HomeMy WebLinkAboutLandmark Review ProcessFrequently Asked Questions What is the LPC looking for? The LPC wants to help you preserve those characteristics which make your property an important contributor to the character of the Town of Southold. They are looking for sensitivity to the style and period of the building and a compat- ibility of massing, scale, size, materials and textures. It is the goal of the LPC to encourage appropriate change and guide the evolution of landmarks in a reason- able way. The LPC uses guidelines estab- lished by the Secretary of Interior (copy available in the Building Department) in Making their determination. For more detailed information on the Landmark Preservation program refer to Chapter 170 of the Southold Town Code or contact a Landmarks Preservation Commission ~nember or Damon Rallis at the Southold Town Building Depart- ment. Tel. (631) 765-1802 or email at: damon.rallis @to~n.southold.ny. us Landmarks Preservation Commission TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Is there an appeal process for the denial of C of A? A denial of a C of A will be accompa- nied by a written statement of reasons for denial and recommendations concerning re-use and restoration of the landmark. You may ask for a review by the Town Board within 30 days of the decision by filing a written request. LANDMARKS PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK REVIEW PROCESS LANDMARK REVIEW PROCESS The purpose of the Landmarks Pres- ervation Commission's (LPC) review portion of your building permit is to en- sure that any renovation, addition, de- molition or other change to a Southold Town Landmark will preserve its es- sential character and historical signifi- cance. There are three distinct procedures to follow depending on the type of work you will be doing: Routine maintenance, interior work and alterations on a facade not visible from the public view require no LPC permit. In-kind replacements, using the same materials, of the same size, will require an Administrative Landmarks permit. For all other changes to a landmark, you must apply for a Certificate of Ap- propriateness (C of A) The C of A is required in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other permits which may be re- quired. The application requires a re- view of your proposed project by the seven-member . Landmarks Preserva- tion Commission, a public heating, and approval based upon findings. At the end of your construction you will need a Certificate of Completion,. Remember the Town Code has a penalty for undertaking work on a Landmark without the appropriate permit. If you have questions about the type of permit you need, the Building Depart- ment or Landmarks Preservation Com- mission can clarify this for you. Certificate of Appropriateness Buddy System When you file for your building per- mit, you will receive written notifica- tion if you require a C of A in addition to a building permit application. You will be assigned a Landmark Commis- sion member who will help guide you through the process. Preliminary Review Even before you develop your working drawings or begin the permit process, you and/or your architect or designer are encouraged to take advantage of this informal discussion of your proj- ect with the Commission to make sure you are headed in the right direction. You should bring as much information about your proposed project as possible to give the LPC a complete picture of your plans. An application package which includes a list of required drawings, photos, and samples, along with the information on the hearing process will be provided by the Building Department. After re- viewing your application, the LPC will schedule a public heating at which all interested persons are given a chance to present their views. The LPC will act to approve, deny, or approve with condi- tions within 60 days of the hearing. A fee may be required for this review.