HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/2010Health Care Issues and Services for Seniors Committee Meeting Minutes Date: January 27, 2010 Attendees: Karen McLaughlin, STHRC, GEC, Phyllis Markopoulos, STHRC, Lynne Richards. STHRC, Juliet Frodella, South Oaks, ELIH, Nancy Gray, Private Practitioner, Jay Slotkin, MD, Daphne Shuttleworth, Comfort Keepers, Holly Rhodes Teague SCOFA, Wayne Miller and Barry Goodman, Choice Medical Transport, Pegi Orsino, RSVP, Bruce Petrucci, RSVP, Robin Imandt, North Fork Women for Women, Julia Graziano, Care Management Assoc. TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION Review of Previous Minutes Minutes from 12/16 meeting were reviewed and accepted. Karen McLaughlin Southold Town Senior : Meals for 2009 exceeded goal by 2.8%, Strategic Services Report plan for Fishers Island services is being developed, upcoming GEC presentation on Aging Communities and Economic Challenges on 3/10 at Stony brook, registration info circulated. Louise Blackburn spoke at last caregivers group to discuss the Medical Model at San Simeon and the transition of some eligible individuals to that level of care. East End Hospice will be starting their bereavement group at the senior center in mid March. Interested individuals should contact East End Hospice. Phyllis Markopoulos : Annual visits are up, working collaboratively with Senior Options and Solutions to identify potential mental health issues and refer for assessment. Lynne Richards : Recent pizza party venue changed to Michelangelo’s. Mental Health Integration Met with Senior Companion program, due to volunteer eligibility Grant restrictions this may not be a viable option. Karen will be discussing Senior Options and Solutions potential service expansion with RSVP. SOS Focus group was held, will be exploring a transitional support program for older adults meeting certain criteria being D/C’d from the hospital and ED. Dr Hovercamp is a new psychiatrist who is filling in for Dr. Schlager, he is seeing patients in a private practice in Greenport but is still awaiting his Medicare approval for billing. He will accept self-pay for now…Will be piloting the telepsych program at Dr. Buono’s office. Dr. Gatewood is conducting a memory screening clinic today at the senior center, excellent response with a waiting list. Juliet will be working with the Health Care Issues and Services for Seniors Committee Meeting Minutes Hospital and Karen to formalize a wellness screening and prevention series that will be held on a regular basis and different locations. 2/8 Dr. Barbara Prestano will be doing a program at ELIH on hearing loss and provide free hearing assessments. Next Wellness series 2/5: Sleep Disorders and Aging. Family Service League is currently trying to Robin Berger Gaston will be asked to survey all local churches to determine services available via the parish. join us at an upcoming meeting. Jay Slotkin, MD: Agency Reports San Simeon hopes to open the new medical model program in March/April 2010. He will be presenting at Southampton hospital grand rounds again on 2/4 on the medical home model and mental health integration. They have a residency program with geriatric round. Nancy Gray : Provided info on Healing Touch International collective energy project as well as Tai Chi/ Qi Gong classes being offered. Daphne Shuttleworth : Alphabet Soup is a free insurance counseling seminar being offered at the Riverhead Library 2/4. There is a fundraiser for Maureen’s Haven Saturday night at Polish Hall in Riverhead. Holly Rhodes-Teague : 2010 budget: Office for Aging expects @ 350,000 in cuts. Changes to EPIC, no more wrap around for Part D. Choice Medical Transport: Met with Suffolk County Legislators yesterday. Provides the Gift of life- free CPR certification. Bruce Petrucci : Discussed best results for getting individuals on RSVP telephone reassurance is when community agencies encourage use of the program. Julia Graziano : The cancer support group just completed its first year. A survey was given to participants with positive results. Colleen Merlo from the MHA in Suffolk will be a guest speaker in Feb on Seasonal Affective Disorder. Service Barriers Roundtable Discussion 1. : Yearly assessment of service barriers These issues will be explored in the discussed. The group identified the following major barriers: coming year. Transportation and geographic challenges of living on the East ?? Health Care Issues and Services for Seniors Committee Meeting Minutes End. Lack of Psychiatrist located on the North Fork in private practice ?? Affording Long Term Care ?? Overcoming resistance to care recommendations when working ?? with seniors and their families. Case Review and Collaboration: 2. Deferred Special Guest Speaker: 3. Robin ImandtNorth Fork Women for Woman : Received a one-year grant to explore the health needs and challenges of an aging lesbian population on the North Fork of Long Island. Focus groups are being held and a survey will be distributed in conjunction with Brookdale Center for Aging. Our next scheduled meeting will be 2/24/10 at 1:30pm. Minutes Submitted By: Juliet Frodella MS, CRC, LMHC Director, Mental Health Integration/Geriatric Center of Excellence