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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12248 P 82 made thc ~'~ .+~oa~.o~'~g.~a~.,~, Two Thousand Two BETWEEN ., NEAL A. MeCARROLL, residing at 5322 Avenue M, Brooklyn, New York, as Executor of the Last Will an.d Testament of EILEEN E: McCARROLL, late of Kings County, State of New York, deceased on April 19, 2002, said Will h, avingob~, n' pro. batcd~.on.Jul~,,3. 2002, ~.ho was also the surviving tenant by the efitlrety ofNEAL A. M¢CARROLL, late of Kings ~ount~, d'eceas~l on May 19, 1981 party of the 11rat.part. and NEAI. A. MeCARROL]., ..r~..siding at 5322'A'venuo M, Brooklyn, Now York, and EILEEN E, Mt'CARROLL, residing at 71-33 Cobper Avoriu~ Glendal. e, New York, as joint tenants with risht of survivorship WITNESSETIt, that the party of the first pa,, by virtue of the power~so(~,a~g~ven ~n ~h;by~ last w,I] and ~astament' and in consideration of ten ($ I 0.00) del[ara, release unto the party of the second .p~t~, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever, ,: ' ;, ...;.l ' ' ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, si~ualc, [yin& and; Suffolk County, New York, together with the buildings and improvelncnts thereon creeled, and shown on Map entitled "Property of Nova Realty Corporation, Oyster Bay, N.Y., Map of Flectwood Cove, at Cutcho~ue. Suffolk Co.. N.Y.. dated April, 1938. Lev'is N. Waters, L.S. Oyster Bay, N.Y." and filed in the office of thc Clerk of the County of Suffolk on the l' day of July, 1938, as Map No. 1263, Abstmc! No. 1278. and being more'particularly designated as and b~ the Plo! No. Seven (7) on said map. BEING anal i~tended to be the same premises conveyed by Nova Real~y Corporation to Herman Grating and Hedwig Cn'a£m~ his wife, by deed dated Amzust 12. 1938, and recorded in the Suffolk County Cler]/'s Office in libar 1999 of deeds at page 473 on August 17, 1938 al 9:30 A.M. ALSO, ALL that plot, piece or parcel of land. situate, lying and being at Cutehogue, Suffolk Counly, New York, and shown on Map entitled 'Proper~y of Nova R~tahy Corporation, Oyster Bay, N.Y., Map of Fleetwood Cove. al Cmchogue, Suffolk Co. N.Y., dated April, 1938, Lewis N. Waters, L.S., Oyster Bay. N.Y." and fi]ed in the office of ' the Clerk ofthe County of Suffolk on the 1= day of/uly, 1938, as Map No. 1263, Abstract No. 1278, and being more particularly designated as and by the westerly one-bslfofplot Number Six ('West ½ of 6) on said map exlending from Fleetwood Road to Eugene Creek and which said st1'/p of land is immediately adjacent to Parcel One above deacrihed on West. TOGETItER with all the right, title and interest of the parties of the first part of, in and to that portion of Fleetwood Avenue adjacent to said premises to the center line tbereot: TOGETHER with a free and anobslruct,ed fight o/'way over and upon F[t~lwood Road and East Road to pass and repass on foot, with animals, or ve..hiclas, to th~ beac. h. at East Creek; together w. ith the privilege of using for bathing purposes thit part of I~e beach at 'F-~st'C~ek, whibh lies easterly ora poml marke[l by a cedar bush growing on said beach. Said rights ofway and the right to the use of th~' Tm-ach to be use~l by thc para{es oftbe second pan. their legal representatives and assigns in common with other owners of lots on said map. SUILIECT to covenants and reclrictions in former deeds contained. S. UI~ECT to such state of facts as a more accurate survey may show and a personal inspection of the premises may DiSClose. SAID PREMISE-~ being known as 175 Fleetwood Road. Culchogce. New York. SUI~JECT TO THE LIFE ESTATE OF THE GRANTOR, NEAI. A. MeCAROLL. 'I'OGI~'I'H[~R with all the right, title and interest' if any, of the party of thc first pan in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate which the said deccdem had at the time ofdecedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party of the firsl part has or has power to convey or dispose of, whether individually, or by virtue of said will or otherwise; TO.HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein 8ranted unto the party of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns oftbe party of the second pan forever. ' AND the party of the first par~ covenants that the pm'~y of the first ~ has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever.-dxoept as aforesaid. AND the party ofthe first pan, in oompliance with Section 13 ofthe Lien Law. covenants that the party of the first pan will receive Iht consid.cration for this conveyance and will hold the riehl to receive such consideration as a east fund mbc applied fi/st for the purpose ofpaying the/:~,t ofthe improvement and will apply the same Iirat the Io the payment ofthe cost of the improvement before using any part ofthe total ofthe same for any other purpose. The word "party*' shall be construed as if ii read 'parties" whencw:r thc scas~ of this indcmmr~ so requires. IN ~'ITNF_,S~ WI4~I~EOF, the party of the f'u'st pa~ has duly executed this deed the day and year firs! above written, IN PRF~HNCE OF: " WITNESS NEAL A. McCARROLL EILEEN E. M¢CARROLL~ TO BE USED ONLY %%'HEN THE ~4~CIG'qOWI~ED~MENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE _L~_ .t~ ' / MlfilAM MUNOZ I ....... ~ gE ~ED ONLY ~'~[N.TH~ AC~O~q. EDGM[NT~'OU ~~STATF Sm~ (~ ~t of Col~ia. T~m~. or Fo~i~ Co~) of tm~nt ~ ~ow~ to ~ ~ ~sh~ ex~ ~c ~ ~ h~cir ca~it~i,), md ~t ~ ~ir ~ ~t s~h ~divid~ ~ such ap~cc ~fo~ ~e ~dc~i~ in ~e (signalc~e and office ol'individual ~king ackaowledgflWnt } EXECI.~FOR*S DEED Title No. NEAL A. ~'IcCARROLL TO NEAL A. McCARROLL and EILEEN E. MeCARROLL .-S:FREI=~r' ADDRESS 175 Fleetwood.R~-~d Cutchogue, New York Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH L,AND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO: COb'NORS AND SUi.I.IVAN, P.C. · [, 7620 Third Avenue Brooklyn, New York 1'1209 Tel: (718)238-6500 . File No.: 97-50~8-0~.~f Pa~ / Filinst Fee l~mga&e AmL - 2. ~ig~l T~ ~ ~ub To~l ~-~ ~7 (~y) __ Sub T~ ~_. ~ _ ~-/~. KKT. S.~ ~. M~. TAX ~ ~ ~. ~1 Town . HeM ~or A~m~i C~ C~ ~,io, T~ ~ C~ .. will be improved by ~ one or two r~mily ~ T~ d~lii,~ ~ly. ~ Y~. ~ NO O~ND TOTAL ~ ffNO. ~ ~ ~___~ ~! ~,~;~ T~ ~i~ Ac~--~ V~ I 6 I Co~,uni~ ~=ti~ Fund 03014702 ~ooo ~3~oo 0400 o~;ooz ~F T~ D~e r " ~ s ncant Land CO~ORS ~ S~LIVAN, ~.C. 7620 Third Avenue TD Btoo~yn, Ne~ Yo~k 11209 TD (718) 238-6500 - ]8 I Title C~o~m~pany Information ICo.~"m' · !Title # '~ . Suffolk Count~dt Recording & Endorsement Page This ~ forms part of the ~ttached QU'[TCLATN made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INb- JKUlV~NT ) NF.~L A. HCC~RROLL -, SUFFOLK ~, ~ YORK. TO Inth= Towmhip of pEAL A. HcCARROLL '- EILEEN E. HcCARROLL or HAMLET of BOXF~ 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIN J ,~;]~ ~ BLACK.INK ONLY PRIOR TO ~E_ _ _OgRDINO OR FII.I2qG. SUFFOLK COUNTZ CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Ty~e of Instrument: DF~DS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-36989 District: 1000 Deed AmOunt: Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Bl~ck: 137. O0 04. O0 $o.oo 04/25/2003 08:55:44 AM?- D00012248 O82 Received the Following Fees For Page/Filing $9.00 Co~ $5.00 ~-C~z $5.00 TP-584 $5.00 m'T $30.00 Transfer tax $0.00 TRANSFER TAX~: 02-36989 Above Instrument NO Handling NO N~S SURCHG NO EA-STATE NO Cert. Copies NO SCUM NO Cctv. Pres Fees Paid THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRt~ Lot: 012.001 Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County $5.00 .$2S.00 $25.00 $o.oo $o.oo $0.00 899.00 NO NO NO NO N0 NO .pt FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~ PROPERW INFb~MATION ~ ~'~e~[ 175 ~ Fleetwood Road PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM ~NSTRUCTIONS: http://w~r~v,orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK RP -5217 2. Buyer McCARROLL [ McCARROLL e. S,lier L McCARROLL I NEAL A. EYLWARD 718 [EL IZ~-BETH A. I 238-6500 NEW YORK STATE COPY Brooklyn I NY ~1234 SELLER S~L~,.~,^'~U,~ NEAL A. McdARR~)LL I p I I r~E RTIFICATION I CONNORS AND SULLIVAN, P.C.