HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuffolk County Water Authority OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jill Doherty, Vice President Town of Southold Board of Trustees .,// From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner ,. f LWRP Coordinato~ Date: December 10, 2009 Re: Proposed Wetland Permit for Location: East Mill Road SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY requests an Administrative Permit to install a 6" water main in pavement in order to get public water to homeowners on East Mill Rd., Mattituck The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney 1531589S273 SUFF.CNTY WATER AUTH 11:t4:30 12-09-2009 1/5 12/89/2889 18:53 765664! 8DARD (:F' ~ PAGE 81 To~m of ~utlmld LWRP CONM~TENCY .ASSESSMENT FOI~M & .IIquTKUCTION6 Berorc an~ thc questions in Section C, the prcparcr of this flxm. sbould ~ew the excmpt minor a~tion list, pol~ and e~mations of each poli~y contained in the Tovm of Soulhold Lomd ff m~V 9uemtea in Seclioa C on ads form is ~ "y~" o~ "Do", thru the ~o~med aetioa ~AH at,et the aohievement of the LWRP poticy standards and medJtlom eontained h d~e cmmiMejmy A ~o~,y of the LWRP is avaflabl~ in fl~e following places: onllne s~ tho Town of' Southold ' s v~tmtte (sou~holdtown.not;dx~ork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, ~ Plmmins 1~, all local h'braries and the Town Clerk's office. ~.. D~"RJP~ON OF u[J-,~ AND PROPO$~ ACTION The AppJ~Kion Isms be4m mbmittmd to (che~ a~q~opr]~ x'mponse): ~ of Towa of 8ouJt~old ~ ~lion~ ~ · 16315895273 12/89/2889 SUFF.CNTY WATER AUTH 15:53 7656641 re,EL 11:15:03 12-09-2009 TRUSTEES PAGE 52 C. Evaluate tbe project to the fellewi~g polklee by analyzlns how dhe pmJeet w~ raflher .uppofl or nm support the polictm. Provide f~ pFoposed Best Management Pmmlees that will further meb policy. heomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POUCY Policy 1, F6steF a part'Fa of development in the Town of Southold that enhances eommunity ebsmem*, p.~f~es open spoce, makes efficient use of inhmucture, mbs beuefldd ue ora ce~tl bm#on, and .b,t~b. mlveFse ~ o~development. See LWRP Se~m III- Pelieies~ Prose 2 for euluatiom r'] so Policy 2. Protect and .p.rue~e historic and trchaeolo~iml resources of the Town of Southold. LWRP Seffien IH -~ges 3 through 6 for evtJuation criteria See [] Y"' [] Nof-~CJ Not Applimbte 16315895273 SUFF.CNTY WATER AUTH 12/09/2889 18:53 7656641 11:15:25 ~2-0~-20~ 3/5 B{~RD OF TRL~=,.~ PAGE 83 l'olfc7 3. Enhance visual ~ sad protect scenie refourees tf~ou&hom the Town of' Southoid. See LWR~ Secfloa nV - Polfdes~ 6 through 7 br evMutiou criterh [] Yes J-~ No ~ot Appffetble NA'JFUIL&L COAST POLIt;u~ Polk'7 4. bfhimb~ loss of ~e, s~ru~mm, end uaturll resources from flood~g md e~osi~n. 6~ LWRP Seetion m-Poli~ies[~ throulh 16 lot evtdustlon eriterh [] Yes [] No ~ ~o~Apphble Protect nd Impreve water quilt7 and mpply in *he Town oF,SoutbobL See LWRP Section !1I - Polf~les 1~ 16 thl_~ ~or evolution ertterh Polk7 6. ~ and rutoFe the' quoli~ end time, ton or the Tawn of' Southold eeee~,stem~ Indudi~ SJpifietnt Cossttl lrbh mKI Wildlife lhbhts nd wethnds. See LWRP Section ~i_ poFtc~ pqU. 22 threugh 32 for eral~mtloa etiterh. ' ! 6315895273 SUFF.CNTY WATER AUTH 12/119/2989 18:53 7656641 Yes No Not ~feable 11:15:43 12-09-2009 4/5 l~ky T. Prot~ md tmlm~ ~dr q~ k ~b Tm of ~a~d. ~ LWRP ~ IIl , l~r~ [-] Yes [] lqo [~ot AppUubb Poliey 8. MinJnia eavirommU] degradation in Town er S~,&eld f~rom selM waste and bazanioas subtaaces and wLm~..~.Lla,lU, Seetion TO - ]PolJebs; Pages 34 through 38 tar evaluatkm criteria. [] Y~ lq*o Iknltble · 16315895273 SUFF.CNTY WA~R AUTH 11:16:0~ 12-09-2009 5/5 7656641 PAGE 05 [ [ [ [ Policy 12. Prot~t agricultural lmds. f~ the Tow~ of Seufitoid. Se~ LWRP Section HI - Policies; Pag~ 62 through 65 for evataatkn griterk. [~ yes ~] No [~Not APPli~ble ~lon/Il- Pol~ ~ thr~ ~ for evalution eriter~. NO VALVE SKETCH ~ AVAILABLE ~ 18-0 EXISTING 8" PLUG(T/J) (00S-10-00-000S) INSTALL 3.`= WIDE TIP-UP SEE PAINT T OF CATCH NOTE: NO WORK CAN BE DONE IF IT'S RAINING OR GOING TO RAIN ALL TRENCH IN ROAD TO BE SWEPTED AND PAVED AT THE END OF THE DAY G" X ~" TEE (ANC.) ~;" VALVE ~ ~X G" ~AINER G~ND D~EDLOC~ ~ ~ NATION~ ~TAND~ Q 5 T~R HYDRANT ~" X ~" TEE (ANC.) VALVE ~ DOX RETAINER GLAND NA~ONAL ~TANDA~ N~ YO~ ~3 1 THUD "MATTITUCK NORTH 5 SURCHARGE AREA" NOTE: COORDINATE SYSTEM: N.Y. STATE PLANE ~tl, LI. ZONE 3104; DATUM: NiD. 19Z CON ,CTOR COPY Suffolk County Water Authorit) INSPECTOR COPY ;type or ~'ro~c~ I~. STOREKEEPER COPY WA~ ~ ~ST~LA~ON I ~otss: ~ ~. ~ ~: ~.: ~ ~o.c/4on ~:9/29/0~ -~l re~tomtion on R.O,W. to be done to N.Y,S. ~ ~ ~: ~. ~ ~:l'=fO0' ~ t ~ ~ specs, ~ ~ ~: ~ 8-0 ~.~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 -~isc. bends & off~et~ may tn ~ ~: ~ ~ ~2~02006 be required ~5-10-~-~05 ~, ~. ~ ~: ~ ~ ~:2~02080 4060 Sunrise Highwoy Ookdale, NY 11769 oo5-1o-oo-oo~9-( ~ ) to~: MA TTITUCK To~hip: SOUTHOLD rite Df~t: MATTITUCK ~ Prqec~**O05- t0-00-0039 ~ Pmj~t:025- I0-00-0095 ~HAYBAILS SEE PAINT VfM= HAYBAILS SEE PAINT 6"-22-1/2° BEND 6" VALVE & BOX BY SCWA CREW INSTALL 2' BLOW-OFF {~ END OF NEW WATER MAIN USING: 1-6' PLUG(T/J) 1-2' CURB STOP & DRAIN 1-2' GALVANIZED CAP 1-2' GALVANIZED ELBOW 2-2" GALVANIZED NIPPLE 2' X 6" 2-VALVE BOXES (COMPLETE) 5'-OF 2" GALVANIZED PIPE BY 8CWA OF NEW WAI t-6" PLUG(T/J 1-2' CURB ~T 1-2" GALVANI t-2' GALVANI 2-2' GALVANI 2-VALVE BOX 5'-OF 2" GAL~ BURY= -+ 530 TEE 8" X 6" REDUCER · 6" VALVE & BOX 6"-22-1/2° BEND