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! Local Government
i GIS Development Guides
I Survey of Available Data
- Evaluating Hard. ware & S.oftware
! Database Planmng & Design
I Database Construction
P~lot Studies & Benchmark Tests
Prepared by:
Erie County Water Authority
National Center for Geographic
Information and Analysis, SUNY at Buffalo
GIS Resource Group, Inc.
Supported by:
New York State Archlves and Records Administration
June, 1996
Prepared under the:
Local Government GIS Demonstration Grant
Supported by:
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund
Local Government Records Services
State Archives and Records Administration
Project Team:
Erie County Water Authority
Mr. Paul Becket, Project Manager
National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis
State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. Hugh Calkins, Project Director
Ms. Carmelle J. C6t6
Ms. Christina Finneran
GIS Resource Group, Inc.
Mr. Graham Hayes, President
Mr. Thomas Murdoch, Vice-President
For More Information, Contact:
Local Government Technology Services
State Archives And Records Administration
9B38 Cultural Education Center
Albany, New York 12230
Phone: (518) 474-4372
Fax: (518) 473-4941
Volume II
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................... 1
Data Required ..................................................................................... 1
Potential Sources of Data ...................................................................... 1
Describing and Evaluating Potential Data ............................................... 9
Reference ................................................................................... 13
Introduction ................................................................................... 14
Sources of Information About GIS ...................................................... 14
GIS Source Book ........................................................... 14
Publications .................................................................. 14
Trade Shows ................................................................. 15
User Groups ................................................................. 16
Selection Process ............................................................................... 17
A- User Groups ............................................................ 22
Introduction ................................................................................... 24
Selecting Sources for the GIS Database ................................................ 25
Master Data List ........................................................................... 25
List of Surveyed Data Sources ....................................................... 26
The Logical/Physical Design of the GIS Database .................................. 30
Procedures for Building the GIS Database ............................................ 33
Procedures for Managing and Maintaining the Database ........................ 35
GIS Data Sharing Cooperatives ........................................................... 36
Matrix Example ................................................................................ 37
1 - GIS Representation of Object and Associated Spatial Object ............ 31
2 - Example of Mapping of E-R Entity and Attfi~'b. ute. List....z ............... 31
3 - E-R Representative of Elements ora Water Distfilmtion System ......32
4 - Physical Design of Several Entities in a Single Layer ...................... 32
5 - Standard Database Relationship with Primary & Secondary Keys ..... 33
6 - Guide to Data Conversion ............................................................ 35
Table of Contents cont'd
Introduction ................................................................................... 40
Information Required to Support Data Conversion Process .................... 41
Data Conversion Technologies Available .............................................. 44
Data Conversion Contractors .............................................................. 47
Data Conversion Processes ................................................................. 49
Attribute Data Entry .......................................................................... 54
External Digital Data ......................................................................... 57
Accuracy and Final Acceptance Criteria ............................................... 58
1 - Steps in Creating a Topologically Correct Vector Polygon Database 40
2 - Grade to Data Conversion ............................................................ 41
3- GIS DataModel .......................................................................... 41
4 - Raster GIS Data .......................................................................... 43
5- Vector GIS Data ......................................................................... 43
Introduction ................................................................................... 60
Pilot Study: Proving the Concept ........................................................ 60
Executing the Pilot Study ................................................................... 65
Evaluating the Pilot Study .................................................................. 68
Benchmark Tests: Competitive Evaluation ........................................... 71
1 - Steps in Creating a Topologically Correct Vector Polygon Database 63
2 - Guide to Data Conversion ............................................................ 65
I Local Government .
I GIS Development Grades
I .
I :.~'~'-
I S~ey of Available Data .:~'~:.
~ep~ed by:
E~e Coun~ Water Au~o~
National Center for Geographic
Information and Analysis, SUNY at Buffalo
GIS Resource Group, Inc.
I Supported by:
New York State Archives and Records Administration
I June, 1996
One of the most important elements of developing a GIS is finding and utilizing the appropriate
data. The form of the data is critical to the overall database design and the success of the analyses
performed with the system. The quality of the results produced from GIS analyses and
applications ultimately resides in the quality of the data used. GIS data can be obtained in various
formats from many different sources. Application requirements based upon quality, scale and level
of completeness will depend upon the needs of the application. Once data requirements are
developed, there are usually a plethora of data options which the potential user can choose from.
Some of these choices will include whether to utilize government- or privately-developed data, cost
in this case will be a major difference. Other choices may involve data currency, scale, accuracy,
and depending upon the application, the data structure, platform specifications or even media
This guideline will discuss various information surrounding available GIS data including
evaluating data requirements, various types and sources of available GIS data, potential datasets.
This guideline will also discuss potential opportunities for data sharing.
Master Data List (from Needs Assessment)
One of the products available from a Needs Assessment is a Master Data List. Based upon
descriptions of the tasks future GIS users will want to perform, a listing of the various required
data is developed.
From the Needs Assessment you will have identified:
· the data entities
· the attributes associated with the entities
The Master Data list is used to prepare a database plan which includes:
· a logical/physical design of the GIS database
· procedures for building the GIS database
· procedures for managing and maintaining the database
In this guide, the procedures for identifying and documenting existing data will be described.
Types of Data
There are many different types of data which can be utilized by a GIS system. Each data type has
its own unique properties and potential for contributing to the overall quality and functionality of
2 GIS Development Guide
the GIS database. These various data types are mapped data, tabular data listings, remotely sensed
imagery, and scanned images. The following sections describe these data types.
Mapped Data/Map Series
Mapped data may refer to published maps found in an existing map series or collection. These
maps should be logically classified based upon their data content (e.g., topographical, hydrological
data). Maps which meet National Map Accuracy Standards are usually produced by federal or state
government agencies. Paper maps, if not already in digital format, can be utilized in developing
the database through vector tablet digitizing or scanning.
Mapped data can also be identified as geographic data which has been digitized into the vector data
structure. Vector map data may be found with or without real-world coordinate information and
may or may not have topological relationships. Many organizations which digitized their map data
in the past, did so utilizing CAD (computer aided drafting), and thus were not able to establish
topological relationships between their spatial elements. Today, there exists software which allows
CAD data to be quickly converted into topologically correct geographic data which can then be
assigned coordinate data within a GIS. Many alternative sources of digital spatial data thus exist,
in addition to the volumes of topologically correct geographic data available from local, state and
federal governments.
Attribute Tables or Lists
A readily available form of GIS input, data tables and listings are available from many different
organizations and government agencies. Various data tables can be obtained as GIS input to
provide additional attributes which will be associated with spatial data elements. These elements
are easily linked using primary relationship keys. Database, spreadsheet or ASCII-delimited text
tables include some of the various import formats available in many GIS systems. Any
organization that maintains a database, or uses spreadsheets to organize their records is able to
create digital listings. Tables and lists are available from almost any government organization as
long as the data does not involve privacy issues which would impede accessing such data.
Image Data (Remotely Sensed Images, Aerial Photos)
Image data is an excellent source of GIS input data. It mainly consists of remotely sensed images
which includes both aerial photographs (in analog or digital format) and satellite images. Aerial
photos are normally captured with analog cameras. These cameras produce photographs whose
data can be very important in a GIS system. Photographs, though not digital, can be digitized by
using a vector digitizing tablet, or they can be scanned, and then input into the GIS as an image. In
either case, the digital version will normally require rectification and re-scaling in order to correct
camera distortions common with most aerial photography.
Until they are converted into a raster GIS format, basic raster images such as satellite imagery or
scanned aerial photographs do not offer any topological connectivity or potential for GIS analysis.
Satellite imagery is captured in raster digital format. With the advent of an open display
architecture, many GIS packages are able to integrate both raster and vector data into the same
display. Remotely-sensed image data is useful within an editing environment for display as a
backdrop for both heads-up digitizing and updating of vector layers, for verification, or for
conversion into raster GIS layers and then subsequently into vector data layers.
Surve}, of Available Data 3
Most remote sensing cameras allow for the capture of infrared images, separating different light
waves into varying band-widths which together and/or alone may show much more information
than a normal camera reading only in the visible spectrum. Most GIS will allow for the display of
these images and will allow for the assigning of different colors to the various bands for the
effective display of the data. GIS packages today also allow for the processing of these images in
order to rectify, warp, and geo-reference the imagery as necessary so that they will be useful as
scaled images. After such procedures, geo-referenced images can be overlaid with similarly geo-
referenced vector imagery for effective display.
Scanned Images (Pictures, Diagrams)
Scanned raster images are able to be displayed in a GIS the same way that satellite images are
displayed. Any raster image, whether it be a scanned map, photograph or diagram, can be easily
input into a GIS for display purposes. Integrating scanned images into a GIS display, or
converting raster data into raster GIS format are fairly routine capabilities for most high-end GIS
packages. As discussed earlier, a GIS allows for the assignment of coordinates to raster image
Scanned maps (as opposed to digitized vector representations) can be effective backgrounds upon
which other GIS vector layers can be displayed. Scanned maps usually contain much valuable
annotation which would be very time-consuming to duplicate in a vector environment. Including
raster images allows for the enhancing of an application by providing the'user with visual display
data which can enhance the user's understanding of the data. Scanned photographs are especially
effective. In many GIS packages, links can be established between an image viewer, which
displays scanned images, and vector geographic features so that when an event sequence is
initiated (e.g. selecting a vector feature), the raster image viewer appears with the specified scanned
There are three major formats in which GIS-usable data can be obtained. They include
hardcopy/eye-readable format, analog image format, and in fully digital format. Unique types of
information can be accessed from each of these data formats.
Hardcopy (Paper, Linen Or Film)/Eye-Readable
Hardcopy maps are easily accessed from a wide variety of organizations. Hardcopy maps, as a
form of GIS source data, can be digitized on a digitizing tablet into vector GIS format, or scanned
and then converted into raster GIS format. Although there are potential accuracy problems which
are associated with paper and linen maps (related to distortions due to shrinkage/expansion of the
media) in capturing geographic features, there is still much unique geographic data which can only
be found on these maps. An example of unique data from paper or linen maps is seen when
seeking geographic data for a certain time period. Much of the digital data which is readily
available may only be the most current, updated data for a region. For example, in order to find
geographic data from before 1970, the only choice may be to access a paper or linen map. Use a
fdm copy of the source docament where available as this will be the most stable media.
4 GIS Development Guide
Accessing dated tabular information for the development of an attribute database may be a similar
endeavor requiring the use of paper documents. Organizations which have been in existence since
before the dawn of digital ~ing systems all had to keep their data in paper "hard-copy" format at
one time. Some of these older records may have been converted into digital form at one point. In
other cases, there may be hard-copy documents which are the only versions of dated material. In
order to conserve space and the integrity of most documents, many might possibly have been
copied onto microfiche.
Image (Picture)
Aerial photography is found to be an abundant geographic data form. Photogrammetry (aerial
mapping) is a common way of creating an accurate and up-to-date land base. Aerial photos
provide the raw data which is necessary for various planimetric and topographic mapping
applications. Photographic images are a very rich data source in that many geographic features can
be seen clearly on a photograph but may not be seen in a paper map or a vector digital file (e.g., a
large clearing within a wooded area would not be differentiated on most paper maps, but it is
clearly visible on the aerial photo).
Aerial photography is available from many sources (i.e.: USGS, DOT, County agencies, etc.) The
federal government has recently developed the National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP) in
which states that desire to have their counties flown may split the cost with the Federal
government. Many useful products are derived from the NAPP including 1:12,000 hard or soft-
copy orthophotographs. An orthophoto is a scanned aerial photograph which has been digitally
rectified using control points and a digital elevation model. The digital versions are especially
useful for GIS applications. If the type of digital aerial photography needed is not available,
organizations can create a request for proposal to solicit bids for aerial mapping, although this can
be very expensive.
Within the digital format genre, there are many different varieties of data available. These various
options are becoming as numerous as what is currently available in paper maps. In terms of map
graplfics, there axe again two different data structures which are quickly integrated into today's GIS
systems: these are raster and vector data formats. Tabular data can be found in digital data format
most frequently. Various forms of digital spatial data which are currently available in raster format
may include some of the following:
Scanned maps and aerial photography
Satellite Imagery
Digital Orthophotography
Digital Elevation Models
Some of the various forms of digital spatial data which are currently available in vector format may
include some of the following:
Topological vector linework
Non-topological vector linework
Annotation layers
Survey of Available Data 5
Some of the various forms of digital attribute data which can be input into a GIS includes t-fie types
associated with various software components: spreadsheet, database and word-processing. Some
of the f'fle formats which can be utilized include: dBase, Excel, and ASCII delimited text.
Government Sources
Government is the largest single source of geographic data. Data for most any GIS application can
be obtained through federal, state, or local governments. Various data formats, whether paper,
image or digital, can all be obtained through government resources. The following subsections
give basic descriptions of the datasets which are available through some federal, state and
regional/local government agencies.
Federal Data Sources
The federal government is an excellent source of geographic data. Two of the largest spatial
databases which are national in coverage include the US Geological Survey's DLG (Digital Line
Graph) database, and the US Census Bureau's TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic
Encoding and Referencing) database. Both systems contain vector data with point, line and area
cartographic map features, and also have attribute data associated with these features. The TIGER
database is particularly useful in that its attribute data also contains census demographic data which
is associated with block groups and census tracts. This data is readily used today in a variety of
analysis applications. Many companies have refined various government datasets, including
TIGER, and these datasets offer enhancements in their attribute characteristics, which increases the
utility of the data. Unfortunately, problems associated with the positional accuracy of these
datasets usually remain as these are much more difficult to resolve. Satellite and digital orthophote
imagery, raster GIS datasets, and tabular datasets are also available from various data producing
companies and government agencies.
The following information on federal agencies was taken from the Manual of Federal Geographic
Data Products developed by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC). To contact the
Federal Geographic Data Committee Secretariat
US Geologic Survey
590 National Center
Reston, VA 22092
Phone 703-648-4533
The departments all have different agencies and bureaus within them which offer various listings
on the types of data which are available (e.g. conceming data structure, scale, software export
format, source data, currency, what applications the data can be used for), and from which
agencies they can be acquired. The reader is encouraged to consult this manual for further
information regarding the geographic data products related to these organizations.
6 GIS Development Guide
The Agriculture Stabilization & Conservation Service: R
Forest Service: B, H, L, Sur, T
Soil Conservation Service: H, Sub, Sur
Bureau of the Census: B, S, H, Sur
Bureau of Economic Analysis: B, S
National Environmental Satellite Data & Info. Service: A, Ged, Gep, H, R, Sub, Sur, T
National Ocean Service: Ged, H, R, Sub, Sur, T
National Weather Service: A, R, T
Defense Mapping Agency: B, H, Sur, T
Centers for Disease Control: B, S
Bureau of Land Management: B, H, L, R
Bureau of Mines: Sub
Bureau of Reclamation: H, Sur
Minerals Management Service: B, H, L
National Park Service: B, H, Sur, T
US Fish & Wildlife Service: H, Sur
US Geological Survey: A, B, S, Ged, Gep, H, L, R, Sub, Sur, T
Federal Highway Administration: Sur
Federal Emergency Management Agency: H
National Aeronautics & Space Administration: H, L, R, Sub, Sur
Tennessee Valley Authority: B, S, Ged, H, L, R, Sub, Sur, T
Federal Agency Data Product Code:
A = Atmospheric H = Hydrologic
B = Boundaries L = Land Ownership
Ged = Geodetic R = Remotely Sensed
Gep = Geophysics S = Socioeconomic
Sub = Subsurface
Sur = Surface and Manmade Features
T = Topography
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
There is a wealth of geographic data which can be accessed from federal and state agencies over the
intemet. Most federal agencies which deal with geographic data have File Transfer Protocol (FFP)
servers storing various geographic datasets. These servers allow organizations to download digital
data over the intemet. One of the most populated servers is the US Geological Survey FrP server,
which holds all of the USGS Digital Line Graph fries (the USGS server FrP address can be found
Survey of Available Data 7
by calling the USGS at 1-800-USA-MAPS). The Census Bureau also has an FTP server which
allows organizations to access portions of its TIGER/Line file database. Government FTP servers
can be searched for on the internet using ARCHIE.
Many federal and state agencies and corporations which deal with geographic data have intemet
home pages which can be accessed on the Word-Wide-Web. The US Geological Survey (USGS)
home page (URL address: http://www.usgs.gov), like the USGS FTP server, contains a wealth
of information about USGS geographic data and how it can be used. From the USGS home page
it is possible to search for, view, and download USGS data. One can also obtain USGS Fact
Sheets, general information on the USGS, educational resources, publications, research papers,
and informational resoumes on other internet sites. Most federal agencies have their own home
page and are structured similarly to the USGS home page. Most major GIS software vendors also
have intemet home pages. Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESR1), Inc. has an excellent
home page (URL address: http://www.esri.com) which contains a wide assortment of useful
State Government Agencies
There are many New York State agencies which are good sources of GIS data. Three of these
organizations include the Department of Transportation, the Department of Environmental
Conservation, and the Office of Real Property Services.
The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) offers data in paper and digital file
formats. Paper topographic maps can be obtained at various scales. Most applicable to GIS
needs, the NYSDOT has developed digital spatial files which are part of the New York State
County Base Map Series. The Base Map Fries, though created with a CADD (Computer Aided
Design and Drafting), have been designed for use in a GIS. The Department has developed a file
structure which will allow for their conversion into a topological GIS format. There are various
data layers available within this database including: Roads, Boundaries, Hydrography,
Miscellaneous Transportation, and Names (NYSDOT, 1994). For further information, see Digital
Files from the County Base Map Series from the NYSDOT.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) is another state
organization which offers GIS data in varying formats. In 1990, the NYSDEC compiled an in-
house inventory of its geographic data sources called the "Geographic Data Source Directory. The
directory contains information on all of the DEC's geographic data sources with potential GIS
applications. The DEC divided its data into the following categories: Air Resources, Construction
Management, Fish and Wildlife, Hazardous Substances Regulation, Hazardous Waste
Remediation, Lands and Forests, Law Enforcement, Management Planning and Information
Systems Development, Marine Resources, Mineral Resources, Operations, Regulatory Affairs,
Solid Waste, and Water (Warnecke et al, 1992). A copy of the directory is available from
NYSDEC. Call your local office or the main office in Albany.
The New York State Office of Real Property Services (ORPS) has developed a database known as
RPIS (Real Property Information System) which contains information on all tax parcels in the
state. Each parcel contains a coordinate representing the center point of the parcel and attribute
information which includes: unique land-based parcel identification numbers and descriptive
information, such as land use, locations, sales information, exemptions, and other parcel
8 GIS Development Guide
attributes. RPIS data is available to local assessors, real property assessment offices, corporations
and the general public for a nominal fee.
The New York State Department of Health (DOH) uses GIS in its work in analyzing and mapping
environmental health risk areas and hazardous waste sites. The DOH has a database containing
Census Bureau TIGER files and parcel maps. These GIS files can be acquired by the public.
Some other agencies which have GIS databases and which may have data usable in a GIS include:
the Adirondack Park Agency (APA); the Hudson River Valley Greenway; New York
Metropolitan Transportation Council; the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation;
Department of Public Service; State Emergency Management Office; New York City Department
of Environmental Protection (Hilla, 1995); State Data Center Aff'thates (various NYS Counties).
Please note these are all examples and not intended to be an exhaustive list.
Regional And Local Governments
Many regional and local government agencies and organizations maintain GIS databases. These
agencies may have data sharing arrangements with local companies and other municipalities.
Information identifying which government agencies and companies have available GIS data layers
may be found in regional or local GIS data directories. One such regional data directory developed
within New York State is the Regional Directory of Geographic Data Sources for Genesee/Finger
Lakes Counties. The directory contains information on participating government agencies and
companies which have GIS data layers, then lists information regarding these layers, and provides
the name, address and phone number of the person within the organization who can be contacted
for further details or data sharing arrangements (GIS/SIG, 1995).
Private Data Firms
There are companies that will develop data for a local government. These companies will develop
programs based on contract data conversion or public/private partnerships. Contract data
conversion fa'ms are available for those organizations that wish to have custom geographic datasets
developed. Usually, the development of these datasets involves the client organization providing
existing source data (e.g., paper maps) to the data development firm, which then converts the data
into digital format
In public/private partnerships, the company will work out an agreement with the local government
that will provide data conversion but also retain the ability to market, sell and/or use the digital data
that was created. Public/private agreements are just emerging as a method for creating GIS
databases cost effectively. When considering a public/private parmership, issues such as
ownership, access, freedom of information requirements and long-term data maintenance must be
addressed as well as the cost sharing of building the database.
Survey of Available Data 9
The next step is to actually survey the various departments within the local governments and other
external sources to determine what data is available for use in the GIS and what "condition" the
data is in.
Metadata Documentation
The first step will be to document the data by developing metadata files for each database available.
The metadata fde is used for two roles. 1) develop information that will be used to evaluate the data
for use in a GIS and 2) fulfill the metadata requirements for data once it is used in a GIS.
For each potential data source for the GIS database, the map series, photos, tabular fries, etc. just
be identified, reviewed, and evaluated for suitability to use in the GIS. Maps, photos, and
remotely sensed data are the most likely sources and should be evaluated for:
· appropriate scale
· projection and coordinate system
· availability of geodetic control points
· aerial coverage
· completeness and consistency across entire area
· symbolization of entities (especially positional accuracy of symbol due either to size of
symbol or off-set placement on map)
· quality of linework and symbols
· general readab'flity and legibility for digitizing (labels)
· quality and stability of source material (paper/mylar)
· amount of manual editing needed prior to conversion
· edge match between map sheets
· existence and type of unique identifies for each entity (often entities shown on in map
series used so-called "intelligent" keys or identifiers where an identifier for an object
contains the map sheet number and/or other imbedded locational cedes - in database
design, it is much better to avoid "intelligent" keys of this type, particularly locational
· positional and attribute accuracy
All of the above information needs to be documented for each potential data source. If a particular
data source is then used to build part of the GIS database, some of this information will become
pan of the permanent metadata.
The metadata software accompanying this guideline provides three tables for recording the basic
metadata about a potential data source. The content of these tables is listed below. The first table
contains information on the source document (or file); the second table can describe each entity
contained on a source document; and the third table can describe each attribute of an entity. Once
again, only the most basic entries have been included in the supporting software in order to keep
the software simple an straightforward. A particular user may wish to expand the tables provided
to meet his/her specific needs.
10 GIS Development Guide I
Data Objects
Identified Dudng
Needs Assessment
Preparation of
Data Model
Add Record
Retention Schedules
to Metadata
Match Needed Data
to Available Data
and Sources
Prepare Detailed
Database Plan
GIS Database
Continuing GIS
Database Maintenance
Survey and Ev~luatJo~
o~' Available Data
Map and Tabular
Data Conversion
Database QA/QC Editing
Figure 1 - Life Cycle of a GIS Database: Source Documents
Database Backups
Survey of Available Data 1 1
The following lists the fields of the three tables that contain source data information:
Source Documents
Source Document Name:
Source ID #:
Source Organization:
Type of Document:
Number of Sheets (map, photo, etc):
Source Material:
Projection Name:
Coordinate System:
Date Created:
Last Updated:
Control Accuracy Map:
Reviewed By:
Review Date:
Spatial Extent:
File Format:
Parcel Map
Town of Amherst
State Plane
National Map Accuracy Standard
Variable; 1" = 50 ft To 1" = 200 ft
Lee Stockholm
Town of Amherst
12 GIS Development Guide
Entities Contained In Source
Source ID #:
Entity Name:
Spatial Entity:
Estimate Volume Spatial Entity:
Accuracy Description Spatial Entity:
Reviewed By:
Review Date:
Scrub Needed:
126 per map sheet
National Map Accuracy Standard
Lee Stockholm
Attributes By Entity
Source ID #:
Entity Name:
Attribute Name:
Attribute Description:
Code Set Name:
Accuracy Description Attribute:
Reviewed By:
Review Date:
SBL Number
Section, Block, and Lot Number
John Henry
Additional Criteria For Evaluating Potential Data Sources
As the survey is being conducted, it is important to consider the following issues about the data:
· Is the data current and what is it's continuing availability?
Is the data suitable for intended applications?
· Is the quality of the data appropriate for the type of applications needed? This
should include both locafional and attribute accuracy.
· Is the data cost effective?
Survey of Available Data 13
The Manual of Federal Geographic Data Products, developed by the Federal Geographic Data
Committee, is an excellent source for information on geographic datasets produced by agencies
within the federal government. Listed by federal agencies and bureaus within each federal
department, them are listings on the types of data which are available (e.g. concerning data
structure, scale, software export format, source data, currency, what applications the data can be
used for), and from which agencies they can be acquired.
To order contact:
Federal Geographic Data Committee Secretariat
US Geologic Survey
590 National Center
Reston, VA 22092
Phone 703-648-4533
New York State Department
Map Series.
of Transportation data listing: Digital Files from the County Base
Map Information Section
Mapping and Geographic Information Systems Bureau
New York State Department of Transportation
State Office Campus
Building 4, Room 105
Albany, New York 12232
Phone: (518) 457-3555
Example of a Regional Level GIS Data Directory:
1995 Regional Directory of Geographic Data Sources, developed by the GIS/SIG (Geographic
Information Sharing/Special Interest Group) for New York State's Genesee/Finger Lake Region
Counties. The directory is a hsting of the various data sources which are available from local
companies, and local government agencies in the Genesee/Finger Lakes Region.
The International GIS Source book, published by GIS World, Inc. is an annual publication which
contains an excellent "Data Soume Listings" chapter. It provides a wealth of information on
companies which produce GIS datasets and also provides descriptions of the data they produce.
The chapter also lists the different types of spatial data produced by public agencies, and lists data
availability and contacts.
Hilla, Christine M. "The Revolution of Geographic Information Systems in Land Use and
Environmental Planning in New York State," Environmental Law in New York, Vol 6, no. 3.,
March, 1995.
Montgomery, Glenn E. and Harold C. Schuch, 1993. GIS Data Conversion Handbook. Fort
Collins, CO: GIS World, Inc., pp. 89-91.
NYSDOT (New York State Department of Transportation), Digital Files from the Coun _ty Base
Map Series, mapping and Geographic Information Systems Bureau (1994).
Warnecke, L., J. Johnson, K. Marshall and R. Brown, State Geographic Information Activitie~
Compendium, 294 Council of State Government (1991).
[ Local Government
[ GIS Development Guides
! .
· d~ ,~. ~ i ~,~ ~ ... ~,.;,.~ ~e~ ~?.,,,t.~.~.~$,X~~
I Ev~uating GIS H~dw~e '
[ ~d Softw~e :~'
~ep~ed by:
E~e Coun~ Water Au~o~
National Center for Geographic
Information and Analysis, SUNY at Buffalo
GIS Resource Group, Inc.
Supported by:
New York State Archives and Records Administration
June, 1996
Purpose of Guide
A GIS is more than just hardware and software. It is a complex system with multiple
components: Hardware, Software, People, Procedures and Data. The purpose of this guide
is to focus on the hardware and software components of the system and how to acquire
information on what is available.
Deciding what hardware and software to use for your GIS is a difficult yet important task.
It will make up the foundation on which you will build your system. There is no clear-cut
formula to use to make the selection process easier. In this guideline we will give you
suggestions that you can use to evaluate various systems and sources for additional
To develop an understanding of GIS, you will need to get information about GIS systems.
Here is a sampling of references to start with. This is not a comprehensive listing. Use it as
a starting point and spread out from there.
GIS Source Book
The GIS source book is a good reference book that will give you a great deal of
information about software vendors, trade associations, product specifications and more.
This book is published by:
GIS WorM, Inc.
155 E. Boardwalk Drive, Suite 250
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: 303-223-4848
Fax: 303-223-5700
Internet: info@gisworld.com
Other Publications
Conference Proceedings
Each major GIS conference publishes the proceedings from their event. Contact the
association listed in Attachment A for information on how to obtain these
1 5 GIS Development Guide I
Scholarly Journals
There are a number of scholarly joumals that deal with GIS. These are published on
an on-going basis.
Cartographica - Contact: Canadian Cartographic Association
Cartography and Geographic Information Systems - Contact: American
Cartographic Association
International Journal of Geographical Information Systems - Contact: Keith
Clark at CUNY Hunter College, New York City
URISA Journal - Contact: Urban and Regional Information Systems
Trade Magazines
There are a number of trade magazines that are focused on GIS. They are:
GIS World
GIS World Inc.
155 E. Boardwalk Drive
Suite 250, ]Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: 303-223-4848
Fax: 303-223-5700
Intemet: info@gisworld.com
Business Geographics
GIS World, Inc.
155 E. Boardwalk Drive, Suite 250
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: 303-223-4848
Fax: 303-223-5700
Intemet: info@gisworld.com
Geo Info Systems
Advanstar Communications
859 Williamette St.
Eugene, OR., 97401-6806
Phone: 541-343-1200
Fax: 541-344-3514
Intemet:geoinfomag @ aol.com
WWW site:http://www.advanstar.com/geo/gis
GPS World
Advanstar Communications
859 Williamette St.
Eugene, OR., 97401-6806
Phone: 541-343-1200
Fax: 541-344-3514
Intemet:geoinfomag @ aol.com
WWW site:http://www.advanstar.com/geo/gis
Evaluating GIS Hardware and Software 16
Association Newsletters
Many associations have newsletters that cover GIS topics and can be a good source
of information. Contact the organizations listed in attachment A for more
Books with vendor specific information
There is a number of books published about GIS and related topics. Here are some
of the publishers:
Onword Press
2530 Camino Entrada
Sante Fe, NM, 87505-4835
Phone: 505-474-5132
Fax: 505-474-5030
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
605 Third Avenue
New York, NY, 10158-0012
ESRI, Inc.
80 New York Street
Redlands, CA 92373-8100
Phone: 909-793-2853
Fax: 909-793-4801
GIS World, Inc.
155 E. Boardwalk Drive, Suite 250
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: 303-223-4848
Fax: 303-223-5700
Internet: info@gisworld.com
Vendor Booths at Trade Shows
A wealth of information is available at trade shows from vendor booths. These can range
from the general product literature to white papers and technical journals. This is also a
good time to gather a large amount of information on different companies in a short period
of time.
User Groups
User Groups are another soume of valuable information and support. There are a number
of user groups that have formed to provide support and professional networking. GIS user
groups are formed around a geographic region or by users of specific software products.
New users are always welcome to these groups. A listing of users groups is contained in
Attachment A
1 7 GIS Development Guide I
Current Users
The best way to gauge a vendor is by talking to their installed sites. The information that
you get from talking to these users will be valuable insight into the type of company you
will be working with. Ask the vendors you want to explore for a list of all of their users in
the area or that are similar to your organization. Ask for contact names and phone
numbers/e-mall addresses.
Initially you will need to evaluate the software independently of hardware. The software
will be selected based on the functionality it offers. Your hardware selection will be based
on the GIS software you select and the operating system strategy your organization uses.
You will need to test the hardware and software together making sure it works as
The nature of hardware and software technology is that it changes. In recent years it has
been changing very quickly. Don't let this stop your efforts. It is easy to get intimidated.
The important thing to remember is to get a product that has been proven in the marketplace
and continues to have a clear development path. Avoid technology that is outdated or is on
the bleeding edge and has not been proven.
Software is evaluated on functionality and performance. In the Needs Assessment guide the
need to identify the functionality was discussed. Here is where you will begin to use this
What is important here is the ability of the software to do the things you need it to do in a
straightforward manner. As an example, if the intended users are relatively new to using
computers, the software has to have an easy to use graphical user interface (GUI). If the
organization needs to develop specific applications, the software should have a
programming language that allows the software to be modified or customized.
In the Needs Assessment Guide, the final report contains tables and references to the
functionality you will need. Use this in developing the overall functionality required for the
Standards are a way of making sure that there is a common denominator that all systems
can use. This can be in the form of data formats that can import and export data into the
system, guidelines used for developing software, supporting industry developed standards
that allow different applications to share data. Standards are generally developed by a
neutral trade organization or in some cases are defined by the market.
Evaluating GIS Hardware and Software 18
There is a group that has formed for the GIS industry called Open GIS. This organization
is developing standards for developers to use as they engineer software. Open GIS is made
up of representatives from the software developer companies.
The performance of the software is dependent on two factors, 1) how it is engineered and
2) the speed of the hardware it is running on. GIS software is complex and will use a large
amount of the system resources (memory, disk, etc.). The more complex the software, the
more resources it will need.
Performance will be impacted if you have a minimally configured computer. Look for the
developer's software specifications to see what configuration is needed to run the software.
This will give you the minimum requirements. Follow this up by getting the recommended
specifications from the developer or a user group. These recommendations will give you a
more accurate idea of the type of configuration you will need.
The software needs you have today will change over time. More than likely your system
will need to expand. Is the software being evaluated able to provide networking
capabilities? Will it share data with other applications? Will it grow as the organization's
GIS grows? Evaluate software based on the ability to grow with you. This may mean that
there are complimentary products that can be used in conjunction with the package you are
evaluating today or the developer has clearly defined plans for added functionality. Talk
with other users to see if the developer has a good track record for providing these
GIS software is not purchased, it is licensed. There is normally a one-time license fee with
an on-going maintenance fee that provides you with the most current versions of the
software as they are released. In large systems this will be spelled out in a licensing
agreement with a corresponding maintenance agreement. For desktop software a shrink
wrap license is used with subsequent releases being offered to existing users through a
discounted upgrade. The maintenance fees and upgrade costs generally run between 15% to
30% of the initial license fee.
The terms in most software packages spell out how the software can and cannot be used.
Have the terms of the license reviewed by an attorney before signing up. This can save
hassles later as you are developing and using your system.
When discussing hardware, there are terms/concepts that you need to understand. The
following is a discussion of these. However, GIS software selection drives the hardware
requirements. Therefore before launching a full scale evaluation of hardware, make your
selection for the GIS software you will be using.
1 9 GIS Development Guide I
Hardware can be broken down into the following basic components:
Operating System
Operating Systems
An operating system is the software that runs the computer hardware. It is this program that
tells the computer what to do and how to do it. You may already be familiar with some of
the operating systems that are on the market such as Microsoft's Windows product or
various brands of the UNIX operating system.
It is important to have an Operating System plan within your organization. The plan should
take into account the departments that will be using the computer system, the type of
network being used (or being planned), what operating systems are currently being used,
how large the database is and what kind of technical support skills you have access to (in-
house or contractor).
The GIS will need to fit into your operating system plan. This will be important as you add
other departments onto the system.
The processor or CPU (central processor unit) is the part of the computer that actually does
the calculations or "processes" the instructions being sent to it. The most common term that
describe the processor's capabilities is the clock speed. This is stated in terms of MHz
(MegaHertz). The clock speed simply describes how many cycles per second the
processor works. The higher the clock speed the faster the processor.
Another description of the processor's capability is how many bits it can access at one time.
Many of the new processors are 32-bit processors. This means that the CPU can access or
"grab" 32 bits of information during each cycle. Older computers such as a "386" machine
where 16-bit machines. There are some machines on the market that manufacture a 64-bit
machine (such as Digital Equipment Corporation). These are very fast CPU's but are
hampered by the lack of a 64-bit operating system that can take advantage of it's speed. It is
the direction the hardware industry seems to be heading.
The disk or hard drive is the device used to store the operating and application software. It
is also used to store data and images. In working with a GIS you will quickly find out that
GIS uses a large amount of disk space. It is not uncommon to have multiple gigabytes of
hard drive on a single end-user machine and 10 - 20 gigabytes on a central data server.
Luckily the prices of hard drives have been coming down and will continue to be
Evaluating GIS Hardware and Software 20
Memory or random access memory (RAM) is used as a temporary storage space by the
operating system and by the application software which is running on the computer. Most
applications run better as the amount of memory increases. This is true up to a point. At
some point, the performance increases will begin to taper off as additional memory is
added. Most software developers can give you configuration data that indicates where this
point is.
The trend in most systems today is to link up users throughout the organization on a
network. This is an area in the computer industry that is advancing very rapidly. It is
recommended that you retain a competent consultant who works with networks to give you
detailed and current information.
In simple terms, a network is a connection between computers that allows information to be
passed around from computer to computer. In a typical organization, this is a local area
network (LAN). In order to connect a computer to the network it will need a network card
for the wiring to plug into and network software to allow the computer to transmit and
receive signals over the wiring. Of course the physical network (wiring) is also needed.
A small network within a department is inexpensive and can allow the users to share
network resources such as printers and database servers. The network can provide
services like e-mail and disk sharing. It can also be the entryway into larger networks that
go outside the building or campus your organization is located on. This is called a Wide
Area Network (WAN). A WAN requires a more structured network architecture. It does
give users access to more resources.
Another important point to consider is developing access to the Internet. This specialized
network is growing rapidly and provides an incredible amount of resources for a user. The
Internet is an area to share ideas in a GIS forum, download data for use in the system, get
technical support for a problem, get the latest information on a product from a vendors
home page or develop one of your own. The amount of information is overwhelming and
too diverse to list in this guide. The point is that you should seriously be considering
getting a connection to the Internet. When considering your network, factor this into the
Benchmarking a System
Benchmarking a GIS can be a very involved process. The level of effort needed for the
benchmark should be proportional to the size and complexity of the overall system being
developed. A benchmark is the process of testing various combination of hardware and
software and evaluating their functionality and performance. The benchmark is usually part
of an RFP process and is only done with a limited number of selected vendors (i.e.: those
that have been shortlisted). Each combination is tested under similar conditions using a
predefined data set that is indicative of your database. This data set should be used with ail
of the hardware / software configurations selected for evaluation. When completed, an
organization will have results that can used to objectively evaluate the systems.
21 GIS Development Guide
Setting It Up
When putting a benchmark together there is strength in numbers. Get a committee together.
A committee will take the burden off of one person and give the process more objectivity.
Have representation from all the interested departments and agencies within the
organization. A working group of about 8-10 committee members is reasonable.
The committee will develop the criteria that will be used to evaluate the systems. Use the
Needs Assessment documentation as a reference for this. These criteria will form the basis
of the benchmark. Develop a series of tasks that each vendor will need to complete during
the benchmark. The tasks should be measurable (i.e.: time, ease of use, can the function be
done). Also prepare a form that each of the committee members will use to rate the tasks
performed in the benchmark.
In your benchmark you will not only be to rating various aspects of the system, you are
also going to be rating the vendor. Be sure to include some measurement for teamwork,
communication, and technical skills of the vendor. It might be useful to work with a
consultant that has experience setting up benchmarks or to get advice (and examples of
documentation) from another local government who has recently completed a benchmark.
Well in advance of the scheduled benchmarks, send out information that outlines the tasks
the vendor will need to perform and any roles they will need to follow (how much time for
set up, time given to perform various tasks, how many people can be present for the
benchmark, etc.).
Vendor Support
The vendor you select will become an extended team member for your GIS. There needs to
be a good "fit". The vendor will be a good source of support and information. All vendors
provide some type of technical support. Ask current users how it has worked for them. If
there have been problems in the past, do existing users see improvement? The GIS industry
has been growing very fast over the last few years, there are bound to be some growing
pains. What you should be looking for is a vendor who listens to what you need and makes
improvements based on user input.
Evaluating GIS Hardware and Software 22
Attachment A - User Groups
New York State
Western New York ARC/INFO Users Group (WNYARC)
Buffalo arem
Contact: Graham Hayes
GIS Resource Group, Inc.
Rochester Area:
Contact: Scott Sherwood
Multi-County GIS Cooperative
Tri-County GIS Users Group
Southern Tier:
Contact: Jennifer Fais
New York City:
Contact: Jack Eichenbaum
Capital Region ARC/INFO User Group (CAPARC)
Albany Area:
URISA New York State Chapter
Contact - Lee Harrington, Professor
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Phone: 315-470-6670
Fax: 315-470-6535
Long Island GIS (LIGIS)
Contact: Joseph P. Jones
23 GIS Development Guide
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM)
5410 Grosvenor Lane
Bethesda, MD, 20814
Phone: 301-493-0200
Fax: 301-493-8245
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
5410 Grosvenor Lane
Bethesda, MD, 20814
Phone: 301-493-0290
Fax: 301-493-0208
Association for American Geographers (AAG)
1710 Sixteenth St. N.W.
Washington D.C., 20009-3198
Phone: 202-234-1450
Fax: 202-234-2744
Automated Mapping/Facility Management International
(AM/FM International)
14456 East Evans Ave.
Aurora, CO, 80014
Phone: 303-337-0513
Fax: 303-337-1001
Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG)
Burnside Hall, McGill University
Rue Sherbrooke St. W
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2K6
Phone: 514-398-4946
Fax: 514-398-7437
Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG)
206-1750 rue Courtwood Crescent
Ottawa, Ontario, K2C 2B5
Phone: 613-224-9851
Fax: 613-224-9577
Urban And Regional Information Systems Association (URISA)
900 Second St. N.E., Suite 304
Washington, D.C. 20002
Phone: 202-289-1685
Fax: 202-842-1850
Local Government
GIS Development Guides
I Database Planning and Design
Prepared by:
Erie County Water Authority
National Center for Geographic
Information and Analysis, SUNY at Buffalo
GIS Resource Group, Inc.
Supported by:
New York State Archives and Records Administration
Jl~ne, 1996
The primary purpose of this phase of the GIS development process is to specify "how" the GIS
will perform the required applications. Database planning and design involves defining how
graphics will be symbolized (i.e., color, weight, size, symbols, etc.), how graphics files will be
structured, how nongraphic attribute files will be structured, how file directories will be
organized, how files will be named, how the project area will be subdivided geographically, how
GIS products will be presented (e.g., map sheet layouts, report formats, etc.)., and what
management and security restrictions will be imposed on file access. This is done by completing
the following activities:
· Select a soume (document, map, digital file, etc) for each entity and attribute included
in the E-R diagram
· Set-up the actual database design (logical/physical design)
· Define the procedures for converting data from soume media to the database
· Define procedures for managing and maintaining the database
The database planning and design activity is conducted concurrently with the pilot study and/or
benchmark activities. Clearly, actual procedures and the physical database design cannot be
completed before specific GIS hardware and software has been selected while at the same time
GIS hardware and software selection cannot be finalized until the selected GIS can be shown to
adequately perform the required functions on the data. Thus, these two activities (design and
testing) need to be conducted concurrently and iteratively.
In many cases, neither database design matters nor hardware and software selection are
unconstrained activities.. First, the overall environment within which the GIS will exist must be
evaluated. If there exist "legacy" systems (either data, hardware or software) with which the new
GIS must be compatible, then design choices may be limited. Both GIS hardware and software
configurations and database organizations that are not compatible with the existing conditions
should be eliminated from further consideration. Secondly, other constraints from an
organizational perspective must be evaluated. It may, for example, be preferable to select a
specific GIS or database structure because other agencies with whom data will be shared have
adopted a particular systems. Finally, assuming that the intended GIS (whether it will be large or
small) will be part of a corporate or shared database, the respective roles of each participant need
to be evaluated. Clearly, greater flexibility of choice will exist for major players in a shared
database (e.g., county, city, or regional unit of government) than for smaller players (town,
village, or special purpose GIS applications). This does not mean that the latter must always go
with the majority, but simply that the shared GIS environment must be realistically evaluated. In
fact, one way for the smaller participants in a shared GIS to ensure their needs are considered, is
to fully document their needs and resources using procedures recommended in these guidelines.
Finally, with the completion of both the database planning and design and the pilot
study/benchmark activities, sufficient detailed data volume estimates and GIS performance
information will be known to calculate reliable cost estimates and prepare production schedules.
This becomes the final feasibility check before major resources are committed to data conversion
and GIS acquisition.
25 GIS Development Guide
What is already known about the GIS requirement
Prior phases of the GIS development process should have produced the following information
which is needed at this time:
· A complete list of data, properly defined and checked for validity and consistency
(from the master data list, E-R data model and metadata entries).
· A list of potential data soumes (maps, aerial photos, tabular files, digital files, etc. )
cataloged and evaluated for accuracy and completeness (from the available data
survey). This inventory would also include all legacy data files, either within the
agency or elsewhere, which must be maintained as part of the overall shared database.
· The list of functional capabilities required of the GIS (from needs assessment).
This activity involves matching each entity and its attributes to a source (map, document, photo,
digital file). The information available for this task is as follows:
· List of entities and attributes from the conceptual design phase
Master Data List
Entity Attributes Spatial
name, address_range Line
street_names Line
section_block_lot#, Polygon
owner_name, owner_address, sites_address,
area, depth, front_footage, assessed_value,
last sale date, last sale price, size
(owner_name, owner_address, assessed_value
as of previous January lst))
building_fi), date_built, Footprint
building_material, building_assessed_value
occupant_name, occupant_address, None
name, type, width, Polygon
length, pavement_type
length, width Polygon
traffic_flow_conditions, intersecting_streets
type, size, material, installation_date Line
type, installation_date Node
type, installation_date, Node
pressure, last_pressure_test_date
name, address, type, invalid_indicator None
soil_code, area Polygon
wetland_code, area Polygon
flood_code, area Polygon
zone_II)g, area Polygon
tract#, population Polygon
name, ID_number Polygon
zoning_code, area Polygon
Database Planning and Design 26
The list of surveyed data sources from the Available Data Survey and their recorded
characteristics in the rnetadata tables Source Documents, Entities Contained in
Source, and Attributes by Entity.
Source Documents
Source Document Name:
Source ID #:
Source Organization:
Type of Document:
Number of Sheets (map, photo, etc):
Source Material:
Projection Name:
Coordinate System:
Date Created:
Last Updated:
Control Accuracy Map:
Reviewed By:
Review Date:
Spatial Extent:
File Format:
Parcel Map
Town of Amherst
State Plane
National Map Accuracy Standard
Variable; 1" = 50 ft To 1" = 200 ft
Lee Stockholm
Town of Amherst
27 GIS Development Guide
Entities Contained In Source
Source ID #:
Entity Name:
Spatial Entity:
Estimate Volume Spatial Entity:
Accuracy Description Spatial Entity:
Reviewed By:
Review Date:
Scrub Needed:
126 per map sheet
National Map Accuracy Standard
Lee Stockholm
Attributes By Entity
Source ID #:
Entity Name:
Attribute Name:
Attribute Description:
Code Set Name:
Accuracy Description Attribute:
Reviewed By:
Review Date:
SBL Number
Section, Block, and Lot Number
John Henpj
If there is a choice between soumes, that is, two or more sources are available for a particular
entity attribute, then criteria for deciding between them will be needed. In general, these criteria
will be:
· Accuracy of resulting data
· Cost of conversion from source to database
· Availability of the soume for conversion
· Availability of a continuing flow of data for database maintenance.
Database Planning and Design 28
Occasionally, alternative soumes may result in different representations in the database, such as a
vector representation versus a scanned image. In this situation, the ability of each representation
to satisfy the requirements of the GIS applications will need to be evaluated.
Once a source has been selected, the metadata tables that record source data information need to
be completed as appropriate. These are:
· Data Object Information
· Attribute Information
· Spatial Object Information
· Source Document Information
To complete the accuracy information, the accuracy expected from the conversion process will
need to be determined. This accuracy target will also be used later in the database construction
phase by the quality control procedures. The metadata tables that need to be completed at this
time are shown below:
Data Object Information
Data Object Name Parcel
Type: Simple
Data Object Description: Land ownership parcel
Spatial Object Type: Polygon
Attribute Information
Data Object Name:
Data Attribute Name:
Attribute Description:
Attribute Filename:
Codeset Name/Description:
Measurement Units:
Accuracy Description:
SBL Number
Section, Block, and Lot Number
29 GIS Development Guide
Spatial Object Information
Data Object Name: Parcel
Spatial Object Type: Polygon
Place Name: Amherst
Projection Name/Description: UTM
HCS Name: State Plane Coordinate System
HCS Datum: NAD83
HCS X-offset: 1000000
HCS Y-offset: 800000
HCS Xmin-' 25
HCS Xmax: 83
HCS Ymin: 42
HCS Ymax: 98
HCS Units: Feet
HCS Accuracy Description: National Map Accuracy Standard
VCS Name:
VCS Datum:
VCS Zmin: 0
VCS Zmax: 0
VCS Units:
VCS Accuracy Description:
Database Planning and Design 30
Source Document Information
Data Object Name:
Spatial Object Type:
Source Document Name:
Date Document Created:
Date Last Updated:
Date Digitized/Scanned:
Digitizing/Scanning Method Description:
Accuracy Description:
Parcel Map
Variable: 1" = 50 feet To 1" = 200 feet
Manual digitized with Wild B8
90% of all tested points within 2 feet
For some of the above tables, information will be available for only some of the entries. The
remaining entries will be completed later as the database is implemented. The examples shown
are from the metadata portion of the GIS Design software package that accompanies these
guidelines. This package is a Microsoft AccessTM program that runs "stand-alone" (you do not
need a copy of Microsoft AccessTM) on a regular PC. Where the same information is needed for
multiple tables, this information is only entered once. The information is then automatically
transferred to the other tables where it is needed.
This activity involves converting the conceptual design to the logical/physical design of the GIS
database (hereafter referred to as the physical design). The GIS software to be used dictates most
of the physical database design. The structure and format of the data in a GIS, like
ARC/INFOTM, IntergraphTM, MaplnfoTM, System 9TM, etc. have already been determined by each
vendor respectively. If one separates the conceptual entity and its attributes from the
corresponding spatial entity and its geometric representation, it can be seen that the physical
database design for the spatial entity has been completely defined by the vendor and the GIS
designer does not need to do anything more for this part of the data. The attributes of the entities
may, however, be held in a relational database management system linked to the GIS. If this is
the case, the GIS analyst needs to design the relational tables for the attribute information.
Figure 1 illustrates the split between the entity's attributes and the spatial information. This
example is based on the ARC/INFOTM GIS and a relational database system.
31 GIS Development Guide
I A~fib~tesEntity
Coverage Name I I Attributes
RDBMS Tables
JAttributes I
Figure 1 - GIS Representation of Object and Associated Spatial Object
The translation from the entity representation in the E-R diagram to the physical design of the
database for a single entity is shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2 - Example of Mapping of E-R Entity and Attribute List into ARC/INFOTM
& ORACLETM Logical Database
Database Planning and Design 32
Again, this example is based on ARC/INFOTM and the Oracle relational database system and
shows how one entity from the E-R diagram would be represented in a single layer (coverage in
ARC/INFOTM terms) and two Oracle tables. It will not always be the case where one entity from
the E-R diagram translates into a single layer. More complex representations will be needed.
Generally this will involve two or more entities forming a single layer with, possibly, several
relational database tables. For example, Figure 3 from the conceptual design guideline shows, in
part, the following entities:
Figure 3 - E-R Representation of Elements of a Water Distribution System
Figure 4 - Physical Design of Several Entities in a Single Layer and Three Relational Tables
In figure 4, the water main segments, the valves and the fire hydrants have been placed together
in one layer as line segments, and two sets of nodes. However, each entity has its own relational
33 GIS Development Guide
table to record its respective attributes (see Table I, page 2). The relationship is maintained by
unique keys for each instance of each entity.
Every entity shown on the E-R diagram must be translated to either a GIS layer, a relational
table(s), or both, as indicated by the information to be included. In addition, every relationship
of the type "relationship represented in database" (single line hexagon on the E-R diagram) must
be implemented through the primary and secondary keys in the tables for the entities represented.
Figure 5 - Standard Database Relationship with Primary and Secondary Keys
As shown in Figure 5, the entity "parcel" may "contain" the entity "building." The table for
each entity would have its own primary key (ID#), however, the table for building must also
have a secondary key (parcel IDg) to maintain the relationship in the database.
The completed physical database design must account for all entities and their attributes, the
spatial object with topology and coordinates as needed, and all relationships to be contained in
the database. The remaining items on the E-R diagram, the two types of spatial relationships,
must be accounted for in the list of functional capabilities, that is, the implied spatial operations
must be possible in the chosen GIS software
Developing a GIS database is frequently thought of as simply replicating a map in a computer.
As can be inferred by the nature and detail of the activities recommended up to this point in these
guidelines, building a GIS database involves much more than "replicating a map." While
substantial portions of the GIS database will come from map source documents, many other
sources may also be used, such as aerial photos, tabular files, other digital data, etc. Also, the
"map" representation is only part of the GIS database. In addition to the map representation and
relational tables, a GIS can hold scanned images (drawings, plans, photos), references to other
objects, names and places, and derived views from the data. The collection of data from diverse
Database Planning and Design 34
sources and its organization into a useful database requires development of procedures to cover
the following major activities:
Getting the Data which may include acquiring existing data from both internal and
external sources, evaluating and checking the source materials for completeness and
quality, and/or creating new data by planning and conducting aerial or field surveys.
Contemporary GIS projects attempt to rely on existing, rather than new, data due to
the high cost of original data collection. However, existing data (maps and other
forms) were usually created for some other purpose and thus have constraints for use
in a GIS. This places much greater importance on evaluating and checking the
suitability of source data for use in a GIS.
Fixing any problems in the data source, often focused only on map source
documents, this activity has been called "map scrubbing." Depending on the
technology to be used to convert the map graphic image into its digital form, the
source documents will have to meet certain standards. Some conversion processes
require the map to be almost perfect which other processes attempt to automate all
needed "fixes" to the map. What is required here is for the GIS analyst to specify, in
detail, a procedure capable of converting the map documents into an acceptable
digital file while accounting for all known problems in the map documents. This
procedure should be tested in the pilot project and modified as needed.
Converting to digital data, the physical process of digitizing or scanning to produce
digital files in the required format. The major decision here is whether or not to use
an outside data conversion contractor or to do the conversion within the organization.
In either case, specifications describing the nature of the digital files should be
prepared. In addition to including the physical database design, specifications should
describe the following.:
- Accuracy requirements (completeness required, positional accuracy for spatial
objects, allowable classification error rates for attributes).
- Quality control procedures that will be conducted to measure accuracy.
- Partitioning of the area covered by the GIS into working units (map sheets) and
how these will be organized in the resulting database (including edge
matching requirements).
- Document and digital file flow control, including logging procedures, naming
conventions, and version control.
Change control, most map series are not static but are updated on a periodic basis.
Once a portion of the map has been sent to digitizing (or whatever process is used), a
procedure must be in place to capture any updates to the map and enter these into the
digital files.
Building the GIS Database, once digitizing has been completed, the sponsoring
organization has a set of digital files, not an organized database (illustrated in Figure
5). The system integration process (a subsequent guideline document) must take all
the digital files and set-up the ultimate GIS database in a form that will be efficient
for the users. The several considerations required for this process are covered under
GIS Data Database Construction, GIS System Integration and GIS maintenance and
35 GIS Development Guide
Figure 6 - Guide to Data Conversion/Database Creation - GIS Data Conversion Handbook
Because the physical world is constantly changing, the GIS database must be updated to reflect
these changes. Once again, the credibility of the GIS database is at stake if the data is not
Usually, the effort required to maintain the database is as much as, or more than that required to
create it. This ongoing maintenance work is usually assigned to in-house personnel as opposed
to a contractor. The entire process should be planned well in advance. Once again, the
equipment and personnel must be ready to take over the maintenance of the database when the
data conversion effort and database building processes are complete.
Database maintenance requires two supporting efforts: ongoing user training and user support.
Ongoing user training is needed to replace departing users with newly trained personnel. This
will enable the data maintenance to be carried out on a continuous and timely basis. It is also
important to offer advanced training to existing users to provide them with the opportunity to
improve their skills and to make better use of the system.
GIS is a complicated technology, making operating problems inevitable. User support will help
users solve these problems quickly. It will also customize the GIS software to enable them to
execute processing tasks more quickly and more efficiently. User support is usually provided
by in-house or contract programmers. It requires a knowledge of the operating system and
macro programming language as well as troubleshooting common command and file problems.
Database Planning and Design 36
The establishment of data sharing cooperatives within the public sector is a cost-effective means
of database development and maintenance which is encouraged. Cooperative-multiparticipant
database projects allow for data exchange, and the opportunity to create new means for
developing, maintaining, and accessing information. The sharing of data in the public sector,
especially between government agencies and offices which are funded by the same financial
resources, should be expected. It does not make fiscal sense for public funds to be utilized in
the development of two GIS databases of the same geographic area for two different agencies.
Benefits of data sharing thus would include: the development of a much larger database, for far
less cost; the development of more efficient interaction between public agencies; and through
the utilization of a single, seamless database the availability of more accurate information, since
all agencies would share the same, up-to-date information. Following pages represents a matrix
which indicates in general opportunities for data sharing between municipal operating
The goal of a data sharing strategy is to maximize the utility of data while minimizing the cost
to the organization. It is important that ail parties involved have clear and reaiistic expectations
as well as common objectives to make the data sharing work. Under any circumstance,
however, database management and maintenance will require us to redefine our relationships
with those we routinely exchange data with, whether they are within an organization or part of a
multiparticipant effort including outside agencies. Work flow and information flow must be
reviewed and changed if necessary. Procedures and practices for the timely exchange and
updating of data must be put in place and data quality standards adhered to, whether it be hard
copy data which must be converted for inclusion or digitai files which might be available for
importing to our system. Systematic collection and integration of new and/or update data must
be employed in order to safeguard the initial investment, maintain the integrity of the database
and assure, system reliability to meet function needs.
37 GIS Development Guide
Departments and Functions which will Utilize GIS Type of Use
General Description of GIS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sonitar~ Se~em
Pump Stations & Force Mains
Water Lines
Storm Sewers
District Boundarie~
Street Map
Soils & Rock
Archaeological Sites
Hazardous Materiats Sites
C~tical Environmental Zones
Drainage Basln~
Tributary Ar~as
Sewer Flow Analysis
Sewer Capacity Analy~s
Sohedulrd Repair Work
Emergency Repair Work
Route Selection
Database Planning and Design 38
Departments and Functions which will Utilize GIS Type of Use
Gene~l Description of GIS ~ ~ ~ ~
Flood Plains
Land Use
Assessed Value
Comparable Property
Vacant Land
Butiding Permi~
Census Data
Office/Commerclal/Retall Sites
Industrial Sites
Recreation Facilities
Mo~uito Control
Snow Fence~
Snow R~oval
Leaf Removal
Gr~ Cutang
Brash Pick-up
Refuse Collection
Traffic Signals
Tra~c Control Si~s
Sheet Si~ns
Population Den~ty
39 GIS Development Guide I
Departments and Functions which will Utilize GIS Type of Use
Site P~
Loc Government .
GIS Development Grades
Database Construction
Prepared by:
Erie County Water Authority
National Center for Geographic
Infol'mation and Analysis, SUNY at Buffalo
GIS Resource Group, Inc.
Supported by:
New York State Archives and Records Administration
Jtme, 1996
Scope Of Database Construction
A database construction process is divided into two major activities
· creation of digital files from maps, air photos, tables and other source documents;
· organization of the digital files into a GIS database.
This guideline document describes the first process, digital conversion, and the subsequent
guideline entitled "GIS System Integration" deals with the organization of the digital files into a
Figures 1 and 2 are two versions of the digital data conversion process (Burrough, 1986; and
Montgomery and Schuch). Only the second half of figure 2 describes the actual digital
conversion process, the first half identifies previous planning activities. In both figures, the end
product(s) are digital data files which, if passed through quality control, are suitable for inclusion
in the GIS database.
Steps in creating a topologically correct vector polygon
Figure 1 - Source: Principles of Geographic Information
Systems for Land Resources Assessment, Burrough, P.A., 1986
41 GIS Development Guide
Figure 2 - Guide to Data Conversion. Source: Montgomery and Schuch
Data Model
GIS technology employs computer software to link tabular databases to map graphics, allowing
users to quickly visualize their data. This can be in the form of generating maps, on-line queries,
producing reports, or performing spatial analysis.
To briefly summarize the characteristics of GIS software and the data required for operations, we
offer the following diagram:
GIS Data Model
Layers of
Map Graphics
Tabular Databases
Figure 3 GIS Data Model
Database Construction 42
GIS (Spatial) Data Formats
In digital form, GIS data is composed of two types: map graphics (layers) and tabular
· Map graphics represent all of the features (entities) on a map as points, lines, or areas,
or pixels.
· Tabular databases contain the attribute information which describe the features
(buildings, parcels, poles, transformers, etc.).
GIS data layers are created through the process of digitizing. The digitizing process produces the
digital graphic features (point, line or area) and their geographical location. Tables can be
created from most database files and can be loaded into a GIS from spreadsheet or database
software programs like ExcelTM, AccessTM, FoxProTM, OracleTM, Sybasem, etc. A common key
must be established between the map graphics and the tabular database records to create a link.
This link is usually defined during the "scrubbing" phase (data preparation) and created during
data capture (digitizing). For parcel data, the parcel-id or SBL number (section, block and lot) is
a good example of a common key. The map graphic (point or polygon) is assigned an SBL
number as it is digitized. The database records are created with an SBL number and other
attributes of the parcel (value, landuse, ownership, etc.).
Raster and Vector Format
GIS allows map or other visual data to be stored in either a raster or vector data structure:
There are two types of raster or scanned image: 1) remotely sensed data from satellites; and 2)
scanned drawings or pictures. Satellite imagery partions the earth's surface into a uniform set of
grid cells called pixels. This type of GIS data is termed raster data. Most remote sensing devices
record data from several wave-lengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. These values can be
interpreted to produce a "classified image" to give each pixel a value that represents conditions
on the earth's surface (e.g., land use/land cover, temperature, etc.). The second type of scanned
image is a simple raster image where each pixel can be either black or white (on or off) or can
have a set of values to represent colors. These scanned images can be displayed on computer
screens as needed.
Raster data is produced by scanning a map, drawing or photo. The result is an array of pixels
(small, closely packed cells) which are either turned "on" or "off." A simple scanned image, for
example, in TIFF (Tagged Image File format) format, does not have the ability to be utilized for
GIS analysis, and is used only for its display value. The "cells" of the digital version of the
image do not have any actual geographical nature as they represent only the dimensions of the
original analog version of the image. Raster data in it's most basic form is purely graphical and
has no "intelligence" or associated database records.
43 GIS Development Guide I
I Raster GIS Data
Graphics Grid/RasterJ
IValue Attribute Table]
Figure 4 - Raster Data (pixels)
I Ce!Value Real World Enabt
Raster data can be enhanced to provide spatial analysis within a GIS. Pixels or cells represent
measurable areas on the earth's surface and are linked to attribute information. These cells are
assigned numeric values which correspond to the type of real-world entity which is represented
at that location (e.g., cells containing value "2" may represent a lake, cells of value "3" may
represent a particular wooded area, etc.).
· Vector data represents map features in graphic elements known as points, lines and
polygons (areas).
IVector GIS Data I
]V~tor GIS Poly$on Layer{
[Polygon Attribute Table I
[Polv~nn Number Identity Attrihut~
I I Lake
2 Wooded
3 Built-up
Figure 5 - Vector GIS Data
Vector graphics coordinates are represented as single, or a series of, xy-coordinates. Data is
normally collected in this format by tracing map features on the actual soume maps or photos
with a stylus on a digitizing board. As the stylus passes over the feature, the operator activates
the appropriate control for the computer to capture the xy-coordinates. The system stores the xy-
coordinates within a file. Vector data can also be collected on-screen (called "heads-up"
digitizing), by tracing a scanned image on the computer screen in a similar manner.
Database Construction 44
Manual Digitizing
Manual digitizing involves the use of a digitizing tablet and cursor tool called a "puck," a plastic
device holding a coil with a set of locator cross-hairs to select and digitally encode points on a
map. A trained operator securely mounts the soume map upon the digitizing tablet and, utilizing
the cross hairs on the digitizing "puck," traces the cross hair axis along each linear feature to be
captured in the digital file. The tablet records the movement of the puck and captures the
features' coordinates. The work is time-consuming and labor intensive. Concentration, skill and
hand-eye coordination are crucial in order to maintain the positional accuracy and completeness
of the map features.
Traditional data conversion efforts are based on producing a vector data file compiled by
manually digitizing paper maps. Vector data provides a high degree of GIS functionality by
associating attributes with map features, allowing graphic selections, spatial queries and other
analytical uses of the data. Vector data also carries with it the highest costs for conversion. The
industry average for a complete data conversion project to digitize parcel lines, dimensions and
text is between $3.00 - $5.00 per parcel. The price is determined by the complexity and amount
of data. To keep costs down, data can be selectively omitted from conversion (i.e. not all text
and annotation will be captured). The resulting vector data can reproduce a useful, albeit more
visually stark version of the original map. A bare bones data conversion project can be conducted
by digitizing only the linework from the tax maps. The minimum industry cost for digitizing
parcel line work with a unique ID only is between $1.00 to $1.50 per parcel.
Scanning converts lines and text on paper maps into a series of picture elements or "pixels." The
higher the resolution of the scanned image (more dots per square-inch), the smoother and more
accurately defined the data will appear. As the dots per inch (DPI) increases, so does the file
size. Most tax maps should be captured with a scan resolution of 300-400 DPI. One of the main
advantages to scanning is that the user sees a digital image that looks identical to their paper
maps -- complete with notes, symbology, text style and coffee stains, etc. Scanning can replicate
the visual nature of the original map at a fraction of the cost of digitizing. However this low cost
has a "price". The raster image is a dumb graphic -- there is no "intelligence" associated with it,
i.e. individual entities cannot be manipulated. Edge-matching and geo-referencing the images
(associating the pixels with real world coordinates) improves the utility of the scanned images by
providing a seamless view of the raster data in an image catalog. Scanned images require more
disk space than an equivalent vector dataset, but the trade-off is that the raster scanning
conversion process is faster and costs less than vector conversion.
Raster to Vector Conversion
Scanned data, in raster format, can be "vectorized" (converted into vector data) in many high-end
GIS software packages or through a stand-alone data conversion package. Vectorizing simply
involves running a scanned image through a conversion program. In the vectorization process,
features which are represented as pixels are converted into a series of X,Y points and/or linear
45 GIS Development Guide
features with nodes and vertices. Once converted within a GIS environment, the data is in the
same format created using a digitizing tablet and cursor. Many vectorized datasets require
significant editing after conversion.
Hybrid Solution
Since both vector and raster datasets have decided advantages and disadvantages, a hybrid
solution capitalizes on the best of both worlds. Overlaying vector format data with a geo-
referenced backdrop image provides a powerful graphic display tool. The combined display
solution could show the vector map features and their attributes (also available for GIS query),
and an exact replica of the scanned source material which may be a tax map or aerial
photography. If needed, individual parcels, pavement edges, city blocks or entire maps can be
vectorized from the geo-referenced scanned images. This process is called incremental
conversion. It allows the county to convert scanned raster data to vector formatted data on an as-
needed basis. There are a plethora of raster to vector conversion routines on the market, but it is
important that the conversion take place in the same map coordinate system and data format as
your existing data. The key advantage to the hybrid approach is this: even after full
vectorization, the scanned images continue to provide a higher quality graphic image as a visual
backdrop behind the vector data.
Entry of Attribute Data
Additional attribute data can be added to the database by joining a table which contains the new
attributes to an existing table already in the GIS. To join these tables together a common field
must be present. Most GIS software can then use the resulting table to display the new attributes
linked to the entities. There are various sources for building an attribute database for a GIS.
From CD-ROM telephone and business market listings with addresses, to data which is
maintained in various government databases in "dbase" or various other database formats.
Acquisition of External Digital Data
The availability of existing digital data will have an effect upon the design of the database.
Integrating existing databases with the primary GIS will require the establishment of common
data keys and other unique identifiers. Issues of data location, data format, record match rates,
and the overall value of integrating the external data should all be considered before deciding to
purchase or acquire existing datasets.
GIS Hardware And Software Used in Digital Data Conversion
Most contemporary GIS software packages are structured to operate on computer workstations to
accomplish digitizing and editing tasks.
Four basic types of workstations can be identified:
A digitizing station, a workstation which is connected to a precision digitizing tablet,
which utilizes a high-resolution display terminal, and which also has all of the
analysis functions necessary for querying, displaying and editing data
Database Construction 46
· An editing workstation, which is used for conducting most of the QA/QC functions of
the conversion process, having all the functionality of the digitizing station except for
the ability to digitize data via a digitizing tablet
· Graphic data mviewFFabular data input workstations are used for displaying and
reviewing graphic data, and for the entering of tabular attribute data associated with
these features
· X Terminals are the fourth type of workstation and these allow for graphic display
and input of data utilizing the X Window System communications protocol.
With the increasing power of today's personal computers, many GIS analysis packages are being
designed for PC's. As GIS data files are very large, PC-based GIS packages usually require a PC
with minimum requirements including a 486 processor and 16 megabytes of RAM. Hard-drive
disk space depends upon how large the datasets are which are being used. A safe bottom-line for
hard-drive space with a PC is 500 megabytes. For most data conversion projects, much more
hard-drive space will be needed in order to store data as they are converted. Tape storage
hardware is also necessary in order to efficiently backup the many megabytes of files created in
the conversion process. Just to provide an idea of the storage requirements necessary for basic
scanning conversion, the file-size of one tax map alone, in (Tagged Image File Format or TIFF)
image format, scanned at a 500 dots per inch (dpi) resolution, can range anywhere from 1-3
megabytes alone.
Digitizing hardware requirements vary according to the conversion approach which is applied.
For vector conversion, a digitizing tablet will be necessary in usually a manual digitizing
process. Another piece of digitizing hardware, a scanner, is used to create raster images.
Automatic digitization, through the use of a scanner is a very popular approach for capturing
data. Raster data can subsequently be transformed into vector data in most turn-key GIS
packages, through the use of raster-tu-vector conversion algorithms.
After the conversion of map data into digital form, hardware will be needed for outputting
digital data in hardcopy format. When handling a data conversion project, a necessary piece of
output hardware is a pen or raster plotter. GIS software allows for the creation of plots at any
viewscale. The plotter, with its ability to draw on a variety of materials (including paper, mylar
and vellum), allows for the creation of quality map plots. Most plotters usually have a minimum
width of three feet. Vector and raster plotters are both available on the market. Vector, pen
plotters utilize various pens for the drawing of linear features on drawing media. Pen plotters
can handle most plotting jobs, but they do not produce good results in area shading such as in the
production of cholorpleth maps. Raster plotters, on the other hand, are excellent in producing
shading results. Raster plotters usually cost more than vector plotters, but are substantially more
versatile and have better capabilities.
Other output devices for the creation of hardcopies of GIS data include: screen copy devices,
used for copying screen contents onto paper without having to produce a plot file; computer
FAX (facsimilie) transmissions, often used in communications between conversion contractors
and clients, produce small letter-size plots, and the fax transmission files (as raster images) can
be saved and viewed later; printers are used to output tabular data which is derived from the
GIS, and if configured correctly, can produce small letter-size plots.
47 GIS Development Guide I
Pilot Project/Benchmark Test Results
The pilot project is a very important activity that precedes the data conversion project. The pilot
project allows you, the GIS software developer, and the data conversion contractor the ability to
test and review the numerous steps involved in creating the database. Defining the pilot study
area involves selection of a small geographic area which will allow for a high degree of being
successful, that is, that it will be completed in a relatively short period of time and will allow for
the testing of all project elements which are necessary (conversion procedures, applications,
database design). Test results which are obtained from the pilot project usually include
assessments of: database content, conversion procedures, suitability of sources, database design,
efficiency of prepared applications on datasets, the accuracy of final data, and cost estimates.
Identified Problems With Source Data
The pilot study involves testing and finding successes and problems in procedures and designs
for the GIS. It involves looking for problems that occur due to lack of, or inadequacy in, source
data. It is important to identify problems especially at the source data level since it is usually the
easiest and cheapest to correct errors prior to data conversion.
When evaluating the results of a pilot study, problems with digital data accuracy resulting from
source data flaws, are bound to arise. Usually, the source data used for a project are not in the
proper format required for the best possible data result. For example, problems may arise when
the source data for a certain data layer consists of maps which are at various scales. These
various scale differences can create error when these digitized layers are joined into a single
layer. Other problems arise when them are not adequate control points found upon map sheets in
order to accurately register coverages while they are being digitized. At times, even adjacent
large-scale source map sheets may have positional discrepancies between them. Such
inconsistencies will be reflected in the corresponding digital data. Procedures for dealing with
all known source data problems need to be specified prior to the start of data conversion.
Firms Available And Services Offered
There are different types of firms which can handle GIS data conversion. Them are some firms
which specialize in GIS data conversion, and sub-contract out the services of other firms as
needed. Some other finns which handle data conversion but do not particularly specialize in data
conversion alone include: aerial mapping firms, engineering finns and GIS vendors. Various
finns will offer standard data conversion services, but based upon their main type of work, may
offer some unique services. For example, a finn specializing in GIS data conversion may have a
wide variety of software options which the client company can choose from. Such a firm usually
will have numerous digitizing workstations and a large staff, and be able to complete the project
in a shorter period of time than other firms which do not particularly specialize in GIS data
conversion. If needed, a specialized GIS data conversion company could subcontract services
from another company.
Database Construction 48
Aerial mapping firms can offer many specialized data conversion services associated with
photogrammetry, which will not be available directly through a general data conversion
contractor. Many aerial mapping firms now have considerable expertise with the creation of
digital orthophoto images, rectified and scaled scans of aerial photography, which can be
displayed and utilized with vector data. Engineering and surveying firms are well-equipped to
deal with most data conversion projects, and will usually have a major civil
engineering/surveying unit within the organization. These firms usually will focus upon certain
aspects of GIS systems and approach conversion projects with stress upon the extent of
construction detail, positional accuracy requirements, COGO input, scale requirements and
database accuracy issues. At times, GIS software vendors will handle data conversion projects in
order to test their software in benchmark studies and pilot projects.
The main conversion services which are usually offered include: physical GIS database design
and implementation, deed research, record compilation, scrubbing, digitizing, surveying,
programming and image development and registration.
Approximate Cost of Services
Outsourcing data conversion with data purchase/ownership
Manually digitized vector data
(linework alone)
Manually digitized vector data
(linework & annotation)
Vector data developed from the vectorization
of scanned maps (linework & Annotation)
Raster image data (registered to a coordinate system)
$1.20 / Parcel
$5.00 / Parcel
$3.00 / Parcel
$50. / map = $0.55 / Parcel
Outsourcing Data Conversion and Licensing Data
Manually digitized Vector Data
(Linework and Annotation)
(No cost estimates are available for Raster Data)
$1.50 / Parcel
(Note: All of the above cost estimates are based upon average prices offered by various data
conversion vendors)
49 GIS Development Guide I
Making Arrangements For External Data Conversion
There are a number of ways of obtaining the digital conversion of map data. Arrangements are
usually made through the development of a Request for Proposal (RFP), and then evaluating the
proposals submitted by various conversion contractors. Some of the criteria which are desired in
selecting a conversion contractor include: the company's technical capability, the company's
experience with data conversion, the company's range of services, location, personnel experience
and the overall technical plan of operation. Balanced with all of these items is usually the
organization's budget and the costs associated with the project.
Digital Conversion Of Mapped Data
Digital data conversion of mapped data is a costly and time-consuming effort. The more closely
the digital data reflects the source document, and the more attributes are associated with the map
features, the higher the map utility but also the higher the cost of conversion. Because of the
high cost of digitizing all graphic map features, and text/graphic symbology, conversion efforts
may compromise data functionality by limiting the number of features captured in order to keep
costs down. The actual processes involved with digital conversion of mapped data are usually
the most involved, and most time-consuming of all. These two traits together explain why data
conversion is usually the highest cost of implementing the GIS.
Planning The Data Conversion Process
The data conversion process needs to be planned effectively in order to minimize the chance of
data conversion problems which can greatly disrupt the normal workflow of the organization. It
is necessm-y to plan all of the physical processes which will be involved in data conversion and to
develop time-estimates for all work. These main processes include:
· Specifications
· Source map preparation
· Document flow control
· Supervision plans
· Problem resolution procedures
These procedures allow for the efficient conversion of mapped data. Guidelines for normal data
capture procedures such as scanning and table digitizing should be developed to ensure that all
data are consistently digitized. Particularly when an organization is conducting conversion in-
house, a small amount of time invested in developing error prevention procedures will greatly
benefit the organization by saving time in the correction/editing phase of the conversion. It is
easier to prevent errors than to go ahead and try to correct them after the actual digitizing has
been conducted.
Database Construction 50
Data Conversion Specifications: Horizontal And Vertical Control, Projection;
Coordinate System, Accuracy Requirements
Any discussion about data conversion should start with the topic of accuracy. We've all heard
the expression, "Garbage In, Garbage Out." Without the ability to meet the proper accuracy
standards established early in a GIS conversion project, the resulting GIS may be useless based
upon its lack of accuracy. Even still, in reality, when building a GIS and handling data
conversion, we are faced with a variety of source documents which may each carry a different
scale, resolution, quality and level of accuracy. Some source map data may be so questionable
that it should not be loaded into the GIS. Extracting reliable data later-on from the GIS will
depend upon either the converting of data from reliable source documents, or the development of
new data "from scratch."
Map projections affect the way that map features are displayed (as they affect the amount of
visual distortion of the map), and the way map coordinates are distributed. Before any GIS
graphic data layers will be ready for overlay functions, the layers must be referenced to a
common geographic coordinate system. GIS software can display data in any number of
projection systems, such as UTM (Universe Transverse Mercator), State Plane Coordinate
Systems, and more. For scanned maps and aerial photos (which are simple non-GIS raster
images), to be displayed effectively with vector data, the images need to be registered and
rectified to the same coordinate system.
Establishing specific requirements for map accuracy should be done at the beginning of a project.
If a certain level of accuracy is desired, it is this level which will have to be developed in future
aspects of the project. Procedures should be standardized in order to ensure the best and most
consistent results possible.
Source Map Preparation (Pre-Digitizing Edits)
Preparing the analog data that will be converted is an important first step. This needs to be done
whether the data will be scanned or digitized, and whether you are outsourcing the work or
completing it in-house. This pre-processing is also referred to as "scrubbing" the data. The
process involves coding the source document using unique ID's and/or using some method to
highlight the data that should be captured from these documents. This makes it clear to the
person performing the scanning or digitizing what they should be picking up. It will also be
important later for performing quality control checks and to make sure that the digital data has a
link to the attribute database needed for a GIS.
Document Flow Control
Without a clear system for monitoring and planning the flow of map (and attribute data)
documents between the normal storage locations of map documents and those parties handling
the actual data conversion, problems will usually arise in tracking the location of maps. When a
large number of maps are being converted, it is important to maintain a full understanding
between both the conversion contractor or in-house conversion staff, and the normal user group
of the source documents about exactly which documents are being handled, and at what time.
Source maps are delivered to the conversion group or contractor as a work packet, usually
51 GIS Development Guide !
consisting of a manageable number of maps of a certain geographic region, which is pre-
determined within the data conversion workplan. A scheme for tracking packets of source
documents, as well as the resulting digital files is needed. This scheme should be able to track
the digital file through the quality control processes.
In addition to tracking the flow of documents and digital files through the entire data conversion
process, a procedure needs to be established for handling updates to the data that occur during
the conversion time period. This change control procedure may be quite similar to the final
database maintenance plan, however, it must be in place before any of the data conversion
processes are started. Also, if this procedure will likely be very different from the previous
manual map updating methods used and may involve substantial restructuring of tasks and
responsibilities within the organization.
Supervision Plans (Particularly For Contract Conversion)
When planning the data conversion process, it is important that attention be given to the
development of detailed plans for supervising the data conversion process. Supervisory plans
allow the organization to distribute responsibility for the many different facets of the data
conversion project. When data conversion has been contracted out, it is important that
communication be maintained between the client company and the contractor. The development
of specific variations normal administrative tools used for scheduling and budget control can be
very useful (e.g., CPM/PERT scheduling procedures; GANTT charts, etc.)
Problem Resolution Procedures
In order to ensure the efficient progress of all aspects of the data conversion project, it is
important to develop formal procedures for problem resolution. Editing procedures and data
standards should be developed for such items as: major and minor positional accuracy problems;
inaccurate rubber-sheeting, or map-joining/file-matching problems; attribute coding errors, etc.
Other procedures for events such as missing source data, handling various scale resolution issues,
and even hardware and software system problems should also be created. Establishing such
procedures and assigning responsibilities for resolution are extremely important, particularly
when outside contractors are involved.
Converting The Data
As stated earlier, it is important to follow consistent pm-established procedures in the actual
digitizing of the datasets. Consistently using a tested and approved set of conversion guidelines
and procedures will eliminate any chance of ambiguity in methods. Using established
procedures will allow for the most consistent product possible.
Database Construction 52
Reviewing Digital Data
The digital data review process involves three issues:
· data file format and format conversion problems
· data quality questions
· data updating and maintenance
The review process must first be handled before the decision to rely on other digital data sources
is made. Additionally, formal data sharing agreements should be made between the two
Quality Control (Accuracy) Checking Procedures
A quality assurance (QA) program is a crucial aspect of the GIS implementation process. To be
successful in developing reliable QA methods, individual tasks must be worked out and
documented in detail. Data acceptance criteria is a very important aspect of the conversion
program, and can be a complex issue. A full analysis of accuracy and data content needs will
facilitate the creation of documentation which may be utilized by the accuracy assessment team.
A combination of automatic and manual data verification procedures is normally found in a
complete QA program. The actual process normally involves validation of the data against the
soume material, evaluation of the data's utility within the database design, and an assessment of
the data with regard to the standards established by the organization handling the conversion
project. Automated procedures will normally require customized software in order to perform
data checks. Most GIS packages today have their own macro programming languages which
allow for the creation of customized programs. Some automated QA procedures include:
checking that all features are represented according to conversion specifications (e.g., placed in
the correct layer); features requiring network connectivity are represented with logical
relationships, for example, two different diameters of piping or two different gauges of wire must
have a connecting device between them which should be represented by a graphic feature with
unique attributes; relationships of connectivity must be maintained between graphic features
(Montgomery and Schuch, 143).
Manual quality control procedures normally involve creating and checking edit plots of vector
data against source map data. QA requirements which will have to be met include:
absolute/relative accuracy of map features should be met and all features specified on the source
map should be included on the edit plot; map annotation should be in required format (e.g.,
correct symbology, font, color, etc.) and text offsets should be within specified distance and of
correct orientation; plots of joined datasets should have adequate edge matching capability
(M&S, 145).
Final Correction Responsibilities
Quality control editing of the digitized product is a crucial step in preparing spatial feature data.
After initially digitizing a data layer, an edit plot is produced of those digitized features. The
edit plot is a hard-copy printing of the digitized features. The edit plot is printed at the same
scale as the soume data and checked by overlaying the plot with the soume map on a light table.
53 GIS Development Guide I
This edit check allows for the determination of errors such as misaligned or missing features.
Corrections may then be made by adding or deleting and re-digitizing features. When on-screen
digitizing, feature placement errors may be corrected by "rubbersheeting" the graphic features to
fit the source data. Rubbersheeting is the process of stretching graphic features through the
establishment of graphic movement "links" with a from-point (where the feature presently is
located), and a to-point (where the feature should be placed). GIS graphic manipulation routines
then move graphics according to these specified links.
File Matching Procedures (Edge Match, Logical Relationships Within Data, Etc.)
Files which are going to be spatially joined must first have adequate edge-matching alignment of
their graphic features. This entails a number of basic GIS graphic manipulation procedures: (1)
coordinate transformation, which projects the data layer into its appropriate real-world
coordinates; (2) rubbersheeting of the graphic features in one data file to accurately coincide
with the adjacent graphic features in another file; (3) spatial joining, the combining of two or
mom data files into one seamless file spanning the geographic area of all files.
Coordinate transformation is the process of establishing control points upon the digitized layer
and defining real-world coordinates for those points. A GIS coordinate transformation routine is
then used to transform the coordinates of all features on the data layer based upon those control
point coordinates. Once transformed, spatially adjacent data layers may then be displayed
simultaneously within their combined geographic extent. A determination may then be made as
to the effectiveness and accuracy of the coordinates assigned to the data layers. If necessary,
graphic features found in both data layers may be rubbersheeted to better align features which
will need to be connected. For example, if the endpoint of a graphic feature representing a street
centerline is not reasonably close to its corresponding starting point on the adjacent data layer,
one or both of these graphic lines will have to be moved so that the graphic feature will connect.
An alignment problem such as this can signal possible errors in the coordinate transformation
and/or the source data. After features are accurately matched, the data files may be combined
into a single data file. The combined data file will afterwards require editing and the
development of new topological relationships in the new dataset. An example of one post-spatial
join editing procedure is the removal of graphic line-connection points called "nodes" which may
interfere with various elements of the attribute database.
Final Acceptance Criteria
Standards for appropriate quality assurance, and accuracy verification procedures in general,
depend greatly upon the data sources, the schematics of the database for which data is being
prepared, and the actual data conversion approaches applied. Acceptance of the joined digital
map files depends upon the data's meeting certain criteria. Criteria usually relate to accuracy,
such as the determination of whether the product meet National Map Accuracy Standards at the
appropriate scale. Other criteria may relate to whether attributes are in order, if they have been
added. Most acceptance determinations should be made on whether the feature data is meeting
standards of accuracy, completeness, topological consistency, and attribute data content.
Database Construction 54
Building Main Database
One of the final stages involved in developing a GIS database involves putting all the converted
data together. Establishing one uniform database involves entering all attribute and feature data
into a common database with an established workable file/directory structure, sometimes known
as a "data library." As the database is developed and data is ready for use, it can be released to
the various data users for analysis. Once the database is designed, it then becomes important to
maintain data accuracy and currency. If changes are made within the confines of the data layers,
these changes must be defined and updates made to keep the integrity of the database.
Subsequent guideline documents deal with data integration and database maintenance.
Source Documents
There are a number of source documents which can be utilized as data for the attribute database.
Many organizations are able to utilize their existing electronic database files and import this data
directly into their GIS database. In the case of paper files relating to geographic areas, and
attribute data existing on paper maps, this data will have to be manually entered into GIS
attribute data files in the form of tables. Before this information is entered into a database, it
must first be reviewed and edited. It is also important to have a procedural plan designed for the
entry of this data in order to coordinate the flow of these source documents.
Pre-Entry Checking And Editing
A review of GIS attribute source documents can oftentimes reveal an unorganized mass of maps,
charts, tables, spreadsheets, and various textual documents. The checking and editing of source
documents is handled in the scrubbing phase of the project. Without a specific plan designed for
the entry of these various data elements, it is highly likely that error will be introduced into the
GIS database. It is crucial that all source documents are readable and properly formatted to
allow for the most efficient entry of numerical and textual data. If the database conversion is
being outsourced, and the contractor is unable to read the source data, the resulting database will
be inaccurate, more costly, or both. It is recommended that a formal scrub manual, designed
according to the database and application requirements, be developed to help facilitate the
supplementing of source data and its entry into the database. Logical consistency is an important
element for both graphic and attribute elements. Records and attributes which are related to
graphic elements within a network system must maintain logical relationships.
Document Flow Control
An organization will typically have a multitude of different document formats which it will need
in coding all of its GIS attribute data. It is crucial that tracking mechanisms be implemented in
preparation for the key entry process. Usually duplication of source documents which will be
55 GIS Development Guide !
used in the key entry process will not be feasible. As many source documents to be key entered
are used on a regular basis within the organization, it will be important to develop guidelines for
tracking these documents if they are needed during the process. Timing and coordination will be
factors in planning document usage.
Key EntryProcess
As stated earlier, some organizations will be able to enter much tabular data into the database
simply by way of importing existing tables or files into the GIS, or relating tables which exist in
their external DBMS. Normally, it will be necessary to enter attribute data into the system
utilizing a keyboard. Many organizations choose to use lists when entering data from the
keyboard. It is much more efficient during conversion to enter a 2 or 3-digit code which has a
reference list associated with it. Typing in a full description of the graphic into the text field
takes longer, and increases the chance of typographical error.
Digital File Flow Control
Numerous files will result from the key entry process. These files will need to be given proper
names and directory locations in order to track and prepare the data logically for use within the
Quality Control Procedures
Most databases allow the user to specify the type of field for each data element, whether it is
numeric, alphanumeric date, etc; whether it has decimal places, and so on. This feature can help
prevent mistakes as the system will not allow entries other than those specified in advance.
There are a number of automated and manual procedures which can be performed to check the
quality of attribute data. Some customized programs may be required for the testing of some
quality control criteria. Some attribute value validity checks which may be performed include:
verifying that each record represents a graphic feature in the database, verifying that each feature
has a tabular record with attributes associated with it, determining if all attribute records are
correct, and determining that all attributes calculated from certain applications must be correct
based upon the input values and the corresponding formulas. The translation of obsolete record
symbology into a GIS usable format, according to conversion specifications, is one procedure
which will have to be conducted manually (Montgomery and Schuch, 145).
The responsibility for checking and maintaining automated quality control procedures can be
placed in the hands of the staff responsible for actual data conversion. When outsourcing data
conversion, one of the most time-consuming aspects of the project is the evaluation of converted
data once it has been received from the vendor. Usually, automated routines are developed
which can be utilized in the evaluation of the datasets, and in determining if the data fulfills all of
the requirements and standards stated in the contract. This process can be simplified by the
client company delivering automated quality control checking routines to the data conversion
vendor. The vendor is then able to run these routines, evaluate and edit the data so that it will
meet requirements before it is even shipped to the client. Such a procedure saves valuable time
Database Construction 56
and expenses which would otherwise have been spent on quality control evaluation, shipping and
business communication.
Change Control
Final editing procedures and data acceptance are based upon whether major revisions in the data
will need to be performed. After data verification and quality assurance checks, it may be
necessary to again re-evaluate database design, technical specifications of the data, and
conversion procedures overall. Ideally, the planning and design of the database will be
sufficiently comprehensive and correct such that the logical/physical database design will not
have to be modified. However, it is rare that a data conversion project will be able to push
through to completion without some changes being necessary. Many conversion projects
develop procedures which are used to identify, evaluate and then to approve or disapprove the
final products. A form should be developed which is used to list desired changes which have
been identified. The listing of desired changes is then evaluated in terms of both the volume of
the data which has yet to be edited, and the amount of data which has already been converted.
The conversion vendor will usually develop documentation which describes the estimated
cost/savings which will be associated with the changes and final edits. Most organizations now
accept the fact that changes will be a normal part of data conversion and change requests are
usually expected. The challenge then lies in the methods by which change mechanisms are
developed and agreed upon between client and vendor.
Final Acceptance Criteria
Acceptance criteria are the measures of data quality which are used to determine if the data
conversion work has been performed according to requirements specified. In the case of
outsouming of conversion, these criteria will determine if the data has been prepared according
to the contract specifications. If the data does not meet these specifications, the conversion
contractor will be required to perform any necessary editing upon the data to reach acceptable
standards. Acceptance criteria and standards may vary between organizations.
File Matching And Linking
In most GIS packages which utilize relational database technology, the file matching and linking
is a fairly simple process. Most GIS packages contain straight-forward procedures for joining
and relating attribute files, which normally entails the selection of the unique identifying key
between the graphic feature attribute table and any other data attribute tables. Once the
identifier-link has been specified, the GIS software automatically establishes the relationship
between the tables, and maintains the relationship between them.
57 GIS Development Guide I
Sources Of Digital Data
Digital spatial and attribute data can be found from a variety of sources. Various companies
today produce "canned" digital spatial datasets which are ready for use within a GIS
environment. Utilizing an existing database is a good way to supplement data in the conversion
process and is one of the best ways to save money on the cost of producing a database. Most
federal, state, and local government agencies have data which is available to the public for
minimal cost.
Two of the largest spatial databases which are national in coverage include the US. Geological
Survey's DLG (Digital Line Graph) database, and the U.S. Census Bureau's TIGER
(Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing) database. Both systems
contain vector data with point, line and area cartographic map features, and also have attribute
data associated with these features. The TIGER database is particularly useful in that its attribute
data also contains valuable Bureau of the Census demographic data which is associated with
block groups and census tracts. This data is used today in a variety of analysis applications.
Many companies have refined various government datasets, including TIGER, and these datasets
offer various enhancements in their attribute characteristics, which increases the utility of the
data. Unfortunately, problems associated with the positional accuracy of these datasets usually
remain and are much more difficult to resolve.
Satellite and digital orthophoto imagery, raster GIS datasets, and tabular datasets are also
available from various data producing companies and government agencies.
Transfer Specifications
Many government agencies produce spatial data which is in its own unique format. Many full-
feature GIS packages have the ability to import government spatial datasets into data layers
which are usable within their own environment. Some agencies or companies may produce their
data in the most common data formats for government data in the transfer of their data (e.g.
TIGER or DLG format). Such policies allow for easy transfer to various systems.
Quality Control Checks
Quality control checks on external datasets will be necessary. Many government datasets,
although extensive in their geographic coverage and in the utility of the associated data, do not
always have the most accurate or complete data, particularly in terms of positional accuracy. It is
always advisable to be skeptical of a dataset's accuracy statement and compliance with standards
and to fully test and evaluate the data before purchasing it or incorporating it into the database.
Various automated and manual quality control procedures, discussed for both assessing
cartographic feature and attribute characteristics should be utilized in a quality assurance
evaluation of the external data.
Database Construction 58
Acceptance criteria determine to what standards data must comply in order to be usable within
the system. Graphic acceptance standards for external digital data may be identified in three
different cartographic quality types which include: relative accuracy, absolute accuracy and
graphic quality. Standards for GIS data will normally depend upon the accuracy required of the
dataset. In the GIS environment, accuracy will depend upon the scale at which the data is
digitized, and at which scale it is meant to be used.
· Relative accuracy is basically a measure of the normal deviation between two objects
on a map and is normally described in terms of + or - the number of measurement
units (normally inches or feet) the feature is located apart from its neighboring map
features, as compared to their locations in the real-world.
· Absolute accuracy criteria will evaluate the measure of the maximum deviation
between the location of the digital map feature and its location in the real-world.
Many organizations set their absolute accuracy standards based upon National Map
Accuracy Standards.
· Graphic Quality refers to the visual cartographic display quality of the data, and
pertains to aspects such as the data's legibility on the display, the logical consistency
of map graphic representations, and adherence to common graphic standards.
Placement and legibility of annotation, linework, and other common map elements all
fall under graphic quality.
Informational quality is another accuracy criteria component which should be given much
attention in building a database. Informational quality relates to the level of accuracy for both
map graphic features and to their corresponding tabular attribute data. There are four basic
categories for assessing these qualifies:
· completeness
· correctness
· timeliness
· integrity
Together, these aspects of informational quality comprise the extent to which the dataset will
meet the basic requirements for data conversion acceptance.
Completeness is an assessment of the dataset's existing features against what should currently be
located within the dataset. Completeness may relate to a number of digital map features:
annotation symbols, textual annotation, linework. Completeness will also relate to the attribute
data, and whether all of the necessary attributes are accounted for. A typical requirement for the
bottom limit of dataset completeness, when outsourcing conversion, is that not more than 1% of
the required features and attributes will be missing from the digital dataset. For example, out of
80 roads that are located within a geographic area, if only 72 are included on the map, then only
90% of the data is included, and thus the map is only 90% complete.
Correctness is that quality which relates to the truth and full knowledge of the information
contained. If a map shows a number of roads, and the linework is positioned correctly, but is not
labeled correctly, there is a problem with correctness. Correctness applies both to map features
59 GIS Development Guide I
and to attribute data. If a dataset has the positional accuracy, or the completeness in terms of
placing an object, but does not have the correct label for that object, this is a problem with the
correctness of the dataset. Evaluating correctness can be done through automated or manual
procedures. Validation procedures are those which would be utilized in the testing of the
datasets. An example of assessing correctness might include the matching of one dataset source
against another to check for data accuracy from the various matching qualities. Every graphic
and database feature has the potential for error.
Timeliness is another measure of informational quality, and it is a unique form of correctness.
Timeliness is based upon the currency of a dataset, and if it is not up-to-date, or current, then the
dataset must be of a specified age. The timeliness of a dataset begins from the date the dataset
arrives at the client's door. From that point on, it is the responsibility of the client organization
to maintain the data, and its currency.
The integrity of a dataset is a measure of its utility. Graphically, database integrity means that
the dataset is maintaining its connectivity and topological consistency. In it, all lines are
connected, there are no line overshoots or undershoots, and all feature on the display are
representative of real-world features. In order to maintain database integrity, there should not be
any missing or duplicate records or features.
I Local Government .
I GIS Development Guides
· Pilot Sudies & Benchmark Tests
.. '..l ......~e~ .~.~'~':'"J"~ "--~' r.~'*' *
Prepared by:
Erie County Water Authority
National Center for Geographic
Information and Analysis, SUNY at Buffalo
GIS Resource Group, Inc.
Supported by:
New York State Archives and Records Administration
June, 1996
Prior to making a commitment to a new technology like GIS, it is important to consider testing
concepts and physical designs for development of such a system within a local government. This
can be done by performing a pilot study to determine if GIS can be useful in the daily conduct of
business and, if so, further conducting a benchmark test to determine the best hardware and
software combination to meet specific needs.
Numerous GIS pilot studies and benchmark tests have been conducted by local governments
within the state and across the nation. Decisions on deployment of GIS should not be based
solely on other experience. Managers and end users respond best to relevant local data and
actual applications, and will learn more readily if they have first hand experience defining and
conducting a pilot study on benchmark test in-house.
Planning a Pilot Study
A pilot study provides the opportunity for a local government to evaluate the feasibility of
integrating a GIS into the day-to-day functions of its' operating units. Implementing GIS is a
major undertaking. A pilot study provides a limited but useful insight into what it will take to
implement GIS within the organization. Proving the concept, measuring performance, anti
uncovering problems during a pilot study, which runs concurrent with detailed system
planning, database planning, and design, is more beneficial than pressing forward with
implementation without this knowledge.
To maximize the usefulness of the pilot study, it must be planned and designed to match the
organizations work flow, functions, and goals as described in the GIS needs assessment. The
pilot study will be successful if it has the support and involvement of upper management and
staff from the outset. This involvement will provide the opportunity to evaluate management and
staff ability to learn and adopt new technology.
Objectives of a Pilot Study
A pilot study is a focused test to prove the utility of GIS within a local government. It is not a
full GIS implementation nor is it simply a GIS demonstration; but rather a test of how GIS can
be deployed within an organization to improve operations. It is the platform for testing
preliminary design assumptions, data conversion strategies, and system applications. A properly
planned and executed pilot study should:
61 GIS Development Guide
· create a sample of the database
· test the quality of soume documents
· test applications
· test data management and maintenance procedures
· estimate data volumes
· estimate costs for data conversion
· estimate costs for staff training
The pilot study should be limited to a small number of departments or GIS functions and a small
geographic area. The pilot study should be application or function driven. Even though data
conversion will take a major portion of the pilot study development time, it is the use of the data
that is important. What the GIS can do with the data proves the functionality and feasibility of
GIS in local government. The Needs Assessment document has identified applications, data
required, soumes of data, etc. In addition, a conceptual database design has been previously
developed. Following is a list of procedures for carrying out a pilot study:
· select applications from needs assessment
· determine study area
· review conceptual database design
· determine conversion strategy
· develop physical database design
· procure conversion services and develop conversion work plan
· commence soume preparation and scrubbing
· develop acceptance criteria and qc plan
· develop data management and maintenance procedures
· test application
· evaluate and quantify results
· prepare cost estimates
Selecting Applications to Include
Care must be taken to select a variety of applications appropriate to test the functional
capabilities of GIS and the entire database structure. A review of the Needs Assessment report
should provide selective applications to meet these requirements. Make sure to include data
administration applications along with end user/operations applications. Data loading, backups,
editing and QC routines have little user appeal, but they represent important functions that the
organization will rely on daily to update and maintain the GIS database.
Selecting Data
Data to be tested in the pilot study can either be purchased from external sources or converted
from in-house maps, photos, drawings, documents and databases. In any event, the data should
represent the full mix and range of data expected to be included with the final database. It should
include samples of archived or legacy system records and documents if they are planned to be
included in the GIS in the future. All potential data types and formats should be considered for
the pilot. This is the chance to test the whole process of integrating and managing data, together
Pilot Studies and Benchmark Tests 62
with the utility of the data in a GIS environment and different conversion and compression
methods, before final decisions are made.
Spatial Extent of the Pilot Study
Selection of the study area should address several issues:
· Data density
· Representative sampling
· Seamless vs. sheet-wise conversion or storage
Choose an area (or areas) of interest that represents the range of data density and complexity.
Make sure that all data entities to be tested exist in the area of interest. This will provide a
representative dataset and allow the extrapolation of data volumes and conversion costs for the
range of data over the entire conversion area.
To measure hardware performance the selected area should be chosen to match the file or map
sheet size the end user will normally work with. Be aware that even if the data is currently
represented as single map sheets at a variety of scales, the GIS will store the data as a "seamless"
Preliminary Data Conversion Specifications
A set of data conversion specifications need to be defined for each of the required data layers in
the test datasets. The conversion specs need to address ....
· Accuracy
· Coverage
· Completeness
· Timeliness
· Correctness
· Credibility
· Validity
· Reliability
· Convenience
· Condition
· Readability
· Precedence
· Maintainability
· Metadata
The foundation of the GIS is derived from the conversion process which creates a topologically
correct spatial database. The following diagram identifies in detail the steps necessary to create
this database.
63 GIS Development Guide
Steps in creating a topologically correct vector polygon
Figure 1 - Source: Principles of Geographic Information
Systems for Land Resources Assessment, Burrough, P.A., 1986.
Selecting GIS Hardware and Software
To provide for continuity and to minimize added expense for total system development, select
the most likely choice of hardware and software based on the database design specifications, and
purchase or borrow that necessary for the pilot study from the hardware and software vendors.
Selecting a Data Conversion Vendor
Even though this is only a pilot study, it also serves as a test of likely suppliers of hardware,
software and data conversion services. Therefore, a respectable data conversion vendor should
be selected to perform the work, and prior uses of the vendor services should be contacted to
confirm their ability to meet expectations. It shouldn't matter what method the conversion
vendor uses to convert the data. Be open to suggestions from the potential conversion vendors as
to the most cost effective methods to convert the data. As long as you get the data in the correct
and usable format to satisfy your database plans, the method for data conversion used should not
be an issue. However, you will get much better results if the vendor has first hand experience
Pilot Studies and Benchmark Tests 64
with the chosen GIS software and the data conversion takes place in the same GIS software
package. There is always a chance of losing attributes or inheriting coordinating precision errors
converting from one format to another.
Def'ming Criteria for Evaluating the Pilot Study
The pilot study performance must be evaluated in measurable terms. By its very name, a pilot
study implies an initial investigation. An investigation implies a set of questions to ask and a set
of answers to achieve. For clarity, the questions can be addressed to match the major component
of GIS plus others as needed.
· Were adequate source documents available and was their quality sufficient?
· How much effort was involved in "scrubbing" the data before conversion?
· How long did the conversion process take?
· Were there any problems or setbacks?
· Was supplemental data purchased, if so, what was the cost?
· Did the data model work for each layer as defined?
· Was the data adequate (i.e. all data elements populated)?
· What errors were found in the data (closure, connectivity, accuracy, completeness,
· Were the applications written as specified
· Did the applications fit smoothly in the GIS or was a separate process invoked?
· Are the required functions built into the GIS or will applications need to be
· Is the GIS customizable?
· How responsive and knowledgeable is the software developer's technical support
· Were expectations met?
Management and Maintenance Procedures
· How will the data be updated, managed, and maintained in the future?
· Have all those who will contribute to the updating and maintenance been identified?
· Have data management and administration applications been developed and tested?
· Have data accuracy and security issues been addressed?
· Who will have permission to read, write, and otherwise access data?
· How will using GIS change information flow and work flow in the organization?
65 GIS Development Guide I
· How large a database will be created?
· What will be the required level of existing staff commitment during the data
preparation and GIS construction process?
· What will be the cost for data conversion of in-house documents?
· What will be the cost for obtaining supplemental data from outside sources?
· How will GIS impact or interface with existing hardware and software?
· What new hardware, software and peripheral equipment is required?
· How much training of staff is required?
· Will additional staff with distinct GIS programming and analysis capabilities be
Data Preparation (Scrubbing) and Delivery
Document preparation of source data representing the entire range of data to be included in the
database must be completed before the conversion contractor can begin work. Data preparation
includes improving the clarity of data for people outside the organization who are unfamiliar
with internal practices. This pre-conversion process is referred to a "scrubbing."
Scrubbing is used to identify and highlight features on maps that will be converted to a digital
format. The process provides a unique opportunity to review or research the source and quality of
the documents and data being used for conversion.
Figure 2 - Guide to Data Conversion Source: GIS Data Conversion Handbook
Pilot Studies and Benchmark Tests 66
Scrubbing is generally an internal process, but may also be performed by the conversion vendor.
The conversion vendor will need to be trained on how to read your maps or drawings. The first
map (or all maps) may need to be marked with highlighter pens and an attached symbol key to
define what features need to be collected.
At the same time the maps are marked-up, coding sheets are filled out with the attributes of the
features to be captured and a unique id number is assigned to both the feature and the coding
sheet to create a relate key. This key is critical to connecting the attribute records to the correct
map feature defined in Database Design.
The best key is a dumb, unique, sequential number that has no significance. The key should
never be intelligent, that is contain other information. The key should never be a value that has
meaning, or has the potential of changing. Don't use address, or map sheet number or XY
coordinates or date installed. These values are very important and should each have their own
field in the database. Don't use them as the primary key. The reason is very simple. If you use
a smart key like SBL number and you have to change the number, you mn the risk of losing the
connection to all other related tables that key on the SBL number. Make the change and the
records no longer match. However, if the key is unique and has no meaning it will never have to
be changed. Street names change, numbers get transposed, features are discovered to be on the
wrong map sheet or at the wrong XY coordinates. If any corrections need to be made, a large
defensive programming effort must be in-place to guarantee the integrity of the intelligent key.
Avoid the grief and use a dumb, unique key.
Coding sheets are only required if the attributes of the features are not readily available from the
map document. For example, if all the required attributes for a feature are shown as annotations
on the map (e.g. the size, material and slope for a sanitary sewer line), then a coding sheet is
unnecessary. If additional research is required to find the installation date, contractor name, flow
modeling parameters or video inspection survey, then a coding sheet needs to filled out for each
feature. Again it is critical to create and maintain a unique key between the map feature and the
attribute data on the coding sheet.
Once the data has been prepared for conversion, make copies of everything being sent out and
make an inventory of the maps, coding sheets, photos, etc. that will be sent to the vendor. Ask
the vendor to perform an inventory check on the receiving end to verify a complete shipment
Change management is essential. If the manual maps or data will be continually updated in-
house during the conversion process, keep careful records about what maps and or features have
changed since the maps have been sent out. This is an important process that needs to be fully
in-place if the pilot study leads to a full GIS implementation.
When and Where to Set Up the Pilot Study
Expect the pilot study to have an impact on daily work. Choose participants where the pilot will
not have a negative impact on the daily workload. Even if the GIS is to assist a mission critical
process like Egll, conduct the pilot as a parallel effort, don't expect it to replace an existing
system. At the same time try to make the GIS a part of the daily workflow to test the integration
67 GIS Development Guide
To ensure some level of success of the pilot study, choose willing participants to act as the test
bed/pilot study group. Make sure they understand the impact the pilot will have on the
organization and the level of commitment from the staff members. Use educational seminars to
inform the employees about GIS technology and the purpose of the pilot study. Communicate
very clearly what the objectives of the pilot study will be, what functions and datasets will be
tested and which questions will be investigated. Describe the required feedback and the use of
questionnaires or checklists that will be used. Above all else, communicate to keep staff
informed and to control expectations.
Who Should Participate
A team representing a cross-section including managers, supervision, and operations staff should
be assembled for the pilot study. Choose the staff carefully to assure objective and thoughtful
system evaluation. If possible, choose the same people that were involved in the needs
assessment process. They will be more aware of GIS technology and may be eager to see the
project move forward.
Testing and Evaluation Period
Have a pilot team kickoff meeting with the conversion / software / hardware vendors present.
Restate the objectives of the pilot study and responsibilities of each party. Review Needs
Assessment, database design documents and assess training requirements. Define
communication protocol guidelines if necessary to keep key players communicating and
resolving problems.
Before the data arrives, install the software and or hardware in the target department. Conduct
user training to familiarize employees with the use of the GIS software. If employees are
unfamiliar with computers, allow more time for training and familiarization.
Once the data has been converted and delivered, have the conversion vendor or the software
vendor load the data on the target machines. Be sure that this step and all preparatory efforts are
monitored and treated as a learning process for your staff.
Begin a through investigation of the capabilities and limitations of the hardware and software.
Keep user and vendor defined checklists beside the machines at all times. Have each user log
their observations and impressions with each session. Make sure to note any change in
performance as a function of time of day or workload. Also note if the user's level of comfort
has increased with time spent using the software.
Log all calls to the data conversion, software and hardware vendors. Note the knowledge and
skill of the call takers, responsiveness and turn-around time from initial call to problem
resolution. Some problems may be addressed on the phone, others may take days. If the call
cannot be handled immediately, ask the outside technical support person for an estimated time.
Pilot Studies and Benchmark Tests 68
Obtaining Feedback From Participants
It is imperative that all individuals involved in the pilot study provide input before during and
after the pilot study is complete. The best method to guarantee feedback from the participants is
to have them help formulate the objectives of the pilot, the questionnaires and checklists.
Sample questions to address were listed earlier in this document. Augment these with questions
from your own staff. Some questions can be answered with a yes/no checklist, some answers
will be a dollar figure, and some will require a scoring system to rate aspects of the system
performance from satisfactory to poor or unacceptable. Other issues that may effect information
flow, traditional procedures and work tasks will require participants to write essay questions or
draw sketches of changes they would like to see in the user interface or in the map display. All
responses should be compiled in such a way that the responses can be measured and rated
What Information Should Be Derived From the Pilot Study
The first question to be addressed is whether the pilot study was a success. Success doesn't
necessarily mean that the process went without a hitch. A successful pilot study can be fraught
with problems and GIS can be rejected as a technology for the organization. The success of the
pilot study should be measured by whether the goals and objectives defined for the pilot were
achieved. Most issues listed below were covered in earlier portions of the document, but are
summarized again.
Data Specific Issues
Many issues to be assessed in the pilot study are data specific and are related to data quality,
volumes and conversion efforts.
Source Document Quality
Most first time GIS users are so awe struck by seeing their maps on the computer screen
or on colorful hard copy plots that they overlook the importance of reviewing the quality
and usefulness of the source documents and the utility of the final product. Many
original maps are so old and faded, that they are unusable as a source document to create
a GIS dataset. Some municipal agencies have scraped the existing maps and re-surveyed
the entire town's street and utility infrastructure. This is not a cheap alternative, but
digitizing bad maps is not a good investment.
Quality Control Needs
There is a danger present in any data conversion project (even for a pilot study) that the
vendor will perform the conversion and deliver the data to the client without an adequate
Quality Control process in place. If the client is new to GIS, they may not be able to
69 GIS Development Guide
determine if all the data is present, if the data is layered correctly or if all attributes are
Because a GIS looks at map features as spatially related, connected or closed features,
GIS query and display functions can be used to identify features that are in error. By
displaying each map layer one at a time using the attributes of the features, item values
that are out of range (blank, zero, or extreme values) will show up graphically on the
maps in different colors or symbol patterns. Erroneous values should be reported to the
conversion vendor immediately for resolution.
The client may consider using a third party GIS consulting firm to review the quality of
the data and verify the map accuracy.
Data Availability
Before an attribute field is added to a coding sheet as a target for data capture, be sure the
value is readily available and has importance to the operation of the agency. Many data
fields would be nice to have, but may not be cost effective. For example, a sidewalk and
driveway inventory for a community would be a useful data layer to capture. However, if
there are no existing maps showing sidewalk locations, using aerial photos and
photogrammetry is a costly approach to capture sidewalks and driveways. A cheaper
alternative may be to create two single digit fields in the street centerline attribute table to
hold flags indicating the presence or absence of sidewalks on the left or right side of the
street. An operator looking at the GIS screen and air photos can assign the values to the
flags without a large amount of effort. Based on these values, different line styles or
colors can be used to symbolize the presence of sidewalks in a screen display or hardcopy
Pre.conversion Editing
Be sure to track and review the number of man hours and problems encountered during
the pre-conversion scrubbing effort. These steps will undoubtedly be performed again
during the full conversion and now is the time to assess the impact on the organization.
Data Volumes
Data volumes and disk space is an important issue to evaluate in the pilot study. The
pilot by design covers a small area of interest. Use the same data cost ratios discussed
above to extrapolate data volumes for the entire GIS implementation effort. Data volume
is not only a disk space issue. There are inherent problems associated with managing
large datasets. Large files take more computer resoumes to manipulate, backup, restore,
copy, convert, etc. A tiling scheme (i.e. breaking the data into smaller packets for storage
and manipulation) should be investigated in the pilot study as a future solution for full
Pilot Studies and Benchmark Tests 70
Assessing the Adequacy of the Data Conversion Specifications
Data conversion specifications are provided to give the conversion vendor and the client
organization a set of guidelines on what layers, features and attributes should be captured, at
what precision, level of accuracy and in what format is the data to be delivered. Best intentions
and reality need to meet in the pilot study to evaluate the expectations and the level of effort
(costs) involved with converting the target dataset.
Ask the conversion vendor for feedback on the clarity of the specifications. Do the specs make
sense? Some vendors, holding to the adage "the customer is always right", will not question
your specifications and will do whatever you ask no matter how in-efficient the process. Others
will openly suggest alternatives approaches and will seek clarifications. Note the kinds of
questions they present and be open to changes early in the process.
Evaluation of logical data model and applications
Not only should the quality of the data conversion and the GIS software be reviewed in
the pilot, but just as important, the logical data model needs to be reviewed. The logical
data model describes how map features are defined (points, lines, polygons, annotations)
and the relationships between these map features and related database tables. Running
applications against the data model will allow measurement of response time that is a
function of data organization.
The bottom line is does the data model make sense for all the applications being
addressed in the pilot and will it be useful in the full implementation. Ask the conversion
and software vendors to explain the organizational structure of the GIS data model. What
are the advantages, disadvantages and tradeoffs for the model used in the pilot and ask if
the same structure would work comparably in a full implementation. Look carefully for
short cuts or data model changes to make a dataset work in the pilot. It may work very
well for a demo on a small dataset, but it may be unwieldy in a large implementation.
GIS hardware and software performance
Test the GIS running under a variety of scenarios ranging from single to multiple users
performing simple to complex tasks. Ask your software vendor to write a simple macro
to simulate multiple users running a series of large database queries. Test the
performance of query and display user applications while data administration functions
are running.
Were the users able to learn to use the system and perform useful work?
Refined GIS Cost Estimates
By requiring the conversion vendor to keep detailed logs of conversion times for each
data layer and feature type by map sheet, the client organization can project or
extrapolate from the pilot data conversion to a cost for full conversion. One approach
71 GIS Development Guide
that has work well in the past is to use parcel density as an indicator of manmade features.
For example, if you compute a series of ratios of the number of buildings, light poles,
miles of pavement edge, manholes, hydrants, and other features against the number of
parcels in the pilot area, you can compute with pretty good certainty the number of
manmade features in the remainder of the GIS implementation area. The Office of Real
Property Services has a low cost ($50 / town) parcel centroid database in a GIS format
that can be used as a guide for parcel density. Unfortunately physical features like
streams, ponds, contours, wooded areas, wetlands, etc., do not have a direct correlation to
parcels. In fact there seems to be an inverse relationship between parcel density and
number of physical features. The point to be leamed is that the pilot study should provide
an indication of costs for a full featured/full function GIS implementation effort.
Analyzing User Feedback
Tally the number of positive responses to yes/no questions, compute an average score for user
satisfaction, and compile the essay responses for content and tone. Review the complied results
with all team members and management. Interview team members to clarify questions with
unclear or strong responses to gain more insight. From response scorecards and comments
develop an overall score to determine user satisfaction, completion of goals and objectives.
The purpose of a benchmark is to evaluate the performance and functionality of different data
conversion methods, hardware and software configurations in a controlled environment. Each
software package can be compared in the same hardware environment or one software package
can be compared across different hardware platforms.
By defining a uniform set of functions to be performed against a standard dataset, key advantages
and disadvantages of the different configurations can be compared fairly and objectively.
Planning a Benchmark Test
As with any successful project, a detailed, thought out plan needs to be devised. It should be
noted that performing a benchmark takes a large amount of effort by both the local government
agency and the vendors taking part. Few firms can afford to devote large amounts of staff time
and computing resources competing in benchmark tests for free. Keep that in mind as you
design the benchmark to focus the tests on key issues that can be readily compared. If the
benchmark will be extensive, associated costs may be incurred.
Objectives for the Test
A benchmark provides an opportunity to evaluate the claims of advanced technology and high
performance presented by the marketing/sales force of competing data conversion, hardware and
GIS software vendors.
Pilot Studies and Benchmark Tests 72
The objectives of the benchmark should be defined clearly and communicated to all parties
involved. Suggested objectives for each of the different types of benchmarks include testing:
Conversion Methods · Cost effective procedures
· Sound methodology
· Quality control measures
· Compliance with conversion specifications
Hardware · Computing performance
· Conformance to standards
· Network compatibility and interoperability
· Future growth plans and downward compatibility
Software · Conformance to standards
· Computing speed / performance
· GIS functionality (standard and advanced)
· Can the software run on your existing hardware system
· Ease of use - menu interface, on-line help, map generation, etc.
· Ease of customization for non-standard functions
· Licensing and maintenance costs
This list of objectives is not all inclusive and should only be used as a guideline or a starting
point for your organization to design a benchmark study.
Preparing Ground Rules
Based on the defined objectives, all parties involved should be aware of what will be tested, how
they will be judged and what criteria will be used as a measure (i.e. low cost, high performance,
good service, quality, accuracy, etc.).
· Tests to be performed should be as fair as possible
· The exact same information and datasets should be given to all vendors
· A reasonable time frame should be provided to perform the work
· No vendor should be given preferential treatment over any other and clarifications
of intent should be offered to all
· Tests should be quantitatively measurable
· Hardware tests should use comparably equipped or comparably priced machines
· Software tests should be performed on the same hardware and operating system
Create scoring sheets for each aspect of the test. For subjective tests, like ease of use, have each
user rate their satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the results of each phase using a numeric rank-
order scheme. This won't eliminate bias but will allow impressions and opinions to be compared.
For objective tests, like machine performance, record the clock speed, disk space requirements,
number of button clicks, error messages, response time, etc. for each test conducted.
73 GIS Development Guide
Preparing the Test Specifications (Preliminary Request for Proposals or RFP)
The test specifications need to outline the type of test to be conducted (conversion, hardware or
software); objectives of the test; detailed description of the test; measures for compliance; and a
time frame for completion.
Selecting the Participants and Location
In order to conduct a benchmark, you need knowledgeable participants (both internal and
external). The internal participants should be knowledgeable regarding the topic to be tested
(data conversion, hardware or software).
Selecting external participants is more involved. Situations range from not knowing any vendors
to invite to how to limit the number of vendors. The smaller the number of participants the
easier the final selection process will be for the local government agency.
The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process can be used to filter or pre-qualify potential
participants. GIS is a specialized field and not every business involved with computers is
Several factors should be considered when selecting vendors for a benchmark test
· Are they knowledgeable about local government agency operations
· Are they a well known company
· Are they technically qualified
· Are they experienced and have a successful track record
· Are they financially sound, insured or bonded
· Are they going to be around 5 years down the road
· Are they local or do they have a local representative
· Would their previous clients hire them again
If the RFQ and/or the RFP are written clearly and succinctly, the process will filter the
participants and only those companies that specialize in the subject in question will respond.
The benchmark can occur either at the client's site or the vendor's offices. Some tests like data
conversion are best conducted at the vendor site to minimize relocating staff and equipment for a
test. Hardware and software benchmarks are commonly conducted at both the vendor and client
site. The initial data loading, customization and testing is performed at the vendor site. Once the
operations are stable, the client is invited to view the results at the vendor site, or the system is
transported to the client site.
Preparing the Data
For a data conversion benchmark, provide each vendor with a set of marked up (scmbbed) set of
maps, documents and coding sheets as described in the pilot study section above. If possible,
provide the data conversion vendor with an example dataset from the pilot study which shows
the appropriate data layering, tolerances and attributes to be captured. If not a dataset, clear
Pilot Studies and Benchmark Tests 74
specifications for how the data should appear when complete. Specify what data format (*.dxf,
*.e00, *.mif, tar, zip, etc.) and what type and size of media (1/4", 8mm or 4mm tapes) you want
the data delivered in.
For a hardware or software benchmark, provide a sample dataset which contains all possible
layers for inclusion in the GIS. The data could be purchased, converted during the pilot study or
could be the results from a data conversion benchmark noted above. Provide sufficient
documentation with the data to describe the use of the data, the organizational structure and
Scheduling The Benchmark Test
Once the benchmark has been defined and agreed to by the participants, set a time for the testing
to occur. Schedule a start date and a duration. Unless you specifically want to use company
responsiveness as part of the test (i.e. how fast can they respond to a problem), don't require an
immediate start date or extremely short time frame. There is no need to cause undue panic and
stress, you want a good test.
Transmitting Application Specifications And Data To Participants
Before transmitting maps, documents or data to any vendor, make an inventory and backup
copies of ail items. Either specify to the vendors that the data will be provided in a single data
format on a specific media, or make arrangements to provide the data in a format they can read.
Be sure to test the readability of the tape or disk on a target machine in your office before
sending the data out. Once the data has been verified as complete and readable, make two copies
of the tapes or diskettes, one to send and one to keep as a recoverable backup for documentation
of the delivery. Provide detailed instructions as to the contents of the tapes or disks and how to
extract the data. List phone numbers of responsible persons should problems arise with delivery
or data extraction. Ask the vendor to perform an inventory at the receiving end to acknowledge
receipt of the data or documents.
On-Site Arrangements
If the tests are to be conducted at your site, make sure you have the authorization and backing of
management and all personnel to be involved. Provide plenty of advanced notice and time to
setup. If you are conducting hardware tests you have to decide if more than one vendor's
machines will be present at the same time for comparative testing. With both machines setup in
the same room, you can conduct the exact same tests in "reai time" and visually compare the
results, but this will require more setup space and logistic leeway in the schedule to
accommodate multiple vendors. Make sure you have a suitable environment for equipment with
adequate power, air conditioning and security. Also make sure you have all required utility
software in place to read and write compressed files from tape and virus detection software.
If you are performing software tests, make sure you have two or more machines with the exact
same hardware and operating system configurations. If you can't have multiple machines, be
sure to backup and restore the current operating system files before testing each software
package to ensure a fair test of disk space requirements, resource usage and functionality.
Always use the same datasets for each test.
75 GIS Development Guide
Identifying Deficiencies In Specifications
Although the tests were well thought out and carefully followed, you will probably wish you had
performed additional tests during the benchmark. If short comings are discovered early on and
they do not involve major changes in direction, additional tests could be incorporated. Be sure to
notify the local management, staff and vendor participants of the change in objectives.
Defining benchmark criteria
Data Conversion Issues
A standard set of tests need to be performed to evaluate the results of a data conversion
benchmark. Overlaying checkplots with the source documents on a light table is a
straightforward but time consuming way to compare the conversion results. Suggestions made in
the Pilot Study section of this document, outline methods for using GIS query and display
functions to determine if all the data is present, layered correctly and attribute values are within
range. Displaying map features by attributes will highlight errors or items out of range in
different colors or symbol patterns.
GIS Software Performance
Software tests can be classified into 2 groups - capabilities and performance. Capabilities tests if
the software can perform a specific task (i.e. convert DXF files, register image data, access
external databases, read AutoCAD drawings, etc.) Performance deals with how well or how fast
the software performs the selected task. How fast can be measured with a stopwatch, how well
is open to interpretation.
The operating system on the machines in question will play a big factor in how GIS software will
perform. GIS software written to run on a 32 bit operating system will not perform as well in a
16 bit environment without work arounds. Likewise, a 16 bit application will run faster on a 32
bit machine, but will not run as well as 32 bit software on a 32 bit operating system like UNIX,
Windows 95 or Windows NT.
Hardware Performance
The goal is to find the fastest, cheapest hardware to meet your budget. Take advantage of
computer magazine reviews of hardware. They conduct standard benchmark tests involving
word processing, spreadsheets and graphics packages. The test results won't be GIS specific, but
will show the overall performance of a given computer. Oddly enough, two computers with
seemingly identical hardware specifications (clock speed, memory, and disk space) can perform
very differently based on intemal wiring, graphics acceleration and chip configurations.
Evaluating Benchmark Results
If the questions were formulated clearly, and the results were recorded honestly, evaluating the
results of the benchmark should be process of simple addition. Essay responses and comments
will have to be followed up with further tests to clarify any problems or differences encountered.