HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-118.-1-9 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Gerard Goehringer, Chair Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: April 21, 2009 ZBA# 6246 (Cardinale) Location: 1134 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-118.-1-9 Request for Variances under Sections 280-15C, 280-18, 280-116B, based on the Building Inspector's October 20, 2008 Notice of Disapproval concerning a proposed accessory garage under construction (after as-built demolition of an accessory garage), which new construction is proposed at less than the code-required nfmimum: (a) less than 50 feet for the fi.om yard setback and (b) less than 75 feet from the bulkhead. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is INCONSISTENT with the denoted following Policy Standards and therefore is INCONSISTENT with the LWRP. Policy Standards Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. A. Minimize potential loss and damage by locating development and structures away from flooding and erosion hazards. The proposed residential structure is located within an AE base flood elevation of 8 feet; an area of special flood hazard with a 1% or greater chance of flooding in any given year. This is the regulatory standard also referred to as the "100-year flood." Southold Town Code requires that the structure be flood compliant pursuant to Chapter 148 Flood Damage Prevention, specifically: 148-1Z Residential structures (except coastal high-hazard areas). A. Elevation. The following standards, in addition to the standards in ~ 148-15B, Subdivision proposals, and ~ 148-15C, Encroachments, and 3~ 148-16, Standards for all structures, apply to structures located in areas of special flood hazard as indicated: (1) Within Zones A 1 - A30, AE and AH and also in Zone A if base flood elevation data are available, new construction and substantial improvements shall have the lowest floor (including basemen0 elevated to or above the base flood level. Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southoid ecosystem 6.3 Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands. The distance from the "as built garage" to the bulkhead is 31 feet; a minimum separation distance of 75 feet is required pursuant to Article XXII Section § 280-116. which states: B. All buildings or structures located on lots upon which a bulkhead, concrete wall, riprap or similar structure exists and which are adjacent to tidal water bodies other than sounds shah be set back not less than 75feet from the bulkhead. The following exceptions will apply: It is recommended that the Board amend the application to meet and/or further the above policy to the greatest extent practicable. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Jennifer. Andaloro, Assistant Town Attorney PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 MEMORANDUM To: Gerard Goehringer, Chair Town of $outhold Zoning Board of Appeals From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner '\~..~,.~j LWRP Coordinator Date: May 15, 2009 Re: ZBA# 6246 (Cardinale) Location: 1134 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-118.- 1-9 I am in receipt of the letter written by William C. Goggins, dated April 27, 2009 referring to the flood zone characteristics of the Alan Cardinale Jr. parcel (ZBA reference number 6246). In the letter, Mr. Goggins, makes a point that the accessory garage is not a residential structure. This is incorrect. Chapter 148, Flood Damage Prevention, establishes two distinct types of structures based upon use: Residential and Nonresidential. Although the terms are not explicitly defined in the chapter, they are referenced in the body of the law as: § 148-18. Residentialstructures (coastalhigh-hazardareas). The following standards, in addition to the standards in § 148-15A, Coastal high-hazard areas, and § 148-15B, Subdivision proposals, and § 148-16, Standards for all structures, apply to structures located in areas of special flood hazard shown as Zone V1 - V30, VE or V on the community's Flood Insurance Rate Map designated in § 148-6: Chapter 148 defines nonresidential structures as: § 148-19. Nonresidentialstructures (exceptcoastalhigh-hazardareas). The following standards apply to new and substantially improved commercial, industrial and other nonresidential structures, in addition to the requirements in § 148-15B, Subdivision proposals, and § 148-15C, Encroachments, and § 148-16, Standards for all structures. It is clear that the differentiation of structure is based .on type of use, therefore, an accessory garage located on a residentially zoned parcel is a residential structure. This interpretation was verified by the Town's Flood Zone Administrator prior to drafting the LWRP Coastal Consistency recommendation. The second point regarding the elevation of the "foundation" and compliance with Chapter 148, Flood Damage Prevention, must be made by the Flood Zone Administrator. please call me with any questions. Cc: Jennifer ^ndaloro, Assistant Town Attorney Office Location: Town Annex/First Floor, North Fork Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 Mailing Address: 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTItOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax (631) 765-9064 November 12, 2008 Mark Terry, Senior Environmental Planner LWRP Coordinator Planning Board Office Town of Southold Town Hall Annex Southold, NY 11971 Re: ZBA File Ref. No. #6246 (CARDINALE JR.) Dear Mark: We have received an application for construction of as built accessory garage, as detailed on the enclosed map. A copy of the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval under Chapter 280 (Zoning Code), and survey map, project description form, are attached for your reference. May we ask for your written evaluation with recommendations for this proposal, as required under the Code procedures of LWRP,Se¢lion 268-5D. Thank you. ::~-~---, ... ~ . Very truly yours, ~ '~ , Gerard P. Goe~nger Chai~ Encls. FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: October 20, 2008 TO: Alan Cardinale Jr. PO Box 561 Mattituck, NY 11952 Please take notice that your application dated July 31, 2008 For permit for an "as built" demolition of an existing accessory garage and construction of a new accessory garage (currently under construction) at Location of property 1134 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 118 Blockl Lot_9 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed accessory garage, on this conforming 81,949 square foot parcel in the Residential R-40 District, is not permitted pursuant to Article III, Section 280-15 (C), which states, "In the case of a waterfront parcel, accessory buildings and structures may be located in the front yard, provided that such buildings and structures meet front yard setback requirements as set forth by this code." Therefore, the construction is not permitted pursuant to Article IV, Section 280-18, which states, "No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the Low-Density Residential R-40 District unless the same conforms to the requirements of the Bulk Schedule and of the Parking Schedule, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full." Bulk schedule requires a minimum front yard setback of 50 feet. The "under-construction" accessory ~arage is noted as being +/- 13 feet from the front property line. In addition, the "under construction" garage is not permitted pursuant to Artcile XXII, Section 280-116B, which states, "All buildings located on lots upon which a bulkhead, concrete wall, riprap or similar structure exists and which are adjacent to tidal water bodies other that sounds, shall be set back not less than seventy- five (75) feet from the bulkhea . The accessory garage is uoted as being +/- 31 feet from the existing bulkhead. This No.ti.c.e~cd~al was,issued based on a survey by Nathan Taft Corwin, LS, lasted dated July 25, zed " ~ CC: file, Z.B.A. Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require additional review from the Southold Town Building Department. APPLICATION TO THE SO .UTHO~D TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS Fee: $ Office Notes: __ Filed By: For Office Use Only Date Assigned/Assignment No. Parcel House No. Il 3q Street ~- rq~{~C ~&t] ~ Hamlet Ci,c[Cl~c.~¢_~ SCTM1000Section~l~ BlockO{~ Lot(s) Oq LotSize I,~ (/c¢d$ Zone I (WE) APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED: ¢9 Applicant/Owner(s): / Mailing Telephone: NOTE: In addition to the above please complete below if application is signed by applicanCs attorney, agent, architect, builder, contract vendee, etc. aild name of person who agent represents: Authorized Representative: for ( ) Owner, or ( ) Other: Address: Telephone: Pleasffcheck box to specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to, from the above names: Applicant/Owner(s) [] Authorized Representative [] Other Name/Address: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED FOR: r~/Building Permit [] Certificate of Occupancy [] Pre-Certificate of Occupancy [] Change of Use [3 Permit for As-Built Construction [lOther: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article, Section, Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code. Article ~-~ Section280- i~'~ ) ~ ,~ i[/,~ 6 Subsection ~' Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: [] A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. [~/A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. [] Interpretation of the Town Code, Article Section [] Reversal or Other A prior appeal [] has ~has not been made with respect to this property UNDER Appeal No. __Year__. (Please be sure to research before completing this question or call our office to assist you.). Name of Applicant:f~i&~ ' ~ ZBA File # REASONS FOR APPEAL (additional sheets ntaF be used with preparer's signature): AREA VARIANCE REASONS: (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties if granted, because: (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: (3) The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: (4) Tbe variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmen~tal conditions in the neighborhood or district because: (5) Has the allege~ difficulty been self-created? ( )Yes, or ( )No. / Are there Covenants and Restrictions concerning this land: [] No. Ii'rYes (please fitrnish copg). This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adeqoate, and at /he same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. Check this box ( ) IF A USE VARIANCE IS BEING REQUESTED, AND, PLEASE COMPLETE THE A TTA CHED USE VARIANCE SHEET: (Please be sure to consult your attorney.) Signature of Appellant or Authorized Agent .~l~{~ (Agent must submit wriUen Authorization from Owner) Sworn berate this ffNotary Public ' BARBARA )~.KINNON No. 011VlO~101870 My C(anmission Expires Nov. 17, ffi I ~ · Page3 Application by: Assigned Application No. Office Notes: Part B: REASONS FOR USE VARIANCE (if requested): For Each and Every Permitted Use under the Zoning Regulations for the Particular District Where the Project is Located (please consult your attorney before completing): 1. Applicant cannot realize a reasonable return for each and every permitted use under the zoning regulations for the particular district where the property is located, demonstrated by competent financial evidence. The applicant CANNOT realize a REASONABLE RETURN because: (describe on a separate sheet). 2. The alleged hardship relating to the property is unique because: 3. The alleged hardship does not apply to a substantial portion of the district or neighborhood because: 4. The request will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood because: 5. The alleged hardship has not been self-created because: 6. This is the minimum relief necessary, while at the same time preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety and welfare of the Community. (Please explain on a separate sheet if necessary.) 7. The spirit of the ordinance will be observed, public safety and welfare will be secured, and substantial justice will be done because: (Please explain on a separate sheet if necessary.] / (-,/) Check this box and complete PART A, Questions on previous page to apply AREA VARIANCE STANDARDS. (Please consult your attorney.) Otherwise, please proceed to the siqnature and notary area below. Sworn to before me this 5~d ~, day of ....... ~ ......... 200_~. (Notary Public) Signature of Appellant or ,~uthorized Agent (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) B,~ McKiNNON No. 01 MC6101870 My Comm~ion Explms Nov. 17, 20 * ~ LBA App 9~30/02 SOUTHOLD BUILDING OEPT 163~7659508 'l'©¥'v~ OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT T'OWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 SoutholdTown.NorthFork-net PERMIT NO- F'AGEq BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLISq DO you have ot need tl~¢ thllowing~ b¢)brc applying' Board of Iqcalth 4 sets of Building Plans Phmnlng Board approval ..... Smwcy. Ch~ck .... Septic 1',oI m N Y.$.D.EC / / ~ Slonn-Watcr Assc~siIl¢llr Fol~n Examined ~ 20~r/ - - ,,'c.7)(') ~ ~ / INSTRUCTIONS a. ~'s application MUST b~ completely filled m by typew~l~r or in ink and sub~ttcd to th~ BuildNg h)spector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plmt to scale. P'gc aecordiug to schedule. b. Plot plan showing locadon of 1ol anti of buildings on premises, relatiousNp to adjoining premises or public s=eets or areas, amt watc~ays. c ~le work covered by this application may uot be commencgd bclb~ msuance of Bail~mg Permit. d. I ipon apploval o{'this appiicatkm, the Building h)s~eetor will issu= a Building l'e~it to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kepl on tM premises avuilable tbr inspgction throughout thc work ¢ No bulldog shall be occupied or used m whoD or in paa k~r any pu~ose what so ever tmtil the Building Nspector ~ssucs u Cc~.ificale of Occupa,cy. f Eve~ bhilding pemit shall exl)ire if thc work auflmdzed has uol commenced witNxl 12 months after ~c date of issuance or bas not buen conlI.)leted within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affcctillg propet~y Nav~ bc~n enacted in fl~c interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, m writing, t){e extension of thc permit lbr an addition six mouths. Thereafter, a new permit shall bc required. ,~Pl JCAT1ON IS HEREBY M~)E m t}~e Bnilding Department IBr thc issuance ora Buikling pemnt p~suant to Building Zone Ordinance of thc Town of Sou~old, Suffolk Counly, New York, and othcr applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations. lb~ the construction of buildings, addilions, m alleration~ or fiw removal or demolition as herein described. The applicam agrees it c reply with all applicable laws. urdinances, buildiag code, housing co(lc, and re~flations, and It> admit authorized inspectors on premises and iu building &>r necessary iuspcCtio,~s (Signature of uppliwml or name, ifa corporation) (Mailing address of applicant) u State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agcnt, architect, enginccr, general contractor electrician, plumber or builder Name ofov/nerofpremiscs ~{at~ ~ 0/i_k6~lt'~'-'t. 0"¢ ~, ~-~Irt~ ~' ' (As on tho tax roll or lalcst d¢cd) If uppIicanl is a corporation, sigmaturc of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders Liccnsc No. Plmnbers Ltccnsc No. Elcctncians License Other Trade's License No. Location (if land on which pro.~osejt work will be dop.¢: " l louse N umber Street Count, Tax Map No. 1000 S,cti,'nl il g Block I Lot 9 Subdiwsion Filed Map No,,..,~3ga*q Lot 0T-50-8008 18:18 SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT 16517659502 PAGE5 State existing use and occupmlcy of premises,and in. tended use and oCc,upancy, of,propos?l construction: a. Existing use and occuparmY OJtuLl[,~t~[ fLm'~ ¢j~44a deck a,~f~ ~tS~two~]. b [ntei~ded use and occupancy ~/31~-"' Nature of work (check which applicable): New 13uilding_ Repaw. Removal _Dcniolition~ k:Mimated Cost ~30,000 Fcc Addition. __ Alteratio~ Other Wurk (Description) (To bc paid on filing this application) Nulllber of dwelling ranis oil ~ach fit )r_ __ If dwelling, number of dwelliag units If garage, number of cars _ ~ Il:business, commercial or mixed occupancy, spccil"y nature and extent of each type of use, Dimensions of existir~g structures, it" any: Front__ __ Rear Depth .. Height Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth__ Height_ Number of Stories Dimensions of entire new construction: Front __Rear _Depth .. Height __ __ Number of Stories Rear _Depth. Sige of lot: FrOllt__ ) Date of Purchase __ Name of Formm' Owl)er t Zone or use district In which premises are situated [.! % ic(e- t'~'ft 4 2. Does proposed constrdction violate ally zorlillg law, ordinance t)r regulation? YES NO 3. Will lot be rc-gr'adcd? YES__ NO__ Will ¢×¢ess fill be rcmoved Ii'om premises? YES__ NO 4 Names of Owner of premises Name of Archilcct __ Nam~ ot (_.ontracto Address __Phone No. --Address. __ __ Pholle No -- -- -- Addrcss __Phone No. __ 5 a Is this propcrty within 100 feet ora tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES__ * IF YES, SOUTHOI.D TOW"N TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMFI'S MAY BE REQIHRED. b. Is this proper~y within 300 feel ora tidal wetland'? * YES N() * IF YES, DEC. pERMITS MAY' BE REQIJ[RED NO 6. pmviclc surx ey. t.o scalc, with accurate fom)dation plan and distances to properly lines. 7. if ele',atim~ at any point ,on property is at 10 t~ct o~ below, must provide topographical data tm survey. 8. Are there an3' covenants and restrictions with respect to this property'? * YES__ · [F YES. PROVIDE A COPY. NO .TATE OF NEW YO.RK) (' ,!D ,~r4 SS: :OUNTY OF ,)fd.'tq'O}~) . ~a,K ~, (-~Cll It4cjov''' ~'''j c. being duly swo,"n, dcpt,:~cs and says that (s)he is the applic,mt (Name of individual signing ctmlraet) abort: named, S)He is the __ (Cmllractor, Agent. C ~ 'po 'ate Officer. etc.) ( said ownt:r or or, nets, and is duly authorized It) pettbrn~ or tl~ve performed thc s~ud work and to nmkc arid tile this applicaIloil; hal all statements contained in this applicatimi arc true m the beat of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be ,ertbrli~ed in Ihe manner set forlh m the application filed therewith 8/~B~ McKINNON NOlary Public - State of New York NO. 01MC6101870 Qualif~d in Sutfolk Cot~ · ~ . .17, 2~1~ q I E.~Z pea ~/ c~ o? 87'16 S 89°26'01 29.46' ~ lO. 5¢ Al" g ./ / ug~a e~ce SURVEY OF PROPERTY SITUATE NASSAU POINT TOWN OF $OUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S,C. TAX No. 1000-118-01-3.1 1000-118-01-09 SCALE 1'=50' DECEMBER 27, 2004 DECEMBER 3, 2006 ADDED PROPOSED ADDITIONS DECEMBER 20, 2006 ADDED ADDITIONAL NOTES JULY 25, 2008 UPDATE SURVEY SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 ADDED GARAGE PROPOSAL LOT AREA DATA (TO TIE LINES & BULKHEAD} S.C. TAX No. 81,949 sq. ff. 1000- 8-01-09 1.881 ac, NOTES: 1, THIS PROPERTY IS SHOWN AS PART OF LOT 116 ON AMENDED MAP A OF NASSAU POINT FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON AUGUST 16, 1922 AS FILE No. 156. 2. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO N.G.V,D. 1929 DATUM, 5. NO ADDITIONAL FILL SHALL BE REQUIRED. 4, THIS PROPERTY IS IN FLOOD ZONE AE (EL 8) AS SHOWN ON FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP No. 36103C0502 G ZONE AE: BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED LAN~ TEST HOLE DATA EXISTING LOT COVEBAGE DATA OVER WETLAND ADJACENT AREA WETLAND ADJACENT AREA= 66,184 sq. ff. DESCRIPTION AREA % LOT COVERAGE HOUSE 3,289 sq. fi, 5.0% VOOD PORCH 2.405 sq. ff. 3.6% GAZEBO 100 sq. ft. 0,2% 3REVlOUSLY EXISTING 516 sq. fl, 0.5% BUILDING PREVIOUSLY EXISTING 165 sq. fl, 0.2% DECK PREVIOUSLY EXISTING 580 sq, fl. 0.9% DRIVEWAY TOTAL 6,855 sq, fi, 10,4% PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE DATA OVER WETLAND ADJACENT AREA WETLAND ADJACENT AREA= 66,184 sq. DESCRIPTION AREA % LOT COVERAGE HOUSE 3,289 sq. fl, 5.0% WOOD PORCH 2,405 sq. ff. 3.6% GARAGE 761 sq, ff. 1.1% GAZEBO lO0 sq, ff. 0.2% CONC, PAB 54 sq, ff. TOTAL 6,609 sq. fi, 10,0% THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. N,Y.S, Lin, No. 50467 Nathan Taft Corw n III Land Surveyor PHONE (631)727-2090 Fax (631)727-1727 27-B812 Office Location: Town Annex/First Floor, Capital One Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 Mailing Address: 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax (631) 765-9064 April ~ 2009 LWRP Coordinator Attn: Mark Terry Planning Board Office Southold, NY 11971 Re: ZBA # 6246 - Alan Cardinale Application and LWRP Recommendation Dear Mark: During the Board's April 23, 2009 hearing, the applicant was asked to address the noted inconsistencies under the policies and standards of Town Code Chapter 268, and pending LWRP reviews. However, the attached letter was received in reply, and furnished for your information. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, lJerard P. (/oehringer-~ ~4(~~ Chairman April 27, 2009 GOGGINS & PALUMBO ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW P.O. Box 65 13235 Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 Phone: (631) 2984200 Zoning Board of Appeals P.O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 APR 2 8 2O09 WILLIAM C. GOGGINS, ESQ. ANTHONY H. PALUMBO, ESQ. TRACY L. KARSCH, ESQ. DONALD A. MATES, ESQ. Of Counsel DONNA M. PALMER Paralegal Re: Variance Application of Alan A. Cardinale, Jr.; No. 6246 Dear Members of the Board: In response to the LWRP Memorandum dated April 21, 2009, please be advised that the Memorandum is inaccurate. The Memorandum states in pertinent part, "The proposed residential structure is located within an AE flood elevation of 8 feet...". In fact, the application is for an accessory garage, not a residential structure. eilso, the elevation of the accessory garage is eight (8) feet. Enclosed please nd a certification from Nathan Taft Corwin, III Land Surveyor showing an ght (8) foot elevation. If you have and questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. WCG/ksc enclosure Nathan Taft Corwin III Land Surveyor, P.C. Successor to Joseph A. Ingegno 322 Roanoke Avenue Phone: 631-727-2090 P.O. Box 1931 Fax: 631-727-1727 Riverhead, NY 11901-0965 E-Mail: NCorwin3@aol.com APR 2 8 2009 April 24, 2009 Alan Cardinale Jr. 1134 Bridge Lane Cutchogue, New York 11935 · RE: Eleva.tion of the foundation of the garage at 1134 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue Dear Alan: The elevation of the foundation of your garage at 1134 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue is at elevation 8.0 feet as referenced to the NGVD Datum of 1929. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at anytime at the urveyor djc