HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/24/2009 Fishers IslandFISHERS ISLAND
March 24, 2009
1. J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services or,beef of DAVID WIL~ERDING
requests a Wetland Per, mit ~ Coastal Erosion ~(~rmit to construct a 5 X 46' fixed
dock onto an existing 8 X 88 fixed dock, to r.r.r~-d~tck the existing 8'X 88' fixed dock
and to construct (2) steps on the existing/fir(ed d0~k. Located: Private Rd. off of
Equestrian Ave., Fishers Island.\/_jSCTM/99-9~3'4
~-., ~.-~t.2. STEPHEN BURNHAM requests.~wC~'~nspection of the additiOns and renovations
.---.,...^ ~. to the existing Single-family d~g,'~n accordance with Permit #5900 issued on
-w ~ec~,~... April 21,2004. Located.'~/~,.,,~" -- F~.~.rs Island. SCTM#6-,-12
~S~-~.5 ~__~ AIb'~, Righter & Tittmann Ar~itec nc on behalf of THOMAS SHILLO requests
~ - a pre-submission inspection to cuss the proposed construction of a dwelling and
~ ~;~-~"~ a b°at house' L°cated: ~m~Un~l~iFhi~hPe.~ Island' SCTM#10-10'2
~.. 4. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of GR~ BURR HAWKINS requests a Wetland
~ ! Permit to construct a single-family d~ and sanitary system. Located: Private
· ".--.4 Rd., Fishers Island. SCTM#10-4-.¢~
N~'*5. tl.M.O. Environmental Consulting on behalf of FISHERS ISLAND DEVELOPME~I
x. CORP requests a Wetland Pan-nit to reclaim and repave East End Rd which is a
~'~x''~ private' road extending fro; Odental Ave. eastwardly approx. 4.5 m e~ to the east
NJ' x of the island. The plan calls for reclaiming the existing pavement to create a sub
m~ base, replacing old culverts with new larger pipes, grading and repaving, with two
.~Y ~o, urses of bituminous concrete. Existing unpaved storm water leaks offs will be
(~ ~ -'~ ~i~proved with rip rap in areas not adjacent to freshwater wetlands and stone
J '. \ trenches and landscaped swales designed to accommodate run-off from a design
i'--..[- storm will be installed in areas near wetlands. Areas adjacent to the road disturbed
/~ ~ during the grading process will be Ioamed and seeded. In add t on, proposed
r) construction of an 8' wide paved or boardwalk path to follow the ready,alignment for..~ ,-~
· an approx, length of 3.25 miles. Design plans proposed a corridor approx. 12' wide
be cleared, topsoil removed, processed gravel base installed and a final 2"
pavement course of bituminous concrete. Any disturbed areas will be learned and
seeded. In areas where the path crosses freshwater wetlands, an elevated
boardwalk with open grating is proposed. Located: Fishers Island
MBB Architects on behalf of MARY B~. [N/H/AM requests a Wetland Permit and
Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a t/ e'-story addition to the existing dwelling,
new deck, and new one-story fully de~ I~ed garage. Located: Peninsula Rd.,
Fishers Island. SCTM#10-/~-~-,4~_.I / \
NANCY KING HOWE requests a letter )fN~3urisdiction to construct an addition
to the existing dwelling and attached de_,,ck¢'. ~ocated: East End Rd., Fishers Island.
SCTM#3-6-3.12 J ~'~
Docko, Inc. on behalf of SHEILA KENNEDY_/~Iuests a Wetland Permit to
c,o, nstr,uct a 4'X 55' wood pile and timber p~r ir~luding four (4) tie-off pilings and an
8 X 20 floating dock with associated hi,~2'ed rarr~) and restraint pilings. Located:
Equestrian Ave., Fishers Island. SCT/M#9-9-22.1
9. Docko, Inc. on behalf of FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB requests a Wetland
Permit to dredge 13,000 cy. of sandy silt with a 1' over-dredge allowance of 6,000
cy. over 145,000 sr. by clamshell bucket for open water disposal at New London.
Remove existing "A" dock with sailing program float, "B" dock with floating "T" end
and dinghy dock, construct 36 If. of 7' wide main pier extension and seven 30'X 4'
fixed fingers with associated support and tie-off/fender piles. Install 228 If. of 8'
wide main float with eighteen 20'× 3' finger floats, 216 If. of 8' wide main float with
thirteen 20'X 3' finger floats, two 20'X 4' finger floats, two 13'X 42' and one 19'X 42'
sail floats all with associated ramps, restraint piles and tie-off/finger piles.
Reconstruct or replace an existing 12'X 20' floating dinghy dock waterward of the
apparent high water line, and install a small boat crane landward of the apparent
high water line. Located: Central Ave., Fishers Island. SCTM#10-1-9
10.J.M.O. Environmental ConsultinX~ Se~j~on behalf of GEORGE CARTER
SEDNAOUI & STACEY CAYCE~NAOUI requests a One-Year Extension to
Permit #6618, as issued on Ma/y'l~, 2007. Located East End Rd., Fishers Island.
SCTM#4-7-6 ~'
jurisdiction to construct a dormer add~i~n to the existing building. Located:
Peninsula Rd., Fishers Island. SC.,T, E4#1,-3-22,22.1&22.2