HomeMy WebLinkAbout35216-ZFORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-34150 Date: 12/28/09 THIS C~TIFIES that the building ALTERATION Location of Property: 22750 CR 48 (HOUSE NO.) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 84 Subdivision Filed Map No. __ CUTCHOGUE (STREET) {HAMLET) Block 4 Lot 2 Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated DECEMBER 14, 2009 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 35216-Z dated DECEMBER 14, 2009 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is OPEN ROOF OVER PORTICO AT FRONT ENTRANCE TO AN EXISTING THREE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to MICHAEL Z HERBERT ( OWNER ) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTI~IT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL C~TIFICATH NO. PLU}~ERS CeaTIFICATION DA'rmu N/A H/A N/A ized Signature Rev. 1/81 Form No. 6 TOWN (IF $~UTHO~D BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 APPLICATION:FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must b~ filled'ia by typewriter or ink and SUbmitted to tho Building Dopartment with thc following:. A. For new bM]dinff or new use: 1. Final· survey of proPeity with alicutate location Of all buildings, property line~, streets, and unusual natural or .. topographic feattueS. 2. Final Approval f~om H~alth Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 form). ' · 3.Approval 0f electricalius~sllation fi-om Board. of Fi~e'Underwriters' 4. Sw.om statem¢m from plumber ceffifying that the ~older us~l in system coa~ihn leas thun'2/10 of 1% lead. · 5. Comrm~igl building, indtlsi!~d buildiBg, muitiPle r~idelloes' and similar buildings and installations, a certificate ·Of Code.Compliant.from archlteot.~i- en~neer responsible for the building.. Fo~ existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-cunformin~ uses. or balldin~s and ~'~m,~, '~,,,a., o o. ·. , . ccurat~ survey of property showing all property lines, streets building and unusual natural o~- topogral6hic ' .2. A properly completed apphcatiou and c6nSeat 'to inspect signed bythe applicant, if a Certificate of OcCUpanCy is. denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. · 1. Cerflficat~ 6fOccupancj - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to'dwelling $2K00, Alterations to dwel!ing $25.00, Swimming pool $2~,00, Acces.sory building $25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Bns~nesses $50.00. 2. Ce~dficate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building. $100.00 3. Copy ofCcrtificat¢ofOccupancy - $ 25 · 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00' 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15 00, Commercial $15~00 [ew Construction: :. ' ! Old or P ~r~-~xig-ting Building: · . . . . Hous~ No. Street ....' - ~' . (chegkone) ~tlth Dept. Approval: nnn]n~ Board Approval: xluest for: Temporary Certificate e Submitted: $ '~_~ ~ Underwriters Approval: Final Certificate: ,, (.check one) Applicant Signature FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 35216 Z Date DECEMBER 14, 2009 Permission is hereby granted to: MICHAEL HERBERT PO BOX 1150 MATTITUCK,NY 11952 for : CONSTRUCTION OF AN OPEN ROOF OVER A PORTICO,APPROX. 5FT X 4 FT TO THE FRT. ENTRANCE OF Fr~NC~L~ FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR.REPLACES EXP. 24878 at premises located at 22750 CR 48 County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 084 pursuant to application dated DECEMBER Building Inspector to expire on JUNE CUTCHOGUE Block 0004 Lot NO. 002 14, 2009 and approved by the dSignature Fee $ 200.00 ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall $outhold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 24878 Z Date MAY 13~ 1998 Permission is hereby granted to: PEARL L F DR HERBERT PO BOX 1150 MATTITUCK~NY 11952 for : CONSTRUCTION OF AN OPEN ROOF OVER A PORTICO~ APPROX. 5 FEET BY 4 FEET~ TO THE FRONT ENTRANCE OF A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR. at premises located at 22750 CR 48 County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 084 pursuant to application dated APRIL Building Inspector. CUTCHOGUE Block 0004 Lot No. 002 13 1998 and approved by the Fee $ 75.00 Building I/n~ ORIGINAL Rev. 2/19/98 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ]FOUNDATION 1ST [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ]FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ]FIRE RESL~TANT CONSTRUCTK~I [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ]INSULATION [ ] FINAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: DATE INSPECTOR FOUNDATION (1st) COMM£NTZ FOUNDATION 2. ROUGH FRAME & (2nd) .FLUMBING INSULATION FERN. Y. STATE ENERGY CODE FINAL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: FORH NO. I TOWN OF SOUTIIOI,O BUILDING DEPARTNENT TOWN IIAL1. SOUTNOLD, N.Y. 1197 I TEl.: 765-1802 BLDG. DEPT. 'fOWN QF SQUTHOLD Di~pprm~d a[c ................... ; ....~ ..... ' /~ - (BUi lding Inspector) ~ PLICATION FOR BUILDING PERHIT ]NS'I'RDCTIONS BOARD OF BEALI'ti ./ ............. 3 SETS OF ~I~ANS~/~. .............. SURVEY ........................ ~/ CDECE ................ SEPTIC FORN ................... NOTIFY: CALL .................. NAIl· TO'. .................... Date ................ ,19 .... a. 'Btis application mist be cot~letely [iliad in by [Tpa~riter or in ink and 3 Ets o[ plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to acim(kde. b. Plot plan g~(~ing location of lot and of buildi,~s on preadaas, relationship to adjoining premises or l~/hlic streets or areas, and 8lYing a detailed description of layont o[ property mint be drta~n on tim disgrtsn ~hith is Imrt of thlb appl ication. c. Ti~e ~ork co. red ir/ this application my est be com~nced before issuance o1~ Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector ~ill~ issue a Building Pemlt to tim aPPlicant. .~ch I~ermit slmll be.kept on tim t,,,~dses available for inspection thrca~lz~t tim ~ork. e. No building slmtl be occupied or used in ~d~ole or in part for any purpose *t~atever until a Certi[icate of Occupancy shall lucre been granted by tim Building Inspector. AITLICATII)I IS tl!I~BY ~ to tim Building Department for tim issuance of a Building Pemit pursuant to the Iluilfling Zoee Ordinance o[ the T~n o[ ,~lthold, Bu[I:'olk Camry, New York, and other applicable l.nus, Ordi,~es or Regulations, for the construction o[ hdldings, additions or alterations, or for tu,~,eal or dmolJtton, as herein described. Tim 8ppljcant agree8 to co.ply with all applicable lass, ordinm~s, building~eed~, ,housing c~de,~ard regulations,~and to admit anthorir~l inapsctors on p~'e~&ises and in tats ~4~ether applicant is ~t~f~agent, arddtect, engtnear, ~I ~'~-~fl~sctrician' pl~ber or Ixnhle ..................... ~.,... ,., ~ ~ )~).~!~.+~ ~ .......................... i, %) C'~'i? *-' r ~ ~I' ?i ~ L ......... ~ne o[ o~er of premises ............................................................................................. (ns on tbs tax roll or la,eeC deed) ' sppticant is a corporation, sis~atore of duly anti~)r|zed o[fieer. Repair ........... Rt~n~al ......... .... Demli~lon ........... Other Nork .~ (to be paid on filing this application) 5. I [ (k~el I ilql, ~kJJler of d~llh~ nolte ............ t&,d)er of dwel ! lng tmi£a on eadi floor ............. If garage, m~Jd)er of eara ...................................... 6. If Ixmileee, c~mmr¢lal or mlml'ncoqmncy, apecl~ [mi:ute a[~ e~tent of each type of use ...................... 7. I)ine[mi(~m of exletin8 etnictur~a, if any; Froot...' ............. Rear ............... Dept~h ................. II~ i~ht ......................... lied)er of 8torlee .................... ~. l)ineneimm of sam atn~ctu~ ~lth alteratiooa or ndditi(ma: Fr(mt ............... Rear ............... Ilepth .................... llalght .................... ltJli~er of Stories ............... 8. I)iuenaicnta of entire r~ mtructlm: F~t ................ Rear ............... I)epth .............. Ilailllit ......................... limber of 8torlea ..................... 9. Riz~ of Iota thmr .................... Rear .................... 13epth .................... lO. I~al'e of P~ir(:hase ..................... liana of Itoruer O~er ........................................ II. Z~a or use dlatrlct in dddl pr~lsea are atctmted .............................................................. 12. Noea prnpa~l ~x~mt~tloa violate any ~ln§ la~, onlinm~ce or regulation: ........................ 13. Will lot be rearaded ? ................... i/ill e~eaa fill be rear. ed f-rem praises: YES NO Nam of Architect ~ .............. . /l .'t./ .. .. ~lreas ................. ' ............ Pl~e No. PI.OT DIAGRAH ~ locate clearly and dlati~tly all I~lldin~, ~mUmr e. xlattr~ or proposed, and indicate all set-beck diraenai~a llroparty IJr~a. Give otr~t m~d block r~er or description eccording to dsed, and sl~3~ street r~rea ami ialicate dmtl~r interior or corer lot. DALE' APP OII Odi,8 IOTED 1. ~l~,Jl~ff~C~ ~'1~'~0 REOUIRED ~ ~Onq~U~I:iETE 2, ROU~d~r~ING & PLUMBING 3. :NSULA'FIO~O~,!S~i' ~ r 4. F~NA[~' '? -~Ni~UcTION MUS~ 8E~ ~ ~0. TH~ RKUIR~ . ~ D (1,~.. .... .~ ........... '-'~ / . / ES~N~~~OR. ,/9- I~ i~ the ..} ............ ~ ................................................ o~ said (~r or ~rs, tad la (~ly ~tl~rl~ to i~rfonn or h~ffe performm~ Lira ~J(I rock md to m~ ami file this al~d icatioo; that all state.nra ~tal~ in this all)licatiim are tn~ to tim best of his ~1~ a[~ beHe~ that tl~ ~rk will be ~rf~l In tim namer ~t forth in the a~l. icati(m fil~ ~)m to I~for~ ~ Ods Nol.~y P~ .......... ew Yar~ '/o~o - &¥- ~/-,z TOWN'OF ~SOUTHOLD 'PROPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER '~'~ FOL~. ER OWNER VILLAGE SUB. LOT ACR., J TYPE OF BUILDING RE$..~.O SEA~. VL FARM COMM. CB. MISC. Mkt. Value .' LAND IMP, TOTAL DATE FARM Acre Tillable 1 Tillable 2 Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland Value Per Acre FRONTAGE ON WATER ./DB Brushland FRONTAGE ON ROAD ~ ,~ "'~ 4~ o House Plot DEPTH / 7 0 ' ~,~ ~, ~ .~.~ BULKHEAD DOCK Total M. Bldg. E~.tension Extension 'l~tensiOn Porch : B~eezewm/ :Garage / .'z t 1t1~9 s"'X 'z. t ~ 1~,$'- ) COLOR ] TRI,M I J I I'll !: Bath Floors Ext. Wolls -Interior Finish Fire Place /Y'O Heat Type Roof Rooms 1st Floor Rooms 2nd FlOOr Recreation Room Dormer Driveway .I