HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-143.-3-33.2PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southald, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 MEMORANDUM To: Southold Town Clerk for Town Board Southold Town Engineer** , Southold Town LWRP Coordinator4/ Southold Town Building Department NYS OPRHP* New York State Department of Transportation* * From: Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Date: RE: Architectural Review Committee Suffolk County Department of Health Services** Suffolk County Planning S uff°lk ~c°untT ~ ntl~h~'nT~ Mattitukk ~s~ct* . ~ ~ ~, c_--' AUG - 5 200g August 4, 2009 : ~~' '-'~-~ :- Site Plan Application & Preliminary Plat Subdivision · Request for comments pursuant to General Municipal Law {}239 (as a referral) and Southold Town Code §280-131, and LWRP Coastal Consistency Review. Dear Reviewer: The purpose of this request is to seek comments fi.om your agency. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Southold Referral Page Two August 4, 2009 Comments: It should be noted that in an effort to be efficient, this application is being referred to involved agencies under the general site plan regulations pursuant to Section 280-131(C) of the Town Code simultaneously with their subdivision application for comment. Project Name: J.P. Morgan Chase Address: 10300 Main Road, Mattituck Tax Map #: 1000-143-3-33.2 Requested Action: This proposal is to subdivide a 112,647 sq. ft. parcel into two Lots where Lot 1 equals 52~09.54 sq. ft. in the B Zoning District and Lot 2 equals 60,529.61 sq. ft. in the R-40 Zoning District locate on the south side of NYS Route 25, approximately 133 feet east of Marlene Lane, known as 10300 Main Road, in Mattituck, SCTMg 1000-143-03-33.2d The purpose of the proposed subdivision is to split off the north parcel indicated as lot 1 for the construction of a 4,200 sq. ft. bank with two drive-through bays on a previously developed 112,647 sq. ft. (2.59 acre) parcel. Site plan review is required for the Bank use. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Kristy Winser, Sr. Planner (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: · Environmental Assessment Form (EAF sent only to above agencies indicated by an **) · Application Forms · Site Plan & Preliminary Plat plans · Site Plan(s) (site plans sent only to above agencies indicated by an *) PLANIqI~G BOARD MEIKBER~ KI~NNP-TH L, ~BWARDS GEORGE D. SOLOMO~ PLANNIN~ BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF $OUTHOLD M3~-rt~C ADDR~S: P.O. I/ax 1179 Southold, NY 11971 To~ Ha~ Au~ M~ gd. · Y~ Ave.) ~u~ol~ ~ F~ 631 Application for Preliminary Plat Appr val APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to tb.~ Term of Southold,-lllan~iag~.Board. for~ PREL~ARY PLAT APPROVAL for the subd/V/~/o~ descn~ocd her~ ..... 1. Name of Subdivision Proposed Chase Bank Suifo~ County Tax Map # Section 143, Block 3, Lot 33.2 3, Hamlet Mnttttuek 10300 Main Road, Mattituck NY 11952 4. ~eat Address / Project Location 5. Zoning District L~t I: B - General Business; Lot 2:R-40 - Low Density Residential 6. Date of SUbmiaaion March 30, 2009 Sketch P'lan Approval Date February 10, 2009 Acreage of Site 2.588 9. parcel Yield Lot 1:1.131 acres; Lot 2:1.457 acres IO. Number of Lots Proposed 2 a. Nurabar of Affordable Lotg Required: 0 b. Number of Affordable Lots Propose: 0 c. Alternative Method/Paymenx Proposed to Satisfy Affordable Housing Req uireznenc N/A 11. Acreage of Open Space 0 12. Percentage of Open Space 0 13. Range of Lot Sizes 1.131 - L457 Acres 14, -Average Lot ~ize L294 Acres 15. Private or Public Streets N/A 16. Length of Road(s) N/A 17. Acreage of Road(s) I8, Does the Preliminary Pla~ differ f_rom the Sketch Plan previously approved by thc PlanaLn§ Board? Bxplain. No. 19. In addition to the application to the Town of Southold Planning Board, what other approvals are you aeekiag for ~ais subdivi~fion from state or other agcneles? P}easc list other atapliealioas Which are curr~ntl~dpondh~g involving this project. If possible, please provide applicatian r~fdrence numbers. .Suffolk County Deourtment of Health Services NYSDOT . SRe plan a[aproval from the Town of $outb~lO Plannin9 Boarcl 20. Application comPlet~Lby [ ] owner [,~ agent [ ] other Signature of Prepar~ ~)ate q~/b~ TOWN 9F SOUTHOLD PLANNIN .'BOARD SITE PLAN APPLICATION SECTION A: Site Plan Name and Location Application Date: / / Site Plan Name: JP Morgan Chase Suffolk County Tax Map #1000- 143 - 03 33.2 Other SCTM #s: NA Street Address: 10300 Main Road (Rte. 25) Hamlet: Distance to nearest intersection: 133' +/- East of Marlene Lam~ Type of Site Plan: x New Amended If Amended, last approval date: / / Residential SECTION B: Owners/Agent Contact Information Please list name, mailing address, and phone number for the people below: Property Owner Unexcetl~dr; LLC Street 330 Eastwood Road City Cut chogue State NY _Zip 11935 Home Telephone 917-626-7580 Other Applicant JRS Architect, S~eet 181 East Jericho Turnpike City Mineola State Home Telephone 516-294-1666 NY Zip. 11501 Other FAX: 516-294-1669 Applicant's Agent or Representative: Contact Person(s)* Kennet~h Garvih, AIA Street 181 East Jericho Turnpike City Mineola State Office Telephone 516-294-1666 OtherFAX: 516-294-1669 *Unless otherwise requested, correspondence will be sent only to the contact person noted here. Page 1 of 2 10/05/05 · ,~, $~I~CTION C: Site Data P~opo~sed construction type: X New Property total acreage or square footage: __Modification of Existing Structure Change of use 112,647 m/sq. ft. Site Plan build-out acreage or square footage: 31,/,61 m/sq. ft. Agricultural lis there an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on the property? Yes __ If yes, explain: No x Property Zoning District(s): B - General Business & R-40 Residential Low Density Building Department Notice of Disapproval Date: 03 / 13 / 08 Is an application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals required? Yes __ If yes, have you submitted an application to the ZBA? Yes __ No __ If yes, attach a copy 0fthe application packet· No x Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more then one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area per use. List all existing property uses: List all proposed property uses: Other accessory uses: Existing lot coverage: Gross floor area of existing structure(s): One story single family dwelling Bank Drive-through services % Proposedlot coverage: 28 % (Building & Pavement) sq. ft. Gross floor area of proposed structure(s):. 4,200 sq. ft. Parking Space Data: # of existing spaces: NA # of proposed spaces: 43 Loading Berth: Yes__ No x Landscaping Details: Existing landscape coverage: NA % Proposed landscape coverage:. 72.1 % Waterfront Data: Is this property within 500" of a wetland area? Yes No If yes explain: I, the undersigned, certify that all the above information is true. Signature of Preparer: ' _~, ~~ ~Page2 ofDate:2 10/05/05