HomeMy WebLinkAboutCourt Records Retention Schedule - Fiscal RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE FISCAL RECORDS DIVISION OF COURT OPERATIONS OFFICE OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT Rev. April 2005 FISCAL RECORDS ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE JUDGE Pursuant to the authority vested in me, I hereby promulgate, effective immediately, the attached schedule for the retention and disposition of Fiscal Records of the Unified Court System. Disposition of records pursuant to this schedule shall be consistent with Part 104 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator. Dated: June 15, 1999 A/O: 275/99 FISCAL RECORDS ii Rev. APRIL 2005 FISCAL RECORDS RECORDS RETENTION AND DISPOSITION SCHEDULE This schedule includes fiscal records created for and by the New York State Unified Court System. The retention of these records is based on the appraisal of their administrative, legal, fiscal and/or historical value. Based on these values, the records were divided into two categories: "office of record" and "non-record copy". The "office of record" is the court or department which maintains the "record copy" for records listed in this schedule. The record copy is the official copy of the record. The "non-record copy" is the copy which is retained by the courts and offices other than the "office of record". Due to the requirements of the State Comptroller's Office, County Clerks outside New York City and Town and Village Courts are required to retain some of their records for a different period of time than other courts/agencies. In addition, Towns and Villages need the approval of the State Comptroller's Office prior to destruction of their records. FISCAL RECORDS iii Rev. APRIL 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACCOUNTING FS-1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS ............................... 1-8 a) PURCHASING RECORDS ................................. 1-4 CONTRACT RELATED ................................ 2.-3 UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM CONTRACTS ............... 2 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES and STATE CONTRACTS 3 NON-CONTRACT RELATED ............................. 4 b) PAYMENT RECORDS .................................... 5-8 CONTRACT RELATED ................................ 6-7 UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM CONTRACTS ............... 6 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES and STATE CONTRACTS 7 NON-CONTRACT RELATED ............................. 8 FS-2 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 FS.-3 DATA SET RECORDS ......................................... 10 BANKING FS-4 BANKING RECORDS ........................................... 11 BUDGET PREPARATION FS-5 BUDGET POLICY COORDINATOR FILES .......................... 12 FS-6 BUDGET PREPARATION FILES .................................. 12 FS-7 BUDGET REQUESTS .......................................... 13 a) COURT AND AGENCIES .................................. 13 b) REVIL=W AGENCY BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS ............ 13 FISCAL ADMINISTRATION RECORDS FS-8 AUDIT REPORT FILES ......................................... 14 FS-9 CONTRACT FILES ............................................ 15 FS-10 FINANCIAL PLANNING AND CONTROL MANUAL ................... 16 FS-11 REPORTS AND STUDIES ....................................... 17 a) NON-ROUTINE REPORTS ................................. 17 b) ROUTINE REPORTS ..................................... 17 INDEX ............................................................. 18 FISCAL RECORDS iv Rev. APRIL 2005 R.S. # I RECORD SERIES TITLE I RETENTION* ACCOUNTING Records created to record the acquisition of and payment for goods and services of the Unified Court System. F$1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS a) PURCHASING RECORDS Records created to document, veri~, balance and reconcile the purchase of goods and services rendered to the Unified Court System. Records include, but are not limited to: Approved Purchase Plans, Contract Encumbrance Requests (AC 340), Invoice Requests, Legal Reference Purchase Requests, Receipts for Items Purchased, Receipts for Repairs and Services Rendered, Maintenance Agreements, Merchandise Receipts, Purchase Orders (AC 130), Purchase Order Change Notices (AC 902), Purchase Requisitions (SC 321, M-1646), Service Reports, Vendor Contact Sheets, Vendor Files, Vendor History Reports, Vendor Invoices, Vendor Register Logs, Purchase Order Logs, Requisition Logs, Maintenance/Repair In-house Log Books, Encumbrance Reports, Miscellaneous Logs, Registers and Listings. *The mienf~n period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -1- R.~v. APRIL 2005 R.S. # RECORD SERIES RETENTION* F$-1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS a) PURCHASING RECORDS 1. CONTRACT RELATED UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM CONTRACTS OFFICES OF RECORD: a) County Clerks Outside NYC REtain for six years after Town and Village Courts expiration of contract or final payment, whichever is later, then destroy. b) All Other Courts and Agencies that enter REtain for six years after accounts payable records into the New expirationofcontractorfinal York State Comptroller's Central payment, whichever is later, Accounting System. These currently then destroy. include: Appellate Divisions, Court of Appeals, Court of Claims, District Offices, New York Cibj Budget Office and O.C~- Accounts Unit NON RECORD COPIES: Ail Other Courts and Agencies REtain for three years or until no longer needed, whichever is shorter, then destroy. *The mienf~n period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -2- ;-er. APRIL 2005 R.S. # RECORD SERIES RETENTION* FS-t. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS (continued) a) PURCHASING RECORDS (continued) 2. CONTRACT RELATED OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES and STATE CONTRACTS OFFICES OF RECORD: REtain for six years after a) County Clerks Outside HYC expiration ofcontractorfinal Town and Village Courts payment, whichever is later, then destroy. b) All Other Courts and Agencies that enter REtain for three years after accounts payable records into the Hew final payment, then destroy. York State Comptroller's Central Accounting System. These currently include: Appellate Divisions, Court of Appeals, Court of Claims, District Offices, Hew York City Budget Office and O.C~- Accounts Unit HOH RECORD COPIES: Ail Other Courts and Agencies REtain for three years or until no longer needed, whichever is shorter, then destroy. *The mienf~n period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS ,3- REv. APRIL 2005 R.S. # RECORD SERIES RETENTION* FS-t. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS (continued) a) PURCHASING RECORDS (continued) 3. NON CONTRACT RELATED OFFICES OF RECORD: a) County Clerks Outside NYC REtain for six years after final Town and Village Courts payment, then destroy. b) All Other Courts and Agencies that enter REtain for three years after accounts payable records into the New final payment, then destroy. York State Comptroller's Central Accounting System. These currently include: Appellate Divisions, Court of Appeals, Court of Claims, District Offices, New York City Budget Office and O.C~- Accounts Unit NON RECORD COPIES: All Other Courts and Agencies REtain for three years or until no longer needed, whichever is shorter, then destroy. *The mienf~n period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS ,4- REv. APRIL 2005 R.S. # RECORD SERIES RETENTION* FS-t. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS (continued) b) PAYMENT RECORDS Vouchers and supporting materials that document, verify, balance and reconcile the payment for goods and services received. Records include, but are not limited to: Cash Advance Vouchers (AC 874), Charge Back By Agency, Charges By Other Agencies, Cost Center Journal Vouchers (AC 1316), Credit Card Journal Vouchers, Expenditure Warrants, Overtime Meal Vouchers (AC 13), Payee Continuations (AC 2395), Refunds of Appropriations - Expenditures, Quick Pay Vouchers (AC 3031), Quick Pay Invoice Continuations, Special Charge Vouchers (AC 916), Standard Vouchers - Invoice Continuations (AC 2373), Standard Vouchers - Continuation Sheets (AC 93), Standard Vouchers (AC 92), Petty Cash Vouchers, Travel Vouchers (AC 132), Lodging Requests (LR or AC 276), Travel Requests (TR or AC 281, AC 276), Tax Exemption Certificates (AC 946), Transportation Requests (AC 281), Detail Sheets (AC 148), Travel Authorizations (OBF TR-1), and Statements of Automobile Travel (AC 160). *The mienf~n period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -5- REv. APRIL 2005 R.S. # RECORD SERIES RETENTION* FS-t. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS (continued) b) PAYMENT RECORDS (continued) t. CONTRACT RELATED UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM CONTRACTS OFFICES OF RECORD: a) County Clerks Outside NYC REtain for six years after Town and Village Courts expiration of contract or final payment, whichever is later, then destroy. b) All Other Courts and Agencies that enter REtain for six years after accounts payable records into the New expirationofcontractorfinal York State Comptroller's Central payment, whichever is later, Accounting System. These currently then destroy. include: Appellate Divisions, Court of Appeals, Court of Claims, District Offices, New York City Budget Office and O.C~- Accounts Unit NON RECORD COPIES: Ail Other Courts and Agencies REtain for three years or until no longer needed, whichever is shorter, then destroy. *The mterd~on period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -6- R. ev. APRIL 2005 R.S. # RECORD SERIES RETENTION* F$-1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS (continued) b) PAYMENT RECORDS (continued) 2. CONTRACT RELATED OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES and STATE CONTRACTS OFFICES OF RECORD: a) County Clerks Outside NYC REtain for six years after Town and Village Courts expiration of contract or final payment, whichever is later, then destroy. b) All Other Courts and Agencies that enter REtain for three years after accounts payable records into the New final payment, then destroy. York State Comptroller's Central Accounting System. These currently include: Appellate Divisions, Court of Appeals, Court of Claims, District Offices, New York City Budget Office and O.C~- Accounts Unit NON RECORD COPIES: Ail Other Courts and Agencies REtain for three years or until no longer needed, whichever is shorter, then destroy. *The mienf~n period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -7- REv. APRIL 2005 R.S. # RECORD SERIES RETENTION* F$-1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS (continued) b) PAYMENT RECORDS (continued) 3. NON CONTRACT RELATED OFFICES OF RECORD: a) County Clerks Outside NYC REtain for six years after final Town and Village Courts payment, then destroy. b) All Other Courts and Agencies that enter REtain for three years after accounts payable records into the New final payment, then destroy. York State Comptroller's Central Accounting System. These currently include: Appellate Divisions, Court of Appeals, Court of Claims, District Offices, New York City Budget Office and O.C~- Accounts Unit NON RECORD COPIES: All Other Courts and Agencies REtain until no longer needed, then destroy. *The mienf~n period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -8- R. ev. APRIL 2005 R.S. # RECORD SERIES RETENTION* F$-2. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS Records that document, verify, balance and reconcile accounts related to fines and fees and other monies collected by the Unified Court System. Records include, but are not limited to: Bills/Invoices, Cash Disbursements, Cash Receipts, Cashier's End of Month Reports, Cashier's Register Tapes, Cashier's Reports, Cashier's Weekly Receipts, Daily Cash Receipt Journals, Daily Cash Receipt Ledgers (Criminal, Civil, Traffic), Journal Vouchers, Master Control Records, Overnight Monies, Refunds of Appropriations, Shortage/Overage Memorandums, Printouts Showing Receipt of Funds, Logs, Registers and Listings. OFFICES OF RECORD: a) Coun~ Clerks Outside NYC Retain for six years, Town and Village Courts then destroy. b) All Other Courts, NYC Coun~ Clerk. s, Retain for three years, and O.C~- Divisions/Offices when they then destroy. are the originating agencies NON RECORD COPIES: District Offices and O.C~-. Divisions/Offices Retain until no longer when they are not the originating agencies needed, then destroy. *The mienf~n period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -9- REv. APRIL 2005 R.S. # RECORD SERIES RETENTION* FS-3. DATA SET RECORDS also known as ACCOUNTING MASTER FILE Data collected f~om the courts reflecting accounting transactions and entered into the UCS accounting system. Information is used to manage funds. (DOES NOT INCLUDE PA YROLL DA TA.) OFFICE OF RECORD: O.C~- Division of Financial Management Retain for ten years, then destroy. NON RECORD COPIES: Courts, District Offices and Retain until no longer O.C~- Divisions/Offices needed, then destroy. *The ~.lerd~on period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -10- Rev. APRIL 2005 ILS. # I RECORD SERIES I RETENTION* BANKING Records created to manage the administration of banking transactions/activities of the Unified Court System. F$-4. BANKING RECORDS Records created to document bank transactions including deposits, withdrawals and status reports of monies received/collected by the Unified Court System. Records include, but are not limited to: Account Summaries, Bad Check Advices, Balance of Funds, Bank Statements, Bank Reconciliations, Canceled Checks, Cancellations of Payment, Check Stubs, Deposit Slips, Listings of Deposits, Schedules of Outstanding Checks, Uncollectible Checks and Wire Transfers. OFFICES OF RECORD: a) County Clerks Outside NYC Retain for six years, Town and Village Courts then destroy. b) All Other Courts, Retain for three years, NYC County Clerks, then destroy. District Offices and O.C.A- Divisions/Offices when they are the originating agencies NON RECORD COPIES: District Offices and Retain for one year, O.C~- Divisions/Offices when they are not then destroy. the originating agencies *The mienf~n period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -11- Rev. APRIL 2005 ILS. # I RECORD SERIES I RETENTION* BUDGET PREPARATION Records created to document the request for funds from the Legislature to support the activities of the Unified Court System. FSi,. BUDGET POLICY COORDINATOR FILES Files containing copies of budget analyses and commentaries on specific portions of the REVIEW AGENCY BUDGET REQUESTS. OFFICE OF RECORD: O.C~- Division of Financial Management Retain for three years, then destroy. NON RECORD COPIES: O.C~- Budget Policy Coordinators Retain for three years or until no longer needed, whichever is shorter, then destroy. FS-6. BUDGET PREPARATION FILES Files containing background and reference materials for budget preparation. OFFICES OF RECORD: Originating Courts and Agencies Retain for three years, then destroy. NON RECORD COPIES: District Offices, Retain for three years or until O.C~- Divisions/Offices and no longer needed, whichever O.C~- Division of Financial Management is shorter, then destroy. when they are not the originating agencies *The mienf~n period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -12- REv. APRIL 2005 R.S. # RECORD SERIES RETENTION* F$-7. BUDGET REQUESTS Formal requests made by originating courts/agencies for allocations for the next fiscal year. Two step process includes: a) COURTS AND AGENCIES Copies of the courts' and agencies' budget requests submitted to District Offices, Hew York City Budget Office and Administrative Judges' Offices for review. OFFICES OF RECORD: Originating Courts and Agencies Retain for three years, then destroy. NON RECORD COPIES: District Offices, Retain for one year or until O.C.A. Divisions/Offices and no longer needed, whichever O.C.A. Division of Financial Management is shorter, then destroy. b) REVILRN AGENCY BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS Revised and adjusted court and agency budget requests, prepared by District Offices, NYC Budget Office and other administrative offices acting as Review Agencies, submitted to the O.C.A. Division of Financial Management. OFFICES OF RECORD: District Offices and Retain for three years, O.C.A. Divisions/Offices then destroy. NON RECORD COPIES: O.C.A. Division of Financial Management Retain for three years or until no longer needed, whichever is shorter, then destroy. *The ~.ienfion period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -13- Rev. APRIL 2005 I~S. # I RECORD SERIES I RETENTION* FISCAL ADMINISTRATION RECORDS Records created to document the administration of fiscal transactions. FS-8. AUDIT REPORT FILES File containing reports documenting the audit findings of internal and external agencies. OFFICES OF RECORD: a) O.C~- Office of Intemal Affairs a) REtain until a subsequent audit of the same program has been conducted, then destroy. If no subsequent audit of the same program is conducted, retain for ten years, then destroy. b) N.Y.S. Office of the State Comptroller b) To be determined by the N.Y.S. Office of the State Comptroller. NON RECORD COPIES: Courts, County Clerk. s, District Offices and REtain until no longer O.C.A. Divisions/Offices needed, then destroy. *The ~.ienfion period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -14.- R. ev. APRIL 2005 R.S. # RECORD SERIES RETENTION* FS-9. CONTRACT FILES Files containing materials related to the purchase of goods and services which require a contract. Materials may include: Contracts, Leases, Bonds, Bid Proposals, Specifications, and other supporting documentation. Records include contracts with Legal Aid Societies, Community Dispute Resolution Centers and One-Write Accounting System. OFFICE OF RECORD: O.C~-Office of Administrative Services Retain for six years after Contract and Procurement Administration Unit expirationofcontractorfinal payment, whichever is later, then destroy. NON RECORD COPIES: Courts, Retain for three years or until District Offices and no longer needed, whichever O.C~- Divisions/Offices is shorter, then destroy. *The ~.ienfion period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -15- Rev. APRIL 2005 R.S. # RECORD SERIES RETENTION* FS-tO. FINANCIAL PLANNING AND CONTROL MANUAL Procedures manual outlining actions related to financial controls. Includes Budget Bulletins and new Accounting Procedure Bulletins. OFFICE OF RECORD: O.C~- Division of Financial Management Retain one master copy (original and all subsequent updates) permanently for research pu~posea. NON RECORD COPIES: Courts, Retain until updated, District Offices and then destroy. O.C~- Divisions/Offices *The ~,lerd~on period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -16- Rev. APRIL 2005 R.S. # RECORD SERIES RETENTION* F$-11. REPORTS AND STUDIES Reports and studies created by fiscal offices for management analysis, planning and documentation. a) NON ROUTINE REPORTS OFFICES OF RECORD: Originating Courts, Retain for three years, District Offices and then destroy. O.C~- Divisions/Offices NON RECORD COPIES: Courts, Retain until no longer District Offices and needed, then destroy. O.C~- Divisions/Offices when they are not the originating agencies b) ROUTINE REPORTS OFFICES OF RECORD: Originating Courts, Retain until updated, District Offices and then destroy. O.C~- Divisions/Offices NON RECORD COPIES: Courts, Retain until no longer District Offices and needed, then destroy. O.C~- Divisions/Offices when they are not the originating agencies *The ~.lerd~on period for fiscal records commences on the last day of the fiscal year. FISCAL RECORDS -17- ;-er. APRIL 2005 INDEX AC 13: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ......... 5 AC 92: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ......... 5 AC 93: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ......... 5 AC 130: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ..... 1 AC 132: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - AC 148: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - AC 160: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - AC 276: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - AC 281: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - AC 340: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - AC 874: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - AC 902: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - AC 916: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ........ 5 PAYMENT RECORDS ........ 5 PAYMENT RECORDS ........ 5 PAYMENT RECORDS ........ 5 PAYMENT RECORDS ........ 5 PURCHASING RECORDS ..... 1 PAYMENT RECORDS ........ 5 PURCHASING RECORDS ..... 1 PAYMENT RECORDS ........ 5 AC 946: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ........ 5 AC 1316: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ....... 5 AC 2373: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ....... 5 AC 2395: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ....... 5 AC 3031: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ....... 5 ACCOUNT SUMMARIES: see BANKING RECORDS ....................... 11 ACCOUNTING ..................................................... 1-10 ACCOUNTING MASTER FILE: see DATA SET RECORDS ................... 10 ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE BULLETINS: see FINANCIAL PLANNING AND CONTROL MANUAL ................... 16 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LISTINGS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LOGS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS ...................................... 1 PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 CONTRACT RELATED .......................................... 2-3 UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM CONTRACTS ....................... 2 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES and STATE CONTRACTS ...... 3 NON CONTRACT RELATED ...................................... 4 PAYMENT RECORDS ............................................. 5-8 CONTRACT RELATED .......................................... 6-7 UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM CONTRACTS ....................... 6 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES ............................ 7 NON CONTRACT RELATED ...................................... 8 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REGISTERS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LISTINGS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 FISCAL RECORDS -18- Rev. APRIL 2005 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LOGS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE REGISTERS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ......................... 9 APPROVED PURCHASE PLANS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 AUDIT REPORT FILES ............................................... 14 BAD CHECKADVICES: see BANKING RECORDS ........................ 11 BALANCE OF FUNDS: see BANKING RECORDS ......................... 11 BANK RECONCILIATIONS: see BANKING RECORDS ..................... 11 BANK STATEMENTS: see BANKING RECORDS ......................... 11 BANKING RECORDS ................................................ 11 BID PROPOSALS: see CONTRACT FILES ............................... 15 BID SPECIFICATIONS: see CONTRACT FILES ........................... 15 BILLS/INVOICES: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ...... 9 BONDS: see CONTRACT FILES ....................................... 15 BUDGET BULLETINS: see FINANCIAL PLANNING AND CONTROL MANUAL ................... 16 BUDGET POLICY COORDINATOR FILES ................................ 12 BUDGET PREPARATION FILES ....................................... 12 BUDGET PREPARATION RECORDS .................................. 12-13 BUDGET REQUESTS ................................................ 13 CANCELED CHECKS: see BANKING RECORDS ......................... 11 CANCELLATIONS OF PAYMENT: see BANKING RECORDS ................ 11 CASH ADVANCE VOUCHERS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 CASH DISBURSEMENTS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 CASH RECEIPTS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ...... 9 CASHIER'S END OF MONTH REPORTS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 CASHIER'S REGISTER TAPES: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 CASHIER'S REPORTS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 CASHIER'S WEEKLY RECEIPTS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 CHARGE BACK BY AGENCY: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 CHARGES BY OTHER AGENCIES: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 CHECK STUBS: see BANKING RECORDS .............................. 11 COMMUNITY DISPUTE RESOLUTION CENTERS CONTRACTS: see CONTRACT FILES ............................................. 15 FISCAL RECORDS -19- Rev. APRIL 2005 CONTRACT ENCUMBRANCE REQUESTS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS ................................. 1 CONTRACT FILES .................................................. 15 CONTRACT RECORDS (PAYMENT): see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS ... ~7 CONTRACT RECORDS (PURCHASING): see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS ................................ 2-3 COST CENTER JOURNAL VOUCHERS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ............. 5 COURTS AND AGENCIES BUDGET REQUESTS: see BUDGET REQUESTS . .. 13 CREDIT CARD JOURNAL VOUCHERS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ............. 5 DAILY CASH RECEIPTS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 DAILY CASH RECEIPT JOURNALS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 DAILY CASH RECEIPT LEDGERS (CRIMINAL, CIVIL, TRAFFIC): see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 DATA SET RECORDS ................................................ 10 DEPOSIT SLIPS: see BANKING RECORDS .............................. 11 DETAIL SHEETS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 ENCUMBRANCE REPORTS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 EXPENDITURE WARRANTS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 FINANCIAL PLANNING AND CONTROL MANUAL ......................... 16 FISCAL ADMINISTRATION RECORDS ................................ 14-17 INVOICE REQUESTS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 JOURNAL VOUCHERS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 LEASES: see CONTRACT FILES ...................................... 15 LEGAL AID SOCIETIES CONTRACTS: see CONTRACT FILES .............. 15 LEGAL REFERENCE PURCHASE REQUESTS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS .......... 1 LISTINGS OF DEPOSITS: see BANKING RECORDS ...................... 11 LODGING REQUESTS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 LR 276: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ........ 5 M-1646: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 MAINTENANCE/REPAIR IN-HOUSE LOG BOOKS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS .......... 1 FISCAL RECORDS -20- Rev. APRIL 2005 MASTER CONTROL RECORDS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 MERCHANDISE RECEIPTS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 MISCELLANEOUS PURCHASING LOGS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS .......... 1 NON CONTRACT RECORDS (PAYMENT): see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS ................................. 8 NON CONTRACT RECORDS (PURCHASING): see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS ................................. 4 NON ROUTINE REPORTS ............................................ 17 OBF TR-I: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ..... 5 ONE-WRITE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM CONTRACTS: see CONTRACT FILES ............................................ 15 OVERNIGHT MONIES: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS .. 9 OVERTIME MEAL VOUCHERS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 PAYEE CONTINUATIONS .............................................. 5 PAYMENT RECORDS ................................................. 5 PEI-rY CASH VOUCHERS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 PRINTOUTS SHOWING RECEIPT OF FUNDS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 PURCHASE LISTINGS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 PURCHASE ORDERS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 PURCHASE ORDER CHANGE NOTICES: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS .......... 1 PURCHASE ORDER LOGS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 PURCHASE REQUISITIONS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 PURCHASING LISTINGS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 PURCHASING RECORDS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 PURCHASING REGISTERS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 QUICK PAY INVOICE CONTINUATIONS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 QUICK PAY VOUCHERS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 RECEIPT OF FUNDS PRINTOUT: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE RECORDS) ................... 9 FISCAL RECORDS -21- Rev. APRIL 2005 RECEIPTS FOR ITEMS PURCHASED: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 RECEIPTS FOR REPAIRS AND SERVICES RENDERED: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS .......... 1 REFUNDS OF APPROPRIATIONS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 REFUNDS OF APPROPRIATIONS - EXPENDITURES: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ............. 5 REPORTS AND STUDIES ............................................. 17 REQUISITION LOGS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 REVENUE RECORDS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS .. 9 REVIEIN AGENCY BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS: see BUDGET REQUESTS .......................................... 13 REVIEIN AGENCY BUDGET REQUESTS: see BUDGET POLICY COORDINATOR FILES .......................... 12 ROUTINE REPORTS ................................................. 17 SC 321: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 SCHEDULES OF OUTSTANDING CHECKS: see BANKING RECORDS ........ 11 SERVICE REPORTS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 SHORTAGE/OVERAGE MEMORANDUMS: see ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (REVENUE) RECORDS ................... 9 SPECIAL CHARGE VOUCHERS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 STANDARD VOUCHERS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 STANDARD VOUCHERS - CONTINUATION SHEETS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ............. 5 STANDARD VOUCHERS - INVOICE CONTINUATIONS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ............. 5 STATEMENTS OF AUTOMOBILE TRAVEL: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS ............. 5 STUDIES: see REPORTS AND STUDIES ................................ 17 TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATES: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 TR 281: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS- PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 TRAVEL AUTHORIZATIONS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 TRAVEL REQUESTS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 FISCAL RECORDS -22- Rev. APRIL 2005 TRAVEL VOUCHERS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PAYMENT RECORDS .............................................. 5 UNCOLLECTIBLE CHECKS: see BANKING RECORDS .................... 11 VENDOR CONTACT SHEETS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 VENDOR FILES: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 VENDOR HISTORY REPORTS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 VENDOR INVOICES: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 VENDOR REGISTER LOGS: see ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS - PURCHASING RECORDS ........................................... 1 WIRE TRANSFERS: see BANKING RECORDS ........................... 11 FISCAL RECORDS -23- Rev. APRIL 2005