HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-97.-2-22.1 CRAIO SlRACUSA, P.E. ACTING REGIONAL DIRECTOR September 18, 1997 STATE OF New YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUILDING 250 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY haUPPAUGe, N.Y. II788-5518 Mr. William G. Laverty Wiedersum Associates, P.C. 200 Motor Parkway Suite C14 Hauppauge, NY 11788 Your September 4. 1997 Submission C~[ilh~g~hool Route 25 Cutcho e Our Case No. 97-207 Dear Mr. Laverty: This is to acknowledge receipt of your submission on the above permit application. The subject material will be reviewed by Mr. V. Lena of my stuff. He can be contacted at (516) 952- 6025 if you have any questions. [, In all future correspondence, kindly refer to the subject case number. The plans must indicate the appropriate county tax map number. Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter. Very truly yours, OriF. inal Signed By THOrviAS F. OELERfCH THOMAS F. OELERICH, P.E. Regional Traffic Engineer cc: ~.;Ms. Valerie Scopaz, Town of Southold TFO:JH:BT THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Facilities Planning Room 1060 EBA Albany, New York 12234 SEQRA5 I't ~; Tol District Clerk Mattituck-Cutchogue UFSD Date: August 19, 1997 Subject: Project: Charles A. Szuberla, Jr. ~6~ ~.~~ Environmental Quality Review NOTICE OF COMPLETION of draft ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Cutchogue East School, Additions and Alterations Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Control Number: 58-10-09-02-0-007-005 The completed draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the above noted project was received in this office on August 11, 1997. One copy of the draft ElS is enclosed for your official records. Also, one copy has been sent to each party listed in this notice. A copy of the draft EIS may be obtained by any interested party upon written request received in this office at least five (5) days prior to the date below. (Each request must be accompanied by a check in the amount of 25C/page for each copy requested, payable to the New York State Education Department.) Comments on the draft EIS by any interested party are requested and may be submitted in writing to Facilities Planning, Room 514 EB, Albany, New York 12234. Comments must be received in this office on or before September 19, 1997. -over- Enclosure CC: Mr. Roger G. Bums Superintendent Mattituck-Cutchogue Route 25 Mattituck, NY 11952 UFSD Commissioner Dept. of Environmental Conservation 50 Wolf Road Albany, NY 12233 Regional Office #1 Dept. of Environmental Conservation SUNY Campus Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 11790 Ms. Jean Cochran Supervisor Town of Southold Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Wiedersum Associates 200 Motor Park Way, Suite C-14 Hauppauge, NY 11788 , NY seqra file project file THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Facilities Planning Room 1060 EBA Albany, New York 12234 SEQRA4 To: District Clerk Mattituck-Cutchogue UFSD Date: August 12, 1997 From: Subject: Project: Environmental Quality Review NOTICE OF DETERMINATION -POSITIVE DECLARATION Cutchogue East School, Additions and Alterations Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Control Number: 58-10-09-02-0-007-005 Pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law - The State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) - and from information indicated on the Project Description (form FP-PD) and the Public School SEQR Environmental Assessment Form (FP- EAF) - a copy of each is attached - the above noted project is determined to be a Type I Action, likely to have an effect on the environment. Consistent with the provisions of 6 NYCRR 617.5(c), and Section 155.5 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, this Department will act as lead agency of the environmental review process. Therefore, please prepare a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in accordance with the criteria contained in Section 155.5of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education. When completed, and after consultation with the Bureau, submit ten (10) copies of the draft EIS for review to Facilities Planning, Room 514 EB, Albany, New York 12234. - over - Enclosure CC: Mr. Roger G. Bums Superintendent Mattituck-Cutchogue UFSD Route 25 Mattituck, NY 11952 Commissioner Dept. of Environmental Conservation 50 Wolf Road Albany, NY 12233 Regional Office #1 Dept. of Environmental Conservation SUNY Campus Building 40 Stony Brook, NY 11790 Ms. Jean W. Cochran Supervisor,Town of Southold Southold Town Hall P.O.Box 1179 Southhold, NY 11971 Wiedersum Associates 200 Motor Park Way, Suite C-14 Hauppauge, NY 11788 , NY seqra file project file The Siam ~ D~t ~u ~.,i~ ~m 514 ~, N~ Y~ I~ ~Oj-ECT DF. SCllu~'[ION I. Name og Dislricl M~Tr ITUCK-CUTCI~GUE UFSD Date Submiumt ~IN ROAD N~%T ITUCK, NY LEE S. ELLWOOD, SUPERINTENDENT OF SCI-IDOLS 516/ 298-8460 Name or Desct~puve T;de of Proim:~ ADDITION TO AN EXISTING ELDV~NTARY SCHOOL - CUTCHOGUE ELEV~'NTARY S~L EAST M~IN ROAD SUFOLK ~TFITUCK, NY 6. Proiec~ Control Numbe~ 7. "~Y?E OF PROJECT: Check ail appropriate [ I C~llsu'action or a~um~on of n~ ~y (nol a~i~o~) [ ]~o~than i~.~. fL [ II. than [ ] ~Uom or ~I~ of 1~ or mom a~ [] [ ] P~i alt~uou of 10 or mo~ a~ [1 [ I N~e O{ the 3~ ~. PRO.CT AFFECTS: ct~ec.Z all appropriate boxes ,-~tural Dismct - 1 N~'CRR 371 Coa~ai Managemem ~ - L9 NY~R ~ ~no~ Public ~uon ~ - 6 ~ 617 ~t~l E~mnm~al ~ -- 6 ~.R 617 Plain - 6 ~R 5~ ~ ~nd~ - 9 ~ 9. Indicate Oe~ow PF_.RMr*~ whic,q may ~e ~ ~m o~ ~ml a~ O~g r,~ ~ a a ~li~ of the B~ of ~uon ~d is a ~iO~ of ~on~s ~1 of plato and s~u~ NY~R ~ m the Offi~ ~mM~uon of C~ R~ and R~aUo~ of :~e S~m of N~ Yo~ 1 - ~lt~ and Ma~ 6 - E~m~l ~ 9 - p~ R~ ~ Mbtonc P~tton: 10 - H~ith: 19 - S~tc puOfic v, mter suppty - 10 NYCRR 5 ~,----i,~ poo~ constnactton - l0 NYCI~R 6 L '~ o~' ~=~'~jc~: ~v. a~idi~oe, rec~3,~Lmc~io~-~tc de~opme~_ .................................. ~ $i~a o~ l~ojec~ ~ ~]oor ales - eew a~d cxis~in~ ~iz= of ~e - .ew and ex~in~. ~udeni c~paci~/. ,ember o~ ~---.oo~. etc. d. K~d~'o~'R=:or4~ruc~io. Wo¢~: le~cr~l c~.~ruc~oe - root', wall.~ ~.dow~ ~m~ c~c~ he~d,~: and ve~.~la~nl - b~ile~, bur~er, con~roL~ ~ plumbin~ * ~lt¢,~m~,~ and site. ~mp~ow.-~nent t g ~-nis project involves a majo~ addition, ~ -*~--~ Cutchogue Elementary School East, which is located on a 21.4 acre site. ~ The existing elcmentary school is a single story 22,391 SF facility presently housing 200 students. The new addition will involve a total of 90,073 SF of which 20,194 Sl~[~ill be a second floor classroom wing. The existing facility presently has eight (8) classrooms and houses grades 5 & 6. The expanded school will contain a .total of 42 classrooms and house grades K-6 with six (6) sections per grade. The expanded facility will house approximately 1000 pupils along with additional classrooms, a new 3-station gym, new cafe/auditorium, music/band, technology facilities, administration along with other special educational spaces. The new addition will have a steel structural system, with a brick facade, insulated windows, new plumbing fixtures, elecWic and mechanical systems. A new sanitary system will be added, along with a new well for domestic water. Additional parking and site work will be completed. LASER FICHE FORM Planning Board Site Plans and Amended Site Plans SPFile Type: Project Type: Site Plans Status: Incomplete Application - In Active SCTM #: 1000 - 97.-2-22.1 Project Name: Cutcho,que East School Address: NYS Route 25, Cutcho,que Hamlet: Cutcho,que Applicant Name: Mattituck-Cutcho,que UFSD Owner Name: Mattituck-Cutcho.que UFSD Zone 1: Approval Date: OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION End SP Date: Zone 2: Location: SC Filin.q Date: C and R's: Home Assoc: R and M A.qreement: A date indicates that we have received the related information Zone 3: SCAN Date: SCANNED Records Management