HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 & 02/2010ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TO: FROM: Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765'9064 Telephone (631) 765-1809 Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Leslie Kanes Weisman, ZBA Chairper~l~epartment RE: MONTHLY REPORT for: February 2010 DATE: March 17, 2010 Requires Immediate Attention: Nothing at this time II. Items of Concern: Since the ZBA office is still waiting to hear from the Suffolk County Department of Labor about sending a part-time staff person (to replace Vernetta Taylor), the Chair requested of our consultant Linda Kowalski, that she train our own staff on how to work on required data entries of legacy files which have assigned application numbers and were closed prior to the creation and use of our cun'ent computer tracking system. These files are crucial to the proper functioning of the Municity program. Staff is now capable of engaging in this work on a weekly basis as time permits. The department needs additional staff' ASAP dedicated to this task. 111. Policies: During the work session of the ZBA at the February 25th Regular Meeting, the Chairperson requested that Assistant Town Attorney Andaloro present a Declaration of Covenaots and Restrictions form to be used by her office when C&R's are written into decisions by the ZBA. After discussion by Board members, resolution was made and duly adopted to approve the use of this form as ZBA policy. To ensure that Board decisions are based upon accurate and consistent information from applicants, the ZBA office staffhas been instructed to no longer calendar applications that do not include updated surveys showing both as built m~d proposed improvements. This requirement is now reflect in the application instructions. IV. Financial/Budget Issues: ZBA Consultant Linda Kowalski Billina for February 2010: 8 hours billed for period 1/20-1/31 2010 ~ $248.65 15.25 hours billed for month of February @ $474.00 23.25 total hours for part of Janum-¥ and February $722.65 Personnel Matters: The Chair is pleased to report that ZBA Secretary Vicki Toth's training by consultant Liada Kowatski is progressing very well. Ms Toth is scheduled £or a 90 day probationary evaluation that will reflect her excellent performance to date in acclimating herself to this new and challenging position. VI. Activities of' the Board/Accomplishments: Reeular Meetina: February 25, 20t0, Call to Order: 9AM Adjourned: .>.~'16PM }}~)bJi~g. !4_g~ayj!~s:: Total: 10 Number of new applications heard: 8 Number of CmTyovers fi'om previous hearings: 2 Nnmber closed reserving decision to later date: 7 Nnmber closed subject re receipt of additional inlbmmtion: 2 Nnmber adjourned to another date: 1 N~nllber a~joumed w/o a date: 0 Number of Resolutions passed: 24 Nexl Remdar Meeting; March 25, 2010 Special Meetina: F'ebraary 18, 2010 Call to Order: 6PM Number of assigned draft findings discussed: 6 Number of decisions made: 6 Adjourned: 7:20PM Number of Sile Inspections made by Board members: 10 Municitv Work Sessions: February 2, 2010 (2 hours training and inputting) Attended by Chairperson, ZBA Secre':ary Vicki Tolh, and ZBA Consultant Linda Kowalski Meetin&s attended by ZBA ChairpersoB(a~nd pt!!~rs) 2/15 Attended Association of I'o'ans Annual Meeting and Training School in NYC 2/17 2 hours with Ass~ TA Andaloro 2,24 3 hours with Asst. I'A Staff Activities N~. ~tkt!!12~r Qf.~j_~y~ assisted at tine countel: 55 (Assislaace includes filling out new applications, mailings and postings, providing copies of decisions, Fell requests and other materials, and genera} inqniries) \"icki ']'otln, ZBA Secretary, attended the Association of- I'o~ ns Annual Meeting and Training School in New York City Feb 15, lei and 17, 2010 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hail Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-9064 Telephone (631) 765' 1809 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: MEMORANDUM ? Supervisor Scott Russell ~]9 ~ ~ · Eeslie Kanes Weisman, ZBA Chairperson/Dep~rt'qnent Head/Member NEW APPLICATIONS AND FEES REPORT March 22, 2010 January 2010 Total applications received for the month: Total filing fees collected for the month: 5 $2,550 Febrnary 2010 Total applications received for the month: Total filing fees collected for the month: 5 $2,100