.6 + - HANDHELD GPS BEFORE FINAL LOCATION OF GPS ANTENNA. TOGETHERTHE TMA THE FOUR MOUNTING 1BRACm SOCKET HEAD KET AND ATTACH o ` W. IN 12.0 + - �ca3. CADWELDING SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED ON ROOFTOPS. D. IN 6.0 +1_ FDI 5.2 +/- 4. LTE-GPS ANTENNA SHALL BE LOCATED 10' FROM ALL ANTENNAS. CAP SCREWS PROVIDED WITHEACH UNIT. �a WT, LB POWERWAVE GSM/UMTS MOUNT THE TMA TO THE MOUNTING PIPE USING THE o z WT, LB 30.0 +/- BAND CLAMPS AND TIGHTEN CLAMPS TO A TORQUE TYP. UMTS/GSM LTE-GPS ANTENNA TSAW-07BP111-001 9016-in (10.2 N-m). 5 scALEN.s. oU TYPICAL LTE ANTENNA DETAIL ANTENNA DETAIL (,,PIPE AND L- BRACKET MOUNT �pE Alec E INSTALLATION ATION WITH STEP 3 A 2 SALE: rvNT Tn SCALE J SCALE NOi TO SCALE 1Z CALENLS �n Q ®YmPcP 00 U eu x ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT a jTQ lT p oMro ,, f + No AT&T MOBILITY WILLIAM F. COLLINS.AIA NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 ® N`&` ��-/°' ANT NNA MOUNTING DETAILS m� 31A ? o A R C H I T E C T 5. LLP NY7320 t N WA 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY �° °'/'^'°° .A / z's voicc�e_�.n..xir ra�m«..n:_9 ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE _ 51TE Na. oanww� Noueca eLv vz PARAMOS, NJ 07652 _ 6 7 NYCENY 1059 6 5 4 3 2 � F N 22 c 34 Y SIZE PSC- 'E CORNER, GATE, END OR PULL POST 4'-0" ;v CLEAR OPENING _8 2 1/2- O.D. POST Kn 70'—(" O.C. (3" '�" x✓ x „,�` �'��lrJ wQ TERMINAL AND l� _>�'" TOP BRACE RAIL t'Iyry TYPI AI WO N WIR F N IN NOT S r CORNER POSTS) Tv TOP RAIL l; *r T' TOP RAIL 1. (INSTALL FENCING PER ASTM F-567, "> SWINSTRECHER BAR /n G GATE PER ASTM F- 900) p >% STRECHER BAR 2. GATE POST, CORNER, TERMINAL OR PULL POST SHALL ?h > BE 2 7/6"0 SCHEDULE 40 FOR GATE WIDTH OF 4 r WITH LOCK FEET PER ASTM-F1083. 3 a 3. LINE POST: 2-3/6"0 SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER r� 6 _c� 6 b 6 c 6b GATE FRAM 083. FRAME 4. GATE FRAME: 1 112`0 SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER -z a" I I I ASTM-F1083. 5. TOP RAIL do BRACE RAIL: 1 1/4"0 SCHEDULE 40 DIAGONAL PIPE PER ASTM-1`1083. m ° DIAGONAL ROD/W RSTTEDEL 6, FABRCONFIORMING O CORE WIRESIZE ASTM SCIASS MESH, 9GA. CHAIN LINK V 1dj 2" DIAMOND. SEE ;( STEEL TURNBUCKLE TURNBUCKLE 7. TENSION WIRE: 7 GA GALVANIZED STEEL. 1/A-2 FOR MORE GA x 8. TIE WIRE: MINIMUM 11 GALVANIZED STEEL INSTALL aQ INFORMATION x .< A SINGLE WRAP TIE WIRE AT POSTS AND RAILS AT a T'. OUTSIDE , MAX. 24 INTERVALS. INSTALL HOG RINGS ON TENSION _ '� LINE POST a WIRE AT 24" INTERVALS. OTTOM TENSION Em try. ! {ETA MUSHROOM 9. GATE H TYPE CATCH AND PLOCK E(KEYED AR ROD LIKE FOR ALL SITES OR COMBINATION AS SPECIFIED BY All Ed a GRADE 'iEJ_. - - 10. LOCAL ORDINANCE OF BARBED WIRE PERMIT T ��I F �Ii Iir wn-u�unu-I ITi=Iu_II Iii_II '� -I-116 IIEII VII -iT1=11E1 I'. REQUIREMENT SHALL BE COMPLIED IF REQUIRED. am IL91 +11 F T EIICI LU'" 'TI-II IV -IIF-11 L=' PORTION OF PIPE IL FINISH GRADE �E I I i `FINISH GRADE F 11. HEIGHT = 6' VERTICAL + V BARBED WIRE VERTICAL a' + iIL - EMBEDDED IN =w OR GROUND OR GROUND DIMENSION. C CONCRETE SHALL 1 1/2` MAX 12. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM WITH THE PROJECT '�II . L- BE PAINTED WITH _� CLEARANCE FROM SPECIFICATIONS. oU II II " CUT BOCK GRADE PORTION OF PIPE = ASPHALT PAINT, G-w w PORTION OF PIPE EMBEDDED IN vI IAF TYP' 7-r EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE SHALL °c SECTION 12` ELEVATION Ck SECTION 12' CONCRETE SHALL BE PAINTED WITH BE PAINTED WITH CUT BACK - A CUT BACK ASPHALT PAINT DETAIL @ WOVEN ASPHALT PAINT DETAIL @ WOVEN WIRE FENCE DETAIL WIRE FENCE DETAIL DETAIL @ WOVEN WIRE GATE DETAIL F 41 snc,hrs. 43 scALI!Rs �aq SALE H.s. ao NOTES SET SHRUBS AT ORIGINAL DEPTH. SHRUB SHALL BE SET - - PLUMB REMOVE TIES AND WRAPPING AROUND TREE L c „ TRUNKS AND TWINE FROM 2 ° NEW 14'-0" HIGH, AROUND TOP OF ROOT BALL. B (MINIMUM) JUNIPERUS LEAVE BURLAP IN PLACE AND ` E VIRGINIANA EVERGREEN ROLL BACK 1/3 (REMOVE, °)i� TREES PLANTED AT UNLESS BIODEGRADABLE). _ a e t7'-O" O.C. (GUARANTEE m `. TREES FOR PERIOD OF o „ ONE YEAR) SHRUB WRAP (50% - _ OVER-LAP) UP TO FIRST E 3 BRANCH 5) NEW 14'-0" HIGH EASTERN 12` RED-CEDAR O 7'-0" O.C. SEE 1/A-2 ON ALL SIDES FOR MORE INFORMATION --k 6" SOIL SAUCER P ANT S -H D I QUANTITY KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SPACING PURCHASE SIZE FINISHED GRADE 4" DEEP SHREDDED WOOD CHIP MULCH 23 5 JV EASTERN RED-CEDAR JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA 7' O.C. 14'-0" HIGH ROLL BACK U „ u;a BURLAP 1/3 BACKFILL TOPSOIL uMIXTURE WITH TIME SUBSOIL) .b RELEASE FERT. TABLETS PLANT SCHEDULE DETAIL l ! SCALE =i'-0 ,!p.LD Aq� A so-Y 4w. ti's A"w'.,r� p »r o _v uo aT&T MOBILITYORIENT BY THE RESTAURANT WILLIAM FcauANYCENY1059 LI-1059 Q ARCH IT ECTS LLP NY7320 atm RCHITECTURAL DETAILS 1111 I)liI11 IIIAIel•.11 11111 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE - J snc uo. oNnwwc nuMera ecv ORIENT POINT, NY, 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 NYCENY1059 A-7 6 z 4 6 `,� 4 3 �2 w,r ���� DFN-SrvDso.o21 owc 22 x A D SIL( \ Psc- STRUCTURALSTEEL NOTES' 1. ALL STEEL WORK SHALL BE FABRICATED AND ERECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT AISC SPECIFICATIONS. AL NEW REMOVABLE -E STRUCTURAL STEEL BEAMS CONFORM TO ASTM A-36 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL MATERIALS TO BE HOT DIPPED HANDRAIL 6'-0" MAX. 1'-6" GALVANIZED AFTER FABRICATION. BEAMS THAT ARE SHOWN TO BE TOO LONG TO HOT-DIP GALVANIZE MAY BE SPLICED DEVELOPING FULL STRENGTH OF MEMBER DESIGNED BY STEEL FABRICATOR. NEW 4"x1/4" NEW 1 1/2" GALVANIZED 90 LIGHT WT o d 2. ALL WELDING SHALL BE PERFORMED USING E70XX ELECTRODES AND WELDING SHALL CONFORM TO AISC AND AWS DIA KICK PLATE STEEL HANDRAIL TO BE 1 1/2"0 STANDARD ELBOW `I WHERE FILLET WELD SIZES ARE NOT SHOWN, PROVIDE THE MINIMUM SIZE PER TABLE J2.4 IN THE AISC MANUAL OF (4) NEW 5/6"0 WELDED TO 6'x6"0/8' GALV. PIPE ^ STEEL CONSTRUCTION". ALL DAMAGE TO GALVANIZED COATINGS SHALL BE RESTORED WITH COLOSPRAY GALVANIZING. BOLTS EACH SIDE, r 3. BOLTED CONNECTIONS SHALL BE ASTM A325 BEARING TYPE (3/4"0) CONNECTIONS AND SHALL HAVE MINIMUM OF TWO TYP. STEEL PLATE. SEE 3/A-8 FOR APPROPRIATE POST PLAN - O' BOLTS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. NICHOLS MORE INFORMATION MOUNTING HAN �Q HANDRAIL 10 4. NON-STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS FOR STEEL GRATING MAY USE 5/8" DIA ASTM A 307 BOLTS UNLESS NOTED 1-1/7x3/16' 1 4• e x 1/4" STEEL SPLICE (AS I a, OTHERWISE.CONCRETE EXPANSION ANCHORS AND EPDXY ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GALVANIZED / TOE PLATE. SEE Z MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. THE ANCHOR BOLT, DOWEL OR ROD SHALL CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S SERRATED STEEL 2/A-8 FOR MORE REQUIRED) f b RECOMMENDATION FOR EMBEDMENT DEPTH OR AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. NO REBAR SHALL BE CUT WITHOUT IS,v PRIOR ENGINEERING APPROVAL WHEN DRILLING HOLES IN CONCRETE. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS, REQUIRED BY GOVERNING GRATING INFORMATION To BOARD < m n CODES, SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN MANUFACTURER'S MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LOADS. CONCRETE EDGE NEW 12"x6'13/8" GALV. STEEL I 0 3 DISTANCES SHALL BE MAINTAINED DURING INSTALLATION. PLATE WELDED TO STEEL PLATFORM LINE SPLICE 5. STRUCTURAL STEEL BEAMS ARE DESIGNED FOR AN EXTREME FIBER STRESS OF 24,000 PSI FOR COMPACT AND 22,000 DUNNAGE r� PSI FOR NON-COMPACT SECTIONS. 6. ALL WELDING TO BE DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDERS. PROVIDE COPIES OF THE WELDER'S CERTIFICATE TO ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. < 1/4" v o 7. BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH FABRICATION AND ERECTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS TO THE ARCHITECT L ONSTRUEDFOR AS APPROVAL COMPLETETCHECK BUT WILL INDICATE ONLTRACTOR COST. YTHATGENERALEW OF SHOP METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION AND DETAILINGHANDRAIL ELEVATION m o IS SATISFACTORY. REVIEW OF SUCH DRAWINGS WILL NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR OF THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR 1/4• ERRORS OF FABRICATION WHICH MAY EXIST AS THE DIMENSIONS AND DESIGN OF ADEQUATE CONNECTIONS. CONTRACTOR Qa UEQIPMENT PLATFORM SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETAILS AND THE CO R CT FETING OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS. .3 scue i =r- °" NEW 12"0 POURED CONCRETE SONO U E6 PIER, TYP. OF (2). SEE 5/A-8 FOR '6 ORE INFORMATION NICHOLS 1-1/7 GALVANIZED Em STEEL HANDRAIL SEE DETAIL NEW 6"x z1 GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE SECURED WITH (2) 3/A-8 FOR MORE ` 17 LONG X14 REBAR WELDED TO BOTTOM OF PLATE PROVIDE TYP. HANDRAIL MOUNTING DETAIL INFORMATION 4'-4" 1" HOOK AT BOTTOM OF REBAR, TYP. FOR (2) PLACES 2 / scn�c: > > z=r_ -1 1 2" O.D. �e—� NICHOLS 1-1/723/16' GALVANIZED 26'-0 8'3/ GALVANIZED SERRATED STEEL PIPE RAIL WELDED C 9< / / STEEL GRATING u 4'-4 3/d 21'-7 1/Y NICHOLS 1-1/2"x3/16' TO CHANNELS I $„ GALVANIZED SERRATED n STEEL GRATING NEW 4"x1/4" KICK o / 10x15.3/ W14x22 ___ PLATE -TYPICAL DASHED LINES 3'-0" SERRATED �" / / / REPRESENT NEW C10z15.3 3_5/16" BOLTED TO STEEL DS -' -' W14X22 BEYOND, TYP. STRINGERS c L4X4X5/i6 CLIP I CIOx15.3 __ b NEW 10"x 10"x1/7 - - NEW W14x26 ANGLE N W i GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE _ a / n n b "� SECURED WITH (4) 12" a m m LONG #4 REBAR WELDED _Y 1 4 1" NON-SHRINK ` m ui ; 3 3 3 .o b TO BOTTOM OF PLATE. GROUT W14x26 ' v a E : z PROVIDE 7 HOOK e I NEW 6"x6'x1/7 GALVANIZED - y --- VIN 4x26 -� - f- O1 1" NON-SHRINK STEEL PLATE SECURED WITH o GROUT (° �I. ii n W2) 11'DED LONBOT&TOM OBER 11 F e_ a 2'-0b POURED k == PLATE PROVIDE 1" HOOK AT 6 1 _2 5/a" -�- -- Wi4x261 1 CONCRETE SONOTUBE li . BOTTOM OF REBAR, TYP. FOR I?,i'�i n :A II 1 _p 1/8' -� J --` J 7 J PIER, (4000 PSI ;; +1 (2) PLACES -- __ - IE_==91p :F �' - = CONCRETE AT 28 DAYS, ", b W14x22 A. AIR ENTRAINED) 6I_______!_°_'il< C10x15.3 STRINGER, TYP. N i�. O B ° / I (6) //8 REBARS OF (2) @ _ _ (6) /4 REBAR 4 REBAR TIES O 6 - _ NEW 10"x10"zi/2" GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE ______-_-__ #4 REBAR TIES O A o v WITH (4) 12" LONG JL4 REBAR EACH, WELDED I 17 0. . .Y Y 17 D.C. «.Y... a£ TO BOTTOM OF PLATE. PROVIDE 7' HOOK AT N N _°=41 BOTTOM OF REBAR, TYP. FOR (4) �q_ 170 POURED CONCRETE Id m E LNEW 2'-0"0 POURED CONCRETE _ - SONOTUBE PIER, (4000 ", 8"X8" POURED CONCRETE SONOTUBE PIER, REDTYPOF (4). SEE `� - --- PSI CONCRETE AT 28 FOOTING, TYP. OF (2) i-1/7 x 3/16" HOT DAYS, AIR ENTRAINED) _ ____ _ _ __ _ - _ 4/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION DIPPED GALVANIZED <� NEW GALVANIZED STEEL ACCESS STAIR. STEEL SERRATED GRATING. LINE OF GRADE o 6 �. 111+1 SEE 5/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION � r II j� II II 7T ® 11 = 4-4 1/7 `----- bZ P, D. 1._a 2.-g.. 5.-a. IK STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN PIER DETAIL 5 STEEL ACCESS I LEVATION 6 -0 IF THIS SHEET IS 11" X 17' REFER /� /^\ REFER TO STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN 1 /scnl[: a/e'=r-o" TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. NORTH 4 state: r'=r- 0 �(GF p '4 qC NOTES DETAIL 1, THIS SHEET. m y A ®AAI, Ni ER pAn=A11 F� D Q. ' AT&T MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT at f� t °""" a WILLIAM FcoLLINS. AIA NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 ® M `&` � mAAA 1 s RUOTURAL D DETAILS PUN. _ A R C H I T E C T s. L L P NY7320 � °""'°° *I NOTES AND DETAILS m E AT&T MOBILITY �° 01A"'p6 Ill 1."FATEl t 111 7er1n0mnr uxns sCTnuxET N%11-1% 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE WE Ell E, 1 40 SITE NO. D.VVINc NOueee an na ,0101. "=11.1«+111 FAN 1111 v.uN ORIENT POINT, NY_ 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 1,,,, �+4 NYCENYl059 A-8 6 6 cJ 4 3 w.Nx e.� DIN=s1[1.,o21 owa 22 K A 0 SIZE OF tiEv�/ NOTES: E SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 20QAMP, SINGLE PHASE, 120/240 VAC, 60HZ SERVICE FOR AT&T SITES. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH UTILITY COMPANY BEFORE THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. POWER AND TELEPHONE CONDUIT SHALL BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED PER UTILITY REQUIREMENTS. FOR COMPLETE INTERNAL WIRING AND ARRANGEMENT REFER TO DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY PANEL MANUFACTURER. ALL SERVICE EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE N.E.C. AND UTILITY COMPANY AND LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. Z SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SUFFICIENT LENGTHS OF LFMC INCLUDING ALL CONDUIT FITTINGS (NUTS, REDUCING BUSHINGS, ELBOWS, COUPLING, ETC) NECESSARY FOR CONNECTION FROM THE NEMA BOX TO THE INTERIOR BTS CABINET. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ELECTRICAL SERVICE EQUIPMENT WITH FAULT CURRENT RATINGS GREATER THAN THE AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT FROM THE POWER UTILITY. - - POWER, CONTROL AND EQUIPMENT GROUND WIRING IN TUBING OR CONDUIT SHALL BE SINGLE CONDUCTOR (//14 AWG AND LARGER), 60OV, OIL RESISTANT THHN OR THWN-2, CLASS B STRANDED COPPER CABLE RATED FOR 90-C (WET AND m DRY) OPERATION; LISTED OR LABELED FOR THE LOCATION AND RACEWAY SYSTEM USED. ='a CUT, COIL AND TAPE A 5 FOOT PIGTAIL FROM END OF LFMC FOR TERMINATING BY BTS EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH LOCAL TELCO UTILITY PRIOR TO PROCURING AND INSTALLATION OF SSC ENCLOSURE AND COMPONENTS. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL SURGE PROTECTION DEVICES ((BY ATLANTIC EFERENCE SCIENTIFIC; ZONE BARRIER SERIES; PART NO. 90700 WITH MOUNTING DIN RAIL PART NO. 21607). BOND SURGE PROTECTION DEVICE DIN RAIL TO THE ENCLOSURE WITH #6 AWG INSULATED WIRE (RSTANDARD DETAIL 1015). BOND m v ENCLOSURE TO THE SITE GROUND RING OR BAR WITH #2 AWG COPPER WIRE. 03 SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 6"x6"x4" (MIN.) NEMA 3R STEEL ENCLOSURE AND MOUNT TO CONDUIT RACK AT REAR OF CABINET. 0 �a T� «� z OTE a� TO NEW AT&T EB -a EQUIPMENT CABINETS 24 VOC NOTES 1. 24VDC CABINET INSTALLER SHALL MAKE ALL FINAL TERMINATIONS AT 24VDC CABINET. m NEW AT&T EXISTING PAD 2. NOKIA INSTALLER SHALL MAKE ALL FINAL TERMINATIONS AT NOKIA BTS CABINET. N07E METER AND MOUNTED 3. 24VDS CABINET MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL BRIDGE KIT FROM 24VDC CABINET TO NOKIA BTS CABINET. E9 DISCONNECT TRANSFORMER 4. 24VDC MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL DC POWER CABLES READY FOR FINAL TERMINATION BY NOKIA. OC DISTRIBUTION ___ CABLES SHALL BE (2)-3/0 AWG FOR EACH BTS. "E6 ----- j A. ASSOCIATED CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR DC DISTRICUTION CABLES SHALL BE LEFT OPEN AND PROVIDED W/A REMOVABLE LOCKING j NOTE Irl DEVICE OR TAG SO THAT THE BREAKER CAN NOT BE CLOSED. Er E4 5. B.OC CABLES SHALL BE RHH/RHW AND CABLE TRAY (CT) RATED. E m NOTE NOTE NOTE 6.C.NOKIA INSTALLER TO PROVIDE DC DISTRICUTION CABLES LUGS ON NOKIA END. c E2 E1 E3 7. 24VDC INSTALLER SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL TELCO CABLE(S) BELDEN PART N7919A COILED AND READY FOR FINAL TERMINATION BY NOKIA. _ 8.24VDC MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL CDS DATACOM ALARM CABLE(S) PART EICO3610075 COILED AND READY FOR aro FINAL TERMINATION BY NOKIA. C LNOTE 9. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE W/NEC AND LOCAL CODES TAP EXISTING E5 10ALL CABLE ENDS AT THE NOKIA BTS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AND TAPED. PAD MOUNTED B A SUFFICIENT SLACK SHALL BE PROVIDED TO PERMIT NOKIA INSTALLER TO TERMINATE ALL CABLES. TRANSFORMER OU Oq 2-1/27 C WTI}1 3-4/0 LELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL SERVICE NO NOTE: NOTE: SERVICE IS DESIGNED BY OTHERS FOR NOKIA CABINET CONDUIT AND CABLE FOR CIRCUITS AND RATINGS SEE PANEL O T C WITH 3-3/0 & 1 4 CU UT INVOLVEMENT OF WFC. CONDUIT ROUTING TERMINATION POINTS SEE DETAIL 3 SHEET A-4. SCHEDULE, DETAIL 1 SHEET E-2 BE SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. AN ELECTRICAL CTION CERTIFICATE SHALL BE PROVIDED TO AT&T WFC AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. � E UNISTRUT PIPE/CONDUIT CLAMP P1119 OR t Et. COORDINATE ALL NEW SERVICE REQUIREMENTS WITH LIRA PRIOR TO BEGINNING NEW WORK. P2558-35 (GALV.) 4'-0" MAX. - _ (TYPICALI FOOLLOW MANUF. VECOMMENDATIONS FOR PIPE CAPTYP a E2. ENGAGE THE SERVICES OF AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATING COMPANY TO LOCATE ALL BOLT TORQUE ( ) UNDERGROUND EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA. « E3. PROVIDE AND INSTALL NEW 120/240 VOLT 200 AMP SINGLE PHASE MAIN DISCONNECT SWITCH. 3 1/Y O.D. POST UNISTRUT P1001 GALV o ° E4. PROVIDE AND INSTALL NEW 120B /240 VOLT SINGLE PHASE 200 AMP METER. �" �� 3"b SCH.40 PIPE (GALV)f o wo OR E5. PROVIDE AND INSTALL NUMBER 2 COPPER GROUND AND 3/4" X 10' GROUND RODS FOR NEW SERVICE. alp 3"0 RGS CONDUIT (GALV) (TYP) MAXIMUM RESISTANCE TO GROUND SHALL BE 5 OHMS. PROVIDE AND INSTALL ADDITIONAL o GROUND RODS NOT LESS THAN 6' APART TO MEET MINIMUM GROUND RESISTANCE AS NECESSARY. 10 1 E6. NEW PANEL 'A" IN WEATHERPROOF ENCLOSURE MOUNTED TO NEW EQUIPMENT PLATFORM RAILING. 'a w UNISTRUT P1001 (GALV) PANEL RATED AT 200A, 42kaic MAIN BREAKER, ALL COPPER BUS, 30 BOLT ON 22koic E 9 BREAKERS AND DOOR IN DOOR HINGED CONSTRUCTION. UNISTRUT PIOOI (GALV) o, E7. PROVIDE AND INSTALL SURGE EQUAL TO ARRESTOR SUPPLIED WITH SSC ENCLOSURE. EQUAL TO INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY INC., MODEL III PTEO8O. INSTALL WITH A 2P-30A BREAKER IN PANEL "A" WITH 5 # 10 CONDUCTORS. FINISHED GRADE a ES. PROVIDE AND INSTALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING GFCI CONVENINENCE RECEPTACLES, 24 VDC CABINET ETC. PER PANEL -A" SCHEDULE. COORDINATE WITH PROJECT MANAGER AS NECESSARY. ���' `��'. a .;.� 10"0 PLAIN CONCRETE OR E9. PROVIDE NEW 200A, SINGLE PHASE, 3 WIRE PIN AND SLEEVE EMERGENCY GENERATOR RECEPTACLE. PART # Tv ..1y.',. SAKRETE PIER 3" GRINWIRRELAY-RAND RECEPTACLE #'AR20033-RS � I I � ma ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM METER AND DISCONNECT s ALE N7s MOUNTING RACK /� �� 6 scnLET- =r-o 0 "r,"n, ,iNGER, 'lj A `oma o S�' .1" V r' T No ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT M i�` a v� s_ a AT&T MOBILITY NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 T` I m",�W P WILLIAM ECOLLIN S. AIA IkF _ CT CAL RISER DIAGRAM AND NOTES o A R L H I T E ( T S. LLP NY7320 w?p� UK 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY s 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE No. SITE No. oanwiNc NuucEa vn v"6 IL maxa-xa txn r ..v.wzx ORIENT POINT, NY, 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 O2J 'a I NYCENY1059 E-1 6 z 6 4 3 �2 �s \ ore•srK�so.azl owc 22 x 34 D SIZE asc- IE AC DISTRIBUTION PANEL O O NOTES FOR TE208 INTRUSION ALARM: 1. DISCONNECT WIRE #22 FROM N.O. (OPEN a 240-120V i PHASE 200A-BASED ON INTERSECT PANEL WITH STRIKESORR TVSS WHT BLU o 1 e TERMINAL OF SWS & CONNECT VA BLU WHT e 2 — ) TO MALE 0.25" QUICK CONNECT (RED WIRE) LOAD T m (VA) WHT ORG o 3 o FROM TE20B DOOR INTRUSION ALARM ORG WHT e 4 e NA CABLE. USE PROVIDED FEMALE 0.25" QUICK BRKR BRKR CONNECT SIZE L1 L2 LCL L1 L2 SIZE WHT GRN — 5 — 2. NOW CONNECT THE BLACK WIRE FROM REV SERVICE DESCRIPTION AMPS BRKR VA VA VA VA VA BRKR AMPS SERVICE DESCRIPTION REV _ GRN T o 6 o NA THE TE208 DOOR aQ _ 0 30 1 2P 326 fi52 326 2 2P 30 WHT BRN — 7 — INTRUSION ALARM CABLE TO THE N.O. ARCUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #1 0 n " 0 3 326 652 326 4 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #2 0 0o BRN HT o 8 o NA OPEN TERMINAL OF SW5 E) m u 0 30 5 2P 326 652 326 6 2P 30 y'o3 0 ARCUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #3 ARCUS 24VDC CABINET 1 RECTIFIER 4 O TO X9 ALPHA m WHT SET o 9 0 7 326 652 326 8 # ALARM PORT o BUT HT a 10 a NA t� 0 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #5 30 9 2P 326 652 326 10 2P 30 p RED BLU a 11 e ..Q 0 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER 6 11 326 652 326 12 0 m BLU RED a 12— )NA z 0 30 13 2P 326 652 326 14 2P 30 0 au 0 ARCUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #7 15 326 652 326 16 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #8 0 a RED ORG X13 RW INTRUSION 0 0 < ORG RED �� BLK (PRE-WIRED IN 24V) mo ARGUS 24VDC CABINET 1 RECTIFIER g 30 17 2P 326 652 326 18 2P 30 0 0 RED GRN -15� RED (� #1' TEXT ID #1) 0 $ 19 326 652 326 20 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #10 0 m d'� TEMP PRE-WIRED IN 24 0 GRN RED 16 GRN)(EAC TEXT ID #2) 0 ARCUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #11 30 21 2P 326 1076 750 22 2P 15 0 RED BRN �� 1� WHT 0 23 326 1076 750 24 NOKIA HEA 1900 p o BRN RED 18 BLU ) � BYCC ID X21) n 0 15 25 2P 750 750 750 FLX 12W5 0 �- RED BUT o 19 e NOKl4 HETA 850 26 1P 15 0 `o 0 27 750 750 326 28 2P 30 FLXI2WS 0 w SLT RET o 20 0 )NA "- UMTS CABINET HEATER 15 29 2P 720 3600 2880 30 1P 30 ARCUS 24VDC CABINET 0 z BLK BLU - 20 WHT r 0 31 720 720 750 32 1 P 15 Rx-AIT 0 BLU BLK 22 COMM POWER FAIL (@@Y GC) E m 0 TELCO BOX RECEPTACLE 15 33 iP 180 180 34 ORG) A # ) 0 UMTS CABINET RECEPTACLE35 1P 180 180 36 Q z BLK ORG 23ORG 0 BATTERY CABINET NO.2 15 37 1P 180 180a --�0 38 p Ln ORG BLK 24 YEL )(EAC k6, TEXT ID N6 ut a, 39 0 qp p E BLK GRN 25 b BRN �2ECT ,,224V - MO (PRE-WIRED IN 24V) 0 41 GRN BLK 6BLU ( C #7, TEXT ID EAy7 g BLK BRN p7� 'AD 24V - MINOR PRE-WIRED IN 24V) BRN BLK 28 R BATTERY ACTIVE (PRE-WIRED IN 24V) i C BLK SLT — 29 )(EAC #8, TEXT ID 11118) g SET BLK — 30— )NA ° p YEL BLU — 31 — ) z BLU L — 32— NA o PANEL SCHEDULE YEL ORG a 33— / scale rv.rs. ORG EL a 34— )NA YEL GRN a 35 0 GRN L e E 36 0 )NA INTRUSION ALARMS ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL SYMOD S o e 37 o JUMPER'D 38— TOGETHER A AMPERE Q AC GENERATOR CONNECTOR o e )NA BY ARCUS AND -°0 ACCA ANTENNA CABLE COVER ASSEMBLY o 39 0 -6ROUT ED TO PINS _ AWG AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE m CADWELD TYPE CONNECTION o= 40 0 )NA ROUT BCW BARE COPPER WIRE ) CIRCUIT BREAKER o 13,14 0 41 0 - _ BOB BOTTOM GROUND BAR a COAXIAL CABLE SHIELD ROUND o 0 42 0 )NA w m BTS BASE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM KIT CONNECTION o q3 0 0 _ -2 CIBGE COAX ISOLATED GROUND BAR EXTERNAL • COMPRESSION TYPE CONNECTION TEMP ALARMS BLK 44 JUMPER'D 45 POWER COMPARTMENT ` OWC DRAWING COPPER GROUND BAR 1/4"s4"x20", TOGEMER AND RED m" (E) EXISTING 0 W TEMP AND UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ROUTED TO BLK 46 �647TERY0 COMPARTMENT ° EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING 1/0 EXTENSION 47 E G GROUND �' DISCONNECT SWITCH BOARD BY ARGUS o e 48 HIGH/LOW TEMP ALARMS B GEN GENERATOR ® GFI DUPLEX RECEPTACLE o qg REAR PANEL, BATT AND OR GROWTH POSITIONING SYSTEM cery GENERATOR e o 50 INTRUSION SAN ALARMS IGR INTERIOR GROUND RING (HALO) O GROUND ROD 0 O O a „ KWH KILOWATT HOUR ® GROUND ROD WITH ACCESS BATTERY CABINET NC ORG NOTE 3 MIGB MASTER ISOLATED GROUND BAR LOW TEMP ALARM ORG WHT E° (N) NEW GROUND WIRING COM INTRUSION REO 22 RED N.O.BLU ALARM CABLE N.C. P PHASE MANUAL TRANSFER SWITCH HG�H TEMP AILARM(COM BLU HT BACK F M ALARM - - PCS PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ® METER ON METER/BREAKER UNIT TO 66-ALARM CABLE PPC POWER PROTECTION CABINET BLOCK FROM RGS RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL PANELBOARD eU( COM PRC PRIMARY RA010 CABINET POWER AND TELCO WIRING S66M1-50 TE208 RWY RACEWAY BATTERY SN SOLID NEUTRALREPRESENTS DETAIL NUMBER REF. NOTES: CABINET SW SWITCH *--DRAWING NUMBER 1. MOUNT S66MI-50 BLOCK W/898 BRACKET IN TELCO BOX OR ON TELCO TCB TOP GROUND BAR [T] TRANSFORMER BACKBOARD OR IN NEW 3R ENCLOSURE AT OUTDOOR SITES. POWER COMPARTMENT fi 3 TYR. TYPICAL 2. WIRE TO PROVIDE CONTINUITY WHEN CIRCUIT IS NORMAL. REAR LIFT-OFF ACCESS V VOLT B XIT GROUND ROD 3. INSTALL BRIDGING CLIPS (SIEMON-SA-1-25 OR EQUIVALENT) AS REQUIRED. COM N.O. PANEL INTRUSION `O a W WIRE 4. TURN BACK AND STORE UNUSED CONDUCTORS. ALARM o� n c> a V ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVATIONS i 22 66 BLOCK ALARM ASSIGNMENTS 24 SWs �,^� Q:rv.rs. aED A A v scace.nrs ww, J ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ���� �ro� AT&T MOBILITY ma WILLIAM P. COLLINS. ATT NYCENY1059 LI-1 Al mn+rvo �� o A R C H I T E C T S. L 1. P NY7320 Q «use O ECTRICAL DETAILS, SYMBOLS .r AND ABBREVIATIONS ° 010(DI)RiVi SiTALKITNr117e40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY Qov o. as.. F .oaken° ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE s oa ry SrtF No. oxamrvc NUMaEa e[v v z PARAMUS, NJ 07652 •^ NYCENY1059 6 5 4 3 �2 F y oFN=SM,soozl ow 22 z 34 SIZE �F N ESN Psc. E T CONDUIT W/16-1/C 8 AWG THHN OR THWN-2 AND 1-1/C 10 AWG THHN OR THWN-2 GREEN INSUL GND, (FOR RECTIFIER) 2-1/C 10 AWG THHN OR THWN-2 & 1/C 10 AWG GND, (FOR HVAC) 2-1/C 12 AWG THEN OR THWN-2 oQ S/G EG (NATES(NOTES GNI (FOR GFCI) S/N D 0 3 NOTE ` 30A 30A 2 �� 1L1 y�5L1 p - 51_2 30A 30A Y UPPER SHELF v `0 2L1 �6L1 RECTIFIERS 6-11 m ` 2L2 6L2-.o m (NOTE 3) m 30A 3QA °o. 3U y 7L1 Y Y o_ 3L2 3 3 o-7L2 0A LOWER SHELF o a-` m RECTIFIERS 1-5 m 'L 4L1 0 BLL ti ti E m 41_2 81_2 JUNCTION SEE DETAIL A OYP) 2OA (HACR) 15A BOK FOR HVAC SPLY RTN SPLY RTN CD AT&T PANELBCARD FOR FOR HVAC 120/240V AC 10, 3W OR GFCI Q C st 208/120V AC 30, 4W 5-15R o GFCI SEE EQUIPMENT SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM - FOR DC BREAKERS GND BAR ARGUS Te41 CABINET a � 2 AWG� \ted' 09 SHELFWIRING COMPARTMENT LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE r NOTES- ow J 51_1- 1. UPPER POWER MODULE (SHELF) HAS (6) POSITIONS FOR RECTIFIERS. x 'O LOWER POWER MODULE (SHELF) HAS (5) POSITIONS FOR RECTIFIERS. 5L2- vI INSTALL CONDUIT AND CONNECT WIRING TO RECTIFIER MODULE B zo �_ POSITIONS 1 TO 8. THE QUANTITY OF ACTIVE RECTIFIERS SHALL BE E -ILt 41_1- 3a"o DETERMINED BY OTHERS. N N N go - a o -1L2 41_2- miEw 2. INSTALL ONE 30A CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR EACH RECTIFIER o 0 a TO BE INSTALLED. REFER TO PANEL SCHEDULE. UNTERMINATED WIRES ? IN THE PANELBOARD SHALL BE CAPPED AND COILED. BREAKER i o -2L7 ,� 3L1- INTERRUPTING RATING SHALL MATCH PANELBOARD. o��d E 0 o. -2L2 `� � 3L2- z 3. SEE MWR/KITTING LIST FOR QUANTITY OF RECTIFIER MODULES TO BE - - -GND—O PE N RE(D DEPLOYED. - 4. THIS DETAIL IS APPLICABLE FOR EITHER A +24V OR -48V POWER PLANT. MODULE No. DETAIL A TERMINAL BLOCK WIRING (LOWER SHELF SHOWN-UPPER SHELF SIMILAR) 03 V AC SINGLE- LINE DIAGRAM -..__ FOR ARGUS TE41 DC POWER PLANT ��F` o A o U a d`- ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT a1T 1T M, ` ys 7e� AT&T MOBILITY WILLIAM r. LOLLINS. AIA NYCENY7059 /LI-1059 at&t _ *) ACS TE-41 NE DIAGRAM A R C II I 1- 1 C T S. L L P NY7320 o ARGUS TE-41 Dc POWER PLANT AT&T MOBILITY Y, uav s 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE s.c ue. oanwmc Nuueea a[v p's r s u..) wx+.v ORIENT POINT, N.Y- 11957 PARAMOS, NJ 07652 .. 897 NYCFNY1059 E-3 6 vz �' �� oau-sM1so.oz7 owc 22 a 34 D SIZE • 6 5 4 3 2 ,��_ E NOTES COAXIAL SURGE ARRESTORS 1. FURNISHED BY OEM/AT&T. NOTES 3 & 4 2. INSTALLED BY OEM OR AS SCOPED BY MARKET. COAX TO ANTENNAS }(TYP FOR 6) 3. FURNISHED BY BECHTEL. a " NOTES 3 & 4 -_L 4. INSTALLED BY BECHTEL. _ (TYP FOR 6) - 5. FINAL CONNECTION BY OEM OR AS SCOPED BY MARKET. - 6. OPEN END OF CONDUIT TO BE LEFT WEATHERPROOFED UNTIL TERMINATED. AISG r_ DIPLEXER DIPLEXER DIPLEXER DIPLEXER DIPLEXER DIPLEXER 7. ARGUS 053-997-20-0000 DUAL FEED DC-DC CONVERTER WITH 012-526-20-040 2KW MODULES. ="a FOR CABLE NOTES 3, 4 NOTES 3, 4 NOTES 3, 4 NOTES 3, 4 NOTES 3, 4 NOTES 3, 4 8. PART OF CONVERTER WITH 18 BREAKER POSITIONS. BREAKERS SPECIFIED SEPARATELY.. FOR RET CONTROL NOTES: 3, 4, 21 9. BREAKERS TO BE TAGGED AND LOCKED OUT. " m"v (TYP FOR 3) 10. SIAD IS FURNISHED AND INSTALLED OTHERS AND INCLUDES POWER CONNECTIONS AND FIBER TO THE UNIT OR AS SCOPED BY MARKET. WHEN IN BECHTEL SCOPE, INSTALL 10 AWG CHASSIS GROUND, °3 COAX JUMPERS PROVIDE (2) IDA BREAKERS FROM A 24V DC POWER SOURCE OR (2) 5A BREAKERS FROM A 48V DC NOTES 3, 4 POWER SOURCE AND CONNECT USING MFR POWER CABLE WITH SPECIAL CONNECTOR. r� 11. LEAVE COILED AND PROTECTED UNTIL TERMINATED. z 2 COUNT, SINGLE 12. LEC TO FURNISH AND INSTALL NETWORK INTERFACE DEVICE. our MODE FIBER CABLE 13. SEE DETAIL 1408 FOR DC POWER CABLE SIZES. NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 11 14. DC SURGE PROTECTION SHELF SHALL BE RAYCAP DC6-48-60-RM. SEE DETAIL 1409A FOR INTERNAL vv 700 RSH AWS ES 700 RSH AWS RRH 700 RSH AWS RRH WIRING DIAGRAM. t o (TYP FOR 6) NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES 15. CONDUIT WHEN INSTALLED UNDERGROUND SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC. m `0 2/C DC CABLES 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5 i, 2, 5 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5 16. DC POWER CABLES SHALL BE COPPER, CLASS B STRANDING TYPE RHH/RHW UL LISTED FOR 90'C - NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 11, 13 DRY/75C WET INSTALLATIONS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ra (TYP FOR 6) I �6 AWG 17. FIBER AND POWER DISTRIBUTION BOX W/48V DC SURGE SHALL BE RAYCAP MODEL DC2-48-60-0-9E. �(TYP FOR 6) 18. SEE DETAIL 1411 FOR INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM. U ci 19. FIBER AND POWER DISTRIBUTION BOX IS - 1" LFMC -L -L _ (NOTE 11) NQI REQUIRED WHEN THE OC CABLE BETWEEN THE OUTDOOR _ CABINET AND RRH IS LESS THAN 50 FEET. NOTES: 3, 4, 6 I , - , - - Em` (TYP FOR 6) I 1 " I I " 20 GROUN IN CA LESOTHSHISE. BE COPPER, THHN/IHWN UL LISTED FOR 90r DRY/ 75 WET INSTALLATION UNLESALARM CABLE 21. RET CONTROL FROM THE RRH IS AN OPTIONAL METHOD OF CONNECTION. REFER TO RF DATA SHEET n NOTES: 3, 4, 5 FIBER & POWER DISTRIBUTION FIBER & POWER DISTRIBUTION FIBER & POWER DISTRIBUTION FOR APPLICABILITY. (TYP FOR 3) BOX W/48VDC SURGE BOX W/48VDC SURGE BOX W/48VDC SURGE 22. TMAS MAY BE EITHER SINGLE UNITS (AS SHOWN) OR TWIN UNITS. `ry (RAYCAP DC2-48-60-0-9E) (RAYCAP DC2-48-60-0-9E) (RAYCAP DC2-48-60-0-9E) 23. MAXIMUM 4/0 AWG CABLE LENGTH FROM 24V OC POWER PLANT TO CONVERTER SHALL NOT EXCEED om 2" FLEXIBLE CONDUIT NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 17, 18 & 19 NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 17, 18 & 19 NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 17, 18 & 19 6 AWG (MIN.) 44 FEET. NOTES: 3, 4, 21 �(TYP FOR 3) 24. SEE DETAIL 1505 FOR GPS ANTENNA AND SURGE SUPPRESSOR COAXIAL CABLE CONNECTION. C (TYP OF 3) 25. SEE DETAIL 1150C FOR ALARM CABLE REQUIREMENTS. (2) 2/C DC CABLES _ - S NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 13 - -- -- ALCATEL-LUCENT (TYP FOR 3) 9412 CABINET W/2 (2) 2 COUNT, SINGLE PULL BOX 9926 BBU) GPS ANTENNA & SURGE SUPPRESSORS MODE FIBER CABLE (AT DC2 H-FRAME) NOTES:: 1, 2, 5 NOTES: 3, 4, 24 16 NOTES: 3, 4, 5 15" x 6' x6" (MIN.) (TYP FOR 3) (6) 2 COUNT, SINGLE MODE FIBER CABLE IN Y FLEXIBLE CONDUIT/INTERDUCT n E 2 1/2" IMC CONDUIT W/ 1 1/7 REDUCER (NOTE 15) NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 6 LTE ANTENNA LTE ANTENNA LTE ANTENNA FIBER WITH RET WITH RET WITH RET - MGMT TRAY _ _ NOTES: 3, 4 NOTES: 3, 4 NOTES: 3, 4 DC SURGE SHELF a 700 MHz AWS6 AWG COAX - - NOTES: 3, 4, 14 a LTE BBU LTE BBU JUMPER NOTES: 1, 2, 5 NOTES: 1, 2, 5 �6 AWG m 6 AWG _ o (12) 1/C 12 AWG -(2) 2 AWG NOTES: 3, 4 B 6 E (2) i/C 1 AWG IN - AISG CABLE 1 1/2" LFMC CONDUIT 1 , NOTES: 3, 4, 21 48V OC BREAKER PANEL NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 6 (TYP FOR 3) 700 TMA AWS TMA 700 TMA *4, 700 TMA AWS TMA (2) 4/0 (1) TOGA & NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES CLASS 8 OR 1 (6) 15A BREAKERS ALARM CABLE 2 COUNT, SINGLE 3, 4, 22 3, 4, 22 3, 4, 22 3, 4, 22 3, 4, 22 o 2 1/2- IMC/RNC NOTES: 3, 4, 8, 9NOTES: 1, 2, 5 MODE FIBER CABLE CONDUIT 66 BLOCK SIAD NOTES: 1, 2. 5 COAX E NOTES 3, 23 ------ NOTE: 10 (TYP FOR 2) JUMPER (TYR FOR 2) NOTES: 3, 4 - - 1" LFNC CONDUIT --� ALARM CABLES 24V TO -48V (W/ PULL STRING) TO (2) 25DA NOTES: 3, 4, 25 CONVERTER NOTES: 3, 4, 6 24VADCRS IN W/ 2KW MODULES ,L BY OTHERS POWER PLANT{ NOTES: 3, 4, 7 \_6 AWG NETWORK INTERFACE DEVICE CHASSIS GND (VARIES BY MARKET) OUTDOOR CABINET U3 2 AWG NOTE: 12 ea _�2 AWG �= SYSTEM DIAGRAM, TOWER SITE ,� WITH OUTDOOR BASE BAND AND RHHS ON GROUND BRED A19 A 1� Lf�SGLE.3,6 1 0 0 0 � oER F IT r ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ���� _ 7 J AT&T MOBILITY m a A R CIT IT E C T s L P NYC ENY7059 /LI-1059 SIR DIAGRAM. TOWER SITE WITH OUTDOOR tE n a c x I e c T s. x x r NY7320 i. SE BAND AND RRHS ON GROUND 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY l 0. SIZE I. TR WING NOMBEF R ORIENT POINT, N.Y_ 11957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE PARAMOS, NJ 07652 „, _ z 4 897 NYCENY1059 E-4 6 6 5 4 3 �� Nr QF NE Orn-SM1so.ol1 owc 22 x 34 SIZE PSC" _ E AWS 700 SECTOR A SECTOR A 7 ; I AWG POR C POWER rn 2 AWG a 2/C 10 AWG rc o w o ALCATEL-LUCENT (6 POWERTYR)CABLES Z U m O R w m a CABINET W/ I + + + X�� + o o " m D o g 9926 (BBU) N N O O N N O +3 330 + - o9412 BB TYPE2 a nsND < < < a m m m ci }A-AWS+ FIBER & POWER +p_AY15_ DISTRIBUTION A-700+ + 48V SURGE ROTECTION } ALCATEL-LUCEM9926 (BBU) - OC SURGE SHEA-700- _ WITH RpYCAP DC2 _ DC6-48-60-0-1B-01 _ 6 AWG _ 6 AWG `o AWS/700 GROUND (NOTES 7 & 8) NOTES: 2, 9 m y o - + � 2 C POWER CABLES v—6 AWG TO TO FIBER PORTSD / GROUND GROUND 1 2 3 GR (6 7YP) (NOTE fi)❑ ❑ L7 ❑ 700 o_ e� TQ SECTOR B SECTOR B 2 AWG _ GROUND a t TO RACK U o E m GROUND fL BAR m o w o (12) 1/C 12 AWG POWER CABLES i 0 mo o m z u 4 + _ p B-AWS+ + FIBER & POWER C DISTRIBUTION (4) 1/C AWG B_p _- tt - WITH - B o POWER CABLES 4/0 _4i ���� 6-�00+ + 48V SRURGE AYCAP DC2 PROTECTION + (NOTES 7 & 8) _ 6 AWG _ 6 AWG OV TO TO �6 AWG GROUND GROUND +24V INPUT +24V INPUT 24V TO -48V CONVERTER �_ PWS 7� a FEED A FEED B (NOTE 3) INTEGRAL -48V WITH PANEL TO SECTOR C SECTOR C a (NOTE 3) (NOTE 2) GROUND 3oU U FACTORY pp WIRING 0 3 ._ +GND O/P n 3 0 o a w OV (NOTE 4) -GND I/P (NOTE 3) o oo m u= INSTALL (2) (N) } - p } _ ❑ s 250A BREIKERS 2/0 AWG —� 6 AWG C-AWS+ FIBER & POWER m (NOTE 10) (NOTE 5) C_A1VS_ + DISTRIBUTION + 0 24V - - TO TO (+) NOTE 5 GROUND GROUND C_�0�0+ + 48V SUURGE PRAYCAP ROTECTION + B I. LABEL THE DC POWER CABLES AT BOTH ENDS OF EVERY WIRE AND IN ANY L (NOTES 7 & e) - PULL BOX IF USED. LABEL SHALL BE DURABLE, SELF ADHESIVE, WRAPPED 6 AWG 6 AWG py LONGITUDINALLY ALONG THE CABLE AND STATE THE SECTOR, FREQUENCY TO TO BAND AND POLARITY; I.E. "A-AWS+'. �6 AWG GROUND GROUND 2. INSTALL AEQUIPMENT CABINET 3. GABLE TERMINALS MINALSINALSFOR FOR 2-HOLE: INPUT FEED C FEED BAND REFERENCE E° GROUND SHALL E WHOLE: 3/e7 ON 1- CENTER. TO PART OF DC POWER PLANT 4. INSTALL CABLE TERMINALS FOR FEED A AND FEED B RETURN BACK-TO-BACK GROUND - - ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF PAD USING 1-HOLE 3/e- TERMINALS. 5. CABLE TERMINALS FOR CHASSIS GROUND SHALL BE 2-HOLE, 1/4" ON 5/8" CENTER. _ 6. SEE DETAIL 1408 FOR CABLE SIZES. 7. SEE DETAIL 1411 FOR INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM. 8. FIBER AND POWER DISTRIBUTION BOX IS NOT REQUIRED WHEN THE DC CABLE BETWEEN THE OC POWER CABINET AND RRH IS LESS THAN 6'-6-, 9. SEE DETAIL 1409A FOR INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM. 10. USE DETAIL 1424 FOR CONVERTER WIRING DIAGRAM. cid 11. DC POWER CABLES SHALL BE UL LISTED RHH/RHW RATED AT 90-C DRY/75'C C6z WET INSTALLATIONS. a z 12 AT 9G'C AC EDRY/7D5CROUNWETDINSTAALLATIOBLES SHALL BE UL LISTED. THHN/THHW RATED WIRING DIAGRAM, OUTDOOR o� BASE BAND AND RRHs ON GROUND DC/DC CONVERTER �REo a q a SCALE. 3/8 1 0 U Q m/Ali, CT ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT / 4 a �, AT&T MOBILITY _ 11T 1 NYCENY1059 Q i fL I mP WILLIAM F. COLI INS. AIA /LI-1059 as {{{Illa�c n G DIAGRAM, OUTDOOR BASE BAND A a c H I T e c r s L L r NY7320 y �=' o RNs ON cRouND DC/DC CONVERTER 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY F._ sire rvo. oanwwc nuueea acv ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE v z PARAMUS, NJ 07652 - mcp 7 NYCENY1059 E-5 6 5 4 3 2o ry-m ieo,ozJ nwe 4 SIZ NE E OF E GROUND 33 NEW SUPPLEMENTARY GROUNDING NOTES ' N ROD, TYP. GROUND CABLE 2/0 AWG, TYP. 1. THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND INSPECT THE FACILITY GROUNDING SYSTEM AND LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM (AS DESIGNED AND INSTALLED) FOR STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEC AS ADOPTED BY THE AHJ), THE SITE-SPECIFIC (UL, LPI, OR NEPA) LIGHTING PROTECTION CODE, AND - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -" GENERAL COMPLIANCES WITH TELCORDIA AND TIA GROUNDING STANDARDS. THE �a r SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL REPORT ANY VIOLATIONS OR ADVERSE FINDINGS TO THE r - --" '--- -`- '—"— CONTRACTOR FOR RESOLUTION. p m v — — — — — — — — — — 2. ALL GROUND ELECTRODE SYSTEMS (D RDWINCLUDINGES'S))TELECOMMUNICATION, RADIO, GHTNAT OR ING BELOWOGRADENBYNTWO OR MORE COPPERHBONDING CONDUCTORS IALL NBE BONDED R GRADE ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC. 3 A „� =n 3. THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM IEEE FALL-OF-POTENTIAL RESISTANCE TO L-. EARTH S. THE (PER IEEE CTO AND 81) FOR NEW GROUND ELECTRODE - ,r' A I SYSTEMS. THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL SUPPLEMENTAL ? pV � x GROUND ELECTRODES AS NEEDED TO ACHIEVE A TEST RESULT OF 5 OHMS OR Y X LESS. PROTECT THREADED AREA FROM DAMAGE DURING 4. M RACEWAY SHALL NOT BE USED AS THE NEC REQUIRED EQUIPMENT n AND AFTER INSTALLATION. .. GROUND CONDUCTOR. STRANDED COPPER CONDUCTORS WITH GREEN INSULATION, S - - - SIZED H ACCORDANCE THE NEC, SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED l-- r o 6 ( } } WITH THE POWER CIRCUITS TO BTS EQUIPMENT 5. EX OTHERMIC WELDS SHALL BE USED FOR ALL GROUNDING CONNECTIONS BELOW SWELL GRADE. '. aL ,` ( GROUND RING /2 AWG Em L"-"- - L' -'-�� .J I� 8. USEDOOND ALL COMPRESSIONANTIOXICOATIAND BOLTED GROUND CONNECTIONS. SHALL BE - - -=-J—=- -.moi 7. SURFACES BE CONNECTED TO GROUND CONDUCTORS SHALL BE CLEANED TO A BRIGHT SURFACE AT ALL CONNECTIONS. -"' GROUND ROD COPPERWELD B. EXPOSED GROUNDING CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE WITH COMPRESSION- COMPRESSION5/8.0 X 10'-0" LONG C .— CONNECTORS WHICH ARE THEN BOLTED TO EQUIPMENT USING STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE. INSTALLATION TORQUE SHALL ----"-"-"-"-"- BE PER MANUFACTURE'S REQUIREMENT. 9. ALL CABLE TRAYS SHALL BE BONDED TO THE EXISTING BURIED GROUND NEW2 AWG SOLD, N ELECTRODE SYSTEM WITH A SINGLE CONDUCTOR /2 AWG SOLD TINNED ° TINNED, BCW BURIED COPPER WIRE. GROUND RING, TYP. _ NEW SUPPLEMENTARY NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT /� DETAIL GROUND ROD GROUND CABLE 2/0 AWG CABINETS, TYR. J $GALE N.i$, NEW COPPER GROUND BAR14 , TYP. GROUNDING NOTES COAX GROUNDI COAX GROUND COAX GROUND CAUTION!: AT ALL SITES THE CONTRACTOR E�\ CAST IRON FLANGE AND MUST VERIFY THAT THE SYSTEM IS BAR AT BAR AT BAR AT 118 119 121 INSPECTION HAND COVER WITH WORD 'GROUND' EFFECTIVELY GROUNDED AND MEETS THE SECT R "C" SECTO "B" SECTO "A 4 4 4 HOLE ASSEMBLY CAST INTO COVER. NEC ARTICLE 250 REQUIREMENTS AND ACCEPTABLE NECTHE LOCAL INSPECTOR/ GROUND ROD TI—III ILII AUTHORITY. NARTICLE 250-84 1 GRADE SPECIFIES GROUNDING RESISTANCE OF 25 -4 TO EQUIPMENT E-3 - - OHMS OR LESS FOR THE GROUNDING TYR. GROUND RING o SYSTEM. THE PROJECT REQUIREMENT IS — \ FIVE (5) OHMS. 118 119 CABLE TO ROD CAD WELDED m ° TO MONOPOLE E-4/\E-4/ COAX GROUND Nim: GROUND RING TYR. TYP. INSPECTION HAND HOLE MAY ' E 1.ALL METALLIC OBJECTS LOCATED WITHIN BAR 6 AWG BE PRE CAST CONCRETE OR _ 5'-O" OF GROUND RING SHALL BE X2/0 PVC AND SHALL BE A MINIMUM BONDED TO THE GROUND RING. MASTER OF 12" I.D.X36" DEEP. a 2.PROVIDE STRAIN RELIEF AND PROTECTION CONDUIT GROUND BAR _ 1° i FROM SHARP MATERIAL FOR INDIVIDUAL Oft COAX E ' CABLES. PROVIDE #6 GROUND CABLES r� 2 AWG SOLD TINNED BCW TEST CONDUCTORS WITH TWO-HOLE UMTS %- 850 1900 24 VD BATT BATT PURCELL LOOP CAD-WELDED TO EGR. CONNECTORS TO CABLE RACK SECTIONS _ TOGETHER. , ANLL GROUND WIRES GND&TELCO RRH RRH RRH CLEAN SAND FILL - - ALLOG GROUND WIRES ARE �!2 ARE �!2 AWG GREEN CONDUIT BON 801 NEW GPS BCW GROUND RING #2 AWG SOLID TINNED , I NOIE o 1-,l 2'-e- 5'a AWG GREEN INSULATED, INSULATED. TINNED 6 AWG 6 UNIT-, _ b IF THIS SHEET IS 11" X 1T REFER ���� TINNED UNLESS NOTED UNLESS NOTED MISC. METAL -- TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. OTHERWISE. OTHERWISE. OBJECTS T1 SURGE °3 SUPPRESSO AWG n ^GROUND ROD COPPER WELD GROUND ROD TEST WELL 5/8' X 10'-0" LONG z METER 4 scA�,rvr = r-o' u EQUIPMENT GROUNDING PLAN TYP. GROUNDING SCHEMATIC BA"K Gp q� A 1 B-1 NDRTH L SCALE N i S ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ® 0 AT&T MOBILITY NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 Q `&t wU. mb WILLIAM EC OI 11 NS.A Id t� CIN R TELCO, EL EC. GROUNDING PLAN `o A R C H I T F t TS lip NY7320 w"'"' ;� * AND DETAILS L 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY ORIENT POINT, IN 11957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE _ ,. NTE N. DMWING NUMBER R, V i PARAM US, NJ 07652 NOTEDERs NYCENY1059 I E-6 6 DrN-sM 1 BD.D21 owc 22 K 34 U SIZE 6 5 4 3 �2 F OF E PSC- ` E #6 AWG STRANDED Cu WIRE WITH GREEN, 60OV, EACH GROUND CONDUCTOR TERMINATING ON ANY GROUND BAR SHALL HAVE THWN INSULATION NEWTON INSTRUMENT COMPANY, INC. AN IDENTIFICATION TAG ATTACHED AT EACH END THAT WILL IDENTIFY ITS ^_' BUTNER, N.C. ORIGIN AND DESTINATION. LOCKWASHER, LAT WASHER, TMP. $ ` STAINLESS STEEL N0. REO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION SECTION "P" - SURGE PROTECTORS HARDWARE TMP' 3/8" x 1-1/7 GROUND BAR HEX BOLT ON WALL, FLOOR Oj 1 1/4"x4"x30" SOLID GND. BAR CABLE ENTRY PORTS (HATCH PLATES) (#2) OR ON TWO HOLE TOWER ANTENNA 0 2 A-6056 WALL MTG. BRKT. GENERATOR FRAMEWORK (IF AVAILABLE) (#2) da COPPER TELCO GROUND BAR (d2) COMPRESSION NUT, TMP. 119 O3 2 3061-4 INSULATORS COMMERCIAL POWER COMMON NEUTRAL/GROUND BOND (#2) D m d TERMINAL GROUND BAR Z +24V POWER SUPPLY RETURN BAR _ ® 4 3012-1 5/8"-11x1" H.H.C.S. (k2) Q O O OO O O O -48V POWER SUPPLY RETURN BAR (k2) a EXPOSED BARE RECTIFIER FRAMES. 5 4 3015-e 5/8 LOCKWASHER '< o GROUNDING TOPPER TO ABSOLUTEE KEPT O O OO O O O O 0 COAX SUPPRESSION `o GROUNDING CABLE MINIMUM. NO DOUBLE CRIMP SECTION "A" - SURGE ABSORBERS a� GABLE INSULATION ALLOWED CONNECTION INTERIOR GROUND RING (/2) WITHIN THE ANGLE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE WELD INTERIOR 2 3 EXTERNAL EARTH GROUND FIELD (BURIED GROUND RING) (/12) COMPRESSION EXOTHERMIC WEE AT THE LOWEST POINT ON THE BAR GROUND RING m METALLIC COLD WATER PIPE (IF AVAILABLE) (/2) m o TERMINAL, TMP. (WELDING PROHIBITED BUILDING STEEL (IF AVAILABLE) (#'2) o ON ROOFTOPS) #2 AWG SOLID BARE TINNED SECTION "f - ISOLATED GROUND ZONE ELEVATION SECTION COPPER GROUND CONDUCTOR. 1 2 EXOTHERMIC WELD TO BURIED GROUND 0 0 5 4 ALL COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT FRAMES. per, RING AND GROUND BAR oq ISOLATED GROUND BAR - IGB (#2) P 13" DETAIL NOTES: .6` 4" EXOTHERMIC Em 15 1 WELD 1Q. EXOTHERMICALLY WELD /2 AWG BARE TINNED SOUD COPPER CONDUCTOR TO NOTES: GROUND BAR. ROUTE CONDUCTOR TO BURIED GROUND RING AND PROVIDE c 3 1."OOUBUNG UP" OR "STACKING" OF CONNECTION IS NOT PERMITTED. PARALLEL EXOTHERMIC WELD. [2.OXIDE INHIBITING COMPOUND TO BE USED AT ALL LOCATIONS. 2Q USE PERMANENT MARKER TO DRAW THE ONES BETWEEN EACH a m SECTION AND LABEL EACH SECTION ("P", "A", "f) WITH 1" HIGH LETTERS. C TYP. GROUND BAR CONNECTION DETAIL INSTALLATIONOFGROUND WIRE TOCOAX CABLE GROUND BAR , RGB REFERENCE-GROUND BAR DETAIL 1 SGLE:N.TS. 1 1 SCQE:NS.S, 5G/yE:N.T.S. �U TO TRANSMIT MONOPOLE TO TOWER MOUNTED ANTENNA JUMPER REQUIRED ANTENNA AMPLIFIER UNITS (TMA) ONLY FOR 1 5/8"4 TO ANTENNA GROUND BAR !CIGBE) COPPER BONDING CONDUCTOR (WHEN REQUIRED) AND COAX OR FOR TOP OF MONO OLE RECEIVE ANTENNA EASE OF SEE NOTE 1. CONNECTION (TYP.) SEE DETAIL 118 BONDING BUSHING LUG TX CONNECTOR LUG a E WEATHERPROOFING KIT RX1/RX2 RX1/RX2 (TYP-) STANDARD • _ BONDING BUSHING ANTENNA CABLE 1Y TO 24" WEATHERPROOFING GROUND KR (TYP.) GROUND LUG (MANUF. T @ B KIT (TYP.) 6 AWG STRANDED Cu E P/N BG80X OR 1 I I STAND WIRE WITH GREEN, 600V, APPROVED EQUAL) WIRE INSULATION (60G ANTE NA GROUND NOTE: % SUBSTITUTED FOR LUG GROUND KR °�' CONDUIT SIZE WFAhiERPROOFlNG KR ry CONDUCTOR (SEE NOTE 3) (TYP.) (SEE BAR (CIGBE) Z e SCREW I I NOTE) 0 CABLE GROUND KIT ANTENNA COAX CABLE SEE NOTE OF MONOPOLE ° BONDING BUSHING I CABLE (TYP. FOR ALL) SEE DETAIL 118 B SEf SCREW //6 AWG STRANDED Cu WIRE WITH ` E GREEN, 600V, THWN INSULATION TO BTS TO SHELTER - _ (GROUNDED TO GROUND BAR) (SEE I I (TMP') ENTRY PORT EXOTHERMIC WELD BONDING NOTES I & 2) VIA TRAY OR CIGBE (GROUND BAR), ICEBRIDGE 2 AWG Cu SOLID a5 LUG DETAIL 118 MOUNTED BARE SCREW 2 AWG BCW - NEAR/BELOW ANTENNA SOLD TINNED TINNED COPPER WIRE E METALLIC CONDUIT GROUND RING (RGS, IMC, EMT, FLEX) MONOPOLE PIER - - DIRECTIONS: #6 AWG STRANDED Cu EXOTHERMIC i. MOUNT BONDING BUSHING ONTO CONDUIT NOTES: FROM TMA WIRE WITH GREEN, 2 AWG BCW SOLID 2. TIGHTEN BOND BUSHING SEf SCREW (WHEN REQUIRED 600V,THWN INSULATION WELD (TMP. TINNED EXOTHERMIC 3. INSERT COPPER CONDUCTOR INTO LUG 1. DO NOT INSTALL CABLE GROUND KIT AT A BEND AND ALWAYS WELD TO MONOPOLE 4. TIGHTEN LUG CONDUCTOR SCREW DIRECT GROUND WIRE DOWN TO GROUND BAR. #2 AWG Cu STRANDED i BASE PLATE 5. TIGHTEN BONDING LUG SCREW WIRE WITH GREEN, 60OV, - 2. GROUNDING KIT SHALL BE TYPE AND PART NUMBER AS THWN INSULATION BONDED y NOTE: BONDING BUSHING, SET SCREW, LUG, SUPPLIED OR RECOMMENDED BY CABLE MANUFACTURER. TO TOWER STEEL OR 03 LUG SCREW, GOND. LUG SCREW, SHOWN MONOPOLE NOTE: v 3. WEATHER PROOFING SHALL BE (TYPE AND PART NUMBER AS NOTE: DO NOT INSTALL CABLE GROUND 1. NUMBER OF GROUND BARS MAY VARY AS COMPLETE UNIT. KR AT A BEND AND ALWAYS DIRECT DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF MONOPOLE. -¢ SUPPLIED OR RECOMMENDED BY CABLE MANUFACTURER.) GROUND WIRE DOWN TO CIGBE. ANTENNA LOCATION AND CONNECTION �� GROUND WIRE TO GROUND BAR CONNECTION ORIENTATION. PROVDE AS REQUIRED. 1 CONDUIT BOND/GROUND BUSHING DETAIL12 CONNECTION OF CABLE GROUND KIT TO ANTENNA CABLE 12 SGS NJS i�1N CABLE GROUNDING-MONOPOLE A N. 'DER I Q mi v. 7 y- mec o AT&T MOBILITY V o o�rom. .Nr k f, _, 47 == ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT i�f metro a r ° NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 mb WILLIAM TCOLLIN5. A14 Qi wn•/m );1 y �� * GROUNDING DETAILS o a acH Ir Ecrs. EEr NY7320 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY �° Nn'p` •1 �; "X 1111-4411 ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 71957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE y Snc No. D. Nw N...EN a2 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 �.d• 97 NVCENY1059 E-7 6 6 5 4 3 ..�2 (.' OF N�� oEN'-srv[iso,027 nwc 22 E 34 D SIZE sE_ MAILING ADDRESS v PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS F so P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI O�\` yQl Southold, NY 11971 Chair O OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS G Q 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH DI %�Q �� (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR COU t'm,� Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 3, 2012 John Coughlin, Esq. c/o Re,-Nielsen,Huber& Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Site Plan for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Dear Mr. Coughlin: 1 am writing as a follow-up to the Work Session held on April 23, 2012 where the Planning Board discussed the above-referenced site plan and required the following: 1. Please refer to the attached letter(6 pages) from the Planning Board's Technical Consultant, Center for Municipal Solutions (CMS), and provide the additional technical information listed there. This information is necessary to provide the justification of need for the proposed height of the antenna support structure. Please note: The Planning Board would like to foster a relationship of cooperation between all involved parties (the carriers, their agents, the Planning Board, Planning Staff and their consultants). To that end, the Planning Board is encouraging your participation in a conference call that includes the relevant technical consultants to address the issues in CMS' letter referenced above. We can arrange the call with our consultant at a time that is convenient for all and after you have had a chance to review the letter. 2. In addition to the proposed screening to the west of the proposed compound, provide additional Eastern Red Cedars at 14' in height to screen the north side of the proposed equipment area. The quantity of these plantings shall be determined by the amount necessary to provide for contiguous screening (tree branches to be touching). This is being required to mitigate the visual impacts to the adjacent New York State Park and the New York State Scenic Byway. a. Add the following notes to the plan: L All proposed landscaping shall be planted to provide contiguous screening to the north and west of the equipment area. ii. Landscape screening to be kept in good/healthy condition and shall be replaced should any tree(s) die at any point during the duration of this site being in use. 3. Add a note to the plan that states the following: "All storm water run-off generated by the proposed development shall be contained within the perimeter of the proposed construction." 4. Provide a storm water run-off management plan that shows the following requirements from the Office of the Town Engineer: a. The area below the elevated steel equipment platform shall be excavated down to clean sand or well-draining soil. This area should then be backfilled with loose sand and gravel that will be graded to allow all storm- water passing over or through the equipment platform a place to recharge back into the ground. b. All construction on site shall be protected by hay bale and silt fencing pursuant to the minimum requirements of the NY State Storm Water Design Manual. These features shall remain in place until the construction site has been permanently stabilized to prevent erosion. 5. All work must conform to FEMA Flood Zone Requirements. 6. Provide detailed design information regarding the proposed "Mesa Span Cabinet" that appears to be proposed on a concrete pad at grade. This item may also need to be elevated to comply with the above mentioned FEMA Flood Zone requirements and should be coordinated with the Southold Town Building Department. 7. The Orient Fire District has requested that New Cingular Wireless provide the necessary space for a "Line of Sight" 2'-3' whip antenna to be included at the top of the proposed 70' monopole for communications improvement. The Planning Board does not object to this and has stated this is a matter to be handled between the Orient Fire District and the applicant. 8. Please clarify in writing for the Planning Board whether the design of the antenna support structure will allow for antennas to be internally mounted below the proposed New Cingular antennas. If you have any questions regarding this site plan or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, Brian A. Cummings, Planner 2 WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, April 23, 2012 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meeting Hall 4:00 p.m. Applications 1---..........................---..............................---------------- --- ------- .................---------------------------------------------------------------- Project name: Currie, Lawrence 1000-59-6-18.1, 19.1 & 19.2 .......---------------------------- ................... ------------.......--------------- ------- - ............... Location: [-Soundview Avenue, +/- 101.85' n/e/o Kenny's Road, in Southold --------------- Description: This proposed Lot Line Modification transfers 0.67 acres from SCTM1000-59-6-19.2 to SCTM1000-59-6-18.1 and SCTM1000-59-6- 19.1. SCTM1000-59-6-19.2 decreased in size from 0.67 acres to 0.00 acres; SCTM1 000-59-6-18.1 increased from 0.27 acres to 0.67 acres, ---------- -- and SCTM1000-59-6-19.1 increased from 0.24 acres to 0.51 acres. -Pending-eW �Action: Review Attachments: Staff Report, draft C & Rs-------------------- ----------------- --- Report,------------ - ------------....... ........... F-P--r—oiect-name-: -- 1111" -11 ........... 111-.0 SCTM#:! 100 F-1 1- -0 11, ==4400000M 0 5-9-8.1 Location_. 40200 SR 25, Orient 1 �:------ ---- - -ths-revis---e--d--s-it-e-p-l-a--n--i-s--f--o-r-t--h-e---p-r-o--p-o--s--ed--c--o---ns-t--r-u-ct-i-o---n of a Descriptio 0 monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 S.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-11 ZoniaDistrict. ---------- --------------------------------- .... ................. ...................... - Status: Pending I Action: 1 Review comments from referrals. .. ........... ---- ----------------------------- --------------------- .......... Attachments: I Staff Report ---------------- .............. ------------------- .. ............. ................--------- ........ ............. Project name: T-Mobile at LIPA SCTM#: 1 10-00-45-1---l--4-.-1--- ---------- ---------------------------------------------...................... I Location: 69685 NYS Route 25, Greenport I Description: f This site plan is to upgrade and maintain a wireless facility with ----i equipment area on an existing utility pole. The antennas are located i mounted on the exterior of the pole at a height of 84' and located on an J 8.3-acre site in the LB Zoning District. --------.......------- .. Status: New -------------------- Applica!Lion...I............... Action: Review forcompleteness............. 1 Attachments �'-S- taffp Report 3--- i ----------- .........--l-........... .......... Pro name I De Art of Nature, LLC SCTM#: 1000-84-1-10.4 ... . ..................- ---o-catio-n: - -- 23423 CR 48, Cutchogue ..... ............ Description: This site plan is for a-proposed--17-,8- 88-----sq ft. additiontoan----existing 1 37,183 sq. ft. glass greenhouse structure and two (2) new office trailers 720 sq ft_ each on a 5.8-acre parcel in the A-C Zoning District ------------- - -parcel . ............... Status: Pending ------ ------- ----- ---------- --------------------- Action: Review comments from referrals. Attachments: 1 Staff Report -------------------------- ...... • THE CENTER FOR MUNICIPAL SOLUTIONS v(.J 70 CAMBRIDGE DRIVE (518)439-3079 GLENMONT,NEW YORK 12077 FAX(518)478-0909 M April 16, 2012 (via email and regular mail) �G Chairman Sidor and Planning Board Members Town of Southold Town Annex Building MR 23 54375 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T"), [1059] Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application for a proposed wireless telecommunication facility Premises: Orient by the Sea Restaurant& Marina, 40200 Main Road, Orient,New York SCTM#: 1000— 15 —9— 8.1 Dear Chairman Sidor and Members of the Planning Board Members: As requested, we have reviewed the supplemental application materials submitted for the above referenced facility with cover letter dated March 26, 2012. Upon review of all application material submitted, and with further discussions we offer the following comments: Pursuant to Town Code Article XVII, Section 280, wireless telecommunications facilities within the Town of Southold, NY, require a Special Exception Permit and Site Plan Approval. Here, the applicant proposes to install a new seventy ft. (70') monopole (extendable to 90') to accommodate wireless telecommunications services, as well as provide the possibility for future expansion. The associated equipment cabinets and related cables and hardware are proposed to be located within a secured screened equipment compound at the base of the structure. Section 280-74(B)(1)(d) & (e) requires propagation maps for existing surrounding and/or approved sites coverage from all alternatives sites considered and coverage from proposed sites and a gap map prepared and signed by a qualified radio frequency engineer and overlaid on an existing coverage. (Our requirements are they same as requested of MetroPCS when they were to be the anchor tenant at the site) Proof of need: 1. We review three different levels of signal strength (-75dBm, -85dBm and -95dBm) as required in Special Exception Application requirements from Southold Town Code Section 280-74D. The purpose of the three levels and the reviewing of signal strength is to determine what coverage in needed at the proposed site and what coverage is in existence from adjacent sites. (For clarification the less negative the signal strength, the stronger the signal. i.e. -75dBm is stronger than -85dBm) The stronger the required signal the less area a site will cover and the higher the site needs to be. 2. In the August 23, 2011 affidavit of AT&T's radio frequency engineer Stephane Guillabert, on page 3 paragraph 12, states `AT&T's system requires an ambient signal level of-85dBm to provide reliable In-Vehicle coverage, and an ambient signal level of- 75dBm to provide reliable In-Building coverage. These signal level requirements provide the basis for AT&T's design criteria."This signal strength""design criteria' is in direct contradiction with what MetroPCS said they require at the same location to wit: In the October 29, 2009 affidavit of MetroPCS' radio frequency engineer Nicholas Balzano, on page 4 paragraph 12, he states "An ambient signal level of-95dBm would provide reliable In-Vehicle coverage on MetroPCS system. MetroPCS' system requires an ambient signal level of-85dBm to provide reliable In-Building Residential coverage," (On page 3,paragraph 9 he defines "In-Building Residential"as a building three stories or less in height.) "and an ambient signal level of-75dBm to provide reliable In-Building Commercial coverage." (On page 3,paragraph 10 he defines "In-Building Commercial" as a building that is greater than three stories.) "These signal level requirements provide the basis for MetroPCS' design criteria. The proposed area of coverage is comprised of buildings three stories high or less, (acknowledged by AT&T in their application) with most of them being residential homes. As such, we believe that-85 dBm will provide reliable In-Building coverage, with-95 dBm providing reliable In-vehicle coverage. AT&T has utilized this design criterion elsewhere in New York State and is what should be utilized in their propagation maps. We do not see the need for signal strength of-75 dBm, which is ten(10)times stronger than -85 dBm. 3. Propagation Study Requirements Although the maps provided show existing and proposed coverage at the proposed height, they do not confirm that the proposed height is the minimum height needed to provide service to their deficiency gap. (Section 280-70L states "No antenna support structure shall be constructed at, or remain at, a height that is taller than that required by installed and operational antennas To confirm the minimum height necessary, propagation coverage maps should be submitted showing the signal coverage at the proposed height as well as ten (10) ft. lower increments, until a gap in service is shown. Here we see coverage maps at 67 ft., but question whether 57 ft. or 47 ft. would also provide coverage? (Example; for In-Building coverage we request a base map of the area (for each proposed frequency band) that shows the existing coverage without the proposed site at -85dBm. We then need overlay acetates of the same scale as the base map of only the proposed site at -85dBm, done at heights of 67', 57'and 47' that we can place over the base map to see the coverage provided at the various heights. There should be a narrative by the RF engineer describing his view of the coverage at the various heights.) 4. What we do not see is what Effective Radiated Power(ERP) was input into the propagation model. The propagation modeling needs to utilize the maximum ERP to insure that the model is depicting the maximum coverage that is possible from the site. The larger the existing coverage, the less the proposed site needs to cover and thus the proposed site can be shorter as required in Section 280-701. (See attached Propagation Data Study sheet . We request that the Propagation Data Study sheet be completed and the ERP as calculated by the form be acknowledged by the RF engineer to be utilized in the maps. 5. It is hard to understand why AT&T which has the LTE, Cellular and PCS bands needs 67' when MetroPCS with only the PCS band stated that they could use 57'. The lower the frequency(LTE 2 9 0 [700 mHz] and Cellular [900 mHz] are lower than PCS [1900mHz])the further the signal will go. In the October 29, 2009 affidavit of MetroPCS' radio frequency engineer Nicholas Balzano,on page 5 paragraph 16, states"The proposed antennas must be affixed at lease as high as those depicted on the plans previously submitted to the Board in order to ensure that reliable service can be afforded to MetroPCS users in the vicinity of the site." The height depicted on the plans showed MetroPCS with a centerline of 57'. It would seem that New Cingular with much lower frequency bands could utilize a lower height. 6. Has a drive test been conducted?The Special Exception Application Requirements from the Town of Southold Town Code Section 280-74D(8)states"The applicant shall also provide evidence supporting the existence of inadequate service. This may include the propagation maps cited above, drive test maps,traffic studies,customer complaint logs and similar data."Carriers normally conduct drive tests (yearly or sometimes more often to benchmark their existing coverage. Has New Cingular conducted a drive test in this area?Can we view the results?If a drive test has been conducted, can we get a copy showing the signal strength in order to validate the propagation maps and a narrative of how the drive test has been utilized to validate the propagation maps?(If a drive test is available we would like to see the signal strength in "buckets" of 3dBm or less.) Since drive testing is a time consuming effort, propagation predications are often utilized for the initial analysis. Upon reaching a critical juncture in the site development process, such as candidate selection and zoning, drive testing often becomes a critical item to back up the propagation maps. In these occasions a continuous wave (CW) drive test can be conducted. The test is normally done at varying heights to determine coverage the varying heights. Can we get a CW drive test of the area at varying heights? This information was requested in their applications when it was New Cingular and Metro PCS? Until the applicant provides the required information as noted above, we are unable to make our recommendation to the Town that the applicant has proven the need for the height of the tower. (As required in the Town Code Sections listed above and this application is a special exception which has a higher threshold of proof required than just a site plan application (see Town Code Section 280-73 C. (1)). We strongly recommend a conference call with the applicant to go over the comments in this letter, specifically to review what we believe is necessary to complete the application. We invite the applicant to include the individuals that are preparing the technical information propagation maps, drive test, data sheet,and calculations to be included in the call.This will help insure the completeness of the applicant's next submittal. If you require anything further please give me a call at (518) 439-3079. Si 1 'c A. Comi CMS Attachments cc: Martin Finnegan (via e-mail) Heather Lanza (via email) Brian Cummings (via email) Al Tagliaferri (via e-mail) 3 CMS Requested Propagation Study Requirements* Propagation studies are required with the application to prove the need for any new tower site,or co-location on any existing structure where there is an increase in the height of the structure or any modification where there is an increase in the height of the antenna(s)on the structure. .(If service at the site is proposed for the cellular frequency band(800—900 MHz),even if the site will also utilize other frequencies,the studies need to be done at the cellular frequency band.) For a new tower or where there would be an increase the height of the existing tower or other structure,two propagation studies are required;one are the proposed height and another set of studies at 10' lower, unless something different is otherwise agreed to at the pre-application meeting.(Along with the lower propagation study should be a narrative that describes why the lower height is not sufficient)If the application is for co-locating on an existing tower or other structure without increasing the height of the existing tower or structure, then propagation studies are only required at the height proposed by the applicant. Legend:Propagation studies are to include a legend on each sheet showing the following at a minimum: 1)a scale of miles or distance of no smaller than 1"to 1/2 mile;and 2)color coded of signal strength designations at-101dBm for"on-street" service,-95 dBm for"in-vehicle"service and-85 dBm for"in-building"service(except in urban areas where it can be demonstrated that there are several four story or larger buildings in the proposed coverage area). It is preferable that Propagation studies be provided on clear acetate sheets so that they may be overlaid and more easily read individually or in conjunction with each other,as may be necessary for proper analysis. A base map of the community on which to overlay the propagation study is needed that must show and identify the major roads in the intended service area. For any proposed site located less than 2 miles from a community's boundary,the boundary must be shown on the map. The base map must be the same scale as the overlay propagation maps. Note: Onlv signal strengths of-101 dBm for"on-street"service,—95 dBm jor/n-Vehicle service and—85 dBm for In-Building service will be considered in the context of the need for the facility and the need for the requested height,unless the facility is intended to serve an urban market.This is based on the accepted losses inherent with each situation and the ability of the hand unit to function normally at—106 dBm. Note: The Applicant must state whether the proposed acili design ism in-vehicle coverage -95 dBm)or in- buildinecoverage -85 d_ If an applicant believes it needs different signal strength levels,such must be justified in sufficient detail to allow verification of the technological need, such as a statement or explanation by the phone manufacturer or the carrier that greater signal strengths are needed and why lesser signal strengths will not permit the handset to function as designed or certain services to be provided in a functional context.Note that the local regulatory body is not required to grant an applicant's "best case"or most desired situation but rather what will enable the handset to[unction as designed and the service to be reliable. Note: Propagation studies must be accompanied by all modeling information used to Produce them (using the provided"Data Sheet for Propagation Study"form), including,but not limited to the ERP(Effective Radiated Power)from the site/facility that is the subject of the application and all adjacent sites/facilides and the cut sheets from all equipment showing the operating characteristics,such as, for purposes of example: ❑ The power of the radios stated in watts ❑ The gains and losses from each component of all equipment * These requirements were developed by CMS from reviewing thousands of wireless applications 4 0 The Center for Municipal Solutions Propagation Study Data Sheet for Proposed FacHit Applicant: Name/title person completing form: Proposed Site Name: Site Address: Instructions:Complete this form,attach radio and antenna spec sheets and include with the RF Propagation Study. All nearby sites(adjacent)providing coverage in and near the proposed site are to be included in the study. Use an additional form if more than 3 sites Line No. ITEM UNIT Proposed site Adjacent site#1 Adjacent site Adjacent site#3 Data Data #2 Data Data GENERAL INFO: #1 Site Name #2 Site Address #3 Tower or structure height feet #4 Antenna mounting height agl feet #5 Network Technology #6 Operating Frequency Mg Hz #7 Base Station Manufacturer #8 Base Station Model# #9 Radio Max Power Watts #10 s pilot channel used for propagation(yes or no) #11 If yes,pilot channel power Watts (min.20%of power) #12 Convert Power to dBm dBm #13 Losses: #14 Is there a cnmbiner #15 If yes make and model #16 If yes,combiner loss dB #17 Cable losses: #18 Cable diameter In. #19 Cable Igth. From antenna to Ft equipment #20 Cable loss per 100 ft. dB #21 Calculated loss dB #22 Connectors #23 Nuwber of connectors #24 Loss per connector dB #25 Calculated Loss dB #26 Jumpers: #27 Number of jumpers #28 Loss perjumper dB #29 Calculated loss dB #30 Total calc_!ated loss: dB #31 Gains: #32 Is there an in line amplifier #33 If yes,gain d6 #34 lAntenna Mg. #35Antenna r.,,!el# #36 Antenna ga'.n dB #37 Total gain: dB #38 Result: #39 Transmission Power dBm #40 ERP Watts To Calculate ERP (Line#40)of an Antenna: Step#1 Insert the radio power in Watts in line 9 and pilot power, if applicable in Line 11. Step#2: invert the radio power or pilot power, as applicable, into dBm units. Insert the result into Line #12 Step#3 ;.dd all dB losses: Line#16+ Line#21+Line#25+Line#29; Insert the result into Line#30 Step na: , dd all dB gains: Line#33+ Line#36; Insert the result into Line#37 Step $5: Add Line#37 to Line#12. Subtract from the result, Line#30. Insert the result into Line#39. Step#6: Convert the number in Line#39 into Watts. Record the result in Line#40. 6 OFFICE LOCATION: 0f sn�Tyo MAILING ADDRESS: 0n Town Hall Annex ,�O l� P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 # Southold, NY 11971 U (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 Gn Q Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Don Wilcenski, Chair Town of Southold Planning Board From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator APA 18 2012 Date: March 22, 2012 Re: New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterp. SCTM# 1000-15-9-8.1 This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District, Orient. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP, provided that the below recommendations are required in the site plan approval. 3.1 Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold a. The proposed action is visible from SR 25: a New York Scenic Byway and Orient State Park. To further this policy it is recommended that the Planning Board maximize the vegetative screening of the equipment cabinet and monopole through the planting of additional and larger evergreen trees. b. Currently 14' eastern red cedars spaced 7' on center are proposed to the west of the compound. Additional large trees should be planted to the north of the compound. c. The increased in height of the trees west of the compound should be assessed to the 7.1' width from the property line to the compound fence. d. Further it is recommended that the timing of planting of the trees is specified to avoid logistical problems during build out. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Brain Cummings, Planner Orient Fire District c Board of Fire Commissioners Arthur Ruroede,Chairman - Linton L Duell - Harold Griffiths-Scott Harris-Robed Scott Jr. Felice Semon,Seraetarylrreasurer March 26, 2012 Brian A. Cummings Planner Planning Board Office LIAR 3 0 2012 Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 RE: New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Dear Mr. Cummings: At the March 20, 2012 District Meeting,the Board of Fire Commissioners voted on having a space on the cell tower for an antenna. Please accept this letter as an amendment to allow the Orient Fire District to have space for an antenna on the cell tower for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises. Please mark your records accordingly with this amendment. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely,, Felice Semon Secretary/Treasurer Orient Fire District 23300 Main Road ♦ Orient,NY 11957 ♦ (631) 323-2445 ♦ Fax (631)323-9706 RE, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW - 36 NORTH NEW Yoaa 1174 C L 1 HuxTrxcTox, NEW YORK 11743 TELEPHONE: (631) 425-4100 FACSIMILE: (631) 425-4104 QF COONS 61. March 26, 2012 WILLIAM. NIELSEN By Hand Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 MAR 2 6 2012 Arm.: Brian A. Cummings, Planner RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC("AT&T") Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility Premises: Orient by the Sea Restaurant& Marina, 40200 Main Road, Orient,NY SCTM#: 1000— 15 —9—8.1 Dear Mr. Cummings: As you know, we are the attorneys for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (`AT&T') with respect to the captioned applications. In furtherance of your request, enclosed please find the following documents: 1. Two (2) additional sets of Zoning Drawings, prepared by William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP, dated November 18, 2011; and 2. Two (2) additional copies of the Appraisal Consulting Report, prepared by Lynch Appraisal Ltd., dated March 12, 2012. We understand that although the Public Hearing is closed, continued interdepartmental and consultant review of the application materials is taking place. To the extent these materials are to be reviewed by an outside consultant, we reiterate our standing position that they be reviewed by an appropriately qualified and credentialed professional. Should you have any questions with regard to the foregoing, please communicate with the undersigned. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RE, NIELSEN, HUBBpERR& COUGHLIN, LLP By: >c " 1 � Jon J.- ughlin .IJC:mk Enclosures OFFICE LOCATION: OF SOUjyOI MAILING ADDRE- Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 # ���_ Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) cm Southold, NY 11971 Q Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 007, 1 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Don Wilcenski, Chair Town of Southold Planning Board From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator NO 23 uuL Date: March 22, 2012 " Re: New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterp. SCTM# 1000-15-9-8.1 This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District, Orient. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP, provided that the below recommendations are required in the site plan approval. 3.1 Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold a. The proposed action is visible from SR 25: a New York Scenic Byway and Orient State Park. To further this policy it is recommended that the Planning Board maximize the vegetative screening of the equipment cabinet and monopole through the planting of additional and larger evergreen trees. b. Currently 14' eastern red cedars spaced 7' on center are proposed to the west of the compound. Additional large trees should be planted to the north of the compound. c. The increased in height of the trees west of the compound should be assessed to the 7.1' width from the property line to the compound fence. d. Further it is recommended that the timing of planting of the trees is specified to avoid logistical problems during build out. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Brain Cummings, Planner Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: J� Subject: N ,) C10\0AC SCTM#: 1000 - i5 -q" g- Date: ACR- \ Q�O`a Comments: to 11 Y 'e- 5UJ-)1I-t� CVyye Y't�- C4� -p.h L• � aQ MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��pF SO(/Tyo Southold,ox 1179 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �Q �� Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS r/+ ac Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS �p 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III Ory .�1 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR COUNT'1, `�(•�- Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 13, 2012 John Coughlin, Esq. c/o R6, Nielsen, Huber& Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Close Hearing: Proposed Site Plan for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 NYS Rt. 25, ±400 east of Cedar Beach Road, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Zoning District: M-II Dear Mr. Coughlin: A public hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, March 12, 2012 regarding the above-referenced Site Plan. The public hearing was closed. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman 1CtX AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as 40200 Main Road (NYS Rte. 25) . Orient, NY SCTMO 1000-15-9-9. 1 by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on Monday, March 12, 2012 Your Name (print) Signature 2bES 1..,y lifr-7 Address 3/s)/Z t t' U,l �'IN�"(U Notary Public MELANIE DOROSKI NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York No, 01004634870 Oualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires September 30,- PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri., 3/9/12 Re: Proposed Site Plan for New Cinaular Wireless at MGH Enterprises, Inc. SCTM#s: 1000-15-9-8.1 Date of Hearing: Monday, March 12, 2012. 4:34 p.m. ,eONTION,1 C 0 o a � a NEWT STATE Andrew M.Cuomo New York State Office of Parks, Governor Recreation and Historic Preservation Rose Harvey Commissioner Long Island Region- Belmont Lake State Park, P.O. Box 247, Babylon, NY 11702-0247 wvvw.nysparks.com March 9, 2012 Southold Town, Planning Department Southold Town Planning Board, Martin H. Sidor, Chairperson 53095 NYS Route 25, Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 RE: New Cingular Wireless at MGH Enterprises Proposal for 70 ft. monopole wireless facility at 40200 NYS Route 25(Main Road) Orient, N.Y. MAR ) 3 2012 SCTM# 1000-15-9-8.1 i Dear Board Members: In response to the above application before the Southold Town Planning Board on March 12, 2012, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation, Long Island Region, "State Parks" has the following comments. The application includes the construction of a wireless communication facility adjacent to the entrance of Orient Beach State Park, overlooking Gardiner's Bay, which is under the ownership and stewardship of"State Parks". It is also the gateway to Long Beach, a National Natural Landmark within the park, known for its 2.5 mile sand spit beach demonstrating plant succession from salt marsh to maritime red cedar forest. The proposed monopole will have a height that is more than twice that of any other structures in the area. In addition the proposal will include approximately 400 sq. ft. of structural facilities that will be 14ft'. in height. This will reduce the natural beauty of the park entrance and have a negative impact on both the visual and aesthetic experience of visitors arriving at the park from the North Fork Trail (NYS Route 25), a Scenic Byway. "State Parks" is responsible for the protection and conservation of our extraordinary park system for the enjoyment of all visitors, therefore"State Parks" cannot support this proposal. Thank you for opportunity to review and respond to this proposal. Sincerely, William H Mausling III cc: Ronald Foley, Regional Director, New York State Parks, Long Island Region Scott Fish, Chief Engineer, New York State Parks, Long Island Region An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Agency printed on recyded paper pl C New Fork State Departnitht of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Permits, Region 1 SUNY @ Stony Brook same 50 Circle Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 9 1011WPhone: (631)444-0403 •Fax: (631)444-0360 Website: WWW,d0G,nV,9oV Joe Martens Commissioner LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION RESPONSE March 8, 2012 Town of Southold Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION REQUEST Proposed Construction of monopole wireless facility 2 New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises 40200 NYS Rt. 25 Orient, NY 11957 SCTM# 1000-15-09-8.1 Dear Mr. Tie: 3 This letter is in response to your Lead Agency Coordination Request of January 31, 2012 for the above referenced project pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and it's implementing regulations (6NYCRR Part 617). This Department has no objection to the Town of Southold Planning Board assuming lead agency status for this action. This Department issued the enclosed Tidal Wetlands Permit Modification (1-4738- 00898/00018) on December 14, 2009. If you have any questions, please call me at 631-444- 0403. Sic rely, Sherri Aicher Environmental Analyst MAILING ADDRESS: ► PLAI,7 IING BOARD MEMBER• q so • P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ;� mow` y�lO Southold, NY 11971 Chair u OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREMERS w Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS Q JAMES H.RICH IFI �� �O 54375 State Route 25 MARTIN H.SIDORl (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Cow Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM FEB 12012 To: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation From: Brian Cummings, Planner Date: January 31, 2012 Re: Site Plan Application Review— • Request for Comments pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 • SEQR Lead Agency Request • Coordinated Review under SEQR The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency, and also to determine lead agency and coordinate review under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act- SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and 4. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency under SEQR. The lead agency will determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Southold Referral & SECIR Coordination Page Two January 30, 2012 Planning Board Position: (x) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) Project Name: New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Address: 40200 NYS Rt. 25, Orient Tax Map #: 1000-15-9-8.1 Requested Action: This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District, Orient, SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I ( ) Type 11 (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Brian Cummings (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: • Environmental Assessment Form • Site Plan Application Form • Site Plan(s) 2 NVew York State DepartmA of Environmental Conserv*on AIM Division of Environmental Permits, Region One SUNY @ Stony Brook, 50 Circle Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790 - 3409 Phone: (631) 444-0365 • FAX: (631) 444-0360 06111110 Website: www.dec.state.ny.us NW PERMIT MODIFICATION MGH Enterprises December 14, 2009 PO Box 333 Orient, NY 11957 Re: Orient by the Sea Marina property 40200 Main Road( Rte 25), Orient Point, NY Permit# 1-4738-00898/00018 Dear MGH Enterprises; Your request to modify the above permit has been reviewed pursuant to 6NYCRR Part 621 (Uniform Procedures Regulations). It has been determined that the proposed modifications will not substantially change the scope of the permitted actions or the existing permit conditions. Therefore, the permit is modified to authorize: Modification of the design of the proposed facility as shown on plans by William F. Collins Architects, last revised 7/29/09, NYSDEC stamped approved on 12/14/09. This letter is a modification to the original permit, and as such, shall be available at the job site whenever authorized work is in progress. All other terms and conditions remain as written in th or ginal p it. Sir♦c / i _� John Wieland cc: file Deputy Permit Administrator BMHP Re, Nielsen, Huber&Coughlin LLP New York State Departma of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Permits, Region One SUNY @ Stony Brook, 50 Circle Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790- 3409 Phone: (631)444-0363 • FAX: (631)444-0360 Website: www.dec.state.ny.us _ Denise M.Sheehan Commissioner December 18, 2006 Orient by the Sea Marina P.O. Box 303 Orient, N.Y. 11957 Re: Permit #1-4738-00898/00018 Dear Permittee: In conformance with the requirements of the State Uniform Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL) and its implementing regulations (6NYCRR, Part 621) we are enclosing your permit. Please carefully read all permit conditions and special permit conditions contained in the permit to ensure compliance during the term of the permit. If you are unable to comply with any conditions, please contact us at the above address. Also enclosed is a permit sign which is to be conspicuously posted at the project site and protected from the weather. Sincerely, �( } /� Kendall P. Klett Environmental Analyst KPK/dj Enclosure NEW YORK ATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL COW O VATION DEC PERMIT NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE 1-4738-00898/00018 December 18, 2006 FACILITY/PROGRAM NUMBER(S) PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE(S) Under the Environmental Conservation Law December 18, 2011 TYPE OF PERMIT■New ❑ Renewal ❑Modification❑Permit to Construct ❑Permit to operate ❑Article 15,Title 5:Protection of Waters ❑ Article 17,Titles 7,8:SPDES ❑ Article 27,Title 9; 6NYCRR 373: ❑ Article 15, Title 15:Water Su Hazardous Waste Management Supply ❑ Article 19:Air Pollution Control ❑ Article 15, Title 15:Water Transport ❑ Article 23,Title 27: Mined Land El Article 34: Coastal Erosion Management Reclamation ❑ Article 15,Title 15:Long Island Wells ❑ Article 36: Floodplain Management ❑ Article 24: Freshwater Wetlands ❑ Article 15,Title 27: Wild, Scenic and ❑ Articles 1,3, 17, 19, 27, 37;6NYCRR Recreational Rivers ■Article 25:Tidal Wetlands 380: Radiation Control ❑6NYCRR 608:Water Quality Certification ❑ Article 27,Title 7; 6NYCRR 360: Solid Waste Man ement PERMIT ISSUED TO [TELEPHONE NUMBER Orient b the Sea Marina 23-2424 ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE P.O. Box 303, Orient, N.Y. 11957 CONTACT PERSON FOR PERMITTED WORK TELEPHONE NUMBER Roger Reiersen, GeoTrans Inc. 1465 Route 31 , South Annadale, N.J. 05501 908 730-0014 NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROJECT/FACILITY Orient by the Sea Marina, 40200 Main Road, Orient Point, N.Y. 11957 COUNTY TOWN WATERCOURSE NYTM COORDINATES Suffolk Southold E: N: DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED ACTIVITY: Construct telecommunication facility including 100 ft high pole, equipment platform and trenched conduit. All work shall be done in accordance with the attached plans stamped NYSDEC approved on 12/18/06. By ac ptance of this permit, the permitte t thepermit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, all ap cable regulations, the Genera ditions specifie and any Special Conditions included as part of this ermit. E U Y PER DMINIST OR: ADDRESS Region 1 Headquarte s AIT ORIZED SIGNATU SUNY Ston Br , 50 Circle Road, Ston Brook, NY 11790 - 3409 hn A. Wieland (KPK) December 18, 2006 Page 1 of 4 NEW K STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERIMN SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. During construction, concrete or leachate shall not escape or be discharged, nor shall washings from transit mix trucks, mixers, or other devices enter tidal wetlands and/or protected buffer areas. 2. Any debris or excess material from construction of this project shall be completely removed from the adjacent area and removed to an approved upland area for disposal. No debris is permitted in tidal wetlands or protected buffer areas. 3. All areas of soil disturbance resulting from the approved project shall be stabilized with appropriate vegetation (grasses, etc.) immediately following project completion or prior to permit expiration, whichever comes first. If the project site remains inactive for more than 48 hours or planting is impractical due to the season, then the area shall be stabilized with straw or hay mulch or jute matting until weather conditions favor germination. 4. The storage of construction equipment and.materials shall be confined within the project work area and/or upland areas greater than 100 linear feet from the tidal wetland boundary. 5. All disturbed areas where soil will be temporarily exposed or stockpiled for longer than 48 hours shall be contained by a continuous line of staked haybales/silt curtains (or other NYSDEC approved devices)placed on the seaward side between the fill and the wetland or protected buffer area. Tarps are authorized to supplement these approved methods. 6. All erosion control devices shall be maintained in good and functional condition until the project has been completed and the area has been stabilized. 7. No fill or backfill is authorized by this permit without further written approval from the Department(permit, modification, amendment). 8. No excavation of the beach is authorized for the purpose of obtaining fill or stone material. 9. Disturbance to natural vegetation or topography greater than 25 feet seaward of the approved structure is prohibited. 10. Necessary erosion control measures e.g., staked haybales, silt fencing, etc. are to be placed on the downslope edge of any disturbed areas. This sediment barrier is to be put in place before any disturbance of the ground occurs and is to be maintained in good and functional condition until thick vegetative cover is established. DEC PERMIT NUMBER PAGE 2 of 4 1-4738-00898/00018 NEWJdkK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSER N ADDITIONAL GENERAL COND TIONS FOR ARTICLES 15 (TITLE 5), 24, 25, 34 AND 6NYCRR PART 608 ( TIDAL WETLANDS) 1. If future operations by the State of New York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood flows or endanger the health,safety or welfare of the people of the State, or cause loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Department to remove or alter the structural work,obstructions,or hazards caused thereby without expense to the State, and if, upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the structure,fill, excavation, or other modification of the watercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed, the owners, shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its former condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 2. The State of New York shall in no case be liable for any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement of navigation,or for other purposes,and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 3. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of anywetland orwaterway bysuspended solids, sediments, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project. 4. Any material dredged in the conduct of the work herein permitted shall be removed evenly, without leaving large refuse piles, ridges across or along the bed of a waterway or floodplain, deposits within any regulatory floodway, or deep holes that may have a tendency to cause damage to navigable channels or to the banks of a waterway. 5. There shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the work herein authorized. 6. If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the project hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require,remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the site to its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 7. If granted under 6NYCRR Part 608, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation hereby certifies that the subject project will not contravene effluent limitations or other limitations or standards under Sections 301,302,303, 306 and 307 of the Clean Water Act of 1977(PL 95-217)provided that all of the conditions listed herein are met. 8. At least 48 hours prior to commencement of the project,the permittee and contractor shall sign and return the top portion of the enclosed notification form certifying that they are fully aware of and understand all terms and conditions of this permit. Within 30 days of completion of project, the bottom portion of the form must also be signed and returned, along with photographs of the completed work and, if required, a survey. 9. All activities authorized by this permit must be in strict conformance with the approved plans submitted by the applicant or his agent as part of the permit application. Such approved plans were prepared by William F. Collins AIA on 4/27/06 DEC PERMIT NUMBER PAGE 3 of 4 1-4738-00898/00018 • NEW STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSER40N • NOWCATION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIO S Item A: Permittee Accepts Legal Responsibility and Agrees to Indemnification The permittee, excepting state or federal agencies, expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York,its representatives,employees,and agents("DEC")for all claims,suits,actions, and damages,to the extent attributable to the permittee's acts or omissions in connection with,or operation and maintenance of, the facility or facilities authorized by the permit whether in compliance or not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This indemnification does not extend to any claims, suits, actions, or damages to the extent attributable to DEC's own negligent or intentional acts or omissions, or to any claims, suits, or actions naming the DEC and arising under Article 78 of the New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules or any citizen suit or civil rights provision under federal or state laws. Item B: Permittee's Contractors to Comply with Permit The permittee is responsible for informing its independent contractors, employees, agents and assigns of their responsibility to comply with this permit, including all special conditions while acting as the permittee's agent with respect to the permitted activities, and such persons shall be subject to the same sanctions for violations of the Environmental Conservation Law as those prescribed for the permittee. Item C: Permittee Responsible for Obtaining Other Required Permits The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals,lands, easements and rights-of-way that may be required to carry out the activities that are authorized by this permit. Item D: No Right to Trespass or Interfere with Riparian Rights This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any rights,title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. GENERAL CONDITIONS General Condition 1: Facility Inspection by the Department The permitted site or facility,including relevant records,is subject to inspection at reasonable hours and intervals by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation (the Department)to determine whether the permittee is complying with this permit and the ECL. Such representative may order the work suspended pursuant to ECL 71-0301 and SAPA 401(3). The permittee shall provide a person to accompany the Department's representative during an inspection to the permit area when requested by the Department. A copy of this permit, including all referenced maps, drawings and special conditions, must be available for inspection by the Department at all times at the project site or facility. Failure to produce a copy of the permit upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this permit. General Condition 2: Relationship of this Permit to Other Department Orders and Determinations Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this permit does not modify, supersede or rescind any order or determination previously issued by the Department or any of the terms, conditions or requirements contained in such order or determination. General Condition 3: Applications for Permit Renewals or Modifications The permittee must submit a separate written application to the Department for renewal,modification or transfer of this permit.Such application must include any forms or supplemental information the Department requires.Any renewal,modification or transfer granted by the Department must be in writing. The permittee must submit a renewal application at least: a) 180 days before expiration of permits for State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES), Hazardous Waste Management Facilities(HWMF),major Air Pollution Control(APC)and Solid Waste Management Facilities(SWMF);and b) 30 days before expiration of all other permit types. Submission of applications for permit renewal or modification are to be submitted to: NYSDEC Regional Permit Administrator,Region 1,SUNY @ Stony Brook,50 Circle Road,Stony Brook,NY 11790-3409 General Condition 4: Permit Modifications,Suspensions and Revocations by the Department The Department reserves the right to modify, suspend or revoke this permit in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 621. The grounds for modification, suspension or revocation include: a) materially false or inaccurate statements in the permit application or supporting papers; b) failure by the permittee to comply with any terms or conditions of the permit; c) exceeding the scope of the project as described in the permit application; d) newly discovered material information or a material change in environmental conditions,relevant technology or applicable law or regulations since the issuance of the existing permit; e) noncompliance with previously issued permit conditions,orders of the commissioner,any provisions of the Environmental Conservation Law or regulations of the Department related to the permitted activity. DEC PERMIT NUMBER PAGE 4 Of 4 1-4738-00898/00018 6 6 RE, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 NORTH NEW YOHK AVENUE HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 11743 TELEPHONE: (631) 425-4100 FACSIMILE: (631) 425-4104 OF G01'NSEL WiI,E"m J. NIELSEN March 7, 2012 BY HAND - Town of Southold Planning Board MAR 7 2012 Down Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 1 1971 — Attn.: Brian A. Cummings, Planner RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility Premises: Orient by the Sea Restaurant& Marina, 40200 Main Road, Orient, NY SCCM#: 1000— 15 —9—8.1 Dear Mr. Cununings: On behalf of our client, New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ('AT&T'), we submit herewith an executed Affidavit of Mailing, together with copies of the Public Hearing Notice and list of all surrounding property owners notified by certified mail. Also enclosed are the certified mailing receipts and green signature cards received to date. We will submit any additional green signature cards received hereafter with your office prior to the Public Hearing. Should you have any questions with respect to the foregoing, please do not hesitate to communicate with the undersigned. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RG, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP By: ht . Coughlin ,I,IC:mk Enclosures Postal CERTIFIED MAIL, Rl� EIPT (Domestic Mail Qniy;No u i'. Coverage.- 0 N gg 8 CIAL SE rel co Postage $ • •ruu S Ln /� O Centied Fee 7 S - ..,--Abatmark =1 Return Receipt Fee l7 Here C3 (Endorsement Required) Z_ C3 Restricted Delivery Fee E3 (Endorsement Required) {{. ri rl Total Postage&Fee_a 4 r3 am ° Long Island State ParkrW n*ission a (Orient Beach State Park) ao voa xrN Empire State Plaza,Agency Building I M1 Alban NY 12238 c;r;<sla�a:ZrP:a y• �S. r rzl Total Postage 8 Fees L. United States Govern*pt sena° Plum Island Animal Disease Center siree[apt-No.;- 80550 Route 25 or PO Box No. y M1 - Orient Point,NY 11944 / City,State:ZIP+4 rl Total Postage&Fox i--Z I C3 Norman D. Els ' rR sent To 40495 Route 25 SiieeEApr No.; Orient,NY 11957-1168 M1 or POBox No. Gity State,ZIP+4 rRora ostage Fees I 4i .� , �) �' '✓ O O LToMaggie Trakas rq 143 Allen StreetNew' York, NY 10002 ■ Complete itelor 1 2-,,and&Also ... late Rem 4 If Restricted Delivery is desired. 0 Agent X ■ Print your name and address on the reverse 0 Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this Card to the back of the mailpieoe, M 5 Z or on the front if space permits. D. Isdelivery address dffWent fmm item 11 O Yes 1. Article Addressed to: R YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No Ubiied States Government Plum Island Animal Disease Center 40590 Route 25 Orient Point,NY 11944 3. Service Type )'Cert[fled Mail ❑Express Mail ❑Registered O Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery!(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number 7011 0110 0000 5835 8185 (riansfer from service label) PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-W1540 MAILING AFFIDAVIT OF 908ThW- 40200 Main Road (NYS Rte. 25) , Orient, NY SCTM# 1000-15-9-5.1 I fill On March 2, 2012 1 have sent notices, by certified mail—return receipt,the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached-,to the owners of record of every: property which abuts and every property which is across on Main Road (NYS Rte. 25) Marisa Knoth Your Name (print) llau Signature c/o 36 North New York Avenue Huntington NY 11743 Address March 2, 2012 Date Sworn to before me this2Say of March, 2012 tary PubliDOROTHY A. y�q Notary Public,c, S ateofONew York MAR /7 2W No. 01SE6030810 Qualified in Suffolk County ', j Commission Expires Feb. 7.201 PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS 8Y. 12:00 noon. Fri., 319112 Re: Proposed Site Plan for New Cinaular Wireless at MGH Enterprises Inc SCTM#s: 1000-15-9-8.1 Date of Hearing: Monday, March 12. 2012. 4:34 p.m. Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a Site Plan; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the Mil Zoning District; 4. That the application is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres. The property is located at 40200 NYS Route 25, ±400' east of Cedar Beach Road, Orient; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2nd FI., Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938. Information can also be obtained via the internet by sending an e-mail message to: Carol.Kalin@town.southold.ny.us; The office will be closed on Monday, February 20, 2012. 6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday. March 12, 2012 at 4:34 p.m. in the Meetina Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: New Cingular Wireless at MGH Enterprises, Inc. Date: 2/7/12 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC(AT&T LI 1059) Planning Board Site Plan and Special Exception Approval Applications List of Owners Surrounding Subject Property at SCTM# 1000, Section 15, Block 9, Lot 8.1: Section-Block-Lot Owner's Name Owner's Mailing Address(es) 15 -9- 7 Maggie Trakas 143 Allen Street New York,NY 10002 15 -9-9 United States Government Plum Island Animal Disease Center 40550 Route 25 Orient Point NY 11944 15 - 8 — 14.2 Norman D. Elsky 40495 Route 25 Orient,NY 11957-1168 39— 1 —2.2 Long Island State Park Commission Empire State Plaza (Orient Beach State Park) Agency Building 1 Albany,NY 12238 SCOTT A. RUSSELL �q�gtlFFOtx� JAMES A. RICHTER�R.A. SUPERVISOR ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD , TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Fe . (631)-765-9015 + Tel.(631)-765-1560 JAMIE.RICHTER@TOWN.SOUTHOLD.NY.US dol � Sao OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Donald J. Wilcenski February 27, 2012 Chairman - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Orient by the Sea / MGH Enterprises Cingular Wireless Cell Tower SCTM #: 1000-15-09-8.1 Dear Mr. Wilcenski: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the site plan for the above referenced project. This site plan has been prepared by the office of "WFC" William F. Collins, AIA and has been dated 11/18/11. Please consider the following: 1. This project will require special exception and use variances from the Town's Zoning Board of Appeals and Tidal Wetlands Permits from the NYS DEC and Town Trustees. These items may have already been addressed by these other agencies. If they have not, the issues should be coordinated through Mr. Verity at the Building Department. 2. This proposed development has a minimal footprint but it is located in close proximity to an existing boat ramp with direct access to a tidal water-body. Therefore, to meet the requirements of Chapter 236, it is recommended that all storm water generated by the proposed development be contained within the perimeter of the proposed construction. The area below the elevated Steel Equipment Platform should be excavated down to clean sand or well draining soil. This area should then be backfilled with loose sand & gravel that will be graded to allow all storm-water passing over or through the equipment platform a place to recharge back into the ground. 3. All construction site operations shall be protected by Hay Bale & Silt fencing. This barrier shall provide a continuous enclosure of all construction activities and the installation shall meet the minimum requirements of the NY State Stormwater Design Manual. These features shall remain in place until the construction site has been permanently stabilized to prevent erosion. 4. All work must conform to FEMA Flood Zone requirements. As designed, equipment cabinets will be installed on an elevated steel platform. However, there is one "MESA SPAN CABINET" that appears to be on a concrete pad at grade. This item may also need to be elevated to comply with flood zone requirements. This issue should be coordinated with the Building Department. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Srely, aures A. Richter, R.A. cc: Southold Town Trustees Michael Verity, Principal Building n ector • • PhI RE, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 NORTH NEW YORK AVENUE HUNTINGTON, NEW YORx 11743 TELEPHONE: (631) 425-4100 FACSIMILE: (631) 425-4104 OF COVNSEL WILLIAM J. NIELSEN February 23, 2012 By Hand Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Ann.: Brian A. Cummings, Planner RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility Premises: Orient by the Sea Restaurant &Marina, 40200 Main Road, Orient,NY SCTM#: 1000— 15 —9— 8.1 Dear Mr. Cummings: As you know, we are the attorneys for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (`AT&T') with respect to the captioned applications. In furtherance of your correspondence of February 9, 2012 (copy attached hereto), enclosed please DGCR, LLC Check Number 2467 in the sum of $2,500.00, which sum represents the supplemental escrow fee for the technical consultant's final review. We reiterate our request that we be provided with copies of all invoices billed against the previous deposit as well as copies of all invoices billed against this additional deposit. In addition, we have enclosed, herewith, correspondence we received on behalf of the Orient Fire District, regarding its interest in installing communications equipment at the proposed telecommunications facility in order to improve the Fire District's communications capabilities in the vicinity of the subject site. Should you have any questions with regard to the foregoing, please communicate with the undersigned. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RF, NIELSEN, HUBER& COUGHLIN, LLP FFE 2 3 2012 BN: n J. Coughlin .LIC:mk Enclosures iwT Integrated "en Technologies,LLC Co Ocdnp fyWm"connsc"hoplo 12 Quogue Plaza Cabin Avenue Quogue,NY 119599 Bay Bayshore,NY 11708 Phone:831.653.6650 Phone:631.595.2555 FAX,631.653.6330 FAX.,631.595.2521 Website:http://www.g0W.Com 16 February 2012 Ms. Victoria Brennan Shore 2 Shore Wireless 5550 Merrick Road—Suite 302 Massapequa, NY 11758 Phone: 631.807.7836 Re: Installation of a voted receiver for Orient Fire District at Orient Point Marina Dear Ms. Brennan: Orient Fire District(OFD)wishes to enhance its UHF portable radio coverage further east on OFD's command channel. OFD's dispatch radio system is unable to hear portable radios reliability from onboard the ferries berthed at the Cross Sound Ferry Terminal. The vast majority of OFD's calls to that location are EMS (medical emergency) calls. Exceptional communication is imperative for safety of life and property to coordinate necessary services and expedite emergency care. Presently, there is no other service that would provide adequate penetration inside the ferries berthed at the terminal. Placement of the proposed receiver would without question greatly improve communications at the Cross Sound Ferry terminal. Regards, Jon Andrews Engineer Integrated Wireless Technologies, LLC. P.O. Box 927 • 12 Quogue Plaza Trail a Quogue, New York 11959 Phone 631.653.6650 a FAX 631.653.6330 9 E-mail jon.andrews@goiwt.com • ! P�, ISL,�e3 � Orient Fire District the Board of Fire Commissioners Arthur Ruroede,Chairman - Linton L Duct Harold Griffiths Scott Harris Robert Scott,Jr. Felice Semon,Secretary/Treasurer February 22, 2012 Brian A. Cummings F E B 2 3 21 12 Planner Planning Board Office Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Cummings: The Board of Fire Commissioners reviewed your letter dated January 31, 2012 and site plan for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises at their February 21, 2012 monthly meeting. The Board does not find any issue with the plan submitted for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises- SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1. Please mark your records accordingly. Sincerely,, J'Z(.f C.C, Felice Semon Secretary/Treasurer Orient Fire District 23300 Main Road ♦ Orient, NY 11957 ♦ (631) 323-2445 ♦ Fax (631) 323-9706 0 Incorporating but not limited to building suggestions noted within the Town of Southold's Hamlet Study for the Mattituck area, the Town of Southold's 2020 Comprehensive Plan,and the Mattituck Stake-Holders Report. Incorporating a more comprehensive planting plan. The applicant is to submit a revised project plan to the Planning Department and the Architectural Review Committee is to perform a second review of the new plans. Motion made and seconded. All in favor. • NEWCINGULAR WURELESSJMGH ENTERP1RSE&F SCTM#:1000-15-9-8.1 Brian Cummings,Town Planner presented the project for the construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67 and 57 for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 square foot area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District. Located: Orient by the Sea Restaurant&Marina property at 40200 NYS Route 25,Orient. The Committee reviewed the proposed project and recommends the following: A complete change of location to another site. The complete screening of the equipment area. Motion made and seconded. All in favor. • TWIN FORKS LANDSCAPING SCTM#:1000-83-3-8 Brian Cummings, Town Planner presented the project for the construction of a 6,000 square foot addition to an existing 1,263 square foot building having a total of 7,263 square foot of building for a contractor's yard on a 1 acre parcel in the Light Industrial Zoning District. Located: ±560' southeast of Oregon Road,8405 Cox Lane Cutchogue. The Committee approves the application as submitted. Motion made and seconded. All in favor. A motion was made and seconded to close the meeting at 5:35PM. All in favor. ' bKzabeth Can ell, A.R.C. Secretary 0 • 8 (' int' f6, t�� Elizabeth Thompson,Chairperson Town Hall Annex Reynolds duPont,Jr. ggfFO( 54375 Route 25 YI Herbert Ernest PO�'p PO Box 1179 Joseph Lee Southold,NY 11971 Ronald McGreevy Howard Meinke Fax(631)765-6641 f�rNi�cholas Planamento +1' a� Telephone:(631)765- 1892 �® LS Lto Sew®rt$Ifl southoldtown.northfork.net Sew" VV MAR - 2 2012 ll Town of Southold Architectural Review Committee Southold Town Minutes Plannin Board 4.00p.m.,February 16,2012 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Members Present: Mark Schwartz; Nicholas Planamento;Joseph Lee; Ron McGreevy; Brian Cummings, Town Planner; Elizabeth Cantrell,Secretary The minutes for the January 19,2012 meeting were approved. Introduction: All applicants will give a presentation consisting of drawings, exterior materials samples and other information required by the Planning Department to the Committee. The Committee will ask questions and make suggestions as part of a general discussion with each applicant. Final recommendations from the ARC will be presented to the Planning Board in the ARC Meeting Minutes, and be made part of the Planning file for that application. The Planning Board will consider these recommendations, together with all comments from other agencies, and provide the applicant with a comprehensive written list of its requested revisions. New Application: • T. K. ALPHA SCTM#: 1000-140-2-20 Brian Cummings,Town Planner presented the project for the proposed construction of a 2,475 square foot mix-use building consisting of two store fronts for a 1,100 square foot retail store and 1,375 square foot restaurant. There is an existing 605 square foot building proposed to be removed on an 11,561 square foot parcel located at 535 Pike Street on the _ north side, approximately 100 feet from Love Lane,in the Hamlet Business Zoning District . Joseph Lee recused himself from the application. The Committee reviewed the proposed project and recommends the following: A complete redesign of the proposed structure integrating the character of a small town community while using natural materials as seen in Coastal Maritime communities. 'y BOARD MEMBERS SOF $�Ql Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chai erson & O 53095 Main Road•P.O. Box 1179 ~� !� fy Southold,NY 11971-0959 James Dinizio,Jr. Office Location: //1 Gerard P. Goehringer G ' Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Ban George Horning 'p 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Ken Schneider �yCow, Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS F E 8 2 1 2012 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 •Fax (631)765-9064 FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 15,2012 ZBA FILE: 6533 NAME OF APPLICANT: MGH Enterprises, Inc./New Cingular Wireless, LLC 'R,OPERTY LOCATIONA0200 Main Road(adj.to Gardiners Bay)Orient NY SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 -CORA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated January 12, 2012 stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. LWRP DETERMINATION: This application was referred for review under Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. The LWRP Coordinator issued a recommendation dated January 30, 2012. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to us, it is our recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with LWRP policy standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: Subject property is a conforming lot in the MII zone. It is improved with a one story frame restaurant with attached deck, accessory one and two story building, along with boat slips. It has 181.72 feet of frontage on Main Road (SR 25), 752.00 feet along the eastern property line, 348.41 feet on Gardiners Bay and 1000.01 along the western property line as shown on the survey dated 4-6-2006 last updated 10- 27-2011 prepared by Hawkins Webb Jaeger, PLLC. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Request for Variances from Article XVII Code Section 280-70i(3) and Article XIII Section 280-56 (Bulk Schedule), based on an application for building permit to install a wireless telecommunication tower and equipment and the Building Inspector's October 17, 2011, amended November 9, 2011 Notice of Disapproval at; 1) less than the code required distance to adjacent residential property line of 500 feet, 2) less than the code required side yard setback of 25 feet. RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant requests variances to install a new wireless communication tower and equipment at 7.1 feet from a residential property line where the code requires minimum distance shall be no less than 500 feet and a side yard setback of 7.1 feet where the code requires 25 feet. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Zoning Board requested comments from the Planning Board. In a memorandum dated December 20,2011,the Planning Board stated they just received the Site Plan and Special Page 2 of 3—February 15,2012 ZBA Filep6533—MGH Enterprises,Inc./New Cingular Wireless,LLC CTM: 1000-15-9-8.1 Exception applications and have not yet determined their completeness. The Planning Board requested a condition be added to the decision stating the proposed height and location are necessary and confirmed by the Planning Board as per Town Code. The applicant submitted, on Feb. 6, 2012, a letter from NYS Office of Parks,Recreation, and Historic Preservation indicating that the applicant's proposed project will have "no effect upon the cultural resources in or eligible for inclusion in the National Registers of Historic Places;"and a cover letter explaining that that State was duly notified by certified mail about the public hearing and had not replied and did not appear in opposition . FINDINGS OF FACT/REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on February 2,2012 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation,personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood, and other evidence,the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: 1. Town Law 4267-b(3)(b)(1). Grant of the variances will not produce an undesirable change in the character of neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The surrounding area is of mixed uses containing a marina, a _,taurant, an office building and parking lot used by Plum Island employees,a large interstate ferry terminal and a residential development. Any detriment is mitigated by the placement of the tower at the southernmost end of the property which is the farthest distance from the existing buildings and residences in the area. 2. Town Law 4267-b(3)(b)(2). The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance because any proposal to construct a cellular tower to fill in the gap in coverage that is proposed by this request in this area of Southold Town would require similar or larger variances. 3. Town Law 4267-b(3)(b)(3). The variances granted herein are mathematically substantial. The code required minimum distance of all wireless equipment adjacent to residential property lines is no less than 500 feet, the applicant is proposing a 7.1 foot setback, representing a greater than ninety eight percent (98%) relief from the code. Also the requirement of a 25 foot minimum side yard setback is proposed to be reduced to 7.1 feet; this represents a seventy percent(70%)relief from the code. However,the residential property in question is owned by Long Island State Park Commission(Orient State Park)and has no residential structures located within the required fall zone and is the access roadway to the park with no access to the beach within the area of the monopole site. 4. Town Law 4267-b(3)(b)(4) No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. With respect to the physical impact on the neighborhood, the Board finds, based on the report submitted by the applicant titled "Proposed Public Utility Wireless Communications Facility Orient By the Sea" Prepared by VHB Engineering surveying and Landscape Architecture, PC,that the location is the least obtrusive, given the uses in the surrounding area and the limited choice of locations for siting such a structure. As for the environmental conditions with respect to the radio frequency emissions, the total amount emitted will be more than 48 times below the limit established as safe for continuous human exposure as set by the FCC and stated on page 12 (Compliance Conclusion) of the report titled "Antenna Site FCC RF Compliance assessment and Report submitted by the applicant's expert consultant 5. Town Law &267-b(3)(b)(5). The difficulty has been self-created. The applicant choose the parcel after the Zoning Code was in effect and it is presumed that the applicant had actual or constructive knowledge of the limitations on the use of the parcel under the Zoning Code in effect prior to choosing this location. However, the difficulty is actually caused by the lack of any parcel within the proposed effective range of the proposed tower that would not need even more extreme variances. Page 3 of 3—February 15,2012 ZBA File#6533—MGH Enterprises,Inc./New Cingular Wireless,LLC CTM: 1000-15-9-8.1 6. Town Law 4267-b. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of a new wireless telecommunication tower and equipment while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Dinizio, seconded by Member Schneider, and duly carried, to GRANT, the variance as applied for, and shown on the site plan prepared by William F. Collins, AIA, Architects, LLC and dated 4/27/06 last revised 10/28/11 and the survey dated 4-6-2006 last updated 10-27-2011 prepared by Hawkins Webb Jaeger, PLLC. Subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS: 1. The height and location variances granted in this decision is subject to the Applicants receiving site plan and Special Exception approvals and confirmation of the necessity of the proposed location and height, as per Town code, from the Southold Town Planning Board. 2. Although the drawings approved in this decision refer to a monopole designed to telescope to 90 feet in height, this decision is not a de facto height variance. The MII zone permits a maximum of 80 feet for cell towers; and should the applicant deem it necessary in future to increase the height of the monopole beyond what the code permits,they must return to the ZBA for a height variance. That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued. Any deviation from the survey, site plan and/or architectural drawings cited in this decision will result in delays and/or a possible denial by the Building Department of a building permit, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any deviation from the variance(s) granted herein as shown on the architectural drawings, site plan and/or survey cited above, such as alterations, extensions, or demolitions, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. Vote ofthe Board. Ayes:Members Weisman(Chairperson),Schneider,Dinizio, Horning. Member Goehringer was absent. This Resolution was duly adopted(4-0). Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson Approved for filing //�jj. /2012 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STEVEN BELLONE SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SARAH LANSDALE,AICP DIRECTOR OF PLANNING February 14, 2012 Town of Southold Planning Board PO Box 1179 Southold,New York 11935 Att: Mr. Brian Cummings, Planner Dear Mr. Cummings: Pursuant to Section 2391 &m of the General Municipal Law,the following site plan which has been submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Site Plan S.C.T.M. No. New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises 1000 01500 0900 008001 Local File No. FEB 2 2 2012 40200 NYS Rt. 25 Orient Very truly yours, Sarah Lansdale Director of Planning 77rI . dr1E ng Chief Planner APF:ds LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H.LEE DENNISON BLDG.-4TH FLOOR P.O.BOX 6100 (631)853-5191 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 TELECOPIER(631)853-4044 0 46 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �pf SOUIy P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �0� Old Southold, NY 11971 Chair J OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS N �bc Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS G 54375 State Route 25 MARTIN H..SIDOR JAMES H.RICH III O� 'M (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) yC�Un 11 Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 9, 2012 Mr. John Coughlin, Esq. Rd, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Site Plan & Special Exception Application for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Located: 40200 NYS Rt. 25, Orient SCTM#1000-15.-9-8.1 Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Planning Department is conducting a review of the above application. Pursuant to §280-74 of the Town Code, the Planning Board has decided to hire a technical consultant to review this application. The Planning Board considers this a new application, but in light of the review that has already taken place, the Board has determined the submission of only$2,500 into an escrow account with the Town Comptroller's office to cover the cost of the technical consultant's final review. As such, please remit a check in the amount of$2,500 payable to the Town of Southold as soon as possible to continue this process. Thank you. Sincerely, Brian A. Cummings Planner #10567 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successively, commencing on the 1sd day of March, 2012. Principal Clerk 1 Sworn to before me this IC) day of 2012. LEGAL NOTICE . J�� �0 Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Article XXV of the Code of _ CHRISTINA VOLINSKI the Town of Southold,a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Plan- ning PUBLIC-STATE YORK Board,at the Town Hall,Main Road, No. 01 VOb 105050 Southold,New York on the 12th day of Qualified In Suffolk County March,2012 on the question of the fol- lowing: My commission Expltes February 28, 2016 4:30 p.m.Proposed Site Plan for Twin Forks Landscape Contracting located at 8405 Cox Lane,±560's/e/o Oregon Road, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-83-3-8 4:32 p.m.Proposed Site Plan for T.K. Alpha,LLC located at 535 Pike Street, on the n/s/o Pike Street,approximately 100'c/o Love Lane,in Mattituck,Town , of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York.Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-140-2-20 4:34 p.m.Proposed Site Plan for New Cingular Wireless at MGH Enterprises, Inc located at 40200 NYS Route 25,±400' c/o Cedar Beach Road,in Orient,Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-15-9-8.1 Dated:2/8/12 BY ORDER OFTHE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Donald J.Wilcenski Chairman 10,567-1173/1 0 0 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��Of soUryoP.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �O Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS H -,%- Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS �O 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH OI� U�rtV (cor.MaR Southold, NY Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Cow Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 12th day of March, 2012 on the question of the following: 4:30 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Twin Forks Landscape Contracting located at 8405 Cox Lane, ±560' s/e/o Oregon Road, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-83-3-8 4:32 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for T.K. Alpha, LLC located at 535 Pike Street, on the n/s/o Pike Street, approximately 100' e/o Love Lane, in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-140-2-20 4:34 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for WOOGNMOWkt%UWMGH Eltter located at 40200 NYS Route 25, ±400' e/o Cedar Beach Road, in Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000- 15-9-8.1 Dated: 2/8/12 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman PLEASE PRINT ONCE ON THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 2012 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT TO THIS OFFICE. THANK YOU. COPY SENT TO: The Suffolk Times Page 1 of 1 Kalin, Carol From: Candice Schott[cschott@timesreview.coml Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2012 9:58 AM To: Kalin, Carol Subject: RE: Legal Ad for March 1 Suffolk Times Hi Carol, I have received the notice and we are good to go for the 3/1 issue. Thanks and have a great Thursday! Candice From: Kalin, Carol [mailto:Carol.Kalin@town.southold.ny.usj Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 3:54 PM To: tr-legals Subject: Legal Ad for March 1 Suffolk Times Importance: High Please print the attached legal ad for the 3/12/12 Planning Board Public Hearings regarding the Site Plans for Twin Forks Landscape Contracting, T.K. Alpha and New Cingular Wireless at MGH Enterprises in the March 1, 2012 edition of the Suffolk Times. An e-mail confirmation of receipt for our files will be appreciated. Thanks. Carol Kalin, Secretarial Assistant Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Annex, 54375 NYS Rt. 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Phone: (631)765-1938 Fax: (631)765-3136 Carol.Kalin@town.southold.ny.us 2/9/2012 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��OF soujyo P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �� �� Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS A Q Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS �O 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III ��. (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR COU NTI Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 12th day of March, 2012 on the question of the following: 4:30 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Twin Forks Landscape Contracting located at 8405 Cox Lane, ±560' s/e/o Oregon Road, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-83-3-8 4:32 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for T.K. Alpha, LLC located at 535 Pike Street, on the n/s/o Pike Street, approximately 100' e/o Love Lane, in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-140-2-20 4:34 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for New Cingular Wireless at MGH Enterprises, Inc. located at 40200 NYS Route 25, ±400' e/o Cedar Beach Road, in Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000- 15-9-8.1 Dated: 2/8/12 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) CAROL KALIN, Secretary to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 9th day of February, 2012 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 3/12/12 Reaular Meetina: 4:30 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Site Plan for Twin Forks Landscape Contracting, SCTM#1000-83-3-8 4:32 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Site Plan for T.K. Alpha, LLC, SCTM#1000-140-2-20 4:34 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Site Plan for New Cingular Wireless at MGH Enterprises, Inc., SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Carol Kalin o Secretary, Southold Town Planning Board Sworn to befo a me this t=day of - 2012. JUL2ro4c'f Notary`P lic MELANIE DOROSKI NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York No 01D04634870 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires September 30,= MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS pF SOU , South hold,ox 1179 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI h� l0 Chair 41 OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III MARTIN H.IDOR OIyCOUNV� � (cor.MaiR Southold,Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1935 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 7, 2012 John Coughlin, Esq. c/o Rk Nielsen, Huber& Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Set Hearing: Proposed Site Plan for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 NYS Rt. 25, ±400 east of Cedar Beach Road, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Zoning District: M-II Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, February 6, 2012, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, on December 9, 2011, the agent, John Coughlin, submitted a site plan application for review; and WHEREAS, this revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District, Orient; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, March 12, 2012 at 4:34 p.m. for a public hearing regarding the site plan, dated October 28, 2011, prepared by William F. Collins, AIA. Please refer to the enclosed copy of Chapter 55, Notice of Public Hearing, in regard to the Town's notification procedure. The notification form is enclosed for your use. The sign and the post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office, Southold Town 0 0 New Cingular Wireless/MGH Page Two February 7, 2012 Annex. Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Posting along with the certified mailing receipts AND the sianed areen return receipt cards before 12:00 noon on Friday. March 9th. The sign and the post need to be returned to the Planning- Board lanningBoard Office after the public hearing. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Very truly yours, / 1 Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encls. Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a Site Plan; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the MII Zoning District; 4. That the application is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres. The property is located at 40200 NYS Route 25, ±400' east of Cedar Beach Road, Orient; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2nd FI., Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938. Information can also be obtained via the internet by sending an e-mail message to: Carol.Kalin@town.southold.ny.us; The office will be closed on Monday, February 20, 2012. 6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday. March 12. 2012 at 4:34 p.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: New Cingular Wireless at MGH Enterprises, Inc. Date: 2/7/12 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon. Fri., 3/9/12 Re: Proposed Site Plan for New Cinaular Wireless at MGH Enterprises, Inc. SCTM#s: 1000-15-9-8.1 Date of Hearing: Monday, March 12, 2012, 4:34 p.m. Town of Southold PCICodebook for Windows §55-1. Providing notice of public hearings. [Amended 6-3_2003 by L.L.No. 12-2003] Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application or petition is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon.Notice relating to a public hearing on an application or petition shall be provided as follows: A. Town responsibility for publication of notice. The reviewing board or commission shall cause a notice giving the time,date,place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper within theperiod prescribed by law. B. Applicant or Petitioner responsibility for posting and mailing notice.An application or Petition,initiated,proposed or requested by an applicant or petitioner,other than a Town board or commission,shall also be subject to additional notice requirements set forth below: (1) The applicant or petitioner is required to erect the sign Provided by the Town,which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application or petition abuts,giving notice of the application or petition,the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public bring thereon. The sign shall beset back not more than 10 feet from&#pr3Mrty line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven days immediately • preceding the date of the public hearing.The applicant,petitioner or his/her agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. (2) The applicant or petitioner is required to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every Property which is across from any public or private street from the property included in the application or petition. Such notice shall be made by certified mail,return receipt requested,posted at least seven days prior to the date of the initial public hearing on the application or petition and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The notice shall include description of the street location and area of the subject property, nature of relief or approval involved, and date, time and place of hearing. The applicant,petitioner or agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. 1 ij MGH ENTERPRISES , INC . % ITE PLAN FOR NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS AT MGH ENTERPRISES, INC . 1000 = 15 =9 -8 . 1 This site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility Nlving internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with ated base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District. MONDAY - MARCH 12 , 2012 - 4 : 34 P . M . ceA zm mr g BEE SEC.NO.014 \ B� ELOIN? IMnH ----LINE q �`. f f E 'd 'a b b 'e NN •� O P tet. I $ 9 IIIII y a \ I I I I I m b a b ffi ti� � IIIII � J 11 K m e I! Fx m - n t J a Y V g u Ail cn Gill - g��l i rau,xl �j • A s b � / H >w H . m 9 � a A jO � va; tmx ® J IMI S O i i vv Eioa p T z M MCH LINE 7 N 0 SEESEC.NO.O1S 0 Z RE, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 NORTH NEW YORK AVENUE HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 11743 TELEPHONE: (631) 425-4100 FAcsIMILE: (631) 425-4104 OP GOUNSEI. WiLhI J. NIELSEN February 2, 2012 BY HAND DELIVERY Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Attn.: Brian A. Cummings, Planner RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T"), [1059] Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility Premises: Orient by the Sea Restaurant& Marina, 40200 Main Road, Orient, NY SCTM#: 1000— 15 —9 — 8.1 Dear Mr. Cummings: As you are aware, we represent New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (`AT&T') with regard to its pending application to construct a wireless telecommunications facility at the subject property. Pursuant to the Town's request, enclosed please find one (1) original together with seven (7) copies of the correspondence of Mike Seidl, P.E. of Valmont Industries, Inc., dated January 25, 2012, addressing the "fall-zone" requirements of Town Code Section 280-70G. We respectfully request that the Public Hearing for this matter be scheduled for the next available date. Should you have any questions with regard to the foregoing, please communicate with the undersigned. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RE, NIELSEN, HUBER &COUGHLIN, LLP By: oh J. cuglllin JJC:mk Encls n w valmont f STRUCTURES January 25, 2012 Anthony L. Ferraro Project Manager William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP 12-1 Technology Drive Setauket, NY 11733 W (631)689-8450 x128 Ref: Design and failure modes for a 70-ft Tapered Monopole(extendable to 90') Quality of Steel and Fabrication of a Monopole Structure Site: AT&T LI 1059 Orient by the Sea(Southold, NY) Pole to be designed with a 30'theoretical fall radius(50'radius w/20'extension added) I have reviewed Code Section 280-70G and am offering the following comments: • The communications monopole structure for this project is required to be sized in accordance with ANSI/TIA/EIA-222-F and ANSI/TIA-222-G. These standards have been approved by ANSI/ASCE- 7,which has dealt with the design of antenna support structures for over 40 years. The TIA standard, based on provisions of this nationally known specification, has a long history of reliability. At its core philosophy is its first and foremost priority to safeguard and maintain the health and welfare of the public. • The TIA standard or code designates a minimum wind loading for each county in the United States. Structures are also designed for radial ice at a code specified reduced design wind loading. Code designated coefficients are used to ensure that the structure will survive the designed wind speed. The structure can usually survive even a greater wind load than the basic design wind speed because of these conservative coefficients. Design and loading assumptions that are used for the analyses of these structures are very conservative in nature when compared to other codes,which makes structural failure highly improbable. • Failure of a steel monopole occurs when a point is reached where the induced stresses exceed the yield strength of the material. At this point, the deflections induced in the material are no longer temporary. Hence, a permanent deflection in the monopole would exist. • The term failure above refers to local buckling at a designated point on the pole. Local buckling does not cause a free failing pole; rather it relieves the stresses from the pole at this location. Monopoles are flexible,forgiving structures,which are not generally susceptible to damage by impact loads such as wind gust or earthquake shocks. • When local buckling occurs, a relatively small portion of the shaft distorts and"kinks"the steel. When the pole begins to bend the exposure area is reduced and therefore, the force due to wind is decreased as well. Even though buckling exists,the cross section of the pole is capable of carrying the entire vertical load. Therefore,wind induced loads could not conceivably bring this type of structure to the ground due to the excellent ductile properties, design criteria, and failure mode. Quality of Steel and Manufacturing: • Monopoles typically are fabricated from ASTM designated steel material with a controlled silicon content of 0.06% maximum to ensure a uniform galvanized coating. The base material is also typically fabricated from ASTM designated material. All plate material should meet a V-Notch toughness requirement of 15 ft-lbs. @-20 degrees Fahrenheit per the TIA Code. By meeting the strict toughness requirement, monopoles are best suited to resist the cyclic/fatigue type loading (i.e. wind induced loading)these structures exhibit. Americas Lighturg and Communication Structures Valmont Industnes,Inc_7002 North 298"'Street Valley,NE 68064-0358 USA Toll Free. 800-825-6668 Fax 402-359-6091 www.valmunl.cum valmont V STRUCTURES • Anchor bolls are typically fabricated from A615 Grade 75 material. They are also commonly 2%in diameter and made from#18J bar stock. • Fabrication of the monopole should be performed at an AISC qualified facility. This will ensure that the provisions of the AISC Manual of Steel Construction are followed. Also, all welding and inspection should be in accordance with the American Welding Society's Specification D1.1-latest revision. In addition,this monopole can be designed to theoretically fail at approximately the 50-ft.elevation by purposely over designing the pole sections below this point. In the unlikely event the pole were to fail at this point, the significant loading reduction caused by the removal of the tower wind area and weight above would greatly reduce any chance that the remaining tower would have any structural damage,thereby providing a theoretical failure radius of approximately 30-ft without the 20-ft extension and 50-ft with the 20-ft extension. I hope these comments address any issues that you might encounter relative to the anticipated performance of monopole structures and the quality of steel fabrication. In consideration of the parameters above and given the fact that there are presently no structures or areas of congregation within 50'of the pole,we respectfully request that the planning board waive the"fall zone"requirements of the code. If you have additional questions or comments, 1 may be reached at 800-825-6668 x3815 or mseidl@valmont.com. Sincerely, � / OF NEW Mike Seidl, P.E. �,�P�G ILL 0 Senior Professional Engineer O� Valmont Industries, Inc. n W y r NCO o, 08366N QaC� A OFEssko 1 -ZL; 12 Americas Lighting and Communication Structures Valmont Industnes,Inc.7002 North 288"'Street Valley,NE 68064-0358 USA Toll Free. 800-825-6668 Fax:402-359-6091 www.valmont corn Cummings, Brian A. From: Fisher, Robert Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 9:09 AM To: Cummings, Brian A. Subject: Site Plans Brian, Thanks for the opportunity to respond. I have no objections to the site plan of Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises. (15-9-8.1) Robert Fisher Fire Inspector robert.fisher@town.southold.nv.us (631)765-1802 FEB - 1 t • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��Of soUjyo Southold, NY 1179 1971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ,�O l� Chair y OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS �p 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III l (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR �CQO01P" Southold,NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Memorandum To: Elizabeth Thompson, Chairperson Southold Architectural Review Committee From: Brian Cummings, Planne�, Date: January 31, 2012 Re: Request for Review and Comments on Site Plan known as New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 NYS Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 The Planning Board refers this site plan application to your agency for your review and comments. This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District. Thank you. Encls.: Site Plan Application Site Plan Elevations 0 0 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS 1jOF soUjyoP.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �� �� Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS N ,c Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS G • �O 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR �roum, Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator From: Brian Cummings, Plannera Date: January 31, 2012 Re: Site Plan for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 NYS Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and certification, if applicable. The file is available at your convenience. This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District. Thank you for your cooperation. • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �DF so P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �Q� �l0 Southold, NY 11971 Chair 4 if. OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS y Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS �� 54375 State Route 25JAMES H.RICH III (cor. M ain MARTIN H.IDOR COMM ' SouAve.) Southold, NY X111 Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765.3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Planning Commission From: Brian Cummings, Planner Date: January 31, 2012 Re: Site Plan Application Review— • Request for Comments pursuant to General Municipal Law §239 (as a referral) and Southold Town Code §280-131 • SEQR Lead Agency Request • Coordinated review under SEQR The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency, and also to determine lead agency and coordinate review under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act- SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and 4. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency under SEQR. The lead agency will determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Southold Referral & SEQR Coordination Page Two January 30, 2012 Planning Board Position: (x) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) Project Name: New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Address: 40200 NYS Rt. 25, Orient Tax Map #: 1000-15-9-8.1 Requested Action: This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-11 Zoning District, Orient. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Brian Cummings (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: • Environmental Assessment Form • Site Plan Application Form • Site Plan(s) 2 • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �OOF soulyolo Southold,ox 1179DONALD J.WILCENSKI 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS y Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS �� 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR 'YCOU �� Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Damon Rallis, Code Enforceme t Officer{/ Robert Fisher, Fire Marshall From: Brian Cummings, Planner Date: January 31, 2012 Re: Site Plan for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 NYS Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and any violations on record, if applicable. This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-ll Zoning District. Thank you for your cooperation. • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS rgsoolyo Sou1dNY 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSHI �Q l0 Char OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS co Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH IIIOly '�y (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR CDUN Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector From: Brian Cummings, Planner Date: January 31, 2012 Re: Site Plan for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 NYS Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and certification, if applicable. This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District. Thank you for your cooperation. Encls.: Site Plan Application Site Plan MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �pf SOUTy P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ��� �l0 Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS y Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS �� 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.S1DOR UOUNTY Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1935 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: James Richter, Engineering Inspector From: Brian Cummings, Planner G Date: January 31, 2012 Re: Site Plan for Wireless Facility Application Name: New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Tax Map Number: 1000-15-9-8.1 Location: 40200 NYS Rt. 25, Orient Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Final Subdivision Map (Dated: 1 Road Profiles (Dated: 1 Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: 1 Other (Dated: ) Site Plan (Dated: 1 Revised Site Plan (Dated: ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: 1 Other (AS BUILT) (Dated: 1 Project Description: This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District, Orient. Thank you for your cooperation. • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS qsoUjyO P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �Q l0 Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS y Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS G �O 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III O� �M (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR yC�Ull l, Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation From: Brian Cummings, Planner Date: January 31, 2012 Re: Site Plan Application Review— • Request for Comments pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 • SEQR Lead Agency Request • Coordinated Review under SEQR The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency, and also to determine lead agency and coordinate review under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act- SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and 4. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency under SEQR. The lead agency will determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Southold Referral & SEQR Coordination Page Two January 30, 2012 Planning Board Position: (x) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) Project Name: New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Address: 40200 NYS Rt. 25, Orient Tax Map #: 1000-15-9-8.1 Requested Action: This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-ll Zoning District, Orient. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Brian Cummings (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: • Environmental Assessment Form • Site Plan Application Form • Site Plan(s) 2 • • MAILING ADDRESS.- PLANNING DDRESS:PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �r3F so�Ty P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �Q� �/_ Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS y ,h6- Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS 0 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III �� (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR ' Com Southold, NY Telephone:631765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Scott A. Russell, Supervisor Members of the Town Board Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk cc: Town Attorney From: Brian Cummings, Planner Date: January 31, 2012 Re: Site Plan for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 NYS Route 26, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and a determination of jurisdiction, if applicable. This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-ll Zoning District. Thank you for your cooperation. • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Of st)(/Tyo P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �Q �� Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS u. ae Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS G �O 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III �� 1� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR �i'�UI111�� Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 31, 2012 Ms. Felice Semon c/o Orient Fire District 23300 Main Road Orient, NY 11957 Re: Request for review on: Site Plan for New Cingular.Wireless/MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 NYS Route 25, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Dear Ms. Semon: The enclosed site plan application is being referred to you for your comment on matters of interest to the fire department, including fire department equipment access, emergency services, and any other issue that may be of concern or relevance to this application. Please respond with your recommendations at your earliest convenience. This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-II Zoning District. Please contact me at (631)765-1938 if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Brian A. Cummings Planner Encls.: Site Plan Application Site Plan Building Specifications 0 0 Southold Town Planning Board Work Session - Page Three- January 9. 2012 ............... - .................----­................................. ..............­­---------------- -------­­-----------­---- .......... Project name: Alpha, LLC Shopping Ctr. 1 SCTM#: ' 1000- 40 T.K. Ah -2-20 .................. ------------­------­­­.............�­­......................­---------------­................................... ......... ...... Location: 535 Pike Street, Mattituck ...........­........ ..............- ........................................-1-I.-..........--------I................ Description:- This site plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,475 s.f. mix-use building consisting of two store fronts for a 1,100 s.f. retail store and 1,375 s.f. restaurant. There is an existing 605 s.f. building proposed to be removed on an 11,561 s.f. parcel located on the north side of Pike Street, approximately 100 feet east of Love Lane, in the Hamlet Business, Zoning District. ..................... .............. ................ - -- ----- ------- -- I Pending- Status: ..................................... ­­.­......................I..........I--­------------­ Action: ------------------ - --R--e-v---ie--w-- --r-e--v- ised site --.................... Attachments: Staff Report ---------................... ................. .............. ................. .................... Projectnarne_._ .................. .................. .......... Location: 40200 SR 25, Orient ................................................................. ------- ---- - - --- ------------- -- - ---------- ----- ------------ Description: This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57' for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-11 Zoning District. ___­­....................-.......... ................. --------- ---- - ----------- -- ---- ---I------------------------...........------------ Status: 1 New Application .............. ...........­..", Action: Review for completeness. ................. .............................................. .................................... ' Attachments: Staff Report ............. .......................................................... ........................... ...................................... For Discussion: • Proposed Local Law re: Amendments to Chapter 219, Shellfish & Other Marine Resources • Wind Energy Code Amendment • Cooper Agricultural PDD 3:45 p.m. Review Public Meeting Agenda PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSq so MAILING• MAILING ADDRESS: h0 l� P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H.SIDOR Southold, NY 11971 Chair v+ ac OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS �O Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS �y 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III coum, (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) DONALD J.WILCENSKI Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Leslie Weisman, ZBA Chairperson Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals From: Martin H. Sidor, Chairman MS Members of the Planning Board Date: December 20, 2011 Re: Request for Comments for New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 ZBA#6533 The Planning Board has reviewed your request for comments for the above-referenced application for variances for a new wireless facility. The Planning Board has only recently received the Site Plan and Special Exception Applications and has not yet determined their completeness. The main considerations when an application requires a Special Exception are that the need for the facility in that location and at that height is documented by the applicant and corroborated by our independent technical consultant, and also that the proposed facility is as unobtrusive as possible. We respectfully request that the Zoning Board wait until the Planning Board has conferred with its technical consultant and provide to you its conclusion on whether the location and height are necessary. If the Zoning Board is inclined to proceed with a decision prior to the Planning Board finding the new antenna support structure necessary, we respectfully request that you include a condition similar to that of the ZBA Decision File #6507 (condition #1). This condition required that the proposed location and height are confirmed by the Planning Board as per Town Code. Thank you for this opportunity to provide comments, and please feel free to call us with any questions. * WORK SESSION AGENDA 0 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, December 19, 2011 2:30 p.m. Executive Board Room, Town Hall Annex 2:30 p.m. Special Meeting Applications: ................................. ---- Project name: Waw,-Cingiular Wireless at MGH SCTM#: . 1000-15-9-8.1 Enterprises ........... . . .......................... . .............. 1111.. .1111 ............ Location: 1 40200 SR 25, Orient .............. ------ ....... .................... ................................................... ..................................................................... .................................. Description: This revised site plan is for the proposed construction of a 70' monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antennas at 67' and 57'for New Cingular Wireless along with related base equipment on a 400 s.f. area. The site includes an existing restaurant and boat marina on 4.7 acres in the M-11 Zoning District. ................... .................. ­--------------------- ...........------------------............................... ........................................................................... Status: New Application ------- ' Action' - ------- Discuss comments to ZBA. -------- ----- ------------ ............. .... ..............................................................................................................- .................................... ........... .......... ...........- Attachments: 1 Staff ........... ------ - ------------Report ------------- -Sparkling-- ---------- --------------------------- . ..1111 .....................................- ........................ Project name: Pointe Warehouse SCTM#: 1000-69-3-3 ............... -- --------------- --- --------------------------------------------------------I........I.......... ------- ---- Location: 1270 CR 48, Southold ........... -..............................- 111.............................. -------------------- Description: This site plan application is for a proposed 46' x 120' warehouse, for employee i use only, with a 16' x 18' accessory office and bathroom on a 1.002 acre parcel 1 in a Light Industrial Zoning District on Old North Road, Southold. Four parking 1 stalls are proposed and an asphalt driveway ..................... .......................... --------------------------proposed ...........................Y.................. ----------- Status: New Application ....................... .....................----------- ------ ........................... ........ Action: Review for completeness. ................................. ....... ........................................................................... ------------------ - - Attachments: 1, S Report ...................- . ....................... taff_ _ep .... . ----- - - - - - - - - - ------ -------- - ------- - .................................. ..................... ............................................................... ...... ------- -------------- ---- ---------- - Project name: Sparkling Pointe Addition SCTM#: 1 1000-59-10-1 -------Sparkling-------------.............. .................................................................. Location: 1 39750 CR 48, Southold ....................... ........................................ ----------------------------------------------------................................................................................................................................................... ...................... Description: This proposed amendment to a site plan is for the addition of a 174" x 21'4" office along with the enclosure of an existing 56' x 50'6" area that currently operates as a paved outdoor crushing area and the addition of a 23'6" x 50-6" covered crushing pad, all for employee access only, to the existing tasting room' site of Sparkling Pointe Winery on a 12.088 acre parcel in the A-C Zoning District. ........................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Status: New Application ...........I............ -------- .......... ...................I............ Action: Review for completeness. - -------------------------------- .completeness . ...................................................... -------------------- -------..----------------------- Attachments: Staff Report ------------- .................-.................... ------- ------ ...............................-----l-1-11.................................. ........I............................... _project name: Sherwood House Vineyards -------------------------------------------------------------------- .... .. ....................................... ..... Location: 2600 Oregon Road, Mattituck ...............Oregon-- --........................................... ...........__1111.- Description: This site plan is for the proposed construction of two brick patios, one at 160 s.f. and the other at 706 s.f., for an outdoor wine tasting area that will include a ............ 3,888 s.f. gravel park!qgjot with connecting..................-...-...gravel.......................... _paved footpaths .................g --------�p Status: Pending .............................. f----- --- ----- ----- Action: i Review revised site plan. ..................... ................. -------------- - -- ------ ---- -- - --- -- - ---------------- - - ---- ----------------- ............ Attachments: Staff Report ................. . ............................................................Report -.1-1--1--1....... ....................... For Discussion: ❖ Review comments to ZBA re: Selwyn Stand. Sub., SCTM#1000-15-6-28 & 29. Review Draft Planning Board Monthly Report for November. hn4t Olt n IM APPRAISAL CONSULTING REPORT New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Site Location: Marina/Restaurant Facility 40200 Main Road Orient Point, New York 11957 Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000/15/9/8 . 1 DATE OF REARING March 12, 2012 MAR 16 M' i PREPARED FOR Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Route 25 Southold, New York 11971 PREPARED BY Mr. Michael Lynch LYNCH APPRAISAL LTD. 15 Dewey Street Huntington, New York 11743 (631) 427-1000 LYNCH APPRAISAL LTD. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS 15 DEWEY STREET HUNTINGTON,NEW YORK 11743 (631)427-1000 March 12 , 2012 Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Route 25 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Appraisal Consulting Report New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Site # NYCENY1059 Proposed Wireless Communications Facility: New Monopole - 40200 Main Road (S.R. 25) Orient Point, New York 11957 Date of Report: Jan. 24, 2012 Dear Board Members: In accordance with a request from the applicant, New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T" ) , I have inspected the above site and prepared an Appraisal Consulting Report (the "Report") regarding potential effects of a proposed wireless communications facility (the "Communications Facility" ) on the surrounding community. This report is intended to comply with the report requirements set forth under Standards Rule 5-2 of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) , subject to limiting conditions and a certification as outlined in the Addendum. After considering the location, market conditions, proposed build, and all other factors that influence value, it is my professional opinion that AT&T's proposed Communications Facility will not negatively affect property values in the surrounding area and will not have any adverse effect on the character of the neighborhood or the pattern of its development. My conclusions are outlined in the following Report. Respectfully submitted, LYNCH APPRAISAL LTD. By: Michael J. Lynch N.Y.S. Cert. General R.E. Appraiser #46000001012 I 1 2 Purpose and Intended Use of Report The purpose and intended use of the Report is to study any possible adverse effects a proposed Communications Facility will have on the surrounding community. This Report is strictly prepared at the request of AT&T to present to the Town of Southold for a hearing to be held on March 12, 2012 . Effective Date of Report The effective date of the Report is January 24, 2012 , the date of inspection by Mr. Michael J. Lynch. Description of Proposed Communications Facility The AT&T proposed Communications Facility consists of, without limitation, the construction of a 70 , (AGL) stealth Monopole (the "Monopole" ) at the southwesterly corner of a restaurant/marina complex (the "Property") . In addition, AT&T will be internally mounting six ( 6) panel antennas within the Monopole. There will also be associated equipment cabinetry compound ("the Compound" ) adjacent to the Monopole on an elevated steel platform set on a concrete slab. The Compound, which will consist of a 400 SF fenced lease area, will be screened along its westerly boundary by 14 , high evergreen shrubbery. Description of Property and Surrounding Neighborhood The Property is situated along the southerly side of Main Road (State Road 25 ) , approximately 1 , 050 ' easterly of Cedar Birch Road. It is also known and designated by Suffolk County Tax Map Number: District 1000, Section 15, Block 9, Lot 8.1. The Property contains a total site area of 4 . 70± acres and is r i 3 situated within a Marine II zoning district. The Property front along Gardiners Bay to its south, and is abutting on its west by Orient State Park, and a Federally-owned Plum Island-related facility to its east. Across Main Road to the north are single- family residences. Nearby to the east is the Orient Point Ferry terminal. Scope of the Report In preparing this Report, the appraiser: - Inspected the Property and surrounding community; - Reviewed the engineering drawings as supplied by William F. Collins, AIA, Architects, LLP; - Reviewed Suffolk County and Town of Southold assessment, tax map, and zoning records; - Researched sales trends in the area of the Property in addition to comparable sites throughout Nassau and Suffolk Counties, including the East End of Long Island; - Prepared this Report in conformance with USPAP requirements. Report Methodology In analyzing any potential adverse effect the Communications Facility may have on the surrounding community, the appraiser considered the proposed build of the Communications Facility to an existing Monopole, the surrounding neighborhood and land uses, zoning classification of the subject Property and surrounding parcels, and other existing conditions. In addition, we have reviewed and carried out studies with respect to wireless communications facilities in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, including the East End of Long Island. These communications facilities include monopole sites, lattice and 4 guyed wire tower sites, rooftop mounted sites, and water tank sites. Two of these studies of note are as follows: Monopole Antenna Site, Cherry Creek Golf Links, 900 Reeves Avenue Centerville (Riverhead) , New York. A 1301 ± stealth monopole was erected at this golf course in 2003. Subsequent to the monopole, a new development of single-family residences commenced adjoining the golf course and said monopole to its east. This homeowners association, known as the "Highlands at Reeves, " had its first sale in 2006 . The development includes a community pool, clubhouse, and other amenities typical to a modern homeowners association development on Long Island. The golf course and development are built on former agricultural lands. Our staff looked at sales data within the Highlands at Reeves from 2006-2011, finding 32 sales ranging from $399,000-$850,000, or on a per square foot of building area running from $136/SF- $258/SF. The average and median sale price per square foot was $197/SF and $201/SF, respectively. We then compared this above data to a very similar development located 1 . 5± miles to the east known as "The Highlands at Aquabogue, " situated along the south side of Sound Avenue, adjacent to the east side of the Long Island National Golf Club. The Highlands at Aquabogue had its first sale in 2006, with units still available as of 2012 . Our researched sales run from 2006- 2011, revealing 54 sales ranging from $425,000-$719,000, or on a per square foot of building area running from $135/SF-$252/SF. The average and median sale price per square foot was $207/SF and $211/SF, respectively. The difference between the two groups , utilizing average and median sale prices per square foot of building area, was very close, differing by less than 5% . Therefore, based upon these two groups of data, it does not appear that the presence of the 5 130 ' monopole had an appreciable effect on the adjacent residential community. L ,C Mono ole r Sirdseye View of Monopole and Adjacent New Development Monopole Antenna Site, Keyspan Operations Center, Montauk Highway, Bridgehampton, New York. A 1201± monopole was erected at this center circa September 2000. This property is surrounded by residential properties to its north, east and west, and opposite agricultural land to its south. Nearby, at the southwest corner of Montauk Highway and Newlight Lane, is a community of upper- middle priced homes that was first developed in the mid 1980s. This development is partially within view of the monopole due to the open agricultural fields to the east. Our staff compared sales data of homes in the development before and after the installation date of the monopole. Our "before" data, which included six (6) sales running from 4/97 to 5/99, was compared with "after" data, which included six (6) sales running from 2/01 to 5/04. 6 The average price per home in the before and after groups was 128% higher for the latter ( $516, 167 vs . $1, 179,000 ) , which breaks down to an average of 298/year market appreciation. This figure compares favorably with the overall market appreciation of 228/year tabulated from all single-family homes sales over the same time period for all of Bridgehampton. As such, the antennas or monopole did not appear to lead to a devaluation of nearby property values around the site. Conclusions In summary, we offer the following conclusions: - The proposed Communications Facility is an appropriate use for the Property, given that it will incorporate a stealth type design that will conceal the proposed antennas. - The Communications Facility will be located at the southwest corner of a Property, adjacent to Gardiners Bay, that is utilized as a commercial marina and restaurant. It is situated within a Marine II (M-II) zoning district. - The Property is well suited for the Communications Facility, given existing conditions, land uses, and zoning in the surrounding neighborhood. - No correlation was found between the presence of wireless communication facilities and declining property values in the studies we reviewed or carried out on communities in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, including the East End of Long Island. - The proposed AT&T Communications Facility, therefore, will not negatively affect property values in the surrounding area and will not have any adverse effect on the character of the neighborhood or the pattern of its development. a PHOTOGRAPHS EXISTING CONDITIONS 9 _.. . Photo 1: Subject Property Looking South from Main Road 9 •i team--= .JrJ i49YIH )i�� ar . - -.-- 1, Wl Photo 2 : interior View of Subject Property Looking North io It b ` ilt a, Photo 3 : Interior View of Subject Property Looking r I - .c Photo 4: Interior View of Subject Property Looking West Towards Proposed Location of Communications Facility Photo 5: View Looking South at Shoreline of Subject Property and Gardiners say Photo 6: View from Subject Property of Abutting Orient State Park to West iz a i Photo 7 : View Looking East from Subject Property of Abutting Plum Island Facility 77 --� Photo 8 : View of Main Road Looking East near Entrance to Subject Property 13 r Photo 9 : View of Main Road Looking West near Entrance to Subject Property L a. Photo 10: View of Residence Diagonally Opposite Subject Property to Northwest along Main Road 14 Iv- ,t �•. • v �. .. ii 1 tt`b Prop.Site WRI, . 3 % r ! ...�' pack Ro . Photo _ll: Sirdseye View of Subject Property and Surrounding Neighborhood Looking West is TAX MAP & ENGINEERING DRAWINGS .SLMC ! F 1 , i -_ /i/�>"Fsrr `/ -��1� �• � �-r '�+_'�" rr-'�'1''� � 1 b{rF- _ _ �a � v, yO P *`''� !i � O ,.a. \e w ✓A� ,Y Qom.. 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I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report, and no personal interest with respect to the parties involved. 4. I have no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved with this assignment. 5. my engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. 6. my compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value opinion, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this appraisal. 7. my analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. 8. I made a personal inspection of the property on January 24, 2012 that is the subject of this report. 9. no one provided significant professional assistance to the person signing this report. Michael J. Lynch 22 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS This appraisal report has been made with the following general assumptions: 1. No responsibility is assumed for the legal description or for matters including legal or title considerations. Title to the property is assumed to be good and marketable unless otherwise stated. 2. The property is appraised free and clear of any or all liens or encumbrances unless otherwise stated. 3. Responsible ownership and competent property management are assumed. 4. The information furnished by others is believed to be reliable. However, no warranty is given for its accuracy. 5. All engineering is assumed to be correct. The plot plans and illustrative material in this report are included only to assist the reader in visualizing the property. 6. It is assumed that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property, subsoil, or structures that render it more or less valuable. No responsibility is assumed for such conditions or for arranging for engineering studies that may be required to discover them. 7. It is assumed that there is full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental regulations and laws unless noncompliance is stated, defined, and considered in the appraisal report. 8. If the site is improved with a dwelling built prior to 1978, lead paint may be present and should be checked by an expert as per Title X, the Federal Disclosure law regarding lead hazards. 9. It is assumed that all applicable zoning and use regulations and restrictions have been complied with, unless a nonconformity has been stated, defined, and considered in the appraisal report. 10. It is assumed that all required licenses, certificates of occupancy, consents, or other legislative or administrative authority from any local, state, or national government or private entity or organization have been or can be obtained or renewed for any use on which the value estimate contained in this report is based. 11. It is assumed that the utilization of the land and improvements is within the boundaries or property lines of the property described and that there is no encroachment or trespass unless noted in the report. 23 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS (continued) 12. In this appraisal assignment, the existence of potentially hazardous material used in the construction or maintenance of the building, such as the presence of urea- formaldehyde foam insulation, and/or the existence of toxic waste on the premises, has not been considered. The appraiser does not assume responsibility of existing potentially hazardous materials and it is recommended that a qualified expert be engaged to inspect as required. 14. It is assumed that any debris, junk, abandoned personal property, etc. that may exist will be removed from the site. The appraisal report has been made with the following general limiting conditions: 1. This is an Appraisal Consulting Report, which is intended to comply with the reporting requirements set forth under Standard Rule 5-2 of USPAP. Supporting documentation concerning the data, reasoning, and analyses, if not detailed in the report, is retained in the appraiser's file. The information contained in this report is specific to the needs of the client and for the intended use stated in this report. The appraiser is not responsible for the unauthorized use of this report. 2. The distribution, if any, of the total valuation in this report between land and improvements applies only under the stated program of utilization. The separate allocations for land and buildings must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal and are invalid if so used. 3. Possession of this report, or a copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication. It may not be used for any purpose by any person other than the party to whom it is addressed without the written consent of the appraiser, and in any event only with proper written qualification and only in its entirety. 4. The appraiser herein by reason of this appraisal is not required to give further consultation, testimony, or be in attendance in court with reference to the property in question unless arrangements have been previously made. 5. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report (especially any conclusions as to value, the identity of the appraiser, or the firm with which the appraiser is connected) shall be disseminated to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media without the prior written consent and approval of the appraiser. 24 MICHAEL J.LYNCH Certified N.Y.S. General Real Estate Appraiser #46-1012 QUALIFICATIONS Real estate appraiser since 1981. President of Lynch Appraisal Ltd., located at 15 Dewey Street, Huntington, New York 11743. Appraised various types of real property on Long Island, New York City and Westchester County including multi-family dwellings,apartment buildings,commercial property,factories, warehouses, R& D buildings, office buildings, large residential estates, residential and commercial subdivisions, boat yards,and special-use properties. Prepared appraisals for use in estates,estate planning,feasibility studies, condemnation proceedings,tax certiorari, and matrimonial matters. Specialized in testimony such as area or use variances for properties. Applications have included proposed wireless communications sites,fast food establishments, convalescent homes,service stations,multi-family residences, new construction,etc. Appeared as Expert Witness: Nassau County Supreme Court. New York Supreme Court. Town of Babylon Zoning Board of Appeals. Town of Babylon Planning Board. Town of Babylon Town Board. Town of Brookhaven Board of Zoning Appeals. Town of Brookhaven Town Board. Town of Huntington Zoning Board of Appeals. Town of Huntington Planning Board. Town of Huntington Town Board. Town of Islip Town Board. Town of Islip Planning Board. Town of Riverhead Planning Board. Town of Riverhead Board of Zoning Appeals. Town of Shelter Island Zoning Board of Appeals. Town of Smithtown Board of Zoning Appeals. Town of Smithtown Town Board. Town of Southampton Planning Board. Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals. Town of Oyster Bay Zoning Board of Appeals. Town of Oyster Bay Town Board. Town of North Hempstead Board of Zoning Appeals. Town of Hempstead Board of Zoning Appeals. Town of Hempstead Town Board. Town of Shelter Island Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Bayville Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Brookville Board of Zoning Appeals. w 25 Appeared as Expert Witness(cont.): Village of Cedarhurst Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of East Hills Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of East Rockaway Board of Appeals. Village of Farmingdale Board of Trustees. Village of Farmingdale Planning Board. Village of Floral Park Board of Trustees. Village of Freeport Planning Board. Village of Freeport Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of Garden City Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Garden City Board of Trustees. Village of Garden City Planning Commission. Village of Great Neck Plaza Board of Trustees. Village of Great Neck Estates Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Hempstead Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Hempstead Personal Wireless Services Facilities Review Board. Village of Lattingtown Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Lawrence Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Lynbrook Board of Trustees. Village of Malveme Board of Trustees. Village of Massapequa Park Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Matinecock Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Mill Neck Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of Mineola Board of Trustees. Village of Munsey Park Board of Trustees. Village of New Hyde Park Board of Trustees. Village of New Hyde Park Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of North Hills Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Muttontown Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of Old Brookville Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Old Westbury Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of Oyster Bay Cove Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of Oyster Bay Cove Board of Trustees. Village of Oyster Bay Cove Planning Board. Village of Port Washington North Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Rockville Centre Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Roslyn Board of Trustees. Village of Roslyn Harbor Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Sea Cliff Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Upper Brookville Board of Trustees. Village of Upper Brookville Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Valley Stream Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of Westbury Board of Trustees. Village of Westbury Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Williston Park Board of Trustees. Village of Williston Park Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Asharoken Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Huntington Bay Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Islandia Board of Trustees. Village of Lloyd Harbor Board of Trustees. Village of Lloyd Harbor Planning Board. Village of Lloyd Harbor Zoning Board of Appeals. A � 26 Appeared as Expert Witness (cont.): Village of Northport Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of Northport Board of Architectural &Historic Review. Village of East Hampton Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Lindenhurst Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Lake Grove Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Bellport Board of Trustees. Village of Patchogue Planning Board. Village of Port Jefferson Board of Trustees. Village of Quogue Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of The Branch Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Head of the Harbor Board of Trustees. Village of Westhampton Beach Board of Trustees. City of Glen Cove Planning Board. City of Glen Cove Zoning Board of Appeals. City of Long Beach Zoning Board of Appeals. EDUCATION Hofstra University, Hempstead,New York: BBA -Management(1983); MBA - Banking & Finance (1991). TECHNICAL TRAINING Appraisal Institute Real Estate Appraisal Principles - Exam#IA-1. Basic Valuation Procedures - Exam#IA-2. Capitalization Theory and Techniques, Part A, -Exam#1B-A. Capitalization Theory and Tech. Part B, - successfully challenged Exam#1 B-B. Case Studies in Real Estate Valuation -successfully challenged Exam#2-1. Standards of Professional Practice, Part A (USPAP) - Exam#I410 Standards of Professional Practice, Part B - Exam#I1420 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��OV soyo Southold,Box 1179 11971 MARTIN H.SIDOR ,`0 l0 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS CA ac Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS �Q 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III ��', (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) DONALD J.WILCENSKI COU �� Southold,NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 15, 2011 Mr. Richard Comi 70 Cambridge Drive Glenmont, NY 12077 Re: New Cingular Wireless/MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 NYS. Rt 25, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Dear Mr. Comi: The Planning Department is in receipt of an amended application for a proposed 70 ft. monopole and wireless communications facility located at 40200 NYS Rt. 25, Orient. Please review the enclosed application for completeness and respond prior to January 51h, 2012. After the completeness review, we would like to schedule a teleconference to discuss the proposed site plan and the work that was done on the previous application at this site to determine the extent to which further review should proceed. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. Best regards, Brian Cummings Planner Encls. cc: Al Tagliaferri (with enclosure) Planning Board Heather Lanza, Planning Director t 0 Office Location: OF $Oujyolo Mailing Address: i aC nY ,,� Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank 53095 Main Road I 2� 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) # P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 G� 0 Southold,NY 11971-0959 i COUNiY,N http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax (631) 765-9064 MEMO TO: Planning Board FROM: Leslie K. Weisman, ZBA Chairperson DATE: December 12, 2011 SUBJECT: Request for Comments ZBA # 6533 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC As confirmed with your office, the ZBA is reviewing the following application, and enclosed copies of Building Department's Notice of Disapproval, ZBA application, and latest map. The Planning Board may be involved under the site plan review steps under Chapter 280 (Zoning), and your review and comments are requested at this time. The file is available for review of additional documentation at your convenience for reference if needed. NAME TAX#/ ZBA ZONING REQUEST SURVEY PREPARER ZONE CODE DATE STAMPED New Cingular 1000-15- 6533 Article Install a wireless October Hawkins Wireless 9-8.1 XVII, communications 2011 Webb PCS, LLC Section tower and Jaeger 280- equipment. PLLC 70(i)(3), Article XIII, Section 280-56 & Section 280-706. Your comments are appreciated within 30 days . 1h"k= enol s, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: October 17, 2011 Date: Amended Nov.9, 2011 TO: Re, Nielsen, Huber& Coughlin LLP for New Cingular Wireless LLC 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, New York 11743 Please take notice that your application dated September 29, 2011 For permit to install a wireless comm tower& equipment at Location of property: 40200 Main Rd., Orient, NY County Tax Map No. 1000- Section 15 Block 9 Lot 8.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction in the MII District is not permitted pursuant to Article XVII Section 280-70(i)(3), which states: "Minimum distance of all wireless equipment to adjacent residential property lines shall be no less than 500 feet.. Also, the proposed tower location is not permitted pursuant to Article XIII, Section 280-56, the Bulk Schedule. The required side yard setback is 25'. The proposed setback is approximately 7.1'. The proposed construction requires Planning Board site plan review & special exception approval per Section 280-70B of the Town Code. In addition, Trustees and DEC approval required. Authorized Signature CC: file, ZBA, & Planning Board .. . • ' • TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHWKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do you have or need the following,beldam applying? TOWN HALL Board ofHod SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 4 selrofBu1kWgVJ=s TEL: (631)765-1802 Planting Board FAX: (631)765-9502 Survey SoutholdTown.NorthFork.net. PERMIT NO. Check septic Form Trustoes Flood Permit Examined .20_ Storm-Water.AswpmeatFium Contact: Attcmey for Applicam: . . Approved- 20,' /'', — Mall to: Re,Nielsen,RuW&Coughlin,LLP Disapproved a/c—k-4 & - 36 N.New York Ave.,Huntington,NY 11743 pbwe 631-425.4100 Expirati VJ rTO�IIN7HDI o„ D Build n Inspector P CATION FOR BUIL DING PI~RMT . C`_ �� 20� 0 Date INSTRUCTIONS a.This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Buil Inspector with 4 sets of plans,accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on promises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas,and waterways. c.The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f.Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months aft the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize,in writing;the extension of the permit for an addition six months.Thereafter,a new pmuit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Perrin pursuaurto the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings,additions,or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing Cede,and rcgulatiov, andu admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary iospectiops. New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC (Sig"An of Applicant or more,if c tpration) 1444 E.Jericho Turnpike,Huntington,NY 11743 lMailiag addles:afapplialntl State whether applicant is owner,lessee,agent,architect,engineer,general contractor,eletdrioian,plumber or bulkier Applicant is Lessee Name of owner of premises M.G.H.Enterprises,Inca Tf n��CBn s�8 Urpprgttpn,st the tax roll or latest deed) B e� m lu art W i 0?er s f69,LL(": (Name and title of corp Joseph Sweet, System Developmen M ger Builders License No. Plumbers License No. N/A Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: oVJV+ll4ain R ��.R.25) Orient HO�SO oN c hamlet YMUDO unaanM ni Miilatlp � d6tl�l�!lldpltWi�Ygo�ection 15 Block 9 Lot 8.1 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot of premises and intended use and occupancy ofproposed construction: 2. Smte existing use end occtymnrry Prem uP c3r a. Exisft etre slid occupancy Restaumt and Marina f11CL"rrdCtil.9$e uitd O'1O11Penoy Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility �,. . ' , 3. Nattitti"Ofwotk(check whic>i,applicable),Nt wBwlding Addition " Alteration kwno%dJDemolition OtherWorkA�pplicant proposes n) erect a 70 ono .ole eta ppu lic utility roireTe s telecommrruications antennas therein, (Description) ndms 7,l =el`Ied equipment-on ground, all as.de €ted in the plans submitted herewith 688tt (To be paid on filing this application) S. If da+ell ,Triter of itweing rntiLv NIA Number of dwelling units on each floor lrovior-khow of tats- `' Restaurant and Marina business;6. If commercial or mixed occupancy,specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dinterisions of existing structures,if any:Front Rear Depth Heisllt 1Vumberof Stories Dimension§ of same structure with 91Mtgtions or additions: front Rear Depth , Heigh}. Number of Stories 8. Dimensions ofefitffe newconstruetion:Front heat' Depth ight HeNumber of Stories'•�70'stealtit monopole; +1-4.64 acres _sq.ft.AT&T equipment area 1 9. Sizeoflbt Front• Rear Depth I December 8, 1999 1:George F.Hasse(Eastern portion of property) March o�Name of Former Owner 2 Fitz Arnold Realty Co (Western portion of property) 10.Date'of purohase� 11.Zone or use district in*Cch premlwe ste situated Mn-Marine n 12.Does proposed construction,violate any zoning law,ordinance or regulation?YES_NO 13. Will lot be re-graded? PS:k...No—y ll excess fill be removed fiom premises?YES x NO 40200 Main Road 14.Names of Ownet,of as M G.H.Enterprises,IMAddrgs Orient,NY 11957 Phone No. iVG 11�F.Collins,AIA Amhit",Address 12-1 Technology Dr. hone No 631 689-8450_ Name of Architect Address eau et i733 -.Phone No. Name ofCottratxor 15 a Is'Ehis pr6pei tis'*bldvn 10th feet of a tidal wetland or a fieshwater wetland?*YES__2L NO •IF YES,kbiflb M TOWN TXtT. EES do D.E.C.PERNIIT MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland?*YES 'X NO • IF YES,D.E.C.PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16.Provide survey,to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. ttrt bn is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey 17. If t M a � (0533 I, l �plp Q� [ /• p1j Mi 1 _1B 18 1.9 A jjuJl/ VV Ml' IpHd y 11 tAA t" 1.f/. t1 15'� 18� U 1.IA 1 w 19 vtHH�' Cy/1 1-w) z2 zl mp5 1.22 Mf cn wimp K 45 ,9 nn 8 131 '�— Mi 48 mi 2 �� m ] M tfi w 1. A /s — — 'lll(. gL w, 15 m m 1,29 5 � N� p,,4 1 n 1.19- fi 11 as s s Mt Mt t] ' tse ,R 1d¢� W • 't ini 1.18 `'�' ai t 28 1.t0 nm e w nw N.6 � '151 a�10 Y y5 rt Yan e, s• 2]p - M247 0 auH "�•n "" ,fT " tAt '� l� N.1y fi • 09N 4.8 n nn \. 'gym � law 21.16 +u 1 20 jO 1.1fi O 1 t5 -5s1 1 M I wiwi Q Wf t] ae ,14 p ">I t x .5 Z _ 1A tl P- 24.15 2C.1B rw p 3 -'fiA 8 vi 1.12 •. "+6 t4 114 24 N iW w /j r• 's p•t5 p a1 •• n.i d .. 55 � w my S. 1B • 0 � 1.1] Y� j'j: N 4 ry �• 1.1A \5\ \ --T11 5Hc mm • � tyHcl � 50p\ ( i\ • > N90 � v5 d A l •• �'J 5«�� n � ! 14 1P pOi Y O � '� STATEK � NMy K ,.9Hq � g Gid Pit I i. I Te M SOUTH= SECTION NO K NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © E ,wo .wnrztt»<5.�w,ynA,w..,.�9n Real Property Tax Service Agency v ggfyy�„y)119[NA'PMTIONC,^< cwmy omrANwMW.NY nw1 y,{{p{XCpMttrA1(ks ie maueirE9 wl0drtw9rtv+VFONmswOof TTI[ p° a A ..CT u9 1009 w�r�w�wY P ® ® PROPERTVBW Fee:S Filed By: Assignment No. APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS FhKm No.40200 Street Main Road(S.R. 25) Hamlet Orient SCTM 1000 Section 15 Block 9 Lot(s) 8.1 Lot Sizepprox. 4.64 acrone Marine II I (WE)APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED November 9, 2011 BASED ON SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED October 28,2011. Applicant(s)/@wn€rpe): New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Mailing Address: 1444 E. Jericho Turnpike, Huntington,NY 11743 Telephone:516-567-8478 Fax: Email: NOTE:In addition to the above,please complete below if application is signed by applicant's attorney,agent, architect,builder,contract vendee,etc.and name of person who agent represents: Attorneys for Applicant: Name of Representative:Re,Nielsen,Huber&Coughlin,LLPforllDwnei[ Other: Lessee/Applicant Address: 36 North New York Avenue,Huntington,NY 11743 Telephone:631-425-4100 Fax:631-425-4104 Email: lre@mhclaw.com orjcoughlin@mhelaw.com Please check to specify who youcorrespondence to be mailed to,fr e above names: RApplicant/Owner(s), Authorized Representative, Other Name/Address below: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR REVIEWED SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED October 28,2011 and DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED Sept. 29,2011 FOR: ✓ Building Permit Certificate of Occupancy O Pre-Certificate of Occupancy Change of Use Permit for As-Built Construction Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article,Section,Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers.Do not quote the code.) Article XVII, Section 280-70(1)(3)and Article XIII, Section 280-56,the Article: Section: Subsection: Bulk Schedule Type ofA peal. An Appeal is made for: ✓ A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. Interpretation of the Town Code,Article Section FI Reversal or Other A prior appeal 21 has,❑has not been made at any time with respect to this Dronerty, UNDER AppealNo(s). 4905 Year(s). 2001 (Please be sure to research before completing this question or call our ojfice,for assistance) Name of Owner: • File# REASONS FOR APPEAL (additional sheets may he used with Preparer's signature): 0 AREA V,4RfANCE REASONS: (l) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties if granted,because: See Attached (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue,other than an area variance,because: See Attached (3) The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: See Attached (d) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: See Attached (5) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created?❑Yes,or gpNo. *See Attached Are there Covenants and Restrictions concerning this land: MNo.❑Ycs(glease furnish copy). This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health,safety, and welfare of the community. Check this box 0 IFA i USE VARIANCE IS BEING REQUESTM, AND PLE,9SE COhfPLETE THE 17TACHED USE V4Rf:INCF.SHEET.• (Please he sere to consultIq ur r ) New Cing ar 'r PCS,LLC B : Sign eI X p t or Authorized Agent plken mt 1 submit written Authorization from Owner) sworn t ,eft me to s, Jose S get, System Development Manager day of 1 0 �l Notary Public Vittoria Bretl^�,j Notary Public, State of New York No. 02BR6072822 Qualified in Naeew County ' Conlrrtiesion exp6p April 15,20� Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Application New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") Premises: Orient by the Sea Restaurant& Marina, 40200 Main Road, Orient,NY SCTM# 1000— 15 —9— 8.1 Reasons for Appeal: 1. An undesirable change will not be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties ifgranted, because: The instant proposal, which calls for the installation of a new antenna support structure on property in the MII Zoning District, will allow AT&T to provide reliable service to its users in the vicinity of the site. The proposed antenna support structure is a stealth 70' unipole design with proposed equipment to be located on the ground at the base of the pole and screened by proposed landscaping. Despite its placement within the 500-foot restricted area for wireless communications facilities bordering residentially-zoned parcels and placement within the side yard setback in the MII zoning district, the proposed facility and operation thereof would be contained entirely within the confines of the subject property and will not impact the use of nearby properties. Moreover, the proposed facility would be close to the Orient Beach State Park access roadway, but would not be adjacent to areas where beach users would congregate. The placement of the proposed facility upon a commercially-zoned and developed property within a mixed use area is appropriate, give the limited siting opportunities within the existing AT&T service deficiency gap area. Finally, there would be limited visibility of the proposed facility from surrounding residential uses. As such, it is not anticipated that the granting of the requested area variances would result in a significant adverse impact to the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. 2. The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: The applicant has a substantial service gap in the area that cannot be achieved by some other feasible means because its antennas must be located and affixed at least as high as proposed in order to ensure that reliable service can be afforded to AT&T users in the vicinity of the site. In order to eliminate the service deficiency in this particular area, AT&T's radiofrequency engineers performed signal propagation studies to determine the height and location of the needed cell site. Based on their studies, AT&T's radiofrequency engineers determined that the installation of the proposed facility at the subject premises will allow AT&T to provide reliable service in the vicinity of the Premises. Given the limited siting opportunities in the surrounding area, it is respectfully submitted that the use of the subject property for the proposed facility is the least obtrusive location available. Moreover, the placement of the proposed facility on the overall subject property is such that it would not interfere with on-site restaurant and marina operations, and the distance to residential uses to the north is maximized. As such, the benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method other than an area variance. 3. The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: As noted above, the proposal seeks to install a 70' stealth monopole with its public utility wireless telecommunications antennas concealed therein and the addition of supporting equipment, screened by landscaping, at the premises. The placement of the proposed facility in the southwest portion of the overall subject property is the optimal location, as it would not interfere with on-site restaurant and marina operations, and the distance to residential uses to the north is maximized. Moreover, although the proposed facility would be proximate to the property line of a residentially-zoned property, the adjacent property is not residentially- developed, but is the access roadway leading to Orient Beach State Park. 4. The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: The proposed facility would be unoccupied and would not result in an assembly of persons or excessive traffic. Operation of the proposed facility would not result in disturbance to nearby residential dwellings by reason of lights or vibration. Furthermore,the facility has been designed to mitigate visual impact to the maximum extent practicable. The proposed facility would be situated upon previously-disturbed ground. It would also result in the disturbance of a minimal amount of land entirely contained within the boundaries of the subject property. Finally, all work would be done in accordance with wetlands permits issued for the proposed action. As such, the proposed facility would not have a significant adverse impact upon the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. 5. Has the alleged difficulty been se f created? We submit that the difficulty was not self created. It is the result of the fact that there are no other available locations in the vicinity of the subject premises or on the subject premises that would be better suited for the placement of the proposed facility, for which a lease agreement could be secured, while still meeting the applicable Town Code requirements and AT&T's radio 0 frequency objectives in the subject search area. Inasmuch as the applicant is a public utility under applicable case law (Cellular Telephone Company v. Rosenberg, 82 N.Y.2d 364 (1993), it must only demonstrate that there is a need for the proposed facility and that the proposed facility is a more feasible means of providing reliable service than other options. The applicant submits that there is a substantial need for the facility and the location on the subject premises was chosen as the optimal site for which a lease agreement could be secured, while still meeting the applicable Town Code requirements and AT&T's radio frequency objectives in the subject search area. The proposed site represents the best means to provide reliable service in the area in question. Additionally, the requested variances allow for the placement of the proposed facility such that it would not interfere with on-site restaurant and marina operations, and the distance to residential uses to the north is maximized. 0 AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WHEN TO USE THIS FORM: The form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit,site Plan approval, use variance, or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in agricultural district. All applications requiring an agricultural data statement must be referred to the Suffolk County Department of Planning in accordance with Sections 239- m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law. 1)Name of Applicant: A\J (,tAuL.r \,(ftC zSS LLC 2)Address of Applicant: % )?_0o M�^ Rk I dr•-en�. (Vy 3) Name of Land Owner(if other than applicant) 4)Address of Land Owner: 5) Description of ProposedPro3ect: LnSF tt ,� ;less es�ntv�feni}owar �e4ti�nto} 6) Location of Property(road and tax map number): 006- IS- 1- 91i 7) Is the parcel within an agricultural district? ®No ElYes If yes, Agricultural District Number -8) Is this parcel actively farmed? 1']No ❑Yes 9) Name and address of any owner(s) of land within the agricultural district containing fictive farm operation(s) located 500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project. (Information may be.available through the Town Assessors Office, Town Hall location (765-1937) or from any public computer at the Town Hall locations by viewing the parcel numbers on the Town of Southold Real Property Tax System. Name and Address 1 2. 3. 4. S. 6. (Please use back side of page if more than six property owners are identified.) The lot numbers may be obtained, in advance, when requested from either the Office of the Planning Board at 765-1938 or the Zoning Board of Appeals at 765-1809. 12 Signature of Applicant Date Note: - 1.The local board will solicit comments from the owners of land identified above in order to consider the effect of the proposed action on their farm operation.Solicitation willbe made by supplying copy of this statement. - 2.Comments returned to the local board will be taken into consideration as part of the overall review of this application. 3.Copies of the completed Agricultural Data Statement shall be sent by applicant and/or the clerk of the board to the property owners- . identified above.'Me cost for mailing shall be paid by the applicant at the time the application is submitted for review.failure to pay at - such time means the application is not complete and cannot be acted upon by the board. 1-14-09 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------X in the Matter of the Application of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER At the premises: 40200 Main Road (a/k/a S.R.25) South side of Main Road, 400 feet east of Cedar Beach Road Orient, New York District 1000 Section 15,Block 9, Lot 8.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------X STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY QL- SUFFOLK ) Robert Haase,being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the Vice President of M.G.H. Enterprises, Inc.,owner in fee of the premises known as District 1000, Section 15,Block 9,Lot 8.1 (the"Premises"hereafter),and do hereby authorize New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC("AT&T"hereafter),and its representatives to bring such applications for municipal approvals as may be necessary for constructing or installing on the Premises such antennas, support structures, and related equipment as may be required for the establishment of AT&T's public utility wireless telecommunication facility. As such, I will fully cooperate with AT&T and its agents in obtaining any required Approvals. M.G.H. rprises, Inc. By: Sworn IT before me this 2 2 day of A/I J 5�' , 2011 V'�ctoria Brennan, Esq J �PubWe.Stft of New York No.02BROO72822 'NOTARY PU C C Apr$ M gT,Va�., 24Fle-�,11 MAIM,- ... . .. 4� ee 1wh o ................ JU a 10", ROO, n of and Wrn�Ahbrsdoukl et- balbtw,� IV. Celculathmil of I building areas and lofeav a(ftoft surveyor. EW ,mIyO,U,rPr 0' 4OV,," WNW P outw,0,,WOd0__ f lot by bulldhig'srok' 76.SW' "go o V. Purpose of New Construction: ._Applicant proposes to erect a 70P stealth monopole,install gublic utilitY wholeis telecommunications antennes dwein,and install related oguipment an the wound u, depicted jVw tbn plans fflihmittad h&mwth Vi. Plew describe the land contours(Ilat,slope heavily,wood94 maph at*ete.)on your land- and havi it relates to the diftulty in meeting the code requirement(s)i Flat Please submit seven(7)photos,labeled to show different angles of yard areas after staking corners for new construction),and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. 7/2002;VMS; 1/2DO7 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A.APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? Yea )(No B. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? ❑No r Yes,please explain on attached sheet. Np C. 1)Are them areae that contain sand or wetland grasses? SA AJ D 2)Are these areae shown on the map submitted with this application? tES 3)is the bullrheeded between the wetlands area and the upland building area? .TES 4)Ifyour property contains wetlands or pond maim,have you contacted the office of the Town Tmatees for its determination of jurisdiction? Yes Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: Atrolicatien filed on 9/15/09:Board of Trustees voted to ymove application at and if issued,please attach copies ofparmit with conditions and approved map.October 21,2009 Public Heermgv *Note:Applicant will seek amended Board of Tntetees approval mflwting cuaeat design D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the ams of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? NO E Are there any patios,concrete barriers,bulkheads or fences that exist and aro not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? N 0 (Please show area of these structures on a diagram if any exist. Or state"none"on the above line,if applicable.) F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? IJO If yea,please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department and describe: G. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? NO If yes,please label the proximity of your lands on your map with this application. H. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel Restaurant and Marina and proposed use Public utility wireless telecommunications facility (examplss: existing single-family; proposed: ams with garage or pool,or ower dascriptlos.) MGA Ent In .f " ~ `O hl By. Authorizdd Signature and Date 2/05;1/e7 APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM (FOR SUBMISSION BY OWNER and OWNER'S AGENT) The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of Town officers and emplovees The purvose of this form is to provide information. which can alert the Town of oossible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOURNAME: MGH Enterprises, Inc. (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company. If so,indicate the other person or company name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION:(Check all that apply.) Tax Grievance Variance Special Exception If"Other", name the activity: Change of Zone Approval of Plat Exemption from Plat or Official Map Other Do you personally, (or through your company,spouse, sibling,parent, or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the Town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the Town officer or em loyee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO Complete the balance of this form and date an sign below where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold: Title or position of that person: Describe that relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the Town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D(below)and/or describe the relationship in the space provided. The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C)an officer, director,partner,or employee of the applicant; or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this day of 2s�O Signature: Print Name: r etas • APPLICANT • TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM (FOR SUBMISSION BY OWNER and OWNER'S AGENT) The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of Town officers and Mlovees. The purpose of this form is to provide information. which can alert the Town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOURNAME: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company. If so,indicate the other person or company name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION:(Check all that apply.) Tax Grievance Variance X Special Exception If"Other", name the activity: Change of Zone Approval of Plat Exemption from Plat or Official Map Other Do you personally,(or through your company, spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the Town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the Town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO X Complete the balance of this form and date and sign below where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold: Title or position of that person: Describe that relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the Town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D(below)and/or describe the relationship in the space provided. The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted 's "da Signatur PrintN e S At S stem Development Manager APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Re,Nielsen,Huber&Coughlin,LLP YOUR NAME: By: Lawrence C. Re (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance X Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If"Other",name the activity.) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship"includes by blood,manage,or business interest."Business interest"means a business, including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO X If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted thisday yf _20bl Signature By: �� Print Name Form TS I Re, Nielsen,Huber&Coughlin, LLP Attorneys for Applicant . - APPEALS BOARD MEMS `�*' �ufw, � • Southold Town Hall Gerard E Goehringer,Chairman 53095 Main,Road James Dmaio,it. P.O.Boz 1179 Lydia A,Tormra Southold,New York 11971 Lora S.Collins �1A,_ ZBA Fax(631)765.9064 George Homing 'mj a�{ Telephone:(631)765-1809- BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONSAND DETERMINATION MEETING OF JANUARY 18,2001 App6 NO.490 { ParFsi Looatfont S(auth Ise ePMglq Road{ :R:25t.060 EL 1000819 9 8 1 Date of pubfia ttearinp_ January 4,2001. i FINDINGS OF FACT PRO% y FACTS: A site plan prepared by Architechnologies, dated October 19, 2000, shows tty subj4bt property to.be a parceCof 4.55 acres lyMg'between Malin Road and ` Gardlneei Bey In Orient It Is Improved with a restaurant and a marina for commercial'end recreational fishing boats: SIS OF PEAL Bulkling Inspector's Notice of.Dlsapprovsk dated'November 21,2000, pro Q�a 000hit�to construct an accessory building because h would be 3 feet from the propertir lift wftsreas Code section 121C(1)requires a minimum setback of 20 feet. RELIEF REQUESTED:: App)Icant requests a variance authorizing ttro lobation of the ac6sesbirikfing as proposed;with a 3-foot setback from the westerly lot line. WAW ONS FOR BOARD"A .OESCRIBED BELOW: On the basis of. testimony pressnthd niaterlals'ubrnHbd';and personal Inspedlon; the Board,makes the following findings: - (1) Applicant wants to..provide adequate restrooms for marinapatrons, as well as some cold storage for patrons' fish and ordinary storage space for his business. He proposes to build a 20 x 40-foot structure conalning thew facilitles. (2)The property Is deep from Main Road to the Bay,but narrow,and the entire center Is a boat basin. The relatively narrow Wp of land between the westerly lot line and the boat basin Is paved and provides vehlcuiar access with parking spaces abutting the westerly lot Ilns.. The rational location for the proposed building Is on this paved strip. Although there Is open land near Oardinies Bay, that would be a very Inconvenient location for the proposed building. (3) In order to minimize interference with vehicular traffic moving through the property and using the parking spots on the westerly edge of the property,applicant wants to place the proposed building only 3 feet from the westerly lot line. The Board believes this location is desirable for vehicular and pedestrian safety. Since the,land to the west is open parkland owned by New York Stats, construction In the proposed location will not produce an undesirable change in tet character of the neighborhood or detriment to nearby properties. .Page 2-January 1e1 ` Appl.No.4905-Orient by the Sea Marina 1000.159-5.1 at Orient (4)There isms evidence-Ahol grAct of,the fegpestsd.vulance;will have an adverse affect or impact on physical or environmental conditions (5) The action set forth below Is the minimum necessary and adequate to enable applicant to provide adequate restroom andstorage facilltlas In a rational location while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTIONIACTION: On motion by Member Collins,seconded by Member Dinido,It was RESOLVED, to GRANT the requested variance subject to the CONDITION that the accessory structure shall at no time be used as sleeping or living quarters, Vote of the Board: AYES: Members Goehringer,DinWo,Tortora,Collins. (Member Homing of Fishers Island was absent.) This Resolution was duly adopted(4-0). i MD ERARD P.GOEHRINGE,;CHAI/ G N D •( �a i i _ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER UAE-ET- Al c)o- DO VILLAGE / DIST. SUB. LOT I.0. /+, �N%E.C°Pr•� `c r � e- , ,- !�`..1r /+l�,;L� V h r e v1 / �� — FORMER OWNER E ACR. �tiz - ARdaID /1fF4iy ia, d? r I1. : S i / r � -lite Fva S W TY16E OF-BUILDING ES, SEAS. VL. FARM Comm B. MISC. Mkt. Value D IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS . JAW* 7-d h eOC/-i �� ad eea.-P 11 o , c, ee'owe4e, To 141-held 01 ello EA /d Td L.d� X L- so.9 stn`; -zoo / 76 AoT--d, e� Tex - o - or 1 C FAFty"a� ho bT�G.d �eHnaln. a 2 Ot- •a•At- -fAe r �Yy -fF�no/d 0 QQ o1 3 17'- �1 / 7 '1 6/Yd axil, rav �- S� £ - e .;, r J� kA O B 1LDINGC0 ITI 3/.29/79 SOLD '��000 p`F9. iz'AP/NcLD SPtALi/ z%. lon.G CAI ieerr,se7 LAcre Value Per V�u //,�7/d'q -®P� 0/ 7726 -�5A'• cslfiara#ionf» ex�5tin5 Ui�;nq / , ''�oo I I p •// sow "illable 2 'illable 3 Voodland `� o� r .s. wompland FRONTAGE ON WATER75 Y�p rushland FRONTAGE ON ROAD louse. Piot DEPTH BULKHEAD t � ytc 8� Zom� 'otal DOCK A u 14L4 / b o k -4E 4 �. 'd �— it r* .. •n, r. ONE ■■■tea■ ■■E' lia■i��/■■■■1!!OME SEEN SMIWIMIN&MMASEMI= rL - ■■■■eo!/„■■kQKA■■■■■■■'■ii3■■■■■■ n ■r-����_=■_■■mai■■■■■■■ ■■ ■■■■�i�■ e■■I■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■�� '`n �■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ • da ior Finish •.. -� Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 15 - 9 - 8 .1 The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board 0 Planning Dept. E Building Dept. E Board of Trustees 0 ]. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital 0 construction,planning activity,agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan,subsidy) (c) Permit,approval,license,certification: Nature and extent of action: Un-manned Public Utility wireless Communication Services Facility consisting of panel antennas mounted within a 70 ' RF-transparent monopole, elevated equipment platform and trenched conduit . Location of action: 40200 Main Rd. , Orient Point, New York 11957 Site acreage: 4 .55 Presentlanduse: un-manned public utility wireless communications facility Present zoning classification: Marine II (MII) District 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant:New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (b) Mailingaddress: 1444 E Jericho Tpke . Huntington, NY 11743 (c) Telephone number:Area Code( ) Cingular (516) 567-8478 (d) Application number,if any: Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes %❑ No❑ If yes,which state or federal agency? FCC DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ❑X Yes ❑ No [:] Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria © Yes E No ❑ Not Applicable Refer to attachment 0 Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria © Yes E No 0 Not Applicable Rpfpr to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria © Yes 11 No 11 Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria E Yes E No ®Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal FIsh and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes E No[] Not Applicable Refer to attachments Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes ❑ No❑ Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Refer to attachment PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ❑ YesEl No[E Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ N Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes ❑ No❑ Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable Created on 512510511:20 AM Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED FACILITY: Construct a new 70-foot ag1 RF-compatible monopole with antennas installed inside within a fenced compound to accommodate equipment for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (William F. Collins, AIA drawings last revised 10/28/11, attached). The proposed public utility wireless communication services facility will be located near the western boundary of the Orient by the Sea restaurant. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy I. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. The adverse effects of development are mitigated by siting the proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-11) land in this part of Reach S. The proposed location is adjacent to the Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) USDA ferry terminal. The existing eight-foot high chain link fencing topped with barbed wire, and the tall lighting stanchions at the PIADC are not positive enhancements to the scenic qualities of the SR 25s byway. The use of a 70' tall RF-compatible concealment monopole with antennas mounted inside, partially screened by the planting of new juniper trees, and the siting of the facility within a commercially zoned area, will preserve open space, make efficient use of existing infrastructure and minimize the adverse effects of development. In addition, by siting the proposed un-manned telecommunications facility is a commercially developed area, the proposed project will not add to the increasing development pressure on the Town's extensive agricultural areas and on the waterfront that threatens the rural character of the community and its natural resources. In addition, verbal discussions with government personnel from the Town of Southold conducted in May 2006, and a review of public hearing transcripts indicate that public opposition to the construction of telecommunication towers is generally limited to residential areas, and not the Mil zone for the proposed facility. These objections pertain mainly to aesthetics from obstructed views, and perceived declines in property value from the presence of telecommunication towers (Environmental Assessment Report, Orient Point Telecom, Site LI-1059, Block 9, Lot 8, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY, prepared by AMEC Earth and Environmental, Inc., on behalf of GeoTrans, Inc., dated June 9, 2006). With regards to community considerations, Based on the above, the proposed undertaking meets the longstanding planning goals of the Town of Southold which are to "reflect the interest in preserving and enhancing the natural and built environment and providing opportunities for a level of growth and expansion of the economic base that is compatible with the existing scale of development availability of water, existing sensitive environment of the Town and its historic heritage." Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. On May 5, 2009, Richard Grubb and Associates, Inc. completed a Section 106 consultation package and submitted a request for comments in which they determined that "No Historic Properties" were identified at the location of the proposed undertaking (then a 100' monopole). SHPO policy states: "if the SHPO does not provide written notice to the Applicant that R agrees or disagrees with the Applicant's determination of no Historic Properties affected within 30 days following receipt of a complete Submission Packet it is deemed that no Historic Properties exist within the APE or the Undertaking will have no effect on Historic Properties. The Section 106 process is then complete and the Applicant may proceed with the project, unless further processing for reasons other than Section 106 is required." No response from SHPO was received within the following 30-day comment period. As such, concurrence with the project's determination of "No Historic Properties" was assumed. EBI submitted an addendum to the original submittal that reflects the design change to an 80' monopole on August 28, 2009. The original determination of"No Historic Properties" remained the same. In addition, Sara Ayers-Rigsby, MA, RPA, Project Archaeologist with EBI Consulting, reviewed the previous archaeological assessment, new site plans, and NYSHPO correspondence for the proposed telecommunications facility at the above-referenced location. It is the professional opinion of Ms. Ayers-Rigsby that the shift in the tower position to the north and expansion of the equipment compound from the original I I' x 26' (3.6 x 7.9m) lease area to 12'8" x 29'10" (3.9 x 9.1 m) does not significantly alter the archaeological findings of Richard Grubb and Associates, Inc.,who concluded in April 2006: "The APE-Direct Effects lies in an area of moderate to high potential for prehistoric and low potential for historic resources. However, based on the prior ground disturbances caused by extensive grading and infilling related to the construction of the existing marina, parking lot, wooden fence, and the installation of the existing utilities, it is highly unlikely that significant archaeological resources exist in the APE- Direct Effects. As such, Richard Grubb & Associated recommends no further archaeological survey." The drawings have since been revised again (dated 10-28-11)to shorten the proposed tower height to 70 feet above grade, to move the AT&T equipment pad to the north side of the tower, and to to increase the cabinetry height to 12.5 feet ag1. Based on the above, the proposed undertaking will protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria A. Minimize introduction of structural design components (including utility lines, lighting, signage and fencing) which would be discordant with existing natural scenic components and character. The proposed undertaking is located in • a commercially-zoned area and only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach 5. The proposed location is adjacent to the Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the PIADC USDA ferry terminal. The existing eight-foot high chain link fencing topped with barbed wire, and the tall lighting stanchions at the PIADC already introduce structures discordant with the neighboring scenic character. In order to mitigate discordant elements introduced by a new telecommunications facility, a 70' tall RF-compatible concealment monopole with antennas mounted inside is proposed, which will reduce its visual footprint In addition, landscaping, screening and fencing will be designed in accordance with the Town of Southold Wireless Code. B. Restore deteriorated and remove degraded visual components. N/A C. Screen components of development which detract from visual quality. Landscaping screening and fencing will be designed in accordance with the Town of Southold Wireless Code. D. Use appropriate siting, scales, forms, and materials to ensure that structures are compatible with and add interest to existing scenic components. The proposed undertaking is located in a commercially-zoned area and only commercially zoned (M-11) land in this part of Reach 5. The use of a 70' tall RF-compatible concealment monopole with antennas mounted inside will mitigate issues of scale and form when viewed from neighboring noncommercially--zoned land. E. Preserve existing vegetation and establish new indigenous vegetation to enhance scenic quality: I. Preserve existing vegetation which contributes to the scenic quality of thelandscape. 2. Allow for selective clearing of vegetation to provide public views without impairing values associated with the affected vegetation. 3. Restore historic or important designed landscapes to preserve intended or designed aesthetic values. 4. Restore or add indigenous vegetative cover that presents a natural appearance. The proposed undertaking will not disturb existing vegetation and new vegetation will be planted in accordance with Town of Southold Wireless Code. F. Improve the visual quality associated with hamlet areas. N/A G. Improve the visual quality of historic maritime areas. N/A H. Protect the visual interest provided by active water-dependent uses. The proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach S. The proposed location is adjacent to the Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the PIADC USDA ferry terminal. Visual interest provided by active water- dependent uses will not be adversely impacted. I. Anticipate and prevent impairment of dynamic landscape elements that contribute to ephemeral visual qualities. The proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach 5. Dynamic landscape elements that contribute to ephemeral visual qualities will not be affected. J. Protect visual quality associated with public lands, including public transportation routes, public parks and public trust lands and waters. Siting the proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach 5, and limiting the height to 70'with antennas placed inside the stealth pole, will mitigate impacts to the visual quality of the area, including Orient Point County Park to the east, and Orient Beach State Park to the west. The construction of an 70' stealth pole, while taller than existing structures, will not be incompatible with the adjacent commercial facilities (Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the PIADC USDA ferry terminal). Orient Point State Park is the most intensely used, publicly-owned, scenic resource in Southold Town. Due to its geographic location, this park provides uninterrupted panoramic vistas of the open waters of Gardiners Bay, and with views of Gardiners Island, Shelter Island and Montauk in the distance. The proposed undertaking will not interrupt these vistas. The North Fork Seaview Trail follows SR 25 for its entire length within Reach S. The easternmost terminus of SR 25 runs alongside the staging area of the ferry dock. Both the Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the PIADC USDA ferry terminal already negatively affect the scenic resources of the State-designated Scenic byway on which they front due to the existence of extensive paving and lack of landscaping, is the primary cause. The introduction of the proposed stealth monopole at the proposed location is the best option to minimize visual intrusions to the area. I. Limit water surface coverage or intrusion to the minimum amount necessary. N/A 2. Limit alteration of shoreline elements which contribute to scenic quality. N/A K. Protect visual quality associated with agricultural land, open space and natural resources. Siting the proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach 5,and limiting the height to 70' with antennas placed inside the stealth pole, will mitigate impacts to the visual quality of the area. The visual quality of agricultural land, open space and natural resources will be protected. I. Maintain or restore original landforms except where altered landforms provide useful screening or contribute to scenic quality. Existing landforms will not be altered. 2. Group or orient structures during site design to preserve open space and provide visual organization. All supporting structures will be located within a proposed equipment compound screened by new plantings. 3. Avoid structures or activities which introduce visual interruptions to natural landscapes including: a) introduction of intrusive artificial light sources; Intrusive artificial lighting is not proposed. b) fragmentation of and structural intrusion into open space areas; open space areas will not be affected c) changes to the continuity and configuration of natural shorelines and associated vegetation The natural shoreline will not be affected ! ! Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for the site area indicates that the property and the surrounding areas are located within Zone AE, which is defined as "Special Flood Hazard Areas Inundated by 100-Year Flood", with a base flood elevation of 8'. The proposed equipment platforms will be raised to mitigate negative impacts to the Flood storage capacity of the area. Policy S. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. N/A Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. The proposed undertaking is sited on commercially-developed land and will not impact the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. In a response letter dated November 21, 2005 to GeoTrans, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service reported that except for occasional transient individuals, no Federally-listed or proposed endangered or threatened species under their jurisdiction are known to exist within the project impact area. In addition, no habitat in the project impact area is currently designated or proposed "critical habitat" in accordance with provisions of the Endangered Species Act(ESA) (87 Stat. 884, as amended;16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). According to the "Guidelines for Consultation with NY Natural Heritage regarding Proposed Collocations of Telecommunication Facilities on Existing Towers and Buildings", issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)— Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources, dated May 2009, for communications facilities projects that involve "New or existing towers, antennae,and associated equipment installed at a location currently wholly occupied by lawn, pavement and/or gravel,"the NYSDEC does not"have any records of rare species or significant natural communities which will be of concern in relation to the proposed projects." Inasmuch as the proposed project is located on land previously disturbed, rare species or significant natural communities will not be affected by development of the proposed undertaking. Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. The proposed undertaking will not generate air pollution. Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. The proposed undertaking is un-manned and will not generate solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. N/A Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water- dependent uses in suitable locations. N/A Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. N/A Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. The proposed undertaking will be located in a commercially zoned land, thereby protecting agricultural land. Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. NIA �e �s at&t 3 $° SITE NUMBER: NYCENY1059 m bs SITE NAME: ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT Em 40 ab a DRAWING INDEX REV. DIRECTIONS: PROJECT INFORMATION ?� T-1 TITLE SHEET 8 ulo D.n2 DIOR91-v¢sF)TARE RAND(hart)ONTO m-17 c g` h1 SITE PTAH 6 TUM RKM ONT)R TAKE RWV CMO SR-4 BCOF[OFMga: M VXWIINEO 1E E WINIAM AT GRIDE IN LW (GTTI TEIE6YYUWGMNS EWFLEM AT CRV:E LLKL nRIP HEN 8-- A-2 PARTIAL SITE PUN 6 mE oNRD(�)ONTO JE9PSIDGIVIDiS fY TPRE)Iry wlc�aROM1-295 CINNS BRONX Exvr EIEVAT OD STEEL NON RIF rt v TDCRONRAREN AND rttulFn.w(Exx15 [NEM [ YWxTEO INSCE NEM NETRµSPMEM NOVO TD >'5 A3 EAST ELEVATION 6 TARE NANR(DWO omo CMOs BLIND PNr AT M 3OM WIMP NOW ONTO NLP(0.4 W) 9rtRADwe99: wzoo uux RD. ILP.S.R.zs) rIIQ RIIP(IFiT)OXTO F49s[EC.TC WSIMV)EMP!]AT CITT 73.MAN OFT ONTO R/lIP CRICNT PONT. 4N, 11957 AA ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 6 1IEP GTr ro srAT aN RAMP evR RlDlf(ve0 oxrD ON-ss I=couRmr RD] k A-3CABINET DETAILS XOZP sTRNa(rtxpSR-z [10414 RD]rvrtx Lm(NORm-wT ONTO Int w MANMEAST dR0 ON-49[NIDDM RDI TDRx LEFT(NpIIT)o IX-49(WUN 01 cROPRlfrvowxm: WGN.EMFRPRDIM.INC. A-6 ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAILS 6 KEEP STWORT DRO W-25[NMN RD] A AT MN RD.LNNEM POM M 11967 5E A-7 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 6 CONTACT PRmoN: .081 (831)323-2424 STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN,NOTES AND DETAILS 6T _ E-1 ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM AND NOTES 6 VICINITY MAP NEN CN aI wlwEss xs.ILC _ E42 ELECTRICAL DETAILS,SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATON5 8 mss. W0702" E.T AC SINGLE4JNE DIAGRAM FOR ARGUS T DC POWER PLANT a ullrvoe N 4e 9-P ••xm(es) LplpfNOE ..1ND s'r E4 SYBTEY DIAGRAM,TOWER SREWITH OUTDOOR&15E BAND AM,ON GROUND6 R1avnTxxe N 7z 1Y MIX (9a) ID- ANSL g€ Eb DCR/DC CONVER�h'ROIrtDOOR BASE BAND RRHa ON GROUND 6 wNaoNORD. rwN Or W. E, TELCO,ELECTRIC,GROUNDING PLAN AND DETAILS 6 - 9KK r WN NURINR: ZON a LOT:6.1 sec: 15 U '!' + / roxMD w1rt1c7 zaNE.NwME n uw:n/A Ea GROUNDING DETAILS 6 :kI „" o a. RBliue N WRINNRESTwROM �'(�11 pppgFy yINA/RESTwRIM/MREL65 CO4WuwGnD15 FACWIY IN �sd 44 eD+ Av sTmlcllou slue NEEr OR L71e®ALL APPIICIBIE INTgNL AND Lout cobs.INcwaNc eur ) h Falti`� `'1 .' I ff SITE QUALIFICATION PARTICIPANTS v' NOT IIWRF➢TO 1XE FIXLf/MNG: y .w iic" y.lw, 9"1 1 T N IyyE CWPIWI NOMBER &YIOMG CCCE OR THE T.of s[UIHDO -ANFAIGN soGEtt FOR TErnxc IMTFIWLS(Am) T4 1(N�'I. If+'I _ A/E xNL A wCDGW.i➢ NILLYN P.COWxs.M W9-945D -BWDINO CODE OS TANOHE CODE OF NMI YORK (eOCA>-AIIFMKIN srMIWA05 A59CCW XM A9y \Y' ayW 1 /ACxI1ECTs.IN 9wtnMc COOT a THE srATE OF NM rarac -uxomxmlFns u9oRATORIEs(11L1 \ a✓ / R -W.TpW.EIECIRIc CODE MEC) -FNipNY F1EC1Mc YWOFKTIAES/SsaCNTgI MEw) y€ / +I Y s•C viCTQiU 9RENNW SNDK z sNG£ (631)907-7aM -WAONµFIRE PROM ASSOCNTMRI(KEEN y 15 L°b tT RF sNWm N11wN KCNIEL TEIMCONNUxICATCNs (978)239-5329 CAN RID4RD C FACMFL 1EIMCOMNUxICATxMs (201)216-7763 11.MM1U 1. _.° yy, NMI COwT wo :`� _._--ORI[l�� TIAL su RssTMIP/NI (631)323-2424 A y° _ ary(Itri qyl� az ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ® yTp li = iY - 6 AT&T MOBILITYP` .P c x r s c r s.1.c. NYCENY1059 /L41068 `Ul` p .M+ aa.onLE sxEEr 4O 0OTWIN RD ATNT .081L TY r - Is FASTµMIDIND VENUE ga `" ^"`°"" •" "'""^ ORIENT POINT. Y 1957 qF Us.N, 07652 /�.` Dz694 69J NYCENY1059 - 6 6 5 4 3 m2 4 a.-m1..e.m1 1 oe F NEM A fl£LImG Cg1WR5 rRENCXEO u IsiING oKRnEPD `£ nuT,uNEs s UNDER ARO. PPCY NET.Arhr aEt TD Vnum POIf YJs OEvoxo �, H €. YETu ARO ascaWEcr wPPORr RKm ro xex 0 ^g AT&T EIECIRIC PW YWMFD S XI/ XEM AT&T IFLCO R"D �f P� cE FlEVA1FD EWIPYFHT PIAIPORY.$fE t/A-x FOR IREII RD UMEA4fl j FRCP PROPERTY UNE i7P. F YORE Ma11WKN FASTING VIILIIY PA Yds M ' NEW MF$/.WIN G.911EI AT E%ISiING RESrWMNi 3F SMIMSf CCPNER Gf L AVD MARINE MELING _ pp11TTpp gICPERIY MN XG PRWENIY STATION G STM•.. DATA ED B!ORIENT • EXISTNG iRWSFORMER. POINT STATE PMx .� S)Iv MI6/b.DIG.YAR[A.OHx v.VM CW •I 4ElER AND gECONNELi 7 Bn a v IeXeMGE m ww ReIWIe DG W1Y•a m-1 > DG n t o IW.YGI m XYG1 a.xY]D vlv K-r LOGIYJN�1r# q°I lt xvo lwavv[[mm amnlxs rvuasner Irt qnrbb NOR,ATT a c AND ECT WK.SEE 1/A-4 F'OR MORE INFORMAIRON t pA lq�x n f v Y}Xv[m IGlxl YeYIY vY T�IP Ex15YING siOMGF C s <Iv VIeN[m PIx ow GNY BVILOIxG 56 nfvRGG[mIG11111®OM lomr b 1£flta \ ffi; la)f vls'v[mvnl mnw lo[ vY S�.PJ.S(P 6°y I)a v woG[m M xoenv R"A"aslYn InlawvlmmYX»vo rvI S�`_�n v� '•11�a 6 1nav RealmsrRa uY a1YYY r-. e • a v GGRI m M Yurro wl1 w'-r ��fl o�oe. �,A� �m alo lGwAm vml mWa .Fa 1aY.�YelelGl m.GlNowI.MW WmIYI 1rb M / d` , $ FG.1aR DgRRe m Ym rve.Rll. r-r / �\ 6_ vmY6eYaGlYmwi MXWYIR w'b MEW 11'4 IWI 6 S i / •� r0✓11 Pj Td D.C..TP.Cf(S) 0� 11P COMPARE WNDPDIE 9E 6§ ON NM TEM AWCOWM,r ` COREN BWC $ WIEMMX-MLLWIG/SWCO GBWEIS YWMED E O EIEVARDD 4LLYIHEm SOM vPUrFORY.$FE I A-1 Pqi p'4 e� e j WTE: NOS Y ACRE IHFaiW CaORIGra1 5 i0 CONIRM:TOR r0 PRGNCE 1FM AT&T 70'-a NXM RF 163i0RE NIY MFA 511E WECNIC SIGNI[L Ix t i 2YPAMtaE YOXOPO�MO /• p�F?,ill M. IS IFF DM/C D RT MCMDWCE WRN AThT E; A KAS.10 Bf CXTERM ro ° / AXt'IIIEYS ANO/dt SPECwIG1KK15 Fqt SNE / P`45�faR' SCORE OF won N M5 slciwE. 1 EXISTING ?� 0 NO1F• C NSTSDA N AND PIACENEM =1 ATki '6 •< 44v 7 f J 5 M WOE ftGW1FDroIM 4 TE FIGRIIY YNL NOT a.y.� II Jk erwlum ro E]mIRE NIFRFERE rmm PANO E USA m£ t` /�N l� MMT FNSnNC CWMUNI NOlPA16YL5510OR B e 6 NDRIN �+ /% oanGeED. RE MER CO RAao,MieAaGX S&MER R WON IGMINS INIQYM GaE IFIIC05 WII�GM.16F NR StHMF.S OR WON EIEGIRICK 85 I`aP AR SO,I,,'I W R-W MOTOR-C PflpR i(1 6Y.MIlaNO. TRMSSSSKN UMES' .., % - A`�• IU`p u—IGSM IN'-C 100'4 lar_p OW. NC DFPICIS 1NE INWNIAIKN CF PROPOSED ANIEMUS. La••�n fKA1110 ETC. T ARE i0 BE MWNIFD'MINA ME LlE100.4 100'-C I W'-C PROPoSED Ca1PATBIE Ma1CPaE SIPUCNRE.A CYMCW.IE FW ROA.5 TO.a9GNED BY A NEW TOTE( SiAIE IlCEN5E0 ANIFESSICWL MR.,SWNED NO VYEMAMN Fd1 MI5 WORK SIMLL 2E FlIID RY O,,R RS. b• / E%ISTNG 9Wi IAUNCN RWP 1` .1.VHOWLIYNr YEGEaIGX,'w'.' // IPS m�SNxVMNINS WERGI.wEGER PLLL. 3118 80111E 111. e E rRNEP AND BCAIS ro aFMEO Alai 10 srlM Cf �� EXISTING BULxnFAO §k• _ (IDATED JJULrS NU io08�EDEU NO:06-WR18i n1-nT]. RDxrx .og Ex5iING S40RElINE 1 TyN,WY 1 ` A §a SITE PL ANG�RDNE $ y -� Exlsar lNc eEMW RCE p (]x • X EREFER w��� g;�%1w":'••'°..„ BAY � 5 §$ ppyTy 0 � ATkT MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ® Qty{` Rv L1Na.EnL� NYCENYf058 /V-1058" 6 •�,.. I; Y SITE PLW m= xcnTT ec rs NY)OPO AT&T`yB,z uNYw YM.,• T z .OJ MryYRD Is EAsr DLAND AV rvuE ORIENs0P00 OONTN11851 PARAMS0]GS] •Z OF N6 5 4 3 �MCEMNYN10;8 nu A-I i G R. SEEM AN,EG.w TRAE-ERS AN.BOATS IN Aft,G, K C".NEOR 10 START .6 w� DASHED UNES,W,KSEM, E)GGMO SPI m m (5)NER'14-W HIGH J�MENNIMINA 0 T-If D ENI GC�ME I/A-7 FOR MORE INFORMATION A 1 0 4-T .AT.T.AND PONER AAWITS ASSORTED TO A. TPORM -T, (1)zz;=CABREIS STACKED Hm Oft TO SE HAMORM11-ME�Nffi/E-1 tV �)�. q NVY AURC� �N.CHERNETT ME �T.T EN.GENEWTON, rjl,�" I/A-5 FOR MORE INFORMATION _T NOF AT&T 8-ECTRIG GOHD IT TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM Wif AT4T�GNCUMIPIER�MI TO LE PIT cc OF HEN.Ol..PAI IdI ON NM AT&T EEKORMENT kATINDIRM.SEE I/A-I. I AND 5M/A-4 MENI CONGRE, W. MESA WAR cAGNI t T/E— TA .0 IA-1 NOR MORE RIFOflMMP.. �01 1") oHER AGET TI CONCUR TRENCHED UNDR�OROUNO PROM NM MESA G�GANNET TO MEN mr rj AMR..ON NEV AT&T EQUIPMENT PLAVICAN T� T—T TETCO HANDRAIL SEE I AND 566 -4 FOR MORE ININDFMATION -1--------- -- c ING —(II).AT.T RRIPS MOKINTEG ON UNENMIT WGURIED m"m�"MENR NAMORM NAI MET ME AM.SNOT TVA ll�/A-5 FOR MORE INFORMATON 11, T—NGv w GO.Ir.. E.m LEASE AREA VO —NGV AT&T EXHINNENT CAEMETS MOAHWED ON HEM G"VAMEGG S`M- -MEN .� HIGH CHAMJNK�NIGH 4--17 SAW.0 G EEN EDGE'PRIMACY SLATS OR EQUA-SEETWET A-7 FOR WOW G TO INNORMATION -�MZ�ff iR"YE D PON MEW FORMATION ss RM AT&T ANTENNA CAMES WHITING)MR. M�ATED GE WIDGE TO NM MORO� Fx A Nm--UNIT M-- BRIDGE POST WE WI/A-S FOR MOM MEN.ANTEN.GABLE.RACK E.SEE hQML 5i NEW JI/A-1 FOR NOW WGFNANO. ANTENN,CA13 ORA. EA ME STM FN� TEN G� .TV THIS SHEET Is W Ir REI (6) -T-1 TELCO CON= W GtIMPAII ROM:-S.Gi A HEM AT*T ANTENHAS MGAJNTED VETHIN RIP COMPATIBLE C�ENT MOHO� CABLINC ETC."T" D (2)ANTENNAS PER SGCTXNt.SM I/A-3 AND 3/A-.NO.NGN�INFORMATION GO WgEN.SIANE To ME ONANNH,MAI,E AGGAE. NEN 70-V HIGH AT&T ST�ATM CCNCEMMENT MI EUEGTRRC F WCE"M UE ��ONN ED AND MIUEG NN,M U -v,-T/E, GE-co s Eu:mc cmwff d m EATIENGMea TO go�) K S.BE FILED G 4M NON�MHDATION BY OMENS ME CUSPNG AMSL S'AOT ELEVATION A zp PARTIAL SITE PLAN 7 NOW GO.THIS SHEET .F. F ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT AT&T MI 1-1-1069 Fm I afttNYCENYlN9/ PARTIAL SITE PLAN T E C T S L L P NY7320 AT&T MOBIL� �.2..MAN H� IS EAST I..D�ENLC 0 944 A GIENT POINT N,Y 1$957 1 A-2 PARAMUS. NJ 07652 G Hl�,Nyl -W 4 6 2 ^¢ NEW R.G. PAn (oliulweEe ro m'- % RID. XEW ATkT mews COAcI:A AFM MI1 Q(1)/.4-.FOR MARE Wf9NMAN COIPATBIE .z (3)NEW AT&T UMrs/OSII ANIflYKS AND(0)MI NWNTF MNTRM W D •i CC1SFI CCNCTNYEW!NWCPMF.TN.EEE 2/A-6 FOR YDS INFORMATION 2 —Nm TV-V 1001,AT&T W COYI PANCFIIIETR MCN MNOU aY RID. NEW AT&T AMI--- (m BE ENIFIgMRE To i0'-P) > AN AT&T CWdIL ANM1NMA bBIFS 0.WIE0 M11MN NPM Aiki T+� NSSN IE SEE 1/A-$FW No.INFORMATCN gS6 (S)NOW 14'-P NIOX,%MIPEWs SRI 0 T'-W O.C.BEY 0110.SEE 1/A-7 So B FTM MORE WFO1NAIMN sg FOR CCNCI NF ND YgIN1ED MESA$PIN UBNET BEYDIID.YE 1/A-3 e FOR 110NE 11ORS a l2)NEW AT&Ti EPS UNrt YWNIFD TO MEN GBIE ICE MtlWE POST.SFE 1111A/A-6 €� ftiR MORE wFORINnW a£ NEW.MEVATEO flH1E ICE IN IIX£.SFE 2 AND 4/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION B� MEW AT&T NIfFIMA ll&E SUPPORT RICX.$EE 3/A-4 FOR MORE INYIXMAl1011 RE NEW AT&T WIOOOD EOUPYDM, AI YDIIMRD ON NEN DXMAMD C Z= MEVN11$Ep SIEFL%ATFOM.TOR.SEE 1/A-S FOR YgiE WFOR.. 6Pv Su I KW A _PpiMWEOf•E' LWRI "n AND ORDEN PKYKI'SRAn ON SGML SEE SXEET A-7 NOR INFORMATION bi (SIDI SHRUBS S I (3)NFN AT&T RMIS Yq.Mm ON SUPPORT'PIG%.SEE I IICB/A-5 FCR MORE IXFORWTpI B� T.O.No,FENT IND T.O.AM CE MIDGE E U14FM I e E AT&T EWPYFNE(-ANNE! NEW El£VA1FD GALV.VtlZEo SIFFL EWPYENT PUIfdM.SEE 1/A-8 PON WMf IMttRYI,nON g9 ro.xex LoxER CE B%DEE 5'-S3 IDL 111'-S}AI vO 9'T.O.NEW AiIT EWPYEM MTFNiM NEW CNICIEIE PIER,TP.W(B)IDCATONS.$EE I AND 4/A-e FOR NONE INFOMAI `yam B v 3 } PLATFORMS MEN (FLOOD EQ WNW ) T.O.xEW CONCREIF%EA eI 5 RE CONTRACTOR COPACTOR IB TO RECRACE THE AT&T CRAOE l 83 O)UPI COMPOUND MG m A LEVEL pp ONZE a B'd.WSL PRIOR,m SLMif OF M5E 4 ° EWiYEM PIAIFCf01 C.UCIKKI. K K K—K —K—K—K1 CK—K Sc I[fju0. D —A-- ANTON.CASE NOR YMKWME fWNDA1 V]II BY OiHFAS.S./`.. mS' —A TELCO WICU11 NOTE BO%THS SHIEST ^ MMMNG CEPKTS TIE INSTNIAiAN v 6 T NEW AT&T CXVNI6ED STEEL RD RAILING AND VAR. TNSCF NEN NPN11M5.WINO M. •�CT�ry BLICROC CONWrt IIP.SFE SXFET A-B fOR NORE INFORMATIONXEW qG WIPATYE YCWPoIE THE / ym fIECIRNI Np AT&T TFLCO CONpI1R IRflKNEO IMLFACNWND FPCII NEW AT&T lE If�15 91FET N I1' % IT III_ $IRUCNRE A COIILFSIE iWNW.TCN P.WFE m NM MESA SPIN L'BWET.SEE 1 MIO 506/A-4 f➢li Y01S R TO SHE WSWNFD BY A MEW YpIR CWDUL m ADJACENT I. SLME. `M•�"> NCENSED pRpTSNCIyI gQf Np AT&T EIECIRI!'N.CCNCUIS IRFNGEO IRICERCAMINO iPCY HEW AT&T MEIFR.MO 's AND SENID NMIYX A �EAS T ELEVATION DISCO MI wPPDRT RACN AI NAr AN NECIRIc PMNFL MOUlllm m xEW EIEWTFD �PE a IS WCfM g V EWPYFHf%ATFCPY NMNORNL SFEU AND 0 B66/A-4 fqi NO MFWMATIpN ge �' B AT&T Mo91uTv ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT gs LIIAN P.COLLINS,ALA NYCENYIW9/U-1059 stat 1 IS Ersr ELEVATON m 6 a H 1 r N c SP NY7320 ® LIT MONLrtv _ my 40300 MAIN RD 15 FAST MIDLAND AVENUE 9l NYCENY1059 A-] fi SORIENT POINT,NV. 11957 FAPAMUS, W O1E53 ® e 6 5 i f ° Pll PELT LENGTH TO$U11 HI li REYOANII UNI w0 11=. ..ID CIFEL RIGID W'LV.51EEL I.EN VLND CIWPJXEXR AS SNGMH IN STINOND CNCOT PLUG CONDUIT CWPUXp f 6 JM WWI OR"m00()2 KTM,,.IMUIUM NILWnBL£SPAY SETKE,$UPKFIs f t SEE TI81E)I ON A CONTINUOUS VNGIF BECIION OF BPoD2 p 0010. 4P1LE ry IT.N Iw LONG CE SNNL BE B FEEL FOR 10 FEEL BI C,UMIEl- I BRIDCE M ICE BRIDGE RIGID G4V CNMNEL. E.WEN USING CCWplw1S FOR BR1pNG pECGE UNCIX TO SLI(SEE INXES) CNYPII WE'loRB.'E SPUCE SN]ULD RE...AT $fFEL CCNWR ��SpI R; CEI iRENGN FlNLSX CXACE IM1CN THE SUPPORT.IF POKUH.E.OR AT A WXWUM OF 2 Pogo GLLV. SIEFL S.ON m E a O ,nK101Ess px MWOW](SEE TAHE)I FEET FRW TE AFPQ2F. TD pyC nDAp1Eq uYWiJ cOYPICIm TLL OT FER a.FN USINL'CWP�Iw15.suGPoRT.ED EE (I)IRAPEW ars ME mcwpm _ _ ___ SPELIFlCilnon FIMMYDRN E, 'M111 ICE BRGCE aRDFA PR.. As GLOEE AS PoEBIU£ro N wDs OF ICE ,� 1 FEET FR `Mill A NWYUY O THE. pSTNJCE OF I WgSNRBf➢SOL ILOXIOIUL TVTO. x115 UU WID FROM TE 9.MPgrt ro THE FREE w0 OF T¢XS q s b _ _ - T MDE MI COME. CIHIEI�M OF 3'-O 1lVpN1Y 9iIpCE _ _ --- UNDERGROUND MNININc (TMP) DETAIL @ UNDERGROUND M b TIDE PPoMFD'MIII'GUIICW 4.CUT BPoOGE CNWNEL smlxXls sIW1 IMYE MR EDOES fr° CO'D NlirD.l.U.d• IT STUB-UPBUMED U NLWDM 1 TRUTD BY wo-CON"'I THE..CHMI M EWNN .FINSH cgIIws POF n M B S.ICE BRCGES WY K CIVNBTRUCIm ICED OJMPoNwfs IED.NUMBw OF OF AS _ Fli(U ODER WNLiMNRERs,FRONDED TIE 6� qm'p F'Cfl YNIN OF LLMIVFN:TMh"Rs IMTN-LUZON GUCEE-I ME FOUDWED. TIEMCN E D X HYMILL(S B RE Ui COHCAET FIER INK.TIOXS ME PE..NIM ME RESPECTIVE E. s411.40 FC FM FYIO S CIRAIKKI MWUFACIURF-s AFPWVIL RTI CONWR(1 SCI'40 PYLp / pry )CENVTp15 flA1 ICF BMDGE FWXpOMRIs REQUIRE`e{ AGTNE.OUTDID POMER CONED, ENMIEERINO MPINVIt `-n AE REWIRED) 6 C MIN TO SECONDYlY ELECTRIC VMICWI RMN PMR Em SIZE Pw Lq'K YI�a-If /RN-M8-14110�1]I� IE INSTML DRIP LOOP ON ANTENm CMLES AT c TFL m. tY NIN 10 PRIWR!ELECTIIC vNINNIT pMT WOR)",DF TfMR/Mp�',pplE BENDING 8 az NTS PIM IN/A PAMI FER WNUfAC1URER'B STMDOVOS MHIECOI RMN PMT E`$ /IM-NE-x5110-ISO VNlKK1T PMT/BO Y5 FMT ow-ma I DETAIL TYPICAL UTILITY TRENCH /�TYP.ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE DETAIL p=�� \�mix€�x1i 6 ea OUTLINE OF REM CFI- GpNET pl/GP$UNITMWNRO i0 8 ULT FFMT IK( GVBI[wPPg1T WL'I( I'.LCCP. CUL '-C FOR it MO JUMPER TEAYRM1gN AT TMP. Y$ FOR NMM fA9MLE XpW EpRPMEM A`IUN NICE s8 rB JUY1p/m5IC E911 IXYX 5 FPCRT TO BVR BUTT NgOE £`6 WFCAT 24VDC EOIARIwI a 6 MTMNE I I VE IIY JUMPER UNIFND FRWRNG °UN4TRUT NN]t pSIGEAL -O COMB I AS RE WMm mR _ PPUR. TT UI TP. ei YIN SNR' C FOR PoMEA TO DROP SVTORT 24VDC 34-/B < _ FPNIE §S MID 2-II4GND �J C. 2 SUPPORT. I-C FDR MP- afA` 9 CONNECTOR IVF. TN TO E911EQUIPINENTI b MTI 9JFp. EW ME MMYMD TMP' MOORINGcI EQUIP PUTFONM aA1E TO .coins WN call e CRUIxD LEAD ro cax /I Awc GREW TO NRwIM CONNECTM PNR CRWxp LENT i0 ON% e GROUND 8VI NSUTATEO(RN NRATIEApRODF£D GROUND BW 3# GNOVM NR MTN REAMER „pl GRpNID GROUND NR NfIM EW EpMIMEM (� PRJCiN4(DD$IN$IID OF PUIp UN=TRUE 1 5/6 UNURUL IN KNO OF COO M) g' CW%) P1000(M):UK LWISIRIIT ro CABLE SUPPORT uux caN BWNIC ICM AND IV ML FOR EQUIPMENT CABINETS (UON,,,NT`��,.WILM, PES A9 n sv�i..�,. _ -a FINNED smoT CNMXEL) TEE ��E DER Cyi //��1ip 1i ♦ T c` ORIENT RYTNE SEA RESTAURANT ® Q iUl` _ ,,o' nTtrT m091Litt �g NYCENV1038 /L41059 * cxrtEcnRAL oETULs 6 ac AH. Ts.ur NYl320 I.T M01 ^G uMwX ru u�awrg_ a.a..a RD Is FAS MIOLANO wOE vN"�. m ORIENT POINT. N1 11151 FM U5NJ 07652 . - t 9 0 d © NYCENY1.. 6 6 5 4 3 .-...Z.., [ rc e Y-6 o RPE CK } K %Z BRIDGE t IA/]IE(MB0.r S Ma FRorR BJLT IIOIE RN1 p xos P N NSNU ro mS,SIRED,fires/aulwc/wRuu oeMEF-IND I/Y DM 800NE" DLls. (IN W/ DC SU Ewa PURI LL EQUIPMENT CABINET �] R m 14. Y 11 DC2-18-ED-D-9E SEE o I1 II NOTE 5 IND DEEW 1100 1W5 ra I / o-� IRl RI SNEET FOR MONE.`URWTON 10.]C =0 11♦ / rt0 YNa Rwl.SFE DELDI 83A (28].ltmm) 1 I NIS SHEET FOR YORE INFgiMMNN1 (159.S1mm) 10.25 (360.IF S§ ♦ f _ - - -S-5=i PIDGO UNSRUF CNNX6 (IS].IDmm) 20]:Omn, OR EOLNN£Nf(11P)rmRTR asrw9uRrox -___� —- o 0 Box w/Im a wwx 6DDD-ID-So-a-le-m I %z BRIDGE rosr. ., (pro fi) I I I I 1W.SEE 3/A-1 f11R MORE IXFORYAIMIN �4 I E E E " I fr Sib k. NEE E/A-2 AM 1^-3 u HNERNL,m. = =a SEE 1/n-3 INo 1/n-}Fal MORE WFORWTIDV c (tY NRr•Y w t/a) 3E3: Q' a FIBER AND POWER IOAIJ(].94mm)(4 RILES) 10 DISTRIBUTION BOX DC2-4"0.0-9E a $E aE R° s12E AND wucHr TABIE u 5 E R. N10iH DEPIN HFFX!W/O COVER WEIWIT WIIWEYEM COVER W O BMCKEr B e b I FRN l00 MHz 12.Y 10.6 21' 51 1136. a 2xw(eo«) e€ j liL I(1i I IL i I NDIE gNEH51p5 INCLUDE NWN(IHC BMC12i. $IXM$HIE1D AND CONNECTORs. MINIMUM CTEARNNCE TA _ CONCRETE OR J flRH GBINET C COMMENTS E SVaETE HR ( ) 5 rte 1,sUBCCINTIN R SI SUPRY ME WI UNISNYT(at ISMIV 1�Y]IINNNG DFMNN]A. FECHt }6 INSfNIATON ILCFSS 2.SI.BLOMTPACTa S.SUPRY.WO I..ICE BRxR.{Po AS REWRFD. c }.COML BRIDGE POSTS.BE 3 I/tOO.,SaEO.10 P'FE W.-ND,h OR EVUNAU ). $UPPIIED MOUNTING BRACKETS i 1. SWI SPIFI U.S.TPIVL C,SMIFCA PERIOUF Rw.AIBC)]CNIMCI YQ I� �16�INE RIGHT 1' NR FLOW fr� MND FMNG ipY WSTNIF0 UMSIXUT FPMFE. IEfT 1' MR FlAW £. 5.SPRANG WY WD,YSED ON SNECIm EWIPMENI IDJLN IMENIS 10 S MCWf NLL BE WIDE BY RRX WSDLLIEN. i0P IY NR FEW P D.TM BD%WY W MgWiEO DISCRY 9ENND TIE RRI IF SPICE IS AVNI/9FE. R CCNOUR ROUTING 1.NO PNNNIG OF THE RRN.SOMA SNIEUD 5—DIVED BOT10M IY 5 ATEL-LUCENT 9442 REMOTE 61 EAD RRH DETAIL A fr.g REMOTE RADIO HEAD RRH RACK DETAIL _ y� a Pe v5 AT&T MOBILItt tl- ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT w jI w1e cI xnl:coil. NYCEW10591L 105at9 ® &` N. ,( * CABINET CEIILs �... .�.,....c .,. •I LL a."1 200 WIN akM Mow%A ;.i ao3oC WIN RU Is usTW MIDw 7VEXGE FE ORIENT POINT,NY. 11951 PM ,IS. NJ 01653 e 1 IXX 6E,NNY10'9 v M5 1 fi : 6 5 4 3 OF NES .... i0P f1P.aY OINfAS MOUNDED ro'A Wa: e0..MD E NEMRM�T FEFE T.SME LOGX S E MT SUEKE.OE NOV.LOA$X!191£ 11GRw XEC X115$ECUXRELT N1wE BOLT. RENROY YgI {' aWLR15 B!MOVE TP. 1.IFP REIR HV4.5 8-6 UNOME NO'USED YVxfM`N NYi1YFHi BETNEEN lYA BPKNET _ 2 If PPE-INSWIID.S/6-IB UNC B 1/.' LG(Y8% µ0 RFH GROUND M'IEIIIN YpN111XG OETNL a 100 W)NF%00.5 W5T REYLYID PRpR nl ..AliKx A gp11H0 VBIE TO AND TW USING 3 BRYJ(E5 TOM •I WNL-YpMMO.NICO TIE 1W0 VP$GLLWS LO 0.TKX THE PRE-WSTILID HE%BOLT IND Y 4YA5. PULED A5 HPf➢m f OMEI6 nIE+YA BRKIRT AM REIPKI ME BGL1S.E-WSiN1 RCVIE M ORW W.TO ME GEAMO A® MIIEWA MOUNTING $ URELY 15 INS nQ1Iw 1NE VP$CRwS RW SECWRYY WITNH ON ME MITMU F UASENER.K AND AliKN sHI 0Y OTNE15. I, NGff: J IMIINT ME TW m TIE.USING PINE ii M, = Rw MIwWi INNORM N$R DIO 5/16 OR a W BCL.(HT$UPPUm)TIRWWI 5.ROUTEA JUWfli V PROM ME 050 MI F 3 AVD 31X6$IR'ET. ME ll E IN ME 1W III ANTENNA i0 ME nY PONT WIWm llwr. 4] I I S O.D.WSE .WO=U ERMRX DSRMSGROUND / OITIMEL IBph. !ONE A SECOND JUMPER TINA FROM IE 1800 MHz OOMID J MP RIE 1LN PONTM WE IM Wq.RWIE A THIRD.RMEG NEI 5 5 a,. 5, ANDREW TOWER MAST AMPLIFIER Y ,,,�,, �PONT 'O P �TE m 5 91E_Ne �' OW NDMEW) +a A MA ETD819HS72UB DETAIL ,L95ElWl[RIE Po1L Youxlwc N.RDMurt ox CUR ON LOOP TO RELIEVE UNDUE Siww ON FUNGE a YA%YI.MN xwo 4 ... uc TYA AND o6 THE DESwm -o .. carrLn'Ns K EIINw END. e allma loo SHORN IN MML NIG£. Ee LnrD(HFH) a.IlaTvl E cWxmno14s ro le A-les wnxc MNf.E L-ERN(I 63 Nl1ElIlY BI D TOROUE. /911££111/.MOWS THICKNESS(Ix.) 2.5 MOUNT Nlr T HEIC MTHHDD TIE 3/a-I6 DOC e T LC(W%IRO W) ME 80.5=TE W.tSxEM RPgMH THE NE w ].WEATHERSEK EE F R INED BYYJNS PER a 6RN IS ro BE YOYEIRt TTWHNEN BOLT ME TW aPM(E..B'JL.AxD wASMERs wr 0E $TN,RR pRzMEDE P TERID BY LCCIL E RILED As IFELLED ,LLeANRMw YTWRxOPUTH yYUIRIy 6 J/trot +/Y PE-IN&ED pN ROME yg6pN5 OE ME E5 CGAINttIS.PRO.'ULD wIERLLS If I!!I,GW Sm oei GKV.STEEL OR NUM. WSLUL NFATHEn >€ I eWl:N.Ta AnKNENi NOT 1 YWMINO PFE gyOMEINO pm 9eIEs TLLl BE/APllm KCIIROING ro ME wsIRUCIKNS oQ I COAX pLl M.) IN1wNA LLWUF. 2.oRExr 1XE TIN w n6$EIEC+ED LauMw M1R1 W ME PILUCE _ U'LNE}y ON SIEFL PIPE RSIRUCIICNS ME B5 PpfE WWTU,CM A$REWIRED. a.IPPLY CIeIE TIES pt STMPS(NT 7 WIMP 10 NLY.W/a1N0OY COIV ry&E I3NR1 nE V-OWPS Of ME+W RL MNH ME SUPPIF➢)TO SECWE ME C/dES N)ME C Ym VH65 AIEKIX((w)aOLi OPE (W/11_WLE PIX£OR TOKEN MEMBER, iDNA$ TURE b� C-1114(3/t s r PIPE qi Cg1NmrOR) €: DETuse MOMxn C-22(I 1/t &1 1/z1 es ! acus:NTs PRO PPORT 2 AWG GROUND IRE LM To awe P•SECTION ON ELEVATION S- NW 'P•WPPI Dl- 6 6 GROOND eue (L-ORY:I¢T MOUND) +.FOIE WCHI$NS K DHMMTE NO Wr w4uDE G5 INIENNI 1.NMNEN TE eWU C4YPs UNR THE w0 COME v. IFE wExwr a nE TRO vac.MEr m Nor sEr ROEWS LOOM,NT MEM THE wos IHaoucN THE sLors RI ME MIGHT IRM ANTCH S MD CIBIS. WSINL 11FARIFA PRCp'INO COMK W ME MHRzNNG BYCNET M1 `R= E O ( WH/MwNS LLWUE f 0-5/16 O.D)%J'-P CWEiUL NOT TO MRATCX RE RFM fKE OF ME -E 2PIUOR TO FI TION Of ME WING NNICE MONEY INGRUCIKKS W%. 1W YMeFK'MEI6 m DWEIEN N MIENMOO; G&M.SIEII OR NLu. MOUND.PIPE 2.IMAM ME IML TO ME uaC PIPE TOR ME -= /,\TYPICAL ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL PREF-IO-PIPE 'ROUND vac CUWP OF � 1. No TGTE21 c1Au9s ro A TGiOLE \/ Ea .) rRE c-llx at J. AiZKx ME JUwO AND ro NO aFWERgS NAM MHI P/wCYt TORT)AND 2 ONW/1900/2100 NyAAIm SPLIT-CIXl'Vi DH TOW)AND 1CApIE NVIS ON ME ON 5 fEnzMNG(fJRr1N PM CONNECTORS TI RDIb-in(2]11-m).REPEAT MM S ON SIWW"ME NQS. �gm)wIM cRauxD Luc J3( zMENN�) f0 Tw,coxxEcroR g CM%CANLE {.MI TM,W NLKNIW A GROIND S TO o r� (W/11-YME CIXWECTOR) ME Me MODNE NG$ND ON THE SEE OF ME CM%C%IE SUPPORT UNM ANpEWWNR 'RNO W,PMT WER Sa 2 N/G aTIMO MYE GID-IY-KE.OR EgMNENT.YAY ENUSm.MP.Y ^` CWARD TO POST ONLY 6 ODNNNrnOMENW PORT TO ME GRWXO _`08YANUEKNRw NIOEM ELEVATION GRODMIDED,OR•P'SECIIW OR mNU.RST P' 5,NEATHERPPOOE ME TW.CONI USING E WNUFKIURER PGRF/AVE '. .00. OBRIN-8505-R21I SUPP1ab1TK GROUND aW MDREW WEATHERATMNG MTMNY NUMBER 8- MODEL 141-15-%lN-RR j aN1D I1�. (CIXLVi YgNR) 221213 OR EWNNFM.fCLLOR ME T WN fIEWENGES.YHZ 1710-2100 82.-BW w51RUC+IG15 STARTED MMI ME NR TO £� RAND E1gE5.WZ 098-094 1710-2110 RN OLVL 1. LCf..1TN Cf IN EI RP MUST.1 CI£M NEN OF SOIRNERN SNI' WFAMEIflM]Ci ME CONIECICRS. IND OWNOF NAME.OLOaNGES EXCEEDING 25 is• TOL GML SIIRfKE NYA OF A HEMEPHEE XMIND ME GA MNHI 0 TO 5T`K` Uµ5.MI ME MR E%ISAW s� � _✓ RR 2, NL DPS MIF.MMATKKS YI�BE IaE TO ECENE AFAR MO,SIKnm SOCA4T 11FAD CK RIiEWS IIMT ATTN}I S �U L IN -Ae./- $wNV.S FROM A W1MIY OF MR(.)SIIEWNS. MERRY WGI ME RY Cf ME YJJMING&MCNET AND A.KN c'n L W "IBI NW.. PS 31 F1 WL LOGnON OF GPS NIIENHI iWET1EH USING MR SOCMET NFM u W.IN 12.0 +Z- ® D.IN 3.2.y- 3. (.MOM,I.NOT E PERFORMED ON ROD`— V WEWS PROMMO R NEACH UNI. D.w 6.0. - .. UE-'PS Nnw1Y 9WL E LOGIED ID'FROM NL INTwNVS. POWERWAVE GSM/UMTS uGINT ME 1w TO ME MI PRE u51NG RE g WD C NNPS IND TORTEN GURM TO A TORQUE $U Wr,. IVO . - TSAW-07BP111-001 TM of Sole-.I(M2 x-m). TYP.UMTS/GSM LTE-GPS ANTENNA 5 .�« UE.1.TION WITH SEP 3. A TYPICAL LTE ANTENNA DETAIL 3 ANTENNA DETAIL 1 2 PIPE AND L-BRACKET MOUNT a REPEL AgC/y A R HN k ...T S�....a. AT&TDER MOBILITY r ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ���� _ NYCENY1059 /LL1058 ® ,�•. ,Y * AMENNO Nourvnnc GSwLs NYT320 _ .02M AMN RD nT M uoGtllY _ s FISTµJS. NO FMENUE OPoENi POINT, Y. 1195] ppA U5. NJ 0]652 _ MYCENv1059 .,. 6...0«0: 5 4 3 -2 4 nF NES N.-ml:.oal eF 131 v con.,"M END OR P Ksm P� IS I grin aEruNc I c oa.Pon yc l0'-P 0.fY Np MCE pµ ;4 TEI110YL Ntl TOP RML 1W NVL 1 4MK GIEPFRO/SIY PER�f�-90O)56J• D COPPER KNn) w R E SIRECIER— 2 G1E rot. >O�SI.CdNR 1EIYWL OR PULL,H O 4 t GSE GTCN RET PE11oInMi1M}b FOR N xD1N Of R 0EH,,OCN ]. IIXE PO6T:3-]/�1 SC16UE b PIK PER i3 GTE i1Vl1E ASfM-PIM}. ..'� b a ASORA FIM. 1/YP SCFIFDUIE b MPE PER o dj - 6. P)P FNL!9WE. . 1 1/H SCHEDIIIE b '6 - � PPE m.11M.6, fIH%.11 G CORE NRE 4JE S NOIN. a.E YG CNM11 YKK WLYMLL RCO/YI MXN11fF N ASIY-NE]CLISt I. 61 T NNFONO.$EE SIFFL lUR NRNPKXtF J. TENVON xRE:J G WIPHI ED SIEfl 1/M1 m YNE R AE4NOIE NVP TEIMEE AT KM AAR1 GR.S VX fi NPORN"NOI YML zt NIFRVHS.xnMl HOG RINGS ON TM50N o L UENNE NNE AT IC NREM g LlWEPoSE RE lENSNIX GAW PDH; 1-3 9. YUSHRM.M TYPE G�1CHO.O. IMX. MflIDN POR G NL SN6 OR CORBxATNN AS SPEPfIL 9I NY51. �X IAACE L+ 10.16K MOEPNCE Cr GINFa NFE PWIrt sv - I REGMp1EM SW11 BE C<WIEO P REWNEL. n FMSM CWDE iMAI G11bE 11. 6'YFRFEYL F 1'BARRD Mff YFn11CK C. EYBFOCED IxNm - -L 4R1 O M EROUNO 11•SPECNIRK CIXPgfM NTN THE PROWECI S= Ed PNMEO NMrtpl PMINN Cf PPE t COT GON ^ L KTICN G PPE EYBEMED x L ASNYLT PMM. CONLAEIE s M 1W. T-T �TE AViI CU ENEPEACH NM S- BFLMX 1T REYAINIX LRpN IT GE PNMED MTX ASPNYT ^? DETAIL @WOVEN Ad1 MEiPAwr DETAIL WOVEN WIRE FENCE DETAIL WIRE FENCE DETAIL 4 DETAIL @ WOVEN WIRE GATE DETAIL e� 90113 s smAS AT ORD 5 /.. 1 MPIIL SNM19 SH4L 4 6ET (J FWIYI RFYOrE IES M1D tRMPIXr MN 1REE Tyi 6 ll ] TRMNS AND D INWE FAOM IEW la•-P INiF. MIJIIND IOP OP ROOT FMLL B eII (IWMM)JUIiFINS l . � IFAVE PJUAD N P4CE ND E RN1 RV](1/](REMEA£. X? IIIffS PIII IEO�AT 1 ( �s UIYES$NOMW6�B1A. 1RE6 fp1 A NA:AI CF TOO FNSF 6; � NIM9M �, rA S)NEN N'4 HIM EPs EPH M III 90F5 R4D-CFGIi N J•d O.C.Y£ 1/A-z K ML SWCEA FCR YORK MORWMIN E- L �. 6� til CLLWIItt NEY= WO.R L Wl1E CCNYM WLE SPICW4 PURCILISE SRE rtG C DEEP 6HREDEED {S NOM CHIP MULCH J 5 .N FAnFIW RED-CFGl1 JIINPERUS VPyNIM. J'O.C. IV-0' NKA1 ROIL 9.Y.H J BVRW 1/S sMwE b MIDCRI3RE E F Hj MEu'Is ��pED A yC A T PLANSCHEDULE DETAIL S .,.NDER �r 1�� � Pl AT&T NOBILITY s ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT at&t a LlrvaLnip NYCENY1058/L41039 ` ARCNn MRU DETMLS NYT8Y9 ATUT uoNllm fr' R c N i T[c T c apzM LWN FT! 1s EAST MID�D AKNUE T 026944 Y G vcae.ei�rA•a 'A..ui�rnr ORIENT POINT. NV. 1195] PMpMUS. 0)658 1� 9] NYCENY1059 A-> 6 R ne 6 5 4 3 �- AL STEEL NOTER, e 1.Au slFFl YDYI($xV1 BE FMRfARD M1D ERECIEO w t4tiYFPVILE Wnx COIV6Ni M58 SFEM(%GixwS./11 XEW RENWQLE sIRIM111RK STEEL BFN15 CWFaf1 ro MM A-Sb UNLESS a .E S NOIEO.I LMIERWS ro SE 1qT LVFPm ptl GLV.WZm MlEri FMRMAlXN1.BFIYS TMi ME SXONN TO BE T%1 LORD TO HOT-OR O YRNMSE Wr BE SPLICED C.1/4• 9P IIGNr Wf 1 b 4 DEVEIININO MLL SIRFNiM OF YFYBER CESYwm W SIEFL FMRI AM NEW I I/Y CXVMIZED F_ EIBOW ` 1.NL NElR1C SIWL BE RISOMED UW EZ(IXM EIECINOCES AHO wIIpXC SIVLL Cp68Po1 To.NEC M_D MS OI.1. NUIt R.BT: $fF6 xWDIWI TO BE PK ZI STMCMm i n I Wl1ERE fllET MIID 9Z6 YS Mr$MGMN.MU'IEf n1E YINIYVM$IS PER TAIRE 13.4 IN TRE NSC WMLLL OF (4)NOR S/C4 ,Ecom ro 61 olf fILV. vI.N E n STEEL CONSORFIRw".ALL O'ELWE TI 6LLV.WZm CMTN6 SIIVt BE R6rORm WIIX LVI➢SPRAY 4LLVMILNO. BOER F.CN SIDE. STEEL PUTE.SEE 3/A-8 TOR Ipgi"AM IUSr E� S.OOLTII CpIMEC11g15 SXNl BE MfY AJ35 BEWWC rYK(]/Y4)CIXINECIpNS AlQ SWIE IM.YIXIMW OF TMO TrF. YLNE WFORWIAYI YWMHO _= 81rz U14E55 NOTED OiXERMISE RCXpD C 1/C SIF6 � °z 4.Npl-STaKIUPK NIIXECIIONS Fdi$fF8 GRATNO WY VSE 5 C qE MIM A]0)BOL15 UHBS NOTED 1-1/Y.S/IC 1/C RCE RATE.SFE E D a OTIEIMISECOKFEIE E%P.V61o11 MCXpR MD EPO%Y 9lLLL OESLWID w I2OAOWCE will CJLVMfIFD 0.ECRED) - 1oj Y.' WIIIIFMIUREW'S IEp1PFlld15.TC NKNGt 00.1.CONEL pl NOD$Wll CCIMOMI r0 MWIFK'f11RER'S SERMIED SIFR 3/A-a FCR YORE "• RECWYFRW.Mw FOR EYRDIIEM DWN OR M SNCMII OIl TE ORALTXOS NO REIRN 51WL BE M wIHOUT GRR. WOOIAIYIN FOE INRRD mg PgOli ENGNFEIRIG NARWIL WXEX WLLINO H%ES Ix COIICIiEIE $PECNL IxSPECFA:ILS,IEONED BI GU'FIixINO _ NEW IS 4.]/C CXv.SIEFL PUTFORR,LINE SPLICE COO$.9WL BE PFIBDRYm w O ro IWMAw WIXIFMNRERS W.VYVu NIIYNMIE IONS.CpMPflE ED'+E PuiE wIIDm ro SiFd pSfANtm 9YLL EE LLWTNIm INNWIO INrrAIIATCN. ",,E .. S S 5.STiUCTMK BIF6 BFAYS ME DE9OID FOR M EXTREME FV EW SM55 OF 34.000 P.FOR CCYPACT MD IZODD .,� Pp FOR nM-CWPACT SECTMS ? b.ALL wFLXN6 101 DME BI PERF.MEEDERs.PRO,R,,COPIES OF 1HE ML Lf A'S CFR 16 n TO IACWIE4T/ENOWEEW. 1/4• 1.BFlSIQ PROCEECNO W1111 FINK=MlD ERECIHIx.TIE CMIR/(.TOR FV SUBaI$TIO S OR/" NOR To TIE -8 MCxOEeF Fw A QDNPUE AT NECK cO LL INDK CO BT.TIE REV Ow OF MET OD OF cs SNUL=BE HANDRAIL ELEVATION m WKIBUm M A IER4DR OP CIECX BIT RLL RILL NO ollr nNr OEW YEMOD OF Cp15PONSIRI MD RErµ1HG T/C s sATSFAeraRf REY+ex aF suL11 auRws Ru NOT RF11E',E 1XE colnPlcra+OF THE ODINNEODWO FOR EGUIPMENT PLATFORM $a ERORDi OF FMR..Rwcx wr EMSr M THE wYEx9p1$MD DESIGN D'ADmWTE CCNNECIIoxs.C011IWLIOR 3 - SxAIL 0E RE9IX619E FOR DEFAxs ARFI ME r F'nnwNOVO�f nE$I0.IMIURu IIEMCEK. fiu NEW tYw PgwED WNCflE1E SLl E RFA,TED.OF(1). sFE s/A-a FOR nIC11Xs 1-1/Z uLVNRzm efZ TKO OF FEE SEE DFIM IED NEW 6. OLLVMRED SIRE PLATE SECURED WRX(3) 3/A-0 idi MORE 4._4• i¢ 1Y IDxc%4 REBVR Motto ro BOTrou a PUTS PRon0. TYP.HANDRAIL MOUNTING DETAIL wFaRuaRN _l 1/t DD. 5_ 1•lgdt Ai WTW Of IE84A.IMP.FOR(1)R/L6 Z Hplg9 1-1/trJ/1T OeLVMIZm R& AE C cn Of—GRATING SWMIFD RML WENDED ' tvm 4 J/C zl'-9 1/Y NMNO15 1-1/YVS/If SIEIl 6PATNO ro CHWnEtSj ry fXvRNZD$PANTED NEW C.1/C MCx _TRINE 3 STEEL(iMnNp RATE O• sEPoMTED ¢u IMIS.J: wlhzl DISMD LWFS cWDA ] sTm TEADs 7 WV4=FS J-s/lC mLTm T) .. w1aIR11 aroxD.rm. TAIx� pp ^ g 1EW 1P.IPa1/Y +1+1', LININS/Ifi CRP bVLMW$fD SIQ1 PIAIE NEW WIN38 NMIE 63 ! ^" : b^ SECIIRFD w1111(a) IY Ll+'I 1 1• NON-ENh1Nt LON REBW wfLLED = b Y b ro eoNW R Pu1E ._ GROW w1Nze ANACE r OF NEW f.6.1/r CJLNmm S I8 ___ wla.3fi -Z f- .T o 1• xCX-sXPoxx iY ''i M sTur,P m SECURED RT+ �.•E '-3 5 K W1HM Y-(l4 POURT R-_.v- ^' ' M1E PRONE I IXM]IR Ai w•iy '" 'e I•x E,, CCCTEIE$OWJIVBE A•' MTTOY OF REBeIR.IMP.TCN x.L __ g` I'-3 1 w ` PER. aCW PSI L N b (Z)Pl/LFS if--i /6 �- C AL 30 NYS. .p .I '•U fib MR ERHNNED) • • _• • C. CIN15.]SDNNOEH.1W. • 'J• '19 O B RR wt Naz a ,1.--e. ,,,,; OF(z) '^ H w ask.- i OF s§ NEW V.IP.I/Y o4vinim SIEFL PRA1E 4 RESR TES a AL";a_ .:__'�> I.RFBW TEs a ""IFR Q= RIN(4) It LONp H REOM vcx.MELDED Y "y �, It oP" .,•� ''�ti. i'r ro BTlp1 OF PUT.P DE Y NOp(AT I( A b Y L BOTW Cf flEBM.TRP. FOR(4) -"- "' " SONONOER PIER. (aUA CNB"G. CONCRETE — °o NEW Y-0Y PWRED CONCRETE `a 'ik _l'i P9 WNCREIE AT 30 .. „e i iCOTNO.TP.OF(1 a. SO x PER.=,OF(4).sR •____'_ -- - 4/A-0 FOR YORE INMNNI TON -'. b yj NOR OLLVMIZm$IRE ALC65 STNfl. DSIEFL SWMIED CMTNG � B UNE OF OWE :: 7T O Il a'-4 1/Y N SFE 5/A-0 FOR MMC IHFCNW1gN •§c �3 'i Tl,'�•'rn �T STEEL ACCESa LEVATION a 5 RR A D ro sIXVC11UV1 FRNIwc P1IN 8P STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLANis sxER Is'u- X 1r REFFR PIER DETAIL SPED Aqo DUAL 1.ME sNEET. 1 �R-, ro Nwtwr cwrxlC sCHE. INMm 4 ,EUTI�� OER gg � e Armr Maewrr ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT at&t W ` uaTE F Irvc urv. 5 IR SLe_. NYCENY1059/Ll•1058 ® j # norzs AHo oLTMLPs EDT NWm A&T NOBILITY �c R c x r E c i R . .2.WAIN RD 15 FAS IDu»D AKNUL T vrcElrvlos9 wV4 e a wne ..i.nux e...uunur ORIEM POINT NY. 11957 PARMIUS. NO O7651 no 6 5 4 Nm . €a wleeaxmrnTOR AWL PamoE zo&WP,swIRE PIUY. 120/3w vAc,wNa s1RM Eon AT.,sms. WYLIw/CIOR SIWL Wp1pXYTE NM UIL11Y CpiINY&FORE T1E SiNI!M WNSIRUCIION.POYIFIf A110 REPNJNE CW WR SXYL BE PR0.CE0 AND IX54WID PER MIM REWwEYENR. e EOR WYPLLIE NIFIUYL N1]Nc M10 IAP/NOEIIEMI Mfll ro ORAYINES PNMCED 8f PIN6 YV WFICIURER ML RI(,KE EOUPIENrIM R6WIAlpMS AWL WARY NM ME N.F.C.M10 UAl1T CgIP/M'.WO LIXM Ntt REgM E1EYYEt1114. � A6CdlIXICIDR SX4L NSfNl A1M11LENf IEIm15 CF IiYL NCLW WP ML WIdNf imN6(PIGS flEDO4W+BUSIM145.ABOIK.CpFIM..EIC)NEL4SMY FOR WHIECIMM FwY n1E 14N BON ttl 111E WIETIICR BR fI➢NET. A6LdBRRCip1 SXVl PRPWE EIECIPKH Il1MfE EOUP1EMi wOX F.WLi CIMEM IN1W35 fAGRR IIWI nE AWII9E EM0.T CURREAf FMY OE AMR 1111NY. w�sER�Wxmw MN ECNMEN cR0011D wNN4 N ITIBEc oR cGNwRr ALML BE swRE caxoucroR(/tF Awc Aw wLcm).]our.oN Ia:AAMrt 11W N IIRwx-2.w&s a sTwxom COPPER cAAE GTm FOR Svc(wET ARE iivv�r TxN:uslm aR vmm EDB ils wunax.wo RAcnrAr smFu usm. p WL NID TAPE A s EWr M.K FRN Fw aE ISLL FOR lElO1wATNc m RIS EWPYFM FNMIEKTOREx ANcOxmrcmR AWL W Warwa wml Inco.mW D1EM PmoR ro wacrlaxc rPn wsMlArwN a ax ExcLosuRE rrto cowoNwrs.A.eWXIRrnoR sIW�FlNelsx M+o NAMi sYRCE PRaIEMN oEwres�e+AnAlmc g6 SClwifiC'2pE&NRFA BEFE9;PMO 1X1.9D]OJ wlw YWMNc OIX RIL PIM NO.31601).BNO AMfE PWRCINN OEMLE W PML TO T1E FNLIDSWS wlw 6 AK NSIIIAIFD NRE RfFFP6NtE$iMIWW OET 1015).B]KF ENCWARE 101ME AIE GWNO FIRM:N BN Nw E2 ARc CCVPEX NM. �9 ARICdRRrL10R$WIl NgAOE 6'KK IW.)XEllC]n STEEL ENClO50RE M1D YWM n1 CND.ff fVd(Ai AFM OF 1'IAVEf. S� EgFYFNiaV'HIE19 m b L2 untec. p 1. NOVA PIWEf P6rALlER SWIl NV(E ML FNIN.IERWANNS AT 31YOC fIREf. G 1EY/Ai6:T EIOSRIO PIn 2 xNM 116rMLFR SW11 CONE Nl FWLL RMOIMnwR R XCgA D15 fIHNET. xOIE 'NETER AND WUNiEp 1, 3NG5 GANNET WXOEICIORQ AWL NINOE-0'MALE ENOCE ql FROY 2AKK EIBKr TO NONN 6R"N NET. 1 OECpIxEIT TRMEENOFER a zAVOL YWN.lL K(R AWL PROAOE MID N9TNL CC IYNFIi 'VICES WADI ON RWL TERWNnN 8r xCNM W 051NIBUWX 24NOC 9WL BE(z)-s/O M4 FOR EIp A5. IgIE Ar5E0MTm LYIfM BRFMFI FOR OC 06FIRCUTOX CABLE A BE LEFT OPER NA PR0.LEn w/A REMONAR1E LWNwO OEMLT d TM m ;:/= nE EPENIFR GX Xm BE CLOAD. NE1E ].&W VNS AWL BE F6w/TON MO UR£my(C7 NAM NON NOTE H02 6.GXwW REINTER lO PROAOE W g5R6WIlON GALS ILO9 W xdM ENO. EI Q T.31VW MARTEN SIVIL PROM.WO W]iMl TELCO GNE(5)BEIDFR PIM/TPI W WRID AND RFMY FOR FINAL TERYXAMN ee e. IINIiFRdIMf AWL PR AND N6rM1 WS GTAGW MAOI�(S)PMI EWXIWn CPID MID RAOY FN EWL TFNEIM110x Br XONI C g� ro1E o.Au WININaORs AWl Y OEST^uflm ANo IxsTMiED w AWCroMa w/NEc ANo LOVE WOQ. IONL GBIE ENDS Ar TXE xaNN BR sIW1 BE IOENIIfYD M0 TMEO. TAP mmvc ES sUFFgFFIr slid!sNY1 BE PRwEDm ro PQIYI NGw wSEAUFR ro TERwxArE ML GSFH. w. P% 1PATRA YWI6 A EG HSFOIWER Q 3 03-1/Y C RIN 3-4/0 ArM Attu«.:.^c NOO TAM,{ SEMCE Ni OESXNm BY OlVERS iN Nq(N GENET WNOM IM]GBIE FW CPCVIis MO N'TWFS SEE PMEL v fi O Y C NM s-]/0! 1 I A W wIIXWI M9LTELF]II OF INFO.CwSUR ROOTING IOWYNTN PNHIs SEE OETNL]SNFET AN. SCIIENAF.WTA1 1 AEEr E-3 3 N:9RNM N WM1NS M ELECR6EK CERNIGTE AWL BE PROVIE(D TO AT&T i- YFC Ai M WWFMIN OF NE PROLIX` iE Ip�pOT COX El. WIXIMY.IE ML NOR$FENCE kP11RFMENIS R11N LPA PNIIL TO WANN-NOR PORK P3�SSB 1'- IN%. v Q.EN(NE ME ATMC6 CE M UNbERGRYNO MIM LOGTNC WYPMEr ro ICGIE W. PPE CM�) NOERf:RgIM ECUPYFNT IN RIE MEA �¢ ] 1/Y O.D.PIWI 0.PROAIE MO NSINL NEN 120/2w VOLT 2W MIP ERAOLE P1NSE NVN CECdINECT SRTCX. Mf U11151N1!PGL B a G.PpDM IIEF IxstVL xEw 1M/lw COLT sRNRE PINY 2W MP Yfl6R. ON sN.w PIPE(EX'n e€ U.PROM MA Ix$WL xILEEIi 3 COPPFA GROUM MO 31e N ROOMIO.OINIUNO Rs FOR HER SEANCE. @ SP R45 cONWX(—v)(TYP) c YANIYUY RE561MCE W ONONO sIW1 EE]w1Y5. PROVIDE AND IWAU-ADD. b Sr RROIM RWB Hm LA 1NW e'MMT II YEET WNUY ORGANO PE56TMCE AS NECEROK. _ UNRINIf PIWI (GLLV) 5 U.NOR P RAF A' N wI,42MklWF ET10.0AXE YOIMIFD i0 NEw.GOLT O%Aligill R.W1NG. 9= P.W[L R5 AN AT OR I Atbk 4W BIEM91.ML WPPFII PR.RI BOLT N 33Nak [ BRFNfFAS MD OQXt w DpTli XNGFD CNSNUCIIN. UNSTRUf PIWI (GL'n PROVIDE AND=sLNOE EgM1 TO ARRESTOR Af%lE0 ROTH SSC ENCIn9 EOGL TO MOI,,m TEENNOOGY W..YODEL/PImW.w5IN1 1+ FE M11H A V-RN EIRMT]I N PAREL-I:wml 5I 10 WNWCIORs. FN6Nm CRICE / F R ER.PROM MO NBWL QCUR I#IYIRS.w0 ERMICX CIRCUIT SANG dCl GIX&ENNEHEL IECF➢TAGES. .11" '•11,' 6` N 19C EMKT M.PER PM6-A' sNECAE.CCpWM1E%NFN PNWER YYWBR M NECESSM(. b 'l I.',: ICF PINI CONCRETE N . = ET PpADE NM 2 SNIDE Plf E 3 NRE M MI)SIEEVF CLRWOY GEHEGTCR RECEPCCIE.PMI'/ P, If SYORETE PIQ ;.�, 5� CRWMMOAx-RMO RECfPLw1E 1.3-RS b a METER AND DISCONNECT ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM 1B MOUNTING RACK ���E gCS'i A pEg 3' � � B AT&t MOBILItt 5 ORIENT BY THE SFA RESTNURAW //�� p yT w p.cl„N F NYCENY1059/U-1059 ® Qt&t a cTRlcu RISEfl DIACRAY Arv0 rvoiES 2 v r B c r s L L P W7= AT&T YONUTV nc A010 AWN RD IS EAST IDIM'O AVENUE B & gJ NVCENY1059 E-1 fi 8� OwENT POIM, N Y. 1195] PARANUS. 07652 m e Z69A N ' R4 F E N..m.oNl 6 5 4 3 2 T_ ..M FCII MON,INIR...W RM: O 0 1.DSCONHER BE /33 wW N.O.(OPEN E IL DINTPH,M,Fina e + 0 1FAMPVL OF SMs k Cpl"ER `g 2O-12W 1 PXISE RMA-BASED ON NTFR$ER RUNDE M1M SlPIKESORB TAB e J m 1 FR MLLE O.2S OUILN CONNECT(RED WRE) J m MOB ODOR INIRUSNW NMN F I LND(VA) CID e a N/. CNBC USE PROMO NWE 0.25 OUM J $ R.NCW DONN f THE BULK WIRE FROM o yg L1 l2 LCL LI L3 " ORI e fi = IN THE.0 MOR %Z REV SEIM°E MSCRIPRg1 - NIPS BKKR VA VA VA VA VA @ON IPPS SEMN£DEBOUPTON, REV y IHMUSIg1µMY CSBIE RI TXE X.O. 0 XI I 2P Jza 652 328 2 RP JO 0 "� �v B e OPEN TEPNIWL OF 5N5 D 0 MOUS 24MUC NBXEI/1 RECTIFIER/1 3 326 652 Jza a ARp1rs NYq:GbYI 11 RECTIFIER/2 0 8 •R O 30 s IP 336 652 32e a 2P ]0 o ro xB I1PXI. R T e ° MWB 2V%GONE}/1 IERIFIw IS NiWS R4YLC CIBHET II RECTIFER Ia 0 AVERY PONT i m 10� NA 3� 0 ] 226 a5z J36 B $ e 11= _3 0 Jtl B 2➢ sm 652 326 10 N J2 ARGDs 24YOL LM)IET/1 RECTPw Is uDus xvW VBwR/+ RELTFIw/6 u s Izm w c 0 11 sse as: Jzs +z p NI 13 RP 32. 65z u 14 3P m 0 y 1ST INIWISMN(PRE-MRm W 24V) /ACUS R4MC U91Ei 11 RFL'Mw N MWs RavCC GBwEr/1 RECMER/e 0 dab �(F/C I1.TME IO/1) 4 p +5 32° W2 326 1. a d ppb Rm 0 30 n 2P Jzfi 652 Sze a 2P 30 0 P PRE-wlRm N 2N) s MLM 2.LIBIW II KOEFOR/B NKAIS 24MW WINVE/1 NDDDNER FI. p yn �=5 ��"RED ID J2) 5 0 19 320 e5R 1z6 g(OCA 0 / m 31 W J36 10]6 ]50 22 2P IS 0 le 0.11,i3 TE(T m E MQ6 2aKK GBNR + RECRRw/It MJ54 XRA IBM p �1 0 23 Jz6 Two ]M 3a b{ 10 121) b6 O IS 25 RP ]50 ]50 ]50 RB 1P IS R%12W5 p r e 19� ` 6 O 1KIKN XRA 6b y] ]yp ]M SRe 26 3P ]0 I R%I 0 Z i 2p" 1NA D UMTS GBWET XUIw 15 2B 2P 1Zp 3000 36m XI 1P 3] MfiOS 24YDC IaBINEF 0N5"1{0MY%TYEfl FUL(BY GL) G 31 ]XI 720 ]50 J3 IP IS Rc-M 0 S �221� ID 1c+) �f' 0 1FLLA B2%RECFP(Kl£ IS JJ IP Im Im ]4 0 �b MG jm 0 WI$CSBWEF RECEPDM 35 IP lm 160 JB a N Sp�( 1�•V h?T ID 01PRE-M1Rm N 2aV) 0 y31FRI LI9XET N0.2 15 A tP lm Im b G R 1 o b o 40 0 �� EM ] TENT ID ]) 0 a+ 0 42 0 �b �{+Ecr 31v-uINO�(P1E-1Nflm m 2aV) C �'2Bb 1BA Qy I(lPRE-NWED m 24`V) EAC 0/IB) e 2a= — JJ= a€ PANEL SCHEDULE NN e3ye 0 3 O 38 e ,IN INIX Q.NMMS ape JUMPEA'D 8E IFSElM1AT10 nmcN'r evuwc =e 36� ,"I' T,K6YM0.15w MO a E ANN. Nc =s 3B= pgllm N PIN. ADA -a AVT M W E COVER MEMBLY O AC GENEMIM CIXIKRM �® a0m ANE MIERCM NI IE GVIa • GYMflD TYPE CONNECTION 100 13.1♦ ° U� q BCM flWE MPPFA WTE ) CIRWI]PAFMFR 42= ,IN 8 B c O4' ON W"0 NP CQlCV1 QUILE SHIELD BOUND5' BF3 BASE /SE 1RWSYISSpX SYSIEl1 M "R CONNECTION TTM�LLM�1 BOB v 44 PpVFR CCMPIFTYEIII IXM F _ II CIBGE CPVI EOUIm GRWND BV1 F%IEAWL • CWPROBSIGN TNPE COMINE ON W°w'0 REO 1X5N/LpB TEMP MO 5 DWG DPAY}!G LMPFA GRWND BVL 1/CvfvM. gORm Tp 8111 IBATTO(!COMPMIMENT oS8 (E) E%TING UNLESS NOIFD OIIQIWI$E /0 ECRMSMN 47 HWH"1FMP NMI$ B EYi EIECIRX'k METIIIK IUBNG MMw N615 46 G WroND d W.LOXNEti SMICII ve 49 1 RTM PM4 GR AND bE GO1 BDMQU]M ® Gn WPI RECEPTM.LE �® 50 JPmrtn B4r GPs ace NJ PoSm.NC sYSIFM GENERATOR O O 0 "OAUSIM ILAus LZ OP MMON,ONou..RHO(NVO) 0' GROUND ROD nM,CI&K! oRG �I IT" OTE 3 �E a (.)a YMEimI HOUR GRWND BIR , GRW XO wRWNMITx KCEss 11 V&M CCW eW u N&f IED M "L W b- P PARSE ys WUVuu TR41sfFA swT1G1 P IINN(Lp1�0�. ro 6fi-AVPM{( -` PCS PERSONAL GOMMU'"VON srslPl BLOM AULT m BPO PN1SR PsorecTIW WINDS 1lIEN ON YRFA/BflFI%w UNIT \\\ 0."CW,I1F2 £� R. Rap 4LLVMIBED STEEL PMEIBOMD 56WI-. CABINR PRC PROM'WDIO GBWET - — POWER MO TELCO SXRINC RNY R4CwAY NUM: W SWO HUMERI flFPfLSENTS DLTML..ER RLS. 1,MOVM SfiBul-50 BLOFX W/B9°BPALItEi W 1f1W BW M ON TELCO PO•RER LLVPARTYENT F? SN SMTCX ®�OUWOD XUMBw BYXBNAD GL IN NEW M ENLmWRE AT OUTDOOR$RES. REM UFT-MF ACCESS TCB EQP GRgMD w i 1RMSFMYw 2 MERE M P0.Or10E CONT.MNFP CIRWR R NgiLLLL. MI NO. maINII4USIW 0 xrt GRWxD ROD a.TURN DI D STORE MOBBED CpVKMS T MWrvN R EFII»M REWIPFO, KK NARY 3 W x1u 66 BLOCK ALARM ASSIGNMENT sws A ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVATIONS 1 y,PR0 R b oY AT&T MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ���� cLLINS NYCENY1059 /LL1059 ® MOBILITY .. ELERRNILuo LAeeAivin'Naus6oLs T T H T 1 NY = .V AIA AT&T MOBILI Y c 0.C X 1 IF C 5. 40300 MMN RO IS FA. MIOLINO VEHUE m 8's wace.a.M�x .aa.a.i«a�n ORAE"]POINT. Nv. 1195] PAHµUS. NJ 0]652DZ6944 y] NVCENY10.9 os E-3 ' 6 6�.awo 5 4 I E €$ T CpDUR w/la-1/C IT YF TYN LN RM'N-a /c ID MIC TOf1 aM TMN-z $ wF➢1 E6lL..(mP IECR ) 2-1/C 10 MA"HI UP L_z F &1/c+D Awc am.(NP Nuc) S-1/D 13 NC MN CP TMM-z 6 12.Y+D ao.9w alv) D y3 5M 3 x2 z i] ri SOS n3 a xl ea lu au y sw sa � uPPEn 9HNP ma a1 YI (SIE 3) 11� 'g az 6^ za sa GDI sa � uGmvHs+-s 6 E M] a1 SON FOB SEE EE1YL A(i1Y Po ) v rm mu NONmLr PILI c d En M 1MIW k IIS.JND qI O $_ FOR ma/Izw Ac r.w POM 5 a SEEEWIPM 9K1£-IINE aVRW TOM DC lRbM6 v� � fllD BSA /A4VS LMt GM1Er =F �CANO—\SMINGa '$ CMMxYFNI 1 Fv LEFT. PNiI!4zE p N C pq, Yt- 1.UPPER POWFR NCWIE(SHE1h IMS S8)P0911N15 FOR RECTIFIERS. tyy LINTER PDYIFR NODULE ISHFlh WS`51 P0911011s Fql PEmF,ER5. D n S SS�AFu ` 7 SLS- yl INSTALL c(MI NO C6NNECi YVONG TO RECIIMi 1pIM11E i4 POSITION$ 1 M`TIE pVMIP! OF ACIAT PELTTIENS$HALL BE S€ -ILL i DEIERNITFD IiY OTHERS. YY11 9 z.INSTOLL aNE Jw aRcurt BREWER FM GGI RECIITTFA $: £Y3 -It3 '� n n 7 �- ro BE Ix5TAL1ID.LASER ro PINFL sC11EOutE uxTERYNAIED MIPES o-` tltl _ _ m n<PMYFIB o SIWL BE WP AND MUI HiIIMER e -yl i i xl INIETMPTNG P/.TN,,5X41 NATTI PM08INAD. ES -� 7 ^ • 7 xl 3.SEE YWR/NRTNG LIST PCN W<MOv W RE"nM LIMUIES TO 9E - -tlp—�PE PE QO OERCITD. 9g 1,THIS DELAY.IS.VPLM a PON EITHER A+xlv M-MV PCMR PUNT. YOCYIE Ne. b` D TFRMINA DETAIL K WIRING U (Laren SNNP.-LIMPER Sm.alB M) §° ORA GUS TE41 DU POWER PLADE AC SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM NT ��PEe ACN a 2 e AT&T MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT at&t * Ac SwGLEZINE DwcRAY 1s NYCENY1959/U-10.59 ® a` ` / cus rE-al Dc vowca PUNT m= P c x r e c r x t L e Nh329 AT&T MOTILITY 10300 AWN RD 15 EAST Mlg .AVENUE C wx uimun ru anr.un ORIENT POINT.NV. 1195] PAM WUS, 07653 /. B 44 r NYCENY1C59 m E-3 BE 3 n_..Z., OF NE >n.x.E,.oaN .N_ 6 5 4 1. MDRENEEo W OEN/AT&T, mom 3&4 2. STAULED OR OEV OR As sc.�BY NARRE' TYR MN 6) 3 PURNESNED BY BESNTEI- CORI SURDE ARR`�DNS OCARMANDERNAS =70EN OR A� RANNI'T S, SON NOTES3&4 E =ENDN�SONEUR'V BE U'MER 0,Dw D Z�Im=12126-20-CQ 29W MOOUUD�- 7, AROUS.3-991---OODO B.N=M,R,D,, WEARERS SESnM ,AANDLy� A.C� N�R DR�u DN'LEEER ..1.. .8. =5sOmvT.=..ZEIRS AND NEULDES CONNOCDO-S-0 nEEN M D MR RE" NOTES 3.4 NOTES 3.4 NOTES 3.4 ODES 3. NOITS D, 4 NOTES 3.1 11,1 1 11 AND ITIr 17 TNE UNIT OR NI 'D ONED"D. NorEs 3. K�%XOR(1)'%BBE:&=A w DO MR RN�(2) 1DA BRENOERS DNbOR A 24Y DO MIN SPEZIAL COKNEaON. L CONA 11 D DaRRARADED LEC DO ASE EEE DE RZ ARDID51, 4 USARE RED T== %= d 2 COUNT,S 14,DD SURGE SNEER S,,,E BE;;�,;FNP SEE OMNL 14OBA NDBRNA- ED NONE DGER DR,NG� '='""BREREND SD,RN,NG RNN/RHN M USDID FOR WC NODES:3 11 ANS MH BEN ANS RRN 1�.COVERED RNEN BE DDRIM=BE S'"BODI om,MR a NOTES NEEDS NOTES NERES NODES 2/c DO 5 1.2.5 1.2�5 1.2.5 1. 1 g�y/=wc AmwRuAnoNs UNDER,NOM,O`NENNDSEl ENNUT BE M`W NOODE OC.-O-50-I.E. NOEES; 6 AND -UNEO DO�RENNER�Du� FOR W=W- (T. 19 D`R`ArA=921 UW I (NOW 11) -3 ED.ON,UN,,R,WEE,�BE �N/�UL LISEED FOR W�/16"-VN--ARON NODES:�'.4. UNEE'S NODES � N I AN� EENCD 0`CON.M.. REM,TO N,DATA SNEX,, MR 21.NET TNE NOTES 3 nm DOOR MINER oSneumoN MBER PONER 22 MAZWMERNER SNGUE ONES'AB SNERN)OR"NN UNDS CO,,,NSEI NOT EDDEED .4� Box w/RrNEc SURER: BOX./wDD SURRE Box W/�WREE 2T NAOMW 4/0 AR, DION 2V DC MRER PI-AN' M MR 3) = -..E) (.MmR= .-Bo-o-go (.�On DE) -RUCL ESSOR U 4 1 7 16 1. NOTES:3 4. INFIESi 3 4. tg 21 clu"L ME -NND SURGE� �CROLE, r �CONCERT m POR D) DEP"L 1,00%=SIBELE RMLERENENTS� A`N` NOM;3.4.21 or 3) (2) AUCAM LUCENT NOTES:3.4. 9412 ME 3) .26 �EESRON`S NOTES:3. 4. `UUL NOTES, 2 (2)2 ..SINGLE DC2=�E) NONCE,n"CABLE BY X (mR.) NOTES:3.4.5 2 COUND.BARRE-ODE RGEN'A� It- MR D) IN D-EQ- Lw Ln ANTENNA 2 1/f INS WNDUF 3.."ESUSEN Lm ANDER. .RET (Non 5) .1`0� NflEN RE" 2's EDER NEI 3. NOTES:3.4 NOTES: 3.4 4' NOTES ONT 7OD ARS .SNEL, EDE EDE RED 6 AND 'UMPER ND�. 1.2 5 NUDDS: 1.2 NOTES.3.4. 14 7 R AND (2)2 ANG (12) l/C 12 SB NODER: 3.4 (2) I/C I AND NOTES. 21 I 'If uEwc IT MR 7. ANS ABO ANSWA 2i NODES OC BREAREN PARM NOTES NODES NODES NODES a D. v ./0 NODES:3.4.5, 6 2 COUNT. 4122 4.2� 3.4.22 4.2� INDEX:DRIER ��,BNENCERS m SOAK i.4.a.9 NORDIC NOEES. 1 2 5 A. AD JUMP FOR 2; RON 2) 1 LEND CONDUIT R.AFN,lN.m I DIII PID SDRN NODES It 24V TO U.4. 2� 1 NOTES, 4.6 C. TO (2) AND P-�X ACE.-E PORDER NOOD S BRUNDIRS IN 2" 2.DO NOTES: 4. 7 A� --�----2 AND SYSTEM DIAGRAM,TOWER SITE D A,?o A WITH OUTDOOR BASE BAND AND RHHs ON GROUND AT&T MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT A. WCENY109 /1�1059 AND E�11. D C.11-1,�IA aut D,70W P SITE WlTH OUTDOO D ARC 111-1111 NW= �&T MSBLT� 40200 NAN RD 15 EAST MISIAND AVENUE F-4 POINT, NY 11957 A..S .1 CRIEND 6 5 2 w M3N :10 Z b S 9 m 6ew�Yss-�n J� g 5-3 fiSOtAN3JAN L ® LS9L0LN 'SIIYItlWd L96t1 'A'N 'INIOd LN31tl0 3nem,ONVIOIe 15Y3 SI OL'NM1 WL% 1n1V ® OEELAN 1 x o X �..N10J]0/]0 ONnON]NO[Ntl lisle O3S N NOMino .r' IIO IM ` BSOI-fl/BSOMN30AN Nre nlo] Nvm n R 1Ntltllltl153tl tl3S 3H1 AB 1N31N0 ALIl190ry Y51V B ^ ae i GN t 1 d I U31MAN00 00/00 ONnouE)NO 6HHU CINV UNVS Is- �s 'anuvwssN L3B J..a.Oos 3r tl0001f o`mmov10 WHIM a31w pnUN«L naso r 3B Tins sawn wnmo wv head]r st 6a 'sNurrNssN 138. ]PL/3aB Joe 3r naw 3BIIl/NN a3ssn n 3e Tnlx r33310 rdnOa]° II �� ', 'mdaw LNBa ean3moa uo3 rm va3B snot aQ I. 'IVNJM]BNIBN mmtl3L11 YU1 VWrt m13°33z 'e a: 'P-.e N.W sSLI a Na ONI 13MA'J![YLV]0 3LL xL3M13B '... 31Bq JO 311E W.03N'IG31 ILA 9 MIB NGY10011510 brLV ONI YiN 'B �$ 'nMIM]4MlM T1BdN W YIL30 36 .L _ p O A/5 NO !/I'31}Yz 3e TIM$011101D 56SMJ NI1 SMNLL3l 31BQ 'B - ". 'semBa31 P/[3u1-1]N5n m'd dO 530a 316md0 No Q BXmm Xi19-Ol-MT9 MYLL'B1 B 03L1 ON,Y®f YV 5T'IaML 319q TMFN 'r IM'L Y3W.V A A 1Wtl o 3 M glHy t IMI A/[3pX-L 3B TM6 aYCYB _ 3JN3Y3fLl ON 9 8333 Y 633f 111M pth W SMN1Yi1 31BQ '[ i T 13NBQ 11UVg3 YMINn N TnLSN 'L ' .heNY-Y.31aln 0. 'AWMCd WI OMH �$ UYYip BWNIC Be.V'9'--4 p3bnW�Ne3m1'Sa6Sa6 3RVdlp 3B TMIS 13511 'B3SI1A fldl%CB°mT'Id -s 01M B BW B = AIN N NL/3eX Y613 d0 5013 ILLOB lY 4WJ Y3V9d JO 3. _ (B A L 531gU o L]O I . :Leh R -0 dMM OIIOq SIlOB (h) 5 h p0]31L Otld pr i hWL-J 81 i e 11JUII�35N "S1n-J (S 3181x (01 310X) y 4 tl3BJ'd i bT1 hSYr-] OW 9 (X�L�TNLW o-a (c Sun) UI no- (r 31p1) ro as d/O ol03 s 3muvd 3�P (L 3u11) ([31au 3: MWO l3Nd N3'M3eB Nr-tWJ1W ([3101)B 8331 Y®3 0 yp�L35 ]Ipl]3C � yayy.L10)' eBI-81 eK ILIM p3h IIIM MLh 00 5YX T �n whom onOBB Omv B—r r° A oa m i h xwu3lom 3wl'8 Mr i hoot-a xooreBuaoaX,_a Y Y Y Y @ Y $ :S N3ILV 9 tl3af �E 7 U8 23 R g wXs3w]lnmu �� aNam Om LST 9 of now v a v v e epLbe a WSXIUX 3s (B aux)(dLL B) m m � 512N LN3af d 9 mMIpWJ OMMm 1lMV 9� 53HQ YWV J/L _ � S� as of h eiL:s3� wmm _l L"atB mL/uv c n Lm+a) - -mL-r dtilo-i.Mn sus 's�Ja of Jao wI (Ilei esa "9 h xalwoxd 3oNs pr * .00e-r m+®h- +m- a®.- T Lxnm-wmv xm _ yy _ oxo Ss Y Nei tl94H1 fSW-r 5 S F� l`1° L((Im)BLm L F_ O-a 1 + 1 h � /J 13NfIlJ �.S YRMII-TinOLI S o e X Y9i 5310b £ r m1035 r ml]35 �' p]( Sm a 5 a T I b: CRgIND e NEW ry PPI£YFNIAW �. RGO.TP gipU p CI9L£3N xwp.rYP. 1. USME qi SIYLL REXFM MIO INSPECT TEP N1Y '.. CRWNpNI'nSTFM MU LpNIHIXG PROlEG110H AS CE4LIE9 MIO a' rOZ$E-)S dFIC�Isl.pin EIIfPA uG1M11iIc�WW�cm .o a_ f �._. fLl@µ0011 'MIII TELMRW.Ma ru GiWNCNG nINDVmS. ME _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._ _ _._._._._.l su9LvxTPrtIGR SHML REPOPr AMr xawEwlrs oR XaAERSE Fxwxcsro ME p _': I � � � I WxmAcmR FOR PFSO4TMN. _ 2. ME GROUND E1EcwpOE sniEEs(MauwxG nDEcgRIpxlDwmx. PAwo, rnaDE ATM PWIECIILN.MID IL POwfli OEs•s RXI11 F BpDED TOGEIXFA. / RT ax 9ELDYl ff RY TIIO W MpRF ER BJIIDMMr Cg1DWTORS w Aw:oRgMlcE wnx r�rEc. i3 J. BMW qi SWLL PEPFgW(FE FML-OF-PoIE -RESBE—i0 r •.v3 L. FMNH TS11N0 RA IFEE IIW MIO n)TOR NEw W1W10 EIECIMXIE i MIEYS. ME SW1L FURNSH MID IN51ML SUPPIFYEMM y0 wXMWO EIECIRCp6 AS NEFCd m K11E A IEA RMLT OE 5 g1Y5 GR I IAs. b PROTEcr MwnSn u+Fw I n FROLI oAMscE wReNc o 4. 1EEIL RICEWAY$XML 1pT BE VE0 AS TIE NEC REWIPED EW WYEM AMO MTFP 116TMIAlKK1. GAWND cpxoucrpR. srPMao CLPPEP cglwtcroRs wml gEEx IxsuuElW, t-- 6 5 v1MOTIME POSY' g11ro ers"�E81.w R�FpINSNm AxD elAMun �• 5, E%OiN n METES SHNL BE USEp FCR ML g NMG CpxMECIW^NS BEIIIM CxOWE1L 8. pIAFfl0.4D IMp%IWMF CM1PNr5 tI�E f.ONWL'IM1E fA OP PASTE)51V1L BE GRWND PWG 12 AWG 40 vsEo ON ML GOM"ESBCM Mm BOL1Eo wwRlO cOxrEGIIONs. T. suuua ro x COnnEcrEO M G ND cwglcmRs 9wi BE grMlm M I A 91SLXFME AT N1 4WIEC11011x D RCG CGPPERNELO .� _ j a. GpI�M gi$�WNw19ggIWAnExWWB'JSLIm m WWIEwiU511CIGWnIR s1ER s/6R x 10•-G• LDNG C. gr '� —• NVOEYC. MT.WAIKKI TgiWE 9W1 8 _ _ _ _ _ _.J BE TEP YWIIFKTINFs REg1BF1MM! EN 9. ML GBIE Tun$I BE BONDED m E11E EXBWUED GRW1tl 6,y "----EE11ED1 BCW WRm WP WYE �W1111 A 9xc1E CwEVCIM 0 12]ANC sWO TrWIE➢ GRgWo PB1c.TrP. spmflAEX1 Aw vex[ES EouwNr 3 DETAIL GROUND ROD XEIL WPPEn ry a j MMND Bw.rm. ISE'C�im1M5: .w D aAX a D Cpv mavn C,ME wox f1M<E MD 3E W1110XI:AT.511E5 TE LMfWCEOR gW AT BW AT BAA AT 1 I 1 MIDLE 1g1 IVND �E f4TET. GhLT YLST VEAFY TNL ME n51EL Is -4 - -4 NqF ASSwBILv -S ,ECfhFLY GRgI.MO MEFI ME � s •M lvP. TP. T9. NEc AQIIQE]SO ISWWEYEE115 MN — _ ILCFPEAC4E To TK Ld•K MSF£Clgi/ I PW ej LRROE --I wnwRnr. N.Mflgc asG-e4 OREM. $pETJEIES 6 RESInN1GE OF]5 -4 i0 EGUPFM Y LESS _ pXYs OR 1F55 F9R TE GFpIIONG M. GAW1D RWG — / - ASEEY.TE R1plECE REOLWIAENE 6 QMmLE ro RW fM KI➢EO— .. FNE(s)wR2s. 11e Nom. 05 To Y°N°PD� msX 9PWMM TPtt4Tn WSFECIMxi HMD XWE% WB: 611WW MNG flN BE PRE VSE'BE A II CR e€ 1.ILL MFTNUC CBLEETSBB LOVEED WHIN /s MMG /]/0 PYC MIO sN V BE 'MINW.IM H GTHE PMC sIMLL BE yg1w1 OP I? L0 XJS DEE'. .13E ro ME CIKNIO IE1W. pplM BW t 1.PRg10E SIPMH RFIJw AMO MroTEcnON GOxOW I 1 I iFW SNMV WEFAYL fORI.— I 3 AWG S COVI B qp TMXEO BCR EESE . VaFS.FRULE IR GFOJIO i' S Epi. / MIX 1W0-HOIE TE RC LWP M GO-MIIL£D CCAgR.TpK t 00 a4 v TL BA PU - E° 9 0 V _ PAL%SECTVS UMR x B50 CURECIpS m CMRf � / iq£IXFR. C1FIN SMIO RLL a �OWD MRES pIDST1.W PAH RRH RRX PoNG I3 AWG WJD 1MMED • AAE 12 AMG GREEN CWT BW 1 NEW GPs BCN GPWXp y tlDIE: tlEFIB INWEIEE ARE I2 WNNTFD.TWKD B A UNIT .y •• -%. Y T16 SHEn IS 11' X iT REFER fL��• TiNEO UNIESS NOEFD 0 1F0 WECiSµ U• TO ADIVSM GP/AIIC SLOE. a/�f-I'-P OMERMSE. i1 SUBGE �Y�-i SU 5/w x RW COPPER NIID IB AwG GROUND ROD TEST WELL s/e x 10'-v LoxG �`a � EQUIPMENT GROUNDING PLAN � 2 TYP.GROUNDING SCHEMATIC B"I"a � tl 4 � y.�OP SFR H / A at I �e Ai&T MOBILIIT 35 ORIENTRENYlm9A RESTAURANT ® at&t e b ...a. .. Es Y THE S NYCENY1059 /ll•f059 Q O{` ax r[m¢ Eicc.crtourlmN6 Pury mqLLINS AIA NYY330 e t a+n pEraLs pikl NCOILIA i[f i 9.L L v .V 4C2M n 15 EAST qN41pUND VEHUE a,.enw� ORIENT T. NY. 1195) ppRpMUS. 0>651 NYCENV1059 owe 6 6 gi ,• � n u•-M+weal uc 1 6 5 4 3 .�... fi /e Awc snuxom Cu _ �_ _ wvE wWE LATH CREFl1.6DT', NEWTON INSTRUMENT NC(YPIM'.INC. _••• •-• uw ns 8 Txrm wwunox E E r wAsxm.m. OCTION SINCE^rorE 0. ro. RED. vND No. DmcRxmW i E SArxEss sER LttNwrsxvt GROUND BW FME pmrc PORTS(WTwI WATEs)U2) nP. J/6 . -1/z ON wNL ROp< Q 1 1/r N'aYC SOLID ONO.BYI E' NVffiMWE XE, p1i ON OU,µLOW CFIEMiOR fAAWwww(LF AYNVBIE)U1) _. O 2 M6LC8 wNl Y10.BN(i. rw0 KKxE RAIEn TELCO fFW10 BW(2 R cMVER �.Ty. O] 2 w61-♦ wRL Aiws .2.wASE PLACER cFITIO xEu'(02) SOD eCNO(/z) F TEAYWx N x0 BM L azw POAFIt SUPPLY RETURII R'A(/2) 4 ♦ .1012-1 s/�-11.r N.N.c.s. -yy pIR FR REIP RLTXN BNI Uz) 0 0 0 o 0 0 o O 4 NIS-6 5/8 LOLN*1 Rmnilpi iRINFs. o cDCr wwREsswx OflWNCNK TOO'OPPE�R ro xEPr O o 0 0 0 0 0 o O cenw. _DSOs OrWmc ca c ORE Y NNY M OOUOOaNXIECIgN�l1 INip6oR mWxD firlC mm, Rnw)(/z) q CROLNI INSULATION NLOMED TNICIE sxOMM ro aILSIWIE WFID WIFNOR 2 0 J ExfEAWL FMT1 CNpJ1D PEI➢(Bp6ED Ofl01118 RARE 4 COWOIRSON VEMERIC Ar IIID LONETT PLANT ON TRE SN, ORWxO PoNG YRILIL COD wIFFEN PIX OF AVNIKIE)U2) E' TPMNAL 1. (WWW PRWIpIFII BUILfIINf STEEL off AE = Iz NW spun SIR W,,, RECTOND CO Twnm § M flCCfiO3) NPPFn wiWND CONDUCTOR. 0 1 z 0 6 4 NL CAYYUNKAlYM15 EwIwLLEX!fwNLES. s E,4,NE`NSC WILD ro RURIm QWNO A o rspATm plIXlxO&Vt F FRIG NIO fFWNO SIR ® 1 DEruL xoTEs: '� 1 1�OnIFANN ©E){OTnEl011fNLr WEIR z AIR,RARE:"m soNll LONER oJNwJCLCR TO 5 Y OROIMD W.ROUTE C�WCTOS r0"I wRMD RING NIC PRDADE I d0$: PNW1F1 IXORLLnLOC WED. 1.'Cp.9XNO ur OR•5i Mw:Of CpRIECLIpI 5 NOT XIOYTIm. Sr, 2.ONCE MRSTIN'COMPOUND TO X USFD AT NL "UNIONS. 0'.PEAYNE-N WAMR TO I,A TIRE U_Nm fETwRx fMN `, SECOpI MD VBE2 FALAI SmfpN CP. A•.•T)MITX 1• XCN IkTIFAS. TYP.GROUNDANOAINSTALLATION OF GIIOUNOMAETO COAX CABLE GROUND BAR T RGB REFERENCE-GROUND BAR DETAIL ,. TO TRWCRAT uEROPpc AMvxu. E°£ ro TO'MFzi MDuxrm NnpWu uwER REDGWm NIPufYR oars(TW) OONLY COIROAR P1TAs/6'r ro ulmOu �cr RFR N1051TEuo.ploPa N� ONRECEIVE ANTENNA O MISS (RP.) LLC DETNL 119 -$ crovm 9Dxwxc CnncuGTaR RECTOR ?- wFAnIERN` ORANG Nrt SOND.WSIWG LVO 8 E (IP.) SUANAO o OL/Rxz R%1/M2 w T1ERPROOFNG CR.D Nn RIPJ ORWM M -- SONONG BJWNC AMFNM C1p.E If TO 2C NR(nP) 5 (YWF.i!B I I AIIMIID 6 AWG STRNOm Cu P/N BOMx OR pid1ND Nrt WORE WITH GREEN SON, �' APPRwTD EQUAL) .NSNAxIm(1YP) y�Ryp(4 NOTE:x SImTmTrtD FOR WFA1XRWi0OTXG T Rfw)(s¢ g�yO^^f y�ppDPpE CONDAT RIM CONDUCTOR (SEE NOTE 5) �J 1 NOTE) (Ory,Gg( SE xm I. 5 ywEIV NNIEN. SEE DETUL 119 B Gr3LE GROUND OT I nNLE 9m.FGR ALA BDIMnC /6 AWG SIPN1Dm W w1X STIR ro� ro sxf1TER "OMERYIC SELO S!T WREN GflFF11.BOW.nMR Ix5.WAlgN (�) EMRY m I c€ (wWuxem To cRamD 8.A)(sm I I umE(wmuxD ). RaE°R MY 22 XRO Cu SOLID S: BwIpIW SOS' I !2> CETNL I19 uWN20 LUO 2 AyF BCM TINNED COPPER WIRE SCREW "FIR mow INTEN. SOUD 11. GROUND RIM YONDPOIE PEA YIETNIK CMM IROS.WK.ENT.F1£X) K AWG$TRAxOED W WWE WITR GREFIR, E%OTXEAYIC 2 AWG BCM SOLD ( p TONS: FROM TM BWI.TNWR INSuunpR wELD(M. T nxnm IXOl1EAY 1.YWNT BCNCNG ft.ONTO COXOWT IIOIES: WHEN REWIRm) R01).. 65 2.RICHER BCf.O mSHPMr SET SOPEW 1.OO NOT IXSINL CIBIE GRW1D NR W A BEAD.WD NWA. /2 AYC W$IPM1Dm W¢PUro _ ].INSERT COOPER CONO C INTO WC DRER GROUND NRE DONH TO CROON O W. YME NTR OW RW♦, _1 ♦.lIGX1FN LLG CpMLTOR SCREW 1XWN NSUINP]X BWCW TORTEN SONCNP LUG SCREW 2.pWUNONG NR SOUL RE TYPE AND PINT NUMBER AS ro TpMA gTEFl wy S NOTE BpRMG RUSHING.SET SCREYI.LAG 5JPRRD OR RECauuENDED BT ClD1E MANUFACTURER. ywppgF NOTE: �3 LW SAEM, G RU LUG SMS REN, NJIIBFR Of N TRE PIAS Wr vNIY LJ(SCREW. IPYf. 5.WOO ER PRWMG SMALL BE(TroE IND PINT XVYBFR AS NOTE:CO NOi NSTNL CASE GROApR CEPENdIW CN TRE iYFE OF MJXKO£, sUPREI)OR XLpId)ILfD BY('ABLE NON NI qT AT A BERD M!D ILWA.pRECT W LCCAIKN NIO CWIECIION e ORa111O MIRE w%W1 m CIOBE PR NIDE As RmUfEll. A CONDUIT BOND/GROUND BUSHING DETAIL CONNECTION OF CABLE GROUND NII R)ANTENNA CABLE p GROUND WIRE TO GROUND BAR CONNECTION E GROUNDING-MONOPOLn E eeg 2 2 v m J` 9 AT&T MOBILItt 5 ORIENT BY THE SFJYRESTAURANT W�}�� r NYCENY/959 /Lj IDjo a` 0WILLIAM w„. - cfloorvowc DETaLs 'S a c N T F I C T is.Lni p NY'I329 T B ® AT&TYoelu>y 4020(YVN RD 15 E T MIDLAND ENOE m �1594W 9] NYCENY1059 E-J B u o vws.uru�u ru o�w.n ORIENT POINT,N.Y. 1195] PARP65 MUS, W 0] 2 m ^ on ppL1 r rs[ . 6 5 4 a F 3 4 � C. t [ RECEIVED s 1', LOOKING • ' PROPOSED • • ' •LE AND EQUIPMENT PLATF• ' • • OWNER: ENTERPRISES 11/2/2011 LOOKING SOUTH-EAST PROPOSED MONOPOLE AND EQUIPMENT PLATFORM LOCATION OWNER: M.G.H. ENTERPRISES 11/2/2011 r ,• `,�1i�`, �q�� 1 9�� � .�1 � / .� ,''`i-� m,�/syr � �ie. 1 7 •�►�►� !� Imo',•-r s.,,�,y �. .� � � :1 ` • i�� 1 LOOKING • OWNER:PROPOSED MONOPOLE AND EQUIPMENT PLATFORM LOCATION ENTERPRISES i LOOKINGILL ENTERPRISESPROPOSED MONOPOLE AND EQUIPMENT PLATFORM LOCATION 617.20 SEAR PROJECT ID NUMBER APPENDIX C STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM for UNLISTED ACTIONS Only. PART t-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by A lipilegm or Project Sponsor) I.APPLICANT/SPONSOR-. L 2.PROJECT NAME New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC 3.PROJECT LOCATION: Munldp Lily Town of Southold Cly Suffolk 4.PRECISE LOCATION Street Addea tall Road Inlenecdons, Prominent landmark* etc •or: orovlde mat 40200 Main Road(S.R.25) Orient,NY 11957 SCTM# 1000- 15-9-8.1 5.IS PROPOSED ACTION: O New Expanalon [].Modification/alteration 9.DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: Applicant proposes to erect a 70' monopole, install public utility wireless ' telecommunications antennas therein, and install related equipment on the ground, all as depicted in the plans submitted herewith. 7.AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Inately acres Ultimately acres D.WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER RESTRICTIONS? ❑X Yes ❑ No If no,describe brlstty:. 9.WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? (Choose as many as appy.) nX Residential ElIndustrial 13 Commercial OAgrkull M ❑Park 1 F0r*M/Opa Sp*a FX Olney (daertbe) The subject premises is improved with a Restaurant and Marina. The premises are bordered on tFie east by the federal govemn enPs Plum Island Animal Disease Center and on the west by Orient Beach State Park.Gardiners Bay is located to the south and residences to the north. 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (Federal, Slates Local) Eyes ElNo If yes, list agency name and permit I approval: 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? FiYes ®Nd It yes, list agency name and permit / approval: t . AS A R ULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/ APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? Is No I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant / Sponsor NameWCula Wireless PCS,LLC Date: Si nature B . /Jos eh Sweet System Development Manager IN s action Is a Costal Area, and you are a stats agency, )COplots the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment PART II- IMPACT ASSESSMENT fro W comipletod by Lad Agency) A. DOES ACTION EXCEED ANY TYPE f THRESHOLD IN 6 NYCRR,PARI'617.45 H yes,coordMal•ee review psora and use the.FULL EAF. ❑Yoe. -. S. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN 6 NYCRR,PART 017.07 I(Nb a rwpadve. declaration may be superseded by another Iwolverl agency, Yee No C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING,(Answers may be ht ndwrltlen,0lowe) Ct. ExM%sk*0*.surface or groundwater qualfly,or querMRy,notes levels,Mtetirg traflk pattern,solid waste production or dispowA potential for on abn,drainage or good ? Explain bd C2. Aesthetic,agritailtunti,arclueologkal,hhuarle,or other nehsal orculbsal resources or comm stty or neighborhood character?Explain briefly, C3. Vegetation or Taunak M.andlan or fie,or throo=or;M;gersd spec ? pla n brteflyr. C4. A corn Y ed$"piece or GO&n or• rape In use or Intensity of UM Of Or other natural resources? In tMeOy. CS. 0 ;39 quem d meM,or or, to be Induced actioo Splain y: CO. Long term,short term.cumulative,or odor;0acte not mum"In C1267 briefly: C7. Otler Icepacts(inciudina changes In use of other qua at ru 7;;V Explain briefly.- 0. WILL THE PROJECT HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS THAT CAUSED THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREA C t YM �No IT. OR IS THERE LIKELY TOB CONTROVERSY RELAT TO OT ENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? t • lain: [:]NO F I PART III-DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE(To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS, For each adverse affect Identified above,determine whether If Is substantial,large,important or otherwise signillowt Each effect should be assessed In connection with its(a)setting(Le.urban or rural);(b)probability of occurring;(c)duration:(d)trevent"Ity;(e) geographic scope;and(f)magnitude. If necessary,add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detall to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been idenhffed and adequately addressed. If question d of part t was checked yes,thedetermination of significance mustevalusts the potential impactofthe proposalaction on the environmental cfaractorte0csof the CEA. Check this box If you have Identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse Impacts which MAY oar.Then proceed directly to the FULL EAF andlor prepare a positive declaration. Check this box If you have determined,based on the Information and analysis above and any supporting documentation,that the proposed actior WILL NOT result In any significant adverse environmental Impacts AND provide, on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting I determination. Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Offloor In Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer In LoadAgency once re of Proparer(if differentfrom respohe s o E N at&t , r� BOARD OFAPpEAL �z SITE NUMBER: NYCENY1059 SITE NAME: ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT aU Em DRAWING INDEX REV. DIRECTIONS: PROJECT INFORMATION am T-1 TITLE SHEET 6 MIDLAND AVE (NORTH—WEST) TAKE RAMP (RIGHT) ONTO SR-17 C TURN RIGHT ONTO RAMP TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO SR-4 SCOPE OF WORK: AN EQUIPMENT AT GRADE LEVEL ATOP NEW A-1 SITE PLAN 6 TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO 1-95 EXPRESS LN [NEW JERSEY TPKE] ELEVATED STEEL EQUIPMENT PLATFORM AND RELATED ANTENNAS A-2 PARTIAL SITE PLAN 6 MERGE ONTO 1-95 [NEW JERSEY TPKE] KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO 1-295 [CROSS BRONX EXPY EXT] MOUNTED INSIDE NEW RF TRANSPARENT MONOPOLE. A-3 EAST ELEVATION 6 TAKE RAMP (RIGHT) ONTO CROSS ISLAND PKY AT EXIT 30E, KEEP RIGHT ONTO RAMP (0.4 MI) SITE ADDRESS: 40200 MAIN RD. (a.k.a. S.R. 25) TAKE RAMP (LEFT) ONTO 1-495 [LONG ISLAND EXPY] AT EXIT 73, TURN OFF ONTO RAMP ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 A-4 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS6 KEEP LEFT TO STAY ON RAMP BEAR RIGHT (EAST) ONTO CR-58 [OLD COUNTRY RD] o A-5 CABINET DETAILS 6 KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO SR-25 [MAIN RD] TURN LEFT (NORTH—WEST) ONTO LOVE LN A-6 ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAILS 6 KEEP STRAIGHT ONTO STURN RIGHT R-25 TURN 5 [MAIN RDD] ARRIVE AT MAINRD, ORIENT POINT NYFT (NORTH) 01119578 [MAN RD] PROPERTY OWNER: M.G.H. ENTERPRISES, INC. A-7 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 6 CONTACT PERSON: BOB HAASE (631) 323-2424 A-B STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN, NOTES AND DETAILS 6 VICINITY MAP APPLICANT: NEW LINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC s E-1 ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM AND NOTES 6 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE E-2 ELECTRICAL DETAILS, SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 6 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 E-3 AC SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM FOR ARGUS TE-41 DC POWER PLANT 6 LATITUDE: N 41• 9' Sr .,NAD (83) LONGITUDE: W 77 14' 39.7' ..NAD (83) g E-0 SYSTEM DIAGRAM,TOWER SITE WITH OUTDOOR BASE BAND RRHs ON GROUND 6 w, ELEVATION: e•-o„ AMSL «ruv0 (6e) -' WIRING DIAGRAM, OUTDOOR BASE BAND RRHs ON GROUND € JURISDICTION: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD E-5 DC/DC CONVERTER 6 µ �9 4j, TAX I.D.NUMBER: BLK: 9 LOT: 8.1 SEC: 15 B E-6 TELCO, ELECTRIC, GROUNDING PLAN AND DETAILS 6 »+.* " 4 s ZONING DISTRICT: ZONE: MARINE II MAP:N/A rE E-7 GROUNDING DETAILS 6 t °" 4` CURRENT USE: MARINA/RESTAURANT PROPOSED USE: MARINA/RESTAURANT/WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY rn CODE AND STANDARDS ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET OR EXCEED ALL APPLICABLE NATIONAL AND LOCAL CODES, INCLUDING BUT + s� .+'+ !, ^W ' SITE QUALIFICATION PARTICIPANTS NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING NAME COMPANY NUMBER —BUILDING CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD —AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) A/E NEIL A. MACDONALD WILLIAM F. COLLINS. AIA (631) 689-8450 R —BUILDING OFFICIALS AND CODE ADMINISTRATION (BOCA)—AMERICAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION (ASA) '-- k ,✓ :ve.+p. ARCHITECTS, LLP v —BUILDING CODE OF THE STATE OF NLIY YORK —UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES (UL) .+'. .aF.��, r 631 807-7836 3 _NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) —NATIONAL ELECTRIC MANUFACTURES ASSOCIATION (NEMA) iyT' _ SAC VICTORIA BRENNAN SHORE 2 SHORE ( ) ry NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) -- ma ds 8 RF SHARED HUSAIN BECHTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (978) 239-5328 CON RICHARD CHAPPA TELECOMMUNICATIONS (201) 218-7763 z THE SEA RESTAURANT 631 323-2424 CONTACT BOB HA4SE PE C ( ) A a o p+ rom/, \5 �,hpglDER H C ww" AT&T MOBILITY +c , lT 1T D o,ro = ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT a i&` � ma WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA NYCENY1059 LI-1059 ® ` ` wn.M j '/l- IItA TITLE SHEET `o A R C H I T E C T S. L L P NY7320 T AT&T MOBILITY + srtc xo. orswwixc NuueEx ntv 10-i ncxnommuurvr s�auKeT.N)11711 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE urn vola mi.exa-xasu r.es n,inxo-xasv ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 „„ _ J G NYCENY1059 T-1 6 6 5 4 3 e,2 wr OP N EV ovx-sM:ao.oz7 owc 22 M 34 D SI EXISTING OVERHEAD h NEW AT&T ELECTRIC CONDUITS TRENCHED UTILITY LINES FROM 'E UNDERGROUND FROM NEW AT&T ELECTRICAL UTILITY POLE35 BEYOND - GE METER AND DISCONNECT SUPPORT RACK TO NEW # AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED ON NEW NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUIT oo RE IS ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-4 FOR TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM PROPERTY LINE, 1YP.� gp0' MORE INFORMATION EXISTING UTILITY POLE /35 TO T NEW MESA SPAN CABINET AT EXISTING RESTAURANT _s SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AND MARINE FUELING c PROPERTY EXISTING PROPERTYa SITE DATA EXISTING TRANSFORMER, OWNED BY ORIENT STATION D 2-a 1) NEW LEiASE AREA(INCL MONOPq.E&YETe20N MESA SPAN W) 519 150. R METER AND DISCONNECT �POINT STATE PARK v^ rw .Y " w 2) t NEW MONOPOLE TO SOU1H III LME 6EIBACK 2,KI-11T �` t OG EO y t 1 0 3 0) (NEW NONOPOIE ro SWIH BUUOIFAD SEIB/DN 196'-T LOCATION OF NEW AT&T ELECTRIC r •) t Nlw uaNDPDIE ro sSUTR PROPER//'uNE sE18.DK 4o•-s METER AND DISCONNECT SUPPORT u� 27W-0 RACK. SEE r� INFORMATION 6) t NEW MONOPOLE ro NORRT P eWOPmn UTE sEllwx ]m• /A-4 FOR MORE ° \ySYOCN atr `z EXISTING STORAGE IN 4L 7) t NEW YONOPOIE ro NORM BIAIWEAD 4TB.CK 112-IP BUILDING QP��QP t t t v a 5) t NEW MONOIE OFro NORIR O.N. URUIY m•-r r o 9) t NEN YOIIOPIXE ro NONR1 R6IOENML PROPBBY UNE m e 10) t WIN Nar1DPaE ro IXF11H RESIDENIVL ROME SEfBYK e60'-e• 'XPS�SXPS� \ yy y 11 .-6 11) t NEW MOTroRI ro FAST PROPIXTY UNE SET8Y9C 250'-6• ✓ ��O�G�' / 12) t.NEW MOTIOPOLE ro EASE BUIXHEAD SETBACK 1J5•-C YS .S 8 p o v 13) t NEW MONOPOIE ro SE PROPER/UNE SEIBILK 176•-1• O�GO�VF'tA + • 4Q4 n u 14) t NEW NONOPOIE TO SE BUUWEAD SEIB.DK 151•-1• F ` aK. p'R r 15) t IE\Y MONOPOLE ro SWfll EpOE OF PAVEMENT SEIB.OK 6]'-0• <JI + , j i S � Z S' Em 16) 4. NM MONOPOLE TO W6f FIFIXI T(Y UNE SEIHMI( 19•-5 tF++ncc,, +/ 9 O•i /�, 1]) NEW EWEiLEM COMPOUND ro WEST PROPERTY ME SflBECK 7•-1• �r4"3 ek a S " 06 56 3 le) Nfi/Eg1PYEM COIIPOIINO ro EAST BULKHEAD SERMCN 1]4'-9• _n 19 a MH EXISTING MARINA d/ NEW 14'-0" HIGHA 7 JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA O J r 7'-0" O.C., TYP. OF (5) +� •@ RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE TO BE o 0 NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT i �k' S' q "GRAY/BLUE: SHERWIN-WILUAMS #SW006 v 0 CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW I H ti " COPEN BLUE. ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL _� / 6 .� s+y + -o PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-2 FOR - In MORE INFORMATION j NOTE' ��' o a NEW AT&T 70'-0" HIGH RIF CONTRACTOR IS SITE CONTRACTOR TO SIGNAGE GEND S S + RESTORE ANY AREA COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE AND 60 69 - .�'` / E� l WHICH IS AFFECTED BY ACCORDANCE WITH AT&T E ANTENNAS. TO BE EXTENDABLE TO +� ��tT rvQ� THE INSTALLATION OF PROJECT TECHNICAL 90-O' ANY ITEMS.i +/ GOJQ�OQ EQUIPMENT WITHIN SIGNCAIGFlCATIONS FOR SITE +/��N�. dy /+/ P- '41 SCOPE OF WORK. p F S • ryN � F Fp LEXISTI NG 5 qr A96� $ 6 MARINA J��YY' ALL TRENCHES TO BE THE CONSTRUCTION AND PLACEMENT d - S @T �' oFA '' 7 1F X}.� HAND EXCAVATED AND OF THE FACILITY WILL NOT r 2gpr R "C. $�o° �� + YJ BACKFILLED TO ENSURE INTERFERE WITH PUBLIC SAFETY E15T eA ,{/� L THAT EXISTING COMMUNICATIONS AND THE USUAL m0 0 SUEOp o� + AND CUSTOMARY TRANSMISSION OR B NOq ,d UNDERGROUND UTIUTIE ARE NOT DISTURBED. RECEPTION RADIO, TELEVISION CO 2`E .. ' + MAKE ALL PVC JOINTS OR OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 19ANTENNA CABLE LENGTHS SERVICES OR WITH ELECTRICAL � TE + ANTENNA PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. / SECTOR "A SECTOR "B" SECTOR "C' TRANSMISSION LINES. A9. / TYPE n my� + v p s N) ^ oma eases /A � � UMTS/GSM 100'-0" 100'-0" 100'-0" DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS, E a A A �s. /+ CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE o / LTE 100—O 100'-0•' 100'-O• PROPOSED RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A + CONCRETE FOUNDATION IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK .+x Z STATE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED rvpry + DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. / EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH RAMP EXISTING UNDERLYING VEGETATION,34,41• _ / JLOI' " m TRAILER AND BOATS TO BE / INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED UPON A SURVEY CLEARED PRIOR TO START OF + V// )T) PREPARED BY: HAWKINS WEBS JAEGER PLLC., 3239 ROUTE 112, cP EXISTING BULKHEAD 631 732-7777, O3 CONSTRUCTION — 1ST. BUILDING 8-SUITE 1, MEDFORD. NY 11763, ( ) o EXISTING SHORELINE S39'44, 'r� NORTH (DATED JULY 2ND, 2009, PROJECT NO: 06-0099) oz \ ow SITE PLAN GARDNE�S EXISTING BAY ENTRANCE 5 6 a 1 seal£:r=4a-o, BqY ` Q �ww�� � A � 11° X 1Y REFER r=eo-o' o w.", ECT{,. �. ECT o ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT aaiT trt p www , 47 AT&T MOBIu Y TO WILLIAM F. COLLINS,AIA NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 ® M `&i p w1w,w U C Rid i � 1 SITE PLAN o A R C H I T E C T S. L L P NY7320 i h AT&T MOBILITY 0° w'np° MTEI •1 TUI TECHNomuro s UKET.N)11733 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE NI �3Iffia VOICE. fiN fiN4 Nas ina 441-6N4-Na54 SITE rv0. OHPWING NUMBER flEV ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 c. 7 NYC EN Y 1059 A-1 6 U2 6 5 Q orry" " mT�so osl owe 22 x 34 SIZE 0Nr E NOTE: tv ANY EXISTING TREES, UNDERLYING VEGETATION, TRAILERS AND BOATS IN AREA OF NEW CONSTRUCTION 6 TO BE CLEARED PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. ny a DASHED LINES REPRESENT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - _ HIGH JUN t• EXISTING SHRUBBERY TO BE - D.C. SEE 11/A-0 FOR MORE ENFORMATION ® 7'-(r-� D REMOVED m v NEW AT&T TELCO AND POWER PANELS 4-0" ( ( 28-0" ( (2) NEW PURCELL CABINETS STACKED. NEW SBU TO BE o} MOUNTED TO NEW PLATFORM �l(/ ) `1 �> INSTALLED IN NEW PURCELL FLXI6WS CABINET. SEE tm HANDRAIL. SEE 416B/E-1 SIM. \'�( I )) (\"\( � ` )J l ( � )�J (\"\( � � )J 1/A-5 FOR MORE INFORMATION 3 NEW AT&T EMERGENCY GENERATOR '„��) NEW AT&T ELECTRIC CONDUIT TRENCHED UNDERGROUND RECEPTACLE MOUNTED TO SIDE OF FROM NEW AT&T ELECTRIC METER AND DISCONNECT TO k� POWFR PANEL L ����J ^ L ��y L���" ��� ` l �J� I NEW AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED ON NEW AT&T m NEW CONCRETE PAD MOUNTED \ `��/'� �_ \ v \ f�� \ EQUIPMENT PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-1, 1 AND 566/A-4 v ����' \�. .J � \�. �f \�. T E—iT T/E-L MESA SPAN CABINET /'``� \ r� f ��. �- J ` AND 1/E-1 FOR MORE INFORMATION J �` ) T— T— /�,�y Eti�T/E—T�i( , m`- ^ '1�'rL, )`l ) NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED UNDERGROUND 4'-O' FROM NEW MESA SPAN CABINET TO NEW AT&T TELCO Xxx X—x—x—XX—X—X—X—XX x X—x—x PANEL MOUNTED ON NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT PLATFORM a« f HANDRAIL. SEE 1 AND 566/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION om° ° _ _ _ - - - _ _ - - x _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ FL01 X16W5: CABINET X 6 EXISTING CONTOUR LINE, TYP. T C n 8.6 y I 1•_ (3) NEW AT&T RRH'S MOUNTED ON UNISTRUT SECURED o01 \ n TO NEW EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL. SEE 1 AND EXISTING AMSL SPOT ELEVATION, 1104/A-5 FOR MORE INFORMATION i �- ou TYP. Z ° °L IJ NEW 400 SQ. FT. AT&T FENCED LEASE AREA o- T�qF*� (�I x °L o s 4r •PGF F0�" �' x r r RX AIT ru- NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW o I . UMTS 850 1900 BATT BATT x Pio T �' CABINET ABIN CABINET CABINET 24 VDC CABINET CABINET I ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM, TYP. «a + W a t s : NEW 14'-0" HIGH CHAINLINK FENCE WITH 4'-0" NOS. 4 Pjr4SON•p; ~ LOCKABLE GATE AND GREEN 'PERMAHEDGE' PRIVACY THE CONTRACTOR IS TO REGRADE THE AT&T \ \ SLATS OR EQUAL. SEE SHEET A-7 FOR MORE EQUIPMENT COMPOUND AREA TO A LEVEL \ O fN`T ORT'1 U I \ n I N INFORMATION BOE N GRADE OF 8'-C" AMSL PRIOR TO START OF \ ` EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CON R ST UCTION. m c 6 _ NEW AT&T ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE. SEE 2/A-4 L E N X.� \ y x x z x z x z x x FOR MORE INFORMATION 2' 11" 2'-0" 2'-0" '-6" 2'-6" 2'-6" 2'-8' 2'-6" '10" nt 4" 2'-3" o 2'-B't 4'-5" 28'-0" E° \\\ g 5 NEW AT&T COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED THROUGH 35'-0" / NEW ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE TO NEW MONOPOLE _ m o' z a' e' `NEW AT&T CPS UNIT MOUNTED TO NEW CABLE ICE 6L1...III 2. BRIDGE POST. SEE 801/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION I/6'=I•-o' tiro 2 NEW AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK FRAME. SEE �YMBO F ND: NOTE: m ti�'Ub 3/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF NEW ANTENNAS, -A-A- ANTENNA CABLE CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE NEW NOTE, 6 NEW AT&T ANTENNAS MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE R `o i -T-T TELCO CONDUIT v IF THIS SHEET IS 11" X 1Y REFER TYP. (2) ANTENNAS PER SECTOR. SEE 1/A-3 AND 3/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE '6 a TO THE GRAPHIC SCALE ABOVE. -E-E- ELECTRIC CONDUIT FOUNDATION O S BE DESIGNED B. I NEW YORK STATE o NEW 70'-0" HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED NORTH n c� (TO BE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0") -T/E-T/E- TELCO & ELECTRIC CONDUIT DOCUMENTATION FOR-THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY PARTIAL SITE PLAN 6 NEW MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. SEE B.6+ EXISTING AMSL SPOT ELEVATION OTHERS. A NOTE BOX THIS SHEET «= ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT w v ' AT&T MoelurY p .,row os- at&t �� ma WILL F. COLLINS,AIA NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 xn.,w+ Ty f ; rTl PARTIAL 517E PLAN oUFA A n c H t r e c r s_ L L r NY7320 aron -ti.TQ .r 1 r AT&T MOBILITY roe o. srtc uo. onnwinc rvvMeca a[v w-i rccunoiom'uxive 11AINLT.NI'ivn 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE a'3 voice. nv-sev-"asi Ens. e11.em-ea5z ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 YCENY1059 U2 S 4 3 �� .v � �x oR+=sMlao,oa7 one 22 e 34 SIZE 6 F N-\�! asc- G y 3 -D"f AGL 'I l t> T.O. NEW R.F. COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE (EXTENDABLE TO 90'-(") ` -7'-D" A RAD. NEW AT&T ANTENNAS (3) NEW AT&T LTE ANTENNAS AND (6) MHAS MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE - - CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TYR. SEE 4/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION as (3) NEW AT&T UMTS/GSM ANTENNAS AND (6) MHAs MOUNTED WITHIN RF D COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TYR. SEE 2/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION my °3 V RAD.O"f NEW LAT&T ANTENNAS NEW 70'-O• HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE - a (TO BE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0") V NEW AT&T COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED WITHIN NEW AT&T pV MONOPOLE. SEE 1/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION m`o (5) NEW 14'-Q• HIGH JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA O 7'-O' O.C. BEYOND. SEE 1/A-7 o FOR MORE INFORMATION ° o oB NEW CONCRETE PAD MOUNTED MESA SPAN CABINET BEYOND. SEE 1/A-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION (2) NEW AT&T GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO NEW CABLE ICE BRIDGE POST. SEE 1121A/A-6 E m` FOR MORE INFORMATION m NEW AT&T ELEVATED CABLE ICE BRIDGE. SEE 2 AND 4/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION �3 NEW AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK, SEE 3/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION om NEW AT&T OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW ELEVATED C GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM, TYR. SEE 1/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION 6 NEW AT&T 13'-Q• HIGH CHAINUNK FENCE WITH 4'-0" LOCKABLE GATE AND GREEN 0 0 -PERMAHEDGE" PRIVACY SLATS OR EQUAL. SEE SHEET A-7 FOR MORE INFORMATION 14'-0"t AGL - T.O. NEW SHRUBS (BEYOND) 13'-0"t AGL (3) NEW AT&T RRH'S MOUNTED ON SUPPORT RACK. SEE 111OB/A-5 FOR MORE INFORMATION T.O. NEW FENCE AND T.O. NEW UPPER ICE BRIDGE ° o h 12'-5"t AGL a V T,O. NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT CABINET - _ h 9'-5f AGL T.O. NEW LOWER ICE BRIDGE NEW ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL EQUIPMENT PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION 5'-3"f AGL 13'-3"f SAMSL o T.O. NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT PLATFORM NEW CONCRETE PIER, TYR. OF (6) LOCATIONS. SEE 1 AND 4/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION h4'-0"t AGL (12'-0"f AMSU 3'-1 "t AGL 11'-10"f AMSL B V'B.O. NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT E T.O. NEW CONCRETE PIER PLATFORM (FLOOD LEVEL) 0'-0•• AGL 8'-O"f AMSL THE CONTRACTOR IS TO REGRADE THE AT&T GRADE EQUIPMENT COMPOUND AREA TO A LEVEL - a m GRADE OF 8'-0" AMSL PRIOR TO START OF 6 ONOPOL ;y E° EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION. BASE L r—T NE NE NE —HE —NE NE —NE NE —NE HE NE LEGEND lul —A—A— ANTENNA CABLE NEW MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. SEE —T—T— NOTE BOX THIS SHEET NTE_ ,N TELCO CONDUIT NEW AT&T GALVANIZED STEEL DUNNAGE RAILING AND STAIR, DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION v —E— TYP. SEE SHEET A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION OF NEW ANTENNAS, CABLING ETC. 3 ELECTRIC CONDUIT THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE �3 —T/E--i/c— NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUITS TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM NEW AT&T TELCO o' z' a' e' NEW Rf COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE TELCO & ELECTRIC NOTE: -a CONDUIT PANEL TO NEW MESA SPAN CABINET. SEE 1 AND 566/A-4 FOR MORE IF THIS SHEET IS 11" X 1Y REFER Li�Z� STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE FOUNDATION o J INFORMATION BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK o� TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. NEW AT&T ELECTRICAL CONDUITS TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM NEW AT&T METER AND ED PROFESSIONAL /,� EAST ELEVATION 6 DISCONNECT SUPPORT RACK TO NEW AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED TO NEW ELEVATED I[flINjk D AND S WORK j {i n a'o / SCALE:va•=r-a• EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL SEE 1 AND 566/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION © 11m/11 : 0 RS. Q mpx/u InvORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT R a ai&i MOBILITYWILLIAM t. COLLINS. AI.a NYCENY7059 /LI-1059 ® at&t m_o A R C H I T F C T S L L P NY7320 0 "/"/°' EAST ELEVATION m eam Lomnx c xer.ve uv/ 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY �° °O�/m �-; az uv usr 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE — .F srtE no. onnrvinc nuuece eEv v ce. <a4.esn . . ORIENT POINT, NY. 11957Wow az PARAM US, NJ 07652 " us T �2h`S�A NYCENY1059 A-3 6 6 5 4 3 0 �2 l7F (,j Ev orn-srvliao.oxl owc 22 a 34 Tf SIZE Psi- CUT POST LENGTH TO SUIT BY E`E REMOVING UNCAPPED END NOTES, RIGID STEEL RIGID GALV. STEEL u I-WHEN USING COMPONENTS AS SHOWN IN STANDARD CONDUIT PLUGCONDUIT COUPLING E „ [PN W840001 OR WB40002 DETAILS, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN BETWEEN SUPPORTS ' p (SEE TABLE)] ON A CONTINUOUS SINGLE SECTION OF BRIDGE CHANNEL 6" GRADE 12' WIDE % 120' LONG ICE SHALL BE 9 FEET FOR 10 FEET BRIDGE CHANNEL. - ` BRIDGE CUT ICE BRIDGE RIGID GALV. CHANNEL 2.WHEN USING COMPONENTS FOR SPLICING BRIDGE STEEL CONDUIT PVC SCHEDULE ='a m m LENGTH TO SUR (SEE NOTES) CHANNEL SECTIONS, THE SPLICE SHOULD BE PROVIDED AT 40 SIZE AS TRENCH FINISH GRADE, MATCH w 3 3 THE SUPPORT, IF POSSIBLE, OR AT A MAXIMUM OF 2 RIGID GALV. STEEL SHOWN ON D t SLOPE AND THICKNESS FEET FROM THE SUPPORT. m v OF EXISTING �g5 [PN W840003 (SEE TABLE)] TO PVC ADAPTER LAYOUTS COMPACTED BACKFILL PER i TRAPEZE KR 3,WHEN USING COMPONENTS, SUPPORT SHOULD BE SPECIFICATION EARTHWORK L < b (2) TRAPEZE BRIDGES ORDER ARE INCLUDED PROVIDED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE ENDS OF ICE 'sem I=II =-=_=-__-_=--- - m I 1 ADDITIONAL TRAPEZE KITS AS BRIDGES, WITH A MAXIMUM CANTIWER DISTANCE OF 2 b UNDISTURBED SOIL F o iv FEET FROM THE SUPPORT TO THE FREE END OF THE ICE Qz � N I=III— -_- ___-__-_ — 6- WIDE METAL CORE, REQUIRED, TO MAINTAIN MAXIMUM BRIDGE. CABLE SPAN OF 3--0' (TYP) DETAIL @ UNDERGROUND - b �I =-=--- ------- UNDERGROUND WARNING vo - TAPE PRINTED WITH (CAUTION a ; 4.CUT BRIDGE CHANNEL SECTIONS SHALL HAVE RAW EDGES r I �I� =-_____-=- _ BURIED UTILITY LINES" m TREATED WITH A MATERIAL 70 RESTORE THESE EDGES 70 , CONDUIT STUB-UP i m ANTENNA CABLES ARRANGEMENT THE ORIGINAL CHANNEL, OR EQUIVALENT, FINISH. s ° n w., o BY SUB-CONTRACTOR y' SCALES V4'=1'-0' 202 CCA.04 TREATED w v a I II IF CONTINUOUS PLANKS PAINTED - 5.ICE BRIDGES MAY BE CONSTRUCTED WITH COMPONENTS _ RED. NUMBER OF PLANKS AS FROM OTHER MANUFACTURERS, PROVIDED THE `oma REQ'D FOR WIDTH OF a^ MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDELINES ARE FOLLOWED. — I TRENCH &DEVIATIONS FROM STANDARDS FOR COMPONENT t --{ BACKFILL (SAND OR o Tn INSTALLATIONS ARE PERMITTED WITH THE RESPECTIVE Em SCH. 40 PVC NATIVE SOIL PER CONCRETE PIER MANUFACTURER'S APPROVAL v TELEPHONE III=1 EARTHWORK SPECIFICATION CONDUIT (1 SCH. 40 PVC ?+ PART QTY 7DEVIATIONS FROM ICE BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS REQUIRE `= POWER CONDUIT - ENGINEERING APPROVAL. Z ACTIVE, CONDUIT "'"" -� AS REQUIRED) 'r 4" MIN TO SECONDARY ELECTRIC WB40001 ROHN PART SIZE PER LOCAL 1/RN-WB-K5110-138 P+n 12" MIN TO PRIMARY ELECTRIC 12' lE INSTALL DRIP LOOP ON ANTENNA CABLES A7 C TEL. CO. VALMONT PART /802603 BOTTOM OF TOWER/MONOPOLE. BENDING MTS PART #N/A RADIUS PER MANUFACTURER'S STANDARDS WB40002 ROHN PART 5 #RN-WB-KS110-15B VALMONT PART (802604 MTS PART $MT-C8269 0 DETAIL @ TYPICAL UTILITY TRENCH /„�P. ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE DETAIL SLALENT.S. L/ SCALES N.T.S. At nFF OUTLIVE OF REAR OF NOKIAUNIT ULTRASITE POWER CABINET CABLE GPS SUPPORT MOUNTED TO CABLE RACK RIP LOOP, COIL 1'-6" FOR T1 CABLE AND JUMPER TERMINATION AT _ TMP UMTS 2'-6r FOR ALARM CABLE NOKIA EQUIPMENT 3,-0,• MAX 3/4" FLEX (2)-1/2"6 E911 COAX FROM LAST CONDUIT F-B JUMPERS SUPPORT TO 4 V BATT BATT NOKIA c OA% TRANSITION EQUIPMENT CONNECTOR LMFC AT 24VDC m° WITH I CABINET LEAVE 1/Y JUMPER EXTEND 5' •-p" B WEATHER - ° ° ° UNISTRUT RACK PIGTAIL COAX E PROOFING AS REQUIRED FOR 1•-5 SUPPORT, 3,-O, UMTS CABINET YC FOR EACH MIN. P POWER TO DROP SUPPORT ' 24VDC 24-/8 iv ¢X FRAME `o v OAR AND 2-#14GND I COAX SUPPORT, 1"C FOR ALPHA NOKIA z CONNECTOR E2 TYP. T1s TO E911 CABINET bo WITH EW EQUIPMENT AND np I Q WEATHER- - - SUPPORT EQUIPMEN TVSS ALARM iV PROOFING FRAME PLATFORM CABLE TO IK\ III1 OOBTS MAIN COAX 8 TO ANTENNA GROUND LEAD TO COAX p2 AWG GREEN CONNECTOR PAIR GROUND LEAD TO COAX GROUND BAR INSULATED (RT) WEATHERPROOFED GROUND BAR BCW GROUND v} GROUND KIT WITH WEATHER GROUND KIT WITH a PROOFING (NOT IN BEND OF NEW EQUIPMENT UNISTRUT 1 5/8" CHANNEL WEATHER PROOFING (NM PLATFORM CABLE SUPPORT COAX) P1000 (TYP); USE UNISTRUT IN BEND OF COAX) / FtEU MAIN COAX BOLTING HARDWARE AT ALL qC A _ CONNECTIONS AND BASE FOR EQUIPMENT CABINETS (UNISTRUT OR SIMILAR COLD S SCALE-374'= --0' FORMED STRUT CHANNEL) V o ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT Qat&t prom / 0 AT&T MOBILITY mo WILLIAM F. COLLINS.AIA NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 .117M 'j'c° J' * �A HITECTURAL DETAILS oUFA A R C H I T E C T S. L L P NY7320 u t ni recxxoi.om oxrve serncxer.r,xns 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY �° 01n"" Fi r voms c11..Feea, rac miexex<, 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE x srtc NO, onawwc nuueee xev ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMOS, NJ 07652 vz° NYCENY1059 A-4 6 6 5 4 3 ..e.2 xr F orx-rn[,so.oi7 owc 22 X 34 SIZE O P L PSCC 5._11.1 1 1/C ^Tr-] 5/r E a o a (TYR)CAP h ❑ . «* 1; 4 1T --- /ICE BRIDGE ° 5''e 5/8" D BOLT HOLE (TYR) UNTH FRONT RIGHT SIDE FRONT BOLT HOLE PLAN NOTE: PLAN D ATTACH CABINET TO EXIST STEEL BEAM/GRATING/PURCELL CABINET USING 1/Y DU BOLTS/J-BOLTS. �� FIBER & POWER DISTRIBUTION WEIGHT 500 LBS o} i -- ' --- - - BOX w 48V DC SURGE ELL EQUIPMENT CABINET DC2-48-60-0-9E. SEE 1 PURL 1 m I I n U I I I NOTE 6 AND DETAIL 1100 THIS scALE,1-5 r- �z I II I I II 1 SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION 1038' a� \ O \ I I I \ / .LJ L_ _ L 700 MHz RRH. SEE DETAIL 6.29" \\ 1104 THIS SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION 159.87mm (2610.25" ) " \\ tV �/ _ - / ( ) (260 30mm) In ^ ___ P10DO UNISTRUT CHANNEL 8- `o ° POWER DISTRIBUTION \ i= r----r r----� r-----t OR EQUIVALENT (TYP) (157.40mm) 203.20mm) a BOX WI DC SURGE O O oo° DC6-48-60-0-1B-01 1 I ICE BRIDGE POST, (NOTE 6) n I 1 TYP. SEE 2/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION Em I I I I 1 1 I E E E b =s NEW EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL, TYP. M n o o i =(I OUND BAR SEE 1/A-2 AND 1/A-3 FOR MORE INFORMATION ^ N ^ n ^ r d� °x 2" x 1/4") C N I 1 I I I I I I o0 6 * POWER 00.315(7.94mm)(4 PLACES) FIBER AND a DISTRIBUTION BOX DC2-48-60-0-9E h 10 SCALE,5 5 =?'- WIDTH E rza - - SIZE AND WEIGHT TABLE 0 m RRH WIDTH DEPTH HEIGHT W/0 CABLE WEIGHT MANAGEMENT COVER W 0 BRACKET B ° I r E s b 'I I "I RRH 700 MHz 12.2" 10.8" 21" 51 LBS. b = g! @A 2X40 (801 Iw n ILJI I `J'I I I NOTE: DIMENSIONS INCLUDE MOUNTING BRACKET, SOLAR SHIELD AND CONNECTORS. i_ JI 12"0 PLAIN��' °_JI MINIMUM CLEARANCE TABLE CONCRETE OR CLEARANCES E oSAKRETE PIER RRH CABINET (INCHES) COMMENTS NOTES, _ 1. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL UNISTRUT (OR EQUIVALENT) MOUNTING CHANNELS. FRONT 36" INSTALLATION ACCESS - 2. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL ICE BRIDGE POSTS AS REQUIRED. ZERO REAR CLEARANCE IS ALLOWED USING - 3. COAX. BRIDGE POSTS SHALL BE 3 1/27O.D., SCHED. 40 PIPE (ASTM-A36, A53 OR EQUIVALENT). REAR SUPPLIED MOUNTING BRACKETS 4 SUBCONTRACTOR ar SPR NGNUUTS.. TYPICAL L OF FOUR SUPPLY (PER RRH.BUT NOT 1 SUBCONTR/A7clW%E-LI ANVAP AVARE RIGHT 4" AIR FLOW AND WANG FROM INSTALLED UNISTRUT FRAME. LEFT 4" AIR FLOW 5. SPACING MAY VARY BASED ON SELECTED EQUIPMENT. ADJUSTMENTS TO SPACING WILL BE MADE o v BY RRH INSTALLER. TOP 12" AIR FLOW 6. THE BOX MAY BE MOUNTED DIRECTLY BEHIND THE RRH'S IF SPACE IS AVAILABLE. �3 7. NO PAINTING OF THE RRH OR SOLAR SHIELD IS ALLOWED. BOTTOM 12" CONDUIT ROUTING ,d a EL-LUCENT 9442 REMOTE 1 (,�oREMOTE RADIO HEAD (RRH) RACK DETAIL o I D RRH DETAIL A o P F IF 4 AW MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT //�� < ma WILLIAM P COLLINS, AIA NYCENY1059 /11-11-1059 ® G♦♦`&t 1 CABINET DETAILS o A R C H I T E C T S. L L P NY7320 G AT&T MOBILITY i'.q8 O. SITE F. ORPWING xVUBER REJ _r o-i recxxoLom'oarve sRrAvxar.N.inv 40200 MAIN SO 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE _a - 4 3 VOICE. 641btlY-N<SY f.1A 6116NY.P<SY ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMUS. NJ 07652 , 2 YCENY7059 UZ 6 rJ 4 3 .�2 ✓ oM_sM160oa7 owc 22 K 34 SIZE - --- .ill I NOTES: TOP CAP, BY OTHERS MOUNTING TO A WALL 3. ATTACH THE REAR BRACKETS TO THE HEX THE TMA CAN BE MOUNTED TO A SUITABLE BOLTS AND INSTALL FLAT WASHER, SPUR LOCK VIEW C ANTENNA MOUNTING _ FLAT SURFACE. WASHER, AND THE HEX NUT ON EACH BOLT. 3 ` BRACKETS BY OTHERS, TIP. TIGHTEN HEX NUTS SECURELY WHILE m 1. THE REAR BRACKETS AND HARDWARE NOT USED. MAINTAINING AUGNMENT BETWEEN TMA BRACKET - m IF PRE-INSTALLED. 3/8-16 UNC x 6 1/4" LC M8 X AND REAR BRACKET.ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL B 2 PRIOR E REMOVED 0 O' 160 MM HEX BOLTS MUST BUSING TTA H A GROUND CABLE TO THE TMA . - - BRACKETS TO BE 4. A C u,Q S PLACED AS NEEDED - - BULKHEAD, BY I . IJW VAI WALLTMOUNTING. UNDO THE TWO CAP SCREWS - DETACH THE PRE-INSTALLED HEX BOLT AND WASHERS p OTHERS 4 I THE TMA BRACKET AND RETRACT THE BOLTS. RE-INSTALL ROUTE THE GROUND CABLE TO THE GROUND m m ANTENNA MOUNTING THE TMA BRACKETS AND TIGHTEN THE CAP SCREWS BAR ON THE TOWER STRUCTURE AND ATTACH 0 3 BRACKETS BY OTHERS, I >; L NOTE: �1II�-eSECURELY. SECURELY WITH SUITABLE FASTENER. TYRFOR ANTENNA INFORMATION SEE DETAIL 3. MOUNT THE TMA TO THE WALL USING FOUR 2 AND 3 THIS SHEET. 5/16" OR 8 MM BOLTS (NOT SUPPLIED) THROUGH 5. ROUTE A JUMPER CABLE FROM THE 850 MHz r� THE HOLES IN THE TMA BRACKETS. ANTENNA TO THE TMA PORT MARKED "ANT 850". a� 5" O.D. MAST 4. CONNECT THE AND SECURE RWITH STRAPS AS OUTLF AND GROUND INED ABOVE.RS ROUTEEAL 00 MHz SEANTENNA COND U TO ER CABLE M THE TMA PORTMARKED ANTENNA MOUNTING "ANT 1900 . ROUTE A THIRD JUMPER CABLE = BRACKETS BY OTHERS, ANDREW TOWER MAST AMPLIFIER NOTES FROM THE TMA PORT MARKED "BTS" TO THE TYR NOMINAL MOUNTING TO A POE OR BEAM TOWER FEEDER. BE SURE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE f°I ° VIEWS DIA. (IN.) 18 A MA ETD819HS12UB DETAIL ASSEMBLE THE POLE MOUNTING HARDWARE ON CURVE OR LOOP TO RELIEVE UNDUE STRAIN ON I o SPIDER FLANGE BY 4 scAL6N . CONNECTIONS AT EITHER END. OTHERS MAXIMUM WIND THE TMA AND INSTALL THE DESIRED LOCATION AS " I LOAD (MPH) 100 SHOWN IN DETAIL ABOVE. 6. TIGHTEN RF CONNECTIONS TO 18 FT-LBS MATING FLANGE L-BRACKET GPS ANTENNA (25Nm) TORQUE. a= ANTENNA MOUNTING I I THICKNESS (IN.) 2.5 MOUNT KIT 1. INSERT THE 3/8-16 UNC x 7' LG (M8 X 180 MM) BRACKETS TO BE ISOMETRIC ATTACHMENT BOLT HEX BOLTS WITH THE WASHERS THROUGH THE HOLES IN 7. WEATHERSEAL THE CABLE CONNECTIONS PER E m PLACED AS NEEDED 6 3/47 TO 1 1/2- THE TMA BRACKETS. BOLTS AND WASHERS MAY BE STANDARD PRACTICES IF REQUIRED BY LOCAL 8 `u DETAIL MOUNTING PLATES QUANTITY / / PRE-INSTALLED ON SOME VERSIONS OF THE ETS CONDITIONS. PROVIDED MATERIALS IF ANY, CAN SCALE:N.T.S. GALV. STEEL OR ALUM, INSTALL WEATHER SERIES TMA. BE APPLIED ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS �y ATTACHMENT BOLT MOUNTING PIPE PROOFING PER DIA. (IN.) 1 ANTENNA MANUF. 2. ORIENT THE TMA IN THE SELECTED LOCATION WITH ON THE PACKAGE ° COAX CADWELD ON STEEL PIPE. INSTRUCTIONS THE BTS PORT POINTING DOWN, OR AS REQUIRED. 8. APPLY CABLE TIES OR STRAPS (NOT `N CABLES ATTACHMENT BOLT C mm 7 CLAMP TO ALUM. W/BURNDY COAX CABLE ALIGN THE V-GRIPS OF THE TMA RACKETS WITH THE SUPPLIED) TO SECURE THE CABLES TO THE VIEW A ® LENGTH (IN.) TYPE _ C-11N (3/4" @ 1" PIPE) OR CONNECTOR) POLE OR TOWER MEMBER. TOWER STRUCTURE. DETAIL'B'@MOUNTING PLATE C-22 (1 1/4" do 1 1/T COAX CABLE O ` SCALE:N.T.S. PIPE) SUPPORT 2 AWG GROUND WIRE LUG TO CRGB 'P' SECTION OR ELEVATION _ NEAREST 'P' SUPPLEMENTAL NOIE GROUND BAR (L-BRACKET MOUNT) " 1.POLE WEIGHTS ARE APPROXIMATE AND ONLY INCLUDE - GPS ANTENNA NOTES: 'a THE WEIGHT OF THE STEEL POLE. THEY DO NOT v 1. UNSCREW THE BAND CLAMPS UNTIL THE END COME - REFLECT THE WEIGHT WITH ANTENNAS AND CABLES. INSTALL WEATHER PROOFING COLLAR LLAAR CREWS LOOSE AND THREAD THE ENDS THROUGH THE SLOTS jd PER ANTENNA MANUF. IN THE MOUNTING BRACKET AS SHOWN, BEING 3' 2.PRIOR TO FABRICATION OF THE MATING FLANGE, VERIFY INSTRUCTIONS 1" (1-5/16" O.D.) X -0" CAREFUL NOT TO SCRATCH THE REAR FACE OF THE °� MAX. TMA.WITH MANUFACTURERS ITS DIAMETER AND THICKNESS. GALV. STEEL OR ALUM. 2. MOUNT THE TMA MOUNTING PIPE TO THE MOUNTING PIPE USING THE PROVIDE APPLICABLE GROUND CABLE CLAMP BAND CLAMPS AND TIGHTEN CLAMPS TO A TORQUE TYPICAL ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL PIPE-TO-PIPE CLAMP (BURNDY TYPE C-1 IN OR OF 901b-in (10.2N-m). EQUIV.) 3. ATTACH THE JUMPER CABLES TO TMA CONNECTORS INSULATED SPUT-COLLAR J1(850/90OMHz PORT) AND 2 (1800/1900/2100 BUSHING (GARNN P/N MHz PORT) AND TORQUE NUTS ON THE DIN m c r CONNECTORS TO 2041b-in (23N-m). REPEAT WITH ICE BRIDGE POST GCHK100 WITH GROUND LUG 0 0 - OR SIMILAR POST. REMOVED) FEEDER CABLE CONNECTION TO TMA CONNECTOR B -6 -� J3 (COMMON PORT) COAX CABLE Elk 4. GROUND TMA BY ATTACHING A GROUND STRAP TO (W/N-MALE CONNECTOR) THE M8 GROUNDING STUD ON THE SIDE OF THE COAX CABLE SUPPORT UNIT. ANDREW GROUNDING KIT, PART NUMBER 2 AWG GROUND WIRE GNO-IM-KT, OR EQUIVALENT, MAY BE USED. APPLY UMTS GSM Y CADWELD TO POST ONLY IF ANTI-CORROSION PASTE TO THE GROUND _ LTE700 MANUFACTURER ANDREW ATI N GROUNDED, OR LUG TO CRGB CONNECTION. N ELEVATION 'P' SECTION R NEAREST 'P' F THE TMA CONNECTIONS USING MANUFACTURER POWERWAVE SE 0 0 5. ANDREW WEATHERPROOFING E MODEL DBXLH-6565-R2M MODEL P65-15-XLH-RR (COLLAR MOUNT) SUPPLEMENTAL GROUND BAR ANDREW WEATHERPROOFING KITPART NUMBER - - BAND DUAL BAND DUAL NOTES: 221213 OR EQUIVALENT. FOLLOW THE FREQUENCIES, MHZ 1710-2180, 824-960 INSTRUCTIONS SUPPLIED WITH THE KIT TO FREQUENCIES, MHZ 698-894 1710-2170 1. LOCATION OF ANTENNA MUST HAVE CLEAR VIEW OF SOUTHERN SKY WEATHERPROOF THE CONNECTORS. DUAL AND CANNOT HAVE ANY BLOCKAGES EXCEEDING 25 POL 6. STACKING UNITS: ROL DUAL SURFACE AREA OF A HEMISPHERE AROUND THE GP% BNTQNNA. TO STACK TWO UNITS, REMOVE THE FOUR EXISTING REf INSTALLED I RET INSTALLED 2. ALL GPS ANTENNA LOCATIONS MUST RE ABLE TO RECEIVE CLEAR M6x50mm SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS THAT ATTACH L, IN 50.8 +/- SIGNALS FROM A MINIMUM OF FOUR (4) SATELLITES. VERIFY WITH THE TMA OF THE MOUNTING BRACKET AND ATTACH _ L. IN 51.0 +/- '"""' HANDHELD GPS BEFORE FINAL LOCATION OF GPS ANTENNA. TOGETHER USING FOUR M6x100mm SOCKET HEAD o W IN 12 0 + - sC�2a W. IN 10.6 + - 3. CADWELDING SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED ON ROOFTOPS. CAP SCREWS PROVIDED WITHEACH UNIT. u3 0. IN / D. IN 5.2 + 4. LTE-GPS ANTENNA SHALL BE LOCATED 10' FROM ALL ANTENNAS. POWER WAVE GSM/UMTS MOUNT THE TMA TO THE MOUNTING PIPE USING THE 6.0 + - / BAND CLAMPS AND TIGHTEN CLAMPS TO A TORQUE a Wf, LB 34.2 + - wr, Le 30.0 +/- TYP. UMTS/GSM LTE-GPS ANTENNA TSAW-07BP1 11-001 TMA OF 901b-in (10.2 N-m). S scALE.n rs. CONTINUE INSTALLATION WITH STEP 3. TYPICAL LTE ANTENNA DETAIL A ANTENNA DETAIL PIPE AND L- BRACKET MOUNT c ° 6 L SCALE NOT TO SCALE SCALES NOi TO SCALE wrnn G at Q iT � AT&T MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ® N ilk[tI ,I' WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA NYCENY1059 LI-1059 ' A R C H I T E C T S. LLP NY7320 aivn m a �' .`7� TEN A MOUNTING DETAILS t " AT&T MOBILITY �° cxNo:.Ocro s- uerT.Nruv 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE aoe. 0. sjt No. DNAwwO NUI.BER INTv v 3 DICE 611 fiX9-XGSU f. 45iM'4X<59 ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMOS, NJ 07652 NY1059 A-6 6 6 cj ¢ 3 �2 ur ��. cfi94 y DFN-Srv[I60.021 owc a x 34 u SIZE �,lr NE'f E CORNER, GATE, END OR PULL POST 4'-0' CLEAR OPENING v _ 2 1/2" O.D. POST 10'-0" O.C. (3" S TOP BRACE RAIL TYPICAL WOVEN WIRE FENCING NOTES TERMINAL AND 1. INSTALL FENCING PER ASTM F-567, H Q CORNER POSTS) TOP RAIL TOP RAIL SWING GATE PER ASTM F— 900) D STRECHER BAR STRECHER BAR m 2. GATE POST, CORNER, TERMINAL OR PULL POST SHALL o GATE LATCH FEET 7dg" TMHED ULE 83.40 FOR GATE WIDTH OF 4 r WITH LOCK -Q 3. LINE POST: 2-3/8"0 SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER 3� 6 ASTM-F1G83. r� 6 b 6 Al 6 GATE FRAME 4, GATE FRAME: 1 1/rf SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER b o b ASTM-F1083. :� 5. TOP RAIL & BRACE RAIL: 1 1/4"0 SCHEDULE 40 DIAGONAL PIPE PER ASTM-F1083. ROD/W 6. FABRIC: 11 GA. CORE WIRE SIZE r MESH, m° 9GA. CHAIN LINK DIAGONAL ROD/W STEEL CONFORMING TO ASTM-A392 CLASS 1. r DIAMOND. SEE STEEL TURNBUCKLE TURNBUCKLE 7. TENSION WIRE: 7 GA GALVANIZED STEEL. n 1/A-2 FOR MORE 8. TIE WIRE: MINIMUM 11 GA GALVANIZED STEEL INSTALL `o 0 INFORMATION A SINGLE WRAP TIE WIRE AT POSTS AND RAILS AT _ MAX. 24' INTERVALS. INSTALL HOG RINGS ON TENSION OUTSIDE WIRE AT 24" INTERVALS. ` UNE POST OTTOM TENSION E m IRE 9. GATE LATCH: 1-3/8" O.D. PLUNGER R00 W/ o m MUSHROOM TYPE CATCH AND LOCK (KEYED ALIKE FOR ALL SITES OR COMBINATION AS SPECIFIED BY AWS). r i GRADE iv iv 10. LOCAL ORDINANCE OF BARBED WIRE PERMIT - - q - p- - r REQUIREMENT SHALL BE COMPUED IF REQUIRED. bl 11. HEIGHT - 6' VERTICAL + V BARBED WIRE VERTICAL am 1 '1111 II I PORTION OF PIPE - - FINISH GRADE II i FINISH GRADE DIMENSION. C _ _ EMBEDDED IN a d. OR GROUND OR GROUND P) �� CONCRETE SHALL n 1 1/Y MA% 12 ALL WORK SPECIFICATIONS. CONFORM WITH THE PROJECT 111 • BE CUTPN D WITH GRACE FROM PORTION OF PIPE � 0+ _ 11� BACK ASPHALT PAINT, ��a a PORTION OF PIPE CONORDETE SHALL I H L' 7-rI EMBEDDED IN BE PAINTED WITH SECTION 7 ELEVATION rE SECTION 1r CONCRETE SHALL CUT BACK IV BE PAINTED WITH _ ASPHALT PAINT CUT BACK DETAIL @ WOVEN ASPHALT PAINT DETAIL @ WOVEN WIRE FENCE DETAIL WIRE FENCE DETAIL DETAIL @ WOVEN WIRE GATE DETAIL N E 41 SCALE:R.T.S. 43 : ALE:RTS 44 SCA E R.r.s. og NOTES J SET SHRUBS AT ORIGINAL iii DEPTH. SHRUB SHALL BE SET c _T PLUMB REMOVE TIES AND WRAPPING AROUND TREE v ° TRUNKS AND TWINE FROM m c ` AROUND TOP OF ROOT BALL. o NEW 14'-O" HIGH, j' - LEAVE BURLAP IN PLACE AND B E (MINIMUM) JUNIPERUS ) ROLL BACK 1/3 (REMOVE, ARGINNNA EVERGREEN { UNLESS BIODEGRADABLE). x r Sxg TREES PLANTED ATF t7'-0" O.C. (GUARANTEE `< 4� 2 r TREES FOR A PERIOD OF / SHRUB WRAP (50% �`N. v e ` •N,,� Y"v 'Mq,' ONE YEAR) OVER LAP) UP TO FIRST E a Z BRANCH 5) NEW 14'-0" HIGH EASTERN 127 / RED-CEDAR ® 7'-0" O.C. SEE 1/A-2 ON ALL SIDES / FOR MORE INFORMATION . 6" SOIL SAUCER PLANT SCHEDULE QUANTITY KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SPACING PURCHASE SIZE FINISHED �' ''j 4" DEEP SHREDDED o v GRADE WOOD CHIP MULCH 5 JV EASTERN RED-CEDAR JUNIPERUS WRGINIANA T O.C. 14'-0" HIGH ROLL BACK ,) BURLAP 1/3 �, o L BACKFILL TOPSOIL 0 No _ MIXTURE WITH TIME - SUBSOIL 1° ' 1 PLANT SCHEDULE DETAIL RELEASE FERr. TABLETS A A sc L i/a`=i•-o" a:�-+.:,i.. amu:- ., AV arovi� ����1;tlt�' �. '♦ v ° ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT AA jT Q�1T p �nsro ­/y,4' �� *'q 1 AT&T MOBILITY m"o WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA NYCENY1059 LI-1 059 ® M`V�` o:rn� <' 'A+ �;i A R C H I T E C T S. L L P NY7320 �' o.mn, �i' j A HITECTU RAL DETAILS AT&T MOBILITY 0 °'x"j96 _ io-i recenomcr oarvP serauxer.ovum 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE drz - _ +o o. rte no. oanwwc xouaraAsv .¢ vows. ezi.ex¢xaso Psx enrar xasr ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 x CENY1059 A-7 6 UZ " 6 5 4 3 nz a«- so oz] owc 22 x 34 SIZE C14i;A1° Psc. STRUCTURAL STEEL NOTES- 1. ALL STEEL WORK SHALL BE FABRICATED AND ERECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT AISC SPECIFICATIONS. ALL NEW REMOVABLE E STRUCTURAL STEEL BEAMS CONFORM TO ASTM A-36 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL MATERIALS TO BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED AFTER FABRICATION. BHANDRAIL 6'-0" MAX. 1'-6" n EAMS THAT ARE SHOWN i0 BE TOO LONG TO HOT-DIP GALVANIZE MAY BE SPLICED DEVELOPING FULL STRENGTH OF MEMBER DESIGNED BY STEEL FABRICATOR. NEW 4"x1/4" NEW 1 1/7• GALVANIZED 90' LIGHT WT MAX' b a; 2. ALL WELDING SHALL BE PERFORMED USING E70XX ELECTRODES AND WELDING SHALL CONFORM TO AISC AND AWS DIA. KICK PLATE STEEL HANDRAIL TO BE 7 1/270 STANDARD ELBOW WHERE FILLET WELD SIZES ARE NOT SHOWN, PROVIDE THE MINIMUM SIZE PER TABLE J2.4 IN THE AISC "MANUAL OF (4) NEW 5/870 WELDED TO 6"x6"x3/8•• GALV. PIPE 3 „ STEEL CONSTRUCTION'. ALL DAMAGE TO GALVANIZED COATINGS SHALL BE RESTORED WITH COLDSPRAY GALVANIZING. BOLTS EACH SIDE, STEEL PLATE. SEE 3/A-8 FOR PIAN 0 0, 3. BOLTED CONNECTIONS SHALL BE ASTM A325 BEARING TYPE (3/4"0) CONNECTIONS AND SHALL HAVE MINIMUM OF TWO TYP. APPROPRIATE POST NICHOLS MORE INFORMATION BOLTS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. MOUNTING HANDRAIL m ma 4. NON-STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS FOR STEEL GRATING MAY USE 5/8" DIA ASTM A 307 BOLTS UNLESS NOTED 1-1/7x3/16" 1/4 4" x 1/4" STEEL SPLICE (AS D OTHERWISE.CONCRETE EXPANSION ANCHORS AND EPDXY ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GALVANIZED TOE PLATE. SEE MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. THE ANCHOR BOLT, DOWEL OR ROD SHALL CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S REQUIRED) u RECOMMENDATION FOR EMBEDMENT DEPTH OR AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. NO REBAR SWILL BE CUT WITHOUT SERRATED STEEL INFORMATION FOR MORE PRIOR ENGINEERING APPROVAL WHEN DRILLING HOLES IN CONCRETE. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS, REQUIRED BY GOVERNING GRATING INFORMATION TOE BCARD o CODES, SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN MANUFACTURER'S MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LOADS. CONCRETE EDGE NEW 12"x6 x3/8" GALV. STEEL PLATFORM LINE SPLICE \ t DISTANCES SHALL BE MAINTAINED DURING INSTALLATION. PLATE WELDED TO STEEL a 5. STRUCTURAL STEEL BEAMS ARE DESIGNED FOR AN EXTREME FIBER STRESS OF 24,000 PSI FOR COMPACT AND 22,000 DUNNAGE PSI FOR NON-COMPACT SECTIONS. •-" `? 6. ALL WELDING TO BE DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDERS. PROVIDE COPIES OF THE WELDER'S CERTIFICATE TO a" ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. b 1/4" 7. BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH FABRICATION AND ERECTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS TO THE r o ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL AT GENERAL CONTRACTOR COST. THE REVIEW OF SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE u CONSTRUED AS A COMPLETE CHECK BUT WILL INDICATE ONLY THAT GENERAL METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION AND DETAILINGHANDRAIL ELEVATION I ° IS SATISFACTORY. REVIEW OF SUCH DRAWINGS WILL NOT RELIEVE1/4.THE CONTRACTOR OF THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR @EQUIPMENT PLATFORM ERRORS OF FABRICATION WHICH MAY EXIST AS THE DIMENSIONS AND DESIGN OF ADEQUATE CONNECTIONS. CONTRACTOR 3 ` $ SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETAILS AND THE CO ECT FITTING OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS. sc_ 1 z'-=,�' °" NEW 1270 POURED CONCRET SONOTUBE 6 ar PIER, TP. OF (2). SEE 5/A-8 FOR ORE INFORMATION NICHOLS 1-1/27 GALVANIZED E m STEEL HANDRAIL SEE DETAIL NEW 6"x •x1 GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE SECURED WITH (2) 3/A-8 FOR MORE ` 127 LONG #4 REBAR WELDED TO BOTTOM OF PLATE PROVIDE /� TYP. HANDRAIL MOUNTING DETAIL INFORMATION 4'-4" `v �1" HOOK AT BOTTOM OF REBAR, TYP. FOR 2 PLACES 16- -1 1/2" O.D. ( ) SGLE: 1 1 2=I�- GALVANIZED/ am 26'-0 3/6" NGALVANIZED ICHOLS ERRATED STEELPIPE RAIL ED 4/-4 3/4" 21'-7 1/27 NICHOLS 1-1/2"x3/16" STEEL GRATING 0 CHANNELS� I C o- GALVANIZED SERRATED NEW 4"x1 4 KICK ;qo STEEL GRATING / " T / 10x15.3/� \n W14z22 ___ /� w PLATE -TYPICAL og DASHED LINES 3•_0 SERRATED \ tri \ i I \\ REPRESENT NEW C10z15.3 STEEL TREADS W14X22 BEYOND, TYP. ° 3-5/16' BOLTED TO I L4X4%5/76 CLIP STRINGERS NEW 10"x10"z1 Y --¢�' \ GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE NEW W14x26 ANGLE n \ n WELDED M a s SECURED WITH (4) 1 27 - -1-1 1 4 1" NON SHRINK 1 vi m` m I LONG d4 REBAR 3 3 ; fio TO BOTTOM OF PLATE. GROUTEl W14x26 n n PROVIDE Y HOOK ° 0 1 _ _I NEW 6"xGx1 27 GALVANIZED o« a � W14z26 'L f �' 1" NON-SHRINK STEEL PLATE SECURED WITH _ 2. i I I ------ i 1 1 o GROUT 4� II •. 1i n (2) 127 LONG }14 REBAR T, F- O1 '-2 5/8" I I i 2'-0"0 POURED ------------- I WELDED TO BOTTOM OF / i W14z261 -- PLATE PROVIDE 1" HOOK AT y 6 \ w CONCRETE SONOTUBE " ,I . BOTTOM OF REBAR, TYP. FOR «� -2 1/8" --- --- -� -� -� PIER, (4000 P51 ° I�, 41 2 PLACES -- \ CONCRETE AT 28 DAYS, i�P b ( ) W14z22 /' �Y AIR ENTRAINED) --------------SI° i C10z15.3 STRINGER, TYP. I' a " m Is 6 \ / (6) 8 REBARS OF (2) ¢, ° (6) #4 REBAR �'i a IF=- 6 ° - _ NEW 70"x10"x1/7• GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE 4 REBAR TIES O " WITH (4) 127 LONG 1�4 REBAR EACH, WELDED I tY 0. ________- = f4 REBAR TIES O q iv 127 O.C. o TO BOTTOM OF PLATE. PROVIDE 2" HOOK AT BOTTOM OF REBAR, NP. FOR (4) 1270 POURED CONCRETE " SONOTUBE PIER, (4000 Ila °,", 8"X8" POURED CONCRETE E° NEW 2'-0'0 POURED CONCRETE -------------4: PSI CONCRETE AT 28 II FOOTING, TYP. OF (2) SONOTUSE PIER, TYR. OF (4). SEE 1-1/2" x 3/16" HOT II j DAYS, AIR ENTRAINED) - - 4/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION �� n —_ ---- DIPPED GALVANIZED _ NEW GALVANIZED STEEL ACCESS STAIR. STEEL SERRATED GRATING. i 6 LINE OF GRADE ov vt SEE 5/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION_ �'I 7T O 11•'= 4'-4 } tl V-4• 2'_8. 5.4. U iii it IF _al IF -y T .--�___-____ -_-ll `-- -_u u_________� 6 STEEL ACCESS I LEVATI N Sp STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN — REFER TD srRucTURAL FRAMwc PLAN A T THIS SHEET IS 17I % 1T REFER PIER DETAIL T SCnEE: 3 e"=1'—o TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. NORTH 4 A AND NOTES DEEAIL 1, HIS SHEET. n o SCALE 1 =,'- oixn Ua 1nivAT&T MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT �1�1 WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 ® at&t m�� $ = -°1 TRUCTUR4L FRAMING PLAN. mo 01^'z0f i'i. '-1I NOTES AND DETAILS c `oINA A R C H I T E C T S, LLP NY7320 AT&T MOBILITY 4.. ini Tscvuowcr oarcc seTnm<ET.arus 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE 7 jo rvo. srtE r+o. oanwwc rvuuaes eEv .dt voice Qeiaexwsn Tnx esiuxaeu" ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 C = I o PARAMUS, NJ 07652 " 'NVCENY1059 A-8 6 orrv=sMlso.ozl nwo 22 z 34 SIZE 6 5 4 3 2 PsE. NOTES: E SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 20OAMP, SINGLE PHASE, 120/240 VAC, 60HZ SERVICE FOR AT&T SITES. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH UTILITY COMPANY BEFORE THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. POWER AND TELEPHONE CONDUIT SHALL BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED PER UTILITY REQUIREMENTS. FOR COMPLETE INTERNAL WIRING AND ARRANGEMENT REFER TO DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY PANEL MANUFACTURER. = q ALL SERVICE EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE N.E.C. AND UTILITY COMPANY AND LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. h SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SUFFICIENT LENGTHS OF LFMC INCLUDING ALL CONDUIT FITTINGS (NUTS, REDUCING BUSHINGS, ELBOWS, COUPLING, ETC) NECESSARY FOR CONNECTION FROM THE NEMA BOX TO THE INTERIOR BTS CABINET. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ELECTRICAL SERVICE EQUIPMENT WITH FAULT CURRENT RATINGS GREATER THAN THE AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT FROM THE POWER UTILITY. POWER. CONTROL AND EQUIPMENT GROUND WIRING IN TUBING OR CONDUT SHALL BE SINGLE CONDUCTOR (#14 AWG AND LARGER), 60OV, OIL RESISTANT THHN OR THWN-2, CLASS B STRANDED COPPER CABLE RATED FOR 90'C (WET AND rn DRY) OPERATION; LISTED OR LABELED FOR THE LOCATION AND RACEWAY SYSTEM USED. CUT, COIL AND TAPE A 5 FOOT PIGTAIL FROM END OF LFMC FOR TERMINATING BY BTS EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER. D SUBCON" SCIENTIFIC:ZOOR SHAUL E BARRI ROORDINATE WITH LOCAL SERIES PART NO. 90700ECO WITH TIUTY PRIOR TO M MOUNTING DIN RAI PART NO. 21607).URING AND ONDN OF SSC ENCLOSURE AND URGE PROTECTION DEMCECDINPONENTS. SUBCONTRACTOR RAIL TO THE ENCLOSURE WITH M6 AWG INSULATED WIRED INSTALL SURGE PROTECTION(REFERENCE STANDARD DEE(L 1015).ATLANTIC BOND m u ENCLOSURE TO THE SITE GROUND RING OR BAR WITH #2 AWG COPPER WIRE. Af 03 SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 6"z6"a4" (MIN.) NEMA 3R STEEL ENCLOSURE AND MOUNT TO CONDUIT RACK AT REAR OF CABINET. c� �a = OTE o-;-' TO NEW AT&T Eg -a EQUIPMENT CABINETS 24 VOC NOTES: °1 c 1. 24VDC CABINET INSTALLER SHALL MAKE ALL FINAL TERMINATIONS AT 24VDC CABINET. mo NEW AT&T EXISTING PAD 2. NOKIA INSTALLER SHALL MAKE ALL FINAL TERMINATIONS AT NOKIA BTS CABINET. -6 NOTE METER AND MOUNTED 3. 24VDS CABINET MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL BRIDGE KIT FROM 24VOC CABINET TO NOKIA BTS CABINET. o EB DISCONNECT TRANSFORMER 4. 24VDC MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL OC POWER CABLES READY FOR FINAL TERMINATION BY NOKIA DC DISTRIBUTION zE _____ CABLES SHALL BE (2)-3/0 AWG FOR EACH BTS. o v NOTE ----- I A. ASSOCIATED CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR DC DISTRICUTION CABLES SHALL BE LEFT OPEN AND PROVIDED W/A REMOVABLE LOCKING - E6 NOTE „I DEVICE OR TAG SO THAT THE BREAKER CAN NOT BE CLOSED. E4 5. B.DC CABLES SHALL BE RHH/RHW AND CABLE TRAY (CT) RATED. E m NOTE NOTE NOTE 6.C.NOKIA INSTALLER TO PROVIDE DC DISTRICUTION CABLES LUGS ON NOKIA END. ` E2 E1 E3 7. 24VDC INSTALLER SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL TELCO CABLE(S) BELDEN PART #7919A COILED AND READY FOR FINAL TERMINATION i BY NOKIA. 8. 24VDC MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL CDS DATACOM ALARM CABLE(S) PART /CO3610075 COILED AND READY FOR a m T FINAL TERMINATION BY NOKIA. C �n LNC 9. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE W/NEC AND LOCAL CODES. TAP EXISTING ES 1OALL CABLE ENDS AT THE NOKIA BTS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AND TAPED. PAD MOUNTED t13 ASUFFICIENT SLACK SHALL BE PROVIDED TO PERMIT NOKIA INSTALLER TO TERMINATE All CABLES. PAD MOUNTED A TRANSFORMER OU OA 2-1/2” C WITH 3-4/0 NOTE: AT&T ELECTRICAL SERVICE NOTE: NOTE: ELECTRICAL SERVICE IS DESIGNED BY OTHERS FOR NOKIA CABINET CONDUIT AND CABLE FOR CIRCUITS AND RATINGS SEE PANEL - O Y C WITH 3-3/0 & 1 4 CU WITHOUT INVOLVEMENT OF WFC. CONDUIT ROUTING TERMINATION POINTS SEE DETAIL 3 SHEET A-4. SCHEDULE, DETAIL 1 SHEET E-2 SHALL BE SHOWN ON DRAWINGS. AN ELECTRICAL INSPECTION CERTIFICATE SHALL BE PROVIDED TO AT&T AND WFC AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. °0 UNISTRUT PIPE/CONDUIT CLAMP P1119 OR 4'-0" MAX. t E1. COORDINATE ALL NEW SERVICE REQUIREMENTS WITH LIRA PRIOR TO BEGINNING NEW WORK. P2558-35 (GALV.) (RTYPICAL&FOLLW. MANUF. RR ECOMM DATIONS FOR PIPE CAP (ttP) a E2. ENGAGE THE SERVICES OF AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATING COMPANY TO LOCATE ALL BOLT TORQUE _ UNDERGROUND EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA 3 1/2" O.D. POST UNISTRUT P1001 GALV 10 E3. PROVIDE AND INSTALL NEW 120/240 VOLT 200 AMP SINGLE PHASE MAIN DISCONNECT SWITCH. o B 0.9 E4. PROVIDE AND INSTALL NEW 120/240 VOLT SINGLE PHASE 200 AMP METER. �� 3"0 SCH.40 PIPE (GALV) OR E5. PROVIDE AND INSTALL NUMBER 2 COPPER GROUND AND 3/4" X 10' GROUND RODS FOR NEW SERVICE. 3"0 RGS CONDUIT (GALV) (TYR) MAXIMUM RESISTANCE TO GROUND SHALL BE 5 OHMS. PROVIDE AND INSTALL ADDITIONAL o GROUND RODS NOT LESS THAN 6' APART TO MEET MINIMUM GROUND RESISTANCE AS NECESSARY. io N E6. NEW PANEL "A" IN WEATHERPROOF ENCLOSURE MOUNTED TO NEW EQUIPMENT PLATFORM RAILING. UNISTRUT P1001 (GALV) [Z PANEL RATED AT 200A, 42kaic MAIN BREAKER, ALL COPPER BUS, 30 BOLT ON 22kcic E BREAKERS AND DOOR IN DOOR HINGED CONSTRUCTION. UNISTRUT P1001 (GALV) 0 m E7. PROVIDE AND INSTALL SURGE EQUAL TO ARRESTOR SUPPLIED WITH SSC ENCLOSURE, EQUAL TO INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY INC., MODEL # PTE080. INSTALL iv WITH A 2P-30A BREAKER IN PANEL "A" WITH 5 I/ 10 CONDUCTORS. FINISHED GRADE E8. PROVIDE AND INSTALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING GFCI CONVENINENCE RECEPTACLES, 24 VDC CABINET ETC. PER PANEL "A" SCHEDULE. COORDINATE WITH PROJECT MANAGER AS NECESSARY. b `.I�.� 10"0 PLAIN CONCRETE OR .7I1 _ E9. PROVIDE NEW 200A, SINGLE PHASE, 3 WIRE PIN AND SLEEVE EMERGENCY GENERATOR RECEPTACLE. PART n U.:', SAKRETE PIER GRINWIRRELAY-RAND RECEPTACLE #AR20033-RS _ �I ,o �= METER AND DISCONNECT . r— OU ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM MOUNTING RACK /ERE A 4 a SCALEN.T.S. •V SCPLE� 1 =1' "D R WWu iR i U n 0 a 0 °'^v" cp �. AT&T MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT M i w i "'" / NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 `&` re r m` WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA Q ern '� L C ICAL RISER DIAGRAM AND NOTES AR C H I T F. C TS. LLP NY7320 ® p wnnx rrcxro�oar oRrvr. sernuen winv 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY ..5,' vo�m a>iexa-x.si, P.>a nsihxo-x.ry 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE EN No. owAwwc n�uacR REV ORIENT POINT, NY. 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 NYCENY1059 U2 6 5 4 It3 �2 O f�N PSCC NOTES FOR TE208 INTRUSION ALARM: E AC DISTRIBUTION PANEL 0 0 1. DISCONNECT WIRE #22 FROM N.O. (OPEN) WHT BLU o 1 o TERMINAL OF SW5 & CONNECT 240-120V 1 PHASE 200A-BASED ON INTERSECT PANEL WITH STRIKESORB 1V55 BLU HT o 2 0 , TO MALE 0.25- QUICK CONNECT (RED WIRE) FROM.3 R v U LOAD (VA) WHT ORD e 3 e CABLE USE PROVIDED FEMALE DOOR INTRUSION ALARM 26M QUICK ORG e 4 o NA CONNECT SIZE Ll d326 LCL L1 L2 SIZER WHT GRN e 5 0 2. NOW CONNECT THE BLACK WIRE FROM P GRN WHT o 6 o NA THE TE20B DOOR REV SERVICE DESCRIPTION AMPS BRKR VA VA VA VA BRKR AMPS SERVICE DESCRIPTION REV _ _ _¢ n INTRUSION ALARM CABLE TO THE N.O. ARGUS 24VDC CABINET /1 RECTIFIER #1 30 1 2P 326652 326 2 2P 30 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET /1 RECTIFIER /2 0 o BRN BFR o 8 o NA OPEN TERMINAL OF SW5 E) 3 652 326 4 0 0 WHT SFT e 9 0 0 30 5 2P 326652 326 6 2P 30 0 TO X9 ALPHAE0ARGUS 24VDC CABINET /1 RECTIFIER /3 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #4 ALARM PORT oSLT HT o 10— NA t 7 652 326 8 00 30 9 2P 326652 326 10 2P 30 0 RED BLU o 11 e MGUS 24VDC CABINET /1 RECTIFIER /5 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER /6P0000 11 652 326 12 0 2 BLU RED — 12— NA 30 13 2P 326652 326 14 2P 30 0 vRED ORG 13 RED MGUS 24VDC CMINET #1 RECTIFIER /7 15 652 326 16 MGUS 24VDC CABINET #1 RECTIFIER #8 0 < ORG RED d14� BLK INTRUSION (PRE-WIRED IN 24V) (EAC #1, TEXT ID /1) 30 17 2P 326 652 326 18 2P 30 0 o RED GRN 15 RmMGUS 24VDC CABINET �1 RECTIFIER /9 19 326 652 326 20 ARGUS 24VDC CABINET y{1 RECTIFIER X10 0EAC o GRN RED d l6� GRN SMP�(pJPRE-WIRED IN 24V) 0 30 21 2P 326 1076 750 22 2P 15 0 . RED BRN 17 W ( ^" TEXT ID /2) MGUS 24VDC CABINET �1 RECTIflER /11 NOKIA HETA 1900co 23 326 1076 750 24 0 �� S (BY GC)) JNOKLAL 15 25 2P 750 750 750 26 1P 15 FLXI2WS 0 RED SLT o Ig o BLu A. Tk ID #21) >, HETA 850o6 27 750 750 326 2B 2P 30 FLX I2WS 0 wSLT RED a 20NA vUMTS CABINET HEATER 15 29 2P 720 3600 2880 30 1P 30 MGUS 24VDC CABINET 0 z BLK BLU � WHT a 31 720 720 750 32 1P 15 Rx-AIT 0 0 —� OMM POWER FAIL ((BY GC) TELCO BOX RECEPTACLE 15 33 iP 180 180 34 0 BLU BLK 22 ORGEAC #5, TEXT ID $50m UNITS CABINET RECEPTACLE 35 1P 180 180 36 0 °iBLK ORC `3 RG BATTERY CABINET N0.2 15 37 1P 180 180 38 p 24YEL (EAC N6. TEXT ID /6` PPORG BLK RECT 4V - MAJOR PRE-WIRED IN 24V)39 0 40 0 BLK GRN 25— BRN w GRN BLJ< 26 BLU rC #7. TEXT ID /7 S _ 41 0 42 0 vvv~III GR BRN Y10 11ECT 24V - MINOR PRE-WIRED IN 24V) < a m 1 BATTERY ACTIVE (PRE-WIRED IN 24V) i C BSL7 0 29=28 (EAC ya, TExr to /1s) a 0 LK 5 SILT BLK a 30 e )NA a p YE BLU a 31 eo w z BLU EL a 32 0 )NA of PANEL SCHEDULE RG ORL a 34= )NA YE GRN — 35 GRN EL — 36 0 )NA INTRUSION ALARMS TOGETHER— 37 a JUMPER'D ABBREVIATIONS 1 ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS e 38 e J w` BY ARGUS AND ➢ = A AMPERE a ROUTED TO PINS U ACCA ANTENNA CABLE COVER ASSEMBLY AC GENERATOR CONNECTOR o 40 o INA 13,14 8 a ■ CADWELD TYPE CONNECTION e _ l _ AWG AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE _ 41 BCW BARE COPPER WIRE CIRCUIT BREAKER — 42 e NA 1 w BOB BOTTOM GROUND BM o COAXIAL CABLE SHIELD ROUND PRE-INSTALLED REO e e 43 e o m CTS BASE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM KIT CONNECTION 44 c TEMP ALARMS _!3 CIBGE COAX ISOLATED GROUND BAR EXTERNAL • COMPRESSION TYPE CONNECTION JUMPER'D BLK 45 POWER COMPARTMENT DWG DRAWINGTOGETHER AND REO HIGH/LOW TEMP AND COPPER GROUND BAR 1/4-x4-x20", 46 m U (E) EXISTING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ROUTED TO BLK BATTERY COMPARTMENT o EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING 1/0 EXTENSION 47 HIGH/LOW TEMP ALARMS B G GROUND a DISCONNECT SWITCH BOARD BY ARGUS == 48 E a 1 REM PANEL, BATT AND GEN GENERATOR 0 GFI DUPLEX RECEPTACLE o 49 J - _ GPS GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM 50 POWER BAY OR GROWTH eery GENERATOR INTRUSION ALARMS a5 IGR INTERIOR GROUND RING (HALO) GROUND ROD ORG O O O = a, KWH KILOWATT HOUR BATTERY CABINET N.C. NOTE 3 w MIGB MASTER ISOLATED GROUND BAR ® GROUND ROD WITH ACCESS LOW TEMP ALARM COM ORG HT RED 22 RED E° (N) NEW GROUND WIRING BLU ALARM CABLE N'C' INTRUSION o P PHASE BATTERY CABINET CN.O. BACK F M ALARM MANUAL TRANSFER SWITCH HIGH TEMP ALARM COM BLU HT TO 66—ALARM CABLE — — PCS PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ® MEIER ON METER/BREAKER UNIT BLOCK COM FROM — PPC POWER PROTECTION CABINET BUK BATTERY RGS RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL PANELBOARD S66M1-50 PRC PRIMARY RADIO CABINET POWER AND TELCO WIRING CABINET RWY RACEWAY SN SOLID NEUTRAL REPRESENTS DETAIL NUMBER REF. NOTES: SW SWITCH ®—DRAWING NUMBER 1. MOUNT S66M1-50 BLOCK W/898 BRACKET IN TELCO BOX . ON TELCO POWER COMPARTMENT v TCB TOP GROUND BAR BACKBOARD ORE NEW 3R ENCLOSURE AT OUTDOOR SITES. = TYP TYPICAL ❑T TRANSFORMER 2. WIRE TO PROVIDE CONTINUITY WHEN CIRCUIT IS NORMAL. REAR LIFT-OFF ACCESS V 3 PANEL INTRUSION V VOLT 0 XIT GROUND ROD 3. INSTALL BRIDGING CUPS NUSEN-SA-1-25 OR EQUIVALENT) AS REQUIRED. COM N.O. 4. TURN BACK AND STORE UNUSED CONDUCTORS. ALARM iO a W WIRE i 22 66 BLOCK ALARM ASSIGNMENTS (24VDC) SW5 o. ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVATIONS a ao .. sCALE:HTS gED AIw U Q pNYcp 11 ^ R �J OJECi O a/� Q V' AT&T MOBILITY t ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ® Qt&t „/H� .per 47 mo WILLIAM E COLLINS, AIA NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 '� mmn (` ^-, ELECTRICAL DETAILS, SYMBOLS A R C H I T E C T S. L L P NY7320 �' °j"''P nSE° AND AB6REVIATIONS t AT&T MOBILITY o 1u111rHNOLOm'DervE SETAIJKIFT.NI um 40200 MAIN RD15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE SITE NO. ownwiNc nuw,eTa rzEv X03 VOIC[ F.1>': 11.1-3411 ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 71957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 o z _ 4 NYCENYl059 E-2 6 6 5 4 3 K�2 T� L;,,,O h / DEN_STgISD.Dz1 owc 22 x 34 D SIZE <O_ -A PSE_ E ' Y CONDUIT W/16-1/C 8 AWG THHN OR THWN-2 AND 1-1/C 10 AWG THHN OR THWN-2 GREEN INSUL. GND, (FOR RECTIFIER) 2 2-1/C 10 AWG THHN OR THWN-2 & 1/C 10 AWG GND, (FOR HVAC) 2-1/C 12 AWG THHN OR THWN-2 rn 5/G EC & 1/C 12 AWG GND, (FOR GFCI) oR (NOTES 1 & 2) p S/N my o NOTE . a 30A 3QA 2 r� 1L7 51_11 qz I_2 SL2 U a 930AUPPER SHELF `0II 2L1 6LIRECTIFIERS m6 21_2•O 6 fu (NOTE J)) m 30A 304 a 3L1 01�71_1 =ov31_2-071_2 3GA 30A x LOWER SHELF m RECTIFIERS 1-5Ti41_1 8L1 ti r E`om 41_2 81_2 = JUNCTION SEE DETAIL A (TYR) T s 20A (HACR) 154 BOX FOR MVAC SPLY RTN SPLY RTN O • • • • C uFOR AT&T PANE1_BOARD FOR 120/240V AC 16, 3W OR o a HVAC GFCI O 208/120V AC 30, LW 5-15R 5 0 GFCI SEE EQUIPMENT SINGLE—LINE DIAGRAM — FOR DC BREAKERS ONO BPR ARGUS Te41 CABINET I n 2 AWG SHELF AC WIRING = COMPARTMENT LEFT SIDE ARIGHT SIDE v.o �. SLl— 1. UPPER POWER MODULE (SHELF) HAS (6) POSITIONS FOR RECTIFIERS. i 1O LOWER POWER MODULE (SHELF) HAS (5) POSITIONS FOR RECTIFIERS. B Eoo ozm S1 h 51.2— INSTALL CONDUIT AND CONNECT WIRING TO RECTIFIER MODULE = z POSITIONS 1 TO 8. THE QUANTITY OF ACTIVE RECTIFIERS SHALL BE E —1u 4LI— 3�$m DETERMINED BY OTHERS. m N N IBJ -o.- irk —AL2 41_2— z'w 2. INSTALL ONE 30A CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR EACH RECTIFIER o. TO BE INSTALLED. REFER TO PANEL SCHEDULE. UNTERMINATED WIRES 029 —21_1 7 3L1— IN THE PANELBOARD SHALL BE CAPPED AND COILED. BREAKER ow n v f INTERRUPTING RATING SHALL MATCH PANELBOARD. E a -2L2 � `y 3L2— z 3. SEE MWR/KITTING UST FOR QUANTITY OF RECTIFIER MODULES TO BE - —O PE PE( DEPLOYED. 4. THIS DETAIL IS APPLICABLE FOR EITHER A +24V OR -48V POWER PLANT. MODULE No. 0DETAIL A TERMINAL BLOCK WIRING o (LOWER SHELF SHOWN—UPPER SHELF SIMILAR) V K bQ AC SINGLE- LINE DIAGRAM _ - A o FOR ARGUS TE41 DC POWER PLANT �� D A/�5 � SCALENT.S- o T ED AT&T MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANTTl \ L NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 Q f/�lr x&t 4 r SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM ma WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA i ' FO A US TE-41 DC POWER PLANT A R C H I T E C T S L L P NY7320 AT&T MOBILITY UITECEEEOIOG\'DRIVE SEUOKE.N)Ivv 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE M_ x �O. srte NO. ORAwwc nouaeR nn .Q'j va<e nv eR.Rxn rns. cnl�er.w>v ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 pgRAMUS, NJ 07652 oKt - = _ NYCENY1059 z 6 5 Q 3 x�Z wr Drn-$N[l6(l.Ol] owc 22 x 34 SIZE cfi vEw E NOTES COAXIAL SURGE ARRESTORS 1. FURNISHED BY OEM/AT&T. NOTES 3 & 4 2. INSTALLED BY OEM OR AS SCOPED BY MARKET. v COAX 70 ANTENNAS }(TYP FOR 6) 3. FURNISHED BY BECHTEL. NOTES 3 & 4 1 5. FINAL CONNECTION4. INSTALLED BY HBYLOEM OR AS SCOPED BY MARKET. NOTE FOR 6) - - - - - - 6. OPEN END OF CONDUIT TO BE LEFT WEATHERPROOFED UNTIL TERMINATED. ASO CABLE DIPLEXER DIPLEXER DIPLEXER DIPLE%ER DIPLEXER DIPLEXER 7. ARGUS 053-997-20-000 DUAL FEED OC-DC CONVERTER WITH 012-526-20-040 2KW MODULES _ FOR RET CONTROL NOTES 3, 4 NOTES 3, 4 NOTES 3, 4 NOTES 3, 4 NOTES 3, 4 NOTES 3, 4 8. PART OF CONVERTER WITH 18 BREAKER POSITIONS. BREAKERS SPECIFIED SEPARATELY. NOTES: 3, 4, 21 9. BREAKERS TO BE TAGGED AND LOCKED OUT. D ma NOTE FOR 3) 10. SIAD IS FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY OTHERS AND INCLUDES POWER CONNECTIONS AND FIBER TO „} THE UNIT OR AS SCOPED BY MARKET. WHEN IN BECHTEL SCOPE, INSTALL 10 AWG CHASSIS GROUND, 0= COAX JUMPERS PROVIDE (2) IDA BREAKERS FROM A 24V DC POWER SOURCE OR (2) 5A BREAKERS FROM A 48V DC a NOTES 3, 4 POWER SOURCE AND CONNECT USING MFR POWER CABLE WITH SPECIAL CONNECTOR. 1. E COILED MINATED- =� 12. LEC VTO FURNISH AND PROTECTED INSTALL NETWORKKIINTERF CE DEVICE. o z 2 COUNT, SINGLE a� MODE FIBER CABLE 13. SEE DETAIL 1408 FOR OC POWER CABLE SIZES. NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 11 14. DC SURGE PROTECTION SHELF SHALL BE RAYCAP DC6-48-60-RM. SEE DETAIL 1409A FOR INTERNAL TYP FOR 6 700 RRH AWS RRH 70 RRH AWS RRH 700 RRH AWS RRH WIRING DIAGRAM. ( ) NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES 15. CONDUIT WHEN INSTALLED UNDERGROUND SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC. m° 2/C OC CABLES 1, 2' 5 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5 1, 2, 5 16, DC POWER CABLES SHALL BE COPPER, CLASS B STRANDING TYPE RHH/RHW UL LISTED FOR 90-C NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 11, 13 DRY/76C WET INSTALLATIONS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. (TTP FOR 6) 6 AWG 17. FIBER AND POWER DISTRIBUTION BOX W/48V DC SURGE SHALL BE RAYCAP MODEL DC2-48-60-0-9E. ri ci (TYP FOR 6 18. SEE DETAIL 1411 FOR INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM. - 1' LFMC -L �_ �- �_ I (NOTE 11 ) 19. FIBER AND POWER DISTRIBUTION BOX IS NX REQUIRED WHEN THE OO CABLE BETWEEN THE OUTDOOR 50 FEET. NOTES: 3, 4, 6 , , , , , - , , - , - ) 20. GROU DINET NG CABLES D RRH ISSHALL BLESS THAN COPPER, THHN/THWN UL LISTED FOR 90' DRY/ 75 WET INSTALLATION Em (TTP FOR 6) UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALARM CABLE FIBER & POWER DISTRIBUTION FIBER & POWER DISTRIBUTION FIBER & POWER DISTRIBUTION 21. RET CONTROL FROM THE RRH IS AN OPTIONAL METHOD OF CONNECTION. REFER TO RF DATA SHEEP =u NOTES: 3, 4, 5 FOR APPLICABILITY. n (TTP FOR 3) BOX W/48VDC SURGE BOX W/48VDC SURGE BO% W/48VDC SURGE 22. TMAS MAY BE EITHER SINGLE UNITS (AS SHOWN) OR TWIN UNITS. `N (RAYCAP DC2-48-60-0-9E) (RAYCAP DC2-48-60-0-9E) (RAYCAP DC2-48-60-0-9E) 23. MAXIMUM 4/0 AWG CABLE LENGTH FROM 24V DC POWER PLANT TO CONVERTER SHALL NOT EXCEED m Z" FLEXIBLE CONDUIT NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 17, 18 & 19 NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 17, 18 & 19 NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 17, 18 & 19 6 AWG (MIN.) 44 FEEL C NOTES: 3, 4, 2124. SEE DETAIL 1505 FOR GPS ANTENNA AND SURGE SUPPRESSOR COAXIAL CABLE CONNECTION. (TTP OF 3) (TYP FOR 3) 25. SEE DETAIL 1150C FOR ALARM CABLE REQUIREMENTS. (2) 2/C DC CABLES Sg NOTES: 3, 4, S. 13 I - ALCATEL-LUCENT (TYP FOR 3) 9412 CABINET W/2 .2 9926 BBU GPS ANTENNA & MODE FIBER CABLE LE (AT D 2LLH-FFRAME) N ) SURGE SUPPRESSORS NOTES: 1, 2, 5 NOTES: 3, 4, 24 NOTES: 3, 4, 5 15 x 6" xe (MIN.) (TYP FOR 3) (6) 2 COUNT, SINGLE MODE FIBER CABLE IN 2" FLEXIBLE CONDUIT/INTEROUCT a E 2 1/Y IMC CONDUIT W/ 1 1/7 REDUCER 0 9 (NOTE 15) NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 6 LTE ANTENNA LTE ANTENNA LTE ANTENNA FIBER WITH RET WITH RET WITH RET MGMT TRAY - NOTES: 3, 4 NOTES: 3, 4 NOTES: 3, 4 COAX DC SURGE SHELF a 70 MHz AWS 6 AWG JUMPER - - NOTES: 3, 4, 14 n LTE BBU LTE BBU NOTES: 1, 2, 5 NOTES: 1, 2, 5 �6 AWG _ (12) 1/C 12 AWG (2) 2 AWG B NOTES: 3, 4 AISG 2 (2) 1/C 1 AWG IN NOTES: 3, 4, 21 1 1/2" LFMC CONDUIT 1 I 700 TMA AWS TMA 70 TMA AWS TMA *700AWST48V OC BREAKER PANEL (TYP FOR 3)(2) 4/0 (1) 100A & NOTES: 3, 4, 5, 6 NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTESNOTECLASS B OR 1 (6) 15A BREAKERS 2 COUNT, SINGLE 3, 4, 22 3, 4, 22 3, 4, 22 3, 4, 223, 4, 22 2 1/2" IMC/RNC NOTES: 3, 4, 8, 9 NOTES: ice, 2, 5 MODE FIBER CABLE E o CONDUIT 66 BLOCK SIAD :NOTES: 1, 2, 5 COAX NOTES 3, 23 ----- - - ------ NOTE: 10 (TTP FOR 2) JUMPER (TYP FOR 2) NOTES: 3, 4 1" LFNC CONDUIT 24V TO -48V 1 NOTES: 3�4E 25 (W/ PULL STRING) TO (2) 250ANOTES: 3, 4, 6 BREAKERS IN CONVERTER 24V DC W/ 2KW MODULES c� BY OTHERS POWER PLANT NOTES: 3, 4, 7 �`6 AWG NETWORK INTERFACE DEVICE CHASSIS GND (VARIES BY MARKET) 2 AWG NOTE: 12 OUTDOOR CABINET U 3 ui< 2 AWG SYSTEM DIAGRAM, TOWER SITE WITH OUTDOOR BASE BAND AND RHHS ON GROUND �aEo Aq A p - m �� :4ptiwR �L w �/ P AT&T MOBILITY t P ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ® at p ma WILLIAM F. COLLINS,AIA NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 a `&t $- _ YT M G M, TOWER SITE WITH OUTDOOR -.2 i�\VVV«i� 19 j t /B7�15 D AND RRHs ON GROUND Brim A R C H I T E C T S. L L P NY7320 AT&T MOBILITY 1Tvc wmom-Dai s1. I.NI 1111 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE .a N srte No. oRnwwc eouaw aEv 113 vol 1. misea-eas r.a s,leaa e,w oz - ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMUS, NJ 07652 0 "" �P , NYCENY1059 E-4 6 6 5 4 3 �2 W ti) o N-SM16002) owc 22 x 34 SIZE /� N vso- E 700 AWS SECTOR A SECTOR A N (2) 1/C I AWG O POWER CABLES I.. L2 AWG 0 .P 2/C 10 AWG O m o Q POWER CABLES O w o w m ALCATEL-LUCENT (6 TLP) m r. z c m o m u CABINET W/ I + I + I Io' I + I + + - O + - o 9926 (BBU) 48V DC + �3 3 $ m 3 3 g �3 �3 o gFlBER & POWER9412 BB TYPE 2 INPUT < < a < < < n nA-AWS+ DISTRIBUTION 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I fl + < CND < a < m m m o 0 0 o A-AWS- W101 - A-700+ 48V SURGE PROTECTION + AL9926 (LUCENT e _ DC SURGE SHELF RAYCAP A-700- RAYCAP DC2 _ a 9926 (BBU) 48V DC TO DC6-48-60-0-18-01 (NOTES 7 @ 8) 6 AWG 6 AWG AWS/700 INPUT GROUND NOTES: 2, 9 ,--,/1 TO TO m` `o AI.PRM ml-lalm - + - + / �6 AWG GROUND GROUND o JACKS o W 2 C POWER CABLES FIBER PORTS GND (6 TLP) (NOTE 6) AWS 700 a 1 2 3 GR T1 RJ45 - SECTOR B SECTOR B `o v ❑ O O❑ JACKS TO 2 AWG GROUND au U U ..,i TO RACK E. GROUND O x U s x(12) 1/C 12 AWG OO u o � POWER CABLES + - o + - o me FIBER k POWER C Q U 4 5 5 5 B-AWS± qDlS'II UoN + (4) 1/C AWG 8-700+ 48V SURGE PROTECTION + POWER CABLES 4/0 B-700- RAYCAP DC2 _ (NOTES 7 & 8) 6 AWG _ 6 AND $- T TO TO GV q-6 AWG GROUND GROUND -� AWS 700 +24V INPUT +24V INPUT W24V TO -48VV CONVERTER TO SECTOR C SECTOR C FEED A FEED B (NOTE 3) INTEGRAL -48V BREAKER PANEL GROUND n E (NOTE 3) (NOTE 2) O O F 9 9 FACTORY w ao w o WIRING +GND O/P i U m i 0 m U D IZ U D OV (NOTE 4) -CND I/P (NOTE 3) + - o + - o a, - INSTALL (2) (N) C-AWS+ FlBER h POWER t'c 250A BREAKERS 2/0 AWG 6 AWG C-A,NS- + DI2%1017 TRIBUTION + m (NOTE 10) _ (NOTE 5) _ WRH _ 0 0 24V TO TO C-700+ + 48V SURGE PROTECTION * B E (+) NOTFc GROUND GROUND C-700- _ RAYCAP DC2 _ E. 1. LABEL THE DC POWER CABLES AT BOTH ENDS OF EVERY WIRE AND IN ANY (NOTES 7 & 8) 6 AWG 6 AWG PULL BOX IF USED. LABEL SHALL BE DURABLE, SELF ADHESIVE, WRAPPED OV LONGITUDINALLY ALONG THE CABLE AND STATE THE SECTOR, FREQUENCY 6 AWG GROUND GROUND TO TO BAND AND POLARITY; I.E. 'A-AWS+'. .4— 2. INSTALL IN AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT CABINET �- 3. CABLE TERMINALS FOR +24V INPUT FEED A, FEED B AND REFERENCE E o GROUND SHALL BE 2-HOLE: 3/e' ON 1- CENTER. GROTO UND PART OF DC POWER PUNT 4. INSTALL CABLE TERMINALS FOR FEED A AND FEED B RETURN BACK-TO-BACK _ ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF PAD USING 1-HOLE 3/8' TERMINALS. 5. CABLE TERMINALS FOR CHASSIS GROUND SHALL BE 2-HOLE, 1/C ON 5/8• - CENTER. 6. SEE DETAIL 1408 FOR CABLE SIZES. 7. SEE DETAIL 1411 FOR INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM. B. FIBER AND POWER DISTRIBUTION BOX IS UM REQUIRED WHEN THE DC CABLE BETWEEN THE OC POWER CABINET AND RRH IS LESS THAN 6•-6'. _ 9. SEE DETAIL 1409A FOR INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM. - 10. USE DETAIL 1424 FOR CONVERTER WIRING DIAGRAM. o 71. DC POWER CABLES SHALL BE UL LISTED RHH/RHW RATED AT 90•C DRY/75•C WET INSTALLATIONS. a 12. AC POWER AND GROUND CABLES SHALL BE UL LISTED. THHN/THHW RATED rv? WIRING DIAGRAM, OUTDOOR AT 90•C DRY/76C WET INSTALLATIONS. A Ax? ,,SASE BAND AND RRHs ON GROUND, DC/DC CONVERTER o ,w�„ �a s R v - w 4�;G p,F' @. AT&T MOBILITY == ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT �♦�� ma WILLIAM F coLtlNs, nln NYCENY1059 /1-1-1059 ` DI GRAM, OUTDOOR BASE HAND _ o A R C H I T E C T S. u r NY7920 RR ON GROUND DC/DC CONVERTER ,= r, iom ourvc 11 srxaoKer. nn 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY .5.'4 1.1 c -eva-xasu vex snnsssAw 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE +oe o. SITE Aw. oxewwc volceesirvououerx an - ORIENT POINT, NY 11957 PARAMUS. NJ 07652 v1� , YCENY1059 z 6 5 4 3 ,T _.7�y�gq yC. orrv-sM�so.ozl uw'c 22 x 34 SIZE 2 w Inr NEMS °s`- E IN GROUND 3 NEW SUPPLEMENTARY GROUNDING NOTES ROD, TYP. E-3 GROUND CABLE 2/0 AWG, TYP. 1. THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND INSPECT THE FACILITY GROUNDING SYSTEM AND LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMAS DESIGNED AND _N c INSTALLED) FOR STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEC (AS OPTED BY THE AHI'O THE SITE-SPECIFIC fUL, LPI, OR NEPA) LIGHTING PROTECTION CODE, AND GENERAL COMPLIANCES WITH TELCORDIA AND TIA GROUNDING STANDARDS. THE v a F SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL REPORT ANY VIOLATIONS OR ADVERSE FINDINGS TO THE D CONTRACTOR FOR RESOLUTON. m"v YYY - - - - - - - — - - - - - - 2, ALL GROUND ELECTRODE SYSTEMS !INCLUDING TELECOMMUNICATION, RADIO, 0.F A LIGHTNING PROTECTION, AND AC POWER GESS) SHALL BE BONDED TOGETHER. GRADE AT OR BELOW GRADE, BY TWO OR MORE COPPER BONDING CONDUCTORS IN a ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC. 3. THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM IEEE FALL-OF-POTENTIAL RESISTANCE TO v (-' �- EARTH SYSTEMS. THE ING SUBCO IEEE NTRACTOR�SHALLi FURNISH AND RINSTALL SUPTPLEMENTAL 3 IS o i I GROUND ELECTRODES AS NEEDED TO ACHIEVE A TEST RESULT OF 5 OHMS OR PROTECT THREADED AREA LESS. 10 FROM DAMAGE DURING m ° 4. MIETAL RACEWAY TOR. NOT STRANEED CUSED AS THE NEC REQUIRED EQUIPMENT AND AFTER INSTALLATION. I ° n GROUND CONDUCTOR.OR. D COPPER CONDUCTORS WITH GREEN INSULATION, n - - - SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC, SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED 6 F—` } WITH THE POWER CIRCUITS TO BTS EQUIPMENT. `o ci 1 I T 1 t t t i T II S. EXOTHERMIC WELDS SHALL BE USED FOR ALL GROUNDING CONNECTIONS BELOW CADWELD � i _ I GRADE' GROUND RING #2 AWG 6L. I 6. APPROVED ANTIOXIDANT COATINGS (I.E., CONDUCTIVE GEL OR PASTE) SHALL BE I L --- - _'1 .J -_J .I I USED ON ALL COMPRESSION AND 9OLTED GROUND CONNECTIONS. j — — — — — ——-�—'JJ / a, I 7. SURFACES TO BE CONNECTED TO GROUND CONDUCTORS SHALL BE CLEANED TO A BRIGHT SURFACE AT ALL CONNECTIONS. ROUND ROD S. EXPOSED GROUNDING CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE WITH COMPRESSION ( CONNECTORS WHICH ARE THEN BOLTED TO EQUIPMENT USING STAINLESS STEEL 5/8'4 X 10'-0r= WELD LONG C ON nN � VINEW LEHARDWARE. INSTALLATION TORQUE SHALL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BE PER MANUFACTURE'S REQUIREMENT. 9. ALL CABLE TRAYS SHALL BE BONDED TO THE EXISTING BURIED GROUND o NEW N2 AWG SOLID, ELECTRODE SYSTEM WITH A SINGLE CONDUCTOR /2 AWG SOLID TINNED TINNED, BCW BURIED COPPER WIRE. GROUND RING, TYP. SUPPMENTARY NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT DETAIL @ GROUND ROD GROUND CABLE 2/0 AWG CABINETS, TYP. '3 SGLE:N.T.S. NEW COPPER n ? GROUND BAR. TYP. GROUNDING NOTES: • CAUTION!: AT ALL SITES THE CONTRACTOR GOA% GROUND COAX GROUND COAX GROUND CAST IRON FLANGE AND �o MUST VERIFY THAT THE SYSTEM IS BAR AT BAR AT BAR AT 118 119 121 INSPECTION HAND COVER WITH WORD 'GROUND' EFFECTIVELY GROUNDED AND MEETS THE SECTOR -C' SECTIO 'B' SEC70 -A 4 4 4 HOLE ASSEMBLY CAST INTO COVER. �s NEC ARTICLE 250 REQUIREMENTS AND ' ' ._ ACCEPTABLE TO THE LOCAL INSPECTOR/ _ GRADE AUTHORITY. NEC ARTICLE 250-84 1 GROUND ROD 3 —III SPECIFIES GROUNDING RESISTANCE OF 25 -4 TO EQUIPMENT — - - - OHMS OR LESS FOR THE GROUNDING TYP. GROUND RING t`o SYSTEM. THE PROJECT REQUIREMENT IS ` c FIVE (5) OHMS. 118 119 CABLE TO ROD CAD WELDED TO o TO MONOPOLE COAX GROUND -4 E-4 NOTE. , , B NQff: GROUND RING TYP. TYP. INSPECTION HAND HOLE MAY 1.ALL METAWC OBJECTS LOCATED WITHIN BAR �6 AWG X2/0 BE PRE CAST CONCRETE OR _ 6'-O" OF GROUND RING SHALL BE PVC AND SHALL BE A MINIMUM BONDED TO THE GROUND RING. MASTER OF 17 I.D.X36" DEEP. I I t m 0 0 0 o GROUND BAR 2.PROVIDE STRAIN RELIEF AND PROTECTION CONDUIT FROM SHARP MATERIAL FOR INDIVIDUAL OR COAX E o CABLES. PROVIDE #6 GROUND If 2 AWG SOLID TINNED BCW TEST CONDUCTORS WITH TWO-HOLE UMTS X-A 850 1900 4 VD BATE BATT PURCELL LOOP CAD-WELDED TO EGR. CONNECTORS TO CABLE RACK SECTIONS - - - TOGETHER. - NOTE: CLEAN SAND FILL__ ILL ALL GROUND WIRES GND&TELCO RRH RRH RRH N9g: CONDUIT BON RING #2 AWG SOLID TINNED ARE /2 AWG GREEN BCW GROUND NQIE a' Y-<' z-e" s'-s' ALL GROUND WIRES ARE #2 6 AWG 801 NEW GPS 'y b AWG GREEN INSULATED, INSULATED, TINNED 6 UNIT IF THIS SHEET IS 11' X 1T REFER UNLESS NOTED MAW METAL ~•• .A`yY;AT '�:q.��S T •+E` L'LT�� TINNED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. OBJECTS TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. T7i6_r_p. OTHERWISE. Tt SURGE U} SIL P9 SO eoSL AWG GROUND ROD COPPER WELD GROUND ROD TEST WELL 5/8^ X 10'-D• LONG r i METER Q SCALE:1-112' = V-o• EQUIPMENT GROUNDING PLAN TYP. GROUNDING SCHEMATIC BANK ED n a 1 ue aie=r-a• NORTH scue rvTS 0 1 w" Q nW,I . NTA cl 11 i r= ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ® „ram s„m / , .�' .-�. a AT&T MOBILITY mo WILLIAM F. COLLINS,AIA NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 N�&t mnn 4i 07101 LA TELCO, LLEC, GROUNDING PLAN A R C H I T E C T S. L L P NY7320 ��� r�vm r " Ts �� �� ) AND DETAILS ecxrvowm°a vru v,inv 40200 MAIN RD AT&T MOBILITY 0° vo� P r-x,.a s a.iter-xsr ORIENT POINT, N Y. 71957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE i +F - a N° SITE Na. onAwwc NuuPEa acv PARAMUS. NJ 07652 _ 2 NYCENY1059 E-6 6 UZ 6 5 4 3 n2 ws "9T� O,2 _ :1 I orN-sTq,%.z] nwc 22 e S4 D $2E PST- oF r�ti�ti 'E j6 AWG STRANDED Cu WIRE WITH GREEN, 60OV, EACH GROU D CONDUCTOR TEEMINAUNG ON AN GROUND BAR SHA L HAVE ' a v THWN INSULATION NEWTON INSTRUMENT COMPANY, INC. AN IDENTIFICATION TAG ATTACHED AT EACH END THAT WILL IDENTIFY ITS T WASHER, TYP. BUTNER, N.C. ORIGIN AND DESTINATION. " LOCKWASHER, SECTION 'P- - SURGE PROTECTOR5 x N STAINLESS STEEL V " x 1-1/Y NO. REO. PART N0. DESCRIPTION TMP BOLT ONOWALL, FLOOR Qi 1 1/4'x4"x3p' SOLID CND. BAR CABLE ENTRY PORTS (HATCH PLATES) (j2) S OR ON ANTENNA GENERATOR FRAMEWORK (IF AVAILABLE) (j2) "< TWO HOLE TOWER Q2 2 A-6056 WALL MTC. BRKT. TELCO GROUND BAR (j2) a; COPPER NUT, TYP. e Q3 2 3061-4 INSULATORS COMMERCIAL POWER COMMON NEUTRAL/GROUND BOND (j2) COMPRESSION 71g m TERMINAL UND BAR E_2 +24V POWER SUPPLY RETURN BAR (j2) ® 4 3012-1 5/8"-1111' H.H.C.S. -48V POWER SUPPLY RETURN BAR (j2) V'o 30 mc 0000 00 O RECTIFIER FRAMES. r OSED BAREOS 4 3015-8 5/8 LOCKWASHERGOA% SUPPRESSION GROUNDINGPER TO BE KEPT OO O O 00 oCABLE ABSOLUTES CTION "A' - SURGE ABSORBERS IMUM. NO DOUBLE CRIMPGROUNDING ULATION ALLOWED CONNECTION INTERIOR GROUND RING (j2) CABLE EXTERNAL EARTH GROUND FIELD (BURIED GROUND RING) (j2) � HIN THE �GLE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE WELD INTERIOR 2 3PRESSION EXOTHERMIC W AT THE LOWEST POINT ON THE BAR GROUND RING0 METAWC COLD WATER PIPE (IF AVAILABLE) (j2) < MINAL, TYP. (WELDING PROHIBITED BUILDING STEEL (IF AVAILABLE) (j2) m° ON ROOFTOPS) j2 AWG SOLID BARE TINNED SECTION 'F - ISOLATED GROUND ZONE ELEVATION crrQy COPPER GROUND CONDUCTOR. 1 2 ' 0 5 { ALL COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT FRAMES. n EXOTHERMIC WELD TO BURIED GROUND 0 RING AND GROUND BAR DA ISOLATED GROUND BAR - AGB (j2) P ° 13' DETAIL NOTES: s 4' EXOTHERMIC E. 1 1 WELD Q EXOTHERMICALLY WELD j2 AWG BARE TINNED SOLID COPPER CONDUCTOR TO [�2 OTES: GROUND BAR. ROUTE CONDUCTOR TO BURIED GROUND RING AND PROVIDE 1 -DO' NG UP' OR 'STACKING" OF CONNECTION IS NOT PERMITTED. PARALLEL EXOTHERMIC WELD. n .OXIDE INHIBITING COMPOUND TO BE USED AT ALL LOCATIONS. 2Q USE PERMANENT MARKER TO DRAW THE LINES BETWEEN EACH v SECTION AND LABEL EACH SECTION (-P-, -A% "f) WITH 1- HIGH LETTERS. C a� TYP. GROUND BAR CONNECTION DETAIL INSTALLATION OF GROUND WIRE TO COAX CABLE GROUND BAR RGB REFERENCE-GROUND BAR DETAIL \ / SG-E:N.T,S. SCALE'.NS.S, 1 SGLE:Nd.S. TO TRANSMIT MONOPOLE 70 TOWER MOUNTED ANTENNA JUMPER REQUIRED ANTENNA _ AMPLIFIER UNITS (TMA) ONLY FOR 1 5/8'0 TO ANTENNA TOP OFGROUNMONOPOLE E) (WHEN REQUIRED) AND COAX OR FOR SEE NOTE 1. COPPER BONDING CONDUCTOR RECEIVE ANTENNA EASE OF SEE DETAIL 118 CONNECTION (TYPJ LUG o E BONDING BUSHING LUG T% CONNECTOR WEATHERPROOFING KIT NP.) RX1/RX2 RX1/RX2 ROUND KR (NP.) BONDING BUSHING ANTENNA CABLE tY TO 24- WEATHERPROOFING GROUND LUG (MANUF. T & 8 KIT (TYP.) P/N BG80X OR I I STANDARD 6 AWG STRANDED Cu APPROVED EQUAL) WIRE WITH GREEN, 600V. NOTE: X SUBSTITUTED FOR � GROUND KR THWN INSULATION (NP) ANTE7 NA GROUND _ - LUG WEATHERPROOFING KR SEE N( t S CONDUIT SIZE CONDUCTOR (SEE NOTE 3) I I Np s ( I BAR OMGOF)MONOPOLE SCREW COAX CABLE SEE NOTE 1. SO CABLE GROUND KIT I ANTENNA SEE DETAIL 118 B o 12 BONDING BUSHING CABLE (TYP. FOR ALL) E SET SCREW j6 AWG STRANDED Cu WIRE WITH TTO TS TO SHELTER EXOTHERMIC WELD GREEN, 60OV, THWN INSULATION (GROUNDED TO GROUND BAR) (SEE ENTRY PORT NOTES 1 & 2) I I ICER DGE TRAY R 2 AWG Cu SOLID BONDING CIGBE (GROUND BAR), a LUG DETAIL 118 MOUNTED BARE SCREW 2 AND BCW TINNED COPPER WIRE ° METALLIC CONDUIT NEAR/BELOW ANTENNA SOLID TINNED GROUND RING E`o- (RCS. IMC, EMT, FLEX) MONOPOLE PIER j6 AWG STRANDED Cu EXOTHERMIC 2 AWG BCW SOLID DIRECTIONS: WIRE WITH GREEN, FROM TMA WELD TYP. 1. MOUNT BONDING BUSHING ONTO CONDUIT NOTES: 600V,THWN INSULATION ( TINNED EXOTHERMIC2. TIGHTEN BOND BUSHING SET SCREW (WHEN REQUIRED) WELD TO MONOPOLE 1. DO NOT INSTALL CABLE GROUND KR AT A BEND AND ALWAYS - 3. INSERT COPPER CONDUCTOR INTO LUG DIRECT GROUND WIRE DOWN TO GROUND BAR. j2 AWG Cu STRANDED BASE PLATE i 4. TIGHTEN LUG CONDUCTOR SCREW WIRE WITH GREEN, 60OV, 5. TIGHTEN BONDING LUG SCREW 2. GROUNDING KIT SHALL BE TYPE AND PART NUMBER AS THWN INSULATION BONDED SUPPLIED OR RECOMMENDED BY CABLE MANUFACTURER. TO TOWER STEEL OR NOTE: BONDING BUSHING, SET SCREW, LUG, MONOPOLE NOTE: ` LUG SCREW, COND. LUG SCREW, SHOWN 3. WEATHER PROOFING SHALL BE (TYPE AND PART NUMBER AS NOTE: DO NOT INSTALL CABLE GROUND 1. NUMBER OF GROUND BARS MAY VARY AS COMPLETE UNIT. KR A7 A BEND AND ALWAYS DIRECT DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF MONOPOLE, SUPPLIED OR RECOMMENDED BY CABLE MANUFACTURER.) ANTENNA LOCATION AND CONNECTION a a GROUND WIRE DOWN TO CIGBE. o ON. PROVIDE AS REQUIRED. GROUND WIRE TO GROUND BAR CONNECTION 91WTE ABLE GROUNDING-MONOPOLE A CONDUIT BOND/GROUND BUSHING DETAIL CONNECTION OF CABLE GROUND KIT TO ANTENNA CABLE 2 SCALE:NTS _ TLV scuE:n.T.i. �2 scnLE:N.T.s. P 'Y N AT&T I -G4 MOBILITY LITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT NYCENY1059 /LI-1059mWILLIAM TCOLLINS, AIA l&l GROUNDING DETAILS A IS CH I T ECTS. LLP NY7320 '0' AT&T MOBILITY -' SITE NO. D0. ING NUMBER REV io-VTECNNOL°mDMrvE SETn°aeT.NT UTss 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE k's VOICE 611b8a RI eu s.usraw ORIENT POINT, N.Y_ 71957 ;p— PARAMUS. NJ 07652 NYCENY1059 E-7 6 UZ 6 rJ 4 3 DF-S741%.2) 22 K 34 SIZE RE, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 NORTH NEw YORK AVENUE HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 11743 TELEPHONE: (631) 425-4100 FACSIMILE: (631) 425-4104 OF GOOVAEL December 9, 201 1 WILLIAM J. N$ELSEN By Hand 'Fowl] of Southold Planning Board DEC - 9 201 Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Atm.: Ms. Heather Lanza, Planning Director RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") Reactivation of Pending Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility Premises: Orient by the Sea Restaurant&Marina, 40200 Main Road, Orient, NY SCTM4: 1000— 15 —9—8.1 Dear Ms. Lanza: As you are aware, we represent New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (`AT&T') with regard to its pending application to construct a wireless telecommunications facility at the subject property. Please allow us to provide a brief history of AT&T's proposal at this location: • AT&T's original Building Permit Application was filed with the Building Department on April 28, 2006 and a Notice of Disapproval issued on May 11, 2006. AT&T thereafter filed applications with the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning Board and Board of Trustees but, due to the Town-wide Moratorium affecting all pending wireless applications, AT&T's proposal became inactive from 2007—2009. • On September 1, 2009, under the Town's new wireless zoning ordinance, AT&T along with co- applicant MetroPCS New York, LLC, filed an amended Building Permit Application reflecting the co-applicants' modified proposal. A Notice of Disapproval was issued on September 29, 2009. • AT&T and MetroPCS filed their modified Board of Trustees Wetlands Application on September 15, 2009 and on October 21, 2009, the Board of Trustees Public Hearing was held and the Board voted to approve the application; • On January 14, 2010, AT&T and MetroPCS filed their Site Plan and Special Exception Permit Applications with the Planning Board. • Following several communications and re-submissions with the Planning Board and its consultant in May — July 2010, as well as the enactment of Local Law No. 4 of 2010 and the amendments made therein to Town Code Article XVB addressing the zoning of"Wireless Communications Facilities," the proposal was again placed on hold. At this time, AT&T has further modified its proposal and revised a number of documents in support of its Application. You will note that AT&T has reduced the proposed height of the pole from 80' to 70'. Moreover, MetroPCS is no longer pursuing a facility at this location at this time, and AT&T is proceeding as the sole applicant. Toren of Southold Planning Bo'd1'd Re: AT&T c Orient by the Sea Restaurant& Marina December 9, 2011 Page 2 of 3 On September 29, 2011, AT&T re-submitted its amended Building Permit Application materials to the Building Department and an amended Notice of Disapproval issued on November 9, 2011. In accordance w ith same, today AT&T is submitting amended materials with respect to re-activating the pending Site Plan and Special Exception Permit Applications on file with your office as well as filing an application to the Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals for the requisite variances needed in connection with the instant proposal. With respect to the Site Plan Application, we submit the following revised documents: I. Original and one (1) copy of amended Town of Southold Planning Board Site Plan Application, including one (1) copy of the filed Zoning Board of Appeals Application packet, excluding additional copies of those items that are also submitted with the instant application; 2. Two(2) counterparts of updated Owner's Authorization Affidavit; 3. Original and one (1) copy of updated Environmental Assessment Form, prepared by EBI Consulting, dated November 17, 2011, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-133A(3); 4. Two (2)counterparts of updated LWRP Consistency Assessment Form, prepared by EBI Consulting; 5. Seven (7) copies of amended Notice of Disapproval, dated November 9, 2011 and Building Permit Application, dated September 29, 2011 pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74C(1); 6. Seven (7) counterparts of revised Antenna Site FCC RF Compliance Assessment and Report of Pinnacle Telecom Group, dated August 2, 2011, demonstrating the project's compliance with the Maximum Permissible Exposure regulations pursuant to Town Code Sections 280-74C(1), 280- 74B(1)(a) and 280-70(K); 7. Seven (7) counterparts of revised Structural Verification Letter, prepared by Neil A. MacDonald, P.E., of William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP, updated September 28, 2011, documenting the facility's structural compliance with local, state and federal codes pursuant to Town Code Sections 280-74C(1) and 280-7413(l)(b); 8. Seven (7) counterparts of AT&T's current FCC Licenses pursuant to Town Code Sections 280- 74C(1) and 280-74B(l)(c); 9. Seven (7) sets of updated Gap and Propagation Maps, pursuant to Town Code Sections 280-74C(l), 280-74B(1)(d) and (e), and 280-74D(4). The Gap and Propagation Maps submitted herewith represent the following frequencies: a. 1900MHz—Maps labeled "Coverage"; b. 850MHz—Maps labeled "Cellular Coverage"; c. 700MHz—Maps labeled "700 MHz Coverage." 10. Seven (7) counterparts of updated RF Affidavit of Stephane Guillabert, pursuant to Town Code Sections 280-74C(1) and 280-74B(1)(e); 11. Seven (7) counterparts of updated Visual Impact Analysis, prepared by VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C., revision dated December 2011, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74C(3); 12. Nine (9) counterparts of updated Vicinity Plan, prepared by Hawkins Webb Jaeger PLLC, revision dated October 27, 2011, addressing Town Code Sections 280-74C(4), 280-74C(9)and 280-133B; 13. Nine (9) sets of revised Zoning Drawings, including Site Plan and Elevation Drawings, prepared by William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP, revision 6, dated November 18, 2011, addressing Town Code Sections 280-74C(5), 280-74C(l0), 280-74C(11), 280-74C(12), 280-74C(13), 280-133A(4) and 280-13313; 14. One (1) CD Rom containing digital shapefiles of updated gap and propagation maps, pursuant to Town Code Sections 280-74C(7)and 280-746(1)(1); 15. Two (2) sets of revised Construction Drawings, representing "Architectural Review Materials," prepared by William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP, revision 6, dated October 28, 2011. (Please -Town of Southold Planning Boated Re: AT&T @ Orient by the Sea Restaurant& Marina December 9, 2011 Page 3 of 3 note these drawings are on file with the Building Department as well); and 16. Two (2) signed and sealed copies of updated correspondence of Neil A. MacDonald, P.E., of William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP, dated November 3, 2011, regarding Grading & Drainage information, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-13313; and 17. Four (4) copies of updated Property Survey, prepared by Hawkins Webb, Jaeger, PLLC, updated October 27, 2011, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-133A(5). With regard to the Special Exception Permit Application, we submit the following revised documents: I. Two (2) copies of amended Town of Southold Planning Board Special Exception Permit Application; 2. Shore 2 Shore Wireless, Inc. 2 Check No. 2461 in the sum of$1,000.00, which sum represents the Special Exception Application fee, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74A(3); 3. Two (2) copies of amended Notice of Disapproval, dated November 9, 2011 and Building Permit Application, dated September 29, 2011, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74D(1)(a); 4. Two (2)copies of amended Site Plan Application, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74D(l)(b); 5. Original and one (1) copy of Affidavit of Victoria Brennan regarding good faith effort and site alternatives considered pursuant to Town Code Sections 280-74D(1)(c), 280-74D(2), 280-74D(4) and 280-70D. The gap and propagation maps listed above further satisfy the requirements of Town Code Section 280-74D(4); and 6. Original and one (1) copy of updated Colocation Affidavit of Joseph Sweet regarding future cc- location, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74D(2). We have not submitted additional Site Plan Application fee or Consultant Escrow fee checks as same were filed with our previous submissions (DGCR, LLC Check Number 4476 in the sum of $2,520.00 was submitted to the Planning Department on July 7, 2006 for AT&T's original Site Plan Application fee and DGCR, LLC Check Number 2213 in the sum of $8,500.00 was submitted on April 9, 2010 for AT&T's escrow fee for the technical consultant retained by the Town Planning Board). In addition, please note that copies of all other Site Plan and Special Exception Permit Application filing requirements, including Applicant's Affidavit, Applicant's Transactional Disclosure Form, Owner's Transactional Disclosure Form, FAA Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation, Search Ring, Deed, and Lease are on file with your office and are not impacted by the modified design; accordingly, those items have not been revised. Should you require any additional copies or further information, please advise. Should you require any additional copies or further information, please advise. Very truly yours, RE, NIEL EN, (TUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP By: of oughli JC:mk Enclosures cc w/o encls.: Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") Coverage from Surrounding sites without proposed site LI-1059 PP 'Icy" V 40 Proposed Site: 40200 Main Road, Orient Point • On Air Sites • Better than -75 dBm 0 -75 dBm to -85 dBm -85 dBm to -95 dBm New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") Coverage from proposed site LI-1059 at 67 feet 1 L 10'� Mr d 'cr / r ' LI-735 9 O �. Proposed Site: 40200 Main Road, Orient Point P¢ - . . On Air Sites Better than -75 dBm N El -75 dBm to -85 dBm —� -85 dBm to -95 dBm I� � r a New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") Coverage from Surrounding sites with proposed site LI-1059 r �. L1.1059 De rra res qyr••RA � `� i Si i� 7 5 Proposed Site: 40200 Main Road, Orient Point . . On Air Sites • Better than -75 dBm 0 -75 dBm to -85 dBm -85 dBm to -95 dBm New Cin ular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T)� g ( Cellular Coverage from Surrounding sites without proposed site LI-1059 c cc ccc �fid Scale. 12-17C -No ��� LI-1059 w SSL LI -735 Proposed Site: 40200 Main Road, Orient Point • ;. On Air Sites Better than -75 dBm 0 -75 dBm to -85 dBm M -85 dBm to -95 dBm New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") Cellular Coverage from proposed site LI-1059 at 67 feet C.Eccc -lics ad Cak 125 ?C , * einles, 39itRn LI-1059 sf s 7 r Jam" L LI-735 d � • � -taly�e 41 * _r �. Proposed Site: 40200 lv Main Road, Orient Point :• On Air Sites Better than -75 dBm 0 -75 dBm to -85 dBm -85 dBm to -95 dBm at a New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC "AT&T" Cellular Coverage from Surrounding sites with proposed site LI-1059 59 Proposed r. Proposed Site: 40200 Main Road, Orient Point . . On Air Sites Better than -75 dBm 0 -75 dBm to -85 dBm -85 dBm to -95 dBm L� I New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") 700MHz Coverage from proposed site LI-1059 at 67 feet MI es x d Scale: 1:25,e7C r � I-los4 errtnre, �9h1R� sl b 7 S r .P P� ' 08 Proposed Site: 40200 Main Road, Orient Point , • On Air Sites Better than -75 dBm 0 -75 dBm to -85 dBm -85 dBm to -95 dBm SITE PLAN STATUS REPORT SITE PLAN TYPE: AMENDED NEW WITHDRAWN INCOMPLETE PROJECT NAME: ZONEI: ZONE2: ZONES: LOCATION: HAMLET: SCTM# 1000 - OWNER NAME: TEL#(- APPLICANT NAME: TEL#U= AGENT NAME: _- PROJECT DESCRIPTION: EXISTING USE: PROPOSED USE: BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE:S/P RE UIl2ED Y OR N ZBA APPEAL REQUIRED Y OR N DATE -- ( PRE-SUBMISSION CONFERENCE —/—/'— WI'!'HIN 30 DAYS OF WRITTEN REQUEST) NOTES: -- INFORMAL REQUEST FOR REVISIONS: - APPLICATION RECEIVED DATV. / / —f/--- APPLICATION PROCESS DATE: PAYMENT RECEIVED: AMOUNT RECEIVED:$ NEW SP:$500./ACRE&.10/SF, AMENDED SP:$250.+.10/SF, AGRIC SP:FLAT$500 Y FEE AMOUNT:($ .00 X =$ )+($.lo X SF=$ )=$ NEW APPLICATION WORK SESSION(WTTIIIN 10 DAYS OF RECEIPT),PB ACCEPTED Y OR N APPLICANT ADVISED OF NECESSARY REVISIONS —/—� (WITHIN 30 DAYS OF REVIEW) BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEEETING 100-254B3(WITHIN 30 DAYS) REVISED SUBMISSION RECEIVED: REFERRED AGENCIES:(WITH MAPS=W/p) SMA_.STBD_ ,STC/fB_ jH_�STBT_,S'PE_ASCDHSJNySDEC_,USACORPSNySDOT_,SCWq_,SCPD,_,SCDPW RESPONSES NOTES _ LWRP LEAD AGENCY: TOSPB; OiHRR:_RRVO<W:PARTI_,PART T_,PARTaSHORT EAE_,LANG FAP NOTES: — ACTION TYPE:COORDINATED;_ UNCOORDINATEp;_ REFERRED TO:STZBA_,STBD STCITH_� O R I � I Tew:_TYPE2:_UNLISTED:_) STE_,SCDNSNYSDEC_,USACORPS_,NVSDOT_,SCWASCPD_,SCDPW_ SEQRA DETERMINATION:NEG DEC Y OR N, APPROVALS REQUIRED: REFERRED DATE NOTES APPROVAL DATE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE: NOTES LWRP COORDINATOR: BUILDING DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATION: FIRE COMMISSIONERS: TOWN ENGINEER APPROVAL: DEROF TRANSPORTATION:DOT_,DPW_, TOS_ SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT OF HEALTH:PERMIT —/—/-- OPTIONAL APPROVALS: --/--/— ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS:APPEAL,*. BOARD OF TRUSTEE'S: NVS DEC WETLANDS/TIDAUSPDES ------------- PLANNING BOARD DECISIONS: DENIED: APPROVED: CONDITIONAL FINAL:__/ /— FINAL: /—/— ENDORSEMENT OF SITE PLAN: / NOTES FIELD INSPECTION FOR C/O: DISTRIBUTE APPROVED SITE PLANS TO: BUILDING DEPT__/ TOWN ENG GENERAL NOTES: 101.02005 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD SITE PLAN APPLICATION SECTION A: Site Plan Name and Location Site Plan Name: AT&T at Orient by the Sea Restaurant&Marina Application Date: Suffolk County Tax Map #1000- 15 9 8.1 Other SCTM #s: Street Address: 40200 Main Road(a/k/a S.R.25) Hamlet: Orient Distance to nearest intersection: 400 feet east of Cedar Beach Road Type of Site Plan: X New Amended Residential If Amended, last approval date: SECTION 13: Owners/Agent Contact Information Please list name, mailing address, and hone number or the people below: Property Owner M.G.H.Enterprises,Inc. Street 40200 Main Road(a/k/a S.R. 25) City Orient State New York Zip 11957 Home Telephone Other Applicant New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC Strout 1444 E.Jericho Turnpike City Huntington State New York Zip 11743 Home Telephone Other 516-567-8478 Applicant's Agent or Representative: Contact Person(s)* Re,Nielsen,Huber&Coughlin, LLP Street 36 North New York Avenue City Huntington State New York Zip 11743 Office Telephone 631-425-4100 Other 631-425-4104 *Unless otherwise requested, correspondence will be sent only to the contact person noted here. Page 2 of 3 SECTION C: Site Data • Proposed • Construction type: X New Modification of Existing Structure _Agricultural ' Change of use Property total acreage or square footage: approx.4.64 ac./sgxfk Site Plan I uild-out acreage or square footage: ac./sq. ft. Is there an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on the property? Yes_No_ If yes, explain: Property Zoning District(s): Marine 11 Building Department Notice of Disapproval Date: Is an application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals required? Yes X No_ If yes, have you submitted an application to the ZBA? Yes X No If yes, attach a copy of the application packet. Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more then one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area per use. List all existing property uses: Restaurant and Marina List all proposed property uses: Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility Other accessory uses: �y Existing lot coverage: % Proposed lot coverage: % Gross floor area of existing structure(s): _sq. ft. Gross floor area of proposed structure(s):_="` Parking Space Data: # of existing spaces:_ # of proposed spaces: Loading Berth: Yes_No-, Landscaping Details: Existing landscape coverage: % Proposed landscape coverage:� % Waterfront Data: Is this property within 500' of a wetland area? Yes X No_If yes explain: 1, the undersigned, cerWeoveation is true. ,LLCSignature ofPreparersDate:Page 3 of 3 ger a ti����gUFFOIK�oGt,s. SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD WIRELESS FACILITY - 9 SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION Application Name : AT&T at Orient by the Sea Restaurant&Marina Application Date: 17acew.[,a r / q /20 11 Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000 - 15 9 8.1 Street Address: 40200 Main Road(a/k/a S.R. 25) Hamlet: Orient Checklist of application materials required to be submitted (see Special Exception Application Requirements Handout or Town Code 6280-74 D Application Materials for details) x One copy of the building permit application materials X Complete site plan application submission X Analysis of site location alternatives X Effort to co-locate documentation (if this is not a co-location) X Special Exception Application Fee form updated 7/772010 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : STATE OF NEW YORK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------X In the Matter of the Application of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER At the premises: 40200 Main Road(a/k/a S.R.25) South side of Main Road, 400 feet east of Cedar Beach Road Orient, New York District 1000 Section 15, Block 9, Lot 8.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------X STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) Robert Haase, being duly swom, deposes and says: I am the Vice President of M.G.H. Enterprises, Inc., owner in fee of the premises known as District 1000, Section 15,Block 9,Lot 8.1 (the"Premises"hereafter),and do hereby authorize New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC("AT&T"hereafter),and its representatives to bring such applications for municipal approvals as may be necessary for constructing or installing on the Premises such antennas, support structures, and related equipment as may be required for the establishment of AT&T's public utility wireless telecommunication facility. As such, I will fully cooperate with AT&T and its agents in obtaining any required Approvals. M.G.H. E rises, Inc. By: Swom to before me this 72'day of 2011 Victoria Brennan, Esq Nary Public, State of New York NO.02BR6072822 NOTARY PUBLIC Ousl11Md in Nmw Contl April 15,201 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : STATE OF NEW YORK --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------X AFFIDAVIT OF In the Matter of the Application of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC GOOD FAITH EFFORT AND For Approval to erect a public utility wireless telecommunications stealth ALTERNATIVE monopole and install related equipment at the premises("Premises"): SITES CONSIDERED PURSUANT TO 40200 Main Road (a/k/a S.R.25), Orient,New York TOWN CODE District 1000 Section 15, Block 9, Lot 8.1 SECTION 280-74D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------X STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF NASSAU ) VICTORIA BRENNAN,being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am a Site Acquisition Consultant representing New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") in the Long Island market. AT&T is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to construct, operate and maintain a personal wireless telecommunications system in Suffolk County and throughout much of the United States. 2. In my capacity as Site Acquisition Consultant, 1 was tasked with finding a suitable location for a public utility wireless telecommunications facility within a specific area in Southold defined by AT&T's radio frequency engineers. 3. In keeping with the purpose and intent of Chapter 280 of the Code of the Town of Southold, AT&T seeks to locate its facility on an existing building or structure located within an area of Southold, in which there is a significant service gap. 4. 1 have exercised a good faith effort to secure a lease agreement for AT&T in the Town of Southold to locate or co-locate on an existing tower or other available and appropriate buildings or structures, pursuant to Southold Code Sections 280-74D(I)(c)and 280-741)(2). 5. Southold Code 280-70D provides a priority listing for applicants seeking approvals to establish a public utility wireless telecommunications within the Town: the first priority is to locate a facility on an existing antenna support structure or other structure on Town-owned properties, including the right-of way ("Priority 1" proposals); the second priority is to locate a facility on an existing antenna support structure or other structure on other property in the Town ("Priority 2" proposals); the third priority is to erect a new antenna support structure on Town-owned properties ("Priority 3" proposals); the fourth priority is to erect a new antenna support structure on properties in the LI or LIO Zoning Districts ("Priority 4" proposals); the fifth priority is to erect a new antenna support structure on properties in the MI, MII, B or HB Zoning Districts ("Priority 5" proposals); and the sixth priority is to erect a new antenna support structure on properties in the AC, R-40, R-80, R-120, R-200, R-400, LB, RO, RR, HD or AHD Zoning Districts ("Priority 6" proposals). 6. The instant proposal calls for the installation of a new antenna support structure on property located in the Mll Zoning District, i.e. a Priority 5 proposal. The proposed antenna support structure is a stealth unipole design that will have limited visual impact on the surrounding area. The proposed equipment is to be located on the ground at the base of the pole. Additionally, the stealth unipole design includes room for potential future co-location by least one additional carrier. 7. The remainder of this Affidavit summarizes why a proposal falling in Priority 1, Priority 2, Priority 3 or Priority 4 was not selected. 8. AT&T's radio frequency engineers advised that the minimum heights necessary to serve the coverage gap in question are 57' and 67' for the centerline heights of the antennas. 9. AT&T's radio frequency engineers provided a search ring map, which depicts the area in which the needed facility must be constructed to provide the service AT&T needs ("search area"). A copy of that search ring map was included as part of AT&T's filing to the Planning Board on January 14, 2010, and is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 10. Upon information and belief, there are no existing towers or other structures located within the subject search area capable of eliminating the gap in coverage provided by AT&T, and available for leasing to AT&T in the vicinity of Southold. PRIORITY 1 I ]. There are three (3)Town-owned properties located within the search ring. They are: 2 a. 955 N. Sea Drive(41.15811, -72.25155): Undeveloped property; b. 500 N. Sea Drive (41.15851, -72.25103): Undeveloped property; c. 125 Ryder Farm Lane(41.15379, -72.25125): Undeveloped property. 12. There are no existing structures on these Town-owned properties. 13. The tallest existing structures within Town-owned right-of-ways are approximately 30' high wooden utility poles that run along Route 25. These wooden utility poles do not meet the minimum height required to satisfy AT&T's coverage needs. PRIORITY 2 14. Of the other non-Town owned properties located within the search area that contain existing structures, the majority are private residential properties improved with single-family residences. There are two (2) properties within this search ring that are not improved by single-family residences and contain existing structures or buildings that are taller than 20'. 15. They are as follows: a. Orient Point Ferry Ticket House, 2 Ferry Street (41.15529, -72.24194): approximate building height of 25% approximate height of communication structures for Ferry Terminal of 30'-35'. b. Plum Island Animal Disease Center, Main Road (41.15262, -72.25056): approximate silo height of 25'-30'; approximate communication structure height of 35'-40'. 16. All other existing structures within the search area are 20'or less, including the restaurant building that is located on the subject premises. 17. None of the existing structures listed above meet the minimum height required to satisfy AT&T's coverage needs. PRIORITY 3 18. As noted above,there are three(3)Town-owned properties within the search area: a. 955 N. Sea Drive(41.15811, -72.25155): Undeveloped property; b. 500 N. Sea Drive (41.15851, -72.25103): Undeveloped property; 3 c. 125 Ryder Farm Lane(41.15379, -72.25125): Undeveloped property. 19. These undeveloped Town-owned properties are all located within a residential area, each one lying within 100' of a residential structure. The zoning district of these Town-owned properties is R- 40. PRIORITY 4 20. There are no properties within the Ll or LIO Zoning District in the search area. CONCLUSION 21. The Premises was chosen as the optimal site for which a lease agreement could be secured, while still meeting the applicable Town Code requirements and AT&T's radio frequency objectives in the subject search area. The proposed site represents the best means to provide reliable service in the area in question. VICTORIA BRENNAN Sworn to before me this iilyg day o 2011. &NlffAMY PUBL LAWRENCE C. Re Notary Public,State of New York No, 52-4799664 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires May 31,24",_ 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : STATE OF NEW YORK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------X In the Matter of the application of proposal of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC AFFIDAVIT OF For Approval to erect a public utility wireless telecommunications stealth RADIOFREQUENCY monopole and install related equipment at the premises("Premises"): ENGINEER 40200 Main Road(a/k/a S.R.25),Orient,New York District 1000 Section 15, Block 9,Lot 8.1 ------------------------------------ --------------------------------X STATE OF NEW JERSEY ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF ) STEPHANE GUILLABERT, being duly sworn,deposes and says: 1. I am a radio frequency engineer employed by New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (hereinafter "AT&T"). As a radio frequency engineer, I am trained to identify service deficiencies in AT&T's wireless telecommunications network and to evaluate the ability of proposed antenna sites to remedy these service deficiencies. I am fully familiar with AT&T's wireless telecommunications network in Suffolk County. 2. 1 submit this affidavit in support of AT&T's application for approval to install a wireless telecommunications facility at the Premises. Pursuant to this application, AT&T requests approval to erect a telecommunications monopole, with antennas therein, and install its related equipment as depicted in the plans submitted herewith. 3. AT&T is considered a public utility for zoning purposes under the laws of the State of New York and is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to serve the public within Suffolk County and throughout much of the United States. AT&T strives to provide reliable service throughout its licensed coverage area. 4. At present,there is a substantial service gap in AT&T's wireless network coverage in the vicinity of the proposed site. A service gap exists if the user of an AT&T mobile telephone cannot reliably transmit, receive or maintain a voice or data connection. The service gap in coverage that now exists in the vicinity of the proposed site prevents AT&T from providing reliable service in the area. This unreliability represents an inconvenience to users of AT&T's services and can have serious consequences during times of emergency or disaster. 5. In order to understand why the proposed antenna site is needed, it is necessary to understand how AT&T's system works from an engineering standpoint. AT&T's wireless telecommunications system is designed so that low powered base stations are strategically located at determined distances apart and at predetermined heights. Due to such factors as hills, valleys, trees, buildings, and other physical obstructions and due to the nature of radio waves, each coverage area or "cell" is irregularly shaped. With sufficient signal strength from each base station, the AT&T user can reliably transmit, receive or maintain voice or data connections. The sites are ordinarily engineered to cover a limited area so that an antenna facility will cover only the area surrounding it but will not interfere with other sites in the system. 6. AT&T has established design criteria so that its wireless network will provide reliable wireless service to its customers, whether those customers are on the street, in a vehicle, or in a building. Providing reliable service to AT&T's customers within vehicles and buildings is critical for AT&T to provide the quality of wireless service that customers demand and successfully compete with other wireless providers. 7. To meet customer demands and expectations, AT&T strives to provide both In-Vehicle (or In-Car) coverage and In-Building coverage. These coverage levels represent the minimum signal strength and reliability of service needed to transmit, receive or maintain a voice or data connection at the mobile handset as the environment changes. 8. AT&T has reliable In-Vehicle coverage when a customer can place or receive a call within a vehicle successfully across 95% of a site's coverage area. In-Vehicle coverage generally results in unreliable in-building coverage. Since the signal level is stronger closer to the antenna site than further away from the antenna site,there will be some coverage within buildings close to the site. 9. AT&T has reliable In-Building Residential coverage when an AT&T customer can place or receive a call while in a building that is three stories or less in height successfully across 95% of the site's coverage area. This type of coverage will typically provide reliable coverage over the majority of the cell coverage area; however in some areas, and specifically at the outer geographic boundaries of the cell site's coverage area, coverage will be restricted and will likely lead to customers dissatisfaction if customers try to place or receive a call inside a windowless room,cellars or emergency shelters. 10. AT&T has reliable In-Building Commercial coverage when an AT&T customer can place or receive a call while in a building that is greater than three stories in height successfully across 95% of the site's coverage area. In-Building Commercial coverage is targeted for urban residential centers and business districts with high-rise buildings, and suburban business centers. Coverage issues may still occur in hard to serve locations such as within elevators and parking structures. 11. To provide these levels of coverage, AT&T has scientifically determined the strength of the wireless signal ("signal strength") necessary to provide these levels of coverage. Because wireless signals are attenuated (i.e. degraded or partially blocked) by obstructions such as trees, automobile windows, automobile sheet metal, and building materials such as wood,brick and metal,a wireless signal must be of sufficient strength in the ambient environment (i.e. outside with no obstructions) to reliably penetrate into automobiles and buildings. 12. Wireless signal strength is measured on a logarithmic power scale referenced to I milli- watt of power. Signal strength levels less than 1 milli-watt being negative. The smaller the negative dBm number, the stronger the signal. For example, -75dBm is a stronger signal level than —85dBm. An ambient signal level of—95dBm would provide reliable On-Street coverage. AT&T's system requires an ambient signal level of—85dBm to provide reliable In-Vehicle coverage, and an ambient signal level of— 75dBm to provide reliable In-Building coverage. These signal level requirements provide the basis for AT&T's design criteria. 13. AT&T's design criteria for wireless facilities serving an area are based upon providing 95% reliable signal over a site's coverage area to ensure reliable service for customers. This standard reflects a business judgment that 100% reliability is an unrealistic goal at this time due to financial, technical and environmental constraints. A 95% level of reliability is consistent with the level of service provided by AT&T's competitors and is the standard in the industry. Providing service at this level allows AT&T to satisfy customers' demands and compete on an equal footing with competitors serving the market. 14. To achieve the 95% reliable design goal, AT&T conducts extensive analysis based upon AT&T's technology and the area served. 15. In order to eliminate the service deficiency in a particular area, AT&T performs signal propagation studies to determine the height and location of the needed cell site. Based on its studies, AT&T determined that an antenna facility would have to be established within a narrowly defined search area in order to remedy the service gap in question. In this case, we determined that the installation of the proposed facility will allow AT&T to provide reliable service in the vicinity of the Premises. 16. AT&T determined that the proposed heights of 67' and 57' for the antennas are the minimum heights required in order to ensure that reliable service can be afforded to AT&T users in the vicinity of the Premises. The location and height of the antennas is determined by some or all of the following factors: availability of existing structures, willingness of property owners to enter into leases, drive test data, location of existing antenna sites in the area, topography in the surrounding area, land cover features in the area such as buildings and foliage, and the results provided by computer propagation software that enables radio frequency engineers to predict the anticipated signal propagation at a given height and location 17. In order to illustrate the effect that the proposed site would have on coverage in its vicinity, propagation maps have been prepared demonstrating the different coverage levels summarized above. The maps depict the areas presently enjoying reliable service in the vicinity, and the area to be served by the proposed site. As the maps indicate, the proposed facility is of vital importance to AT&T's efforts to provide reliable service to the area in question. Unless this application is granted, AT&T will be unable to provide reliable service in the vicinity of the Premises. 18. The antennas proposed will not interfere with radio or television service or public safety telecommunications in the surrou`no%�**.I�q� *OTAR�. 9a *: -40000. *= STEPHANIE CMILLABERT S//w,orn before this Nom' L�C day of 2tS3� •••.....••'• g���` �///�O,rNfill 1 ,�Q`���� NOTARY Caroline A.Warburton MY Commission Expir" 5/7/2016 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : STATE OF NEW YORK ------- --------------------------------------------------------------X In the Matter of the Application of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC COLOCATION For Approval to erect a public utility wireless telecommunications AFFIDAVIT stealth monopole and install related equipment at the premises ("Premises"): 40200 Main Road(a/kta SR-25),Orient,New York District 1000 Section 15, Block 9,Lot 8.1 ----------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------X STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) Joseph Sweet,being duly sworn,deposes and says: 1. I am the System Development Manager of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T")and am fully familiar with the facts and circumstances hereinafter set forth. 2. The business address of AT&T is 1444 E. Jericho Turnpike, Huntington,New York 11743 3. 1 make this affidavit putsuant W Town of Smthold Code Section 280-741)(2). 4. Upon information and belief,the subject monopole will be capable of accommodating colocation of additional antennas for at least one additional future user. NEW CINGULAF C B : Iasepls S S4te6 1) ve opme t Manager Sworn to before me this 9 day of 2011. NOTARY PUBLIC LAWRENCE C. RE, Notary Public,State of New York No. 52-4799664 Oualified in Suffolk Cou Commission Expires May 31 Fee:$ Filed By: Assignment No. APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS Idose No.40200 Street Main Road(SR, 25) Hamlet Orient SCTM 1000 Section 15 Block 9 Lot(s) 8.1 Lot Siiepprox. 4.64 acrYone Marine If I (WE)APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED November 9, 2011 BASED ON SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED October 28,2011, Applicant(s)/9sttnenpa): New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Mailing Address: 1444 E. Jericho Turnpike, Huntington, NY 11743 Telephone:516-567-8478 Fax: Email: NOTE:In addition to the above please complete below if application is signed by applicant's attorney,agent, architect,builder,contract vendee,etc.and name of person who agent represents: Attorneys for Applicant: Name of Representative:Re,Nielsen, Huber&Coughlin,LLPforDwnei✓ Other: Lessee/Applicant Address: 36 North New York Avenue,Huntington,NY 11743 Telephone: 631-425-4100 Fax:631-425-4104 Email• Ire@mhclaw.comorjcoughlin@rnhclaw.com Please check to specify who yo ft to be mailed to, a above names: ❑Applicant/Owner(s), R/ Authorized Representative,Other Name/Address below: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR REVIEWED SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED October 28,2011 and DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED Sept. 29,2011 FOR: ✓I Building Permit Certificate of Occupancy O Pre-Certificate of Occupancy Change of Use Permit for As-Built Construction Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article,Section,Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers.Do not quote the code.) Article XVII, Section 280-70(1)(3)and Article XIII, Section 280-56, the Article: Section: Subsection: Bulk Schedule Type ofA peal. An Appeal is made for: ✓V]A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. Interpretation of the Town Code,Article Section El Reversal or Other A prior appeal❑✓ has,❑ has not been made at any time with respect to this property, UNDER AppealNo(s). 4905 Year(s). 2001 (Please be sure to research before completing this question or call our office for assistance) Name of Owner: • File# REASONS FOR APPEAL(additional sheets may be used with Prenarer's signature): AREA VARIANCE REASONS. (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood ora detriment to nearby properties if granted, because: See Attached (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue,other than an area variance,because: See Attached (3) The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: See Attached (d) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: See Attached (5) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created?Elves, or W?No. *See Attached Are there Covenants and Restrictions concerning this land: ElNo.❑Yes (alease Iilrnish copy). This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health,safety,and welfare of the community. Check this box 0 IF A USE VARIANCE IS BEING REQUESTPP, AND PLEASE COMPLETE TIIE ATTACHED USE VARIANCE SHEET. (Please be sure to consulttrVPC New Cing arLLC B : Sign e '*'ifpMdtor Authorized Agent (A(;en nn t submit written Authorization from Owner) Sw orm r ,err tie rn• Jose S eet, System Development Manager day of 1 0 '1 jV Notary Public Victoria BrEArIFo iY Notary Public, State of Z7 York No. 02SR6072822 Qualified in Nassau County ,/ Cotntnlssi0tl ems April 15,201 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Application New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") Premises: Orient by the Sea Restaurant& Marina, 40200 Main Road, Orient,NY SCTM# 1000— 15 —9—8.1 Reasons for Appeal: 1. An undesirable change will not be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties if granted, because: The instant proposal, which calls for the installation of a new antenna support structure on property in the MII Zoning District, will allow AT&T to provide reliable service to its users in the vicinity of the site. The proposed antenna support structure is a stealth 70' unipole design with proposed equipment to be located on the ground at the base of the pole and screened by proposed landscaping. Despite its placement within the 500-foot restricted area for wireless communications facilities bordering residentially-zoned parcels and placement within the side yard setback in the MII zoning district, the proposed facility and operation thereof would be contained entirely within the confines of the subject property and will not impact the use of nearby properties. Moreover, the proposed facility would be close to the Orient Beach State Park access roadway, but would not be adjacent to areas where beach users would congregate. The placement of the proposed facility upon a commercially-zoned and developed property within a mixed use area is appropriate, give the limited siting opportunities within the existing AT&T service deficiency gap area. Finally, there would be limited visibility of the proposed facility from surrounding residential uses. As such, it is not anticipated that the granting of the requested area variances would result in a significant adverse impact to the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. 1. The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: The applicant has a substantial service gap in the area that cannot be achieved by some other feasible means because its antennas must be located and affixed at least as high as proposed in order to ensure that reliable service can be afforded to AT&T users in the vicinity of the site. In order to eliminate the service deficiency in this particular area, AT&T's radiofrequency engineers performed signal propagation studies to determine the height and location of the needed cell site. Based on their studies, AT&T's radiofrequency engineers determined that the installation of the proposed facility at the subject premises will allow AT&T to provide reliable service in the vicinity of the Premises. Given the limited siting opportunities in the surrounding area, it is respectfully submitted that the use of the subject property for the proposed facility is the least obtrusive location available. Moreover, the placement of the proposed facility on the overall subject property is such that it would not interfere with on-site restaurant and marina operations, and the distance to residential uses to the north is maximized. As such, the benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method other than an area variance. 3. The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: As noted above, the proposal seeks to install a 70' stealth monopole with its public utility wireless telecommunications antennas concealed therein and the addition of supporting equipment, screened by landscaping, at the premises. The placement of the proposed facility in the southwest portion of the overall subject property is the optimal location, as it would not interfere with on-site restaurant and marina operations, and the distance to residential uses to the north is maximized. Moreover, although the proposed facility would be proximate to the property line of a residentially-zoned property, the adjacent property is not residentially- developed, but is the access roadway leading to Orient Beach State Park. 4. The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: The proposed facility would be unoccupied and would not result in an assembly of persons or excessive traffic. Operation of the proposed facility would not result in disturbance to nearby residential dwellings by reason of lights or vibration. Furthermore, the facility has been designed to mitigate visual impact to the maximum extent practicable. The proposed facility would be situated upon previously-disturbed ground. It would also result in the disturbance of a minimal amount of land entirely contained within the boundaries of the subject property. Finally, all work would be done in accordance with wetlands permits issued for the proposed action. As such, the proposed facility would not have a significant adverse impact upon the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. 5. Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? We submit that the difficulty was not self created. It is the result of the fact that there are no other available locations in the vicinity of the subject premises or on the subject premises that would be better suited for the placement of the proposed facility, for which a lease agreement could be secured, while still meeting the applicable Town Code requirements and AT&T's radio frequency objectives in the subject search area. Inasmuch as the applicant is a public utility under applicable case law (Cellular Telephone Company v. Rosenberg, 82 N.Y.2d 364 (1993), it must only demonstrate that there is a need for the proposed facility and that the proposed facility is a more feasible means of providing reliable service than other options. The applicant submits that there is a substantial need for the facility and the location on the subject premises was chosen as the optimal site for which a lease agreement could be secured, while still meeting the applicable Town Code requirements and AT&T's radio frequency objectives in the subject search area. The proposed site represents the best means to provide reliable service in the area in question. Additionally, the requested variances allow for the placement of the proposed facility such that it would not interfere with on-site restaurant and marina operations, and the distance to residential uses to the north is maximized. APPEP.LSBOARDME•kS • a'�R ��fFd(� � • CQ� Southold Town Hall Gerard E Goehringer,Chairman �iSa 53095 Main Road James Dinizio,Jr. _ P.O.Boz 1179 Lydia A.Tortorst 100 Southold,New York 11971 Lora S.Collins7,y_ as ZBA Fax(631)765-9064 George Horning 1* $ Telephone(631)765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONSAND DETERMINATION MEETING OF JANUARY 18,2001 App1.No.4903- E TH A N H :JUAAMV i Parcel Localkmi Siduth-Side orMain Road(S:tt 25�,OrWrrt." PA EL1g00:15-9.8.1 Date of PubBo Hearing: January,d;:2001. FINDINGS OF FACT ,PROPERTY FAC73: A she plan.prepared by Archkechnologies, dated-October 19, 2000, shows the sub)ect property tobe a parcel'of 4.55 acres lying'between MAIn Road and Gardiner's Bay in Orlent. It is Improved with a restaurant and a marinafor.commercialandrecreational fishing boats. BASIS OF APPEAL• Building Inspectors Notice of.Disapproval,dated November 21,2000, denying,a permit to construct anaccessory building because it would be 3-feet from the property line Whereas dodo section 121C(1)requires a minimum setback of 20 feet. RELIEF REQUESTED:.. Applicant requests a variance authorizing the location of the accessory,building as proposed,with a 3-foot setback from the westerly lot line. REASONS ER BOARD ACTION DESCRIBED I BELOW On the basis of testimony presented, materials strbmhted',and personal Inspection, the Board.makes the following findings: (1) Applicant wants to,provide adequate restrooms for marina patrons, as well as some cold storage for petrons' fish and ordinary storage space for his business.. He proposes to build a 20 x 40-foot structure containing these facilities. (2)The property is deep from Main Road to the Bay,but narrow,and the entire center Is a boat basin. The relatively narrow snip of land between the westerly lot line and the boat basin Is paved and provides vehicular access with parking spaces abutting the westerly lot tine. The rational location for the proposed building Is on this paved strip. Although there is open land near Gardiner'$ Bay, that would be a very inconvenient location for the proposed building. (3) In order to minimize interference with vehicular traffic moving through the property and using the parking spots on the westerly edge of the property, applicant wants to place the proposed building only 3 foot from the westerly lot line. The Board believes this location is desirable for vehicular and pedestrian safety. Since the land to the west is open parkland owned by New York State, construction In the proposed location will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or detriment to nearby properties. C Page 2-January 001 Appl,No.4905-Orient by the Sea Marina 1000.159-8.1 at Orient (4) Them Isnoeviderlcatthat grant of the raquestad vadancs will have an.adverse effect or impact on physical or environmental conditions. (5) The action set forth below Is the minimum necessary and adequate to enable applicant to provide adequate restroom and storage facilities In f redonallocation while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. i RESOLUTIONIACTION: On motion by Member Collins,seconded by Member Dinizio,it was RESOLVED, to GRANT the requested variance subject to the CONDITION that the accessory structure shall at no time be used as sleeping or living quarters. Vote of the Board: AYES: Members Goehringer,Dinizio,Tortora,Collins. (Member Homing of fishers Island was absent.) This Resolution was duly adopted(4-0). I ERARD P.GOEHRINGE CHAT AN. b l Tp of Sout$oId I I i i 5'tZ� ' ui,Cl,li•"' APPLICANT'S PROJECT DEaCRIP1TON=. . ptzDAn treace) Applleaut: New Cinaular Wireless PCS.LLC ' Date Papered: L Bot Demoodon of EsLtl oQ HuildingAreat " Please describe areae being removed.- IL emoved:IL New Construction Areas(Now Dwelling or New Additions/Extenslons): N/A. Dimensions of first floor extension: Dimensions of new second floor. Dimensions of floor above second level: Height(from finished ground to top of ridge): Is basement or lowest floor area being constructed? If yet,please provide height(above ground) measured from natural existing grade to first floor. Ill. Proposed.Construction Description(Alterations or Structural Changes) (anub extra died ifweessia)= Please describe building aressi Number of Floors and General CharpcteristieaBEFORE Alterations: Number of Floors and Changes.WrrH Alterations: See below 1V. Calculations of building areas and lot coverage(from surveyor). Existing square footage of buildings on your property: 3, 644 sa'. f t. Proposed increase of building coverage: 324 sa.£t.s Square footage of your lot: 421 Err.f t. Percentage of coverage of your lot by building area 76. 5 ir V. Purpose of New Construction: Applicant proposes to erect a 7V stealth monopole,install public utility wireless telecommunications antennas therein.and install related eeuioment on the round depinted in th.plans M]hMitted ham- 'th VI. Please describe the land contours(flat,slope%,heavily wooded,marsh area,eta)on your land and how It relates to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): Flat Please submit seven(7)photos,labeled to show different angles of yard areas after staking corners for new construction),and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. 7/2002;2/2005; 1/2007 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITS YOUR Z.B.A.APPLICATION A. Is the subject premixes listed on the real estate market for sale? =Yee KNo B. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? ❑No G Yes,please explain an attached sheet. �O C. 1)Are there areas that contain sand or wetland grasses? Sr7 AJ O 2)Are these areas shown on the map submitted with this application? YES 3)Is the Te robulkheaded between the wetlands area and the upland building area? YDS 4)Ifyour property contains wetlands or pond arose,have you contacted the office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? Yes Please confirm statue of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: Application Sled on 9/15/09;Board of Ttuetea voted to approve application at and if issued,please attach copies of permit with conditions and approved map.Oetobr 21,2009 Public Hewing* *Nate:Applicant will seek amended Board of Trustees approval mflocting current design D. Is than a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? N O E. Are there any patios,concrete barriers,bulkheads or fences that exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? 00 (Please show area of these structures on a diagram if any exist. Or state"none on the above line,if applicable.) F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? ht0 If yes,please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department and describe: G. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? NO If yes,please label the proximity of your lands on your map with this application. H. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel Restaurant and Marina and proposed use Public utility wireless telecommunications facility (examples: existing: single-family; proposed. am with garage orpool,or abler description.) MGA BvSnte� 10`21// : Authorized and Date 2J05;1/07 M rf� 4 � � . 5r � • �J .. - y � a ' a LOOKING NORTH PROPOSED MONOPOLE AND EQUIPMENT PLATFORM LOCATION OWNER: M.G.H. ENTERPRISES 11/2/2011 iA�� qV.:a •��� 'gyp}�! ,p' .. `►i� t a c 1 ��. v� = xt� � 1 V. a1'��Y 1R• ��.�Twa'?��' R! t' �1 LOOKING SOUTH-EAST PROPOSED / • • OWNER: M.G.H. ENTERPRISES �r ,� � ��/�'/• $ ''''.:��� / � —,I./him% + ��C f �• ��•g 'S ria �y '' J,r�• .wFi �' .� .. :..�'�.r t« • jT�P�Ys w� r _ �",;. 9�tt •x �e �. ,�"�+'�{, _ ��sfik ..elf �4 /�. _ ,4 LOOKING SOUTH • 1 MONOPOLE 1 EQUIPMENT PLATFORM LOCATION OWNER: M.G.H. ENTERPRISES f t i �n - i � '{k��j�y' L .�H' 1�� fr. I • �. '�[l�',�1?}fir e t d� ei s � 3 � t MW NOW JA LOOKING PROPOSED MONOPOLE AND EQUIPMENT PLATFORM LOCATION ENTERPRISES 11/2/2011 0 0 APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM (FOR SUBMISSION BY OWNER and OWNER'S AGENT) The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of Town officers and emplovees. The purpose of this form is to provide information. which can alert the Town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOURNAME: MGH Enterprises, Inc. (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company. If so,indicate the other person or company name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION:(Check all that apply.) Tax Grievance Variance Special Exception If"Other", name the activity: Change of Zone Approval of Plat Exemption from Plat or Official Map Other Do you personally, (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the Town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the Town officer or ent loyee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES 1\ Complete the balance of this form and date an sign below where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold: Title or position of that person: Describe that relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the Town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D(below) and/or describe the relationship in the space provided. The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this ( ` day of Za o y Signature: Print Name: er atiaS APPLICANT • TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM (FOR SUBMISSION BY OWNER and OWNER'S AGENT) The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of Town officers and employees The pjIMse of this form is to provide information, which can alert the Town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same yOURNAME: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company. If so,indicate the other person or company name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION:(Check all that apply.) Tax Grievance Variance X Special Exception If"Other", name the activity: Change of Zone Approval of Plat Exemption from Plat or Official Map Other Do you personally,(or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the Town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the Town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO X Complete the balance of this form and date and sign below where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold: Title or position of that person: Describe that relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the Town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D(below)and/or describe the relationship in the space provided. The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted 's da Signaturej Print N e h Wet, system Development Manager APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Re,Nielsen,Huber&Coughlin,LLP YOUR NAME: BY: Lawrence C. Re (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance Y Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If"Other",name the activity.) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest"means a business, including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO N If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Tide or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicantlagentlrepresentative)and the town officer or employee.Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); _ C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this`I,� day pf 241_ Signature BY: / � Print Name L. Form TS I Re, Nielsen, Huber&Coughlin, LLP Attorneys for Applicant Lt � — _ s _ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD WOWNEk Sjmer oo-vU VILLAGE -i DIST. SUB. LOT FORMER OWNER E ACR /IZ - /IkNP1D /?� Lt'•" �0. /!t ' .t l? + 14S �ra ) ►- F,4e n Y- - h -1 - -the - C�v a S W TY E OF BUILDING ES. SEAS. VL FARM COMM. B. MISC. Mkt. Value 570 /��oLi-lsrd 7� LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS .2d4,046-- _ IV? 7f o ew TG oca 5` 0 toe, Letnive To r d. AK& 0 '� L -3 // W /d,X/o lr �- �i9i N o / Td f y a`R L- to. _ ZJd / �� /�OTvd Pr- Tex .o. o z ! C - ,c Pf- Zoor T 4 r�e .CGs�fyCs, rD seB ,Ne}-r n ads. a DO 'I Y 97� 6Td„a4Prr ozz2 0,- 4Y- y -YA-r l 'rea AN D B NNG CO ITI �p[ M r9 3/�9I�9 SoL� "• zs'bod ?z-AfvcLD �'EALid Z%.T h•��lENie<rr,srs KARE4 Acre Va ue Per Value /7, �oO II A u t5 .800 "illable 1 1 .. ” 'illable 2 IL Lzwel VL,4,M 'illable 3 r Voodland wompland FRONTAGE ON WATER 31+ " rushland FRONTAGE ON ROAD-------------- i y louse Prot DEPTH .� v.i v BULKHEAD ytc 8zk �" --� v DOCK 'otol SOMEONE, M■■NIL1.2 ]ME ago NERNMENIPMEMEM OEM 19 ���■■■■�■■■�►■■ '_ ■■■Eil�■iii®za���l■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■E�■■Ee��i�E���sE■iE■■�■SEE■■■■■ MEN ■■■■i�iEEik ■E■�■■■■■■■■M■■■ ■E■EA■ . EEEE■■■■E■■E■■E■■■ PROJECT ID NUMBER 817.20 SEQR APPENDIX C STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM for UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART 1 -PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by tieanl or project Sponsor) 1.APPLICANT/SPONSOR 2.PROJECT NAME New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC 3.PROJECT LOCATION: Munielpalily Town of Southold callY Suffolk 4.PRECISE LOCATIOWk Street Addess and Road Intersections. Prominent Iandrrarks ate -or provide map 40200 Main Road(S.R. 25) Orient,NY 11957 SCTM# 1000- 15-9-8.1 S. IS PROPOSED ACTION: � New El Expanabn Modification/alteration. S.DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: Applicant proposes to erect a 70' monopole, install public utility wireless telecommunications antennas therein, and install related equipment on the ground, all as depicted in the plans submitted herewith. 7.AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Initially acne Ultimately acres B.WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER RESTRICTIONS7 M Yes ❑ No If no,describe bristly:. 9.WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? (Choose as many as apply.) OResidential ElIndustrial 13 Commercial OAgrkullun []Park/Forest/Open Space ❑X Otfar (describe) "Che subject premises is improved with a Restaurant and Marina. The premises are bordered on the east by the federal govem ent's Plum Island Animal Disease Center and on the west by Orient Beach State Park.Gardiners Bay is located to the south and residences to the north. 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (Federal, Stall or Local) MYes No If yes, list agency nacos and permit / approval: 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? 0Yes ®Nd If yes, IIsi agency name and permit / approval; NS A R ULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/ APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? OS M Np 1 CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant / Sponsor Name e C gula Wireless PCS,LLC ``Dale: Si nature B 7./Jospeh Sweet System Development Manager If t s action Is a Costal Area,and you are a state agency, co plate the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment PART Il• IMPACT ASSESSMENT o be corn WW by Lad Amoy) A. DOES ACTON EXCEED ANY TYPE I THRESHOLD.IN 6 NYCRR,PART 617,47 If yes,coordinate the review protea and use the FULL EAP, D Yes ElNo B. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN 5 NYCRR,PART 617.6? If No,a negative declaration may be superseded by another Involved agency: rl Yes U No C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATE WITH THE FOLLOWING:(Answers may be handwritten,I legible) Ct. Existing air quality,surface or groundwater quaYty W gtlarNlty,nolN levels,existing traffic pattern,solid waste production or disposal, potential for erosion,drainage or hood prole 7 Px Iain led C2. Aesmetic,agdwhural,ardmmWoglW,hlatcrl%a other naWral or cutiuW resource;;or cwmunity or neighborhood'chametsR Explain briefly. C3. egeta on er fauna,fish,shellfish of whWe species,.Mn=habitats.of ;;alerted or endangered spec a?Explain bnafiy C4. A eommuntys exicting plans or gas;me or a clangs in use or IManaly of use of land or oMar natural resources?Explan briefly. C5. Growth,subsequentdevebpment,or ratead se dkey 10 W Induced by the p;;p=acW Explain briefly: CO. Lore term,short tern.oumua;e,or~aU;Cts rat Weniffi d M C1-C6? EVWn bdaW. C7. Other Impacts(Ineming changes In use of ekha quantity or type U s Ex lain briefly: D. WILL THE PROJECT HAVE=IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS THAT CAUSED THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREA CEA it yes.explain brieft. D Yes D No E. IS THERE.OR IS THERE LIKELY TO BE CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? M a Iain: 11 Yes F-1I'D PART III•DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE(To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse affect Identified above,determine whether it is substantial,large,important or otherwisesigni6cent. Each effect should be assessed In connection with he(a)setting(i.e.urban or rural);(b)probability of occurring;(c)duration;(d)sreversiNity:(e) geographic scope;and(1)magnitude. If necessary,add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse Impacts have been identified and adequately addressed. If question d of part 4 was checked yes,the determination of significancemustevaluatethepotential impactof the proposedaction on the environmental characteristics of the CFA. Clack this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse Impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FUL EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. Check this box If you have determined,based on tla Information and analysts above and any supporting documentation,that the proposed ace WILL NOT result In any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide, on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting thi determination. Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name or Responsibleoar in ea ey This of Responsible officer --Signature of Responsibl"Ificer In Loadgang Signature of Preparerdifferent from respons e o BCFBRBNCBCOPY Thin is not au offWal FCC Masses,it to a record ofpub&Infi rmstion contained in the FWs Hoeodng database an Poe data that this teeomas copy was gaoaated.to ones whore FCC mina require de prem ado%posting,or display of an FCC Ho®ae,this deouneot may not be used in plane of ac omalel FCC hcvnse. Federal Communications Commission Wireless Teleoommmltts s BtQenu •'.ro RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE: AT&T MO 01 B LLC can sip no Number ATTN:FCC GROUP WPWU949 AT&T MOBILITY 13 L.LC Radio lleMas 5601 LEGACY DRIVE,MS:A-3 WZ-700 Mix Lower Bend(Blocks C, PLANO,TX 75024 D) FCC Regbtratloo Namber(FRN)t 0016912233 Grant Date RBmtive Delp, Yapiradon Deals Print Date 01-24-20M 03-16.2010 06-13-2019 Market Number Chaaad Block Bub-Markel Dedynetor CMA001 C 0 Manta Nemo New York.-I&- sano-Suffbk tat Build-out Date 2nd Build ed Date 3rd Bullid-out Date 4th Band-oat Date 06-13-2019 WalvendCon lklom: If the l ildes authorized heroin we used to provide bmadast operations,whether exclusively or in combination with other services,the Haemes must seek rmmwal of die license either within eight years Dom the oommmuemamt of the broadcast service or within the term of the license had the broadcast service not bene provided,whichever period is shorter in length, sea 47 CPR 527.13(b). Operation of the facilities authorized ha ain,am subject to the condition deal barrnAd mterfaence nay not be caused a,but must be accepted from UHF TV tmnernitters in Canada and Mandoo as identified in existing and any future agreements with those countries. CondMom: Pursuant to 5309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as emended,47 U.S.C.5309(h),this license is subject to the following cenditrons: This license#hail not vat in the Ho ma any right to operate the station nor any right in the use of the frequencies desigmted in the lice=beyond the tens thereof nor in any other manner theft authorized herein. Neither due license nor the right granted thereunder dull be assigned or othanviae transferred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. Sze 47 U.S.C.13 1 0(d). Title license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred by 5706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.5606. This license may no authorize operation throughout the anthe geographic eros or spectrum identified on the hardcopy version. To view the specific geographic ars and spectrum authorized by tide license,refer to the Spectrum and Market Area inforinaticar under the Market Tab of the Houston retard in the Universal Licasing Systom(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at hap91vimlesa.lbc.govhdiAnd ox.le m?jobshome and select"Lioente Sarah". Follow the instructions on how to search for license inibnmton. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of I April 2009 RBFt1l�vcg coFY Title is notais of&W FM]it=&It Is snocni of'pubilefiftnisdonca:WaedIndaPCCslicensingdadismondiedatemaWsrdwom copy was gmmuted.Incontest wherePCC:ulesrequire the paomm tm.posting,ordlspLgaraePCC tissues,this domooentway not beused In place of an ofSdst FCC license. w� Federal Communications Commission Wlrelas Telecommunications Bureau RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSES: AT&T MOBILITY SPBCTRUM LLC Cansigns AWN:POC GROUP WQJU424 FW Nannie AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC Radio Service 5601 LEGACY DRIVE,MS A•3 WY-700 MHa Lowe Band(Bloch@ A. PLANO,TX 75024 R,H FCC Registration Number QIRN)t 001,,49@0716 FGrant Date B,1Bmtiver,06 1, 1Espb•Wos Date Print Date 01-06-2009 03-16.2010 06-13-2019 „ tit, ., Market Number Chageel Bbsit Sub Market Designator CMA001 B 0 Mgrkai'Name New York,NY•NI/Nmnu-Suilblk 1st Botid-out Dategod BoEd-out Duta 3rd Bugd-oat Data 4th BUN-out Date 06.13-2013 06-13-2019 Walvers/Conditions: If the fltailida authorized heroin aro used to provide broached operations,.whether exclusively or in combination with other services,the hoenaec must ink renewal of tho Iieerae sillier within eight yosrs itom the onmmonoemern of the broadcast service or witMn the term of the lioeae had site broadcast service nen bow provided,whichever period is shorter to length See 47 CFR 127.I3(b). Conditions- Pursuant onditionsPursuant to 1309(h)of the Commis icat;au Act of 1934,as amended,47 US-C.§309(h),this license is sutijeor to the following conditions: This Remus shell not vat in the homm any right to operate the station nor any right in site use of the tlnquandes designated in the license beyond the tam thereof nor in any otter manner than authorized herein. Neither the license nor the right granted thatvnmder shop be assigned or otherwise trend'erred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is abject in terns to the right of use or control confetrad by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,a amended. Sea 47 U.S.C.§606. This lien=may not authorize operation throughout the attire googrnphic area or spectrum identified on the hardcopy version. To view the specific geographic am and spectrum audwrizod by this license,refer to site Spectrum end Market Area informadom under the Market Tab of the Boase record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at http://wimleuJbc.goy/uhAndez.htm7job-home and select"License Search". Pnllow the inswctima on how to search for license infomation. FCC 601 MB Page I of I April 2009 • • U13IJwm-Cdkda ldoesse-XHLA910-NEW COMULAA WIRELM PC%LLC Pqp f oft „ s 0 AbrrOWt b11dE1MY r. Universal Licensing System =A.wM>ju>muoaauo..•U.w.awa: eocalr.Teo UL8 Uoww Cellular License - KNKA310 - NEW CIN®ULAR WIRELESS MH" PCS$ LLC q 11ta wsob q Rdbe-Oaek b et&:mmgaulot ORMOaeae FA&dkwmJ;m .0-MOR ® This gown has pwMMfagAMMUM CON 6ton xMw10 Raft SWOM CL-Orhdar SwAus Ad W AIM TWO Regular Me" Marva Cl wl -- NY• Chsnnd Block A OBO LOOM)Jai Submatcd 0 Phar 2 Dates StMt Owlw2 06 gapbslkn 10/01/7016 pnyodys 03/10010 cmwo tbn Pave Year DdMout Doh 01/17/2000 control Po0►b 1 87 W. PASSAIC STRM,ROCMELL8 PARK,W 2 Manhattan Swlb h,810 7th Nero^New York,W L k wuee FRN 00082811 Type Lgnlad umb"Company Lloanee New CLtMLAR WIRELESS PCB,LLC PiNeo 7a8 7476 6801 ,TX 7 DRLVB,M8:A-0 P:t 278.7287 AmPLANF TX roup M 10AMCOM ATTN FCC croup contact AT&T MOMM LLC P8(Z2%57-=5 Mwad P$00041 P: 8074 1120 20M SbUt.NW,Su"1000 http:l/ovkaiewll foa• 13092 5/27l1Of0 1B Lbomae-oaawuoom-EN wto-Nzw aNQUI.AH WIA>i ms PCB.LLC Pana 2 at2 e Wadi CC 100!6 WM®72680att aom AT IW MM"P.Oop M awrnemvp and pualmon"Ono Redlo Barvlas Mobft Type RayYMto y wAbn Comnron Crdr lnftrw wdmd Yes AMM The App"W to aadr d'tha AMMMM02 p gwsaoos. The Appbosh<smssrsd"Wd'to each of the AMgLQM@l&AVM qaadom Raw mrmtY Oerrdr UlA4Wp 1AijloaiBl't!Q- 'LIom1YoY WoOG ULM Can"ftdito About tlti �ataotoromt-emdlas-Isamu. 6adosmara IaV'Cidgypir �c i mmata�w.a i rdmes mw i adt Federal CX=Ugd ftns ComrOMM Phonal 1 77-400-3201 44812th Sb*4 GW TTYr 1-717-SWZB24 Washaromn.DC 10884 bo;y ,ftom i@UoKopl3M 3/27/1010 RIEVERIMCB COPY Thio Is at an of lel FCC plea-.It Is a raomd of pohl o IolLmrtlon oculdo d ion the PCCe beamiog danbase on Poe doe tMt this retvmoe Dopy was gmarated.In caw whets FCC rules raphe the preseWtloq peokg,or t1hplay of an PCC U=M this document may not he used in plane of an oflfelal FCC ficenw. Federal Communications Commission i- WirelenTelemmmunicationsBltmu RADIO STATION AUTHORMZATION LICHNS138: NEW CINO)ULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC CAD sip Fos Number ATTN:FCC GROUP WPOL311 NSW CENGULAR WIRRI SPCS;LLC Radio Samlee 5601 LEOACY DRIVE,M9;A•3 CW-PCS Broadband PIANO,TX 75024 FCC Regintratlm Number(FRN): 000 291192 FGrant Dab Fafeetlr-6, Doe Print Data 08-15-2007 03-16201 017 Market Number asiad Nook Bub-Markat Dedguator BTA321 E. 2 Merlon Name Nom:Yak.NY let Bmlldoat Date 2nd BnEd-oat Data 3rd Bull"ut Date r 4th BuEd-out Data 06-27-2002 Walvers/Conditloasn This I lame is conditioned upon compliance with the provisions of Applicetiaps of AT&T Wireless Sarvlces,lac.am Cingular Wireless Corporation For Consent to Trade Control of Ltoensm and Autborlaetlom Memorandum Opinion mud Order,FCC 04255(Tel,Oct.26,20M). Comm ssior approval of this application and the licenses contained therein we subject to the conditions met forth in the Memorandum Opinion and Order,adapted on December 29,2006 and released on Mach 26,2007,and revised in the Order on Reconsideration,adopted and released on March 26,2007.See AT&T Inc.and BellSouth Corporation Application for Transfer of Control,WC Docket No.06-74,Mmnaatdum Opinion anal Order,FCC 06-189(rel.Mar.26,2007);AT&T Inc,and BellSouth Corporation,WC Docket No.06-74,Order an Reconsideration,FCC 07-44(rd.Mar.26,2007). Conditions: Pursuant to 4309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.4309(h),this license is subject to tiro following conditions: This license shall not vat in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any right in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other mama than authorized harem. Neither the licence nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred In violation of the Communications Aon of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.4 310(d). This license is subject in tame to the right of use or control confhrrsd by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as ansnded. See 47 U.S.C.4606. This license may not authosite operation throughout the entire geographic arae or spectrum identified on the hardcopy vaaian. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorised by this license,refer to the Spectrum and Market Area Wbronation under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS honepage at httpJ/wireless.fcc.gov/Ws/in&x.htm7jab-home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions an how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of 1 April 2009 agrim cnCOPY This is not moM"FCC MahanHisamooedofpublbIs mmetl®conWnedinilmFCCslio®dngdahMeeondodW8MSderaBsmoe espy was restated.In came whom FCC rola mqubro em pienmiumy po:dhg6 or display or an PCC Hames,oris deoomem may not be used In place of a O MOW PCT licems Federal Communications Commission ,'• s Winders Telleioommuniadene Bureau RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LIC8NSR8: NEW CINOVLARWIRB.BSSPCS,ILC Number ATTN:ACC GROUP, Call sip FIM WPSL626 NSW C 3NOULAR WIRSLBSS l'C:S,�LLC Redlo tiaMa let 5601 LROACY DRIVE,M8:A 3. ° CW-PCS Broadband PIANO,TX 75024 FCC RagMtradon Number(FRN)t 000329,1 t91 Grunt Date >R{ DgtO, B:plratlon DataPrint DatO 07-15-2005 as o20"� „v 12a4ao14 Market Number ` -Cbeimd Hook Sub-Mar'ka Dadgastor MTA001 A 15 11Ltritet�`Name .New Yqk . IR Ham-out Ddb lied Build-out Debs 3rd`Batid tent Date 4t►Baltd-0st Date 12-14-1999 12-14-2004 Wetvera/Condi ons: Spectrum Lase associated with this ligase, Sm Speumum Leasing Arrangement Letter dated 12/07/2004 and pile No. 0001757186. Spectrum Leasing Arrangement associated with file number 0001757186 was extended to 01!0512009. See filenumber 0001885143. Condition: Pursuant to 4309(h)of the Cono mdcatiom Aa of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.4309(b),this license is subject to the following conditions: This boom shall not vat in the he==any dght to operate the status nor any right in the use of the fiequencim designated in the license beyond the tam thereof nor In any other manner than authorized herein. Neither the lice=nor the right Wanted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transfated in violation of the Communications Act of 1934,as emended. Sea 47 U.S.C.13 10(d). TMs Ileums is subject In tame to the right of use or control confared by¢706 of the Communications Act of 1934,ase amended. See 47 U.S.C.4606. This license may not authorise operation throughout the entire geographic arse or spectrum identified on the hadcopy version. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by title license,refer to the Spectrum and Market Area infomud under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the lice so record,go to the ULS homepage at httpJ/wireless.fec.govAdo/mdmhtm?job-home and select"Lirxruo Search". Follow the tmtructiom on how to search for license infomtetion. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of 2 April 2009 Weemee Name: NEW CINOULAR WI RMMS PM LLC CRU SIP: WPSL626 FUe Nambom Prlat Date: Commleelm ap nivel ofthie pppliaetlm end the Itmmee omtaimd thareh:am subject m the amdiUme aet tbr9:in the MMouth �nibn and Urder,edoptad m December 29.2006 andrdaawd m Mech Z6,2007.e�retieed In the Order m Rm,adopmd eiut:sleeeed m March 2ti,2007.Bee ATaT Tno ead HeU8am8:Ctapmatlm AppEmtlm fttr Trwettr oC Docket No.06r►4,Memdand:w OpLdm end Order,PCC 06 189(rel.Mar.26,2007);AT&T Ino.and BpmaUen,W G;Oo$katNo.06?4,Order m Reooneldatetlon,PCC 07 44(rel.Mer.26.2007). FCC 601-MB Page 2 of 2 AprU 2009 • BIIZRH4LR COPY This is not an official ACC temse.It is•noord efpab8o lidim atm omtdoed In the PCCslicensing database an the date t o this ralurrma copy was gonenned In sues whaeFIX rules require to atlm,posthag,ordk*Y of an FCC license,this docutoeot may am be wed in Pleoe of sn 0111101111 ACC license. Federal Communications Commbdon a` Wireless Telecommunitlations Darien RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICHNSIM: NEW CINOULARWIRBLBSSPCS,LLC Call M ATTN:FCC GROUP WQ(308�92 Nttmbar NHW CINGULAR W1R RMS PCS,LLC Radio 8ervla 5601 LBOACY DRIVB,MS A-3 CW-PCS Broadband PLANO,TX 75024 FCC Regietrallou Number O RN)i 000329/192 Oram Deb Btlbetlye"Date BxPlradon Date Print Date 11-21-2006 03.107MIO `,: 12-14-2014 Mar Itet Nambtr Cbaneal B1ak Bub,Markat Designator MTAt101 A. 14 New York 1st Build-Out Daft 2nd Budd-eat Dab 3rd Bulld-out Date 4th Build-ced Dafe Walven/Coudltlons; NONE Conditions: Pursuant to 1309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.1309(h),this license is subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the liceuee any right to operate the station nor any right in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thersofnor to any other mover than authorized heroin. Ndther the [I==her the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise t wwfbnvd In violation of the Corronunications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.1310(d). This license is subjoin in terms to die right of use or control conferred by 1706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.16M. This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic arae or spectrum identified on the hardcopy version. To view to specific geographic as and spmmmn authorised by this license,refer to the Spectrum and Market Area infiamatiom under the Market Tab of the license record in to Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at httpJ/wWon.fac.gOvhdWndes.htm?job-bome and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search fbr license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of I April 2009 PINNACE TELECOM GROUP Professional and Technical Services w�,comn� ANTENNA SITE FCC RF COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT ANd REPORT PREPAREd FOR AT&T SITE "Ll.1059" 40200 MAIN ROAd ORIENT POINT, NY AUGUST 2, 2011 14 RidGEdAIE AVENUE - SUITE 209 * CEdAR KNO11s, NJ 07927 0 973-451-1630 CONTENTS INTROdUCTION ANd SUMMARY 3 ANTENNA ANd TRANSMISSION DATA 5 COMPLIANCE ANALYSIS COMPLIANCE CONCLUSION 12 CERTIFICATION 13 APPENdIX A. BACICqROUNd ON ThE FCC MPE LIMIT 2 INTRMUCTION ANd SUMMARY At the request of AT&T, Pinnacle Telecom Group has performed an independent expert assessment of radiofrequency (RF) levels and related FCC compliance for a proposed wireless antenna operation involving a new monopole to be erected at 40200 Main Road in Orient Point, NY. AT&T refers to the site by the code "LI- 1059", and its proposal involves directional panel antennas providing wireless service in the 700 MHz, 850 and 1900 MHz frequency bands. The FCC requires all wireless antenna operators to perform an assessment of potential human exposure to radiofrequency (RF) fields emanating from all the transmitting antennas at a site whenever antenna operations are added or modified, and to ensure compliance with the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limit in the FCC's regulations. In this case, there are no other specifically proposed antenna operations to include in this compliance assessment. Note that FCC regulations require any future antenna collocator to assess and assure continuing FCC compliance based on all the proposed and then-existing antennas at the site. This report describes a mathematical analysis of compliance with the FCC MPE limit for safe continuous exposure of the general public. The RF effects of the antennas are calculated using a standard FCC formula — and the analysis is designed to conservatively overstate the RF levels that actually occur from the antennas. In that way, though, as long as the results indicate RF levels below the MPE limit, we can have great confidence the compliance requirement is satisfied. The results of a compliance assessment can be explained in layman's terms by describing the calculated RF levels as simple percentages of the FCC MPE limit. If the reference for that limit is 100 percent, then calculated RF levels higher than 100 percent indicate the MPE limit is exceeded, while calculated RF levels consistently lower than 100 percent serve as a clear and sufficient demonstration of compliance with the MPE limit. We will also describe the overall worst-case calculated result via the "plain-English" equivalent "times-below-the-limit factor'. 3 The results of the FCC RF compliance assessment in this case are as follows: ❑ At ground level around the site, the conservatively calculated maximum cumulative RF level from the proposed antenna operation is 2.0650 percent of the FCC MPE limit — well below the 100-percent reference for compliance. In other words, even with the conservative calculation methodology and operational assumptions incorporated in the compliance analysis, the worst-case calculated RF level is still more than 48 times below the FCC limit for safe, continuous human exposure to the RF emissions from antennas. ❑ The results of the calculations provide a clear demonstration that the RF levels from the proposed antenna operation at the site will be in compliance with the applicable FCC regulations and MPE limit. Moreover, because of the conservative methodology and operational assumptions incorporated in the calculations, RF levels actually caused by the antennas will be even less significant than these calculations indicate. The remainder of this report provides the following: ❑ relevant technical data on the proposed AT&T antenna operation at the site; ❑ a description of the applicable FCC mathematical models for assessing MPE compliance, and application of the relevant data to those models; and ❑ an analysis of the results, and a compliance conclusion for the antenna operations at this site. In addition, Appendix A provides background on the FCC MPE limit, along with a list of key FCC references on compliance. 4 ANTENNA ANd TRANSMISSION DATA Relevant compliance-related antenna and transmission data for AT&T's proposed operation is provided in the table that follows. General Data Frequency Bands 700 MHz 850 MHz and 1900 MHz Service Coverage Type Sectorized Antenna Type Directional Panel Antenna Centerline Hei hts AGL 157 ft. 850 and 1900 MHz and 67 ft. 700 MHz 700 MHz Data Antenna Model Max. Gain Powerwave P65-15-XLH-RR 13.0 dBi RF Channels per Sector 4 max. Transmitter Power/ RF Channel 20 watts max. Antenna Line Loss ConservativelWO ed zero 850 MHz Data Antenna Model Max. Gain Andrew DBXLH-6565A-R2M 14.0 dBi RF Channels per Sector 8 max. Transmitter Power/ RF Channel 20 watts max. Antenna Line Loss Conservatively i nored assumed zero 1900 MHz Data Si Antenna Model Max. Gain Andrew DBXLH-6565A-R2M 16.8 dBi RF Channels per Sector 4 max. Transmitter Power/RF Channel 16 watts max. Antenna Line Loss Conservatively ignored assumed zero The area below the antennas, at ground level, is of interest in terms of potential "uncontrolled" exposure of the general public, so the antenna's vertical-plane emission characteristic is used in the calculations, as it is a key determinant in the relative level of RF emissions in the "downward" direction. Diagrams on the pages that follow show the vertical-plane patterns of each of the proposed AT&T antenna models in each frequency band. In this type of antenna pattern diagram, the antenna is effectively pointed at the three o'clock position (the horizon) and the pattern at different angles is described using decibel units. Note that the use of a decibel scale in the diagrams incidentally visually understates the relative directionality characteristic of the antenna in the vertical plane. Where the antenna pattern reads 20 dB, the relative RF energy emitted at the 5 corresponding downward angle is 1/100'h of the maximum that occurs in the main beam (at 0 degrees); at 30 dB, the energy is 1/1000 ' of the maximum. Powerwave P65-15-XLH-RR Antenna (700 MHz)—Vertical-plane Pattern 05dBOdeg /division Andrew DBXLH-6565A-R2M Antenna (850 MHz)—Vertical-plane Pattern 00 deg 5dB,/division 6 Andrew DBXLH-6565A-R2M Antenna (1900 MHz)—Vertical-plane Pattern AIL 0 deg 7 17 5 dB/ division COMPLIANCE ANAIY515 FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin 65 ("OET Bulletin 65") provides guidelines for mathematical models to calculate the RF levels at various points around transmitting antennas. At street-level around an antenna site (in what is called the "far field" of the antennas), the RF levels are directly proportional to the total antenna input power and the relative antenna gain in the downward direction of interest — and the levels are otherwise inversely proportional to the square of the straight-line distance to the antenna. Conservative calculations also assume the potential RF exposure is enhanced by reflection of the RF energy from the intervening ground. Our calculations will assume a 100% "perfect' reflection, the worst-case approach. The formula for street-level compliance assessment for any given wireless antenna operation is as follows: MPE% _ 000 * Chans*TxPower * 10 (Gme -WSCIIO) *4 ) /( MPE * 41c * R ) where the individual factors are explained on the next page. 7 MPE% = RF level, expressed as a percentage of the MPE limit applicable to continuous exposure of the general public 100 = factor to convert the raw result to a percentage Chans = maximum number of RF channels per sector TxPower = maximum transmitter power per channel, in milliwatts 10 (Gma-vdscl,0) = numeric equivalent of the relative antenna gain in the downward direction of interest; data on the antenna vertical-plane pattern is taken from manufacturer specifications 4 = factor to account for a 100-percent-efficient energy reflection from the ground, and the squared relationship between RF field strength and power density (2Z=4) MPE = FCC general population MPE limit R = straight-line distance from the RF source to the point of interest, centimeters The MPE% calculations are performed out to a distance of 500 feet from the facility to points 6.5 feet (approximately two meters, the FCC-recommended standing height) off the ground, as illustrated in the diagram below. antenna height from R antenna bottom to 6.5' above ground level 0 500 Ground Distance D from the site MPE% Calculation Geometry 8 It is popularly understood that the farther away one is from an antenna, the lower the RF level — which is generally but not universally correct. The results of MPE% calculations fairly close to the site will reflect the variations in the vertical- plane antenna pattern as well as the variation in straight-line distance to the antennas. Therefore, RF levels may actually increase slightly with increasing distance within the range of zero to 500 feet from the site. As the distance approaches 500 feet and beyond, though, the antenna pattern factor becomes less significant, the RF levels become primarily distance-controlled, and as a result the RF levels generally decrease with increasing distance, and are well understood to be in compliance. FCC compliance for a multiple-band antenna site is assessed in the following manner. At each distance point along the ground, an MPE% calculation is made for the RF effects in each frequency band, and the sum of the individual MPE% contributions at each point is compared to 100 percent, the normalized reference for compliance with the MPE limit. We refer to the sum of the individual MPE% contributions as "total MPE%", and any calculated total MPE% result exceeding 100 percent is, by definition, higher than the FCC limit and represents non- compliance and a need to mitigate the potential exposure. If all results are consistently below 100 percent, on the other hand, that set of results serves as a clear and sufficient demonstration of compliance with the MPE limit. Note that according to the FCC, when directional antennas and sectorized coverage arrangements are used, the compliance assessments are based on the RF effect of a single (facing) sector, as the RF effects of directional antennas facing generally away from the point of interest are insignificant. The following conservative methodology and assumptions are incorporated into the MPE% calculations on a general basis: 1. The antennas are assumed to be operating continuously at maximum power and maximum channel capacity — and the power attenuation effects associated with the antenna cabling ("antenna line loss") are ignored. 9 2. The power-attenuation effects of shadowing or other obstructions to the line-of-sight path from the antenna to the point of interest are ignored. 3. The calculations intentionally minimize the distance factor (R) by assuming a 6'6" human and performing the calculations from the bottom (rather than the centerline) of the antenna. 4. The potential RF exposure at ground level is assumed to be 100-percent enhanced (increased) via a "perfect" field reflection from the intervening ground. The net result of these assumptions is to significantly overstate the calculated RF exposure levels relative to the levels that will actually occur— and the purpose of this conservatism is to allow very "safe-side" conclusions about compliance. The table on the next page provides the results of the MPE% calculations for each operation, with the maximum calculated result highlighted in bold in the last column. As indicated, the maximum calculated result is 2.0650 percent of the FCC MPE limit —well below the 100-percent reference for compliance, particularly given the conservatism incorporated in the analysis. A graph of the overall calculation results, shown on the next page below the table, perhaps provides a clearer visual illustration of the relative insignificance of the calculated RF levels. The line representing "total MPE% results" in the graph barely noticeably rises above the zero baseline, and shows a obviously clear and consistent margin to the MPE limit. 10 Ground AT&T AT&T AT&T Total Distance 700 MHz 850 MHz 1900 MHz it MPE% MPE% MPE% MPE% 0 0.0096 0.0275 0.0190 0.0560 20 0.3487 0.0731 0.0698 0.4917 40 0.3118 0.5993 0.1766 1.0877 60 0.4768 0.2856 0.0949 0.8573 80 1.4210 0.1115 0.1869 1.7195 100 1.2793 0.6162 0.0668 1.9624 120 0.3925 0.4369 0.0053 0.8347 140 0.0271 0.1219 0.0345 0.1834 160 0.0225 0.0098 0.0288 0.0611 180 0.1908 0.0598 0.0065 0.2571 200 0.4754 0.3218 0.0186 0.8159 220 0.8323 0.4667 0.0435 1.3425 240 0.9318 0.6161 0.0603 1.6082 260 1.0314 0.7846 0.0585 1.8745 280 1.1014 0.9253 0.0383 2.0650 300 0.9646 0.8091 0.0335 1.8072 320 1.0239 0.9425 0.0125 1.9788 340 _ 1.0695 0.8370 0.0111 1.9176 360 0.9570 0.9312 0.0082 1.8963 380 0.9887 0.8373 0.0074 1.8334 400 0.8943 0.9099 0.0357 1.8399 420 0.9119 0.8264 0.0324 1.7708 440 0.8323 0.7539 0.0296 1.6158 460 0.7627 0.6905 0.0271 1.4802 480 0.7869 0.7406 0.0757 1.6032 500 0.7261 0.6830 0.0698 1.4789 COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT RESULTS Normalized FCC MPE Limit --0- Total MPE% Results 120 -- a 100 G 80 a c so W 0 40 w O 0 20 ----:LIE 0 4�Ll 0 100 200 300 400 500 Distance(ft) 11 COMPBANCE CONCLUSION According to the FCC, the MPE limit has been constructed in such a manner that continuous human exposure to RF fields up to and including 100 percent of the MPE limit is acceptable and safe. In this case, at ground level around the site, the conservatively calculated maximum cumulative RF level from the proposed antenna operation at the site is 2.0650 percent. In other words, even with the conservative methodology and operational assumptions incorporated in the analysis, the worst-case calculated result is still more than 48 times below the limit established as safe for continuous human exposure to RF emissions. The results of the calculations provide a clear demonstration of FCC compliance. Moreover, because of the conservative calculation methodology and operational assumptions applied in the analysis, the RF levels actually caused by the antennas at the site will be even less significant than the calculations indicate. 12 CERTIfRCAT1oN The undersigned certify as follows: 1. To the best of our knowledge, the statements and information disclosed in this report are true, complete and accurate. 2. The analysis of site RF compliance provided herein is consistent with the applicable FCC regulations, additional guidelines issued by the FCC, and industry practice. 3. The results of the analysis indicate that the subject antenna site will be in full compliance with the FCC regulations concerning RF exposure. 8/2/11 Danie J. Collins Date Chief echnicalOfficer 8/2/11 Terrence R. Lulay Date Professional Engineer E 13 AppENdIX A. BAckGROUNd ON THE FCC MPE LIMIT FCC Regulations and the MPE Limit As directed by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the FCC has established limits for maximum continuous human exposure to RF fields. The FCC maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limits represent the consensus of federal agencies and independent experts responsible for RF safety matters. Those agencies include the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In formulating its guidelines, the FCC also considered input from the public and technical community— notably the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The FCC's RF exposure guidelines are incorporated in Section 1.301 et seq of its Rules and Regulations (47 CFR 1.1301-1.1310). Those guidelines specify MPE limits for both occupational and general population exposure. The specified continuous exposure MPE limits are based on known variation of human body susceptibility in different frequency ranges, and a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of 4 watts per kilogram, which is universally considered to accurately represent human capacity to dissipate incident RF energy (in the form of heat). The occupational MPE guidelines incorporate a safety factor of 10 or greater with respect to RF levels known to represent a health hazard, and an additional safety factor of five is applied to the MPE limits for general population exposure. Thus, the general population MPE limit has a built-in safety factor of more than 50. The limits were constructed to appropriately protect humans of both sexes and all ages and sizes and under all conditions — and continuous exposure at levels equal to or below the applicable MPE limits is considered to result in no adverse health effects or even health risk. The reason for two tiers of MPE limits is based on an understanding and assumption that members of the general public are unlikely to have had appropriate RF safety training and may not be aware of the exposures they receive; occupational exposure in controlled environments, on the other hand, is assumed to involve individuals who have had such training, are aware of the exposures, and know how to maintain a safe personal work environment. The FCC's RF exposure limits are expressed in two equivalent forms, using alternative units of field strength (expressed in volts per meter, or V/m), and power density (expressed in milliwatts per square centimeter, or mW/cm2). The table on the next page lists the FCC limits for both occupational and general population exposures, using the mW/cm2 reference, for the different radio frequency ranges. 14 Frequency Range(F) Occupational Exposure General Public Exposure (MHz) (MW/CMI) (mW/cm2) 0.3 - 1.34 100 100 1.34- 3.0 100 180/F 3.0 - 30 900/ Fz 180/F 30 - 300 1.0 0.2 300 - 1,500 F/300 F/ 1500 1,500- 100,000 5.0 1.0 The diagram below provides a graphical illustration of both the FCC's occupational and general population MPE limits. Power Density (MW/CM2) 100 Occupational ------ General Public 5.0 , 1.0 0.2 ------- I 1 I I I I I 0.3 1.34 3.0 30 300 1,500 100,000 Frequency(MHz) Because the FCC's RF exposure limits are frequency-shaped, the exact MPE limits applicable to the instant situation depend on the frequency range used by the systems of interest. 15 0 The most appropriate method of determining RF compliance is to calculate the RF power density attributable to a particular system and compare that to the MPE limit applicable to the operating frequency in question. The result is usually expressed as a percentage of the MPE limit. For potential exposure from multiple systems, the respective percentages of the MPE limits are added, and the total percentage compared to 100 (percent of the limit). If the result is less than 100, the total exposure is in compliance; if it is more than 100, exposure mitigation measures are necessary to achieve compliance. Note that the FCC "categorically excludes" all "non-building-mounted" wireless antenna operations whose mounting heights are more than 10 meters (32.8 feet) from the routine requirement to demonstrate compliance with the MPE limit, because such operations "are deemed, individually and cumulatively, to have no significant effect on the human environment". The categorical exclusion also applies to all point-to-point antenna operations, regardless of the type of structure they're mounted on. Note that the FCC considers any facility qualifying for the categorical exclusion to be automatically in compliance. FCC References on Compliance 47 CFR, FCC Rules and Regulations, Part 1 (Practice and Procedure), Section 1.1310 (Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits). FCC Second Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 97-303), In the Matter of Procedures for Reviewing Requests for Relief From State and Local Regulations Pursuant to Section 332(c)(7)(B)(v) of the Communications Act of 1934 (WT Docket 97-192), Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation (ET Docket 93-62), and Petition for Rulemaking of the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association Concerning Amendment of the Commission's Rules to Preempt State and Local Regulation of Commercial Mobile Radio Service Transmitting Facilities, released August 25, 1997. FCC First Memorandum Opinion and Order, ET Docket 93-62, In the Matter of Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation, released December 24, 1996. FCC Report and Order, ET Docket 93-62, In the Matter of Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation, released August 1, 1996. FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Bulletin 65, "Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields", Edition 97-01, August 1997. FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Bulletin 56, "Questions and Answers About Biological Effects and Potential Hazards of RF Radiation", edition 4, August 1999. 16 September 28, 2011 WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA Mr. Martin H. Sidor, Chairperson, 1 a ( u 1 r L L is , 1 11, Town of Southold Planning Board Partm.r, Town Annex Building William F.Collins,AIA 54375 Main Road Steven A.MacDonald,AIA,LEED AP Southold, New York 11971 1'artnep I/mcritus Thomas R.Turkel,AIA Re: Structural Verification of Proposed 70 ft AGL RFC Monopole D;,.eoo,.of l,i„nnin New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC #NYCENY 1059/1-1-1059 Gary S.Shumway Orient By The Sea Restaurant 40200Main Road Paul K.Garrelmann,AIA,LEED AP Orient Point,NY 11957 WFC Project# 05-6478 Dear Mr. Sidor: On behalf of New Cingular Wireless, LLC; William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP(WFC)concurs that the proposed 70'-0” AGL, RFC Monopole (extendable to 90'-0" AGL) for the above referenced site shall be designed by the manufacturer to conform with all State and Local Codes, Telecommunications Industry Association/Electronics Industry Association (TIA/EIA) Standard 222-F and Manual of Steel Construction, for the following design wind velocities: 120 mph 3-second gust with no ice 50 mph 3-second gust with 0.75 inch radial ice 60 mph (Operational) 3-second gust without ice Structure Class II (Importance Factor= 1.00) Topographic Category 1 Exposure Category "C" Proposed monopole loading is as follows: 3- AT&T Mobility—"Powerwave" P65-15-XLH-RR Antennas mounted within pole @ 67'-0" AGL, Rad. Cntr. 3- AT&T Mobility—"Andrew" DBXNH-6565A-R2M Antennas mounted within pole @ 57'-0"AGL, Rad. Cntr. All antenna feeder cables will be routed within the pole. We t Is clear and as complete as necessary for this purpose. C � \ / V( it �' Id er OF I' l l f( IINOI (1G1 DR1Af 5IIkIKfI NII1^13 PIC 631 -6598450 1 631-689-8419 W1AW.W H %Ik.( (111 November 3, 2011 WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA A R C 11 I T F C T S , 1. I. P Partners William F.Collins,AIA Steven R.Saraniero,AIA, LEED AP Mr. Martin H. Sidor, Chairperson, Neil A.MacDonald,AIA,LEED AP Town of Southold Planning Board Panner,Enwrilus Town Annex Building Thomas R.Turkel,AIA 54375 Main Road Direcmrof Plannin- Southold,New York 1 1971 Gary S.Shumway nr.orinle Re: Grading and Drainage Response Letter Paul K.Gartelmann,AIA,LEED AP New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC#NYCENY1059/L1-1059 Orient By The Sea Restaurant 40200Main Road Orient Point,NY 11957 WFC Project# 05-6478 Dear Mr. Sidor: On behalf of New Cingular Wireless, LLC; William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP (WFC)offers the following response. The existing native soil in the areas of the proposed New Cingular Wireless equipment area is pervious and comprised of sand and gravel and would not pose a drainage problem. The proposed elevated equipment platform will have open serrated grating as decking which will allow for precipitation to pass through. As stated on the construction documents submitted concurrently the proposed equipment area is to be mildly re-graded such that it is relatively level with the adjacent existing surrounding areas. No retaining walls or radical changes in surface features or runoff are proposed. We trust the above is clear and as complete as necessary for this purpose. Regards, IOil A fd P9,tner 1 + yy�\x0 69 A j40QF �F Edi 12 1 1 CIINOLOGI DRIN1, SLI-UK1:1, NN 11733 P11: 631-689-84511 FU: 631-689-8459 M M W WF(CAIA.CONI TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: October 17, 2011 Date: Amended Nov. 9, 2011 TO: Re, Nielsen, Huber& Coughlin LLP for New Cingular Wireless LLC 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, New York 11743 Please take notice that your application dated September 29, 2011 For permit to install a wireless comm tower& equipment at Location of property: 40200 Main Rd., Orient, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 15 Block 9 Lot 8.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction in the Mil District is not permitted pursuant to Article XVII Section 280-70(i)(3), which states: "Minimum distance of all wireless equipment to adjacent residential property lines shall be no less than 500 feet.. Also, the proposed tower location is not permitted pursuant to Article X111, Section 280-56, the Bulk Schedule. The required side yard setback is 25'. The proposed setback is approximately 7.1'. The proposed construction requires Planning Board site plan review & special exception approval per Section 280-70B of the Town Code. In addition, Trustees and DEC approval required. Authorized Signature CC: file, ZBA, & Planning Board TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING?ERIvET APPLICATION CH)~CMST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do you have or peed the follow w&before applying? TOWN HALL Board ofHealth SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 4 sets of Building Puck- TEL: uc TEL: (631)765-1802 Planning Board approval FAX: (631)765-9502 Survey SoutholdTown.NorthFork,net. PERMIT NO. Cheat Septic Form N.Y.S.Daa Trustees Flood Permit Examined .20 Storm-WatarAssesstemtForw Contact: Attorney for Applicant: . Approved 20 Mail to: Re,Nielseu,Huber&Coughlin,LLP Disapproved a/c D 36 N.New York Ave.,Huntington,NY 11743 Phone 631425.414W ExpiratirTOWN DBuilding Inspector 2011 CATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT BLDG rr at ,20�HOL�J D� INSTRUCTIONS a This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Iuspector with 4 sets of plans,accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas,and waterways. c.The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit d. Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f.Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize,in writing;the extension ofthe permit for an addition six months.Thereafter,a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings,additions,or alterations or for removal or demolition as heceiri describ ,The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing code,and.tegulatioua,and10 admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC (SkusAue ofapplicant or'na!pe.if corporation) 1444 E.Jericho Turnpike,Huntington,NY 11743 (Ma+uaB address ofappllcaat) State whether applicant is owner, lessee,agent,architect,engineer,general contractor,electrician,plumber or builder Applicant is Lessee Name of owner of premises M.G.H. Enterprises,Inca T{' D n gg eprpp�gt�pn,atn the tax roll or latest deed) BeW ut r11rtwvelessR9,LL(; afra=d,offic (Name and title of corp Joseph Sweet,System Developmen M ger Builders License No. Plumbers License No. N/A Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Lo on of land on which proposed work will be done: ho 41t�ain;Roa� �.R.25) Orient Hamlet 0f0tA y*Mp* bhVii&Wo3eetion 15 Block 9 Lot 8.1 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot 2, State existing use-An occupancy of promises and intended use and occupancy of proposed conshvction: 9^ Existtil ttse acid cp upaneY Restaurant and Marina Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility 3. Nsttice o wbrk(clteck whibh applicable):New Building Addition Alteration air Removal . Demolition Otiter WorkA�plicant .proposes to erect a70 onoppole,,i ata ublic utility wiie7es's telecommunications antennas therein, (Description) nd las 7l rel equipment-on ground, all as•'dejrted in the plans submitted herewith 4. sttmalea (To be paid on filing this application) utritg.' NIA Number of dwelling units on each floor 5. if dW611*i6fibw of dwml)ing 6. If business,commercial or mixed occupancy,specify nature and extent of each type of use. Restaurant and Marina 7. Dimensions of existing structures,if ear:Front Real Depth Height Number of Stories Dimension$ Of time structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depfh Height Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entice new construction�Front Rear --- Depth Heigh, Number of Stories**7o stealthtnonovoie i +1-464 acres qW sq. ft.AT&T equipment area 9. Size of lot: Front " Rear Depth , 8 1.December et 1999 1.George F.Hasse(Eastern portion of property) 10.Date OfPurohase•2 t, 8,19 � Name of Former Owner 2 Fitz Arnold Realty Co (Western portion of property) 11.Zone or rse district in which premisr s atm'situated .Marine tl 12.Does proposed construction violate any zoning la*,ordinance or regitlatio►7 YES_NO_ 13. Will lot be Me graded!YM NO_„Wi11 excess fill be removed from premises?YES-L—NO 40200 Main Road 14.Names'of Owner-of frdrnses M.G.H.Ettterprises IncAddrem Orient,NY 11957 phone No. William F.Collins,AIA Architects,Address-12-1 Technology D one NO 631 689-8450 Name of Archieect Address a e Phone No. Name of Contrachn Is this wttititt 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a fteshwater wetland?*YM—X NO 15 a p 9. *IF YES,SOU I HOLD TOWN TRUSTEES&D.E.C.PERMTi S MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland?*YES NO * IF YES,D.E.C.PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED' 16.Provide survey,to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation atatiy point bnProPert7'is at 16 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. 18.Are them triy ouveftents and restrictions with respect to this property?* YES NO X * IF YES,PROVIDE iA COPY. STATE(1P REW Yom) SS: COUNT4 ovt — Joseph Sweet being duly,sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Natne of mdividtatl signing contract)above named, (S)Heisthe'. Lessee l`Applicant (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all ssttttements'contained in this application ars lute to the best of his knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the mamier set forth in the applics ion filed therewith: S m me Vi jxM Brennan, Esq 20-.,_ New ingula i ess CS,LI 6t"Pu0/p Stets of New York f> fyo.a28R . �y. Notary Public of tattplrM Apll M Jos ep weet,System Development Manager I Towd of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 15 - 9 - 8 .1 The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board 0 Planning Dept. 0 Building Dept. 0 Board of Trustees I. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital construction,planning activity,agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit,approval, license,certification: Fil Nature and extent of action: Un-manned Public Utility Wireless Communication Services Facility consisting of panel antennas mounted within a 70 ' RF-transparent monopole, elevated equipment platform and trenched conduit . , Location of action: 40200 Main Rd. , Orient Point, New York 11957 Site acreage: 4 . 55 Presentlanduse: un-manned public utility wireless communications facility Present zoning classification: Marine II (MII) District 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant:New Cingular Wireless PCS. LLC (b) Mailingaddress: 1444 E Jericho Tpke. Huntington, NY 11743 (c) Telephone number: Area Code( ) Cingular (516) 567-8478 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes 0 No❑ If yes,which state or federal agency? FCC DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space,makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria © Yes © No ❑ Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria © Yes 1E No 0 Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria © Yes 11 No E Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria E Yes 11 No ®Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes E No 7 Not Applicable Refer to attachments Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes ❑ No❑ Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Refer to attachment PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ❑ YesO No© Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes ❑ N Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes ❑ No❑ Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable Created on 5125105 11:20 AM Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED FACILITY: Construct a new 70-foot agl RF-compatible monopole with antennas installed inside within a fenced compound to accommodate equipment for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (William F. Collins, AIA drawings last revised 10/28/11, attached). The proposed public utility wireless communication services facility will be located near the western boundary of the Orient by the Sea restaurant. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy I. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. The adverse effects of development are mitigated by siting the proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-11) land in this part of Reach 5. The proposed location is adjacent to the Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) USDA ferry terminal. The existing eight-foot high chain link fencing topped with barbed wire, and the tall lighting stanchions at the PIADC are not positive enhancements to the scenic qualities of the SR 25s byway. The use of a 70' tall RF-compatible concealment monopole with antennas mounted inside, partially screened by the planting of new juniper trees, and the siting of the facility within a commercially zoned area, will preserve open space, make efficient use of existing infrastructure and minimize the adverse effects of development. In addition, by siting the proposed un-manned telecommunications facility is a commercially developed area, the proposed project will not add to the increasing development pressure on the Town's extensive agricultural areas and on the waterfront that threatens the rural character of the community and its natural resources. In addition, verbal discussions with government personnel from the Town of Southold conducted in May 2006, and a review of public hearing transcripts indicate that public opposition to the construction of telecommunication towers is generally limited to residential areas, and not the MII zone for the proposed facility. These objections pertain mainly to aesthetics from obstructed views, and perceived declines in property value from the presence of telecommunication towers (Environmental Assessment Report, Orient Point Telecom, Site LI-1059, Block 9, Lot 8, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY, prepared by AMEC Earth and Environmental, Inc., on behalf of GeoTrans, Inc., dated June 9, 2006). With regards to community considerations, Based on the above, the proposed undertaking meets the longstanding planning goals of the Town of Southold which are to "reflect the interest in preserving and enhancing the natural and built environment and providing opportunities for a level of growth and expansion of the economic base that is compatible with the existing scale of development availability of water, existing sensitive environment of the Town and its historic heritage." Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. On May 5, 2009, Richard Grubb and Associates, Inc. completed a Section 106 consultation package and submitted a request for comments in which they determined that"No Historic Properties" were identified at the location of the proposed undertaking (then a 100' monopole). SHPO policy states: "if the SHPO does not provide written notice to the Applicant that it agrees or disagrees with the Applicant's determination of no Historic Properties affected within 30 days following receipt of a complete Submission Packet it is deemed that no Historic Properties exist within the APE or the Undertaking will have no effect on Historic Properties. The Section 106 process is then complete and the Applicant may proceed with the project, unless further processing for reasons other than Section 106 is required." No response from SHPO was received within the following 30-day comment period. As such, concurrence with the project's determination of "No Historic Properties" was assumed. EBI submitted an addendum to the original submittal that reflects the design change to an 80' monopole on August 28, 2009. The original determination of"No Historic Properties" remained the same. In addition, Sara Ayers-Rigsby, MA, RPA, Project Archaeologist with EBI Consulting, reviewed the previous archaeological assessment, new site plans, and NYSHPO correspondence for the proposed telecommunications facility at the above-referenced location. It is the professional opinion of Ms. Ayers-Rigsby that the shift in the tower position to the north and expansion of the equipment compound from the original I I' x 26' (3.6 x 7.9m) lease area to 12'8" x 29'10" (3.9 x 9.Im) does not significantly alter the archaeological findings of Richard Grubb and Associates, Inc.,who concluded in April 2006: "The APE-Direct Effects lies in an area of moderate to high potential for prehistoric and low potential for historic resources. However, based on the prior ground disturbances caused by extensive grading and infilling related to the construction of the existing marina, parking lot, wooden fence, and the installation of the existing utilities, it is highly unlikely that significant archaeological resources exist in the APE- Direct Effects. As such, Richard Grubb & Associated recommends no further archaeological survey." The drawings have since been revised again (dated 10-28-11) to shorten the proposed tower height to 70 feet above grade, to move the AT&T equipment pad to the north side of the tower, and to to increase the cabinetry height to 12.5 feet ag1. Based on the above, the proposed undertaking will protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria A. Minimize introduction of structural design components (including utility lines, lighting, signage and fencing) which would be discordant with existing natural scenic components and character. The proposed undertaking is located in a commercially-zoned area and only commercially zoned (M-11) land in this part of Reach 5. The proposed location is adjacent to the Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the PIADC USDA ferry terminal. The existing eight-foot high chain link fencing topped with barbed wire, and the tall lighting stanchions at the PIADC already introduce structures discordant with the neighboring scenic character. In order to mitigate discordant elements introduced by a new telecommunications facility, a 70' tall RF-compatible concealment monopole with antennas mounted inside is proposed, which will reduce its visual footprint In addition, landscaping screening and fencing will be designed in accordance with the Town of Southold Wireless Code. B. Restore deteriorated and remove degraded visual components. N/A C. Screen components of development which detract from visual quality. Landscaping screening and fencing will be designed in accordance with the Town of Southold Wireless Code. D. Use appropriate siting, scales, forms, and materials to ensure that structures are compatible with and add interest to existing scenic components. The proposed undertaking is located in a commercially-zoned area and only commercially zoned (M-11) land in this part of Reach 5. The use of a 70' tall RF-compatible concealment monopole with antennas mounted inside will mitigate issues of scale and form when viewed from neighboring non-commercially-zoned land. E. Preserve existing vegetation and establish new indigenous vegetation to enhance scenic quality: I. Preserve existing vegetation which contributes to the scenic quality of the landscape. 2. Allow for selective clearing of vegetation to provide public views without impairing values associated with the affected vegetation. 3. Restore historic or important designed landscapes to preserve intended or designed aesthetic values. 4. Restore or add indigenous vegetative cover that presents a natural appearance. The proposed undertaking will not disturb existing vegetation and new vegetation will be planted in accordance with Town of Southold Wireless Code. F. Improve the visual quality associated with hamlet areas. N/A G. Improve the visual quality of historic maritime areas. N/A H. Protect the visual interest provided by active water-dependent uses. The proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach S. The proposed location is adjacent to the Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the PIADC USDA ferry terminal. Visual interest provided by active water- dependent uses will not be adversely impacted. 1. Anticipate and prevent impairment of dynamic landscape elements that contribute to ephemeral visual qualities. The proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach S. Dynamic landscape elements that contribute to ephemeral visual qualities will not be affected. J. Protect visual quality associated with public lands, including public transportation routes, public parks and public trust lands and waters. Siting the proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach 5, and limiting the height to 70'with antennas placed inside the stealth pole, will mitigate impacts to the visual quality of the area, including Orient Point County Park to the east, and Orient Beach State Park to the west The construction of an 70' stealth pole, while taller than existing structures, will not be incompatible with the adjacent commercial facilities (Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the PIADC USDA ferry terminal). Orient Point State Park is the most intensely used, publicly-owned, scenic resource in Southold Town. Due to its geographic location, this park provides uninterrupted panoramic vistas of the open waters of Gardiners Bay, and with views of Gardiners Island, Shelter Island and Montauk in the distance. The proposed undertaking will not interrupt these vistas. The North Fork Seaview Trail follows SR 25 for its entire length within Reach S. The easternmost terminus of SR 25 runs alongside the staging area of the ferry dock. Both the Cross Sound Ferry terminal and the PIADC USDA ferry terminal already negatively affect the scenic resources of the State-designated Scenic byway on which they front due to the existence of extensive paving and lack of landscaping, is the primary cause. The introduction of the proposed stealth monopole at the proposed location is the best option to minimize visual intrusions to the area. I. Limit water surface coverage or intrusion to the minimum amount necessary. N/A 2. Limit alteration of shoreline elements which contribute to scenic quality. N/A K. Protect visual quality associated with agricultural land, open space and natural resources. Siting the proposed telecommunications facility in the only commercially zoned (M-II) land in this part of Reach 5, and limiting the height to 70'with antennas placed inside the stealth pole, will mitigate impacts to the visual quality of the area. The visual quality of agricultural land, open space and natural resources will be protected. I. Maintain or restore original landforms except where altered landforms provide useful screening or contribute to scenic quality. Existing landforms will not be altered. 2. Group or orient structures during site design to preserve open space and provide visual organization. All supporting structures will be located within a proposed equipment compound screened by new plantings. 3. Avoid structures or activities which introduce visual interruptions to natural landscapes including: a) introduction of intrusive artificial light sources; Intrusive artificial lighting is not proposed. b) fragmentation of and structural intrusion into open space areas; open space areas will not be affected c) changes to the continuity and configuration of natural shorelines and associated vegetation The natural shoreline will not be affected Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for the site area indicates that the property and the surrounding areas are located within Zone AE, which is defined as "Special Flood Hazard Areas Inundated by 100-Year Flood", with a base flood elevation of 8'. The proposed equipment platforms will be raised to mitigate negative impacts to the flood storage capacity of the area. Policy S. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. N/A Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. The proposed undertaking is sited on commercially-developed land and will not impact the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. In a response letter dated November 21, 2005 to GeoTrans, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service reported that except for occasional transient individuals, no Federally-listed or proposed endangered or threatened species under their jurisdiction are known to exist within the project impact area. In addition, no habitat in the project impact area is currently designated or proposed "critical habitat" in accordance with provisions of the Endangered Species Act(ESA) (87 Stat. 884, as amended;16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). According to the "Guidelines for Consultation with NY Natural Heritage regarding Proposed Collocations of Telecommunication Facilities on Existing Towers and Buildings", issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)—Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources, dated May 2009, for communications facilities projects that involve "New or existing towers, antennae, and associated equipment installed at a location currently wholly occupied by lawn, pavement and/or gravel,"the NYSDEC does not"have any records of rare species or significant natural communities which will be of concern in relation to the proposed projects." Inasmuch as the proposed project is located on land previously disturbed, rare species or significant natural communities will not be affected by development of the proposed undertaking. Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. The proposed undertaking will not generate air pollution. Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. The proposed undertaking is un-manned and will not generate solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. N/A Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water- dependent uses in suitable locations. N/A Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. N/A Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. The proposed undertaking will be located in a commercially zoned land, thereby protecting agricultural land. Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. N/A i 2q se =_a c, x 1t&t r5 4 SITE NUMBER: NYCENY1059 �§ SITE NAME: ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT 6s I ME 5€ i DRAWING INDEX REV. DIRECTIONS:lwa NPROJECT INFORMATION Yn T-1 TITLE SHEET 8 xlIE proRm-wEsO WE avP(wGlrt)ONTOma ONTO SR-17 9NEOI. IJI UNxwn xED uumn CORMUNlxs FICluIxCLupxG C A-i SITE PLAN 6 TSN RI ONTO RNIP WE RILP(LEFT)CMO SR-4 1EIE(F UNEOTONS EWPYENT AT INSIDE IEML An NEW $� TINE RwFP(LEFT)CMEIPW O I-YS PFSS [NOR.EIRT TPNEI EIF/AIED STEEL EIXNRPNF FUTFpW MID RF1NfD M'TFNIKS P[e[ A-2 PARTIAL SITE PIAN 6 wcRx:ONTO'I(t1EW JERSEY TPx j NEEP sEWRI ONTO -]65[cNOS®^*O.EIw'FXrf MOUNTED IRSGE NOW W TulTAPu2M 1ANOPOIL Ear A$ EAST ELEVATION 6 WERNP(RNRM ONTO CR,,,1AAxO PM AT M JOE IO'FP WGI T GNIO RUIP(OA NO N� EAN w2C0 LLVx RO.(u.ku.s.R 2s) A< ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 6 Tw¢RNP(OEW OR I-ws[Inxl (IFI mO AT CR Ta, 1-0 C ar ONTO RrJP ORIENT POINT,x.Y. 11.57 e NEEP IErE ro ONTO OR ww aEw 1 T RN LE (NO cR-sS[DID CDDMRT RD] AS CABINET DETAILS 8 NEE➢sTPrxNr ONTO sa-2s[MLN RDI TURN LEFT(xa8m-wFSO ONTO LOIRE LN e i TORN RRiR(NORTH-EAST)ONFD CW-M(NCCLE ROI TIMI LEFT(NORTH)IMO CE-'N'I—'I ..ENT MA.R ENRPGRISS.INC. 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TEM 1v-0 NfN JuxmEN]s vPmxurM• \ Yj 7'4 GUS,".O.C .OF(5) y- RP C04PA1H£wNOPD1E ME BE ( OMY/BWE:SHERMX-NILWIS/$WCO Bs GNNEIS MOUNTED ON Xd a z PLEO.OMIR .SEE, �2 FORgrZ ` r,. a I M % uDff: xDs CgINIL10R 5 TO COPACTOR i0 PRCNCE INPORMA MEN AT&T]O-T MOI RP / Gj,{l WX�ICII 6 NFECIED 6Y 5M/ Y E MRXS. NATtTR Z CpIPATBLE YLWWCEE AND PROJECT 1FCXNXµ .AMENIAS.TO BE E%IEMBIE TO - / -SE" /NY MELS MN/OR CPECIRGATO Fdi 511E ,SLR" EWIPMEM'M11W TNI$ SGRAGE. -� NS 11r ` / SPNC // P�tO� XM OF NVRK z5 M1JS BTW,•'Y RIP . -( E%I %"y. NCIES m HSIRUCIX)N IND PVLE4EWT I z� ,I]&f -7 / p14 EY NWO E%GVATm NID RaK1EA�fEgPE WRX NSUC 51PEIY _fr ¢.px f// `� BVMfM1ID m Exs11RE NYYUHIGMNIS AXD AHE IISUIL TMAT p0S1 MD cusrou4n TRAMYLSSION DR e �5 ]REq."`fir � W��» ENmrc+mllw un RECEmIMn of wnlD.TFl£AS%MI uE wr oaTURem" MR oTxER cox4uNNwnaxs ' NINE.4L M1L JpNTS \�y /NIEIRN VT GABLE EENIS WAlFR11CM.1FST ¢RYIGL$OR WRX FIECINIUL •G WE IJ; `. / AWIaA OF.•A' YCTOR•6 SECTOR"C PRXN m B.CY31LLNo. 1P.WSL65KK1 IVES. e' Y`V L R / TYPE O5 R UNIS/4SY tO0'-V Ip]'-V I W'-P DRAMINC NPIO15 ME INSVllA1gN OF RNPOSEU ANTENNAS. $ /r y+.4 bKoL GAGI ETC.THAT ARE TO BE MWN1W WRNN ME [_ - l{ 'Ys0. / Lx 1C0'-Ir 10M'-C 100'A PRCPoSFD PP CWPAPBE MOICPG.E STNJCIIJRE.A TION IS TO BE DEGGAVID BY A NEW p3D GONCREGE wAGGFEB Wl ENGINEER SBORED NID SFIIID pOC11YEMAlUN FOR FITS Rm SNNL BE FILED BY OI KAs. E%ISTING ROI uurvcH RAMP _ EMSllw UNDERIIINO YEOETAIKKI.'W.rr' _ �/ NFDRW1pX 41OM1 NFAFgI S PASW UPoN A SURVEY i ]1WLFN.WO BOL15 m BE %IFPMGO BY:IMNYJNS MFBB JJEGFR3238 flDUTE IIP. CIbJRII PRIOR m STMT a /8 EXISTING BULKHEADByLNNG B_5Ir1E 1.YPoPOw.M 11]fi3.(631)]32-]]]]. g CONSTRUCTION r> ed E%5Pw sXORNNE NORTH MATE➢JULY 2ND,HOB.PRINTER w.OB-WBY) W,.,Y SRE PLAN G 1 g 6 Exlmryc Ar ENTRMCE 4N • x Ir REFFII s. ' RDNE �Y y scut a8 "'ez� AT&T MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT t&t �x NYCENY18 /U-1059 a ® a li - R slrE Pury 05 _ R c x 1 T E c T s L L r NV7320 AT&T MOBlurr .0200 MAN RD 15 EAST 4101ANO VENUE AP vo¢ ui.n.vu r.s r�iw..x ORIENT PONT, NY, 1195] PARAMUs. J 0]65$ s.ne NYCEM'1059 AFL-I B 4i 6 5 4 3 Rz✓ Oc N REM. Axr G!s1M 0I I NOf W.nO'NEU CONST y To BERS Aro MPGR IN ARFA a xEw WNSIRVC11011 e£ ro BE cLEARm Pr6DX 7o Hurt OF Co... A '. s' a° R WHO IM6 REPRESENT EMISTHG 9iN11BBFAY M�� (5)NEW 11-V HIGH JUNIPERUS NRCMMHA O]'-P p £e NUNGU➢ O.C.SEE I/A-7 FOR UWE INF IMUION m NEW AT&T(FILO M1p ROVER P.WELS 1 1 f IX)NEW VURC61 CA9NEIR nACIQ'➢.NEW ET. E BE a YOLWTEO ro N.PUTFORu h /l) h /� )-� �l /� ).� 11 ).� ��1 f/ n-5 O IN OM PJ.N%I6W6 CIBINEr.WE 5� NWOPNL.8EE IIBB/E-I SIR, ^Y` /)' r1l\ /)' ( (IYy,^l J -Y -\`l ( 1YT I\l l MN A&T VCEN IxFORruGwx HEW MAC E4EAGOILY GENERATOR // j \ \ \ J NEW ATFL EIECEWC COMMIT METIER AN ED DISCONNECT TO RECEPMLIE YWNRO RI 9pE OG \=Y ^ \L ^-� \� ^� \\ �\ �_` ERCY HEM ATki F$ECIRIC MEifA 410 DISCOHNEC!i0 qU PQ1FIi PANEL ^-/" �� ��' �'� �� 1 NEVI MEN EIEGTPoC PANEL YWNIEO 011 HFM ATki HEM WNIREIE PM EWIPYEHG PUIfCMM,SEE 1/A-1, 140 588/A-1 5 EY.V.V9AEE yy. , \ fes✓ \L2 1-Trt—f � i AND 1 1 FOR up¢MIN .�1 ♦_ �.. ri�Dl IJpf}';� ) /-�f$l JJJ l ♦1 ��i �..\1 ifi �, �J �n "�' ) � ` NEW Aiki TELCO GPM C TRENCHED UNDERGROUND TE {'Q FROM NEW MESA SPN1 N i0 HEW ATki IFLW _.—. yZ. .—.—.�•�•—•—•—•—.—. .�•— _ HANDPARESEE I ON FEW'AT&TATki EWIPMENT PN T Ib 1 F WrOMIL SEE I AND 58fi/A-1 iIXl NONE INFDRWTON Ss f u 9 ^a IXISTIW WHFq.Yt HK.IW. $2 B.6 I• I n C Sv \ w N NFM AEWgN IPMENT P OTORN HVIDW-SEE I AND aF EYIRIWp.WA SPoG EI£VATg1, a • D-Y i 1104/A-s FOR MORE IHFEHMITON 6 f 9 6 11 µ HER IW So.IT.AT&T FExcED tFASE usw pN �. it ATkT EpYPYEIR CLLEHEIR MOUNTED NIED NEW • \ I 1 '. i ELEVATED 4LLV/JU$E➢$R2L PURIMIY.TP. 4 PENCE_ °a NE" LocW PGEG.ANDXCNR£ErN'PFAMWELQ'4PRI `5 THE CONTPACILN IS TV REGPIDE THE AT&T \ D _..M s I u SUITS ON EWAL SE£SHEET A-7 FOR MOM - SoVIPMENT Go. AAEA ToA 1E14L 1M' w..TlEU 'p B GRFDE OF B'-P.W SL PRgR TO nAR!OF \\ R FOUNF ENT PUTFOIL cONS,g TNNI. ° IEW ALIT IMIYOR AI ICE BRIDGE. SEE 3/A-4 B S€ \y • • • • ICP MGM IHNRWGpH \--„EW AW ML..V&LES ROV1E0 TNR G"- EW fl ATED ICE BWOGE TO NEM MMOPOIE if LNEW AT&T 4Ps UNI NEW PBIE ICE �$ BRIDGE PoSi.SEE 8C./--ZI FMGRE INIGIHIIgH c•S p ~� 2 rvEY/AT&T.WIENTM fA91£SVPPpI RVl(iRWE SEE Rnl ICRF f yay ]/A-4 FOR MORE IHFCRWGgN m IUVE a5£ IYlffi "G (6)NEW AT&T 4iikrWS YWHIED M1MW RF LL11PAlIC6E CWCFNNEM 40TpPgE. —�A—NhNP CABLING EfC 11MT IAENT7 BE YWNIEOWIGNIN�111EANEW IF 245 SKET IR II- Y IY RFFFR w XCMPAIBIE MENCPoIE GIXUCNRE A CGHCRETE � M.(R)4IF.HHA9 PEO SECTOR.WE tIA-J 4q]/A-8 FOR MORE INFGRMAPOH —T—T— 1FLC0 CCWOUI g N TIE CRWIM self ABWE. —ESE— EIECIRIC WNOVI FW P1tlN 06RYIFD B✓A NEW YIXM STALE $� NEM 70'-P MEN AT&T S COIPAT&f Cg10EV4E3/MONOP01f n� -i/E-i E- GELCO&EIECMIC CWOUI 110EN'S ICINEER.SIGT AND SFNID yWTH `oa 8 HER BYOXO "E Toro' 8Y OTIER9.$EE 86#/ Eg"K MSL SPOT El£VAipN ~I N SHLLL BE FlIED BY 1 PARTIAL SITE PLAN „DTE BoY THa SHEET n e4 ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ® A e _ a - fiR AT&T M09LLITY at&t a w = NVCENV1059/U-1059 PAR➢AL srtE vury RCN 116 L T6.TTP NY/920 - S=O.,N0 AT&T MOBILI V vxx.ui•.a��. r...a��u...x ORIENT DINT. v 1957 15 EOSi MID NNO ENVE PARAMOS. .1652 T A uz Tl0 2 94 97 NYLENv1059 P-2 6 6 5 4 S ,_..,2... + ww I cWPAn�}F uaNOPOIE e- (FxENdali ro ev- _9 14D. NFX ATlT IMQIN/5 —(s)xex AT&T LTE Irrtwaw AND(B)usA.uWxTm Wlna RF LDUPAnBIE CGILEYLQIT Mp10Po1F.M.SEE 4/A-6 FOR YpiE INfCR1M1WN (3)NOR AT&T UNSI%NIExwS AND(5)MI MOUNEO"T'*N W p CDYPAMea CENOER,RENNT MOMLPGF.TW.SFE 2/A-5 MR WERE wFCWMnW NEN 9 '=E RAD. 1Ew ATki IMFNNIS Vj (i0 BE WETHIGH TINEINDAI 9KII-Lp'jvAnR1E CONIuCNOFOIE >u NEW AT&T WH%ML ANTENNA CA%ES 110UIED ANNON NEM ATYT 4� YONCPoM SEE 1/A-O MR YOIC INFCRWTCN mN (5)NEN 14'- NLN MRRWA PORS NROIN0 7'-ET O.C.BEYOND.SEE 1/A-] E6 fTR NNE IKOREAnOH SS NEW NONE W UTA NDUMED MESA SPIN GMNET BEYWO.SEE 1/A-2 MR NEW IK GFIS UN i (3) IIO AikT V$UNrt YWNIED TO NEA GBIE ICE NOWE POST.SFE 1121AIA-S €� NR MDRE IXFp1AATCN NOR AT&T MIDATED CAERE CE BWWE.SEE 2 AND 4/A-4 TOR PARE MfCnAAnW A AM ATIT.ANTENNA rA, SUNORT NINON.SEE T/M4 FOR MME INIONMnW i� NEM AT&T WIDCOR EOIfNEM CABINETS NWNME ON NEM UWATED C GAL.Em STER PURgd.n9.SEE 1/A-R TOR MIXIE RRCRMATER 8'. ax a I NEW AT&T PPA��SUOR II sQ SHEEN A1NLWBIE IgNE INMRWAI%1 y= T.o N SNRues v (&EYgID) I (])NEN AT&T RRN•S MOUNTED ON SUPMRT R/CN,SEE IIIW/A-5 EOR NONE WMRLATON — B T. NEW FENCE N10 T.D.NEA o E U144A LS BRIDGE Jv hAOLC `ITAT&T EMN EWPYFNT CABINET J i•0.MEW LGNF21 ICE BRIDLE - NEW ELLVATFD CALVMI2E0$IEEE EWIFLENi PIAIfORM.SFE 1/A-0 MR WPE IHfORMAng1 c$ 1f i.0.NEW AT&T EOUIPNFNi PUTEgWI NEW CpCERTE PIEW,TN.OF(8)LEEAN N.SEF I AND 4/A-B FOR WRE INFUMIATgI B E •0 11 A0.�(1201P EXT vE 8.0.NEWY' AiIT EWIPMIIT T0.NSN PIER a RI.A.m(iLOOO LE%'FL) s �: •-v ADE N-c: ME LCMRICTOR R Ta RE4TW.E INE AT&T S S EWPIYNT Cd1FVL110 MG ro A I£EF ' GRADE v Bo ANSL PPoOR ro nAAr of BASE L g EWNOE2rt PUli0W1 COVSIMWTNM'. 1 —I[—NE I —N[ _NE_NE IEGEm: u _- `& —A— AyIiNIA MyE NflY YOMTHIE fWHWTCN BY OIXEflS.SEE/`... NONE BO%n115 SMFET OIAWIHG OFPILIS n1E INSTrWATON •'S —N— 1fLCD CpCUrt NEW ATki GALVM'RFD STEEL WNLNE NSI AID STAR. OE NEW NIIENNIS.CIBUNG ETC. 9` ELECTRIC CW Wrt TTI'.SEE SHEET A-8 TOR MORE INfONWnp1 nAT ARE TO lE YJUM. MBHIX TIE 1.. In.LO k ELFCIWC III AT&T=0 WKUNS TRENCHED UNDFAORWIID FROM NEW ANNT TE If�15 91EET IS 11' % 1T IIEFEA � II RF COYPAAM nBIE NEAT PNEL M NEW MESA SPAN CIBMT.SEE I AND SBE/A-4 FOR YqE 9 SUER 0.SLKD B1'A NEW TCRMN -� CONDUIT I ,RNAARN, [IN-I gVAWC. ,n-�< �R6ED PRCBE59NMAL gn a3 NOR ATW EIECTFUM CORDI T ENCNEO UNWRgidMO TRW NEW AT&T PETER MD SN.KD AO SENED 8 ' �Sa EWPNNECT SLVPoRT ANDA NOW I A EIW/A 4 FOR MDRE IN ro NR'M EIEVATm L-PE 8i'aMERs XMTN RN A ( T ELEVAT�ON EWIPYFNT WATfORY NWpWL SFE 1 NID SSB/A-4 EW YORE IO TO ZENI ao �8It a Ai&T MOBILItt � 35 ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT }�� m. w1a i wM i eDa rrxs,Au NYCENY7059/U-1059 ® at 5 * nrt psT ELEVATION �.m .. NY1380 ATki NOBx11Y 53 LLP 1.200 WJN RD 15 EAST US, NJ AVENm5szUE w mcirvrms9 0�} 5 gzwct.u�auix rn� ai�w+ ORIENT PoINi.N Y. 1195] PA4WU5. fr 9 pll POS,PEMUNGAPP RI SI.R YY QW VNI'AFPm ENO Hffi5: PWIO$IEEE INfAO fVLV.$IEEE I.VAIFH U9 RO CWPJIIENR AS RAIN 3 IN S!M'bRU CCM0.R PW4 C4YYNMi COIIRINO MRIKEA OR xBJOW] ON,A C. T MN,GX £SP.W ,MERGE CHINK IS G: 's¢REE A 9MNLL EW B FEET FDno�MIXG£�CwANNELL _ Y xnrc x IM LONG KE BIXOiE 911OOE flW10 fJLV. L� =ELCUf KE R.NNEH USING COMPO IENIS PON--ING BRIDGE EIFR WNWR TS SUIEOU. LOHOTH RI AIR E.NOIEG) CNWIEL FmfION5,THE sill GMIXD BE PRWICED AT W SIZE AS TRENCH FINISH CNPE IMTCN `J THE SUPPoM.IF Po59BlE.M AT A NAl OF 1 PIc10 CXV SIFII SHOWN q1 p c y0P[AND iXILTNE35 FEET FROO THE GOI i0 Al MWIEH UVW+S ` OE FT AND (PN WNOW](SEE tIHIE)I mxvxclFD aKTa+u PER izPIFIITv1➢E¢E Wls 4E INCwom ]ANFN usU1O CO4vp1EN15.sUPPOM SHCUm BE () vaaNDm At aosE As PoSAAE ro*IIE Enos a KE ;e 9'ELIFlCAIpX FIMIMYAV( E, WIIX KE 9RWCE.ONEl S _ UNpSNRBm SqL • ry AGGRPN K TR/ E NRS AS B�.�W AStAHIM i0 THE FREE END DISTANCE OP THE ICE _____ PEWIREp.10 MVMYN LLVIWUY . "ems : --- _-== E wDE uE,M CORE. CROS BPMF M]'-a (nn7 DETAIL Q UNDERGROUND FARE FROWID WIAWNO a.CIR BRIDGE CHANI 41'IWXS LWL IMYE MK FDDEs b ry ____--__ 1xnE SAKES vUm-canwx v THE GR V.TIN A IMTE,O,a msTORE INFSE EncEs ro CONDUIT STUB-UP £S --- _- BLbm UfIIM UNEP INIEXIN CIES A91i/NGEYEM THE gYANLL AW IRRI OR FU T(NNT.FMISN. G . —t'�— `^ 2.Q CCAs TREATED OY AIB-COMPAl fi P COMMNIUS%Mws PMMFD N Ill BRDOES wr BE CgI51RUClm NTIH CgPMMS CON NODI GP%MINS A$ FRJY OTHER WM(ILTIRERS.PRO�l1ED THE fiu PE09 FOR RIDM OF WNU1AGFONEFPIS WSTALAMW I.URfLNES ME fIX1lINm. TRENCH B.OEVNIDNS FROM RTANNADS FOR COYPGIEN'I ^£ � WONOPM(SWD ON - INTE AOp6 AAE PERI WMI ME flmPECThE Em SGI. W PF EUrNF W PER COHNNE1E ANN WMUFACTUflER'$APPROVAL L iE�INwE EARTHRORK WECO'CATICN w� CONDINT(1 ROR,�C Wrt _ PAAI/ of Y. ) xWDf�FgMY]10115 REaIWE fi, AL1NE,coxaM h5 PEWIRFD) 6 a' MIN ttl SECIXIpWI EIECIAIC WRAWOI RqW PNR Ek 56E PER Ea.µ /qI-NR-YS+10-+JB R INSIMI MP wOP ON All CARRELS AT c = TEL GOP IT MIN ttl PflIWRY ELECTRIC VMJ WOM pnIF;ASA/EOR60l5�TgLy/y'M� � px NHAWOR 'I-P x+10-+se WNI{ vMYW!RAW/w12M1A urs SMR/YT-CDaes e i DETAIL TYPICAL UTILITY TRENCH z TYP.ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE DETAIL sA e F 011 OF RbA OF 1WKR CN/GP5 UNIT=ED TO b VLTRALIE RE NER CAERNET VAE AR9Mf PACH _ P LOOP. COL 1'-6 FOR TI CAME IND JUIPFA,ERYIWIICN AT R'-E FOR MMiI CARIE HA(M EWNYFNP ]'-V IWI. Sa EB 11 OAR FRW CAST III HE MIN I a JwPERs AIPPoRE ro r BtTr BArr TPMIAONI EOUGANW EWFC AT zp➢C WID cABIAIEr S +/z JuuPEP g A An ux4RNF RIGI( PWTK E PHWFWG AB REOIPm F'OR _ SLPPMT. U. _ C FOR VOX THP SUF 2 W i0 ORM sUPPoM M AND AG ND IR N =E i 1 C FM NPW CMNEC,M Ttx iO E911 NIM _ EWIFLD(f IND 4 REAMER- BL E EEw M's Mo PRCUINO _ TH'WE Al Iue ro 1 WBIS Wn CM% g B TO AYIENW £e6 cCOAX RWND IWMWr�C NSuNO uRO(R F) 1C1'G111IROO1D GNOLIM BSN ro �]# GRWro NR will wRAN BM GRaINO CROMD Nff RTIN S PROa11G(MDI W BEND OF NEM EgxMEll! uHtrOuI 1 5/B- cNANN. NFMHFA FROOFNG(NUI �d CABLE SUPPORT C.) SMA mAx eamc�iwmwA�REuwsnrJr BEND a coAx) cawECDOxs Arm BASE q �° FOR EQUIPMENT CABINETS (uAARran M Swan can BRED A C A z 4 3 -, FORYFn mar cHIAwR) d .m., �5 NNDER EEO S"iA as _ z5 ® e e AT&T M09hItt % ORIENT C THE SEA RESTAURANT at&t ® °"^ W NYCENW 0.58 /U-10.59 ` _ 5 x c x 1,E c r s u r NY93R0 _ cxnccruNAL DLrALs ATkT MOBRm N. O 1s PF µMIO wND AKNVE GFIENTPONT. NV 111951 VS. 076529 Q A NYCENY1059 - z 6 5 4 3 ^2. N-0 O<_N 9 yF 1 C \ - PIPE VP a R • 4 3g _ 'CE RRnGE Y x�iE(TIPR)ou y3 --__` iiWXf WGIT 90E 0.q? BOLT NqE PVN O S'p i/ ^_ `♦` "' AEN RDDd ro Oosr SFfL BF.wI/W]WMIRCEu GYrET Iswc I/Y Ou mLtS/a-Bgls. m"x wj+mPO`Foc slq �`i0N PUR(ELL EQUIPMENT CABINET b-60-0-BE SEE 'i� 1 o 11 11 NOTE 8 IHD BETNL 1100 PMIS c - �z 1 1 / 11\ II yl¢I.YORE WEpY . 10.]C °yo / .E. JW YIa aW.sEc oETNL e.zB' (26]atmm) 1 I Ia TIXS 9BEI NR YGE IKpOMTIox (ISB.BJmm) 10zs 13 ♦ - �i PLOW DNISIMR CN.WNFL fi^ PWflI dSIIrtl1IKK1 ♦ — �____� �____� �__ _, OR EOLNNENT t aox w/bv m SNRSE ' (; OCB-4e-800-IB-0+ I IEE BREX.E PoST. O O (NOTE e) MR.SFE 2/A-4 FOR YORE NRE1 RTgN E S- NOW EW WENT FIAIEMW WNCRE TYP. • i SEE 1/MR AND I/1-]iOR W.ME WRR1Ml10X �yI e�12 c FIBER AND POWER roavp.P+mmX4 PACES) s: ° 10 DISTRIBUTION BOX DC2-08.600-9E sBtl c 5R£.0wl]GM.`-E RMI "DEN Dfl>rH HBDHT w/o vsLE wUDNr B, WIYGdENr LPhA w o BPMMEI g d€ ti€ T li •' �Y RRMpW YNx 105 2Y 10.0 21' S1 1B5. ND1E: DIMd51gi5 INLUIOf YDUMIND BRACKET.SdM SHIELD MD CONNECTORS. S� c 1Y1 PUW�'_' MWIYVY C1F.Wl10E TIBIE OR =E' Y#1ETE NER PoUI CA&NEI (IN COYYEMS E- ! F1i0NT JE' INSTNIATON IQESS 1,$OBCWRRK'IM SITYL 9APLT IND WSFNL UWSINIR lOR EWNNEwn Y}IMINL EN IIELS. __ 2.SUBLIXRRACTM MNL SVPRLY IND INSTNL or BwOOf PoSIS AS REM. IS U51 c, 3.CM%. (ROLE PO515 SIRll BE 3 1/Y0.D..SCHEO.+D PIPE(ASIY-NG.A CN EDNNBM. RVP r SUPPLIED MOUNTING BFN:KER E' 4.A9CIXIIRWTCR S SUPPLY(1 1 INETNL)]/K SPRRC MWS.TN4lE 0,.PER RRN.516CCNIMCMV TR�i AK' r�NE flIDHI C NR FLOW NID MWG FWY.yT D IIMSTRUT iRWE 5.SRNDNC WT VNIY HbED ON SE1£CIED E EM.RD`USMENIS TO SPACWD MILL OE NNDE LIIT C NR FLOW 8I N.WSTN . TOp IT NR FLOW B.ME BOX WY DE MgM1E0 DYSI:TLY BDWD ME RM45 W VP S IVNV91£ u"} T.W PMNTNC OP ME.OR SOIXI SITYI➢5 N OIIED. EKffW it Cp T RWIING ATEL-LUCENT 9442 REMOTE _€s REMOTE RADIO HEAD RRH RACK DETAIL di / EAD RRH DETAIL n y88 x ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ® yr m a nisi Moelutt Sa „.. .......F C S.L L. NYCEN NY7 /1J-70.59 at8IUt c,FB .�.m. ..c NYT320 l'. ,� * INET ocruls MikM MOBILIA _� 40300 YVST IVN RD IS gIND AYENVE �! ORiEM q , Y. 195J p0.pN1U5. NI OJ65R J NYCFNYIO59 p�P'-5 M wxnMwoO ? i 6 5 4 3 ^2 Y iFN rW DIP.BY OTHERS AWIL ].ATLMI ME PFM NUCNEIS TO ME Xq ro OINSTC-Mi WwGER,SPN LOOK ME]W O N BE MOUNTED TOT SUITABLE 'RASHER.IND THE MIX NUT W OUR BELL GNG BRW(EISBUM RD OTIEPS.M. Mi EURFA . 1NyRgl NIX NUR SEDUKO,1ME REM BUCIMTS AND WAOWM£NOT USED. WmT.BG Aj..M BETNEEN 1LM B9Kl(ET 2.IF PRE-WSIILID.]/8-18 UNC.6 1/{' LO I.x 'WREAR�'ml�'G ,I II, / ) C ARIL.A...CABLE TO ME TIM USING E➢ / IxxFM,Br w YWNIIXIxuM00 ME�MVI�VP�sC PFEWSToOETAMTIE 1w BRACIQT Mo RERMLT TXE BOLTS.RE-INsiN1 TME PRE-INsfHFD HIX BLIT MD WASHERS. D METW BMDff O ng11FN WE UP xREY15 ROUTE TIE GROUND CABLE ro TE GROUND 46 BW W ME TOWN GINDE UIE MD ARACH SECUP6YSECUMB-Y WTM SIMABLE FMIENET. ERS, I MIfWU INFORWIKKI$EE CEI ].YWM ME TW TO ME WALL DID.FOURFORI 2 MD]M5 SHEET. ME GR B W 80.15 IN BP%SUPPLED)THROUGH 5.ROUTE A JUMPER CMIE FROM ME 850MI ME HOLES IN ME 1W PACNETS. MIEWM TO ME MI.PONT MIXED'MT BUY. 5 OD.WS! 4,CONNECT RF MD..VHBW.WEAMERSRWON IE A SECOND JUMPER CIBIE FRED ME iO /NIQWA MpM'1W0 MO SEWRE MTX SUMPS A$SUTUREDIBGS. 1. ID ROUTE A MIND ANPER EABIE B EPILHErs Bi oMws, ANDREW TOWER MAST AMPLIFIER NOTE: FROM TIE.PONT YMNED'M TO ME MORN& WMIxOxf.i c OR RFI TONRi fFIDFA.BE SURE i0 PROMOS ME M pµ,(N) l6 A MA ETD819HS12UB DETAIL cURE aR L0.V iD RELINE uxouE SnW+N M 8C 8 MMEN ERSDMLE BY 4 x.. ASSEMBLE ME K.4WNIWG RANWME W CONNECTIONS FONL Ai TO RE END. W%IWY M10 ME TYI,AND INSEHL ME DESRED UC TON M v R LAPD(MPH) 100 GROWN IN DETAIL ABOME. WWNC PUMICE L-BWlML7 DPS MIFNIN 6. 141T)RF CONNECINNS i0 IB FI-185 2.5 MWRI NW 1.INSERT ME J/8-16 VNC,T LG(W% MBO M4) (ssNm)TORWE. MIENIM YWMINC I MICNNE55 ON.I HIX BCU$WITH TS WA9IEIS M.ME Ig1E5 IN ].ML.MFRFAL ME CAAF CMNBRODEPECMNS PEP PL,cEE)s TO BE ME TM BPILMES.BGL3 MD WMNFRS WY BE STMDWD%V4TCE5 IF REQUIRE BY LCUL PIACED A$NRpd OETM AYWN11.P416 QUMTGY PoLr w'..STEEL ON ALL.. IxsrM1—ER F_ sOYERT.& 6 s/Gro 1 E �TM W SONE VERSIONS OF ME Eia BBEx�E�YOUNG TO THE INSTRUCTIONS _ IDR OWL) Bpi Y]IINIING FN2 MTEDPROOFING,PER CDIy pll OR) I MIFNW YN1UF. a. . TIE TM M TPD Y.DIP lCGul 'MIX W ME PACNME ryBIES-�g� ARNMYEM EMi GABMEIB OR STEEL PIPE BUD➢, TN)NS ME BR POxT PpMIXG pGMN.qt AS flEWIREp. B.APPLY CiB1E 11E5 CA SIFAPS I. C =� MIE_wA K-iE41 IPRGTII(w.) 7 G.P ro ILuY.w/au 4;; (W/m CABLE AIIGN ME v-GMPE OF 111E lYA MOODS W.ME SUWIm)ro SECURE ME WILES ro TIE 4`S8Y3Jl TYPE _ (W/II_MILE POE ON TOWN MEMBER, TOWER STRUETVRE. $= C-11N(3/1 6 1 PIPE)OR WNNECTOM g° OETAW W'®x C-n(1 I/G h I I/Y .CMLL ob 9GVLNi.S OMT PIPE) �. SUPPoNT 2 MID GROUND NINE LUG—/' TO cKB'P's6CTIM CR ELEVATION O E — xFYRST'P'SUPPLFYpITI1 (CITE GROUND OWN (L-NNENET ROUND) 1.PClE WECMS ARE ARAO%MOUE AND C1LT INCLUDE GPS MIER. NOTES: ' THE WEIGR OF TIE STEEL FOIE MU CO MT SET BERNS 1.UNSCREW MF WHO CWIP$UNTIL ME MO CONE ' R6TER ME WBGxI WITH.WIFWUS NIDI VBL6. WSFNL WFAMER FpOCFlNC PER MIENXI.MMUF. CIXIM IWSE MO MRgO ME ENDS THROUGH ME SLOTS / IN THE MOUNTING BMMET M SNWx. BEING e 3 2M0d1 TO FABRIUMN Ci TE WTNc FVRGE.MEND" W51RurnONS L�( 1' (I-5/16 O.0)x]'-C $ lL CMFFIL NOT i0 xPA1M ME XFM F/4 OF ME Mnx 4WUFI4TIRERS TI$pMSTFR NO MX](x6s. Iw WOUN STEEL OR ALUM. a.WIND LM S A TO MOUNTING CLAMP PIPE LAND nN -z GROUND %PE PROAOE MPUGV3E WIND CLUMPS MO TIGHTEN CLAMPS 10 A TORQUE `_�/.\/TYPICAL ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL PIPE-ro-PIPE cuMP (BUM TYPE -IIN OF BDe-m oo.aN-m). 58 V S`.ZFF.TE (BURNOT TYPE C-I1N OR EOINy.) ]. AI TMN ME JUMPER)MD N TW CONNEETERE NAJuh➢A'LI-CgIM JI(&b/BOCMD POTS TONGUE. 2(IE00/140D/z10p g E B'JAWG(tMMN P/N LdyHCTpflS To2OtlinMaYl�m RME DFXWAT w11H ICE BMPiE KID GM.I.WM EPWND LUc 10 OW G.POST. REI FEEDER WILE CMNFLTKKi TO TMA CONNECTOR B v'e �. LMV CMLL J](GERMUN HRT). -3E (W/N-µNL CONNECTOR) I.GROUND TDA BY A ERRNC A GROUND SIRM TO ME W MWNDIND STN W ME SEE OF ME SP COVI CLLIIE SUFPoRT UID.MORN GROUNDING W.PANT NUMBER L. 3 AWG GROUND WIRE DRO-IY-NT,OR MUNNEM,AMY BE USED.APPLY c P CADWOLD TO POST ONLY IF NIII-COPROSEH PASTE TO ME GROUND ' OU GROUND..CR LUG TO GROS CMXECIIM. [ 14WUFMNMW PWFIYMYE MMVFALTURQi MpNEW ELEVATION P.SECTION OR NFMEST'P' S.WEATHERPROOF ME TIM CONNECTIONS USING a- NOVEL PBS-15-%Lll-RR MODEL WNU1-8585-R2Y (DOIAA WDM) SUPPlF1EMM GROUND BIR MNREW WFATHERPRGOING MFMT MURDER ` EMD BW] tlPIES 221213 OR EWNIIEM.FOLLOW ME FREWgCIES,MHT 1]10-21..83+-960 INSTNrnMS SUPPLED WITH ME KT TO FREWFx ..WN2 EBB-.f 1)10 a1J0 1. LIXATM Cf MIEXIM Y05T IMYE C.NW OF SOUMERN 5NY WFAMEFPRVV'F ME CONNECMRS. G� PoL DILL DO& MD CMHDi IMVE MY BIDMIGE$gCE.NC R] 6.eTNRINC HITS: pyll AIRFME MFA M A Xd5N1ERE IAWNO 111E C%tlOOItlA, 5` RET NET 2. IOL DPS ANTENNA LOGTONS DURT BE MID i0 RECEW CIFM 10 SOUR UTWONITS EF fld%S ME FOUR TSYNC J L W SOTS f/- 9GNALS FRCP A MIMUY OF FOUR(4)SATED ftD. VERU Y WNX MEMEDTNA 50CHEF DO V➢SCREWS TMT Ell `c_o L IN 81.0 f/- ` Wxd1ED G.REFOIiE FlWL LOd1MN OF GPS MTdNA ME 11TH OF THE MOUNTING BPIL'IET MO A1W ® W.W 10'6+ - S. GGNLLVNG SNALL NOT BE PERFORMED ON PWFTOFS. i0DE1N.USIXc NVR M6�t00mm NOCI(E!NFP➢ V W.N 12.0+ D.IN 5.2+ - C/➢SCIEWS PROnDED W.M.VXR g D.N 60+ - yO TO N2+ _ L. LTE-GPs MT.NI.slWlt BE LOCATED 10'FROM nLL MTdNM, POWERWAVE GSM/UMTS M]UM ME TW TO ME NEI PIPE USING ME s'= MT•1B J°'o+ - TSAW-076P711-001 TM °soleV-µnP(Io aDNnCNX1d cIMPs lD A TONGUE TYP.UMTS/GSM LTE-GPS ANTENNA 5 UE N6T02.- WITH SFr]. s s ICL L ANTENNA DETAIL 3 ANTENNA DETAIL 1,(�,,,PIPE AND L-BRACKET MOUNT e I� ,(SPED Aqoy A eB m ® _ AikT MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT at�t AIA NYCENV1059 /LJ-1059 at&t * ANTE .rnGINTNI DETULs RGx ITECTc IIP NVT020 _ R'S 41a.G WRN RD RTk1 4oeID A ORIENT POINT, Nr Is57 IS PF/ST YIOIM'0 TVENVE IN. NJ 0]653 i ) NVCENYIOS9 p45-6 6 6 5 4 3 ..m2... N!NES x..m11.ewl ew ' Q ` � CGiXw.GTE,wo OR Puu Parr cuµaPGONc f- N a t/Y O.D. POST t . u PBRE RENDING NOTED 5. 10-E, 0� BIr TLP BRPI- 1'fIH EgN..XG PER F51 F-B61. Eplw BW O y e TW RALPER W $M RNER RDIn) TOP PK STRETCHER BAR 3. GTE WST.CONN R,TENN'OR NLL PDS`SINLL 5'n BE 2]/CI SLNEDUIE b FOR GTE MDTH Ci Af GTE IAttX iEET PER ASIY-i1CBJ. N11H LODN ]. UNE POST:2-3/BY SCHEWIE b PRE PER q ASIY-F10&T : . GFTE FRAN 4. G1E I, 1 1/74 SCHEDULE b PIPE PER b A51Y-1I05]. qz0 f. ODOOIIAI 5. RR.PER BPI`E� I 1/!P SCIIEWIF b _a T pW fi.lW0C: 11 G CORE W1RE SQE 7 NEER COxFMYIro ABTN=2 dASE 1. NOl CWII �u w ]. TsICW WIRE]G.GL PNUDED STUV- 5 a Y WYpU.$FE N AEBm;M1NP lIE1WWE AT�WPoSIs AHO R.M� 1/A-2 fLN YME q 01FORWTpH 'ME AT 2WCa�RREMI155TN1 Y00 RHO Ox 1EN9CN SIBSIOE LN POST TwspN 9. GRE UTCH 1-J/6 0.0.P DEER RO0 W/ YL YVBHROCY IYPE G1CN M1a LOCH(-%—' FOR E m y NL sxfS qi COMBIGIKKI AS SFFCIf1E0 tEi E.I CRAOE Tv \ 10.LgY1 ORONWCE aF BWBw WWE PwW REWMlEE1FMT 51W1 BE CpIRIED IF REGUWFD. iNSH CWLE FIN aRME I I.pBLNT-W YEATTC4 a 1' I NAE YERIIIGL c OR cpo x0 B� n Di NINE y CN G.U. 1z Au waRN sWLL CONPoRY NRTN TIRE PR U f I wBEC61 E k 1 1/Y NO% WRWH �E sPECWY/.nOxs. §Y BE NPBE NP Nlw G FPC41 ON LED IN CUT GCN RDFIRC,l 01, Np n A4PIYLT PLAIT. EYBfOaw IN BERM M111 ao W. $¢ BECROX IY E .N BECTN>Xr IY BE PARNEO WIIX P T PANT e" DETAIL @WOVEN °Awv TT. ?E 41 DETAIL WOVEN WIRE FENCE DETAIL WIRE FENCE DETAIL TE DETAIL sEr sHYAs Ar ]".D OFr1H.SIwVB s—BPwuO RfYD.E TIE$AH�.I MIYPYNC MWND MfrNgUXO ROP ORMNKS.0 HE FRON — B NEW 14'-P XILH. IEAYE uBuN W RAC9S (YfH11U )JWYFAUsR—BrLn Io 1REESWfl wAT�nUNL53 B - MES 00.(tlYRMTEE S- TREES PERA PFAgO aF � ..Us.(Box IXE YFM) O(Ji-UPI IIP TO FIRST§ze /�. flWICX E- ] L 5)NEW 14'4 XICN SEE .A 1 1Y RED-CEGB W]'-C O.C.$EE 1/A-3 p1 ALL SEJ6 B WL SOICFA Pi FOR Mg1E INfptW1BN1 G I OLLylllTy WEy BDTAIIICLL lyyE LGI.xMf SPAGWC %NLG NSE SUE .,MD 4' DEED ENNOXNED GRACE WOW CHIP YUuH 6 H FA^+IFM1 RW-GENIII JUVPERUS I.N. ]'O.C. 14'4 XCX RGy gr,CT( @IRUP 1/] yy E G ETINNE .TIME i�PEHCis ASURI RPERT. DER gP PLANT SCHEDULE DETA L c 9 • 1_ ® fia AT&T MOBILITY S ORIENT CTHE SEA FIE-11359 A2R W„N`Oli NVCENV1059/L41059 & ANcxrtscruRAL oETAILs m R G N 1 T e o r s�LLIA LLe NY]320 AT&T YDBIUm o.$ 40200 AWN RD Is EAST MIDV D A NUE gj vna.uv.rruu ru.s.�zvvuvv ORIENT POINT, NY, 11951 ..US. NJ D7fi52 a 9] NYCENYl O59 A-1 6 6 5 4 3 s. 5 GTRUCF_M 1.ILL G,vD.WON,SNYL BE Fm Nx IUEp Nq ERECIEO IN N.YIMPWLE WITH cuN, r NSC sncinwwms.MI NEW STiUCIMK SRIl III CMFpW ro ASTM A-]B UNUDRS OMEDR SE NOTED.KL W.TEFUMI TO BE HOT DIPPED IMNORNLWML£ ou ONAMUNIZE0 N)pi FJBRI ARGN.BEMs THAT ME SHONX TO BE TOO LONG TO MOR-04P GLLVMIZE wY BE WOES) Cv1 { BO UGM MT yAX, Y DflRD%NC FULL SIPFN6M OF Yf3l9ER OE96My BY STEEL FOBRKAiOR. / NEW f 1/Y CXVM¢EO § fr„ 2.NL NEIDINC$HNL BE FFAFDRV]I USNG E]OR%EIECiROC6 MO WEIdNG SIYLL CONFORM 10 NSL MD AW$D11. pCK F. STEEL IMNDPNL TO BE 1 1/Z4 SFMOWO ELBOW WHERE fILLF!MflD y$ES ME W)L$RONIN PROVIDE iXE WNWUY$QE PER iAdE J2.4 IN 1XE NSC'OM OF (4)NEW 5/0'F WELOF➢TO 6v6c1/C Gov. PIF£ E P 526 CdI51RUCIp1I.NL OW/GE 10 G4LGNIZED COIRT GI BE RESTCRID WITH Cd RYY CJAVMIVNC. Bd.ls F/LN SIDE. $1FFy PIAIE.SEE 3/MB FOR ANFITOPXWE Po5T pl�u 3.BJLTED COl4ECIRMS SIWL BE NTY M25 BFMIXO TYPE(3/10)CCNNEGIONS AND SNAIL HAVE MINIMUM OF TWO TN. MORE N.N. o'. BOLTS UNI NOIID OTHEIMSE. MR. MDIMIMIL HAIIDROII }, ez 4.NON-$IRLCNBN CgINECI'p15 FOt$LFII GPAPHO IMM USE 5 6 d4.ASTM A]0)BOLI$UNIESS NOTED 1-1/YxJ/16 14. 4' x 1/C STEI SPL (AS I '. . OMFRMSE.CdK2ETE E%P.WSNN MWORs MD EPoXY ANC SCULL BE INSrNIID N M.'ttMN'CE WTM CµVMIZEO / i0E PUTT SEE REI REO) - b F'• NUMUFNLTURFR'S REOJNEMEMS.ME NKl1ON BOLT.OCMFL OR flW BRUL CONFORM 10 NNNUFAG'NgFS SER.STEEL 2/A-B FOR YORE o• RECOYMETdMIICH FOR EMBEINIFNr CEPIX OR AS 9WWN ON THE OMWIWS.NO BEGUN SCULL BE CVI W1MWr m e PI ENONEEFMG IAPRWk MEN ORI UNG HOS IN CONCRETE RPECNL INSPECMHS.REOMRED BY GW2INWC ' NEW 1ZxCxJ/C bLV.SR2 IHFOMUIX#1 TOE BO+IVD Y b c[ CORES,GN,BE fERMNNEG W ORDER TO LLVRIN NUM UEA'S NWYUY NLMMIE LwDS.WHCREfE EDGE PUT FORM UNE SPL _ STITIOSTINCES 51WL BE MIDI DURING HISTNU1KNR. FLUE WELDED TO 51FFL 5 S.P4 FOR XM STEEL BEMIS ME CEAONED FOR M"FRONT FlBEA 5MP OF 2{,OM PSI FOR COMPACT MD 22,WO WNWGE - .,� C/JMFI SECTIONS. BT 5.NL W2MNG TO BE GORE BY CERTIFIED WEWQI.PRO4CE 0.11I OF THE Y90EN's CERTIFICATE TO SD MCXIIER/ENQNFER. I/4• ].RETIRE PRJLEEDINc'N111 FMMNATM MD ERECIXIH,nlE CWIRN.TOR$PALL WEND$HOP OUWWS TO THE b ARCHITECT FOR MPRWK AT(ENE NMBNCrOR COST nlE IENM OF s1EP CPAWINS SWAL NOT BE CONsmLm M A COYRFE DECK BUT Nu IxduTE orar T1Ur GENERIL METHOD OF wxsTRVcmx Mo oETuLNG HANDRAIL ELEVATION / EM SATSFAf RUB REVEW OF SLCX dUMST A THE NOr RELIEVE ME WMRWTOI OF ME RE4M591UC!FOR I/C s"g ERRORS a FUNrwndN WHICH wY ENsr M THE dYExswxs Mo nslcx OF ettowTE LronlErnard.COITRAOOR EQUIPMENT PLATFORM sxN1 BE 14VO1s61E FOR oRNLs IND n1E r"T"I OF 1HE sTMKT1RK YExB0.5. 3 TS fr4� nBM IT Pw ED CONCR XmaYI�IE B 1- y XFCI N112pi SEE s/A-B Fa+ xICXOA 1-1/r G/L 'GEG - ( STEEL WNORNL SEE DEINL 6 NEIY 6 1 GLLV 1.STEEL MITE SECURED WIM(2) 3/A-5 FOR YORE f[ 1r LONG N REBVt wpDFD ro BDTTnY of PUTT PRDACE TMP.HANDRAIL MOUNTING DETAIL NFORuawx *'-*' 6 Y r XOd:AT BOTTOM OF REEBOK.M.FOR(2)PVLEs 2 1 - -1 t/r OO. a NKYKKS 1-t/Yul/If GALVMIZED R n 26'-O 3/S GKVMIZED SERMTED SIE6 FIRE C SE J/! zt'-]t/Y LVMIZFfl RMIFD Mm G.. RM M➢DEO y b xICXOS 1-I/Y W/16 TO CHWNELS GA1 }K STEEL CWHO NEW4xl/4 KICK -MIL eu O tO15.]� Wt{v22 O DREG FI3'-eSERI\_ yN IOHMRR NEW CIOv1835/18 WP ]_S/16• STEEL M5 E-° W1{%23 BEYOND.TP. SIPoNCERS 'O 8 L4%{% SD' CIDIS.]\ b OLMWZE0NUM 6xSTEEL III NM NM W1. MGLE bnRIL Ran{)wonED #i+I A I' NON-SHRUNK o f \ ui _ a n b ro tb OF PULE a GROUT W141126 PROVIDE Z NEW CeB'vl/Y GILVMIZED I- NON-SHRINK 'f A li $IEEE PUTS sEWREO'MT11 - GROUT Iln 4-. av'n: (2) IT LONCB /4 RF8Y1 :' �i i -2 5 IT u 2'-OY FIGURED IF`=== �PRONDEE 1- HOOK AT II a B W'4" CODREE SONO.— BORW OF REBW,EYP.FOR ` 1'-2 1/B' Rpt.(40W P51 11 (2)111 I - COICAEfE AT RS wYS. _ %4 NR EMRYXED) SII. b 'u' • 'IPA• f u' m b W1M22 ' OF(2)) SIRINIA,M. ,. h is O B (6)/B PEBWS �I II NEW IQa1O'v1/r GLLVAW2ED SIEII I-- 4 RFSN T6 O /{REBOR n6 O 8 A 85 I TO N) It LOW H MBW FILX.N9LE0 ry Y -nig-' 'e`II r O.0 II(—LO BJIiOM CF PULE.PRO4DE Y NCgf Ai aA IFc= 31' B BTid1 OF REBW.TMP. FOR(4) LL--._....i: RTI ..CUNC E c b. NEW 2'd/ FIGURED LLNCIE2 SCROTUM PIER. 6X6 PoUflEO CONCRETE 1 B- soNOiVBE PIE(t TMP.a P). sEE :6,-,........i: P9 WXCRETE AT ze `. :P Ilm i; FWnNG,M.OF U 4/A-0 FOR MORE INFORLMTOi DAYS.MR EMFNXED) -fi___ DUMPED OXVMI2E0 li 4 Z HIM GALVwzm STEEL ACCESS SINR. STEEL$EPoUTED dUTNC 6 DINE OF GRADE Ali : :I I. : $EE 5/A-5 FCR MORE INFOYIMTIXI r • STEEL ACCES' >, ---- I LEVATION B "D,F. tlDff.: R ro sTRIKTURN.FRAMIxc Pux A 5 €u STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLAN w TMs SHEET Is n- x n REFFA PIER DETAIL PED Aq D n s IxwL t.TNIs$IIFEL. eep <TTr,-� ro AwAcwr cRMHc ScuE. MONTH <4 Jam— AT&T MOBILiTY' .B \/ ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT \/ at&t _ '� :a<. COILINOAIA NYCENY1059 /1A-1058 ` ` 4y, b s uTpRALA rR MET Puny, n * ..TINF1 5 R c x T L c T s,L L. yoIDo MAIN RD ATkT MOBIL" B •^? - 'N �f a u.ix.vm r.. di«.max ORIENT MINT, v I95J 15 PFJSI MIpUND AVENUE R• RMNUS, NJ pJ652 J NTCEUT1059 MSP-B x6 A ex.mt�mml uvu tL 5 4 06 € SLgCW114tltp 9V1y q(gYE 2NW11.4xL1E PW.4, 120/340 MAC.HE BUR S f FM MON.$ENAE $IIBCCNIWCIpi}NVly CWRWg4iE NIIN VIVIy LWP,Mtt BEFOgE THE BrNtf CF CCHBMULiIUI.PGNER AND iE1FRXXlE COXWR 44LLL BE FROa1DfY AND IN9LWID PER U(IUIY REOUNEMEHR. F 0 FUI fAMPIEIE WRANAL WWXL ANSI MRMIGFMEM REFER TO DRAWINGS PRWIDETI BY v.V1EL YWIIF/CIIFFR. ML B,,MEC,EWPRIEM MD IXSIMIAiXINS SHAM.COYPLY WTUI TIE WEE.Mp UDVry CMMtt MID LdY1 COLE flFAUWEYFNIS. ` SLBWNRVCIUi 9WL WALL WPFILMIIF IIII0116 Df IfYt OR=X)NO ALL WIIWR i1fTN05(M115.FETTLING WSNN05.ELrNMS.CW%1Nf..E1C)KCEBSKr fM CONNELTUI TROY THE IIEW B0X LO THE INTERNN BIB CABINET. A.', pIBLRETy[Iq 9WL PMT1W RECIRKX SEIMCE M.ENI.FAULT CURRENT RU N09 UEATA TYN T[AVNVLAR PR),I NPoRHF PMN NT RIN UDUIY. HGF CWNtIµD EgAPMENF GRWM MIBMG IN TIBND qi CdIWIT 51WL BE$ANTE CgIWCfOR UI4 ANO MN WNLR).WDV.LB.IWSIBIMIf TWN OR TIWN-R.CV35 B$IRWDED COPPER CIBIE RAID FLR 90C(MkT M!0 PEapERAATILN:RSRy UI y@]FD PUi THE LIX'ATCN NID PMFRAT$YSIF11 UBFD. D •3 NE.LCI AND;IPE AS f00i RG1ML fR.'Y END CF ISYL kR TJBIIN' BY BIB EWXPYEM WNUFILLVRFR. NPNIAI M10 IXnMt RGE PROIECIpN DEV%ES BY 015).W WBLgIIR/CIOR SHVL WOIRYNIE MW LIXYL iFILO VIUIY PRpR i0 PFOCURWG IND IXnMl�1XMI OF SY FNC URE MID COYPU4XIB.SUBLMRRI4Rdi SHNL. 51J E a BCRN M 1RE HVStlFR BFRS:PARI Lp.BO]W RIM ARRANT G CY1 RML PMR W.21EOJ),PU40 SUM FNOIECRON OUNCE WN RVL TO TIE FNCLOSIHM:WTN/6 AWG INAl1AEFD WFE(REPFAENCE SrINYRO CET 1015).BONG P DNIDAPE NI THE SITE GROUND RM m BN W1111/2 AWG COPPER"I Z5£ AIBLVIORILfOR SIMLL PR0.10E fc6rC (NN.)NEW JR BREL ENcIUxA RE AND NWM ro CpSUR INCA AT REM CA CABINET. 5_] >a Ai0 Nd AThT EB X�' - EWIPWEM CIHHEFB 1. R4VDC V91ET WnALLFII SIIML YAAE ML FlWL 1FRMIWIXNI$AT 24Y1K CABINET- NM �{I 6 1 xU(R P6FMLER 9141 YM(E ML FYNL TER1YWk:16 AT XDAR BIB CMWEr. n NEW AT&T DIVINE PM a. 24M CI&ND LLWVFACNRER sNY1 PRPNE MID INnMl BMIXZ Im FROM 24WC CIPRET ro NOAM 85 XOIE ANE' mAllI'CSUSimORYER A 34YDL WNIIFPL111(2) 3/0 PMMDE MD ISEEN1 OL PUAFR CI9ET RGDT PER fIW1 IERMWTLN BY NM OL DISTRIBUTION 24ME sal x(3)-J/o Awc PER Dtx eTs. 6 NOTE 11 A DENCE p1 TAG IME ,R,W CLOYO BWAL BE LEFT OPEN AND MEASLE➢W/A REMW'ARE LttNNG 31 NE{E 5.B.W G9B SIWL BE RNN/NNN IM1 CABLE TRAY ICT)MTED. EE B.C.HUM WAUEN ro PRBIIOE OL CRCTRE TUI EWES MUGS LN KWN ENO. S� WR NATE WR r.24YDL WnMIFA BNML PRGNOE MIO IXBTNL TEILO CME(B)BEI➢EN PART fn"COVED MO RFIDY FOR RIVAL lERMWTWI 5 B.2 W WNWAET1RER 9WL PRDAW AND R6IA1L NB MTK AWi4 GWE(s) PAR,/WJa1Nr5 CONID Mo REMI FUl D 5 FOUL;EI&YINipN B!HOALI ALL CW WLTURs SNALL BE OEGIGKD M10 INnMAFD W ILNRMNLE W/IRC MO LWH CODFB. TAPEE LM EASING IJ a 1.t' a ENCE BUCKA.BE PROAOED 1G PERYR Nrtq(MIANNBTIIIFR LO 1ERMNAIE AL CABLES. je PM MWNIFO B A f TVNBFORMW SJ Y� 03-1/Y C WrtN a-4/0 %� DECIRIGL SE(MCE S OE9GMED BY OTTERS FCR IMAM tlb1D CCNWR MO CABIF FCN CNCNIs MD M1W5 SEE PANEL 3fi B Y C'MRI J-a/O k 1 /4 N WI11gU;INAUEMm OF NFL.CCNDIIR MNDXG 1fRYIWTW PoWIs BEE OETML J 9WEf M4. BCIIEWIE,DETLL 1 41EET E-2 -3 O 51WL BE.W LPAWWGB.M EIECTU— WSPECIX)N CFNMXYGE BIVLL W M0.9DE0 ro AT&T MD WFC AT THE CpWENJN OF ME PMEET �yl�� UIT� �n l'VYP P111B� M EI. CCOROPIAIE AL NM SERNCE REWIREa1ENTS MM VRA MXJR 10 BEGOMNG NOR'A P2� GLVS IVNUF. FOX PIPE W a F3.FNJf' .'E TR BW'ACEB Of NI WAIEROPOIMD TITIAN LOGTHG CUPINY 10 LDGTE ALL - UADttAdANI ECUPMEM IN THE MEA UNTRUT P1001 (UA CV) I/T O.D.MIT [ EJ. PRRIEE MO INnN1 NEVI 1X1/240 KlT 300.WP 9NCAE PWSE LNM1 c6CUINECT 9NTCX. B o EA MCAIDE AND INSTAL NEW IN/240`ALT CIRCUS PNASE 200 NIPYERR. E Yk SEN..WPC(.Am OP S€ U.M0.IDE AND INSTAL NURSER 2 OJPWN(flWLL MD a/! X 10'CMNMD MS TUI NCM$ERv10E. YR 0.L5 CW Wrt(GA WI(lYP) NV{IMUY RE564WR i0 CMXIIL s1W1 BES MMB.PRptlE MD IHnMl AWRCWL b GWNp 8005 NOT IE59 TMN S'MMT M MEET MINIMUM GROUND 15.SSTA M NECESBMY. UIE6IgUF PIWI (GKI) RE % EB.NEW P -A- W WFAIHERPROOF EXLLWIRE YWNIED 10 NEW EWR`YENT PLATO"RNHG. PANEL ANTED N 2NA 42kaic YWN BPFM(FR,AAL CCWER W JD B T CN V.k UNRIRU;P1W1 (—V) [9 SPEAKERS MO OOUI IN DSR MNGN C0115IMKTON. 3 ET Wro RE IASlhE Y WC..M ISUM REST/PIEOWmIN`RE TN ME CWWWR EUMLM c WRN A RP-JM ER W PANEL-K..B U /10 com M)RIJ FlN191W RIDE C . vs EB,MM1W N!O INnA1 CIRCVR SPFM(ER$NIO BRINCX CIMITENNAl WIRING GFU MANAGER AS fECE]TACIFS E` 24"" CABINET flC.PER'AREL-A' sCNfpllE.COCIiU1N1E WITX PRp1ECi MANAGER M xECETSWY. b .°)(" IRI PLAN CUIUIEIE i KY1(RER PIER _p M.PRRNE AEW 20W A1UE PINSE.I WIRE 33 PW 410 SLEEVE E14RGFNCY CENERATOfl flECFPTILIE.PMf/ '. GRIMYIMMY-PNO RECEPTACLE/MTOOJ3-RB �i g` METER AND DISCONNECT PED nq A sa ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM 18 MOUNTING RACK S e E�yT p li �B AT&T MOBILITY g v x ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT ANT ® aut m`v ILLI XM P. NYC'ENYTOSB SLI-TB59 LTRICN RISEq DIACPPM PN OJNOTES m r e c r s t L P NYY.1Y0 AT&T MOBILITY W 00200 IMIN PO 15 FAST MIOIANO PVENUE YI— 1 97 NYCENY1059 E-1 B Lj wn aew�.0 ru nirn ORIEM POINT NY. 11951 PMMIUS, J 0>g53 ® ^ m 1 ..0 6 5 M 3 NOIES FON iF]08 INIRJSIM AINpI: O O 1.OISCWNELI WIRE/22 FROM X.O (OPEN E IC p61RIBPKN PµFl WT/ e 1 0 TFAMWI OF Ql Y CWNNIX 1w-11W I PN E 20G-WED ON MIEGSER PµFl WIM 51RI E B 1K5 m 1 1 TON 0i p N WXXER(OED WINE) § _ _ / FRg1 1E20B 0°pi NIW40N NARY [' LGD NN OP6' 0 4 0 NA CONN USE PRPALfO fE1WE 0.25 WICK CONN R 5 2.NM CgiNECi RIE BVGN WIRE fAOM xnR LI la LCL L1 L2 ORION 4µ D 6 D G FFj!l. m REV SIXNGE DI=NP G µP5 BRNR VA VP VA VA VA BFp1 .W3 SERVILE 06CRIPiN111 REV n W,M �_ ) INBNSIgI NDA-OF l TO ME H.O. ]0 1 2P 326 632 RO 2 2P ]0 p e B e G CVEN tEP111141 Of SNs 9 0 µ,m 2.G a/1 ..Fit/1 317.. . 651 ]28 4 µ41I5 2{VCL GBNEf/1 RECMER/2 O y8 Ill m# 0 IA4V5 NY➢L..0/1 PMTm/3 5 3P Bk U. J28 8 ID W µGUS R{YLC GBWR/t RECIIEFA/4 Q HARM PoRI b NT T m BO a NA c ° MR 2 Y GAI3VIU/t R FYA I5 Jo 5 2P OW Jze 12 2a ]0 µGUS 24VOL G g/1 RERINA/e ° y m 12 x3 0 tt 651 ]2fi : 0 JG !� ° µGUS 141SC GANEJ/1 I¢CTIM/) b 13 ID 652 ]26 1 1p 3] AIN 5 2 V GHINEE/1 RECTMR/B ° ��y �°1(W/ON( EIO�1�IN 24V) 4 ° 15 612 328 1e 0 a -_-� I TEAT O }a > 1P 652 328 le ID w 0 R IS RD IACIR 2.VANET/1 RErnIm. NR%IIl 2 V CABNET 1 RECIRIER/l0 � TEMP(R2-M1RE0 IIS z4v) 5 v`b 0 re 12 651 ]26 to / p � 16 GRN,(FIG/1.TENT l0 I2J m p Sp 21 zv 1.r. >50 z2 2P 13 0 I. 0 FBGUS 24WL GBIxEr 11 RECIRIER/II z] 10>fi 25p 24 Naxu HETA fea0 0 g d IES Bw, S j ID/zt) =s 0 1s_ zs zP Ss0 l30 :e +v 1s RX1zN5 D W 9� 10� fr$ NONN NRA B50 0 22 230 326 1e 2P ]0 FUII 0 T e 20= NN ° IS 2B 2P ]RO 2BW ]O iP ]0 IBGUS NV➢C GBNEfL 21 NRU.GBNEF NG1FR FNL0 31 " O JSO ]2 1P Is RV-M 00 IELCO BS RECFPIALLE IS JJ 1P 1Y0 N 0° UML$tlBHET RIBD JB 0 �b I8 iRT 10�g e 0 HSTIERY G/&NR NO2 IS 3) 1P 160 IB] 38 0 �" 6 .jy� /RECi 34,'�YAIOR JPRE-WWEO IN 24V) 0 35 a w o �b (F/G//1 rExr IC I2) `Y} 0 41 p {2 0 RER 3/V-MINOR(PRE-WIREC N 24V) 27 18.TW` li)mm IN 24 C s e 0e N` 3 ]1® z /,\PANEL SCHEDULE )IN INTFNjWN NµMS sF STS JV nrcmrB x+ml� YPFA'0 E YBEBfl'1e➢095 a ]6m AN BYi° ulD A NPW c) AL GRIpUTCB C(WKnpi m 39� Rou1FD ro RNs ^ ACG /NIENLM CAM CPr9iµ WALT x ANG ANER.NRF GNIf{ GLWELO TIPS CONWE . ve B .I `F BLW NIE CCPPFA MIS CWCIIR RV m == 2= ,XA Y &9' BOROY Gi COA%UL CABX SHIM RWNO w—m NR J $ BR B/,SE 1RXN.Wl SYISSIOX ShTFy x CVINF.RION PRE-Y61ILID REO L CONO(Nf RMW MNIYS BUI M PGWFA COMPµMEM ClbiE cw SO.Am.GRWNG PIB E%IERINL • CWPR.ME CIXHECII011 �1 REp 45 HICH/LOW NTEFIPµ0 UNIJ o OML OWMNC LWPFR Q .D BW II4 N%IRD A INN46 RSTIER!LCYP.MYEM mfr (E) E%R'IING ( S °TFD oNEMWSE 4T J N fLLf FIEGTId'.LL YRNl1C NBNG I/O IXTFNIYIX ICH/LOW 1EYP NµYS B -' O, p1yq d pSCpINER SMICX NOANO BI IAOUS 4E lI RW PµE RSTFµD E GEN 4ERFPATOR ® On OUIN r RECEPTN:I£ p 1poW GY _!`s CP$ GLC6LL PGIROHING SYSRM ® GENFIUTOR e NO NIINSNNi N ms e'. GR GRGMIX O Q O .5 KA IN2RYJR GIIWND RWi(WLLO) O- ON.D RX) NC.O1IX.' ROTE] MNI MLOWATT HJVR TRRY GAIST 22 REO E S ® GRWHO ftN MIX ACCESS lRp NMN 5� I},, r NFD NIGB LMSIFSt IS°GTE°CRWND BAN �- BLy NMM WN� F \ x<.11NIRVSNN E[ M. N. µ— cROuw Mfllnc i1WX f.'t%llFi x.0. L BACK JNARu d� P PINY WNULL IIWISFER S%Rgl WN 1 N (Lpl Ow N+ L i0 Bfi-NMY G'W RS PERSOWL CLMYIIXIGRW SYS1Fl1 TO 66-t PPc PCNER RiorECNW GHNR ® NERA W NEIER/BRM LNN —Cp1 TEz n. Rrs RGm cuvuulEO s1Flt PµElBGR9 566LI1_30 GjglnEr Ja PRL PRINRY PIDp GBINR ppAy< WIflING rEKII RNY R.rfwX,r _ $H $WD XEUIWL ISPRESENIS CR,VL WJMBpi FF. SfifiN l-50 BLOLR W/BH8 BRACNR IH iELGO BOX Ofl QV TELCO POWER LlY1PAR1YEHi 5W SyRpl ®—DRO IXG HUMBER flO qV IX XRY JR ENCLOSLWE AT WICOM SBFS. REAR UFT-OFFMUNI)HW QT RyNSFORNFB RE TO P m COMINURT WEN CIKIK'IS NORYXL 011l N0p U INIRKIONXSTNL WUCGANG WPS(SIEMON-SA-1-25 OR EWNNENF)A5 REOUIRED.yCET9 %R GRWINO R00 NPM.µ0 NJ UNUSED CWdIR0R5. S� W MRE ^° ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVATIONS / 66 BLOCK ALARM ASSIGNMENTS h rY5 n ER 6� FT. \/ ® r AT&T MOBILITY ORIENT CENY10 THE 90-1059 RESTAURANT ���} _ NYCENY1059 /V-1058 ` ELm RIGLA0F1NLs, srueoLs %c N I T B c T B u.P NW320 4 ^'^' AN. 55Nennilorvs 4Gz00 WJn RD AT YT MGBILm is PFAsl MID.Jl AKnuE -` .er...u, ,....x.,«,• oR6NT PomT, r. t5sl AMus. D>s3z A DI69Aa Bz rvmsrvrms5 E-2� 6 „z 6 5 4 3 �2 F N ti a r coriurt w/la-I/c a Awc naN OR nYN-z ag ulo I-t/c Ic Hwa]Nxx aR]NaN-x 6 9 aEol.s,�ao.9vn lactlrn) z-t/c 10 wa]w«oR]ION-a to AWL(MQ.(DON INIC) x-I/c 1x I1G THIN ON]ION-2 t12 AW OND,(FOR GED) D _ (xoRs W z) 6 5/x 3 2 •£4 .l(N xLV. x T] _� 1L1 xT iv tl3 a� 'g xu ¢e ]M dG AI hl 6u gx ]L3 ]M NM � MI�E4 1 5 15 NI x1 f µa ala p FOR F 9E£LEAH A(I1T) x(IA WGR) 1M Na'L D Li yqN ATaT R,NE,ONO O 9� NNL IA/Zb/IL 1a.Y'o CiCI Lla/I31N IL Y.W GaS 4f0 -V $EE eO�\ ON,Gy N6115 iNl VBYEi ag 1 `x,04 �$ COVIAIYFNI LB,SLE NEAR 9LE g pul m xt- I. UPPER POMEIt uCg11E(sN6Ff NAS(B)POSRMNs FOR RECiIF1ERs. g d� L➢NFA PfMR YOOIAE(SISIEIF)Ix5(5)Po9RU15 FOR RECTURM. IN: NNDUR AND CONNER NET IO Rucluw NODULE f 8 ppppp Pasmg6 t TO B.THE GYNItP/LE ILIM11i REGDiIEAS SHALL BE �€ _ILI : : w- yi4 DETERMINED BY OIDFx6. {s g Q _Ila •] v N ] µx- P+ 6 2.IHSINL ONE l(W CIRLIIR BRFNfEfl fM EILN RECIIftER TO BE INSlµ1ED.REFER TO PMIEL SCNEWIE UNTERNNATED WIRES a o Sj tltl -xLl i n %1- - IN THE PTElBW1D SIWL BE CAPPED.WD MLED. BREMER €R§ INIFRRUPIING RA]WG SIWL WTLN P.WELBI 3.SEE WWR/NO1NG LET FOR OUVZITY OF RELEIEER NODULES TO BE DEROYED. - ONE—CRE .0 4 e 4.TNIS CETML 15 APPUVBLE FOR EITHER A 4241 OR -MV PoMFA PIIZIT. uDDLAf Ne. sc DETAIL g's TERMINAL BLOCK WIRING 5 s D.sxELE sxoxN-IYPu sx¢E SIuaAN) gAqN AC SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM PED yyNeeR C A 6P 4 FOR ARGUS TE41 DC POWER PLANT N g ".:. ® -d a Hier MOBILIn ' ORIENT BY THE SEARESTAURANT R�}pL y } uslxcLE-urvE DIACRAu e LLIAN v.c LLNs Iw NVCENY1959 /LI-10.58 Q`Ul` c s E-al Dc PowEn um 'p ♦IR C N I T a<T 4 LAL x Nn320 AT.' MDENET" _ 40300 ANN RD 15 FAST NIDLWD AKNUE R 4y ) NYCENY1059 E-3 S w....,�«...+ .....,�....�. ORIENT PDINT.N.Y. Il9s> PuuNus, w a]Bs2 Rz r OF NE `",_mumwl &D 6 4 3 NOTES. e - C AVL SURGE MPN ESR$ 2. �AUTED BY GEN ORAsSCOPED BY WPNET. 1 COiC LOM'IFNWS -L }(LYP fOR 8) 1. IHSfIJIID 8Y BECRRD NOTES 3 k 4 1 5. .MYJECIIOX BY OEII OR AS SCOPED BY YW(ET _ (TP FOR 6) - - fi. OPEN EIA OR CgiWR R1 BE IFR WFAME(PNGGFM VH(IL IElWNA1ED. ]. MOUS W3-997-20-GWO 0I FEED DC-OC WIRERRA WHIT 012-Sz5-2O-040 2"MODULES MSG GBIF gPLENFA IAPIIJIFA NPI£NER DPUDQFR OWLEGER NPLENER 6. PML Cf CONNHIER IMIS BRFNfEA MEiURGNS BREMERS SPEGFIED SEPNNIELY. FOR RET WHINOL NOTES 3.♦ NOTES 3.♦ NOTES 3,4 NOTES 3.4 NATES J,4 NOTES 3,4 9. &iUMRS TO BE TKdFD MO LUCKED OVI D m'1 Np16:J.4.21 10.SYD IS NRNISHED I INSTILID BY ME"AND INCLUDES PORTR CONNECTIONS MD OBER TO (DP NOW J) ME MIT OR AS DPM B!UNRI WREN IN BI SCOPE WSTNL 10 AWES CNASyS GROUND, Pg£ GNX JUNIPERS PONIE,SOURCPROMDE(2) E TMD CGGRAEOT UUBREWKERIT SING NOR POWER CMA 24V GG POIROT E WITH GPMW-CWNECTOR.IINMERSMW A 40V W i] NOTES 3. 4 11..DUNDEEMD PROTECTEDNNGU� UNTIL 1FRDMONURIWYMIEO. REN.2 CgMT.SINGLE I}. ONG SEE CEE 4 OBIIIROB NOR OC POj DRSJS SIZESCENCE. g YWE i16ER C4BIE 11.DC SURGE PROTECTION SHELF S1 BE RAYCIP W6-0-60-RY.YE DEVIL 14011A FOR INTERNAL NOTES:J.4,S. 11 ]W RRH AWS R. ]W RMI AWS KKN ]W RM An PoM COWLING OYDR4L S 6 (IFOR 6) NOTES ROTES NOTES NOTES NOIFS HOLES Is. W CCNp1R WHEN INSTILID UNOFRCRWXD.BES....PWC. e 1,2,5 1,2,5 1,2.5 1,2,5 1,2.6 1.S.5 16.M PGREN CO8£5 SNHL BE COFPEN.CU55 B STRNNNRG TYPE MK/RHW M LISTED FOR BOC 2/C OC LYl6 M/7BC BET INGTA TK NS WIF4 NOTED)OMERNISE. fi 1 NOI6:3.4, 5. 11, 13 1].FIBER AND"NIR p51ABUIlON BOX W/40V LIC SURGE Sll l BE MYGV MODEL CO2-4B-BO-O-BE, (TOP FOR 6) 6 AWG IS SEE OETIJL 1411 fIXl NIE1BVl MMNC W4RIY. (1YP iDR 8) 19.FIBER/JA COWER ,TBR,,NG,BOX IS M REGUNI WHEN ME DC IAF E.ME OUTDOOR u I- LONG �_ �_- -L- �_ �_ _ (NOTE 11) I Nff MD RIM IS LESS DLCO 50 REST aE NOTES;3.4, 8 1 I 20.GRWNES VBIES SW11 BE CWPQi.MHN/MNW qt FCR UL GSIED MR BO Y/]4 WEI IXSTAWMIN Em ( 6) UNLESS NOTED OMEIWYISE. 61 1 , 1 21.NOT CONTROL FROM ME RRN 6 M GR YEIHOD I CgiNECUW.ROPER M PF MTA SHEET NATES:]B4,5 I'm 8 KNEW gSTW@NIW NEER k PoFA WDISTRIBUTION Om k FONEH DISTRIBUTOR 23.TIMS LMT BE IERNER 9NGIF UNRS(M MOWN)OR TWIN ONIR. c2 BON W/4BWCC SURCE BOM W/bvDL WRCF BON W/4BAC WI (RAYON -60-0 GET 2].YV(IMUN 4/0 AWG IBIF UNION FHOM 24V M POMfR PIAHT M CghEBTER$H NOT"GEM ( BE) (MYIP pCt-b-60-0-BE) M FEE! C Yn Z RUSU E WNWB NOTES:3.4.5. I]. IS t 19 NOTES 3,4,B. 17. 10 t 19 NOTES:J. 4.5. 1]. 10 t IS fi AWG(YIN.) 24 SEF DETµ M 50 1SUPPRESSOR iOR GFS MIENNM D SURGE SUPPRESP OOMY CABLE CONNECTOR. HD1ES:].4.21 �(lYP Fi1R 3) 25.SEE DETML ;WS FOR HMY VBLf REWIREMEXR. (MN Or IT (2)2/C DC CABLES as WARES:D.4. s. 13 _ _ _ 9A413-LACCEw 2 MR 3 (IVP ) 9926(BW) rNrENNu k a- (E)2 COUNT.SI. WLL BOX NOTES. 1.2.5 SURGE SU- RUDE i1I I%F (AT W2 H-FRMJE) NOTES:D. 4.24 C NOTES:3.4.5 IS•6 aC (NN.) (M Fqt]) (6)2 COU., NME:YCCE RISEN GBF w Y RuEWs F cow../. a` w 1 1/Y WUNucER n E (HOLE 15) NOTES: C011WR HATES:J.1. 5.fi Lm IMENIM LTE NAENNA LIE ANTENNA sl RB R YCRI N AM NOTES:RET NOTES:RE" NOTES NET S. ]. a �Y ^° DC SURGE SHELF 700 LTE BW L BBI 6 AWG JUMPER WANES'. 3.1. 14 .. 3 NATES: I.2.5 NOTES: I,2.5 �6 AWG (12) 1/C 12 ANO �'(2) 2 AWG B N! NOTES:3.1 (2) 1/C 1 Awc Ix - KARST 3.1.z1 1 1/Y IfMC Cp1Wrt MP FOR] ]W TVA ANS TM ]W Tw ANS Tw ]CO rW AWS TYA 8E 18v W SPENCER PMEL NAIF$:3.4.3,fi ) NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NAIFS (2)4/0 (1) TWA B 3.4.22 J. 4.22 D.4. 22 3.4. 22 D. 4.22 3.4. 22 CLIS$B GI 2 CWM.ANCLE (6)ISA BREMERS 2 1/Y IMC/RHC NOTES:3.4,B.9 NOTES:I £5 66 BLOLK GAE NOTES FIBFA CMLE COM CpIWR _____ _ ______ JUMPER €S NOTES 3.2] L NATE: f0 (T9 NOW 2) (ryp FOR 2) NolEs:3.4 1' IMc CONWrt n` zb TO-4Bv --\ "1°Ru cbLLs M/PULL smBG) oP TC (2) z`AE / CONKR�FR noTFS:a z5 I XOIES.3. 6 '- BIEANERS IN J W/2NW COVII:S BY OMERS £` 2W W 1` NTES:3.4, ] B AWES HEWTMN INTERFACE OEMLE . PpIrER%IJii CRWSSIS CNO (VMIES DV WAXEn 2AWG NOTE. 12 H OUIOWR MBIHET - -L--2 AWG SYSTEM DIAGRAM,TOWER SITE WITH OUTDOOR BASE BAND AND RHHs ON GROUND a �.. _ \ytF oER icy A g 40 PxF3]R•r-o 8° ` AT&T MOBILITY ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT at pp} 4.� a NYCENV1p58/V-1059 Qi0[` E AM. TOWER SITE WITH OUTDOOR `v R[H I r E c r 5 LLP NW320 - AND AND PRIIS ON GROUND s: 40PONMUN RD AT&T NOBILITY mae �irn ..W ui..v«v ORIENT T, NY 195] 15 ARA MI, NJ ENUE ge PMAMOS. NJ 076521. n4 NVCENV1059 6 5 4 3 s- E » 7. p SI A eEC CR A EX v cCABBXf o 2/ca10 AWR g 6 _ xAwc (vfi IaAFs d 8 C 3 8 ! U MCANNETUCort 2f ea%OMMjDO{ R4 AMW51 DEO'BBUIIDN RBEP a poem o 9412 ENwo TYPE 2 _ MAWS- €i pD �m�m MJCD« _ 4M Mtt'N DCd03�d _ 4 ILGIEL-LV91! ( _ CC AIMT 9nFV Mm1➢ (NOIE9 T e s) 6 MG a NIC Biz6(BAx) 4w DC j m Ota-4B-60.0-IB-01 �'S AN$/1N nwr B waw NolEs:2 v ,tea AND ammimo www rrE�r� 2/e PMR e16s eco 6's ER9d PwAs L_L I_l.Jm-' _'m (a rm)MIxTE e) BERROR B sma+a I2Jw T16 �2AW4 ORWw 6 0000 m MtR waw gg E. s a.R b 8 g 8 e C 6-NMB- Ms- sDRCE __ E R - H)Vc AWD 1 1 1- 1 I f l I f 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a-100' 4ev Rolecnal B-T00- RTES OC1 aLs ' 3,§ pMA clm2s 4/D _yL, (xT B e) __ 6 ANG a Awt m OO 'Xe j—eANC waw CRaaO w "N5SEETOR C zw ro-4w mxHxlm sLCfw c Aw iFEO2e(NN%EN]) INXMAL-4M 0.PMIEL SND I f (NUIE]) (wIE 2) � w (NOTE 4) -wD I/P (wIF]) - s8 .1u(x)fxlx/O uc—� a NIC cra54 R0�51WeNRp�m a]o1 Ev,Mxrs (NOTE 1D) _ — MOTE s) �mOF _ MM B u ?2. MC1E5 DR O a1 O = NRECIAIN 1. VffiCIE I PoNEa WI£S AT BUM dOs Cf EMERY NME AND x (xolES 2 e e) a AW4 p11BatrUSED. IIHEL sIW1 aE aPIHLL sPIF AaLLM,wRYPEO TD I<NwUL y M IC ARE C 9 AND srNE INE 9iCTw.fIEWENCI 6 ANC aMw waMD RE a.Ro rw eaEMar;EF a-Awsv. 2. WI IN WMIWAY EgxPYFM CIHWET _ fi X 3. wRE IERMMWS fOR z4V Nlxl!PEER A NEED B AND REi9idCE m "AWL BE 2-WE'S/f w CdTI. 4RpF'0 PMR Ci DL POAM1R. 4. IN6aLL BEE REB OR S Pw P®ANO NEED B PENRN B'GN-TO-BILN ON CW091E ADES Ci PID U9N0 1-INRE]/C TERABMI a. ONBIL T IWLS NOR ONASPS a1WxD SI BE 2-11., 1/1 w s/B' CEI 65 8. SEF 0'=POR VHE 506. SNF OCTAL 1411 fat INIEIaVL ORN6 a10RM1. 0 PMA OBREQUINER S RNIN ARE RA m AN E,LL53 lxw d-�M CIBI£ '1 v. SEE DONAL 1 MA iw MFANM WMXO WDRW. ID.USE EETNL 1434 Fw CwYEH1ER MUIO DMGIYIt 11.CC pWFD VBIES sNVl BE VL Os1E0 PoW/RIM RARE AT 9Oc OM/]sc gg Ix.MpOa9i AND GROUR wuTwna GABLES SHALT BE M YSIED.TNNN/INIM INREB '' _ „3 WIRING DIAGRAM,OUTDOOR AT.-DRrpsc NEI INs .- A fig 41 BASE BAND AND RRHa ON GROUND DC/DC CONVERTER Ft p w ® 6 AT&T MOBILITY L OflIENT BY THESEA flESTAUIIANT w�1�� M ,ON GoulDooR asENwR NYCENY1059/L4109 a` F yp Rrve on cwouNo oc/Dc corvvERTER 5 A C HIM:-cEOc it l l o NY7320 A T MOBIUW 40200 MAIN RD IS FAST MIUTANO AKNVE 7 NYCENY 1059 PG Kxe uiwu ru ��in�u OPIENT POIM, NY. 11957 PARAMUS, w 07653 ninryiw.oll 5 4 3 s.,m2.. POF N`c� `a GRWNDxEW SVPpLELEHIMY GROHIMNG NOTES RW.TU, GROUND GAME 2/0 ANG,TYR. I. ME WBWM%NCTOP S1 REVIEW AVD INSPEVY M F L11Y GROUNDING SYSDBU AND LRNIHING PROIECIXXI SYSIFII A`DAIS OESIONFD NG ` INSIH1ED,Fqt 5! !GMP11W(.E WRN ME NEC MJPIEp SRE-SPELIFH: UL,1➢I,ql E; LIOXTIXO CION GODS.WO GEWEINL C( MM ZONO,A T4 ORMINOING STMIWAS. ME SUBQ]MWLTM SWLL REPpR MIY NOIATIX6 ON IOhRSE FlNOINGS TO ME me —•—• _ —•—.• CMRW/.TOR FOR RESOWCM. D _ •� ------------ _—= z. NLGROUND ELECTRODE SYSIPISC(YIFK]1LCNNGG�TEIECW4UxIGTION.VINO. 3 / AU'HTNING T oR BEOWNOGTHRIDE.BY 1W0 ON ugiE WPhM BON.WXOWIM. .TIER. GRADE :s ACCOR CE wIM n1E NO. I S, ME SUBC OP SHVL PEpNR4 FML-OF-POIFNIML RESISTANCE TO F/AIX IESpIIlNTGp�(CMEt IFFE 11O M'p BI f91i XEW CPWNO flfC1INCE SYSIELS. TIE SUBC/JNIRY.TOR SWLLRNSH N1D INSTIL.SUP%F4EMM Eg 1UNWIND f1ECIROCEI AS NEEDED TO ACHI A TEST RESULT OF S OMMS ORUESS. PRJiECT TIRFp:Ep MU R Lj� R ON MWGE WRING {, LEFK RACEWAY S NOT BE USED AME.N EREWORD EMM AND MER OUONOTON. GROUND � CP� EWIT)N. SPIED IN ACCORDANCE fGWNRX5XE0 AND TE OERWIR TO.TOR. STRANDED EWEM S. IDIOTNERSG MELDS WBE USED FOR MplYINgNG CCNNEIIOxS RELW GGRREEG _ MPRO+ID WDON COI YI.F.CONDW'IIVE GFL OP PASTE)—BE GRJVXD RING IE AWG USED ON TO BE..BEx MI0 BC.w0UN0 mxxEGTaxs. ]. AWFI46 10 BE COIINECIED TO GROUND CLWOURpiS S BE CLDNED TO iQ I A BRONT SUFFICE AT ML CONNECTIONS. VXD ROD N PERIIFLI B. ENPOSFD RNS GROUNDING CONNECTFORIS BE 4NE WITH CC4RLSSpN a/�N X 10'4 LONG; Lr COIXECTOS WIRCX TAE MEN BELTED TO EWWXNf USWC STMNIE55 SIFEL C -.-• �THDN TORQUE RN' _ ——•_ — ,—.J BEE RERM GV,G..N,SS REONRELEM. 9. ML CAWE TRAYS SR SE BONDED TO ME(OUSTING BURIED GRWNO Sig IB'{WG SOLD. ELECTRODE SSIEW WITH A SUNCIE CCMDN P IE AND SOTO TINNED .M.SON BURNED CCPPER WIRE. vp= OV WNc,TTP. 3 SUPPIELFM.VPY NEW Aw ONENT GROUND c{NE aro AND GARNETS.WP. S DETAIL Q GROUND ROD NEW CAPPER 'F cXO1MD B^R,TW. dniunw`T C\yX GROUND (.pV(GROUND C- cNOUNO CAST ONON FWIGE IND GUTVE ,ML s11E5 TUE ONDRUDOGN ° YUSI VEPoh 1TNT THE SSTEI 6 BaF AT, BM Ai BN AT 11B 1 0 1 I.E. VN0 G0.1]i'MIN Wg10-GROUND -8 5 C -4 - - HOE ASSEMBLv CIST TMD COaER. EFECINFLY CRWNEED MID MEETS THE c_ NEC MIICIE=REQUIREMENTS MO WR' _ iCUPlA9LE i0 THE IDSL IXSPEttOR/ rS $FEpFES(StJ LADING RESISTANCE OF 35 1{ GPIDE —I AFFDIX.E 250-IM RWNO RW plus M 165 FOR THE CRWNCHC ro EWIP4EMe a SYSTEM.FIE PROJECT REWwwEM IS Tw. CROUTE RING = ' FIVE(5)W.S. tt 11B UB1E TO MA GD WEIDED BERGMET.G OBIECS LIXATm N1MIx 4ROUMORIIi4' LGX�ro TP {Tw. { �BE CT CaxMONDISTON e'4 CF DR.ND RUNG.BE /6 AM /x/O %G IND SNAIL BE - p S: BOxOED TO THE GROUND RING. GROUND)HM OF 1Y I.pX]C GEEP I I T^ 1.MCMDE$TRIM1 RE116 IAO PPOIECTYJH CWDUrt _ `°: TAOM SIWD GATI FOR IIM1pLLL OR CMV IXMWCTWPRSDME 06 U-ROTE NWINDCMRfS /L 2.MUETDED EDEM TES CWNFCTORS TO GBIE ROCK SECTIONS UM15 X- B50 1. ♦ BMT RO1T PURGE TI iIX2lHER. I FflX PoM � CLEON SAND NLL v- AL GROUW MGES CNOB1EL40 5` ML piWND LANES MtE/] ARF I9 AWG GREEN CW WR BW � NEW ORS RBCx ING OPOUM 2 RNG SWD TINNED t6TIF: ♦� WWUIED.TWMO 6AWG UHR b T 1M5 SNFFf 15 11- X IT REFER N AWL 6PEp!INSUUIFD' UNL65 NOl£D TO ADUCEM GIS 1 $GIF. �~�1• TINNED UIµESS NOTED OMFRMSE 4150. MEGL !a- e£ N/.s-r-p OMERMSE OBlEC15 Tl SURGE SV /B AWG GROUND ROD CODGER WED 4 GROUND ROD TEST WELL 5/a x lo'-a• N. xs EOFU�MENT GROUNDING PLAN NORM -ryP,.GROUNDING SCHEMATIC BI"" a o EPE ER q i A u= ORIENTSYTHESEA RESTAURANT ® AT&T MOBILITY baWILLIm LLINSAIANYCENY1059/11.1059 Q`Ol� z pIl w TELCON, EIEC GRODNDING PUN NW32D Tt o OFT." 6. a c x T[c i s.c c r a0000 M4Ix PD AT&TAl WMOBILFT f wv ...wu. ... ..i.....v t5 EAS?MIDLAND AVENUE R= ORIENT POINT, V. 195] PPRP U5, 0]651NYCCNYlO59 E-6� 6 5 4 3 QR2 ... Oc NEVW m..*R�nwl os ORD,NN,imamwvE '( ERRE ROUX QtFE14 BOW _ -_ o THAW NswAnw NLWIDII wsNJECONICOCONINc. �wwx AND vEvazAlwx. w F MER,R.X.C. nmd-P LWK/.LGER � i WA41ER.TP. � M0. FdO. PNrt MO. DESLRNIKIN PRAIRRMIE wm PROTECTORS $IE6 �. HF%R i 1/1 OONWWNl F N O 1 1/♦'vCvW mX0 GNU.9.W tlB:E ENTRY PGRIS(N1CX PIAhS)(/3) e °TSR/N O z A-E056 wU1 MfG.a1Mf. GFH GRE SID.ORN(IF AVNVBI£)(/z) $q oro NOTE WIOERCIALnPUOWE�R (CgixaN NEURM_/GROUND EDN)(12) D WPVEN xur,m. OO z ]061-♦ wwuTars 3 C'° IN° xO HW IIB ♦zn PVAR SUPPLY RETURN BW(/3) m g TERYMIAL ] © ♦ ]1113-1 5/6-I tvt' N.N.C.S _CT ppALR SVFRT RETURN RW(I3) 3# EOI�� 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O ♦ Sols-e s/a LOCNWASNFA pU S] GRWXLNfi COPPER ro SE KEPT O o 0 0 0 0 0 o O FRR c •VSE ERT�W NO DW9E CPoIP IMFNOR GRgRq RNG un Kp GRWXCNG InSUulNX1 NIOIIEO ° C EAiERNI1 ENE, ,RDHO F V(OUSTED M"D RING)(/z) CI&E MRIIX nE TAHGE 41ow1 M ILLYSIMIE wEID aREN°R : B J uETNIC CMD wAnF PVE(IF AVNURIE)(Iz) %^.a COYPRSSIM! EMOMEIa1K AT n1E M,NEET PMNT MU ME BM GRJUNU PoNG dp TFRNWL,IYP. (wELDNG PRWIIWIED z AWG sou0 BINE Taxm WI' EIG sRn(r Aim GROL»�o�i)ar '�s 6E11A1IH1 SEC6M OR FWROPS) GROUMUD TO INNOTOR,SMISED GROUNDm 1 3 A 1 0 0 5 ♦ MAIEO GRCOMMUq�w-TCB D#2) MMENT SING MID GOURD RW ® 1 DEAL NJTES ^F 1 1 wDETOlp1E1Wq IOEmn1FAMY✓LLr wELD 13 AMG PIAE nNnm SMJO COPPER C°NDOORN ro E L5E5. GIMIXO RYL RouTE CCNOVCTOR TO S NEED OROMNO NINO AMI PRPADE 6 R.'DW"I UP di'SiAG{WC OF CDNNECIgX IR HOF PEnYR1F11. PMYLIII IXORIEPYAC W6D. 20gOE IIHBNDNL N1PMW°1°eE USED Aiµ1 LMATIWS. ©VEE pERMWEM YIRNEP 1D OR/.w n1E DNES RPIRS'DCN SECRKN NRO LABEL FKX smM)n CP.'A','f)ERM 1' XpN ILTRERE. (` a" TYP.GROUND BAR CONNECTION DETAIL � NSTAUATIONOFGAWNDWIEMIOIIICAIEIRWNOBAA RGBREFERENCE-GROUND BAR DETAIL n.. ro�R FT YCNOPME INTERIM E� OMIRED ro TONER MODN'Tm 'VB A ONLY FORMPER 5 i0 ANTENNA rop°�y W = AYPUETfII uNRs(TW.) CoA%MR ELA 5EE NOTE 1 (w1EH IEWI=AND EMSE OF $EE RTwL i19 COPPER BW4EO=�) RmENE AMFRRM covN p1 mv.)ISE" LVG oR o€ B]NJING BUSHING N£IiPRMi1116 KIT p Rxl/R%z RxIM2 TMNRDMIxG DR�D�(�•) GROUND WG -a BOND.BINTERNA CAERE Ir ro ze KR(T9.) `5 (M.WUF,i 8 AWG SIRMRDED Cu .f y PM=OR I I GRGIATWIU NR ROSE ERM GREEN.EDN. D 5F MOMM%ms1WDnIERRNJEYM (TYP.)(SEE INSIMTpN(TYP) TCMwUR 9ONDUCTOR OiYON�ME(SEENDiE]> INTE) C . EENOTEIB cRHY MiCUNO KR ISwSEE EfuLIle:;; 7 �DCG�I1OBR iO SHELTER DOIHERRC`IIID E , . llun) (TM•) EMM"s (GROUNDEDio oNoum&A)(SFE I I ID ONDO°R3..Cu sWO ONGING NOTES I @ z1 CNS( �)• zAWGaLW TINNED COPPER ROSE CCTNL Ile MOUNTED CRES NENNT W ANTERM SKID TwnEO GROUND RING MONDPOIE PIER W �B AWf SIEWIMD Cu CONE ERM GREEN. IXOn1EN11C 2 AWC BCM$OLIN DRECTIONI FROM TER aCp.nSW NRS/I,ATwx WED OW. TINNED ExonIFRW I.MOUNT ROSINING IRISH.ONTO CONDUIT DUIB: (wYH SEMI wm ro z.POINTER BGRD SUSHI SET SMEM I.GO Xoi Ixs�ALL ERIE GROUND KR AT A BEND MID KwAYS Iz AMG Cu RTRNRMD EME PUTS S.VIDERT COPPER WNWCTOR INTO LUG GRECT GROUND M1RE DLMRR ro GROUND RVI. - SIRE VI H GREEN,EDA'. Y 6` s.TINKER BONI==SORES z.GWVXDNO IRT SIWL RE ERIE AHO PAM HJYRA AS THMN ISR STEEL BONDED —� TO TOSSERSIFEL ON G SUPPLED M REC°YYERDED H!GBIE MWVFIGIIIRFR. MIXgPME NOTE NOR ROMERO WSHNG,RT SCREW.WG, 1.""OF MMU1O RWS MAY VUR! g£ WG SCREW.DOME,LW SGRBM.SHOWN 1,SNEONEA PRMFNG.BE(TPE NIO PIM NOR AS NOTE:DU A NOT IBEE1 ANOHKWGROUNRECT °ER��MD,1ON THE TYPE OT H N1 WRINFMDUYJN AIIS /5 CMVIEIF VXR. $UPPIIm OR RELMIYFIIGfD BY CURIE WNVFACTURER.) E GRDUIO ROSE UOMR ro GGB. TNN.,N,.M As REMAINED. �# GROUND WIRE TO GROUND BAR CONNECTION E GROUNDING-MONOPOLE A SIP2 CONDUIT BOND/GROUND BUSHING DETAIL 2 CONNECTION OF CAALEGAOIIND KR TOANTENNACABIE 2 + . ag _ w B gThi MOBILTY `e- A[X i POC tR SS LAL• ORIENT BY THE BEA RESTAURANT E ® G}Oy DEiq°sWCENY109 /U-1059 N330AT&Tik MOBILITY y.5 1GPOI MVN RD 15 FIST US NI D AVErvuE 0259<4 g] NYCErvY1059 E-I 6 8v .m a,wvn ru Hiro OREM POINT. NY. 11957 PARgMVS, NJ O7653 3 61 5 4 617.20 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is riot always easy to answer. Frequently,there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasurable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may not be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet Flexible enough to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data,it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially-large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. THIS AREA FOR LEAD AGENCY USE ONLY DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE -- Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: ❑Part 1 ❑Part 2 ❑Pan 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF(Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate),and any other supporting information, and considering both the magnitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: ❑A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. ❑B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.* ❑C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. *A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Name of Action Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer (If different from responsible officer) website Date Page 1 of 21 , PART 1--PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable,so indicate and specify each instance. Name of Action Public Utility Wireless Communication Services Facility LI-1059 Location of Action(include Street Address, Municipality and County) 40200 Main Road,Orient,NY,Suffolk County Name of Applicant/Sponsor New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC Address 1444 East Jericho Turnpike City/PO Huntington State New York Zip Code 11743 Business Telephone (516)567-8478 Name of Owner(if different) M.G.H Enterprises,Inc.,attn.Mr. Bob Haase Address P.O.Box 333,Main Road City/PO Orient Point State New York Zip Code 11957 Business Telephone 631-323-2424 Description of Action: Public Utility Wireless Communication Services Facility that will consist of new telecommunications equipment at grade level atop a new elevated steel equipment platform and related antennas mounted inside anew 70'high RP transparent flagpole. New 14 foot high shrubs will be planted surrounding the fenced equipment compound to visually buffer the installation. Page 2 of 21 Please Complete Each Question--Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. SITE DESCRIPTION Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present Land Use:❑Urban ❑Industrial ❑Commercial ❑Residential (suburban) ❑Rural (non-farm) ❑Forest ❑Agriculture ❑Other Marina/Restaurant 2. Total acreage of project area: 0.021 +/- acres APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) 0 acres 0 acres Forested 0 acres 0 acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) 0 acres 0 acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24,25 of ECL) 0 acres 0 acres Water Surface Area 0 acres 0 acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) 0 acres 0 acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces 0 acres 0.021+/- acres Other (Indicate type) manicured lawn and overgrown land 0.021 +/-acres 0 acres Cell tower,equipment pad 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? dredge/fill material a. Soil drainage: FDWell drained 100% of site ❑Moderately well drained_%of site. ❑Poorly drained _% of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System? acres (see 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? 0 Yes FE] No a. What is depth to bedrock Unknown (in feet) 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: FDO-10% 100% 010- 15%_% ❑ 15%or greater_% 6. Is project substantial) contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or National Registers of Historic Places? E]Yes [F] No 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? ❑Yes allo 8. What is the depth of the water table? < 10(in feet) g. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? ❑o Yes ❑ No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ❑Yes No Page 3 of 21 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? Oyes ❑� No According to: FW ork State Department of Environmental Conservation and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service policy Identify each species: 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site?(i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations? ❑Yes ❑O No Describe: 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? ❑Yes ❑� No If es, explain: 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? Yes [ENo Of note,Main Road is a designated scenic byway. 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: No a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: Yes-Estuarine/Marine wetlands are present to the southeast of the Project Site,near the waters of Gardiners Bay. b. Size (in acres): Page 4 of 21 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation _ Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources v New York Natural Heritage Program 1114W625 Broadway,Albany, New York 12233-4757 Phone: (518)402-8935 • FAX: (518)402-9027 Website:www.dec.state.ny.us May, 2009 Guidelines for Consultation with NY Natural Heritage regarding Proposed Collocations of Telecommunication Facilities on Existing Towers and Buildings Regarding reviews of the databases of the New York Natural Heritage Program for rare, endangered, or threatened species in the vicinity of proposed telecommunication equipment to be collocated on existing telecommunications towers and on existing buildings: New York Natural Heritage has no records of rare or listed species which would be of concern,and therefore does not require a consultation with NY Natural Heritage, for any communication facilities projects that meet one of three criteria below: 1)New antennae or panels on existing towers, or new communications equipment installed within existing fenced equipment areas, provided that all new work is confined within existing equipment areas, no previously undisturbed land is disturbed,and no new access roads or expansion of existing access roads is involved. 2)New or existing towers, antennae, and associated equipment installed at a location currently wholly occupied by lawn,pavement and/or gravel. 3)New or existing towers, antennae, and associated equipment installed on or in existing buildings, rooftops,billboards, or bridges,with the exception of the buildings and bridges with peregrine falcon nests listed later in this letter. For projects which meet the above criteria, we do not have any records of rare species or significant natural communities which will be of concern in relation to the proposed projects. Therefore, in these cases, separate consultation with the New York Natural Heritage Program is not necessary for a project sponsor to complete the environmental assessment required by the FCC;this letter may serve as a finding of no known impacts on state-listed species or on other rare species. This determination may be reconsidered at any time should additional information on communication facility projects or on rare species become available. Please note that neither this office, nor the NYS DEC Endangered Species Unit, need to be consulted in the future regarding communication facilities and equipment collocated on existing towers in New York State,nor for those located on buildings and bridges except for those listed below. The NYS DEC Endangered Species Unit offers this guidance regarding cellular communication facilities atop buildings in urban areas: There is not a concern with regards to peregrine falcons when new antennas or communications towers and associated equipment are • proposed, or existing ones modified, unless they are actually on the same building or bridge that a nest is located on. Projects located in adjacent areas will not have a significant impact on this species. If the projects are proposed for construction on the same building or bridge as a nest or breeding pair, then please contact the Endangered Species Unit for further consultation at 625 Broadway, Albany,NY, 12233-4754.. For your reference, peregrine falcon nests currently occur on the following buildings and bridges in the following major urban areas: New York City buildings: • Cornell Medical College, 68" Street and York Avenue • Wall Street: 48 Wall Street at Nassau Ave., and at 55 Water Street • Riverside Church, Riverside Drive and 120' • Met Life Building,200 Park Avenue • Candler Building, W 42'and Fashion Avenue (near Times Square) New York City bridges: • Verrazano Narrows, Throgs Neck, Hell Gate, Triborough, Outerbridge Crossing, Marine Parkway, Goethals, George Washington,Bayonne,Brooklyn,Broadway, Williamsburg, Park Avenue Railroad Bridge • Town of Hempstead,Nassau County:Nassau County Medical Center in East Meadow • Town of Islip, Suffolk County: Captree Island Bridge • Buffalo: Statler Building(Franklin and West Genessee Streets)and City Hall (Niagara Square) • Rochester: Marine Midland Plaza Building(Court and Chestnut Streets)and Eastman Kodak Building(State Street near Plymouth and Platt) • Syracuse: State Tower Building(South Warren Street) • Binghamton: Exchange Street • Albany: Dunn Memorial Bridge • Troy: Collar City (Route 7) Bridge • Hudson River Bridges: Tappan Zee,Newburgh-Beacon, Kingston-Rhinecliff, Mid-Hudson,Rip van Winkle, Castleton-on-Hudson, and Bear Mountain • Ogdensburg: Ogdensburg Bridge • Grand Island/Niagara Falls: North Grand Island Bridge(I-190 over Niagara River) For proposed telecommunications facilities which do not meet the above criteria, including those projects involving the construction of new towers, please submit a request to the New York Natural Heritage Program for a review of any rare or listed species in the vicinity of the proposed project.Directions for submitting a request can be found at htti)://www.dec.nv.eov/animals/3118 Lhtml, or can be provided by NY Natural Heritage. If you have any questions regarding these determinations, please contact our office. Communication Tower Consultation in New York Existing Communication Towers The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (Service)New York Field Office recognizes that individual project review by the Service is not required under certain conditions. The Service provides the following comments in accordance with provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) (87 Stat. 884, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.),the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1940 (MBTA) (40 Stat. 755; 16 U.S.C. 703-712), the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940 (16 U.S.C. 668-688d),and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969(83 Stat. 852; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.). Migratory birds are a Federal trust resource and are protected under the MBTA. Communication towers and antennae may pose a hazard to migratory birds in flight and may pose a threat to nesting birds in the vicinity. Risk assessment factors include tower height,physical design, lighting, and site location relative to migratory corridors and bird concentration areas. The Service has determined that the following proposed actions are not likely to adversely affect Federally-listed species in New York, nor have any significant impacts on migratory birds or other trust resources: • Co-location of new equipment and antennae with an existing structure(tower, water tank, large building,etc.)where all ground disturbance occurs within previously disturbed areas and where such activities do not increase the existing height or require the addition of guy wires; Routine maintenance of existing tower sites(e.g., painting, antennae replacement); and Repair or replacement of existing towers and/or equipment, provided such activities do not increase the existing tower height or require the addition of guy wires. For projects that meet the above criteria,there is no need to contact this office for project review. This document may be used as an ESA determination of"not likely to adversely affect" for all Federally-listed species within New York. Updated July 2006 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? O Yes ❑No a. If YES, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? O Yes ❑No b. If YES, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? Yes ONo 18. Is the site located inan agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? ❑Yes Ei No 19. Is the site located in or substantial) contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? [:]YesEi No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? ❑Yes anNo B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project(fill in dimensions as appropriate). a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor: 0.021 +/- acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: 0.021 +/- acres initially; 0.021 +/_ acres ultimately. C. Project acreage to remain undeveloped: 0 acres. d. Length of project, in miles: N/A (if appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed. N/A % f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing N/A ; proposed N/A g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour: I/month (upon completion of project)? h. if residential: Number and type of housing units: N/A One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially Ultimately Monopole height,diameter i. Dimensions(in feet)of largest proposed structure: 70 height; 4' width; length. j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 0 ft. 2. How much natural material (i.e. rock, earth, etc.)will be removed from the site? 0 tonstcubic yards. 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed ❑Yes E]No ❑E N/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ❑Yes n No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ❑Yes n No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? 0.011 acres. Page 5 of 21 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? ❑Yes ❑ No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction: <1 months, (including demolition) 7. If multi-phased: N/A a. Total number of phases anticipated (number) b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1: month year, (including demolition) c. Approximate completion date of final phase: month year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ❑ Yes ❑ No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? ❑Yes ❑No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction 4 after project is complete 0 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 0 1 1. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities?❑Yes r No If yes, explain: 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? ❑Yes E]No a. If yes, indicate type of waste(sewage, industrial, etc)and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? ❑Yes ❑No Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? ❑Yes r No If yes, explain: 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? no Yes ❑No 16. Will the project generate solid waste? ❑Yes ❑. No a. If yes, what is the amount per month? tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? ❑Yes ❑No c. If yes, give name ; location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? ❑Yes ❑ No Page 6 of 21 e. If yes, explain: 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? ❑Yes ❑. No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site lifer years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? ❑Yes n No 19. Will project routinely produce odors(more than one hour per day)? ❑Yes nNo 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? ❑Yes F!]No 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? no Yes n No If yes, indicate type(s) Minimal increase in electrical power(200 AMPS) 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity N/A gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day N/A gallons/day. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? ❑Yes n No If yes, explain: Page 7 of 21 25. Approvals Required: Type Submittal Date City, Town, Village Board ❑Yes ❑No Special Exception Permit City, Town, Village Planning Board Yes ❑ No Site Plan Review area variances City, Town Zoning Board aYes 1:1No City, County Health Department ❑Yes ❑� No Other Local Agencies ❑Yes ❑ No Wetlands Approval Town of Southold Board of Trustees Other Regional Agencies ❑Yes ❑ No NYSDEC Tidal Wetlands State Agencies ❑Yes ❑ No Permit FCC Federal Agencies ❑� Yes [:]No C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? ❑Yes ❑ No If Yes, indicate decision required: ❑ Zoning amendment ❑. Zoning variance ❑New/revision of master plan ❑Subdivision ❑ Site plan Q Special use permit ❑Resource management plan ❑ Other Page 8 of 21 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? MII-Marine II 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning maximum lot coverage—20% 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? No Change 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? N/A 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? El Yes No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a Y4 mile radius of proposed action? Existing uses at the property include the Orient by the Sea Restaurant and Bar,an 800 square foot storage building and restroom and a marina. The premises are bordered on the east by the federal government's Plum Island Animal Disease Center administrative center,which includes a ferry terminal for its employees,and on the west by the entrance gate to Orient Beach State Park,which has few improvements other than a flagpole. Residences are located across the street from the premises, running along the north side of Main Road. To the south of the premises is Gardiners Bay. Zoning Classifications: MII R-40 R-80 R-200 R-400 S. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses with a Y4 mile? �i Yes No 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? Page 9 of 21 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s)for the formation of sewer or water districts? ❑Yes 0 No 11. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection? ❑Yes ❑E No a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? ❑Yes ❑No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ❑Yes❑� No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic. ❑Yes ❑No D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my krmrMedge. Applicant/Sponsor Name New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC Date 11/17/2011 (�6�Signature Nicole Piretti Environmental Consultant on behalf of the applicant Title Environmental Scientist/EBI Consulting If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before procee&V with this assessment. Page 10 of 21 PART 2 -PROJECT IMPACTS AND THEIR MAGNITUDE Responsibility of Lead Agency General Information(Read Carefully) In completing the form the reviewer should be guided by the question: Have my responses and determinations been reasonable? The reviewer is not expected to be an expert environmental analyst. The Examples provided are to assist the reviewer by showing types of impacts and wherever possible the threshold of magnitude that would trigger a response in column 2. The examples are generally applicable throughout the State and for most situations. But,for any specific project or site other examples and/or lower thresholds may be appropriate for a Potential Large Impact response,thus requiring evaluation in Part 3. The impacts of each project,on each site,in each locality,will vary. Therefore,the examples are illustrative and have been offered as guidance. They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds to answer each question. The number of examples per question does not indicate the importance of each question. I In identifying impacts,consider long term, short term and cumulative effects. Instructions(Read carefully) a. Answer each of the 20 questions in PART 2. Answer Yes if there will be any impact. b. Maybe answers should be considered as Yes answers. C. If answering Yes to a question then check the appropriate box(column 1 or 2)to indicate the potential size of the impact. If impact threshold equals or exceeds any example provided, check column 2. If impact will occur but threshold is lower than example,check column 1. d. Identifying that an Impact will be potentially large(column 2)does not mean that it is also necessarily significant Any large impact must be evaluated in PART 3 to determine significance. Identifying an impact in column 2 simply asks that it be looked at further. e. If reviewer has doubt about size of the impact then consider the impact as potentially large and proceed to PART 3. f. If a potentially large impact checked in column 2 can be mitigated by change(s)in the project to a small to moderate impact,also check the Yes box in column 3. A No response indicates that such a reduction is not possible. This must be explained in Part 3. 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change Impact on Land 1. Will the Proposed Action result in a physical change to the project site? NO ❑ YES ❑ Examples that would apply to column 2 Any construction on slopes of 15%or greater, (15 foot ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes ❑No rise per 100 foot of length),or where the general slopes in the project area exceed 10%. Construction on land where the depth to the water table ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes ❑No is less than 3 feet. Construction of paved parking area for 1,000 or more ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes [:]No vehicles. Construction on land where bedrock is exposed or ❑ ® ❑ Yes [:]No generally within 3 feet of existing ground surface. • Construction that will continue for more than 1 year or ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes ❑No involve more than one phase or stage. Excavation for mining purposes that would remove ❑ ❑ ❑ Yes [:]No more than 1,000 tons of natural material(i.e., rock or soil)per year. Page 11 of 21 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change • Construction or expansion of a santary landfill. ❑ ❑ [::]Yes [:]No Construction in a designated floodway. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes [:]No 2. Will there bean effect to any unique or unusual land forms found on the site?(i.e.,cliffs,dunes,geological formations,etc.) 11 NO ❑YES Specific land forms: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No Impact on Water 3. Will Proposed Action affect any water body designated as protected? (Under Articles 15,24,25 of the Environmental Conservation Law, ECL) E]NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 Developable area of site contains a protected water body. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No Dredging more than 100 cubic yards of material from channel of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No a protected stream. Extension of utility distribution facilities through a protected water ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No body • Construction in a designated freshwater or tidal wetland. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No 4, Will Proposed Action affect any non-protected existing or new body of water? [:]NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 A 10%increase or decrease in the surface area of any body of ❑ ❑ []Yes [:]No water or more than a 10 acre increase or decrease. Construction of a body of water that exceeds 10 acres of surface ❑ ❑ ❑Yes [-]No area. Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No Page 12 of 21 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change 5. Will Proposed Action affect surface or groundwater quality or qua nti ? f)NO r7YES Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed Action will require a discharge permit. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No Proposed Action requires use of a source of water that does not ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No have approval to serve proposed(project)action. Proposed Action requires water supply from wells with greater ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No than 45 gallons per minute pumping capacity. Construction or operation causing any contamination of a water ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No supply system. Proposed Action will adversely affect groundwater. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No Liquid effluent will be conveyed off the site to facilities which ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No presently do not exist or have inadequate capacity. Proposed Action would use water in excess of 20,000 gallons ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No per day. • Proposed Action will likely rause siltation or other discharge into ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No an existing body of water to the extent that there will be an obvious visual contrast to natural conditions. Proposed Action will require the storage of petroleum or ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No chemical products greater than 1,100 gallons. Proposed Action will allow residential uses in areas without ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No water and/or sewer services. • Proposed Action locates commercial and/or industrial uses ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No which may require new or expansion of existing waste treatment and/or storage facilities. • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No Page 13 of 21 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change 6. Will Proposed Action alter drainage flow or patterns,or surface water runoff? [:]NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed Action would change flood water flows ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No Proposed Action may cause substantial erosion. ❑ ❑ [_]Yes [:]No Proposed Action is incompatible with existing drainage patterns. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No Proposed Action will allow development in a designated ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No floodway. • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No IMPACT ON AIR 7. Will Proposed Action affect air quality? ❑NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed Action will induce 1,000 or more vehicle trips in any ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No given hour. Proposed Action will result in the incineration of more than 1 ton ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No of refuse per hour. Emission rate of total contaminants will exceed 5lbs. per hour ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No or a heat source producing more than 10 million BTU's per hour. • Proposed Action will allow an increase in the amount of land ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No committed to industrial use. • Proposed Action will allow an increase in the density of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No industrial development within existing industrial areas. • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No IMPACT ON PLANTS AND ANIMALS 8, Will Proposed Action affect any threatened or endangered species? ❑NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 Reduction of one or more species listed on the New York or ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No Federal list,using the site,over or near the site,or found on the site. Page 14 of 21 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change • Removal of any portion of a critical or significant wildlife habitat. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No Application of pesticide or herbicide more than twice a year, ❑ ❑ ❑Yes [:]No other than for agricultural purposes. • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes [:]No 9. Will Proposed Action substantially affect non-threatened or non- endangered species? ❑NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed Action would substantially interfere with any resident ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No or migratory fish,shellfish or wildlife species. • Proposed Action requires the removal of more than 10 acres of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes [7]No mature forest(over 100 years of age)or other locally important vegetation. • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND RESOURCES 10. Will Proposed Action affect agricultural land resources? ❑NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 The Proposed Action would sever, cross or limit access to ❑ ❑ [:]Yes ❑No agricultural land(includes cropland,hayfields, pasture,vineyard, orchard,etc.) Construction activity would excavate or compact the soil profile of ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No agricultural land. The Proposed Action would irreversibly convert more than 10 ❑ ❑ [7]Yes ❑No acres of agricultural land or, if located in an Agricultural District, more than 2.5 acres of agricultural land. Page 15 of 21 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change • The Proposed Action would disrupt or prevent installation of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No agricultural land management systems(e.g.,subsurface drain lines,outlet ditches, strip cropping);or create a need for such measures(e.g.cause a farm field to drain poorly due to increased runoff). Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No IMPACT ON AESTHETIC RESOURCES 11. Will Proposed Action affect aesthetic resources?(If necessary, use the Visual EAF Addendum in Section 617.20,Appendix B.) [-]NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed land uses,or project components obviously different ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No from or in sharp contrast to current surrounding land use patterns,whether man-made or natural. Proposed land uses,or project components visible to users of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No aesthetic resources which will eliminate or significantly reduce their enjoyment of the aesthetic qualities of that resource. • Project components that will result in the elimination or ❑ ❑ [-]Yes ❑No significant screening of scenic views known to be important to the area. Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No IMPACT ON HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12, Will Proposed Action impact any site or structure of historic, prehistoric or paleontological importance? E]NO []YES Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed Action occurring wholly or partially within or ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑ No substantially contiguous to any facility or site listed on the State or National Register of historic places. Any impact to an archaeological site or fossil bed located within ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No the project site. Proposed Action will occur in an area designated as sensitive ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑ No for archaeological sites on the NYS Site Inventory. Page 16 of 21 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No IMPACT ON OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 13. Will proposed Action affect the quantity or quality of existing or future open spaces or recreational opportunities? 17 NO YES Examples that would apply to column 2 The permanent foreclosure of a future recreational opportunity. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No A major reduction of an open space important to the community. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No • Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No IMPACT ON CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREAS 14. Will Proposed Action impact the exceptional or unique characteristics of a critical environmental area(CEA)established pursuant to subdivision 6NYCRR 617.14(g)? ❑NO ❑YES List the environmental characteristics that caused the designation of the CEA Examples that would apply to column 2 • Proposed Action to locate within the CEA? ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No Proposed Action will result in a reduction in the quantity of the ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No resource? • Proposed Action will result in a reduction in the quality of the ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No resource? • Proposed Action will impact the use,function or enjoyment of the ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No resource? Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No Page 17 of 21 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change IMPACT ON TRANSPORTATION 15. Will there be an effect to existing transportation systems? ❑NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 Alteration of present patterns of movement of people and/or ❑ ❑ []Yes []No goods. • Proposed Action will result in major traffic problems. ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No Other impacts: ❑ ❑ []Yes []No IMPACT ON ENERGY 16. Will Proposed Action affect the community's sources of fuel or energy supply? ❑NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed Action will cause a greater than 5%increase in the ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No use of any form of energy in the municipality. Proposed Action will require the creation or extension of an ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No energy transmission or supply system to serve more than 50 single or two family residences or to serve a major commercial or industrial use. Other impacts: ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No NOISE AND ODOR IMPACT 17. Will there be objectionable odors, noise,or vibration as a result of the Proposed Action? ❑NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 Blasting within 1,500 feet of a hospital,school or other sensitive ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No facility. Odors will occur routinely(more than one hour per day). ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No Proposed Action will produce operating noise exceeding the ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No local ambient noise levels for noise outside of structures. • Proposed Action will remove natural barriers that would act as a ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No noise screen. Other impacts: ❑ ❑ ❑Yes El No Page 18 of 21 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change IMPACT ON PUBLIC HEALTH 18. Will Proposed Action affect public health and safety? []NO ❑YES • Proposed Action may cause a risk of explosion or release of ❑ ❑ ❑Yes [:]No hazardous substances(i.e.oil, pesticides,chemicals,radiation, etc.)in the event of accident or upset conditions,or there may be a chronic low level discharge or emission. • Proposed Action may result in the burial of`hazardous wastes' ❑ ❑ [-]Yes ❑No in any form(i.e.toxic, poisonous,highly reactive, radioactive, irritating,infectious,etc.) Storage facilities for one million or more gallons of liquefied ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No natural gas or other flammable liquids. Proposed Action may result in the excavation or other ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No disturbance within 2,000 feet of a site used for the disposal of solid or hazardous waste. Other impacts: ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No IMPACT ON GROVIRH AND CHARACTER OF COMMUNRY OR NEIGHBORHOOD 19. Will Proposed Action affect the character of the existing community? []NO ❑YES Examples that would apply to column 2 The permanent population of the city,town or village in which the 1:1 El []Yes -]No project is located is likely to grow by more than 5%. The municipal budget for capital expenditures or operating ❑ ❑ ❑Yes [-]No services will increase by more than 5%per year as a result of this project. Proposed Action will conflict with officially adopted plans or ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No goals. Proposed Action will cause a change in the density of land use. ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No Proposed Action will replace or eliminate existing facilities, ❑ ❑ ❑Yes ❑No structures or areas of historic importance to the community. Development will create a demand for additional community ❑ ❑ [-]Yes []No services(e.g. schools, police and fire,etc.) Page 19 of 21 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change • Proposed Action will set an important precedent for future ❑ ❑ ❑Yes [:]No projects. • Proposed Action will create or eliminate employment. ❑ ❑ ❑Yes []No Other impacts: ❑ ❑ []Yes ❑No 20. Is there,or is there likely to be,public controversy related to potential adverse environment impacts? ❑NO ❑YES If Any Action in Part 2 Is Identified as a Potential Large Impact or If you Cannot Determine the Magnitude of Impact, Proceed to Part 3 Page 20 of 21 Part 3 - EVALUATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPACTS Responsibility of Lead Agency Part 3 must be prepared if one or more impact(s)is considered to be potentially large,even if the impact(s)may be mitigated. Instructions(If you need more space,attach additional sheets) Discuss the following for each impact identified in Column 2 of Part 2: 1. Briefly describe the impact. 2. Describe(if applicable)how the impact could be mitigated or reduced to a small to moderate impact by project change(s). 3. Based on the information available, decide if it is reasonable to conclude that this impact is important. To answer the question of importance,consider: ! The probability of the impact occurring ! The duration of the impact ! Its irreversibility,including permanently lost resources of value ! Whether the impact can or will be controlled ! The regional consequence of the impact ! Its potential divergence from local needs and goals ! Whether known objections to the project relate to this impact. Page 21 of 21 V=dor No. fi CheekNm Town;,q'SoudwK New York - Pa est Voucher VoodorNeme voniarmftoon Entered by j Li'25R v Tel.k 70 arnbridQ® DriYe own Clark v Ghmont, NY 12077 —� 0.c C1 /'T CID eln,� -- btwice Imuoe brvoioe i Nn Fmoia+eoider N®bu Due Told I ; Meow A;mwmCWmM Number 1 QfGOD&or Gmed Ledger Fend and Account Number • 93/n 9/l IA $SOD ='cb 23221 CoAso AV ` 5bo3I is-Do, i aD ew C`II Jzw SGb. IS �-7. � g P""CwMestion. DepwtoW CwOmflon I Two CompWNrme L' /'%s Due r CkM,.SoWaM NV ATT • ' � 9/282012 40200 Main Rd Orlent 02 SCTW 1000-1641.1 Dr.The Cantor tiekdbas Pumice SIM Ord r)dOs pudrees Order 0 i 2 2 3827 70CYrab 6Mrrwasn4 NY 12077 Dde: Description PIP1439- 70 Hm Rets: Expenses. Amotnt 8128/12 Review spew avabbRy In nismapals W Dick 1.0 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 BM12 review and respond to eml from Leas 1.0 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE$ $ 500.00 s $ 500.00 I,RkMrd A.Com.cleft Ort Yr above soft=*In M snout of $ 500.00 is true and correct;Yid do Mems.services end disew"nrnts cbaried wars rendered to or for the mu icipaMy on Yr dates stated;Yrt no W has Nen paid or ss9 0 ; Ikd taxes,from wbicb Yr mw**aft In saempt,an not kwkW*d;and that the amoud dekned Is actumW due. 9/01/12 PAS (EMekaNeSierrnae) Das Signature 1 r I OCT 15 2012 Southold Town �_ Planning Eoar� • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��OF SOUlyO P.O. Box 1179 So 11971 MARTIN H.SIDOR Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS C40 Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS H.RICH III ,�p�O 54375 State Route 25 JAMES J.WILCENSSI OIyC�Ulll' (cor.MainSouth d �Y Southold, Ave.) DONALD Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: December 9, 2011 Re: Payments Please deposit the attached check into Deferred Account B.691. It represents a Wireless Special Exception fee for an application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Applicant/Project Name & Tax Map Amount Check Date/No. Type # Authorization Code New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (AT&T)at Orient by the Sea Restaurant& Marina-Special Exception Permit application fee 15-9-8.1 $1,000 11/15/11 -#2461 2461 SHORE 2 SHORE WIRELESS, INC. 2 206 BAYVIEW AVE. MASSAPEQUA,NY 11758-8005 12 DATE I 1-5 ( I 270d45 TO THE (]lN� C � 1 ORDER OF $ I - DOLLARS n lll���-���- CHASE 0 LJ N"Ybran Chase Bank 7P ` New Vara,New York Bank. N .P-tn� C I.PiJO www.Chese.wm FOR L� �5—Q-8a1 u•00 2 6 in•0:02L000020: 44 5 50 i 4❑0 26 5u• • r. Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC Planning, Zoning and Visual Impact Analysis �I • December 2011 • Proposed Public Utility Wireless Communications Facility • Orient by the Sea Restaurant • Hamlet of Orient Town of Southold • Suffolk County, New York Prepared for: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (AT&T) Site NYCENY1059/LI-1059 • Prepared by: (DLngineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C. Hauppauge, New York • 0 • I Engineering Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC • Table of Contents Introduction and Methodology...........................................................................................1 Existing Site Conditions and Proposed Public Utility Wireless Communications • Facility.....................................................................................................................................3 Zoning,Land Use and Environmental Considerations..................................................8 Zoning and Land Use of the Site and Surrounding Area and Planning Considerations............8 Environmental Considerations.................................................................................................23 • Visual Impact Analysis.......................................................................................................24 Photographic Simulations........................................................................................................24 VisualImpact Analysis............—..............................................................................................26 Findings and Conclusions.................................................................................................29 • List of Figures Figure1-Site Location Map...............................................................................................2 • Figure 2-Site Plan................................................................................................................5 Figure3-Partial Site Plan...................................................................................................6 Figure4-East Elevation.......................................................................................................7 Figure 5-Zoning Map Excerpt.........................................................................................10 • Figure 6-Aerial Photograph.............................................................................................11 Figure7-Photograph Location Map...............................................................................25 List of Appendices • Appendix A-Subject Site and Surrounding Area Photographs Appendix B-Letters of Methodology,View Point Photographs, and Photographic Simulations, Creative Visuals, Inc. Appendix C-Resume of Ginny Watral,Senior Technical Advisor, and Erin Echevarria, Project Manager, • VHB Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C. • • Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC 100• • Introduction and Methodology • A Planning,Zoning and Visual Impact Analysis was performed for the proposed New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC(hereinafter"AT&T")public utility wireless • communications facility (consisting of a concealment pole and ground-based equipment)on the Orient by the Sea Restaurant property at 40200 Main Road,in the hamlet of Orient,Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York(see Figure 1). A survey of the area,a review of aerial photography and a review of the Town of • Southold Zoning Map were performed to examine land use and zoning on the site and in the surrounding community. Photographs were taken to document the existing land uses on the site and in the surrounding area (see Appendix A). In order to conduct the visual analysis, the following methodology was employed: • > Visual inspection of the proposed communications facility location and evaluation of physical characteristics of the proposed facility; > Visual inspection of proximate areas to determine existing characteristics of and obstructions in the horizon;and > Photographic simulation analysis of the proposed public utility wireless • communications facility from several identified vantage points,conducted by Creative Visuals,Inc. Specific methodology for the visual simulations prepared by Creative Visuals,Inc. is included in Appendix B. • • 1 Introduction and Methodology z 90 p 25 2� n¢. A _ / 9 v 16 6g 'PSITE )10 Orient Point 7, J i 1 Figure 1 - Site Location Map Orient by the Sea Restaurant 40200 Main Road 1 Hamlet of Orient, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York 0 oeLom,c Sum Atlas usno 2010 Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC. 2 * 0 Existing Site Conditions and Proposed Public Utility Wireless Communications Facility The proposed action involves the construction of a public utility wireless communications facility on the Orient by the Sea restaurant property at 40200 Main Road in the hamlet of Orient,Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York(see Figure 1). The subject property is currently developed with the Orient by the Sea restaurant,a marina,and associated paved parking areas. The proposed action involves the installation of a 70-foot above grade level(agl) concealment pole,associated equipment and landscape vegetation on the above- referenced property(see Figure 2 and Figure 3). Six AT&T antennas would be concealed within the proposed concealment pole in two sections,with three antennas per section(see Figure 4).The uppermost section would have a centerline height of • 67-feet-agl and the lower section of antennas would be mounted at a centerline height of 57-feet-agl. The proposed concealment pole would also be extendable to a maximum height of 90-feet-agl(see Figure 4). The proposed AT&T ground-based equipment would be situated north of the • concealment pole within a 400-square-foot(sf)leased area(see Figure 3).' The AT&T equipment would be installed upon an elevated steel platform surrounded by a 13- foot-tall chainlink fence with privacy slats. The proposed equipment to be installed upon the steel platform includes nine equipment cabinets,three remote radio heads (RRHs),and telco and power panels. There will also be a mesa span cabinet(Verizon V .....................................................................................................-........... r The overall site area for the proposed facility is 519 sf,which includes the proposed concealment pole,mesa cabinet and AT&T equipment platform area. 3 Existing Site Conditions and Proposed Public Utility Wireless Communications Facility Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC. land line)installed on a concrete pad proximate to the proposed steel platform. • Cables would be routed from the proposed concealment pole to the proposed equipment area via an elevated cable ice bridge,to which a GPS unit would be mounted. Five 14-foot-tall Eastern Red Cedars(Juniperus virginiana)would be planted to the west of the proposed equipment area. The proposed AT&T equipment cabinets upon the steel platform(elevated four-feet agl)would extend to • a maximum height of 12-feet-5-inches agl,and the proposed cable ice bridge would range in height from nine-feet-five-inches agl to thirteen-feet agl(see Figure 4). Per the Partial Site Plan (Figure 3),any trees,underlying vegetation,trailers and boats in leased area would be cleared prior to the start of construction. • Visual inspection of the property indicates that the subject property is currently developed with a restaurant and marina use,including associated structures (i.e., trailers on-site,restroom building and garage)as well as paved parking areas.The surrounding area is characterized by a mix of uses including residential,recreational and preserve lands,government(Plum Island Ferry Terminal)and transportation • (Cross Sound Ferry terminal). In order to better depict the nature of the site and surrounding area,several photographs are included in Appendix A. A detailed description of the land uses surrounding the site and an aerial photograph are contained in the section entitled Zoning,Land Use and Environmental Analysis. • • • • • • 4 Existing Site Conditions and Proposed Public Utility Wireless Communications Facility I �II N W E S MAIN ROAD (S. R 25) ( 661) _.. UNDERGROUND .. .. _ ._._ ._. _._.._ rUTRm VAL, -._ _..-' - - - - -- '- - - - �°�'- - '- ' _ --- — _ 181.72' '\ N87-09'20"E +6.5' FG END \ DIECTPIL ME]ER N SPE OMEN PC II 1 o \ CEND '6,5' 1, 1 2 y `y? 15ED PAVEMEM '6,6• 1 9 0 SA E 4 \ 420' +/- /• o s r O PIATFDPM i O +63' OVER COCK 'I 'I •\ ELECTRIC PANEL m BPOSTNDRAIL FENCE/ +62' VA00 ( FC ENO ` PLATFORM D � i 1 1 4 i P x O P D •I UNDEPWA�r'P wN�/ i V, •I O i \/ 6.2' I .I ( PAVEM NT GENERATOR 10 STORAGE T ON CONC PAD OIL TRANSFORMERATTA HETANK O P •RERET,WALL FRE ER FUEL PUMPS SCLwR65 M N�C EPS 0 I ONG PO Z CONC O N '6 3' N1Pr srEP Q 1 0 77 '^➢ ? I PAVEMENT PROPAANE WO 515• 6 2 Q p1 TW TANKS OF FREEZER f_N 0 y Z ( N) 204' 19TORY� , OGT 586' eOLwRDs FRAME FSK�M ARI m US ® 2,B15SE NN bo ^ M O P $ by ECK m m - ® ..NC, STOOP P z1 DNi ® 41T a < D +fi O � m I ® DO FENCE p,gTFORM I FAV WENT 3 N VO CONICVST9OUARDs RY FRAMEA Z I AMEL➢D 101' yy PEBTROOM9 p BELOW i FF=]fi' w NO O 5 'PROPANE TANK CARARY7135F RENDER •S9c rt2(L, I WOE DAPAw �� S PAVEMENT a.ewTO c I FENCE 3,fi'N" 90LWiD6 +57 'STOCI(AOE FENCE I i .5.6, fi I I �/_P OC°20NEVp(e�C� 1_1 .5.6 �I U DERw�Y^W+6 £I �n +fi 5 I fi' L \� e�/L��. PAVEMEM vO��NB F.COR 71, P .6 5' /III \ CNC.BOAT PAM / PROPOSED ELEVATEC 2 '5 4 +55 ATATEOUIPMENT 9G PLATFORM F NLECOR iyw 18 3' •PRO SEOM POLE \ •5,7' OJ� ED O 1 +7.1' / O O +77" \ O S87°09'20"W /'- \ +5.5' 'Fool c 5'C FENCE K FC ENO 29'E ^ �` 92 ` RECF7"NRLS DEC dill HOARD OFAPPr4LS NOTES: 1) ELEVATIONS NAVD88. i Z �ry��Bl OA 2) PILINGS INSIDE MARINA NOT INDICATED . o 3) FLOOD ZONES EXTRAPOLATED FROM 7�b, F.E.M.A. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP#88 OF 1026, MAP#36103C0088 H DATED SEPTEMBER 25, 2009. ' F:PROJ/2006/06-0099/D WG/06-0099-TITLE.DWG SHEET N0: PROJECT: UAOE OCTOBER2911 CT Na. FILE No 1", 4p� ��, OF N MAP OF LAND OF <¢ Ew Dq , HAWKINS WEBB JAEGER PLLC DESIGNED BY: rt '1121 �o M .G. H . ENTERPRISES DRAWN II MB/KM/JD CKD. BY: M.S. M.C. d ,X ' ENGINEERS—ARCHITECTS—SURVEYORS—PLANNERS (ORIENT POINT MARINA, 40200 MAIN ROAD) REVISED: SITE AREA=4.64 ACRES 5 ., ,y * . 560 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, ME'LVILLE NY, 11747 SURVEY UPDATED 7-2-2009, FB 529, P. 1-2 (FB 493, P. 20-22 SURVEY ORIGINALLY mY NO A50065 Dx ESTAB. 1872 PHONE (631) 732-7777, FACSIMILE (631) 732-7760 PERFORMED 4-6-2006) ELEVATIONS UPDATED TO NAVD88 10-27-2011 D 61{pA SITUATE AT. ORIENT POINT,SOUTHOLD,N.Y. I S.C. TAX MAP N0. 1000-15-9-8.1 s EXISTING OVERHEAD NEW AT&T ELECTRIC CONDUITS TRENCHED UTILITY LINES FROM 'E UNDERGROUND FROM NEW AT&T ELECTRICAL UTILITY POLE N35 BEYOND s+ N G METER AND DISCONNECT SUPPORT RACK TO NEW �ZYp� NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUIT AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED ON NEW ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-4 FOR TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM PROPERTY UNE, ttP. MORE INFORMATION EXISTING UTILITY POLE #35 TO 2. v NEW MESA SPAN CABINET AT EXISTING RESTAURANT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AND MARINE FUELING %as o. TATAATA PROPERTY EXISTING PROPERTY STATION �Q SrM L/ OWNED BY ORIENT EXISTING TRANSFORMER, �F� f 1) NEW IFASE,Waw(INCL. uouoPOLE N w zm iw s wm ce) sI9 tsM. FT METER AND DISCONNECT POINT STATE PARK 2) C NEM MONWIXE ro a0UlH PFIOPFRIT UNE SEIfliCK 2w'-1R 0� o} 3) W NM MONO M SW IH BUIBEM 5EI8+LK +96•-T LOCATION OF NEW AT&T ELECTRIC {7 E law uONO ro SWO1 PROPERTY LRE sETa{cW w•-5 METER AND DISCONNECT SUPPORT 27W4 ro M EW ONOPOLE EK 6uIJWNO RACK. SEE i/A-4 FOR MORE 5) E NSSXOCY ; as • INFORMATION ze) E NIM upwPale ro NORM PROPIRIY uNE sETIYfX J5a"-Y EXISTING STORAGE OXL'�X h � a� 7) E NEW MONOPIXE M NCROI B 00 SEIB�G( tit-IW' BUILDING G `(•1 a) Q NEw MONOPIXE ro N O.N. UITf11' 773'-S QP��QP? { 4 u ` a) E NEW uOWPOIE ro NORIA RESWQONL PROPFMY WE 611._7 ZE P'CF' \ •� m o 10) E NOV MONOPIXE ro lURIH RESIOFMML HONE SET8M3t a6V-6' c o 11) E NEW uONOPIXE M E PROPERTY LINE SETBIfI( 2ST-6 12) E NEW MONOPOLE ro FAR P umm SEi6{CK 175'-W G�ZNZ 4 p. 13) E NEW MOIIOPOIE M SE PMiERY UNE • o u 1{) f NEM uONO M SE BVU(HFID SEL K t 15) NE'M MONO M SOUM EIXE OF PAY I!Hr SEI K Em 16) NEW MONO ro wsT PRO sm L SEf6IL1(IS 17) NEW EOINP161lT COMPOOND TO WEST PROPERTY ONE SEIB'tl( 7'-1 e 4 c 19) NEW EWIPYFM LOMPWNO M FAST BUIICNEAD BEI6ILK 17V-Y Q, ^ y a 4 ^•f4 19 OEPTN OF MCH mP BE1D1Y G a"-O" "� ' ('2` �{ i �V EXISTING /+ C MARINA / NEW 14'-0" HIGH �7 P JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA ® BE COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE TO BE 7'-0•• O.C., TYP. OF (5) d �V, 4 / "CRAY/BLUE: SHERWIN-WILLNMS #SW006 a o NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT z .[1N + COPIER BLUE. CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW / ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL - PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-2 FOR + NOTE: NDTE: MORE INFORMATION '� +/ CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE RESTORE ANY AREA SITE SPECIFIC SIGNAGE IN -o NEW AT&T 70'-0" HIGH RF d yy x,y 2: / t�,?S�{1 WHICH IS AFFECTED BY ACCORDANCE WITH AT&T COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE AND ��/ 'S _ + p�•�Q- THE INSTALLATION OF PROJECT TECHNICAL ANTENNAS. TO BE EXTENDABLE TO - O-1+"OQ ANY ITEMS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS FOR SITE 90'-0" J�+� , +/ 5 V QlF EQUIPMENT WITHIN THIS SIGNAGE. E o %OO •S\ +//�5'�� / /+/ SCOPE OF WORK. `EXISTING / �Fp �4P NOTE_ NQLE' MARINA + 1) sP� ALL TRENCHES TO BE THE CONSTRUCTION AND PLACEMENT AT 196/ 6 / F YS HAND EXCAVATED AND OF THE FACILITY WILL NOT J:T -' "d" 7 + �1 �` INTERFERE WITH PUBLIC SAFETY v - �IS OR C. a �E // `�J BACKFILLED TO ENSURE COMMUNICATIONS AND THE USUAL THAT EXISTING • m o 7�f NOR F ���+ UNDERGROUND UTIUTI AND CUSTOMARY TRANSMISSION OR B ARE NOT DISTURBED RECEPTION OF RADIO, TELEVISION 20 5)s,�,- .✓ + MAKE ALL PVC JOINTS OR OTHER COMMUNICATIONS ANTENNA CABLE LENGTHS WATERTIGHT. TEST SERVICES OR WITH ELECTRICAL �� �j ;; PNTENNA PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. TRANSMISSION LINES. q{5S = s;9• / TYPE SECTOR "A SECTOR "B" SECTOR "C < p nWa + UMTS GSM 100'-0" 100'-0" 100'-0" ��` / DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATIONT PROPOSED ANTENNAS, • ° i �'a -I io p `os3 v; /+ ^•mom �� CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE E= %0 s `P' / m""+ LTE 100'-0" 100'-0" 100'-0" PROPOSED RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A / P� Qy + CONCRETE FOUNDATION IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK Z STATE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEATED DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. /+ EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH RAMP N J"641' TM INFORMATION EXISTING UNDERLYING VEGETATION, MATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED UPON A SURVEY E L // ,�, TRAILER AND BOATS TO BE + PREPARED BY: HAWKINS WEBS . NY 1 PLL, ( 3239 ROUTE 112. 7, o°' CLEARED PRIOR TO START OF EXISTING BULKHEAD BUILDING 8-BUTTE 1, MEDFORD. NY 11763, (631) 732-7777, • 'c CONSTRUCTION / 1c (DATED JULY 2ND. 2009, PROJECT NO: 06-0099) 0 NORTH 'a EXISTING SHORELINE / SJs �H X 1Y REFER A o 1 ++'ao-w o 20• ao eo' r, EXISTING BAY ENTRANCE _ 3 c'ARDNE $ scaLE. �U o no 8 nnn AT&T MOBILITY r 5 ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT w��I� m�� �. NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 d ` p IJ !I j SITE PLAN ma WILLIAM F. COLLINS.AIA uMN i .e'I r A R CH I TEC T S. LLP NY7320 AT&T MOBILITYmTE .ro N9 srtE xo. oluwWc xweER 9Ev `P wT6cxNococs oerv6 seT.,venmivn 40200 MAIN RD 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE a voce ences.r.w Tl\: evue-elm NYCENY1059 A-1 6 ORIENT POINT, N.V. 11957 PARAMUS. NJ 07652 Q - I oex-sM�fia.oz] oxc 22 x Y SZE Figure 2 5 • E ITTO OTE: NY EXISTING TREES, UNDERLYING VEGETATION, RAILERS AND BOATS IN AREA OF NEW CONSTRUCTION 6 BE CLEARED PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. • xx _ DASHED LINES REPRESENT _ - - - - - - U EXISTING SHRUBBERY T6 Bf-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (5) NEW 14'-0" HIGH JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA ® T-D" m``" REMOVED u - 4'-0" _ 28•_D.. O.C. SEE 1/A-7 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW AT&T TELCO AND POWER PANELS ( � (2) NEW PURCELL CABINETS STACKED. NEW RBU TO BE -o' MOUNTED TO NEW PLATFORM \ h r� h / )^ INSTALLED IN NEW PURCELL FLX I6WS CABINET. SEE 5a HANDRAIL SEE 4168 E-1 SIM. /'I ) \� ) ) / \'� r 11//)% \'♦ j / \'\( ) J / -1 ( � \ )� -�\(\ l J� ( `(�\ \ )� _ l\(� `� 1/A-5 FOR MORE INFORMATION Y� NEW AT&T EMERGENCY GENERATOR '� ( ` ^'- `/ ��-� � • RECEPTACLE MOUNTED TO SIDE OF ��\ IY� -� `- ^-. `�\ T�'��J �\\ _J'_-� NEW AT&T ELECTRIC CONDUIT TRENCHED UNDERGROUND 4� POWER PANEL FROM NEW AT&T ELECTRIC METER AND DISCONNECT TO ^'a NEW CONCRETE PAD MOUNTED _yi'� \ /- \ _� j-- l NEW AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED ON NEW AT&T t MESA SPAN CABINET r �• \�♦' .- �� \ \� �� _w TiE—T. EQUIPMENT PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-1, 1 AND 566/A-4 y T T c <r E—T _T7E—{ �)6�T E AND 1/E-1 FOR MORE INFORMATION -� NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED UNDERGROUND 4'-0' FROM NEW MESA SPAN CABINET NEW AT&T TELCO • z—u 3' /ter u—zx—x—xxxxx—z z—xx PANEL MOUNTED ON NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL SEE i AND 566/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION Em EXISTING CONTOUR LINE, TYP. --- - • 8.6 v I I \ C v ) - oTx TO NEW AT&T RRH'S MOUNTED ON RAIL SE SECURED aU EXISTING AMSL SPOT ELEVATION, f �� I TO NEW EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL SEE 1 AND x W I L�� 1104/A-5 FOR MORE INFORMATION sFT`F.v �" t 1 '/ t ' I NEW 400 SQ. Fi. AT&T FENCED LEASE AREA l3 Nl / • G�2o YP[*. m —x R _AFTs ra— NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW .p on T $5T3 190UAT-� r B{y'�' b '_AB11 AI �NET -�CASINET ��'C`} CABINT� ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM, TYP. EIae3tat4 roc .�: NOS: \ q p5&��+P ' - '_ K,,. I NEW 14'-0" HIGH D GREEN FENCE WITH 4'-D" THE CONTRACTOR IS TO REGRADE THE AT&T G ( 0 I ( / LOCKABLE GATE AND GREEN 'PERMAHEDGE' PRIVACY EQUIPMENT COMPOUND AREA TO A LEVEL \ NOg1H Lu I a I ri NSF RMATIONTS OR QUAL. SEE SHEET A-7 FOR MORE o ` 13S GRADE OF 8'-0" AMSL PRIOR TO START OF \ ? EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION. /�yTI a • „ o � > x x x x— —x x u x FNEW AT&T OR MORE ELEVATED ICE INFORMATIOBRIDGE. SEE 2/A-4 11" 2'-0" 2'-0" '-6 2'-6" 2'-6" 2'-6+ 2'-6' �U' 4'-5" 28•_0" • E° ��� / B.5 NEW AT&T COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED THROUGH _ 35'-D" NEW ELEVATED ICE BRIDGE TO NEW MONOPOLE NEW AT&T GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO NEW CABLE ICE L�t......J o BRIDGE POST. SEE 801/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK FRAME. SEE N 3/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION SYMBOL LEGEND: OTE' �x • N —A—A— ANTENNA CABLE DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION T NEW ANTENNAS, NOTE. ^� (6) NEW AT&T ANTENNAS MOUNTED WITHIN 3 COMPATIBLE FOR MORE MONOPOLE, CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE NEW v T THIS SHEET IS 11" X 1T REFER TYP. (2) ANTENNAS PER SECTOR. SEE //A-3 AND 3/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION —T—T— TELCO CONDOR RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE e a TO THE GRAPHIC SCALE ABOVE. NEW 70'-0" HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUIT FOUNDATION DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK STATE nz (TO BE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-(") -T/E-T/E- TELCO & ELECTRIC CONDUIT LICENS GINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED NORTH DOC 0 RK SHALL BE FILED BY oT' PARTIAL SITE PLAN 6 NEW MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. SEE 8.6t EXISTING AMSL SPOT ELEVATION O S( A 1 NOTE BOX THIS SHEET w� �� CO SCALE: PARTIAL A U � Al M0�16944 AT&T MOBILITY at&t wmp 64ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT 12 w�w�wILLIgM FcoLLINs,qla NYCENY1059 /LI-7059 g R C H I T E C T S. L L P NY7320 �' °w""' PARTIPL SITE PIAN AT&T MOBILIT'40200 MAIN RD15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUExEv ORIENT PDNT, N.Y. 11957 PARAMOS, NJ 07652 m+• 97 NYCENY1059 A-2 6 6 S 4 3 2 orx-sMteo.ox7 .owe 22 z M D SIZE • Psc - 6 Figure 3 • E 38" AGL Y T.O. NEW R.F. COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE (EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0") 67'-0"* AGL • - Y RAD. OL NEW AT&T ANTENNAS (3) NEW AT&T LTE ANTENNAS AND (6) MHA. MOUNTED WITHIN RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TP. SEE 4/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION o,a (3) NEW AT&T UMTS/GSM ANTENNAS AND (6) MHAs MOUNTED WITHIN RF D COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, TYR. SEE 2/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION m3 h57'-0"t AGL _ r� Y'RAD. NEW AT&T ANTENNAS NEW 70'-0" HIGH AT&T RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE 3 a (TO BE EXTENDABLE TO 90'-0") • z NEW AT&T COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED WITHIN NEW AT&T - MONOPOLE. SEE 1/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION o (5) NEW 14'-O" HIGH JUNIPERUS VIRGININIA O 7'-0" O.C. BEYOND. SEE 1/A-7 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW CONCRETE PAD MOUNTED MESA SPAN CABINET BEYOND. SEE 1/A-2 • Y U FOR MORE INFORMATION Em (2) NEW AT&T GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO NEW CABLE ICE BRIDGE POST. SEE 1121A/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION =s NEW AT&T ELEVATED CABLE ICE BRIDGE. SEE 2 AND 4/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW AT&T ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK. SEE 3/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW AT&T OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW ELEVATED - C 2-6 GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM, TYR. SEE 1/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION • NEW AT&T 13'-O' HIGH CHAINUNK FENCE WITH 4'-0" LOCKABLE GATE AND GREEN 'PERMAHEDGE' PRIVACY SLATS OR EQUAL. SEE SHEET A-7 FOR MORE INFORMATION 14'-O't AGL T.O. NEW SHRUBS (BEYOND) 13'-0"t AGL (3) NEW AT&T RRH'S MOUNTED ON SUPPORT RACK. SEE 11108/A-5 FOR MORE INFORMATION T.O. NEW FENCE AND T.O. NEW • E UPPER ICE BRIDGE h 72'-5't AGL Y T.O. NEW AT&T _ EQUIPMENT CABINET fps, h 9'-5t AGL V IT 0-.T± NEW LOWER ICE BRIDGE - NEW ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL EQUIPMENT PLATFORM. SEE 1/A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION _t 5'-St AGL 1 EQUIP AMSC EQUIP �,• t T.O. NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT PLATFORM s , • - NEW CONCRETE PIER, TYP. OF (6) LOCATIONS. SEE 7 AND 4/A-e FOR MORE INFORMATION m� h4'-O't AGL (12'-0"t AMSLI 3'-10"t AG il'-10"t AMS B E Y B.O. NEW AT&T EQUIPMENT T.O. NEW CONCRETE PIER PLATFORM (FLOOD LEVEL) �� 0'-O" AGL 8'-0'*•AMSC n5 THE CONTRACTOR I5 TO REGRADE THE AT&T a EQUIPMENT COMPOUND AREA TO A LEVEL GRADE �, = GRADE OF B'-O" AMSL PRIOR TO START OF 6 ONOPO - E B [EQUIPMENT PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION. BASE T J�NE W NE —W —W —NE —,-NE NE NE —W —W t LEGEND I A—A— ANTENNA CABLE NEW MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. SEE/' NOTE. —T—T— TELCO CONDUIT NOTE BOX THIS SHEET DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION NEW AT&T GALVANIZED STEEL DUNNAGE RAILING AND STAIR. —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUIT TMP. SEE SHEET A-8 FOR MORE INFORMATION OF NEW ANTENNAS, CABLING ETC. THAT E TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE • �'3 —r/E—T/E— TELCO & ELECTRIC NEW AT&T TELCO CONDUITS TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM NEW AT&T TELC NO7E: o' Y a' e' NEW RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE ry'a CONDUIT PANEL TO NEW MESA SPAN CABINET. SEE 1 AND 566/A-4 FOR MORE IF THIS SHEET IS 11" X 17' REFER LLL STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE FOUNDATION j INFORMATION TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. t/6=r-o' IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK z NEW AT&T ELECTRICAL CONDUITS TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM NEW AT&T METER AND LICENSED PROFESSIONAL °" /\ EAST ELEVATION 6 DISCONNECT SUPPORT RACK TO NEW AT&T ELECTRIC PANEL MOUNTED TO NEW ELEVATED SIGNED AND SEALED INORTH saEE:vrm•-o• EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL. SEE 1 AND 566/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION ��� D O D BY OTHERS. ISS WORK A �/ 0 iopen, 1"' ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT it 6 °raa g AT&T MOBILITY mo WILLIAM F.COLLINS, AIA NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 ® ���{� mn� .•m A R C H 1 T E C T S. L L P NY7320 0' `�"" d = EAST ELEVATION L AT&T MOBILITY recXXo�omoarcE snnuecr.uTimt 40200 MAIN RD site Xo. oxnwwc wueEa XEv a* vma: mienal�so rnx. ..l xs. 1 ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 15 EAST MIDLAND AVENUE ��•. PARAMOS, NJ 0765297 NYCENY1059 A-3 6 n 6 5 4 * 3 ., oEX-srvlico.m7 owc 22 x 34 o SIZE • �� �.' �`IG� PSC= 7 Figure 4 Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC • 3 * 0 • Zoning, Land Use and Environmental Considerations • • II Zoning and Land Use of the Site and Surrounding.Area and Planning Considerations According to the Town of Southold Zoning Map(Section 3 of 4),the subject property is situated within the Marine II(MEI)zoning district(see Figure 5). Section 280-55.A. of the Code of the Town of Southold(hereinafter the "Town Code")indicates that the MIl district permits,but is not limited to,one-family detached dwelling;boat docks, slips,piers or wharves;beach clubs,yacht clubs or boat clubs;boatyards for building, • storing,repairing,renting,selling or servicing boats;mariculture or aquaculture operations or research development;boat and marine engine repair and sales and display;yacht brokers or marine insurance brokers;buildings,structures and uses owned or operated by the Town of Southold,school districts,park and fire districts; and retail sale or rental of fishing,diving or bathing supplies and equipment. The • proposed public utility wireless communications facility is permitted within the M11 district with a special exception and site plan approval from the Town of Southold Planning Board. In addition, the proposed facility will require two area variances from the Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals(ZBA),as discussed herein. • As previously indicated,the subject property is currently developed with the Orient by the Sea restaurant,a marina with associated structures and paved parking areas. Below is a brief description of the land uses and associated zoning districts surrounding the subject property. The land uses in the surrounding area are depicted in Figure 6 and generally follow the permitted uses in their respective zoning districts.The surrounding land uses and zoning designations are as follows: • • 8 Zoning,Land Use and Environmental Considerations s Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC North: Immediately north of the subject property are single-family residential i properties within the Residential Low Density AA (R-40) zoning district. South: South of the subject property are the waters associated with Gardner's Bay. East: To the east of the subject property are properties associated with Plum Island Animal Disease Center and the Cross Sound Ferry Terminal,with single- family residential uses and undeveloped lands beyond. The Plum Island and Cross Sound Ferry properties are within the NM zoning district and the single-family residential uses and open space(owned by Suffolk County)are within the Residential Low Density A (R-80)zoning district. West: West of the subject property is Orient Beach State Park(including Long Beach)with single-family residential uses beyond. The beach is within the Residential Low Density D(R-400)zoning district and the residential uses beyond are situated within the Residential Low Density C(R-200),R-80 and • R-40 zoning districts. In order to depict the nature of the surrounding community,photographs are included in Appendix A. The proposed facility is located within an area in which AT&T has a service deficiency gap,according to information provided by the applicant. The area in which the facility must be placed is characterized with a mix of uses (see Figure 6). Given the predominance of residential uses to the north and west and open space (State-and County-owned properties), there are limited siting opportunities for a facility such as that proposed. However,the applicant has incorporated mitigation measures into the facility design to minimize potential visual impacts upon the subject property and the surrounding area. Given this, the construction of the proposed public utility wireless communications facility on a commercial use property within a mixed-use area is appropriate. 9 Zoning, Land Use and Environmental Considerations I - —AIL As t J✓% 1 _ I. 11�� p}� 1 , -- " !T I $p �I R,80 X2-80 i nnu `°4..-----'``--- K40 0 , SITE A� ;DeseNp�bn... _AQncuBurel Corr_servatian Redden of Low Density AA cyd R•BO Rentu,l Law D"o A . R-120 %rudential Low Density B RR-400 R•D'0 RZyldCen ntuel Law Dsly C R-Q0 Residen tal Lan DuTty D HD �Harn4etDe"Residential _ AHD -Affordable Housing Cialrics RR ResofAesidenual .RCS.. -�RestleftsiA are HB Hamlet Busnaas LB Umded Business B Garsrnol Business MI Marine I MIII °Manns 11 -. . .. Ll4 'Ll1am fams1r47tr Ike Pant. LI--- .LVKI 111*wnal Figure 5 - Zoning Map Excerpt Orient by the Sea Restaurant �rT 40200 Main Road llxv/ Hamlet of Orient, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York Source:Town of Southold Section 3 of 4,Zoning Map,dated November 30,2004. { • 7. _ _ 10 Tri. , ol Of „ @ i +p 4 . J� tom.. Hp ZIP 00, i.P • M a N,rt"' i► ; t Poi y O,rient`MPoint '�� �d a _4 Figure y •T' • Photograph Orient by 41 11I ' •, • Hamlet of Orient, • of • • • Suffolk • York Google Earth 0 201 Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC Article XVII of the Town Code regulates telecommunications facilities and structures within the Town of Southold. Pursuant to§280-70.B., the proposed facility will require a building permit, site plan approval and special exception approval. In addition,the proposed facility will require relaxations from the ZBA per§280-70.I.(3) and§280-56 of the Town Code. Presented herein are relevant provisions from the • Town Code with respect to the proposed action and an analysis of compliance therewith. §280-70.D. Location of wireless facilities I. (1) Applicants for wireless communications facilities shall locate,site and erect said wireless facilities in accordance with the following priorities,of the lowest priority. (a) On an existing antenna support structure or other structures on Town-oumed properties,including the right-of-way. (b) On an existing antenna support structure or other structures on other property in the Town. (c)A new antenna support structure on Town-owned properties. (d)A new antenna support structure on properties in the LI or LIO Zoning Districts. (e) A new antenna support structure on properties in the MI,MII,B or HB Zoning Districts. (J)A new antenna support structure on properties in the AC,R-40,R-80,R-120,R-200 R-400, LB,RO,RR,HD or AHD Zoning Districts. Pursuant to information from the applicant,there are no existing antenna support structures on Town-owned properties(including rights-of-way)or on independently-owned properties appropriate for the collocation of the proposed facility within the area in which AT&T is currently experiencing a service deficiency gap. Additionally,there are no Town-owned or industrially-zoned properties within the existing service deficiency gap area upon which a new antenna support structure could be constructed. Given these siting lirrtalions,as well as the predominance of residentially-zoned and developed properties and open space(Suffolk County and New York State lands),the applicant has selected the highest available priority property within the service deficiency area,specifically,a commercial property within the MII zoning district along a stretch of shoreline with a mix of uses. §280-70.1.(3) Antenna support structures in the LI,LIO,MI,MR,B,and HB Zoning Districts are subject to the following restrictions: (1) Minimum lot size: in accordance with the bulk schedule for each zone. (2) Maximum height:80 feet. S (3) Minimum distance of all wireless equipment to adjacent residential property lines or streets shall be no less than 500 feet. 12 Zoning,Land Use and Environmental Considerations Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC Per the standards above, the proposed facility requires area variances (relaxations) from the ZBA for the proposed action. Specifically,the facility is not permitted within 500 feet of the nearest residential property line,nor is it permitted within the 25-foot side yard setback. As the proposed facility would be approximately 7.1-feet from the nearest property line to the west(which is residential), the proposed facility does not comply with requirements 1 and 3, above. Despite the placement of the proposed facility proximate to the residentially-zoned property line to the west, the applicant respectfully submits that the proposed facility location is the least obtrusive,given the uses in the surrounding area and siting limitations.Although the property to the west is residentially-zoned,it is Orient Beach State Park and is not developed with residential uses. In fact,the area on the Orient Beach State Park property closest to the proposed facility location is developed with an access roadway,and is not an area where beach goers would congregate. Moreover, the placement of the proposed facility on the subject property would not interfere with the current operations of the existing restaurant and marina uses(including circulation in the parking area). Finally,placement of the facility maximizes the distance from residentially-zoned and developed properties to the north. §280-70.N. Site design standards All wireless facilities,including co-locations,shall be the least visually obtrusive design possible that also permits the applicant to achieve its service needs. To that end, the following design standards shall apply to all wireless communication facilities installed or constructed pursuant to the terms of this chapter: (1) Setbacks.Antenna support structures and equipment facilities shall adhere to the setbacks for principal uses in the Bulk Schedule applicable to the zone in which the structures are located, unless otherwise indicated elsewhere in this chapter. Pursuant to§280-56,Bulk Schedule for Business,Office and Industrial Districts (280 Attachment 4),the minimum side yard permitted for the MII zoning district is 25 feet. The proposed action includes a side yard setback of 7.1 feet from the nearest property line to the west,and,as such,requires relaxation of this requirement from the ZBA. However,as indicated above,the applicant respectfully submits that the placement of the proposed facility is the least obtrusive,given the nature of development in the surrounding area. Moreover,the property is part of Orient Beach State Park and is not developed. (2) Signs. Signs shall not be permitted on facilities except for signs displaying contact information and safety instructions, which are required. Safety signs shall be in accordance with American National Standards Institute(ANSI) standards for radio frequency radiation warning signs. Contact signs shall identify all service providers located on the facility and shall include normal and emergency contact information for each. Such signs shall not exceed five square feet in surface area. 13 Zoning,Land Use and Environmental Considerations Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC. Pursuant to information from AT&T,there is no signage proposed other than contact information and safety instructions,as required by law. Additionally, the proposed signage shall include all of the information requested above and will not exceed five square feet in surface area. (3) Base station equipment shelter. The base station equipment shelter shall be constructed with a finish similar to that of adjacent structures on the property and integrated into the architectural style.Any newly constructed base equipment shelter shall be located in accordance with the minimum height and yard requirements of the zoning district applicable to the site,and up to two adjacent off-street parking spaces may be provided for service vehicles. Notwithstanding the foregoing,base equipment related to interior- mounted wireless facilities shall be located in an area that is satisfactory to the Planning Board upon consideration of impacts on adjacent properties and minimizing visual impacts. The proposed action does not involve the construction of a base station equipment shelter. As such, this criteria is not applicable. However,the applicant has proposed to surround the proposed ground-based equipment area with 13-foot-tall privacy fencing. In addition,landscape vegetation would be installed between the proposed ground-based equipment area and the Orient Beach State Park property adjacent to the west. These measures will help to mitigate potential visual impacts associated with the installation of the proposed ground-based equipment. (4) Base equipment landscaping. A screen of evergreen trees shall be planted outside the fence of the base equipment area or shelter to provide a visual screen or buffer for adjoining private properties and the public right-of-way or other vantage points ` accessible to the public. The screen shall consist of a double row of evergreen shrubs and trees that are of sufficient density and height to immediately screen the base equipment from view. Required front yard setback areas shall be landscaped and include shrubs and trees. Survivability of the landscaping shall be guaranteed and maintained by the applicant for the life of the installation. As indicated on the Partial Site Plan(see Figure 3),AT&T will install five 14-foot-tall S Eastern Red Cedar trees on the west side of the proposed equipment compound, providing a buffer between the proposed facility and the Orient Beach State Park parcel immediately adjacent to the west. These Red Cedars would supplement the existing vegetated buffer between the two parcels. Moreover,the proposed equipment would be screened from view behind 13-foot-tall privacy fencing. II . (5)Site lighting. The lighting permitted shall be the minimum required to protect the public welfare. Facilities sited on existing developed sites shall be incorporated into the lighting plans of those sites. Outside lighting shall usefully shielded fixtures so that the light source is not visible from beyond the property line,and no light is reflected or shone towards the sky,except in the case of structures required to follow FAA guidelines for safety lighting. 14 Zoning,Land Use and Environmental Considerations • a Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC There is no lighting proposed. As such,this criterion is not applicable. • §280-72—Site plan approval §280-72.A. Standards. In addition to the standards in Article XXN and the standards in §280-70 herein,all wireless facilities,including co-locations,shall be the least visually obtrusive design possible that also permits the applicant to achieve its service needs. To that end, the fallowing design standards shall apply to all wireless communication facilities installed or constructed that require site plan approval: (1) Coal on buildings. Wireless antennas,if mounted on a building facade,shall be flush-mounted and painted or otherwise treated to blend with the facade. When a wireless • communication facility extends above the roof height of a building on which it is mounted,every effort shall be made to conceal the facility within or behind existing architectural features to limit its visibility from public and residential vantage points,yet permit the facility to perform its designated function. Facilities mounted on a roof shall be stepped-back from the front facade in order to limit their impact on the building's silhouette. If antennas are part of the stepped-back facility,the applicant shall submit an access control plan that precludes inadvertent access to the front faces of the antennas by building workers and the general public. The wireless communication facilities shall blend in with the existing building's architecture and shall be painted or shielded with material which is consistent with the design features and materials of the building. The proposed installation does not include the mounting of antennas upon a building. As such, this criterion is not applicable. (2) Access.Access to wireless facilities shall be from already established site access points whenever possible. Access to the proposed facility would be via the entrance drive to the subject property from Main Road and the existing paved parking area on-site. Thus, the application complies with this criterion. (3) Dish antennas. Dish antennas shall be colored,camouflaged or screened to the extent that they are as unobtrusive as possible,and in no case shall the diameter of a dish antenna exceed sixfeet. The proposed facility does not include dish antennas. As such, this criterion is not applicable. (4) Electric line setback. Except for wireless facilities specifically designed for mounting on electric transmission towers,or within the footprint of such towers,no wireless communication facility shall be located nearer to any overhead electric transmission line carrying more than 220 volts than a distance equal to the facility's height above the roof or other permanent structure to which it is attached. 15 Zoning,Land Use and Environmental Considerations Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC The proposed 70-foot-agl concealment pole would be approximately 773 feet south of the existing overhead utility lines along Main Road. As such,it would be a sufficient distance from same and the application complies with this criterion. (5) Co-location. Wireless communication facilities shall be designed to provide for co-location by multiple providers or designed so that they can be retrofitted to accommodate multiple I. providers,wherever possible. The proposed umpole has been designed such that it can be extended to a height of 90-feet agl,promoting future collocation by another wireless service provider,and as such,complies with this criterion. (6) Scenic landscapes and vistas.All antenna support structures which are not concealed inside of buildings or screened by existing trees or buildings must be surrounded by a planted buffer of dense tree growth.An antenna support structure that is located within a scenic vista or scenic landscape or within 300 feet of a scenic road,as designated by the Town,shall not be taller than 10 feet above the height of trees within a radius of 300 feet of the proposed location, or 35 feet maximum in the absence of trees. As previously indicated, the proposed facility would be located along the Gardiner's Bay shoreline and would be proximate to Orient Beach State Park. While this area as a whole is known for its scenic character,the subject property is developed with a commercial use(restaurant and marina) and is situated along a portion of shoreline with similarly developed parcels to the east. As such,the use of the property itself is not known for its scenic vistas. (7) Color.Antenna support structures in the form of monopoles or other towers shall either be blue/gray in color or be colored appropriate to the context of the structure's location so that I • the tower is as unobtrusive as possible, unless otherwise required by the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA).If a wireless communication facility is installed on a structure other than a tower,the antenna and supporting electrical and mechanical equipment must be of a neutral color that is identical to or closely compatible with the colors of the supporting structure so as to make the antenna and related equipment as visually unobtrusive as i possible. As depicted in the photographic simulations(Appendix B), the proposed concealment pole would be painted a blue/gray color. However,AT&T would leave the final determination of pole color to the Town's discretion. (8)Wireless facilities sited within new structures meant to mimic some other structure or natural feature must be designed at a scale compatible with the community, be unobtrusive, and be characteristic of the area. The proposed concealment pole has not been designed to mimic another structure or natural feature. However,in an effort to make the proposed facility as unobtrusive as possible,AT&T has modified the proposed design such that the proposed pole would have a maximum height of 70-feet agl,would be painted a neutral,blue/gray 16 Zoning,Land Use and Environmental Considerations Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC color,would have antennas concealed within and would have associated ground- based equipment screened behind privacy fencing. (9)Antenna support structures in or adjacent to residential zones. Where the site proposed for an antenna support structure is located within a residential zone or has one or more property lines abutting or on the opposite side of a street from a residential zone or use • permitted in a residential zone,no antenna support structures may be constructed unless adequately screened from view of those residential zones by existing buildings or large trees, including evergreens. The structure may protrude no more than 10 feet above screening buildings and/or trees. In the absence of an adequate arrangement of existing large trees or buildings to provide effective screening, the height of the proposed structure may be no more • than 35 feet,and the base equipment must be buried in an underground vault. Two rows of evergreen trees must be planted encircling the structure,one row at a distance from the structure of 50%of the height of the structure,and the other at 90% of the height of the structure.Transplanted trees shall have a minimum caliper of three inches, spaced 30 feet on center. The trees must have an expected height at maturity of at least 10 feet less than the • height of the structure to be screened. Smaller evergreen shrubs must be used to fill in the gaps in between for screening during the time the trees are filling in and maturing. The Planning Board may vary the arrangement of the trees and shrubs to accommodate specific site conditions,and accomplish the goal of screening the facility from view of residential properties.A written guarantee from the wireless facility's owner shall be required to ensure that the plantings survive and are maintained throughout the existence of the installation. I'I• Although the proposed facility would be located within the MII zoning district,the adjacent property to the west is situated within the R-400 zoning district and properties north of the subject site are within the R-40 zoning district. Given the distance from the proposed facility to the nearest residential property line to the • north(831 feet),the proposed facility would appear no taller on the horizon than the utility pole structures along Main Road and would blend with the overall character of same,as demonstrated in the photographic simulations in Appendix B of this report. Moreover,there would be very limited visibility of the proposed facility from residential structures to the north.As such,the proposed application does not • contain any screening components to the north. The adjacent property to the west is the non-residentially developed Orient Beach State Park,specifically,the access roadway that leads to the beach area. As such,there are no residential structures immediately west of the proposed facility location. However,AT&T is proposing to plant Eastern Red Cedars between the proposed ground-based equipment and the • parcel to the west,to supplement an existing vegetative buffer between same. (10) Commercial and industrial siting.Antenna support structures to be sited on developed commercial or industrial properties shall be located to the rear of other principal buildings and shall not encroach on planting buffers,parking areas or otherwise impair the operation of • previously approved systems such as stormwater drainage basins. Existing buildings and structures should be used in the siting of freestanding towers to contribute to the visual screening of the antenna support structure. 17 Zoning,Land Use and Environmental Considerations Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC The proposed facility would be situated in the southwest comer of the overall subject site. The proposed facility would be located to the rear of the existing restaurant building and marina accessory buildings on-site and adjacent to the existing paved parking area. The proposed facility would not interfere with on-site operations or parking. Additionally, this placement of the proposed facility would maximize the • distance from the proposed concealment pole to residential structures to the north. §280-73. Special exception approval §280-73.B. Standards.In addition to the standards in Article XXV of this chapter,no special . exception approval shall be granted unless the Planning Board specifically finds and determines the following: (1) Construction of the proposed facility or modification of the existing facility is a public necessity,in that it is required to meet current or expected demands of the telecommunications provider and to render adequate service to the public. Pursuant to information from AT&T,the construction of the proposed facility and subsequent operation thereof would be necessary to remedy an existing service deficiency gap such that the carrier would be able to provide reliable coverage to customers in the surrounding area. (2) The applicant has made substantial effort to co-locate with existing wireless facilities or, failing that,has made substantial effort to Iocate on municipally owned land or structures, or within or on existing buildings or structures. Pursuant to information from AT&T's site acquisition expert, there are no appropriate structures(private or municipal)within the existing service deficiency gap area upon which to collocate a facility,nor are there available public lands within this area upon which a facility can be constructed. As such,it is respectfully submitted that the proposed location is the most appropriate location given the • limited siting opportunities in the surrounding area. (3) There are compelling reasons which make it more feasible to construct the proposed facilities rather than alternatives. • As previously indicated, there are no appropriate existing structures within the service deficiency area that would make collocation a feasible alternative. Additionally,there are limited siting opportunities in this portion of the Town,given the predominance of residential development and open space(County-and State- owned lands). As such,it is respectfully submitted that the use of a commercially- zoned and developed property within a mixed use area along Main Road is appropriate for the proposed installation. 18 Zoning, Land Use and Environmental Considerations Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC §280-73.C. Matters to be considered. In addition to the matters to be considered in Article XXV of this chapter,the Planning Board shall give consideration to the following in issuing a special exception approval for wireless communication facilities: (1) The proposed antenna support structure must be demonstrated to be the lowest height above the ground feasible to achieve the service needs of the carrier(s). The rationale behind . the explanation by the applicant must be corroborated by an independent consultant hired by the Town. Based on information provided by the applicant,the proposed centerline height of the lowest section of antennas at 57 feet agl,and the overall height of the proposed ` concealment pole at 70 feet agl,are the minimum heights feasible to achieve the service needs of AT&T. (2)The wireless communication facility has been situated to minimize its proximity and visibility to residential structures, residential district boundaries and landmarks designated • by Town,federal or state agencies. As previously indicated, the proposed facility has been sited on the subject property in a manner that maximizes the distance between the proposed concealment pole and residential structures to the north. Additionally,given the distance from residential structures,the proposed concealment pole would be no higher on the horizon than existing utility poles along Main Road,when viewed from the residential area to the north,as demonstrated in the photographic simulations in Appendix B of this report. The proposed facility would be directly adjacent to a residentially-zoned property. However,this is the non-residentially-developed Orient Beach State Park parcel,specifically, the access roadway to the beach area. There would be visibility of the proposed facility from the Orient Beach State Park access roadway,which also provides access to a portion of beach known as Long Beach,which is listed as a National Natural Landmark.Given the limited siting opportunities within AT&T's service deficiency area,it is respectfully submitted that the proposed site location and design are the least obtrusive. (3) The wireless communication facility is designed and situated to be compatible with the nature of uses on adjacent and nearby property. The proposed facility and associated operations would be entirely contained on the subject property,and would not interfere with operations on adjacent or nearby properties. As such,it would be compatible with the surrounding mixed-use area. (4) The wireless communication facility has been designed to use the surrounding topography to minimize its visual impacts. rp 19 Zoning,Land Use and Environmental Considerations Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC. Given the relatively flat terrain in the vicinity of the proposed facility location there • was minimal opportunity for AT&T to use the surrounding topography to minimize potential visual impacts associated with the proposed facility. (5) The wireless communication facility has been designed to use the surrounding tree, building or foliage coverage to minimize its visual impacts. • The subject property was almost entirely cleared to accommodate the existing restaurant and marina use, and,as such,does not provide much opportunity for on- site screening via foliage cover. However,AT&T is proposing to plant Eastern Red Cedars along with west side of the proposed equipment area in order to supplement ' an existing vegetative buffer area between the subject property and the Orient Beach State Park access roadway. (6) The wireless communication facility maximizes design characteristics to reduce or eliminate visual impacts and obtrusiveness. • As previously indicated,AT&T has designed the proposed facility in a way that potential visual impacts can be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. Specifically,AT&T is proposing the minimal height required(70-feet agl),the concealment pole would be painted in a neutral blue/gray color,antennas would be concealed within and landscape vegetation would be planted between the proposed • ground-based equipment and the Orient Beach State Park access roadway to the west. (7) Other adequate conditions have been placed on the wireless communication facility which will minimize any adverse impacts of the facility on adjoining properties. • Given that AT&T has designed the facility such that potential visual impacts would be minimized to the maximum extent practicable, and given that the operations associated with the proposed facility would be entirely contained on the subject property,it is respectfully submitted that the proposed facility would not have any • significant adverse impacts on adjoining properties. Pursuant to§236-15 of the Town Code, "[a] variance may be granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold upon receipt of an application from a property owner which meets the criteria for an area variance set forth in§267-a of • the Town Law." New York State Town Law§267-a sets forth procedures for Boards of Appeals as well as filing requirements for applicants. In addition,New York State Town Law§267-b.3(b)sets forth criteria to be taken into consideration when making its determination,as follows: • 1. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties will be created by the granting of the area variance. • 20 Zoning,Land Use and Environmental Considerations I • Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC. As previously indicated, the proposed action would involve the construction of a concealment pole(with AT&T antennas therein) that would allow AT&T to provide reliable wireless service to its users. Despite its placement within the 500-foot restricted area for wireless communications facilities bordering residentially-zoned parcels and placement within the side yard setback in the M11 zoning district, the proposed facility and operation thereof would be contained entirely within the confines of the subject property and will not impact the use of nearby properties. Moreover, the proposed facility would be close to the Orient Beach State Park access roadway,but would not be adjacent to areas where beach users would congregate. The placement of the ' proposed facility upon a commercially-zoned and developed property within a mixed use area is appropriate, given the limited siting opportunities within the existing AT&T service deficiency gap area. Finally, there would be limited visibility of the proposed facility from surrounding residential uses,as demonstrated in the photographic simulations in Appendix B. As • such,it is not anticipated that the granting of the requested area variances would result in a significant adverse impact to the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. 2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method,feasible for the applicant to pursue,other than an area variance. � I Pursuant to information from AT&T,and given the limited siting opportunities in the surrounding area,it is respectfully submitted that the use of the subject property for the proposed facility is the least obtrusive location available to remedy its existing service deficiency gap. Additionally, AT&T's radio frequency engineers have indicated that the proposed height of the pole and the antennas within are the minimum heights required to remedy the aforementioned service deficiency gap. Moreover, the placement of the proposed facility on the overall subject property is such that it would not interfere with on-site restaurant and marina operations, and the distance to residential uses to the north is maximized. As such, the benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method other than an area variance. 3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial. As previously indicated, the proposed location was selected by AT&T radio frequency engineers and site acquisition specialists in order to address the existing service deficiency gap. While the requested area variances are numerically substantial,it is respectfully submitted that the placement of the . proposed facility in the southwest portion of the overall subject property is the most appropriate location,as it would not interfere with on-site restaurant and marina operations, and the distance to residential uses to the 21 Zoning,Land Use and Environmental Considerations Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC north is maximized. Moreover,although the proposed facility would be adjacent to the property line of a residentially-zoned property, the adjacent property is not residentially-developed,but is the access roadway leading to Orient Beach State Park. 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. The proposed facility would be unoccupied and would not result in excessive traffic or congregation of people;nor would it result in disturbance to nearby residential uses by reason of lights or vibration. As previously, . indicated the proposed facility would be situated upon previously-disturbed ground,and would result in the disturbance of a minimal amount of land contained entirely within the boundaries of the subject property. Finally, all work would be done in accordance with wetlands permits issued for the proposed action.' Additionally, the proposed facility has been designed such • that potential visual impacts have been mitigated to the maximum extent practicable. As such, the proposed facility would not have a significant adverse impact upon the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created,which consideration shall be relevant to the decision of the board of appeals, but shall not necessarily preclude the granting of the area variance. Pursuant to information from AT&T's radio frequency engineers, the proposed facility location was selected based upon how the wireless communications equipment licensed to and utilized by AT&T functions,as well as property availability. A major objective of the proposed action is to provide reliable wireless communications service in an area in which AT&T is currently experiencing a service deficiency gap. As such, the proposed action has been designed to meet this objective while providing mitigating measures to the extent practicable in order to reduce the potential for visual impacts to the surrounding area. The requested variances allow for the placement of the proposed facility such that it would not interfere with on- site restaurant and marina operations,and the distance to residential uses to the north is maximized.Although the need for area variances was self- created,this self-creation is not fatal to the application. IIS V ................................._........_...................... 3 AT&T secured a Tidal Wetlands Permit for an earlier design of the proposed facility(Pemut No.1-4738-00898/00018), which will be modified to reflect the currently proposed action. 22 Zoning,Land Use and Environmental Considerations Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC �I• Environmental Considerations As the proposed facility would be unmanned, there would be minimal impact on the environmental conditions in the area. The facility would not generate either sewage or solid waste and would not need to be supplied with potable water. As the site • would be monitored remotely, the traffic generated by the proposed project is also minimal-approximately one trip per month to inspect the equipment. Additionally, the equipment installed on the site would use minimal electricity. The proposed communications facility would be situated upon a previously- disturbed gravel parking area,a portion of which is overgrown with vegetation,and would require the disturbance of approximately 519 sf(0.3%)of an overall 4.7-acre property. As such,the installation requires minimal disturbance to the land. Moreover,the proposed facility would not significantly increase impervious surface area,as the proposed equipment would be situated upon an elevated equipment • platform.Thus,there would be no significant adverse impacts to soils or topography, area drainage,or regional ecology. There are New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(NYSDEC)regulated tidal wetlands within 300-feet of the proposed facility location. As such, the applicant would seek to amend the NYSDEC Tidal Wetlands Permit that was secured in 2006 for the proposed action (Permit No. 1-4738-00898/00018)and would secure wetlands permits from the Town of Southold,as necessary. Since there would be no sewage generation or water use, and as there would be no disturbance to any of the wetlands in the area and all work on-site would be done in accordance with permits issued, there would be no significant adverse impacts to surface waters or groundwater quantity or quality. • • • • • 23 Zoning,Land Use and Environmental Considerations • ®i Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC 490• ' Visual Impact Analysis • Photographicim S Simulations Creative Visuals,Inc.prepared photorealistic simulations of the proposed public utility wireless communications facility. On May 29,2007 Creative Visuals,Inc. conducted an on-site visit to obtain familiarity with the proposed facility location • and surrounding area. Digital and analog photographs were taken from each of the View Points being examined between 7:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. The conditions were sunny skies. These photographs presented a reference point for calculation of proposed 70-foot agl concealment pole,using red flags attached to a crane,as seen from each View Point(where visible) (see Creative Visuals Methodology Letter in Appendix B for further detail). • Fourteen off-site View Points proximate to the proposed facility location were selected for analysis as areas of potential visual impact of the completed project. Photographic simulations of the proposed facility were prepared from the locations where the facility would be visible.A Photograph Location Map depicting the View • Points is included as Figure 7. Photographs were taken from each of the examined View Points using a 50mm lens. The photographs were taken as digital high-resolution files and using print film.A laser rangefinder and a hand-held GPS unit were utilized to collect data in the field. • These data were then used in combination with 3D software to create a model of the actual proposed facility using revised dimensions and drawings(dated September 20,2011)furnished by William F.Collins,AIA Architects,LLP,the applicant's consulting architects. Other software was then used to photo-realistically simulate the facility as seen from each View Point,maintaining the perspective of the digital and analog photos. Finally,the simulated facility was inserted and merged into the digitized site photographs. Complete methodology for the photographic simulations is included in Appendix B. • 24 Visual Impact Analysis f �rn19wI5N.fa ' i A r;AC 'ry� Crisx Port C.srYp Rs f N � � =frd5lrs a:�V .4� r T� an r% 7rc,l Ba�d151Te"arr _ r n iYt• l ..- j NAVTEQ o r - t75--i r�til r,�.Tce ex�r:ym i.n eeaan:ncw wartec._aa:wmeR6�a:o,sa a en w..is 1.�,aeaean seeks Figure 7 - Photograph Location Map Orient by the Sea Restaurant �tT 40200 Main Road Hamlet of Orient, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York Google Earth 02011 Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C. Visual Impact Analysis The results of the visual impact analysis are summarized below with simulations included in Appendix B. View point A-from the intersection of Uhl Lane and Three Waters Lane, 1,895±-feet north of the subject site. The view point A existing conditions photograph depicts a residential neighborhood with dense seasonal vegetation. The crane was not visible from this location.Thus, as the proposed facility would not be visible from this location,a photographic simulation was not prepared. View point B-from adjacent to the beach parking area at the end of Lands End Lane,2,930±-feet north of the subject site. • The view point B existing conditions photograph depicts a paved roadway lined with dense seasonal vegetation. The crane was not visible from this location.Thus,as the proposed facility would not be visible from this location, a photographic simulation was not prepared. View point C-from near 965 Ryder Farm Lane and the intersection of Ryder Farm Lane and Uhl Lane,2,379±-feet northwest of the subject site. The view point C existing conditions photograph depicts a paved roadway lined with dense seasonal vegetation. The crane was not visible from this location.Thus,as the proposed facility would not be visible from this location,a photographic simulation was not prepared. View point D-from the intersection of Ryder Farm Lane and Route 25, 1,657±-feet northwest of the subject site. The view point D existing conditions photograph depicts a paved roadway, a residential property,a utility pole,overhead wires and dense seasonal vegetation. The crane was not visible from this location.Thus, as the proposed facility would not be visible from this location,a photographic simulation was not prepared. 26 Visual Impact Analysis Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC View point E-from near 1410 Cedar Birch Lane,1,038±-feet southwest of • the subject site. From view point E, the existing conditions photograph depicts a grassy area surrounded with wetlands and seasonal vegetation. From this location, the proposed pole would be visible. However, the proposed antennas would be • concealed within,helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. View point F-from near the entrance to the"Cross Sound Ferry,"1,183±- feet northeast of the subject site. • From view point F,the existing conditions photograph depicts paved staging areas associated with the Cross Sound Ferry,with the subject property beyond. From this location,the proposed pole would be visible. However, the proposed antennas would be concealed within,helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. Additionally,the ground based equipment • compound would be screened behind chainlink fence with privacy slats. View point G-from Lands End Lane,1,212±-feet north of the subject site. From view point G,the existing conditions photograph depicts utility poles, • overhead wires,a flagpole,seasonal vegetation and structures associated with the operations of the Plum Island Animal Disease Center. From this location,the proposed pole would be visible. However, the proposed antennas would be concealed within,helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. Moreover,from this location the proposed facility would appear lower in the horizon than the existing utility poles and flagpole,and would • be visually in character with existing objects on the horizon. View point H-from Park View Lane,near the intersection with Plum Island Lane,1,342±-feet northwest of the subject site. • From view point H,the existing conditions photograph depicts a field surrounded with seasonal and evergreen vegetation,with utility poles and overhead wires beyond. From this location,the proposed pole would be almost completely obscured by the evergreen vegetation. As such,the overall incremental visual impact from this view point would not be • significant. View point I-from the entrance to"Orient Beach State Park,"820±-feet north of the subject site. • From view point I,the existing conditions photograph depicts the entrance to "Orient Beach State Park," an existing flagpole and the subject property beyond. From this location,the proposed pole would be visible. However, • 27 Visual Impact Analysis Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C. the proposed antennas would be concealed within,and the ground based • equipment compound would be screened behind privacy fencing,helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. View point J-from"Orient Beach State Park,"625±-feet south of the subject site. • From view point J,the existing conditions photograph depicts the roadway associated with Orient Beach State Park,with surrounding vegetation and the subject property beyond. From this location,the proposed pole would be visible. However,the proposed antennas would be concealed within, helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. View point K-from"Gardiners Bay,"2,750±-feet southeast of the subject site. From view point K, the existing conditions photograph depicts the subject property and the shoreline on either side thereof,as viewed from the bay. From this location, the proposed pole would be visible. However, the proposed antennas would be concealed within,helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. Additionally, the proposed equipment compound would be screened by privacy fencing and would largely blend with the vegetation in the background. View point L-from"Gardiners Bay,"1,040±-feet southeast of the subject site. • From view point L,the existing conditions photograph depicts the subject property and the shoreline on either side thereof,as viewed from the bay. From this location,the proposed pole would be visible. However,the proposed antennas would be concealed within,helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. Additionally, the proposed equipment compound would be screened by privacy fencing and would largely blend with the vegetation in • the background. As the visual analysis indicates, the proposed facility would be visible from several locations. However,the proposed antennas would be concealed within the pole,and the ground-based equipment would be screened by privacy fencing,helping to • mitigate potential visual impacts. I• • 28 Visual Impact Analysis Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC. 5 . 0 I• • Findings and Conclusions Based upon an inspection of the proposed public utility wireless communications facility location and surrounding areas,review of the Town Zoning Maps and aerial • photographs,evaluation of the proposed facility characteristics, and the examination of potential areas of impact using photographic simulations, the following findings can be made: 1. From a planning perspective,as the proposed communications facility • would be situated on a commercially-developed property within the MII zoning district within a mixed use area with limited siting opportunities,and given that the proposed pole would be extendable,promoting future collocation, the proposed location is appropriate. • 2. The proposed public utility wireless communications facility would have a minimal impact on the environmental conditions of the site and the surrounding area as the facility would be unmanned. As such,no sewage or solid waste would be generated. There would be no significant impact to soils or topography,as the overall disturbance would be minimal and would • not result in a significant increase in impervious surface area.In addition, minimal traffic would result-approximately one trip per month by a technician to inspect the facility. Finally,all work would be done in accordance with all wetlands permits issued for the proposed action. Therefore,there would be no significant environmental impacts associated • with the proposed public utility wireless communications facility. 3. The photographic simulations illustrate that the proposed communications facility would be visible from several vantage points throughout the surrounding area. However,AT&T will conceal the antennas within the pole in an effort to mitigate potential visual impacts. Also,the facility has been • located a significant distance from nearby residential properties. Additionally,the proposed ground-based equipment would be concealed behind privacy fencing and landscape vegetation would be installed between • 29 Findings and Conclusions Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC. the proposed ground-based equipment and the adjacent Orient Beach State Park property. Thus, the design and placement of the proposed facility helps to mitigate potential visual impacts. Based upon the analysis conducted herein,the construction of the proposed public utility wireless communications facility would not result in substantial changes to • the physical characteristics of the neighborhood,nor would it result in significant adverse impacts to neighborhood character or the environmental conditions of the area. Additionally,the proposed installation would conform to a majority of the Town's wireless communications facility criteria set forth in the Town Code. In conclusion,given the area in which the proposed facility must be placed in order to • remedy the existing service deficiency gap,and given the limited siting opportunities,AT&T has designed the proposed public utility wireless communications facility in a manner that would serve to minimize any potential significant adverse impacts. • • • P:\28583.00 Orient by the Sea 2011\ProjRecords\FinalDocs\FINAL Orient by the Sea PZV Dec 2011.docx • 30 Findings and Conclusions • ■ • Appendix A �ingAveerin,K,Surtw)ing and Landscape Ambiteriure,PC. • Yi. k alt " _ , r 'h yt5AY S �`d i` $:. - ,vY3::g,! k, �� :'�3tA?Jt"t ?td?:J".i....•H`. . ., �``i7'{' .. ��i'.S -A Photograph No. 1: View of the proposed public utility wireless communications facility location on the southern portion of the subject property. The orange-flagged stake represents the location of the proposed monopole and the pink-flagged stakes represent • the comers of the proposed ground-based equipment area. • • �r' ?s t' a h.. � F 7 yt s • a _3 r � � x • x. <. • Photograph No. 2: View of the proposed public utility wireless communications facility location. r -Y 76ra. ; ._.3TC •dlF :^� �iM'. - _f _.. } I r y § V f Photograph 1 lookingsouthbuildings, marina use and paved parking areas on overall subjectproperty. V fir iz i , -• a^2> -- - - - v. 1 � A P . 1• . • ' No. 4y iew looking north at the buildings on the subject11 the proposed , 1 / location. S Photograph No. 5: View looking east at the boat ramp and marina from the proposed communications facility location.Note the Cross Sound Ferry is visible beyond. • y _ ty' '1 ',y+T34V Photograph No. 6: View looking south towers Gardiners Bay from the proposed communications facility location. Al A il" X� ,A� vf�•• hy.�,.., L it fes- 1 1 11 . 1 1 11 1 1 i " I 1 1 111 "1 �y C ti ! I I r . 1 I r 1 " 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ ."A. m_-mll +tea e ia•Pcc f� --- ,"_s �� �, ,p._ all � "{� _ li "F�'§J4`'i^I vi'�S:Y�.F*. .✓ .. �.G u�`. 1 1 1 • " 1 ref se 1 1• . 1 4 k � k.. 1 • • 1 Photograph No. 11: View of a cemetery on the southeast corner of Route 25 and Cedar Birch Road, west of the subject property. 6r \ t: • Photograph No. 12: Representative view of residences on Cedar Birch Road, west of the subject property. • PA28583.00 Orient by the Sea 2011\docs\VARIOUSThotograph Log.doc I • • ■ I • Appendix B • • I, • • • • aLngrneermg,Surveyhkg and LGandscrtpedrehilechur,PC. • Creative Visuals, Inc. 37 Happy Valley Road Post Office Box 435 Bea 'lle New York 12409 rsvt Phone (845) 679-9055 email:cvisuals@aol.com November 21,2011 William F. Collins, AIA 12-1 Technology Drive Setauket,NY 11733 RE: Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility To Whom It May Concern: The following is a description of the methodology used in preparing the visual analysis study and photo realistic renderings of a post-construction New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC proposed public utility wireless telecommunications facility("Facility") located at 40200 Main Road, Orient Point,New York. The proposed Facility will consist of a 70'AGL • (Above Ground Level)tall stealth monopole, ground equipment and landscaping as depicted on the site plans dated September 20, 2011 and prepared by William F. Collins AIA, the applicant's consultants. Subsequently,we have reviewed the October 28, 2011 drawings and conclude that the approximately 1.5' grade change of the compound area would not affect the overall visual assessment from the view points under study. Creative Visuals, Inc. has prepared a visual analysis study of the proposed equipment utilizing the process described below. • A two-man team made an on-site visit to obtain familiarity with the terrain and its surrounding area. Twelve view points within close proximity of the site were selected for analysis as areas of potential visual impact, from which eight were selected for photo representation of the completed monopole. The following view points are presented for analysis: Description of View Point Approximate Distance to Site • View point A—from the intersection of Uhl Lane and Three Waters Lane, 1,895' crane not visible; View point B-from adjacent to the beach parking area at the end of 2,930' Lands End Lane, crane not visible; • View point C—from near 965 Ryder Farm Lane and the intersection of Ryder 2,379' Farm Lane and Uhl Lane, crane not visible; View point D—from the intersection of Ryder Farm Lane and Route 25, 1,657' crane not visible; View point E—from near 1410 Cedar Birch Lane; 1,038' View point F—from near the entrance to the"Cross Sound Ferry"; 1,183' View point G—from Lands End Lane; 1,212' View point H—from Park View Lane,near the intersection with Plum Island Lane; 1,342' View point I—from the entrance to"Orient Beach State Park"; 820' View point J—from"Orient Beach State Park; 625' • View point K—from"Gardiners Bay'; 2,750' View point L—from"Gardiners Bay". 1,040' Larry Heimel took photographs of the site from each of the view points under study using a Canon EOS 5D digital camera and a Nikon F5 analog camera shooting Fuji Professional print film,both using a 50mm lens. Two cameras were used to provide an"insurance"shot. The fieldwork was done on May 29, 2007 between 7:15 and 11:30 A.M.; conditions were sunny skies. These photos presented a reference point for calculation of the structure's placement, using red flags attached to a crane. The flags were set at 100' above the location of the proposed site, which represents the top of the stealth flagpole. Computer modeling took into account the difference in height. Prior to the crane test, the pole site and compound corners were staked by a representative of William F. Collins, AIA. Three 12' telescopic poles with reflective material attached and a traffic cone were set at the staked compound comers as references for the compound • A 3D model of the proposed pole was generated using the dimensions supplied by the applicant. 3D software photorealistically rendered the proposed pole as seen from each of the photo simulation view points, maintaining the perspective of a 50mm lens. This resulted by utilizing data taken in the field by a laser rangefinder and a hand-held gps (global positioning system)unit. The 3D software used this information to reference the Facility and view point locations, thus maintaining their relative X,Y and Z distances (the difference in elevation, bearing and distance to). The Facility was generated with its actual dimensions as a vectorized 3D model. Each view point including the site was elevated to its • relative AMSL(Above Mean Sea Level). The 3D program cameras were set at each view point's X, Y and Z location and photographed the model with a 50mm lens (correlating to our analog 50mm photos). The X,Y and Z coordinates allowed the 3D camera to render the Facility to its correct scale, rotation and angle from each view point. The Facility was assigned"photorealistic" materials in the 3D software. 3D software simulated sunlight on the 3D model, taking into account the site latitude, date and time of day of the view point photographs. Actual landscape trees were overlaid onto the 3D model trees to facilitate photo realism. Adobe Photoshop software was used in the process of overlaying the 3D • model onto the corresponding visible references used during photography. The crane was digitally removed from the view point photographs.The photorealistically-rendered 3D model was inserted and merged into the digitized site photos. Conclusion . Based upon our over sixteen years' experience in visual analysis, as well as analyzing over 1,000 public utility structure sites throughout the region, we are confident that the enclosed visual study reasonably reflects the appearance of the Facility, at the captioned site. ;;' el, Pr .eatisuals,Inc. • • J 1 •_1 ong Wend SawW +( LL��JJ 1 Orient Point Co"Park / A �I moi P ' © jG FA / H 4o`sa. �'• WO �.- IS-IT-EIOar&rer=bap ,QnentPomt 9 C. 5 25 Orient Beach State Park Little Bay lip NAVTEQ eoa n GPS Map Detail NAVTEO ON BOARD is a trademark of NAVrEO, m 2005 NAVTEQ, All Rights Reserved. 0 Garmin Ltd.or its subsidiaries 19952006 111199 1151 a 3 SOD1 1111111 !9 ulwaail5 S►f tri u- uo rf9r1 lvlt, wi utuwo j IJ w1+151�'151t1a1 j00i0o6aw1 �Yl �t ,Y 3 l p i` 1 C 1 _ } • i = Oil 1, M � owl y. Alt. ,`�'• `� Lig r` fN /yypi'�., , J r 1-+ e .m' a View point B - from adjacent to the beach parking area at the end of Lands End Lane, crane not visible 2i r a Y` J K; T.n4T � 1 1@ �t wi Photo by Creative Visuals, Inc. h �P d F:f { / , ,!+} a yG i,, 'i idu•„y4 F, f, p Wrih r a � n �M ormr-mmts oil - Vu jjRELqju4p 41®lmfIullWVWWIWIDUML Fl. _,a 8 Ari L� f� :T C' l s LK�` Ap � r � 4 ye ✓ trl .,gad.r ,+a n k i i� i Ss„F t '�4A. ti z � n ' ��`[`a'f� s�;^1f t Lyse �. ! 1 ♦ 14� '� �� ��', la v Nil owAy i s - r n t'• �a T. Liet- Tit V17—MTAkclVRlM_ R XJ I I J j[ q } 'r ry u {v�\�V..dlj'�� �'� �`� ti- - '�.l� �� ti�^,} i �A"•l, �1>�`if� � -' 0 0 Existing view 0 0 • 0 0 View point F — from near the entrance to the "Cross Sound Ferry" `i Y> F NRS Photo by Creative Visuals, Inc. • • • • • • • • • - • • View point F — from near the entrance to the "Cross Sound Ferry" t` X31 b 1550 RI 1 wNJ 07 ri'no. 1 Computer simulated photo by Creative Visuals, Inc. • ,j `4 r s'- r A� Y 'a j v.. . 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C 3 Y 4 l F��Sf M➢.f � __ Vern maw s.- = - _ 1. s-. livilil -:.. .- ._ __„—.._..,tea.. � -_'a _ ��• —M+-wilil L • I -_ ..._' " a....�,+.:n�.*�,-�-,c._.n�`r_ _"^`f' -:, ,F..,l -_�_"�s"c,'� _m'.r�SG-. � ���s�-cc err. r�=�•,�-- _:�"-s� �•— y---..7,�,_-._� s�_...a+� .."tea=—.��a�'rt"t. ��,s _�� _ --�_~ � - � _ 3� _—.-_ =�'"--",5;L� _�s _sem _ -•- —`� I _ ,. 3.'�.---� ,,.. ti�,�.. '" — _�— �.�,_- - - �s;.:sem-•- - _ . '�� � •'"� _yam �.�+cc weg��!��� -�_�� _ _ ^mow._--� � +r- � _ _�_ .. c+—•^.��-sem= TO � ai PYr. • • ■ • Appendix C • 6n�gineerinq,S3etzxying and EC. • Transportation Land Development Environmental Services • ® VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C. I Affiliated with Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Ginny Watral Mrs. Watral has extensive experience in overall planning and environmental evaluation associated with site. This includes community development; waterfront revitalization; Mrs. Watral is a Senior preparation of grant applications for commercial and residential projects; planning, Technical Advisor with VHB. • zoning and visual impact assessments for public utility communication facilities; neighborhood character studies;preparation of environmental assessment forms(EAFs); She has more than 10 years of preparation of environmental impacts statements (EISs); and municipal planning. experience and recently Additionally, Mrs. Watral prepares New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permit became part of VHB as a result applications. of the merger between VHB • Prior to joining Freudenthal&Elkowitz Consulting Group,Inc.,Mrs.Watral worked for and Freudenthal & Elkowtiz the Long Island Housing Partnership and the City of Glen Cove. Among her Consulting Group,Inc. (FECG). responsibilities were preparation of environmental assessments for community development projects for the Town of Babylon, in accordance with the State Mrs. Watral specializes In Environmental Review Quality Act (SEQRA) and the National Environmental Policy planning and environmental • Act (NEPA) and monitoring regulatory compliance of federal, state and other public and private funding sources. -evaluations associated with site redevelopment. Mrs. Watral has provided expert testimony relative to the planning and environmental impacts of public utility communications facilities and development projects throughout Long Island. • PROJECT EXPERIENCE Planning and Zoning Analyses and Neighborhood Character Studies, Various Locations,NY Preparation and submission of planning and zoning analyses and neighborhood • character studies,including expert testimony,for public utility wireless communications facilities and commercial and residential development projects in most of the Towns and Villages on Long Island,the Cities of Long Beach and Glen Cove,and New York City. Environmental Assessment Forms,Various Locations,NY EAFs for projects including residential land divisions, commercial and residential • redevelopments,public utility communications facilities,hospitals,religious institutions and senior citizens developments throughout Nassau and Suffolk Counties and the five boroughs of New York City. Public Hearing Support,Babylon,NY Preparation,submission, and presentation at public hearings in the Town of Babylon of - • Comprehensive Annual Performance Evaluation Report for the Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Programs to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2150 Joshua's Path,Suite 300 Hauppauge, New York 11788 631.234.3444.FAX 631.234.3477 • email: info@vhb.com www.vhb.com • Ginny Watral • Land Division Support,Various Locations,NY Preparation, submission and presentation of documentation supporting land divisions and related land use applications. • Planning,Zoning and Visual Impact Assessments,Various Locations,NY Compilation of information for planning,zoning and visual impact assessments for over one hundred public utility communications facilities. South Nassau Communities Hospital,Hempstead,NY • Expanded EAF for South Nassau Communities Hospital. Stony Brook University Hospital EAF,Stony Brook,NY Part 3-EAF for Stony Brook University Hospital; Residential Development EIS,Babylon,NY • EIS for rezoning and residential development of 34±-acres. Hotel EAF,Smithtown, NY Expanded EAF for a hotel at the Watermill Inn and Caterers. Church Expansion EIS,Southampton,NY • EIS for the expansion of the Greek Orthodox Church of the Hamptons. Education Bachelor of Science/Master of Public Administration, College of Management, School of Public Service, Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus,Greenvale, New York, 1998 • Associate in Arts, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Suffolk County Community College,Selden, New York, 1995 • • • i • • Transportation Land Development Environmental Services • i VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C. I Affiliated with Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Erin Duffy Echevarria • Project Manager Ms.Echevarria is a Project Ms. Echevarria's responsibilities involve the coordination of project activities associated with public utility wireless communications facilities, including attendance at hearings, Manager With VHB.Ms. • preparation of Planning, Zoning and Visual Impact Analyses and preparation of State Echevarria's primary tasks Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation. In addition, Ms. Echevarria's duties also include the involve providing SEORA and preparation of various environmental and planning documents, including, but not NEPA support to the public limited to, environmental assessment forms (EAFs), zoning studies, visual studies, wetlands applications and environmental impact statements(EISs). utilities industry. • PROJECT EXPERIENCE Planning, Zoning and Visual Impact Analyses and Neighborhood Character Studies for Public Utility Wireless Communications Providers,Various Sites,NY Preparation of Planning, Zoning and Visual Impact Analyses and neighborhood • character studies for public utility wireless communications facilities in the Towns of Riverhead, Hempstead,Islip,Babylon,North Hempstead,Huntington, Brookhaven and Southold,as well as in the Villages of Great Neck,Freeport,Patchogue,Lake Grove,The Branch,East Hampton,Westhampton Beach,Head of the Harbor,Mineola and the City of Long Beach. In addition, Ms. Echevarria provides expert environmental and planning testimony to various Town and Village Boards, Planning Boards and Zoning • Boards of Appeal with respect to planning,zoning and environmental matters. Representative projects include: • AT&T concealment pole on a former duck farm property,hamlet of Moriches, Town of Brookhaven,NY • • SiteTech Wireless concealment pole at a municipal.solid waste facility,hamlet of Kings Park,Town of Smithtown,NY • SiteTech Wireless concealment pole at a highway department property,hamlet of Nesconset,Town of Smithtown,NY • Suffolk Wireless flagpole monopole at a fire department property, hamlet of Commack,Town of Huntington,NY • • Verizon Wireless stealth rooftop installation on a hotel, hamlet of Plainview, Town of Oyster Bay,NY • Verizon Wireless stealth monopole on a Jewish Center property,hamlet of East Northport,Town of Huntington,NY • Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile stealth rooftop installation on an office building,Incorporated Village of the Branch,NY • • Verizon Wireless stealth installation in a church steeple, hamlet of East Norwich,Town of Oyster Bay,NY • Multi-carrier flagpole monopole at Venetian Shores Park, hamlet of Lindenhurst,Town of Babylon,NY 2150 Joshua's Path,Suite 300 Hauppauge, New York 11788 631.234.3444•FAX 631.234.3477 • ►lam email:infoCavhb.com www.vhb.com Erin Duffy Echevarria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued,p.2 • Flagpole monopole on a Village Hall property,Incorporated Village of Head of the Harbor • Verizon Wireless monopole relocation on an industrial property, hamlet of New Hyde Park,Town of North Hempstead NEPA Reports,Various Sites,NY Historic research, coordination with involved agencies (i.e., Indian Tribes, local municipalities,etc.),preparation of State Historic Preservation Office(SHPO)and Tower Construction Notification System (TCNS) documentation and preparation NEPA • reports for proposed public utility wireless communications providers, including Verizon Wireless, Suffolk Towers, T-Mobile and AT&T(Cingular Wireless), throughout Long Island and in the five boroughs of New York City. Environmental Assessment Forms,Various Locations,NY EAFs for projects including residential subdivisions, commercial and residential • developments, and public utility communications facilities, and hospitals throughout Nassau and Suffolk Counties and the five boroughs of New York City. NYSDEC Freshwater Wetlands Permit Applications,Various Sites,NY Preparation of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Freshwater Wetlands Permit Applications for properties within the Town of • Huntington,Village of East Hampton,and the Village of Southampton. NYSDEC Tidal Wetlands Permit Applications,Various Sites,NY Preparation of NYSDEC Tidal Wetlands Permit Applications within the Towns of Hempstead,Babylon,Brookhaven and Shelter Island. Residential Subdivision,Southampton,NY Preparation of Expanded EAF and NYSDEC Freshwater Wetlands permit application for a residential subdivision in the Incorporated Village of Southampton. Residential Redevelopment,Sag Harbor,NY Participated in the preparation of an Expanded EAT for the redevelopment of the former • Bulova Watch Factory to a residential use in the Incorporated Village of Sag Harbor. Commercial Redevelopment,Brookhaven,NY Preparation of the Expanded EAT for the redevelopment of a commercial property to accommodate a Lowe's Home Store in the hamlet of East Patchogue. Residential Development,Patchogue,NY Participated in the preparation of an Expanded EAF for the'Copper Beech'residential townhouse community in the Incorporated Village of Patchogue. Commercial Redevelopment,East Hills,NY Participation in the preparation of the Expanded EAF for redevelopment of an 18.07- acre,former industrial property with commercial office space. ® i7[ID ►11/). Erin Duffy Echevarria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued,p.3 Hospital Research Facility,Mineola, New York Participated in the preparation of the Expanded EAP for the redevelopment of institutionally- and commercially developed lots with a Winthrop University Hospital • Research Center. Mixed-Use Development,Oyster Bay,NY Ecological investigation and impact assessment, as well as participation in the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a Planned Development District with a mix of residential units, commercial space, and recreational areas in the . hamlet of Plainview. Retail Development,Oyster Bay,NY Ecological investigation and impact assessment, as well as participation in the preparation of the EIS, of a 12.78-acre light industrial property for proposed retail establishment in the hamlet of Hicksville. 10 Residential Development,Oyster Bay,NY Ecological investigation and impact assessment, as well as participation in the preparation of the EIS,of a 5.03-acre commercial property for proposed development of a multi-family residential development in the hamlet of Oyster Bay. • Cemetery and Residential Subdivision,Old Westbury,NY Ecological investigation and impact assessment, as well as participation in the preparation of the EIS, of a 97.3-acre residentially-zoned property for a residential subdivision and cemetery in the Village of Old Westbury. Neighborhood Character and Environmental Assessment,Various Sites,NY • Neighborhood character and environmental assessments for variance applications in the Towns of Islip,Brookhaven,and Huntington. Planned Development District,Islip,NY Ecological impact assessment as well as participation in preparation of the EIS of a 78.8±-acre property for a proposed Planned Development District with a mix of • residential units,commercial space and recreational areas in hamlet of Great River. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROFESSIONAL Project Manager. Responsible for coordination of activities EXPERIENCE associated with public utility wireless communications facilities. Technical tasks include the preparation of visual studies, zoning studies, EAFs, EISs, wetlands applications, testimony, and hearing exhibits, as well as testifying at hearings. VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C., 2150 Joshua's Path, Hauppauge, New • York. January 2009-present. Project Manager. Responsible for coordination of activities ® associated with public utility wireless communications • �. �. m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ►11JV Erin Duffy Echevarria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued,p.4 facilities. Technical tasks include the preparation of visual studies, zoning studies, EAFs, EISs, wetlands applications, testimony, and hearing exhibits, as well as testifying at • hearings. Freudenthal & Elkowitz Consulting Group, Inc., 1757-24 Veterans Memorial Highway, Islandia, New York. April 2005—December 2005. Environmental Analyst. Responsible for research and compilation of reports, preparation of grant applications • (i.e., Bond Act, '/a% Program, EPA Region 2), attendance at various meetings, presentation of environmental studies and programs,and preparation of negative declarations and short forms for SEQRA compliance. Suffolk- County Department of Health Services — Office of Ecology, 300 Center Drive,Riverhead. June 2003—April 2005. MS,Marine Biology,University of Massachusetts Education Dartmouth,2003 � BA,Natural Science,Fordham University,2001 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • VM • Preliminary Visual Impact Analysis December 2009 • Proposed Public Utility Wireless Communications • Facility Orient by the Sea ki stai�rant,. Hamlet of Orierrt_..r_._. , Town of Southold • Suffolk County, New York Prepared for: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC and metroPCS New York, LLC • Site NYCENY1059/LI-1059 • Prepared by: ®Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C. Hauppauge,New York • • • Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C. • Table of Contents INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY............................................................_.....1 • EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND PROPOSED PUBLIC UTILITY WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSFACILITY.................................................... ...............................3 LAND USES OF THE SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA.........................................9 VISUALIMPACT ANALYSIS..........................................................................................11 PhotographicSimulations........................................................................................................11 • Visual Impact Analysis.............................................................................................................13 CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................16 • List of Figures Figure1—Site Location Map...............................................................................................2 Figure2—Site Plan................................................................................................................5 Figure 3—Enlarged Cingular Equipment Plan and General Notes.............................6 • Figure 4—MetroPCS Enlarged Equipment Plan and Antenna Detail.........................7 Figure5—East Elevations.....................................................................................................8 Figure6—Aerial Photograph.............................................................................................10 Figure 7—Photograph Location Map...............................................................................12 • List of Appendices Appendix A-Subject Site and Surrounding Area Photographs • Appendix B-Letter of Methodology,View Point Photographs,and Photographic Simulations, Creative Visuals, Inc. Appendix C-Resume of Theresa Elkowitz, Principal,and Erin Duffy Echevarria, Project Manager,VHB Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C. • • • • Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C. INTRODUCTION ' AND METHODOLOGY • A Preliminary Visual Impact Analysis was performed for the proposed New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC (hereinafter "Cingular") and metroPCS New York,LLC (hereinafter "metroPCS") public utility wireless communications facility (consisting of a concealment pole and ground-based equipment) on the Orient by the Sea Restaurant property at 40200 Main Road,in the hamlet of Orient,Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York(see Figure 1-Site Location Map). A site and area survey and a review of aerial photography were performed to examine land uses on the site and in the surrounding area. Photographs were taken • to document the existing land uses on the site and in the surrounding area (see Appendix A). In order to conduct the preliminary visual impact analysis, the following methodology was employed: • > Visual inspection of the proposed facility location and evaluation of physical characteristics of the project; > Visual inspection of proximate areas to determine existing characteristics of and obstructions in the horizon;and > Photographic simulation analysis of the proposed facility from several identified vantage points,conducted by Creative Visuals,Inc. Specific methodology used in the preparation of photographic simulations prepared by Creative Visuals,Inc.is included in Appendix B. • • 1 Introduction and Methodology • Street Atlas USA®2005 Orient by the Sea Restaurant Site Location Map • • • .� ONSFA� �q 1t h WMISIANOW i � � 1 LP P� si"te"'1V 111 � 1 R Zi �`PO P 25 �Z s O"0^'U'1#VR0 n f • JN ; rT t �Q Q S I • t • 51p1EPMNX • One nteeach State arlf Scale 1 :25,000 Data use subject to license. " .� , 24w ®2004 DeLorrne.Street Atlas USA®2005. 1m — 1440 " • w .delorme.00m 1"=2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 2 Figure 1 • Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC. ' EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND PROPOSED PUBLIC UTILITY WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS ' FACILITY The proposed action involves the construction of a public utility wireless communications facility at the Orient by the Sea Restaurant property, 40200 Main Road in the hamlet of Orient, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York (see Figure 1 -Site Location Map). The subject property is currently developed with the Orient by the Sea Restaurant,a marina,and associated paved parking areas. The proposed action involves the installation of an 80-foot above grade level ("agl") concealment pole and associated equipment on the above-referenced property (see Figure 2-Site Plan,Figure 3-Enlarged Cingular Equipment Plan and General Notes and Figure 4 - MetroPCS Enlarged Equipment Plan and Antenna Detail). The proposed concealment pole would have the antennas of Cingular and metroPCS concealed within (see Figure 5 - East Elevations). The Cingular antennas would be concealed within at a centerline height of 77±-feet agl and the metroPCS antennas would be concealed within at a centerline height of 57±-feet agl. There would also be additional space within this pole for the antennas of an additional wireless service provider(see Figure 5-East Elevations). The proposed Cingular and metroPCS ground-based equipment would be situated proximate to the base of the concealment pole. The Cingular equipment would be installed upon an elevated steel platform within a 12-foot-8-inch by 29-foot-10-inch fenced equipment compound (see Figure 3-Enlarged Cingular Equipment Plan and General Notes). The metroPCS equipment would be situated upon an elevated steel platform within a 12-foot by 16-foot fenced equipment compound (see Figure 4 - MetroPCS Enlarged Equipment Plan and Antenna Detail). Both equipment • compounds would be surrounded with 12-foot-high chainlink fencing and landscape vegetation (14-foot-tall Juniperus virginiana). The proposed Cingular equipment cabinets would extend to a maximum height of 11-feet-2-inches agl and would be • 3 Existing Site Conditions and Proposed Public Utility Wireless Communications Facility Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C. connected to the concealment pole via cables protected by an ice bridge that would extend to a maximum height of 12-feet agl (see Figure 5 - East Elevations). The proposed metroPCS equipment cabinets would extend to a maximum height of 10- feet-5-inches and would be connected to the concealment pole via an ice bridge that would extend to a maximum height of 12-feet-6-inches agl (see Figure 5 - East Elevations). 4 Existing Site Conditions and Proposed Public Utility Wireless Communications Facility - EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES FROM UTILITY POLE #35 BEYOND i• ��SSpf.�p� NEW TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED - PROPERTY LINE, TYP. F _ UNDERGROUND FROM EXISTING a ' NEW CINGULAR/METROPCS ELECTRIC CONDUITS UTILITY POLE /35 TO NEW MESA EXISTING RESTAURANT - SPAN CABINET AT SOUTHWEST TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM NEW y AND MARINE FUELING m� MULTI-CARRIER METER BANK TO NEW CORNER OF PROPERTY E%ISTING PROPERTY - OWNED BY ORIENT STATION t CINGULAR/METROPCS ELECTRIC PANELS MOUNTED POINT STATE PARK ,•+1' ON THEIR RESPECTIVE NEW ELEVATED EQUIPMENT EXISTING TRANSFORMER, 7 _ PLATFORMS METER AND DISCONNECT Q t LOCATION.s NEW MULTI-CARRIER I ER ELECTRIC METER BANK \Z ; �s \O� EXISTING STORAGE �1 BUILDING pT�O SGS ; NEW METROPCS EQUIPMENT CABINETS 'G� RN MOUNTED ON NEW ELEVATED F L • - GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM Oye +/ e s /y`• NEW MULTI-CARRIER 80'-0' HIGH RF pR Q' iF.� • • � �� t COMPATIBLE EMENDABLE MONOPOLE AND ANTENNAS �O �O OJ Q. O.\�* �• . EXI NG �+ RINA ,{ "GR ISLE EXTENDABLE MONOPOLE 10 51,NEW CINGULAR & / _ w _\g \ t j ISWO06B GOPENL BLUE-. UE SHERWIN-WIWAMS A-x METROPCS LEASED AREA , p +/' NOTE: � Y CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE RESTORE ANY AREA SITE SPECIFIC SIGNAGE IN n 'L WHICH IS AFFECTED BY e \ }N + THE INSTALLATION OF ACCORDANCE WITH CINGULAR a NEW 14'-0' HIGH 9 'e AND METROPCS PROJECT c JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA O / a, \ }}} t ,5 /•�1 +/ F ,\{1 ANY ITEMS AND/OR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 0 Q\7' R EQUIPMENT WITHIN THIS FOR SITE SIGNAGE. e 7'-0* O.C.. TYP. OF (40) / vs 1�b0QoQF' SCOPE OF WORK. + NEW CINGULAR EQUIPMENT ,''s F,c'� s, + ° / �Z'C1 CABINETS MOUNTED ON NEW 'P s'n.,P0 - ZAP G\J NQE Nom= EPIA�ATED GALVANIZED STEEL ' Gy'L`0-p • 1 ` ALL TRENCHES TO BE EXISTING �/ \'1E0 OSP HAND EXCAVATED AND OFETHE FACILITY WILL NOT CONSTRUCTION AND CEMENT TFORMUU++ 0+ O ci, MMINA J Z BACKFILLED TO ENSURE INTERFERE WITH PUBLIC SAFETY 7 +/ 1Q \ THAT EXISTING COMMUNICATIONS AND THE USUAL CINGU 00 I \J� UNDERGROUND UTIUTIE AND CUSTOMARY TRANSMISSION OR o Sf TOq R Off/ L ARE NOT DISTURBED. RECEPTION OF RADIO, TELEVISION P �ST pF i O PS + MAKE ALL PVC JOINTS OTHER COMMUNICATIONS ELB f NORT s. o ;.' SERVICESORWITH ELECTRICAL WATERTIGHT. TEST f + PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. TRANSMISSION LINES. OTE. - ` EXISTING VEGETATION, TRAILER MD DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF NEW ANTENNAS, E BOATS TO BE CLEARED PRIOR TO \ + CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE NEW RF • START OF CONSTRUCTION s' 2 +®� COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE STRUCTURE. A CONCRETE FOUNDATION I r m Z x2�y, �+ °j•+ <, IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A NEW YORK STATE LICENSED \� �m rn m ¢ p 4 O• / PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED DOCUMENTATION + FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FLED BY OTHERS. b riwo� A� A + N EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH RAMP INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED UPON A SURVEY '41 PREPARED BY: HAWKINS WEBB JAEGER PLLC., 3239 ROUTE 112, BUILDING B-SUITE 1, MEDFORD, NY 11763, (631) 732-7777, EXISTING BULKHEAD (DATED JULY 2ND, 2009, PROJECT NO: 06-0099) a / NOTE: o' zU 46 eo' ,H EXISTING SHORELINE SJ9'44.4UTy '4 IF THIS SHEET IS 11" X 17" REFER € ARD (](ISTING BAY ENTRANCE TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE. 1"=so'-o" 1 A t SITE4PLAN NE S BAY \1 NORTH 3 _ ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT a t � 8 v'n w " "°4 8 NEW CINGmetrroPCS WIRELESS LLC PCS, LLC AT&T#NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 metro P(i�7 ° D5-6a7B WILLIAM F. COLLINS,AIA A R C H I T E C T S. L L P metroPCS#NY7320 SITE PLAN WIRELESS,INC. r 121re owcruvve eeu0un WJIM 40200 MAIN RD NEW LINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC 1 "' '¢ vm®: mieasuw ru: e3ieeauso 333 CROSSWAY$.PARK DRIVE SSKYLINE OA art e« uro roe xo. sirt xa. oanx�xe uuuecx vn ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 -WOODBURY, NEW YORK 11797 HAWrxou�E•NY msJz omwm� ,,. 24697 NYCENY1059 SP-1 3 NY7320 � 5 4 2 osN-SM16o,Gz1 .mxs 2 x A $III 6 3 5 Figure 2 • GENERAL NOTES: e 1. EXISTING STRUCTURE, TRUE NORTH, AND MISC. INFORMATION WERE TAKEN FROM VARIOUS SOURCES OF INFORMATION, I.E.: FIELD MEASUREMENTS, PLAN DRAWINGS SUPPLIED BY THE OWNER, PHOTOGRAPHS, INFORMATION FROM CWGULAR. THIS PLAN PROPOSED CONCRETE DOES NOT REPRESENT AN ACTUAL SURVEY PERFORMED BY WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA ARCHITECTS, LLP OR ANY OTHER THIRD PAD MOUNTED MESO PARTY. SPAN CABINET 2.THIS PROPOSAL IS FOR THE PLACEMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT ON AN ELEVATED PLATFORM AT GRADE LEVEL PROPERTY LINE, TYP. yQ AND THE PLACEMENT OF ANTENNAS IN A NEW RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE. _ 3.OCCUPANCY IS LIMITED TO PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION, APPROXIMATELY TWO TIMES PER MONTH, BY CINGULAR G �'`�P - \ TECHNICIANS. _ DASHED LINE S, LOW yy} �- 4.NO NOISE, SMOKE, DUST OR ODOR WILL RESULT FROM THIS PROPOSAL. EXISTING TREES, LOW LYING0,� 5.ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CINGULAR PROJECT VEGETATION, TRAILER ANO - SPECIFICATIONS AND LOCAL CODES. D BOATS TO BE CLEARED — — — — — — — — — 6.SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION. .€ PRIOR TO START OF 7.SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE CONSTRUCTION OPERATION. CONSTRUCTION 8.SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL TRASH AND DEBRIS FROM THE SITE ON A DAILY BASIS. 9.CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND PLAN DIMENSIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AND BECHTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS OR PROCEEDING WITH ' TIECONSTRUCTION. 10.PHOTOGRAPH AND DOCUMENT EXISTING BUILDING OR SITE CONDITIONS OR DAMAGE WHICH MIGHT OTHERWISE BE CONSTRUED `�}-� TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT. n 3'•^ @� �: -3.'- n. -T.'- .-�: (3) PROPOSED CINGULAR 11.THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS �- ANTENNAS MOUNTED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE OR WHERE LOCAL CODES OR ORDINANCES TAKE PRECEDENCE. // Tv..V ��a; rv-w �,J rY-� `I/ 73 LI/ A-� .•�r/ rrl INSIDE RF COMPATIBLE 12'THE DAMAGEDCPART�SHALL BECTOR LL REPAIRED ATE SUBING CONTRACTOORSEE PENSEPAVETONTHE SATISFACTIONLANDSCAPING OWNERAND STRUCTURES. ANY rY (/rs�Y (�l (✓,/�q (/S�rT = t (/// CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE. E PROPOSED CINGULAR io 1 ANTENNA PER SECTOR, 13.ALL EXISTING ACTIVE SEWER, WATER, GAS, ELECTRIC, AND OTHER UTILITIES WHERE ENCOUNTERED IN THE WORK, SHALL BE EQUIPMENT CABINETS I .I TYR. - PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES, AND WHERE REQUIRED FOR THE PROPER EXECUTION OF THE WORK, SHALL BE RELOCATED AS j MOUNTED ON PROPOSED 21'-11" DIRECTED BY ENGINEERS. EXTREME CAUTION SHOULD BE USED BY THE SUBCONTRACTOR WHEN EXCAVATING OR DRILLING PIERS AROUND OR NEAR UTILITIES. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SAFETY TRAINING FOR THE WORKING CREW. THIS WILL _ ELEVATED GALVANIZED 1'-10 '-6" '-6" '-6" '-6" '-6" '-6" '-fi" 4'-2" 3'-0" < INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO A) FALL PROTECTION B) CONFINED SPACE C) ELECTRICAL SAFETY D) TRENCHING & STEEL. PLATFORM ¢/rg 1 _g• \\J EXCAVATION. x _1 14.ALL EXISTING INACTIVE SEWER, WATER, GAS, ELECTRIC AND OTHER UTILITIES, WHICH INTERFERE WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK, SHALL BE REMOVED AND/OR CAPPED, PLUGGED OR OTHERWISE DISCONTINUED AT POINTS WHICH WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK, AS DIRECTED BY THE RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER, AND SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF PROPOSED CINGULAR 12'-0" �_ �r rJl A.�x I x THE OWNER AND/OR LOCAL UTILITIES. HIGH CHAINUNK FENCE= m <-�/ it I I I + 15.THE AREAS OF THE OWNER'S PROPERTY DISTURBED BY THE WORK AND NOT COVERED BY THE MONOPOLE OR EQUIPMENT j 0 4'-0" LOCKABLE GATE ♦ / SHALL BE GRADED TO A UNIFORM SLOPE AND STABILIZED TO PREVENT EROSION. C m�h • OUE NOR1H 16.SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO EXISTING SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, IF EI Lr REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION, SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE LOCAL GUIDEUNES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT E r � CONTROL. ^ max I I 17.THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SITE SIGNAGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CINGULAR PROJECT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR H f c4 I SITE SIGNAGE DOCUMENT NO. 24897-011-000-3PS-AO02-00013. PROPOSED 14'-0" HIGH �w- I '� JUNIPERUS VIRGINUNIA O ''fir/��q� • I x� 8 7'-0" O.C., TYP. OF (40 1 ED LINES REPRESENT EXISTING z —xxx SHUBBERY AND LOW LYING VEGETATION TO BE REMOVED 29'-10" 5'-10" /. -C /. .L /. .L /� 4 /. HED LINES REPRESENT PROPOSED LINGULAR GPS ANTENNA �^ �� ��, �� ,,, -� , L N3�� EXISTING WOODEN 3 POLE MOUNTED TO PROPOSED ` — !s' ,a�- '�s —� .='s �� Y 5� RETAINING WALL TO BE 1_ ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK $ %' �� �� �� `r q 73-� TV-� • ? �$� REMOVED IN ENDREIY _y sq (/rte/r� r/ T }�� PROPOSED CINGULAR ANTENNA ry J .L1 - CABLE TRAY ICE BRIDGING PROPOSED CINGULAR COAXIAL ANTENNAlir CABLES ROUTED THROUGH PROPOSED ` ��, CABLE-TRAY ICE BRIDGE TO PROPOSED MONOPOLE PROPOSED TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED UNDERGROUNDILI FROM PROPOSED MESA SPAN CABINET TO PROPOSED _ CINGULAR TELCO PANEL MOUNTED ON PROPOSED CINGULAR EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL PROPOSED ELECTRIC CONDUIT TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM EXISTING °'< R�FO MMPATIBLE EXTENDABLE MONOPOLE MULTI-CARRIER METER BANK TO PROPOSED CINGULAR ELECTRIC PANEL a� TO BE "GRAY/BLUE SHERNIN-W1WAM5 MOUNTED ON PROPOSED CINGULAR EQUIPMENT PLATFORM w z dSW0068 COPEN BLUE". NEW MULTI-CARRIER 80'-0' HIGH RF COMPATIBLE EXTENDABLE Flo MONOPOLE AND ANTENNAS.. _ w o NO1E: wDRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF NEW ANTENNAS, PROPOSED MONOPOLE FOUNDATION BY OTHERS. MIT CABLING ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE NEW RE SEE NOTE BOX THIS SHEET s LEGEND; COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE ANEW RE A CONCRETE FOUNDATION • YORK 1 —A A ANTENNA CABLE PROFESSIONAL ENGIS TO BE DESIGNGIINEER. SIGNED AND TE SEALEDLICENSED CDOCUMENTATION PROPOSED TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHED-UNDERGROUND o FROM PROPOSED MESA SPAN CABINET TO PROPOSED —T—T— TELCO CONDUIT FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. METROPCS PTC CABINET BEYOND —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUIT z' 4 a' Y U PARTIAL SITE PLAN -T/E7/E— TELCO CONDUIT ELECTRIC IF THIS SHEET IS Il*TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SC17' REFER ALE Va'7 NORTH P } a 6 "" 1C ao. NEW LINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ORIENT N THE SEA RESTAURANT at&t n metroPCS, LLC. ` L metroP o °5-64'B WILLIAM F. COLLINS,AIA AT&T#NYCENY7059 LI-1059 .nn A A C H I T E C T S, L L P metroPCS#NY7320 ENLARGED LINGULAR EQUIPMENT PLAN _ WIRELESS, INC.- } mrreaaoracrawve sruvercxv uns 40200 MAIN RDim NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC �" 01A'�°' "" AND GENERAL NOTES volt: m�zecuso . al.. 333 CROSSWAYS PARK DRIVE SSKYIJNE DtL ,wn ma uo. sre rro. nanmae nuuecx aEv - ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 WOODBURY, NEW YORK 11797 HAWTHORNE�NY 10532 24887 N7CENY1059 SP-2 3 NY7320 0 6 5 4 3 �2 DM-Sr4160.02) .m 22134 $2E 6 Figure 3 • PROPOSED CINGULAR ETROPCS ELECTRIC /M (3) PROPOSED COMPATIBLE CS ANTENNAS MOUNTED 1 [NOE. 0) 5/16 7/✓jCONDUfiS TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM INSIDE RF COMPATIBLE CONCEV_MENT �:p-1PROPOSED MULTI-CARRIER METER BANK TO MONOPOLE. 1 ANTENNA PER SECTOR, TYP. ,AaOQp ,.). NNA MOUNT F: Q= : KATHREIN PROPOSED CINGUTAR/MEEROPCS ELECTRIC PROPOSED METROPCS COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES ?0 NO.: INCLUDED PANElS MOUNTED ON THEIR RESPECTIVE d m PROPOSED ELEVATED EQUIPMENT PLATFORMS ROUTED THROUGH PROPOSED CABLE-TRAY ICEJ�" o BRIDGE TO PROPOSED MONOPOLE FK B PROPOSED METROPCS ELECTRIC CONDUIT TRENCHED • UNDERGROUND FROM EXISTING MULTI-CARRIER METER BANK PROPOSED METROPCS PTC NNA MFG.: A TO PROPOSED METROPCS PTC CABINET MOUNTED ON REIN PROPOSED METROPCS EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL CABINET MOUNTED TO PROPOSED NO.: 800-10121 STEEL PLATFORM HANDRAIL N D ° PROPOSED METROPCS LEASED AREA TO BE PROPOSED GALVANIZED STEEL UMTS ' RE-GRADED AND MADE LEVEL WRH PROPOSED HANDRAIL, TYP ,o CINGULAR LEASED EQUIPMENT,AREA • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PROPOSED METROPCS EQUIPMENT CABINETS MOUNTED ON PROPOSED ELEVATED GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM, TYP. E I o T T/E T T/E—T/E—T/E—T/E—T/E T/E /E k � N},).. N}/ l,' /�, PROPOSED TELCO CONDUIT FRONT SIDE 5, Y 5� ('S. ,.- Y 5� TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM 0 5/16" `� EXISTING UTILITY POLE #35 TO PROPOSED MESA SPAN CABINET AT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PROPERTY 2 TYPICAL LINGULAR ANTENNA DETAIL PP Top 14'-0" m rt rJ e yo c. 1'-D' _tt•' _11" -tt" 3'-D" 7.. � .iti � I � 2 11 r r T6"1- EN ix JUNPERUS VIRGNIANA O ANi PROPOSED 14-0' HIGH -MFG: KATHREIN-WERKE KG -PART N0' 8DO 10504 o o � ' 7'-0" O.C., TYP. OF (40) ,km 3 I x < �f,j !lyp NATIVE PAVED < a c SOI AR .J_. �.. x ^� �. Q rel\`7\)' \ \ I • NFi � O l. .lf}/ r.lfiA}-�.^ v i R , SIDE VIEW � �.. l� � FRONT VIEW nr , /� ,(im Z, • `e j yL ,, \. �S �f � y PROPOSED METROPCS 3 TYPICAL METROPCS6-3/s2"�, - :,.. „ � � 12'- H CHAINUNK ANTENNA DETAIL TOP VI FENCE WITH 4'-0" �'(t°'/Y71,"�,�� ✓r � LOCKABLE GATE ! PROPOSED STRAIGHT LADDER O P SED [FOR GENERAL NOTES SEE SHT. SP-2. DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALLATION OF NEW ANTENNAS, CABLING METROPCS EQUIPMENT PLATF PROPOSED METROPCS ETC. THAT ARE TO BE MOUNTED WITHIN THE NEW RF U O COMPATIBLE MONOPOLENEW STRUCTURE A CONCRETE FOUNDATION IS GPS UNIT MOUNTED 70 w PROPOSED EQUIPMENT LEGEND TO BE DESIGNED IN E NEW YORK STATE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED DOCUMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL _mak_ ANTENNA CABLE DOCUMENTATION E a DASHED LINES REPRESENT EXISTING WOODEN FOR THIS WORK SHALL BE FILED BY OTHERS. RETAINING WALL TO BE REMOVED IN ENTIRETY —T—T— TELCO CONDOR DASHED LINES REPRESENTS EXISTING —E—E— ELECTRIC CONDUIT PARTIAL SITE PLAN SHRUBBERY AND LOW LYING VEGETAT ON TO BE —T/E T/E— CTELCO ONDOR ELECTRIC IF THIS SHEET IS 11" X 17" RFfER V r{1'a��J 1 / scwe yr=t•-o• RD TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE, t/e•-tb• NORTH A IR a ORIENT BYTHE SEA RESTAURANT at&t © w'n x w ""� «o. NEW CINGUTAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC i 05-6478 metro PCS, LLC. F. AT&T# NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 11?etro ARC [AM TcOLLt S, AIA o•ro�n N«c "� METROPCS ENLARGED EQUIPMENT PIAN A A C H T T 8 C T 5, LLP metrQPCS#NY7320 WIRELESS,INC. ,hro, ,,,,n,.c AND ANTENNA DETAIL o. ,z-i zeawo�ocrnxsm sErnur.EgxTum 40200 MAIN RD NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC 0 cam.', .s voce: ws sev.csso rsx: oiasuss 333 CROSSWAYS PARK DRIVE 5SAYLP`E n2 . � n roe xo. srtc xo. Osumrc xuuecx xn ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 WOODBURY, NEW YORK 11797 - HAWIHONNE,NY 10533 24897 NYCENY7059 °0.y1ry m:xx NY7320 SP-3 3 • 6 5 4 3 z a<x_sM�sa.P�T - .owc 72 z 34 SIZE Figure 4 h EW 80_*.=W AGI To NEXTENDABLE MONOPOLE RF) NEW COMPATIBLE 0 CS ANTENNAS MOUNTED CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE,NSIDE TYP., (1 PER SECTOR) h77-0't AGL RAD. CNTR. OF NEW NEW METROPCS COAXIAL CABLES ROUTED LINGULAR ANTENNAS • _ NEW LINGULAR ANTENNAS MOUNTED INSIDE ALONG NEW CABLE BRIDGE TO NEW RF MONOPOLE e2 RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE, - p O TYP., (1 PER SECTOR) h 6T_.Qc AGL V RAD. CNDi. OF FUTURE ANTENNAS NEW MULTI-CARRIER 80'-0' HIGH RF COMPATIBLE EXTENDABLE MONOPOLE AND ANTENNAS • NEW CINGULAR GPS ANTENNA, ` POLE MOUNTED TO NEW ANTENNAe g CABLE SUPPORT.RACK 8 - ' 57'-0'f AGL O € FENCEINGULAR 12'-0' HIGH WITH 4-0' LOCKABLE GATE - RAD. CNTPCS TE NEA" HANDRAIL. GALVANIZED STEEL METR005 ANTENNAS HANDRAIL. TYP. i - eNEW CINGULARCABLE TRAY ICE NEW METROPCS PTC BRIDGING EWS OPNTED NEVI RADED LEASED AREA TO NEW CINGULAR GABLE N BE RE-GRADED AND MADE LEVEL TRAY ICE BRIDGEWITH NEW CINGULAR LEASED SUPPORT POST, TYP. NEW 14'-0" HIGH e JUNIP OUS N �NOF (40) CNEW METRO ABINETS MOUD UON �� EQUIPMENT AREA NEW ELEVATED GALVANIZED DASHED LINES REPRESENT IN STEEL PLATFORM EXISTING WOODEN RETAINING WALL C NEW GALVANIZED 2 TO BE REMOVED IN ENTIRETY 14-O't ACL STEEL HANDRAIL' TYP NEW LINGULAR 12'-0' HIGH E T.O. NEW JUNIPERUS = VIRGINLINA NEW CINGULAR EQUIPMENT CABINETS < < CHAINUNK FENCE WITH E MOUNTED ON NEW ELEVATED 4'-0' LOCKABLE GATE GALVANIZED STEEL PLATFORM T NEW 1RGINL HIGH e J-0- D.C., T RGI OF ( O 3 TbA"t AGL NEW 200 AMP POWER PANEL T-O' O.C., TYP. OF (40) T.O. NEW FENCE AND T.O. NEW WITH EMERGENCY GENERATOR z CINGULAR ICE BRIDGING CABLE RECEPTACLE MOUNTED TO NEW NEW MLT200S _ TRAY EQUIPMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL. I GPS UNIT MOUNTED T.O. NEW METROPCS BEYOND TO NEW EQUIPMENT ICE BRIDGE GABLE • PLATFORM TRAY - '-5'f AGL 11'-2'f AGL T.O. NET METROOS T.O. NEW A7&T EQUIPMENT CABINET v EQUIPMENT CABINET ¢ .: I NEW CINGULAR ANTENNA CABLE SUPPORT RACK - ' T.O. NEW METROPCS g 4'-O'3 AG EQUIPMENT PLATFORM T.O. NEW AT&T __. .. . ...... _ -::. EQUIPMENT PLATFORM .... ..c. .... .. is 0'-0"f AGL • t r... - 0'-0"f AGL GRADEGRADE 1 T/E -T/EE �--T/E—T/E T/E-1 I T/E—T/E—T/E-7/E—T/E—T/E L_ NEW CONCRETE PAD MOUNTED MESA L_J I --- - LJ LJ SPAN CABINET BEYOND LEGEND. NEW CINGULAR/METROPCS ELECTRIC CONDUITS TRENCHED UNDERGROUND FROM NEW Y-6^ -A-A- ANTENNA CABLE CINGULAR/METROPCS METER BANK TO NEW ee NOS: -T-T- TELCO CONDUIT CINGULAR/METROPCS ELECTRIC PANELS DRAWING DEPICTS THE INSTALIATON MOUNTED ON THEIR NEW ELEVATED OF NEW• ' -E-E- ELECTRIC CONDUIT -EQUIPMENT PLATFORMSUNG ETC. THAT ARE TO BLE MM _OUNTED WITHIN THE E -T/E-T/E- TFLCO & ELECTRIC NEW RF COMPATIBLE MONOPOLE CONDUIT NQg: IS TO BEE A DESIGNEDRETE BY BY AA FOUNDATION YORK RF COMPATIBLE EXTENDABLE MONOPOLE a' 7 4' a STATE BELICDE IG PROFESSIONAL TO BE 'GRAY/BLUE SHERWIN-WIWAMS IF THIS SHEET IS 11' X 17' REFER Li f��� ENGINEER. SIGNED AND SEALED EAST ELEVATION dSWD068 COPEN BLUE'. TO ADJACENT GRAPHIC SCALE /x--I'-x' DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS WORK NORTH A 1 srue yr=r-a• - SHALL BE FlLED BY OTHERS. 3 ORIENT BY THE SEA RESTAURANT pNEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC NT xx -6478 metroPCS, LLC. AT&T# NYCENY1059 /LI-1059 metroPCS o WILLIAM F. COLLINS.AIA A R C H I T E IetrDPCS C T S, L L P LT #NY7320 0° -j°'" EAST ELEVATIONS NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLCawn WIRELESS,INC. ung " 40200 MAIN RD 333 CROSSWAYS PARK DRIVE SSKYLwE ua " a vo�cs: niasa3so rsx: msenuss ORIENT POINT, N.Y. 11957 °"' w+'o +og W. srte xo. ow.vnxe xu"ecx x[v WOODBURY, NEW YORK 11797 HAWTHORNR,NY 1053z 24697 N7CENY1059 SP-4 3 NY7320 • U 6 5 4 3 xxxx�2 0EN-sn4+60.o2I .owc 22 x 34 0 SIZE 8 Figure 5 Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C. LAND USES OF THE SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA As previously indicated, the subject property is currently developed with the Orient • by the Sea Restaurant, a marina and associated paved parking areas. Below is a brief description of the land uses surrounding the subject property. In order to depict the nature of the surrounding community,photographs are included in Appendix A. North: Immediately north of the subject property are single-family residential properties. South: South of the subject property are the waters associated with Gardner's Bay. East: To the east of the subject property is property associated with Plum Island Animal Disease Center and the Cross Sound Ferry Terminal, with undeveloped lands beyond. West: West of the subject property is Long Beach State Park with single-family residential uses beyond. The proposed facility is located within an area in which Cingular and metroPCS currently have service deficiency gaps, according to information provided by the applicants. The area in which the facility must be placed is characterized with a mix of uses (see Figure 6 — Aerial Photograph). Given the predominance of residential uses to the north and west,there are limited siting opportunities for a facility such as that proposed. However, the applicant has incorporated mitigation measures into the facility design to minimize potential visual impacts upon the subject property and the surrounding area. Given this,the construction of the proposed public utility wireless communications facility on a commercial use property within a mixed use area is appropriate, as it would obviate the need to erect multiple tall structures (i.e., monopoles)to accommodate the antennas of each individual service provider. 9 Existing Site Conditions and Proposed Public Utility Wireless Communications Facility ^ �f r A / 3 E ry a . n � �• If r~ 4•... � h nUi F � /• T a r w d; tG � 4 p p b iL rn P,j NJ eD Fy cn CD N N O o° -, o f/y awn ei q a sr• y, N F1 O (1D �1 • V � 1 Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C. • VISUAL IMPACT ANALYSIS • Photographic Simulations • Creative Visuals, Inc. prepared photorealistic simulations of the proposed public utility wireless communications facility. On May 29, 2007, Creative Visuals, Inc. conducted an on-site visit to obtain familiarity with the proposed facility location and surrounding area. Digital and analog photographs were taken from each of the View Points being examined between 7:15 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. The conditions were • variable (cloudy to sunny skies). These photographs presented a reference point for calculation of proposed 80-foot agl concealment pole, using red flags attached to a crane, as seen from each View Point (where visible) (see Creative Visuals Methodology Letter in Appendix B for further detail). • Fourteen off-site View Points proximate to the proposed facility location were selected for analysis as areas of potential visual impact of the completed project. Photographic simulations of the proposed facility were prepared from the locations where the facility would be visible. A Photograph Location Map depicting the View Points is included as Figure 7—Photograph Location Map. • Photographs were taken from each of the examined View Points using a 50mm lens. The photographs were taken as digital high-resolution files and using print film. A laser rangefinder and a hand-held GPS unit were utilized to collect data in the field. These data were then used in combination with 3D software to create a model of the • actual proposed facility using dimensions and drawings furnished by William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP, the applicant's consulting architects. Other software was then used to photo-realistically simulate the facility as seen from each View Point, maintaining the perspective of the digital and analog photos. Finally, the simulated facility was inserted and merged into the digitized site photographs. Complete methodology for the photographic simulations is included in Appendix B. • • • 11 Visual Impact Analysis • • • • • • • • • • • J 1 r gong Island Sound 10 �z Orient Pdrt Cou*Park E. ofd ❑H � poicd / � pstk` � • ' ' �t� — ti 0 n SITE GardnasBay � �9nentPoiM �4S F E T {� 25 Orient Beach State Park Little B� ■ NAVTEQ 800 fl • : • GPS Map Detail NAVTEO ON BOARD is a trademark of NAVrEO. 02005 NAVTEO. All Rights Reserved. 0 Garmin Ltd.or its sulwdlaries 1995-2006 Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,PC • Visual Impact Analysis . The results of the visual impact analysis are summarized below with simulations included in Appendix B. View point A- from the intersection of Uhl Lane and Three Waters Lane, 1,895±- feet north of the subject site. The view point A existing conditions photograph depicts a residential neighborhood with dense seasonal vegetation. The crane was not visible from this location. Thus, as the proposed facility would not be visible from this location, a photographic simulation was not prepared. View point B - from adjacent to the beach parking area at the end of Lands End Lane,2,930±-feet north of the subject site. The view point B existing conditions photograph depicts a paved roadway lined with dense seasonal vegetation. The crane was not visible from this location. Thus, as the proposed facility would not be visible from this location, a photographic simulation was not prepared. View point C-from near 965 Ryder Farm Lane and the intersection of Ryder Farm Lane and Uhl Lane,2,379±-feet northwest of the subject site. The view point C existing conditions photograph depicts a paved roadway lined with dense seasonal vegetation. The crane was not visible from this location. Thus, as the proposed facility would not be visible from this location, a photographic simulation was not prepared. View point D-from the intersection of Ryder Farm Lane and Route 25,1,657±-feet northwest of the subject site. The view point D existing conditions photograph depicts a paved roadway, a residential property, a utility pole, overhead wires and dense seasonal vegetation. The crane was not visible from this location.Thus,as the proposed facility would not be visible from this location,a photographic simulation was not prepared. 13 Visual Impact Analysis Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C. View point E—from near 1410 Cedar Birch Lane,1,038±-feet southwest of the subject site. From view point E, the existing conditions photograph depicts grassy area surrounded with wetlands vegetation and seasonal vegetation. From this location, the proposed pole would be visible. However, the proposed antennas would be concealed within,helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. View point F—from near the entrance to the"Cross Sound Ferry,"1,183±-feet northeast of the subject site. From view point F, the existing conditions photograph depicts paved staging areas associated with the "Cross Sound Ferry," with the subject property beyond. From this location, the proposed pole would be visible. However, the proposed antennas would be concealed within, helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. Additionally, the ground based equipment compounds would be partially screened behind landscape vegetation,helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. View point G—from Lands End Lane,1,212±-feet north of the subject site. From view point G, the existing conditions photograph depicts utility poles, overhead wires, a flagpole, seasonal vegetation and structures associated with the • operations of the Plum Island Animal Disease Center. From this location, the proposed pole would be visible. However, the proposed antennas would be concealed within, helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. Moreover, from this location the proposed facility would not appear any taller in the horizon than the existing utility poles and flagpole,and would be visually similar to same. View point H—from Park View Lane,near the intersection with Plum Island Lane, 1,342±-feet northwest of the subject site. From view point H, the existing conditions photograph depicts a field with seasonal and evergreen vegetation, utility poles and overhead wires beyond. From this location, the proposed pole would be largely obscured by the evergreen vegetation. As such, the overall incremental visual impact from this view point would not be significant. View point I—from the entrance to"Orient Beach State Park,"820±-feet north of the subject site. From view point I,the existing conditions photograph depicts the entrance to"Orient Beach State Park," with the subject property beyond. From this location, the proposed pole would be visible. However, the proposed antennas would be concealed within, and the ground based equipment compounds would be screened behind landscape vegetation,helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. 14 Visual Impact Analysis Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C. • View point J—from"Orient Beach State Park,"625±-feet south of the subject site. From view point J, the existing conditions photograph depicts the roadway associated with "Orient Beach State Park," with surrounding vegetation and the • subject property beyond. From this location, the proposed pole would be visible. However, the proposed antennas would be concealed within, helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. View point K—from"Gardiners Bay,"2,750±-feet southeast of the subject site. • From view point K, the existing conditions photograph depicts the subject property and the shoreline on either side thereof,as viewed from the bay. From this location, the proposed pole would be visible. However, the proposed antennas would be concealed within, helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. Additionally, the proposed equipment compounds would be screened by landscape vegetation. View point L—from"Gardiners Bay,"1,040±-feet southeast of the subject site. • From view point L, the existing conditions photograph depicts the subject property and the shoreline on either side thereof,as viewed from the bay. From this location, the proposed pole would be visible. However, the proposed antennas would be concealed within, helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. Additionally, the proposed equipment compounds would be screened by landscape vegetation. • As the visual analysis indicates, the proposed facility would be visible from several locations. However, the proposed antennas would be concealed within the proposed concealment pole,and the ground-based equipment would be screened by landscape vegetation,helping to mitigate potential visual impacts. • • • 15 Visual Impact Analysis Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C. CONCLUSION • From a planning perspective and given the mixed-use character of the area in which the applicants must situate the facility to address service deficiencies, Cingular and metroPCS have chosen a commercial-use property,which is appropriate as there are limited choices in the immediate area. The applicants have also designed the facility as a concealment pole that can accommodate the antennas of multiple wireless service providers within the structure. This helps to limit the potential development • of multiple poles within the same area. Finally, the proposed facility, a concealment pole with screened ground-based equipment, is designed such that visual impacts have been mitigated to the maximum extent practicable. • • • • • • • v�zaommon��eym. se.wocrNrapus�nannb�kml 16 Conclusion Imps NWyaiaFnel.Erc • • Appendix A • OEmgineerftkg;Sun.vying and lnndscu peArcbfteclure,PC. • I • ,r _ r • • • Photograph No. 1: View of the proposed public utility wireless communications facility location on the southern portion of the subject property. • rte I` • • Photograph No. 2: View of the buildings, marina use and paved parking areas on the overall subject property. • • • t a� a t L��H5+M W�bJd"'T f .Mry v Pr • Photograph No. 3: View looking north at the buildings on the subject site from the proposed communications facility location. • • r • Photograph No. 4: View looking east at the boat ramp and marina from the proposed communications facility location. • • � x • • Photograph No. 5: View looking south towers Gardiners Bay from the proposed communications facility location. • • • • • Photograph No. 6: View looking west toward Orient Beach State Park from the proposed communications facility location. • • 1 tv/ I `cam • Y 4. • • Photograph No. 7: Representative view of residences north of the subject property along Lands End Road. • • � I • • Photo rraaph No. 8: View of the Plum Island Ferry Station (associated with the Plum Island Animal Disease Center)on Main Road, east of the subject property. • • • • • • PhotogMh No. 9: View of Gardiners Bay, south of the subject property. • • • L • Photograph No. 10: Representative view of residences on Cedar Birch Road, west of the subject property. 1:\28070.00 Orient by the Sea\docs\VARIOUS\Photograph Log.doc • a • ■ Appendix B 0 nglrneerft SurtVIngand LandsrapeArcGttccturc;I?L • Creative Visuals, Inc. 37 Happy Valley Road Post Office Box 435 Bearsville,New York 12409 • Phone (845) 679-9055 email:cvisuals@aol.com December 9,2009 William F. Collins,AIA 12-1 Technology Drive Setauket,NY 11733 RE:Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility • To Whom It May Concern: The following is a description of the methodology used in preparing the visual analysis study and photo realistic renderings of a post-construction,New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC and MetroPCS proposed public utility wireless telecommunications facility("Facility")located at 40200 Main Road, Orient Point,New York The proposed Facility will consist of an 80'AGL(Above Ground Level)tall stealth monopole, ground equipment and landscaping as depicted on the • site plans dated December 17,2009 and prepared by William F.Collins AIA,the applicant's consultants. Creative Visuals, Inc. has prepared a visual analysis study of the proposed equipment utilizing the process described below. A two-man team made an on-site visit to obtain familiarity with the terrain and its surrounding area. Twelve view points within close proximity of the site were selected for analysis as areas of potential visual impact, from which eight were selected for photo representation of the completed monopole. The following view points are presented for analysis: Description of View Point Approximate Distance to Site View point A—from the intersection of Uhl Lane and Three Waters Lane, 1,895' crane not visible; • View point B—from adjacent to the beach parking area at the end of 2,930' Lands End Lane, crane not visible; View point C—from near 965 Ryder Farm Lane and the intersection of Ryder 2,379' Farm Lane and Uhl Lane, crane not visible; View point D—from the intersection of Ryder Farm Lane and Route 25, 1,657' crane not visible; View point E—from near 1410 Cedar Birch Lane; 1,038' View point F—from near the entrance to the"Cross Sound Ferry"; 1,183' View point G—from Lands End Lane; 1,212' View point H—from Park View Lane,near the intersection with Plum Island Lane; 1,342' View point I—from the entrance to"Orient Beach State Park"; 820' View point J—from"Orient Beach State Park"; 625' • View point K—from"Gardiners Bay'; 2,750' View point L—from"Gardiners Bay". 1,040' Larry Heimel took photographs of the site from each of the view points under study using a Canon FOS 5D digital camera and a Nikon F5 analog camera shooting Fuji Professional print film,both using a 50mm lens. Two cameras were used to provide an"insurance"shot.The fieldwork was done on May 29, 2007 between 7:15 and 11:30 A.M.; conditions were sunny skies. These photos presented a reference point for calculation of the structure's placement,using red flags attached to a crane. The flags were set at 100' above the location of the proposed site, which represents the top of the stealth flagpole. Computer modeling took into account the difference in height.Prior to the crane test,the pole site and • compound comers were staked by a representative of William F. Collins,AIA. Three 12' telescopic poles with reflective material attached and a traffic cone were set at the staked compound corners as references for the compound. A 3D model of the proposed pole was generated using the dimensions supplied by the applicant. 3D software photorealistically rendered the proposed pole as seen from each of the photo simulation view points, maintaining the perspective of a 50mm lens. This resulted by utilizing data taken in the field by a laser rangefinder and a hand-held gps • (global positioning system)unit. The 3D software used this information to reference the Facility and view point locations, thus maintaining their relative X, Y and Z distances (the difference in elevation,bearing and distance to). The Facility was generated with its actual dimensions as a vectorized 3D model. Each view point including the site was elevated to its relative AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level). The 3D program cameras were set at each view point's X,Y and Z location and photographed the model with a 50mm lens(correlating to our analog 50mm photos). The X, Y and Z coordinates allowed the 3D camera to render the Facility to its correct scale, rotation and angle from each view point.The Facility was assigned"photorealistic" materials in the 3D software. 3D software simulated sunlight on the 3D model, taking into account the site latitude,date and time of day of the view point photographs. Actual landscape trees were overlaid onto the 3D model trees to facilitate photo realism. Adobe Photoshop software was used in the process of overlaying the 3D model onto the corresponding visible references used during photography. The crane was digitally removed from the view point photographs. The photorealistically-rendered 3D model was inserted and merged into the digitized site photos. • Conclusion Based upon our over fourteen years'experience in visual analysis,as well as analyzing over 900 public utility structure sites throughout the region,we are confident that the enclosed visual study reasonably reflects the appearance of the Facility, at the captioned site. • Sincer Le' el Pr� • Cfive Visuals,Inc. • • • . ,��'� o�• .:,- • ,z;� tit „r' w t / ,R / t 'y • . . . . . . . . . . . Island r 'f'Opp 0 Orient Palt Comity Palk / r / IQ /� F D � n SITE Gardners6ay � ztpolnt 9 F n E lip {� 25 Orient Beech State Park rvi Little Bay NAVQEO soon • � GPS Map Detail NAVrEO ON BOARD is a trademark of NAVrEO. 0 2005 NAVTEO. All Rights Reserved. 0 Garmin Loior its subsidiaries 1995-2006 .'•�. 1*5 ���� �_� Jt� � ���bN� _� .:.'" �a � �• 3"nom„ �. 1,4 I View point B - from adjacent to the beach parking area at the end of Lands End Lane, crane not visible t a t 4 s g t su° ^ J� .fi Sa�i�f ro I eFr •^ `^j6S+T$ AQ. ` k 11 ' Photo by Creative Visuals, Inc. • ' • • • ` A .3 �1 � ��.'r' .�'.� F i��` _ � lie •" ` Iv � n •P .�� +' ?w�.\ OL r f i,. 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NC ISSO RI'Z]No w✓ Photo by Creative Visuals, Inc. • • • • • • • • • • • View point F — from near the entrance to the "Cross Sound Ferry" y ..:..... "fir v •�� e' -• �y : ' sn. lei. � .. . ... s, 15s0 RI xJNo Wayne.N101 Computer simulated photo by Creative Visuals, Inc. Existing view View . •int G — from Lands • Lane ladw C �} J YjrI�N 1 , � r ales �F . � �/,�w. •� T�" X di _ �'i. ■ It � yr _ � �� � �LL � - �.� r r. ytl1ll�1 Photo • Creative View • • from . • Lane AIL Ilk I / Y I ; r ' r k. t 7 N / dY" gym.. <_ s♦ J,J�'" �i%"� N IIy/ly" �L. �,.. -. ..�...- ■ is ,.. , i 'Y • F P lr} ..��'� 1-��-•• Y ��X� .t Rev! •:'yu.hj4. •Mr�—ewawp ��lt.rjjl. r'I'�" { � Y..., . �lwld P,µ. ,'a��� •W � 'a1w\ i.A RT s" j r i4i TN � 'r'` ryt, ' J ,�. . ' r'•r rP " ` y ',�,'"' ZA '•''3_ ` "�' �� I sem' y. 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Theresa Elkowitz Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theresa Elkowitz is a Principal of VHB Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C.("VHB"),an engineering,surveying,and environmental consulting firm.Ms.Elkowitz has over two decades of experience in environmental and planning consulting. She is well-versed in the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA")process and has prepared numerous Environmental Assessment Forms ("EAFs");Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements("DEISs"and"FEISs"); planning and zoning studies,visual assessments;environmental assessments and associated evaluations. Not only has she worked with public and private clients on the administration of the SEQRA,but she also served as a member of the Suffolk County Council on Environmental Quality("CEQ")and the Suffolk County Historic Trust between 1990 and 2006,and was CEQ Chairperson for approximately fifteen years. The. CEQ is responsible for recommending SEQRA determinations,holding public hearings and administration of the environmental review process for actions proposed by the County of Suffolk. She also serves as a member of the Village of Belle Terre Planning Board. • Ms.Elkowitz provides expert testimony and affidavits to various Town and Village Boards,Planning Boards and Zoning Boards of Appeals on planning,zoning and environmental matters and has provided testimony and affidavits in court cases. Ms. Elkowitz has also served as Municipal Planner and/or provided consulting planning and/or environmental services to the Incorporated Villages of Lake Success,Great Neck Estates,Old Brookville,Brookville and Sands Point and the Town of Babylon and City of Glen Cove. • In addition,to ensure compliance with SEQRA,Ms.Elkowitz provides environmental consulting services to various school districts including,but not limited to:Cold Spring Harbor,East Quogue,Half Hollow Hills,Jericho,Lindenhurst,Three Village,Plainview- Old Bethpage,Rocky Point,East Williston,Eastport-South Manor,Westhampton Beach, Harborfields,Patchogue-Medford,Port Washington,East Moriches,Smithtown,Bay Shore,Kings Park,Commack,Oyster Bay-East Norwich,Bellmore-Merrick,Seaford and Wantagh and to various public libraries including,but not limited to:Manhasset,East Islip and Hauppauge. Ms.Elkowitz has also lectured on SEQRA and its implementing regulations as well as on various planning and municipal land use matters. Some of her recent lectures include those to Lorman Educational Services,the Eastern Suffolk BOCES School Business Officials,Suffolk County Legislature,Touro College Department of Continuing Legal Education,New York State Conference of School Superintendents,Local Government Officials Seminar,City of Glen Cove Mayor's Staff Seminar,New York State Conference on the Environment,Suffolk Academy of Law Land Use Conference and New York State Bar Association Municipal Land Use Controls Seminar. - 2150 Joshua's Path,Suite 300 Hauppauge, New York 11788 �'p 631.234.3444•FAX 631.234.3477 • VnD email:infoCWhb.com www.vhb.com • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued,p.2 • Prior to joining VHB,'Ms.Elkowitz was the founding Principal of Freudenthal& Elkowitz Consulting Group,Inc.,a multi-faceted environmental and planning consulting finn. Prior to that,Ms.Elkowitz spent several years managing environmental projects for a consulting engineering firm. She has been involved in many diverse projects including the preparation of DEISs and FEISs,Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs,wetland evaluations,water use and conservation plans, • municipal and private planning studies,grant applications,as well as solid waste management plans and Part 360 permit applications. Before entering the field of environmental and planning consulting,Ms.Elkowitz was employed by the Town of Brookhaven Department of Housing,Community Development and Intergovernmental Affairs. She was responsible for preparing • environmental assessments for community development projects in accordance with SEQRA and the National Environmental Policy Act("NEPA"). PROJECT EXPERIENCE Representative projects/documents which Ms.Elkowitz has supervised,prepared and/or had a significant preparatory role include,but are not limited to: • Heartland Town Square EIS,Islip,NY-EIS for the rezoning and redevelopment of the 475-acre former Pilgrim Psychiatric Center,as"Heartland Town Square,"a Smart Growth Community in the Town of Islip. Old Plainview EIS,Oyster Bay,NY-EIS for the redevelopment of a 169-acre property into • Old Plainview,a Mixed-Use,Smart-Growth Community in the Town of Oyster Bay. Lighthouse SEORA Documentation,Nassau County,NY-SEQRA documentation for the Redevelopment of the Nassau County Veterans Memorial Coliseum Property,"The Lighthouse,"as mixed-use development. • Walt Whitman Mall,Smith Haven Mall,Roosevelt Field Mali,and Avis Property EISs and EAFs,Nassau and Suffolk County-EISs and EAFs for the modifications,alterations and expansions to Walt Whitman Mall,Smith Haven Mall,Roosevelt Field Mall,and the redevelopment of the Avis Property in both Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Sleepy's EAF,Oyster,Bay-Expanded EAF for the Sleepy's Inc.Headquarters in the • Town of Oyster Bay. The Seasons Developments EAFs,Oyster Bay,NY-Expanded EAFs for multi- family/next-generation residential developments,"The Seasons at Massapequa"and "The Seasons at Bethpage." • 'The operations of Freudenthal&Elkowitz Consulting Group,Inc.were acquired by VHB Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C.as of January 1,2009. • ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued,p.3 • Cemetery EIS,Old Westbury,NY-EIS for the creation of a new Catholic cemetery and residential subdivision. • Lowe's EISs/EAFs,Multiple Locations,NY-EISs/EAFs for several Lowe's Home Centers in the Towns of Oyster Bay,Hempstead,Islip,and Brookhaven. Stop&Shop EISs,Oyster Bay and Southampton,NY-EIS for several Stop&Shop Supermarkets. • Kensico Water Pollution Control Program SEORA/CEOR Documentaion-DEIS and related SEQRA/CEQR Documentation for Kensico Water Pollution Control Program for New York City Department of Environmental Protection. Freshkills Landfill SEORA/CEOR Documentaion-DEIS and related SEQRA/CEQR • Documentation for Fresh Kills Landfill for New York City Department of Sanitation. Various School Districts-EAFs,DEISs,Determinations of Significance and SEQRA Notices. Nassau Property DEIS,Nassau County-DEIS for Rezoning of 147+acre Nassau County • Property for Nassau County. Roosevelt Raceway DEIS/FEIS,Westbury,NY-DEIS and FEIS for Rezoning of 170+acre Roosevelt Raceway for property owner. Commercial Center DEIS/FEIS,Stony Brook,NY-DEIS and FEIS for development of 22+ . acre commercial center for private applicant. Public Utility Communications Facilities and other Wireless Carriers-Various Planning, Zoning,Environmental and Visual Assessments. LWRP for Manorhaven,Manorhaven,NY-LWRP and environmental and planning tasks for Incorporated Village of Manorhaven. • Retirement Community DEIS/FEIS,Amityville,NY-DEIS and FEIS for 200+unit Planned Retirement Community for private applicant. Incentive Zoning District DGEIS,Goshen,NY-DGEIS for creation of Incentive Zoning District for the Town of Goshen. • Subdivision DEIS/FEIS,Kings Point,NY•DEIS and FEIS for 23+acre subdivision private applicant,United States Army Corps of Engineers(USACE)and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(NYSDEC)wetland applications and presentations at public hearings. • ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MB • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued,p.4 • Commercial Development DEIS/FEIS,Woodmere,NY-DEIS and FEIS for a commercial building in Woodmere,securing a NYSDEC and USACE wetland permits,presentations at public hearings. • Recycling Facility EAF,Brookhaven,NY-Preparation of an EAF and environmental report for a proposed solid waste management recycling facility in Brookhaven. Residential Development EAF,Brookhaven,NY-EAF and Environmental Report for a 40- unit residential development in Coram,Town of Brookhaven. Commercial Development DEIS/FEIS,Riverhead,NY-DEIS and FEIS for residential and • commercial development in Riverhead,securing a NYSDEC Freshwater Wetland Permit. Waterfront Condominium Complex in Freeport - DEIS and FEIS, expert testimony on wetlands and representation of client before Freeport Planning Board, preparation of NYSDEC and USACE Wetland Applications. • Corporate Parkin Holbrook, Town of Brookhaven - DEIS and FEIS and preparation of economic analysis report for proposed corporate park. 80-unit Residential Condominium Complex in Coram, Town of Brookhaven - DEIS and FEIS preparation. • Water Use and Conservation Study for Marriott Hotel Expansion, Uniondale - DEIS and detailed expert testimony associated with SEQRA process. Subdivision in Beekman/East Fishkill - DEIS and FEIS for residential subdivision, and expert testimony associated with SEQRA process. • Office Condominium Complex in Wantagh - DEIS and FEIS,expert testimony associated with SEQRA process,preparation of NYSDEC freshwater wetland permit application. Shopping Center in Patchogue - DEIS and FEIS, and expert testimony associated with SEQRA process. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Professional Principal. Responsible for management,in the New York Positions office,of environmental and planning operations of a multi- disciplined engineering,surveying,land development and • environmental consulting firm. Management of the preparation of environmental impact statements; environmental assessment forms;site assessments; waterfront revitalization programs;wetland evaluations; planning studies;and various permit applications and related analyses for public and private clients. • ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued,p.5 • Environmental presentations and expert testimony before various municipal boards, community groups and courts. Administrative tasks include all business operations, personnel management,budgeting,billing,marketing,etc. VHB Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture, • P.C.,1757-24 Veterans Memorial Highway,Islandia,New York. January,2009-Present. Principal and Corporate President. Responsible for operations of a multi-disciplined environmental and planning consulting firm. Technical tasks include the • preparation of environmental impact statements; - environmental assessment forms;site assessments; waterfront revitalization programs;wetland evaluations; planning studies;and various permit applications and related analyses for public and private clients. Environmental presentations and expert testimony before various municipal boards and community groups. • Administrative tasks include all business operations, personnel management,budgeting,billing,marketing,etc. Freudenthal&Elkowitz Consulting Group,Inc.,1757-24 Veterans Memorial Highway,Islandia,New York. August, 1988-December,2008. • Environmental Project Manager/Planner. Responsible for the preparation of environmental impact statements, environment assessments and planning studies for private clients and municipalities. Environmental presentations and testimony to Town Boards and Planning Boards. Preparation of various NYSDEC,USACE,Nassau County Department of Health and Suffolk County Department of • Health Services permit applications. Coordination of SEQRA procedures. Site evaluations and environmental - assessments for real estate developers. Administrative functions including proposal and contract preparation, budget analysis,and billing. Supervision of professional and support staff. Baldwin&Cornelius,P.C.,210 Express Street,Plainview,New York. December,1986-August, • 1988. Neighborhood Aide/Assistant to the Housing Rehabilitation Administrator. Completion of environmental reviews for all Community Development projects in accordance with SEQRA and NEPA. Preparation of grant • proposals. Assisted in the first affordable housing program for the Town of Brookhaven-the Neighborhood Homes Program. Credit feasibility analyses for SONYMA mortgage applicants. • ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T'HB • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued,p.6 • Interviewing for residential rehabilitation,materials grant and townwide handicap ramp programs,evaluation of applications and subsequent loan recommendations. Monitoring and coordinating of the Materials Grant and Townwide Handicap Ramp programs,monitoring of loan • repayments and analysis of project income. Solicitation of consultants and engineers for public works projects. Coordination of public works projects and contract compliance with federal regulations. Preparation of budgets and recommendations for policy changes. Town of Brookhaven Department of Housing,Community • Development and Intergovernmental Affairs,3233 Route 112,Medford,New York. November,1983-November, 1986. Instructor. Preparation of and teaching biweekly recitations in algebra and introductory microeconomics,private tutorials,assigning and grading homework and • examinations. Association for Public Policy and Management Summer Institute for Minority Students,W. Averell Hamman College for Policy Analysis and Public Management,State University of New York at Stony Brook, New York. Summer,1983,1984 and 1985. • Education MS,Policy Analysis and Public Management,W.Averell Harriman College for Policy Analysis and Public Management,1985 BA,Liberal Arts,State University of New York at Stony Brook,1985 Special Projects Consultant. Responsible for the formulation, implementation and administration of the Residential Rehabilitation Program for the Incorporated Village of Lake Grove. Tasks include interviewing clients,evaluating applications,program coordination,project monitoring and payments. Fall,1985-1987. • Honors,Awards and Certified Environmental Specialist and Certified Designations Environmental Inspector,Environmental Assessment Association,1994. Magna Cum Laude Graduate,State University of New York • at Stony Brook. May,1985. Winner,Presidential Management Intern Program. Spring, 1985. Affiliations/ Planning Board,Incorporated Village of Belle Terre ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VB • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued,p.7 • Memberships Board of Directors,YMCA Board of Directors,Long Island Builders Institute • • • • • ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T'HB • • Transportation Land Development Environmental Services • ® VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C.I Affiliated with Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Erin E. Duffy Echevarria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Project Manager . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . . • • . . . . • • • . . • • • . . . • • . . • • . . . • Ms.Echevarria is a Project Ms.Echevarria's responsibilities involve the coordination of project activities associated with public utility wireless communications facilities,including attendance at hearings, Manager with VHB.She • preparation of Planning,Zoning and Visual Impact Analyses and preparation of State recently became part of VHB Environmental Quality Review Act(SEQRA)and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)documentation.In addition,Ms.Duffy's duties also include performing as a result of the merger ecological site surveys and participating in the preparation of various environmental between Eschbacher VHB and and planning documents,including,but not limited to,environmental assessment forms (EAFs),zoning studies,visual studies,wetlands applications and environmental impact Freudenthal&Elkowitz • statements(EISs). Consulting Group,Inc.(FECG). PROJECT EXPERIENCE Ms.Echevarria's primary tasks involve providing SEORA and Planning and Zoning Analyses and Neighborhood Character Studies,Various Sites,NY Preparation of planning and zoning analyses and neighborhood character studies for NEPA support to the public • public utility wireless communications facilities in the Village of Roslyn Estates,Village utilities industry. of Freeport,Town of Oyster Bay,Town of Brookhaven,Town of Huntington,Town of Riverhead,Town of Islip,and the Town of Hempstead. NEPA Reports,Various Sites,NY Compilation of information and preparation of NEPA reports for proposed public utility • communications facilities throughout Long Island and in the five boroughs; Mixed-Use Development,Oyster Bay,NY Ecological investigation and impact assessment,as well as participation in the preparation of the EIS for a Planned Development District with a mix of residential units,commercial space,and recreational areas. • Retail Development,Oyster Bay,NY Ecological investigation and impact assessment,as well as participation in the preparation of the EIS,of a 12.78-acre light industrial property for proposed retail establishment in the hamlet of Hicksville. • Residential Development,Oyster Bay,NY Ecological investigation and impact assessment,as well as participation in the preparation of the EIS,of a 5.03-acre commercial property for proposed development of a multi-family residential development in the hamlet of Oyster Bay. Residential Subdivision,Oyster Bay and North Hempstead,NY Ecological investigation and impact assessment,as well as participation in the preparation of the EIS,of a 97.3-acre residentially-zoned property for proposed a residential subdivision and cemetery in the Village of Old Westbury. 2150 Joshua's Path,Suite 300 Hauppauge,New York 11788 631.234.3444•FAX 631.234.3477 • Y� email:info@vhb.com www.vhb.com • Erin E. Duffy Echevarria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued,p.2 Healthcare Facility,Islip,NY Ecological investigation for a health care property. Neighborhood Character and Environmental Assessment,Various Sites,NY ,. Neighborhood character and environmental assessment for variance applications in the Towns of Islip,Brookhaven,and Huntington. Neighborhood Character and Environmental Assessment,Brookhaven,NY Neighborhood character and environmental assessment for special permit applications. Planned Development District,Islip,NY Ecological impact assessment as well as participation in preparation of the EIS of a 78.8±-acre property for a proposed Planned Development District with a mix of residential units,commercial space and recreational areas in hamlet of Great River. Site Investigation,Southampton,NY Ecological investigation for religious property. Expanded EAFs,Various Sites,NY Preparation of Expanded EAFs for properties in the Incorporated Villages of Southampton,Sag Harbor,Greenport,and Patchogue and the Town of Brookhaven. NYSDEC Freshwater Wetlands Permit Applications,Various Sites,NY Preparation of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(NYSDEC) Freshwater Wetlands Permit Applications for properties within the Town of Huntington,Village of East Hampton,and the Village of Southampton;and NYSDEC Tidal Wetlands Permit Applications,Various Sites,NY • Preparation of NYSDEC Tidal Wetlands Permit Applications within the Towns of Hempstead,Babylon,Brookhaven and Shelter Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROFESSIONAL Project Manager. Responsible for coordination of activities EXPERIENCE associated with public utility wireless communications facilities. Technical tasks include the preparation of visual studies, zoning studies, EAFs, EISs, wetlands applications, testimony, and hearing exhibits, as well as testifying at hearings. VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C., 1757-24 Veterans Memorial Highway, (� Islandia,New York. January 2009-present. ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI;iB • Erin E. Duffy Echevarria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued,p.3 • Project Manager. Responsible for coordination of activities associated with public utility wireless communications • facilities. Technical tasks include the preparation of visual studies, zoning studies, EAFs, EISs, wetlands applications, testimony, and hearing exhibits, as well as testifying at hearings. Freudenthal & Elkowitz Consulting Group, Inc., 1757-24 Veterans Memorial Highway, Islandia, New York. April 2005—December 2008. • Environmental Analyst. Responsible for research and compilation of reports, preparation of grant applications (i.e., Bond Act, 1/4% Program, EPA Region 2), attendance at various meetings, presentation of environmental studies and programs,and preparation of negative declarations and short forms for SEQRA compliance. Suffolk County Department of Health Services — Office of Ecology, 300 Center Drive,Riverhead. June 2003—April 2005. Principal Researcher. Responsible for development and execution of research project focused on bottlenose dolphin • feeding behavior in Bull Creek, South Carolina, which included leading researchers in the field, and subsequent compilation and analysis of relevant data. University of Massachusetts .Dartmouth in conjunction with Mystic Aquarium, Bluffton, South Carolina. June 2002 — August 2002. Teacher's Assistant. Responsible for assisting professors in undergraduate Biology of Organisms laboratories, and taught laboratory sections of Populations Biology. Duties included preparation of labs, lectures, homework and exams, as well as working directly with students in • laboratory and tutoring sessions. University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 285 Old Westport Road, North Dartmouth,Massachusetts. August 2001—May 2003. Biologist. Responsible for handling various marine life, including seals,sea turtles and dolphins. Also,educated the • general public through tours and lectures, prepared documentation for grants, and scheduled for fund-raising events. Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation,Main Street,Riverhead. March 2001—August 2001. • ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YID • Erin E. Duffy Echevarria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continued,p.4 MS,Marine Biology,University of Massachusetts Education Dartmouth,2003 BA,Natural Science,Fordham University,2001 f ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .