HomeMy WebLinkAboutField Inspections 02/04/2009 James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Hall, 53095 Main Rd. P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone (63 I) 765-I 892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD For discussion: FIELD INSPECTIONS FEBRUARY 4, 2009 8:00 AM Meet with Jamie Richter and Pete Harris to discuss drainage pipes leading into Budd's Pond, specifically capped pipe at SCTM#56-5-18 Review revised plans submitted by Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of Thomas & Andrew Zoitas. ORIENT/EAST MARIONIGREENPORT ~ , , 1. PETER SCHEMBRI requests a tlV~e,~Permit to construct an 18 X 18 addition onto the seaward side of the exis/t~dwelling, repair the existing wood steps and deck inkind/inplace, and to in~.all a flagpole. Located: 1425 Soundview Rd., Orient. SCTM#15-3-16 Jim's notes: ZBA Noti~ of D'mapproval//I/20109 2. Patdcia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf'X0~LIAM~' / HAMILTON requests a Wetland Permit to re-design the swimming/p~l, extend the existing deck and construct a wall to support the structures. ~ated~2674 Grandview Dr., Orient. SCTM#14-2- ,~i6rn's notes: Complete r -/configuration - Needs ZBA. 3. SOFIA ANTONIADIS & MARIA XEFOS req'~e;,~t~Wetland Permit & Coastal Erosion Permit to replace approx. 200' of b~'~ad and 30' return on landward side, an 18'X 24' deck and steps to the b~ich, ~d place toe armor along the southwestern end of the new bulkhead,~nd retum. Located: 1.2500 Main Rd., Easl~ Marion. SCTM#31-14-7 ~'//~CL~ca~, "~ (-~)',c.)~'~,~ I,)~L.~-~^ 4. Costello Marine Contracting Corp. o~n,~efitalf of GARDINER'S BAY ~)~ HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION re(~u/~ts a Wetland Permit to maintenance dredge (10 year maintenance) 1,00 m main channel to -4' below mean Iow water and use spoil as b,edch n"eurishment. Located: Gardiner's Bay Estates channel/boat basin, Spd/p~ Pond. SCTM~37-4-17 / Permit Services o~ybehalf of iS POINT PROPEl ITY OV~ NER,~ requests a Coast~ll Erosio[ re-sheath sections, totaling up to +/. 32 If. maximum, of the landward bulkhead using-vinyl T&G plank sheathing with filter fabric with +/-20 cy. of clean from upland source. Located: 345 ( Greenport. S~ Inspect property for compli; , III dated 3ne Lig'~od on to repair in-kind a portio~ pool. Located: 1445 Bayshore LDEN requests wall of the existing gunite sw SCTM#53-4-4 SOUTHOLD 7. Suffolk Environmental Amendment to Permit #6978 existing floor I addition of two (2) courses of the house from flooding and 1 construct a second-story SWING requests an removal and replacement of the raise the existing dwelling by 16" by the the foundation in order to protect deterioration of the dwelling; ~g 580 sq.ft, and retain the southem- most wall housing the exi~('~r~ sunroom and existing chimney. Located: 4295 B~ay~s_ho. re. Rd.., Southold. ~;CTM#53-6-24 ~Corp. on behal f~ER COSOLA requests an ~V.._Ar~ent to Permit #59~ to install four 2~e mooring dolphins at the off shore -- e'~c~of~ne ex~s[mg du~;~. Cocated: 2880 I~J~ne~aha B, Ivd., Southoldr.~CTM¢~8_-/~--~-~ 43 9. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of J(~EPH &_.J~ITA DENICOLO requests a Wetland ~'~Permit to renovate the most seaward 20 X 19.7 porti-~ ""'" '" "' -- ~=on of the existing one-story ~welling to remain (including roof restructuring and installation of new windows and d~ors); replace portion of existing one-story dwelling (in-place) with two-story d~eiling constructed over existing foundation; construct two-story addition, approx. ~/4 sq. ft. of which will be located within Ch. 275 jurisdiction; and construct a deck ../addition on the eastedy side of the dwelling. Located: 3475 Wells Ave., Southold. ~ SCTM#70-4-6 0. PAUL & AN~ELA, SA t ent replace the existing 6 X 10 floatin'g~ock with a 6'X--20~' fi~.c.t:,~,.~ ~,~,.,~'~'~ to replace two pilings at the end of the~J(f~t~ng dock. Located: 700 Koke Dr., Southold. SCTM#87- ~!~Young & Young on behalf of MARK BAXTER requests a~,Wetland Permit to J --construct a single-family dwelling, sanitary system, ddvew~_oo~t path and 4'X 82' open grate catwalk. Located: 5805 Main Bayview ~uthold. SCTM#78-7-5.6 CUTCHOGUE/MATTITUCK t~, "~::~ ~'~ Permit to c~ruct a 4'X 35 fixed walk~yal) do)~,k with mooring pole. Located: 145 Flee~_~Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM~37-4-1,~.1 13. E-~o~t. ta-~lnc, on behalf of STRONG S MARINE, INC. requests an /Amendment to Permit #6907 to modify the proposed fuel tank replacement, .~-~l.// specifically~J~"replacement of the existing rue tank and pumps with one double- J'" -~ ~ss tank containing two (2) fuel storage compartments (6,000 gallon gas and 4,000 gallon diesel). Located: 2402 Camp Mineola Rd., Mattituck. SCTM#122- 14. Inspect the property of RONALD IVI~SAB to measure the existing facility and to consider revi~3p,.-tt~ resolution d~ted 1/21/09. Located: 3265 Park Ave.,.Mattituck. scTM# .... ,"-¥ /~5. En-Consultants, Inc./e'n bgl~ ~STEVEN & SUSAN BLOOM requests an ~ Amendment to P~Ber~it #6785 tb eliminate the inkind/inplace replacement of +/-148 ,.~(~.[~ ~ If~f existi~j:~dl~mber retaining wall in favor of the inkind/inplace replacement of +/- ~ l~x~sting timber retaining wall and the installation of +/-35 If. of new timber , ~,~retaining wall to create landward cut-out in retaining wall. Locate~d: 7800 Peconic y Blvd., Laurel. SCTM#126-11-15~ ~,~-., ,, ~ ~ i . ,~_~X~I~. ,~C., ste,lo Ma dna Con, racting Co rl3,~n~beha If of GE RALD DICU NZOLO requests a Wetland Permit t,o, remove ~6~rexisting bulkhead and construcl; new bulk,h,,ead i.,n- place. Provide 10 wide no~-rf;b-u~;-i'i;n-d-~ard of bulkhead. Installtwo 12 X30 long mooring pilings on~f'~rth side of existing floating dock. Located: 1935_/ Wes tv, ew D r., M att,~l~. S CT Iv1~107-~ ,,~'-~ LORRAINE CONNOLLY requests ~ Administrative Permit to r(~nove portions of an existing concrete ddveway and bn'ek,~.d areas~ad.ad~.c~w'~ravel driveway; and a letter of no-jurisdiction to construct ~ new garage, renovate the existing dwelling by constructing a second-f oor addition, construct a porch addition, a~d relocate the house entrance from the front to the side of the h~use~ Loc~ Wickham Ave., Mattituck. Sv~.-1~7-9~,~ "~'~~"~ DIANA DELUClA requests' a Wetland Permit to construct a 38'X 8' and 4~'X 10.3', attached wood deck to th(~ existing dvj/~,~g,~nd replace the steps. Located: 4573 Wickham Ave, Uattituck. ~CTM~1~-4-5~ -,. ~"~ .,~, ~ ~ 4 19. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of KEVlN & ALEXANDRA O'MARA requests a Wetland Permit & Coastal Erosion Permit to construct +/-226 If. of a double few of quarrystone on a hardcore stone foundation; backfill and re-vegetate eroded bluff face with native vegetation and reconstruct (in-place with open-grate decking) and extend the existing bluff stairs over the proposed stone. Located: 14345 Oregon Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#72-2-2.2