HomeMy WebLinkAboutField Inspections 03/04/2009 James F. King, President
Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President
Peggy A. Dickerson
Dave Bergen
Bob Ghosio. Jr.
Town Hall. 53095 Main Rd.
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Telephone (631 ) 765-I 892
Fax (631'1765-6641
For discussion:
MARCH 4, 2009
8:00 AM
· Review revised survey submitted by Peter Schembri.
Meryl Kramer on behalf of JULIETTE. V~A~ILKIOTI requests an Administrative
Permit for the as-built trellis, outside~ower, and to replace inkind/inplace the
existing Wood fence, Located: 20/1.5 Bay Ave., East Madon. SCTM#31-17-2
Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of TH~AS & JOYCE MESSlNA requests a
W?land Permit to construct an in-gro/u~d gunite swimming pool at grade located
79 from the top of the bluff, pervi~ patio on grade, and pool mechanicals
enclosed in sound-deadening c~er landward of the proposed pool. Located: 1690
The Strand, East Madon. SCTM#30-2-61
. Eh-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of ROSE L. MIL~O REVOCABLE TRUST
requests a Wetland Perm t to construct app.. 52 linear ft of v ny bu khead n
place of existing timber'bulkhea.d, and backfill with approx. 5 cy of Clean sand to be
planted with Spartina 'patens (18 on ce/Mer) to re-establish approx. 189 sq.ft, of
high marsh; and construct approx. 3.0d'mear ft. of Iow-sill vinyl bulkhead between
.two bulkheads and backfill with apj;~fox. 5cy. of clean sand to be planted with
Spartina altemiflora (12" on cen~et:) to create approx. 137 sq.ft, of inter-tidal marsh.
Demolish and partially recons~j~ct'(in-place an~ raised to FEMA-conforming F.F.
EL. 10') existing one-story, o)~-farn~ly 'dwelling (footprint downsized by approx. 12
percent); construct 854 sc~. two-story addition onto landward side of reconstructed
one-story dwelling; construct 214 sq.ff, attached deck; install drainage system of
drywells, leaders, and gutters; remove existing sanitary system located +30 from
the wetlands and install upgraded sa~ system whose leaching pools will be
located more than 100' from the w,~trands; install new pervious gravel driveway;
and establish an 850 sq.ft, non-~Y'fbuffer adjacent to the wetlands. Located: 1165
Island View Lane, Southold. S~T~
~'/McCarthy Management, Inc.~3,,~half of BERNARD & CAROL KIERNAN
~quests a One-Year Extexl~dn to Permit #6538A, as issued on Mamh 2;I, 200~\ ~,~¥;3
~--'3x: ~1,' Lc~~cated: 1605 North~2~P~'~ ...... Dr,, Southold. S ........... CTM#71-1-15 0~-~-'~~* ~'~ ,,~ ~,~' ~ ~.~
· MARY ZUPA requests an Amendment to Perm t #6214 to con'tact a 4'X 30~.
~' rglass grid dock 1.5' above grade with a seasonal 3'X 18' ramp and 6'X 20' ~\'~ '~' -
t" J floating dock secured by (2) 8" piles, in a "'I'" c~nflgur,~n. Located: 580 Basin, R,~
Southol . CTM 1-1- 6.7
~ - 6. ~Pa¥ciaC. Moore~Esq.(~nbehalfofSTEVEN&ANDREAKOYLERrequestsa~._
~. ~., .,~,~-~dment to Permit #567.2, to reconfigure the existing dock, ramp and float 20"to
"'~ ~ ,?~.~'f~rth and extend dock 5 seaward. Lo~,ated~t'40~a~ara, d~ise P~Jnt Rd.,
M I-I-10
\~) [~' 7. Anne Pizzicara on behalf of MARC SOKOL requests an Administrative Permit to
- /" install a temporary 6' high deer fence using metal posts, 10' from the wetland
boundary. The fence is proposed to be installed in the Fall and removed in the
~.-~_ ',,~. Lc;ct~d: Cg5 C~d~r ~c:,~.t _n....~ Ec.c'., Sc.;~,~c'.:~L~CTM~90-3-16
8. KPC Planning Services, Inc. on behalf of JACK MAY requests a Wetland Permit to
demolish the existing structures and construct a new 2.,510 sq.ff, two-story
dwelling, porch; deck, and sanitary system. Located: 1340 Cedar Point Ddve East,
Southold. SCTM#92-1-5
9. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of ROBERT & SUSAN TOMAN requests a
Wetland Permit to construct a 4'X 40' dock 3.5' above grade, a seasonal 3'X 12'
ramp and a 6'X 20' floating dock. Located: 3795 Main Bayyie,~ I~:1.= S~eflol .~d~.--~---
10. PECONIC J .1~ ~, T;RUST r~que~e last One-Year Extension to Permit ~6326,
as issued on Ma~h 22, 2006~ocated: 650 First St., New Suffolk. SCTM#117-8-18
1,1. MARY R. RAYNOR reques~ a~tland Permit to replace the existing wood
,bulkhead andwood retaining~.~'all as exists, utilizing PVC bulkheading. Located:
575 Beachwood Rd., Cut~g~e. SCTM~116-4-21
'/-~j~IN_A~ HASDAY requests an Administrative Permit for the ~;isting 4'X 25' walkway ' ~' ~and masonry fire pit surrounded, by slate,tiles. Located: il'00 MacDonald'srC. rossing,
~redefick Weber, R.A. on behalf of BRIAN FRAWLEY requests a Letter °f~N°n-
· JL~r~sdiction to demolish the existing dwelling and construct a new single-family
dw~,lling' with porches, terrace, detached garage, pervious ddveway and swimmina, ~-----
p/eel.5 Located: 4545 Halleck Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#112-1-2 ~,,3~
~&~ MANAGEMENT LLC requests an Administrative Permit to install an 8' higl~ '",deer fence. Located: 4735 Westphalia Rd., Mattituck. SCTM#113-13-1.4 ~
1~. C.~stello Madne Contracting Corp. on behalf of PERI HINDEN requests an
>~mendment to Permit #6732 to' install two 8" mooring pilings on the south side of , t,. ,-~
.~~ t~e existing dock. Located: '~255 Woodcliff Dr., Mattituck. SCTM#107-6-18~.~(~ A
16. Jeffrey T. Butler on behalf of DANIEL HUME requests a Wetland Permit to
construct beach access stairs and related walkways and platforms. Located: 14216
Oregon Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#72-2-5 ' ~ . , ~
7. Jeffrey T. Butler on behalf of JOHN EUCK, AS TRUSTEE requests a Wetlan~l~l~
'~,,~' ' Permit to construct beach access stairs and related walkways and platforms.T ~1~¥~'.
~-~.- Located: 6291 Oregon Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#82-2-3.2 .- r ,~'C7~C
~ (__j/-~ 18.Jeffrey T. Butler on behalf of OREGON LANDING I requ~letter of permissiort/1 ~J~ "~
to vegetate the exposed area of the face of the bluff. Located: 14032, 14124 and · /'-~
14308 Oregon Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM~72-2-3,4,6 '
19. Jeffrey T. Butler on behalf of OREGON LANDING II requests a letter of permisw
to vegetate the exposed areas of the face of the bluff. Located: 6213 Oregon Rd.,'
Cutchogue. SCTM#82-2-3.1
~,0. Inspect the property of KATHL)L~ BOWER to discuss the road run-off. Located:
12710 Soundview Ave., Sou, tl~old. SCTM#54-7-1.3