HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCWA0~/09/2010 09:09 ~31730~918 D~CFVA$ILE  .6~7 ~, ~J ~-~ ;-v~4%- .... PA~E 01/~8 · 60 ~-I~tbe~ Circle =' t?al'ehogu~, NY 117~2 FEB 9 '2010 II v'¢S:t ,Je - f"~ ,do,, ~ 0~/09/2010 0~09 6317305~18 DRCFVA$ILE 60 ]~,~b~ C~c~ PAGE 02/09/20~0 09:09 63~7303~ ~R~FV~$ILE PAGE 03/08 Table A RaOi0aetive Well (NOTE; I~ 2008, the sCWA d~ a~t 232 well anal~g$~ on~ 42Y~ ofi~ ~8 active welh for 2~ F~ g~s A~ph~ ~ B~a, ~-2t~.~ & ~tlum Ad~vitv Max. RadioactMty · pCi/L ~on: ~ Radan: 283 c~ Beta: 4,1g Sr~9~ 0.030 Radon: 262 Rado~: 298 Ra/~: 224 Cl~'ttml ~met Couff.~' Road ~ 'i 1 Jeontn~s Rd Town Bfidgehemptan Cea[er ~k~ch~s~ Great ~ell~ T~ in :a~l~.~ For ~or~ ~pha. ~oss Beta, Biamu~-214~ ~m,!~7, ~an ~-2~0 orTd6um M~, R~oa~vi~ Town Lumber Lane Radon: 424 Ce~ium-137:5 C~r Modches Can~ Moriche~ Railroad Ave Gross Beta: 2.4B St-g9:0.03 rn Meade Dr Rsdan: 329 Chestnut Stm~t Radon: 215 Corem Hunti~]b3n ~.~ .~,.~ T,~,~ Radon: 2.46_ Hard~le Broadway ~an ~don: L~mn~ Rd ~: 2~ W0~ch~ H~w R~an: ~9 Midd~ Cou~E Rd ~ ~a; 4142 ~ke Panamoka Middle ~un~ ~ G~ ~: 2.5 ~ke Paanmoka G~ ~: 3.70 SRO9: 0.~ m ~9: 0,~ ~ W~ Ne~ Road ~den; 2H d Hair ~m~d Am M~ G~s ~pha; 1.6 Mas~o Mast Gross Alpha: ~ .79 Ma~ic Stag: 0.03 · Gro~ Beta: 6.~ M~n St Gross ~pha; ND ~9:0.05 mg~ Main ~ Ea~ Lake Dr ~don: 281 ~n~uk Gross ~a: ~.9 Fai~o~ A~e Radon; 279 Mon~ug ~don: 316 Mo~uk Eas[ La~ Or Rado~: 382 Montauk ~on: 301 Mon~uk Radon: 265 Mo~uk Die,an St ~on: 3~ Margin Dd~ Ea~ Gm~e ~ 3.22 Shidey Td~um; 8.5 Hu~in Bl~ Radon: 271 Smi~l~n Radon; 215 South Setauket W~lllam Floyd Gross Beta: 2.14 Yaphank Pk~ Tdl~um: N/A Sr-~9: 'r~ ~m ~8 ~lls ~ in 2~. ~t for ~ ~n ~e SCWA ~nu~ ~ b~ ~i~ ~r ~m a f~ d~n m~r ~an ~p ~ ~ a~ain a radioacti~ MCLG ~ ZERO~ ~lum-~ is ~ in the ~8 W~ Qu~ ~ (W~); mi in ~ ~r 2~. 2~5 & ~03 - ~ ~ly ones in ~e P~e Ubm~. The ~ W~ t~ ~ d~ ~ioa~ve ~, b~ ~ ~di~ - ~m~ande~ bur fai~ ~). ~1 4 give m~ ~n~ons ino~nic mm~, ta~es ~ ~ed ~ioa~ ~m~unde. ~ly ~ WQR lis~ L~-2~O (her li~: 22 yr, MCL & MCLG: Ea) & ~um-137 (haE r~e; ~.23 yr, MCL: 200pC~L, ~LG: 0). a ~w dez~ , ~Or ~ ~ Seth Davis Ave Radon; 328 Montauk Country ClUb Drive Gross Alpha; 3.27 Modches Gross Beta: 4.72 ~iqm-137; 14 Pierson St Radon: 217 Nesconsat Bartpn Ave Radon; 373 Raservo[r Ave ~ Radon: 268 Bic'yde Path Radon: 261 Por~ J~erson Station Fireman's Par~ Moflches Riv~rhead Rd B!~muth.214:95 ~idge Radon: 255 Rivemide peconic Bt Rado~; 323 R~nkonkomo Division St P~dan: 272 Margin Drive East Gross Beta: 2.31 Shidey ~, ~4, & ~ No Bi.2t4 Test Sr-89:0,~4 n' New York Av~ Radon: 209 Smithtewn St Johnlar,zi Rd Radon: 28~ Smlthtown Rado~: 251 Southold Old country Road Gro~ B~ta; 2.15 westhampton No Bi-2'14 Tests Cesium.137: g William Floyd Pkwy Gross Beta; 4.23 No Tdtium Tesls SRO9; 0.07 n Yaphsnk From Supptemental 'RepOrts uploaded from SCWA CDtl, OM to: h~ttp:/&fxt~j[lg!~!o~y.com/WD-00.html From Supplemental Reports uploaded from SCWA CDROM to: htm://ei'x~chm> qg¥-¢0m/WD~01 ,himl See other radioactive well atlalyses (~ http://gfxtechnplOg¥,c0m/WD-02.html: http;//J?-f~echn°l°gY'c°n'ffWD'O4'h't't't't't't't't't~l; h~p2~%t~hno, o~v comfWD-O$ J,L~ llLrP_ ://~fxt echn olo ~w COlll/WD'06.html & iltt~://~fxtechnoto ~L~oj:o/WJ~-07,htm. . , All have Lir~ in Row 7 ~ www,gf-4i~hlT~olom,.com/LLL, ht~J,- /7 02/'09/2010 09:00 6317303918 DRCFVASILE PAGE 04/08 2000 SUPPLEMENTAL WATER QUAU'rY REPORT Brown H~PaJ Range of Readings Low High Avg. Value Value Value Number Of Tes~s Radioactivity Gross Alpha a~vi~ pCifl GrO~ Beta a~vity pCifi Radon pCi/1 ......--'~TritJum activity pCi/I NA NA NA NA NA NA ND ND 18,0 21.8 ND 0;02 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.12 27.7 422 34.6 47.1 28.7 43.7 ND ND NO ND ND ND 270 289 ND ND 155,4 171.0 1 O0 270 ND ND ND ND tO.22 12,66 ND ND 10.52 ND ND ND ND ND ND ~0 6.1 1.97 2.50 6.5 6.7 4.1 '19.5 332 474 0.14 0.18 78.5 98.8 ND ND ND NO ND ND 0,08 0.12 ND 0.03 Alkalinity, mt,al mg/I Aluminum mg/l Ammonia, flee mg/I Arseftlc ugfl Barium mglJ Boron mgll Bromide mg/I CO2, calculated mgft Calcium Chloride Cobalt-59 ug/] Copper mg/1 Dissolved Solids, tet~ mg/I Fluoride mgfl Hardness, total mg/I Iron u¢ Lead u~l Lithium Magnesium mg/I Manganese Perc.hlorate ugfl Phosphate, ortho rog/1 Phosphate, total mgJl pH Potassium mgfl Silicon mg/I Sodi?m mgll Surfac~ants mg/l Tin u~/I Titanium ug/l Tumidity NT UNITS Zinc mg/I NA NA NA NA NA NA ND 4 19.9 2 ND 13 ND 2 ND 2 ND 2 ND 2 0,09 48 35.0 2 40,8 Z 37.2 48 ND 2 ND 2 ND 13 280 2 ND 47 ND 13 ND 2 11,44 2 ND 13 1,1 13 12.0S 48 ND 48 ND 11 ND 44 ND 13 6,1 2 2,23 2 6.6 2 11.8 2 432 50 0.15 2 87.8 48 ND 2 ND 2 0.10 2 ND 13 02/09/2010 09~09 6~730391~ DR~FVA$ILE P~GE 2000 SUPpLEMENTAl- WATER QUALII"Y REPORT Brown Hills Rd Range of Readings Low High Avg. Number Valu~ Value Value Of Tests Syrfd'm, flc O~r~nlc C.~mlx~nds Including Pes~¢ide~ and ~ld~ (may Iflclu~ ~ coll~ ~r la~ 2 Aiachlor ~ ND N~ ND 4 At~i~ Suffone u~ 0.6 1.0 0,8 12 AId~ Sul~xi~e u~ ND 1.4 1.0 12 Atrazlne u~l ND ND ND 4 Bu~tor ~ ND ND ND 4 Carbo~n u~ ND ND ND 12 1,2 Oibmmo~ane (EDB} n~ ND ND ND Me~]~ u~ ND ND ND 4 Me~olaahl~ u~ ND ND ND 4 Sim~ine u~ ND ND ND 4 Te~a~lo~e~lic A~d ~CPA) u~ ND 230 44 25 Volatile Organic Compounds Bromodichloromel~ane u~/I Bromoform ug/l Carbon Tetrachlodde u~ Chlorod[bromomethane ug/I Chloroform ugfl C[s-l,2-Dichloroethene ~ Dichlor0difluommethane 1,1-Dicflleroetharte ug/I 1,2-Di~loroethane 1,1-Dlchloroethe~0e ug/I 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/1 Ethyl Benzene ug/I MetflyLTert-ButyFE~er (MTBE) Tetrachloroethene Totuene ug/I 1,1,1 -Trichloroet/~ne u~l Trichtoroether~e ug/1 Tdchloroflu0romebSane (Freon 11) q,2,3-Trichloropropar~e u~/1 1,2,4-Tdmethy[benzene u~I 1,1,2-Trichto~-otr~u otoet hane ug/1 o-Xylene p,m-Xyier, e Vinyl Chloride ug/I Disinfection By.Products B romochleroacefio Acid u~/! Bromodic~loroacetic Acid ugfl Dibromoacetic Acid ug/I ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND 46 ND ~0.2 1,7 46 ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND 46 ND ~ ND 46 ND ~ ND 46 ND NO 46 ND ND ND 46 ND 0,6 ND 48 ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND 4~ ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND 46 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 02/09/20~0 09: 0~ ~317303918 ~R~F~$~LE ~A~E 06/08 BROWNS HILLS RD ~i ~oinum ~9/i ND Calci~ mg/1 36.0 Manganese ug/1 ND ND ND 39.9 38.3 2.0 ND 16.63 14,02 ND ND 13 11 BROWNS ~{ILLS RD htto:/t~fxteclmolo~,comdwellFfles-07/BROWNS%20H]LLS%20RD%20Page-htm. 1/22/20/0 ND ND 6 ND ND 27 ND ~D 27 ND ND 27 ~D ND ~7 hrrp://gfxtechnology.com/wellFiles-O7/BROWNS%20HILLS%20RD%20Page.htm 1/22/2010 82/09/2010 09:09 6317303918 DRCFVASILE PAGE 08,/08 lo~ ofwa~. Of that ~, we billed ~r ~s for a~0~tely ~7.4 billion ~Ho~. The d~k~e of S.1 h~n ~lIons ~ ~g ~co~l- ed ~ ~d r~mse~ ~ us~l for fl~g ~r m~s. firefighfin~ ~et clea~{~g ~d ~ ~ses~ and wa~ l~t ~m the syste~ The table b~low lists fou~ wells teat w~e removed f~om service or ms,iced ~ me in 2~7 ~uau~ ~ey ~ et~a~d leels of the con- ~min~nt n~d. ~LL NA~ LOCA~ON ~A~ 'No~ [d ~2 ~po~ 'M~hyFT~t-Butyl TM welt~ lJ~ ~ ~en ~t of ~ or ~ ~ Bse b~au~ thread elevat~ ~vels of ~ht ha~ ~m ~fine ~ee ~n 2007 ~ the ~ of filmb~ for or by ble~g f~ inovatic ~aB~. ~ N~ LOCATION CO~ Boyle Rd (P~ ~ Po~ left. Sm~/~te O~h St ~2 No~ Co~.~ial Blvd ~ Bmn~d 1, I- ~loro~h~ Flow~ Hill Kd ~ Hal~i~ l,l,2-T~c~or~fluom~e ~Old Co~ Rd ~3 We*~ P~chlom~ 2007 Lead Test Results il) - 90,11 Pette,t[le Value: Tile values ~ for lead 2007 Copper Test Results Customers ................................. 374,558 POpUlafior~ Servexl ......................... 1,123,674 Mil*o of Maln ................................ 5.775 Fire Hydrants ............................... 35,130 Water pm'nged ~oillitm gallmas) ..................... 72,5 Total Wells in System ............................ 576 Aedve wells in System ........................... 548 sPUmp StatJ .o~,..s.. ................................ 23 l toragc Faeiltttes ................................. 6;2 Wat~ Storage CapaCity (milllr. m gallon,s) ............. 66_4 Average.~muat V~,~t~r PJatea (tSO,000 gallons/customer) $306 We collected an average of 1,069 total Coliform s~mples e~ch mor~th duriog 2007, irmluding samples firm Fire Island, Stony Brook Water D/s~ct, Rivemide Water District, and Camp H.re Water Distr[ct. ~Large water di~bdbution atea~ that colk~-t 40 or mom total Coliform samples per month, must report the hlghe~t l~ercentage ofposihve sam- ples collected hi any one month. These are re~Tresented in Table I below. Small water dishSbutinn areas tt~at coltect 40 or less total Coliform samples per mtmth, must report the I~gheat number of positive samples collected i~ any one month. Them am x~pres~nted in Table Il below. TABLE I - Microbiological Test Rasults Dl$ffibution Areas lB, 6, 10~ 11, 15~ 18, 20~ 23 and 30 had no dehe~ions of total Celff0tm in 2007. TABLE II - Microbiological Test Results Thc following small distr~bufiml are~ bad no det~etinnS of total Col}form Riversid~ WD. Camp Hem WI) ~/a: Not Applicable Not D~tec~able at testing limit Mlc~grams t~r ~r (u~) c~spon& te *n~ pa~ of ~quid in ~e billien ~m~ ConStant ~vel Goa~ (MCLC): The level of a.con~t ~g wat~ below w~ch ~em m no ~ or cxp~d msk ~ heal~, A~o~ L~d {AL): ~ c~6~ of a ~n~i~at which, if 4