HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-01/11/2010PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Town Hail Annex
54375 State Route 25
(cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Fax: 631 765-3136
Present were:
Monday, January 11, 2010
6:00 p.m.
Martin H. Sidor, Chairperson
William J. Cremers, Member
Kenneth L. Edwards, Member
Donald J. Wilcenski, Member
Heather Lanza, Planning Director
Tamara Sadoo, Planner
Kristy Winser, Planner
Carol Kalin, Secretary
~ ~ 2~0
Martin Sidor: This meeting is now called to order. Good evening, and welcome to our
regularly-scheduled monthly Southold Town Planning Board Public Meeting. Our first
order of business is to set Monday, February 8, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at the Southold
Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, as the time and place for the next regular Planning
Board Meeting.
William Cremers: So moved.
Ken Edwards: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Southold Town Planning Board Pa,qe Two January 11,2010
6:00 p.m. - T-Mobile Northeast, LLC at Cutchoflue Presbyterian Church - This
application is for a Special Exception & Site Plan approval for a new wireless
communication facility where the antennas are to be mounted within an existing chumh
steeple, and the base station equipment is to be located outside the building in a
screened enclosure. As part of the application, the applicant proposes to remove and
replace a portion of an existing church steeple to match the existing church building on
a 0.91-acre site located in the R-40 Zoning District. The property is located at 27245
Main Road on the n/e corner of Main Road and Highland Road in Cutchogue.
Martin Sidor: Is there anyone that wishes to address the Board on this application?
Please step forward to either microphone, sign and state your name and address.
Gre.q Alvarez, Amato & Associates, 666 Old Country Road, Garden City: I am here on
behalf of the applicant, T-Mobile Northeast. As you summarized, we are here tonight
for an application involving a wireless communications facility that is located at the
Presbyterian Church in Cutchogue. If I may just give a brief background to provide a
little bit more detail as to what we are discussing tonight. First off, T-Mobile is a public
utility under the laws of New York State and is licensed by the Federal Communications
Commission, which was confirmed in our submission of T-Mobile's FCC license with
our initial application. Now the proposed bill that we are specifically talking about
tonight is replacing a portion of the existing steeple that is located at the property and
the installation of some equipment. In particular, right now there is a 65' steeple that is
located at the property and the proposal would be to replace a portion of that steeple,
just pieces of it, to accommodate eight antennas within that enclosure. The replace
material that would replace those pieces to the steeple would be of an RF-friendly
variety, meaning that the propagations would be able to pass through that material. But
at the same time, it would also be of a design that would match the existing steeple
appearance, in color and in terms of texture as well. In addition to those eight panel
antennas that would be located within the steeple. Actually, let me just mention the
height of those antennas: 54' 4" and 47' 4" within the steeple itself. Now the equipment
that I mentioned will be located externally to the church; it would be located in the rear
of the property. Now, this piece of the application has been modified slightly from the
original design. The original design had the equipment located within the existing
handicap ramp which is located just to the northeast of the existing church. However,
based on communications with the church members (and we've been working with
them extensively), they have actually asked that the equipment be relocated from that
location further back on the property. So now we are proposing it to be located on a 5'
x 27' 1" concrete pad; basically, a long strip that would be located along the eastern
side of the existing parking lot. And around that configuration would be a 6' white vinyl
fence that would be located around the entirely of the equipment compound, and then
also associated landscaping that would be located to the north and to the south of the
equipment compound. Now to get to access the equipment compound, the technicians
that would be coming out periodically (not very often, but periodically), the eastern side
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Three January 111 2010
of the fence of the compound would open up. There would be two pieces of 27' gate
that would slide open and allow the technicians to access the compound. Within that
compound there would be approximately seven equipment cabinets along with the
GPS. That's the basics of what we are proposing. As we said, the location of the
proposed communication facility is located at the Presbyterian Church, which is
designated as 27245 Route 25, Section 109, Block 2, Lot 17.1 under the Suffolk County
Tax Map. The property is approximately .91 acres and, again, it is located on the
northeast corner of Route 25 or Main Road and Highland Avenue. It's zoned R-40, and
it's currently used as a Presbyterian Church. The purpose of T-Mobile appearing
tonight is that they have a significant gap in coverage within this area, within the
Cutchogue area. The gap consists of both an in-building level, as well as at an in-
vehicle level. We can get into more of exactly what that means, but suffice it to say that
when you are talking about "in-building", you are talking about the ability to make, hold
and receive calls within building, and the same for "in-vehicle" to allow those types of
actions within vehicles. Now at this time we are seeking relief from Section 280-70b, or
seeking special exceptions permit relief here for the application, as well as site plan
approval pursuant to that same section. At this time I do have a number of experts
here to provide testimony, and they have also prepared wdtten reports to provide
further information on the particular aspects of this application. The folks we have
tonight are Paul Gartelmann from WFC or William Collins Architects. He is our NYS
licensed architect and he will be able to speak to you about architectural issues and the
structural issues as well associated with the proposal. We also have Donna Marie
Stipo from DMS Consulting, who is our visual expert and I think she is just running a
moment late, she will be here momentarily. She will be able to speak to the visual,
aesthetic and planning aspects of this particular application. We also have Mariana
Nieto, who is our radio frequency engineer, who can explain more of that need that we
talked about that T-Mobile is seeking to cover within this area. We also have Lou
Cornacchia, who is from Cyanetics Corporation, who is our health expert, who will be
able to speak to those health and safety questions that are generally part of these types
of applications. We also have Mike Lynch, who is our real estate appraiser, he's from
Lynch Appraise Unlimited. He is prepared to speak regarding the real estate value
issue that the proposed communication facility will not impact the property values in the
area, and he will be able to testify and speak a little bit more about that. Just before I
conclude with my opening, I wanted to mention with Mr. Cornacchia, I just wanted to
make clear that the FCC sets forth standards at which communications facilities may
operate at. Provided that the communication facility proposed meets the FCC
Standards in terms of emissions under the Telecommunications Act of 1996, that's
generally under inquiry for local boards. Here, I just want to state that the wireless
communication facility will emit far below those FCC Standards. in fact, the highest
standard that will be emitted out to the community would be on the order of .35% of the
FCC Standard. That's over 200 times below the regular standard that the FCC sets.
With that being said, unless there are further questions, I would be happy to begin our
formal presentation with those experts that I mentioned.
Martin Sidor: Let's move on, please.
Southold Town Planning Board Page Four January 11,2010
Gre.q Alvarez: OK, great. At this time I would like to call Mr. Gartelmann to speak a
little bit about the architectural and structural issues in connection with this property.
Paul Gartelmann, William F. Collins AIA Architects, LLP, 12-1 Technology Drive,
Setauket, NY 11733: I have been a registered architect in the State of NY since 1989.
Gre.q Alvarez: Thank you, Mr. Gartelmann. Over the course of your career,
approximately how many communications facilities have you been part of?
Paul Gartelmann: Approximately 450.
Greg Alvarez: First off, I would like to submit for the record two sets of materials that
Mr. Gartelmann will be speaking about. The first one is a report entitled "Engineering
Report" dated January 11,2010. Basically, what it does is summarize many of the
issues we are going to be talking about shortly. I have brought nine copies like we have
submitted previously with our prior application. Aisc, I have a letter from Nicholas J. De
Felice, a Consulting Engineer for William F. Collins, who is speaking to the structural
capacity of the proposed installation within the existing steeple. That letter is dated
January 6, 2010. I also have nine copies of that. Mr. Gartelmann, would you please
explain to the Board the general nature of the proposal that we are speaking about
Paul Gartelmann: As Mr. Alvarez mentioned, the wireless facility will consist of
equipment cabinets located on ground level on top of a concrete equipment pad toward
the northeasterly portion of the property. The main church is along the corner of
Highland Road and Main Road, so it's tucked in behind the church. The equipment
compound would be surrounded by a vinyl fence, 6' high and supplemented with
surrounding landscaping shrubs. The equipment cabinets consist of seven cabinets
located inside that fenced enclosure. The cables will then be run underground to the
building and up through the building to the steeple located in the front of the church.
Selected platting components will be removed and replicated in RF-fdendly material to
match the existing steeple. From the outside you will not be able to discern the
difference between the existing panels that will remain and the proposed panels
concealing the antennas within the steeple. This is the steeple as it currently exists.
The panels that I mentioned we would be taking off are at a couple of different levels to
conceal the eight antennas within. As I mentioned, the materials will match the existing
steeple. Essentially, that's the design.
Gre.q Alvarez: In comparison to .......
Heather Lanza: Excuse me; if you are going to do an exchange, you're going to have to
say your name before you speak just because it's going to be hard for our transcriber to
figure out who is talking.
Gre.q Alvarez: OK, no problem. The question I had, Mr. Gartelmann, was: we have just
recently submitted revised plans that depict the new equipment area. Has there been
any change to the design in terms of the steeple based on that new design?
Southold Town Planning Board Page Five January 11, 2010
Paul Gartelmann: No. The existing steeple and the appearance of the existing steeple
will remain as we are simply replicating the components to conceal the antennas.
Greg Alvarez: OK. In terms of the proposal with the equipment area: you spoke about
it in some detail but could you describe all the mitigation factors that are being
proposed in terms of where the equipment is going and what is being done to insure
that it will fit in with the location where it is being proposed.
Paul Gartelmann: The equipment enclosure located down on the ground level is tucked
in off the edge of the parking lot behind the handicap ramp that accesses the rear
portion of the church. The placement itself provides some visual screening from the
public roadways and the vinyl fencing that we are proposing is consistent with a
residential-type fencing. We are all familiar with the white PVC fencing that many
residential owners use nowadays. Then, to soften the appearance of the fence
enclosure we are providing a series of plantings in the neighborhood of 6-8' tall
evergreen plantings to soften the appearance of the vinyl fencing.
Gre.q Alvarez: Thank you, Mr. Gartelmann. If you could also, I mentioned it briefly in
my introduction, but could you talk a little bit about the general procedure for
technicians to come to the site and periodically service or (inaudible) the equipment.
Paul Gartelmann: It is my understanding that typically a technician in a passenger-type
vehicle will come to the site on the order of every four to six weeks to run some
diagnostic testing on the equipment and fine tune it, make adjustments so the network
is optimized in this area.
Gre.q Alvarez: I would just like to also ask about that structural letter that we just
submitted on the record. Could you just confirm for us the findings of that letter and
advise us regarding the structural capacity or the capabilities of the structure to house
the antennas within the steeple?
Paul Gartelmann: Sure. Our structural engineer reviewed the existing steeple
assembly and its structure. As we are not adding any wind load by increasing the size
or placing any appurtenance on the outside of the steeple, the wind load is not
increased in any way and the antennas themselves are relatively light, so there are
eight antennas to be housed within the existing steeple structure and those will not
overload any of the structural members. All work of course is going to be done in
accordance with the zoning code of New York State and any other applicable standard.
Gre.q Alvarez: That was my last question just to confirm that everything was being
constructed with all applicable codes.
Paul Gartelmann: Yes, it is.
Greg AIvarez: OK. At this time, thank you very much, Mr. Gartelmann. Unless there
are any questions, we obviously open it up to them.
Southold Town Planning Board Page Six January 11,2010
Martin Sidor: Can I just ask you to change the format, because I'm being confused
here going back and forth, back and forth. If each player of your team would give their
presentation, I'm sure the public here would probably be the ones to ask those
questions. If that's OK with you?
Gre,q Alvarez: Certainly.
Martin Sidor: Thank you.
Gre.q Alvarez: OK. You'll ask questions afterwards, is that how you want to do it?
Martin Sidor: I'm sure there will be questions from the audience and then you'll be
asked to come up again if help is needed.
Gre.q Alvarez: OK. We'll do that.
Martin Sidor: Thank you.
Gre.q Alvarez: At this time I'd like to call Donna Marie Stipo who is our visual planning
and environmental expert. Ms. Stipo, if you would introduce yourself to the Board,
Donna Marie Stipo: Good evening. I am the principal of_DMS Consulting, and we are
out of Mahwah, NJ.
Gre.q Alvarez: If you would describe your background and the purpose for your
appearance today.
Donna Marie Stipo: Absolutely. I am a planner by trade and by education. My
company performs planning services, environmental services both Federal, State and
local. In addition to, we do computer generated, 3-D animated and simulation for both
wireless as well as for construction industry. What we did here, what we were retained
to do is take a look at the general elements, the surrounding environs, and then we get
the CAD drawing from the engineering company, and we use a very sophisticated and
great landscaping and architectural program called 3 studio MAC. What it does is, it
takes the CAE) and builds the proposed structure, whatever it be, a shopping center or a
wireless project. Then we superimpose a simulate within the scaled photograph of a
view shed. It gives you an excellent idea as to exactly what's going to be built. It can
take construction changes as we go along. What we've done here is we have taken
photographs of the surrounding environs. We are offering to our clients an opportunity
to take photos from the surrounding area. Then what we did is we built out the
changes. Out of the four views you have here, I am sure the engineer explained that,
essentially the people part, or the upper mass of the existing structure, which has no
visual change. Essentially, what is being proposed would be in visual keeping with
what is already there. Everything would be in the interior, so from your view shed and
from the surrounding environs, your horizon has no change, your esthetics, with respect
to how the structure currently looks today, would have no change. It may look a little
Southold Town Planninq Board
Pa.qe Seven
January 11,2010
brighter and cleaner (inaudible) more like a painting or an upgrade on the exterior, but
you would have no aesthetic change to the character of the neighborhood or to the
surrounding environment, which is very important, given how beautiful the structure
currently is. Your changes would be to the intedor portion of the property and
essentially along your eastern area of the parking, and you would have, as the engineer
was explaining, an opaque fence, very standard, with an upgraded landscaping plan
throughout residential neighborhoods and plantings as well as the cabinetry that would
be required for the functions of this facility, very similar to HVAC colored units or public
utility units that are outside. They would be behind the fencing. The property currently
has a fence that was running alongside its border, so this would be sandwiched
between two fencing with a plethora of evergreens for a continuous level of mitigation.
The other change would be a slight, on the back side of the building, you will have
running up the side here a cable tray that would be painted and attached to the building
and along the side itself. But from the surrounding environs, from the vineyard
community with respect to your view shed and the esthetics, there would be no
essential change to your environs with the proposed installation. The change
essentially is within the parking area itself along your eastern border. I hope that helps.
Gre.q Alvarez: So, just to conclude, based on your opinion, the proposed design will not
pose any adverse impacts on this surrounding community, is that correct?
Donna Marie Stipo: That would be correct, from a general planning as well as from the
visual/aesthetic (inaudible) view; you would have no change with respect to (inaudible).
There would be an interior change to the property similar to if the church itself made
any landscaping plan (inaudible)
Gre.q Alvarez: Thank you, Ms. Stipo. At this time I would like to submit copies of Ms.
Stipo's resume as well as her report. Previously we did submit Ms. Stipo's report into
the record, but that was the previous design that shows the original location. So the
report that we are submitting tonight depicts the pictures that Ms. Stipo has presented
to you on this board that indicate where the equipment is being proposed at this time.
Should we turn it around, maybe, for others to see?
Martin Sidor: We'll see it later. Like I said: if we can get through the team presentation,
and then allow some time for the audience.
Gre.q Alvarez: OK. Sure. Absolutely. At this time I would like to call Mariana Nieto,
who is our RF Engineer, and will explain more about the need that T-Mobile has within
this area.
Mariana Nieto, T-Mobile, 3500 Sunrise Hi.qhway, Great River, NY: Good evening.
Gre.q Alvarez: Could you describe to us your background and experience in the
wireless industry?
Mariana Nieto: I have a bachelor's degree in electrical and electronic engineering from
Mexico City. I have been working in the wireless industry for around eight years.
Southold Town Planning Board Page Eight January 11,2010
Greg Alvarez: And over the course of your eight years in the industry, approximately
how many sites have you been involved with in connection with the design?
Mariana Nieto: Around 50 sites.
Gre,q Alvarez: Thank you. At this time, we do offer Ms. Nieto as an expert in the field
of RF Engineering. Before we proceed, I would like to present again this updated
affidavit from the original one that was submitted as part of our application. Ms. Nieto's
affidavit also includes the RF propagation maps that were originally submitted, but also
the maps that we are going to be speaking about today. So they are all one and the
same. Her affidavit is dated January 8, 2010. Again, I will provide nine copies of that
material so that the Board has that on record. Also, I have copies of Ms. Nieto's
resum~ to supplement that as well. Just to give a little background, could you please
describe to us what a significant ~ inaudible) service deficiency is?
Mariana Nieto: Deficiency in service means that a person cannot maintain a phone call
in an area.
Grog Alvarez: What is the general definition of that, where you can't make or
Mariana Nieto: That is called unreliable service.
Greg Alvarez: Unreliable service. OK, thank you. Is T-Mobile experiencing that sort of
deficiency in this area?
Mariana Nieto: Yes, they do.
Greg AIvarez: OK. Now, did you prepare propagation maps which demonstrates the
existing within this Cutchogue area?
Mariana Nieto: Yes, I did.
Gre.q Alvarez: And were they prepared at three different levels as specified?
Mariana Nieto: Yes.
Greg Alvarez: OK. Why don't we just start off then with the first map that you have
here tonight. If you would, could you please describe to us the existing conditions
within the area around the proposed site?
Mariana Nieto: We have a gap in the area of Cutchogue. (inaudible) North to south of
2.13 miles and east to west of 2.72 miles. The size of the proposed coverage...
Gro.q Alvarez: Before we turn the page, could you just describe to us: we see green
locations on the map and I see three sites, I believe. Could you please describe what
those represent, and the locations of where those sites are?
Southold Town Planning Board Pa.qe Nine January 11,2010
Mariana Nieto: These are existing sites in the area. The site here is located 41405
Route 25, Peconic, NY. It's in the Police Station. It's a (inaudible) of 115'. We have
another site here. It is 7185 Country Road in Cutchogue, 90' monopole. We also have
the site here: Elias Lane and Route 25 in Southold, NY. It's a monopole of 55'.
Gre.q Alvarez: Just to clarify, you were speaking before about reliable coverage. What
exactly-- does that green area represent reliable coverage?
Mariana Nieto: The green area represents reliable coverage.
Greg Alvarez: And what does the white area represent?
Mariana Nieto: It represents an area where it can be unreliable to make a call within a
Gre.q Alvarez: OK. So what we are looking at here then is the "in-building" coverage--
we were talking about that before--the "in-building" coverage that exists in the area.
Mariana Nieto: Yes.
Gre.q Alvarez: Let us look at the next map then and you could describe it to us.
Mariana Nieto: This map represents the proposed coverage that the site (inaudible).
The proposed coverage will have north to south: .72 miles in-building and east to west
.71 miles.
Gre.q Alvarez: OK. And the proposed coverage, will it still be targeted gaps that
currently exist within the surrounding area?
Mariana Nieto: Yes.
Gre.q Alvarez: OK. If you would, let's briefly look at the other maps as well that you
have provided to show the two other coverage levels that have been (inaudible). So
what are we looking at there?
Mariana Nieto: This level is in-vehicle level, which means the reliable coverage within
the car--when you are in the car you have reliable coverage.
Greg Alvarez: So, as it depicts here, it looks like the blue area which represents
reliable coverage, that it's a little bit far wider range. Could you please describe why
that is?
Mariana Nieto: The coverage level is higher, so you have bigger footprint of coverage.
Inside the building, the coverage is smaller; when you are outside you have a little more
coverage when you are inside the vehicle.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Ten January 11,2010
Gre.q Alvarez: OK, and basically that's just because of the barrier that a building
creates versus a vehicle?
Mariana Nieto: Yes.
Gre.q Alvarez: OK. Now if you would, let's please look at the proposed coverage for
the in-vehicle range.
Mariana Nieto: ']'he in-vehicle coverage for proposed, will give us 1.8 miles north to
south of coverage, and 1.3 miles east to west coverage.
Gre.q Alvarez: OK. And, just like with the in-building, does the in-vehicle coverage
that's proposed for this site, will it fill the coverage gap within the areas surrounding the
Mariana Nieto: Yes.
Gre.q Alvarez: OK. Thank you. If you would then, let's please move on (inaudible)
Mariana Nieto: The next level is called on-street coverage. This means while you are
walking on the sidewalk or in the street, you can make the call. But as soon as you go
into a building the signal level will be reduced.
Gre.q Alvarez: All right. And then if you would, let's take a look at the proposed
coverage. I'm sorry, let us look at the existing condition first.
Mariana Nieto: Existing condition: north to south is 1.3 miles; east to west is 2.42 miles.
Gre.q Alvarez: So, it's going to be a little less, OK. Let's look at proposed coverage.
Mariana Nieto: In the proposed coverage, we will provide coverage north to south of
1.65 miles and east to west of 1.64 miles.
Gre.q Alvarez: As in the other cases, it will fill the gap at this level that T-Mobile
(inaudible). Is that correct?
Mariana Nieto: Yes.
Gre.q Alvarez: That concludes Ms. Nieto's presentation. Obviously, if there are any
questions, we would certainly welcome them. And thank you very much. With that, I'll
open it up.
Martin Sidor: OK, thank you.
Gre.q Alvarez: At this time I would like to call Lou Cornacchia of Cyanetics Corporation
to discuss the health and safety aspects of this application.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Eleven January 11,2010
Martin Sidor: We seem to be having a problem going back and forth with the recording
here. Is it possible for one person to just give his presentation?
Gre.q Alvarez: Absolutely. We'll do it that way. We'll keep it simple.
Martin Sidor: Thank you.
Gre.q Alvarez: Mr. Cornacchia, if you would, take it away.
Lou Comacchia: Good evening. I am a graduate of Manhattan College School of
Engineering. I have a B.E.E., a Bachelors in Electronics Engineering, and I worked for
the Defense Department for about 35 years on microwave systems. I have worked with
the wireless industry for approximately 14 years as well. We were requested by the
applicant to essentially determine whether or not the site would be in compliance with
the FCC emissions standards and whether the application itself would be approved
based on standards as it relates to the general public, and whether or not the site
meets the more restrictive standard which is the general public standard. The analysis
is based on what we consider the worst case scenario, applicable to the transmitting
antennas. Four sectors proposed in the steeple having a coverage of approximately
90° receptor with two antennas to be mounted in each sector: at 54.3' & 47.3',
transmitting at frequencies in the order of 1900 megahertz and about 2.1 gigahertz and
transmitting at power levels of about 250 watts per channel, transmitting 8 channels
simultaneously. UMTS of the other frequency, the higher frequency, would be
operating about 500 watts. What we do essentially in our analysis is to apply every
potential event that could occur to create the high emission that could occur in the
community. Assuming that those conditions are steady, stable, in fact they are not.
They are always in compliant condition where they are changing from moment to
moment. We (inaudible), for example, the fact that there are no foliage on trees, there
are no building materials that are blocking the signal strength. We assume that the
antennas are transmitting through the roof, assuming the roof is not there. Examining
people within the roof, in the steeple itself where people can be behind the antennas,
on the roof peak itself on the roof of the church and to distances where the nearest
residence could be to a distance of approximately 2,000', radial distance of 2,000'. In
our analysis we again include the worst case highest powers of emissions that could
occur, maximum power transmitted from each of the antennas, all simultaneously. Now
in examining the community at large, the highest emission we encounter, 1 think, as Mr.
Alvarez stated, was less than four tenths of a percent of the more restrictive general
public, which is at least 285 times below the national permitted exposure level. Within
the steeple itself, with someone standing behind all of these sectors somewhere in the
middle, approximately one or two feet from the antennas, we assume one foot from the
antennas, maximum emissions that could occur are approximately 5.7%. Again, that
could be considered an occupational environment, but we assume it could be a general
public environment. Someone who may have walked up there and shouldn't be there,
but if they were, we treat them as part of the general public. That could be at least 17
times below the more restrictive standard. When we examine the top floor, which we
assume a point just below the antenna is about 13' from where the bottom antennas
are located, again, assuming all the antennas are located at 47', not 54'. If they were
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Twelve January 11,2010
standing just outside that area, on that peak area just below the antennas again,
externally, assuming no matedal in some way either absorbing the strength of the
signals or reflecting the signals from that point, we (inaudible) a maximum emissions of
approximately 1.1%. Again, it is 90 times below the more restrictive standard. We did
the threshold on the rooftop. Again, that was well below that 1.1%. The highest
emission we encountered at 0.35% occurs at approximately 500' away from the
steeple. The reason why that occurs and why it's the highest emission at that point is
because the beam begins to touch ground at about 500'. That's where the maximum
exposure could occur. But because the distance of 500' is a factor in determining the
emissions occurring at that field point (by the way, that assumes an elevation of 16'
above ground where we would have a second story home approximately the height of
where a bedroom could be). But that's the point we examine throughout the
community, at an elevation of 16'. The emissions at that point, again, assuming worst
case conditions, assuming reflections occurring, steady statement or not, the maximum
exposure levels are well below 1%. So this site is certainly well within the permitted
exposure levels, well within the more restrictive general public standards, and it
certainly is in compliance with the FCC Standards. Any questions on this?
Martin Sidor: No. Thank you.
GreR Alvarez: Thank you, Mr. Cornacchia. We had previously submitted Mr.
Cornacchia's report as part of our original submission. We do have extre copies if you
need them. I believe Mr. Cornacchia's resum~ is also in that report. Just to conclude
our presentation, we would like to call Mike Lynch, our real estate appraiser, to discuss
the real estate value aspects of this proposed facility.
Michael Lynch, Lynch Appraisal, Ltd., 15 Dewey Street, Huntin.qton, NY: Good evening
members of the Board. I have appeared before this Town in the past on other wireless
applications. As the Board is aware and has been pointed out by previous experts and
Mr. Alvarez, the property is situated at 27245 Main Road in Cutchogue at the corner of
Highland Road. It is improved with the Presbyterian Church of Cutchogue on a .91-
acre R-40 zoned parcel. The steeple of the church rises to a height above ground of
65'. The proposal is to locate eight antennas within a portion of the center section of
the steeple. That portion that would be replaced would be (inaudible) friendly and
appear outwardly no different from what presently exists. As Mr. Gartelmann pointed
out, there will also be a small equipment area at ground level just to the northeast of the
church along the easterly property line and just to the east of the parking lot, which will
be enclosed within a PVC fence and screened with arborvitae type shrubbery. This is
an ideal application in that we are not utilizing a free standing structure such as a
monopole or lattice tower. We are utilizing a steeple and the church structure itself
would outwardly appear no different than what presently exists. The surrounding
properties are all residential; you have the church-owned residence immediately to the
east of this on Main Road, which would be the nearest such structure to the ground
equipment. I actually worked on another application nearly identical to this back in
2003 on the Orient Congregational Church. I actually have a photograph of that
particular church and the tax map I'd like to submit. These of course are ideal type
situations in terms of locating wireless facilities in that we have a tall existing structure
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Thirteen January 11, 2010
to work off of and, of course, the antennas themselves are completely concealed and
again outwardly (inaudible). Application or the installation is not perceived from the
surrounding area. All in all, this is an excellent application in terms of the installation of
the antennas. Again, they will be completely concealed. I don't believe that this
application shouldn't be approved by this Board in this Town. It wouldn't have any
negative affect on surrounding property values. Nor adversely affect the (inaudible). I
have prepared a report that outlines the findings as well as other studies carried out
across Long Island in Suffolk and Nassau Counties. Mr. Alvarez has several copies of
Martin Sidor: Thank you.
Gre.q Alvarez: Thank you, Mr. Lynch. At this time, that concludes our presentation.
We rely on the written materials that we have submitted tonight, the testimony that has
been provided, as well as the prior written materials that we have already submitted to
this Board. Actually, there is one other thing: just to memorialize materials that we
submitted tonight, we have prepared a letter that reflects that so we would also like to
submit that into the record as well. At this time, as discussed, we open up this
application to any questions the Board members or members of the public may have.
Martin Sidor: Anyone from the audience who wishes to address this application, please
step forward.
Mark Kuiawski: Good evening. I am an attorney and a member of the school board for
the Our Lady of Memy Regional School, which is in Cutchogue. The school sits I
believe two doors down officially from the Presbyterian Chumh, although there are parts
of the property that are closer. I have been asked to present two questions for the
Board. The first is whether, in Mr. Comacchia's analysis, the school property lies in
relation to his worst case scenario. I believe there are two particular areas: the first is
the school playground, which almost abuts the property, and then there's the back yard,
which is that elevated area. And I guess the other question that we have is if the
applicant would be so kind as to address any particular concerns about the exposure to
the school children. The school goes from pre-K until sixth grade. Those are the two
questions that we have.
Lou Cornacchia: We did (answer them) but not directly. Primarily because what we did
examine, which is a more, let's say, maybe not critical but more telling event in terms of
what the emissions could be at the school, is the roof top of the church. When we did
the analysis of the peak of the roof and we assumed again someone standing on that
peak of the roof, or six feet above that peak of that roof. What we called a threshold
analysis, meaning that where at some point on the transmitted signal, it's a change
from what we call a near-field event to a far-field event. When that occurs, the beam is
fully shaped and fully elevated in terms of power or strength by the gain of the antenna.
So what we called a threshold had a distance of approximately 22' from where the
antennas are proposed to be located. That's an elevation of approximately 47'
(antenna elevation, that is) and with the elevation of the peak of the roof with someone
Southold Town Planning Board
Page Fourteen
January 11,2010
standing on it would be approximately 32'. If the emissions at that level from all of the
antennas transmitting simultaneously at any field point--specifically, the rooftop, being
much closer to the antennas than that school playground would be. We are essentially
speaking in terms of cumulative, combined emissions of less than 1% or 0.53%. The
emissions at the school playground at an elevation of 6' or 16' would be probably about
1/10 of that. So, we are looking at a worst case criteria, or worst case area for analysis
in determination as to what the impact is to anyone--and using, again, a more restrictive
general public standard. We easily accomplish that fact by examining the rooftop. It's
closer to the antennas by a distance of at least 32'.
Martin Sidor: You had two questions: did that answer?.
Mark Kujawski: I guess I could follow up on that one. I apologize I guess (inaudible)
wasn't clear. Simply, did you do a test on the playground to measure the proposed
emissions, or is this just a guess based on if the kids crawl up on the steeple?
Lou Cornacchia: No, it's not a guess. And you certainly can't measure because the
system isn't installed. We have to do a theoretical analysis. The FCC requires we do a
theoretical analysis, apply every worst case criteria to the analysis so that the emissions
(and we do this all the time, by the way) as are predicted--worst case emissions, are
always ten to 100 times less than when we go out there and take the measurements.
We always encounter emissions that are far less than what we predict in every
instance. That's probably because the analysis uses criteria that are theoretical and in
reality just don't occur. On the basis of that criteria, the analysis that we perform is
really one that is accepted and determined and mandated by the FCC. To every
degree that we have examined these sites are never exceeded.
Mark Kuiawski: I think Mr. Alvarez spoke to the issue of preemption and the FCC
regulations. I guess (inaudible) these emissions show that children up to the age of 12
Lou Cornacchia: There are no threats to children or animals of any age, any body
mass. They are well below the exposure levels, and those are continuous exposure
levels. They are 100 times lower.
Mark Kuiawski: (inaudible) on behalf of Our Lady of Memy School, provided that the
Town Board is satisfied with the evidence set forth (inaudible) safety, I know the issue
of preemption is out there. With regard to any safety regulation, we just hope that the
Board deems that there has been sufficient analysis for the property of Our Lady of
Memy School, we stand by that. Thank you very much.
Martin Sidor: Thank you. Anyone else wishes to address the Board?
Benia Schwartz, Cutcho.que: I am here tonight on behalf of some neighbors of the
church who live across the street from the church. They own an historic house; it's part
of the same view shed entrance to Cutchogue, and they are very proud of the way they
maintain their property--they love their home. They couldn't be here tonight because
they spent the day in the doctor's office with a skin cancer problem that they are having
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Fifteen January 11,2010
removed. I'm an attorney, and I understand what Federal preemption means. But it
does not mean that we cannot even think about the possibility that there are very real
health threats involved in this type of undertaking. My research has indicated that radio
frequency radiation, which will admittedly be emanating from this installation, has not
been sufficiently studied to know whether or not there are negative impacts on public
health or whether it is safe. I'd like to start by saying that I have a cell phone and I
support the use of the technology, but I think the burden should be to prove that it's
safe; we shouldn't have to prove that it's dangerous. In addition to my friends who live
in a home across the street, and the school which is not far, a couple of doors down,
there is a library which 1 go to every day. Speaking of schools, there was some news I
don't know if you heard about, not too far from here, although it might be in Nassau
County, the little village of Bayville there. They've got some people there that claim that
over 25%, maybe as many as 30%, of the children and the teachers in their elementary
school are suffering serious illnesses and three have died from radio frequency
radiation that comes from cell towers which are on a water tower very close to that
school. This is in the news I have here; it says they are planning on filing a lawsuit
today. I think maybe that should be looked at. The Federal standards, which are
somewhere between 17% and 100% below according to the evidence we've heard
tonight, not everybody agrees with that. There are some very well-established scientific
reputable institutions and agencies that have concluded that the standards that our
Federal Government set are 10,000 times too Iow. I wish I had some firm answers, but
I just hope that we really consider very carefully. There was a (inaudible) resolution
adopted in 2000 at an international conference on cell tower siting which would prohibit
any cell site from emanating more than--I don't understand all the technical terms-but
their standard was 10,000 times as strict as the current U.S. standard, according to this.
I think if there is any way that this Board can not just take the word of these experts...
I've been listening. I can't pretend that I have understood what they are telling you, but
I'm hoping that the Board will look at this very carefully, and not expose us to. There
are three dead children, they claim, up the island. There are many, many more that are
sick. I'd hate to see something like that happening in Cutchogue. Thank you.
Martin Sidor: Thank you. Anyone else wishes to address this application, step forward
on either aisle.
Barbara McAdam, Crown Land Lane, Cutcho.que: Most of you know me through the
years I've spoken many times to protect this very neighborhood. I live one block away
from the church. It also happens to be my church. I am an officer there; I spend a
great deal of my time there. I've spoken to this Board many, many times to protect that
neighborhood from dangers of the Heritage development. I've spoken to the Suffolk
County legislators to protect this neighborhood from helicopters noise. I'm a pretty
outspoken person when it comes to protecting this neighborhood, because it's my
neighborhood. I've done a lot of research as well on the supposed effects of radio
frequency waves. I feel very comfortable that any exposure, if you will, is going to be
far below FCC standards, so I really don't see a problem. I'm not the kind of person
who would endanger my neighbors. As I said and many of you know, I've been here
many times speaking on behalf of this neighborhood and its residents. I see no
problem with installing a couple of antennas. I would say that if people are that
Southold Town Planning Board Page Sixteen Januaw 11, 2010
concerned, maybe they should question any ill effects that they might be feeling since
last February when the Fire Dept. installed a huge tower right in the center of town. Of
course, that's for emergency services. So, if you are not feeling any ill effects by now, I
don't think two more antennas are going to hurt them. Thank you.
Martin Sidor: Thank you. Anyone else? Anyone from the Board? The Town also has
an independent auditor, so to speak: a consultant to help us through this process, to
answer those kinds of questions that were asked today.
Greg Alvarez: Thank you. At this time, if there are no other questions from the Board
or from the public, like I said, we would rely on the materials that we have submitted,
and we would ask that the record be closed and that the Board act on this application,
and we are hopeful that it would be an approval for this application because as we
provided we think it is going to fit into the community; as expressed by a resident, Ms.
McAdam, she has expressed that there doesn't seem to be a great concern based on
the evidence and we think we've shown that today, so we appreciate your time and we
look forward to resolve this application.
Martin Sidor: Thank you, thank you all.
William Cremers: I make a motion to close the hearing.
Donald Wilcenski: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Kenneth Edwards: Mr. Chairman, I will offer the following resolution:
WHEREAS, this application is for a Special Exception & Site Plan Approval for a new
wireless communication facility where the antennas are to be mounted within an
existing church steeple and the base station equipment is to be located outside the
building in a screened enclosure. As part of the application, the applicant proposes to
remove and replace a portion of an existing church steeple to match the existing church
building on a 0.91-acre site located in the R-40 Zoning District. The property is located
at 27245 Main Road on the n/e corner of Main Road and Highland Road in Cutchogue.
SCTM#1000-109-2-17.1; and
WHEREAS, on October 7, 2009, the Southold Town Planning Board conducted a
SEQRA coordinated review for this Unlisted Action; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board acting under the State
Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7,
establishes itself as Lead Agency for the Unlisted Action.
Southold Town Plannin.q Board Page Seventeen January 11,2010
William Cremers: Second the motion.
Martin Sidor:
Martin Sidor:
Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?.
Motion carries.
6:05 p.m. - Batta.qlia, Joseph & Heidi - This is a proposed standard subdivision of
95,846 sq. ft. into two lots where Lot One is 41,280 sq. ft. and Lot Two is 54,074 sq. ft.
in the R-40 Zoning District. This site is located at 1720 Hobart Road, on the w/s/o
Hobart Road, approximately 1,059 feet n/o Terry Lane, Southold. SCTM#1000-64-3-3
Martin Sidor: Anyone who wishes to address this application, please step forward.
Patricia Moore on behalf of the applicant: Joe and his wife are here today if you have
any questions. As you pointed out, we have a two-lot subdivision here in an R-40 one-
acre zoning district where Lot 1 is conforming and over 40,000 sq. ft. Lot 2 is oversize
53,208 sq. ft. Those numbers are upland area calculations. This project has received
DEC approval for subdivision that was granted back in February of 2009 and we are
here for our preliminary map approval and shortly final map approval. We have an
application to the Health Department which is pending. They have asked for some
minor additional information which we are gathering for them. Do you have any
Martin Sidor: Thank you. I don't believe so. Yes?
Andy Seamanns,1580 Hobart Road: I am the owner of the property that would be to
the north of proposed Lot 1. My only question is (inaudible) about the non-cleared
(inaudible) abutting the south side of my property, the north side of that Lot 1. I
understand that there is about a 20' buffer where the trees that are against there do not
clear and I would respectfully ask that, even beyond that, maybe another 5-10' beyond
that there are some very beautiful older trees that provide a lot of much-needed shade
to my property and I'm curious as to what is customary, having looked at the map when
I received this. The terms are not clear, in terms of buffers between the properties,
what can be granted and (inaudible).
Patricia Moore: I can address to the extent that what is shown here is a building
envelope, which, as far as zoning goes, we can't put any structures closer than 20' to
your common property line; that's the property line to the north where it's shown as
Rich, right now. On the map it's shown as the Rich family. Mr. Battaglia has tried to
preserve what trees he can, but there has been a request by staff that we preserve
some trees on the east side, that is the property line between Lot 1 and Lot 2, so we
have a relatively small building envelope, which is all structures, house, pool, whatever;
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Eighteen January 11, 2010
anything that you want to build has to stay within that building envelope. So it is not a
buffer per se, it's a 20' "no structures." To the extent that nothing gets built, then the
trees won't be disturbed.
Andy Seamanns: My concern is, number one, I am a survivor as well, and I have
appreciated, one of the reasons why I bought was because (inaudible) so my question
is: is there anything that can be done to guarantee that there can be at least some
maintenance of those trees, I'm not (inaudible) perpetuity
Patricia Moore: I'll defer to my client because he's the one who's going to live there.
Joe Battaglia: There's a proposed: you're only allowed to clear a certain percentage of
the lot anyway.
Patricia Moore: Yes.
Joe Batta.qlia: And if we'll be building, which we are not, if we stay inside the building
envelope, that percentage of area that cannot be cleared will remain the same.
Patricia Moore: Yes, we have clearing restrictions with respect to setbacks. We have
overall clearing restrictions where you can't clear more than 40% of the lot. Most likely,
this area will remain as is, because it will be part of our 40%. That's the most likely
Joe Batta.qlia: Right. In reality, if anything was to be cleared, you'd want to clear more
towards the view (inaudible) I would think, which, you're only talking 40% of the building
envelope probably is occupying dght now, I would say, 50%, which would leave you
another 50%, and you'd want to maintain the buffer there (inaudible).
Martin Sidor: Thank you. I believe his question has been answered. Is there anyone
else who wishes to address this application? Hearing none...
William Cremers: I make a motion to close the hearing.
Donald Wilcenski: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?.
Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Thank you.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Nineteen January 11,2010
SUBDIVISIONS (Lot Line Changes)
Conditional Preliminary Determinations:
J. P. Mor.qan Chase Bank, Mattituck - This proposal is to subdivide a 2.818-acre
parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 49,262.82 sq. ft. in the B Zoning District and Lot
2 equals 63,480.41 sq. ft. in the R-40 Zoning District. The property is located
approximately 120' e/o Madene Lane, on the s/s/o NYS Route 25 in Mattituck.
Donald Wilcenski: WHEREAS, on October 24, 2008, an application for sketch approval
including a sketch plan prepared by Thomas K. Wicks, L.S., and Thomas E. Murray,
P.E., dated July 11, 2008, was submitted to subdivide a 2.818-acre parcel into two lots
where Lot I equals 49,262.82 sq. ft. in the B Zoning District and having a 25 foot
transitional buffer in the R-40 Zoning District in connection with a proposed site plan for
a bank use and Lot 2 equals 63,480.41 sq. ft. in the R-40 Zoning District; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the plans at their November
17, 2008 Work Session; and
WHEREAS, the Office of the Southold Town Engineer, on December 5, 2008, provided
comments to the Planning Board on the proposed access to the site; and
WHEREAS, at a meeting held on Monday, February 9, 2009, the Southold Town
Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6
NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7, established itself as Lead Agency for this Unlisted
Action and granted Sketch Approval upon the map entitled "Standard Subdivision of
Chase Bank, Mattituck", dated July 11, 2008 and last revised January 26, 2009,
prepared by Thomas K. Wicks, L.S., and Thomas E. Murray, P.E.; and
WHEREAS, on April 2, 2009, an application and fee for preliminary plat approval was
submitted, six (6) copies of the Draft Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions
including the preliminary plat prepared by Thomas K. Wicks, L.S., and Thomas E.
Murray, P.E., dated July 11,2007 and last revised January 29, 2009; and
WHEREAS, on May 11,2009, a preliminary public hearing was held and the Southold
Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act
pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7, as lead agency, granted a Negative
Declaration for the proposed action; and
WHEREAS, on August 4, 2009, the Southold Town Planning Board referred the
application as a combined referral in connection to a site plan application for Lot 1
pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 C. & §240-12 distributed the application to
agencies having jurisdiction for their comments, and the following agencies responded:
Town Engineer, Suffolk County Planning Commission, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation
Southold Town Plannin.q Board Pa.qe Twenty January 11, 2010
and Historic Preservation and the Mattituck Fire Commissioners; and
WHEREAS, the comments from those agencies referenced above were received and
accepted by the Planning Board, discussed with the applicant, and incorporated into the
site plan to the satisfaction of the Planning Board; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grant Conditional
Preliminary Plat Approval upon the map entitled "Standard Subdivision of Chase
Bank, Mattituck" dated July 11, 2008 and last revised January 26, 2009, prepared by
Thomas K. Wicks, LS. and Thomas E. Murray, P.E., subject to the following conditions:
1. Submission of the completed Application for Final Plat Approval and Final Plat
with the following amendments. The submission shall include twelve (12) paper
copies & four (4) mylar copies of the final plat.
a. Amend all lines depicting Lot 2 as a solid line.
b. Show clearing limits pursuant to §240-49. Clearing. Permissible clearing
on the lot is restricted to 35% of the total lot area. Please note the
regulation on the plat.
c. Delete the reference to the 25' Transition Buffer arrow within the driveway.
d. Show distances of setbacks from property lines.
e. Note on plan "no further subdivision".
2. Submission of the Park and Playground Fee in the amount of $7,000 ($7,000 per
new lot created).
3. Submission of Suffolk County Health Department Approval.
4. Submission of a curb cut approval from the NYS Department of
5. Submission of a Letter of Water Availability from the Suffolk County Water
6. Submission of an Access Easement establishing the right-of-access from State
Route 25 over Lot 1 to Lot 2 and maintenance responsibilities.
7. Submission of a Draft Performance Bond Estimate.
Kenneth Edwards: Second the motion.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Southold Town Planninq Board Page Twenty-One January 11,2010
Final Extensions:
RMB Realty Medical Arts BuildinR - This proposed site plan is for two new one-story
buildings of 7,000 sq. ft. each with 10 separate offices for a total of 14,000 sq. ft. on a
2.437-acre parcel in the LB Zone located at the intersection on the s/s/o County Road
48 and the e/s/o Horton Lane, known as 43960 County Road 48 in Southold.
William Cremers: I will offer the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the applicant, RMB Realty LLC, proposed a site plan for two new one-story
buildings of 7,000 sq. ft. each with 10 separate offices for a total of 14,000 sq. ft. on a
2.437-acre parcel in the LB Zoning District; and
WHEREAS, RMB Realty LLC, is the owner of the property located at the intersection on
the s/s/o County Road 48 and the e/s/o Horton Lane, known as 43960 County Road 48,
in Southold. SCTM#1000-63-1-15; and
WHEREAS, on January 9, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Final
Approval on the site plan; and
WHEREAS, on December 18, 2009, the agent, James V. DeLucca, Registered
Architect, requested that the Planning Board consider granting an extension to the Final
Approval which expired on January 9, 2009; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grant an extension from
January 9, 2009 to January 9, 2011 to the Final Approval originally granted on January
9, 2006.
Ken Edwards: Second the motion.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?.
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Twenty-Two January 11,2010
Martin Sidor: We need a motion to approve the Planning Board minutes of December
14, 2009.
William Cremers: So moved.
Kenneth Edwards: Second.
Martin Sidor: Moved and seconded; any discussion? All in favor?.
Martin Sidor: Motion carries. Is there any Board Member who wishes to get anything
on the minutes?
Kenneth Edwards: Happy New Year. Welcome, Don, to the Board.
Donald Wilcenski: Thank you.
Martin Sidor: So noted. We need a motion to adjourn.
William Cremers: So moved.
Donald Wilcenski: Second.
Martin Sidor: Motion made and seconded. Any discussion? All in favor?.
Martin Sidor: Motion carries.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was ADJOURNED at
7:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linc'la Rando~ph,'"Transcribl(ng Secretary
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Twenty-Three January 111 2010
Martin H. Sidor, Chair
FEB 11 2010
Soul'old Town Clerk