HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/200909103/2009 Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report Page 1 *- August 01, 2009 - August 31, 2009 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which ara othenvise provided for by law. Accoun[~ Account Description Fee Description Qty Local Share AGENCY & TRUST Agency & Trust Tree Book - Retail 4 31.80 Sub-Total: $31.80 FISW Fishers Island Sewer District Sewer District 2 686.25 Sub-Totah $686.25 INTEREST Interast Now Account Interest NOW Account 1 19.42 PART Building Department Fees Certified Death Trans. PT-HIGHWAY SR.2650.10 SVVMD House Trailer Permits Special Events Fee Studies, Reports & Misc Maps Yard Sale Zoning Board Highway Excavation Solid Waste Management District SR.2130.10 SR.2130.20 SR.2130.30 SR.2130.40 SR.2130.50 SR.2130.60 SR.2130.70 SR.2130.90 Sub-Total: $'19.42 Application Fees 11 37,432.40 Death Trans. 90 900.00 Death Trans. - Genealogical 1 11.00 House Trailer Permit 3 300.00 Event Fee 2 175.00 Study Cd 1 1.00 Permits 89 1,335.00 Application Fees 6 2,150.00 Public Events 1 50.00 Sub-Totah $42,354.40 Permits 3 544.70 Sub-Total: $544.70 free Mulch 13 -147.50 Sub-Total: -$147.50 Tipping Fee Deposit 24 84,924.15 Tipping interest 12 141.62 C G - Commercial 5 23.75 G R - Grass 29 858.00 T Tires 9 408.00 APPL (Appliances) 23 345.00 M Metal 31 576.10 Propane Tanks - Used 15 30.00 R Rubbish 31 13,989.30 Refrigerants (appl) 45 900.00 C Construction/demolition 31 11,822.40 C O N - Concrete/Asphalt 7 225.80 Cc&d Clean Lumber 1 19.80 Bags - On Account 14 44,471.69 Bags - Retail - Large 329 740.25 Bags - Retail - Medium 298 447.00 Bags - Retail- Small 100 75.00 Bags - Vending Machine 30 9,486.55 Bags - Wholesale - Large 1 200.48 CS30 (Comm Contract Single Entry) 3 90.00 Residential Single Entry 6 1,500.00 Resse (resid. Single Entry) 227 1,135.00 Br - Brush 31 6,491.20 Bags - Leaf 65 30.55 (~9/03/2009 Page 2 ~, Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report " August 01, 2009 - August 31, 2009 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27. sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which are otherwise provided for by law. Accoun~ Account Description Fee Description Qt¥ Local Share VVHOLE SR.2590.10 SR.2590.20 SR.2650.00 SR.2650.10 SR.2650.30 Alarm Fees Beach Permits Bingo proceeds Certified Marriage Trans. Conservation (DECALS) Dog Adoption Dog Licensing Dog Redemption Disposal Permit - Guest 10 150.00 Disposal Permit- Lessee 11 165.00 Disposal Permit ~ Replace 51 0.00 Disposal Permit- Res 1st 137 2,055.00 Disposal Permit - Res. Add'l 55 412.50 Disposal Permit-VOIDED 5 0.00 Compactor Permit - 1+ Ton Double 1 60.00 Rear Contractor Permit - 1 + Ton Double 3 180.00 Axle Contractor Permit - 1+ Ton Single 2 120.00 Contractor Permit - 2nd 9 135.00 Contractor Permit - Up To 1 Ton 8 480.00 Disposal - Agricultural 2nd 1 15.00 Disposal Permit - Agricultural 2 120.00 Sale Of Recyclables 4 5,832.01 Delivery 3 800.00 Outgoing Leaf Mulch 45 3,715.30 SWC (Screened Wood Chips) 48 5,339.76 Used Equipment - Swmd 1 6,650.80 Sub-Total: $205,162.01 2009 Fines 47 4,700.00 2009 Renewals 120 1,200.00 Initial 7 175.00 Renewals 2005 1 10.00 Renewals 2006 1 10.00 Renewals 2007 1 10.00 Renewals 2008 2 20.00 Beach Attendant/lifeguards 2 0.00 Beach Daily 236 5,860.00 Guest 69 2,070.00 Lessee 59 1,745.00 Motel 8 160.00 Non-Resident Seasonal 6 900.00 Replacement Sticker 55 0.00 Resident 562 3,354.00 Voided Sticker 10 0.00 Bingo Proceeds 4 34.63 Marriage Trans. 7 70.00 Conservation (DECALS) 11 42.39 Dog Adoptions 4 40.00 53% License Fee 89 149.73 Female, Spayed 40 300.00 Female, Unspayed 4 30.00 Male, Neutered 37 277.50 Male, Unneutered 8 60.00 Replacement Tags 2 0.00 Dog Redemption- 1st 7 70.00 0,910312009 Page 3 ~ Town Clerk Monthly Report Monthly Report August 01, 2009 - August 31, 2009 To the Supervisor: Pursuant to Section 27, sub 1, of the Town Law, I hereby certif7 that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by me, Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold during the period stated above, in connection with my office, excepting only such fees and monies, the application of which am otherwise provided for by law. Account~ Account Description Fee Description Qt¥ Locar Share VWVDD Dog Room & Board Fishers Island Mooring Permits Historical Items Marriage License Passport Fee Photocopies Postage Shellfish Wastewater Disposal District Dog Redemptions - 3+ 3 90.00 Room & Board 2 10.00 Fishers Island Mooring Permits 1 8,750.00 "Houses" Hard Cover - Retail 5 45.00 "Houses" Soft Cover - Retail 1 4.00 "1 Love Southold" Sticker 8 8.00 Liber D 1 10.00 Marriage License 19 332.50 Passport Fee - Town Portion 2 50.00 Photocopies 156 543.20 Postage 1 1.50 Commercial 3 150.00 Free - Non-Commer. 43 0.00 Non-resident 7 350.00 Replacement 4 0.00 Resid. - Non-Comm. 86 430.00 Voided 3 0.00 Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. Septic Permit - Operation - Resid. Sub-Total: $32,062.45 9 90.00 2 20.00 Sub-Total: $110.00 $280,823.53 Total Local Shares Remitted: Amount paid to: Agency & Trust, Sales Tax 0.09 Amount paid to: Agency & Trust: Sales Tax 5.83 Amount paid to: Agency & Trust: Sales Tax (Tree Book) 2.76 ount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses 138.77 paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program 36.00 Amount paid to: NYS Environmental Conservation 1,527.61 Amount paid to: NYS Health Dept. For Marriage License 427.50 Total State, County & Local Revenues: $282,962.09 Total Non-Local Revenues: $2,138.56 Elizabeth A. Neville being duly sworn, says that she is the Town Clerk, that the foregoing is a full and true statement of all fees and monies received by her during the month~ed above, excepting only such fees and applications and payments of which are othelwise provided for by law. · ~-) South(~ld ~rown Clerk i ~ , Southold Town Supervisor Date Date SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 03-01 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 9/3/2009 1631 PAY TO THE Suffolk Cty Treasurer Angle M. Carpenter ORDER OF I $ *.138.77 One Hundred Thirty-Eight and ****************************************************************************************** DOLLARS MEMO 8/09 dogs ,'00 ~.r= =, 05000 i, 5 h ,c, SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK o3-m 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 THE BRIDGEHAMPTON NAl10NAL BANK 54970 MAIN ROAD SOLITROLD, NY 11971 50-666/214 9/3/2009 1632 PAYTOTHE NYSAgriculture&Maskets J $ *'36,00 ORDER OF Thirty-Six and ~~/~~~************************************************************************************************** DOLLARS MEMO 8/09 dogs "'00 i, r~ 4, I:O 2 05000 1633 SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK O~Ol THE BRI~EHA~4PTON NA'nON~J. SANK 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL 54970 MAIN ROAD PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 50-666/214 C ~ 9/3/2009 $ *'1,527.61 PAYTOTHE NYSDepartm ~;ofH It ORDER OF One Thousand Five Hundred ~an~.sH61/ll~****V*************************** *********** __ DOLLARS MFMO 8/09 marriage ,'oosr~3,],· m:O21,1, or~r=r=?m: oc;ooosc;l,r=r=,· SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK O~Ol 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 THE BRIDQEHA~IPTON NATIONAL BANK 54970 MAIN ROAD SOU~IOLD, NY 11971 50666/214 9/3/2009 1634' PAY TO THE Supervisor Scott A. Russell ORDER OF j ~ *'240,832.21 l~wo Hundred Fo Thousand E] ht Hundred Thirty Two and 21/100 ~ DOLLARS MEMO 8/09 receipts ,'00 ~,& 3 I~,' ~-'O 2 ~, t,O r= g,g, ?,-' 0 SO00 ~, SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK o~ot 53095 MAIN ROAO, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 9/4/2009 1635 PAY TO THE NYS Department of Health ORDER OF J $ *'427,50 Four Hundred Twenty-Seven and *************************************************************************************** DOLLARS t~l .~ MEMO 8/09 marriage 0 50[30 ~,5~&ll' SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 03~1 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 THE BRIDQEHAMPTON NAT1ONAL BANK 54970 MAIN ROAD SOUTROLD, NY 11971 50~66/214 9/3/2009 1633 PAY TO THE ORDER OF · One Thousand Fiv 8/09 marriage m:O 2 &~,0666 0 SO00 ~, S h ~,11' SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK o3-ol 53095 MAIN ROAD, TOWN HALL PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLO, NY 11971 THE ~IRII~IEHAMPTON NATIONAL BANK 54970 MAIN ROAD SO~THOLD, NY 11971 8/26/2009 1630 [ ~ **40,000.00 PAY TO THE Supervisor Scott A. Russell ORDER OF DOLLARS August Advance for SWMD 2009~' ,'OOi,&~O"' I:O~ 05000 AUGUST 2008 INTEREST BREAKDOWN WHOLE TOWN BREAKDOWN 53% DOG LICENSE 31,912.72 WHOLE 2.218 149.73 PART 2.929 HIGHWAY 0.038 32,062.45 FI SEWER 0.047 42,354.40 SWMD 14.180 WHOLE TOWN PART TOWN HIGHWAY FI SEWER SWMD WASTE WATER TOTAL OF DISTRICTS 544.70 686.25 205,014.51 110.00 280,772.31 NON LOCAL REVENUES & AGENCY&TRUST, SALESTAX BID SPECIFICATION FEES INTEREST ACCOUNT COUNTY TREASURER NYS AG & MARKETS SPAY/NEUTER NYS ENVIRONMENTAL NYS HEALTH DEPT MARRIAGE STATE - BELL JAR/GMS OF CHANCE STATE - BINGO 40.48 0.00 19.42 138.77 36.00 1,527.61 427.50 0.00 0.00 WASTE WATER 0.008 TOTAL 19.420 TOTAL OFDISTS Sand & G~vel TOTALNON-LOCAL REVENUES 280,772.31 0.00 2,189.78 282,962.09 TOTAL NON-LOCAL REVENUES 2,189.78 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Empire State Plaza - Coming Tower Bureau of Accounls Management - Revenue Unit - Room 1258 Albany, New York 12237-0016 Monthly Report of Marriage Licenses Issued SEE INSTRUCTIONS AT BOTTOM OF PAGE Report for the month of DEP NO. August 2009 $ Check it Cityor Town of Southold County of Suffolk DO NOT WRITE IN ABOVE SPACE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 of the Domestic Relations Law, as last amended by Chapter 62 of the Laws of 2003, I herewith transmit to the State Commissioner of Health a fee of twenty two dollars and fifty cents for each marriage license issued by me during the month covered by this report. Licenses issued were numbered from 47 to 65 inclusive. (I~E license was issued place number in the first space only!) (If NO licenses were issued write "NONE" in the above space.) Make remittance by CHECK or Name of City or Town Clerk (Please Print) MONEY ORDER payable to the State Elizabeth A. Neville Department of Health Signature of City or Town Clerk Date DO NOT SEND CASH (bt~~ O.~ 09/03/2009 Mailing ss Amount of remittance with this report P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 $ 427.50 E-mail Address Phone Eneville~town.southold.n¥.us (631) 765-1800 'THIS MONTHLY REPORT OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED MUST BE TRANSMITTED TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS FOR EACH MONTH regardless of whether or not any licenses were issued. If no licenses were issued, indicate NONE in the space provided for license numbers. The issuance ora marriage license makes you responsible for the remittance fee of $22.50, regardless of whether or not the marriage ceremony is ever performed. Marriage licenses must be numbered and reported consecutively throughout the year starting with number 1 at the beginning of EACH calendar year. Pursuant to the authority of Section 19 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law, the Commissioner of Health has directed that this report, together with any fee must be transmitted to the State Department of Health by the 15th of the month following the month which the report covers. New York State Domestic Relations Law 22 provides that any Town or City Clerk who violates or fails to comply with any of the above mentioned reporting or filing requirements, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall pay a fine not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars on conviction thereof. DOH-963 (09/2004) From: 8/1/2009 Suffolk Town Of Southold Elizabeth A. Neville 09/03/2009 To: 8/31/2009 47 10 Southold Town Clerk Send Copy To: DOG LICENSE MONTHLY REPORT Dept. of Ag. & Markets County Financial Officer LICENSE TYPES AND FEES Total Dogs 1. Spay/Neuter 77 2. Unspay/Unneuter 12 3. Exemption 0 4. Voids red & green 5. Purebred (1-10) 0 6. Purebred (11-25) 0 Purebred (26+) 0 8. Void Purebred Column A Column B Column C Column F # Each Statutory Local Unneutered Yrs Unspay 4 mo. & up 77 @ 2.50 192.50 @ 7.50 577.50 NO FEE 12 12 @ 7.50 90.00 @ 7.50 90.00 @ 3.00 36.00 0 NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE 0 NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE 0 0 @ 25.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 3.00 /Dog 0.00 0 0 @ 50.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 3.00 /Dog 0.00 0 0 @ 100.00 0.00 @ 0.00 0.00 3.00/Dog 0.00 0 NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE 9. TOTALS 89 89 12 $282.50 $667.50 $36.00 REPI~CEMENT AND PUREBRED TAG ORDERS PROCESSED 10. Replacement Tags 11. Purebred Tags 12. TOTALS Column D Column E # Each Tag Fees 2 6.00 0 0.00 2 $6.00 DISBURSEMENTS Local% of 9B $149.73 14. Local% of 9C $667.50 15. Total $817.23 (to T.C.V.} 16. Stat% of 9B $132.77 17. Stat% of 12E $6.00 18. Total $138.77 (to County) 19. 100% of 9F $36.00 (AG. and Markets) Amount paid to: County Treasurer for Dog Licenses ........................ Amount paid to: NYS Ag. & Markets for spay/neuter program ................ $138.77 $36.00 LICENSE SUMMARY 1. Number of Original Standard Dog Licenses: 2. Number of Original Purebred Dog Licenses: 3. Number of Standard Renewals (including New Owner Licenses): 4. Number of Purebred License Renewals: 5. Total of Lines 1-4: 22 0 67 0 89