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Srlu.!...! ~.Y.B.I.l'. h'flll 8007. lO-j)-~I.\I_K"pl' ,,~.I,.I, D..d. ",,,11 C"":ll~nl 'lJ~mll Gt.r)!Or'l ^~lI-lndl\,du.1 'r;!~f~eB6 04GE269
U.S.I.R.S. 9q. /) 0
THlSINDEN1l1RE, lIl,uk lhc~O!('Ua) oi MlI1'Ch ,ni;;'-:LlI hnnureu and fifty-six,
< \' ~
r ,,~
HOWARD H. TE;~RY and JONATHAN H. TERRY, both residing at
Southold, Sutfolk County, New York, and CAROLINE T. R<JlS, residing
at SXeter, New Hampshiro,
i' f the
ii' party 0, first part, and
I~esiding at Southold, Suttolk Count~, Now York,
'I party of the second part,
I, WI1lIESSEI1f, that the part} of the first part, in con,ideration of
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - TEN (tlO.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - dollars,
Ii lawful money of the Cnited State" cd other good and valuablo consideration, paid
I by the part}' of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the 5CCOnd part, the heirs or
i and alsip. of the party of the second part forever,
I~':::/J.'!.' lijj,',U J'I JfHl.ftJ"fA'fMiI'J1ilJ.W'I..V :."set'1I J:Hf1!:I.WIHU
'1 PARCEL I: '
I ALL that cortain tract or parcol of' land, with the buildings and
improvements tboroon eroo~od, situate, lying and boing at Bay View,
near Soutbo1d, in the Town or Soutbo1d, County of Sutto1k and State
or !few York, boundod and described as follows:
BEGINIl.LW at a DIOnUlllont on 1Ibe northerly lino of Maln Bllyvlow
Road about 2400 foot lI8sterly along sald lino from Cedar Beach Road,
being tl1e aouthwester1y corne" at land of Ann E. Davis and the
aoutheaster1,. C01'lWr 'of tbe p1"Ul1..s herein deacr.ibed;. and running
along said nortber1r line ot Main Ba1"i.. Roed. 3 couraes as tollowa:
(1) Korth 65 degrees 24 m1nu188 40 seconds West a distance of 64.4$
teet.. (2) Bortb 72 degreea 57 IIliDItes lID seconds Vest a cl1stame or
367.49 teet; 0) lorth 68 degrees 00 ainutea 30 aeconds Veat a dis-
tance ot 44S.41 t..t; thence along other 1aD1 or the parties of tbe
tirat P IIM;, 2 couraea aa folloR' (1) lorth 27 degrees 2.3 minutes
40 aeoQDda Rut a d1atance or 28.3.45 teet; thenco (2} Borth 62.
degrees .36 minute a 20 aeconds Vest a diatanoe or 175.0 teet to laDd
or MBrJ' L. D~ton; thence along said lam of ])a,-ton, Borth 27 degrees
23 lII1nates 40 ..oonde Eut a diatance of .978056 feet; thence along
land conveyed by the parties ot the tirst part to Frank Stolzer,
South 35 degrees 37 minutes 30 soconds East a distame ot 526.05 teet;
II' thenoe along lam of Shipulesk1, 3 courses as follows: (1) South 56
degrees 48 minutes 50 seoonds Eaat a di8tance or 320.93 teet; .(2)
1'1 North 27 degrees 23 minutes 40 seconds East a distance at 187.26 teet;
thence 0) South 60 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds East a distance ot
204.34 feot; thonce along land at Soawood .Acres, Inc., Sliluth 59
~ degrees 59 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of' 50.61 feet; thence
partly along said land of Seawood .Acres, Inc. and partly along said
! land of Davis South 27. degroes 19 minutes 00 seconds West a diatllQCO
II of 1056.91 feet to the point or place of beginning,
1'1 ALL that certain tract or parcol of land, situate, lying and
being at Bay View, noar Southold, in the Town of Southold, Countr of
I Suftolk and Stato ot New York, bounded and dosc,.ibed as tollows:
L:Bfh4086 D;s(270
--. -- -
BE'JJDrnING at a point markod by a locust post on tho souther~
line of Ma:ln Bayv1ew Road at the northeasterly cornor of the premlses
. described (which point is the ,northWesterly corner of land fomer~
I of Mattie A. 'Ie11_ and now of M'f&rd Mills); running tbenqe aloDg said
land of We1l8 South 30 degrees 23 mlnutes 40 ,88conda '(est a distame
I of 873.40 foeti running thenoe South 28 degrees 28 minutes 30 secoDd.
! West a dllltanoe of 542.64 feet; rwming thonco in a southerly and
southwesterly d1rection along tho line of posts and along a drain or
gutter '60 a p01nt 1otlioh is South 32. 4egreu 4,1 m1nv.te. 30 seoonds
West a distance of 592.38 feet froll the last desoribed point; .-CQIlro
tinulDg theme in a southlJl"ly or southwesterly d1x.ction along sald
i land of Hllls to ordinary h1gb.water mark of Peoonio . Ba:n rwm1ng
th8l!lOe along said ordinary highwater aark ot Peoon10.Ba7. BOrth 66
'! degrees 22 minutea 10 seoonds We.t a d1at... orlOU.80 teet tl>>
Ii land of Mary L. Da7ton; rwming thence along said laDd of DllJtoD
, Horth 38 dogrees 06 minutes 30 aeconds But a d1stanoe- of 20)6.39
!i feet 1;0 a point JIlarked b7 a loout poat on the southel'l.y linG of
:! Main B.,vlew Road; rUDning thonce alODg sa1d soutberq line of Ma1n
1\ Bayv1ew ROM. South 68 degrees 00 Jd.nutu 30 aeooD4a ....10 a cl1atanoe
:1 of 744.94 feet to the point of beginning. ' . ;
i HlliSJS:t;'IlIG. however, to the part1ea of the firat' part aDd' their
'Ii '--ed1ate fllll111es tboB r1ght to. tae use, 1n oOllllilon 1Ath 010..1'11. of a
r1g)1t of way over ..y road1ola7 to be des1gD&ted, b7. 10_ party ot the
! aecond part tor ac4e18 on toot or w1th vehiolea troa Main Bqv1ev
Roall southerly acro88 Parcel II to Peoon1o B~, tor b purpoae ot_
~8B and egreaa to lIZld trom the beaob lID1 Peoon1c BaJ. .
RBSBRVIBG, however. to, the part1ea of the tll'at par' tM 1'1'-' .
to the use ot the dwelling hoaae ClD parcel I abOft deaorUled _ill
.87 lat. 19.$6. .
parti~Ji"J:~~v1rir:tlp= ~gb.':! :~t~ -rllD::'~~::.v;rte~ ~o~
Bay in tront ot and abutting aa1d.premiaea.
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L,Hf;,4086 O\GE271
TOGE'IlIER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and
roads abutting the aoove described premises to the center lines thereof,
TOGE'IlIER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to
said premises,
TO }fA VE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or
successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever.
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.AND the party of the fint part covenants that the party of the fint part has not done or suffered anything
::whereby the said premises have been incumhered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid.
AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of
,jthe tint part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid-
eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply
'the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for
.any other purpose.
The word "party" shalt be construed as if it ftad "parties" whene\"er the sense of this indenture so requites.
: IN WlI'NESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year fint above
, 'written.
-Lvo.w Q.AJ.
a -d.._~ N. ~?
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C'A~~~ "II?~
(L.S. )
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srI... Of _ yOU, _lIlT Of SUFF v...K "'
On the :loft day of March, 1956, before me
On the day of
personally came
, before me
to me Imown to be the iDdividaa18 dacribed in aDd who to me Imown to be the iDdiYidaol cIeIen'bed in aDd who
~uted the foregolDg instrument, aDd admow~ that .pecuted the forqoiDc iDol>.......A, aDd odmowIecItcd that
ffi the7 ---ad the .... ", I... ~Il'v I,t&! the IIIDC.
'5 ~-~'<4o~~, '.. . .
I>- ....... In "'fo. County
,.. '.2~8S..50
_ 'o....~.~ ..,. Mord'l 30. ,..,
UATI Of IIIW YOM. Ca._~.. 011
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On the day of 19 , before me
personally came
to me known, who, beinR: by me duly sworn, did depose and
say that be resides at No.
that beilthe
, the corporation deaen'bed
in aDd wbids ,,"". ._1 the fOftlllUlc b.oh--..d; that be
knows the _ of aid corpontioII; !bot the _ affixed
to laid b.oh I' iI sadl _poe_ _; that it __ ..
affixed by order el the baud of db_ elllid ...........
lion, aud tba be aiped h _ tbemo by lib order.
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On the clay of 19 . befon. me
persoaally came
the snbocribinc witDeu to the U .... b.oh""':'" willa
whom 1 am personally acqaoinIed, .. beinc by me daIr
sworn, did depose aDd Ill}' that be raideo at No. .
that be Imow.
.... ...:....... .
deaeribed in .... who . , die ... _... ..... ' ;
that he, aid ........ -. _ .. _ - .... _
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. aocaIIe tile _; ... ... he, IIid w!Im.,
at the _ time ....... - . h _ u witDeu tbemo.
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County of Suffolk, ~ 58.:
I, ALEX JAEGER, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and Clerk of the Supreme Court
of the State of New York in and for said County (said Court being a Court of
Record) DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the annexed copy of Deed
Howard M. Terry &ors. to Helen G. Cochran with the original recorded in
Suffolk County Clerks Office, Riverhead, N. Y.on March 21, 1956 @ 1:26 P. M.
in Deed Liber 4086 page 269.
,"-""!:/v/ and that it is a just and true copy of such original record and
;:;~)::'-~.~-! of t~~ w;~~;~~~~ WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af-
/.~ fixed the seal of said County and Court this 19 day of Dec 1951\
~ /J
(:7"-- Clerk.
I Restrictionsfor Terry 1"aters
I 1. That only one sinGle family house on a
solid masonry foundation not over two (2~ stories high,
I for private residential use, and a private garage for
the family's use, shall be erected on any portion of
I this land, which portion shall contain at least 12,500
square feet in area. Right is reserved to use any
portion of the property for agrioultural purposes.
2. Dwellings on the waterfront lots (facing Peconic
Bay} shall have a ground floor area of at least 1,000
square feet~ other dwellings in the area bounded north-
erly by Bayview Road, easterly by l~lls and nutzlcr, south-
erly by Peconic Fay, and rrestorly by land of l'ells, shall
have a ground floor area of at least 800 square feet.
3. Ho trade, craft, or business, or commerce, other
than the office of a doctor, dentist, lawyer, engineer, or
similar profession, shall be conducted on these premises.
4. no fowl, poultry, animals, or livestock, other
than domestic household pets, and no nuisance and unreason-
able noise of any kind, unwholesome and offensive to the
neighborhood shall be permitted to exist on any lot. No
accumulation of rubbish, carbage or junk or refuse material
of any kind shall be permitted to remain on any lot.
5. There shall be no outside toilets or outhouses
erected or maintained on any lot. Adequate cesspools or
septic tank and drain fields shall be installed and main-
tained in conformance ~ith the rules and reGUlations of
the Suffolk County lIealth Department.
6. Eo fence shBIl be erected 01' maintained on any lot
:;;ceeclinc; four feet in heicht. Such fence shall be of"
edge, picket, rail or other construction, excepting solid
oBrd fence, and shall be kept in good repair.
7. The proposed community beech shall be restricted
o tl~ use of residents of the area covered by the present
ort[iaGe recorded Libel' 2616 mp 268 on ;"arch 21, 1956,
on Suffolk County Clerk's office, Bn6 the existinG riGht
l' way, until such time BS the roeds (present or future)
lay become public roads, and/or the deed restrictions
erminate. The o,mer reserves the right to convey the fee
o the roads (e:dstinG or chllnGed to meet hichrJaY spec i-
'icat:i.ons) to the Tonn of Southold as a public highway.
8. These deed restrictions shall terminate January 1,
968. Release from said restrictions shall be granted
y the ormor and two-thirds of the property uwners
y number.
9. These r8strictions shall bind the entire tract
f land at BayView, Torm of Southold, Suffolk County,
lew Yor)" bounded northerly by Bay View Road, c8sterly
y lands of 1"ills and Hutzler, southerly by ?econic BBY,
nd westerly by land of V.'ells.