HomeMy WebLinkAboutVillage of GeneseoLocal Government Records Management improvement Fund Application Narrative {LG-NA) Local Government Name: Village of Geneseo Population Served i Annual Operating Budget Total Number of Employees 7.579 $4.229,708 Full-time: 21 Part-time: 13 Please address each of the issues listed below. Be as detailed as possible, Keep in mind that the application narrative directly corresponds to the criteria which reviewers will follow when ranking your application. Statement of the Problem (maximum 20 points) Describe the specific records management problem the project will address, provide qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem, and explain why the project is a high priority. (I0 points) Identify the specific records that will be involved, and any previous grant-funded projects related to these records and this project. (5 points) Explain why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the project. (For example, explain why you need funding if you've previously received funding for a similar project,) (5 points) Narrative: a. Describe the specific records management problem the project will address and pro;ide qualitative descr~pthms of and qualita6;e da~a about the problem, aad e~p~aia why ~h~s pruject is a high priority, The Village of Geneseo is iucated ht Livingston County. is the £ounty Seat, and is home to Si/NY Geneseo. Per [t~e 2000 (ensus, tl~e Village's pupulatiun is 7,579 persons. Tine community maiutains its uwu ~ater and sewer services. I'here is a small Village Police Department and a volunteer fke ckpartment. In additiou to its Clerk's Or,See, there is a Village CourL Assessor, Cude Oi]Sce, and Plauning and Zoning Boarcis. As cierailect in Secdon III. tlae Village is reqaesting funds to undertake a Geographic lu~brmatiun Systems (GIS) Needs Assessment. '[his Needs Assessment is seen as the first necessary step in addressing a number oldie community's records needs. -['he Village currently bas approximately 1,200 waiter aud se~,~er cunnections each. along with 22 miles of water tiues and 17 miles oi sewer lines, qhese systems haxe been consistendy added rebuih, and repaired over the course off many 5ears. individual curb shut-ot'f~s may be located anvx~herc f:~om the road~xay edge to the home, and no record exists o(where the> are. t nl~rtunately no current and accurate maps of the i~tfl'astrucmre exist, aud there is no es% ~av to see multipte in{~'astructure components on one map. This lack of mappiu~ documentatiun causes obvious diIiicutties lbr the Water aod Sewer Department as tlney undertake regtdar maiotenance activities or deal xsitln emergencies. 'Flue Village. through its Fq'igh~ay Department. also maintains over I2.5 miles of roads, l'here are ()inly paper maps available to guicte tine }/igbwa> Department in its maintenance of' roadx~ays, including the location o/' tral'l~c and street signs, maintenance logs, bruM~ control, etc. There is no digital fire hydrant mapping. A new federal requirement will soon require the Village u> in~ento~'y all tralt~c signs lSor reflectivity. This will be a time-consuming data collection and management process that could be greatl~ aided by a G/S. The Village believes that tt~e best method of documenting and managing its existing infl'astructure is through a Geographic lnibrnnation System. The lack of GIS mapping records, ~xhich cotdd provide a number of data ~ayers to the Village. is unavailable. The lack of versatile mapping records ~br existing infrastructure causes dil'lictdtv delay in planning anti under'taking public works projects, or in responding to emergencies. Village personnel must go otiLsite to procuring large-scale copies of maps, or must photocopy po~'tions maps and paste them together. This is an inei'licient use of the Vitlage employees' time. t'he ViiIage believes that the best method of documenting its existing inli'astructure is tlwough a Geographic lnfk)rmation Nystem. This GIS inlbrmation could also be utilized by the Clerk's Ol~ice ibr such things as political boundm'ies, ~oting diswicts, water/se~,,eF tax benefit, parcel data, etc. The Village also be able to use data fi-om its Assesso~-'s OFfice fbr an efficient means oi inlbrmatio~l sharing, and the Poiice Department could use GfS data to track and map concenwation of crimes. A GIS Needs Assessment is oeeded to f'olly determine tine myriacl et ~avs in which a GIS could be implemented to improve actix e ~'ecords management in the Village. £ resting a complete GIS data invento% at the Village level will increase: the efiicienc el municipal employees. Fine completion of tile Needs Assessment will be tine first step io acidressing the active records management isstles above. The Village is cognizant that Livingston County has a well- developed GIS in place. It is not the Village's intention to duplicate the ef'lbrts of the County, but to determine how GiS technology can best serve the Village and coot-dinate with the County's system. b, lldentil~' specific records series, government departments that will be inwflved a~ld any previous, related grant ftmded pr{~jects. Wlnile the lack o£ records ik)r Village infS'astrocture was a m~}or impetus to consider a GIS. the Village realizes that the potential implementation oF a system should be undertaken in a well?lanned and comp~ehensive n~anner. Fherelbre, the decision was made to undertake a (HS Needs Assessment fbr all Village departments that coatct potentially benefit fi'om a GIS. These departments inclucie: Department or Public Works ( 12.5 miles of'roads) Water and Sewer Department (/-l.200 connections: 22 miles o~' water: I7 miles of sewer. storm x, cater system, maDtnol~.'s, etc.) (-!lerk' s/Mayof s OiEce Code Enfiweement Office Assessor's ()['rice Police Department (g fldl time and 3 part time o~'i%ers) Fire Department Planning and Zoning Boards Fhe Village has had a number of previous I~GRMIF grants that have greatl5 assisted in the development of a robust records management program, the most recent being I998. l'hese ha~e inch<ted grants 5or inventor:,, and planning, creating an inactive records storage center, installing vauh shelving in cooperation wiflq the Towl] of Oeneseo. instituting use off the Minute Manager Program. and disaster recover>' ~btlo~ing a ~lood in t095. ['he Village has not received Mnding related to the development oi:a (ils lbr the Village. c. Explain why ftmding from this gran~ is essential ~.o accomplishing the project, The Village of Geneseo has a limited tax base and a tight municipal budget. Ahl~ough d~e Village commits flmding ~br records management in its annual budgeL it cannot aflbrd the cost to undertake a [Ldl GIS Needs Assessment on its own. I'hey could choose not m complete the assessment or undertake any GIS related work. l'bis u, ould resuh in the existing problerns continuing unchanged. ~[hc Village believes that attempting to institute a GIS without a complete Needs Assessment is reckless, and that such an assessment calllqOt be completed in a piecemeal Ihshion as f'unding permits. This would likely resuh in a duplication of activities and data sets. and system or systems that arc not compatible. [he opportunity to coordir:atc activities andor services with the (ounty ~ould also be lost. (irant funding is essential to the Village's goal of better records management via a Geographic In~brmation System. Il. Intended Results (maximum 10 points) a. Identify each intended result (specific products, time and cost savings, or services), and describe the anticipated benefits, (5 points) b, Describe in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records ~anagement program. (5 points) Narrative: ~, lldeutify each ire'ended resell and describe the a~tic~pated benefits the completinn of a (HS Needs Assessment is the first step in acidressing a signilicant gap the Village's active records and will have a number of positive results and Ii It will provide the Village with tile inlbrmation needed to determine the most ef'i]ciem and effective manner in which tu develop usable nnaps of its existh~g infrastructure and highway system. 2) Other GIS uses that ma> imprnxe management, creation or access tn Village records be identified. 3i The Village will }nave tine h'fibrrnation necessar5 tu determine whether innplementing a stand-alone (its lbr the Village is appropriate, or if thc Village's Gig ~eeds can be addressed in a cooperative efqbrt with tlao County. 4) tt will provide the Village with an understanding of hardxxare and software requirements necessur> tbr implementing either a stand-sluice nr cnoperative GIS, 5) Ibc eventual implementation of a GIS will streamline tine Village's records managcnneat and, itl the ihture, may make it easier to provide in[urrnation to tine public in a timeb manner. b. Describe in detail bow the project will contribute tn the development nfs records management program~ The Village of Geneseo Clerk. who is the ciesignated RMO. manages tine Village's records managemeut program. 'der ol lice dnes a commendable job ir, making sure that records are inventoried and purged on a regular basis and she and her staff' undertake or oxersee this task tbr all Village depm'tments. As vAtb most communities, technology, especially compater assisted and nther elecmmic records managemer~t, is either being mandated ur adopted every year (c.g. Access database ibr tracking local recurds), f-he Village is confident that this tlexx map-based system will greatly bene['h the Village in terms or' employee and 8overnment efliciency and hnpro~ed records mam~emem, lhe V~lla~e ~s co~n~zam dsa~ nncc hnplememed~ this records manasement sys[em must not only be written into the Village's records managemen~ program~ i~ wiIl need to be written into lob description of designated Villnge employees m~ future employees. The Village must aiso agree bear the cost of system upgrades and yearly rnaimenance I~es. Fhis will gnarantee that tl~e significant ~Snanciai investmem being undertaken at this lime will be perpetuated into the furore, iii, Plan of Work (maximum 30 points) a. Provide a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable that shows when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed, and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2010. (15 points) b. Address each of the requirements of the relevant project category and subcategory. (10 points) Explain who will be responsible for performing each project activity, including project management. Indicate the qualifications of key project staff (including consultants and vendors) in terms of education, training, and experience. (5 points) Narrative: a. Provide a detailed or, dine of the proposed work activities and a timetable that shows when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the snnadness of ~'he method proposed, and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2010~ In nrder to determine the most appropriate method oF addressing the Village*s GIS related records needs, the Village is proposing to complete a thorongh GIS Needs Assessment. Since the Village does not have the capacity to nndertake this assessment on its own. it will conU;act with t~ qnalified consultant to complete the assessment. As part of the preparation of finis application, a Request fbr Quotes process was used to solicit costs as proscribed by the State Archives. (A copy nf the R[Q is included herein), Fhree companies. MRB Group, Clark Patterson Lee, and Clongh lIarbonr, ail oF Rochester. snbmitted proposals. Ali dwee lSrms are well qualified and have signilicant experience in completing Needs Assessments of this type. MRB (~roup submitted the lowest cost proposal at 512300. The other cost proposals were consistent v, ith the lov, e,*t price qnoted. I'here~bre. the Village is cnnddent that it can receive a high-qnality product at tlqis price and is thus reqnesting $12300 tn nndertake this assessment. Fhe Village will assume any costs incurred beyond this amonnt. The three responses to the RI:Q, with tl~e supporting materials provided to the municipality, are included with *;Other Supporting DocumentationZ I~ is anticipated that a Consu]lant xxill be hired no later than Angust 2009. l'he Needs Assessment will be completed according tn New York State Archives Locai ('rovernrnent G[S Development Guidelines. The assessmem will indnde ibe atbremendonect Village Water and Sex, er Depanment~ Department oF Pnblic Works~ Assessor's Of I~ce, Code Enfbrcernent OiUce. and Village Clerk's/Mayor's Office. Foltox~ing the hiring of the Ccmsaltant, a kick o~1' meeting with Village nfficials and Department heacts will be held. ]'his meeting will inclucte an introductor? level explanation of G[S and its benefits, a 'qqands-on*' demonstration of common GIS software, and a presentation cd' typical GIS dexelopment processes. Fcflloxt, ing the kick-ofT meeting, individual departmental interviews will be ladd, Following the collection of data, a drati Gig Needs Assessment xxi[l be prepared by the Consultant and subsequently reviewed by the Village prior to preparation of,the final report. I'he Needs Assessment ,,~ ill inclnde, but nnt necessarily be limited to: l) Depnrtment:d Need~ A~,ge.~sment ii.ir ail del>artments noted above, including a kick-off meeting. questionnaires, interviews, inventory of existing harch~arc und soflware anti assessment of each department's needs and potential nse el' a G tS. Il) Conceptual Design of a GIS including system design options, recommended depb>menl. deployment steps, and needed equipment/sof'tware. iii) lmplementatioa Plea including steps i;or implementation, hardv~are and sofixsare acquisido~ l'ecommendalions, training needs, continued system management ilceds, implementation schedule, year one l~mding costs, and ongoing costs. At the conclusion of the Needs Assessment, the Village will have the in!brmation it needs plan the development og a elS. This information will include tl'~e applications to be developecL the (ils fimctions needed, the data needed in the GIS database, as well as thc proccdnres fnr reqtdred ciera maintenance. Below is the Villagu's proposed timetable lbr concincting tiao prqiect: Milestone Start Date ( nmpletion Date Grant Award 6/09 .... I fire (?onsaJtant .... 7/09 Kick-niT Meeting .... g/09 Initial Interviews t0/00 I10 Prepare Draft Report I 10 3 10 Finalize Report 4/10 5/10 While speci£'ic milestone dates may change, the Viltage will include clear and specific cteadtines in its consuhant"s contract to ensore that pro. iect will be completed within the timelYame established by State Archives. Address each of the ~-eqt~irements of the relevant project catego~T and s~bcatego~7 lhe Village has~ and will continue to 2)Ilnw the (ils development process laid out by New Ynrk State Archives' pubticatino L, oc~l Gm'e,"mne,r (iLS' ~)eve/op/ne~Tz (7~i~&,~. As detailed previoosly, tt~e Village has groxxi~g needs to access inik>~'mation regardi~,g its municipal iiqfl'astr~cttlre more eI'licieotlv. I'l~ere is a lack oF specifSc lc>cations l~r inli'astl~c'mre. :u~d ai~ i~mbilitv to create nmps used rotttinely in Village business. I'be Village strongly believes that a dewelopil~g a Geographic h~)rmation System is d~e best way to lddress this neeci, a~d that such a system may have uses and beoelits ~br a number oF Village departments. It is important, hov, eve~', tn Fully assess the ability of a (}IS ~o address the Village's needs, and to determine ~i~e bes~ ~ay ~o implemetqt a (}IS fk3r the Village. A l[~ll (51S Needs Assessment is z~ necessary {irst step in addressing its active records i~eeds. The Village realizes that it will need to proxide the resources and nmgning traioing necessal'? to maintain an active (ils arid (3IS data i~ the i'ature. [J~e completion oF the Needs Assessmen~ ~ili assist the Village in better determining tlqe lexe[ of stipport thai v, ili be reqt~ired to maintain its (ilS. (}tS once it reaches the implementation stage. Who '~vill be responsible ~'or each program activity The hired Enns~tltant will be responsible i'or the m0jority o[ thc work related to this prq}ect. The Village will contribute the in-kil~d staFF services nF its Village Clerk (the l~ecords N. la~ageme~t OfiScer) and its Deputy (71erk, who will oversee the project, l'ho Deputy Vill~go ('/cvk will be the Drojecl director, whose respo~sibilities will inch~de but not limited to. payme~qt requests~ overseeiog the timel3 completion o[' project milestni]es, aoci [h~al report preparati<m. Village depetrlmenl heads will be interviewed duri~qg the cnurse o[' the project. IV, Local Government Support for Records Management (maximum 10 points) it is important to demonstrate your commitment to records management. Types of support may include government funds, staffing, equipment, supplies, or the allocation of space, Provide specific budget amounts whenever possible. include information only on the support your local government provided and will provide with its own funds. Projects completely funded by the LGRMIF do not constitute Ioca~ support~ Demonstrate contributions to this project. (5 points) b. Describe how this project and records management in general will be maintained over the Narrative: a. Demonstrate contribndons to this project The Village Clerk and Depnty Vill~_ge Clerk will oversee this pro. iect ~s part el their regular duties. No gram ~'unds are budgeted to pay ~br their time related to this projecL Furthermore~ all department heads and other Village staff' will be also be inxoixeci in the prq}ect to some degree particularl> during the interview process. It will nol be necessary t'(~r ti~e Village to pernmnendy increase its staff as a resuh of this GIS Needs Assessment project. On the contrary, it is eventually hoped that the implementation phase of' the GIS, in subsequent funding requests, will greatly increase thc efficiency of the present staff'. b, Describe how this project and records management in general will be maintained over the long-term I'he Village of Geneseo has an established and well-coordinated Records Ma~agement Program. The Village has an appointed Records Management ()[]~cer. adopted a Records Retention/Disposition Schedule, and devised a Records Management Plan, ~dfich it still fbtlows. I'he Village Funds its records management program via several budget Hne i~ems fbr varions departments fi)r a total of $5,000. The Village maintains its records through the regular duties of the Village Clerk, ~shn is the RMO, and her assistants. The well-organized nature of'the Village's active ancl inactive records makes ongoing records management relatively easy. Records are regularly trans~brrcd to inactive storage xd~en appropriate and. are disposed of according to the Village's adopted schedule. Ibc RMO routinely ~orks ~ith other Village personne~ anti departments to ensure consistency of records management throughout the Village anti to idcntii~ emerging records management issues. As demonstrated by its inclusion of' linc items lbr records management in its budget, thc Village understands that ongoiog f[~nding will be necessary to maintain and implement its GIS in the ik~ture, Local Government Records Management h'nprovement Fund Vendor Quote Form (LG-VQ) Please complete this form to provide evidence that you have contacted three vendors for price quotes One or more of the quotes may be derived frorn State Contract Listing (www.ogs.state.ny.us/purchase) Photocopy the form if you must submit more than one Vendor Quote Form. Instructions for completing the form are on the reverse side. Vendor's Name and Address Deecription of Item State Contract Quoted or Service* Number Price Completion of a GIS $!2,300 Needs Assessment ~ MRB Group 2480 Browncroft Boulevard Rochester, NY 14625 2. Clough Harbor Associates Powers Building 16 Main Street West, Suite 830 Rochester. NY 14614-1607 3 Clark Patterson Lee 205 St Paul Street Rochester, NY 14604 Completion of a GtS Needs Assessment Completion of a GIS Needs Assessment $16.000 $18,500 *For services rendered, provide more detail in the Budget Category and Narrative form, Code 40 REQUEST FOR QUOTES V~LLAGE OF GENESEO GIS NEEDS ASSESSMENT December 19, 2008 A. BACKGROUND The Village of Geneseo is located in Livingston County New York and has a 2000 Census population of 7579 persons. The Village of Geneseo is the County Seat and is home to SUNY Geneseo. The community maintains its own water and sewer services. There is a small Village Police Department and a volunteer fire department, tn addition to its Clerk's Office, there is a Village Court, Assessor, Code Office, and Planning and Zoning Boards. B. RFQ SUBJECT PROJECT It is the Village of Geneseo's desire to seek funding from the New York State Education Department under its State Archives Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund to complete a Geographic Information System (GIS) Needs Assessment. This GIS Needs Assessment is seen as a first step to enable the Village to implement a GtS program. Future funding requests will concentrate on the software hardware, and training needed to implement a GIS program in the Village. Departments to be included in the Needs Assessment include: Department or Public Works (6 employees) Water and Sewer Department (5 employees; +/-1.200 connections) Clerk's/Supervisors Office Code Enforcement Office (3 employees) Assessor's Office (2 employees) Police Department (8 full time and 3 part time officers) Fire Department Planning and Zoning Boards The Village is seeking quotes from qualified firms to complete its GtS Needs Assessment. This quote is a necessary component of Ihe Village's State Archives application which has a submission deadline of February 2. 2009. The GIS Needs Assessment wilt need to be completed in full compliance with all applicable guidelines and regulations of New York State Archives. The Plan should include but not necessarily be limited to: I) Departmental Needs Assessment for all departments noted above, including a kick- off meeting, questionnaires, interviews inventory of existing hardware and software, and assessment of each department's needs and potential use of a GIS. II) Conceptual Design of a GlS including system design options, recommended deployment, deployment steps, and needed equipment/software, Ill) Implementation Plan including steps for implementation, hardware and software acquisition recommendations, training needs, continued system management needs, implementation schedule, year one funding costs, and ongoing costs. Three (3) written copies of a final report including the above shall be provided to the Village at the conclusion of the project. C, SUBMISSION OF QUOTES Firms are asked to provide the following information in submitting their quotes: I) Genera~ Background of the Firm and its Principals Respondent need not include a large volume of company promotional materials, but should submit information pertinent to the subiect proiect. Statement of Qualifications Project Understanding - A brief statement on the parameters of the subject proiect as listed above, Description of the Project Team: Submit a brief description of the firm's team and their backgrounds as related to GtS. Project Approach: Provide information on how the firm will work with the Village to determine its GIS needs what GIS will do for the Village, and how each task will be accomplished. This should include a general discussion on preliminary GIS design and how the firm will create and test such. in addition as to how the firm will assist the Village in determining the needed hardware, software, and database(s). The RFQ should also include information on recommendations for training needed and/or an evaluation of existing staff capabilities of the Village of Geneseo staff. Previous Experience: Please submit at least three detailed examples of previous proiects including deliverables, which are similar in scope to the subiect project, Also include the names and addresses of project contacts who may be called upon as references. General References: General references of other parties familiar with the firm's work should also be included. Resumes - Submit resumes of the project leader and other members of the project team. Project Schedule - The general timeframe of this project wi!l be August 1, 2009 to May 31, 2010. Please submit a proiect schedule which is reflective of this timeframe. Firm also acknowledges this timeframe in consideration of the enclosed cost proposal. ~11) Fee Proposal The fee proposal shall itemize the project components detailed in (B) above. The attached form should be used to provide project costs. tV) Submission Deadline Quotes must be submitted in writing to the following address no later than 4PM on Monday, January t2th, 2009: Marsha Merrick, Village Clerk/Treasurer Village of Geneseo 'I 19 Main Street Geneseo, NY 14454 The quote shall be provided in a sealed envelope, and GIS Needs Assessment Quote" should be written on the outside of the envelope. V) Addendum All quotes must be valid for 12 months. The Village of Geneseo wil! make its decision contingent upon the receipt of the State Archives grant, LGRMIF Grant Applicatinn - 2009-2010 - Budget Narrative Pt RCHASED SERVICES: Code 40 Description of Item Provider of Services CaNulafiun of Proposed Cost Expenditure (}SS Needs Assessment NlRB Group lump sum quote 51 _,_~0) Narrative: Following a xxictely distribt~ted Request ~¥r Quotes t'or a (}IS Needs Assessment (see "Prqiecl SpecitSc Materials" lbr the RFQ alx:t 15)r copies ol'the three quotes received). MRB Group of Rochester provided the lox~esl cost estimate. As shown in detail in their proposal, they have extensive experience i~ GIS aud (}IS Needs Assessments. including assessments completed thrnugh the [,GRMI F. ['hey arc well qua}iiSed to complete the work required by the Village. Since the Village does not have the in-house expetqise to research, plan and develop a G[S, the consultant wilt complete all components o['the Needs Assessmem. Village personnel will be responsible lbr grant management, reporting, and Ibr providing needed inll>rmation to the consultant.