HomeMy WebLinkAbout7-Eleven Convenience Store - MattituckI I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 7-ELEVEN CONVENIENCE STORE MATTITUCK, NEW YORK Prepared for: GAMA Properties, Inc. Prepared by: DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, P.C. February 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! Introduction ................................................................................................ Purpose of Report .............................................................................. Location ............................................................................................. Study Approach ............................................................................................. Existing Roadway Network ........................................................................... Roadway Characteristics .................................................................... Grades and Sight Distances ............................................................... Existing Traffic Flow Conditions .................................................................. Traffic Volumes ................................................................................. Accident Records ............................................................................... Site Trip Generation Analysis ........................................................................ Other Planned Developments ........................................................................ Directional Distribution Analysis .................................................................. Traffic Assignment Analysis ......................................................................... Intersection Capacity Analysis ...................................................................... Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis ......................................... Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis .................................... Parking ................................................................................................ Additional Considerations ............................................................................. Truck Access and Circulation ............................................................ Traffic Activity at Adjacent Properties .............................................. Radius Improvement at Main Road at Factory Avenue ..................... Conclusions ................................................................................................ Appendix Intersection Capacity Analyses Traffic Volume Data Accident Data Roadway Improvement Plans 1 2 2 6 9 10 11 12 13 13 16 19 21 29 34 35 37 39 41 42 45 47 49 53 I I NP; 7-11 Mattituck-28104 i File: TIS doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: TIS.doc INTRODUCTION I Purpose of Report I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I This Traffic Impact Study contains the results of a traffic engineering examination of the proposed 7 - Eleven Convenience Store in Mattituck Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. The project envisions renovation and expansion of an existing structure to provide a 2,670 square foot building housing a convenience store. At present, the site contains a gas station with eight fueling stations, two service bays that are currently unused, and a small convenience store. This report appraises the traffic aspects of the proposed development with particular emphasis on its impact on the surrounding street and highway network. Location The site is located on the northeast comer of NYS Route 25, Main Road, at Factory Avenue, in Mattituck. The site has access to both NYS Route 25 and to Factory Avenue. There is one existing driveway on Factory Avenue and two on Main Road. The gas station is surrounded on two sides by a shopping center. Figure 1, Area Map, indicates the location of the Town of Southold in the New York Metropolitan area. The project site is shown in Figure 2, Location Map, while Figure 3, Site Map, presents the boundaries of the proposed development, and the adjacent roadway network. NP: 7-11 Matlituck-28104 2 File: TIS.doc Map of [he COUNTY OF SUFFOLK LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK LONG ISLAND SOUND FIGURE 1 AREA MAP ~ DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, P.C. SCALE I DATE I PAGE 1' = 9.7 MILES~ Januaej 2010 3 FIGURE 2 AREA MAP SCALE: 1"=300' DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, P,C. FIGURE 3 SITE MAP SCALE: 1"=150' DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, P,C. I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I i ! I I NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: TIS.doc STUDY APPROACH I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I ! I I The Town of Southold has requested that a traffic study be performed for this project. In accordance with this request, the following tasks were undertaken: 1. Several personal, on-site field observations were made to observe the traffic movements under various conditions. 2. A physical inventory was made of the adjacent street network. 3. Traffic data as available from the New York State Department of Transportation, the Town of Southold and the files of Dunn Engineering Associates was reviewed. 3. Intersection turning movement data from the Traffic Study prepared by Atlantic Traffic and Design Engineers, Inc. was obtained from the Town of Southold. 4. Traffic counts were conducted at the existing gas station to determine the amount of traffic currently being generated by the site. An accident analysis was performed, based on records regarding accidents that have occurred on the roadway network in the vicinity of the site obtained from the New York State Department of Transportation, for the most recent three-year period available. 6. A trip generation analysis was performed to determine the additional traffic attributable to the proposed redevelopment. Trip assignment analyses were performed to examine the composite traffic volumes that would result due to the addition of the site-generated traffic to the background traffic volumes, in order to determine the traffic impacts on the adjacent roadways. 8. Capacity analyses were performed at appropriate locations to determine existing levels of service as well as future levels of service with and without completion of the project. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 7 File: TIS.doc I ! I I I I I I I ! I I i I I I I I I 9. Proposed access to and from the site was examined from the standpoint of location and design, including the ability of trucks to enter and leave the site. 10. A review of the proposed parking, and an analysis of its ability to meet the Town code and the anticipated demand, based on information provided in the [rE report, Parking Generation, was conducted. 1 1. Traffic activity at adjacent land uses was investigated. 12. Conclusions were made of the traffic impact of the development as a result of the data and the facts gathered in this study. NP: 7-11 Mauituck-281¢M 8 File: TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Mattimck-28104 File: TIS.doc EXISTING ROADWAY NETWORK 9 I I I I I ! I I i I I I I I I I i I i Roadway Characteristics The site is located on the northeast comer of the intersection of Main Road at Factory Avenue in Mattituck, Town of Southold, New York. Main Road is a New York State highway facility designated NYS Route 25 that provides direct access to the site. Although NYS Route 25 extends the entire length of Long Island, it serves as "Main Street" for many of the communities along the north fork of Long Island, including Mattituck. Near the site of the proposed development, Main Road provides one lane in each direction, flanked by shoulders, with additional turning lanes at major intersections. The posted speed limit is 35 mph. Development along Main Road near the site is primarily commercial. The intersection of NYS Route 25 at Factory Avenue is controlled by a traffic signal that is maintained by NYSDOT. This signal also controls the northbound approach of Sigsbee Road, which is off-set to the west from Factory Avenue. Factory Avenue forms a slightly acute angle with Main Road, as it is skewed to the northeast, resulting in a non-standard turning radius on the northeast comer of the intersection. The lane configuration of the approaches to the existing intersection of NYS Route 25 at Factory Avenue / Sigsbee Road are as follows: Eastbound NYS Route 25: A left turn lane, and combined thru right turn lane. Westbound NYS Route 25: A left turn lane and a combined thru right turn lane. Northbound Sigsbee Road: A left turn lane, and a combined thru right turn lane. Southbound Factory Avenue: A left tum lane, and a combined thru right turn lane. NP: 7-11 Mattimck-28104 10 File: TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I Grades and Sight Distances The roadways in the vicinity of the project site are relatively fiat and have little horizontal curvature. Therefore, no sight distance problems are present, and more than sufficient sight distance will be available in both directions to satisfy design guidelines and to ensure safe operation of the site driveways. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 I I File: TIS.doc I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Matliluck-28104 File: TIS.doc EXISTING TRAFFIC FLOW CONDITIONS 12 I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I Traffic Volumes Information regarding traffic volumes on NYS Route 25 was obtained from the New York State Department of Transportation. NYSDOT maintains a continuous count station on Route 25 in Laurel, west of the project site. According to information provided by New York State Department of Transportation from this count station, the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) on Main Road in Mattituck in 2008 was 16738 vehicles per day. Note that AADT is a transportation engineering and planning term defined as the average traffic volume at a given location on any day of the year, including weekends. AADT is not utilized in detailed analyses, rather it is a statistic used to describe order of magnitude traffic volumes on a given facility. Due to the seasonal, recreational nature of the area, traffic volumes on the adjacent roadways are higher during the summer months. Based on information provided by the New York State Department of Transportation, traffic volumes on NYS Route 25 are highest during the months of July and August, with August being just a small amount higher than July. The counts also indicate that the weekday AM peak hour occurs between 8:00 and 9:00 AM, and the weekday PM peak hour occurs between 4:00 and 5:00 PM. On Saturday, midday peak hour traffic volumes occur between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM. Note that the traffic volume data utilized in the detailed analyses conducted for this study were collected during August of 2009; therefore, the analysis reflects worst case conditions. In addition, since convenience markets draw a significant amount of their commerce from the passing stream of traffic, it has been assumed that the peak hours of the facility will coincide with the roadway peak hours. Thus, a conservation worst case scenario is presented. Copies of the traffic volume information are provided in the Appendix of this report. Accidents Information on accidents that have occurred in the vicinity of the site during the most recent three- year period available, September 2006 through August 2009, was obtained from the NYSDOT's Accident Location Information System (ALIS). This information, summarized in Table 1, indicates that the accident experience on the roadway system adjacent to the proposed project for the most part NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 13 File: TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I was minimal. No accidents were reported to have involved vehicles entering or leaving the existing gas station. However, at the intersection of Main Road at Factory Avenue, during the time period between September 1, 2007 and August 31, 2008, 6 accidents occurred, four of which were rear end accidents. Rear end accidents tend to be related to congested conditions, wherein motorists follow too closely, and tend to be of lesser severity than let~ turn or fight angle accidents, for example. One accident occurred in winter, two in the spring, two in the summer, and one in the fall, so no seasonal pattern is apparent, nor was any pattern evident with regard to direction of travel or time of day of the accident occurrence. In addition, in the year prior to that period, only two accidents occurred, and in the subsequent one year time period, only one accident occurred at that location. NYSDOT reports no roadway improvements were implemented during this time period. NYSDOT calculates rates of accident occurrence for intersections based on the number of vehicles entering the intersection on an annual basis. For intersections with configurations similar to the intersection of Main Road at Factory Avenue, NYSDOT indicates that the average rate of accident occurrence is 0.59 accidents per million vehicles entering (MEV) the intersection. For the subject intersection, over the three year period analyzed, the rate of accident occurrence was calculated at 0.39 accidents per MEV, significantly lower than the statewide average. Therefore, it must be concluded that the relatively high number of accidents occurring during the 12 month period in question is a statistical anomaly. As discussed later in this report, as part of the proposed development, the applicant will provide a property dedication, design services and construction costs for a major improvement to the curb radius on the northeast comer of this intersection. In addition, one of the two existing driveways on Main Road serving the site will be closed, and the remaining driveway as well as the single driveway on Factory Avenue will be relocated to be as far away from the intersection as the site design will allow. In this manner, combined with the low volumes of new traffic estimated to be generated by the proposed redevelopment of the site, no detrimental impact on in the rate of accident occurrence in the vicinity of the site is anticipated. In fact, the improved geometry could result in a decrease as the rate of accident occurrence at this location. Copies of the accident data is provided in the appendix of this report. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 14 File: TIS.doc I I i I I I I I I I I Main Road from Old Main Road to Factory Avenue / Sigsbee Road Main Road At Factory Avenue / Sigsbee Road Main Road from Factory Avenue / Sigsbee Road to Marlene Drive Factory Avenue from LIRR to Main Road Sigsbee Road from 500' south of Main Road to Main Road Total 0 2 0 0 3 2 0 4 I I I I I I ! I NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: TIS.doc Table 1 Accident Summary 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: 7-tl Maltiluck-28104 File: TlS.doc SITE TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I In order to determine the amount of traffic that might be expected to be generated by the proposed development, a trip generation analysis was performed. This analysis was based on information contained in the report "Trip Generation", 8th Edition, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The ITE report presents data on trip making at various land uses, and is the recognized industry standard for analyses of this nature. The current site plan calls for the discontinuation of the gas station use, and the rehabilitation and expansion of the existing building to provide a 2,670 SF 7-Eleven convenience store, which will be open 24 hours a day. Information in the ITE Trip Generation report for Convenience Market, Open 24 Hours (Land Use Code 851) was utilized to estimate the futare driveway volumes generated by the project. Table 2 presents the amount of traffic expected to visit the proposed redevelopment during the weekday AM and PM and Saturday midday peak hours. However, it must be noted that not all the traffic entering and exiting the proposed convenience market will be new traffic added to the roadway network. As previously noted, the property is developed with a gas station and a small convenience market that are currently operating and generating traffic. In order to establish the existing traffic volumes, traffic counts were conducted at the site driveways. Convenience Market, Open 24 Hours 98 98 74 69 103 103 Land Use Code 851) Existing Gas Station Traffic 28 30 38 34 53 46 Net New Driveway Traffic 70 68 36 35 50 57 I I I I I I Table 2 Site-Generated Traffic The results of these counts are also presented in Table 2. As can be seen, the proposed convenience NP: 7-11 Matfituck-28104 17 File: TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I store will result in increases in the number of vehicles entering and exiting the site. However, it is critical to note that a significant portion of the trips into convenience stores is made up of pass-by trips. Pass-by trips are those trips that are on the road for another purpose, and divert to a site as part of that trip. That is, the trips are not specifically generated by the land use, but are traveling to or from work at another location, or are passing by the site as part of an overall shopping outing, and stop at the site as part of that trip. Information presented in the ITE "Trip Generation" report indicates that up to 87% of total traffic and an average of 61% of peak hour traffic patronizing convenience markets is already on the roadway network for another purpose. Table 3, Trip Generation Estimates - Net New Roadway Traffic, presents the estimated new traffic that will be added to the roadway network as a result of the proposed project. As can be seen, during the peak hours, approximately one new vehicle every two to four minutes would be added to the roadways adjacent to the site. Net New Driveway Traffic 70 68 36 35 50 §7 Less Pass-by Trips (61%) 42 41 21 21 30 34 Net New Traffic on Roadway Network 28 27 15 14 20 23 Table 3 Trip Generation Estimates Net New Roadway Traffic NP: %11 Mattituck-28t04 18 File: TIS,doc I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I i I i I NP: 7-I I Mattituck-28104 File: TIS.doc OTHER PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS 19 I I I I I ! I I I I i I i I I I I I I Thero are two other projects located nearby that have the potential to add traffic to the roadway network in the vicinity of the project site, a 4,200 SF Chase Manhattan Bank branch and the Hudson City Savings Bank Plaza, which proposes a 3,244 SF bank branch and 9,982 SF of office space. As directed by the Town of Southold, information regarding trip generation for these two developments was obtained from the Traffic Impact Study for the Chase bank prepared by Atlantic Traffic and Design Engineers Inc, dated December 2009. Table 4 presents the amount of traffic estimated to be generated by these two projects, as obtained from the Atlantic Traffic report. Note that the Atlantic Traffic report did not provide information regarding the weekday AM peak hour, nor did it contain specific information regarding the Hudson City Savings development's trip generation. Therefore, this information was estimated using the ITE trip generation report methodology. Chase Bank (1) 29 23 32 44 39 Hudson City Savings Plaza (2) (1) Source: Atlantic Traffic report Dec 2009 (2) ITE Trip Generation Report. 48 22 47 67 48 43 Table 4 Site-Generated Traffic Other Planned Developments This traffic has been added to the roadway network and included in the analyses performed for the purposes of this study. NP: 7-11 Matfi(uck~28104 2{I File: TIS.doc I I I I I I I ! I ! I I I I I I I I I NP; 7-11 Matlituck-28 H)4 File: TIS.d~ DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I In order to estimate the direction of approach and departure of vehicles entering and leaving the site after completion of the proposed project, a directional distribution analysis was performed. This analysis was based on the prevailing traffic patterns on the adjacent roadway system during the peak hours of activity on a summer weekday and Saturday. In this manner, the traffic patterns are reflective of those during the time when traffic volumes on the roadway are highest. A separate directional distribution was developed for both the primary and pass-by portion of the site generated traffic, for the weekday AM and PM peak hours and the Saturday midday peak hour. The directional distributions utilized for the proposed project are presented in Figures 4, 5 and 6 for primary trips during the weekday AM and PM and Saturday midday peak hours, respectively, and Figures 7, 8 and 9 for pass-by trips during the weekday AM and PM and Saturday midday peak hours, respectively. Note that the directional distributions reflect the fact that, as pail of the proposed project, only right turns into and out of the site will be accommodated at the new driveway on Main Road, and full turning movements being accommodated at the proposed driveway on Factory Avenue. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 22 File: TIS.doc FIGURE 4 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC PRIMARY TRIPS WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR m FIGURE 5 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC PRIMARY TRIPS WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR I I I ' ! I I ~ _.~_.. I I FI 6 I MAIN ROAD I ! I I ! ........... ~ ~ ,,.2% SITE FIGURE 7 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC; WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR I I ! I I i I ~ I ~ 1% I 49% ~ I _ I ~ I FIGURE 8 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC PASS BY TRIPS WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR FIGURE 9 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC PASS BY TRIPS SATURDAY PEAK HOUR I ! I ! I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: TlS.doc 29 TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT ANALYSIS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The site-generated traffic was distributed on the surrounding roadway network based on the results of the directional distribution analysis discussed previously. Figures 10, 11 and 12 present the assignment of the site-generated traffic during the weekday AM and PM and Saturday midday peak hours, respectively. The primary trips and pass-by trips are shown separately. However, it should be noted that only primary trips result in additional vehicles added to the roadway network, whereas pass-by trips are attracted from the existing stream of traffic already on the road for another purpose. As can be seen, once distributed on the roadway network, the new traffic expected to be generated by the proposed project will contribute a very small number of new vehicles to the individual intersection approaches, even based on the extremely conservative assumptions utilized in developing the projected number of new site generated trips. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-281 (}4 30 File: TIS.doc / .. 16(25)[41]~ ROAD FIGURE 10 ASSIGNMENT OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC COMBINED TRIPS WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR I I I I I , ........... I /~, ~ I 14(22)[36]..~ ] I 1 ( 1 )[2] I MAIN ROAD i I I I m FIGURE 11 ASSIGNMENT OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC COMBINED TRIPS WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR ........ 18(20)[461p ) ~,. ROAD I FIGURE 12 ASSIGNMENT OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC COMBINED TRIPS SATURDAY PEAK HOUR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Mauiluck-28104 File: TIS.doc INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS 34 I I I I I I In order to ensure that the traffic generated by the proposed project can be accommodated on the roadway network without any detrimental impact on operating conditions, and that the proposed site driveways will operate in a safe and efficient manner without undue delay for vehicles entering and leaving the proposed development, signalized and unsignalized intersection capacity analyses have been performed. These capacity analyses were performed utilizing software based on the methodologies set forth in the latest edition of the Highway Capacity Manual, and utilized the traffic volumes previously described, and the estimates of new vehicles expected to be generated by the proposed development. I Signalized Intersection Capacity Analyses I I I I I I I I I I I I Signalized intersection capacity analyses were conducted at the intersection of Main Road at Factory Avenue for the weekday AM and PM and Saturday midday peak hours, utilizing signal timing and phasing information collected in the field. Simply put, the level of service for a signalized intersection is defined in terms of the average control delay per vehicle during a given peak period, and the signalized intersection capacity analysis methodology evaluates the average control delay per vehicle to determine intersection Level of Service (LOS). Control delay is influenced by several variables specific to the operating conditions experienced at the intersection. Six levels of service, from A to F, have been established as measures of vehicle delay. These levels and their related control delay criteria are summarized in Table 5, Signalized Intersections - Level of Service Criteria. NP: 7-1 I Mauituck-28104 35 File: TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A <10.0 B 10.1 - 20.0 C 20.1 - 35.0 D 35.1 - 55.0 E 55.1 - 80.0 F · 80.0 Source: Highway Capacity Manual 2000, Transpor[ation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. 2000 Table 5 Signalized Intersections - Level of Service Criteria First, the analyses were conducted to determine the existing operating conditions (2009 Existing). Intersection capacity analyses were then calculated for the "2012 No-Build Condition". In this examination, the 2009 Existing traffic volumes were projected to the 2012 build year using a 2.0% per year growth factor and the traffic from the other proposed developments was added to determine the total traffic that would be on the roadways at that time without the construction of the proposed development. The annual growth factor used was based on the results of the New York State Department of Transportation's LITP 2000 planning study and is specific to the north fork of Long Island. Then, the intersection capacity analyses were repeated to reflect the addition of traffic estimated to be generated by the proposed convenience market (2012 Build Condition). Detailed summaries and printouts of the results of the analyses for the signalized intersection examined for this study can be found in the section of the Appendix of this report entitled "Intersection Capacity Analyses Summaries". The results of the capacity analysis performed, summarized in Table 6, indicate that the traffic due to the proposed development can be accommodated on the roadway network without significant deterioration in overall signal operations at the intersection studied. Although the development of the site will lead to an increase in traffic on the roadways serving the site, this increase is small, and results in an increase in total traffic volumes at the intersection of between 2 and 3%, even based on the extremely conservative assumptions utilized in estimating future site generated traffic. Typically, traffic impact studies do n ~_~ intersections unless traffic volumes due to a proposed action result in increase~% or ~ore~ NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 36 File: TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I As can be seen from Table 6, the capacity analysis results indicate that the intersection is currently operating at LOS "C' during all three peak hours examined. With the addition of the traffic estimated to be generated by the two other nearby developments, as well as the growth in background traffic, the intersection will continue to provide LOS "C' during the weekday AM and Saturday midday peak hours, and LOS "D' will be provided during the weekday PM peak hour. The addition of traffic estimated to be generated by the proposed convenience market results in no change in LOS during any of the three peak hours, and increases in control delay of between 0.4 and 1.2 seconds per vehicle. These extremely small increases in delay are likely to be imperceptible to motorists traveling through the intersection. Inter. etlon/Time Period Condition (Note ..% ,, ~.~,. , LO8 (Sec/ LO~ (ge(:/ LO8 (Sec/ V.h) V,h) V,h) Weekday AM Peak C 24.2 C 26.7 C 27.3 Hour Main Road (N¥$ Route 25) at Factor/ Weekday P.M. Peak C 27.3 D 35.7 D 36.9 Avenue Hour Saturday Midday C 26.3 C 29.9 C 30.3 Peak Hour Note 1: Includes an increase in traffic volumes of 2.0% per year to account for normal background traffic growth, Note 2: Same as Note 1 and includes the traffic estimated to be generated by the proposed redevelopment. Table 6 Summery of Signalized Intersection Capacity Analyses Results Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analyses Unsignalized intersection capacity analyses were performed at the proposed driveway intersections at Factory Avenue and Main Road for the weekday A.M. and P.M. peak hours as well as the Saturday midday peak hour. Unsignalized intersection capacity analyses determine levels of service based on NP: 7-11 Mauituck-28104 37 File: TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I i control delay for each minor movement. LOS is not defined for the intersection as a whole. Roughly speaking, the analyses rely on a gap acceptance model, in which the number of acceptable gaps in traffic for a given movement are determined, and compared to the number of vehicles seeking to utilize such gaps. Level of Service criteria are slightly different for stop controlled intersections from the criteria for signalized intersections, primarily because driver expectation is that a signalized intersection is designed to carry greater traffic volumes and experience greater delay than unsignalized intersections. As in the signalized analyses, the 2009 Existing traffic volumes were projected to the 2012 build year using a 2.0% per year growth factor and the traffic from the other nearby developments was added to determine the total traffic that would be on the roadways at that time of the construction of the proposed development. Then the capacity analyses were conducted to ensure that the proposed access driveways can provide the service needed for vehicles entering and exiting the site, without causing undue delay. The results of these capacity analyses are summarized in Table 7. Detailed printouts of the capacity analyses results can be found in the appendix of this report. Factory Avenue SB Left Turn A 7.6 A 7.5 A 7.5 At Proposed Site Driveway WB Combined D 10.8 B 10.6 B 10.5 Main Road at Proposed Site SB Right Turn B 13.2 B 14.6 B 12.8 Drive I I I I ! I Table 7 Summary of Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analyses Results NP: 7-1 I Maltituck-28104 38 File: TIS.doc I i I i ! ! I I I I I ! I I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: TlS.doc 39 PARKING I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Based on the requirements set forth in the code of the Town of Southold, one parking space per 100 SF of convenience store space must be provided for developments of this type. Calculations provided on the current site plan indicate tha aces are required and 26 are provided. Thus, the parking provided exceeds the requirements of the Town code. In addition, in order to ensure that the proposed parking will be adequate to accommodate potential parkin~g demand_generated by the pro. ct, a parking demand analysis was conducted. This analysis made use of information provided in the report "Parking Generation", published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The Parking Generation report provides data on parking demand generated by various common land uses. including convenience markets. For Land Use Code 851, Convenience Market, the Parking Generation report indicates that 16 spaces would be required to meet demand at a convenience market such as the one proposed. Therefore, the(23)paces proposed are more than sufficient to meet projected demand. /F~nally, provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act indicate that, for parking areas containing ( c~enteen 26 and 50 spaces, at least two spaces should be reserved for persons with handicaps. The site plan for the project provides 26 spaces including two for persons with handicaps. Thus, the parking provided satisfies the requirements of the Town code and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and is expected to be adequate to meet demand. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 40 File: TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Maltituck-28104 File: TIS.doc ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Truck Access and Circulation Information provided by the applicant indicates that several different size tracks can be expected to make deliveries to the convenience market during the course of an average week. On a daily basis, this information states that 17 foot trucks will make deliveries to the site, three times a week 24 to 26 foot long tracks will deliver beverages to the site, and twice a week, 54 foot tractor trailers will make deliveries to the site. Truck path templates have been overlaid on the current site plan to determine whether these different size trucks can successfully negotiate the site. The results of this site plan analysis are discussed in the following paragraphs. Based on the results of this analysis, it is recommended that all tracks making deliveries, as well as trash collection, use the access driveway on Main Road to enter and leave the site. The site plan shows a 20' x 42' track loading area on the east side of the building. An examination of the track templates shown in Figure 13 indicates that single unit tracks will be able to enter onto the site via the access driveway on Main Road and back into the truck loading area. While in this area, access to several of the parking spaces located along the eastern property line will be impeded. However, since the site plan provides more than ample parking to accommodate demand, it is recommended that these spaces be reserved for employee use, so that trucks blocking access to the spaces does not inconvenience patrons. On leaving the site, the single unit trucks will be able to back out of the loading area into the parking lot aisle, and drive directly out of the site onto Main Road. Alternatively, the single unit tracks can drive onto the site and back into the loading area and then drive directly out of the site onto Main Road. Thus, the most common type of truck expected to visit the site can be readily accommodated by the site layout. The turning templates also indicate that, although the larger WB-50 tractor trailer trucks will have more difficulty negotiating the site, they can still successfully enter and leave the site, and load and unload without having significant impact on internal cimulation as shown in Figure 14. In order to access the truck loading area after entering the site via Main Road, the larger trucks will need to encroach on several parking spaces, which is typical behavior for tracks of this size. After entering the site, the trucks can either back into the truck loading area, unload, and then drive directly out of the site onto Main Road or, depending on parking demand on site during that time of delivery, remain NP: 7-11 Matlituck-28104 42 File: TIS.doc DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. P.C. 7-11 MATTITUCK FIGURE 13 SINGLE UNIT TRUCK TURNING PATH 7-11 MA'I-'flTUOK FIOURE 14 TRACTOR TI:~,~,II.ER TRUCK TURNING PATH 02/17110 1' = 5G' 28104.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I blocking several parking spaces in the lot while unloading. Again, this is typical behavior for large tracks at developments of this kind. Finally, it must be noted that these track turning templates tend to be very conservative, and in fact, underestimate the abilities of track drivers to negotiate their vehicles. As previously stated, it is recommended that tracks making deliveries to the site be directed to do so via Main Road, and that all deliveries to the site, as well as trash collection, take place during non- peak hours. There are no residences immediately adjacent to the site, therefore, noise from trucks making deliveries or trash pickup should not be an issue, and by making deliveries during non-peak hours, if trucks need to block some on-site parking, the impact on internal circulation will be minimized. Traffic Activity at Adjacent Properties The Magic Fountain Ice Cream store is located on the northwest comer of Main Road at Factory Avenue, across Factory Avenue from the site of the proposed convenience market. While the property has access to both Main Road and Factory Avenue, there are no formally delineated parking spaces or access driveways on either frontage. Parking is provided for three or four vehicles along the Main Road frontage of the property, and for seven or eight additional vehicles along the Factory Avenue frontage. Access between these two informal parking areas is prevented by the presence of a sign structure and bollards placed in the ground. There are no circulation aisles provided, rather, because of the size constraints of the property, vehicles enter the site and park facing the building, and upon leaving, must back out onto either Main Road or Factory Avenue. This is considered an undesirable condition, but it is assumed that this is a pre-existing non-conforming condition. If circulation aisles were to be provided, the number of parking spaces on the site would be drastically reduced, which might result in patrons parking along Factory Avenue or Main Road. It should be noted that accident records reviewed for this study indicate that only a single accident involving vehicles backing onto Factory Avenue was recorded during the three years considered in the analysis. At present, the site access driveway serving the existing gas station on the subject property is located NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 45 File: TIS.doc I ! I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I opposite the Ice Cream store's parking area on Factory Avenue, thereby exacerbating this undesirable condition. Upon construction of the proposed convenience market, however, this driveway will be relocated to a point as far_~north of Mai~n Road as possible, which will reduce the potential for conflicts with the vehicles entering and leaving the ice cream store property in this unsafe manner. Therefore, the development of the proposed convenience market will result in safer conditions at this location. It is recommended that should the oppommity arise, the Town encourage the property owner to investigate the possibility of providing additional parking for patrons of the ice cream store, possibly through rental or purchase of property from an adjacent property owner. In addition to the ice cream store, there is a marine related business operating from a facility north of the ice cream store. This facility also appears to have access to Main Road and Factory Avenue. Along the Factory Avenue fi'ontage, a number of boats of different sizes are stored on the property, and the facility has an access driveway onto Factory Avenue. However, a number of boats are stored along Factory Avenue immediately behind the property line, and it appears that boat trailers access the property from any point along the frontage, due to the lack of curbs. The access driveway for the proposed convenience market will be relocated to the vicinity of the existing driveway across Factory Avenue. It is recommended that the Town request that the marine operation utilize the existing driveway, rather than access the property from any point along the frontage, to minimize driver confusion when approaching the property along Factory Avenue. Finally, as previously stated, the site of the proposed convenience market is surrounded on two sides by a shopping center, which has access to both Main Road east of the site and Factory Avenue north of the site. The businesses in this commercial center, including a Waldbaums supermarket, are served by a truck loading area, which is accessible from the parking area in front of the stores, and by an access driveway on Factory Avenue, located approximately 600 feet north of Main Road and 450 feet north of the proposed site access driveway. It has been noted that during times when the loading dock serving the supermarket is occupied by delivery trucks, ~th_er truc_ks waiting to~ m~_~e delivefi?s to the?u~permarket stack along both sides of Factory Avenue until such time as they are able to use thee !oading dock. This occasionally results in only a single lane being available for traffic on Factory Avenue. It should be noted that this activity takes place a considerable distance to the north of the site NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 46 File: TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I of the proposed convenience market, and is not likely to have any impact on the safe operation of the site, especially since it is intended that all track deliveries to the proposed convenience market take place via the access driveway on Main Road. It is recommended that the town discuss this issue with the operator of the shopping center, and explore different options to address this issue. These options include staggering the delivery times at the center so as to maximize efficient use of the loading area, directing tracks waiting to use the loading dock to do so in the parking lot, or providing additional space at the loading dock so that more trucks can be accommodated. Radius Improvements at Main Road at Factory Avenue As previously stated, the turning radius for westbound Main Road to northbound Factory Avenue does not meet current NYSDOT standards, due to the alignment of Factory Avenue. Larger vehicles have been observed experiencing difficulty in executing the westbound to northbound right turn movement, especially when southbound leR turning vehicles are queued at the stop line on Factory Avenue. In order to improve this condition and increase the turning radius, property would be required and some of the existing traffic signal equipment and above ground utilities located on this comer would need to be relocated. Although the proposed convenience market is not expected to add any appreciable amount of traffic to this turning movement, especially since larger trucks making deliveries are expected to do so via the driveway on Main Road, the applicant has agreed to comply with a request by NYSDOT to participate in improving this non-standard condition. Therefore, the applicant has entered into an agreement with NYSDOT whereby the applicant will dedicate the property needed to implement this improvement, and will provide detailed design plans for both the radius improvement and the traffic signal equipment relocation at no expense to the Town or the State of New York. In addition, as part of the site development, the applicant will construct the radius improvement. NYSDOT has indicated that, in light of the applicant's willingness to provide this benefit to the traveling public, they will provide for the relocation of the traffic signal equipment and the utilities. It should be noted that the applicant is under no obligation to provide this improvement as a condition of obtaining approval from NYSDOT, as it is a preexisting condition. NP: %11 Mattituck-28104 47 File: TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Detailed design plans have been prepared by the applicant and submitted to NYSDOT for review. Minor comments have been received on the plans, and the plans are being revised for resubmittal. A copy of the draft plans can be found in the appendix of this report, and the property dedication and conceptual improvement are shown on the current site plan. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 48 File: TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Mattimck-28104 File: TIS.doc CONCLUSIONS 49 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The study and traffic engineering analysis performed indicate that the proposed redevelopment of the site will not have a significant impact on traffic conditions on the surrounding roadway network in the vicinity of the site. While the proposed convenience market will generate some additional new traffic, the adjacent roadway network can adequately accommodate this traffic, and the site access driveway_~s will o~perate in a safer manner than the c~urrent crmditio_n. In addition, the applicant, while under no obligation to do so, has agreed to participate in a significant improvement to the existing non-standard taming radius on the comer of Main Road at Factory Avenue, including property dedication, engineering design, and actual construction of the radius improvement. Thus, op~ conditions at this location will be improved over the existing condition at a lost to the Town of Southold or the State of New York. The following points should be also noted: At present, the site is served by three access driveways two on Main Road and one on Factory Avenue. Two site access driveways are proposed, one on Main Road and one on Factory Avenue, therefore reducing the number of conflict points on Main Road. In keeping with good access management practices, these new drivew_ays will be located as far from the intersection of Main Road and Factory Avenue as the site layout allows. The roadways in the vicinity of the project site are relatively flat and have little horizontal curvature. Therefore, no sight distance ~lems are present, and more than sufficient sight distance will be available in both directions to satisfy design guidelines and to ensure safe operation of the proposed site driveways. ~...~ue to the seasonal, recreational nature of the area, traffic volumes on the adjacent roadways are higher during the summer months. Based on information provided by the New York State Department of Transportation, traffic volumes on NYS Route 25 are highest during the months of July and August. The traffic volume data utilized in the detailed analyses conducted for this study were c._~ollected during August of 2009; therefore, the analysis reflects worst case conditions. 4. Accident information examined for the purpose of this study indicates that the accident NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 50 File: TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I experience on the roadway system adjacent to the proposed project for the most part was minimal. Over the three year period~alyzed, the rate of accident occurrence___was significantly~ lower than the statewide averaet for intersections with similar configuration to Main Road at Factory Avenue. 5. Information in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation report for Convenience Markets, Open 24 Hours, utilized to estimate the future traffic volumes generated by the project indicate that the proposed development will result in a small number of new trips ~ network, During the weekday AM peak hour, 28 new vehicles will be added to the roadway network, 15 during the weekday PM peak hour and 20 during the Saturday midday peak. 6. There are two other projects located nearby that have the potential to add traffic to the roadway network in the vicinity of the project site, a Chase Manhattan Bank branch, and the Hudson City Savings Plaza. The traffic estimated to be generated by these two developments has been added to the roadway network and is included in the analysis performed for the purposes of this study. Intersection caPacity analyses were performed at the intersection of Main Road at Factory Avenue and at the two proposed site access driveways. These intersection capacity analyses calculations were performed in accordance with the methodology set forth in the latest (2000) edition of the Highway Capacity Manual. The results of these capacity analyses indicate that with the addition of the traffic from the proposed development, no change in Level of Service is expected during any of the peak periods analyzed, with minor increases in approach delay. In addition, the two driveways will operate in a safe and timely manner. 8. Based on the calculations provided on the site plan, code of the Town of Southold requires one ~p~arking space per 100 SF, o~2~ ~paces, for this development.J ~dditio~rmati~ ! I E P~king Gen~ra-~ion Report in---'-~-dicates th~ would b~ e required to meet demand at a / c~nvenience market of the size proposed~'Ihe Current site plan indicates tha~6 TM ~l~aces are / proposed. Thus, the parking provided exceeds the requirements of the Town Code, and will be ~ 0_re than adequate to meet the__expected demand. ~ ~ NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 51 File: TlS.doc I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act indicate that, for parking areas containing between 26 and 50 spaces, two spaces should be reserved for persons with handicaps. The current site plan for the project provides 26 spaces including two for persons with handicaps. Thus, the parking provided satisfies the requirements of the Town code and the Americans with Disabilities Act. 10. It is recommended that all deliveries to the site, as well as trash collection, use Main Road to access the site, and during non-peak hours. There are no residences immediately adjacent to the site, therefore, noise fi.om trucks making deliveries or trash pickup should not be an issue, and by making deliveries during non-peak hours, if tracks need to block some on-site parking, the impact on internal circulation will be minimized. Truck~path templates overlaid on the current site plan in~ic~ates most common types of truck expected to visit the site can be readily accommodated by ethgjim-.,,.,cml~ The turning templates also indicate that, although larger tractor trail~ler tru-~-ks will have slightly more difficulty neg~otiating the~site, they can still successfully enter and leave the site, and load and unload without having significant impact on internal circulation. 11. Upon construction of the proposed convenience market, the site driveway on Factory Avenue will be relocated to a point as far north of Main Road as possible, which will reduce the potential for conflicts with the vehicles entering and leaving the ice cream store property on the west side of Factory Avenue. Therefore, the~development of the proposed convenience market will result in safer__ conditions at this location than currently exist. In addition, no significant conflicts with vehicles entering and exiting other adjacent lane uses are anticipated. Thus, based on the forgoing traffic engineering analyses and investigation, it is concluded that the proposed development will have minimal impact on the transportation system. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 52 File: TIS.doc I I I I ! I I ! I ! I I I I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Mat~imck-28104 File: TIS.doc 53 APPENDIX ! I I I ! I I I ! I I I I i I I I I I NP: Matti~uck 28104 File: Admin/Reports/TIS.doc Traffic Volume Data I I ! I ,I I FILE NAME: ~ TRAFFIC VOLUME SUMMARY INTERSEC~ON: ~ME PERIOD: DONE BY: ALT X CLEARS INPUT VALUES EXISTING YEAR: HORIZON YEAR: APPROACH I I I I I I ! I I FILE NAME: ~ TRAFFIC VOLUME SUMMARY INTERSECTION: TIME PERIOD: DONE BY: ALT X CLEARS INPUT VALUES EXISTING YEAR: HORIZON YEAR: APPROACH Remove Gas Station Convenience Store ! ! ! I I I FILE NAME: ~ TRAFFIC VOLUME SUMMARY INTERSECTION ' TIME PERIOD: DONE BY: ALT X CLEARS INPUT VALUES EXISTING YEAR: HORIZON YEAR: APPROACH Remove Gas Station, Add STATION: 070047 ROUTE #: NY 25 DIRECTION: Eastbound STATE DIR CODE: 1 DATE OF COUNT: 03123/2007 NOTES LANE 1: EAST 1 LANE New York State Department of Transportation ROAD NAME: FACTOR GROUP: 40 WK OF YR: 12 COUNTTAKEN BY: ORGCODE: DOT INITIALS:TS 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Traffic Count Hourly Report FROM: SOUTH JAMESPORT AVE I MANOR REC. SERIAL #: 0702 PLACEMENT: SET S JAMESPORT & SOUND ~ REF MARKER: 25 07041516 ADDL DATA: COUNT TYPE: AXLE PAIRS PROCESSED BY: ORG CODE: DOT INITIALS: TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 Page 1 of 2 TO: SOUND AVE MAIN RD MATrn'uCK COUNTY: FUNC. CLASS: 14 TOWN: NHS: no BIN: JURIS: NYSDOT RR CROSSING: CC Stn: HPMS SAMPLE: BATCH ID: R10-DOTr10cw13 Suffolk RIVERHEAD 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO DAILY DAILY 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DAILY HiGH HIGH DATE DAYL A~ I PM TOTAL COUNT HQUR I T 2 F 3 S 4 S 5 M 6 T 7 W 8 T 9 F 10 S 12 M 13 T 14 W 15 T 16 F 17 S 18 S 19 M 20 T 21 W 22 T 23 F 24 S 106 25 S 96 26 M 33 27 T 41 28 W 36 29 T 42 30 F 43 31 S 40 DAYS Counted 8 486 519 6t9 572 615 676 654 592 366 357 336 264 218 42 25 33 22 50 199 290 316 410 446 525 578 630 576 575 538 485 397 ~42 274 270 206 128 7463 630 13 53 31 35 16 32 88 129 185 303 412 435 491 480 480 516 441 342 357 ~07 278 195 121 69 5892 516 15 19 13 12 27 65 283 536 419 416 406 430 418 427 512 563 611 639 459 320 301 222 139 81 7351 639 17 15 20 21 26 95 310 554 508 439 395 464 450 447 551 597 610 614 484 396 274 289 162 102 7864 614 17 29 14 29 41 83 299 535 489 419 431 436 462 469 530 645 631 584 507 419 330 269 174 88 7951 645 15 24 17 15 22 85 302 511 501 442 430 509 444 501 550 634 646 642 485 386 364 283 203 104 8142 646 16 23 18 18 26 93 336 550 498 457 22 17 20 HOURS Counted 167 AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURS (Axle Factored, Mon 6AM to Frl Noon) 28 87 298 523 470 423 485 452 432 449 522 594 607 603 471 370 308 259 WEEKDAYS WEEKDAY AVERAGE WEEKDAY Axle Adj. Seasonal/VVeekday Counted Hours High Hour % of day Factor Adjustment Factor 5 101 607 8% 0.973 0.870 ADT 165 91 7656 ESTIMATED (one way) AADT 8800 ROUTE #NY 25 ROAD NAME: FROM: SOUTH JAMESPoRT AVE / MANOR TO: SOUND AVE MAIN RD MATTrFUCK COUNTY: Suffolk STATION: 070047 STATE DIR CODE: I PLACEMENT: BET S JAMESPORT & SOUND DATE OF COUNT: 03/23/2007 m m m m m m m,, mm mm m m mm m mmm ,m mm m m STATION: 070047 New York State Department of Transportation P~,~ 2 of 2 Traffic Count Hourly Report ROUTE #: NY 25 ROAD NAME: FROM: SOUTH JAMESPORT AVE I MANOR TO: SOUND AVE MAIN RD MATTrTUCK COUNTY: Suffolk DIRECTION: Westbound FACTOR GROUP: 40 REC. SERIAL #: 0702 FUNC. CLASS: 14 TOWN: RJVERHEAD STATE DIR CODE: 2 WK OF YR: 12 PLACEMENT: BET S JAMESPORT & SOUND NHS: no BIN: DATE OF COUNT: 03/2312007 @ REF MARKER: 25 07041516 JURIS: NYSDOT RR CROSSING: NOTES LANE 1: WEST 1 LANE COUNT TAKEN BY: ORG CODE: DOT INITIALS: TS 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DATEDAYi AM ADDL DATA: CC Stn: HPMS SAMPLE: COUNT TYPE: AXLE PAIRS BATCH ID: R10-DOTr10cw13 PROCESSED BY: ORG CODE: DOT INITIALS: 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO DAILY DALLY 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DALLY HIGH HIGH I PM TOTAL COUNT HOUR 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 S 5 M 6 T ? W 8 T 9 F 10 S 11 S 12 M 13 T 14 W 15 T 16 F 17 S 18 S 19 M 20 T 21 W 22 T 23 F 24 S 25 S 26 M 27 T 28 W 29 T 30 F 31 S 24 9 18 16 18 17 17 22 484 537 465 478 550 613 595 509 237 202 183 198 100 29 72 131 242 362 433 460 526 527 513 497 518 527 470 402 268 252 195 135 107 6765 527 12 18 38 77 160 240 335 442 474 498 618 468 519 466 410 333 274 199 146 76 40 5825 519 15 42 179 346 530 515 454 440 444 460 402 433 490 578 555 328 193 148 117 61 45 6820 578 16 44 179 351 496 555 452 413 406 472 423 461 552 631 577 333 256 206 140 69 63 7136 631 16 62 186 349 514 568 463 451 461 473 453 416 511 573 553 403 242 176 142 71 49 7166 573 16 61 176 347 512 506 456 437 467 504 469 447 496 562 589 376 272 170 155 99 45 7213 589 17 61 194 333 488 520 499 18 DAYS Counted 8 HOURS Counted 167 16 AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURS (Axle Factored, Mon 6AM to Fri Noon) 55 179 336 494 519 452 423 440 464 425 427 498 570 553 350 234 170 134 WEEKDAYS WEEKDAY AVERAGE WEEKDAY Axle Adj. Sea~nal/VVeekday Counted Hours High Hour % of day F~tor Adjustment Factor 5 101 570 8% 0.973 0.870 ADT 73 49 6906 ESTIMATED (one way) AADT 7938 ROUTE #NY 25 ROAD NAME: FROM: SOUTH JAMESPORT AVE I MANOR TO: SOUND AVE MAIN RD MA;; m; UCK COUNTY: Suffolk STATION: 070047 STATE DIR CODE: 2 PLACEMENT: BET S JAMESPORT & SOUND DATE OF COUNT: 03J23/2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP; Matfiluck 28104 File: Admin/Repons/TlS.doc Accident Data I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Page 1 of 4 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Rcf. Marker: 25 07041528 Streel: Main Rd AT INTERSECTION WITH Facto~ Ave 911/2006 Fri 12:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2006-31934485 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicyole: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :1 CARNAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3955 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 70 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Prs~Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registamd Weight: 3030 Num of Occupants: 1 DHver's Age: 20 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: Street: Factory Ave AT INTERSECTION WITH Sound Ave 2/912007 Fri 15:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Veh :1 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007-32103595 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 1 Type Of Accident: COLL. W/LIGHT SUPPORT/UTILITY POLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4235 Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 65 Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: N Prs-Accd Action: AVOIDING OBJECT IN ROADWAY Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N County:Suffolk Muni:Southold(T) Re[ Marker: Street: FactoryAve 140 Meters North of Main Rd 6114/2007 Thu 14:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007-32258070 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx Page 2 of 4 Dale: 01/25/I( Pag¢:l 1/25/2010 I ! I I I I I I ! I I I I ! I I I I I 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: SoutholdIT) Ref. Marker: S~reet: Factory Ave ***** CONTINUED Veh :1 CARNANIPICKUP Registered Weight: 3582 Nom of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 61 Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN Veh :2 State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N OTHER Registered Weight: State of Registration: Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 87 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: SOUTH-WEST Public Properly Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni:Southold(T) Re£ Marker: Strut:FACTORY AVE 15 Meters Noah of [Route] 25 512012009 Wed 16:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Extent of Injuries: Case: 2009-330754fi3 Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Traffic Control: NONE Weather: CLEAR Veh :1 Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT/GRADE Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3610 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 3 Driver's Age: 56 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Pmperfy Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: STARTING FROM PARKING Apparent Factors: BACKING UNSAFELY, UNKNOWN Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2754 Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 41 Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 2507041528 Sheet: [Route] 25 AT [NTERSECTION WITH FACTORY AVE 611/2009 Men 19:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: I Extent of Injuries: C Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Case: 2009-33109956 Num of Veh: 2 Veh :1 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2756 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 48 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: STOPPED IN TRAFFIC Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Page 3 of 4 Date: 01/25/1( https://alis.dmv.statc.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 Count~:Suffolk Mtmi:Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041528 Street: ]Route]25 ***** CONTINUED Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2875 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 34 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre~Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNSAFE SPEED Couniy: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Eel, Marker: Street: FACTORY AVE 152 Meters North of [Route] 25 812912009 Sat 12:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Manner of Collision: REAR END Road Surface Condition: WET Road Char.: STRAIGHT/GRADE Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of PedlBicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4178 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupant~: 1 Driver's Age: 26 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: NOT APPLICABLE, UNKNOWN Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4236 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 26 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Propelly Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: PAVEMENT SLIPPERY, FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2009-33153983 Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Traffic Control: NONE Weather: RAIN Page 4 of 4 https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I 4909 Marlene Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Page 1 of 2 4909 Marlene Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Legend A ~oidlnt ~r~t II ~;po~ SHIELD ,~ ~,$tJt~i~ ~ Hydrography Z Publ]o Scho~ ~ City https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I ! I I ! I I I I I 4909 Marlene Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Marlene Rd from Peeonie Bay BIvd to Main Rd Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041528 Street: Main Rd AT INTERSECTION WITH Marlene Ln 6/21/2007 Thu Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007-32306890 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: UNKNOWN Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: UNKNOWN Road Surfaco Condition: UNKNOWN Road Char.: UNKNOWN Light Condition: UNKNOWN Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3069 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 46 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: UNKNOWN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN Page 2 of 2 Date: 01/25/1( Page: I Veh :2 CARJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 5482 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: t Driver's Age: 38 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN https://alis.dmv.statc.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/2 5/2 010 I I I ! I I I I I I I i ! I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Page I of 8 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Page 2 of 8 Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Da,e: Accident Verbal Description Report Page: 4909 NYS 25 fram Old Main to Bay Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041526 Street: Main Rd AT INTERSECTION WITH Old Main Rd 10/21/2006 Sat 15:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2006-31982847 Accident Cia,ss: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char,: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicyc!e: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3404 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 50 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: NOT APPLICABLE, UNKNOWN Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2549 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 27 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Rcf. Marker: 25 07041526 Street: Main Rd AT INTERSECTION WITH Old Main Rd 10113/2006 Fit 16:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2006-31982925 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: OTHER Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3049 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 56 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY, UNKNOWN Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: State of Registration: NJ Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 25 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, REACTION TO OTHER UNINVOLVED VEHICL County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041528 Street: MAiN RD 96 Meters North of OLD MAIN RD 6/28/2008 Sat 16:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 3 Extent of Injuries: BBC Case: 2008-32072716 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County:Suffolk Muni:Soulhold{T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041528 Street: MAIN RD ***** CONTINUED Veh :1 CARJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3247 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 20 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: DRIVER INATTENTION, FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY Veh :2 CARNAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 5500 Num of Occupants: 3 Driver's Age: 58 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Properly Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) R¢£ Marker: 25 07041528 Street: Main Rd AT INTERSECTION WITH Marlene Ln 6/2'112007 Veh :1 Veh :2 State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation issued: N School Bus Involved: N State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Thu Persons Killed: 0 Pemons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007-32306890 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: UNKNOWN Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: UNKNOWN Road Surface Condition: UNKNOWN Road Char.: UNKNOWN Light Condition: UNKNOWN Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3069 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: I Drivels Age: 46 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pra-Accd Action: UNKNOWN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 5482 State of Registration: NY Nom of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 38 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Reft Marker: 25 07041528 Street: Main Rd AT FNTERSECTION WITH Factory Ave 911/2006 Fri 12:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Extent of Injuries: Casa: 2006-31934485 Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Weather: CLEAR Veh :1 Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3955 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 70 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Page 3 of 8 Date: 01/25/1{ https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 NYS 25 from Old Mnin to Bay Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 2507041528 Street: Main Rd ***** CONTINUED Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3030 Num of Occupants: I Dr~ver's Age: 20 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Page 4 of 8 Date: 01/25/1( Page:? CounVj: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041528 AT INTERSECTION WITH FACTORY AVE 61112000 Veh :1 Street: [Route] 25 Men 19:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2009-33109956 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Peal/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2756 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 48 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: STOPPED IN TRAFFIC Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 28?5 Num of Occupants: 1 Ddver's Age: 34 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNSAFE SPEED State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) ReE Marker:2507041529 AT INTERSECTION WITH SIGSBEE RD 711 612000 Veh :1 Street: [Route] 25 Fri 21:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 4 Extent of Injuries: CCCC Case: 2~08-32693416 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: State of Registration: NJ Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 44 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: SOUTH-WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY Veh :2 CARJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3951 Num of Occupants: 4 Driver's Age: 47 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 0 I, 2006 - Aug 3 I, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Soulhold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041529 Sweet: [Route] 25 30 Meters North of Factory Ave 912/2008 Tue 17:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Cane: 2008-32793825 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :2 CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3792 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 47 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: STOPPED IN TRAFFIC Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN Page 5 of 8 Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3451 Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 44 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: GLARE, DRIVER tNA'I-rENTION State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N County: Suffolk Muni: Soulhold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041529 Street: [Route] 25 37 Meters South of MARLENE LN 511712008 Sat 21:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: I Veh :2 Extent of Injuries: A Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH PEDESTRIAN Manner of Collision: OTHER Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: PED/BICYCLIST NOT AT INTERSECTION PEDESTRIAN Registered Weight: Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 14 Direction of Travel: NOT APPLICABLE Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: NOT APPLICABLE Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, PEDESTRIAN'S ERRORJCONFUSION Case: 2008-32639990 Police Agency: Num of Veh: 1 Traffic Control: NONE Weather: CLEAR Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Action of Ped/Bicycie: CROSSING State of Registration: Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Veh :1 CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4221 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 69 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, NOT APPLICABLE State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Counry: Suffolk 11122/2008 Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041530 Street: MAIN RD Sat 15:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: I Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2008-32847453 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 1 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH DEER Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char,: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport aspx /25/2010 I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 NYS 25 from Old Msia to Bay Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV ig only available thru 8/31/2009 Couniy: Suffolk Mtmi: Soulhold(T) Ref. Marker: 2507041530 Street: MA[N RD Veh: 1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 5701 Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 47 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre~Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: ANIMAL'S ACTION, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Page 6 of 8 Date: 01/25/1( Page: County: Suffolk Mtmi: Sou[hold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041530 Sweet: Main Rd AT INTERSECTION WITH Bay Ave 4J14/2007 Sat 18:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Accident Class: NON-REPORTABLE Police Agency: Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Manner of Collision: RIGHT TURN (AGAINST OTHER CAR) Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Loc. of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :2 TRUCK Registered Weight: 80000 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 44 Sex: M Citation Issued: Y Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING RIGHT TURN Apparent Factors: OTHER LIGHTING DEFECTS, UNKNOWN Case: 2007-32175786 Num of Veh: 2 Traffic Control: NONE Weather: CLOUDY Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Veh: 1 CARNAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3197 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 27 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, PASSING OR LANE USAGE IMPROPERLY County: Suffolk 711812009 Veh :2 Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041530 Street: MAIN RD Sat 12:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2009-33165762 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh; 3 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3757 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 3 Driver's Age: 34 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: NOT APPLICABLE, UNKNOWN Veh: 1 CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3028 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 56 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY, DRIVER INATTENTION https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapRcport aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01~ 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Soulhold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041530 Street; MAIN RD Veh :3 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3157 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 82 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, NOT APPLICABLE State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Page 7 of 8 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Rcf. Marker: 25 07041530 62 Meters Norlh of Marlenc Ln 9/25/2008 Veh :2 Street: STATE HWY 25 Thu 18:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2008-32774770 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Loc, of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2528 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 67 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY, UNKNOWN Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2548 Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 54 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING RIGHT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sox: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) ReE Marker: 25 07041530 Street: Main Rd AT INTERSECTION WITH Bay Ave 811512007 Wed 13:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Pemons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007.32326154 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: STOP SIGN Manner of Collision: RIGHT ANGLE Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycio: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3075 State of RegistTation: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 20 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pro-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY, UNKNOWN Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3647 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 52 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N https://alis.dmv,state.ny,us/lcsqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni:Southold{T) Ret~ Marker: 25 07041531 Street: [Route]25 54 Meters South of BAY AVE 7/312008 Thu 11:01 AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 2 Extent of Injuries: CC Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: Veh :2 Case: 2008-32707379 Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: UNKNOWN Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE OTHER Registered Weight: State of Registration: AL Veh :1 Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 25 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Pmperb/Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: NOT APPLICABLE, UNKNOWN CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2239 Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 16 Direction of Travel: SOUTH-EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY, UNKNOWN Sex: F Citation Issued: Y School Bus Involved: N State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: Y School Bus Involved: N Page 8 of 8 Date: 01/25/1( County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041531 207 Meters North of MARLENE LN 11125/2007 Sun 12:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Veh :2 Veh :1 Street: [Route] 25 Persons Injured: I Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2007-324448tl Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char,: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc, of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Peal/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3986 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 53 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3027 Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 82 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factom: DRIVER iNATTENTION, FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lcsqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Page I of 6 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Legend r/ Southoid & o https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Bird to Main Rd Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 2507041529 Street: Main Rd 3 Meters No,Ih of Sigsbee Rd 1011812006 Wed 12:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Pemons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2006-31982930 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3417 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 56 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Properly Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: OTHER Apparent Factors: NOT APPLICABLE, NOT APPLICABLE Page 2 of 6 Date: 01/25/1( Page: I Veh :1 CARNAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3140 Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Ago: 22 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: DRIVER INATTENTION, NOT APPLICABLE State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: Street: Sigsbee Rd 406 Meters North of Peconlc Bay Bird 12/4/2006 Mon 04:01 AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Veh :1 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2006-32075753 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: RAIN Road Surface Condition: WET Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Loc, of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3961 Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: PARKED Apparent Factors: NOT APPLICABLE, NOT APPLICABLE State of Registration: NY Sex: Citation Issued: School Bus Involved: N Veh :2 OTHER Registered Weight: Num of Occupants: 0 Direction of Trevet: UNKNOWN Pre-Accd Action: UNKNOWN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: Driver's Age: Sex: Citation Issued: Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Rcf. Marker: 25 07041529 Street: MAIN RD 3 Meters North of SIGSBEE RD '10114/2007 Sun 15:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007-32428788 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Corlision: REAR END Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE https://alis.dmv.state.ny,us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Bird to Main Rd Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 3 I, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041529 Street: MAIN RD ***** CONTINUED Veh :1 CARNAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2735 Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 19 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Page 3 of 6 Date: 01/25/1{ Page:; Veh :2 OTHER Registered Weight: State of Registration: Num of Occupants: 0 Ddver's Age: Sex: Citation Issued: Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041529 685 Meters North of PECONIC BAY BLVD 1111612007 Vri 17:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Veh :1 Street: SIGSBEE RD Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007-32427238 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 1 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH DEER Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char,: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4423 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 3 Driver's Age: 30 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pra-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: ANIMAL'S ACTION, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Rcf. Marker 25 07041529 3 Meters North of SIGSBEE RD '12/18/2007 Tue 12:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Veh :2 Persons Injured: 2 Extent of Injuries: CC Case: 2007-32480637 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char,: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycts: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 17950 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 27 Sex: M Citation Issued: Y Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pra-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4357 Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 38 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N htlps://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Sigsbee Rd froro Peconic Bay Bird to Main Rd Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Coroplete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 Couniy:Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041529 Street: MAIN RD 3 Meters North of SIGSBEE RD 5/1012000 Sat 17:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2008-32644433 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Sicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3071 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 3 Driver's Age: 57 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2864 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 35 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Regis~'ation: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041529 Street: MAIN RD 3 Meters North of SIGSBEE RD 5/1112008 Sun 15:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2008-32~32 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: RIGHT ANGLE Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3991 State of Regisffation: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 64 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, NOT APPLICABLE Veh :1 CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2950 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 67 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES DISREGARDED, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) ReE Marker: 25 07041529 Street: MAIN RD 3 Meters North of SIGSBEE RD 6~30~2008 Men 10:01 AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2008-32672712 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: RIGHT ANGLE Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapRcport aspx Page 4 of 6 Date: 01/25/1( 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Repor~ 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041529 Street: MAIN RD ***** CONTINUED Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3925 Nurs of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 79 Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Darsage: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING RIGHT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Page 5 of 6 Dale: 01/25/1( Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: Nurs of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 24 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Darsage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: MA Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041529 AT FNTERSECTION WITH SIGSBEE RD 711812008 Veh :1 Street: [Route[ 25 gri 21:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 4 Extent of Injuries: CCCC Case: 2008-32693416 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Loc. of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: State of Registration: NJ Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 44 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: SOUTH-WEST Public Property Darsage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY Veh :2 CARNAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3951 Num of Occupants: 4 Driver's Age: 47 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Darsage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Invctved: N County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 609 Meters North of Peconic Bay BIvd 1/4/2009 Veh: 1 Street: SIGSBEE RD Sat 16:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2009-33133878 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: Nuts of Veh: 1 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH BICYCLIST Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycta: PED/BICYCLIST NOT AT INTERSECTION Action of Pad/Bicycle: CROSSING CARJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2908 State of Registration: NY Nurs of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 67 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: NORTH-WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, TURNING IMPROPER https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lcsqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I i 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 Couniy: Suffolk Muni:Southold(T) Ref. Marker: Street: SIGSBEE RD ***** CONTINUED Veh :2 BICYCLE Registered Weight: State of Registration: Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 50 Sex: M Direction of Travel: NORTH-WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, PEDESTRIAN'S ERROR/CONFUSION https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx Page 6 of 6 Dale: 01/25/1( Page:f Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I ! I ! I I I i I I I I NP: Mattituck 28104 File: A d min/Re[x~r~ s/T[S doc Intersection Capacity Analyses I I I I I ! I ! ! I I I I I I I I I I NP: Malliluck 28104 File: Admin/Rep<~r~s/TIS.doc NYS Route 25 Main Road At Factory Avenue I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: Mattituck 281{M File: Admin~epons/TIS doc 2009 Existing Condition I I ! ! I i I I I I I I I I I I ! I I Analyst VC Agency or Co, Dunn Engineering Asscciates Date Performed 1/26/2010 Time Period Weekday AM Peak Volume and Timln Lane Group Capacity Intersection Delay 24.2 SHORT REPORT Site Information Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Road at Facto~y/Slgsbee CBD or Similar NYSDOT 2010 Existing intersection LOS SB 116 238 0.49 O, 16 4O, 0 0.11 1.6 1.0~0 41.6 D 40.7 D C Generated: 2/212010 9;56 AM i I I I I I I I I I I I I i ! I I I Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination Intersection Delay 27,3 Intersection LOS SB 113 174 0.65 0.11 44.5 0.23 8,3 1.000 52.7 D 49.7 D C HCS+TM Version 5 3 ! I I ! I I I I I I i I I i I I I I I Analyst Agency or Co. Date Performed Time Pedod Volume and Tlmln VC Dunn Engineering Associates 1/26/2010 Saturday Midday Peak EB SHORT REPORT Site Information Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year WB Number of Lanes Lane Group Volume (vph) % Heavy Vehicles PHF Pretimed/Actuated (P/A) Sta~tup Lost Time Extension of Effective Green Arriva~ Type Unit Extension Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume Lane Width Parking/Grade/Parking Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour Minimum Pedestrian Time EW Perm G= 48.0 5 03 04 Main Road at Factoo//Sigsbee CBD or Similar NYSDOT 2009 Existing NB t0.0 G = 17.0 Timing 5 5 Duration = 0.25 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB Adjusted Flow Rate Lane Group Capacity v/c Ratio Green Ratio Uniform Delay d~ Delay Factor k Incremental Delay d2 PF Factor Control Delay Lane Group LOS Approach Delay 18.9 28.4 Approach LOS B C Intersection Delay 26.3 Intersection LOS 07 G = 10.0 5 hC= 105.0 SB O8 NB SB 111 251 ~44 ~16 39. 7 0.11 1.2 1.000 41.0 D 46.5 40.8 D D C Generated: 2/2/2010 9:57AM ! ! ! 2012 No-Build Condition* I I I i I I I I I I i I I I I I *INCLUDES: 1. An increase in traffic volumes of 2.0% per year to account for normal background growth, 2. The traffic estimated to be generated by the two other developments in the vicinity of the site. NP: Mallituck 28104 File: Admin/Rep~)ns/T]S doc I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Analyst VC Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Date Performed 1/26/2010 Time Period Weekday AM Peak Volume end Tlmlm SHORT REPORT Site Information Intersection Area Type Judsdicfion Analysis Year Main Road at Factory/Sigsbee CBD or Similar NYSDOT 2012 No Build Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination Intersection Delay 26.7 Ccpydghl O 2007 University of FIodda, All Rights Rssen/ed Intersection LOS SB 122 238 1.000 42. I D D C Gensmte~2/2/2010 9:59AM I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G~,~r&; ;~;oh,~atlon Analyst VC Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Date Performed 1/26/2010 Time Pedod Weekday PM Peak Volume and Tiff SHORT REPORT Site Information Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Road at Factory/Sigsbee CBD or Similar NYSDOT 2012 No Build Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination Intemection Delay 35.7 Intersection LOS SB ~26 1.000 56.2 E 52.0 D D Generated: 2/2~010 10:~AM I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I General Information Analyst VC Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Date Performed 1/26/2010 Time Period Saturday Midday Peak intersection Delay 29.9 SHORT REPORT Site Information Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Road at Factory/Sigsbee CBD or Similar NYSDOT 2012 No Build Intersection LOS SB 118 251 0.47 0.16 39.9 0.11 1.4 41.3 D 41.2 D C Genecate(l: 2/2/2010 1001 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2012 Build Condition* *INCLUDES: 1. An increase in traffic volumes of 2.0% per year to account for normal background growth. 2. The traffic estimated to be generated by the two other developments in the vicinity of the site. 3. The traffic generated by the proposed development. NP: Mattituck 28104 File: Admin/Repo. s/TlS doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I General Information Analyst VC Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Date Performed 1/26/2010 Time Period Weekday AM Peak SHORT REPORT Site Information Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Road at Factory/Sigsbee CBD or Similar NYSDOT 2012 Buik~ = 0.25 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination Intersection Delay 27.3 intersection LOS 105.0 SB 238 0.51 0.16 40.2 O. 12 1.9 I. ~00 42.1 D 41.1 D C Gefle~ate(l: 2/2/2010 ~013AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I General Information Analyst VC Agency or Co, Dunn Engineering Associates Date Performed 1/26/2010 Time Period Weekday PM Peak Volume and Tlmlm SHORT REPORT Site Information Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Road at Factoq//Slgsbee CBD or Similar NYSDOT 2012 Build Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination intersection Delay 36,9 Co~)ydght O 2007 LJnivemity of Flonda, All Rights Resewe~l Intersection LOS h C = 105.0 SB 122 174 0.70 0.11 44.8 0.27 11,9 1.000 56,7 E 52.2 D D Genera;ed: 2/2/2010 10:14AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Analyst VC Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Date Performed 1/26/2010 Time Period Saturday Midday Peak Volume end Tlmlm SHORT REPORT Site Information Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Road at Factoq//Sigsbee CBD or Similar NYSDOT 2012 Build I = 0.25 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination Intersection Delay 30.3 Intersection LOS SB 119 252 0.47 0.16 39.9 0.11 1.4 1.0~0 41.3 D 41.4 D C Generated: 2/2/2010 IO:ISAM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NYS Route 25 Main Road At Site Access Driveway NP: Mattituck 28104 File: Admin/Reports/TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2012 Build Condition* *INCLUDES: 1. An increase in traffic volumes of 2.0% per year to account for normal background growth. 2. The traffic estimated to be generated by the two other developments in the vicinity of the site. 3. The traffic generated by the proposed development. NP: Mattituck 28104 File: Admin/ReponsFFlS doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I 'I~/O-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information ;ite Information Anal~'st VC Intersection ~fain Road at Site Drivewa}/ ~,~ency/Co. Dunn En,~ineefin~ Associates Jurisdiction Town of Southold Date PeHormed 1/28/2010 ~nal'~sis Year 2012 Build Condition ~,nalysis Time Period Weekday AM Peak Hour Project Description Pro~oaed 7-11 East/West Street: Main Road ~NortlVSouth Street: Site Ddvewa}/ Intersection Orientation: East-West ~Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Ad uetments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movemenl 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume Iveh/hI 648 608 47 ;~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -~oudy Flow Rate, HFR 0 648 0 0 608 47 ',yah/h) =ement Heavy Vehicles 0 -- 0 -- Vledian Type Undivided :iT Channelized 0 0 .anes 0 I 0 0 I 0 .~onflguratlon T TR Jpstream Signal 0 0 ~tlnor Street Nodhbound Southbound vlovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R /olume (veh/hI 47 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 I.~0 1.00 ~oudy Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 O 0 47 veh/ht =ercent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 =ercent Grade (%) 0 0 -'lared Approach N N Storable 0 0 :IT Channellze~ 0 0 _anes 0 0 0 0 0 I ~'onflgurabon R )ela¥1 Queue Length~ and Level of Service ~,pproach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Lane Configuration R v (veh/h) 47 C (rn) (veh/n) 484 v/c 0.10 95% queue length 0.32 Control Delay (s/veh) 13.2 LOS B Approach Delay (sNeh) -- 13.2 Approach LOS -- B Cogydght ~ 2007 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+ru Version 53 Generaled: 2/5/2010 3:16 PM I I I I ! I I I I I i I ! I I I I I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information Site Information ~.nal~/st VC Intersection ~4ain Road at Site Drivewa}/ ~,~enc}'/Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Jurisdiction Town of Southold Date Pedormed 1/28/2010 Anal)'sis Year ~012 Build Conditk)n ~,nalysis Time Period Weekday PM Peal( Hour Project Description Proposed 7-11 EastANestStreet: Main Road ~North/SouthStreet: Site Drivewa~/ Intersection Orientation: East-West ~Stud¥ Period (hml: 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Ad' Jatments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/hI 656 748 29 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 HouHy Flow Rate, HFR 0 656 0 0 748 29 (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- 0 -- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 I 0 0 I 0 Configuration T TR upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/hI 33 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR [velVhI 0 0 0 0 0 33 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pement Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storable 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 I ~Conflguratioa R ~ela¥1 Queue Len~lthI and Level of Service ~pproach Eastbound Westbound Norlhbound Southbound Vlovem eat 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 .ane Configuration R i (veh/h) 33 3 (m) (veh/h) 408 /lc 0.08 ~5% queue length 0.26 .~ontml Delay (s/veh) 14.6 .OS B ~.ppmach Delay (sNeh) -- 14.6 ~.pproach LOS -- B Copyright ~ 2007 UniversKy of Flodda, All Righls Rese~ed Generated: 2/5/2010 3:16 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information ~ite Information Analyst VC Intersection ~fain Road at Site Orivewa}/ A~ency/Co. Dunn En~inee~n~ Associates Jurisdiction Town of Southold Date Performed 1/28/2010 Analysis Year 7012 Bui,~ Condition Analysis Time Period Saturday Midda.v Peak Hour prelect Description Pro/:msed 7-11 East/WestStreet: MainRoad INorth/SouthStreet: SiteDriveway Intersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Pedod (hrs}: 0.25 Vehicle Volumee and Ad uatmenta Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume Iveh/hI 752 594 42 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 752 0 0 594 42 (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -. 0 -- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 I 0 0 I 0 Configuration T TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h} 33 Peak*Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Houdy Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 0 0 33 (ved/hI Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Stora(~le 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 1 Configuration R Delay1 Queue Len,~thT and Level of Service Approach Eastbound Westbound Norlhbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration R v (veh/h) 33 C (m) (veh/h) 495 v/c 0.07 95% queue length 0.21 ;ontrol Delay (s/veh) 12.8 LOS B Approach Delay (s/veh) 12.8 Approach LOS B Copyright © 2007 University of Fled(la, NI Rights Reserved HCS+~~4 Version 5 3 Generated: 2/5/2010 3:17 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: Matliluck 28104 File: A d mi n/R e!m*rls/TIS doc Factory Avenue At Site Access Driveway I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I 2012 Build Condition* *INCLUDES: 1. An increase in traffic volumes of 2.0% per year to account for normal background growth. 2. The traffic estimated to be generated by the two other developments in the vicinity of the site. 3. The traffic generated by the proposed development. NP: Maltituck 28104 File: Adnfin/Reports~TIS doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY 3eneral Information 3ite Information ~nal~,st VC ntersection Factor/Ave at Site Drivewa)~ ~Agency/Co. Dunn En~lneerin~ Associates lurisdiction Town of Southold Date Performed 1/28/2010 ~nalysis Year 2012 Build Condition Analysis Time Period Weekday AM Peak Hour Project Description Proposed 7-11 East/WestStreet: SiteDriveway ~North/SouthStreet: Factor}/Avenue Intersection Orientation: North-South ~Study Period (hm): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and A,~ iustments Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/hI 146 44 0 159 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 I.~O I.~O I.~0 Houdy Flow Rate, HFR iveh/hI 0 146 44 0 159 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 .. Vledian Type Undivided RT Channelized O 0 .arras 0 I 0 0 I O ~onfiguration TR L T Jpstream Signal 0 0 I~lnor Street Eastbound Westbound ~lovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R /olume Iveh/ht 44 5 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.O0 1.O0 I.~0 1.00 I.i~0 -Iouriy Flow Rate, HFR {veh/hI 0 0 0 44 0 5 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pement Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storac~le 0 0 RT Channelized O O Lanes 0 0 O 0 0 0 Configuration LR Deley~ Queue Lem]th~ and Level of Service ~.pproach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound .ane Configuration L T LR I (yah/h) 0 49 3 (m) (veh/h) 1396 688 ~/c 0.00 0.07 )5% queue length 0.~0 0.23 ~ontrol Delay (s/veh) 7.6 10.6 .OS A B Approach Delay (sNeh) -- 10.6 Approach LOS -* B Copyright O 2007 Univemty of Florida, All Rights Reserved Generalsd: 2/5/2010 3:15 PM I ! I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information Site Information ~,nal~,st VC Intersection =actoq/ Ave at Site Ddvewa¥ · .gency/Co. ~unn En~ineerin~ A~;n,'i;tes Jurisdiction town of Southold 3ate Performed 1/28/2010 ~,nalysis Year 7012 Build Condition Anal}sis Time Period A/eekday PM Peak Hour =rolect De~c~i?~;on Pro(.~sed 7-11 ---ast/1NestStraet: Site Ddvewa}, ~lodlVSouthStreet: Factor~ Avenue ntersection Orientation: North-South ~Stud¥ Period (hrs): 0.25 lehicle Volumes and Adjustmente ~leJor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (vehJhI 121 37 8 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF I.~O 1.00 1.00 1.00 I.OO 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Iveh/hI 0 121 37 8 0 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 " 0 ~ledian Type Undivided :iT Channelized 0 0 .anes 0 I 0 0 I 0 3onflguration TR L T Jpstream Signal 0 0 ~lnor Street Eastbound Westbound ovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/hI 34 4 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I.~) 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 0 0 0 34 0 4 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 :iT Channelizod 0 0 _anes 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~.onflguration LR )ela¥, Queue L~,~;h~ and Level of Service ~.pproach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Lane Configuration L T LR v (veh/h) 8 38 D (m) (veh/h) 1434 843 v/c 0.01 0.05 95% queue length 0.02 O. 14 ~ontrol Delay (s~eh) 7.5 9.5 _OS A A ~ppmach Delay (sNeh) " 9.5 ~pproach LOS -' A CopyrighlC2007UniversityofFIorida, AiiRig~ltsRese~,ed HCS+[u Version53 Generated: 2/5/2010 3:16PM I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information Site Information Anal~/st VC ~ntersection Facto~ Ave at Site Ddvewaj/ Agency/Co. Dunn En~ineerin~ Associates Jurisdicfion Town of Southold Date Performed 1/28/2010 Analysis Year 2012 Build Con~ition Analysis Time Pedod Saturday Peak Hour Project Descdpfion Proposed 7-11 East/WestStreet: SiteDdvewa~ ~No~h/SouthStreet: Facto,'~Avenue Intemecfion Orientation: Norih-South ~Study Period (hm): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Nodhbound Southbound ~4ovement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume {veh/hI 121 48 10 157 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -{ourly Flow Rate, HFR iveh/h) 0 121 48 10 157 0 3ercent Heavy Vehicles 0 .. 0 .. ~ledian Type Undivided ~T Channelized 0 0 .aries 0 1 0 0 I 0 .~onflgurafion TR L T Jpstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/hI 49 8 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I.O0 1.00 Houdy Flow Rate, HFR (veh/hI 0 0 0 49 0 8 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 O Pement Grade (%) 0 0 Ftared Approach N N Storable 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 O 0 0 Configuration LR Belay, Queue Lenflth~ and Level of Service ~,pproach Nodhbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound ~4ovement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 _ane Configuration L T LR f (veh/h} 10 57 .; (rn) (veh/h) 1421 697 ~/c 0.01 0.08 ~5% queue length 0.02 0.27 Control Delay (sA, eh) 7.6 I0.6 LOS A B Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 10.6 Approach LOS .... B I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I NP: Matliluck 28]04 File: Ad min/R¢lx~rt s/TlS doc Roadway Improvement Plans 7-11 CONVENIENCE STORE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR NYS ROUTE 25 MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK NYSDOT CASE NO. 01-099P LOCATION MAP SHEET NO. DWG. NO. 5 TSP-1 DESCRIPTION TITLE SHEET TYPICAL SECTION AND MISCELLANEOUS DETA;LS ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PLAN PAVEMENT MARKING AND SIGNING PLAN TRAFFIC SIGNAL PLAN SIGNAL NO 83 6 NYS ROUTE 25 AT FACTORY AVE/SIGSBEE RD MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC PLAN AUGUST 11,2009 DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, P.C. (LOOKING NORTH ALONG FACTORY AVE) CONCRETE CURB TYPE VF-150 DETAIL m SHOppiNG CENT~'~ ~HOPPJNG CENT£E I II SEQUENCE TABLE-SIGNAL NO. 83 6 MAIN ROAD (S.R~. r~ET aa fF ocmm~ LEGEND SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P. O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 ~959 Phone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 AGENDA FOR MARCH 29, 2010 MEETING: Approval of February 22, 2010 Meeting Minutes · EETC Update · Review of STC Candidate Joel Reitman Supervisor's Requests ~0~/~ o ""No Passing on Right" Proposal by Peter Bell oJS~.~cx o STC Recommendations to Town Board & NYSDOT · Planning Board Requests · Current Transportation Issues - Updates: o SoutholdlGreenport Bus Sheltem -Status o Orientation/Interpretive Signage Project - RBA Phase II o 7-11 Project, Mattituck . o Route 25, Mattituc,- Town Study 5J~/'~_~.-,~L~ ~' o Valero Service Station, Cutchogue ~ DO-F- ~r{~S ~ o Crosswalk In Peconic o Traffic Light Request - CR 48 & Southold Town Beach o CR 48 & Intersection with Tucker Lane, Southold o CR 48 & Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Southold o Southwold Housing Project, Southold o Shizen Project, East Marion o CR48 Harbes FarmWinery Project 2'~/~ ~,'.rt~. · Old Business & New Business · Adjournment SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall I P. O. Box 1179 53895 Main Read Southold, NY 11971~0959 Phone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 TO: FROM: Date: RE: Scott A. Russell, Supervisor Town Board Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman January 30, 2010 Your December 2 Memorandum Request This memorandum references your December 2nd and our January 30th memoranda regarding the "No Passing on Right" proposal by Peter Bell. The DOT Regional Traffic Engineer Frank Pearson has responded favorably to our request in a letter dated February 18th. This is a direct quote from the letter: UThere is a sign, "Do Not Pass on Shoulder" in the MUTCD that may be appropriate for the situation that you described in your letter. Please provide us with specific locations that you would like us to review. Please be aware that given the number of farm stands on the North Fork, it may not feasible or desirable to sign every location." We shall be discussing potential locations at our next monthly Commission meeting on March 29th. In the meantime, we would like to reach out to Peter Bell for his input but have no address or phone number. Could your staff provide the same? In addition, do you have any specific suggestions? Thank you. Cc: Town Office of the Engineer Town Police Department Town Highway Department STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE E~UILDING 2~50 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE~ N.Y. ! 1788-5518 February 18, 2010 Mr. Neboysha R. Brashich Chairman Southold Transportation Commission P.O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971-0959 "DO NOT PASS ON SHOULDER" Signs Route 25 Southold Our Case No. 109060TC Dear Mr. Brashich: We have received your January 30, 2010 letter requesting "No Passing on Right" signs along Route 25 in Southold. There is a sign, "Do Not Pass on Shoulder" in the MUTCD that may be appropriate for the situation that you described in your letter. Please provide us with specific locations that you would like us to review. Please be aware that given the number of farrn stands on the North Fork, it may not be feasible or desirable to sign every location. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Very truly yours, FRANK PEARSON, P.E. Regional Traffic Engineer FP:mm ]:w: ewa: Ke: FiN I)'/~8.9U -Signs Locations (INTERPRETIVE SIGNS AND KIOSKS A... Page 1 of 3 From: "Stephen Normandin" <snormandin@rbagroup.com> To: nrbl@rbagroup.com, "Neboysha Brashich" <nrbl@optonlJne.net> Date: 03/11/2010 09:56:26 EST Subject: Fw: Fwd: Re: PIN 0758.90 -Signs Locations (INTERPRETIVE SIGNS AND KIOSKS ALONG THE NORTH FORK TRA/L) Attachments: %PIN 0758.90 Locations of SLgns-ICiosks,pdf ~8!3~B) Neb: Was wondering if you could help me out. See email from DOT below. We need to come up with documentation regarding ownership of some of the parcels where the signs will be located. ! am thinking we will need a tax map of each site as well as ownership from the Town's Tax Assessor's or, ce. Locations are attached. ! will call to discuss further. Thanks. ~P~ ~*~'' Stephen Normandin, P.E. Director, Design and Planning THE RBA GROUP 40 Narcus Drive, Suite 201 I~lelville, NY 11747 Phone: (631) 694-3131 Direct(631) 891-3202 Fax: (631)694-3864 From: Efrain Acevedo [maJlto:eacevedo@dot.state.ny.us] To: snorma ndin@rbagrou p.com Cc: Steve Lauer [mailto:SLAUER@dot.state.ny. us] Sent: Thu, 11 Nar 2010 08:55:44 -0500 Subject: Fwd: Re: P!N 0758.90 -Signs Locations (!NTERPRETIVE S!GNS AND KIOSKS ALONG THE NORTH FORK TRA!L) Hi Stephen, In order to facilitate our review of the subject project, please provide S. Lauer, from Real Estate, with the info. below. If you have any question(s) you can contact me at 631-952-6853. Thanks >>> Steve Lauer 3/10/2010 4:00 Pl~l >>> After our review of the location plans, we have determined that further information on the following locations: 'Dam Pond Reserve: Documentation showing whether or not the Town of Southold either owns or holds an easement on this property. Cutchogue Kiosk: Documentation showing whether or not the Town of Southold either owns or holds an easement on this property. Greenport Kiosk: Confirmation that this Village of Greenport property is considered highway right of way, and that the Village consents to the installation and maintenance of the kiosk by the Town of Southold. · lattituck Kiosk: Clarification on the location of this "alley" and documentation showing whether or not the Town of Southold either owns or holds an easement on this property. Oysterponds Historical Society: Documentation showing that the Town of Southold has the legal right to perform work within property owned by the Oysterponds Historical Society. Southold Historical Society: Documentation showing that the Town of Southold has the legal right to perform work within property owned by the Southold Historical Society. Thank you for your continued cooperation. https ://webtop.webmail.optimum.net/cerulean/viewmessage?r=%3 Crequest%3 E%3 Cmail... 3/15/2010 l~w: _vwo: Ke: VIN o/)~.~O -~lgns Locattons (IN IERFREIIVE SICiNS AND KIOSKS A... Page 2 of 3 >>> Efrain Acevedo 3/10/2010 9:31 AM >>> Steve, Attached please find the PDF file S. Normandin provided us, the file contains the location of signs and hwy boundaries. Thanks >>> Steve Lauer 3/10/2010 8:31 AM >>> The earlier location map indicated that NYS ROW was being used. Please forward the location map that is referred to by Mr. Normandin. Before we can comment on whether the letter of consent from the Village will suffice, we need to have a plan showing the proposed kiosk location in relation to the boundaries of the public parking lot. We also need to know if the parking lot is part of the Village highway right of way. Thank you. >>> Efrain Acevedo 3/9/2010 3:42 PM >>> Steve, As per Steven Normandin's response below, none of the signs will be placed on NYSDOT ROW but one location will be within a Village of Greenport municipal parking lot. He states that they are requesting a letter of consent from the Village, the question we have is as follows: Is a letter of consent from the Village good enough? or as Hal questioned below, will they need a PE? Thanks >>> Steve Lauer 3/9/2010 11:54 AM >>> Please see the attached memo. A copy is being sent to other units separately. >>> Harold Tarry 3/8/2010 2:58 PM >>> Steve, Please note the email, below, concerning a 'letter of consent' to place a sign/kiosk on village property. I'm recalling the last minute problems we had on another project recently and thinking a PE is needed. Could you please advise? thanks, Hal >>> Stephen Normandin <snormand!n@rbagroup,com> 3/8/2010 9:59 AM >>> Manjur: Per your request, please see attached Location Map for Interpretive Sign and Kiosk placement. As you will see, none of the signs will be placed in NYSDOT ROW. One location will be within a Village of Greenport municipal parking lot. We are requesting a letter of consent from the Village, which will be forwarded to NYSDOT once received. Let me know if you require anything else at this time. Thanks. Steve Stephen Normandin, P.E. Director, Design and Planning The RBA Group 40 Marcus Drive - Suite 201, Melville, NY 11747 Phone: (631) 694-3131 Direct: (631) 891-3202 - Fax: (631) 694-3864 Notice: The information contained in (and attached to) this e-mail is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipients(s) named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you received this communication in ? 0 0 0 https://webtop.webmail.optimum.net/cerulearffviewmessage, r= ~A3 Crequest ¼3E ¼3Cmail... 3/15/2010 low: l"wo: lq.e: FIN 013~.'10 -:51gns bocanons lIN 1E,I<~'I~I 1V/~, :51L/N:5/kIND IKIL}ISIq,~5 A... }'age 3 of 3 error, please notify us immediately by reply e-mail, and delete the original message (including attachments}. Notice: The information contained in (and attached to) this e-mail is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipients(s) named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by reply e-mail, and delete the original message (including attachments). https://webtop.webmail.optimum.net/cerulean/viewmessage?r=%3 Crequest%3 E% 3 Cmail... 3/15/2010 ARSHAMOMAQUE POND PRESERVE DAM POND RESERVE LOCATION: HAMLET OF SOUTHOLD, OFF RTE. 25, APPROX. 1.5 MILES EAST OF DOWNTOWN SOUTHOLD LOCATION: HAMLET OF EAST MARION, ON COVE BEACH EXT., OFF MAIN ROAD, APPROX. 0.5 MILES EAST OF CENTER OF EAST MARION OYSTERPONDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY LEGEND: INTEPRETIVE SIGN LOCATION STATE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TOWN RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE LOCATION: HAMLET OF ORIENT, ON VILLAGE LANE, IN DOWNTOWN ORIENT ..';.'RI]a._-- Key Plan LAUREL LAKE LOCATION: HAMLET OF LAUREL, OFF RTE. 25, NEXT TO LAUREL VISITORS CENTER SOUTHOLD HISTORICAL SOCIETY LOCATION: HAMLET OF SOUTHOLD, LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF MAIN ROAD AND MAPLE LANE LEGEND: INTEPRETIVE SIGN LOCATION STATE EIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TOWN RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE Key Plan SOUTHOLD KIOSK NOTES: HAMLET OF SOUTHOLD, iNTERSECTION OF YOUNGS LANE ANO ROUTE 25, OOWNTOWN SOUTHOLD CUTCHOGUE KIOSK NOTES: HAMLET OF CUTCHOGUE, INTERSECTION OF NEW SUFFOLK ROAD AND ROUTE 25, DOWNTOWN CUTCHOGUE LEGEND: KIOSK LOCATION -- STATE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TOWN RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE Key Plan GREENPORT KTOSK NOTES: HAHLET OF GREENPORT, PARKZNG LOT OF ADAH$ STREET,, DOWNTOWN GREENPORT PlATTZTUCK KZOSK NOTES: HAf4LET OF HATTI*TUCK, ALL~Y OFF LOVE LANE, DOWNTOWN HATrZI'UCK LEGEND: KIOSK LOCATION STATE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE TOWN RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE Key Plan Page 1 ot 2 FYI From: Terry, Hark Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 3:09 PM To: Russell, Scott; 'lpevans@fishersisland.net'; 'Al Krupskr; ~/incent Orlando'; Bill Ruland (rulandfarm@yahoo.com); Christopher M. Talbot - Forward Cc: Hams, Peter; Beltz, Phillip; Finnegan, Martin; Andaloro, Jennifer; Lanza, Heather; Randolph, Linda Subject: Heeting with I_tPA Line Clearance Supervisor Hike Draws Meeting Summary with Mike Draws LIPA Line Clearance Supervisor Pete Harris and Joe Bladas performed a survey of the work with Mike Draws LIPA Line Clearance Supervisor prior to the meeting. Mr. Harris, Mr. Bladas, Jennifer Andaloro and I met with Mr. Draws, LIPA Line Clearance Supervisor who was in charge of the recent tree trimming program along the transmission line running along County Route 48 and SR 25. The purpose of the meeting was to review the Southold Tree Trimming Contact Protocol and discuss the recent trimming operations. Mr. Draws explained that the aggressive tree trimming was a result of Federal regulations where he is required to trim to an 18' radius (air clearance) around the transmission line. He indicated that he did not trim to that specification in many places. When questioned by Ms. Andaloro where to get a copy of the regulations.., he responded "that they did not apply to Long Island yet but he is on a 4 year tdmming cycle". Questioning the approach, several examples of extreme trimming of small caliper trees were brought up where the canopy could of not have been near the transmission line. Mr. Draws admitted that some of the trees were trimmed aggressively by the subcontractors. He assured the Town that he has already approached LIPA management to alert them that the Town may seek tree replacement under LIPA's Wire Friendly Tree Program. The program reimburses the Town $50.00 for every wire friendly tree the Town replants/plants under transmission lines. The group also discussed with Mr. Draws that the roadways are a New York State Scenic Byway and that the leaving of the trunks is unacceptable. Mr. Harris requested that Mr. Draws remove the stumps and he agreed. Mr. Harris also expressed that With the stump removal, it would be beneficial to improve the line of sight along the shoulder in some places by removing some of the vines with the trunks. In summary, the following was agreed: l. Removal of Trunks - LIPA (Mr. Draws) will survey the tdmmed trees with Joe Bladas of the Tree Committee and mark trunks that will be "cut to ground level and removed" by LIPA subcontractors. https://webtop.webmail.optimum.net/cerulean/viewiniframe?r~%3 Crequest%3 E%3 Cmail%... 3/1/2010 2. Mr. Bladas will stake locations where trees could be replanted under the VVire Fdendly Tree Program. (Town Board approval (funding) needed to participate in program) _3. Mr. Harris will contact SCDPW to seek permission to replant trees. 4. Mr. Terry and Ms Andalom will update the Southold Tree Tdmming Contact Protocol and forward it to Mr. Draws and other appropriate LIPA personnel. Please call me with any questions. Mark Terry Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Town of Southold Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 (631) 765-1938 M~rk. Terry@~own,southold~Dy. us https://webtop.webmail.optimum.net/cerulean/viewiniframe?r=%3 Crequest%3E%3 Cmail%... 3/1/2010 Southold Transportation Commission February 22, 2010 Meeting Attendance: Chairman Neb Brashich, Councilman Christopher Talbot, Jamie Richter, Margaret Brown, Tom Fox, Jim Baker, Frank Field, Heather Lanza and undersigned. Meeting called to order at 1005 hrs. with the minutes from the January 25, 2010 meeting being unanimously approved by a motion of Fox, seconded by Brown. EETC Update/MTA/LIRR Recent Decision to Shut down Rail Service to the North Fork. A discussion was initiated of the MTA's new proposed plan of cutting service to the North Fork and the LIRR ridership numbers. Margaret Brown briefed the Commission on the press conference she attended as part of the Five Towns Rural Transit Inc. in Riverhead (a handout on the press release was distributed). Margaret states that the first step of introducing legislation for a Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Commission has already taken place. Planning Board requests- Review of Tree-Trimming Issues - CR48 & NY25 Heather Lanza requested the topic of tree-trimming along both County Rt. 48 and State Route 25 be addressed by the Commission, as trimming had just been conducted by sub- contractors for LIPA. A discussion took place with regards to previous complaints of trees along these routes being trimmed to the point of the tree being unstable and the supposed agreement reached with LIPA in the past that they would coordinate their trimm'mg with the Town. Neb states that there was no communication between LIPA and the Town regarding the tree-trimming schedule prior to this year's activity. Neb and Heather will review the previous agreement with LIPA regarding tree-trimming and make any suggestions to the Town Board, who will in turn address with LIPA directly. Current Transportation Issues - Updates: Southold/Greenport Bus Shelters Update - Jamie does not have any update on the project, but will check on same. Orientation/Interpretive Signage Project - RBA Phase I1- Neb reports that he is still waiting for signage input from several hamlets for several months now, but hopes to be done by next month's meeting. 7-11 Project, Mattituck - Nothing new to report. Route 25, Mattituck Town Study Update - Nothing new to report. Valero Service Station, Cutchogue - Heather reports that on March 8 there is a public heating scheduled on the Site Plan. Planning is still waiting for items to be submitted. Crosswalk in Peconic Update - A brief discussion was held on the necessity of the crosswalk- no action Traffic Light Request- County Rt. 48 at Town Beach - Neb reiterated that there was no support for this among Commission members and that the reduced speed limit proposal was submitted to Suffolk County. CR 48 at Intersection with Tucker's Lane, SouthoM- Neb reports that the Suffolk County DPW will take another look at the site. CR 48 & Eastern Long Island Karnpground~, Southold- Nothing new to report. Southwold Housing Project, Southold Update - Nothing new to report. Shizen Project, East Marion- Nothing new to report. Harbes Farm Winery Project, CR 48 - Heather reports that the Harbes' are still proceeding through the process. Cutchogue Heritage Project - Heather reports the lawsuit is still ongoing. Old Business & New Business Neb read a letter from an East Marion resident to the New York State DOT regarding parking surrounding the East Marion Post Office and proposals to change the current configuration. The DOT responded that the town should in turn review the letter and respond back to them. The Commission members did not agree with the proposed 'no parking' areas that the resident wanted to impose along Rt. 25 because of the inconvenience it would cause to the residents that live across fi'om the Post Office and patrons of Angels Store, adjacent to the site. Neb would also look into who owns the parking stalls that already exists near the Post Office. Jamie advised the Commission that the Roundabout Project for County Rt. 48 and Cox Neck Road in Mattituck is still progressing toward implementation. Meeti, ng adjourned at 1 [ 15 hrs. Submitted by: Captain Martin Flatley Joel Reitman PO Box 528 325 Indian Neck Lane Peconic, New York 11958 (631 ) 765 -2321 -home (631) 513-8858- cell jreitman4~yahoo.com Proficiencies Education: Special Educator, Desktop Publishing, Computer basics Photojoumalism, and landscape photography Gardening: Master Gardener Volunteer - Comell Extension Education 1961 - University of Cincinnati, BS in Design (Industrial) 1961 1968 - University of Cincinnati, MS in Education (Art and Special Education) 1072 - Hofstra Univemity, Certificate (Administrations and Supervision) 1975 - SUNY Stony Brook University, Programming, spreadsheets, learning environments (Technology and Society) Experience Gmmman Aerospace: Technical Illustrator: Board of Cooperative Educational Services: Teacher, Coordinator (Art, Special Education, Curriculum), Center Coordinator, Curriculum Specialist. Dowling College: Supervising Teacher C.W. Post: Supervising Teacher Smithtown Central Schools: Instructor (Adult Education, desktop publishing) Huntington Public Schools: Instructor (High School Equivalency) Longwood Public Schools: Instructor (Oil Painting, Crafts course) Smithtown Messenger: Reporter (politics, sports, and general news), Design (page layout and design), Photographer Traveler Watchman: Reporter Southold Recreation: Instructor (desktop publishing, basic computer) Long Island Board of Realtors, Instructor (computer systems), Associate Realtor Other North Fork Community Theater: Actor; "The Man Who Came to Diner" Author: Exploring Long Islands North Fork (A Guide) Master Gardener Volunteer and Symposium Presenter Interests Gardening, photography, writing, antique cars, and fishing. Personal Bom: June 17, 1939 Brooklyn, New York High School: Long Beach, CA College: Cincinnati, OH, Hempstead, and Stony Brook, NY Married: Smithtown, NY - Two Children SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION iTown Hall P. O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Soathold, NY 11971~959 Phone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 TO: FROM: Date: Scott A. Russell, Supervisor Town Board Neboysha R. Brashich, Chairman January 30,2010 RE: Your December 2 Memorandum Request This memorandum references your December 2nd and our January 30th memoranda regarding the "No Passing on Right" proposal by Peter Bell. The DOT Regional Traffic Engineer Frank Pearson has responded favorably to our request in a letter dated February 18th. This is a direct quote from the letter: "There is a sign, "Do Not Pass on Shoulder" in the MUTCD that may be appropriate for the situation that you described in your letter. Please provide us with specific locations that you would like us to review. Please be aware that given the number of farm stands on the North Fork, it may not feasible or desirable to sign every location." We shall be discussing potential locations at our next monthly Commission meeting on March 29th. In the meantime, we would like to reach out to Peter Bell for his input but have no address or phone number. Could your staff provide the same? In addition, do you have any specific suggestions? Thank you. Cc; Town Office of the Engineer Town Police Department Town Highway Department STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUILDING 250 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. 11788-5518 February 18, 2010 Mr. Neboysha R. Brashich Chairman Southold Transportation Commission P.O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971-0959 "DO NOT PASS ON SHOULDER" Signs Route 25 Southold Our Case No. 109060TC Dear Mr. Brashich: We have received your January 30, 2010 letter requesting "No Passing on Right" signs along Route 25 in Southold. There is a sign, "Do Not Pass on Shoulder" in the MUTCD that may be appropriate for the situation that you described in your letter. Please provide us with specific locations that you would like us to review. Please be aware that given the number of farm stands on the North Fork, it may not be feasible or desirable to sign every location. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Very truly yours, FRANK PEARSON, P.E. Regional Traffic Engineer FP:mm SOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P. O, Box 1179 53095 Main Road Sou~hold, NY 11971~959 Phone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 Mamh 17, 2010 Mr. Frank Pearson Regional Traffic Engineer New York State Department of Transportation 250 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788-5518 Parking Concems Route 25 at East Marion Post Office East Marion Case No. 089019TC Dear Mr. Pearson: Your February 12th letter to Supervisor Scott A. Russell was forwarded to the Transportation Commission for reply. This request was discussed during our recent monthly meeting on February 22"d and the Commission concurs with your decision that the installation of a parking restriction at the subject location would not be appropriate at this time. Our decision is based on the fact there is no "underutilized Municipal Parking Lot on the North side of the highway behind the Fire House and the Post Office" per se. In fact, this space is owned by the East Marion Fire District and is used by their personnel. Thank you for your assistance with this request. Sincerely, R. Brashich ervisor Scott A. Russell Town Office of the Engineer Town Police Department Town Highways Department