HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-123.-6-14 (2)Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Newman Village, Suite E, 2322 Main Street, P.O. Box 2003, Bridgehampton, New York 11932-2003 (631) 537-5160 Fax: (631) 537-5291 Bruce Anderson, M.S., President May 30, 2007 Mr. Mark Terry; LWRP Coordinator Southold Town P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Situate: SCTM #: Daneri L WRP Determination 200 Terry Path (Private Road #17); Mattituck Town of Southola~ New York 1000 - 123 - 6 - 14 Dear Mr. Terry, This office is in receipt of your determination concerning the proposed improvements at the above referenced property as they relate to the Southold Town Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP). In said determination, you state that the instant proposal is INCONSISTENT with the Southold Town LWRP for the following reasons: As it relates to Policy 4.1 .A.3: Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from tlooding and erosion: "Note that the majority of the property is located in Flood Zone AE Elevation 8; the property located just seaward of the proposed house and porch is Flood Zone VE: Coastal Flood with Velocity Hazard (wave action). A recent storm in the area has breached the bulkheads along this shoreline. Two of the drywells fvr the house are proposed in this VE Flood Zone. It is recommended that the structure be located not within the flood zone to the greatest extent practical. SEE A TFA CHED AERIAL PHOTO" 0 Please note that the proposed dwelling is located 30' from the existing bulkhead, whereas the existing dwelling is located 11' from said bulkhead. The proposed development has been located as landward as is practical. During the storm referenced in your comments, the existing dwelling was not damaged. It is unlikely that the proposed dwelling, located 19' further landward and built to FEMA Compliance, will sustain damage from flooding. The installation of a the 10' Non-Turf Buffer will further protect the proposed dwelling by acting as a splash pad for the rare storms that do breach the bulkheading. The proposed drywells are located in the current position because of the location of the proposed septic systen~ These drywells have been approved by the Southold Town Trustees and will function properly. In addition and as previously stated, the subject parcel is bulkheaded. A bulkhead is a permanent structure installed for the specific purpose of erosion control. The majority of this section of the Great Peconic Bay shoreline is bulkheaded. It is unlikely that the proposed dwelling will sustain any damage from erosion because of the presence of the bulkhead. This is further evidenced by the fact that the exisling dwolling, located 19' seaward of the proposed dwelling, has not sustained damage as the result of erosion. Most importantly, the proposed dwelling will be designed and constructed In compliance with all applicable rules and regulations promulgated by FEMA. Therefore, the proposed structure will be flood compliant, whereas the existing dwelling is not. The position you have taken cannot be sustained as no work would be permitted in a Flood Zone thereby declaring every waterfront home In Southold non- conforming. Therefore, we maintain our position that the instant proposal is consistent with Policy 4. As it relates to Policy 6.3.A.1: Protect and restore the quality and function at the Town of Southold ecosystem: "The proposed setback of the new structure from a wood bulkhead is 29feet; a minimum separation distance of lOO feet is required pursuant to Chapter §275-3. Findings; purpose; jurisdiction; setbacks. In addition, pursuant to Article XXIII Section 280-116 of the Town of Southold Town Code, a minimum setback of 75' is required from the bulkhead. Please require that the applicant amend the application to meet the above policy to the greatest extent practical." 0 The instant proposal was approved by the Southold Town Trustees via Permit #6428, and therefore complies with Trustee regulations and recommendations as set forth in the Trustee permit conditions. §275-3 sets forth a jurisdictional boundary for wetlands of 100'. The position you have taken can not be sustained because if otherwise, every action of the Southold Town Board of Trustees would be Inconsistent with the LWRP. Therefore, we maintain our position that the instant proposal is consistent with Pohcy 6. As it relates to Policy 5: Protect and Improve Water Quality in the Town of Southold: "Additionally, if the action is approved and to further Policy 5: Protect and Improve Water Quality in the Town of Southold: 1) Require erosion and sediment control Otay bales and silt fencing) during construction activities to protect wetland system. 2) Require gutters, downspouts and sub-surface drywells to control storm water runoff from all impervious surfaces. 0 The submitted surveys prepared by Joseph A. Ingegno indicate staked hay bales and silt fencing, along with drywells (fed by gutters and downspouts) to contain all runoff from impervious surfaces. Therefore, we maintain our position that the instant proposal is consistent with Policy 5. in addition, the instant proposal was deemed inconsistent pursuant to the LWRP for the application process with the Southold Town Trustees. However, in this case, the instant proposal was inconsistent based only on its non-conformity with the Southold Town Trustee Regulations (Policy 6.3.A.1), and nothing else. in other words, there is no consistency between LWRP reviews of the same proposal. I have attached copies of both these determinations for your records. Kindly review the above information. We respectfully submit that the instant proposal is consistent with the Southold Town LWRP, and the determination of inconsistent should be reversed. If you have any questions, or wish to discuss this matter further, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, End. Cc: E. Daneri w/encl. Southold Town Board w/encl. Southold Town Board of Trustees w/encl. Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals w/encl. D5/29/2007 14:00 76566~1 P~C~ 01 plaNNING BOAI~O M~I~B]~ JERILYi~ B. WOODHOUSI!I Ch~ir KI~HNETH I~. EDWARDS ~TIN H. ~R GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOS~ L. ~S~D To: pLAbINING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF $OUTHOLD lames Krug, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Tcr~, Senior Environmental Plann~ LWRP Coordinator Date: Auiust 21, 2006 Re; R~ques! for Wetland Pernlit for Eugene Dancri SCTM# 123-6-14 MAII, ING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 $ovthold, NY 11971 O~rlCE LOCAIION: Town Hall Anne~ 54375 State Route (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) ~outhold, NY Telephone: 881 F~u~ ~1 2006 Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of EUGENE DANERI requests s Wed:md Po'mit to demolish thc existing dwelling, existing dil~idated ~cees~o~, wood flame siruclure and existing shed and construct a neW 45'X 55' iwo--sto~ frame dwelling with 10'X 46' po~h atuched to the southern s/de, and to install a new sanitary system and detached 24'X 36' gar·go. Located: 200 Te~'r~ Palh, Matt/tuck. SCTM#123-6-14 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 95, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Sontho]d Town Code and the Local Walm'f'ront RevitslizMton Program (LWRP) Policy Sl~ndards. Bs,v~d upon the infmmation provided ao the LWRP Consislency ,,~essmant Form submitted to ~is depart'taunt, as well as tho records available to n~, it is my recommendation that the proposed aetios is INCONSISTIgNT with the deaoted foilowisg Policy Sumdards and therefore is INCONSISTENT with the L~, I Policy 6 ]Protect and restore the quaklty and function of the Town of SomhoM I ecosystem. Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands. Comply with statutory and regulatory requirements of the Southold Town Board of Trustees laws and regulations ,for all Andros Patent and other lands under their jurisdiction 1. Comply with Trustee r~gulations and recorranendations as set forth in Trustoc peri. it conditions. The orog_~__~d_ str~cturo ..~t___hack frogs wo~d bulkhead is 25 feet, · mi~imvm Setback distt~¢e of 100 feet is r~ulred m~rsasst to Chaote~ ~7$r3, Plzme havethe uoolic~t umead thc a~Micsti,o,~ to f~r~her t~ shove Poli~v to the p. rou~st exttut oosslbl¢, CC: Shown Kiernan, New York Deparunem of State, Division of Coastal R~ourccs 05/17/2007 14:53 G317659064 pAGE 02 oFlqCR LOCA'I'ION: Tow~ HM1 (cur. Mai~ Rd. & Younga ~outhold, NY MAIL~G ADDRE~: P.O. ~ox 1179 ~ut, hold, B,~ 11971 Fax: ~1 LOCAL WATEI~'JRONT REVIT~?JZATION PROOI~gl~ COORDI~qATOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To; From: Date: Re: lames Diniziu, Jr., Chair Town of Southold Zoning Board ofAp~''~ Mazk Terry, Principal Plarmcr LWRP Coordinator May 14, 2007 Proposed Wetland penmt for Eugene Daneri SCTM#1000-123-6-14 Thc proposed action has been reviewed to Choler 268, Waterfront Consi~ency Review of thc Town of Southold Town Code and thc Local Waterfront Revitalization l~ogram CLWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, aa well aa thc records available to mc, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is I~CONSISTENT with the denoted following Polky Standards and therefore is INCONSISTENT with the LV~RP. Po~4: Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. 4.1 Minimize losses of human life and struc~res from flooding and eroSlOB hazards. The following management measures to minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards are suSSested: Minimize potential loss and damage by locating development and structures away fi'om flooding and erosion hazards. Move existing development ami structures as fa~ away from flooding and e~osion hazards as ,tactical. Maintaining existing development and structures in hazard areas may be warranted for: a. structures which functionally require a location on the coast or in coastal waters. b. water-dcpendent uses which can.not avoid exposure to hayards. c, aires in areas with extensive public i~vestment, public infra.qtmcture, or major public facilities. c. sites whcre relocation of an existing structure is not practical. Note that the maiorlt~ of the urooertv is located in FLOOD ZONE AR Elevation 8; ~: propel*tv located lust seraward of the prom)seal house and porch b Finod Zone V~: Coastal ~!17,/'2l~7 14:53 B317659B64 PA6E B3 Flood Zon~ It is reeamme~,ded thag &e ~m'e be located not wlthfa the flood ~ne to .,1he ~reaaest ta~n~ [x~a¢tlcaL SEE ATTACI~D AERIAL PHOTO. Policy 6: Protect and restore Comply with statutory and r~g~latory requirement~ of ttte Southold Town Boa~ of D~stees laws and regulation.~ for aH Andras Patent and other land~ under their j~risdirtion 1. Comply wil~ Trustee ~-g~lations and recommendations a~ set fcrr~h in Trustee p,,mit conditions. The ~ro~sed ~etbaek of the ne~ structure from a ~od bul~h~ad iS ~.9 feet: a mlnt,~,,.~ ~eparatton distance of 100 fee~,is reouired uursuant to Ckapter § 275-3. Findings:, purposel ~stli~k~. in addi/ion~ pursuant to A~ticle XXlII Sectlo, 2~1-116 of ~he T,awn r~ noff from all impervious surfaces. Se~ a~6a! photo belaw