HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-12/03/2009 Agenda
Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Fax (631) 765-9064
Telephone (631) 765-1809
9:30 A.M.
Prepared 11-30-09 updated 12-1-09 2:00 pm
Place of Meeting: Southold Town Meeting Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold
Call to Order by Chairman Gerard P. Goehringer. Pledge of Allegiance.
A. New Applications: RESOLUTION declaring the following as Negative Declaration with No
Adverse Effect for the following projects as applied:
Type II Actions (No further steps- setback/dimensional/lot waiver/accessory
apartment/bed and breakfast requests):
B. SEQRA Reviews Pending: (Tabled, Additional information to be submitted): ROMANELLI
REALTY INC. # 6100 Variances, also # 6224 – Special Exceptions for commercial uses
(contractors’ yards).
C. SEQRA Reviews Pending: (Tabled for Lead Agency Determination). WILLIAM A. PENNEY III
# 6319 – Special Exception regarding Motor Vehicle Sales Use.
PUBLIC HEARINGS: All testimony shall be limited to zoning issues properly before the
Board. Each speaker is requested to speak for five minutes, and to submit testimony in writing
when possible.
9:30 A.M. JOSEPH LOGAN and KELLEY WALKER #6331. Location of Property: 1110 Orchard
Street, Orient, lot containing 16,464 square feet. Requested are Variances from Code Sections
280-15C and 280-124, based on an application for a building permit to construct: (a) additions to
the dwelling, (b) a new accessory garage, and (c) swimming pool, and the Building Inspector’s
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Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals
December 3, 2009 Regular Meeting
July 30, 2009 Notice of Disapproval which states the new construction is not permitted for the
following reasons:
1) Additions to the accessory garage result in a size that exceeds the code-limitation of
660 square feet, and
2) Additions and alterations are proposed in excess of the 20% code limitation for all
construction areas.
9:40 A.M. JOYCE ORRIGO #6332. Location of Property: 66425 C.R. 48 a/k/a North Road),
Greenport. This is a request for a Waiver under Code Article II, Sections 280-12 (as amended) to
unmerge land identified as SCTM #1000-40-2-12, based on the Building Inspector’s August 4, 2009
Notice of Disapproval citing Zoning Code Section 280-10A, which states that the nonconforming
lots merged until a total lot size conforms to the current bulk schedule (minimum 40,000 square
feet in this R-40 Residential Zone District). This land merged with the adjacent property to the
west identified as SCTM #1000-40-2-11.
9:55 A.M. JOHN and LINDA SCOPAZ #6329. Location of Property: 6300 Indian Neck Lane
adjacent to Little Neck Bay (a/k/a Hog Neck Bay), Peconic; CTM 86-7-2.1. Requests for Variances
from Code Sections 280-14 and 280-116, based on an application for a building permit for an
addition and alterations to a dwelling and the Building Inspector’s July 22, 2009 Notice of
Disapproval stating that the new construction is not permitted because the setbacks are proposed
(a) less than the code-required minimum of 75 feet from a bulkhead,
(b) less than the code-required minimum of 20 feet on a single side yard,
(c) less than the code-required minimum of 45 feet for combined side yards, and
(d) less than the code-required minimum of 75 feet from the rear property line.
from Code Sections 280-56 and 280-116, based on an application for a building permit and the
Building Inspector’s July 27, 2009 Notice of Disapproval concerning addition/alterations proposed
to a (restaurant) building, which new construction is proposed: (1) at less than the code-required
minimum of 75 feet from a bulkhead adjacent to Southold Bay, and (2) at less than the code-
required minimum of 35 feet from the front yard lot line, at 62300 Route 25, Southold; CTM 56-6-
6.1. Zone District: Marine M-II.
10:30 A.M. HIGHLAND HOUSE FI, LLC #6337. Requests for Variances from Zoning Code Section
280-14, for this proposed subdivision of property and proposed single-family dwelling. Based on
the Building Inspector’s August 31, 2009 Notice of Disapproval, the proposed conversion of the
existing garage to a single-family dwelling is not permitted for the following reasons: (1) its size
is less than the code-required minimum livable floor area of 850 square feet, and (2) its location is
less than 60 feet from the front yard lot line. It is further noted that the proposed subdivision
requires approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. Location of Property: Ocean View
Avenue and Heathulie Avenue, Fishers Island, Town of Southold, NY; Suffolk County Parcel
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Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals
December 3, 2009 Regular Meeting
10:45 A.M. MAGGI TRAVIS #6334. Request for a Variance from Code Section 280-124, based on
an application for a building permit for an as-built (porch) addition to a single-family dwelling, and
the Building Inspector’s July 13, 2009 amended Notice of Disapproval stating the new
construction is not permitted at less than the code-required minimum rear yard setback of 35 feet,
at 700 Brown Street (and along 7 Street), Greenport; CTM 48-3-18.1.
Carryover Hearings, continued from prior meetings and pending additional information:
1:10 P.M. P. BETANCOURT #6294.
1:30 P.M. M. and D. SOKOL #6318.
1:50 P.M. WILLIAM PENNEY (TIDY CAR) # 6319 and #6226 – RESOLUTION to adjourn per letter received
dated 12/1/09 from McCarthy Management.
B. Resolution for Special Meeting Date for December 16, 22 or 29.
C. Resolution for next Public Hearings January 21, 2010 at 9:30 AM.
D. Work Session: Other items continued from above Agenda, also other/inspections or
updates: Code Committee: updates, work session discussions for code changes; LWRP
Committee; Planning & Zoning Committee; Other____
E. Resolution to approve Minutes of prior meetings. (See Board Member List)
Call to Order by Chairman Gerard P. Goehringer.
New Applications: reviews (pending).
B. SEQRA Reviews Pending: (Tabled, Additional Information to be submitted): ROMANELLI REALTY
INC. #6100 Variances, also #6224 – Special Exceptions for commercial uses (contractor’s yard)
C. SEQRA Reviews Pending: (Tabled, Possible Additional Information will be made available during
SEQRA Process before returning to hearing calendar): Harbes Family Farm #6106 Variances.
D. SEQRA Reviews Pending: (Tabled, Pending Lead Agency Determination): WILLIAM A. PENNEY
III, #6319 Special Exception Only.
Deliberations(PH 8/27)
SHINN VINEYARDS LLC and BARBARA SHINN # 6308. (Letter submitted by the Applicants asking
that the Hearing be REOPENED. Resolution whether or not to reopen and advertise for public
hearing to be held October 29, 2009 concerning an application for Variances from Town Code
Chapter 277, Section 277-3B(1), based on the Building Inspector’s April 8, 2009 Notice of
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Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals
December 3, 2009 Regular Meeting
Disapproval stating that the proposed wind turbine is not meeting the code requirement for a
minimum distance from a property line, total height of the small wind energy system plus 10 feet,
except that it shall be set back at least 300 feet from a property line bordering an existing
residential structure. The proposed location is shown 136.5 feet measured easterly to other land
identified as CTM 1000-100-4-4; zero feet from the applicant’s agricultural land along the west, and
+/- 18 feet from the applicant’s agricultural land south of the wind turbine. The applicant’s
properties are shown with an area of 1.2 acres, or 22.49 acres with both the applicant’s single-
family dwelling and agricultural lands. Location of Property: 2000 Oregon Road, Mattituck; CTM
1000-100-4-part of 3 (now 3.1 and 3.2).
Deliberations (PH 12/3):
JOYCE ORRIGO #6332. Location of Property: 66425 C.R. 48 a/k/a North Road), Greenport. This is
a request for a Waiver under Code Article II, Sections 280-12 (as amended) to unmerge land
identified as SCTM #1000-40-2-12, based on the Building Inspector’s August 4, 2009 Notice of
Disapproval citing Zoning Code Section 280-10A, which states that the nonconforming lots
merged until a total lot size conforms to the current bulk schedule (minimum 40,000 square feet in
this R-40 Residential Zone District). This land merged with the adjacent property to the west
identified as SCTM #1000-40-2-11.
JOHN and LINDA SCOPAZ #6329. Location of Property: 6300 Indian Neck Lane adjacent to Little
Neck Bay (a/k/a Hog Neck Bay), Peconic; CTM 86-7-2.1. Requests for Variances from Code
Sections 280-14 and 280-116, based on an application for a building permit for an addition and
alterations to a dwelling and the Building Inspector’s July 22, 2009 Notice of Disapproval stating
that the new construction is not permitted because the setbacks are proposed at:
(a) less than the code-required minimum of 75 feet from a bulkhead,
(b) less than the code-required minimum of 20 feet on a single side yard,
(c) less than the code-required minimum of 45 feet for combined side yards, and
(d) less than the code-required minimum of 75 feet from the rear property line.
PORT OF EGYPT ENTERPRISES BY WILLIAM LIEBLEIN #6233. Request for Variances from Code
Sections 280-56 and 280-116, based on an application for a building permit and the Building
Inspector’s July 27, 2009 Notice of Disapproval concerning addition/alterations proposed to a
(restaurant) building, which new construction is proposed: (1) at less than the code-required
minimum of 75 feet from a bulkhead adjacent to Southold Bay, and (2) at less than the code-
required minimum of 35 feet from the front yard lot line, at 62300 Route 25, Southold; CTM 56-6-
6.1. Zone District: Marine M-II.
HIGHLAND HOUSE FI, LLC #6337. Resolution to confirm acceptance of 12/17/09 submissions and
close written record for purpose of commencing deliberations. Requests for Variances from Zoning
Code Section 280-14, for this proposed subdivision of property and proposed single-family
dwelling. Based on the Building Inspector’s August 31, 2009 Notice of Disapproval, the proposed
conversion of the existing garage to a single-family dwelling is not permitted for the following
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Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals
December 3, 2009 Regular Meeting
reasons: (1) its size is less than the code-required minimum livable floor area of 850 square feet,
and (2) its location is less than 60 feet from the front yard lot line. It is further noted that the
proposed subdivision requires approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. Location of
Property: Ocean View Avenue and Heathulie Avenue, Fishers Island, Town of Southold, NY;
Suffolk County Parcel #1000-9-11-7.12
MAGGI TRAVIS #6334. Request for a Variance from Code Section 280-124, based on an
application for a building permit for an as-built (porch) addition to a single-family dwelling, and
the Building Inspector’s July 13, 2009 amended Notice of Disapproval stating the new
construction is not permitted at less than the code-required minimum rear yard setback of 35 feet,
Deliberations (PH 12/3, continued):
at 700 Brown Street (and along 7 Street), Greenport; CTM 48-3-18.1.
JOSEPH LOGAN and KELLEY WALKER #6331. Resolution to confirm acceptance of 12/17/09
submission and close written record for purpose of commencing deliberations. Location of Property:
1110 Orchard Street, Orient, lot containing 16,464 square feet. Requested are Variances from
Code Sections 280-15C and 280-124, based on an application for a building permit to construct:
(a) additions to the dwelling, (b) a new accessory garage, and (c) swimming pool, and the
Building Inspector’s July 30, 2009 Notice of Disapproval which states the new construction is not
permitted for the following reasons:
1) Additions to the accessory garage result in a size that exceeds the code-limitation of
660 square feet, and
2) Additions and alterations are proposed in excess of the 20% code limitation for all
construction areas.
A. Resolution to authorize advertising of hearings for Regular Meeting to be held January 21,
2010 which Regular Meeting will commence at 9:30 A.M., Town Meeting Hall, 53095 Main
Road, Southold.
B. Work Session: Other items continued from above Agenda, also other/inspections or updates:
Code Committee: updates, work session discussions for code changes; LWRP Committee;
Planning & Zoning Committee; Other: ___
C. Resolve to confirm Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing Dates and Special Meeting dates
for 2010.
V. EXECUTIVE SESSION (no new updates as of 12/21/09).