HomeMy WebLinkAboutVillage of Massapequa Park Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Log Number Date Received Grant Project Application (LG-AP) 2008-2009 : x� Local Government(Name) Department/Unit(REQUIRED) County Incorporated Village of Massapequa Park Department of Public Works Nassau Chief Administrative Officer(Last Name,First Name,Mr./Ms.) Madonna, James, Jr. Title Telephone Number/Extension Fax Number E-mail Address Mayor T(5 16) 798-0244 (516)798-6106 villclerk@masspk.com Address(Street, City,Zip Code) 151 Front Street, Massapequa Park,NY 11762 Project Director(Last Name, First Name, Mr./Ms.) Caltabiano, Peggy,Ms. TitleTelephone Number/Extension Fax Number E-mail Address Village Administrator (516)798-0244 (516)798-6 106 villclerk@masspk.com Address(Street, City, Zip Code) 151 Front Street,Massapequa Park, NY 11762 Records Management Officer(RMO)(Last Name, First Name,Mr./Ms.) Caltabiano, Peggy, Ms. Same person as Project Director Title Telephone Number/Extension Fax Number E-mail Address Village Administrator (516)798-0244 (516)798-6106 villclerk@masspk.com Address(Street, City,Zip Code) 151 Front Street, Massapequa Park,NY 11762 RMO appointed?®Yes ❑No❑N/A Appropriate schedule adopted?®Yes ❑No ❑N/A Year RMO was appointed:1992 Year schedule was adopted:1989 Application Type (Check one): ® Individual ❑ Cooperative ❑ Complex ❑ Disaster Recovery Project Category (Check theappropriate category and subcategory—no more than 1 category and 1 subcategory) ❑ INVENTORY ❑ Records Inventory ❑ INACTIVE RECORDS Planning and Design AND PLANNING ❑ Records Survey and Program Planning ❑ Storage and Retrieval ❑ Office Retention Scheduling ❑ MICROFILM (no sub-categories) ❑ EDUCATIONAL USES (no sub-categories) ® ACTIVE ❑ Files Management ❑ Disaster/Business Recovery Planning ❑Indexing and Access RECORDS ❑ Imaging and Document Management ® Geographic Information Systems ❑eGovernment ❑ Records Systems ❑ Business Process Analysis ❑ County Land Records Initiative ❑ HISTORICAL ❑ Assessing Your Historical Records Facility Improvement RECORDS ❑ Improving Access ❑ Preservation ❑ Outreach and Public Programs Amount Requested: $ 42,946 Number of Grants Previous) Received: 6 Project Summary (Complete in this box. Describe project, including scope, objectives, and description of records.) The Village of Massapequa Park is requesting $42,946 to alleviate problems with our highway record storage and dissemination. The Village's highway records are quite active and used daily by the Department of Public Works staff, Highway Inspector, and Village Administrator. The records are not stored in a central location; are often carried into the field and misplaced or damaged; often duplicated in different departments; and record keeping is not standard among departments. In addition, the Village staff is haphazardly responding to resident complaints without proper highway record information. The Village proposes the use of our existing geographical information system (GIS) to store, update, and retrieve valuable highway records. The project shall include the purchase of a GIS Consultant services, two desktop PCs, and two licenses of ESRI ArcGIS. The PCs and software shall service the DPW staff and Inspector exclusively. The Village Administrator and Building Department already have sufficient GIS software to access GIS records. The hired GIS Consultant shall install the new ESRI ArcGIS software, edit roadway and parcel data, update and attach an existing 2004 MS Access roadway inventory database, color code the roadways based on the 2004 records and current records, develop a signage feature class, develop a handicap ramp feature class, create a customized tool to edit feature classes, create a customized tool for resident and employee complaints, and perform training. New York State Archives Form LG-AP 9/2007 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund- Grant Project Application (LG-AP)—page two Please check off boxes in the first column to indicate that you have included all required forms. Assemble your application packet in the same order as the checklist below. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Applicant Archives Staff Grant Project Application(LG-AP) ® ❑ Checklist for Participants (LG-PA) (Mark only if a cooperative project) ❑ ❑ Appendix A and Appendix A-1 G ® ❑ Payee ID Form and Data Capture Form ® ❑ Application Narrative Form (LG-NA) ® ❑ Project-Specific Forms and Materials ® ❑ Budget Code and Narrative Forms ® ❑ Budget Summary(FS-20) ® ❑ Certification and Approval The following signatures certify that the local government agrees to the conditions outlined in Appendix A and Appendix A-1 G. I hereby certify that I am either the applicant's Chief Administrative Officer or the Records Management Officer (RMO), and that the information contained in this application is, to the best of our knowledge, complete and accurate. I further certify, to the best of my knowledge, that any ensuing program and activity will be conducted in accordance with all applicable state laws and regulations, application guidelines and instructions, and that the requested budget amounts are necessary for the implementation of this project. I understand that this application constitutes an offer and, if accepted by the New York State Education/ Department or renegotiated to acceptance, will form a binding agreement. I also understand that immediate yTitten notice will be provided to the grants program office if at any time I learn that its certification was erroneous When submitted, or h s become-brroneous by reason of changed circumstances. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Signatur (in blue nk)/J - % Date Type or print the name and title of the Chief Administrative Officer James/Alt tl'onna,Jr. Mayor RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER(RMO) Signature(in blue,ink) 1 ;� Date Type or print theame and titllof'the Records Management Officer — ---- -----Telephone Number/Extension Peggy Caltabiano,Village Administrator 516-798-0244 X30 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Reviewed by Date Submit an original and eight (8) copies to: New York State Archives Grants Administration Unit 9A81 Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230 New York State Archives Fonn LG-AP 9/2007 Required for Federal and State Discretionary Grant Programs APPENDIX A STANDARD CLAUSES FOR NYS CONTRACTS The parties to the attached contract,license,lease,amendment or other agreement of any kind(hereinafter,"the contract" or"this contract")agree to be bound by the following clauses which are hereby made a part of the contract(the word"Contractor" herein refers to any party other than the State,whether a contractor,licenser, licensee, lessor, lessee or any other party): 1. EXECUTORY CLAUSE. In accordance with Section 41 of the State Finance Law, the State shall have no liability under this contract to the Contractor or to anyone else beyond funds appropriated and available for this contract. 2.NON-ASSIGNMENT CLAUSE. In accordance with Section 138 of the State Finance Law,this contract may not be assigned by the Contractor or its right,title or interest therein assigned,transferred,conveyed,sublet or otherwise disposed of without the previous consent, in writing, of the State and any attempts to assign the contract without the State's written consent are null and void. The Contractor may, however, assign its right to receive payment without the State's prior written consent unless this contract concerns Certificates of Participation pursuant to Article 5-A of the State Finance Law. 3. COMPTROLLER'S APPROVAL. . Unless exempt by law or the Office of the State Comptroller's policy, in accordance with Section 112 of the State Finance Law (or, if this contract is with the State University or City University of New York, Section 355 or Section 6218 of the Education Law),if this contract exceeds$15,000(or the minimum thresholds agreed to by the Office of the State Comptroller for certain S.U.N.Y. and C.U.N.Y, contracts), or if this is an amendment for any amount to a contract which, as so amended, exceeds said statutory amount, or if, by this contract, the State agrees to give something other than money when the value or reasonably estimated value of such consideration exceeds$10,000, it shall not be valid, effective or binding upon the State until it has been approved by the State Comptroller and filed in his office. Comptroller's approval of contracts let by the Office of General Services is required when such contracts exceed $30,000 (State Finance Law Section 163.6.a). 4. WORKERS' COMPENSATION BENEFITS.In accordance with Section 142 of the State Finance Law,this contract shall be void and of no force and effect unless the Contractor shall provide and maintain coverage during the life of this contract for the benefit of such employees as are required to be covered by the provisions of the Workers'Compensation Law. 5. NON-DISCRIMINATION REQUIREMENTS. To the extent required by Article 15 of the Executive Law(also known as the Human Rights Law)and all other State and Federal statutory and constitutional non-discrimination provisions,the Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color,sex,national origin,sexual orientation, age, disability, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or marital status. Furthermore, in accordance with Section 220-e of the Labor Law,if this is a contract for the construction, alteration or repair of any public building or public work or for the manufacture, sale or distribution of materials, equipment or supplies, and to the extent that this contract shall be performed within the State of New York, Contractor agrees that neither it nor its subcontractors shall, by reason of race, creed, color, disability,sex,or national origin: (a)discriminate in hiring against any New York State citizen who is qualified and available to perform the work;or(b)discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under this contract. If this is a building service contract as defined in Section 230 of the Labor Law, then, in accordance with Section 239 thereof, Contractor agrees that neither it nor its subcontractors shall by reason of race,creed,color,national origin,age,sex or disability: (a) discriminate in hiring against any New York State citizen who is qualified and available to perform the work; or (b) discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of work under this contract. Contractor is subject to fines of$50.00 per person per day for any violation of Section 220-e or Section 239 as well as possible termination of this contract and forfeiture of all moneys due hereunder for a second or subsequent violation. 6. WAGE AND HOURS PROVISIONS. If this is a public work contract covered by Article 8 of the Labor Law or a building service contract covered by Article 9 thereof, neither Contractor's employees nor the employees of its subcontractors may be required or permitted to work more than the number of hours or days stated in said statutes, except as otherwise provided in the Labor Law and as set forth in prevailing wage and supplement schedules issued by the State Labor Department. Furthermore, Contractor and its subcontractors must pay at least the prevailing wage rate and pay or provide the prevailing supplements, including the premium rates for overtime pay,as determined by the State Labor Department in accordance with the Labor Law. 7. NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION. In accordance with Section 139-d of the State Finance Law, if this contract was awarded based upon the submission of bids,Contractor warrants,under penalty of perjury,that its bid was arrived at independently and without collusion aimed at restricting competition. Contractor further warrants that, at the time Contractor submitted its bid,an authorized and responsible person executed and delivered to the State a non-collusive bidding certification on Contractor's behalf. 8.INTERNATIONAL BOYCOTT PROHIBITION. In accordance with Section 220-f of the Labor Law and Section 139-h of the State Finance Law, if this contract exceeds$5,000,the Contractor agrees,as a material condition of the contract, that neither the Contractor nor any substantially owned or affiliated person,firm,partnership or corporation has participated,is participating, or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the federal Export Administration Act of 1979 (50 USC App. Sections 2401 et seq.)or regulations thereunder. If such Contractor, or any of the aforesaid affiliates of Contractor, is convicted or is otherwise found to have violated said laws or regulations upon the final determination of the United States Commerce Department or any other appropriate agency of the United States subsequent to the contract's execution, such contract, amendment or modification thereto shall be rendered forfeit and void. The Contractor shall so notify the State Comptroller within five(5)business days of such conviction,determination or disposition of appeal(2NYCRR 105.4). 9.SET-OFF RIGHTS. The State shall have all of its common law,equitable and statutory rights of set-off. These rights shall include,but not be limited to, the State's option to withhold for the purposes of set-off any moneys due to the Contractor under this contract up to any amounts due and owing to the State with regard to this contract, any other contract with any State department or agency,including any contract for a term commencing prior to the term of this contract,plus any amounts due and owing to the State for any other reason including,without limitation,tax delinquencies, fee delinquencies or monetary penalties relative thereto. The State shall exercise its set-off rights in accordance with normal State practices including, in cases of set-off pursuant to an audit,the finalization of such audit by the State agency,its representatives,or the State Comptroller. 10. RECORDS. The Contractor shall establish and maintain complete and accurate books, records, documents, accounts and other evidence directly pertinent to performance under this contract(hereinafter,collectively, "the Records"). The Records must be kept for the balance of the calendar year in which they were made and for six (6) additional years thereafter. The State Comptroller, the Attorney General and any other person or entity authorized to conduct an examination,as well as the agency or agencies involved in this contract, shall have access to the Records during normal business hours at an office of the Contractor within the State of New York or, if no such office is available,at a mutually agreeable and reasonable venue within the State,for the term specified above for the purposes of inspection, auditing and copying. The State shall take reasonable steps to protect from public disclosure any of the Records which are exempt from disclosure under Section 87 of the Public Officers Law(the "Statute")provided that: (i) the Contractor shall timely inform an appropriate State official, in writing,that said records should not be disclosed; and (ii) said records shall be sufficiently identified; and (iii) designation of said records as exempt under the Statute is reasonable. Nothing contained herein shall diminish, or in any way adversely affect, the State's right to discovery in any pending or future litigation. 11. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AND PRIVACY NOTIFICATION. (a)FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER and/or FEDERAL SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. All invoices or New York State standard vouchers submitted for payment for the sale of goods or services or the lease of real or personal property to a New York State agency must include the payee's identification number, i.e., the seller's or lessor's identification number. The number is either the payee's Federal employer identification number or Federal social security number,or both such numbers when the payee has both such numbers. Failure to include this number or numbers may delay payment. Where the payee does not have such number or numbers, the payee, on its invoice or New York State standard voucher, must give the reason or reasons why the payee does not have such number or numbers. (b)PRIVACY NOTIFICATION. (1) The authority to request the above personal information from a seller of goods or services or a lessor of real or personal property, and the authority to maintain such information, is found in Section 5 of the State Tax Law. Disclosure of this information by the seller or lessor to the State is mandatory. The principal purpose for which the information is collected is to enable the State to identify individuals,businesses and others who have been delinquent in filing tax returns or may have understated their tax liabilities and to generally identify persons affected by the taxes administered by the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance. The information will be used for tax administration purposes and for any other purpose authorized by law. (2) The personal information is requested by the purchasing unit of the agency contracting to purchase the goods or services or lease the real or personal property covered by this contract or lease. The information is maintained in New York State's Central Accounting System by the Director of Accounting Operations, Office of the State Comptroller, AESOB, Albany, New York 12236. 12.EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR MINORITIES AND WOMEN. In accordance with Section 312 of the Executive Law,if this contract is: (i)a written agreement or purchase order instrument,providing for a total expenditure in excess of$25,000.00, whereby a contracting agency is committed to expend or does expend funds in return for labor, services, supplies, equipment, materials or any combination of the foregoing, to be performed for, or rendered or furnished to the contracting agency;or(ii)a written agreement in excess of$100,000.00 whereby a contracting agency is committed to expend or does expend funds for the acquisition, construction, demolition, replacement, major repair or renovation of real property and improvements thereon; or (iii) a written agreement in excess of$100,000.00 whereby the owner of a State assisted housing project is committed to expend or does expend funds for the acquisition, construction, demolition,replacement, major repair or renovation of real property and improvements thereon for such project,then: (a) The Contractor will not discriminate against employees or applicants for employment because of race, creed, color,national origin,sex, age, disability or marital status,and will undertake or continue existing programs of affirmative action to ensure that minority group members and women are afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination. Affirmative action shall mean recruitment, employment,job assignment,promotion,upgradings,demotion,transfer, layoff, or termination and rates of pay or other forms of compensation; (b) at the request of the contracting agency, the Contractor shall request each employment agency, labor union, or authorized representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding, to furnish a written statement that such employment agency, labor union or representative will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or marital status and that such union or representative will affirmatively cooperate in the implementation of the contractor's obligations herein;and (c) the Contractor shall state, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees, that, in the performance of the State contract, all qualified applicants will be afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin,sex,age,disability or marital status. Contractor will include the provisions of V., "b", and "c" above, in every subcontract over $25,000.00 for the construction, demolition, replacement, major repair, renovation, planning or design of real property and improvements thereon (the "Work") except where the Work is for the beneficial use of the Contractor. Section 312 does not apply to: (i) work, goods or services unrelated to this contract;or(ii)employment outside New York State; or(iii)banking services, insurance policies or the sale of securities. The State shall consider compliance by a contractor or subcontractor with the requirements of any federal law concerning equal employment opportunity which effectuates the purpose of this section. The contracting agency shall determine whether the imposition of the requirements of the provisions hereof duplicate or conflict with any such federal law and if such duplication or conflict exists, the contracting agency shall waive the applicability of Section 312 to the extent of such duplication or conflict. Contractor will comply with all duly promulgated and lawful rules and regulations of the Governor's Office of Minority and Women's Business Development pertaining hereto. 13. CONFLICTING TERMS. In the event of a conflict between the terms of the contract(including any and all attachments thereto and amendments thereof)and the terms of this Appendix A,the terms of this Appendix A shall control. 14. GOVERNING LAW. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York except where the Federal supremacy clause requires otherwise. 15. LATE PAYMENT. Timeliness of payment and any interest to be paid to Contractor for late payment shall be governed by Article I1-A of the State Finance Law to the extent required by law. 16.NO ARBITRATION. Disputes involving this contract,including the breach or alleged breach thereof,may not be submitted to binding arbitration(except where statutorily authorized),but must, instead,be heard in a court of competent jurisdiction of the State of New York. 17. SERVICE OF PROCESS. In addition to the methods of service allowed by the State Civil Practice Law & Rules ("CPLR"), Contractor hereby consents to service of process upon it by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. Service hereunder shall be complete upon Contractor's actual receipt of process or upon the State's receipt of the return thereof by the United States Postal Service as refused or undeliverable. Contractor must promptly notify the State, in writing, of each and every change of address to which service of process can be made. Service by the State to the last known address shall be sufficient. Contractor will have thirty(30)calendar days after service hereunder is complete in which to respond. 18. PROHIBITION ON PURCHASE OF TROPICAL HARDWOODS. The Contractor certifies and warrants that all wood products to be used under this contract award will be in accordance with, but not limited to, the specifications and provisions of State Finance Law §165. (Use of Tropical Hardwoods) which prohibits purchase and use of tropical hardwoods, unless specifically exempted,by the State or any governmental agency or political subdivision or public benefit corporation. Qualifica- tion for an exemption under this law will be the responsibility of the contractor to establish to meet with the approval of the State. In addition,when any portion of this contract involving the use of woods, whether supply or installation, is to be performed by any subcontractor, the prime Contractor will indicate and certify in the submitted bid proposal that the subcontractor has been informed and is in compliance with specifications and provisions regarding use of tropical hardwoods as detailed in §165 State Finance Law.Any such use must meet with the approval of the State;otherwise,the bid may not be considered responsive.Under bidder certifications,proof of qualification for exemption will be the responsibility of the Contractor to meet with the approval of the State. 19. MACBRIDE FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRINCIPLES. In accordance with the MacBride Fair Employment Principles stipulates(Chapter 807 of the Laws of 1992), the Contractor hereby slates that the Contractor either(a)has no business operations in Northern Ireland,or(b)shall take lawful steps in good faith to conduct any business operations in Northern Ireland in accordance with the MacBride Fair Employment Principles (as described in Section 165 of the New York State Finance Law), and shall permit independent monitoring of compliance with such principles. 20. OMNIBUS PROCUREMENT ACT OF 1992. It is the policy of New York State to maximize opportunities for the participation of New York State business enterprises, including minority and women-owned business enterprises as bidders, subcontractors and suppliers on its procurement contracts. Information on the availability of New York State subcontractors and suppliers is available from: NYS Department of Economic Development Division for Small Business 30 South Pearl St--76 Floor Albany,New York 12245 Telephone: 518-292-5220 A directory of certified minority and women-owned business enterprises is available from: NYS Department of Economic Development Division of Minority and Women's Business Development 30 South Pearl St--2nd Floor Albany,New York 12245 http://www.empire.state.ny.us The Omnibus Procurement Act of 1992 requires that by signing this bid proposal or contract, as applicable, Contractors certify that whenever the total bid amount is greater than$1 million: (a) The Contractor has made reasonable efforts to encourage the participation of New York State Business Enterprises as suppliers and subcontractors, including certified minority and women-owned business enterprises, on this project, and has retained the documentation of these efforts to be provided upon request to the State; (b)The Contractor has complied with the Federal Equal Opportunity Act of 1972(P.L.92-261),as amended; (c) The Contractor agrees to make reasonable efforts to provide notification to New York State residents of employment opportunities on this project through listing any such positions with the Job Service Division of the New York State Department of Labor, or providing such notification in such manner as is consistent with existing collective bargaining contracts or agreements. The Contractor agrees to document these efforts and to provide said documentation to the State upon request;and (d)The Contractor acknowledges notice that the State may seek to obtain offset credits from foreign countries as a result of this contract and agrees to cooperate with the State in these efforts. 21. RECIPROCITY AND SANCTIONS PROVISIONS.Bidders are hereby notified that if their principal place of business is located in a country, nation,province, state or political subdivision that penalizes New York State vendors, and if the goods or services they offer will be substantially produced or performed outside New York State,the Omnibus Procurement Act 1994 and 2000 amendments(Chapter 684 and Chapter 383,respectively)require that they be denied contracts which they would otherwise obtain. NOTE: As of May 15,2002,the list of discriminatory jurisdictions subject to this provision includes the states of South Carolina, Alaska, West Virginia, Wyoming, Louisiana and Hawaii. Contact NYS Department of Economic Development for a current list ofjurisdictions subject to this provision. 22. PURCHASES OF APPAREL. In accordance with State Finance Law 162 (4-a), the State shall not purchase any apparel from any vendor unable or unwilling to certify that: (i) such apparel was manufactured in compliance with all applicable labor and occupational safety laws, including,but not limited to,child labor laws,wage and hours laws and workplace safety laws,and (ii)vendor will supply,with its bid(or,if not a bid situation,prior to or at the time of signing a contract with the State), if known, the names and addresses of each subcontractor and a list of all manufacturing plants to be utilized by the bidder. (Revised May 2003) APPENDIX A-1 G General A. In the event that the Contractor shall receive, from any source whatsoever, sums the payment of which is in consideration for the same costs and services provided to the State, the monetary obligation of the State hereunder shall be reduced by an equivalent amount provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall require such reimbursement where additional similar services are provided and no duplicative payments are received. B. This agreement is subject to applicable Federal and State Laws and regulations and the policies and procedures stipulated in the NYS Education Department Fiscal Guidelines found at http:/www.nvsed.gov/cafe/. Terminations A. The State may terminate this Agreement without cause by thirty (30) days prior written notice. In the event of such termination, the parties will adjust the accounts due and the Contractor will undertake no additional expenditures not already required. Upon any such termination,the parties shall endeavor in an orderly manner to wind down.activities hereunder. Safeguards for Services and Confidentiality B. Any copyrightable work produced pursuant to said agreement shall be the sole and exclusive property of the New York State Education Department. The material prepared under the terms of this agreement by the Contractor shall be prepared by the Contractor in a form so that it will be ready for copyright in the name of the New York State Education Department. Should the Contractor use the services of consultants or other organizations or individuals who are not regular employees of the Contractor, the Contractor and such organization or individual shall, prior to the performance of any work pursuant to this agreement, enter into a written agreement, duly executed, which shall set forth the services to be provided by such organization or individual and the consideration therefor. Such agreement shall provide that any copyrightable work produced pursuant to said agreement shall be the sole and exclusive property of the New York State Education Department and that such work shall be prepared in a form ready for copyright by the New York State Education Department. A copy of such agreement shall be provided to the State. C. All reports of research, studies, publications, workshops, announcements, and other activities funded as a result of this proposal will acknowledge the support provided by the State of New York. D. This agreement cannot be modified, amended, or otherwise changed except by a written agreement signed by 0 parties to this contract. E. No failure to assert any rights or remedies available to the State under this agreement shall be considered a waiver of such right or remedy or any other right or remedy unless such waiver is contained in a writing signed by the party alleged to have waived its right or remedy. F. Expenses for travel, lodging, and subsistence shall be reimbursed in accordance with the policies stipulated in the aforementioned Fiscal guidelines. G. No fees shall be charged by the Contractor for training provided under this agreement. H. Nothing herein shall require the State to adopt the curriculum developed pursuant to this agreement. I. All inquiries, requests, and notifications regarding this agreement shall be directed to the Program Contact or Fiscal Contact shown on the Grant Award included as part of this agreement. J. This agreement, including all appendices, is, upon signature of the parties and, when required the approval of the Attorney General and the State Comptroller, a legally enforceable contract. Therefore, a signature on behalf of the Contractor will bind the Contractor to all the terms and conditions stated therein. K. The parties to this agreement intend the foregoing writing to be the final, complete, and exclusive expression of all the terms of their agreement. Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Application Narrative (LG-NA) Local Government Name Incorporated Village of Massapequa Park Population Served Annual Operating Budget Total Number of Employees 17,500 $6,239,310 Full-time: 33 Part-time: 14 Please address each of the issues listed below. Be as detailed as possible. Keep in mind that the application narrative directly corresponds to the criteria which reviewers will follow when ranking your application. I. Statement of the Problem (maximum 20 points) a. Describe the specific records management problem the project will address, provide qualitative descriptions and quantitative data about the problem, and explain why the project is a high priority (10 points) b. Identify specific records that will be involved, and any previous grant-funded projects related to these records and this project. [5 points]For example, support a request for an imaging project with a description of how you use the records and an estimate of the time you would save if the records were available and searchable on your personal computer.) (5 points) c. Explain why funding from this grant program is essential to accomplishing the project. (For example, explain why you need funding if you've previously received funding for a similar project.) (5 points) A) The Village is responsible for the maintenance of all roads located within the Village. This job is a tremendous undertaking for a Village of our size. The Village contains 6,000 parcels and spends over $1 million per year on highway activities, such as road surveys, road repair, re-building roads and curbs, managing and responding to resident complaint regarding roads and signage, creating and installing new signage, and building handicap access ramps. The Village employs a Village Administrator, Road Inspector and Department of Public Works (DPW) staff dedicated to road maintenance tasks and record keeping. The Road Inspector suggests and oversees annual roads repair work. The DPW staff assist the Inspector in performing the scheduled work. The Village Administrator and associated office staff field resident complaint calls and manage the scheduling and budgeting of all road work. The specific records management problems that this project will address are: 1) the Village's inability to maintain and distribute valuable highway records among Village staff, 2) the Village's inability to respond appropriately to resident complaints, 3) the Village's need to store, update, and preserve road maintenance records in one central location, 4) the Village's need to develop consistent record keeping. 1) The Village's inability to maintain and distribute valuable records among Village staff— The Village maintains 656 road segments in the Village. Road segments constitute roadway from New York State Archives Fomt LG-NA 9/2007 intersection to intersection. Every five years the Village hires an outside engineering company to survey the quality and integrity of the roadways. The inventory is delivered to the Village in paper format and a MS ACCESS database. This inventory becomes a guidance document for road repair over the next five years. The report is edited with pencil and passed around the office. The Road Inspector uses a 1966 paper map to color code current roadway work. This map is also passed among Village staff and often brought into the field. The road inventory and paper map data are not correlated. There is only one master copy of the inventory and associated map. Additionally, the Village Administrator maintains a resident complaint log in Microsoft Access. The Administrator is the only person with access to the log. 2) The Village's inability to respond appropriately to resident complaints— There are 6,000 parcels in the Village boundary. The Village's primary function is to serve the needs of the Village residents. Village residents complain daily about roadway, curb, or signage problems. Village staff haphazardly respond without reviewing past complaints or history, because the roadway records are either being used by another employee, cannot be found, or are in the field. The Village's response is often reactive and not proactive because we are unable to share highway records effectively. Roadway and signage information is stored in several locations, for example, the Village Administrator retains an annual resident complaint database, the Inspector retains a map of historic and current road repair, and the five year paper survey describes road conditions. The Village DPW responds to resident calls without reviewing these important records and logs. DPW staff often waste time because they cannot respond appropriately to the problem without access to the records. 3) The Village's need to store, update, and preserve road maintenance activities in one central location— There are three groups of staff that regularly work with road and signage. These groups include: the Village Administrator's office, the Department of Public Works, and the Road Inspector. The three groups are physically located in different buildings. The three groups are responsible for updating and maintaining different aspects of road maintenance activities. The three groups do not share information. Information is often duplicated among each group. Each group requests one another's records prior to making a decision or completing a job. The Village estimated that record retrieval may take up to 4 days before record review begins. Highway records are not being preserved at all. The highway records are very active in our Village, and handled often. A master copy of the records is not stored. Therefore, the highway records are exposed to damage, loss and theft. 4) The Village's need to develop consistent record keeping— The Village Administrator's office is responsible for guiding the Inspector and DPW before an action is taken. The Administrator is responsible for the budget and approval of a work order. The Inspector makes recommendations to a scope of work, and the DPW staff implements a scope of work. Records from these groups are often in the form of hand written notes, email or edits to paper maps. The records are not stored in a central location. Access to one another's records is non-existent. The Village does not have a consistent format or method for keeping roadway records. B) There were no previously funded projects related to road maintenance records. Highway, Engineering, and Public Works records will be involved in the project. The Village strictly adheres to the Schedule MU-1 for record retention. The following schedule describes the records LG-NA(Sept 2006) involved: DPW RESPONSIBILITY • 1.[613] —Highway or other transportation structure maintenance and repair records. Retention : 6 years • 4.[616] —Project file for capital transportation improvement Retention : 6 years after road no longer exists ROAD INSPECTOR RESPONSIBILITY • 6.[618] —Official maps, plans, diagrams of roadways/structures Retention : Permanent • 14.[624] —Engineering Related Reports, Studies, or Data Queries Retention : 6 years VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR RESPONSIBILITY • 13.[623] —Complaint or request for service, a. Complaint or request for service, including follow up records, where remedial action is taken Retention : 6 years b. Complaint or request for service, including follow-up records, where no remedial action is taken Retention : 1 year There is no central location for storing and retrieving roadway and signage records. There is not a central group responsible for the overall maintenance and delivery of these records. This project shall focus on the storage of road and sign records. The Village shall utilize our brand new server and existing Geographic Information System (GIS) software. The Village maintains and updates a GIS in our Building Department. The Building Department has been using GIS for eight years to store and maintain property records, and therefore, has a detailed understanding of the GIS. The Village has reduced our record retrieval time for building department records by 75% since the inception of GIS. The Village humbly requests New York State Archive funding to expand our GIS to Roadway and Signage records for the DPW and Road Inspector. C) New York State Archive funding for this project is essential to purchase the expertise of an outside contractor to implement this project,purchase two PC computers, and purchase two licenses of ESRI ARCGIS. We require State funding to develop the road maintenance database and hire a trainer to teach the Inspector and DPW staff. The Village has the excellent staff, high-end technology and expertise to maintain the system ourselves in the future. II. Intended Results (maximum 10 points) New York State Archives Forth LG-NA 9/2007 a. Identify each intended result (specific products, time and cost savings, or services), and describe the anticipated benefits. (5 points) b. Describe in detail how the project will contribute to the development of a records management program. (5points) A) The intended results and anticipated benefits of the project include: • Intended Result 1 - Maintain and distribute roadway information in one central location. This project shall include the purchase of two PC computers and purchase of two licenses of ESRI ArcGIS 9.1. These PCs and software licenses shall be installed in the DPW and Inspector's offices. Using in-kind funds, the Village shall retain our IT consultant to network the new PCs to the central server. The benefits are that the DPW staff and Inspector shall have access to the central server to update, edit and retrieve roadway information. This will facilitate record sharing among the staff involved in roadway maintenance. An increase in data sharing shall save the Village staff time (money). • Intended Result 2 - The GIS Consultant shall develop additional feature classes and related tables from existing records stored throughout the Village. These records include: 1) the 2004 road inventory data which is currently stored in MS Access, 2) the resident complaint log, 3) the signage location and detail information, 4) the handicap ramp location and detail information, and 5) current roadway improvements and inventory since the 2004 inventory. The benefit is that all records shall exist in one consistent format. The Village server is backed up nightly, thereby increasing the security and preservation of these valuable records. The Village staff shall be trained in one record creation and retrieval system. All existing and future users shall have access to the entire GIS dataset, however, data editing privileges shall be given to necessary staff members only. The Village shall better serve our residents by responding to resident complaints quicker and more efficiently. • Intended Result 3 - The Village staff shall improve its decision making by having all highway records available. The Village shall decrease the time used to collect roadway records. In addition, all records shall be typed and stored in an orderly manner. The Village's benefits are: saving money due to our sharpened decision making capabilities, and increasing our record keeping ability B) The Village of Massapequa Park has been a user of GIS technology since 1998. Our Village Building Department utilizes the GIS between 10-20 times per day. In addition, the Village recently completed a stormwater mapping survey stored in our GIS using a Village-owned GPS. The DPW is trained in the use of GPS for future applications. The Village is a true believer in GIS technology. This project shall greatly contribute to the overall development of our records management program by creating a bridge between office record storage and DPW record storage. The Village has a 2004 Needs Assessment, which is annually updated. The Village Needs Assessment is attached in this application. LG-NA(Sept 2006) Record security is a big concern for the Village. The Village relies on consistent backup of electronic records to ensure security and preservation of valuable records. The Village is increasing the security of our records, by expanding electronic record storage to include road maintenance. III. Plan of Work (maximum 30 points) a. Provide a detailed outline of the proposed work activities and a timetable that shows when each phase of the project will be completed, demonstrates the soundness of the method proposed, and demonstrates the project's goals are attainable by 30 June 2009. (15 points) b. Address each of the requirements of the relevant project category and subcategory. (5 points) c. Explain who will be responsible for performing each project activity, including project management. Indicate the qualifications of key project staff (including consultants and vendors) in terms of education, training, and experience. (5 points) d. Explain why one solution was preferred over alternatives (5 points) A) The proposed scope of work and timeline include the following activities: Task Completion # Task Description Performed By Cost Date 1. Hire a GIS Consultant Mass Pk August 31, 2008 2. Purchase ESRI ArcGIS 9.1 ESRI September 15, 2008 3. Purchase 2 Desktop PCs Dell September 15, 2008 4 Install ArcGIS 9.1 onto GIS Consultant $480 October 1, 2008 two desktop computers 5 Edit the Current Roadway GIS Consultant $3,040 October 31, Feature Class Mass Pk 2008 6 Edit the Parcel Feature GIS Consultant $8,000 December 31, Class Mass Pk 2008 Attach the 2004 Inventory 7. Database to the GIS and GIS Consultant $5,400 December 31, 2008 Update 8• Color Code the Roadways I GIS Consultant $400 December 31, New York State Archives Form LG-NA 9/2007 Based on 2004 Inventory 2008 and Current Road Work 9 Develop a Signage Feature GIS Consultant $3 200 January 31, Class Based on Inventory 2009 Develop a Handicap 10. Feature Class Based on GIS Consultant $6 000 February 28, Inventory and Existing 2009 Paper Map r12. Create Customized Tool to GIS Consultant $6,065 April 1, 2009 Edit Feature Classes Create Customized Tool for Resident and Employee GIS Consultant $2,685 April 30, 2009 Complaints 13. Training GIS Consultant $2,560 May 31, 2009 The Village has proposed a detailed scope of work based on our needs, existing system configuration and conversations with GIS Consultants. The Village issued a Request for Qualification as shown in this application. The Village received three quotes, including quotations from Avineon, Greeman Pederson, and Walden Associates. Walden Associates costs were the lowest, and therefore their prices and work plan are shown here. 1) Hire a GIS Consultant—The first step in completing this project is to approve and hire a GIS Consultant. The Village shall request a final proposal from the selected Consultant and seek approval from the Board. 2) Purchase two licenses of ESRI ArcGIS 9.1 3) Purchase two Desktop PCs for the Inspector and DPW Use 4) Assist the Village with the Purchase and Installation of ESRI's ArcGIS 9.1 Software—The hired consultant shall prepare the Purchase Order for the ArcGIS 9.1 software. The Roadway Inspector shall utilize one license of ArcGIS 9.1, while the DPW staff shall share the use of the second ArcGIS 9.1 license. The Village shall purchase the software directly; however, we request the consultant's expertise in preparing the PO and installing the software. Additionally, the Village shall purchase two desktop PCs for the Roadway Engineer and DPW use. 5) Edit the Current Roadway Feature Class—The Village requests that the Consultant review all roadway data. The Village utilizes the 2004 County GIS roadway feature class. The Village believes that the GIS roadway feature class contains 5— 10% errors. The Village requires LG-NA(Sept 2006) that the electronic map match current roadway conditions. The Village contains 656 road segments. Road segments are based on comer to corner, or, intersection to intersection roadway segments. The Consultant shall review all tax maps with the GIS roadway feature class, and correct data errors. The Village estimates 5 — 10% of the roadway data may require editing. Edits shall include roadway configuration edits, and roadway name changes as necessary. 6) Edit the Parcel Feature Class—The GIS consultant shall utilize current tax maps to edit the parcel feature class. Edits shall include parcel configuration edits, and parcel Section Block Lot, as well as, address name changes. The Village contains 6,000 parcels. The consultant must review each parcel to ensure that the GIS reflect current parcel addressing and configuration. 7) Update and Attach Microsoft Access Database—In 2004,the Village hired an outside contractor to inventory and assess the Village roadway network. This assessment included an evaluation of all road segments (from comer to corner). The evaluation describes the length, width, area, and condition of the pavement and curbs. In addition, the contractor calculated the cost to reconstruct the pavement and curbs. The roadway and curb conditions range from 1 to 10, 1 equals extremely poor and 10 equals excellent. This data is stored as a Microsoft Access file. The GIS Consultant shall add an additional field to the road and curb feature classes that reflects the condition code (1 through 10). The GIS Consultant shall attach the road and curb segments from the Access table to the road and curb segment locations. 8) Color Code the Roadways Based on 2004 and Current Inventory Data—The GIS Contractor shall color code the roadway network based on the "condition" field in the 2004 Access database table, as well, as current roadway conditions. In addition,the Contractor shall develop a *.mxd file illustrating the roadway network color coded. The Contractor shall also print a 24"x36"paper map based on the developed *.mxd. The *.mxd and paper map shall be delivered to the Village for our use. 9) Develop a Signage Feature Class—In 2006,the Village surveyed all roadway signs (not including stop signs). This survey included a written description of the sign location, sign verbage and sign condition. Unfortunately, the Village has been unable to utilize our sign survey because it exists in paper, handwritten format. The GIS Consultant shall develop a New York State Archives Form LG-NA 9/2007 sign feature class, develop subtypes based on the sign classifications, and populate the sign condition attributes. There are 450 signs inventoried in the Village, and located in a notebook based on street intersection, cross street, or house number descriptions. The development of a signage feature class shall serve as a mapped location of roadway signs. Resident complaints, sign maintenance schedules, sign information records shall be stored to the mapped locations. 10)Develop a Handicap Ramp Feature Class—The Village is required by State law to install handicap ramps. The Village has installed several of such ramps in the Village. The Village color codes the location of handicap ramps on a 1966 paper map. The GIS Consultant shall create a feature class and digitize handicap ramps. The GIS Consultant shall populate an associated attribute table which describes the date of installation, cost, contractor, and condition. There are 1500 handicap ramps currently installed in the Village. The creation of this data shall serve as a mapped location of handicap ramps, so the Village may attach curb and ramp records to the GIS. 11)Create Customized Tool to Edit Feature Classes—The hired consultant shall develop customized editing tools for the Village. The primary goal of the Edit Tools is to assist the Village staff with attribute updates and edits. This tool will not assist the Village with spatial edits, only attribute data. The Village envisions an edit window where we can easily review and edit roadway, curb and handicap ramp attribute data. The GIS Consultant shall install the customized tools on two desktop computers (Inspector and DPW). 12)Create Customized Tool for Resident and Employee Complaints—The Village retains a resident and employee complaint log in Microsoft Access. The GIS Consultant shall utilize the existing MS Access log and tie it to the roadway, curb, and handicap feature classes. The Consultant should use the existing Microsoft Access database as a framework for attribute fields. The Consultant shall develop a menu driven system in ESRI ArcGIS 9.1 that tracks complaints as residents or employees report them. The complaints shall be tied to the Feature Classes, so the Village may perform analysis on the data. 13) Training—The GIS Consultant shall perform one 8-hour session of GIS training. The training shall include an overview of the newly created feature classes, as well as, training on the customized tool set. The training shall include handouts or training manuals. The Village requires that 8 employees participate in this training session. The Village contacted the three vendors via phone and email to review the soundness of the project. LG-NA(Sept 2006) The RFQ was based on suggestions made from the three vendors. The Village collected and reviewed all existing highway records with the Inspector, Village Administrator, and DPW Supervisor to ensure that our information was accurate. B) The requirements in the GIS Category include: a. The Village developed a Records GIS Needs Assessment in 2004. Since that time, the Village annually updates the Needs Assessment based on new concerns and developments in the Village. Our Needs Assessment is attached to this grant application. b. Why the Village needs GIS? In 2002, the Village searched for an expandable electronic records management system. The Village purchased a GIS system with two concurrent and two single use licenses. The Village created a building department database system utilizing specific property records and the County's GIS shapefiles. The Village expanded the GIS to include scanned building department documents for document preservation. In 2006-07 the Village included a stormwater GPS survey to our GIS. The Village has been dealing with the problem that we do not store, share or preserve our highway records in a proper manner. Roadway maintenance is an enormous effort (time and money) and the Village feels strongly that these records require proper use for preservation and decision making processes. Additionally, GIS is a platform that is used to solve many of the problems that our highway records face. GIS will create a central storage system for the highway records, GIS will create a method to secure and backup our highway records, GIS can serve staff located within different buildings, GIS will be used as a standard format for future highway record creation, and GIS links mapped locations with records. c. How will the Village maintain GIS in the fixture? The Village is well equipped to maintain the GIS in the future. The Village retains the services of an outside IT staff and GIS Consultant to assist with computer and GIS malfunctions. The Village already requires GIS training for all new staff. The Village has an existing maintenance contract with ESRI, which supplies the Village with pertinent updates, new releases, and technical support. The Village owns and operates a GPS unit. The Village shall continue to update our GIS feature classes using the field GPS unit. C) The Plan of Work, Section A describes the organization responsible for each of the project tasks. The following is a description of the key project staff within each organization: Massapequa Park Peggy Caltabiano, Village Administrator. Ms. Caltabiano administers the day to day activities of the Village. She is the key decision maker for budgeting and administering work activities for the Building Department and DPW. Peggy shall serve this project as the Project Manager. New York State Archives Form LG-NA 9/2007 GIS Consultant The Village selected Walden Associates as our GIS Consultant for this project based on price and experience. Walden has been the Village's GIS Consultant for over five years. Walden implemented and maintained all previous GIS projects up to this point. Walden's key staff includes: Christian Mostert, Division Manager Mr. Mostert coordinates, implements, and manages GIS database design and three dimensional models. He managed numerous municipal GIS projects, as indicated on his attached resume. Mr. Mostert shall server as the project lead. Samantha Bennett, Project Manager Ms. Bennett manages municipal GIS projects and serves as our GIS trainer. She has worked as the project manager on Massapequa Park's GIS projects since 2002. Her resume describes education and work experience. Ms. Bennett shall serve as a project manager and analyst for this project. Michael Caggiano, GIS Analyst Mr. Caggiano assists with GIS database creation, implementation, cartography, and GPS field studies. He will serve as the GIS Analyst on this project. D) The Village chose a GIS solution to create, manage and retrieve highway records because: • Highway records are active records which are retrieved daily by all staff members. Therefore,the Village requires a system which is already in place so the entire office staff may have unlimited access to the files. GIS is already highly functioning in the building and administrator's office. • Most existing Village staff are trained on the use of GIS. The DPW and Inspector can receive a lot of technical help from the existing trained staff. • Highway records are inherently spatial. Meaning, the location of a roadway on a map is extremely important to understand and locate highway records. GIS is a perfect solution to tie spatial map data to records. • The Village has been a Nassau County GIS User since 1998. The Village has an excellent working relationship with Nassau County. The Village utilizes current County GIS files for our basemap. The Village will continue to be a strong supporter of County GIS in the future. LG-NA(Sept 2006) IV. Local Government Support for Records Management (maximum 10 points) It is important to demonstrate your commitment to records management. Types of support may include government funds, staffing, equipment, supplies, or the allocation of space. Provide specific budget amounts whenever possible. Include information only on the support your local government provided and will provide with its own funds. Projects completely funded by the LGRMIF do not constitute local support. a. Demonstrate contributions to this project. (5 points) b. Describe how this project and records management in general will be maintained over the long term. 5 points) A) a. The Village shall contribute the following items to the project: a. Using in-kind funds the Village shall pay our IT Consultant all costs to plan, network, and install the two new PCs for the DPW and Inspector. b. The Village shall continue to pay for ESRI annual maintenance for all ArcGIS licenses in the Village. c. The Village shall continue to support our GIS Consultant for annual GIS routine and emergency maintenance issues. d. The Village shall purchase a new color plotter for our office, so the staff may adequately print paper maps. e. The Village shall pay for staff time to participate in training. £ The Village shall utilize our existing server and tape backup system to secure our highway records. B) Our records management program, including this project, shall be maintained by the Village. The Village shall continue to pay for annual ESRI maintenance. The Village shall continue to support our IT and GIS Consultants to manage our computers and GIS database. The Village shall continue to support our staffs GIS knowledge by sending them to ESRI and GIS training classes. The Village shall continue to update our highway records ourselves through the GIS interface. The Village shall annually revisit our Needs Assessment to ensure the quality of our records management program. New York State Archives Form LG-NA 9/2007 Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Vendor Quote Form (LG-VQ) Please complete this form to provide evidence that you have contacted three vendors for price quotes. One or more of the quotes may be derived from State Contract Listing (vaww.ogs.state.ny.us/purchase). Photocopy the form if you must submit more than one Vendor Quote Form. Instructions for completing the form are on the reverse side. Vendor's Name and Address Description of Item State Contract Quoted or Service* Number Price 1.Walden Environmental GIS Consultant $37,830 Engineers, PLLC 16 Spring Street Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Ph: 516-624-7200 2. Greenman-Pederson, Inc. GIS Consultant $40,730 325 West Main Street Babylon, NY 11702 Ph: 631-587-5060 3. Avineon, Inc. GIS Consultant $67,139.17 4825 Mark Center Drive Suite 700 Alexandria, VA 22311 Ph: 703-671-1900 *For services rendered, provide more detail in the Budget Category and Narrative form, Code 40. New York State Archives Forth LG-VQ 9/2007 VILLAGE OF MASSAPEQUA PARK Needs Assessment and GIS Implementation Plan GIS Advisory Board, November 2004 Updated March 2007 The GIS includes all the information related to property records within the village. The administrative staff updates and maintains the GIS property database daily. The administrative staff accesses this data approximately 30 times per week to research property owner information for the building inspector, resident or commercial owner, title search companies, architects/builders, and banks. The staff retrieves actual paper records from the building department file cabinets routinely, as related to the information in the GIS database. Actual records are requested when proof of authenticity or signature is required. The problem is: Record information is stored and updated in a computer GIS, while actual paper records are retained in file cabinets. Can we include digital copies of records into our GIS to improve record access within the village? The paper records are subject to loss, theft and damage; have no backup system in place; require additional physical space in the village office; increase the time necessary to retrieve a record; and do not include a method of record inventory. Solution: Yes, it is possible to store and retrieve digital copies of the property records in our existing GIS format. The following plan describes the village process: YEAR 1 1) Scan 1998 — current paper records. The village has been copying these records for backup since 1998. 2) Scan all future records into the GIS by purchasing and installing: a. A high-speed document scanner— legal size paper/ B&W b. Adobe Acrobat Writer 6.0 software —to create industry leader, pdf files, for digital copies of records 3) Scan historic microfilm records to digital format. Move the microfilm station to DPW for backup and access. 4) Tie digital pdfs to the GIS, using consultant services 5) Customize the GIS user interface to access pdfs, using consulting services. 6) Edit existing GIS interface, so system is inclusive of changes, using consulting services. 7) Load and test the customizations on Village computers, using consulting services. 8) Participate in consultant training to learn system updates, using consulting services. YEAR 2 1) Install GIS onto DPW machines 2) Expand the GIS to include other record preservation outside of the building department records; including highway and tax records 3) Attach existing highway and tax records to the GIS 4) Locate signs, curb and ramps in GIS map 5) Create pdf forms 6) Build MP website, and add on-line pdf forms Database Design: The Village has designed a database for our building department records management system utilizing three systems: 1) Geographical Information System Data, and 2) Paper Records 3) Microfilm The Village relies on the GIS for mapping and property information, and will tie digital scans of our paper records to the existing GIS. The Village will scan the microfilm and tie digital scans to the GIS. The Village highway records shall include: 1) Existing MS Access Roadway Inventory Dataset 2) Existing paper maps maintained by the Inspector 3) DPW roadway maintenance logs GIS The GIS basemap data has been accessed by the Village from Nassau County's GIS Department. The Village is a Nassau County GIS licensee, and currently uses GIS basemap information for Village mapping. The Village recommends a thorough review of all NECESSARY basemap data to ensure 100% accuracy. The Village determined that the County GIS records include a 5-10% error. The basemap information includes: Topographic contour lines, Elevation Points, Planimetric features, wetlands, grass, swimming pools, fields, and retaining walls, Complex features, parks and recreation, Coastline Traffic signals, Groundwater and public supply wells, Water districts, Recharge basins, Parcel centroid and boundaries, School districts, Fire districts, FEMA flood zones, Roads, Census tracts. INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF MASSAPEQUA PARK 151 FRONT STREET MASSAPEQUA, NEW YORK 11762 Ph (516) 798-0244; Fx (516) 798-6106 January7, 2008 Re: Request for Qualifications and Fee Schedule for GIS Project The Incorporated Village of Massapequa Park is soliciting Requests for Qualifications from qualified GIS consultants for consideration in our 2008-2009 State Archives and Record Administration grant application. By participating in this RFQ, Massapequa Park shall consider your firm for project work once the grant has been awarded in June 2008. Your response to this RFQ shall be included in a New York State Archives and Record Administration grant application to fund this proposed GIS project. Please direct all questions to Peggy Caltabiano at 516-798-0244, and submit the following requested information (email, mail or fax is acceptable) by Friday, January 18, 2008 at 4:OOpm: Resumes of key personnel List of qualifications (including but not limited to company brochures, list of related projects, description of services) Complete the attached Table 1 BACKGROUND The Village Administrator's office utilizes ESR/'s ArcGIS /ArcView 9.1 for our Geographical Information System. A total of seven machines are tied to a central GIS server; one PC has a single-use license of ArcView 9.1, and the remaining six PC's share two concurrent license of ArcView 9.1 that is managed by the GIS server. The Village currently stores building department and stormwater management information in two individual personal geodatabases. The Village F mized tools for managing, querying, and printing building department .ing project shall focus on managing road repair, maintenance, and nage information utilizing our existing GIS. However, the Village o expand our internal users to include the Village Department of ks (DPW). The DPW would greatly benefit by managing the road repair work through the Village GIS. OBJECTIVE Obiective: The project objective is to create a single road repair and maintenance geodatabase that may be utilized and managed by the DPW staff. The Village is requesting proposals from a GIS consulting firm to install two additional copies of ESRI ArcGIS 9.1; edit the existing Village roadways feature class so it describes current roadway configuration and naming; edit the existing Village parcel feature class so it exhibits current configuration, Section, Block, Lot and address labeling; update and attach the Village's 2004 Microsoft Access , roadway assessment inventory database to the roadway feature class; color code the roadway and curb feature classes by 2004 inventory and current classification codes; create a roadway signage feature class (not including stop signs) based on paper documentation; create a handicap ramp feature class based on paper documentation; create a customized tool so the Village may edit roadway, curb repair, and handicap ramp status; create a customized tool to track resident and village employee complaints regarding roadway, curb, and handicap ramp conditions; and training on the newly created data and customized tools. The following information describes the project objectives in more detail: 1) Assist the Village with the Purchase and Installation of ESR/'s ArCGIS 9.1 Software— The hired consultant shall prepare the Purchase Order for the ArcGIS 9.1 software. Two new desktop computers shall have single licenses of the ArcGIS 9.1 software. The Roadway Engineer shall utilize one license of ArcGIS 9.1. while the DPW staff shall share the use of the second ArcGIS 9.1 license. The Village shall purchase the software directly; however, we request the consultant's expertise in preparing the PO and installing the software. 2) Edit the Current Roadway Feature Class—The hired consultant shall utilize current tax maps to edit the roadway feature class. The Village shall supply the paper tax map copies for your use. Edits shall include roadway configuration edits, and roadway name changes as necessary. The consultant must review each tax map roadway to ensure that the GIS reflects current roadway naming and configuration. 3) Edit the Parcel Feature Class—The GIS consultant shall utilize current tax maps to edit the parcel feature class. The Village shall supply the paper tax map copies for your use. Edits shall include parcel configuration edits, and parcel Section Block Lot, as well as, address name changes. The consultant must review each parcel to ensure that the GIS reflects current parcel addressing and configuration. 4) Update and Attach Microsoft Access Database— In 2004, the Village hired an outside contractor to inventory and assess the Village roadway network. This assessment included an evaluation of all road segments (from corner to corner). The evaluation describes the length, width, area, and condition of the pavement and curbs. In addition, the contractor calculated the cost to reconstruct the pavement and curbs. The roadway and curb conditions range from 1 to 10, 1 equals extremely poor and 10 equals excellent. F also retains a paper list of current roadway and curb since 2004. The GIS Consultant shall add an additional field to d curb feature classes that reflects the current roadway ode (1 through 10). nsultant shall attach the road and curb segments from the le to the road and curb segments. 5) Color Code the Roadways Based on 2004 and Current Inventory Data— The GIS Contractor shall color code the roadway network based on the "condition"field in the 2004 Access database table, as well, as current roadway conditions. In addition, the contractor shall develop a *.mxd file illustrating the roadway network color coded. The contractor shall also print a 24'x36" paper map based on the developed *.mxd. The *.mxd and paper map shall be delivered to the Village for our use. 6) Develop a Signage Feature Class— In 2006, the Village surveyed all roadway signs (not including stop signs). This survey included a written description of the sign location, sign verbage and sign condition. Unfortunately, the Village has been unable to utilize our sign survey because it exists in paper format. The GIS Consultant shall develop a sign feature class, develop subtypes based on the sign classifications, and populate the sign condition attributes. 7) Develop a Handicap Ramp Feature Class—The Village is required by State law to install handicap ramps. The Village has installed several of such ramps in the Village. Currently, the Village color codes the location of handicap ramps on a 1966 paper map. The GIS Consultant shall create a feature class and digitize handicap ramps. The GIS Consultant shall populate an associated attribute table which describes the date of installation, cost, contractor, and condition. 8) Create Customized Tool to Edit Feature Classes—The hired consultant shall develop customized editing tools for the Village. The primary goal of the Edit Tools is to assist the Village staff with attribute updates and edits. The Village envisions an edit window where we can easily review and edit roadway, curb and handicap ramp attribute data. The GIS Consultant shall install the customized tools on two desktop computers. 9) Create Customized Tool for Resident and Employee Complaints—The Village retains a resident and employee complaint log in Microsoft Access. This Access database is independent of the roadway and curb paper inventory. The Village requests that the GIS Consultant develop a complaint database which ties to the roadway, curb, and handicap feature classes. The Consultant should use the existing Microsoft Access database as a framework for attribute fields. The Consultant shall develop a menu driven system in ESRI ArcGIS 9.1 that tracks complaints as residents or employees report them. The complaints shall be tied to the Feature Classes, so the Village may perform analysis on the data. 10) Training—The GIS Consultant shall perform one 8-hour session of GIS training. The training shall include an overview of the newly created feature classes, as well as, training on the customized tool set. The training shall include handouts or training manuals. The Village requires that 8 employees participate in this training session. Thank you for your time and submission on this request for qualifications. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Yours truly, The Incorporated Village of Massapequa Park Peggy Caltabiano Village Administrator Village of Massapequa Park SARA Grant 2008-09 Roadway Maintenance GIS GIS CONSULTANT PROPOSED COSTS Task# Task Proposed Proposed Proposed Hours Proposed Total Staff Cost/Hr Cost Assist the Village with the Purchase and Installation ofESRI's ArcGIS 9.1 Software II. Edit the Current Roadway Feature Class III. Edit the Parcel Feature Class IV. Update and Attach Microsoft Access Database V. Color Code the Roadways Based on 2004 and Current Inventory Data VI. Develop a Signage Feature Class VII. Develop a Handicap Ramp Feature Class VIII. Create Customized Tool to Edit Feature Classes IX. Create Customized Tool for Resident and Employee Complaints X. Training TOTAL COST VILLAGE OF - e PARK SARA GRANT 2008 - • • : • • • ROADWAY ANSWER To REQUEST • - QUOTE WALDEN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, PLLC d.h.3. WALDEN ASSOCIATES 16 SPRING STREET OYSTER BAY, NY 11771 PHONE: (S16) 624 7200 FAX: (S16) 624 3219 WWW.WALDEN-ASSOCIATES.COM WALDEN ASSOCIATES INFORMATION STRATEGIEsGROUP Services Offered: • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Customization (ArcGIS) • GIS Implementation -. e • Environmental Database Design and Analysis (EQUIS) : .fn • Utility Mapping and Database Design (ARCFM) • Parcel Data Management • Stormwater Mapping (fulfilling NYSDEC MS4 NOI Requirements) • 3D Soil and Groundwater Contaminant Modeling (EVS) • GIS Training • Graphic Design • Web Design • E-Government • Grant Writing including Municipal, NY SARA and NJ PARIS Grants • Grant Management • Land Development Support Services • Court Room Visual/Animation Preparation • Environmental Cost Allocation Studies F • Zoning Map Preparation - • Expert Witness and Litigation Support 001is 1pow", WALDEN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, PLLC d.b.a. WALDEN ASSOCIATES 16 SPRING STREET OYSTER SPHONE: IS 16) 624 AY, NY 11771 WALDEN EXPERIENCE The following projects were designed and implemented by Walden Associates using SARA Grant Funding. Walden assisted each of these villages in grant writing. Incorporated Village of Rockville Centre Incorporated Village of Hempstead$7,453&$39,143 Building Department$49,871 Utilizing State funding,Walden digitized and entered attributes for The Incorporated Village of Rockville Centre was awarded$49,871 the Village sanitary sewer system. In addition to data entry and to create a GIS custom application to store,query,and retrieve digitizing,Walden acquired all County GIS maps,tied in an building department records. Money was designated for the existing AutoCAD streets map,edited parcel configuration,and purchase of GIS software,a computer server and PC desktop. customized the interface. This project is on-going utilizing Walden acquired and editted the GIS map,converted existing Village funding sources. AutoCad maps into GIS feature classes,attached homeowner data Incorporated Village of Roslyn Harbor$28,825 to the GIS geodatabase and populated the GIS database with 1,000 building permit card information. Walden customized the GIS so Built a record keeping and query system for a Village Building data may be queried through the map or database interface,and Department using a geographical information system(GIS).The customized data output forms were generated by the user upon database contains Certificate of Occupancy information linked to a request Money was set aside for employee GIS training and spatial database that includes tax-map information.The user consultant technical support for this project. queries the database by Certificate number,address,homeowner Electric Department$46,748 name,or tax identification number,and generates customized output for Certificate tracking,community inquiries,title searches, The Incorporated Village of Rockville Centre's electric department and electronic data backup. system for their electric generation and distribution network. The Incorporated Village of Plandome Manor$16,692 Village purchased software,hardware,and training,along with consulting services. Walden developed and implemented a scope The Incorporated Village of Plandome Manor received$16,692. of work where specialized software was purchased and a complex Using grant funding,Walden acquired and edited GIS basemap data model was developed. Walden performed a pilot study of data files,scan three years of Certificate of Occupancy,Certificate of digitizing and data entry under this grant,and served as the project Completion,and building permit records,and attach electronic manager of the project. records to GIS database system. Walden also created a custom- The Village's electric department,under a grant related contract, ized user interface to query and print the scanned records.The retained Walden to digitize,perform data entry,and QA/QC Village purchased a desktop computer,legal-size document electric distribution maps into the GIS. scanner,and GIS software with grant funds. Incorporated Village of Massapequa Park$59,028 Incorporated Village of Plandome Height$13,999 Walden developed and customized a Microsoft ACCESS database The Incorporated Village of Massapequa Park was awarded to store and access building department records. Walden $59,028 to create a GIS custom application to store,query,and customizations include screens to enter,query,and report data for retrieve property card information for building department records. public inquiries. Walden worked with a Village-hired third-party Money was used for the purchase of a new computer server,PC scanning company to scan permits,and link them to the MS desktop,and GIS software.Walden converted and parsed an ACCESS program. existing property card database to GIS format, added homeowner information,and created query and output menus. Walden also Other Municipalities acquired all County GIS shapefiles and built several map Walden assists other municipal clients as a technical advisor, documents. Walden also performed employee training and where we help with hardware/software purchases,training and technical support. Walden continues to maintain the village GIS data conversion oversight. Walden also assisted the Village in receiving NYSDEC grant money to perform a stormwater inventory and GIS at the Village. Walden shall GPS all stormwater structures,and tie the structures to the existing database. Walden shall also populate the database with village-specific information related to the stormwater structures. This project will satisfy part of the village's municipal stormwater MS4 requirements. OYSTERWALDEN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, PLLC d.h.a. WALDEN ASSOCIATES 1 6 SPRING STREET PHONE: •• WWW.WALDEN-ASSOCJATES.COM • ASSOCIATES CHRISTIAN MOSTERT Division Manager PROFILE: Rockville Centre.Electric Department,NY-Analyzed and selected Mr.Mostert coordinates,implements,and manages GIS and database management system software for Electric Geographic Information System(GIS)database design and Department.Implemented GIS and ArcFM software solutions for computer environmental modeling services for the firm.He is Department.Prepared data model for data conversion.Data model responsible for creating and maintaining several project GIS. was developed from the Multi-Speak model with additional databases and three dimensional computer site models.He improvements.Digitized underground and overhead electric designs and implements electronic record management distribution network.Implemented data conversion matrix for systems using GIS,database,and imaging technologies. He seamless data conversion from existing data base and paper records evaluates data and creates reports,groundwater contour maps, into new database management system.This project is on-going. contaminant iso-concentration maps,three-dimensional images,and three-dimensional computer animations to assist village of Hempstead,Water Department.NY—Developed data in remedial design,groundwater monitoring programs,public importing procedures for environmental water resources data presentations,regulatory presentations,and litigation support. into GIS database management system.Developed a data model Mr.Mostert also develops and supervises subsurface for storing water resources data,including monitoring and environmental investigative work to assess the nature and pumping well data. Digitized water distribution network for extent or contaminant releases. potable water supply for the municipality.Selected and implemented hardware and software for the department TECHNICAL SPECIALTIES: ArcGIS 9.2,AnGIS Server,Adobe Illustrator,Adobe Island Park.NY—Created an electric record management PageMaker,SPSS,Adobe Photoshop,MS Access,HTML, system using a geographical informal system(GIS).Scanned and MS FrontPage,map digitization and preparation, departmental records were saved as pdf files and attached to the presentation preparation,public speaking,database design, GIS.A customized user interface was created to improve data and training, input,database queries and data output capabilities. EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: Massapequa Park NY-Designed and implemented a GIS -Walden Associates,Associate and Manager for Walden database management system to store and retrieve stormwater Information Strategies Group(June 2007-present) data;including stormdrain,manhole,and outfall location,and -ESRI,Inc.Regional Sales Associate(2005-2007) inspection and maintenance dam.Oversaw field crews which -Environmental Careers Organization Associate placed with collected field data from over 1500 stormwater structures. USEPA ENERGY STAR Program(2004-2005) Oversaw data importing and updating procedures. Conducted -City of Harrisburg Urban Planner for Department of semi-annual stormwater management meetings between Building and Housing Development(2002-2004) participating municipalities. -City of Harrisburg Planning Intern for Department of Building and Housing Development(2002) Great Neck NY-Converted existing building department database into GIS database. Developed data model to store and CREDENTIALS: update building department records.Developed customized GIS Pennsylvania State University,M.S.in Geography,2001 tools to search building department records.Developed tools for a resident kiosk to search and retrieve electronic building University of Alabama,B.S.in Business Administration, department records and GIS maps.The tool includes security, Marketing concentration,magna cum laude, 1998 printing counter,and login data log written to a txt file.This user kiosk was installed[o allow for public access for building WALDEN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, PLLC C1.11-a. WALDEN ASSOCIATES 16 SPRING STREET IOrY PROJECTS: deparunen[rewrds. Town of Hempstead,Tanks and Building Department NY Developed GIS database system to monitor Town owned storage tanks.Characteristics and information regarding tanks including tank size,containment,permit,and removal status were collected and entered into a Microsoft Access based spatial database to assist the Town in complying with D.E.C,Health Department,and Fire Marshal regulations. OYSTER PHONE: •• FAX: (516) 624 3219 WWW.WALDEN-AssocIATES.COM • ASSOCIATES SAMANTHA BENNETT Project Manager FTECBMC4A.LALTIES: Municinality.NY—Designed and installed a database n Systems(GIS),Database management system to store and retrieve building department Management,Three Dimensional Modeling,GPS Surveying, record information.Exported existing Q&A database into a Training,Environmental Investigations,Regulatory Microsoft ACCESS database. Attached ACCESS database to a Compliance,Groundwater Investigations,Soil Investigations, GIS and created a customized record retrieval system Created Remediation,Storm Water Compliance and Phase 1 Audits. custom ACCESS database tools to search and retrieve records by homeowner name,address,section-block-lot,date,permit EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: number,and by selecting a property from the map. -Walden Associates,Project Manager(1995—present) -Eder Associates,Staff Geologist(1993—1995) Massapequa Park NY-Designed and implemented a GIS database management system to store and retrieve stormwater CREDENTIALS: data;including storrndrain,manhole,and outfall location,and M.S.in Waste Management,SUNY Stony Brook(1995) inspection and maintenance data. Oversaw field crews which collected field data from over 1500 stormwater structures. B.S.in Geology,Lehigh University(1994) Oversaw data importing and updating procedures. Conducted semi-annual stormwater management meetings between KEY PROJECTS: participating municipalities. Rockville Centre,Electric Department.NY-Analyzed and selected GIS and database management system software for Great Neck.NY-Converted existing building department Electric Department.Implemented GIS and ArcFM software database from CSV files into GIS database. Developed data solutions for Department.Prepared data model for data model to store and update building department records. conversion.Data model was developed from the Multi-Speak Developed customized GIS tools to search building department model with additional improvements.Digitized underground records.Oversaw scanning process and procedures to convert and overhead electric distribution network. Implemented data paper records into electronic records by third party contractor. conversion matrix for seamless data conversion from existing Developed tools for a resident kiosk to search and retrieve data base and paper records into new database management electronic building department records and GIS maps.The tool system.This project is on-going. includes security,printing counter,and login data log written to a txt file.This user kiosk was installed to allow for public access Villaee of Hempstead Water Department.NY—Developed for building department records. data importing procedures for environmental water resources data into GIS database management system Developed a Municipality Nassau County NY—Built a record keeping and data model for storing water resources data,including querying system for a Village Building Department using a monitoring and pumping well data Digitized water geographical information system(GIS).The database contains distribution network for potable water supply for the Certificate of Occupancy information linked to a spatial municipality. Selected and implemented hardware and database. The user queries the database by Certificate number, software for the department. Managed the field team's GPS address,homeowner name,or tax identification number,and surveying. generates customized output for Certificate tracking,community inquiries,title searches,and electronic data backup. Island Park,NY—Created an electric record management system using a geographical informal system(GIS). Scanned departmental records were saved as pdf files and attached to WALDEN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, PLLC d.h.a. WALDEN ASSOCIATES 16 SPRING STREET [he GIS.A customized user interface was created ro improve data input,database queries arid data output capabilities. OYSTER PHONE: •• WWW.WALDEN-Assoc IATES.COM • AssocIATES MICHAEL CAGGIANO GIS Analyst PROFILE: conversion. Data model was developed from the Multi- Mr.Caggiano assists with Geographic Information Systems Speak model with additional improvements.Digitized (GIS)database creation and implementation,cartography, underground and overhead electric distribution network. GIS marketing,grant writing,GPS field surveys and data Implemented data conversion matrix for seamless data manipulation. conversion from existing data base and paper records into new database management system This project is TECIINrICAL SPECIALTIES: on-going. GIS Database Design,GIS Data Digitizing,Grant writing, GIS Training,GPS Survey,GIS System implementation, Villaee of Hempstead.Water Department.NY— Computer Training,Cartography,GIS Needs Developed data importing procedures for environmental Assessments,Municipal Records Management Systems, water resources data into GIS database management Technical Support Services,ESRI,ArcView system. Developed a data model for storing water resources data,including monitoring and pumping well EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: data. Digitized water distribution network for potable -Walden Associates,GIs Analyst(2006—2008) water supply for the municipality. Selected and -Bureau of Indian Affairs(Mescalero,NM),Fire Monitoring implemented hardware and software for the department. Intern(2005) Managed the field team's GPS surveying. CREDENTIALS: Massapequa Park.NY-Designed and implemented a SUNY Genesee,B.A.in Geography(2005) GIS database management system to store and retrieve stomrwater data;including stormdrain,manhole,and KEY PROJECTS: outfaE location,and inspection and maintenance data. Town of Hempstead.NY—Digitized water distribution Oversaw field crews which collected field data from over network for potable water supply for the municipality. 1500 stormwater structures. Oversaw data importing and Selected and implemented hardware and software for the updating procedures. Conducted semi-annual department. Team leader for GPS surveying of potable and stormwater management meetings between participating monitoring well points,as well as,water meter locations. municipalities. Great Neck,NY-Assisted in the selection and Administrator's Office,Municipality Nassau County, implementation of GIS software for the municipality. ND—Created and installed a geographical information Developed geodatabase of building department records along system(GIS)for a large scale municipality. Converted a with a customized tool to access records.Built Idosk tools former database system(dBase)to a GIS format. based on.Net,to allow for public access for building Created system data model for storing building department records. department records. Managed GIS implementation, software selection,networking,and training. The second Rockville Centre.Electric Department NY- Analyzed and phase of the project included:creating custom tools to selected GIS and database management system software for attach department electronic records to parcels. Created Electric Department. Software and hardware was selected a customized interface to query and view the map and based on the Electric Department's power distribution and database information. Established a computer network generation needs. Implemented GIS and ArcFM software for multi-user access to the GIS. This project is on- WALDEN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, PLLC d.b-a. WALDEN ASSOCIATES solutions for Department.Prepared data mode]for data going. OYSTER SPRING STREET • PHONE: •• W'NW.WALIDEN-AsSOCIATES.COM WALDEN • Village of Massapequa Park SARA Grant 2008-09 Roadway Maintenance GIS GIS CONSULTANT PROPOSED COSTS Task# Task Proposed Proposed Proposed Hours Proposed Total Staff Cost/Hr Cost I. Assist the Village with the MDC $80 6 $480 Purchase and Installation of ESRI's ArcGIS 9.1 Software II. Edit the Current Roadway MDC $80 38 $3040 Feature Class III. Edit the Parcel Feature MDC $80 100 $8000 Class IV. Update and Attach MDC $80 45 $5400 Microsoft Access Database CAM $120 15 V. Color Code the Roadways MDC $80 5 $400 Based on 2004 and Current Inventory Data VI. Develop a Signage Feature MDC $80 40 $3200 Class VII. Develop a Handicap Ramp MDC $80 75 $6000 Feature Class VIII. Create Customized Tool to SGB $115 35 $6065 Edit Feature Classes CAM $120 17 IX. Create Customized Tool for SGB $115 15 $2685 Resident and Employee CAM $120 8 Complaints X Training MDC $80 20 $2560 CAM $120 8 TOTAL COST 1 $37,830 Firm Qualifications To Provide Geographic Information System Services Prepared for: 4; . INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF MASSAPEQUA PARK r MASSAPEQUA, NY Prepared by: 0 0 * "rgenman-Pedersen, Inc. Engineering and Construction Services Jawtary 18, ?008 GPIGreenman - Pedersen, Inc. Engineering and Construction Services January 18,2008 Peggy Caltabiano,Village Administrator Incorporated Village of Massapequa Park 151 Front Street Massapequa Park,NY 11762 RE: Request for Qualifications and Fee Schedule for GIS Project Dear Ms. Caltabiano: In accordance with the Incorporated Village of Massapequa Parks'Request for Quotation dated January 7,2008 for the referenced project,Greenman-Pedersen,Inc. (• • •)i9 pleased to submit a copy of our proposal for your consideration. • • •ma well-established,multi-discipline firm with a proven record of providing high quality consultant services for over 40 years. We maintain a permanent staff of 1,000 professionals specializing in planning, engineering design,construction engineering and inspection and consulting services.Due to this large and diverse engineering talent within the• • --organization,we are able to commit the necessary resources for assignments required by the Inc.Village of Massapequa Park,and react in an efficient and responsive manner. We have thoroughly reviewed the listed tasks and are excited about the opportunity to work with the Inc.Village of Massapequa Park. • • •has a group of highly skilled engineers,programmers,and technicians dedicated to providing the highest quality services related to geographic information systems. We believe that• • --will meet or exceed your expectations. Thank you for this opportunity to respond to your Request for Qualifications and Fee Schedule. We look forward to working with the Village on this important project Sincerely, • • ••J•GREENMAN-PEDERSEN,INC. M.Denise Carter,P.E. _ Senior Vice President/Branch Manager 325 West Main Street, Babylon, NY 11702 Tel: (631) 587-5060 Fax: (631)422-3479 www.gpinet.com FIRM QUALIFICATIONS TO PROVIDE GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM SERVICES FOR THE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF MASSAPEQUA PARK ol TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANSMl77AL LEVER TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I FIRM QUALIFICATIONS AND RELEVANT EXPERIENCE SECTION II RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL SECTION III COST PROPOSAL FIRM QUALIFICATIONS AND RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Incorporated Village of Massapequa Park Qualifications and Fee Schedule for GIS Project FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Greenman-Pedersen,Inc. (GPI) is a well-established,multi-discipline engineering firm providing professional design,planning,construction,and computer services to all levels of government and industry throughout the Eastern United States for over 40 years. In its fourth decade of service,GPI has continually grown in size and stature and is included among "Engineering News Record's"top 100 national design firms. The firm serves many government and industrial clients on a continuous basis. GPI is focused on developing and implementing GIS solutions related to transportation,public works, and utilities. By maintaining excellent relationships with industry leaders in hardware and software platforms,we are able to provide the best common sense solutions to our clients. In developing these solutions,our technical staff brings to the project their collective expertise in the following areas: ♦ Asset Inventory and lnf-astructureManagement ♦ Application Development Capabilities ♦ Field Data Collection and Coordination ♦ Land Information Systems ♦ Digitallmaging Capabilities ♦ Mobile and Handheld Computing ♦ Global Positioning Systems ♦ Training and User Support Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have quickly become a standard tool for the collection and analysis of spatially related data. Municipalities utilize GIS to review site plan submittals and conduct land use analyses. GIS technology enables public works agencies to conduct coordination work in anticipation of major capital projects. Transportation agencies use the power of GIS to track infrastructure assets, such as roads and bridges. Utilities can improve customer service and efficiency by referencing geographic data along with corporate databases. GPI has been involved with the study,design,and development of geographic information systems for many years,including robust systems developed under ArcGIS. We have experience in conducting needs assessments for GIS implementations,where the framework for the hardware, software,data requirements, and application development is detailed. Our understanding of data requirements and ability to develop strategies for data acquisition and data conversion proves to be a valuable resource to our clients. GPI's technical staff has developed applications within the latest versions of AtcGIS software environment using ArcObjects,Visual Basic G and Visual Basic.NET. In addition,our staff has specific experience embedding GIS functionality into enterprise level applications using the following applications:ArcSDE, ArcIMS,ArcPad and MapObjects. A major consideration in the implementation of a Geographic Information System is the process by which the various databases are populated and maintained in the future. GPI excels in the implementation of GIS- oriented mobile applications for database maintenance. By using powerful handheld and pen based systems and the appropriate software components,we can develop the necessary common sense solutions that meet and exceed the specific needs of our clients. These capabilities allow us to develop and implement field-tested technologies and user tested work processes for each project Our staff takes pride in the many projects we have successfully completed and enjoys the challenge of new and difficult problems calling for innovative,yet practical,cost effective solutions. Representative projects are included on the following pages. Bronx River Parkway Traffic GPI Sign Management System USE EXIT 21 MAIN STREET FOR WHITE PLAINS BUSINESS DISTRICT CD _ �� -,y.:_-•mow � K Client/Owner: Westchester County Dept. of Public Works Project Location: Westchester County Cl) GPI developed and implemented an electronic sign management system for the collection and management of traffic signs located on the Bronx River Parkway in Westchester County. The sign management system consists of field-based notebook computers for data collection and a desktop workstation for management of the database. A needs assessment was performed to identify expectations,system reporting, training and technical support requirements. The software selected for this project was SIGNview,developed by CarteGraph Systems. In addition,MAPdirector for ArcView was implemented to link the database records to ESRI's ArcView GIS product. Nassau County GPI Traffic Signal Management System Er 6v f•. •nam. IRRY b+P � 0 IJ + tlnm Mt*tM>=-W.mber.-wgaa.m•r.,meyv=Tx _, - �`a d Signal Management System se�cn 6,sn..+to 0 x knm. x:a.o r, a prrzml er c I van< C9 CV YI9nM 10:1-00796 AAVry SORTIE C(%WAVC Cmss n:KD16NLAW Ares:ROC VILLI CCATR[ p� o. N 3 yraam�s Client/Owner: Nassau County Dept. of Public Works Project Location: Nassau County, NY GPI is developing a comprehensive Signal Management System that will consolidate and organize information used to manage Nassau County's signal system. The Signal Management System will support the following business processes: • Track maintenance calls • Maintain signal inventory along with history of maintenance activity • Maintain traffic signal parts • Facilitate billing of maintenance,requirements and construction contracts • Construction inspections • Signal inspections • Track and facilitate requests for signal information regarding legal claims,FOIL The Signal Management System will also provide an Geographic Information System interface where traffic signal information can be queried and reported on through a mapping interface. Nassau County GPI Traffic Sign Inventory and Management L <� i rr? 5 Client/Owner: Nassau County Dept. of Public Works Project Location: Nassau County, NY GPI developed a computerized traffic sign management system for this large municipality. The intent of the sign management system was to consolidate sign data information to enhance the inventory, management,and maintenance responsibilities of the County. The work included developing and implementing a field data collection methodology to inventory sign specific data for 20,000 sign panels located on County roads. The field system utilized a hand-held computer with interfaces to global positioning system receivers and color digital cameras. The system included the implementation of an on-line MUTCD sign library, attaching a sign to any sign record. GPI partnered with 3M and Facet to provide digital video imaging. The sign locations were collected with GPS equipment so that the sign locations could be displayed in conjunction with the County's existing GIS base mapping. The sign management system provided for an interactive interface allowing the end user to "click" on a sign location and the database record for that sign appears. To facilitate data collection and integration into the County's enterprise-wide GIS system, GPI developed upload/ download automation routines allowing the County to easily move sign asset information between the Cartegraph sign management system that was previously in place and the newly developed ESRI ArcGIS environment. Sign asset maintenance is performed by Nassau County sign maintenance staff with the aid of rugged PDA field computers running ESRI's ArcPad 6. Nassau County is able to keep their sign data updated showing an accurate digital picture of the current signage in the County as well as historical records. The system provides an interactive history log form that details the work order number,crew,activity, reasons for activity, and supplemental information. This work history information is associated with each sign panel so that it is possible to rollback the history logs to a specific date. Included in the history,are nearly 10,000 records that have been scanned into the management system and linked to the sign inventory. County personnel were trained in the use of the system,including both classroom and practical field training. Town of Brookhaven GPI Assessor's Office GIS 0 90M Radius Map Iffl00q_ VEN j Client/Owner: Town of Brookhaven Project Location: Town of Brookhaven, NY GPI developed automation applications for the Assessor's Office that would assist in the following: • The development of Radius Maps for subject parcels • Parcel maintenance (splits/combinations) • Overlay digital tax map information over digital aerial mapping. In the initial stage of the project GPI conducted a needs analysis,which provided: • Recommendations for modifications of existing computer equipment. • Specifications for new hardware/software equipment the Town will have to purchase. • Proposed workflow to be used in conjunction with automation applications. Once the findings of the needs assessment were reviewed and approved by the client, GPI developed the following automation applications: GIS Data Manager—This program updates the databases used for the Geographic Information System (GIS) processes of radius map generation and parcel maintenance from the Assessor's Mainframe database. Parcel Maintenance—GPI developed a customized application that allows its user to split or combine parcels as well as provides a database to record who modified the parcel,and when. This application is based on ESRI's ilrcview and Cedra-AVParcel. Radius Map—This customized Arcview application allows the user to select a parcel by several methods: owner name,item number or by tax map number. The user can then select the desired radius and output needed. This application can produce radius maps with selected parcels along with mailing labels. GPI also provided the following services: • Install and test the new applications in the Town. • Develop and document the workflow for instituting both procedures. • Train Town personnel on how to implement these processes through the use of project examples,i.e.: a pilot project. • A period of technical support for Town personnel. The goal of this technical support is to enable the Town personnel to become productive and independent of GPI's staff in a short period of time. Town of Huntington Project Helix GPI a-.-z. e..- J t• 0 fl D Lf 3 a�ua ++��:eed^Iiia - ��.it vim."^r,ws."•`.+ ��llyy e q R N In 11.V Yd IM J e _ h�- J Client/Owner: Town of Huntington Project Location: Huntington, NY For the past ten years,GPI has been working with the Town of Huntington in developing its Geographical Information System. The services that have been provided are as follows: Needs Assessment • GPI was retained by the Town of Huntington to thoroughly review and assess the existing conditions and the current/future needs in Town departments related to daily operations and functions. • A nontechnical document was created outlining recommendations (with estimated/associated costs) for changes including details for the implementation by department/division as well as town-wide. Town of Huntington Project Helix GPI (continued) Development of a Geographic Information System Pilot Project This pilot project incorporated existing and developed data sets accessed through a to project specific file graphical user interface. This pilot project was developed in two stages to adequately serve as a demonstration project and to serve as training device for �+ Town employees. Developed GIS Applications • Development and implementation of an Arc-view applications that allow Town M Personnel: ■ To process radius maps for planning and review purposes. ■ Create additional working themes by merging the information pertaining to Building Permits,Zoning Board of Appeals and Accessory Apartment, for the corresponding selected tax map sections. • Implementation of intranet applications that provide the following GIS functions: • Obtaining Parcel Information and map of a subject parcel • Obtaining Notification list for a subject parcel within a certain radius • Obtain a list and map of parcels based on certain criteria. This is ideal for Site Selection. • Allow analysis of Tract based census data. • Provide access to existing GIS datasets • Implement GIS intranet applications enhancements: • Develop a module that queries the newly generated Zoning polygon coverage and extract out all Zonings that the subject parcel falls within. • Customized mailing lists developed the Radius Map application to the specific requirements of the Town. • Integrate all the Town Assessors property photos into the GIS web applications. This allows end users of the GIS web applications to view photos of all parcels within the Town. • Modify intranet application to directly access the Town's Oracle Database to retrieve Assessor,Tax Receiver information and Land Management History report. • Implement an Internet site with a subset of the Intranet site functionality's. GIS Training • Trained Town personnel to develop GIS datasets. This was accomplished by using the development of a zoning polygon coverage as a sample project to teach how to digitize,clean and build topology for spatial data. • Assisted Town personnel to develop data migration strategies of the Town's mainframe data into Project Helix GIS databases. GPI implemented the data flow strategy and instruct Town personnel how to carry it out. Town of Babylon GPI Geographic Information System/ Comprehensive Land Use Plan TCWH OF�ZAWIUM Y'■IR �-. new ■� �aFaee1, @� ' ti Orr tt O ww1•w �,� • ur rw r ��L�^�' w��wn•w q Y CID Client/Owner: Town of Babylon Project Location: Babylon, NY The implementation of the Geographic Information System (GIS)provided the Town with an important operational tool for making planning and management policy decisions more cost effective and complete than was previously possible. One of the key analysis tools utilized in the development of an updated Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)was the GIS. The GIS allowed analyses to be performed with a higher degree of sophistication than would be possible with manual means. Since the CLUP required numerous analyses based on how adjacent land uses impact each other,the GIS was an important tool in that analysis. The key was that all of the information could be accessed at the same time,making a multitude of analyses possible. The implementation of the GIS under this project enabled the Town to perform planning analyses in a much shorter time frame,while setting the stage for more refined development of the GIS in the years to come. The development of the GIS under this project accomplished the following goals: Primary Goal-To provide a comprehensive tool for cataloging existing land use within the Town for the examination of a baseline forecast to a design year, and for the analyses of land use alternatives and their potential impacts. Secondary Goal-To provide a framework for the long-term development of a town-wide GIS to be utilized by all Town Departments. Tertiary Goal-To provide a common geographic database in the implementation of TMODEL2,a transportation planning model being utilized in the transportation portion of the CLUP. This will enable the analysis of traffic impacts of land use alternatives to be undertaken using common information.The primary source of spatial data was the mapping obtained from Suffolk County Real Property,which was digitized from tax maps. GREENMAN-PEDERSEN, INC GIS/CARD Services to Support GPI NPDES Program Owner: State Highway Administration Project Location: Statewide, Maryland T This contract involves aiding SHA in compliance of the NPDES permit for their Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4),by providing field inspections,SWM analysis,and database/GIS expertise. The main focus involved the development of a Best Management Practice(BMP) c� database. The BMPs include stormwater management facilities,such as --- - _�_--_ --- - retention/detention ponds,infiltration devices,and other water quality treatment devices. The tasks involved are: - iiw• Develop field data collection/inspection procedures/field inspection form, • Perform Howard County-wide field investigations of SHA roadways, - • Develop County-wide GIS model for BMPs, • Assist SHA in developing an overall BMP Maintenance Program, • Design relational databases/critique the overall NPDES GIS model, • Prepare field procedures manual for SHA. The field investigation includes recovery&inspection of BMPs using electronic field data collection,digital photos,and real-time differential GPS that allows for efficient,high quality,and cost-effective data collection. A Pilot Study of MD Rt. 32 was performed to test the field procedures, develop the inspection database,and collect historical records. The results provided consistent procedures and identified data gaps in the existing data. The field investigation progressed to include all SHA roadways (MD routes,U.S.routes, and Interstates) for a total of 254 miles of roadway within Howard County.The results are being uploaded into the BMP inspection database and ancillary NPDES databases associated with the BMPs. The GIS model includes base mapping and closed storm drain data from Howard County's GIS. The BMPs are being geo-coded in the GIS model based on the GPS positions collected in the fields.Based on our data management,we are involved with the updating of SHA's NPDES GIS model. The BMP inspection database includes individual inspection parameters and an overall BMP condition rating. The development of the inspection parameters involved extensive research of SWM practices and Maryland Pond guidelines. These inspection results are being used to prepare Work-Order Forms. An interface program is being developed to allow review of the database as well prepare print-outs to be used as Work Order forms. The results are providing SHA with an overall understanding of their BMP inventory and condition,plus inspection procedures for SHA personnel,ratings to aid SHA in developing maintenance responses,a database for review and report printing,and a GIS model to track BMPs by position and overall condition. GREENMAN-PEDERSEN INC I Computerized System to GPI Map All Traffic Signs using GIS at All TBTA Facilities .• t ,• � � r3 SW IMe:+.. AllttM , NMwyl sign GexIallNaniadon� PmdlDom MUTED 1 Cmdun Atxnsarll PFi I,. SMD 10019 Cdr BBGGUIOELEFi Axxemdy lD�� Pmd Text r- mwF_ N'qN Cadou Fxdy BBT - BMLd�� Ppd GV•d5T 5ali:lttlay O_TBTA Dcnyva., j-Image — py Pad Type U{Bttnd Widit PrWesl 261 MnW llrchevl Ieq C! SM. DM.[_ J Baa Cd OhLuctim No Legrnd Cd WAae - ISI iPmionN ldomNipn Noes _ ...._. �®! Road Ppaan Ry1 - New syn N. - --- P Pini pt 1.J,,,..•y�.e� SWD SIGN MESSAGE W15 CHANGED I ®� -sl N IbWel lard D' \ sMhEct - F} SWO11WI111It C\C RAMG\mago�l5 DuplayPr mg J \ Gidrd HeyN 1143.3] _x r—J Speed Vni fMphl5 (-si, Retied II,.. I per 1ID Pict 181 r 0n0,UpdaleW -1 sign. --I J �I m-9 - r—z— Owner: Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority Project Location: Various Locations, NY GPI was retained to develop,furnish and install a Computerized Roadway Asset Management System to map and manage various transportation infrastructure assets at TBTA's seven bridges and two tunnels throughout the five boroughs of New York City using Geographic Information System(GIS)technology. The project utilized video van technology equipped to provide high-resolution digital imagery of the facilities and determine asset locations using differential and inertial Global Positioning Systems(GPS). Using GIS as the backbone,the enterprise level management system easily incorporated into other enterprise level systems in use at the Authority. The system was developed with the ability to generate user-defined reports and contains a web viewing component for use over the Authority's Intranet. GPI provided the necessary training and technical support services to educate users in setup and installation procedures,system operations,user interface options and overall system maintenance procedures. Integration of these technologies into a seamless management system enabled the Authority to effectively manage the existing infrastructure and plan for the future at each of the facilities. Following delivery and successful implementation of the system,GPI updated the data by collecting,processing and integrating new digital imagery at the various facilities. The update was performed and delivered approximately one year after the initial system delivery and GPI provided an on-going system watranty for the contract duration including necessary technical support,telephone support,troubleshooting,on-site visits,training,and application deployment. The Authority executed an optional task in the contract to upgrade and expand the system. The task includes implementation of system upgrades to interface with recently implemented applications related to overall utility and facility maintenance activities,development of a conversion program related to New York State implementation of the National MUTCD and associated sign code updates,development of an updated data flow process for management of sign assets and implementation of an expanded training effort. ��C. RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL David m;kolaitis, P.E. Project Personnel Vice President/Director of Computer Services GPI - PROJECT ASSIGNMENT: Project Manager EDUCATION: BS/1982/Civil Engineering REGISTRATION: 1988/Professional Engineer/NY COURSE WORK: 2007-Introduction to ArcGIS Server 2006-Design Professional-GIS&CADD 2004-Practicing Institute of Engineering,Inc.- PS#000035 Work Zone Safety 2002-DWG for Microstation Users 2002-Ivlicrc,Stadon VBA for VB Professionals 2000-A/E/C Systems 1998-Microsoft Visual Basic 1998-ESRI MapObjects and MapObjects IMS 1994-ESRI Course of GIS Programming 1992-Implementation in ARC/INFO Software YEARS WITH THIS FIRM: 26 YEARS WITH OTHER FIRMS: 1 Professional Profile Mr.Mikolaitis is an experienced engineer proficient in many aspects of engineering design. He is a computer specialist,thoroughly familiar with engineering applications of Computer-Aided Design and Drafting(CADD), Geographic Information Systems(GIS),and asset management. He has developed automation procedures for implementing engineering and GIS computations and processes. For the past 21 years,Mr.Mikolaitis has been responsible for managing GPI's computer systems.During this time, he managed the growth of the systems from a couple of Intergraph VAX based workstations and a few stand-alone PCs to over 60 fully networked Windows XP and Windows 2000 computers.This growth included several successful migrations of both workstation and file server platforms.The operating systems he has been involved with setting up and maintaining are VMS,Intergraph's UNIX,Data General UNIX,DOS,Windows 3.1/95/NT,XP 2003 and Novel 3.12.Additionally,he has set up,maintained,used and trained personnel on the following engineering and GIS applications:MicroStation;Caddimage (Scanning Software);InRoads;IRASB and IRASC(Raster Editing);Arc/Info; Electronic Survey Data Collection;Arc View;Arc Explorer;Arc Pad and Autocad;Autocad Map.Mr.Mikolaitis is a Project Manager to Nassau County DPW and the Towns of Brookhaven,Islip and Huntington Project Experience Signal Management System,Nassau County,NY;2004-Present Project Manager.Mr.Mikolaitis has been managing the project to develop a comprehensive Signal Management System (SMS) that will consolidate and organize all information about Nassau County Dept.of Public Works 1600 signals in one place. SMS is a web based application developed using ASP.NET and SQL Server and features 11 inter-related modules to aid the county in managing construction activities,inventory,complaints,legal claims, GIS analysis and document management for traffic signals.The application is being developed using a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Client: Nassau County Dept. of Public Works Islip Drainage Inventory and Digital Mapping,Islip,NY;20042007.GIS Task Leader.This project involved the inventory and digital mapping the Town of Islip drainage infrastructure and providing the Town with a tool to comply with GASB-34 requirements.Mr.Mikolaitis'responsibilities include coordinating the development of GIS geocoding utility that was used for developing a spatial index to historical work orders and filed map documents.Also provided technical support and training to field data collection staff on ArcPad,GPS and mobile computers.Client:Town of Islip Geographical Information System(GIS),Huntington,NY; 1995-Present Project Manager.Mr.Mikolaids has been working for the Town of Huntington to develop their GIS capabilities.Services included developing a needs assessment;running education seminars and training courses on GIS to Town employees;and developing GIS datasets and applications. David MVliholaitis, P.E. Project Personnel Vice President/Director of Computer Services GPI In addition to his managerial role,technical responsibilities included developing a methodology to migrate the Town's mainframe data to the GIS;implementing methodology and training Town personnel to carry out future data updates;developing several GIS applications in ArcView including radius map generation,data management modules and plotting routines;specifying and currently implementing Town-wide GIS applications via an intranet (web server)within Town Hall using ESRI's Arc Internet Map Server and Visual Basic Net,and specifying hardware and software requirements and assisting in the implementation of these new systems.Also responsible for coordinating effort to redevelop the Town of Huntington's intranet GIS site using ArcIMS.The new site also integrates data from the Town's Oracle Enterprise database. Client:Town of Huntington Hunterdon County Drainage Application,Flemington,NJ;2005. Project Manager.Project involves developing an ArcGIS-based management program to view the County's stormwater data.Responsibilities included coordinating the application development. Client: Hunterdon County Engineering Dept. Townwide Trail System Study,Town of North Hempstead,NY;2004-Present.Application/GIS Analyst. This is a planning study for a townwide trail system that provides an alternative means of transportation as well as a recreational resource for town residents.Mt Mikolaitis is providing GIS mapping services in support of this study. Client:Town of North Hempstead Westchester County Sign Inventory,Westchester County,NY;2004-Present. Senior Engineer.This project involves conducting the field inventory of all County owned traffic signs,developing a Sign Management System, and preparing design documents to replace signs as required. In addition,GPI will assist in the bid process, provide design support during construction,inspect the work and provide all necessary construction administration to complete the sign replacements.Mr.Mikolaitis is assisting in coordinating IT support for the sign data collection process. Client:Westchester County Dept. of Public Works - Radius Map Upgrade,Fanningville,NY.Project Manager.Responsible for the coordination of redeveloping a GIS Radius Map application in ESRI ArcGIS v.9.1 and ArcSDE.This will allow the Town to buffer selected parcels, lines or polygons.The application will identify all parcels within the buffer area,note them on a map and produce mailing labels from information from the Town's Oracle based assessment system. Client:Town of Brookhaven TBTA Sign GIS,New York,NY;2004-2007. Senior Engineer.The project involves developing,furnishing and installing a computerized system to map and manage traffic signs at all TBTA facilities using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)Technology.The project will utilize video van technology to provide high resolution digital imagery of the facilities and GPS to determine the sign locations.The Computerized Roadway Asset Management System(C- RAMS)will be developed as a user friendly application that will include a web viewing component and GPI will provide necessary support for successful implementation of the system.Mr.Mikolaitis assisted in coordinating application development of web based video log and sign management system.Client TBTA Town of Brookhaven Assessor GIS,Brookhaven,NY;2000-2001.Project Manager.Mr.Mikolaitis worked with the Town of Brookhaven Assessor to develop their GIS capabilities. Services included a needs assessment for parcel maintenance,developing a GIS solution to do parcel maintenance and radius map generation,database utility to update parcel attributes from the Town's mainframe assessment system, and training Town personnel on the use of the applications developed. Client Town of Brookhaven Tax Receiver Internet Application,Huntington,NY;2003.Project Manager.Mr.Mikolaitis worked with the Town to increase the amount of information maintained in internal databases published on the Town's web site. Services included development of a web application that allows the public to query property tax information from the Town of Huntington over the Internet Installed AICIMS,Town's GIS Applications and Tax Receiver application on the Internet Web server. Client:Town of Huntington Greenman-Pedersen,Inc, (GPI) Intranet,Babylon,NY; 1999-Present.Project Manager.Responsible for coordinating the application and content development on GPI intranet. Professional Affiliation:American Society of Civil Engineers Mame Day Project Personnel Director of Application Development GPI PROJECT ASSIGNMENT: GIS Developer EDUCATION: Bachelor of Arts/1997/Geography Certificate/1998/GIS YEARS WITH THIS FIRM: 8 YEARS WITH OTHER FIRMS: 8 Professional Profile Mr.Day directs all application development and possesses a strong background in planning,developing,and implementing complex Geographic Information Systems.His responsibilities include development of asset management applications,providing mapping and geographic analysis for engineering projects,training staff in the use of GIS,research of new hardware and software and marketing of GPI's asset management solutions.He supports the GIS staff in all phases of GIS implementations,such as data automation,digital field data collection,office data integration,and GIS model development His expertise resides in applying object-oriented languages to develop custom applications,such as interfaces for database and GIS/GPS programs as well as web applications.Mr.Day's skills include Visual StudioNET,ArcGIS 9,AtcIMS 9,ArcView 3.x,ArcSDE 0,ArcPad 7,Avenue,ArcObjects,AML,MapObjects, Visual Basic 6,ASP,XML,Embedded Visual Basic,SQL Server 2005,Oracle l OG,and Microsoft Access. Project Experience: - Traffic Sign Inventory and Management System;2002-2003.Lead Developer/System Architect/Project Manager.Migrated the existing County from a Cartegraph 4 based inventory system to a combination Cartegraph, ArcPad and ArcGIS system.This project included researching and delivering a system that was easily integrated into the existing processes and procedures in place at the County. Client Nassau County Dept.of Public Works Town of Hempstead Sign Management System;2002-2005.Lead Developer,System Architect.Developed a sign inventory application for approximately 25,000 signs and creating a management system to create work orders for sign replacement to manage construction contractors.Responsibilities include system architecture,development of field forms in ArcPad and development of asset management software using arcGIS. Client Town of Hempstead NPDES Shopview Software;2003-2005.System Architect.Shopview is a desktop-based data access tool for use by Maryland State Highway NPDES industrial shops.Each shop may use the software to monitor and update NPDES related activities including discharge monitoring results,Oil Water Separator performance,and BMP inspections.The program was created using MapObjects LT and Visual Basic 6. Client:Maryland State Highway Huntington HELIX GIS;2001.Data Manager Design,Quality Control,Assisted in design and quality control for the HELIX GIS data Manager.The program synchronizes an oracle database to an access database format to use with the HELIX internet mapping applications. Several reports are generated comparing differences between the two databases as well as between the database and GIS parcel shapefile. Hunterdon County Sign Management System;2003-2005. Lead Developer,System Architect.Developed with ArcObjects,ArcPad and ArcSDE,the Sign Management system allows multiple users to access sign data in the through a desktop ArcGIS Application.The management system also allows users to load history data from field computers running ArcPad 6 and maintains history about these assets as well as maintenance records. Client: Hunterdon County TBTA Sign GIS;2004-2005. Lead Developer,System Architect.The C-RAMS project uses GPS based digital imagery to extract asset information from nine TBTA facilities. Once extracted,the imagery and associated asset data will be loaded into a custom management system,which is based on the ArcGIS platform. Components of the system include a customized AtcGIS desktop application developed using ArcObjects and Visual Basic,a Web Viewer application developed using ArcIMS 9 and ASP.NET,and an oracle 9i based AICSDE database server. Client.Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority Westchester County Traffic Sign Management System,Westchester County,NY;2003-2007.System Architect and Lead Developer for the development and implementation of an electronic sign management system for the collection and management of all traffic signs in Westchester County.The project builds upon the initial Bronx River Mark Day Project Personnel Director of Application Development GPI - Parkway and features a handheld field application for initial inventory collection and for re-inspection of traffic signs. The project features sophisticated management component allowing for condition assessments and conformance review,preparation of sign replacement contracts,construction administration and inspection for the sign replacement contract and update of sign data for inclusion in the management system.Client Westchester County Dept.of Public Works Westchester County Bronx River Parkway Traffic Sign Management System,Westchester County,NY; 2000-2001.Database manager for the development and implementation of an electronic sign management system for the collection and management of traffic signs located on the Bronx River Parkway in Westchester County. The initial inventory was collected using Cartegraph version 4 and was later upgraded to version 5 at the time of delivery. Client Westchester County Dept. of Public Works Union County Sign Inventory System;2001-2005.Lead Developer.This project involves field inventory of signs in Union County,NJ using ESRI's ArcPad 6 technology,running on Compaq IPAQ Pocket PC's. Responsibilities include creating custom input forms with copy and paste functionality,development of keypad applet for ArcPad and development of import routine for Cartegraph SignView 5 using arcView 3.Project also includes development of a GIS based Video Log application. Client: Union County Union County Shade Tree Inventory System 2001;2001-2005.Lead Developer.This project involves field inventory of shade trees using ESRI's ArcPad 6 technology,running on compaq IPAQ Pocket PC's.Responsibilities include creating complex input forms that change depending on tree criteria. Client:Union County Route 110 Corridor Commercial Property Listing GIS Website;2002.Lead Programmer.Developed using Visual Basic 6 and Map Objects internet map server,this site was designed to act as a clearinghouse of available commercial properties in the Route 110 Corridor.A map is used to display all commercial properties for sale or lease in the route 110 corridor.The site also features an advanced property search page and contains a secure section for realtors to add or edit listing information. American Disabilities Act Data Management System;2001.Lead Programmer.ADA field collection system and office reporting system for ADA inventory.Developed using Embedded Visual Basic the field software is designed for a Pocket PC PDA computer.The software allows users to grade room,restroom,stairway,elevators, lobby,corridors and vestibule features for ADA compliance.Data conversion and upload routines are managed using Microsoft Active Sync 3 to load data into a central MS Access database.A visual basic program allows the users to create reports using MS Excel automation.This project also included an evaluation of hardware to determine the most effective device for data collection. GPS Generic Collection Utility;2001.Lead Programmer.Developed for use with a Fujitsu pen computer, this program allows the collection of generic attribute data linked to a GIS point or polygon feature that can be recorded with the GPS receiver.The program manages the real-time transfer of data of differentially corrected between the GPS receiver and the pen computer and stores all information in an MS Access database format.This data is then transferred to ArcView GIS for QA/QC,analysis and map creation. Brookhaven GIS Radius Maps;2001.Lead Programmer. Created using Avenue and ArcView 3.2,the Brookhaven radius map application creates a selection of parcels within a certain distance of one or more selected parcels.The user is then able to connect the selected parcels to the assessment database (created with the Data Manager) to create mailing labels and other predefined reports and maps. GIS:ArcGIS 9,ArcIMS 9,ArcView 3.x,ArcPad 7,ArcSDE 9,Network Analyst,Spatial Analyst,3-D Analyst Progratnming:Visual Studio.NET 2005,VB.NET,C#,Visual Basic 6,ArcObjects,AML,Avenue,MspObjects 2.2,MapObjects LT 2,ARCXivfL,Windows API,Active X, Crystal Reports Internet Technology:ImetDev,Map Objects IMS,Internet Information Server 5.0,ASP,ASP.NET,HTML, ArcXML,Java Script,VB script Database:ADO,ADO.NET, SQL,ODBC,SQL Server 2005,Oracle 10G,MS Access 2000 Jacqueline Aissa Project Personnel Cil ' Technician GPI PROJECT ASSIGNMENT: GIS Technician EDUCATION: BA/1998/Environmental Science—Biology AS/1994/Liberal Arts YEARS WITH THIS FIRM: 4 YEARS WITH OTHER FIRMS: 5 Professional Profile Ms.Aissa is a GIS technician with diverse experience in the engineering and surveying fields with a background in environmental science. She utilizes MicroStation,GIS,AutoCAD,MS Word,Excel and PowerPoint to advance technical reports,conceptual drawings,final construction drawings and specifications as well as estimates on a verity of projects.She is a key player in various highway projects,beginning from the conceptual stage to final construction. Ms.Aissa has assisted in the report preparation of NYSDOT Design Approval Report Documents,in accordance with NYSDOT's Procedures Manual for Locally Administrated Federal Aid Projects. She is thoroughly familiar with the current publications of the NYSDOT Highway Design Manual and AASHTO's Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets.Ms.Aissa has assisted design engineers in the preparation of preliminary and final plan documents developed for storm water drainage and road improvements of various road and highway projects. Ms.Aissa's environmental background has also provided needed experience when assisting in the preparation of storm water management plans and permit applications for submittal to NYSDEC,Army Corps,and Dept. of State.Her experience with Leica survey equipment includes robotic total station,GPS and digital levels.Ms. Aissa downloads the digital data she has collected in the field thought Inroads/Microstation or Land Development, to produce basemaps for design. Project Experience Islip Drainage Inventory and Digital Mapping,Islip,NY;2005-2006. GIS Technician.This project involved inventorying and digitally mapping the Town of Islip drainage infrastructure and providing the Town with a tool to comply with GASB-34 requirements. Responsible for GIS office work such as geocoding,database structure, and in-office drainage investigation through field maps and work orders. Client:Town of Islip Long Island Truck-Rail Intermodal Facility,PIN 0339.12, Brentwood,NY;2004.Technician/Surveyor.This estimated$65-million facility is to be constructed on a 130-acre site on the southern end of the Pilgrim State Psychiatric Center in the Town of Islip.The project includes the construction of a railroad spur and facility to accommodate trailer-on-flatcar/container-on-flatcax(I'OFC/COFC) freight to help reduce Long Island's dependency on long-haul trucking. Responsible for establishing GPS control for the project survey.Also responsible for setting up alignments,profiles,drafting,and file and sheet management. Client:New York State Dept. of Transportation,Reg. 10 County Route 16/Horseblock Road Reconstruction,Town of Brookhaven,NY; 10/06-Present. Civil Engineer Technician.Under this locally administered federal aid project, GPI will provide preliminary design services including the development of the Design Approval Document for the rehabilitation of County Route 16, Horseblock Road,and improvements to the project area's drainage design. Ms.Aissa is responsible for writing the Draft Design Report and field investigations.She is also responsible for all GIS maps, tables and CAD maps included in the report. Client: Suffolk County Dept.of Public Works Southern State Parkway Mill and Fill,NY Rte. 110 to Sagtikos Pkwy.,ABC#1,Towns of Babylon and Islip,NY;10/06-Present Civil Engineer Technician. GPI will provide final highway design services,Phases V and VI,for pavement repair of the Southern State Parkway between NY Route 110 and the Sagtikos Parkway Interchange.The project involves extensive fieldwork to identify pavement deficiencies,damaged curbs,collapsed drainage or utility structures and damaged guiderail.The project requires the development of final plans,proposal book,specification and construction cost estimate.Ms.Aissa's responsibilities include field investigation, preparation of construction cost estimate and preparation of miscellaneous tables. Client NYSDOT,Reg. 10 Jacqueline Aissa Project Personnel GIS Tecknician GPI - Weaver Street Reconstruction,New Rochelle,NY;5/06-Present. Civil Engineer Technician. Under this locally administered federal aid project, GPI will provide preliminary design services including development of the Design .Approval Document(Phases I through IV) for the rehabilitation of Weaver Street within the project limits and improvements at the Griffin Avenue and Quaker Ridge Road intersections. Responsible for writing the Draft Design Report,responsible for GIS maps,tables and AutoCAD maps included in the report. Client:Westchester Co.Dept. of Public Works Bronx River Parkway Culverts, Harrison and Yonkers,NY;2004. Survey Technician.This project includes structural improvements to two culverts in Westchester County,including top slab repairs,extension of the end sections,and channel bottom improvements.Responsible for fieldwork such as surveying of topography using Trimble Total Station with data collector and performing benchruns. Office work included downloading field data and transferring to Inroads/Microstation. Client:Westchester Co.Dept. of Public Works Northern State Parkway and Long Island Expressway Interchange Improvements at NY 110,Town of Huntington,NY; 10/04-Present. Civil Engineer Technician.Project includes preliminary and final design services for the replacement of the existing NSP bridge over NYS Route 110 and its interchange along with widenings on NYS Route 110 from four to six lanes between LIE and NSP.Ms.Aissa is responsible for preparing for the public meeting.These tasks include numerous display boards describing the project,outlining the problem areas, depicting the alternatives for design being considered, several large-scale aerials detailing the preferred design and designing the room layout for the public meeting. Client New York State Dept.of Transportation,Reg. 10 Wellington-Heathcote Roads,Elmont,NY;2006. Surveyor. GPI is responsible for conducting topographic field surveys,developing basemapping and preparing Final Plans,Specifications and Estimates for use in competitive bidding for storm water drainage and road improvements at the referred project location. GPI performed all surveying,mapping and design tasks required for this project.The project consisted of the total reconstruction of six residential roads totaling over 8,000 lin ft. Ms.Aissa was responsible for establishing both horizontal and vertical control on site. Client Town of Hempstead Engineering CR 83 Noise Study, Selden,NY;2006.Environmental Technician.This project involves conducting a noise study for a two-mile stretch of County Road 83,Patchogue-Mt. Sinai Road,between Granny Road and Mooney Pond Road.The project involves noise modeling,noise wall abatement,and preparation of preliminary designs and summary report.Responsible for noise modeling using FHWA traffic noise model. Client Suffolk County Department of Public Works Reconstruction of County Route 3 (Wellwood Avenue) Bridge over Southern State Parkway,Babylon, NY; 10/04-Present. CADD Technician.This project involves the reconstruction and widening of the County Road 3,Wellwood Avenue Bridge over the Southern State Parkway.The project's goals are to provide an acceptable level of service while improving traffic safety and structural integrity.Efforts include development of potential geometric improvement alternatives that address capacity, safety and substandard feature deficiencies.All studies and analyses are documented within a formal NYSDOT EPP report that was after converted into a NEPA CASE II Final Design Report/Categorical Exclusion. Responsible for preparing engineering design drawings for submission to reviewing agencies. Client Suffolk County Department of Public Works GIS Specialist/Surveyor.Produced topographic maps of local preserves using Leica GPS,ArcView GIS and Leica Total Station to delineate sensitive or threatened species,habitat and environmentally sensitive areas.Field data was brought into Inroads Survey and Microstation to generate final plans.Written reports included detailed fieldwork procedures,ArcView GIS maps,aerial photographs,database compilations and data collection sheets. Prepared a Flood History Report encompassing the Asharoken and Northport area for the Army Corps of Engineers,New York District. Information was compiled from historical data,community interviews and flood marks. Report included a full documentation of all findings,summary and conclusions drawn from report data,a photographic presentation from Microsoft PowerPoint,ArcView GIS maps and reports generated through Microsoft Access COST PROPOSAL Village of Massapequa Park SARA Grant 2008-2009 Roadway Maintenance GIS GIS CONSULTANT PROPOSED COSTS Task# Task Proposed Staff Proposed Proposed Proposed Cost/Hr Hours Total Cost Assist the Village with the Purchase and Installation of ESRI's I. ArcGIS 9.1 Software David Mikolaitis $160.00 8 $1,280 Edit the Current Roadway Feature II. Class-Review all Roads Jaqueline Aissa $75.00 16 $1,200 Edit the Current Roadway Feature II Class Jaqueline Aissa $75.00 24 $1,800 III. Edit the Parcel Feature Class Jaqueline Aissa $75.00 150 $11,250 Update and Attach Microsoft IV. Access Database Mark Day $75.00 8 $600 Color Code the Roadways Based on 2004 and Current Inventory V. Data Jaqueline Aissa $75.00 4 $300 VI. Develop a Signage Feature Class Jaqueline Aissa $75.00 40 1 $3,000 Develop a Handicap Ramp Feature VII. Class Jaqueline Aissa $75.00 100 $7,500 Create Customized Tool to Edit VIII. Feature Classes Mark Day $150.00 40 $6,000 Create Customized Tool for IX. Resident and Employee Complaints Mark Day $150.00 40 $6,000 LTraining Jaqueline Aissa $75.00 1 24 1 $1,800 Total Cost $40,730 0 0000 Teamwork Quality Commitment AVINEONa —su-- Vialize Ir.Scc rl Through. January 18, 2008 Ms. Peggy Caltabiano Village Administrator Incorporated Village of Massapequa Park 151 Front Street Massapequa, New York 11762 Villadmin@masspk.com Re: Request for Qualifications and Fee Schedule for GIS Project Dear Ms. Caltabiano: Avineon, Inc. is pleased to submit our response to the above referenced Request for Qualifications. We have enclosed an electronic copy of our response as specified in the RFQ. Thank you for this opportunity to submit a proposal to the Incorporated Village of Massapequa Park. We look forward to your evaluation of our response and to the opportunity to develop a close working relationship with your organization. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Mr. Xiaodong Hong (xhong@avineon.com; 703-671-1900, Ext. 216), Avineon's proposed Project Manager, or me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Gary Wilkison Senior Vice President—Commercial Systems Avineon, Inc. gwilkison@avineon.com Avincon, Inc. • 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 •Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 - tel: 703-671-1900 • fax: 703-671-1901 • www.avineon.com AVINEON. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS SUBMITTED TO INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF MASSAPEQUA PARK JANUARY 18, 2008 AVINEON, INC. 4825 MARK CENTER DRIVE SUITE 700 ALEXANDRIA, VA22311-1846 TEL: (703)671-1900 FAX: (703)671-1901 Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINEON. Contents Section 1: Introduction and Corporate Overview..................................................1-1 1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................1-1 1.2 Locations .........................................................................................................1-2 1.3 Service Offerings .............................................................................................1-3 1.4 Quality Management........................................................................................1-6 Section2: GIS Experience.......................................................................................2-1 2.1 Major GIS Platforms.........................................................................................2-1 2.2 Facility Mapping...............................................................................................2-2 2.3 Landbase Development...................................................................................2-2 2.4 GIS Application Development..........................................................................2-3 2.5 GIS Web Enabling ...........................................................................................2-5 2.6 Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing.......................................................2-7 Section 3: Project Management...............................................................................3-1 3.1 Project Management Overview........................................................................3-1 3.2 Project Management Processes......................................................................3-2 3.3 Problem Resolution .........................................................................................3-7 Section 4: Related Projects......................................................................................4-1 Section 5: Resumes of Key Personnel...................................................................5-1 Section 6: Proposed Costs......................................................................................6-1 Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data This proposal includes confidential and proprietary data that may not be duplicated, used, or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose other than evaluation of this proposal without the prior written permission of Avineon, Inc. Table of Contents Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700/Alexandra,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Statement of Qualifications �I Massapequa Park AVINEOM Section 1: INTRODUCTION AND CORPORATE OVERVIEW 1.1 INTRODUCTION Avineon, Inc. (Avineon) is a Delaware corporation founded in 1992 as an information technology (IT) service provider specializing in geographic in- formation systems (GIS) and computer aided design (CAD). Today, Av- ineon specializes in IT services and products that optimize data visualiza- tion, usability, and effectiveness for government and commercial custom- e rs. The cornerstone of Avineon's success in each of these disciplines is our standardized approach to project management and quality assurance. In- dependently appraised at SEI CMMI Maturity Level 3 and an ISO 9001:2000 registered company for IT Services: Software Systems De- sign, Development, and Integration, CAD/GIS Development and Engi- neering Services,Avineon employs a variety of quality assurance tech- niques to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of our production proc- esses. This integrated approach enables Avineon to ensure every cus- tomer's satisfaction and offer a one-year guarantee on all products and services. Avineon is a premier information technology services company with a long-standing and well-respected history in the GIS industry. We have an extensive background in data conversion, applying the latest technology and our significant resources to ensure success for our clients and their GIS goals. In addition, our substantial knowledge base and hands-on ex- perience enables Avineon's Technical Solutions Group (TSG), a segment of the Geospatial and Engineering Services Division, to provide highly specialized, effective GIS application development and consulting ser- vices. TSG offers web-based mapping application development, GIS desktop application development, GIS implementation plan- ning/consulting, GIS training, and GIS/information systems integration services. Avineon's GIS capabilities also include planning, specification develop- ment, data migration and maintenance, project management, scanning, photogrammetric services, stereo-compilation, photo interpretation, land- 1: Introduction and Corporate Overview I-1 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700/Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page 1 of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINEON, base and facilities data capture, environmental mapping, database devel- opment, and training. Avineon was awarded the prestigious Washington Technology Fast 50 award as one of the top growth technology companies in the greater Washington D.C. area, and received a Fantastic 50 award from the Vir- ginia Chamber of Commerce.Avineon was also included in Inc. Maga- zine's "500"list. Within a span of more than fifteen years and a growth rate of over 2,500%,Avineon has established itself as a leading IT company that pro- vides superior GIS services at a reasonable cost. 1.2 LOCATIONS Headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia,Avineon also maintains domestic offices in Clearwater, Florida; international offices in Surrey, United King- dom and Hyderabad, India; and customer sites in Baltimore, Hyattsville, and Rockville, Maryland and Washington, DC. Complete addresses for Avineon's primary facilities are provided below. Headquarters Clearwater, Florida Avineon, Inc. Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive, Suite 700 15500 Lightwave Drive, Suite 200 Alexandria, VA 22311-1811, U.S.A. Clearwater, Florida 33760 U.S.A. Tel: 703-671-1900 Tel: 727-539-1661 Fax: 703-671-1901 Fax: 727-530-0245 Email: rambhala@avineon.com Email: gwilkison@avineon.com Primary Contact: Karlu Rambhala Primary Contact: Gary Wilkison 1: Introduction and Corporate Overview 1_2 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 7001 Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINEON, Europe Hyderabad, India Avineon Europe Ltd. Avineon India Private Ltd. London House "White House" Block III 271-273 King Street 3rd floor, 6-3-1192/1/1, London W6 9LZ Kundanbagh, Begumpet United Kingdom Hyderabad —500 016. Tel: +44 20 82332835 Andhra Pradesh. INDIA Fax: +44 20 87415296 Tel: 91.40.66632452 Email: pvanes@avineon.com Fax: 91.40.66687399 Primary Contact: Peter Van Es Email: rganeshan@avineonindia.com Primary contact: Raghu Ganeshan 1.3 SERVICE OFFERINGS Avineon specializes in the generation, manipulation, management and maintenance of data for GIS and other information management systems, and offers the full range of services necessary for successful geospatial data implementation. These services are provided to various local, state, and federal government agencies; large utility companies, and the private sector.Avineon's core capabilities are described below. GIS Data Conversion. Avineon has successfully completed nu- merous GIS data conversion projects for government agencies; large utility companies; and private sector enterprises to systems including ESRI, GE Network Solutions (Smallworld), Intergraph, AutoCAD,AutoDesk GIS Design Server (formerly VISION*), IBM- GFIS, MicroStation, and others. GIS Technical Consulting (including needs assessment, business process modeling, system development and design, applications development and integration). Avineon uses an assortment of tools to model, design, implement, and maintain a wide spectrum of GIS applications.Avineon creates GIS solutions for modeling, conversion, integration, and management that make the most ef- fective use of clients' geospatial, facility, and business information. Avineon designs applications using ESRI, GE Network Solutions (Smallworld), Intergraph, ERDAS, Miner& Miner, and other GIS products. 1: Introduction and Corporate Overview 1-3 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700/Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINEON, • Records Maintenance. Following conversion, changes to facilities networks, cadastral fabric, and landbase necessitate continual digital file updates. Some clients perform maintenance activities in-house. Others elect long-term, outside maintenance, while some opt for outside maintenance only to eliminate backlog. • Photogrammetry. Avineon's photogrammetric services include fully analytical aerial triangulation, landbase production, image in- terpretation, environmental resource inventory, digital terrain mod- eling (DTM) and digital elevation modeling (DEM), stereo compila- tion, planimetrics, hardcopy and softcopy orthophoto products and volumetric computations. Environmental and Resource Mapping. Avineon offers extensive service and experience to clients in field reconnaissance, wet- lands mapping, GPS survey, photogrammetry, environmental re- source inventories, image processing, and geographic information systems.Avineon adapts mapping techniques and products to the specific needs of environmental clients such as federal, state, mu- nicipal and county agencies. Clients such as utility companies,wa- ter management districts, and agricultural firms frequently rely on Avineon for wetland delineation, land use/cover, environmental impact analysis, delineation of critical habitats, soils, forestry, coastal and similar resource inventories. Interpretation has been accomplished using color infrared, black and white, and natural color photography. Image Processing. Avineon offers comprehensive digital image processing and analysis of remotely sensed data from multiple sources such as satellite, multispectral and hyperspectral airborne digital scanners and digital orthophotos. Using modern image processing software and hardware, the imagery can be evaluated and enhanced to adjust and correct for sensor characteristics. Scanning. Avineon's scanning technology complements our full range of data conversion and information technology services. Documents scanned include aerial photographs, architec- tural/engineering drawings, USGS maps, schematics, and street maps. • Computer Aided Design (CAD) & Computer-Aided Facilities Man- agement(CAFM). Avineon is a premier provider of computer aided design and computer aided facility management services for 1: Introduction and Corporate Overview 1-4 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700/Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications '1 Massapequa Park AVINEON. government and industry. Using a wide range of software and hardware,Avineon produces high quality digital representations of maps, drawings, and other documents.Avineon helps organiza- tions migrate from paper-based processes and legacy environ- ments to advanced data architectures and systems.Avineon ap- plies automated mapping, design and facility management tools from Intergraph, Bentley,AutoDesk, CATIA, and others. Information System Support. Avineon is an SW-CMM® Level 3 appraised, enterprise IT solutions and services company, provid- ing system life cycle and operational support for government and industry.Avineon automates and streamlines business functions through customized and cost-effective applications of state-of-the- art programming languages, web/internet technologies, and data networking and communications.Avineon utilizes state-of-the-art software including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, .Net, JAVA, XML, Visual C++, Websphere, and a range of web/internet development tools. IT services provided by Avineon include: Requirements Analysis and System Planning = Application Design, Development and Maintenance = Software Migration and Re-engineering = Enterprise Application Integration = Web-Enabling of Legacy Applications Web/Internet Applications Development Software Integration, Testing, and Training Database Engineering and Administration Network Engineering and User Support Information and Network Security Support Program Management Support Services Data System Architecture and Design Data Warehouse Development Data Mining Applications Project Management. We offer clients the option of having Avineon assume total project responsibility and manage all project ser- vices. We work closely with each client team to ensure all project activities are executed in full conformance to specifications, on schedule and to the client's complete satisfaction. 1: Introduction and Corporate Overview 1-5 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700/Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINEOM 1.4 QUALITY MANAGEMENT Avineon maintains a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000, Quality Management System Require- ments.Avineon is certified to Quality Standard: ISO 9001:2000; Scope: IT Services: Software/Systems Design, Development and Integration, CAD/GIS Development and Engineering Services; Certificate Number: C- 03101.Avineon's production facility in Hyderabad, India (Avineon India) is also independently certified ISO 9001-2000 compliant. Our quality system is designed to ensure products/materials provided by Avineon are subject to adequate control of quality to ensure customer sat- isfaction. This system is designed to prevent discrepancies from occurring and is enforced with positive corrective action when necessary.Avineon's quality system is directed by our Quality Policy Statement. Avineon Quality Policy Customer Satisfaction is our primary focus; We are committed to delivering Products or Services on-time and at a competitive price; Our Products and Services shall be the highest Quality and meet or exceed Customer requirements; Customers, Employees, and Suppliers are essential to our business success and shall be treated fairly and with respect; The accuracy and completeness of Product and Service documentation, software, and hardware are equally important. Avineon's Quality Management System (QMS) is designed to: • identify the processes needed for the quality management system and their application throughout Avineon. • determine the sequence and interaction of these processes. • determine criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the op- eration and control of these processes are effective. • ensure the availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these processes. • monitor, measure, and analyze these processes. • implement actions necessary to achieve planned results and con- tinual improvement of these processes. 1: Introduction and Corporate Overview 1-6 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700/Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON, For GIS and other software application development projects,Avineon's QMS incorporates the guidelines included in the Software Engineering In- stitute's Capability Maturity Model (SEI-CMM). The CMM is an industry standard developed by SEI for assessing and improving software proc- esses that result in higher quality and lower development times and costs. Avineon has been independently assessed at CMM Level 3. Each Avineon project is audited on a regular basis to ensure compliance with its project plan.Avineon's QMS is reviewed semi-annually by an ex- ternal auditor to ensure continued compliance with ISO 9001:2000 re- quirements. Taken together, the planning, documentation, inspection, and auditing requirements of ISO 9001:2000 offer our clients one primary benefit: a successful project completed on schedule and in accordance with the stated specifications. 1: Introduction and Corporate Overview 1-7 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 f Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINE01% Section 2: GIS EXPERIENCE 2.1 MAJOR GIS PLATFORMS As a result of our experience, as well as our dedication to the GIS indus- try and the clients we support,Avineon has established professional, working relationships with the largest, most popular GIS software provid- ers in the industry.A description of our professional experience in working with each of these providers and their platforms are provided in the fol- lowing paragraphs. ESRI Avineon is an ESRI Worldwide Business Partner, and has success- fully converted data to and from ESRI platforms for many years. Our staff has extensive experience in developing custom-tailored ArcGIS applications to meet the many needs of our clients. Mem- bers ofAvineon's programming staff have actively participated in ESRI's User's Group Conference for the past several years.Av- ineon is also a Miner& Miner Business Partner, with extensive ex- perience in implementing the ArcFM applications popular among many utility providers. GE Network Solutions (Smallworld) Avineon is recognized as a leading provider of Smallworld conver- sion services.Avineon currently operates dozens of licenses and employs over one-hundred-fifty staff members trained to use the software, positioning Avineon among the largest Smallworld service providers in the world. Intergraph Avineon has conducted many GIS data conversion projects which have been targeted for Intergraph users.As a result of this exten- sive hands-on experience, we have developed a vast knowledge of Intergraph systems including the latest G/Technology products as well as MicroStation, FRAMME, and MGE. 2: GIS Experience 2-1 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700/Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON. AutoDesk Avineon has successfully worked with and translated AutoCAD- formatted data to other systems and vice versa for various projects for numerous years.AutoCAD utilizes a level layering scheme, physical graphics characteristics, and a neutral import/export file format that enables it to be readily acceptable by most other major GIS platforms.As such, it often serves as a neutral platform for use in conversion processes. 2.2 FACILITY MAPPING Avineon believes the experience of our staff in the client's industry is as important as their experience with the target GIS platform. While it is rela- tively easy to learn the basic functions of GIS software, it takes years of practice in capturing specific types of facility data to understand the proper representation of facilities networks and the relationships of their components. Avineon's GIS staff has experience with facilities from the electric, gas, telephone, and water/sewer/wastewater utility industries. Our technicians have the knowledge to identify discrepancies on a client's source records before they have a chance to become GIS errors. Likewise, they use their understanding of facilities networks to ensure graphic integrity and con- nectivity. Avineon has successfully converted data to a variety of GIs formats for major utility companies since the company was founded. In a period of just five years,Avineon's Clearwater, Florida office alone was responsible for conversion of data representing some 1,100 gas service districts; 130 electric service districts; 2,000 telephone exchanges; and 6,000 miles of water/sewer pipeline. We have also assisted numerous clients who elected to outsource on-going maintenance of their GIS data to Avineon following conversion. 2.3 LANDBASE DEVELOPMENT As landbase (e.g., street centerlines, pavement edges, parcels, political boundaries) is an important component of most geographic information systems, the compilation, creation, and enhancement of landbase data is central to Avineon's GIS services. We employ proven techniques to col- 2: GIS Experience 2-2 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700/Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications �I Massapequa Park AVINEON. lect, standardize, and prepare landbase data from existing digital files and/or hard-copy source documents. Avineon has captured and converted land fabric data utilizing analog and digital sources such as plot plans, parcel maps, survey records, legal de- scriptions, tax records, and photo imagery. We have used these records to create digital graphic and/or attribute files for many types of GIS pro- jects—from forest inventories to facility network maps to parcel/cadastral mapping. When working from hard copy sources,Avineon may scan the documents and register the resulting images to a mapping control index grid. These images are then used as a reference for heads-up digitizing of landbase objects. Control for this transformation typically includes the registration marks appearing on the maps, known control, geographic coordinates, or geophysical references. Where greater accuracy is required, coordinate geometry (COGO) input entails keying raw survey data (e.g., bearings and distances) from legal descriptions, survey plats, plot plans, etc. into a graphics environment. The system then calculates the proper coordinates for point and line placement within the GIS display.Avineon has utilized heads-up digitizing, COGO and precision placement techniques for many projects on a daily basis for several years. Avineon also assists clients in compiling existing digital landbase data and normalizing the data to meet their needs. We research the availability of existing data from commercial providers and government agencies for the area in question. Once the data is assembled,Avineon defines and implements the processes necessary to standardize the data from dispa- rate sources to comply with the requirements of the clients GIS data model. Where necessary, we can also edge match adjacent data sets and/or develop accurate data for unmapped areas using photogrammetric techniques. 2.4 GIS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Avineon's systems and programming staff has exceptional knowledge of and experience with GIS technology, and frequently assist our clients in customizing GIS software to suit their particular operating conditions and needs. We have developed many map based applications in support of a variety of client projects. 2:GIS Experience 2-3 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700/Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications �I Massapequa Park AVINEOM Our programmers and systems analysts have developed some of the most efficient conversion software and specialized programs available. These tools are designed specifically for use in the data conversion proc- ess to enhance productivity, accuracy and the quality of the data. They in- clude placement functions, changeable functions of existing software, en- hanced user commands, batch routines, menu commands, and library routines. These tools significantly streamline the conversion process by accelerating the input of graphics and database information, and automat- ing numerous quality control procedures. A specific example can be found in the services Avineon has provided in support of Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO). In addition to converting hardcopy maps to CAD format for PEPCO over 6 years ago, Avineon now provides GIS consulting, production, and training services in support of a full-scale enterprise GIS solution set using ArcFM and Ar- cGIS. Once implemented, PEPCO's GIS will be comprised of compatible units inventories, registered landbase, an outage management system, integrated customer information system, a field data automation system, pole inventories, feeder maps, and other related RDBMS and mapping data. Avineon has also developed several software packages for PEPCO that automate field data services by delivering GIS functionality on "light weight" portable systems. The main system is called VuGIS and it runs on a hand held field computer and displays landbase and facility information in a user friendly, open systems environment. The application is written in MapObjects, Java, XML, and Visual Basic and can be ported to various computers and personal data assistants.Avineon has added freehand and feature linked redlining capability to the system and versioning, syn- chronization, and data loading modules to increase system capability and flexibility. Another example ofAvineon's map based application development capa- bilities is our proprietary Data Capture System (DCS), a standardized GIS data management application that can be used to capture or migrate data from a variety of sources. DCS is driven completely by metadata and has many, custom designed GUI's for user interaction. Users can quickly de- sign data models that mirror client requirements. The model design meta- data is then translated by the DCS into an Access database for easy port- ability and re-usability. The system has been programmed to work solely on the description of an object source, taking into account the basic inter- actions between the supported object types and the means by which we 2: GIS Experience 2-4 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700/Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON. define them. Using DCS, production tools that once took weeks to imple- ment can now be designed in a matter of hours and ready for production in a matter of days. The VUG/S and DCS applications are but two examples of the numerous map based applications developed by our staff.Avineon is unique in that we offer a range of information technology services in addition to exten- sive experience in facilities conversion. 2.5 GIS WEB ENABLING GIS application development and web development experience are the two major building blocks forAvineon's web-based GIS capabilities. Our web-based GIS capabilities include installation and configuration ofAr- cIMS/ArcGIS Server, advanced customization of ArcIMS and ArcGIS Server, .NET framework with Active X connector, Java Script, Java Applet, VB Script, and HTML.Avineon has developed integrated ArcIMS/ArcGIS Server applications with external databases, such as Oracle and MS SQL server. Avineon applies the latest IT technology and software development proc- ess to the ArcIMS development. For example,Avineon developed a real- time web-based mapping application in Microsoft .NET using ArclMS Ac- tive X connector and ODBC to Oracle database for Andrew Corporation. Utilizing GPS and other proprietary wireless network measurement tech- nologies, a custom developed device installed on traveling vehicles re- ports wireless signal strength at a specific location and time interval. With a built-in data aggregation algorithm in Oracle, the ArcIMS application al- lows user access to real-time measurements of wireless network signal quality at specified time intervals.Avineon programming staff followed RUP in the associated user requirement analysis, user-case definition, application development and testing, and application deployment, and user training. Avineon has also worked as a subcontractor to Tetra Tech on a project for Prince George's County (PG County) in the state of Maryland. Tetra Tech has collected years of chemical, biological, and habitat environmental data for PG County, designing a scientific database and a geodatabase. Avineon is assisting Tetra Tech with the development of a web mapping application using ArcIMS technology to query, extract, and report on this scientific data in order to support PG County's environmental functions. The solution will access spatial and tabular data from multiple databases 2: GIS Experience 2-5 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 7001 Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications `t l Massapequa Park AVINEON. and offer its users numerous navigation and data extraction capabilities. The following figures depict examples of the application interface and functionality: DATA ACCESS AND INTEGRATION TOOL hm,1 C,-,,C..U,,,Maryland sllenaounenLayere , Watershed Grou '' Sations ••. 8¢1111 BouWq L PSWUS P t.m y `•. SOW Pulryona PE SPANCM f \"T T1 '• r, INCA CREEK UBEAVERDA CREEK I • r, NORTHWEST BRANCH s UNGRTHEAST SLI00 CREEK L NORMEA T8 BRIER ORCH L BEAVEROAM CREEK I M UPNACOSR4 P.NER ] � L ANA[OSM RNER � Prinm Geo,,,County,Mu,i—d s ,�.'• Erylan.. 6 F I.WGRRGMS I` a F 5 F NPUESLPOES_lGGl10N6 ^i F 6TATION9 F 6R2PAXS � " F ROARS F WATERSHED GROUPS F PMKS F SUBWATERSHE06 r COUrm r L DO E r AERIti_IMAGe 2: GIS Experience 2-6 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700/Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEONa Pr,nm Gewgee Counry,Murylmitl 0 I.Seletl Ne 9auons,vur and Parana@n mr, kh rouwam 10e0 In dwp data 3.use M:vI Summar/Sumn WAC Su nnary aaNcabons and remMrnur sele[Ven. o.uze meomniwa oar:ownnmewmioad eae rprgseiecwn. r•Slu1o11.1 f Prrye¢allcnem¢al s len S1 h -' ilea Yeea Ounq Ma,o Run R6xo5Veann Ounp Manor UpMream Rne,SVeam 1989 rocera cm.x-Rrreesaeam 154p 1995 Through development of several web-based applications,Avineon GIS and web development teams have gained valuable insights into ArcIMS development.Through active cross training of our IT and GIS staff,Av- ineon has a solid understanding of.NET framework and ArcIMS API. These capabilities make Avineon ideally suited to support your GIS appli- cation development projects. 2.6 PHOTO INTERPRETATION AND REMOTE SENSING Avineon offers extensive experience to clients interested in the acquisition of aerial imagery, map and GIS data aimed at environmental concerns. We are experts in field reconnaissance, wetlands mapping, vegetation mapping and monitoring, in-field GPS mapping, environmental resource inventories, and the trend analysis of environmental themes over time. Avineon adapts mapping techniques and products to the specific needs of environmental clients such as federal, state, municipal, and county agen- cies. We are able to bring a variety of photogrammetric and image proc- essing mapping tools to projects requiring the detailed mapping of envi- ronmental features. Clients such as water management districts, natural resource agencies, planning agencies, and agricultural firms frequently rely on data developed by Avineon in order to make informed decisions related to environmental goals. 2: GIS Experience 2-7 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Dnve,Suite 700/Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications - # Massapequa Park AVINEON. Our photointerpretation experience includes wetland delineation, land use/cover mapping, submerged aquatic vegetation mapping, habitat mapping, soils, forestry, coastal and numerous other resource inventories. Many of our projects require the synthesis of trend analysis data. Our trend analysis projects require the repeated acquisition of aerial imagery over time along with the subsequent updating/comparison of mapped data over numerous timeframes. Avineon employs biologists, geographers, and other natural scientists that conduct field surveys and photointerpretation in support of mapping pro- jects. These trained professionals are able to field identify and map vege- tative species for natural resource managers requiring a high level of de- tail. They are also highly experienced in the development of land use land cover maps used to facilitate land management on a regional scale. Our environmental and natural resource clients include several departments from federal, state, regional, and municipal concerns, including several Flor- ida Water Management Districts, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the Sarasota Bay and Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Programs; the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the South Carolina Department of Natural Re- sources, among others. 2:GIS Experience 2-8 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700/Alexandria,VA 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON Section 3: PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW Avineon will leverage a CMMI Level 3 project management infrastructure which includes a detailed project plan; standardized processes for report- ing issues, status, and deliverables; and an experienced project team.Av- ineon is a high-performance provider of information technology (IT) ser- vices to our customers. Our systems and software engineering processes have been independently assessed at CMMI Level 3 and our quality management processes are ISO 9001:2000 registered. Our systems de- velopment methodology (SDM), based on the Rational Unified Process (RUP), is structured, iterative, and component based, and we are experi- enced in aligning our SDM with our various customers'systems develop- ment methodologies. The core activities of our SDM are outlined in the il- lustration below: Core Process Work Flow -- { 7 Class) -Aummatedby Business Design Implementation Test Depkryment Objects Model Model Model Madel Model Contmucus Project Management Charge Control,QuaI4 Assurance,Risk,CorttracUSubcontract Managernent FIGURE 3.1 CORE ACTIVITIES IN AVINEON SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY Avineon's SDM operates in conjunction with our established project man- agement system, which was designed to ensure the success of complex 3: Project Management 3-1 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Ddve,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON, GIS application development and implementation projects. Highlights of the system include: • An efficient project organizational structure and staffing plan that designates a single point of authority and responsibility for contract execution, enables clear lines of communication between the Av- ineon team and our customers, and provides the necessary internal resources to support any project. • A comprehensive task/project management approach that ad- dresses the range of required management processes including task order issuance, project management methodology, project controls, project status reporting, and problem resolution. • A Management Information System (MIS) that provides the project team with monitoring tools to verify that objectives are being ful- filled on a daily basis. • A federal Defense Contract Audit Agency compliant accounting system (Deltek CostPoint) to maintain accurate accounting and in- voicing. • Effective Subcontractor/Supplier Management to ensure that sub- contractors and suppliers fulfill all contract and customer require- ments. • An ISO 9001:2000 registered Quality Management System that employs a variety of quality assurance techniques to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of our production processes. • Open communications with our customers including detailed pro- gress reports, on-site visits, daily communications via telephone and electronic mail, and a dedicated project web site. • Established change management procedures to control modifica- tions to the scope of work that may impact the schedule or budget. Defined preventive and corrective actions procedures to minimize the occurrence/recurrence of errors and noncompliance with pro- ject work instructions. 3.2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESSES Avineon brings all of the requisite skills to deliver an exceptional result for project management of application development efforts. Project manage- ment activities include initiating, planning, execution, monitoring and con- 3: Project Management 3-2 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications `t Massapequa Park AVINEOM trol, and close out of a project.Avineon's CMMI Maturity Level 3 set of standard processes are tailored to our clients' needs and aligned with in- ternal processes to ensure that all work in support of the project is prop- erly managed and controlled. Avineon strongly promotes accountability. Therefore, the Project Manager (PM) is responsible for the overall success of the assigned project. The Project Manager will use the project management principles outlined in the Project Management Institute's (PMI) "Guide to the Project Manage- ment Body of Knowledge" (PMBOK Guide). The PM and team will work with project stakeholders at all levels to provide support in the definition, documentation, implementation, administration, and maintenance of all project life cycle processes. To that end,Avineon's project management approach has four focal points. • Project management is people focused. Systems development is very "people-centric' and depends heavily on the skill set and management of work among people. Many of the project man- agement tasks revolve around people and are focused mainly on the project team. • Project management is product focused. Systems cannot be planned nor produced if the objectives and scope of the system are not clearly understood. The PM's responsibility is to ensure that objectives are properly set for the project and that progress toward these is objectives is monitored and controlled. This in- volves continual communication with project stakeholders and the project team to ensure a mutual understanding of project goals, work, and status. Project management is process focused.Avineon PM's fully understand the process of systems development. Project man- agers are fully educated in systems development and project management processes and have the capability to drive the processes. These processes and their supporting tools provide the common roadmap, understood and used by the project team with the PM acting as navigator. Project management is project focused. The PM manages the project itself, planning, controlling, monitoring, and correcting the course of work as often as necessary. 3: Project Management 3-3 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications 'Ir Massapequa Park AVINEOM Our comprehensive project management approach develops and tailors the appropriate artifacts working through the appropriate activities at each stage of the project.Avineon's systems development activities and deliv- erables for a typical project are illustrated in the table below: e Elaboration - on Transition Develop '. .-MvebP. Businessim Gres Use Detail Use Depbyment Gse NotlN Environment Bus Motlel Develop Design .Develop Bultl Componeirt Vim, "Bpsiness TestConponem Production Objects Model Stage Gnponerd Realness 1 - Identify Rey_ DePloyro Use Gses-: UC MotlN Oefal Use Cases Production Devebp Design `g. Ilaragon1 Budd Giryonent Nm Ven" • Delag Use Cases • Test CanppreM Protlucbon • Develop DesignR(Vhsfs Stage GmporeM System • Build Component 1 • Test Component Delnmr • Stage Component Dai9n Motlel Detail Use Cases MN Training. Develop Design Iteration] - Build Co rponent • Dead Use Cases Code Test Component - DeWery- • DevebP Design • Stage Component `Support • Bond Component 1 • Teri Component Test Ardfacts y. CantluR Post • Stage Component al �l Mortem De�OP ' Basegne Cora ® ptl�Op Milesbne: Itentlon PWro ArchaMure. P Pmjeotlost FIGURE 3.2 -AVINEON SDM We will leverage Avineon's collective project management experience with industry best-practices to tailor and implement the right approach for your application development projects including: • Developing an effective business case, facilitating development work contingent upon the approval of the business case. Our expertise in developing business cases helps our clients ad- dress all of the system development life cycle costs and bene- fits realistically, to support the project's credibility with senior management and accelerate the project approval process. • Identification and resolution of program issues and action items • Monitoring and reporting of program actions, projects, and tasks • Tracking and status control of deliverables, milestones, and time-sensitive requirements • Development and implementation of a program level resource tracking process and tool 3: Project Management 3-4 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications �( Massapequa Park AVINEON. • Development and implementation of program dashboards • Provide oversight coordination • Conduct critical project reviews • Develop and implement business and system performance measures • Coordinate service level agreements (SLAs) for business and information systems (IS) support • Analyze and provide recommendations on new project re- source needs against current commitments Project Status Meetings: We will participate in project status meetings with your team to review accomplishments, upcoming activities, risks, is- sues, and action item definition and review. Our approach includes meth- ods to identify key progress information to facilitate client decision making without becoming bogged down in detailed reporting. When we identify schedule, cost, or scope risks, we escalate them quickly to appropriate client personnel and we implement recommended resolutions as re- quired. Quality Control/Risk Management: It has been our experience that the best operations are those that are proactively managed. It is absolutely essential that we keep all risk to a minimum so as to maintain an effective information flow throughout the organization. Our methodology for highly effective quality control is to capture and analyze customer data fre- quently. The type of data collection mechanism will vary, depending upon the item to be surveyed. In some cases, customer surveys will be the best way to capture the degree of effectiveness. Virtual Stream Mapping may be employed or other quality management tools may be implemented as needed. In all phases the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) quality methodol- ogy is a corner-stone of quality process management. We will regularly update a risk management plan that we will develop at contract start, detailing recommendations and mitigating strategies to cor- rect, reduce, or eliminate project risks. Our probabilistic risk management approach addresses potential impacts to project quality, scope, timeli- ness, and cost. Resource Need Identification and Tracking: We work with our clients to identify resource needs and ensure timely submission of resource re- 3: Project Management 3-5 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINEON, quests. We utilize Microsoft Project to provide resource tracking and re- port resource status as needed. Integrated Program Schedule: Scheduled reviews are an integral part of the Avineon project management approach. These reviews are conducted at every phase and are accompanied by lessons learned assessments, issues and deficiency documentation and follow-up. Reviews are con- ducted on several levels. In-house reviews are conducted with the devel- opment team and quality assurance and management representation. These reviews cover both technical and procedural subjects. These re- views provide demonstrations and overviews of work progress and may include stakeholder approval and sign-off at designated milestone junc- tures. We use Microsoft Project to coordinate, develop, and maintain an inte- grated program schedule with all stakeholders. We coordinate, develop and maintain, under configuration management, integrated project schedules, including projects with multiple releases. We monitor adher- ence to schedule and report anticipated schedule slippage/delays in pro- gress reports and regularly scheduled meetings with stakeholders. We identify and document potential schedule delays and timely completion impediments and report through monthly status reports. Project Portfolio: In an effort to provide our clients with immediate visibil- ity at any time during the project, we maintain a secure web-based project portfolio for our projects to ensure: • Adherence to project life cycle and governance processes— managed via comprehensive checklists and QA reviews • Scope management and incremental delivery consistent with Avineon standards - managed via approved requirements and the use of change management tools to ensure all work maps back to approved requirements • Modernization-compliant architecture, platforms and relational database technology • Integration into current client technical environment • Reflects re-engineered business processes • Adherence to strategic program plans • Adherence to client's investment decision management proc- ess 3: Project Management 3-6 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEOM To ensure effective portfolio management, we employ a toolset consisting of a combination of checklists and a compliance matrix, typically devel- oped in Microsoft Excel, that maps portfolio elements to existing organiza- tional standards including enterprise architectures. Project Performance: Using a phased approach, we support the identifi- cation, analysis, definition, documentation, and measurement of solution value, cost and benefit, and the alignment of the solution with our clients' mission, strategic plan, and performance measures We work with the client team to establish what business measures are required, how they will be monitored and measured, and how the informa- tion will be reported. Consistency with the business case is a key feature of our approach. We execute the business performance measurement plan as developed in conjunction with our client, report the information as required, and con- duct review sessions with stakeholders on an as-needed basis. 3.3 PROBLEM RESOLUTION Interpreting source materials correctly is a critical factor for a successful project. Based on our experience in conducting similar projects,Avineon understands the importance of facilitating a thorough problem action reso- lution (PAR) system. We currently utilize a web-based "Issue Tracker" (IT) to ensure the proper assistance and coordination in interpreting difficult or confusing source data. This system, powered by an enterprise Oracle database, enables our production staff to post discrepancies directly into a database capable of being distributed to the client site over the internet as a "clarification re- quest."The clarification request defines the problem and related area(s) so our clients can quickly identify and assess the situation. Issue Tracker also allows the attachment of pictures and documents that depict the lo- cation and related issues of the discrepancy. The client's project staff is provided with a login and password to enter the IT web site to view and respond to clarification requests raised by Av- ineon's project staff. This communication mechanism provides our clients direct contact with our project team, and enables them to track the status and monitor actions taken to resolve a discrepancy.A clarification request remains open until all required actions are taken. 3: Project Management 3-7 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications �I Massapequa Park MNEON, This system has greatly enabled Avineon to provide higher quality prod- ucts to our clients. IT has also served as a valuable vehicle for seamlessly transferring extensive source data knowledge from client sites to our pro- ject team members, and has helped reduce delays in production that may arise due to inappropriate decisions or assumptions made by the produc- tion staff.A screen shot ofAvineon's online IT is provided in the figure be- low. The IT Summary Form resides on each production computer desk- top, and administers the permissions the conversion technicians have to the system. Welcome Mr.Pawn Kumar n 7 [Loaaut MV Account] A I V I 1 S ISSUE irker 4aae2 kry A\ICELW Issue Summary Imres Summary - -- By me:.. _To me _. -AINYDC05 F-AINYDC05 OO-AJPHOM05 T-NPHDIA05 C�.-AITEDM06 u-AfTEDMOG - Total Issues O AINYDC05 La-AIPHDM05 La-AITEDMO6 ISSUE TRACKER SUMMARY FORM When a technician encounters an area where interpretation is ambiguous or unclear, he or she will first look for clarification locally from the techni- cal project coordinator or the appropriate project supervisor. If a resolution 3: Project Management 3-8 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications 'Ir Massapequa Park AVINEON, cannot be made quickly, the technician will initiate the clarification request by filling in the proper fields on the IT Entry Interface shown in the figure below. 3: Project Management 3-9 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON. Welcome Mr.Pavan Kumar [L000ut MYAcceunt] AM I SSSUE It'��ker -. Ve....dbewveuv -Issue Summary New Issue Project AfrEDM06 Issue Classification --------------- Issue Status: Posted _ Expected Date: 5/13Q006 ❑° Priontf. Normal Notification Preference - Default Mall Settings r Send Notification as Scheduled Level -'. 0 Cc: Wren liorde I',1ark Pear F snow PJl Assign To I Raja Mohan - Bcc: Paja Nlohan F snow All - - Primary Inputs Style - Font Size - '_ :` ¢s O — 'f H r u_ 4a Eft 15 Statement of Qualifications 'tl Massapequa Park AVINEON. Following this initial entry, the project Clarification Team (CT) will review all clarification requests. If the CT member can answer the request, the status is updated accordingly. If it remains unanswerable by the team member, it will be flagged for response required which queues the system to display the request so the client project team may view it and respond. Once presented, the client's responsible project staff will receive a email notification of a clarification has been assigned to them and they can ac- cess the IT through a web browser by entering the assigned user name and password. The response interface is directly linked to the IT database is easy to use, and provides immediate communication to Avineon's pro- duction floor. Clarification requests are open for response 24 hours per day to enable the client to easily respond within the agreed upon time- frame. IT allows users to easily sort and filter issues.A series of preset filters are provided to filter the information based on several values. Every selected issue displays the historical information and latest status of the selected issue with resolution provided at various cycles as shown below. HistoryTnaC - Assigned By Issue Status Assigned Ta r. Ramona Reddy Posted Ananth 4/312006 12:00:00 AM Ananth Escalate Pavan 4f1f2006 iam not sure ofthe solution-from ananth 11:09:38 AM IT HISTORICAL REPORTING FORM Issue Tracker is indicative ofAvineon's commitment to customer satisfac- tion, ensuring that your project is executed efficiently and in accordance with all requirements. 3: Project Management 3-11 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON. Section 4: RELATED PROJECTS Avineon has an extensive background in providing GIS and IT services to a diverse client base including local, state, federal and foreign govern- ment agencies; telecommunications, electric, gas, water and wastewater utilities; and the private sector. Following are brief profiles for several relevant GIS projects that illustrate Avineon's capabilities. 4: Related Projects 4-1 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVlNEON, PROJECTPROFILE Client The City of Hagerstown Project Geodatabase and Mapping Template Design and Compilation Schedule: June 2006 to March 2007 Description: The City of Hagerstown, Maryland intends to design and build ESRI Ar- cGIS Geodatabase and Mapping Template for Storm Drain Street Net- work, Water System, and Sanitary Sewer System. The City seeks to inte- grate disparate data sources, many of which require enhancement, into an interrelated GIS. In addition, operational procedures must be developed to enable multiple departments to access current shared data while inde- pendently maintaining departmental facilities data. Finally, all of these tasks must be prioritized and implemented incrementally as funding be- comes available while ensuring that individual steps are consistent with the City's long term GIS objectives.Addressing these challenges requires not only the consulting expertise for needs analysis and process devel- opment but also in-depth knowledge ofArcGIS and the utilities operated by each of the City departments involved in the project. To fulfill the challenging project requirements,Avineon conducted work- shops with the City's stakeholders to discuss current business processes, define the City's short-term and long-term GIS visions, and identify long term data maintenance strategies. Based on the inputs in the workshops, Avineon developed conceptual design of the geodatabase data models for the three utility systems.After several iterations of review and enhance- ment, the City approves the conceptual design of the data models. Upon the City's approval,Avineon created the geodatabase and loaded data in predefined pilot area for testing of the geodatabase. Incorporating addi- tional feedbacks from the City,Avineon further refined the design of the geodatabases. Moreover,Avineon developed a data conversion plan to incorporate the dispersed GIS data sources in the City to build integrated geodatabases. By July 2007,Avineon will complete building three geoda- tabases for the City's water, sewer, storm water and street network sys- tems. 4: Related Projects 4-2 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications 'Ir Massapequa Park AVINEOM Client: Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission p,ojoct. GIS/IT Operation Supports Schedule: March 2006- Current Scope: Onsite support GIS Operations including maintaining web-based mapping application, GIS data maintaining tools, project planning, GIS system archi- tecture design, system integration, and automation of weekly data updates. oescnptiion: Avineon was selected by Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) to provide onsite support of GIS operations. WSSC has an elabo- rate GIS implementation, in which GIS users rely on a Web-based mapping interface (WebMap)to assess water and waste water information while spatial data is maintained in a legacy mapping system and non-spatial data is updated and stored in a mainframe system. The spatial and non-spatial data must be converted and linked to a common data repository which is utilized by the WebMap to deliver to the GIS users. Updating the WebMap data repository is one of the key processes in WSSC GIS operation. Ini- tially, IT team faced many challenges in WebMap update. They are as fol- lows: • WebMap update process was broken and outdated for three months • No documentation of previous data publishing process and GIS ar- chitecture • Unknown GIS file location and database structure • Fragmented GIS applications without documentation • Unknown passwords to GIS databases and applications • Need to meet daily GIS/IT supports Avineon provided experience GIS technical staff onsite to investigate and fix the broken process. Within two weeks, WSSC WebMap has been up- dated with latest water and sewer network data Through the process, GIS team has gained in-depth knowledge of the WebMap updating process that will benefit future updates. The update process can now run at will and as needed. As part of core GIS team,Avineon onsite staff continuously provides tech- nical support to ongoing special projects, redesigning of GIS architecture, 4: Related Projects 4-3 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Ya Massapequa Park AVINEON. and improving weekly WebMap updates. The GIS Web-based solutions in WSSC include ESRI ArclMS and Auto- Desk MapGuide. 4: Related Projects 4-4 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEOM client: City of Richmond Department of Public Utilities (DPU) project. GIS Data Conversion Services Schedule February 2007—October 2008 Scope: GIS data model and application development, data conversion and inte- gration of multiple utility datasets. Description: The DPU provides a variety of utility services directly to Richmond resi- dents.As one of the largest water producers in Virginia, Richmond serves approximately 560,000 people. Their wastewater treatment plant is the largest in Virginia and serves nearly 60,000 customers. The DPU is the eighth largest municipally owned natural gas utility in the country, with over 1,700 miles of gas mains and more than 100,000 residential, com- mercial, and industrial customers. Finally, the electric utility operates and maintains 30,000 streetlights and the City's electric distribution system. These large-scale services rely extensively on geospatial data that cur- rently resides in disparate hard copy and digital formats. The DPU Data Conversion Project will result in an integrated geodatabase utilizing ESRI'sArcGIS. In addition to data conversion and clearing exist- ing work order backlog, the project initially requires needs assessment workshops with key City staff to complete development of data model de- signs for each utility, and deployment of applications for ongoing GIS maintenance and to generate a hard copy product similar to the City's ex- isting map book series from the new geodatabase. Together, these GIS services will enhance data accessibility and functionality, improving the DPU's GIS data management for years to come. 4: Related Projects 4-5 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON, client Tetra Tech (Prince George County) Project Data Access and Integration Tool(DAIT) scheduie: May 2006— Ongoing scope: Assist Tetra Tech with the development of a web mapping application using ArcIMS technology for PG County.Avineon is a subcontractor to Tetra Tech and the customer is Prince George's County in the state of Maryland. Description.: Tetra Tech has collected years of environmental data for chemical, biologi- cal and habitat for Prince George's County. Tetra Tech designed the data- bases—scientific database and GeoDatabase. PG County is interested in a web application to query, extract and report on this scientific data to per- form its environmental functions.Avineon is currently offering services to Tetra Tech to develop this ArclMS solution. The solution will access spatial and tabular data from multiple databases and offers its users with various navigation and data extraction capabilities. The project coordination and management is performed by Avineon US and the development effort is done at Avineon India.Avineon is following CMMI based processes to exe- cute this project. Environment:Windows Server 2000 SP 4,ArcIMS 9.0,ArcSDE 9.0, JDK 1.4.2_06, Tomcat 4.1.29 Servlet Engine,Apache 2.0.48 Web Server, Jboss 4.0.4 Application Server, Oracle 9i Deliverables: 1. SPP (Software Project Plan) 2. SRS (Software Requirement Specifications) 3. SDD (Software Design Document) 4. STP (Software Test Plan w/ Use cases) 5. User Interface Design 6. Development 7. Deployable Package—Test delivery 8. Deployable Package— Final delivery 9. Source code— Final delivery 10. Test Cases 11. Installation Manual 12. User Manual Functionality: 1. Zoom In 2. Zoom Out 3. Pan 4: Related Projects 4_6 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications 'Ir Massapequa Park AVINEON. 4. Selection 5. Identify 6. Refresh 7. Zoom Extents 8. Zoom to Selected Features 9. Clear Selection 10. Save 11. Measure 12. Hotlink Based on our success in the initial scope of work, Tetra Tech also re- quested Avineon's assistance in the designg, coding, debugging, testing, and documentation of the Prince George's County (Maryland) Watershed Information System (WIS), a ArcGIS based information management (im- age management, watershed delineation tool, and reporting) and modeling system for assisting Prince George's County in evaluating the environ- mental health of the watersheds. 4: Related Projects 4-7 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposat. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINE10% PROJECTPROFILE Client Potomac Electric and Power Company(Pepco) Project Graphic Work Design (GWD/GIS) Implementation schedule: January 2003—Ongoing Scope: Assist Pepco with requirements gathering, analysis, system design, tech- nology selection to implement an Integrated Graphic Work Design (Work order design using GIS) system with interfaces to other enterprise systems such as Work Management (WMIS), Customer Information (CIS), Outage Management (OMS), Maintenance Management (Maximo), Engineering Analysis (Cyme) etc. The scope also includes data Integra- tion/conversion/migration plans to migrate and convert data for more than 1,400 electric feeders, 10,000 miles of primary distribution cable, 545,000 electric devices, 112,600 structures, and 800,000 customers. Description: Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco) is a rapidly growing utility deliv- ering to approximately 800,000 residents in Washington, DC and surround- ing counties (Prince George and Montgomery counties). Its parent com- pany, Pepco Holdings, Inc., recently purchased Conectiv. The combined company delivers about 50,000 gigawatt-hours of power annually to more than 1.8 million customers in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Virginia, making it one of the largest electricity delivery companies in the Mid-Atlantic region. Throughout a longstanding relationship that began in 1995,Avineon has assisted Pepco in the redesign of a large-scale, paper-based record keep- ing processes to electronic formats that integrate business and spatial data adding efficiencies to Pepco's business workflows.Avineon has continued through the strong relationship to provide strategic consulting, implementa- tion, system integration, and maintenance services in support of an enter- prise GIS solution that employs ESRI tools integrated with a variety of COTS and legacy applications. The scope of this reengineering/implementation project includes the inte- gration of facility records from existing data sources/systems, service area mapping using aerial imagery to support engineering design using GIS/WMIS, connectivity model for outage management(OMS); integration with customer information (CIS), field data automation/collection, asset maintenance, emergency response, and related business applications. Av- ineon has provided consulting services, guidance and expertise in a num- ber of areas including: 4: Related Projects 4-8 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON. 1) Facilitate workshops and sessions to gather end user requirements. 2) Evaluate existing systems and data sources. 3) Assist the development of architecture design including data flow. 4) Proposing implementation and deployment strategies. 5) RFI and RFP development for procuring GWD technology. 6) Technology evaluations and recommendations. 7) Coordination with Pepco's IT teams and software vendors on tasks associated with hardware, software, enhancements, customization, configurations, installation and troubleshooting. 8) ESRI ArcGIS/ArcFM 9.x system design including data model devel- opment, symbol design, functionality enhancements and validation routines. 9) Review of interface designs with enterprise systems such as OMS, CIS, Cyme, Maximo etc. 10) Integration and migration of existing data from ESRI ArcGIS 8.3 to 9.2, conversion of existing secondary data in Microstation Agn for- mat, and integration of data from other legacy systems. 11) Data and software testing for quality, functionality and performance. 12)On-call support for GIS and related web applications. Avineon has numerous consultants and developers onsite at Pepco to as- sist in the successful rollout of applications and data to the internal and ex- ternal users. 4: Related Projects 4-9 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this limposat. Statement of Qualifications `1/ Massapequa Park WNEON. PROJECTPROPLE Client: New York City Department of Finance Project: Digitized Surveyor Tax Maps Schedule: May 2005 -June 2007 Scope: 16,500 tax maps including more than 858,000 parcel lots Description: Avineon Inc. under a subcontract with Bearing Point, Inc. has been con- tracted to create a digital tax map system for the New York City Depart- ment of Finance. Digital tax maps will improve communications and inter- nal processes, allowing assessors to be notified electronically when a tax lot has changed and the map has been altered. The Surveyor division of the Department of Finance is responsible for maintaining the city's official tax maps which serve as the graphical rep- resentation of the metes and bounds of land ownership in New York City. A staff of 13 people maintains mylar maps updated daily to reflect the ap- portionments and mergers of parcel lots, the first step in creating a tax lot. Changes to tax lots need to be entered into the official inventory of tax lots, Real Property Assessment Data (RPAD), which is updated by as- sessors and contains lot frontage and depth, parcel history, assessed value, exemption and ownership information. The entire Surveyor proc- ess is currently performed manually from the receipt of apportion- ment/merger applications and the drawing of new lot boundaries to the notification to assessors that a new lot has been created. Once digitized, map changes will be accessible through a Web browser, enhancing communications and improving accuracy and delivery time. Processing more than 858,000 parcel lots on over 16,500 tax maps,Av- ineon's work will include updating lot dimensions,correcting lot shapes according to the tax maps and adjusting lot lines to building footprints in NYCMap, a planimetric base map that allows users to generate and compare the spatial relationship of numerous data layers.Avineon will compare current digital parcel layer(COGIS) lots to tax map lots and add missing faces along with adjusting COGIS lot shapes to conform to tax map lot shapes. In addition,Avineon will align tax lots to building foot- prints to ensure footprints are within the tax lot polygons along with align- ing tax lots to city block boundaries in NYCMap to ensure tax lots do not intersect curb lines. The team will add features on the tax maps that are not on COGIS, including Real Estate of Utility Corporation (REUC) 4: Related Projects 4-10 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Quatifications Massapequa Park AVINEON. equipment, easements and subterranean and air lots. The digital tax map will be delivered in ESRI ArcGIS Geodatabase format. 4: Related Projects 4-19 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINEON. Client. New York Department of Finance Project COGIS Analysis Schedule: September 2003— May 2004 Scope: Analysis of over 10,000 parcels depicted on more than 5,200 maps 111Cnp1n The New York City Department of Finance (DOF) currently maintains tax maps depicting the entire city in hard copy format and plans to develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) tax map database. The New York City Department of City Planning (DCP) has already developed a digital version of the hard copy tax maps, known as COGIS, that is used by nu- merous city agencies. DOF selected Avineon to conduct a study to deter- mine whether the geometry of the COGIS database is sufficiently accurate in relation to the paper tax maps to use as a basis for the creation of a GIS tax map database for DOE Avineon (as a subcontractor to Linkspoint) developed an application in GE Smallworld that randomly selected 12,365 parcels containing 80,523 tax boundary segments, out of the more than one million parcels in the city, and also identified the tax maps on which the selected parcels were de- picted. For each of the randomly selected parcels, boundary dimensions from COGIS and the tax maps were recorded in a "tax lot boundary length" database. Lot dimensions were extracted from COGIS and loaded to the database by an application developed in GE Smallworld. To obtain dimensions from tax maps, technicians manually located each lot in the sample set on the tax maps and captured the required dimensions.Av- ineon analyzed the collected data using statistical analysis methods— ba- sic descriptive analysis, paired t-test, and hypothesis test (ANOVA and t- test assuming unequal variances). Data anomalies were excluded from the dataset before performing statistical analysis. Avineon developed a comprehensive report identifying three main chal- lenges in using the COGIS file as the digital version of the tax maps: spa- tial discrepancy, attribution discrepancy, and integration with other GIS layers.After careful analysis of these three challenges,Avineon recom- mended the establishment of a "digital tax map system' based on COGIS as a first step towards increasing the efficiency of DOF operations and de- veloping a "NYC citywide enterprise GIS"that fulfills business require- ments of both the DOF and DCP, as well as other city agencies (e.g., New York City Department of Buildings), as a long term GIS solution. 4: Related Projects 4-12 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON, PROJECTPROFILE Client: Kissimmee, Florida Tohopekaliga WaterAuthority Project: Water Department GIS Data Conversion and Field Survey Schedule: May 2004— May 2005, November 2007— Current Scope: Over 15,000 As built and Construction Drawings and 43,000 customers. Description: Avineon was selected by the Tohopekaliga Water Authority (TORO), which serves the City of Kissimmee, Florida and surrounding areas covering approximately 140 square miles,to convert hard copy facilities records into an ArcGIS SDE Geodatabase. As built and construction drawings served as the primary source for facili- ties data conversion.Avineon worked with TOHO and Kissimmee staff to increase the confidence factor for the primary records to ensure the com- pleteness of the converted GIS data.Areas with conflicts or missing data, or where Toho Water Authority simply lacks confidence in the data, were supplemented with secondary sources or through field data collection. TOHO's parcel data served as the primary reference for geographic place- ment of facilities data features in the ArcGIS environment. Orthophotos served as a secondary reference, providing an additional point of reference when the location of a particular facilities feature could not be related to a feature in the parcel layer. Avineon's technicians first constructed the mains relative to TOHO's parcel layer and orthophotos using the dimensions from the as-builts and the landbase curb lines to relatively place the linear features at the required offset from the curb. If curb lines were not available in the parcel layer,Av- !neon's technician used the orthophotography to visually identify the curb line/pavement edge, construct the main offset from that point, and follow the discernable outline of that feature from the image. 4: Related Projects 4-13 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications #Massapequa Park AVINEON. Client. TASC(a division of Northrup Grumman Information Technology) Pro/ect. Geospatial Intelligence Framework Web Dissemination Tool Development— Topographic Production Capability Schedule. December 2007—January 2008 Scope: Development of a product (PDF map file and map extent polygon) up- load tool, a product approval tool for all submitted PDF products, and software development support for the integration of the Geospatial Intel- ligence Framework Web Dissemination Tool. Environment is ArcGIS Server 9.2. Description: TASC selected Avineon to assist in the development of the Geospatial Intelligence Framework Web Dissemination Tool in support of the TPC program. The TPC is an advanced Geographic Information System, based on - ESRI ArcGIS and other commercial applications, to provide a framework for the Common Operational Picture (COP) and produce digital and hard copy geographic intelligence for the MAGTF Commander. The TPC gen- erates digital products to be disseminated electronically through the C41 infrastructure and enables low volume replication of traditional hard copy products.As such, the TPC serves as an integral resource for the MEF and MAGTF in the strategic execution of missions and weapons sys- tems. Each task performed under the scope of work is described below. Product Upload Tool The Product Upload Tool is a web-based application which provides ana- lysts the ability to submit static PDF map files and map extent polygons for discovery in an ESRI map service being hosted by the Geospatial In- telligence Framework Web Dissemination Tool. The high-level require- ments for the Product Upload Tool are: • Support data input in two coordinate systems—Geographic and UTM. • Allow authenticated users upload PDF file to the server using http protocol. • After users submit the request, the application will test connection to file geodatabase residing on the desired server, upload the PDF file and then generate a polygon in a pre-defined geodatabase feature class. 4: Related Projects 4-14 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications 'II Massapequa Park AVINEON. • Once the file is uploaded and the polygon is created successfully, the application will return a message to the end user. • The form must perform the following validations: - Make sure values entered are UL and LR - All fields are populated - Check PDF file size and provide estimated time A sample screen capture of the Product Upload Tool interface is provided below. t R-N eleam P.eaee pnN9nn mnremacez: MaP PrvJemon QGeag,apbr OUrM. Y] l_ 'Upper Lef(UL)Gu Inetee - Y2 XE1 lower Ngbt(M)Coordin"at.s Ze o G M1 l 51__7 Mfi� S:= Product Type: Fle[ Upload:: J Subm[ Product Approval Tool The Product Approval Tool is a web-based application that will provide site administrators with the capability to identify new product submis- sions, review associated product metadata, preview the submitted prod- ucts, and either approve or disapprove submission. This tool will be inte- grated into the existing administrative tools for the Geospatial Intelli- gence Framework Web Dissemination Tool. The high-level requirements for the Product Approval Tool are: • Allow administrator to view unapproved polygons in a map view with zoom in/out and pan functionalities. The administrator must have the ability to preview the .pdf file during this process. • Map interface should contain scale bar, north arrow, and map leg- end. • Allow administrator to select and approve a polygon by updating the "Approved" attribute to "Yes". In the map view, the approved polygon and "waiting to be approved" polygon are symbolized differently. • Allow administrator to select and disapprove a polygon regardless the polygon is waiting to be approved or has been previously ap- proved. Once a polygon is disapproved, the application will pro- p: Related Projects 4-15 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINEON, grammatically delete the polygon records and remove the PDF files accordingly from the server. Administrator needs to be authenticated before accessing to the current page. Software Development Support Avineon is providing software development support to the integration of the various software segments comprising the Geospatial Intelligence Framework Web Dissemination Tool. This support includes the develop- ment of custom interfaces where needed, defect resolution, and addi- tional technical supports for application and system deployment. r-� 4: Related Projects 4-16 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON. client: TASC(a division of Northrup Grumman Information Technology) Project: New Equipment Training— Topographic Production Capability Schedule: October, 2000—Ongoing (multiple contracts) scope: GIS training plan with seventeen distinct subjects. Description: TASC selected Avineon to develop and implement"New Equipment Train- ing" (NET) courses for the United States Marine Corps (USMC)Topographic Platoons (part of the USMC Intelligence Battalion). The Marine Corps'three Topographic Platoons are responsible for the Topographic Production Capa- bility (TPC) providing digital terrain analysis and mapping to support the operations of Marine Expeditionary Forces (MEF). The TPC is an advanced Geographic Information System, based on ESRI ArcGIS and other commercial applications, to provide a framework for the Common Operational Picture (COP) and produce digital and hard copy geo- graphic intelligence for the MAGTF Commander. The TPC generates digital products to be disseminated electronically through the C41 infrastructure and enables low volume replication of traditional hard copy products. Avineon developed intensive training courses for each of the topographic platoons to prepare them for operation of the GIS and remote sensing soft- ware that is included as part of their new TPC systems. The training courses covered ESRI products (ArcGIS and Extensions), Leica Geosystem prod- ucts (ERDAS IMAGINE), production strategies, data manipulation, data analysis, and database production planning and management.Avineon pre- pared customized course materials, lesson plans, instructor guides, training aides, student manuals, data sets, and PowerPoint briefings. Development of the materials involved a requirements analysis to identify the TPC func- tionality most critical to the platoons' mission. Lessons were conducted on- site at the platoon locations and typically involved at least two instructors. Subjects of instruction included: • ArcGIS Production Strategy • ArcGIS Data Access • ArcGIS Data Manipulation • ArcGIS Production Setup and Data Preprocessing • ArcGIS Production and Data Analysis • ArcGIS Data Finishing and Quality Control 4: Related Projects 4-17 Avineon, Inc. 4625 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINEOM • Military Overlay Editor(MOLE) • Virtual GIS • OrthoBASE and OrthoBASE Pro • Stereo Analyst • Subpixel Classifier • Radar Interpreter • OrthoRadar • StereoSAR DEM • IFSAR DEM • Military Analyst • 3D Analyst Lessons include: • Production Strategy (1) • Data Access (1,2) • Data Manipulation (1,2) • Production Setup and Data Preprocessing (1,2) • Production and Data Analysis (1,2) • Data Finishing and Quality Control (1,2) • Military Overlay Editor(MOLE) (4) • Virtual GIS (3) • OrthoBASE and OrthoBASE Pro (3) • Stereo Analyst (3) • Subpixel Classifier(3) • Radar Interpreter(3) • OrthoRadar(3) • StereoSAR DEM (3) • IFSAR DEM (3) • Military Analyst(4) • 3D Analyst(4) 4: Related Projects 4-18 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AViNEON. cre"r: Andrew Corporation Project Autonomous Data Analysis System Development Schedule: September 2003 to November 2003 °eSLnpfion Measuring performance of wireless network coverage is very costly opera- tion. Currently, wireless companies hire workers specifically to drive on city streets and use devises to collect measurements. Andrew Corporation (aka Scoreboard) created a data collection device that can be installed on wide-ranging vehicles such as taxicabs, public buses, garbage trucks, etc. The device continuously measures network performance, sending meas- urements and geographical location data to a server through the wireless network.Andrew Corporation plans to develop an Autonomous Data Analysis System (ADAS) that uses database and web-based GIS view tool to review and analyze data in a close to real time fashion.Avineon was selected to useArclMS as a primary Internet Mapping Server (IMS) for displaying data on the web. The web-based mapping interface was de- veloped in Microsoft ASP.NET framework by using ActiveX Connector in ArcIMS. Avineon's application dynamically generates a new layer based on the user inputs.Avineon developed a routine to aggregate field-collected data provided in Oracle 8i. The data is aggregated per grid/bin at a minute in- terval. In other words, there is at most one record per grid/bin at a given minute.Avineon developed web interfaces that allow authenticated users to specify an item, value range, time interval, and aggregation functions.A map is then generated based on the configuration. Zoom In/Out and Pan functions are included with the map interface. Each configuration is sav- able and retrievable, making frequently used queries easily repeatable. After users define a configuration file, the application first aggregates the data from the PARAMETER—VALUE_MINUTE table using the criteria specified in the configuration file. Then, the aggregated values are com- pared against the value range in the configuration file so that rendering color can be determined. Once the color is determined, an acetate layer is dynamically generated with appropriate colors and displayed on top of the grid/bin system. If additional attributes are specified to be displayed on the map, these attributes are first aggregated and queried from the database. As the user places the cursor over a particular grid in the map, the speci- 4: Related Projects 4_99 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON, fied attributes are displayed as map tips or as values in the side panel. Avineon also installed the application at Andrew Corporation and trained Andrew personnel in its use. 4: Related Projects 4-20 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON. Section 5: RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-1 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications - �I Massapequa Park AVINEON. XIAODONG HONG Director of Technical Solutions Group, Geospatial Division EXPERIENCE Mr. Hong joined Avineon in February, 2000 and has provided his expertise on numerous projects since that time. Mr. Hong has hands on experience with database programming, database administration, system administration, software engineering, data model de- velopment, data model design (spatial and non-spatial), object oriented programming, in- tegrating spatial and maintenance management systems, and integration of customer in- formation systems with complex GIS. He is a fully certified Project Management Profes- sional (PMP) by the Project Management Institution (PMI). His extensive software and programming experience includes ArCGIS,ArcFM,ArcIMS, GE Smallworld, Map Info, ERDAS,AutoCAD Map, Microstation, FME, Oracle, MS ACCESS,ArcObjects,Avenue, AML,AutoLISP, Visual Basic, Magik, and Map Objects. SELECTED PROJECTS GIS Consultant/Project Manager, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) GIS/IT Operation Support(03/06-Current) - Conduct on-site requirements gathering workshops - Manage project communication - Lead update of the WebMap data repository - Oversee GIS operations support including maintaining web-based mapping ap- plication, GIS data maintaining tools, project planning, GIS system architecture design, system integration, and automation of weekly data updates GIS Consultant/Project Manager, Freddie Mac FreddieMac.com Geo-Coding and Mapping (11/06-01/07) - Develop a web-based mapping application using ESRI ArcIMS and Route Server extension on Sun Solaris. - Provide ArcIMS installation procedure and application deployment guide - Oversee training to technical personnel and users in business areas GIS Consultant>Project Manager, City of Hagerstown, Maryland Geodatabase and Mapping Template Design and Compilation (06/06-07/07) - Conduct on-site requirements gathering workshops - Developed conceptual design of the geodatabase data models for the three utility systems - Developed data conversion plan to incorporate the dispersed GIS water, sewer, stormwater, and street network data sources in the City to build integrated geo- databases Project Manager, New York City Department of Finance (NYCDOF) Digital Tax Map Conversion Project(05/05-Current) 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-2 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON, - Conduct on-site requirement gathering workshops and refine project require- ments - Manage project communication with our business partners and customers - Design workflow to create a NYC digital tax maps utilizing various data sources - Oversee production including project resources, data quality, cost, and schedule - Environment:ArcGIS 9.x, GE Smallworld, and AutoCAD Map GIS Consultant, COGIS Evaluation Study, Department of Finance (DOF), New York City(NYC) (08/03-05/04) - Evaluate data accuracy of existing City Parcel GIS by collecting measurements and conducting statistical analysis - Strategize with various city agencies on creating a city-wide enterprise GIS - Develop an evaluation report on feasibility of utilizing COGIS to create a NYC digital tax map, recommending approach to implementing a city-wide enterprise GIS - Environment: GE Smallworld, MS Access, and Statistical Analysis Package in MS Excel • GIS Consultant, PEPCO GWD Plat Migration Project(02/05-Current) - Conduct on-site requirement gathering workshops - Provide technical assistance in the overall migrate processes including data source evaluation and designing technical workflow - Environment:ArcGIS 9.x,ArcSDE,ArcFM, Microstation, and AutoCAD Map • Project Manager, Energy East GIS Application and Data Conversion Project(06/04- 04/05) - Conduct on-site requirement gathering workshops and coordinate with Ener- gyEast to refine project requirements - Design applications to programmatically migrate Arclnfo coverage to Energy East common GIS data model - Develop technical workflow to convert electric facilities from paper source to En- ergy East common GIS data model - Oversee production including source clarification requests, data quality, and schedule - Environment: Visual Basic 6, and AutoCAD Map Project Manager, Tucson Electric Power(TEP) Data Migration (02/04-09/05) - Design workflow to migrate TEP electric system from AutoCAD to GE Smallworld environment - Conduct on-site requirement gathering workshops - Manage client communications and technical requirements - Oversee production including project resources, data quality, and schedule - Coordinate with client to refine project requirements - Environment: GE Smallworld and AutoCAD 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-3 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINEOM GIS Consultant, Alabama Power Landbase GIS and Migration Consulting (2102-7102) - Provide consultant service to Alabama Power on strategizing landbase GIS de- velopment and migration efforts - Conduct workshops with potential landbase GIS users - Interview managers in real estate department on current usage of landbase data - Inventory existing landbase datasets - Develop a strategy report on landbase GIS development in Alabama Power - Environment:ArcGIS 8.x Project Manager, National Park Services Land Resource Program Center(6/01-5/03) - Manage client communications to the Southeast and Pacific West NPS regions - Oversee production including project resources, data quality, schedule - Coordinate with client to refine project requirements - Design workflow to georectify mylar segment maps to various control sources (survey drawing and DOQQ/DRG imagery); delineate tract segments from mylar segment maps - Environment:Arclnfo Workstation and AutoCAD Map Project Manager, City of Naperville Data Migration Project(9/02-3/03) - Develop technical methodology - Manage overall production and QA/QC efforts in multiple facilities - Communicate and resolve project issues with the City on a daily basis - Design workflow to migrate City's ArcFM 7.2 data to ArcFM 8.x Geodatabase - Coordinate on-site work order posting training - Manage work order posting on City's Geodatabase via Citrix - Develop applications (ArcGIS Data Migration Extension) to manage Geodata- base - Environment:ArcGIS/ArcSDE,ArcFM, and Arclnfo 7.2 • Project Manager, Dominion High Consequence Area Building Conversion (12/02-2/03) - Assist client to define Scope of Work - Design workflow to integrate various address data sources to provide accurate building location and type information in the predefined High Consequence Area - Oversee overall production and data QA/QC processes - Environment:ArcGIS and AutoCAD Map • Project Manager, PEPCo GIS Data Conversion (6/00-6/02) - Manage overall production in multiple facilities - Communicate and resolve overall project issues with PEPCo on a daily basis - Manage on-site GIS editors - Conduct GIS data model workshops - Design and implement the PEPCO Electric GIS data model in UML - Create a Geodatabase in Arclnfo 8 by using the Electric GIS data model. 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-4 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AViNEOM - Develop specification to convert primary feeder maps in DGN to Arclnfo 8 Geo- database - Design and direct in-house and subcontractors' production and QA/QC process - Environment: ArcGIS 8.x (ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcSDE), ArcFM 8.x, Visio 2000, Microstation, Oracle 8i Technical Lead, PEPCo GIS Consulting Supports (11/01-6/02) - GIS process planning (define data loading, one-one check and redline proc- esses) - Technical supports on GIS migration issues - Manage on-site GIS editors - Provide recommendations on process improvements - ArcSDE/Oracle Configuration and Tuning - Environment:ArcGIS 8.x(Arclnfo 8.x and ArcSDE 8.x) and Oracle 8i Project Manager, Reliant Energy Data Maintenance (3/02-Current) - Remote work order posting in ArcMap via Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Ci- trix - Establish VPN and Citrix remote connection to Reliant's GIS server - Manage communication between India production facility and the client - Provide recommendations on production process improvements - Environment:ArcMap 8.x, VPN, Citrix Metaframe Win 2000 Project Manager, Central Maine Power(CMPCO) GIS Migration (9101-12101) - Migrate existing ArcView shapefiles of radial distribution circuits and devices from preliminary conversion state to final connectivity, database and cartographic state - Collect user requirements and develop data migration process accordingly - Interpret data migration rules to production team - Manage overall production and QA/QC in multiple facilitates - Communicate with client on project issues - Environment:AutoCAD Map 2000,ArcView 3.2 Project Manager, TriCare, DOD ArcView 3.x to ArcView 8.1 Migration (9/01-12101) - Migrate ArcView 3.x project files to ArcView 8 mxd files - Customize data view in ArcView 8.1 - Provide training on ArcView 8.1 - Environment:ArcView 8.x and ArcView 3.x 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-5 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON, Project Manager, Dominion Resources Building Conversion Project(5/01-12/01) - Collect user requirements and define Statement of Work - Develop data migration methodology - Manage overall production and QA/QC in Alexandria and India facilities - Communicate with the client on project issues - Environment:AutoCAD Map 2000 and Arclnfo 7.2 EDUCATION Master of City and Regional Planning, 1997, Ohio State University M.A., Geography/GIS, 1997, Ohio State University B.S., City Planning & Urban Design, 1992, So. China Univ. of Technology, Guangzhou. PUBLICATIONS Xiaodong Hong, 2004. 'Road Map to Develop a Real-Time Web-Based Mapping Appli- cation", 2004 ESRI International User Conference- New Technology and System Inte- gration Track. (http://gis.esri,com/library/userconf/orocO4/abstracts/al497 html) Xiaodong Hong, 2002. "A Road Map to GIS and OMS Integration", 2002 ESRI Interna- tional User Conference- Electric and Gas Track. Xiaodong Hong, 2001. "A Road Map to Implementing an Enterprise GIS', 2001 ESRI In- ternational User Conference - System Implementation for GIS Track. (http://qis esri com/library/userconf/procO1/professional/papers/par)315/p3l5 htm ) Mei-Po Kwan and Xiaodong Hong, 1998. "Network-Based Constraints-Oriented Choice Set Formation Using GIS'. Geographical Systems, 5:139-1 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5.6 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON, .JOSEPH SANZO Avineon Project Manager EXPERIENCE Mr. Sanzo has over eighteen years of GIS experience as a Project Manager and Production /Quality Manager.As Project Manager at Avineon, he is responsible for the overall man- agement of projects assigned to him. This includes developing a complete understand- ing of project specifications; allocating and managing project staff to meet individual cli- ent needs; resolving clarification issues; preparing and updating project manuals and all other project related documents; preparing time estimates and work allocation; conduct- ing weekly review and feedback sessions with the project staff; determining programs to be developed and conducting reviews with programmers to assess pilot/prototype stud- ies and related cost-benefit analyses; collecting data required for quality objectives to ensure compliance with project specifications and acceptance criteria. Mr. Sanzo works closely with clients to develop suitable delivery schedules and progress status reporting systems. In a prior role as Product/Quality Control Manager, Mr. Sanzo was responsible for directing the progress of and implementing the distribution system for all projects (including aerial photography), production scheduling,work allocation, acting as client liaison and verifying the overall accuracy and quality of converted data for utility and environmental GIS projects. He was also responsible for training and supervising quality assurance editors to ensure client specifications were properly. SELECTED PROJECTS • Project Manager, Chicago Department of Water Management/Chicago Water Partners-GIS data model review, updates and conversion of city-wide water facility data from Atlas Maps and service plats and Break and Leak data from multiple data sources to ArcGIS. • Project Manager, City of Richmond Department of Public Utilities-GIS data model and application development, data conversion and integration of multiple utility datasets into ArcGIS geodatabase. • Project Manager, City of Kissimmee, TOHO Water Authority-GIS data model review and update, general GIS support, conversion of water,wastewater, and reuse data to ArcGIS SDE, ongoing backlog project maintenance updates. • Project Manager, City of Philadelphia-Conversion of city-wide water,wastewater (including stormwater), and high-pressure water systems for migration into client specific ArcGIS SDE, ongoing data support services related to hydraulic modeling tasks. • Project Manager, EI Paso Electric-Data model review and data loading support, integration of electric facilities data from field survey data (OH) and scanned image conversion (UG)for final delivery of SDE geodatabase. 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-7 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AViNEO% • Project Manager, Laclede Gas Company- Data model review and conversion of gas distribution data to the ESRI ArcGIS SDE Geodatabase environment. • Project Manager, City of Tucson,Arizona-Conversion of Tucson Water data from hardcopy valve maps to the ESRI ArcGIS SDE Geodatabase environment. • Project Manager, City of Kamloops, BC, Canada-Conversion of water, sewer, and storm facilities in AutoCAD to the final platform of ArcGIS. • Project Manager, Syntegra/Brown &Root/Land Registry of Northern Ireland(LRNI)- Image rectification and conversion of LRNI parcel data & related features in AutoCAD to Mapinfo. • Project Manager, Sarasota County- Rectification and conversion of parcel data in AutoCAD to the ArcGIS platform. • Project Manager, British Telecommunications-Conversion of telephone outside plant facilities data using AutoCAD and Oracle to the VISION* platform. • Production Manager, Alliant-Energy(formerly Wisconsin Power&Light)- Conversion of gas facilities data in AutoCAD to the ArcGIS platform. • Production Manager, Commonwealth Electric Company-Conversion of electric facilities data in AutoCAD to the ArcGIS platform with an Oracle database. • Production Manager, Missouri Gas Energy Company-Conversion of gas facilities data using AutoCAD. • Quality Control Manager, Southwest Florida Water Management District- Land Use/Land Cover Mapping; Seagrass Mapping. • Quality Control Manager, St. Johns River Water Management District- Land Use/Land Cover Mapping. • Quality Control Manager, South Carolina Water Resource Commission-Soils mapping. • Quality Control Manager, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-Wetlands and uplands mapping for the National Wetlands Inventory. EDUCATION • Project Management Institute (PMI) Certification-St. Petersburg College Corporate Training Center, Clearwater, Florida • Course work in Geology,Allegheny College, Pennsylvania 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-8 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AViNEOM ANGELA REISING Technical Project Coordinator EXPERIENCE Ms. Raising has over eight years of AM/FM/GIS experience.As a Technical Project Coor- dinator atAvineon, she is responsible for tasks such as the training of GIS technicians, working with software development staff to determine application needs, projects startup tasks, writing and revising documentation for GIS projects, and performing quality assur- ance inspections using manual checks and automated validation applications against converted data prior to its delivery to the client. Ms. Raising is also experienced in various aspects of AM/FM/GIS data conversion, in- cluding digitizing, quality assurance, data preparation, and training. She is familiar with many GIS/CAD applications including ArcGIS, GE Smallworld, MicroStation, FRAMME, and AutoDesk. She has worked with telephone, gas, electric, water, and sewer utilities, as well as a variety of cadastral data. Ms. Raising also has wetland photointerpretation experience using color infrared (CIR) and black and white photography of various scales, as well as upland land use/cover analysis of CIR photography using the Florida Land Use/Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCCS). She has done geologic fieldwork in Wisconsin, Illinois, and through- out the United Kingdom. She has flown aerial photography of the Kettle Moraine area in eastern Wisconsin. She also has training in remote sensing, US geologic landforms, environmental science, cartography, map projections, cultural geography, economic ge- ography, European regional studies, meteorology, and climatology. SELECTED PROJECTS Technical Project Coordinator, Chicago Department of Water Management/Chicago Water Partners— Data model review and updates, Conversion of city-wide water fa- cility data from hard copy maps into an ESRI ArcGIS 9.2 SDE Geodatabase envi- ronment. Technical Project Coordinator, City of Richmond Department of Public Utilities—GIS data model and application development, data conversion and integration of multiple utility datasets into ArcGIS geodatabase. Technical Project Coordinator, City of Kissimmee, Florida—Leading quality control and processing of backlog in ESRI geodatabase environment. Quality Assurance Lead, Georgia Power Company—Supported migration of existing electric facilities data from a cadastral landbase using ESRI ArcGIS 9.2 and into an ArcSDE environment. 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-9 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications 0 Massapequa Park AVINEON. Lead Application Tester, Florida Power and Light-Support multiple FPL application development contractors in quality assurance and acceptance testing for custom GE Smallworld applications. GIS Technician, City of Kissimmee, Florida-Conversion of hard copy water utility records to the ESRI 8.3 Geodatabase environment. GIS Technician, City of Tucson,Arizona-Conversion of Tucson Water hard copy valve maps to the ESRI ArcGIS 8.1 SDE Geodatabase environment. Quality Assurance, Florida Powerand Light,AMS Electrical Facility Automated Mapping Project- Spatial repositioning and white space management for FPL's entire service territory in GE Smallworld. Image Analyst/Photointerpreter I, St. Johns River Water Management District, 2000 Land Use/Land Cover Mapping- Photointerpretation, classification of wetland and upland cover types/use, map compilation, image analysis, quality control and ArcGIS integration. Image analyst/Photointerpreter 1, St. Johns River Water Management District, Documentation of Vegetation Change for Lakeshores, and District Owned Conservation and Restoration Areas Within the Upper Ok/awaha River Basin- Fieldwork, photogrammetry, photointerpretation of vegetative communities, quality control and ArcGIS processing. CAD Specialist, Sarasota County, 2001 Parcel Mapping-Team leader, parcel delineation in AutoCAD and ArcGIS, quality control, and client liaison. EDUCATION B.S., Physical Geography, Carroll College, Waukesha, Wl, 1998 with minors in Land Use Planning and Social Studies 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-10 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINEON• P.G.V. RAMANA REDDY Head of Production -Avineon India EXPERIENCE Mr. Reddy joined Avineon in 1998. In his current position as Head of Production, he is responsible for overseeing production and administrative activities for data conversion, maintenance and migration related projects conducted at Avineon India. Mr. Reddy's primary responsibilities include ensuring production procedures are properly executed and quality standards are met and maintained; and recruiting, training, assigning and supervising project managers. He also provides his technical expertise and advice for all projects on an as-needed basis. Mr. Reddy's experience includes more than ten years of participation in various CAD, GIS and AM/FM data conversion projects, including seven years in project planning and quality management; the design and maintenance of quality management systems and project specific quality control procedures; the implementation and execution of various CAD, GIS, and AM/FM projects, as well as the conversion of Geological Survey of India Maps and generation of map layers. In addition to his management expertise, Mr. Reddy is highly knowledgeable and adept in the use of Smallworld,Arclnfo,Arc GIS &Arc View,AutoCAD Map, Micro station, AutoCAD, Cad Overlay, IRASB, IRASC, IGeoVec,Autol-isp, VBA and Microstation Basic software systems. SELECTED PROJECTS Corning Cables. Telecommunications data conversion project involving both OSP and ISP fiber optic cable networks in a 5-state area using customer developed soft- ware "OPTICON", running on Mapinfo. The conversion is performed in customer da- tabase online via Citrix. AT&T BIP. Telecommunications data conversion project involving conversion and in- tegration of 2500 central office plans from paper format to AutoCAD 2000 DWG for- mat for AT&T central offices throughout the United States. Southwest BELL. Conversion of approximately 3000 telephone exchange plans from paper format to AutoCAD 2000 DWG format for Southwest Bell telephone exchanges throughout the US. Pacific Bell Power Drawings. Conversion of power drawings (circuits, schematic, PCB layouts etc) from paper format to AutoCAD R14. • Citizen Utilities: Performed Merging and posting of data and conflict resolution in SmallWorld GIS environment. • Dominion Transmission: Defined and implemented quality control procedures and other technical documentation. Managed a team of ten and delivered a high quality product. 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-99 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Ddve,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINE13% • PEPCO GIS: Defined and implemented quality control procedures. Managed a team of twenty and coordinated clarification resolution with client. • Duquesne Light: Defined and implemented quality control procedures. Managed a team of fifteen and ensured 100% text accuracy in the output. Performed final inspec- tion for the deliveries. • NEPSCO: Served as Project Manager and managed a team of twenty-five. Success- fully executed the project on schedule and delivered a high quality product. Devel- oped Lisp programs to improve production efficiency. • Florida Power& Light. Electric facilities mapping and cleaning AMS electric network in SmallWorld GIS using customized environment called AMTK. Upon completion of cleaning, each network is Merge/Posted into the AMS. • Reliant Energy. Online maintenance of electric distribution network for Reliant's Ar- cGIS Geodatabase. The GIS database is accessed using Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Citrix client/server architecture via Internet. EDUCATION B.S. Mathematics and Physics Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-92 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON, ARUN RAJ MOGILINEEDI CAD/GIS Analyst-Avineon India EXPERIENCE Mr.Arun Raj joined Avineon India in 1999 as CAD/GIS Analyst. He has extensive knowl- edge of and experience in GIS platforms including GE Smallworld,Arclnfo 7.2,ArcGIS 8.2,ArcviewAutoDesk 2004,AutoCAD Map 2000, Map Info,AutoCAD R14, Cad Over- lay, MS-Access, and Microstation SE, and is highly experienced in developing applica- tions in relationship to these platforms, as well as data migration tools to and from Auto- CAD Map and ArcGIS. He has experience in Magik, and is also adept in numerous pro- gramming languages including Autolisp,AutoCAD-VBA, MS-Access-VBA,AML,Arc- Objects and Visual Basic. Prior to his current responsibilities as CAD/GIS Analyst, Mr. Raj worked on numerous CAD/GIS digitization projects for numerous Avineon clients, including large electric and gas, cable, and telephone utilities, as well as municipal agencies and private sector en- terprises. SELECTED PROJECTS • Florida Power and Light Company, USA, Smallworld GIS 3.0. Responsibilities include re-aligning and modifying the feeders of the pilot area to the new digital land base. • Citizens Gas, Inc., Gas distribution of main and service piping, Smallworld GIS, Smallworld GIS (Magik). The complete network of a particular region, which includes the transmission piping layouts. Updating the database of the piping network with the provided information. The land base at the information wherever the feeders and the related information is processed. Responsibilities include development of required queries for Production and Quality checking of the maps & Database checking of files. • AT&T, USA (Telephone Infrastructure plans), AutoCAD 14 & Cad Overlay, AutoLISR This project is a conversion of digital data in raster format to vector format of central of- fice plans (Architecture, Infrastructure & Network equipment plans) like Floor plan, Ca- ble plan, Ground Schematic, ESS Cable plan, Power Board plans, Miscellaneous Sketches &Views of telephone exchanges for AT &T. Responsibilities include devel- opment of required programs for production and quality control of the maps. Production and quality control of Architectural floor plans, Grounding and Lighting plans. • Southwestern Bell(Telephone Infrastructure plans), AutoCAD 14 & Cad Overlay, Auto- LISP. This project is a conversion of digital data in raster format to vector format of cen- tral office plans according to the specifications & standards provided by Pacific Bell (Ar- chitecture, Infrastructure & Network equipment plans) like Floor plan, Cable plan, Ground Schematic, ESS Cable plan, Power Board plans, Miscellaneous Sketches & Views of telephone exchanges for southwestern bell. Responsibilities include devel- 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-13 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia-22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON, opment of required programs for production and quality control of the maps. Production quality control of Floor, Lighting, Grounding and Cable plans. • Corning Cable Systems, USA, AutoCAD Map 2000, Mapinfo, AutoL/SP, VBA, Map Basic. The main objective of this project is to convert the AutoCAD drawing data into Mapinfo table files with all the attribute data in AutoCAD as text entities. Responsibili- ties include development of programs for total automation of the preprocess. • British Telecommunications, AutoDesk 2004, VB.NET, Visual Basic 6.0, AutoLisp, MS Access 2000, ORACLE 9i;Visited client site for Proof of Concept and technical work- shop. Migration of Smallworld data to Network Engineer Built on ArcSDE 8.1.3. • City Of Naperville;Arc-Info 7.2.1, ArcGIS 8.1.2, AML, Visual Basic, Arc Objects. Naper- ville holds electrical distribution data in Arc-Info 7.2.1 coverage format, which is to be migrated to ArcGIS 8.1.2 Geodatabase format. Data massage is done to the source coverage's through pre-process AML's and after restructuring the Data structure to the new Geodatabase model the data is migrated to ArcGIS 8.1.2.After the data is mi- grated to the Geodatabase (Ms-Access Back End), the data is quality checked using an Visual Basic Interface Application for the completeness of the data and some Naviga- tion tools using Arc Objects. Responsibilities include development of required Programs for Production and Quality checking of the maps & Database checking of files. Maricopa Association of Governments-LANDUSE GIS Database Enhancement, Auto- CAD Map 2000, Arcview 3.2, Arclnfo and Ms Access, AutoLISP VBA. The main objec- tive of this project is to update the database and landuse polygon coverages supplied by the client as per latest developments, the future planning of each jurisdictions and inside the Maricopa county using different databases like point coverages, polygon coverage and MS-access/dbf databases. Responsibilities include development of pro- grams for the project (Production tools & QAQC tools) and database checking of files. Maricopa Association of Governments GIS Database Enhancement, AutoCAD Map 2000, Arcview 3.2, ArcInfo and Ms Access, AUtoLISP VBA. The main objective of this project is to create a spatially consistent base for all MAG, GIS and database activities and to update MAG's address-matched street centerline file. The update will involve es- tablishing and mapping geodetic control points, Warping of aerial photographs, revising geographies (jurisdiction code, zipcode), and creating links to transportation planning databases (i.e. Transportation Improvement Program, Transportation Networks, and the Highway Performance Monitoring System). Responsibilities include development of programs for the project (Production tools & QAQC tools) & Quality checking of data af- ter completing the production And Edge matching. • Central Maine Power Company, USA (CMPCO), AutoCAD Map 2000, AutoL/SP, VBA. Responsibilities include development of programs for the project (Production tools & QAQC tools) and database checking of files.And also to duplicate the tools that the client has provided in other platform in AutoCAD using Visual lisp 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-14 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINE0T% • Duquesne Light, USA, AutoCAD R14, AutoLISP Responsibilities include development of programs for the project (Production tools &QAQC tools) • Dominion Building, USA, AutoCAD Map 2000, AUtoLISP VBA. Responsibilities in- clude development of programs for the project(Production tools & QAQC tools). • NIPSCO, USA, AutoCAD R14, AUtoL/SP Electrical conversion project, involving transmission lines, poles, related fittings and related geographical information like contours, roads etc. Developed the information as per the dimensions shown in sup- plied sources and as per the specification supplied by client. Responsibilities include production /quality checking of drawings. • Potomac Electrical Power Company PEPCO, USA, Feeder Maps Conversion, Microsta- tion SE. Project involves using reference files as per identification purpose for 13/69 kv. Approximately 60 substations including cables overhead and under ground tables. PEPCO area District of Colombia maps Scale 1:300, Prince George county maps Scale 1:500 and MG county maps Scales 1:700. Placing Transformers substations (Sup- ply/load) fuses Switch with cable poles; Generally utilizing feeders domestic, Commer- cial and Metropolitan Cities Digitized as per client specification output formalities. DGN files. Responsibilities include quality check, digitizing the feeder lines, and placement of cells. Potomac Electrical Power Company(PEPCO), USA, Conversion of T-Maps, Microsta- tion SE. Project involves using reference files as per identification purpose for 13/69 kv.Approximately 60 substations including cables overhead and under ground tables. Pepco company area District of Colombia maps Scale 1:300, Prince George county maps Scale 1:500 and MG county maps Scales 1:700. Placing Transformers substa- tions (Supply/load) fuses Switch with cable poles; Generally utilizing feeders domes- tic, Commercial and Metropolitan Cities Digitized as per client specification output formalities. DGN files. Responsibilities include quality check, digitizing feeder lines and placement of cells. Columbia Gas, USA, Visual Basic. Responsibilities including the development of an in- terface to add user input data to the database. QUALIFICATIONS Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering Pursuing AMIE (Institution of Engineers- India) 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-15 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page 1 of this proposal. Statement of qualifications ar Massapequa Park AVINEON, SUBBU PENDYALA GIS Analyst EXPERIENCE Mr. Pendyala joined Avineon in 1999 and has provided his expertise on numerous pro- jects since that time. His extensive software and programming experience includes Arc GIS 9.1,Are View,AutoCADMap2004, Micro station 'SE, Small World 3.1,Auto LISP, AutoCAD-VBA, VB.NET, C# .NET, with database experience in MSAccess2000, SQL Server 2005, and Oracle 9i. PROJECT EXPERIENCE SUMMARY GIS Analyst, Baltimore Gas & Electric, Out Door Lights Enhancements - Software: Smallworld 3.1 - Conversion of missing electric features like Structures (Manholes, Joint Boxes, and Poles), Equipments (Transformers, Relays, Private area and Street lights) and Distribution cables when comparing the data available in Small World against the job jackets available in paper format. GIS Analyst, Potomac Electric Power Company, Pepco Data Migration - Software: DCS,AutoCAD Map 2004,Arc GIS 9.1, Micro station V8 - Programming Language:Auto Lisp,AutoCAD VBA - Database: MS Access 2000, Oracle - Responsibilities: Developing required Programs for Production and Quality checking of the maps & Database checking of files. - Description: This project deals with migration and integration of electric facilities (Primary and Secondary conductors, Equipment, Structures etc.,) from different sources like Arc GIS 8.3 data, Micro station lat DGN, EZ Power, maximo data- bases and DC land base in DCS application. GIS Analyst, British Telecommunications, PIPER Programme Data Transformation Pro- ject - Software: DCS,Auto CAD 2004 - Programming Language:Auto Lisp,AutoCAD VBA - Database: MS Access 2000 - Responsibilities: Developing required Programs for Production and Quality checking of the maps & Database checking of files. - Description: This project deals with conversion of telecom facilities like Structures (Manholes, Joint Boxes, Poles etc.,), Equipments (Distribution points, Primary and secondary connection points), Spans (ducts), transmedia (Main and Distribu- tion cables) and Attachments (Pressure equipments) from the sources Plant map, Duct map and cable maps of British Telecommunications. • GIS Analyst, Philadelphia Water Department, Water/Sewer Infrastructure GIS Data Conversion 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-16 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINEON, - Software:Auto CAD 2004,Are Info 7.x - Programming Language:Auto Lisp,AutoCAD VBA - Database: MS Access 2000, - Responsibilities: Developing required Programs for Production and Quality checking of the maps & Database checking of files. - Description: This project deals with developments of seamless water, high- pressure fire supply, wastelstorm water spatial database files in Arc Info 7.x and Microsoft access database file formats. The system will include the development of linkage back to each of the original source materials used during the develop- ment of each feature. Digitization of water, waste and HPFS network along with the equipments with the detailed information captured as annotation and also populated as attributes to the corresponding equipment. • GIS Analyst, Florida Power and Light Company(USA) Software: Smallworld 3.1 - Responsibilities: Overall checking of data before final submission - Description: Florida Power & Light is an electric distribution company catering to the customers spread across the length and breadth of Florida State in USA. The main object of the project is to "Move all electrical facilities to their correct GIS position, using the TIS raster map (Called as a Primary Map or Data cleanup Unit) as a reference for electrical interpretation" in GE Small world 3.1. • GIS Analyst, Central Maine Power Company(USA) Electric Facilities Data Migration Project - Software:AutoCAD Map 2000,Arc view 3.1 - Responsibilities: Overall checking of data before final submission, - Description: This is an electrical project. Shall migrate existing Arc View Shape files of radial distribution circuits and devices from a preliminary conversion state to a final connectivity, database, and cartographic state. The work shall consist of reviewing and adjusting the circuit and device Shape file layers to provide cir- cuit connectivity, feature attribute completeness, and cartographic quality in con- formance with the specifications. The migration task also includes executing sev- eral quality control programs to verify circuit connectivity and attribute complete- ness after performing the initial editing. In addition, the placement of road name labels on the circuit line Shape file shall be verified by using existing CMP Arc View programs to produce plots at several scales then visually checking each road label for clear visibility. GIS Analyst, Maricopa Association of Governments—LANDUSE GIS Database En- hancement - Software:AutoCAD Map 2000,Arcview 3.2,Arcinfo and Ms Access. - Responsibilities: Overall checking of data before final submission, work alloca- tion, 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-17 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualications # Massapequa Park AVINEOM - Description: The main objective of this project is to update the database and lan- duse polygon coverages supplied by the client as per latest developments, the future planning of each jurisdictions and inside the Maricopa county using differ- ent databases like point coverages, polygon coverage and MS-accessldbf data- bases. AIPL has been created different types of plans like General, Development and Existing. The final delivery of the product is the seamless Arcinfo coverages of individual plans. GISAnalyst, Maricopa Association of Governments GIS Database Enhancement - Software:AutoCAD Map 2000,Arcview 3.2,Arclnfo and Ms Access. - Responsibilities: Overall checking of data before final submission - Description: The main objective of this project is to create a spatially consistent base for all MAG, GIS and database activities and to update MAG's address- matched street centerline file. The update will involve establishing and mapping geodetic control points, Warping of aerial photographs, revising geographies au- risdiction code, zipcode, segment code, street address etc.), and creating links to transportation planning databases (i.e. Transportation Improvement Program, Transportation Networks, and the Highway Performance Monitoring System). The final delivery of the product is the seamless Arcinfo coverage of streetnet. GIS Analyst, Citizens Utilities Data Conversion - Software: Smallworld GIS - Responsibilities: Digitization and Quality checking - Description: This was a Gas transmission project. In this project client in Arc Info Format, MS-access Gas database, images of trace maps and blue line maps and digital land base. In scrubbing stage, pipes are scrubbed according to the main card number and service card number, which are given on the source copy, and we have assigned the service and main ID's through database. In production stage distribution mains, services and transmission lines are digitized. Simulta- neously we entered the service and main ID's through gas main editor or gas service editor. The final deliverable for this project is a seamless Small World GIS data store (DS). GIS Analyst, AT& T Telephone Infrastructure Plans Project - Software:AutoCAD 14 & Cad Overlay. - Responsibilities: Digitization and QA checks - Description: This project is a conversion of digital data from raster format to vec- tor format of central office plans (Architectural, Infrastructure & Network equip- ment plans) like Floor plan, Cable plan, Ground Schematic, ESS Cable plan, Power Board plans, Miscellaneous Sketches &Views of telephone exchanges for AT&T. • GIS Analyst, Southwestern Bell Telephone Infrastructure Plans Project - Software:AutoCAD 14 & Cad Overlay. 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-18 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON, - Responsibilities: Digitization and QA checks - Description: This project is a conversion of digital data in raster format to vector format of central office plans according to the specifications & standards provided by Pacific Bell (Architectural, Infrastructure & Network equipment plans) like Floor plan, Cable plan, Ground Schematic, ESS Cable plan, Power Board plans, Miscellaneous Sketches &Views of telephone exchanges for southwestern bell. GIS Analyst, Pacific Bell Electrical and Telephone Cable Conversion - Software:AutoCAD R14 - Responsibilities: Digitization and QA checks - Description: This project is a conversion of electrical and telephone cable sche- matic diagrams, converted those from raster format to vector format. GIS Analyst, Northern Indiana Public Service Company(NIPSCO), GIS Data Rectifica- tion and Migration Services - Software:AutoCAD R14 - Responsibilities: Digitization and QA checks - Description: It is basically an electrical project. It involves transmission lines, poles, related fittings and related geographical information like contours, roads etc. Developed the information as per the dimensions shown in supplied sources and as per the specification supplied by client. GIS Technician, Potomac Electrical Power Company(U.S.A) Pepco Distribution Maps Project - Software: Micro station SE. - Responsibilities: Digitization and QAchecks - Description: This involves restructure of the distribution plats existing in Micro Station DGN format in accordance with PEPCO element symbology, level con- ventions and rule sets described in the specifications manual. Feature designa- tions will be entered using Annotation (or) tags as described. Restructuring in- volves edge-matching, level symbology fixes per new symbology, updating cells per new cell library, attaching tags to equipment and populating, adding service site cells and populating information as tags, etc., for about 1450 tiles (DGN's) of Montgomery County and Prince Georges County, Maryland and entire District of Columbia. GIS Technician, Potomac Electrical Power Company(U.S.A), Pepco Feeder Maps Project - Software: Micro station SE. - Responsibilities: Digitization and QAchecks - Description: It involves using reference files as per identification purpose for 13/69 kv. Approximately 60 substations including cables overhead and under ground cables. Pepco company area District of Colombia maps Scale 1:300, Prince George county maps Scale 1:500 and MG county maps Scales 1:700. 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-19 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEOM Placing Transformers substations (Supply/load) fuses Switch with cable poles; Generally utilizing feeders domestic, Commercial and Metropolitan Cities Digi- tized as per client specification output formalities. DGN files. GIS Technician, Potomac Electrical Power Company(U.S.A), Pepco Transmission Maps Project - Software: Micro station SE. - Responsibilities: Digitization and CA checks - Description: This project is pretty much same as feeder maps project, this project holds data relating to the transmission lines both Underground and Overhead of varying voltages viz., 500KV, 230KV, 133KV, 69KV & 34KV. This project involves also involves conversion of substation maps and various other maps associated. Transmission feeders are further divided as express feeders, dedicated feeders, Regular Feeders. EDUCATION Degree in Mechanical Engineering (A.M.I.Mech.E) Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (79.7%) Trained in VB.NET, Oracle from Peers Technologies Pvt. Ltd, India. Trained in Beginning C#.NET from Skill Soft, USA. PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS Received "Best Employee" award for the month of Jan 2005 in Programming Division Received 'Best Employee" award for the month of May 2003 in CAD/GIS Division 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-20 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications Massapequa Park AVINEON, ANTHONY L. KNOWLTON Programmer/Applications Analyst EXPERIENCE Mr. Knowlton has over fourteen years of GIS programming experience, particularly within ESRI environments, and has attended numerous training courses sponsored by ESRI including an ArcIMS Developer seminar.As one ofAvineon's premier Programmers/Ap- plications Analysts for ESRI-based projects, Mr. Knowlton is responsible for software en- gineering, systems analysis, programming, and documentation. He has developed nu- merous programs and applications for a broad diverse range of clients for data capture, thematic layer exposure, viewing and distribution, editing and quality assurance using AML, Map Objects,ArcIMS, and other ESRI products for web-based and client- server environments. His areas of expertise include: Hardware Configurations: PC Workstations, Unix Workstations, Macintosh Worksta- tions, multi-platform networking, switches, routers, raids, scanners, plotters Operating Systems: SunOS, Solaris, Win9x, WmNT, Win2000, DOS, MacOS,Amiga Workbench and Linux (Slackware & Redhat) Software Applications: ArcGIS suite,ArcIMS, Wetlands Analytical Mapping System (WAMS), Grass, Imagine, Mapinfo, MicroStation, R2V, Sedona SRV, Oracle, SQL Server, Office suite, Photoshop, Illustrator, Visio (Case modeling), IIS,Apache and more Languages:Arc Macro Language (AML), C, C++, Pert (CGI), Java, Javascript, Visual Basic, VBScript, HTML, XML,Avenue, light Assembly,ASP, CSH, KSH, Msql Lite, and SQL Mr. Knowlton played a key role in the development of Avineon's Data Capture System (DCS). DCS is a metadata driven collection/production/migration system with the func- tionality to interact with multiple geometric engines (i.e.,ArcGIS). Developed in Visual Basic and C++, the DCS system facilitates rapid project mobilization and has interfaces for data and feature modeling. Mr. Knowlton conducted all programming and performed all digital data collection in sup- port of the Northwest Florida Water Management District's Land Use/Land Cover Map- ping Project. He also revised the entire trend analysis code (using AML) for the US Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Project. He has ex- tensive expertise integrating GPS data into existing map data sets for spatial query analysis and display. He has written plotting and collection development codes in AML and C for the Southwest Florida Water Management District's (SWFWMD) Seagrass Trend Analysis, as well as a program to randomly select check sites for field investiga- tion using C++. Mr. Knowlton also wrote AML/C code for full scale digital production, plotting, report frequency and acreage analysis for the Florida Department of Environ- mental Protection (DEP)Agency's NW Florida Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) Study. He 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-21 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON. has contributed extensively to programming efforts conducted for federal government agencies, including the National Imagery and Mapping Agency's (NIMA) Vector Smart Maps project, for which he developed a complete, metadata driven production system that included quality control plots and programs, frequency and statistic compilers, and scripts. SELECT PROJECTS Lead Programmer/Analyst, Laclede Gas Company-Conversion of gas distribution data to the ESRI ArcGIS 8.3 SDE Geodatabase environment. Lead ProgrammedAnalyst, City of Tucson, Arizona -Conversion of Tucson Water hard copy valve maps to the ESRI ArcGIS 8.2 SDE Geodatabase environment. ProgrammedAnalyst, City of Kamloops-Conversion of water, sewer, sanitary, and storm facilities in AutoCAD to the final platform of ArcGIS (AML, SQL, Oracle). ProgrammedAnalyst, Alliant-Energy(formerly Wisconsin Power&Light)-Conversion of gas facilities data in AutoCAD to the ArcGIS platform (AML). Programmer/Analyst, City of Phoenix- Conversion of water facilities data from Autocad to ArcGIS (AML,Access). ProgrammedAnalyst, BellCanada- Migration to Spatial Database Option (SDO) (Java, Oracle, SQL) ProgrammedAnalyst, City of Philadelphia-Conversion of water, sanitary and high- pressure water systems using ArcGIS (Visual Basic, SQL Server,Access). Programmer/Analyst PacBe/l- Digital landbase construction in FRAMME; custom- ized software for data conversion/validation in ArcGIS (ArcMap,ArcObjects,AML, C). Programmer/Analyst, Sarasota County- Rectification and conversion of parcel data in AutoCAD to the ArcGIS platform(C,AML,Access). Programmer/Analyst, USFWS (NWI) -WAMS;AML programming. ProgrammedAnalyst, SWFWMD- Seagrass Trend Analysis (ArcGIS; C,AML). ProgrammedAnalyst, Florida DEP- Florida LULC Study (ArcGIS;AML program- ming). Programmer/Analyst, NIMA-Vector Smart Maps (ArcGIS;AML, C programming). CONTINUING EDUCATION • ArcGIS ArcMap: Introduction to ArcMap; Editing; Map Analysis. • ArcG/SArcToo/box: Using ArcToolbox. • ArcGIS Data Models: Introduction to the Geodatabase; Designing a Geodatabase; Migrating Existing Data to the Geodatabase;ArcGIS Data Models. • ArcGIS Developer.-Advanced Customization with C++; Customizing with VB;Ad- vanced Customization with VB; Customizing the Geodatabase; Exploring ArcObjects; Introduction to COM with ArcGIS; Introduction to Customizing ArcGIS; Using CASE Tools for Object Modeling and Geodatabase Design. 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-22 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the resMction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications # Massapequa Park AVINEON. • ArclMS Developer: Introduction to ArcIMS; Installing & Configuring ArcIMS; Concep- tual Overview for the ArcIMS Developer;Advanced ArcXML; Working with the HTML Viewer; Working with the Java Viewer; Working with the ActiveX ASP Connector. • ArcG/S Workstation: Understanding ArcGIS Workstation; Customization with ODE for Visual Basic and Java. MapObjects: Introduction to the MapObjects Product Family;Advanced Program- ming with MapObjects. Oracle OCP:All Oracle DBA classes and OCP certified SQL programmer. 5: Resumes of Key Personnel 5-23 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700 Alexandria,Virginia 22311-1846 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications 'Ir Massapequa Park AVINE01% Section 6: PROPOSED COSTS Avineon's completed Table 1 is enclosed on the following page. The following assumptions were used in determining Avineon's proposed costs: • Avineon will complete the data processing tasks according to the following feature counts provided by the Village. - Road segment: 656 - Parcels: 6,000 - Signs: 450 - Handicap ramp: 1,500 • The Village will provide data source to support continuous data production at Avineon facility • Avineon will deliver the processed in ESRI ArcGIS Personal Geo- database (MS Access) format that is consistent with data format of the source data. • The Village will review and provide Avineon timely feedbacks on design documents and data and application deliveries submitted by Avineon. 6: Proposed Costs 6-1 Avineon,Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 700/Alexandria,VA 22311-16461 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. Statement of Qualifications 1! Massapequa Park AVINEON. Village of Massapequa Park SARA Grant 2008-09 Roadway Maintenance GIS GIS CONSULTANT PROPOSED COSTS Task# Task ProposedE43 sed Proposed Hours Proposed Total StaffHr Cost I.. Assist the Village with the Subbu Purchase and Installation Pendyala, 8 16 $ 1,161.28ofESRIs ArcGIS 9.1 Xiaodong Software HonII. Edit the Current Roadway Avineon IndiFeature Class Engineers 251 $ 6,003.92III. Edit the Parcel Feature Avineon IndiClass En ineers 1057 $ 15,263.08IV. Update and Attach Avineon India6 123 $ 5,087.28Microsoft Access Database En ineersColor Code the Roadways Avineon Indiaased on 2004 and Current Engineers2 89 $ 5,510.88Inventory DataVI. Develop a Signage Feature Avineon IndiaClass Engineers 259 $ 6,790.98VII. Develop a Handicap Ramp Avineon India1 439 $ 8,696.59 Feature Class En ineers VIII. Create Customized Tool to S.Pendyala,X. $ 20.82 317 $ 6,599.94 Edit Feature Classes Honq,A. Ra IX. Create Customized Tool for S.Pendyala, X. Resident and Employee Hong,A. Raj $ 20.82 317 $ 6,599.94 Complaints X. Training endyala, Hon A. Ra' $ 169.54 32 $ 5,425.28 = 2,900 hours TOTAL COST $ 67 139.17 6: Proposed Costs 6-2 Avineon, Inc. 4825 Mark Center Drive,Suite 7001 Alexandria,VA 22311-18461 (703)671-1900 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on page i of this proposal. [hj Public Sector Sales January 25,2008 VILLAGE OF MASSAPEQUA PARK 151 FRONT STREET MASSAPEQUA PARK NY 11762 Dear Jean Maher, Thank you for your recent interest in Hewlett-Packard Public Sector Sales.Award-winning Hewlett-Packard products are designed to deliver high-performance technology,powerful networking and legendary Hewlett-Packard quality-all at a value that your budget demands.From handheld PCs to AlphaServer Supercomputers,Hewlett-Packard provides a single resource for complete solutions that meet all your computing needs.You can rely on Hewlett-Packard for the performance,uptime,and efficiency you need to keep your agency running smoothly and hassle-free.Every Hewlett-Packard product is designed and tested to provide industry-standard compatibility and investment protection.And,with special maintenance services,easy ordering and flexible financing,Hewlett-Packard makes buying the right solution for your organization easier and more convenient than ever. Attached is the price quotation you requested.When submitting a purchase order directly to Hewlett-Packard,please be certain to include the requested information on the Ordering Information page attached to this quotation.Including the necessary information will ensure the accurate and timely processing of your order through Hewlett-Packard Public Sector. You may order online at hhttp://welcome.ho.com/country/us/eng/solutions/pub sector html or fax in your purchase order at 800-825-2329. -Please reference this contract:NY-NEW YORK OGS MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS Contract (PT55722)terms and conditions. -The terms and conditions of the NY-NEW YORK OGS MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS Contract (PT55722)will apply to any order placed as a result of this inquiry;no other terms or conditions shall apply. If you should have questions regarding this quotation or need any other assistance,please contact your Public Sector sales representative. Sincerely, Michael Allred Inside Sales Representative dllllllfff !'j Public Sector Sales Ordering Information It's never been easier to place your direct orders with Hewlett-Packard.Now you can have fast,accurate service with special options designed to personalize,process and expedite your shipments with higher levels of accuracy.Ordering Hewlett-Packard products is as simple as picking up the phone,using the fax machine,or logging onto the Hewlett-Packard Public Sector website at htto'I/welmme.hp.comicountry/us/eng/solutions/pub sector.html Online ordering With the Hewlett-Packard Online Store,you can create quotes with real-time pricing;place an order using a credit card or purchase order,keep up-to-date on the latest product promotions and pricing available on your contract, inquire about order status and view productlprice information-all from your desktop PC.Visit htto'//welcome hp com/country/us/enc/solutions/pub sector.himl Faxing Option Faxing your order is convenient,too.Simply fill out your request on the customer purchase order and send to 1-800-825-2329.Your order will be promptly handled,and you can call a Customer Service Representative to confirm your order. Personalized Telesales To provide more personal service to you,our telephone sales and order administration representatives are assigned by territory.This means you can reach a dedicated government,education,or medical sales team every time you call-giving you added value by letting you grow personal relationships with representatives who know your product as well as your special tens and delivery requirements. To request a quote,check product availability,and other related questions,call your Telesales Representative, OrderAccuracv To ensure the accurate and timely processing of your order,please verify that your purchase order includes the following information: o Bill-to address, o Ship-to address, o Purchase order number, o Part number,description,and price, o Contract#and name o Reseller of choice o Contact name,phone number,and email address, o Special delivery requirements o Requested delivery date o Signature of authorized purchaser o Please note the Hewlett Packard must be listed as the vendor. Tax-Exempt Certificate Requirements All tax-exempt accounts should have a tax-exempt certificate on file with Hewlett-Packard to avoid having sales tax added to their invoice.This certificate needs to be provided only once.If you are ordering for the first time,please include with your order or account application. Free Configuration Services(excludes non-configure to order IPG product) When you purchase Hewlett-Packard products through Public Sector,you become eligible for configuration of Hewlett-Packard hardware options and upgrades at NO extra cost.To request this free service,clearly state on your purchase order which options and upgrades you would like installed and list each configuration separately.Once an order is placed,in-stock items require 2-4 business days for installation. HP Credit Hewlett-Packard's financing programs can help your agency purchase or lease HP solutions.To inquire more about a customized financial solution proposal call your Telesales Representative. Order Tracking and Status All orders are entered within 24 hours of receipt and are scheduled to ship on a first in first out basis,Orders are shipped within seven days of receipt provided all items are in stock and all necessary information has been properly included on your purchase order.(Remember that ship complete orders can be delayed If a particular item is not currently in stock.)To inquire about the status of your order,you can either log on to htto://welcome ho.com/country/us/eno/solutions/pub sectorhimlor call your corresponding Customer Service Representative. Returned Merchandise A return material authorization number(RMA)is required for all returns to be processedRetums may be requested within 30 days of Shipment. Please call your Public Sector Customer Service Representative in order to have an RMA assigned.Please have a copy of the packing slip available when you call. Customer Relationship and Sales For Public Sector Sales Fax:800-825-2329 Education:800-888-3224 Higher Ed:877480-4433 STL:888-202-4682 Returns: 800-888-3224x1060 P� PRICE QUOTATION Pagel of Quote Number: 1524704 January 25, 2008 Jean Maher Provided by.: Michael Allred VILLAGE OF MASSAPEQUA PARK Contract:NY-NEW YORK OGS MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS(PT55722) Product availability and product discontinuation is subject to change without notice.The prices in this quotation are valid for 30 days from quote date above.Please include the quote number and contract from this quote on the corresponding purchase order. Item Part No. Description Oty. Unit Price Extended Group: 1. RT946UA#ABA-HP Compaq dc7800 Convertible 2 $1,063.00 $2,126.00 Minitower RT946UA#ABA Product-RT946UA#ABA-HP Compaq dc7800 Convertible Minitower Operating system-Genuine Microsoft W ndows@ XP Professional Processor-Intel@ Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33 4MB/1333 CPU Memory-1GB(2x512MB) DDR2-667 ECC Hard drives-80GB 7200rpm HDD SATA 3.OGb/s NCO SMART IV Video/graphics-Integrated Intel®Media Accelerator 3100 Graphics Optical drive-16X SuperMulti LightScribe SATA Optical Drive Network controller-Intel Gigabit NIC Keyboard-HP PS/2 standard keyboard Mouse-HP PS/2 optical scroll mouse Energy Star Compliance-Energy Star compliant Power supply-80PLUS Power Supply Client Management Solutions-Intel®vPRO Technology with IAMT 3.0 Warranty-3/3/3(parts/labor/next business day on-site) limited warranty 2. PX850AA#ABA HP L190619-inch LCD Flat Panel Monitor-Analog 2 $251.00 $502.00 only SUB TOTAL: $2,628.00 TOTAL PRICE : $2,628.00 GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY Make the most of your budget and protect against technology obsolescence. Lease these HP products with a purchase price of$2,628.00 for 36 months for as little as$81.60 per month.At the end of the lease,send the equipment back to HP Financial Services and upgrade to new technology or purchase the equipment at its fair market value.* Note: For detailed warranty information,please link to"URL"for more information www.hp.comigo/specificwarrantvinfo. Sales taxes added where applicable.Freight is FOB Destination. FJ PRICE QUOTATION Page 2 of Quote Number: 1524704 January 25,2008 Jean Maher Providedby. Michael Allred VILLAGE OF MASSAPEQUA PARK Contract:NY-NEW YORK OGS MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS(PT55722) Product availability and product discontinuation is subject to change without notice,The prices in this quotation are valid for 30 days from quote date above.Please include the quote number and contract from this quote on the corresponding purchase order. item Part No. Description Qty. Unit Price Extended GET MORE WITH HP FINANCIAL SERVICES For more information, call Hewlett-Packard Financial Services Company at 1-888-277-5942 and talk to a financial services representative who specializes in supporting government and education entities. *The monthly payment amount is for a lease commencing on or before 2/24/2008 with a term of 36 months and a fair market value purchase option at the end of the lease term.This and other leasing and financing options we available through Hewlett-Packard Financial Service Company(HPFSC)or one of its affiliates to qualified education and state and local customers in the U.S.and subject to credit approval and execution of standard HPFSC documentation.Fees and other restrictions may apply.This is not a commitment to lease.Rates and payments are subject to change at any time without notice.Leasing and financing options for Federal governmental agencies(subject to a$50,000 minimum)are available from Hewlett-Packard Company. Note: For detailed warranty information,please link to"URL"for more information www.ho.com/go/specificwarrantyinfo. Sales taxes added where applicable.Freight is FOB Destination. PRICE QUOTATION Page 3of3 Quote Number: 1524704 January 25,2008 Jean Maher Provided by: Michael Allred VILLAGE OF MASSAPEQUA PARK Contract:NY-NEW YORK OGS MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS(PT55722) Product availability and product discontinuation is subject to change without notice.The prices in this quotation are valid for 30 days from quote date above.Please Include the quote number and contract from this quote on the corresponding purchase order. Item Part No. Description Comments: Please feel free to contact your dedicated HP Inside Sales Representative Blakely Aguilar @ 1-800-888.3224 Ext#70118 if you have any additional questions. The Fax Number for the HP Public Sector Order Entry is @ 1-800-825-2329 All HP Public Sector Purchase Orders must be endorsed to HP with the following address information: Hewlett-Packard 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, NE 68154 Federal Tax ID: 94-1081436 *There is no shipping/handling fee* *Please reference any and all of the following that apply; contract number, big deal number and quote number on the purchase order* *Attach a copy of the quote to your completed purchase order* *If this is your first order and your school or agency is tax exempt, please attach a copy of your certif Note: For detailed warranty information,please link to"URL"for more Information www.ho.com/oo/specificwarrantyinf0. Sales taxes added where applicable.Freight is FOB Destination. Quotation # 20311933 Date: January25,2008 me Customer# 185133 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. Contract# ESRI, Inc. VILLAGE OF MASSAPEQUA PARK 380 New York Street 151 FRONT ST Redlands, CA 92373-8100 MASSAPEQUA PARK, NY 11762 Phone: 909-793-2853 ATTENTION: Peggy Caltabiano Fax: 909-307-3049 PHONE: 516-798-0244 To expedite your order,please attach a copy of FAX: 516-798-6106 this quotation to your purchase order. Quote is valid from:01125/2008 To: 04/24/2008 Material Qty Description Unit Price Total 93198 2 ArcView Single Use Unkeyed License 1,244.00 2,488.00 106789 2 ArcView 9.2 Single Use Unkeyed Installation Package 0.00 0.00 Item Total: 2,488.00 Subtotal: 2,488.00 Estimated Shipping&Handling (2 Day Delivery): 0.00 Total (excludes applicable sales tax): $2,488.00 Quoted By: Tessa Lukito, (800)447-9778 x1296 Account Manager: Dave Lashell Email: tlukito@esri.com Email: dlashell@esri.com Acceptance of this quotation is limited to the ESRI License Agreement and the Quotation Terms and Conditions This Quotation is made in confidence for your review.It may not be disclosed to third parties,except as required by law. If sending remittance,please address to: ESRI, File No. 54630, Los Angeles, Ca 90074-4630 LUKITOT This offer is limited to the terms and conditions incorporated and attached herein. Quotation # 20311933 Date: January 25, 2008 Customer#185133 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. Contract# ESRI, Inc. VILLAGE OF MASSAPEQUA PARK 380 New York Street 151 FRONT ST Redlands, CA 92373-8100 MASSAPEQUA PARK, NY 11762 Phone: 909-793-2853 ATTENTION: Peggy Caltabiano Fax: 909-307-3049 PHONE: 516-798-0244 To expedite your order,please attach a copy of FAX: 516-798-6106 this quotation to your purchase order. Quote is valid from:01/2512008 To: 04124/2008 BY SIGNING BELOW YOU ARE INDICATING THAT YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO OBLIGATE FUNDS FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION. DO NOT USE THIS FORM FOR ORDER ACTIVATION IF YOUR ORGANIZATION WILL NOT HONOR AND PAY AN INVOICE THAT HAS BEEN ISSUED AT YOUR DIRECTION WITHOUT ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZING PAPERWORK. To expedite your order,either attach a copy of this quotation to your purchase order when it is remitted to ESRI,or sign below and return this quotation to indicate your acceptance. ESRI's address and fax number are provided on the first page of this quotation. If you have made ANY alterations to the line items included in this quote and have chosen to sign the quote to indicate your acceptance,you must fax ESRI the signed quote in its entirety in order for the quote to be accepted.You will be contacted by your Customer Service Representative if additional information is required to complete your request. If your organization is a US Federal,state,or local government agency;an educational facility;or a company that will not pay an invoice without having issued a formal purchase order,a signed quotation will not be accepted unless it is accompanied by your purchase order. If you choose to discontinue your maintenance,you will become ineligible for maintenance benefits and services.All maintenance fees from the date of discontinuation will be due and payable if you decide to reactivate your maintenance coverage at a later date. Acceptance of this quotation is limited to the ESRI license agreement,quotation terms and conditions,and any other ESRI terms and conditions included with this quotation.Any additional or different terms in any purchase order are deemed rejected unless expressly accepted in writing and signed by ESRI.Notwithstanding,if the purchase order is placed under an existing signed agreement(e.g.,Master Purchase Agreement),or under the GSA Federal Supply Schedule,then the purchase order shall identify such agreement on the face of the order and the terms and conditions of such agreement shall govern the subject matter of the purchase order. By signing below,you are authorizing ESRI to issue an invoice for the items included in the above quote in the amount of: $ ,plus sales taxes if applicable. (Note:Shipping costs are subject to change.) Please check one of the following: I agree to pay any applicable sales tax. I am tax exempt please contact me if exempt information is not currently on file with ESRI. Signature of Authorized Representative Date Name(Please Print) Title The quotation information is proprietary and may not be copied or released other than for the express purpose of system selection and purchasellicense.This Information may not be given to outside parties or need for any other purpose without consent from Environmental systems Research Institute,Inc.(ESRI). My estimated sales ani use tax reflected on this quote has been calculated as of the date of this quotation and is merely provided as a convenience for your organization's budgetary purposes.ESRI reserves the right to adjust and collect sales andlor use tax at the actual date of invoicing.If your organization is tax exempt or pays state tax directly,then prior to invoicing,your organaation must Provide ESRI with a copy of a current tax exemption certificate issued by your state's taxing authority for the given prediction. Quoted By: Tessa Lukito, (800)447.9778 x1296 Account Manager: Dave Lashell Email: tlukito@esri.com Email: dlasheil@esri.com Acceptance of this quotation is limited to the ESRI License Agreement and the Quotation Terms and Conditions This Quotation is made in confidence for your review.It may not be disclosed to third parties,except as required by law. If sending remittance, please address to:ESRI, File No. 54630, Los Angeles, Ca 90074-4630 LUKITOT This offer is limited to the terms and conditions incorporated and attached herein. LGRMIF Grant Application - 2008-2009 — Budget Narrative PURCHASED SERVICES: Code 40 Description of Item Provider of Services Calculation of Proposed Cost Expenditure Assist with Purchase Walden $80/hr x 6hrs $480 and Installation of ESRI ArcGIS software Edit Current Roadway Walden $80 hr x 38hrs $3,040 Feature Class Edit Parcel Feature Walden $80/hr x 100hrs $8,000 Class Update and Attach MS Walden $80/hr x 45hrs $5,400 Access database $120/hr x 15hrs Color Code Roadways Walden $80/hr x 5 Ins $400 Develop Signage Walden $80/hr x 40hrs $3,200 Feature Class Develop Handicap Walden $80/hr x 75hrs $6,000 Ramp Feature Class Create Customized Tool Walden $115/hr x 35hrs $6,065 to Edit Feature Classes $120/hr x 17hrs Create Customized Tool Walden $115/hr x 15hrs $2,685 for Resident and $120/hr x 8 hrs Em loyee Complaints Training Walden $80/hr x 20hrs $2,560 $120/hr x 8hrs TOTAL (transfer to FS-20, Budget Summary Form) $37,830 Narrative: These purchased services are necessary to implement the project because the Consultant shall edit existing datasets to ensure compatibility, create new necessary datasets so sign and handicap ramps are located, develop custom tools so the Village users may easily edit, update and retrieve records, and perform training for the Village staff. Vendor qualifications are attached to this grant application for reference. * Use only whole dollar amounts. If additional space is needed,please attach extra sheets. LGRMIF Grant Application - 2008-2009 —Budget Narrative SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS: Code 45 AND EQUIPMENT LESS THAN $5,000 Description of Item Quantity Unit Cost Proposed Ex enditure SRI ARCGIS Software Two (2) $1,244 /license $2,488 P Compaq dc7800 Convertible Two (2) $1,314/ Minitower+ 19"Monitor C+monitor $2'628 TOTAL (transfer to FS-20, Budget Summary Form) $5,116 Narrative: The DPW staff and Inspector shall utilize the two ESRI AxcGIS software licenses at their desk location. The PCs shall run the ESRI software at each work location for instantaneous access to the GIS Highway records. The DPW staff shall share their desktop and ESRI license. * Use only whole dollar amounts. If additional space is needed, please attach extra sheets. The University of the State of New fork PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY FOR A TIAs STATE. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FEDERAL OR STATE PROTECT (see instructions for mailr'rrg address) FS-20 (1.2145) F�Grant AppliCant Information Funding Source: Local Government Records •9an cntettL Itrnprovel eld Purid kip:,rt prepareel Ii}: pe;:<,F Calcabiano Marne of ;lppli ant: Inc Vdlavc of 'v7lssnpcqua park Nfailing Address: 141 Front Street u Street I \I \'i, nsapequa Part: VY 11762 Cih' SEati' - --h Code rcfeph0no f:; (5i6 ) 7�,S 6244 Cnunh•r \sSsato E.-y�[aiLAddress:_ villclerkib j idgnk ey Pro.jcct Funding Dates: 7 /t I 24634 f-0 2064 Start E:n i INSTRUCTIONS r Submit the uris;,inal FS-2t) Budget Surn mary and the required numher of copies along with the completed application dirted-v to the appropriate State Education Department office as indicated in the application instructions for t`he grant program for which you are appiying. D0 NOT submit this tornt to d)e Gan Ls Finance, 1'Icase submit the FS-20 Budget Summary as a tzvo page form (not back-to-back on a single sheet). Eaton whole dollar amounts only- The "motors must agree with the hud-Ln catewory totals 1�om each Budget t:aicgon and Narraiive Faint. -. For cfiin cs in t2enct'' or pavee address contact the State Edueatioa Dcparimnnt office indicated on rhe apfrhe cion marructinns for the Kraut program for which you are 1pr>Iviite. r An approved copy of the FS 20 13udnet Summary toils be returned to tate contact person noted lbove. A udruluta i envelope t%°itl bauscd: please make sure that the contact information is accurate, IcLible and confined to the address field. o For information on budgeting, includin_, 2008-66 RLVISED guidelines fol' equipment and supplies, rerer to the Fiscal Guidclincs For Federal and State Aidtd Grant_:tit i+tE�t,nnts,msed,aov ca[er. t BUDGET SUMMARY r FS-')O !,all-e 2 CATEGORIES CODE PROJECT COOTS Agency Code llrofessionalSatarics li Support Stall Sataries 16 rad PProj[ect# (� Purchased Services es -4C) <� yQ _ . C' 1 i � i� �J I � � + .._�i � I' S'upptics and ilaterials 45 � ��- Contract 4 I Travel [2,Ypeases 46 Itmplayec Benefits SU Indirect Cast(ICC)* )(1 N/A Villa,,ge of f4mmnt Gam f"'hCtnll — Agency Name: -I1t�4�al]t Cllldh:trk IIOCF.S 5er-ices 49 M1J ( Minor Remodeling ;Cl ) FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Equipment l i j 5' ,'Approved Grand Total ` _ , Funding Dates: From 10 ' .A. MoJifcud Direct Cost Base $'S A 11rogram Approval 6"t B. Approved Restricted IC Rate "ln C-(A) v (H)= Indirect Cost / (tic-cur_v>put Iola;In Cade 90 atom $NiA Date: i i I i CTITF.F AMNILVISTRATOR`S CFRTrFICA'ri Fiscal year First 1'avment I_in .. 1 herehs ecrti,ry eliar the requesreel hrnzgei amotaas eve ncecssw;4',fvr the impk:mejucuton nl this project and r-hm this agL!)W- tr ira zvnap(tarrece with applicable Jif Herat and Slate la,nsarraregulations, f r_. Ir y- �" _. Date Signature' .' ri2yor.iames AlLudonna Name and Title of Chief Administrative Otlicer Vnucher 4 First payment Finance: Log Approved __ tTT1Z