HomeMy WebLinkAboutPeconic Bay Regional TA - enactment requestm J TcO~?~'~ C ! A L U S E Postage Certified Fee :- l Home Rule (:ounsel iSent To . · I'"1 IOrpOBOxNO' .,m, C itnl I r-- ' Albany, NY 12224 m ru U $ E ELT7~BETH A. NEVTLLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.nor th fork. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 30, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Home Rule Counsel Assembly Post Office The Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of a Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Assembly Bill A.4665A and two (2) copies of Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Senate Bill S.7036. Also enclosed is a certified copy of the resolution which was passed by the Southold Town Board at its meeting held March 23, 2010. Very truly yours, Southold Town Clerk EN/lmr Enclosures cc: Senator LaValle Assemblyman Thiele Assemblyman Alessi ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOVqN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 30, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Home Rule Counsel Senate Post Office The Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of a Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Senate Bill S.7036 and two (2) copies of Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Assembly Bill A.4665A. Also enclosed is a certified copy of the resolution which was passed by the Southold Town Board at its meeting held March 23, 2010. Very truly yours, Southold Town Clerk EN/lmr Enclosures cc: Senator LaValle Assemblyman Thiele Assemblyman Alessi ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 30, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Home Rule Counsel Assembly Post Office The Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of a Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Assembly Bill A.9861A and two (2) copies of Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Senate Bill S.6774A. Also enclosed is a certified copy of the resolution which was passed by the Southold Town Board at its meeting held March 23, 2010. Very truly yours, · ~ville Southold Town Clerk EN/lmr Enclosures cc: Senator LaValle Assemblyman Thiele Assemblyman Alessi Er.rZABETH A. NEVILLF., RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork, net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 30, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Home Rule Counsel Senate Post Office The Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of a Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Senate Bill S.6774A and two (2) copies of Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Assembly Bill A.9861A. Also enclosed is a certified copy of the resolution which was passed by the Southold Town Board at its meeting held March 23, 2010. Very truly yours, Southold Town Clerk EN/lmr Enclosures cc: Senator LaValle Assemblyman Thiele Assemblyman Alessi IMPORTANT: READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE IIOME RUI.E RF~UEST (Request by a Local Government for Enactment of a Special Law) (Signed) Date: ,20__ Date: I~rch 29 ,20 10 IMPORTANT: READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE HOME RULE REQUEST (Requezt by a Local Government for Enactment o~ a Speeial Law) (Signed) Elizabeth A Neville ,doherebycet~y~hatIamClerkofthe( Town Board __ of the Town of Soathold .and that on thc 23rd dayof March (Signed IMPORTANT: REAO INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SlOE HOME RULE REQUEST (RequeSt by a Local Government for Enactment of a Special Law) F~PLANATION bership of th~ loc. al legMativc body. ~o~h the c~ef ?c~?~ ~cer ~ the cle~o~ the logd legislative (Signed) L Elizabeth: A Neville , do hexeby certify that I am Clerk of thc ( ) Town Board __ of thc Town of Southold ~nd that on the 23rd dayof March , IMPORTANT: READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE HOME RULE REQUEST (Requ~tby aLoe al Gov~nmentfor EnactmeutofaSpeeialLaw) Date:. ,20 I, FIIzni'~th A Neville ,dohevebycrallf~thatIamCleflrofthc( ) Town Board of the Town of Southold and fi~at on the 23rd dayof March 20 10 , such legislative body, at least a~ of the total membei~hip having voted in favor the~of, (Si~d) Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of March 23, 2010 RESOLUTION 2010-254 ADOPTED Item # 5.28 DOC ID: 5804 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2010-254 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MARCH 23, 2010: WHEREAS, a bill has been introduced in the State Legislature as Senate Bill S.7036 and Assembly Bill A.4665A and WHEREAS, the bill would create the Peconic Bay Regional Transportation authority; the authority shall be a body corporate and politic constituting a public benefit corporation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the enactment of Senate Bill S.7036 and Assembly Bill A.4665A entitled "AN ACT to amend the public authorities law~ in relation to the creation of the Peconic Bay regional transportation authority". Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ruland, Scott Russell sEcONDER: Christopher Talbot, Councilman AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Talbot, Krupski Jr., Evans, Russell Generated March 26, 2010 Page 38 S outhold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of March 23,2010 RESOLUTION 2010-253 ADOPTED Item # 5.27 DOC ID: 5803 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2010-253 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MARCH 23, 2010: WHEREAS, a bill has been introduced in the State Legislature as Senate Bill S.6774 and Assembly Bill A.9861 and WHEREAS, the bill seeks to authorize an advisory, non-binding referendum in the towns of East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold on the creation of the Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Authority (RTA-) to replace the Metropolitan TransPOrtation Authority (MTA); now, therefore be it RESOLVED that pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the enactment of Senate Bill S.6774 and Assembly Bill A.9861 entitled "AN ACT authorizing an advisor~, non-bindin~ referendum in the towns of East Hampton, Riverhead~ Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold in the county of Suffolk on the creation of the Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Authority to replace the Metropolitan Transportation Authority". Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANZHOUS] HOVER: Christopher Talbot, Councilman SECONDER: William Ruland, Councilman AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Talbot, Krupski Jr., i-=vans, Russell Generated March 26, 2010 Page 37 KENNETH P LAVALLE SENATOR I ST SENATE DISTRICT REC£1VED MAR ] 9 2010 THE SENATE STATE OF NEW YORK 325 MIDDLE COUNTRY ROAD SUITE #4 SELDEN, NEW Y©RK 11784 Southold Town Clerk March 12, 2010 Elizabeth A. Neville, Clerk Town of Southold 53095 Main Rd-P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Neville: Constitutional provisions mandate that certain bills require a Home Rule Request before the Legislature can act upon them. S.7036/A.4665A is one such bill. We respectfully request that your office assist us in having the enclosed forms completed and returned to the Home Rule Counsel's Office, the State Capitol, Albany, New York, 12247. (Please see reverse side of Home Rule Request forms for more specific instructions.) Your prompt attention to this request is most appreciated. Sincerely yours, Enclosures RETRIEVE Page 1 of 22 BILL TEXT: STATE OF NEW YORK 7036 IN SENATE March 9, 2010 Introduced by Sen. LAVALLE -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Transportation AN ACT to amend the public authorities law, in relation to the creation of the Peconic Bay regional transportation authority The People of t~9~t~9_Of..~Ow yq~k, .~9~ose~te~ in ~en~e~ and Assem- 1 Section 1. Article 5 of the public authorities law is amended by 2 adding a new title ll-E to read as follows: 4 PECON~CBAY REG~ONALTRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 5 Section 1349-~. Sh~t title. 6 1349-b. Definitions. 7 1349-C. PeCO~!~ BaY regiona~ transportation 10 l~if~..Formo~t%9~ ~n~ a~ adopt$on of ~aster plan~ame~r 11 me__n~s. 12 1349-g, Filin~_~fivexearperformance, capita~and' operating 13 flna~g~. 14 1349-h. Gener&l powers of the authority. 15 1349-i. Sme_c~k po~ers~ 16 1349-j. Ac~ulsition a~d dis~osi~%on of re~ 17 1349-k. Cooperation and assistance of other agencies. 18 1349-1. Notes and bonds of the authori~. 19 1349-m. Reserve funds and approp~i~t$ons~ 22 1349-p. Re~e~ies of noteholders and bondholders. 23 1339-q. Notes an~ bon~s as 24 1349rr. EXempt!9~ f~gm taxation. 25 !3~9-~s~ Actions against 28 cont~t~Prq~!~_e_d..~ EXPLANATION--Matter in itolics {underscored} is new; matter in brackets [-] is old law to be omitted. LBD03184-03-0 http://legin fo.state.ny.us:8080/ASMS EN/bst frmel.cgi 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE Page 2 of 22 S. 7036 2 i 1349~XL FiA.~ rear. 2 !~491.~.~9nsent.~y the.state. 3 ~3__49-x~ Separ~%%ty_. 4 $~.9.ry. Effect of inconsistent proyisi0ns. 5 § 134__9~a__. _.~bert title.. This title max be cited as the "Peconic BaT 6 ~9~iona~ran~Re~a~$on Au~hor~y~Act!,~ 7 or referred to in. this title~ unless a 8 different meaning clearly_appears ~ro~..the context! 9 1. corporation created by section thirteen 10 hundred fort¥-nine-d of this title. 11 2. "TraneR~tation dist__r~_t'__'_an~ ,'dist~qt~,~h~ll_~e~n~th~_~eg~nic Ba~ 12 ~e~i~-.~-r-a~s~ortat~o-n..d%~trict c~eated bT section thirteen hundred 13 forty-nlne-c of this title. 14 ~ '~artlciRatin~. ~ow~!, shalI mean any of the tOWnS defined in seo~ion 15 thirteen hundred forty-nine-c of this title. 16 ~t. "Feder~_He_Y.e-rnment~ ~h_91~ ~e~n theOriZed st~9~of ~ica. 17 a~ off~9~.z.~e~ent, bo~d~ co~issie~ b~e~ divis$on. c0rpo- 18 ration, a~enc~ or instr~entalit~ thereof. 19 5. ,,~0ve~nor~.s~%! m~a,~he.~0~ernor of.~estateqfNew 20 6. "Comptroller" shall mean the comptroller of the state of New York. 21 7. "Director of the bud~9~'~_~ll m~_~h~ dir~.~o~ of ~e budget 22 York~ 23 8. "State" shall mean the state of New York. 24 9. ,,sta~e a~9~,, shall ~9.~.~n~ officer~.departme~t~ board~ co~isr 25 Si0m. b~ea~, division~, ~.~.~C beneflt ~erp~ratio~.~ ~ency O~ instr~9~. 26 t~li~ of 27 ~, ~R!~i~lit~" sha.l~ ~ean a g~t~ to~ yilla~e~ O~ cou. t~ not 28 wholl~_c~t~e~ within_a~9~~. 29 1~ ~Munici~al cgrRe~ation,, shall mean a cit~ .to~, village, ~9~nty 30 not wholly ~on~9~ within a ~ity, speu~a! transpe~tati0n district 31 ~l$~_b~nefit ~or~p~i~ or other peb~!ic cqr~9~a~ion~.9~ two 9r more 33 12. "Personal property'~ shal~ mea~.~b~tt61s an~ 35 %3. "~0~9~..~ m.~_~_~9~.F~ and 36 14. "Master plan" s~l_~ean an actio~_.Dlan ~eK i~%em~ntatio~..of 37 im~rov~entstO~.S~C.~9~ns o~ ~.l~trans~g~%~on an~.~91ate~services 38 by o~ibus, railroad a~ 39 may cont~D~e within the Pe~0n~.~ Bay Regional Transportation Distric~ 40 ~9.effec~uate the purposes 0f this tit!e~ 42 ~9 ~9~Y ~ ~n~ c?~9~ q~rrier or fre$~ht fo~arder, ~he state, 43 any state agency,_~h~ federal ~ey~nt,_~9~ o~he~te o~.~ncl9 44 instr.~F~.~ereof, ~n~b~ic authori~~ of t~.is or an~ other 45 state, or an~ pO~$~~ subdivls~O~. 9r muuiuipe~ of~ ~e stat~, relatu 46 ~ to_~roper~,~ ~!~n~s,_ structureS, fac~.$~$~s,.~eK3~ces, ~ates, 47 f~re~,.~.aSS$~gatlons, d%v!s!ons, a~!ewances or cha~es inc!~ding 48 ~_~ar~es between ope_~9~g~9~ rail~o~, o~i_b.~ma~i~9 and a~tion 49 fa~l.$~ies)~ or rule~ orregulations pe.rtainintthereto~ for or 50 connection with or incidental to tren.sportation in ~art Sn 0r upon rail- s1 r0~d, 9.~.ib~.~m~De o~ .9~ia~.gDfacilitieslgcated_~$thin the district 52 and in part in or upon railroad, o~ibus marine or ayiation facilities 53 located outside the ~ict. 54 16. "Projeqt~ sha!l mean any undertaking by the authority within the 55 not li~ed to port 0r harbor ~acilities trans- 56 pgr~t~0~.0pe~.9.~,_access and service roads a~d. brid~e.s, equipment, http://leginfo.state.ny.us: 8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE Page 3 of 22 S. 7036 3 1 aPPurtenance. S, uti~ies,..airpe~t fagilities and anyether improvement 2 uDde~ aut~9~!ty j~!sdie~!en ~$thln the reH$enal~is~ct? 3 17. "Facility.. shall mea~, ~a~O~g o~e~ t~s,_~uch_.~roRerties, s~ruc- 4 ~ure~~ ap~enaa~es, B~!~it~es~ te~ina~e' wharfs, docks' Piers~ rail- 5 road.~rackage, war_e~euses~leva~rs' e~g~uipme~tf_oA ha_~liu~ freightland 6 passengers and_.yehic19s~ and.~ch other w0~ks, p~opeK~ie~,_ b~ildin~s or 7 a~!9~ it~m~ ne~es~ary.or...~esi~ab~e i~onne~t~en wi~ de~elopmen~ 8 g_Rerat~g~, me~D~ena~e_or_~upre~e4~.~e~t 9~ Pq~.~ ai~por~__and p~hlic trans- 9 Pe~en nee~ fertheeg~°nunedati°n, safe~ °~-.c°~ert 9f t~ p~lic and co~ercial enterprise for the_~ie~91 t~anspo~atig~ dis~riK_t. ~' -~.~i~9~-~h~!l ~e~n_ rol~n~ ~pck,~9~i~ses,~veh~les~~ ai~ marA~9. 9~ s~ge c~9~ ~etors~ ~eiler~ e~!nes~ an~ 9the~ ~tr~e~- talities used or useful therefor or in connection therewith. 10 11 12 13 14 19. "Omnibus facilities" shall mean motor vehlcles~ of the type oper- 15 ated ~y carriers sub~ec__t.~9 the jur~_iq~on .q~ th~ public se~yice 16 commission enHa~ed in the transportation of passengers and their 17 ba~a~e, express and mail between points within the district"~or p~rsuaat 18 to joint service arrangements and e~uipment, ~re~ert~~ buildings, 19 structures~ im~rovements~ loadln~ or unloadin~ areas parking areas 20 be_r_t.~g fae.~ti~__g_r o~ f~ilitie~ neg~ssary~ convenient or desir- 21 able for the accommodation of such motor vehicles or ~hei~- passengers, 22 includin~ but not limited to buildings, structures and areas notwith- 23 ~aDdin~ th~-p°rt~Ds may-npt ~devot.ed to_an]~_mn_ibu_s. ]~9.r~ose other 24 than the production of revenues available for the costs and expe~ses~of 25 al! or ~n~ f~.i..~ti~s gf th~ ~uthe~itY. 26 20. "Railroad facilities" shall mean rib_hr-of-way and related track- 27 a~ee rails, care~ locomotives~ other rollin~ stock, si~nalt power fuel, 28 communication and ventilation s]t~t_ems .ppwe~!a~nt_s~_s_t.~io~, te~mi- 29 hals, storage yards~ repair and maintenance sho~s~ yards, equipment and 30 part~,..~offi~e~ peKs0nalty used or hslafor0~ 31 ~ncid~.~.~ ~9._t~e ome~a~,.~9~ab~!i~atiQn or i~Rrovem~nt 0f any rai~- 32 road operatin~ or to operate between points within the district or 33 Rur~s~ t~_joint service arrange~9~ts, including but .not limited tO 34 buildings, structures~ and areas notwithstandin~ that portions thereof 35 may not be devoted to an~ railroad purpose other than the production of 36 revenues available for the costs and expenses of all or any facilities 37 of 38 21. "Real property~__~h~al__l___~ean 39 interests in land~ waters lands under water, riparian rights and any 40 and all thinte and rights included within said term and includes not 41 onl~ fees~imple ~solq~e hut also any an4 a~l !esser interests includ- 42 in~ but not limited to easements, rights of way~ uses, leases, licenses 43 and ~ oth~~ inqo~oreal h~re41~amen~s and every estate, interest or 44 right, legal or equitable, including terms for years and--' iiens-th~reo~ 45 bt way of j~d~me~.ts, m0rt~ages 0r otherwise. 46 22. "Marine and aviation facilities" shall mean eqeipment and craft 47 for the transmortation of passengers, mall and car~o between point~ from 48 and to and within the district or pursuant to ~oint service arran~e- 49 ment~,.by marine craft a~d aircraft of.all types including b~t not 50 limi.t.e~.tqhy~efoi.!s, ~erries~.li~hters tu~s bar,es, he!i~0pters, 51 a~.~pbSbia~seap~D~__.g~ 0~e_r .9ontriyan~es now or hereafter used in 52 navigation or movement on waterways or in the navigation of o~fli~ht in 53 a~rs~ace. It shall also mean anI airport facilit~ within the transporta- 54 ti0~ district, includin~ but nQt limited to an~ facilit~ or real proper- 55 t~ neq9.~sa~y,~onven%entor desirable for the landing, takln~ Off, 56 acco~mmedation0r s_e_Kvici~t of such aircraft, and~ sh~l~ include such http://lcginfo.stat¢.ny.us:8080/ASM SEN/bst frmel.cgi 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE Page 4 of 22 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 S. 7036 4 facilities, property, structures and appurtenances as may be necessary or convenient in the operation~ maintenance~ development or improvement of airports including facilities, pr~erty, structures~ and appurtenanc- es, leaaed hy the authority to persons, firms or corporations eng~ed air transportation or the pro~u__ct%0~ o~ de~v~opment of materials,.~oo_d. 9 or e~uiRment for airports or air tranoportation or in providing facili- ~ie~ fo~ ~ a~9~9~at~ safety or comfort of the traveling public and for purposes related or incidental to one or more of the foregoing purposes. It shall also mean port facilities in the transportation district includin~ but not limited to, a) one or more docks, eleva- tors, wharves, piers, bulkheads slips, basins, harbors, railroad ~on~.9~s, ~i~ ~ 9~ ..s~ings f~gb~ te~inals, w~rehouses, bridHes, tunnels, and areas for storage of cargoes~ materials, goods, wares, and merchandise of any kind and for the loading, unloading, interchange or transfer of an~ such cargoes, materials, ~ood~ wares and merqh~ise~.(b).9~-he~_hu!~d~.~s~ctu~e~, faci!%~ies or_improvements ~9.~essa~ t9 acco~odate steamships or other vessels and their cargoes _or passengers;. ........................ and (c) all real and personal~roperty, drivewa~fs, roadsx approaches~ mechanical e~ipment and all appurtenances and facillties either on~ove or under the~ound which are necessar~ convenient or desir~le for the development, control and o~eration of ~ort facilities in the~tr~or~a~!on~d~stri~t 23~_?Tran~portation facility" ~l~oan An~ailr_g~d~p~q~,_ marine 9~. 9Y~9~ _~ ~ ~ P9~9~, fi~ ~artnership, associatio~-o~ ~9~por~ion which o~s, leases or o~erates any such facility or an~ other facilit~ used for service in the tran~ortation of ~assen~ers, United States mail or personal pro~ert~ as a co~on carrier for hire and ~nY portion thereof and the rlq~ts, leaseholds or other interest therein to~ether with routes~ tracks~ extensions~ connections~ ~arkin~ lots, ~ara~es~ warehouses, ~ards, storage ~ards, maintenance and re~air shops, te~inals, stations and other related facilities thereof~ the devices, a~urtenances, and e~uipment thereof and power plants and other instru- mentalities used or useful therefor or in connection therewith. 24. "Co~issioner" shall mean co~issioner of transportation of the stat~ of New ~ 1349-c. Peconic Bay regional transportation district There is here- ~Y.g~9~ ~d.~.~9~.~ ~r~por~9~oB ~F~.~ ~9 be ~o~ as the Peconic Ba~ rexona1 trans~ortatlon district. This district shall Island~ South~pton, and Southold in the count~ of Suffolk. The ~rans- 9ortation district shall also include all land6 and water and all lands under water and all rivers~ ba~s and harbors, within any of the to~s ~f said district. $ 1349-d. Peconlc Bay regional transportation authority. 1. There hereb~ created the Peconlc Ba~ regional transportation authority. The authority shall be a body corporate and~olitic constituttn~ a public benefit cor~°rati°ntlt shal% consist 0f ~ ~9~ ~th one me~er from each to~ in the regional tran~ortation district. The to~ super- Visor of each to~, or a designated representative appointed by the to~ as chairperson. 2. The me, ers of the authority includin~ the chair, shall not r~c~iv~_.~9~ary or other compensation _wheq. r~n~ri~ se~ice as a m~9~ 9f~h9 ~ut~ori~ 9ra~ 9 me~oxof one of its subs'idi~'~y c~rpo2 rations, .but shall b9 entitled t0 rei~ursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties. http://leginfo.state.ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE Page 5 of 22 S. 7036 i 3. A majority of the whole number of votes of members of the authority 2 ~a~ ~Pn~$t~ ~ quor~um fpr th~ tr~nsag~9~ 9f ~usiness or the exer- 3 cise of amy_ power of the authority. Exce!q_t as otherwise s/)ecified in 4 this title, for the transaction of any business or the exercise of any 5 power of the authori~ the authority shall have~ower to act by a 6 ma]orit!f, vote of the members !oresent at any meetin/i at which a quorum is 7 ~ .a.~.g_e,.. ~b ~e~m~.~r 9.f._ ~h~ .~9~hp~y s~911 have one vote. 8 4. The authority shall be a "state ~nc/~" for th~ ~ur~oses of se~t~n~ ~venty-three and seventy-four of the public officers law. nated bY ..law. U_Don the termination of the existence of the authority~ 13 ~ 14 all its rights and properties shall !0ass to and be vested in the state. ~ 1~49-e. P~rpp~e~ o~ the au~hoKitY. !. The pur]~oses of the authority 15 shall be the continuancez further development and i_m~rovement of trane- 16 portation and other services related thereto within the Peconic B~ay 17 regional trans]~ortation district~ by railroad omnihusz marine and air, 18 xn accordance with the provisions of this title. 19 2. It is hereby found and declared that such pu~Doses are in all for the banafit of the people of the stats 21 authority shall be re~9_Fded as ~erformin~[ an essential governmental 22 function in carryin~ out its purposes and in exercisin~ the ~owers 23 ~_~n__t~d ~3f_t~his titlp~ 24 $ 1349-f. Formulation, filing and adoption of master plan; amendments. 25 ~ ~F~Y~b~_~ ~9~ ~ ~ ~9~ .~Pr ..~spprtation within 26 the district. In formulatin~ such master plan, the authority s~ali 27 ~q~ ~hprities in 28 the areas of its .o~p_prations, and shall utilize state, local or retional 29 transDortation planning. The authority shall request and use existin~ 30 studies~ ~lans, surveys, data and other materials completed by or under 31 development ~y any state a~pnuy or municipalit3 or ~olitical subdivi~i~m 32 of the state. The authority shall file copies of such plan with the 33 commissioner, the Suffolk coun~p_%annin~boardx the town board of each 34 ~9~ ~ ~d the legislature of 35 the county of Suffolk. The ~lan shall contain information re~ardin~ the 36 transportation ~ystem that the authorit~y intends to ~rovide including 37 information rp~arding the facilities connected therewith~ the services 39 the author~ contemplates providinff and the estimated costs and the Prpposed method of financing. Durinff sixty days after the filin~ of the R~_'~o~r~with the town boards of the towns within t~e' r~ff~n~l 42 transportation district~ and with the leffislature of Suffolk county, as 43 aforesaid, said p~n shall be available for ~_ubii~ 44 office or offices of the authority and at such other places in the towns 45 affectedt within the district, as the authority may designate. Not 46 earlier than thlr~]~ da~ys after the filinK of said master plan with the 47 commissioner, the Suffolk county planning board, the town boards, and 48 the le~_islature of Suffolk county, a public hearip~q on said ~la~s s~i~ 49 be held by the authority. Notice of such a hearing shall be given to 50 the commissioner, the Suffolk county plannin~ board, the town boards, and the l~islature of the county of Suffolk~ as aforesaid and by ~ubli- cation once a week for two weeks prio~ to the said hearing at the time 53 and~lace fixed ~ the authorit~ in newsp~a~ers of~eneral circulation 54 within the areas affected, to be selected by the authority. The las~ 55 publication date shall not be less than five days before said hearing. 56 Within thirty~ days followin~ said public hearing~ the authority shall http://lcginfo.state.ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.c~i ~/~ ~/Tn~ n · RETRIEVE Page 6 of 22 S. 7036 6 1 provide a transcript of such hearin9 to the commissioner, the Suffolk 2 ~Pn~Y p~ni~g boar~ each to~ board and the legislature of the coun- 4 may propose to the master plan. The authority shall reguest approval of 5 th~..master_~n, including_~gh a~u_endments as the ~nthor.ity may ~ropose, 6 .~o_m ~g~..~_own b.9~ ~ ~he ~9mm~.0ner. ~art ~_sa%~ p~n~ .~hich 7 ~ ~sappFpved bY a ~own because it alters existin9 services or the 8 f_i_n~ncing thereof within said town shall not become o~_erative. This 9 disapproval of part or parts of the plan shall not make the entire plan 10 inoperative. Any Raft of saidp%an which i~ disa~pj~ro~D~db~_ the commis- ll sioner because it conflicts with a state-wide comprehensive ~-as~e~l~ 12 for transportation or in the absence of such planes would have an 13 adverse effect upon sound ~ransportatlon development~pollcy and plan- 14 nlng shall not become operative. If the said to~n boards fail to act 15 within said sixt_x da3~s or in the case of the commissioner within for~y 16 de~s after a~roval is requested, said failure shall be deemed approval, 17 and the authority may adopt the master plan by a majority vote of its 18 m~rship_...and ~ i~nclu~ cha~g~s, if ~ re~e~de~bxth~ commis- 19 ~e~ p~n~ng bg~d or town board. The master plan may be emended 20 ~.gm t~.~_~o t~me~ in the ~ame manne~ usin~ the ~rocedures outlined in 21 this section for the original adoption, except that proposed chanf~es 22 ~ ~ an~Y n~ ~end~gns ~f the com~issi~ner~, said 23 town boards or Suffolk coun~.~lannin~_b~ i~_~he _~rs~ ~l~a_~- ma~x be 24 ~mhodled or conginued by a majority vote of the authorit~ without addi~ 25 ~na~ ~g~ ~re~-~.~ ~. ~ ~e ~en~. proposed to ~be 26 ma~e. 27 ~ ~g.~..~g ~ yeaE p~o~e~ capital and operating finance 28 plans. 1. (a) On or before ~anuarx.~ir~. two ......... thousand twelve~ and_~7 29 ally thereafter on or before ffanuary first, the authority shall adopt an 30 operational perfox~aance plan for the flys-year period commencing Januar~ 32 ~e~ ~. ~hall ~.~h p~9~ance ~ndicators to measure standard~ 33 of service and opera~ions. The revenue ~assengers~ total passengers, revenue vehicle miles~ revenue 35 vehicle hours~ number of employees by department, vehicle mean distance 36 between failure~ on-time performance for total service provided, the 37 cost ~er passenger~ the cost per revenue vehicle mile and the operat- 38 ~g-revenue-to-cost ratio. 39 (b) ~uar~erly reports shall be prepared for authority members on oper- 40 atin~ performance. The first such report shall cover the three-month 41 p~d co_mmenci~..Janu_a~y ~irst~ two thousand twelve and shall be 42 submitted n0 !ater. th&n thirty days after the end of the ~narter. There- 43 after, ~arterlf~reports shall be submitted on the last da~ of Januar[, 44 April~ July~ and October of each ~ear The report shall compare the 45 performance indicators for the most recent ~uarter and the year-to-date 46 pO~rmanc~ ~cator~ ~ith the same time period in the previous year 47 with the annual ~oals established pursuant to this subdivision 48 2. (a) On or before January~fir~t~ two_~h__ou~d__t_w_elv~, .an~_a~n~ll~ 49 thereafter on or before January first~ the authority shall adopt a capi- 50 tal pro. tam.lan for the five-year ~eriod commencing January first. The 51 plan shall contain the capital ~otrem, se~aratel[ itemized. 52 (b) The plan shall set goals and objectives by function for capital 53 s~ndi~[~_ esg_a~lis__h___s_~a__nde~_ for~ervi~ ~nd_pp~ration, describe each 54 ca~ital project to be initiated in each of the years-~ve~ by--the-~lan 55 a~d expla~.~_how e~ch ~ropos. ed project supports ~he goals and objectives 56 an~ th~ ~rv~e a~ o~era~9~ s~an~rd~ e~.!.sh~ in the perfo~manc~ http://leginfo.state, ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE Page 7 of 22 S. 7036 7 i plan. The plan shall list separately by function those projects contrib~ 2 bring to the maintenance Of the system infrastructure and those intended 3 ~o_e_nha~e the_system. The plan shall also include an estimated cost for 4 each project and set forth an estimate of the amount of capital funding 5 re_quired fo~__each year.~f tbs p~n a~d the expected sources of such 6 funding. It shall also include a project schedule for the initiation and 7 completion of each project. Each plan subsequent to the first such plan 8 shall describe the current status of each ca~ital ~roject which has a 9 total estimated cost of one hundred thousand dollars or more and whic~ 10 was included in the~reviousl~ adopted plan~ 11 (c} In addition to the annual update, a quarterly capital plan status 12 report shall he provided to the authority members and shall include, but 13 not be limited to, a description of any material che~e in the scope, 14 cost, fundint or time of initiation or completion of a project which has 15 a total estimated cost of one hundred thousand dollars or more, as 16 adopted in the ~lan. The first such reDort shall cover the three-month 17 period commencing Janua~ firstz two thousand twelve a~d Shall he 18 submitted no later than thirty days after the end of the ~rter. There- 19 after~ quarterly re~orts shall be submitted on the last day of January, 20 Apr~, J~l~, and October of each 21 3. (a) On or before Januar/~ first, two thousand twelve, and annually 22 thereafter on or before Janua~ first, the authority shall adopt an 23 9~_eratin~ finance plan for the five-xear period com~encin~ January 24 first. The plan shall include the annual estimated operatin~ cost for 25 each function. The plan shall include the proposed method of flnancinS 26 for the level of service defined for each ~ear of the Rlan and shall 27 f~Y geDe~l ~9~ts to each of the above sepa- 28 rate functions. The plan shall provide a narrative describinq, the over- 29 all financial condition of the operatin~ budget of the authorit~ 30 (b) In addition to the annual u~datet quarterly operatin~ budget 31 reRe~ts .$~a~. be pre~&~d fq~ ~h~ 9u~herlty me~bers on the financial 32 condition of each of the authority', f,,,~ei~,~ -~-';; '-~ 33 sha~%_ co~er_ the ~hreem~on~ p~pds~eaciD~ j~n~ua~y__f~rs~' two thou- 34 sand twelve and shall be submitted no later than thirty days af%~r the 35 end of the ~uarter. Thereafter, ~arterly reports shall be submitted on 36 the last day of January, ~pril, July, and October of each year. The 37 re~orts shall include a budgetary comparison of the most recent quarter 38 end_veer-to-date actual revenue and _expe~dit~r_es..wi~h ~be_ same time 39 period in the previous year and with the projections for that time peri~ 40 od baee~ on ~e beard approved budget 41 4. ~n~ and all re_ports~ includinS interim reports~ shall be submitted 42 t9 ~be..~reg.~er 9~ ~ ~.~on.9f ~he ~ge~, ~e ~sS~oner and the 43 town board of each town within the reqional transportation district~ the 44 president and the temporarx president of the senate and the speaker of 46 ~ 1349-h. General 9owers of the authority. 1. ExceRt as otherwise 47 limited by this title, the authority shall have power: 48 (a__)_.79 se~_ a_n~ 49 (b) To have a seal and alter the same at pleasure~ 51 gations and to ~rovide for the rights of the holders thereof~ 52 {d) To invest any funds held in reserve or sinkin~ funds or 53 BqnAe~-n°~/uirs~feA i~9~_e~ o_r~_~.is~u~se~en~3 at the d~scretion 54 of the. authority, Sn obligations of the state or the u~kted S'tates 55 ~overnment or obligations the principal and interest of which are guar- 56 anteed by the state or the United States qovernment; or certificates of http://leginfo.state.ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bst frmel.cgi 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE Page 8 of 22 S. 7036 8 1 ~epqs.!~ 9~.~nks or_t~S~ companies 0~ in ~a~k er. ~rus~ . accounts of 2 ~an~ .!~ ~hls starer Secured by obl~gatiens .el th9 U~!~e~ States or of 3 thesta~e~of_.~_York of ~ m~ket value equal at all times to the amount 4 o~ t~e ~e~9~it; 5 (~I___Tp .make a~d ~ter ~-La~s.~__f.or.~s o_r~Lan_iz_a~R.~in~e~na! 6 mana~m~_n~_~.~nd rules ~nd_regulations ~overni~_.tbe exercise of its 7 pO~e~.~ the ful~i~S~ 9f its pureoses unde.~. ~ ~!~le; 8 (f) To enter into contracts and leases and to execute all instruments 9 necessary qr Ce~ye~ie~t; 10 ~_q~_~_acquire, ho~__and dispose 9~ re~ or.pe_r~al~Rro~ert~ ~B the 11 exerci_s~9.~q~.i~_~oweraA 12 (h} To aPP~.~.~t..~ ~enera~ ~anager,..~S~a!~ serve~t.the ~pleasure of 13 the authoritx, and such__o~i__ce_r_~4_emplo~e~h_a~t_ ~_he__.a.~t~_orit~ ma~ 14 requ.~re for the Perf0~mance of its duties~ and ~to ~ix and determine 15 thei$ qua~if~g~t__igns, dutiesz~_an~_9_o_~p_9~s_a~_io~.~n__d~9_~ein or 16 ~oRnse~- &U.~$t_o~s, e_nH~Ree.rs_~.~..private consultants On ~.~o~tr~q~ bagis 18 services and advice; such genera~ m_a~na~e_r_~L~p_3n_s_e__l~.' audit~ors, engineers, 19 ~.n~..p~iyate consu!.~n~st officers and e~ployeesm~y~not be a member of 20 the authorit~ 21 (i) (1) No~.~_h.~an~ sectie~ 9~h_u~_9~..~.~!~9~._o_~ the 22 ~..S9C$~ security %.a~..er. ~y other ~eneral or speci~l lawa. t~e authe~r 23 ity_~.~Dd any of i__t~.~_ub__si_~$~_ry_co~orations may continue or 24 i~s affected 9~!cers and employees an~ ~et%~.emeDt~. dSsabi~i~y~ death or 25 other ~e~e.f.~s.p~evided or ~e~!red for r~!%read personae% ~.p~rsuant to 26 federal_ ~er state _%~. ~et~!thstandln~ an~ provisions of the 27 aery!ce law~ ~ .0ff$cer or employee of a subsi~i~r~ corporation, of the 28 authority, othe~r th__a_n._~_pu__blic benefit subsidiary_cor]~oratio~3 .S~a~.l 31 rations~__~.~e_a atat~ emplo~- 32 to one or more classes Cf. o~fi~eKs 33 and em_R~19yees of such authoritE3_r__any ~uc_h~u~_~ic 34 qerpqretion~ as ~a×b.e...p~9~%~ed by resolution of such authority or. an~ 36 ~ubseque_R~.__._a~_.endment by 38 secu~$~y law. In takinq_~ an~ action pursuant to this RaragraDh~h_e. 39 a~thorit¥ and any. el its public benefit subsidiary corporations shall 40 consi~e~ .t~e cover~e~ ~ and. be~e~.~ts continue~ o~.proyided p~rsuant ~9 42 (.j)~To make pla~s~....~we~s~~ and studies necessary, convenient or 43 desirable to the effectuatlon of 44 ~yand t9 D~epa~e. re~ommeBdations in re~&rd thereto.; 45 (k}.~.T9 e~e~.upon 46 the authority m~y.~e necessary, conve~niemt o~ des~a~_le for the purpose 47 of makin~.~y.e~.~.~ soundin~e, ber~n~s andexaminati.o~to accomplish any 48 pur~ose__~tbe~iz__9~__~~ this title, the ~uthoritI ~eiR~. liable for actual 49 damages dene~ 51 furtherance o~ its general p~po~.e~,an~ 52 a~y b°oks, rec0rds or papers relevant thereto; and if any person whose 53 t_e_s.t_$mony shall ~_ ~3~__for__~he pro]~er performance of the dqties 54 the a~horit~ shall~ .f.ai~ or refuse to aid or assist the author!t~ in the 55 conduct...ef. ~y~ _investigation Or hearing, or t9 preduce any relevant 56 book~_~egor~s or other ~_aperst the_ au~hqr~t~.is ~utho~%zed.tO apply for http://leginfo.state.ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 3/12/2010 'RETRIEVE Page 9 of 22 S. 7036 9 1 proc~g_of su_~poena~_...tO issue out of any court of le~e~al oriflinal 2 j~risdict~n_~hose pro~ss can ~each s~ch person~ ~P0~due cause sh°~n; 3 (m) To do all thin~.~ecessa~y,_conveni__ent or desirab~_~rr~ ou~ 4 i~s P~rP0ses an~_for t~e exer~$se of the Powers g~ted in this title~. 5 ~R~. To enter into collective bar~i~i.n~ agre~_m_e, nt__s_w~h lab_o~.~e~e- 6 s~nt~i~s ~9~3Aele_c_~e~ b~ tho_~_mplo~e~sof the ~t~Or~.~Y; and 7 {0) To_%nsure 9r pro~e for the insurance..of the author~y~s proper- 8 tx_or pp_eratlons as ~e~ulred ~.~Ow and_a_~s9 atai~.~_u~_other rlsks_a~ 9 the aD~o~t~ma~em advisable. 10 2. The authority shall file in the office of the commissioner annual 11 r~ports,_.~fte~~ c~o_s_e ~_eac~ qf.the a_u_t~OF~y's fis__c~al._~e~Fs,_ which 12 sha~ be..OPen to..m~9 .!nS~9~ ~ ~emo~s ~ha~ 13 tion to any informa~_i~__wh__ich the.~o__mmis_~i_o~e__r 14 with. respec~ .to its O~erat$ons_including the followi~g..data: 15 (~)__Cos__t__breakd__o_w~_ of r~ R~gpert~..ac_q_uir__ed~ 16 ~(b).Cos~_~eak4own in appropriate un.%t9 o~ faq!!~!9~ 17 (c) 9perat~ revenueS; and 18 19 The ~thor~t~ shal! ~!S0 file Copies of such . reports with the town 20 board__ o__f e_9~h town__~i_thin ~e_r~otional %~ODo~ortation dist~qt. 21 ~.~h a_u~th~rit~yqRe~ates~ 22 of the author%rY. In order, to effeo~q~te the 23 p~oses of this title: 24 1. ~h~_ a~.hority~ m~x . ac~!re~ by pu~gh~oe, gift, g~ant,...t~.ansfer, 26 i~.~ort or related facilities wholl~_o.~..p_ar~i~%~___W~_h~_n the 27 ~y ~Og~oDa! _ t.~_ns~0r.t~tiO~ ~di.st.r$ct or ~n~..~ort the~eof~ 28 thereof, and may enter in~o ~y joint sor_v.~c~ arrangem~t~S_.._a_~__ ~_~_ovi__ded 30 be a~tho~%~e~ only.by resolq.~ion of the a~thorit~ app~O~9~ by not !es.$ 31 tha~ a__major$~tyyot~e__9~.~he 32 ~_The_~u~hor%ty may on. ~qh terms a~d condit~OOS ~ the autho~$t~...ma~ 33 determine necessary, ~o_nye__nient__ 9_r_~ de~i~__ab_l_9_ itself estab~l~_~ 34 cgnst~UO.t., effe~Ua~exoperate~a~_~aintain, re~ov~te~im~o~e,..e~ten~ or 35 ~epai~on~ Sq~._tran~poK~ati0~..~acility0F~a¥ provi~e.-fo~s~o~ eatab- 36 lis_h~_.~ c~_tr_uct_$~On~ ~9~uationa~.O~9~tlonn_~ma~9~nco~ 38 ar~ement on such_~_rms 9~.~_eau~ho~$t_ymay dee_m___~uessar~-, 39 i.ent o~. desirab!9 wit~ a~Y per,on, ~9~ing bU~ ~Ot !i~te~ ~9 any 40 C9~mon ~a~rier or ~reight forwarder, ~he state, any state agency, t.he 41 f~der~_l ~over~_ont, any 9the~state O~ age,ox or ~On~tY 43 sub~d3~vision~_or_munic~a_lit~ O.f the state..I~_conne__ct%0~ y3~h the opera- 44 t!on qr. any such transportatlon [no!lite, th.e authority ~aY establish, 45 COn~trug~z ...effeqto~te, operate, mai~ta!n, ren°v~te, .i~prowe3 e~ten~ o~ 48 v~o_n, imRroveme__n_~m e~3en__sio_n__~_r__repair_q~.~n3~ ~elated 50 nO~ li~.e~ thg-~nsportati°n~ st°~geq~..f~elght 51 St~.te~ m~.~.~der a_n~ co~og_~ing ~a~portat.io_~..~arking_a~ea~_t~an~.- 52 p0rtat$o~ centers, ~0rtsm.stations and rel~ed facilities, 54 lished, ~eyied and collected and, in the Ca~e Of a~ Jo!~ 55 arrangement, jg%~ with other~.!g the~establishment~ 1.evYand collect%on 56 9$_suc.h_fares,_to~!s~ rentals, rates, chargo~_and oth~A._fO.eS as it may http://leginfo.state.ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE Page 10 of 22 S. 7036 10 1 deem necessa~y,~.99nyenient or desir~!e for _the use &n~_op.e~tion of 2 t~ansport~ion ~facility and related ser~ic~. 0p~r&.ted b~ the authority 3 ~r by a s~ub~d~&~ corporation of ~_he_autho~_u~der_con~ac~, lease 4 a~r&ngomentS, w%th the 5 authority. Any s~b_~ar~9, tolls, rentals~rates, charges or other ~oes 6 for _tb~__~s~prtation of_ pass_e~go~s.~sh~_.b~.~ab~9~e~ .aDd changed 7 only.if appro¥od.by~resolq~i0R of the authority adopted by ~ot less. than 8 a ~a~ority vote of t~e_.~h~ity_._&n~_.R~.~y_~__ ~_._~qb~9 9 p~ovide4 howeYer, that fares, t011Sz~ renta~S~ rates, charges or other 13 t~e time t_h_~9~_a__tion of suc~ trans~0ortation facility is~9_m~_~_~c~4 15 incloding j~oint service arrangements, with ~he 18 the authority b~._n_goes~9_~ to maintain the combined ppera~tions of the 19 authorit~ &~d.!~S S~bsidiar~ corporations on a self.-s~st&!~ing basis. 23 the aut~$~ and its s~sidiary Corporations (a} as the s~e shall 26 t~e~3~_wi~h the ~ma%nt~.~..o~.R~_ r~_ t~or, (~) the cost 28 its s~sidiary corporations in ~od_co~ditj~q~_a~_~pair, and (c) the 29 its subsidiary 32 33 4. The authority ~a~3~h_aB~._~__~9__..~s~._ qf ~int 37 safety..9~..t~e ~lic a~%~ ~4~9~..~9.~e~y~ ~9~9~ient or designee 38 for~us~_~n~peration of a~_.~ansp~9~faq$1itl and related 39 ser~$ce~ ~o~erated_.~y...~.~e. authority or~dgK~ontra~%.%.eas9 o~ other 40 arrang~nt~ including the authority. 42 ~b%$~ .h~ll ~9~.fXlgd~ith the department of state 43 ~Fovided~ section one hundred two of the executive ~aw. In the casa of 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 any conflict h~t~eoB..&nY such rule or regula~!9~.9~9 ~uthority govern~t.~9 ~9~9~__or s~fety Of t~e p.u~li~ And an~ loq~. ~&~.. 9~ nanc~._.~U~ or re~ulatio~ suc~ .r~9. o~_~_$_o~.9~ the authority ~h~ p~evail, v~&~qn 9f any such~rule or regul&~iO~ ~y governinq the conduct or the safety of the public in or ~&~ility_9~ ~.e&~thority ~hfll~ co~e &~ offense p~!~a.~e by a ~9.~9~exceeding fifty dollars or im~i~9,,,n~.~9~9~ not more t_h~.~hi_r_tY days 5~ ~9 authority may~9~!~9. ho~.own, 1~9~ .9~!~. construct, e~oCtuate, opora_t~ maintain, renovate, %mprove, ex~e~d oK.~Op~r of its fa~i~!Os~ough, and cause any one or more of its powers' duties' functions 9K ~Ot!vit~es to be exercised or por~ormed bY~ one or more ~911~ owxted subs~&ry.~0~9~at!ons 9f au~hgri~y and may http://leginfo.state, ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 3/12/2010 'RETRIEVE Page 11 0£22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 S. 7036 11 transfe.r_..t~o_ or from ~any such corporation any moneys, real property or other property for anT of the purposes of this title.. The directors or memb_e_r_s_..~f _ eec_h__ .~such subs~di_a~y ~Orporat~i~on~.Sha~l he the s~ame persons holding, the~ offices of m~mbers of the authority. Each such ~.ubsidiary corporat__io_n___a__nd__a_ny_._o_f_ its ~p~ro]~erty, functio~ns' a_n_d actiy~iti~e~s..sh~all have a~!l' o_f the ~_riv~i~l~e~e~s~.__i~u~nitles, ta~...e.xem]~t_ions___and qt_her_ ~exemptions of ~h9 ~otho.r.$.~Y~ an~.9~ th9 ~%h~qr!~y~ ~ P~OPe~tY ~0tions and activ~ ities. Each such subsidlar~ cor~t~on ~a.~__ b~__~ubje~t, to t~9 such s~sidiary ~orDoration shall be s~ject to suit in accordance with anx ~ch who a~e_ a~9o employees of ~.~t~orlty~ shall not be dee~e~_~oyees of the authority. ~ !~_ th~ rations should be in the fo~ of a Ru~i~ benef~_or~oration, it. s~ creato..~e~g~_.~ucb ~ubli~ b~De~fit corpo_r~.~ b~9ooti the secretar~ 9f Sta~e a ..~eFtifiqat9 Of %ncor~oratio~ which may be ~ended from time to time by fi~n~ which shall set forth the n~e of ~uch P~1%C ~ .~e~.9~.t ~.s~Si~!~..9o~pora~0n, its ~atig~, the 19~a~ion o~ %t~_~r_incipal office~ and any or all of thD__purposes maintainin~, FO~OYO~D~ imP~9~%~, exte~din~ or ~9~airin~ one or. more ~ilities _9~_ tb~ ~uthori~3.__~a. uh ~c~lic ~99~_~it ~sid$~FX ~or~or rat~0n sha!~l be a bO.d~ po!itic 9nd ~Orporate ~nd she!1 have all those powers vested in the authoritI b~ the ~rovisions of this title which the ~u~ho~$_t3_shall d~_~9~$~e to~iB~l~do, in i~s ~ertif~.~.te of incorporation except ~. the po~er t9 q0n.t.r~c~ i~debte~$ss. ~h~nevo~ an~ sta~e, ~o!i- ~al s~di~R~x munici~a~y_~ c~i~s~, ~e~ ~ ~!~oB ~ ~erso~ i~ au~hor!z.9~.and ~pqwere~.for any of the purp~9.~.OS 9f~ ~this ~%~.~g__goopo~a~.e. ~nd with sion, 9~9~cy,._of~i~er=_~e~.a~_9~t, ~O. aF~., div%~.OB' 9r ~9~son sha.%~ haye the s~e authorization and power for ~ of such pur~9~ and enter ~%~t.9 a~reemon~S with a s~sid~ar~ COrporation of the .a~thori- ~._~he a~t~ity, i~_~!~_~ n~a_g~ in~9_._~_tbe s~.9,_ may and other assistance offered or made avail~le to government O~.a~enc~ whatoveFt which it. may use..or.~eet capital or. oper- atin~ expenffes.-and f°r en~ other use within the_scopeofits Powers, a~d tOn~Hotiate fo~.~_ same upo~..~qh ~9~.and cond__it~pns aa._.~~ autho~i- ty ma~ determine to be.necessary 7. The authority_may do al__l__~h~in~s it dooms nec__e__ssary, .CRn~enien~ or desirab!e..t9 mana~e~.C.O~trO1 and diregt the m~intenance .and operation of transportat~0~.~aci__l~t.~es, equipmentor rea!pr0pertyop~ratedhy or under contrac~_~le__ase ~_o~be~' arran~emeRt wi~h .~_.autho~itY. EXqe~t as sPec~a11~ pr0vi~ed in this t~t~e, no ~nig!Pa!~t¥ Or po~itica! s~d~vi- ~i.on~___i~ulud_in~__bu__t not ~i~t~d ~q ~_.coun~]~._g_~t]f~ v~9~e, ~own O~ school or othe~ district shall have jurisdiction 9~er.an~ fa.cilities of the..a~thorlty~or ~y of its activities or operations. In the operation, main%onance .a~.~ontrql o~_anY facilities, devo~edt~.pu~o~e9 other than direct.transportation purposes the authority shall be ~subject to all lo.ca_1_~9~3~ r_e~l__u~_o~o~di~a~ces, rul_e__s.~_d_re~qu%~.9~s p_f_~ munici- pality or po!i.ti0al~ subdivision. Each mDnicipality or political subdivi- sion, inc~Bd~nH bu~ no% ii,ired tO.a ~gount~ city, yi.~lage town or district ~n ~h~_ a__n~ ~gilities .._qf...t_he authority ar~ocated..shalI http.//leg~nfo.state.ny.us.8080/ASMSEN/bst, mel.cgl 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE Page 12 of 22 S. 7036 12 1 p;ovide fq~s~gh !a~$~it3es p0~ice fire an~ he~!~.~Ko~egtion services 2 of the same c~racter a~ t9 ~9 ~ame e~9~t ~S t~9~9 p~9~ded, fQr resi~ 3 dents P.I_ suc~_m_~n, iclpa!!~y_..O_~ Rolit%c~_.su_b~d3_vis__ion__. The authorit~y_may 4 a~ree ~$~h the S.~ate department of ~r&~sportation for the execution by 5 suc~.~ep_art~m_e~~ of ~_n~_~ade cro_ssi~ eli_mination~p_ro~e~er__~aDy._.~rade 6 cross.~n~ Ae~_at__ie~._regonstruct~o~p~g~e~t alon~_any 7 operated, bi the authority oF. by.one of its SU~S~ia~I...qorp0rations or 8 under contract, lease or other arrangement with the authority. Anx S~P~ 9 project sh~ll be.exe~nted as p~o~i~ed in the 10 act and the railroad law~ respectively, and the costs of any e99h 11 pro~9~t sh__a~.l.~9 bo~n~.a~.p~@~!ded ~n~.h~_~a~s~ except that the author- 13 ~u_The a3~_~ojity m__ax..~c__c~pt unceqdi~!9~a~_Jt_ranta 9! mone3~R~ Rrope[~y 14 as .subsidy ~a~ents. fer expa~sien of ~e~x$ee i~9 ~ea~ ~e~ seqh 15 .service ~pn__l~d not b~__ee__lf-e~ppor~in~._ The ~uthor3~.~may_acceRt u~condi~ 16 t3oqa~ H~nts~f ~g~ey o.r~Rr~pe~ty from any city~ yi.!!a~9, town or ¢0Un- 17 ~y net who~%¥ contained~ within a city the whole or any part.of which 18 sha%~._b~_serv~_~ to be_s~r!9~_b~ a transporta~$eB.f~q~ty operated by 19 the authorlty~ Such ~ra~ts 0f money or property Weu~d be for the purpose 20 0~_~s~isti~t_th__e a__u_~b9~¥ in meetin~.i~.qaRital or operatin~ ex~en~eS~ 21 The aC~e~tanceg.~.an_y_such~q~9~ shall not oper~e, tq_~9~e..~e, aeth0rity 22 an agency of the municipality making the ~r.ant~.~T~9 Proyieion~ of this 23 sect~pR__are _%R~ended ~_a~_._~D_ab~in~ ~egi~$9~__~l_y_An~._~_a__l~ not be 24 interpretsd thei~enaqtment an authority would 25 lac~..t.he 26 9~ The_~9~_ho__rlty i~_.h~_eby_dire~.~e~._~9_~re a transportatie~_R~a~ 27 for 28 consider but not be limited to the followinq_~rans~portatie~lterna- 29 rives~ 30 (a).esta~_~l.i~h~9~t 9f~a~ and ~ai~ ~9ns ~ Gab~9~ co~ty 31 air~9~, West~S4~_~Rn, Se~_t~_~a~.R~n co~l_e~[e~.SRq~_a~B~ ~a~ Hampt_on 32 town airport~ E.aet Hamp~9~.,_a~ 33 b)__.eg~._ab~ishme~_of sh__u~_ra_ins from MqD_~aB~ tqRas~H_a~on~ ~as~ 35 exis~%n~ ~on~l.S%~d Rail~qa~ri~ht-of-way~ 36 c) ad~i~io~ of me~9_D~n-stop__~ain~ from New 37 Bay re~io~al.~ransporta~ion district.o~.~..~ea$9~able and weekend basis; 38 (d} estab~l~Shlaen__t o__f__o_u~inH .pa~$~9 a_reas and shuttle bu~es to 39 reduce co~es~ion in qentra~ business.districts; 40 e) 9St..ab!!shlaent of a health and ~an ~ervi~e~ t~a~sPertation 41 ~9~r~9 aS~$~.~eni~r _qi~i~S ~n!9~e~ incom~si~e~ti~ 42 ~ transfer of authority for the establishment of speed limits from 43 s~ate te._~al ~overhmeA~; 44 ~) reconfi~uration of the CouDty bus system to complement new transit 45 opti.onssuch as park. and r~i~shuttle trai~s, increased trains, and 46 outlyint parki~.a.r~as/ 47 h a hike path net~0rk; and 48 (i.) m~e~r ferries. 49 10 Notwitbs~.!D~ any of the abe~eprovlsions,~o.~roject~ay be 50 undertaken b~ ~9..~ho~ty unless such project is a par~ of or cgnsist- 51 ent w.ith the adopted master ~n~ 52 § 1349-J.. Ac~$~.t~0n an~ disposition.0! ~eal pr.operty. 1. In addition 53 t~ th~ew~er_s provided in section thirteen hundred forty-nine- 54 title to acquire transportation ~acilities~ equ~pment..and rea! Property, 55 the .~uthoritt.m=y aqqei~e by condemnation. ~ursu~..~othe.em%~ent 56 domain procedere law. and~or in accordanq~..~W~._~-he cp~demnation http://leginfo.state.ny.us: 8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 3/12/2010 ' RETRIEVE Page 13 of 22 S. 7036 13 1 pro~io~s 9f s~b~¥%~ion seven 0f...~higse~tio~.,_. anyFea~ properly_it 2 may deem necessary~ gonven!en~, or desirable to eff.ectuate the purpose 3 of this t_i~!9~- ~rovid~d,- ho~e~9~ t~at any suck co_ndemnation~roceedln~s 4 shall, be brough~ 0n~y. in the supreme 9ourt and the 5 ~a~d sh~%._be__~ec__e_r~t_~i~e__d, and_determlned by t~9_o_u_~w~t__hout a j~r~. 6 Not~i~ths~a~dln~ __~9~. foregoln~ 7 proper~y ~a~.be a~qui~d b~ the authority bx ~ondemnatlon O~ by purchase 8 f~r~ pqrpoAes oth~r_t__han ~ trans~or~a~ign_facility unless~ the goyer~ing 9 body of the c~t~, village or town in which such reaI property is located 10 sh~l~_~%r~_t conse~.t_~9__sD~h a_c~uislti0.~_. 11 2. No~g.go~ta~od.~in~h.is .section shall be~ cp~str_~ed to prevent the 12 authority from bringing any proceedinga ~o.re~ove a ~!oud on title or 13 ~Oh_9~ber proceedings as it may, ~ _!~s_.~$~.~e~oD~_~_~ee~__ pro~er an~ 14 necessary or from ac~irin~..any' such property by negotiation 15 purchos~ 16 ~. Whe~9.~.~sqn~ontit~e~_~9 a~. awa~in~9 ~rqcoe~in~ 17 any. real p~o~ort~ for any 0f..thepurpose~ of th!~ 18 possessip~9~fe__uch DroDe~t~_a_~_e~ ~_h~ time of the vesting 20 suqh_pFopO_rty su~_~uent to such time as fixed~__~F~_eme__n~__gr~ by the 21 court i~.~¥~_h ~9~9~d.$Ag~_.or b~anLco~Ft p~.c_0~ORet_ODt jurisdiction 22 shall he a lien a~a~Bo~ s~gh award~subjeot.qn!y, t9 the !~.e~s. of record 23 a_~ ~he time of__y~ting of tit_l.~_~._~h~_~ondem__~or. 24 4. Title tO a11 property acquired under this title shall vest in the 25 a~t~ority. 26 5. T~.~.t_h~_rit~¥,_..~e~ever it d__eter~_~!~e~..~a_t.._~_.~_3n the in__ter- 27 28 ~h~n_ realR~gperty, which it determines is not necessary, convenient or 29 desirable 30 6. The ag~hg~!ty ~Y~ w~eBoYe~ it shall determine ~hat it is in the 31 interes~.9~_.the aqt~g~t3_~ ~e~, lea~9- or~Ka~ _e~emen~s or other 32 ~.ights in~ any !and or propeK.~. 0~ ~he. a~thorit~. 33 ~.__~h_e aut_~9~.i_ty may a_d_op~._~h~_f.o!l_o~i~ qond_emn__atio__n~rpqe_d~res...~ 34 gertified copy of a resolution adopted bY the authority, authpri.zing the 35 acquisition and ~dentifying and.dosgr~.~ing.the 36 %f an~ soulh~ to ~9 ac~gi~e.~.bY...qonde~mn~ti°n shall be fi%e~_ in the 37 office of t~e county c~er~ of. the county in which such property is situ- 38 9ted, held o~._~ai__n~ained~._.A_.~kt~oa for an order vestin~tit__le to such 39 property and french!see~ if any so~ht..to, be a~.~ui~ed by C0nde~unatlon 40 shall. SO~ forth a dos~.~iption of the s~id pKgper~ and franchises, if 41 an~,. and a pr_alOK_.~ho__t tit~e__~___~sted ig ~he aut~oritl, shall b 42 presented~, u~oD ~o~!ce.of the application %n..five 44 Qgunty where ....aoch propertY., and fra~c~isee~ if any~ are located~ to a 45 special term of the ~opreme c99r~ held a~ .~he time and plago., s~ec~ied 46 in such n0tice~ within. ~he judicial di~t~i~k~M~th9 47 acquired part. thereof is situated, s,c~ro~eedin~e. ~hal! hawe 48 precedenc~ o_v~r_.a_ll ot~her~g~ on the calendar_of @uch__cpurt,_any or_her 49 provision of law. t0 the contrary no~withstanding. ~pon due 9roof to the 50 satisfaction~ .of the conrt.~gf~he fil!n~ of the resolntipn as des~ribed 51 in t~is. t~!ej_~u~h co~_r~ot later 52 tion. of the peti~!.O~...shal! ~here~Pgh..enteF an order vesting title to 53 suck_~roRert]~n~ranchise~.~__.a~..i~e 9_uth__orit~.~o~ such vest- 54 in~ 0f title the authority shall have the right t9 enter upon and take 55 possession .of such prope~tx. A notice of such acguisi~i0n shall be 56 directed to the ow~ers of the .p~opert~ a~d. fraachises, if any, so http://leginfo.state, ny.us:8080/ASMS EN/bstfi mel.cgi 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE Page 14 of 22 S. 7036 14 1 acquired and to a~y other person or persons havin~ an estate, interest 2 or easement in such property or a lien charge or encumbrance thereon by 3 persona~_ae~%ce or by registered mail at th~ las~_known~address ~it~in 4 fifteen days after such vesting 0f title~ Such net~oe shall set fcrth 5 such resolution, the date of the submission to the court~__the date of 6 the order vesting title in such authority and such other matters as the 7 authority may detez~n~ne. 8 8. If funds_a_re_~ad_~e avail~l~_.b~ the ~hor__i~_for~.t~e pa~v~ent 9 cost and.exPense .0f the aCg~isition thereof,, the dep~tme~ 0f transpor? 10 retied of the state of New York,__w~_en_ requested by 11 ac~uire~u~h real ~rop_e~ty_~n th~ D.~me pf~h~_s_tat~e.~as may~be deter~._ine~ 12 from time to time by the authority as bein~ necessary, convenient or 13 de.s~ga~le to effect_ua_t__e_the purp0~.es of t~ t~_e, ma~_r_emove_the_qwner 14 or occupan~~ thereof where_necessary.,and obtain Pessess~0n and, ~hen 15 re~u~ed._ b~ the authe~i_t~ _~ dispose o_f__~y__r.ea__l proper.t~y~so 16 acquired, al~ accordlng..t~ the procedure ~9y~ded._~n se~ion _~hirtl_of 17 the high~a[%a~ and pursuant to the procedure requir~dunde~ federal 18 ~}~,_whe~_applicable. The authorit~ sh__a~ hav_e_tbe r$~t to_.possess and 19 use corpe~tepurpeses all such realprope.~ty se.acquired. 20 q!aims for t__h~.~_~e of the__]~Aepert¥ ap/~opri~ed an__d~er_letal 21 o~pse~ ~y anM ~su~k _~ep~pro~.tipn sh~ ~e ~dj.~sted a~d d~terminedb~ 22 such department with the approwal of the au~horit× or by the Court o.f 23 cl~i~ as provlded_i~.section ~irty of. t~hi~h~y la__w_.~andas requ%re~ 24 by federal law, when applicable. When a claim has been filed with the 25 court of claims, the claimant.shall caus~ a ~0p¥ of.such c~aim to be 26 served upo~ .t~e~uthority a.nd_the a~thority sha~l h~v~ ther~h~to be 27 represented ~and heard .~efOre such court A11 awards a~d jud~ents aris~ 28 ipg..from s~ch ~i_m~s shall ~e_~aid 0~t_ef mone~~ of _~e aq~hori__t~._ No 29 real propert[ ma~ he acquired ~ursuant to the provisions of this section 30 for pprP0sss. 0ther thaD.a transp0rtation..~acili~y__unle~s the ~9¥erni~g 31 body 0~._the cit~,..y~!~e or ~qwe._. %n ~h~. such Feel ~r0j~ert~. %~ lo_c.~e~ed 32 ~ha!l first con~ent, to su~..~c~$sit~9~' 33 ~.~)-k~_Cooperation and assistance of othe~__a_qen__c~e__s. In_t~ i~e~r- 34 est of economy and to promote coordination of authorit~ projects with 35 state, loca~ Cc~ty and ~eg!enal.R~en~ au~.~So tq..~arry out the ohjec. 36 tire_of fe~l par~$c_ip&~on of.~a!.l- a~enqies i~_~he ~9~elop~ent 37 transportation system and facilities to meet the objectives of this 38 .~itle, theaB~er_i~ sha!_l._~_e~ue~...a~d us__e._ existint s_tudi~es~_.master 39 pla~s., surveys, data and other materia!s completed b~ or unde~ develop? 40 ment by any state..agenc¥ C~ ~nY municipality or politioal subdivisio~ of 41 the starer T~9_..a_u_thorit~.s~all consult wi~h and..~ooperat9 w~th_ the 42 conunissioner an~ with plann~n~ authorities in.th~ a~eas of its oper- 43 atiqn~, a~d shall u~$%ize loca~ q~_ ~tat__e~_.~lannin~3.' When a 44 contemplated by the authority, the authority shall submit a ~reliminary 45 prospectus thereof to the commissioner for review and comment and shall 46 con~e~ th9 ~e~0~t o~ t~9 conuuissioner in f~..r~ulat~n~deta~led plans 47 fcr such pr0Ject- When. a pr.cject is. contemplated by the authority within 48 the jur!sdi_~t~g~ of_~n~.~u~fol~ popnt[ pl~nnin~ _~9ard, the aqt~0rity 49 shall prepare a preliminary prospectus thereof, describi.n~ the purpose 50 general location, and nature 0f the project contemplated, With such 51 further data re~ive theret0., that the autho~i.~.shal! consider perti.- 52 nent. Within sixt~ days of receipt of su~h prospectus such p~anning 53 board ~all ~re~a__r.~ a repor~.~hereon, cgmment%~g_pn_%t~..confo~m%t~ or 54 lack cf conform~ty.~ith an[ re!ated official pla~ of the state cr any 55 0[ficial p~anning aHe~Y, with~ the re, ion, Such report shall be consid- 56 ered by the authority in ~9rmu~ating. d~tailed.p~ans ~0~ such. a project. http://leginfo.state.ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bst frmel.cgi 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE Page 15 of 22 S. 7036 15 1 At the reqpes~.9~he' authority,. .eac~ such aeency,..m~icipality or 2 subdivis.ion..W~%~~ ~ engaeed in highway o~ 9~her transportatien activ- 3 ities or in land use o~9p~ent p~aA~or ~ph is__.~g~ar~ed wi~h 4 the duty 9f p~evidin~ o~ regulating any transportation facility or any 5 other public facility, _~9_ further aut~qr~ed to _P. rovide _the authe~.ty 6 with info~rma~ign ~lardin~ its ~lans and pro~q~ams affee~in~ ~he~rans- 7 p0rtation district S9 ~a.t~ the authQrity may_ ~ave a~ailab%e ~ t9 . it 8 current informatlon__w~ respect t_he~ete. T_he o__f~cer~_n~perspn~l.p 9 such agencies, muniuipa!~.t~es or subdSyi~$ens, and gf any 0~her govern? 10 ment_ ~r.a~en~_y_w__ha_t~ever, may serve at the request of the authorit_y_~Don 11 ~Ug~ .~Y~9.r~.._qe~ees a~_~h~.~.tbe~t~a~..~e~erm_~e ~o sr~te _and 12 ~g~ 9~g9~ ~ per~9~e~...~ay serve_.~9.~, suc~.gen~aitteeS..~without 13 f~rfeiture of offic__e_~.~ emDlosrment_an_d.w__ith no__le_s~_pr__d_i_m$~_tlon_~_n_~he 14 compensatlon~ statuS., .rights and pr!viler.es whlc~ they 9~erwise enjoy 15 ~!~9_rl.~_~0t__es and bon~__o..f_t_he author%t/~_!m (a__)..Th~_au~bg_r~t~ shall 16 have 9ow~an~...i~.hereby au_~eK~9d from time ~p ti~e., to ~orrow mo~ey 17 and ~s~u9 i~s ne~9~e ~end~ ~nd ne~es in s~qh principal am0~nt, as, 18 in the 9p%Die~_g_~_~h~e autho_r!g~, ~all be ~ee~_s_9~ry .tR~ ~rovi.de. surf%- 19 cient funds for achiewin9 its purposes, in~!~ding th9 ac~uisit$on~ 20 ~s~abllsh~_ent~construc~%9~_95~e~ctuatie~_.9~ratio_~._~aint__e~aDce, reno- 21 vati0n,!mp~0~e~e_nt3~extensio~0~.~r_e~a%r o~.an~ranspo~tion~acillt~, 22 the pa~ent of i~te~e~t ~en bonds and. ne~es qf ~9. a~thor!tyt. 9s~ab.!~sh- 23 ment_._ef_~g~e~es to secure such~9~.~~ and 24 ~n~ ~ap~a! an~ ~!~ 9~h~ 9~p9~9~9~ of the a~thorit¥ and its. subsid- 25 ~y t9 a~d~9~eS~x o~..~nvenie~t.~ carryq~t 26 their pur~poses and powers[ 27 (b).The authority she~ h~y~....~qwer, from. time _.t9...~me, t0 issue 28 ~ene~al. De, es, to issue bonds to pa_~ notes and whenever it deems refund- 29 ing bonds by.~b.eissuanceef new bonds whether 30 the h0nds, t9 . be ~efunded an~ ~g issue ~end~ 31 partly to refund___~o~4~._~_t~n~__o~utstand%~K_~d Pa~9_ll for._.a~y_ othe~ 33 the purchase, redemption or payment of the bonds to be refunded; 34 (c) E~gePta~_~ay..9~h~.~rwlse be expF.e.s~y, provi~ed~b¥ theautherit¥~ 35 ever~ issue of ~tS~ete~.~....~9~S the 37 subject only to an~ a~ree~me~Swith.the h_ol~e~S~ o~ p~.t%cu~a~ ne,.es or 38 bondq p~ed~g~n~ any ~.$g~!_a~_ receipts or revenues; 39 (d) Whether o~ n0t the ngtes 0r bonds are 0f s~ch form and ~haracter 40 as to be ne~otiable!~Struments under article eigh~of the un%f0rm 41 commercial ¢ode~..~b_9 hq.res qr bonds shall he,nd herebx are made ne~oti- 42 able ~nstruments within the mean~n~ Of and for a!% t~e purp.oses of arti- 43 C!.e eSght_of the uniform cqmm__e__rg_i_a~ cpde, subjec~ onl~y t~ ~e ~rovisig~s 44 of the notes 0F bqnd~ for registrati0.n~ 45 2. The notes_a~d bond~ sha%l b9 a~horized by~resglution approved by 46 not less tha~.a ~ajer~E. yq~e..of_%he au~herAty~ sha~!.bea~ sug~dete or 47 dates, and shall mature at such time or times .as speclfied therein~ and 48 %~ ~9 S~S~ of any such bond not exceeding fifty_ years fro~__th~e ~9_ of 49 issue as such re~ol~t$on..or., re.solutions may provide~ ~he notes .and 50 bonds sha!l bear ~nte~e~ a~ seoh ~at~ sug~ denomi- 51 nations, be i~.~g_~rm.t__9$~h~_cqupon or_~H~.te__redt.~aKrx suchre~is- 52 tration privileees be executed in s~h manner, be payable in sugh medi- S3 um gf pa3[~eRt3_~t such~lace or places and be 54 redempti0n as such resolution or reso.!.~.ti.ens may pre~ide. Th9 notes and 56 private s~le, ~ suc~ pr~ or pFicesas ~9 ~R~ho~gy.~a~ http://legintb.state.ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 3/12/2010 RETRIEVE Page 16 of 22 S. 7036 16 1 NO notes or ..~9~.~. --of the authority..ma~Y be s-old by th~auth0rity at 2 privat~ sa!e., however~ u~ess such sale.and the...terms. ~ereof have ~been 3 approved i~ _w~_t~.n~ by (__a)_~e- com~t~_o_~er~ whe__r_~ s__uch s~le ~s_not 4 the comptroller or. (b) the director of th.e budget, where.such sale is 5 to the 6 3. An~ res0!~_t.!QA.~O~ resolu.~0Ds auth0rizi~ a~x~notes0r bo~ds or any 7 issue thereof may contain provisions, whichsha11~e a patter the 8 9~ract with ~h_e_h~ders th_e~9__f~ as t_o_.._{a) ~l_e. dHing ~1 or_~ny~part 9 of the fares tolls, rentals rates, charges and other fees made or 10 received b~-..~h~__~9~hori~ R~ ~n~ ~f~ i~9 sub~!~_~ry 11 othe~ moneys received. 0~ to be received, ~tq. s~egure ~h~ ~Pa~ent 0f ~ the 12 DO~ 9r ~ends or 9f aB~S.S~9 there0~, subjec~ ~o_ suc~ a~ree~ents ~ith 13 bondhold~r~_O~_~p~te_holders__~a~t_he_n.exist__; 14 (b) .p!edging~all or any p~rt of the.assets 0~ tbs..aUSterity or 0f .~ any 15 gf ~ts subsid__i_a~__qorporations to secure the p~men~9_~__the 16 bonds oF 9f an~r issue_o~.~o_tee ~r ~9~s, s_u~_~eg_t t~s~h ~9~eme~ith 17 noteholde~s 0r b0n~h01ders as may then exlst; 18 (c)...~b~..us_e, and disposition of fares, tolls, rentals, rates, c~ar~e~ 19 and other f99s ~ade 9r ~9~9.~e~ BY ~he authority or any of .%~s subs%d- 20 ~a~._qerporations; 21 (d}t~esettinHa-s-%~9_~f reserye~ 0~ sin~n~ fund~._and ~h~ re~q~at__io~ 22 and dispositi0~.~h~egf~ 23 (e) limiteti_o_~s on the p_~.rpe~e to_whOosh th~_proceeds of sale of notes 24 0~ b0nd~ may be app!~ed and p~edHin~ su0h p~oceeds to seeure th9 ~a~ent 26 (f}._!imi~ation~_ o___n__~he issuan~c~..ef add%~g_na__l_._n.~te_s 0~_ bon~._._the 27 terms upon W~%qh. a~ditio~a.!.~9~es qr.~0~ds m~Y .~9 is~9~ an~ Segure~ 28 ~e ~fundlng of outstandln~ or other notes or bonds; 29 b~ ~ ~9 ~e~ ~en~ractwith 30 ~9~e~o~9~s 9~ bon~9~9~ may ~ ~en49d0r abro~ated~_..the am0u~t of 31 notes or bonds the holders of which must consent thereto, and the manner 33 {.h~_ li~itatip~_e~t__he a~_o~n~.._o~ mon~xs to ~pen~.~_.b~the_ authpr%- 34 t¥ or any of its st~b~idiarY corporations or opera~, administrative or 35 other expenses of ~he authority-or any of %ts subs.~dSa~y c0rporatiens; 36 (i} vestSnff ~n a t_rus~ee 9r trustees snch.~oRer~y,_~r~i~h~ ~ower~ .and 37 dugies in trust as t~~ authority may de~rm~ne,~wh~ch may._%.n~lude, any or 38 al~ o.~ the ri~hts~wers and_d_u~iee of__t_~ tr_~_s_te~e appo~ted_~_h 39 bondholders pursuant~ ~9..t.h!s tit~e, and lim.~.9$n~ or abro~at!~ff.~he richt 40 of the b0ndholder9 ~ aPPoint a t~u~%ee u~er this .~t~e er. ~!miti~ ~the 41 rights, powe~s_an~d~ut__i__es__R~ueh t~u~tee; 42 (J) anY. other m~e~s~ of ~ike or diffe~en~ character, which in any 43 w~ ~f~egt the security or protection of the notes or bonds. 44 4. In add~tie~ to ~he ~.0wers c0Bferred upon the authority to secure 45 its notes and bonde~ the authority shall have power in connection with 46 the issuance of notes__an~d bon__ds__~ enter.~o_ 47 authority may deem.~e~essary, ~Ce~venient or desira~%9 ~9nceKninff ~he use 48 9r _~$s~p~ion of__~_s_~enies o~ ~ropert~or the monies o~_~r~erty ~f 49 any of its subsSdiarY corporations, inc!u.d~n~ the..mortgag~n~ o~.anY such 50 property and the entr~s.~g,. 9~ed~in~. 0~ creat~qR of any 9~heK ..Security 51 interest .$n_ a_nY__S__up__h_m. 9~es qr_p~oRer.~y__~nd th_9_.~in~0~_anlac~ 52 (includin~ refrai~ing..fr0m, doln~ any act} whig~ the au~h0ri~x would have 53 the ~i~h~ to do_i~_~b~e_ab~ence_9~ such aHre~m~e_nts. Th_e__authRr~tY sha!~ 54 have Power ~9 e~te~ ~to amendments 0f any such agreements within the 55 powers gran~ed~to t~e authorit~ bY this title and t9 perform such aff~ee- http:l/leginfo.state.ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cni ~;/12/?Ol 0 ,. ' RETRIEVE Page 17 of 22 S. 7036 17 1 ments. The pro~islon$ qf any ~uch agreements may be made a.part of the 2 contract with the holders of the notes and bonds of the authority. 3 5. _ It is the %Dtention here0~, tha~ any ~ledg~, mgr~gat~ or segurity 4 instrument made by the authority shall he valid and binding from the 5 time when th~.~ed~e,_ mgrt~ag9 or secur~t~ ine~ru~ent is.madp~ t_hat the 6 monies or property so pled/ed~ mortgaged and entrusted and thereafter 7 re~ived by eutbp~.~t~%~ i~edi~tely be subject to the lien of 8 s.nch pl~dte, mortgagee or ~pgu~rit~_ins~umen_t__~i~ou~t__any ~sical deliv- 9 ery thereof or further act~ and that the lien of any such pledge, 10 gage or_ .Spcuri~_ instr~ent shall be valid and bindlngas ag. ains~_a~l 11 parties havin~ claims of any kind in tort contract or othe~ise a~ainst 12 the authority, irrespective of whether such ~arties have notice thereof. 14 instr~ent by which .apledge, mort~age !ien0~ other s.ecuri~X is created 15 need be recorded or filed and the authoritX shall not be feasted to 16 Comply with any of the ~rovlsions of the unifo~ co~ercial code. 17 6. Neither the ~ers 9f the authorit~ nor an~ person executing the 18 ~0~e~ ~ b~ds__s_~l~ b~ 1~ ~er~pnal~3' on the notes or bonds or be 19 s~ject t0 an~ ~9~ ~11~ 0r ac~o~t~ility by reason of the 20 ~Ssu~ce t~preof~ 22 holders as ma~ then exist, shall have ~ower out of an~ funds avail~le 23 therefor to purchase notes or bonds of the author~which shall there- 24 upon be cancelled~ at a ~rice not exceedin~ (a) if the notes or bonds 25 are then redeem~le, the redemption price then a~licable plus accrued 26 interest to the next interest ~ent date thereon, or (b) if the notes 27 Or bP~ds are np~ t~e~ ~9~e~ t~9 redemption price applic~le on the 28 first date after such purchase upon which the notes or bonds become 29 subject to redem~tipn plus accrqed interest ~9 such date' 30 8~ The state sha!~..not~..~$~l~ on..~ptes, o~bp~s 9f the 31 and such notes and bonds shall not be a debt of the ~ate, ~nd s~h 32 notes and bonds shall contain on the face thereof a statement to such 33 effect. 34 ~ ~349-m. Resets funds and appropriations. 1. The authority may 36 service reserve funds and ma~ pa~ into such debt service reserve funds 37 (a) any mpn~ps a~pm~pd~ ~ ~!~9 b~ th9 state 38 ~ur~oses of such funds, (b) a~ ~roceeds of sale of notes or bonds to 39 the extent provided in the resolution of the authority authorizin~ the 40 issuance thereof~ and {c) any other monies which ma~ be made avail~le 41 to the authority for the ~ur~ose of such funds from an~ other source or 42 sourq~ !be m0~ ~ ~ 9~ ~ed$~d ~9 ~Y~ ~ se~ice reserve fu~d 43 est~lished unde~ th$~.~c~ion~exce~t a~rovided in this title, shall 44 be used solely for ~he pa~e~t of the 9~incipal of bonds of the authori- 45 ty secured by s~ch debt service. rese~e fund as the s~e mature, the 46 purchase of such .b~d~ o~ the auth.ority~ the ~a~pnt 0f i~terest 0n such 47 bonds of the authqrit~ 0~. the pa~ent 0f any redemptio~ ~remi~ required 48 to ~e paid whe~..such bonds ar~ ~edeemed p~i~r ~0 maturity; provided, 49 however, that the authority shall have power.to proyide that monies in 50 any such fund. shall not be withdrawn therefrom at any time in such 51 ~0unt as wpuld r9~99 ~he ~ount qf such. ~d ~9 ~9~s~ ~h~n ~he. max.im~ 52 ~ount of princ%pal and interestmaturin~ and becomi~~ due in any 53 succeeding calendar~ear or lears not exceedin~ two such years on the 54 bonds of the authority then outstandin~ and secured by such debt service 55 reserve fund, except for the ~urpose of paying principal of and interest 56 on such b0~ds o~.~he ~9~Y.~eq~pd ~y ~.uch de~t se.~i~e..reserye fund http://leginfo.state.ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 3/12/2010 RETRIEVE Page 18 of 22 7036 18 I maturing and begg~nH due and fpr the ~n~ 0f whicb.~tber monies 0f 2 the authority are not ayai!ab!e, An~ income 0r inter~t, earned by, or 3 in~rement to, an~such ~e~..s~rvice res_e~e fund du~ ~9 the in_y~s~ent 4 thereof may be transferred b~ the authori[y to any oth~r.fund or.. account 5 of the.a~th~rlt~ _a~d the author~ ~all ha_v~_~r to~p_rp_vide_tb~_a.~Y 6 s~gh transfer shall not r~d~e_the a~oun~.9~.~ch debt., se_rv~.qe.._~.reserve 7 fund below the .m~imum ~mount of~ri~cipal &nd.interest. maturi~a~d 8 becomin~ due ~n_any ~uc___c_~dinH calend~.~_year or years not exceeding 9 such years on all bonds...gf ..~e authority [hen outstanding a~d Secured by 10 such deb~ serxip__e_.~_s~_r~e~fund. 11 2. Th~ author~i.~Y~.~!~__h~ve~owe~_~rovide ~t_it s~9~ _not 12 bonds.a~an¥~i~_~..t~e maximum..a~ount of_pF~.!9~~ a~d!nterea~.mat~r- 13 ~n~ ~d.b~oming.__~e_~n_~ny succeedi~ calen~a_r____~ear _9~ xea~s__n.9~ 14 exceeding two such yea~s on the bonds outstanding and.then to be issued 15 and S~cured by ~eb~ serv~_e...~e~rve fu~l excee~_..the ..a~.~unt of 16 such deb~ serv~ge._ ~e~erve fund.at the ti~e of_issuange, unless the 17 authority, at ~he ~i_me of the. issuance of ~uch.bo~ds, shall dec, sit in 18 such ..de~_..~eF~$__9_~_r__e~erve fun_d~.f~9~_t~e~rou~of tb~.~o~nds 19 iss~ed~ o~ ot~ an ~9~ ~ich, together wlth t~e.amount then in 20 su~hdeb~ ~er~ic~F~r~v~ fund~_wi_l~_~.e n~t less t~n~th~em__aximum___a~_.~9~ 21 of ~rincipal and ~n~e~st.m_a~u~r~ing an~_b_~.~p~du~_!.D, anY ~s~ce~- 22 ing calendar. Y~r or .years.n~t exceeding ~W0 such ~e~s on.t~ ~nds 23 then to b~ is~ue_~__a~_o~n~all othe__r~9~d~s of th~_a.~t_hprlt~y___~en outs__t~n_d~ 24 lng and secured b~ ~h..~e~_.s~yiqe ~.serve fund~ 25 3 ~n ggmpu~n~. ~e_a~9~n~ ~f anx debt servi~.~e~r¥~ _~und for th~ 26 purposes of this secti_o~n.~...S~ties ~n_~gh all 9~...a~or~_9f such 27 fund shall be invested sba!!. ~e valued at ~ ~ if purchased a~_~ !ess 28 than pa~a a~ their cost 29 ~ 13~9-n.~.A~ee~nt. gf the state. The state_dges hereb~ p~edge tg.and 30 agree with the holders 9f..agy notg~ 9~.bg~ds i.s~ed., unde~....~is 31 that the stat~.w~_~_9%._~_~!_~r alter.~e_~ights hereby v__es~d_~~ th~ 32 a~thorityto fulfill the _t~_r~_~__~...a~xa~r~e~S made..W!~ theOriZers 33 th~re0f, .~F _i~ 9~ay impair..~ ~i~hht~s_a~.~e~edie__s_9~ suuh_~e~rs 34 until such notes.~.~n~S.,t0~etheF.~i.t~.th~ in.~erest.~er~pm, with 35 interest on any a~_~S~s .and 36 e~pe.~es ~pr which_the au__th_o,r~X~.s_liable_~n.._gp_n~nectio~ ~th an~.~9~ion 37 or pF0¢eed~ngbY0r on b~hal~.gf, sg~h ho~d~r~, are. fully m~t.and 38 dischar~ed~' ~__~ut~ority is a__u_~h_~r~zed _~o_...~n~lud~....~h. is ~le~g~ apd 39 agreement of the state in any agreement with the holders of such notes 40 or bonds. 41 ~ 1349-0. Right o~ s~ate to re~.~e redempt!0n of bond~.~ Notwithstand- 42 ~ng and in addition.to an~ p~0yisions for the redemption of ~onds which 43 may be contained i~ ~ny con~ with th__e.._hg~ders- o__f_, t~he__~O~S, the 44 state may, uPgn~u~n~shing sufficient--fund~t~erefor, require the 45 authOritY tO redeemm~ri°r ~9.m~.t~it~, as.a whole, a~Y issue of .bonds 46 on any interes~_9~_X~_e_n~__da~t~ not l~s~th~n twe~__y~a_rsA~e~ the date 47 of the bonds of s.uch...iss~e.~t_gne hnn~r~.flve ~r cen~um o~ thelr face value a~d._ accrued interest or at such lower redemption price 49 provided in the bonds in case..9~.the redempti~n therepf..a~ a whole on 50 the redemption d~.. Ngt~..p.f ~uch ~ed~p~ion sh~.~ be ~ub!~shed in at 51 least two news~a~r~D_u~_~e~_a_nd ci~g.9.!a~nt i__n_~h~_.~egion&~ranspor~ 52 ration district, at least twi~e~ the first ~ub!ica~i~n ~9 be at least 53 thirty days before ~he date 54 § !349,p~ Remedies of n0~eh0!ders and b~ndholders. 1. In the e~ent that the authority Sba!! .d~f.ault in. t.he...~e~t 0f .pr~nclp~l of or 56 interest on any issue of notes ~r b0nds after the sa~_~ shall ~ecome due, http://legin fo.state.ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bst frmel.cgi 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE Page 19 of 22 S. 7036 1 2 3 4 19 whether at maturity or u~on call for redemption, and._~ default shall continue for a peri0d of thirty days, or in .the eve.nt..that the authority shall fa~%. or refuse to compll~with the ~rovisi__ons . 9~__this tltle or shall ~e~au!~ ~ ~n¥ ~e~ent ~a~e ~th ~h~ ~9~ .9~ ~n¥ issue notes or.~onds,..~9_h91d_ers 9~twent~-five per__c, entU~~ a~_qre~at~p~nr cipal am0unt of ~he~otes or bonds of such issue ~hen ~.0utstandin~.. bT instrument or o~ t~e clerk 0.f. any county i~ which t~e ~o_~y operat~ add has__aR ~f~9 a~-d_~r--Oved 9r aCknOwl- edged in the same manner as a deed t0 be recorded, mar.appoint a trustee to repres~nt th__e_~9~er~.- o_f s~ch~ ~nO~OS._~F._b_onds for~ ~ur~oses provided i~ this s~ctign. 2.. Such .%rustse m~¥~ and upon written req~eSt..of the holders 9~ twen- ty-five per_ 3e~t~_u~__$~_._p~q%p_~l__a~._q~ _9f~3oh notes R_r_bo_~s then outstandin~ shall,' in~ bls 9r her or its own name~ tics law noteholde__r~._o~_bon~dhold_- ers, includin~ the ~%~h~.to re~ire the~.antho~itY t9 collec~ .famos, tollg, rentals,__ra_tes, c_h~r~es and other fees adeq3~ate t0_c~arr~ out any agreement as to, or pledge o~, such rarest, tol%.~.,..Fent~s~ raters .char~- es and otber fees_~_n~_t__o.~e_~q%~9_~b~._~R~h__o~!ty_to carrx_9~, a~ other agreements witb~_~he___~9!~e~_q~uoh, no~os or b~nds and t~.pS~o_rm i__ts duties under th~s t~t~.~ fo) by act!0n 0! s~!t,.reiuir~ the aut~0r.i~y t0 account as.if !.t..Were the tr~ste9 9~ a~ 9~P.r~ ~u~ ~9~_ ~9 ~otes (d) by 9ct~on o~_ s__ui__tx eR~oi~ anT ac~s or_~hi~S_~.!~aY be un!aw~9.1 or in violation 9f~ the ~i~h~s Of...the h0%ders 0f such defaults sha!l be made ~ogd~ then, wit.h the. ~onsen~ of the holders of twenty-f!ye per cen. t~m of th9 prlncipal ame~n~ Of.snch notes or bon4s then outstanding, to annul such declaration and i~s c0nso~uences. 3. Such trustee shall in addition to the foregoing ~ave and possess al~ of the powers_neqessary or approRriate ~or tbs ~rqi~e of any ~ions spe~ifica~.~ to the~enera~ representat$0n enforcemen~ and 4~ The supreme court shall have jurisdictiom 0f ~nY s~i~ action or pFoce~dino~ ~x ~he tr_~s__t_e_e on__b_e_haA_f_o__f_So~_h_Dgt__e~91__d~_rs or bon__dho~d__e~§.~ The venue of shall be qOUn~Y in which the instrument or ~nstruments are filed in accordance with 5. Before dec!arin~ tbs p~incipaI o~ notes or bonds the. trustee~hal~_ f__$~_~.~%y_e_~!~t~_~y~_A~9__~nwr_itin~to the nor, to the authority, to the comptroller and to the attorneY. ~eneral of the state. the authority ar9 Rub!lc .off.icer~ ~d bodie! .. of~ th~at_e and al~unieip_al!tiee and pol%tlcal 3__ubdi!~ sions, al! ing on an insurance__bUsiness, ~!1 ~nko~ ~bankers, trust companies, spyings banks ~O&n ~ssol persons car~y~n~.__~_~a~i~q~ne~s~ all ~dm~nSstF~gKS, ~oa~dians~ executors, trustees a~ o~her ~idu¢iarios, ~nd a~! o~her pe~ons whatso- ever who are now or who mar hereafter be authorized to invest in bonds or other obligat~0D~ 9~ .the s~ate, ~y properly and !ega%!y inwest' funds 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O 51 52 53 54 55 56 http://leginfo.state.ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE Page 20 of 22 S. 7036 20 1 including capital in their control or belongiB~ to them. Notwithstanding 2 any other provls~0ns 0f lawt the bonds of the authority are also hereby 3 made securities whi¢~ may b~ deposited with an~ Sh~. b~ receiyed.by all 4 public officers .&nd .bodies of this state and &!l m~nicipalSties ~nd 5 political subdivisions for any~ur~D~os~_~fe_r.~h~_c~_t_he deRos__i~t.O~ bonds or 6 other pbli~ati0n~ O~._t~e_~s~9~is_ now or ma~ be~&J~ ~e autho~%ze~- 7 J 1349-r. Exemption f~om t~xa~ion. It founds.determined _and 8 declared that t~e cr~e~ion of the autho__rit¥ and the carrying_o_Rt of its 9 purposes is in.&!!.~.e.S~S~S, fO~.ths benefi~ of the.people of .~he state 10 qf.__N~_y~k.~_n_d for the imp~ye__me~f their hea__l~.~ welfare and~_~p~ 11 Pe~itY ~nd ~ ~]kublic purpo~e~._.~..~_~he author~t~y w_il~ ~e_~O__.r~ 12 in~ an essential gover~men~! . f~netion, in the exerc~e_0f the._po~sr 13 conferred ~PO~ it by this title. Withou~.~i__m_i.~ing the gene~a~tX of 14 fo].lowin~ provisions Qfth~s..seCtion~ proper~y..0wlledby t~e.aethority 15 and used for transport~tio~p_~F~eAe~_~roperty leased_~¥ ~he authority 16 and used for tran_sportatio_~_~rRe~l...a~d Rro~p_e_r~_.B~_e~d for__~r~Re~ta- 17 tion purposes by or fo~ the henefit Of the authority excl~!yelX 18 ~t ~O_t~_..P~o_v_i__s~o_n__s__O_f a~ joint service arrangement or of a 19 facilities agreement or tragk~g9 ~igh~s. agreement be .e~empt 20 f~o~ _ta~9_t!en_ ~nd special ad valorem levies. The authorit~__s_ha_ll be 21 req~ire~ ~R ~9~ no fees, ta__x~_9~.._~@9~nts, whe__th__e~_.~ete o~...!o~al, 22 except special b.enef~., a.$~9~sme~te if .s~%d p~.o~ert~ is %eca~ed in a 23 special benefit district, including b~_Rg~.!i_mlted to__f~s, taxe~. 24 assessments on real estate~ franchise t~xes, sales taxes or other exclse 25 taxes, upon an~ of its preperty~ or.~pen' the ~ses the.Feof, or upon its 26 activities in the .9~ere.t~on_and maintena~c~.9~ ~§ facilities or on any 27 fares~ tolls, re~.tal~ r.a~es., gh~rges or othe~ fees~.reven~s~ or other 28 income received by th_e_a_~.~9~_and all bonds, notes and oblig&t~o~ns of 30 taxation, except fo~ Hi~ft and estere taxe~ ~..~r&~sfere~ This 31 section shall constitute__a coy~n~._~n~3~Feem__ent' ~%~.~he hol_d_e.F~of 32 all bonds~ notes and obliga~$eB~.ieS~e~ .b~ the aqt~O~.t~~ The 33 'Staxation" and "special ad valorem lev~" shall have the same meanings 34 d~fined in ~real ~ropert~ tax laF.and.the 35 ~erm sal~9 me~ning as ~e~..~n 36 titles two?A and t_w_o-B of article 37 ~ 13{97S. Act%emS . &gaSket the condition to the 38 con~ent Pf~ ~hs state to such suits a~ainst the authority, _ 39 &etlon against t~9 ~uthor!ty~ for d~ma~e~ fe~ inj~rie~ t9 ~9~! or 40 personal property or for the destruction ~eF99f,~O~ for per~.9~al 41 riss .or death~..~h__e~o~Rl~_~D~ll contain a~ a~[~_tio~ t~&~ least 42 thirty days have e!&peed~_si~c9 t_he demand~ ~. or claims whic~ 43 such action is founded were ~resented to a member of the authorit~ 44 other officer purpose andthe authority has 45 neglected or refused to make an adjustment Or. pa~ent thereof. 46 2. An action ~%~..~.~_u_thor~t3_ founded o~_.~9~t~__e~cept ~n action 47 for wr0ngfn! death, .~h~!! not be coml~enced more th~ 0as year after the 48 cause qf action_. ~eKe~p~. sha%l have accrue~,__~er~unless a notice of 49 claim shall have be~n 9erred on the a~tho~ity ~!~hin the time limited by 50 and in compliance ~i.t~ all t~e ~eq~%re~ents of section ~$fty-e of . the 51 general m~niCiR~~ __~_~_A_~___&~t~on a~ainst_t~e&et~0r~ty for_wrongful 52 death shall be com~enee~in, agcoK~aD~e. ~iththe notice.9$.c!aim an4 time 53 limitation provisions of title e!.eveB_~_~r~.g~ nine of thi~ .cha~pter. 54 3. The authorit~ shal.l, be.l%ab~e~. &.nd..~.h~assume the. liabilit~ t 55 the extent that~ .it _~h~l!~ save harmless any dU%y ap~ointed. 0fficer or http://legin fo.state.ny, us: 8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE Page 21 of 22 S. '7036 21 1 ee, in the opera~.ip~ Of a ¥~h%g~e.or other 2 owned or otherwise u~dgrthe jurisdicti0R~.a~..99~.~0~9~ ~9 3 in the ~ischgr~Le of a d~._~_os~d u]kon such 9_f.~i9~ 4 time of theaccidegt.~.~gjury or d~ma~es, g0mp~a%.ne~.0f, wh%!~.0thgrwise 5 acting in ~he Der~q~a~e of his_or her duties and within the scoRe_~ 6 his or her emplo~en~. 7 4. The a~thor~t~ ~ require an~ ~ersg~,...~e~.e~nff f9~ 8 account. 0~.claim for ~g~c~use wh~yg_~_9~ainst the authority~ to be 9 sworn before a- me~er gg~g~el or an attorney, 9ff.icer 9~ .~p~oyee 10 the autb0~$t~ ~gsignated ~9r such~urRose~ con~er~ing_.~gb__~_g~R~__.~0 11 91~im.. and when_._~ sworn ~o~.g~9~y a~ ~9 ~D~ factg~ relatiy~__~9 12 such ac=o~nt or c!a~.~_..~.~.~uthority or 13 adj~ugt all clai~$u fav~ of or 14 5. The rate of interest to be paid b~ th~ a~g~.~y upon any jud~ent 15 for whigh ~t~.~ li~19~%__B9~ e~0eed fou~ ~er cent~er ~nn~ 16 6. The provision~.9~ thi~ ~ect$on which relate ~o the requirement for 17 service ~f a notice of claim sba1! not ap~l~ to a s~si~ia~ gor~grati0g 18 of ~the_.ag~hority~I~.~!.~_9~be~.res~ects, each s~sidiary corRoratip~of 19 the authority shall be a.~ if 20 such .su~si~iar3 corporation were ~arate~ g~gd ~n this sectionn 21 provided~.however~_~_~..~.~idia~ corRoratlon of the aut~ori~ 22 is a stock cor~o~%og. 9hall not be s~bJeg~.tg the...~o~.~%ons of ~ this 23 gectlon 9~cept with respect to those causes of action arisin~p~ 24 after. ~he first o~ ..~9.. ~9~f~h~ualendar mgg~..~9%!9wSm~_ .t~at calendar 25 month in wh~ch..s~ ~ock_ 26 of the 27 ~ 13~grt. A~ree~gg~...~9~!n~ to pa~ent in lieu of taxes. To 28 that mun~qipal corporations, counties and school districts ma~ not 29 suffer undue loss o~.t~eS 0r assessments~ 30 If the authoritya. C.~e~roperty for.~ ~og-~an~ppK~tion ~urposes 31 {g~. for 32 diatg~y}~ the aut~gr%.~ 33 the.._pa~ti~iRat%ng county ancot cit~to~_ o~ sch9~istri~where 34 property is loc~%e~,.ann3al~ 35 last pa.id as taxe~.upgg.~e. ~o~erty pr$or t0 the ~ _of it~ 36 tion by t~gauthor~. S~gg~d_.~c~RroRer~ be s~sequent~ de~lope~ 37 and improved bu~..~.~ r~ain Ugg9~d 38 shall durin~ spg~ perio~ of 39 assessment, at th9 ~9~ailin~ method of dete~inin~ assessments by the 40 county and~or city anchor school ~sha!1, b~sed 41 qn sqch assess~e~_ ~_gual~3 in ~i9~.0f t~e~,_p~.~0.~h~ CggRtY and~0r 42 city and/or schoo! d%stFict an ~ount fixed by it. 43 If the. a~thority ag_~$~oper~ for tr~sportation ~u~gse~ ~ut 44 subseguently~ses such 45 the authgr$~y shall be t0 46 pay annually i~_..~ taxes to t~ ~tici~t~n~ cgunt~ and~or cit~ 47 and~or sCh001 ~stri~t 48 tO the s~ which the said county 49 would ordina~i!y...bg.im~gged as taxes~pDrsgant t9 the 9~ewailing method 50 gf de~e~i~in~ a~9~9~, 51 Propertie~ ac~i~9~.~9 a~h~rit~fo~ran~ta~ipA__a~_' use~ as 52 s~ch, shall not be 53 apthority shall pay 9uch ~er~y_ s~ecial benefit assessments on the 54 property if it iS.!gcated in an eXlstin~ s99gSa! ~engfit distric~.~ 55 ~ 1349-u~ Interest of me,ers or employees of~ authgr~y in contracts 56 prohibitgd. It sh~_ ~e__~m~s~eanor for a m~r of the auth~rit~ o~ http://lcgintb.state.ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE Page 22 of 22 S. 7036 22 1 an officer, a~e~.,_s~rY_a~t_0~_gm~loyee emD.loy~d~y_ or ~p~gi~tedby the 2 authority, to be in any W~y or manner ~nte~geted~ dirg~y~o~ indireg~.? 3 !Y, as principal, surety ~9.~he~, in a_~c_0~ract, t_h_~ e~pen~ or 4 Consideration whereof is payable 9ut of the funds 9~ the authority. 5 § 1349-v. Fieca.l_~e~r3 .~h~_flscal ~ear qf_th~ authgr~ shall begin.on 6 the first day of 7 ~ 1349-w. Consent by the st&tg.. The commissioner of ~gne~al services 8 shall have power, in his or_hg~ ~$scrgtion fr_o~R.~i~e t_o~_~9 to transr 9 ~er and convey to the authority, or. ~o one or mote ~art!c.!pating c09n- 10 ties for the useg$...~h_e_.a~thoritym 9~_~0.r~s~uc~h c~n~erati~.~nd 11 s~ch terms and c9~.$~o~s._ae max be d~9.r~_%~e.~_b~ hi~.gr her ~o~aid 12 to thestate.~ unapp;gpriated st&t~lands, ab~9~9~ c&~. lands_._&nd 13 lands ~der ~t~r~w~h~ch the au_t_ho~i_shall__c.e_r~$~ to bg.~egessarx_9~ 14 desirable for the cor~orat9 ~rPo.ses of the a~thoritx~ 15 ~ 1349~x. S~par_abi.l~x. If an_y ~gv_i~.i~on of__any~ section of this title 16 or the app!$.ca~9~._ thereof__t~..~n~_~_rson _or circum__s~ge shal~ be 17 adjudged inva!%dbY.~gurt of comp.gtgnt juri~.$~.~.ign s~Ch order Or 18 judgment .~hall be confined in its gperation to the controversy 19 it was rendered, and shall Dg~ ~ffegt or invalidate the remainder. 20 provision qf ~Ri section of this title or the application of any pa~ 21 thereof ~OaBY_..9~.hgr_ ~er_s~ tq_.~his endtb~ 22 prO~sions of each Section 9f this ~itle 23 24 § 1349-y-Effg~.9.~.!~.cQnsistent PrgW.~Siga~. I~sgf.aras 25 of this .title ~Kg_..!n~9~sistent wi~h ~h9 p~gvigi~..9f any 9~9r law~ 26 general, s~ecial or-- local___.~_9_._..~.ro_xislo__ns_q~..t~h_i_s 27 90ntrollin~. 28 § 2. This act shall take effect on the first of January next succeed- 29 lng the date on which it shall have become a law. http://legintb.state.ny.us: 8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 3/12/2010 · RETRIEVE BILL Page I of 2 SPONSORS MEMO: NEW YORK STATE SENATE INTRODUCER'S MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT submitted in accordance with Senate Rule VI. Sec 1 BILL NUMBER: S7036 SP0~S0R: LAVALLE T!T~ OF BILL: An act to amend the public authorities law, in relation to the creation of the Peconic Bay regional transportation authority This bill would create the Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Authori- ty. SUMMARY. OF pRovISIONS: Article 5 of the public authorities law is amended by adding a new title 11-E raSTIK~XION: The East End of Long Island possesses a unique infrastructure and popu- lation. Local towns and residents have had a longstanding disappointment with the Long Island Rail Road and its inaction and inattentiveness to problems on the East End. It is the goal of this legislation to create a regional transportation authority that is familiar with and can concen- trate on local, regional transportation matters. Its purpose will be the continuance, further development and improvement of transportation and other related services. The Peconic Bay regional transportation district shall be comprised of the Towns of Brookhaven, East Hampton, Riverhead, Southampton, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold. The six members of the Authority would be the town supervisors (or their appointed designee) of each of these towns - one of which would be elected chairperson by the members. The Authority will be responsible for the preparation of a plan relating to the continuance, further development and improvement of transporta- tion and other related services of the District. The plan would discuss transportation alternatives including, but not limited to, creation of park and rall facilities, establishment of shuttle trains, addition of more nonstop trains from New York City to the Peconic Bay and reconfig- uration of the county-wide bus system, LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: None. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. http:l/leginfo.state.ny.us:8080/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cei ~/1 '~/9~1 n .' · RETRIEVE BILL Page2 of 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: This act shall take effect on the first day of January next succeeding the date on which it shall have become a law. http://legin fo.state.nv.us:8080/ASMSEN/b~ frmel eoi ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 30, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Home Rule Counsel Assembly Post Office The Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of a Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Assembly Bill A.4665A and two (2) copies of Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Senate Bill S.7036. Also enclosed is a certified copy of the resolution which was passed by the Southold Town Board at its meeting held March 23, 2010. Very truly yours, Southold Town Clerk EN/lmr Enclosures cc: Senator LaValle Assemblyman Thiele Assemblyman Alessi ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631 ) 765-1800 southoldtown.nor thfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 30, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Home Rule Counsel Senate Post Office The Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of a Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Senate Bill S.7036 and two (2) copies of Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Assembly Bill A.4665A. Also enclosed is a certified copy of the resolution which was passed by the Southold Town Board at its meeting held March 23, 2010. Very truly yours, Southold Town Clerk EN/lmr Enclosures cc: Senator LaValle Assemblyman Thiele Assemblyman Alessi ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.nor thfork, net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 30, 2010 CERTIF.IED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Home Rule Counsel Assembly Post Office The Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of a Home Rule Request from thc Southold Town Board requesting thc enactment of Assembly Bill A.9861A and two (2) copies of Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Senate Bill S.6774A. Also enclosed is a certified copy of the resolution which was passed by the Southold Town Board at its meeting held March 23, 2010. Very truly yours, ~Eli~eth A. Ne~ Southold Town Clerk EN/lmr Enclosures cc: Senator LaValle Assemblyman Thiele Assemblyman Alessi ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.nor thfork, net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 30, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Home Rule Counsel Senate Post Office The Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of a Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Senate Bill S.6774A and two (2) copies of Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Assembly Bill A.9861A. Also enclosed is a certified copy of the resolution which was passed by the Southold Town Board at its meeting held March 23, 2010. Very truly yours, Southold Town Clerk EN/lmr Enclosures cc: Senator LaValle Assemblyman Thiele Assemblyman Alessi IMPORTANT: READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE HOME RULE REQUEST (Request by a Local Government for Enactment of a Special Law) (Signed) Date: ,20 I, Elizabeth A. Neville. . do hereby cextify that l am Clerk of the ( ) of and that on the 23rd .dayof March 20 10 . such legislative body, at least a ~ of the total membership having voted in favor thereof, ) IMPORTANT: READ INSTOUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE HOME RULE REQUEST (Request by a Local Government for Enactment of a Special Law) To the Legislature: Town Pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the of Southold requests he enactment of ~ bi (No A.O861A ~, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER S SIGNATURE (Signed) I Elizabeth A Neville ,doherebycecdfythatlamClerkofthe( Town Board ofthe Town of Southold and that on the 23rd day of March 20 10 ,suchlegislativebody, atleasta~ofthetotalmembershiphavingvotedinfavorthereof, (Signed IMPORTANT: READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE HOME RULE REQUEST (Request by a Local Government for Enactment of a Special Law) EXPLAJNATION READ BEFORE SIGNING ] Date: (Signed) Elizabeth~ A Neville ,doherebycertifythatlaraClerkofthe( ) Town Board of the Town of $outhold _and that on thc 23rd dayof March 20 10 , such legislative body, atleastat~ofthetotalmembershiphavingvotedhafavorthereof~ (Signed IMPORTANT: READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE HOME RULE REQUEST (Requ~tby a Local Governmentfor Ena~mentofaSpe~alLaw) EXPLANATION CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE Date: (Signed) I, Elizabeth A Neville .dohercbycertifythallamClerkofthe( ) Town B~ard of~he Town of Southold and that on the 23rd dayof March 20 10 .suchlegi$1ativebody, atleasta~ofthct~almembershiphavingvotedinfavorthereof, ) Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of March 23, 2010 RESOLUTION 2010-254 ADOPTED Item # 5.28 DOC ID: 5804 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2010-254 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MARCH 23, 2010: WHEREAS, a bill has been introduced in the State Legislature as Senate Bill S.7036 and Assembly Bill A.4665A and WHEREAS, the bill would create the Peconic Bay Regional .Transportation authority; the authority shall be a body corporate and politic constituting a public benefit corporation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the enactment of Senate Bill S.7036 and Assembly Bill A.4665A entitled "AN ACT to amend the public authorities law~ in relation to the creation of the Peconic Bay regional transportation authority". Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] HOVER: William Ruland, Scott Russell SECONDER: Christopher Talbot, Councilman AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Talbot, Krupski .]r., Evans, Russell Generated March 26, 2010 Page 38 Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of March 23, 2010 RESOLUTION 2010-253 ADOPTED Item # 5.27 DOC ID: 5803 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2010-253 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MARCH 23, 2010: WHEREAS, a bill has been introduced in the State Legislature as Senate Bill S.6774 and Assembly Bill A.9861 and WHEREAS, the bill seeks to authorize an advisory, non-binding referendum in the towns of East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold on the creation of the Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) to replace the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA); now, therefore be it RESOLVED that pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the enactment of Senate Bill S.6774 and Assembly Bill A.9861 entitled "AN ACT authorizing an advisory~ non-bi~dln~ referendum in the towns of East Hampton~ Riverhead~ Shelter Island~ Southampton and Southold in the county of Suffolk on the creation of the Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Authority to replace the Metropolitan Transportation Authority". Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Christopher Talbot, Councilman SECONDER: William Ruland, Councilman AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Talbot, Krupski Jr., Evans, Russell Page 37 Generated March 26, 2010 THE SENATE STATE OF NEW YORK KENNETI~ P LAVALLE SENATQR I ST SENATE DISTRICT 325 MIDDLE COUNTRY ROAD SUITE #4 SELDEN, NEWYORK 11784 March 10, 2010 RECEIVED Elizabeth A. Neville, Clerk Town of Southold 53095 Main Rd/P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Neville: Constitutional provisions mandate that certain bills require a Home Rule Request before the Legislature can act upon them. S.6774AJA.9861A is one such bill. We respectfully request that your office assist us in having the enclosed forms completed and returned to the Home Rule Counsel's Office, the State Capitol, Albany, New York, 12247. (Please see reverse side of Home Rule Request forms for more specific instructions.) Your prompt attention to this request is most appreciated. Sincerely yours, Kenneth P. LaValle Enclosures RETRIEVE Page 1 of 3 STATE OF NEW YORK S. 6774--A A. 9861--A SENATE - ASSEMBLY February 4, 2010 IN SENATE -- Introduced by Sens. LAVALLE, FOLEY -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Local Government -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee IN ASSEMBLY -- Introduced by M. of A. THIELE, ALESSI, MURRAY -- read once and referred to the Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said cow~ittee AN ACT authorizing an advisory, non-binding referendum in the towns of Brookhaven, East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold in the county of Suffolk on the creation of the Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Authority to replace the Metropolitan Trans- portation Authority The People of.the S~a~e.of NeW.YgFk,.. ~gp~esg~9~ in Senate &nd Assemr bly, do enact as follows= I Section 1. Legislative findings. The legislature hereby finds that in 2 the Peconic Bay region of Long Island, traffic congestion has been one 3 of the primary adverse impacts from overdevelopment. Expanding traffic 4 congestion has resulted in deteriorating traffic safety with increased 5 traffic accidents and fatalities. In addition, traffic congestion has 6 resulted in increased trip delays, declining air quality, adverse 7 impacts to historic and rural resources in the region's villages and 8 hamlets, parking problems, adverse impacts to residential communities 9 and neighborhoods resulting from the diversion of traffic from major 10 highways and arteries to rural residential streets and roads. 11 The region's tourist and second home industries, the cornerstone of 12 its prosperity, are threatened if the adverse consequences of traffic 13 congestion are not promptly and adequately addressed. Further, there 14 will be a continued growth in year-round population, seasonal residents, 15 and traffic into the foreseeable future, exacerbating an already major 16 problem. 17 The legislature finds that the unique geography of the Peconic Bay 18 region limits the ability to expand highway capacity for motor vehicles. EXPLANATION--Matter in i~9~ics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [-] is old law to be omitted. LBD15652-02-0 RETRIEVE Page 2 of 3 S. 6774--A 2 A. 9861--A 1 The narrow forks limit the augmentation of future highway capacity in an 2 east-west direction. The construction of new highways is not a feasible 3 alternative, and the option of improving capacity on existing highways 4 is limited. 5 While the region's highway infrastructure is severely overburdened, 6 its public transit capabilities are underdeveloped. The region possesses 7 underutilized rail capacity with minimal service from the Long Island 8 Rail Road to the region. Further, the Metropolitan Transportation 9 Authority has proposed reducing even this limited service. 10 The legislature finds that the development of new public transit 11 opportunities for the Peconic Bay region represents the best alternative 12 to address growing traffic congestion and other transportation problems. 13 The region possesses existing rail infrastructure. Existing service to 14 the region is minimal. Further, there is no coordination between rail 15 service and existing bus service. The opportunity to improve service is 16 clearly available. 17 The region's local governments have recognized the adverse impacts 18 resulting from growing traffic congestion and the need to explore other 19 transportation options such as public transit. Independently, the 20 comprehensive plans of the region's towns and villages have cited traf- 21 fic congestion as a critical problem and have identified improved public 22 transit as a future goal. Towns have created task forces and commissions 23 to address the transportation issue. 24 Further, local governments have joined together to explore public 25 transit options to mitigate traffic congestion. As early as 1994, the 26 East End Economic and Environmental Institute, under the auspices of the 27 East End Mayors and Supervisors Association issued a report entitled 28 Blue Print for Our Future which called for improved and coordinated bus 29 and rail service in the Peconic Bay region. 30 In 2005, after a four-year public outreach process, the local govern- 31 ments of the region issued the result of its SEEDS (Sustainable East End 32 Development) project. This initiative also recognized the need to create 33 improved transportation opportunities, including selected road improve- 34 ments and increased and coordinated public transit. 35 The Institute for Sustainable Development has issued a report calling 36 for improved transportation opportunities in the region. Five Town Rural 37 Transit, Inc., a private, not-for-profit corporation has also recognized 38 the need for public transit improvements. In 2005, they unveiled a 39 conceptual plan for an East End Shuttle providing coordinated bus and 40 rail service, and issued a development proposal to further that goal. 41 In 2007, the state of New York provided a $300,000 grant under its 42 Shared Municipal Services Initiative (SMSI) program to study the feasi- 43 bility of the East End Shuttle concept. In addition, the Long Island 44 Rail Road, in conjunction with the towns of Southampton and East Hampton 45 initiated a pilot program in 2007-2008 to provide a rail shuttle and 46 connecting bus service during the reconstruction of County Road 39. This 47 pilot program demonstrated that the rail~bus shuttle concept could be 48 successful. In 2009, the "East End Transportation Study Report", funded 49 by the SMSI program, was completed by the Volpe National Transportation 50 Systems Center, U.S. Department of Transportation. The study concluded 51 that the East End Shuttle concept was both viable and desirable. 52 A multitude of local governments, regional cooperative initiatives, 53 and private initiatives have all identified improved public transit with 54 increased and coordinated rail and bus service as the cornerstone for 55 solving the problem. The concept has been at the center of public policy RETRIEVE Page 3 of 3 S. 6774--A 3 A. 9861--A 1 discussions for more than a decade. Therefore, proposals by the Metro- 2 politan Transportation Authority are ill-considered and unacceptable. 3 The legislature finds that the creation of a new and separate regional 4 transportation authority could provide the proper means of implementing 5 these recommendations. Eowever, it is desirous to first hold a ptiblic 6 referendum on the creation of such an authority before action is taken 7 by the legislature. 8 The legislation would authorize such towns to conduct such an advisory 9 referendum at the next general election to be held after the effective 10 date of this act. It is understood such referendum is advisory and non- 1! binding and that the creation of the new transportation authority would 12 still require an act of this legislature. 13 § 2. Advisory referendum authorized. Notwithstanding any provision of 14 law to the contrary, there shall be conducted at the first general 15 election held at least sixty days after the effective date of this act, 16 an advisory, non-binding referendum in the towns of Brookhaven, East 17 Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold, in the 18 county of Suffolk on the question of the creation of the Peconic Bay 19 Regional Transportation Authority in said region to provide expanded 20 public transit services. 21 S 3. Conduct of referendum. The advisory, non-binding referendum 22 authorized by this act shall be conducted by the board of elections of 23 the county of Suffolk. The question shall be submitted in the manner 24 provided in the election law, and the provisions of such law, not incon- 25 sistent with this act, relating to the submission of and to the taking, 26 counting and returning the vote and canvassing the results upon a ques- 27 tion submitted pursuant to law to the voters of the state shall apply to 28 the question in section four of this act required to be submitted. The 29 ballots shall be in such form as prescribed by such law. When the coun- 30 ty of Suffolk board of elections shall have completed its canvass of the 31 results of the vote upon such question, it shall forthwith certify the 32 results of the vote upon such question to the secretary of the senate 33 and the clerk of the assembly. 34 § 4. Form of question. The ballot question authorized by this act 35 shall be in the following form: "Shall the State of New York create a new transportation authority to be known as the Peconic Bay Regional 37 Transportation Authority from the towns of Brookhaven, East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold in Suffolk county to 39 provide expanded public transit services and shall said towns be removed 40 from the Jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority?" 41 S 5. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part 42 of this act shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to 43 be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the 44 remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, 45 sentence, paragraph, section or part thereof, directly involved in the 46 controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered. 47 § 6. This act shall take effect immediately. NEW YORK STATE SENATE INTRODUCER'S MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT submitted in accordance with Senate Rule VI, Sec. I ( ) Memo on original bill ( x ) Memo on amended bill SENATE BILL #: S. 6774A SENATE SPONSOR(S): LaVaHe ASSEMBLY BILL #: A. 9861A ASSEMBLY SPONSOR(S): Thiele TITLE: An Act authorizing an advisory, non-binding referendum in the towns of East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold in the county of Suffolk on the creation of the Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Authority to replace the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. PURPOSE: Authorizes an advisory, non-binding referendum in the towns of East Hampton, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold on the creation of the Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) to replace the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: Section. Legislative Finding. Section 2. Authorizes an advisory, non-binding referendum in the towns of Brookhaven, East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold and Brookhaven which is to be held at least 60 days after this act's effective date on the question of the creation of the Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Authority. Section 3. Conduct of referendum by the Suffolk County Board of Elections. Section 4. Question shall be in the following form: "Shall the State of New York create a new transportation authority to be known as the Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Authority from the towns of Brookhaven, East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold in Suffolk county to provide expanded public transit services and shall said towns be removed from the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority?" Section 5. Severability clause Section 6. Immediate effective date. JUSTIFICATION: The Peconic Bay region consists of five towns located on the East End of Long Island: Town of Brookhaven, East Hampton, Town of Riverhead, Town of Shelter Island, Town of Southampton and the Town of Southold. Traffic congestion experienced in this region has been one of the primary adverse impacts from overdevelopment resulting in deteriorating traffic safety with increased traffic accidents and fatalities. In addition, traffic congestion causes increased trip delays, declining air quality, adverse impacts to residential communities and neighborhoods resulting from the diversion of traffic from major highways and arteries to rural residential streets and roads. The region's tourists and second home industries, the cornerstone of its prosperity, are threatened if the adverse consequences of traffic congestion are not adequately addressed in a timely manner. This problem will only worsen in the foreseeable future due to continued growth in the year-round and seasonal population. Due to the unique geography of the Peconic Bay region, the construction of new highways to accommodate increased motor vehicle traffic is not a feasible option. The narrow forks limit the augmentation of future highway capacity in an east-west direction. Therefore, the development new public transit opportunities for the Peconic Bay region is necessary to provide a viable alternative to address the region's growing traffic congestion and other transportation problems. The Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, U. S. Department of Transportation, completed a study in the fall of 2009 validating the feasibility of an integrated rail-bus system to increase public transportation on Long Island's East End to relieve this area's growing traffic congestion. This legislation would authorize the towns of the Peconic Bay region to conduct an advisory referendum at the next general election held at~er the effective date of this act on the creation of a Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Authority that would be responsible for public transportation services in the five East End towns of Brookhaven, East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold and replace the MTA's current governance of public transportation in this region. Such public referendum would be advisory and would still require final approval by an act of the Legislature. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: New bill. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: To be determined EFFECTIVE DATE: Immediately.