HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12226 P 785BARGAIN AND SALI~ DELED wrrH COV~WIAXqT AG A 1{"81' O RANTOR'S AC'I{ (INDIVIDUAl. OR CORFORATION~ FORM 800~ THiS INDEN~FURE,'mede thc DECEMBER ,2002, ' " ' .. \..' . betw~n NElL J. MacDONALD, SR. AND ALICE C. MacDONALD, residing at 770 ViSage Lane, Mntfituek NY 119~2 pany or,be rm pan, and klso'-- MARl( IL TERRY AND BONNIE ~. TERRY,,rasiding.at' 141S 4~ Street, New Suffolk NY !19~2 party of the second part, I~IT~ESSETH, that thc party of the riot. part, in comidcrat~,u of Ten Dollars and No Cents ($10.09.)~ lawful mont~ oftbe United Smt~ paid by the party offlae second part, doas h~eby gram and m.lu~ unto the party of the s~.ond pm% the heirs o'r A/.~ that certain plot, piece, or parcel pf land, with the bu~lcl, ings and ~pro,~s~s the~on erectcxi, situate, lying incl being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Smt~ of New York, known and de~iEnated as Lot No. 20 on a certain Map ~ntitlad 'Map of Village Manor at Matiimck, Town of Southoid, Suffolk County, N~w York" survey~ July 23, 1962 by Otto W.'Van Tuyl and Son, Gr~port, New York and flied in Suffolk County Clerk's ~ on O~ober 27, 1962 as Map No. BEGINNING at a point on the easler,ly side of Villase Lane dlstanl northerly 733.81 feet from the corner formed by the interse,~..inn of the, ..n~...'rth~r. ly side of Main Road and the easterly side of Vilh2e Lane; RUNNING THENCE along the e. asl~ly side of Villnge Lane North 39° 4~' 10" West, 100.00 feet; THENCE along thc division line of Lots 19 and 20,'North 70' 00'East' 278.07 feet to land of E. Ruland; THENCE along said land Soutl!. l(? 05' 30" East 94.87 feet; THENCE along the div/sion lin~ of Lots 20 and 21, Somh 70' iR}' West 237.93 feet to the easterly sM.e of Viltn~ Lane, at the poim or place of BEGINNTNG. BEING AND INTF, NDED to be the same pmmlses conveyed to the Grantors herein by deed dated 4/6/1987 and r~corded on 4/23/1987in Liber 10301 page 364. TOGETHER wi~h all right, fltl~ and inU:r~t, if any, of tim party of the first part in and to any s~r~ts and ~r~d~ abutting the abovo dgs~ribgd prgani~s to the c~nter lin~ Ih~w~of, TOt~ETHER with tho appurt~ano~ and all tho ~ and rights ofth~ p~rty of the in'st part ia ami to s~id prsmis~s, TO IId l~ AND IO HOI, D llm pmmis~ herein grsnt~ unto tho party of th~ sgzxmd part, lho h~irs or sm:ccssors and amlam of the party of t~ re:omi part fo~v~. AND the party of tho first park c~mnts that tim party of the first part has not clom~ or suffm~zi anything wlaw~y th~ said premises have been encumbemt in any way wlmtovm', as aforesaid. AND tho party of the I'u~t part~ /n ~mpliam:. with S~:tion 13 of tho tim Law. oov~nams right to r~ceive such ~onskl~atlon as a ~ fund lo be~ applied first for Ih~ purpo~ of I~ying cost of the imp~t and will apply the sarn~ f'u~ to ~o payment of' the cast of improv~m~t I~fore using any part ofth~ total of~ho same f~r an~ nther purpose. Th~ word 'parer' shall b~ r. omtnmi as if it read ~partle~' wherever the s~nso of this IN f~ITNE,~ R/HEREOF, the pa~y of tim fwst ~ ~ duly exe~l~d this deed tim day and year first above written. Aoknowlnd~oment by ~ Person Within N(~ YorR Stat~ (RPL § 3097a) :. STATE OF NEW YORK - ) .. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ss.: ) .~ o,~'~ ~'~ ' " · ' · · day o.f D. ECEMBER., 2002, bofo~ me, the undermBned, per'-~)nall~ appeared NEIL J. MAC. DONALD, SR. AND ALICE C. MACDONALD personally known to me or proved to me on tho b-~;~ of satisfaetmy ~vidmm to b~'Oi= individual(s) ~ name(s) is. (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to mo that site exer, utud the same in her r,n~city(i~), and that by her signature(s) on the insOument, tho individual(s), or tlie ~ upon beimWof whie~ the indiv~dual(a) ac~. exeeuh'cl"the instrument. · '. ..2__'.' · " -. .MARY KOLAKOWS. KI DEED . Notary Public, State. of NY ' NO. 01'KO487006 Sultolk CtS. Comm. Expim~ Sept. 2, 2006 Title NQ. ff~.-_~?o~_ MacDONALD · o . TERRY Seetion 1.14 · Block ' 06 Lot 17 · County or'~ow:' I~,TTITL[CK .: ' St.ruet Addr~ 7.7,0 V.I..LLAOE .L,.~qE MA'I'FITUCK NY ..... i~'am i~ Marl To: " I Re~er~ This Sps~ee For Use Of Reeordinlg Offlee Number of pa~es.~ TORR£N$ Serial #, Certificate # Prior C'tf. # I~ / Mor~e Ins~mm~m Page / Filing Fee liafldling TP-$84 Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp EA-$2 17 (Cotmty) EA-$217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Contain. of -Ed. ArfZdnvit Certified Copy Re~. Copy Stamp Oate Initials __ Sub Tots{ ~ OO Sub To(a[ -- GRAND'rOTAL ~Z~q, Real {buy,:=, iy Tax ~i~ A~ V~ifi~}~ · i~ 02~6~ ~ooo ~4oo osoo omvooo KTI Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RF. CORD& R£TURN TO: GARY OLSI~, ATTY OLS~ad .& OLSKM, LI~ P.O. BOX 706 Ec~arci CLER~ OF ~UFFOLK t D00012226 · DT# 02-2040.3 Recm, din~ / Filing Stumps I. Basic l~x 2. Additionnl Tax Sub Totmt Spec./Assit, 0r Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County I leld for Apportionment Truns fer Tax I ~- Tho property covered by this mortgage is'or will be improved by n one: or two ramil¥ dwelling only. YES o~ NO IF#O, see appropriate tax clause on page # of'this instrumerd. Community ."~i~.-rvation Fund ImMoved ~ TD I o TD ~K ~Y 11935 a s . . I s [ . Title Company Information · ico. Nam~]-tty iL~on~t ~Ltle ?'itle # 02-3704-45517--a~ft~ · Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page 'l~is l~ge £orms peri o£lhe attached hKLC J. ~ACDOn&LDI ~'~, · ALxC~ C. HACIX}IIALD TO BO~i I'£ TERRY (SPE. CIFY TYPE OF 1~$ IRI. f~l') The I~cmises herein is situnted in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. in the 'lbvmship of l~'rlr/.t'maE in th~ ¥1LLAGE ~ or HAMLET of made by: UOX -I&.q 5 'IHRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTFJ) IN BLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR'TO RECORDING OR }lUNG. (OVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE R~CORDING PAGE Type of Instrmaent: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 02-20403 District: 1000 Deed Amount= Recorded: At ~ LIBER: PAGE= Section ~ Block ~ 114.00 06.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $385,000.00 12/24/2002 08:36~27 AM D00012226 785 017.000 Received tM Foll~i~ Fees For ~ove Znstrument Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO NYS SORCHG RA-CTY $5.00 NO ~-STATE ~-S84 $5.00 NO Ce~t.C~es ~ $30.00 NO 8~ Tr~sEer b~ $1,540.00 NO C~,pres Fees Pa~d TRANSFER TAX N~MBBR: 02-20405 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT $5.00 NO $15.00 $2s.oo $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $4,700.00 NO $6,339.00 Edward P.R~naine County Clerk, Suf£olk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www, orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~o==~o. J 770 I I/I%~AGE La2~ j 6. set,, { { -' '~' I ~IL J. ~CDO~ ~ICE C. ~LE INFORMATION I 11 Sale Contract Date I l0 / 08 / 02 12 Date el Sele / Transfer I 12 / 09 / 02 I ASSESSMENT ~NFORMATION - Data shourd reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill I Roll 18, Property Class 12, ], 19, School District Name L No· 12 ½ j , 5.7~ ,o ,o I I ~ 1000-114.00-06.00--17~000 I ~ I I r L I I cERTIFICATION I UYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY OLSF, N GARY 631 734-7666 NEW YORK STATE COPY