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HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/2010021261201'0 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page
January 01, 2010 -January 31, 2010
To the Super isor
Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and
monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office,
excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law.
Account~ Account Description Fee Description
Agency & Trust
Tree Book - Retail
Fishers Island Sewer Distdct Sewer District
Interest Now Account
Interest NOW Account
Building Department Fees
Certified Birth Trans.
Certified Death Trans,
House Trailer Permits
Studies, Reports & Misc Maps
Yard Sale
Zoning Board
Qt¥ Local Shara
Highway Excavation
I 7.95
Sub-Total: $7.95
19 4,500.00
Sub-Totah $4,500.00
1 16.09
Sotid Waste Management
Sub-Total: -$30.00
Tipping Fee Deposit 18 33,427.56
Tipping I nteres! 19 426.39
C G - Commercial 5 57.00
T Tires 6 372.00
APPL (Appliances) 6 90.00
G W T - Garbage By Weight 1 78.00
M Metal 21 181.30
Propane Tanks - Used 1 2.00
R Rubbish 29 8,567.00
Refrigerants (appl) 9 180.00
C Construction/demolition 29 5,892.00
C O N - Concrete/Asphalt 1 5.60
Bags - On Account 14 39,116.35
Bags -Retail - Large 254 571.50
Bags -Retail - Medium 410 615.00
Bags - Retail - Small 216 162.00
Bags - Vending Machine 35 5,832.13
Bags - VVholesale - Large 6 1,202.88
CS30 (Comm Contract Single Entry) I 30.00
Residential Single Entry 7 1,750.00
Resse (resid, Single Entry) 202 1,010.00
Br- Brush 21 841.20
Bags - Wholesale Leaf 361 1,728.00
2010 2 Year 2888 86,640.00
Sub-Totah $44,431.72
Perrhits 2 340.00
Sub-Total: $340.00
didn't pay fo~: sticker 1 -30.00
Sub-Total: $16.09
Bounced check 1 -2,134.80
Application Fees 9 43,088.52
Birth Trans, 1 10.00
Death Trans. ' 78 780.00
Death Trans.- Genealogical 2 22.00
House Trailer Permit 1 100~00
Study Cd 1 1.00
Permits 1 15.00
Application Fees 5 2,550.00
Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page 2
January 01, 2010 -January 31, 2010
To the Supervisor:
Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby cedify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and
monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Crerk, Town of Southold during the period'stated above, in connection with my office,
excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law.
Account# Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share
Alarm Fees
Beach Permits
Bingo proceeds
Certified Marriage Trans
Conservation (DECALS)
Dog Adoption
Dog Licensing
2010 Add'l 2 Year 534 8,010.00
Disposal Permit - Guest 8 200.00
Disposal Permit- Lessee 12 300.00
Disposal Permit - Non Resident 1 50.00
Disposa~ Permit- Replace 41 0,00
Disposal Permit-VOIDED 21 0.00
2010-11 Additional Permit 11 330.00
2010-11 First Permit 37 4,440.00
Contractor Permit - 1+ Ton Double 1 60.00
Contractor Permit - 2nd 3 45.00
Contractor Permit - Up To 1 Ton 2 120.00
Disposal - Agricultural 2no 3 75,00
Disposal Permit - Agricultural 4 420.00
Sale Of Recyclables 7 14.365.10
Delivery 1 150.00
Outgoing Leaf Mulch 6 949.05
SWC (Screened Wood Chips) 7 708.00
Sub-Total: $219,000.06
Credit Card Fee I -0,29
[rom 1/28/010 1 10.00
Other-Daily Cash short 1 -15.00
Short deposit 1 -10.00
2007 Fines 5 500.00
2009 Fines 26 2,500.00
2009 Renewals 14 140.00
Initial 2 50.00
Renewals 2006 1 10.00
Renewals 2007 2 20.00
Renewals 2008 2 20.00
Renewals 2010 34 340.00
Guest 18 540.00
Lessee 5 180.00
Motel 15 300.00
Non-Resident Seasonal 4 600.00
Replacement Sticker 19 0.00
Resident 2150 12,900.00
Voided Sticker 6 0.00
Bingo Proceeds ,~ 33.25
Marriage Trans. 7 70.00
Conservation IDECALS) 16 44.56
Dog Adoptions ~ 10,00
53% License Fee 40 66.25
Female. Spayed 18 135.00
Female, Unspayed 2 15.00
Male Neutered 17 127.50
Male Unneutered 3 22.50
Replacement Tags 1 0.00
02126/2010 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page
January 01, 2010 - January 3t, 2010
To the Supervisor:
Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and
monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office,
excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which am otherwise provided for by law.
Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share
Dog Redemption Dog Redemptions - 3+ 2 90.00
Games Of Chance License Games Of Chance License 1 10.00
Historical Items "Houses" Hard Cover - Retail 1 9.00
"Houses" Soft Cover - Retail 3 12.00
"1 Love Southold" Sticker 1 1.00
Libor D 1 10.00
Landowner Fees 75 75.00
Void 3 0.00
Marriage License Marriage License 4 70.00
Ordinance Fees Zoning Map - Large t 40.00
Passport Fee Passport Fee - Town Portion 7 175.00
Photocopies Photocopies 309 112.75
Returned Check Charge 1 20.00
Shellfish Commercial 28 1,400.00
Free - Non-Commer. 218 0.00
Non-resident 1 50.00
Resid. - Non-Comm. 209 1,045.00
Voided 12 0.00
Wastewater Disposal Distric~
Septic Permit - Construct - Resid.
Septic Permit - Operation - Resid.
Sub-Total: $21,828.52
7 70.00
2 20.00
Sub-Total: $90.00
Amount paid to:
Amount paid to:
Amount paid to:
Amount paid to:
Amount paid to:
Amount paid to:
Total Local Shares Remitted:
Agency & Trust, Sales Tax ............................................................................................................................................ 0.09
Agency & Trust: Sales Tax ........................................................................................................................................ 2,78
Agency & Trust: Sales Tax (Ordinance) 3.45
Agency & Trust: Sales Tax (Tree Book) ......................................................................................................................... 0.69
County Treasurer for Dog Licenses .................................................................................................................................... 61,75
NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program ..................................................................................................................... 15,00
Amount paid to: NYS Environmental Conservation .............................................................................................................................................. 764.44
Amount paid to: NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License ................................................................................................................... 90.00
Amount paid to: State Share Of Games Of Chance License .......................................................................................................... 15.00
Total State, County & Local Revenues: $291,137.54 Total Non-Local Revenues: $953.20
Elizabeth A. Neville being duly sworn, says that she is the Town Clerk, that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received
by her during the month stated above, excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are otherwise provided for by law.
Southold Town Supervisor Date /,..) Southold Town Clerk Date