HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12387 P 3161000 126.00 03.00 015.01 COMSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SJGNLIdG THIS tNSTRUMEHT - THIS INSTHUMENT SHOULD M ~ BY LAWYRES ONLY ?mS mDZ Tua . ,.,d, on . 2005 Mark Hlncleli'and Rachel Nlncieli, His wife, residing 1315 Albo:~Dtive, Laurel, New York, 11948as to 90~ interest, and Hi~hael Hinctelt and Helen Hlncieli, His Nile, residing at 19 Autumn Drive, E. Northport, New York 11731 as to a 10~ interest, as.tenents in common Party n~'k-fintp.rk~d Hark Nincieli and Rachel Hincieli, His vile, : residing at 1315 Alto Drive. Laurel, New York 11948 Party of tbs ~eennd part. WITN~,~KTH, that the ~rt)'.of ~o fi~m~sid~atinn of Ten DoU.~ and u~ valu~b c~a~on lying and hl,~ in t~ ~ovn~E//S~u~.l'd, ak Na~Lkuck,. Coufl~y o~ ~u~ol~ and Sta~e of Ney .~,'~o~d~d and described as follows: BEGINNING at a' ,~n~en~e easberl~ side off Alto Drive die,ant the ~ollo~ing t~o c~.rs~ ~f~s' ~he extreme northerly point o~ an afc of a curve, said~a curve connects the easterly side o~ Alto Drive and the ea~'~ide of ~ells Road and has a radius of 25.00 ,est and a 1~ 30.94 feeZi RUNNING T~EN E from h~ C t · e~,e~e northerly point of said a~c of a curve along'the easterly side o'f Albo Drive North 69 degrees .13 minutes 10 seconds East, 2~8.27 fee~ RUNN[NG THENCE northerly along the easterly side of Alto Drive and along an arc of a curve having a radius, ot..188.00 g~et a distance of 150.82 feet to a monument and the place 8f BEGINN~NG~ RUNNING THENCE northerly ~long an arc of a curve with a radius of .188.00 feat s distance of.87.19 feet to a monumen~ RUNN~N~ T~ENCE a~on9 t~e land nos or formerly of H[chae~ ~. Gerad, North 87 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds East, 201.83 feet bo Ho~ton Creek; '.H~N~I~6. TH~N~E:a~o~ ~o';ton Creek~the ffollowing two courses; 1. South 8 degrees 51 minubes 5~ seconds East, 46.41 feet~ 2. South 7 degrees 31 minutes 29 seconds Eas~, 64.49 feet; CONTINUED ........ T(~EI'HER with ali risht, title and. isle?st, if m,y..I thc Party of th~ Grot part in end to a~Jv streets and ruad~ abuttinK the above dm[erihEd premt~ to the. conl~l' JEssi the~of: TOGETHER with the a'ppurl~ encee a. nd all ~bo ?ate .nd ri~h~ n! the. Party of t~ 6m Pan in .nd to ,,aM pmm.'.m~: TO HAVE AND. TO HOLD the premlaee heroin ~rantod unt. the party ol lbo Mcond parl. the hEir~ nr suceemor~ and nsai~n, o[ the Pa~t)' of the ~ecoml ~arl I'.rever. ' AI~D .... tho isarty ,,f the Erst Part covenants that the Party ,,f the first Part hns not d~ue or suffered anythin·8 wbembv. the raid premum have been en.cunshEr~d tn an)' way whatever, e~eept Is dorerold. . AND ~e Party of dm. tim j~. rt. in complianc~ with Section 13 of the Men I~.w, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the. cormideratlon for this c~mveyauct and will h~,ld the right t~, receive such enniideration ns a t.rust fund lo be apphed first fo.r the purpose .of .paylnft the t'q~ o! the improvement and will apjdy the same first to ~e payme? of t~ cot of the ]reprove .m~..t Moro us~$ any part of the total of th same for any other purpmc. · s ne word party ,hall he construed as )f st read "pames" whenever the mn of this inclenmro co requ;rns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the tim Part hE~ dui.,; execuh.! this deed the da)' and )'esr first above CONTINUED RUNNING THENCE along land nov or formerly of Harley Arnold, South 40 degrees, 27 minutes 50 seconds Nest 67.14 feet to a monument; RUNNING THENCE along land now or formerly of Harley Arnold, North 70 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds West, 200.46 feet to a monQment on the easterly side of Albo Drvie and the point or place of BEGINNING. SAID above described premises aa per a certain survey dated 7/30/84 by Young a~d Young, Land Surveyors. RECORD AND RETURN TO~ Rachel Hincieli 1315 Albo D~e Laurel, Ney Yo~k 11948 troy evidence m be Ihe individmd(.) ~me mme~s) is (afc) .sue'bed to the within inmummt and acknowledged to .0~. that he/she/they executed ~ same In hiMa~ir capacities). end dm by h~s) m ~c imt~;~,,~, the indi. vtdual(n), o~&Mr"~ll~ ux~t behoJr of which the Indigtdual(s) · ~lnle ot Coumy of ~.: personally appeared permnnlly known IOme or [woved lo meoA the bask of' satls- faC~Ol~ evk~mce lo Ile I1~ individuel(s) whose nmne(s) is (are) subscribed Io lhe within iflsffltma~ ~nd Icknowk~ Io me dml he~Md~ey executed the aam~ in hJs4~.~lheir capeci~yOes), and thru by hbi~er/their sijnmure(s) on the tl,.mmmem, Ihe indi- vidual(s), or the lUetsm upon behalf of width d~e Indlvi(hmJ(s) Kled. exaL'lJt~d Ihe inmmmcnt, and tirol such individual nude Wmt CovEx&~ Asit.qrr Gt~r~oa's Am Trn~ No. ~)Jn~ iml~u .merit; that said subscribin8 wim~.s(es~we~e)" p~'se~t md ~w soid execute the mime; and ~ said witness~) at the tmme dane sM)scribed his/her/their heine(s) as a witness(es) thereto. District 1000 S~C~ON nLocx '. LOX* 015;'000 GOI.qql*YORTOVN Suffolk RETURN BY MAI/. TO: Rachel HlncieXi 1315 Albo Drive' Laurel, Ney York 11948 Zip No. Uniform Form Certificate of Acknowledgment S~ate of New York Couniy of' On the / ~'"/q"~ day of in the year .,~)0...('"", before me, the personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual (s) whose name (s) is/are subscribed to IJm within instrument an~ acknowledged to me lhat he/she / they executed the same in his/her/their copecity (les), and that by his/her/their signature (s) on the instrument, the individual (s), or the person upon behalf of which the indlvidual (s) acted, executed ,he in~me~ Notary Public Number of pasts TORRENS Serial # Ce, iff:ate # Prio~ CtL # Deed ! Mtmgai{e lnslnmu.'nt ,I Page I Filing Fee Hand]iq 5. 00 TP-584 Nom~on EA-$2 17 (County) EA-$217 (State) R.RT.S.A. ~} Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Deed / Mong. nge Tax $1amp FEES Sub Total 2005 M~ 16 11~02s15 ~M F_.d~ard CLERK ~F SI. JFFOLK C~/'4TY L P 316 OTJ 04-40861 Reco~in{ / Filing Slaml~ Mortgnge An,,. I. Bade Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Totni Six, c./Assit. Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Cot~ty Held for Appoi~ Transfer Tax / ~ _ ~ly d~llin$ ~mly. 6.~ Satisfactions/Diseharges/Releases List Pmpcny Owners Mailin~ Address RECORD & R~--IxJIEN TO: O~her Sub To~al ,..,..... YF-q or NO - /'~6 ' NO. see uppn,riutc ~x clause on ,~ .. Grand Total ~ ~ · ~ zr.~'. T,~_-- ~ ~ .,._. , dame # ~thi$ instmmcnr.~- ~~o00Real I~'operty~ IOO0 1~$00 O'aO0 O15OOO ^~ncy /,~ ' ~\ I CP~ Tak,Oue L~U~EL ~Y I 7Co.[Name Title Company Information Title # Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page made by: The premises herein is sin,n!,'d in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the Township of Soo'vgtot.~ BOX~ ~ THRU ~ MUST BE TYP~ OR PRI~ IN B~CK INK O~Y PRIOR ~ R~RDING OR ~ING. (over) I lHllllllllllmliHlillglllmlmlllllllllllllll RECORDTNG PAGE T:FpS og Instnnnontz DEEDS/DDD Re~e:Lp~. ~h-~,er : 05-0052328 ~RANSF~R TAX ~OMBI~R: 04-4086:1 1000 Deed Amounk: 8eo~on: .. Block~ 126.00 03.00 BXA~D AMD CS~teZD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Recorded: 05/16/2005 A~: 11:02z15 AM Received tho F?llowing Feel For Above. Page/Filing $15.00 NO J~ndling COB $5.00 NO HYB 8RCKG EA-CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Cop~es ~ $30.00 NO 8C'1~ Trtns£er tax $0.00 NO Cfl---.Pres Fees Paid TRANHFER TAX N'OMBER: 04-40861 THIS PAGE IH A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THI8 IS NOT A BILL LZBER: D00012387 P;~E: 316 ~,' Lot: " 015.000 Edward P.Rmnaine County Clerk, Bu£folk County Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.oo No $o.oo No $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $155.00 'PLEASE TYPE OR P~ESS FIRMLY WHEN W~ilING ON FC)R*M INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.u$ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 COUNTY USE ONLY - _ - .,~ I REPORT c~..wmc~ l-I, ~. ] ~, ~. 11 [ ~ . RP 5217 4l, ~beJ,~im A~am~ vm Rmdm4 Im TmmlJ' la.I , , ,,~,. . . I .,c~,~Am.,~k.'--.,.,,~,,.,~,Jm~e,~ [] I [] Cammunity ~ J L~I LI I I SALE ,Nr~MA~ON I I u.1. /~ I I L Ovm~lhlp Ttl~ i8 (~mldm~nium B I) Ir; F ! 1'1 r'lll]SdllFIKcI J I I , , I I ' ' , 0 , 0 ] ,.~-,,'-"'~'~:L""~,:;.'.:!." ~.' ,. ,.-.~.~, , ...' °' o, ·I ASSESEMENT INFO~MA'rION - I)lllll iI~ukl rellac~ lira I~ Flnll Allellment Roll Bnd Tax Bill Oeml ~ilm nee W. rmmy m ~ end ~ CSlmclfy Bdawl e,,la aJ ~1 m LC# tl~n F# lnlm~l I~ ~lk~,J} ATTORNEY I NEW YORK STATE. COPY