HomeMy WebLinkAboutComprehensive plan update Economic Development OutlookECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OUTLOOK FOR THE
Town of Southoid, New York
Prepared For:
Prepared By:
Heather Lanza, AICP, Director
Town of Southold
Department of Planning
53095 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC
572 Walt Whitman Road
Melville, New York 11747
(631 ) 427-5665
Date: December 7, 2009
NP&V is a professional environmental and planning firm with qualifications and expertise to
prepare economic development studies, comprehensive master plans, hamlet studies,
ilnplementation strategies, land use, zoning and visioning. NP&V uses methodologies consistent
with professional practice and has a track record of completed projects providing economic
development, fiscal analysis, market analyses and related services to private and municipal
clients. The qualifications of the firm and personnel are provided in Attachment A.
The firm has provided consulting services to the Town of Southold since 1988, and values the
relationship with the Town. NP&V understm~ds that the Town of Southold is facing
development pressure, and has growing concerns regarding the economic conditions of the
future. It is understood that the Town wishes to retain and enhance the vitality of its downtowns
and hamlet centers, while avoiding retail sprawl. Moreover, NP&V understands that the Town
desires to attract commercial uses that will strengthen each of the hamlet centers, while retaining
existing businesses and the community character and uniqueness that is Southold.
This balance is a challenge faced by many communities. NP&V understands the need for
balanced economic growth, and has assisted many communities throughout Long Island in the
preparation of valuable plans for long-term economic sustainability. As a result of this
experience and the long-standing relationship with the Town, NP&V has been requested to
prepare a scope of services for an economic development chapter to be included within the
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Economic Development Outlook for the
Comprehensive Plan Update
Comprehensive Plan Update. The following provides a summary of the proposed approach to
this assignment.
This proposal addresses the requested scope of services for an econotnic development chapter,
with the understanding that Fishers Island need not be included due to the unique geographic
location and conditions of the Island, and the fact that the Strategic Plan for Fishers Island was
recently completed in early 2009. This Plan included an economic chapter and many
recommendations to improve and maintain the economic stability of Fishers Island. If the Town
wishes to include further economic evaluation of Fishers Island as part of this study, this can
easily be accommodated through a refined scope tailored to any specific needs. Otherwise, this
economic development chapter will just reference the recently completed Fishers Island Strategic
Task 1: Preliminary Meeting
The Managing Partner and the Economic Analyst at NP&V will meet with the Town of Southold
and key stakeholders involved with the comprehensive planning process to gather relevant data
and input regarding the proposed project as well as to discuss the parameters of the assignment in
more detail.
Expected task schedule: Second week in Janua~T, 2010.~
Deliverables: One meeting, summary of work session/meetings notes.
Fee: The f~,e fbr this task is $1,500.00.
Task 2: Review of Past Planning and Economic Development Initiatives
NP&V will review existing plans and other written documents and information describing the
goals and needs of the Town from an economic development context. NP&V has knowledge
and insight with regard to these plans which will help to streamline the review. This review will
Southold Comprehensive hnplementation Strategy;
· Town of Southold Hamlet Study;
· Southold Town Hamlet Stakeholder Initiative;
· Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program;
· Shopping Centers and Central Business Districts, Suffolk County, New York;
· Other relevant planning and economic development documents, studies, legislative actions,
memorandums, and reports with input from Town representatives.
Expected task schedule: Third week in January through fifth week in January, 2010.
Schedule dates utilize a start date of January 4, 2010.
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Economic Development Outlook for the
Comprehensive Plan Update
Deliverables: Report section detailing past studies and initiatives, to be included itt Economic
Development OutlookJbr the Comprehensive Plan Update.
Fee: The fee for this task is $1,500.00.
Task 3: Limited Compilation of Demographic Inventory and Analysis (Specific to Economic
Development Outlook Chapter)
This task assumes that the Town of Southold has available a fttll demographic inventory and
analysis to be included as a separate chapter for the Comprehensive Plan. As such, the majority
of the demographic inventory will have been prepared as part of this task. NP&V will
incorporate and analyze key pieces of general and economic characteristics into the Economic
Development Outlook chapter, specifically as it pertains to the conditions of the local economy,
· Population trends;
· Household growth;
· Age;
o School-aged population
o College-aged population
o Worldng-age population
o Empty nester population
o Retired population
· Educational attainment;
· Income;
o Household income
o Median income
o Per capita income
· Poverty;
· Seasonal residency;
· Employment by occupation and industry;
· School district report cards;
· Free/reduced lunch eligibility; and,
· Other relevant demographic characteristics pertinent to the Town's historical and current
economic status.
Where available, these data will be reported for each of the Town's hamlets, and compared to the
Town and Suffolk County. This inventory and analysis will reveal critical trends and
information pertaining to the residents and business climate within the Town. Specifically, the
inventory will provide insight as to the demographic makeup of the Town, the labor force, the
nature of the market that would support the local economy, the type of development or
opportunities that the Town may demand, and those that will utilize the Town's resources.
Ultimately, the demographic inventory and analysis will lay the framework for developing
appropriate goals and strategies to best promote economic sustainability within the Town.
Expected task schedule: Fifth week in January through first week in Februa~T, 2010.
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Economic Development Outlook for the
Comprehensive Plan Update
Deliverables: Report section detailing demographic inventory and analysis specific to economic
characteristics of the Town, to be included in Economic Development Outlook ~{br the
Comprehensive Plan Update.
Fee: The fee for this task is $1,000.00.
Task 4: Business Inventory
NP&V will combine knowledge and insight of Town conditions with a detailed on-the-ground
inventory of the existing businesses throughout the Town of Southold. The inventory will focus
on the Town's downtown areas, within each of the hamlets and along each of the major
corridors. Such an inventory will consist of:
· Agricultural uses, including wineries;
· Tourist attractions;
· Restaurants;
· Retail establishments;
· Entertainment venues;
· Hotels, motels, inns and other lodging facilities;
· Medical and health-care facilities;
· Historical and cultural amenities;
· Recreational facilities;
· Storage space;
· Public beaches;
· Commercial marinas;
· Commercial/shell fishing;
· Boat slips; and,
· Office and industrial facilities
Such an inventory will include the type of industry, current use, location, size (in terms of square
footage, acreage, and/or the number of seats/units where applicable), occupancy, and the general
condition of the property. Various data and information will supplement field findings; NP&V
will utilize detailed Geographic Information Systems (GIS) parcel data, as well as national, state,
local and private sources including the U.S. Census Bureau, local Chambers of Commerce,
Nielsen Claritas Market Research, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI),
and/or other commercial data providers necessary to compile data for the businesses within the
The findings of the business inventory will allow for a better understanding of the economic
drivers in the Town, and will set the framework in identifying the Town's established and
prominent industries. This will also help to determine those industries that may be emerging in
the local market, as well as those that may be stressed. This will ultimately set the stage for a
clear set of recommendations on how to best allocate business resources to promote strong and
sustainable economic activity throughout the Town.
Expected task schedule: First week in February through first week in March, 2010.
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Deliverables: Report section detailing business inventosv,
Development OutlookJbr the Comprehensive Plan Update.
Fee: The fee for this tusk is $8,000.00.
Economic Development Outlook for the
Comprehensive Plan Update
to be included in Economic
Task 5: Zoning and Build Out Analysis
NP&V will conduct a zoning analysis of commercial and industrial parcels within the Town of
Southold to determine whether the existing zoning supports the goals of viable and sustainable
downtowns. This will require detailed GIS shape files for parcel analysis and/or coordination
with the Town's GIS specialist to query and obtain required information from all commercially
and industrially zoned parcels within the Town. Pertinent information will include the number
of total parcels, location, current use(s), the three-digit property classification code, size,
occupancy status, and ownership information, where available.
NP&V understands the Town's desire to strengthen the downtown areas and the hamlet centers,
rather than locating future development on the outskirts of Town. As such, NP&V will critically
evaluate existing zoning based on current and projected retail demand as related to population
and build out. NP&V will seek to balance hamlet center retail potential, with expected demand,
in a manner consistent with the Town's planning goals and objectives.
A detailed zoning analysis will enable NP&V to identify developed parcels, underutilized and
vacant lands available for commercial development within each of the Town's hamlets and along
each of the major corridors. The underutilized and vacant lands will be incorporated into a
detailed analysis of the commercial/industrial build out potential.
The firm participated in the Town's Comprehensive hnplementation Strategy (CIS) in 2003, at
which time a "build out" analysis was conducted. The build out analysis included the estimated
additional square footage of commercial space that could be built based on zoning and an
evaluation of "theoretical existing development" resulting in a determination of "potential
development". The build out analysis' methodology considered the area of properties and
applied a coefficient to reflect the square footage of commercial space that would be possible, in
consideration of dimensional, parking and landscaping requirements (The factor was based on a
review of actual site plan approvals by the Planning Board from the preceding five years).
Data used for the build out analysis can easily be replicated on a Town-wide basis (excluding
Fishers Island2). The build out analysis can then be updated for commercial and industrial
zoning districts within the hamlets and major corridors traversing the Town. This update would
be useful in comparison to the prior estimated build out potential.
Data generaed for the 2003 build out analysis was based on Town-wide zoning district
classifications (excluding Fishers Island). The tax base analysis prepared in Task 6 (below)
2 With respect to Fishers Island, it is recommended that this geographic area of the Town be addressed as a separate
subchapter. This woald provide consistency with prior Town-wide analyses to gain the full benefit of the update
and comparison, and to nmre specifically address the anique economic factors related to Fishers Island.
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Economic Development Outlook for the
Comprehensive Plan Update
would benefit from a breakdown of the zoning analysis on a school district basis. As a result, it
is recommended that this task conduct the analyses based on the following geographic areas of
the Town.
Mattiluck Union Free School District Mattituck and Cutchogue
New Suffolk Common School District New Suffolk (K-7); Soulhold (8-12)
Southold Union Free School District Soulhold and Peconic; New Suffolk (8-12)
Greenport Union Free School District Greenport; Oysterponds (9-12)
Oysterponds Union Free School District Orient and East Marion; Greenporl (9-12)
NP&V understands that the Town's Hamlet Business (HB) district allows both residential and
commercial use. As such, and similar to what was conducted in the 2003 CIS, NP&V will
evaluate several alternative scenm-ios in the preparation of the build out analysis. These include
an all residential build out and an all commercial build out. Moreover, NP&V will evaluate a
third scenario which examines a mix of 50% of each.
Expected task schedule: First week in Mareh through second week in April, 2010.
Deliverables: Report section detailing zoning analysis of Town (excluding Fishers Island), to be
included in Economic Development Outlook Jbr the Comprehensive Plan Update.
Fee: The ~{ke structure assumes that detailed Town GIS data wouM be made available ~{br
analysis purposes. There are several options with regard to,be structure./bt this task and sub-
tasks. NP&V can pet/btm the analysis using GIS shape files provided by the Town, in which the
./be would be $12,000.00. A cost-effective alternative is to enable NP&V to work with the Town
GIS specialist to generate the necessa~3, data ~{br this analysis. The ./be Jbr coordination in a
team-working environment would be based on the hours expended and is estimated to be
Task 6: Tax Base Analysis
NP&V will coordinate with the Town Assessor to review applicable data to establish the current
tax base of the Town. The existing conditions of the Town's land use and tax base will be
analyzed, and NP&V will present general data such as land use descriptions, parcel counts and
total assessed valuations~ This will be organized by the following broad land use categories:
· Residential;
· Vacant land;
· Commercial;
· Recreation and entertainment;
· Community service;
· Industrial;
· Public service; and,
· Public parks, wild, forested and conservation properties
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Economic Development Outlook for the
Comprehensive Plan Update
NP&V will provide a greater level of detail for all commercial properties. Such a detailed
analysis will include parcel counts and total assessed valuations for specific land uses, as
identified by three-digit property classification codes. This will allow for a clear understanding
of the existing composition of the Town's commercial tax base, and will allow for a benchmark
in which to measure the Town's changing fiscal needs.
The distribution of tax revenue to the various taxing jurisdictions within the Town will be
presented. Moreover, budgets associated with fire, police, mnbulance, library, highway and
other special districts will be conducted to gain insight into the sufficiency of the tax revenue
stream to support the services provided by those districts.
School districts comprise the largest portion of the tax levy and as a result, are a critical
consideration in terms of tax revenue and future fiscal needs. The school district breakdown of
potential development will be important in evaluating anticipated future tax revenue. Available
data for the school districts noted in the Zoning and Build Out Analysis (Task 5, above) will be
presented and evaluated. Data will include the total budget, the total number of students, the
number of special education students, the cost to educate both general and special education
students and other available data. Interviews will be conducted with school district
superintendents to determine occupancy and physical plant issues and determine future planning
efforts of these districts. This information will be utilized to establish future needs as related to
the commercial tax base.
As part of the 2003 CIS and the Draft and Final Environmental hnpact Statements prepared for
the CIS, the development potential was used to predict potential impacts related the level of
anticipated development. The development potential data was included in the "Regional Impact
Assessment Model" (RIAM) developed by NP&V to determine quantifiable impacts which
could result from the predicted Build Out potential. Categories analyzed included demographic
information (population, number of children, potential job creation), fiscal information (tax
revenue, pupil education cost, school district revenue/deficit), solid waste generation, water
use/sanitary flow, and vehicle trip generation. The Build Out analysis and the RIAM model
were based on the overall Town (excluding Fishers Island), based on the acres of land in each
zoning district classification.
The RIAM model can be applied to each school district using the revised Build Out analysis
prepared as part of the Zoning and Build Out Analysis (Task 5, above) with specific
consideration of economic data. The commercial development potential within each school
district will be used to estimate the project tax revenue within each school district based on that
development potential.
Expected task schedule: Fourth week in March through third week in April, 2010.
Deliverables: Existing tax revenue distribution, and future tax base needs will be presented in a
report section. Future tax revenue expected based on Build Out ~' commereial and industrial
zoning within each school district will be presented. Economic and operational data .{br each
school district will be presented. The furore tax base nee& will be determined based on the
assessment of tux jurisdictions with particular Jbcus on school districts within the Town.
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Economic Development Outlook for the
Comprehensive Plan Update
Fee: The jke fi)r this task is $7,500.00.
Task 7: Industry Profile
NP&V will gather data pertaining to all industry sectors located within the Town, including
agriculture, tourism and water-enhanced/water-related businesses - the prominent industries that
contribute to Southold's unique character. NP&V will purchase detailed data from commercial
data providers to illustrate the current state of the Town's economy. NP&V will depict the top
industries in terms of the number of persons employed within each sector, the total labor income,
and the total output, in terms of dollar contribution to the local economy. NP&V will present
this data for each of the zip codes, as well as the Town as a whole.
Expected task schedule: Third week in April through fburth week in April, 2010.
Deliverables: Report section detailing prominent industries within the Town, in terms el'
employment, labor income and output, to be included in Economic Development Outlook for the
Comprehensive Plan Update.
Fee: The.fke Jbr this task is $2,500.00.
Task 8: Leakage Analysis
In order to determine whether existing businesses meet the needs of the Town's consumers, it is
necessary to conduct a leakage analysis. This task examines the demand for and supply of
various types of retail to determine if the existing businesses located within the Town are
capturing the full retail sales potential of households within the Town.
NP&V will exanfine the relationship between the demand and the supply, and quantify whether
there exists a leakage, or a surplus among various industry sectors in the Town. In a leakage
analysis, the demand represents the average consumer expenditures among households for
various types of commercial establishments. The supply represents the actual sales revenues
generated by the existing businesses. A leakage emerges when the demand exceeds the supply.
This typically occurs when consumers purchase goods from outside of the Town. On the
contrary, a surplus exists when the supply exceeds the demand, or when retailers are able to
attract persons residing outside of the Town.
In order to measure the difference between the demand and the supply, NP&V will purchase data
specific to both the current consumer expenditures and actual business sales data within the
Town? The seasonal aspects of retail sales will be considered to the extent possible through
quantified data or through qualitative information in the absence of quantified data. Similarly,
throughout the leakage analysis, the tourism-related aspects of the Town's economy will be
considered on a quantified basis where possible, and/or on a qualitative basis as necessary.
NP&V will identify existing leakages and surpluses, and create a set of recommendations on the
specific types of industries that the Town should be focusing their efforts on attracting and
retaining in the downtown areas.
The cost to purchase this data is included in the project cost.
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Economic Development Outlook for the
Comprehensive Plan Update
Expected task schedule: Fourth week in April through second week in May, 2010.
Deliverables: Report section detailing Town-wide leakage analysis, and recommendations on
target industries, both to be included in Eeonomic Development Outlook Jbr the Comprehensive
Plan Update.
Fee: The fke~fbr this task is $3,000.00.
Task 9: Crafting a Sustainable "Recipe"for Southold's Downtowns
Based upon the culmination of the above-mentioned tasks, NP&V will formulate a set of
recommendations for the envisioned economic future of the Town. These recommendations will
stem from the Town's vision statement, work with the Committee, Town officials and other key
stakeholders as well as from economic-specific goals developed through various townqed
planning initiatives. The strategies will ultimately serve as a step-by-step "recipe" that will guide
the Town in creating the highest and best uses for the econotnic success and sustainability of the
downtowns and hamlet centers.
NP&V will prepare a set of recommendations that could include zoning changes, land uses and
planning tools, defined business area and appropriate transitional areas. NP&V will strategize
techniques to revitalize hamlet centers, through design standards, gateway improvements,
signage, lighting, pedestrian access and streetscaping.
An implementation strategy will be created, to ensure achievement of the goals and objectives
outlined in the Comprehensive Plan and the pending update with respect to economic
revitalization. NP&V will work with the Town and other key stakeholders to prioritize the
recommendations and identify a time frame for implementation of each. Further, NP&V will
craft an action plan, detailing local, regional and statewide stakeholders and other parties that
would be responsible for the successful implementation of each strategy. In addition, NP&V
will identify various local, state and federal funding opportunities that may be secured by the
Town to assist in implementation of each strategy.
Expected task schedule: First week in May through J!fih week in May.
Deliverables: Report section detailing specific implementation strategy in attaining sustainable
downtown and hamlet centers, to be included in Economic Development Outlook fi;r the
Comprehensive Plan Update.
Fee: The fee for this task is $9,000.00.
Task 10: Draft Report: Economic Development Outlook Chapter
NP&V will coordinate all analyses and data generated from each of the above-mentioned tasks
into a cohesive and welMntegrated draft report. The draft report will present the methodology,
analysis, findings, recommendations and conclusions pertaining to economic development
opportunities in the Town of Southold. It is assumed that the Town will review the draft report,
and provide comments as applicable.
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Economic Development Outlook for the
Comprehensive Plan Update
Expected task schedule: Drq~? Report will be submitted to the Town the first week in June, 2010.
Deliverables: Draft of Economic Development Outlook, a chapter to be included in the Town's
Comprehensive Plan Update.
Fee: The Jke fi)r this task is $4,500.00.
Task 11: Town Meetings
This task includes the preparation for and attendance at meetings with Town staff, public
hearings, scoping meetings, etc. in connection with the Economic Development Outlook chapter
of the Comprehensive Plan update.
Expected task schedule: Meetings to be held once per month, or on an as-needed basis. The
meeting schedule will be dependent upon the Town's preference. NP & V is flexible and will work
within the timeframe of the Committee and the community calendars.
Deliverables: The tneetings will be scheduled and budgeted at the request of the Town. NP&V
will provide a summary of each work session/meeting notes.
Fee: The Jke Jbr this task is based upon the hours expended and is estimated to be $3,600. OO for
six' (6) meetings. Exact Jkes to be scheduled and budgeted based on the Town's request Jbr
consultant involvement at these meetings.
Task 12: Final Report: Economic Development Outlook Chapter
NP&V will compile all comments from the Town of Southold and prepare a final report to be
included as a chapter within the Town's Comprehensive Plan Update.
Expected task schedule: Final Report will be submitted to the Town during the fimrth week in
June, 2010.
Deliverables: Final report of Economic Development Outlook, a chapter to be included in the
Town's Comprehensive Plan Update.
Fee: The~{ke~{br this task is $2,500.00.
Consultant Qualifications
NP&V's qualifications are attached, and can be found in Appendix A.
Project Schednle
The project schedule is attached, and can be found in Appendix B.
Fee Summary
A summary of fees, broken down by task is attached, and can be found in Appendix C.
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Economic Development Outlook fur the
Comprehensive Plan Update
Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC
Consultant Qualifications
Page 11
Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC was formed in 1997 and has grown in capabilities
and size since that time. The merging of Charles Voorhis & Associates (9 year
history) with Nelson & Pope (a 50-year tradition in engineering and related
services) created an environmental planning fim~ with a wealth of experience to
bring to complex environmental problem solving, planning and feasibility,
resource assessment and site investigations.
Ne{son. Pope & Voorhis serves govemmental and private sector clients in
preparing creative solutions in the specialized area of complex environmental
project management and land use planning and analysis.
Nelson, Pope & Voorhis has the benefit of knowledge of local issues, local
resources, and the passion to provide the very best solutions and strategies for the
local area. This provides unparalleled knowledge of the application of the
community planning process, comprehensive planning and SEQRA
Administration. The result is a team of highly compatible land use professionals
that will get the job done in a manner that ensures real and implementable
Nelson, Pope & Voorhis employees are recognized as experts in enviromnental,
land use and planning issues and have provided consulting services to various
municipalities. NP&V encourages continuing education through participation in
conferences and seminars for all staff and holds regular training luncheons
utilizing APA and other training packages.
Nelson, Pope & Voorhis has a capable staff of professionals, including planners,
ecologists, hydrologists, wetlands specialists and environmental professionals.
When integrated with technical staff of Nelson & Pope, the team is expanded to
include civil, sanitary and transportation engineers and land surveyors.
Ne{son. Pope & Voorhis would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how we can
assist you in achieving your goals. We are committed to providing quality
environmental, planning and consulting services to all clients. This statement of
qualifications is an introduction to the many services we provide with a focus on
municipal services; the following pages contain a more detailed presentation of
services offered by Nelsom Pope & Voorhis, as well as a sampling of completed
projects and key staff resumes.
Call us at (631) 42%5665. We welcome the opportunity to serve your
environmental, planning and consulting needs.
Charles Voorhis is managing partner and is a member of the American Institute
of Certified Planners (AICP) and is a Certified Environmental Professional
(CEP), having over 28 years of experience in environmental planning on Long
Island and the New York area. Mr. Voorhis oversees the business in terms of
management, marketing and expertise, provides expert testimony in hearings and
court proceedings, and ensures that client needs are served to the best of the
firm's ability.
The firm has significant expertise in applied use of the State Environmental
Quality Review Act (SEQRA) with understanding of the practical and legal use
of this law from both the private and municipal perspective. Staffing includes
euvironmental professionals assembled to work together as a team with
complementary expertise and interests. NP&V personnel maintain wildlife
collection permits in New York State, and are active contributors to the Long
Island Geographic Infommtion System (G1S) user group meetings and
The firm has developed a number of copyright protected computer models for
environmental analysis in the areas of: wildlife and ecology; water budget
analysis and groundwater impacts; economic and market analysis; and
stormwater impact prediction. The reports and graphics generated for projects are
high in quality and professionally prepared through the use of state-of-the-art
technology in digital aerial photography, geocoding and mapping of site features
using global positioning syslems, AutoCAD analysis/mapping, geographic
information systems (GIS), CommunityViz, custom spreadsheet models for
regional land use impact assessment, and related technological tools for advanced
data management and word processing. The semnless integration of
environmental and engineering services with Nelson & Pope is accomplished by
direct communication and computer networking to ensure that projects am
managed through the review process to the development stage.
NP&V features three divisions, created to better serve clients with high quality,
innovative and responsive consulting services in all aspects of ~
environmental planning. ~~
specializes in comprehensive local and regional planning. Technology is key in
today's planning field and NP&V continues to keep pace with the most current
tools available for planning applications. Use of Geographic Information System
(GIS) software, 3D Analyst, ArcScene and Spatial Analyst, as well as
CommunityViz (3-D simulation and analysis software), architectural modeling
software, AutoCAD, and planning and analysis software and spreadsheets, results
in rapid, accurate and high quality data, analysis, illustration and reporting. This
division conducts planning studies, revitalization plans, community
development/public participation activities, and hmnan resource analysis
including noise, air, demographic, socio-economic and visual resource
assessment (including 3D simulations, photo simulations and shadow studies).
The division is directed by Kathryn Eiseman, AICP and includes planners and
GIS specialists with environmental, planning and architectural backgrounds.
ASSESSMENT provides quality services in the preparation of Environmental
Impact Statements (EIS's), Environmental Assessments (EA's), planning and
zoning law review and preparation, stormwater permitting and erosion control
compliance, and wetland delineation, assessment, mitigation and permitting.
This division is headed by Carrie O'Farrell and has a capable staff including
environmental scientists, wetland ecologists and environmental professionals to
ensure timely delivery of quality products.
Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESA's), voluntary cleanup,
brownfields cleanup, R1/FS and all aspects of site remediation and investigation.
The division is headed by Steven McGinn, CEI, A1CP, a member of Nelson &
Pope's environmental services branch for t3 years with significant experience in
preparation of Phase 1/II ESA's field investigations and remediation. This
division includes a staff of hydrogeologists and environmental professionals and
coordinates required field equipment and laboratory services. NP&V has
performed large and small assessments and provides the fastest possible
turnaround to meet due diligence periods and deadlines which are often a factor in
real estate transactions. NP&V Phase l/ll ESA services are known and accepted
by lending institutions throughout the tri-state area. NP&V owns, maintains and
operates GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) and PowerProbe units to provide
expanded services in site investigations. A description of NP&V qualifications
and resumes of personnel proposed for the project and~~
specific project experience is included in the following ~~
.¥~tiN~CIPAI Pt,ANNING: Full environmental and planning review services for
municipalities including site plan and subdivision review, zoning board review and
SEQRA Administration...
[¢4EGIONAL AND COMM~NIT5 P[.A~,N~NGi Conceptual site development planning;
public outreach: visioning workshops and charrettes; development alternatives;
zoning; site yield studies; build-out analysis; visual analysis (3-D modeling; photo
simulations) and comprehensive regional and hamlet planning studies...
FEASIBiLI'15 AND D~E DILIC;ENCE AS%ISI'ANCE: Comprehensive research into site
development related issues affecting project implementation, timing and costs...
ECONOMIC ?LANNING: Housing incentives and programs; community development;
and economic impact and market studies...
ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENI': Phase I, II and 111 environmental site
assessments; geophysical surveys; GPR services; remedial investigation and
feasibility studies; Brownfield investigations; voluntary cleanup program; oil spill
closure; groundwater investigations and modeling; asbestos and lead testing and
ENV[RONMEN'IAL SCIENCE AND ANALYSIS: Environmental impact statements (ELS);
assessment forms (EAF); ecological and wildlife studies; noise and air emission
impact studies; and compliance with Federal, State & local enviromnental regulations
& laws...
WETLAND PERMITTING: Flagging and identification of flesh water and tidal
wetlands; preparation of wetland permitting; and wetland restoration plans...
STORM WA'I ER MANAGEMEN'I ~[ ANS: Design of management plans for storm water
and erosion control compliance with latest Federal and State regulations; preparation
and processing of NOI; and site compliance during construction...
WATERFRON'I Ar~4D COASTAL ZONE PROJECTS; Planning; permitting of waterfront
improvement projects; water quality data management and studies; and docking
M~??INc;: Inventory of physical features; GIS mapping; data management and
analysis; and ground penetrating radar for identification of subsurface conditions...
WATERS}tED MANACEMEN]' AND WATER S~[~PL¥: Comprehensive regional
watershed and water supply management and planning studies...
PE~¢MFI'TING AND PROC~,.SSING: Preparation and processing of environmental
applications for submittal; client representation before municipal agencies and
departments and expert testimony for legal support and
hearings... ~~
Many of our clients know of our quality services in tax revenue and demographic impact
analysis including demographic and school district impact assessments. This expertise
combined with our expert use of Geographic Information System (GIS) and census data
has allowed NP&V to complete quality fiscal and economic impact studies since the
company was formed in 1997.
Our fiscal impact analyses identify project benefits in terms of tax revenue projections and
demand for community services from various providers. We have expanded our
capabilities and recently, our economic impact analyses concentrate on an expanded
quantification of project benefits including job generation during the construction and
operation of development, projected salaries, consumer spending, sales tax generation
from spending and other economic "ripple effect" benefits. It is critically important to
understand the full benefits of economic development projects during difficult economic
We now offer nmrket analyses and feasibility studies to determine potential success of
projects related to demand for a given business model, within a trade area, in consideration
of consumer spending, competition and market demand. Such studies are invaluable in
assessing project feasibility and assist with addressing potential socio-economic impacts.
NP&V has a track record of completed, successful and built projects involving fiscal
impact analysis, demographic assessment, market studies and customized analyses of
community service related impacts in nearly all Towns in Nassau and Suffolk Counties.
NP&V's economic plmming expertise can be integrated into economic development
strategies, project feasibility, balancing of mixed-use project scenarios, community
development and assistance progrmr~s and needs assessments. Please contact us for more
information on how we can assist with the economic planning aspects of your
development, re-development, revitalization or community needs assessment project.
Economic Development Outlook fur the
Comprehensive Plan Update
Project Schedule
Page 12
Contract Awm:ded
Task 1: Preliminary Meeting
Task 2: Review of Past Planning and Economic Development Initiatives
Task 3: Limited Compilation of Demographic Inventory and Aualysis
Task 4: Business Inventory
Task 5: Zoning and Build Out Analysis
Task 6: Tax Base Analysis
Task 7: lndusU'y Profile
Task 8: Leakage Analysis
Task 9: Craftiug a Sustainable "Recipe" for Southold's Downtowns
Task 10: Draft Report: Ecouomic Development Outlook Chapter
Task / 1: Town Meetings ;T1w h~tii~ ~h~dalb ¢iii b~ cleP ei~de}~i i~pbtl thb ~S p referen~
Task 12: Fiual Report: Economic Developmeut Outlook Chapter I IIIIIllllllllllllllllll
Page 13
Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC
Fee Summary
Page 14
Economic Development Outlook fur the
Comprehensive Plan Update
The following table provides a detailed cost spreadsheet which indicates tasks, labor hours for
each professional expected to be involved in the project and the cost for each task based upon
wage rates. The cost is provided for technical services for completion of the project as specified
is $47,000.
Task 1: Preliminary Meeting $1,500
Task 2: Review of Past Planning and Economic Development initiatives $1,500
Task 3: Demographic inventory and Analysis $1,000
Task 4: Business Inventory $8,000
Task 5: Zoning and Build Out Analysis* $4,000*
Task 6: Tax Base Analysis $7,500
Task 7: industry Profile $2,500
Task 8: Leakage Analysis $3,000
Task 9: Recipe for Main Street $9,000
Task 10: Draft Report: Economic Development Outlook Chapter $4,500
Task 11: Town Meetings $3,600
Task 12: Final Report: Economic Development Outlook Chapter $2,500
Total: All Tasks* $48,600*
* Note: The fee structure for Task 5 assumes that NP&V will work with the Town G1S specialist to generate the
necessary data for the Zoning and Build Out Analysis. Should the Town opt for NP&V ~o perform the analysis
(using GIS shape files provided by the Town), the fee for Task 5 would be $12,000.00, bringing the total fee to
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