HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-03/09/2010LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes & Discussion Notes from Meeting held Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: John Sepenoski, Chairman Maureen Cullinane Ray Huntington Monica Harbes Chris Baiz (left 8:53 p.m.) Lillian Ball Eric Keil (7:15 p.m.) Members Absent: none Also present: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary Al Krupski, Town Board Liaison Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. (Attorney for Shinn Vineyard) Stephen Searl, Peconic Land Trust (7:22 p.m.) Commencement: ?? The meeting began at 7:09 p.m. with six LPC members present. Adoption of Meeting Minutes: ?? ACCEPTANCE OF MEETING MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 9, 2010 & FEBRUARY 23, 2010 MOTION made by Chris Baiz, seconded by John Sepenoski, to accept the Land Preservation Committee meeting minutes from February 9, 2010 as amended. Motion carried: 6/0 MOTION made by Chris Baiz, seconded by Maureen Cullinane, to accept the Land Preservation Committee meeting minutes from February 23, 2010 as amended. Motion carried: 6/0 Applications & Inquiries for Uses or Structures on Preserved Property ?? SCTM #1000-100-4-3.2 (Shinn Estate Vineyards / David Page & Barbara Shinn) [7:00 P.M.] Review of January 12, 2010 memorandum from Planning Board Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. distributed one-page hand-out entitled “Agricultural Production” to committee members. Melissa Spiro relayed phone message from Paul Matthews, a neighboring property owner, that he is in support of Shinn Vineyard application to permit special events {such as weddings, etc.) to be allowed on the Shinn property. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Maureen Cullinane, that the Land Preservation Committee, upon advice of Counsel, determines that the recorded easement does not permit special events such as weddings, parties and catered affairs with tents and associated parking on the Easement area. Motion carried: 4 yes (John Sepenoski, Maureen Cullinane, Eric Keil, Ray Huntington) 1 no (Monica Harbes) 2 abstained (Chris Baiz, Lillian Ball) A memo with the Land Preservation Committee’s determination will be sent to Planning Board. Land Preservation Applications and Inquiries: ?? SCTM #1000-54-7-21.1 (Estate of Julia Conway) Updated re: contract and purchase structure [executive session]. John Sepenoski, LPC Chairman, was not present for a discussion on this project due to a family relationship. The members entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION. LPC members informed that contract has been sent to sellers’ attorney. There is a known driveway encroachment that must be dealt with prior to closing. Melissa is working closely with Town Attorneys regarding purchase funding. Martin Finnegan (Town Attorney) and/or Jen Andaloro (Assistant Town st Attorney) may be attending the March 31 LPC meeting to give status update on contracts and bond. Stephen Searl, PLT mentioned that the Conway Family would like to have a fully executed contract by the end of April 2010 for Estate tax purposes. ?? SCTM #1000-127-2-2.1 (TPC, LLC - Business Name: Beds and Borders) Appraisal Review [executive session]. Project involving landowner’s offer of a development rights easement on this property was discussed. Considerations were given to property location that borders on the Town of Riverhead, and that landowner is offering full development rights easement on entire parcel. END OF EXECUTIVE SESSION MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Eric Keil, to suggest a purchase offer per buildable acre for a development rights easement on property owned by TPC, LLC and identified as SCTM #1000-127-2-2.1, and that this offer be presented to the Town Board at their next work session scheduled for March 23, 2010, for Town Board approval/disapproval, before presenting such offer to the landowner. Motion carried: 4 yes (John Sepenoski, Eric Keil, Ray Huntington, Chris Baiz) 3 no (Lillian Ball, Maureen Cullinane, Monica Harbes) Melanie will arrange for a work session appointment with Town Board to discuss this project. John Sepenoski, Chairman, will represent the Committee at this appointment. ?? SCTM #1000-44-3-4.3 (Southold Ventures LLC – Dorothy Snyder) Receipt of letters from concerned citizens re: certified letter they received re: change of zone and concerned citizens’ request to preserve property. Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator, has received one letter and many form letters opposing Dorothy Snyder’s (landowner of SCTM #1000-44-3-4.3) request for a change of zone on her 54.13 acre parcel from R-80 to Hamlet Density, and urging the Town to take action to refuse her application and seek preservation options. These letters came about as a response to certified letters that neighboring homeowners received from Dorothy Snyder stating her intentions for the property. The Town has no copy of said certified letter. In review of the file, it was noted that the Town Board, on three occasions (March 20, 2009, July 6, 2009, and December 14, 2009) denied Ms. Snyder’s request for a change in zone. Al Krupski, Town Councilman, stated that he had personally asked Ms. Snyder is she would consider preservation options and she responded that she was absolutely not in favor of selling her property for preservation purposes. Randy Parsons of The Nature Conservancy sent an outreach letter to Ms. Snyder on September 3, 2008, to which he received no response. A response letter will be sent to each concerned property owner that wrote to Melissa. ?? SCTM #1000-31-5-6 & 7.1 (Estate of Sonja Stein) Follow-up to 3/4/2010 field inspection. Field inspection on Thursday, March 4, 2010, was attended by Melissa Spiro, Melanie Doroski and committee members John Sepenoski, Ray Huntington, Lillian Ball, Maureen Cullinane. Committee felt that any part of the two properties would be a good addition to expand Dam Pond Maritime Reserve, especially the northern sections of the properties and waterfront. Stephen Searl, PLT, stated that the settlement of the Estate is now in legal hands; however, all ideas are on the table for future discussion and preservation potential. LPC asked to be kept apprised of the situation. Addition to Agenda: SCTM #1000-55-1-9 (New Suffolk Land Co., LLC, Horton Lane) Due to medical issues, potential purchaser of this property has asked that this project be put on hold at this time. Applications & Inquiries for Uses or Structures on Preserved Property (continued) ?? POULTRY FARMING Peconic Land Trust to present information. Stephen Searl, PLT, made presentation of poultry farming operation on PDR lands, and more specifically the former Charnews Farm now owned by Peconic Land Trust, Incorporated. He made an official request to Land Preservation Committee members to allow for “chicken harvesting trailer” to be placed on PDR land. Committee members response to request was for the trailer to be placed on reserved land closer to existing barn until such time as “processing” definition is reviewed by legal counsel. General Land Preservation Items: ?? STEWARDSHIP Stewardship Meeting scheduled by Supervisor re-scheduled for Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. Meeting time questionable and will be confirmed with Supervisor’s office. If meeting is cancelled, Melanie will advise committee members (Maureen, Lillian, John, Ray) that had planned on attending. 2010 Stewardship Request (task list presented 1/12/10) John Sepenoski will revise “Draft Number 2: 2010 Stewardship Tasks” to be entitled “Priority List of Stewardship Tasks on Preserves – March 2010”. Also to include “All tasks to be funded within Town Board adopted budget. If tasks can’t be completed within budget, Land Preservation Committee to be notified prior to start of any work”. Revised document will be forwarded to Melanie for formatting on Land Preservation Department letterhead for presentation to Town Board. All tasks listed on Stewardship Task list have been budgeted for in CPF or Town Budgets. Ray Huntington would like a priority task designation given to sand dune cliff erosion area at Laurel Lake Preserve on “1945 ballpark property” as a safety issue. Addition to Agenda: ?? BITTNER Property (County/Town Open Space) Lillian Ball gave update on clean-up project at Bittner property. Pipes showing above grade have been removed; however, they appear to have been just cut off an covered over and not actually removed from under the ground. Lillian to report her findings to Vincent Orlando, Town Councilman. Boulders have been lined up on east side of beach, concrete & pipes have been placed in piles, Next Regular Meeting: ?? The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 30, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., in the Annex Executive Board Room. Adjournment: ?? The meeting was adjourned 10:35 p.m. by the six remaining LPC members. Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary