HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Evacuation PolicySouthold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of December 15, 2009 RESOLUTION 2009-969 ADOPTED Item # 5.26 DOC ID: 5580 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2009-969 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE $OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON WHEREAS, the Town of Southold is committed to protecting and enhancing the safety of its employees as well as patrons from the public who utilize Town facilities; and WHEREAS, it is the goal of the Town to provide a workplace environment that fosters information and guidelines for an orderly evacuation in the event of an emergency; and WHEREAS, the Town of Southold intends to accomplish these goals through the implementation of the Town of Southold Emergency Evacuation Policy as developed by the Loss Control and Executive Safety Committee, to further protect employees who work for the Town of Southold as well as members of the public who patronize Town facilities; BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Southold hereby recognizes the importance of promoting employee and public safety and adopts the 2009 Town of Southold Emerlgency Evacuation Policy. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Albert Krupski .Ir., Councilman SECONDER: William Ruland, Councilman AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans, Russell Generated December 16, 2009 Page 33 PHILLIP BELTZ Special Projects Coordinator Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Tel. (631) 765-5806 Fax (631) 765-t823 December 9, 2009 To: Town Board Fr: Phillip Beltz Re: TB DISCUSSION OF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD EMERGENCY EVACUATION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES The Town's workmen's compensation provider, New York State Workers' Compensation Alliance, requires that the Town formally adopt an emergency management plan outlining policies and procedures relating to emergencies in Town buildings. Attached please find recommended policies and procedures developed by the Loss Control Program Executive Safety Committee. SCOTT A. RUSSELL SUPERVISOR OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-1823 Telephone (631) 765-1889 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD EMERGENCY EVACUATION POLICY Purpose The Town of Southold Loss Control and Executive Safety Committee has developed emergency evacuation policies and procedures to provide information and guidelines to Town staff and patrons of Town facilities to ensure a safe and orderly evacuation of workplace sites in the event of an emergency. Policy Statement The Town requires all persons to leave any facility where an emergency evacuation alarm is activated as promptly as possible via the nearest available exit. If an alarm has not been activated, but it becomes clear that an emergency exists, all persons must leave immediately. Alarm pull stations should be activated upon exit. No one is expected to endanger themselves in order to effect or assist with the evacuation of others, but everyone has a duty to ensure that other occupants are aware of an emergency. Similarly, it is expected that individuals will, to the best of their ability, aid anyone requiring additional assistance to safely evacuate. Emergency Evacuation Evacuation procedures are developed for each municipal site with assigned coordinators who are responsible to ensure everyone has evacuated the work area. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS. Elevators cannot safely be used for emergency egress, and are typically programmed to cease operating when a fire alarm is activated. Evacuation of Disabled Persons Emergency evacuation alarm systems in most Town facilities include visual and audible signaling devices. If, while evacuating, you notice someone not responding to the alarm, please be sure they are aware of the emergency. Disabled persons (e.g., persons with physical, visual, or hearing impairments, etc.) may require additional assistance and they should prepare for emergencies ahead of time by learning the locations of exit corridors, exit stairways Emergency Evacuation Signs A sign should be posted with a floor plan indicating the location of exit stairways and doors in the event of an emergency. Where applicable, signs should indicate "In event of an emergency, do not use elevators." GENERAL GUIDELINES When to evacuate: When you detect fire, smoke or other unusual phenomena Alarm is sounded You are instructed to by emergency officials How to evacuate: o Remain calm o Walk, do not run, to an exit o Department Heads/Supervisors and/or designees must clear work areas and direct employees to the evacuation routes o Fire Wardens must check their assigned areas to ensure everyone has left the building o Use stairwells - DO NOT USE ELEVATORS o Close (DO NOT LOCK) all room and office doors o Move clear of the building to appropriate predetermined meeting place Where to evacuate: · Upon exiting building, proceed and assemble at designated meeting places Under no circumstances should anyone contact Police or Fire to cancel an alarm. GUIDELINES FOR BUILDING EVACUATIONS Department heads of the following municipal sites: Police Department, Transfer Station, Highway and Recreation have developed site-specific evacuation procedures that articulate personnel in charge, how to evacuate and where to assemble upon evacuation. Police, Transfer Station, Highway and Recreation plans are attached. Because of their size, amount of staff and increased presence of the public, Town Hall, the Annex and the Human Resource Center have additional requirements for ensuring an expedient evacuation. In addition to department head responsibilities as noted below, a fire warden will be designated to each site who will report to the police. Department Head/Supervisor or Designee Duties: · Assist persons with special needs · Evacuate and proceed to the predetermined meeting place for your area · Account for the presence of all those in your work area · Report missing persons to Fire Warden · Do not return to the building until directive has been given through either the Fire Chief and/or Police Fire Warden Duties: · Contact Police to report of emergency--advise them of any problems there may be in the building. Be specific (e.g. "tire spotted on second floor hallway"). · Obtain clipboard with names of staff in your assigned area and wear orange safety vest before ensuring evacuation. · Once the evacuation order is received, you must go through your assigned area to ensure that everyone evacuates. If your area is unsafe, do your best to determine if anyone is still there, without endangering yourself · If people are relUctant to leave, tell them they must leave because it is mandatory to do so. If they still refuse to leave, evacuate the area, and report their refusal to evacuate to the Police · Proceed to assigned assembly meeting place for your building, report missing persons to the Police · Remain available, as the investigating officers may need further information FIRE WARDENS AND AREAS, TO ASSEMBLE FOR EVACUTION: Town Hall West: Offices of Supervisor, Town Clerk, Tax Receiver, Records Management and Basement: Phillip Beltz, Fire Warden (alternate, Betty Neville). Assembly grassy lot north of parking lot near exit door. Town Hall East:: Offices of Justice Court, Information Technology, Assessors, Department of Public Works and Engineering: Lloyd Reisenberg, Fire Warden, (alternate Jim McMahon). Assembly grassy lot north of parking lot near DPW offices. Annex First Floor: Offices of Building, Code Enforcement, Trustees, Zoning Board of Appeals: Mike Verity, Fire Warden (alternate, Damon Rallis). Assembly parking lot - Traveler's Street. ~ Annex Second Floor: Offices of Accounting, Town Attorney: John Cushman, Fire Warden (alternate Lynn Krauza). Offices of Planning, Land Preservation, Historian and Conference Room: Mark Terry, Fire Warden (alternate, Heather Lanza). Assembly parking lot - Traveleds Street Human Resource Center: Karen McLaughlin, Fire Warden (altemate, Jacqui Martinez). Assembly main parking lot--see attached diagram for evacuation of dining area. Kafinka House: Jean Delorme, Fire Warden (alternate, Terry Schneider). Assembly main parking lot. Police Department: See attached. Transfer Station: See attached. Highway Department: See attached. Recreation Center: See attached. TRAINING AND DRILLS Wright Risk Management will provide an annual training to Department Heads and the Loss Control Executive Safety Committee. Department Heads must provide annual training to staff and review safety procedures with all newly hired staff. A documented building evacuation must be practiced at least twice a year. Sites may schedule ddlls independently or an evacuation ddll can be set up with assistance of the Loss Control and Executive Safety Committee. If there is a nuisance alarm (e.g. pulled fire alarm, bomb threat, etc.) cleadng the building may be documented as a ddll. Maintain documentation of drills and copy Safety Committee Chair (Phillip Beltz). -I-0 STPD06 GENERAl, ORDER No: 09-03 ISSUING AUTHORITY: Carlisie E. Cochran Jr., Chief of Police PURPOSE The Town of Southold Police Department has formulated guidelines for all employees of Police Headquarters to safely evacuate the building in case of an emergency in an orderly manner. This plan will comply with the Town of Southold Loss Control and Executive Safety Committee's emergency evacuation policies and procedures. POLICY It is the policy of the Southold Town Police Department to safely evacuate Police Headquarters in case of an emergency. The Department also recognizes that the Dispatch Center remains crucial to alt residents of the Town in its role of receiving 911 emergency phone calls and dispatching Police, Fire and Ambulance accordingly and that all efforts must be made not to disrupt its operation. HI. DEFINITIONS Police Headquarters- Building and property at 41405 State Rt. 25, Peconic, N.Y. Fire Warden- The highest ranking officer in the Headquarters Building. If no officers are in Headquarters, the Public Safety Dispatchers on duty will fill this role. Dispatch Center- the Communications Room with three dispatch stations on the first floor. Detention Areas - To include the two temporary holding cells and the three prisoner processing stations. Headquarters Lobby - Both sections of the visitor's lobby located on the south side of Headquarters, to include the restroom. Exit Routes - Front door of Headquarters, through the lobby and into the visitor parking area (Exit # 1). The rear main floor door of Headqunrters (Exit # 2) and the rear lower level door of Headqunrters (Exit #3). (See attached map) Evacuation Staging Area- The f~ont lawn on the south side of Police Headquarters near the 'Police Department' sign. PROCEDURES In cases where it is necessary to evacuate the Police headquarters building, the Fire Warden will make the decision to evacuate and the following procedures will be followed: FkeWarden: The Fire Warden will be responsible for making the decision to evacuate Headquarters and will immediately notify the Dispatch Center of the need to evacuate. The Fire Warden will then make sure that the Headquarters intercom is used to notify everyone in the building of the need to evacuate when possible. The Fire Warden, or their designee(s), will then physically check all rooms of Headquarters for occupants, both upstairs and downstairs, closing doors after checking. Dispatch Center: In all situations of ordered evacuations of Police Headquarters, the Public Safety Dispatchers on duty in the Dispatch Center will: 1) Immediately notify the Patrol Supervisor on duty of the need to evacuate Police Headquarters and all sector car operators on duty. 2) If possible, make notification to Fire Department and other emergency responders. If not immediately possible, notification will be made from the evacuation staging area. 3) Dispatchem will take portable radios and the Headquarters (PSAP) Nextel phone with them when exiting. 4) If there are prisoners being detained in the holding cells, one dispatcber wilI take the holding cell keys with them while exiting the Dispatch Center and exit through the first floor rear door (Exit #2) of Headquarters and wait for the arrival of patrol units. 5) One dispatcher will always exit through the front door into the lobby (Exit #1), when practicable, and check the restroom in the lobby for occupants and guide out of the building if necessary. 6) When arriving at the evacuation staging area, a dispatcher will notify East Hampton Village Police Dispatch that our Headquarters has been evacuated and they will be receiving our 911 calls during this evacuation. Any 911 calls should be conveyed via PD (PSAP) Nextel from East Hampton Village Police Dispatch to the evacuated dispatchers in the evacuation staging area until other arrangements are made. Patrol Supervisor: Upon notification of an ordered evacuation of Police Headquarters, the highest mnldng Patrol Supervisor on duty will ensure that at least two patrol sector cars respond immediately to Headquarters and assist with the orderly evacuation of Headquarters. If prisoners are being detained, a dispatcher will meet an officer at the rear door of Headqanrters (Exit #2) with the keys to the holding cells. The responding officer will remove all prisonem from the holding cells and place in the rear secured compartment of his patrol vehicle and respond to the evacuation staging area. The Patrol Supervisor will be responsible to notify his/her superior officers in the chain of command and to maintain the security of Police Hcadquartem and its contents during the evacuation to the best of their ability. ACCREDITATION STANDARD REFERENCE 58.4 of N.Y.S.L.E.A. G.O. 09-03 Evacuation Staging Area Southold Town Police Headquarters Evacuation Plan Lobby Dispatch Center Chief of Police Office Police Headquarters (Main Floor) Records Room Prisoner Holdin Cells Center Hallway Exccu/ive 01~car Office Detectives Room Patrol Spvsr Office Prisoner Pmcessing Room Ext#3 'Rear First Floor Ext#2 Garage Southold Town Police Headquarters Evacuation Plan Computer 'olice Headquarters (Lower Li vel) Exit # 3 Room Marine Bureau Emergency Mngmt Evidence Supply Furnace _ .r ................................. t Office Office Room Room Room [ Evacuation ~ StagthgAroa ~ ! i Property Training Storage Room Room Room Bath Shower Gas TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WASTE TRANSFER STATION EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES FACILITY TELEPHONE #: 631-734-7685 FIRE WARDENS: · James Bunchuck: 631-478-7344(ce11) · David Zuhoski: 631-478-7345 (cell) · David Blados: 631-484-9949 (cell) IN CASE OF FIRE, EMPLOYEES HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED TO CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY. SIGNS TO THIS EFFECTARE POSTED NEAR ALL TELEPHONES. Summary The Transfer Station complex includes four (4) buildings that could be subject to evacuation in an emergency. These are 1) the main waste handling building (a.k.a. 'the Transfer Station'); 2 the weigh station (scale house); 3) the employee break trailer; and 4) the administrative office trailer. The relative location of these buildings and their exits are depicted in the Facility Layout on page,~ At least one building (main building) is likely to have members of the public in or around it at most times. The main transfer station building is fully open on one side and partially open on 2 other sides. Thus, exit patterns are fully obvious for anyone inside. Employees that may be in the building in an emergency, who are not involved in emergency response activities, have been instructed to exit the building and proceed to a common gathering spot (#1 on the Facility Layout). The weigh station is a small booth with one exit. Two (2) large sliding windows on two sides would allow for emergency exit in case of fire. There are typically to 2 employees (scale operators) in the booth at any given time. There is no public access to the booth. The employees have been instructed to proceed to a common gathering spot (#2 on the Facility Layout) in case of an emergency. The employee break trailer is the location of the facility's official time clock used by all employees at the start and end of each day, and is where breaks and lunch periods are often taken. It is not available for public access. The trailer has two (2) marked exits. Employees who may be in the trailer in the event of emergency have been instructed to proceed to a common gathering spot (#3 on the Facility Layout). Pa~e lof2 The office trailer is occupied by 2 employees on a regular basis. It has two (2) marked exits. Members of the public may be found at any given time conducting business in the trailer. Employees who may be in the trailer in the event of emergency have been instructed to proceed to a common gathering spot (#1 on the Facility Layout). MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC PRESENT AT THE OUTSET OF AN EMERGENCY WILL BE DIRECTED TO THE SAME COMMON AREAS AS EMPLOYEES IF THEY CANNOT BE DIRECTED TO THE FACILITY EXIT. TRANSFER STATION COMPLEX FACILITY LAYOUT Common Gathering Spot # 3 [] / (near re-use) Common Gathering Spot # 2 (near intersection) Employee Break Trailer MAIN BUILDING Scale House Administrative~i;Office Tra;r ] · Cox Lane ~, N To Rt. 48 · Shaded areas indicate exits. Page 2 of 2 PETER W. HARRIS Superintendent Highway Department Town of Southold 275 Peconic Lane · P.O. Box 178 · Peconic, N.Y. 11958-0178 Tel. (631) 765-3140 (631) 734-5211 Fax (631) 765-1750 Southold Town Highway Department Facility Evacuation Plan In the event of a fire or other type emergency within the highway department complex all employees are to exit the buildings and report to the parking area across the street from the front entrance of the highway main office which fronts on Peconie Lane. The Mechanic Shop Supervisor or any other person in charge in his absence will be the person responsible for making sure that the mechanical repair & welding shop building is evacuated. The Superintendent or his deputy will be responsible for making sure that the office staff and any visitors vacate the building. They also will be responsible to check all other buildings within the complex to be evacuated as well. A list of employees names whom are working each day will be available on a chipboard and hung on the wall near the ruain entrance front door, as so an attendance can be taken to account for all employees working on that particular day. In the event that a tornado is spotted in the area all employees within the complex will be advised to report to the main office area and go into the basement until the emergency has ended. Department Fire Wardens: Peter Harris, Fire Warden main building at highway department ( a!temate wardens, Curtis David's and Terry Pace ) Assembly in parking lot on east side of Peconic Lane TOWN OF $OUTHOLD RECREATION CENTER EMERGENCY EVA CUA TION PROCEDURES · Designates exit door(s) NORTHEAST EXIT STAGE SOUTHOLD TOWN RECREATION CENTER MAIN HALL SOUTH EXITS Il FRONT DOORS 1. In case of a fire, employees should make a telephone call to the local Fire Department at911. 2. To report all other emergencies, employees should call the Southold Police at. 765.2600. State your name, your location, and the nature of the call. Speak slowly and clearly. Wait for the dispatcher to hang up first. On occasion, the dispatcher may need additional information or may provide you with additional instructions. 3. In the event of a fire, all employees and patrons should proceed to the nearest exit in an orderly fashion. Once outside of the building, all should meet in the southwest comer of the front parking lot, near the stop sign, and await further instructions from the department head or officials. 4. Building staff should close (do not lock) all room and office doors if it does not pose any danger to them. 5. The duties of the department head/designee/Safety Monitor include the following: *Assist persons with special needs. *Evacuate and proceed to the meeting place in the parking lot *Account for the presence of all those in the building *Report missing persons to the fire personnel *Do not return to the building until advised by fire personnel or the police that it is safe to do so. Notes and Precautions: *Small fires can be extinguished only if you are trained to use a fire extinguisher. *All fires, even those that have been extinguished, must be reported to the local fire department immediately. *Never enter a room that is smoke filled. *Never enter a room if the door is warm to touch. * Do not move injured personnel. Keep the person lying down, covered and warm. REMEMBER: R*A*C*E Rescue: Try to rescue any personnel in immediate danger if it does not put you in imminent danger. Alarm: Pull the building fire alarm or call 911. All of the fire alarm pull stations are labeled. If you talk with a 911 operator, state your name, address, and nature of the problem. Speak slowly and clearly. Wait for the dispatcher to hang up. Conf'me: Close all doors, windows, and other openings that would aid in the spread of fire or toxic fumes. Evacuate: Evacuate the building.