HomeMy WebLinkAboutField Inspectons 04/08/2009 James F. King, President
Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President
Peggy A. Dickerson
Dave Bergen
Bob Ghosio, Jr.
Town Hall, 53095 Main Rd.
P.O. Box I 179
Southold. NY 11971
Telephone (631 ) 765-1892
Fax I63D 765~6641
APRIL 8, 2009
For. discussion:
· Discuss proposed drainage project along Silvermere Rd.
· Request for inspection of Reiter's Seven Acre Farm to determine wetland
· Request for inspection.of property owned by D.ominic Nicolazzi - RE:
application for re-subdivision/lot line modificabon.
sou .OLD . :
/~ MaryAnn Bellman on behalf of RO'~RTIN, TRUSTEE requests an insl3ection to~L.~
· ! ~tetermine the location of the top of tJ;~bluff, for the purpose of installing an in-
~/g.~und sw, mm,ng poo~. ,oc~ted;.~07~o.~ndv,ew Ave... Scut.hold. SC~M#5~ ~ 6
;~/. Richard Wa~, ASLA o~ behalf of ~ICKO~US requests a pre-submission
/ inspection to assess the condition ~e bluff. ~cated: 17555 ,Soundvi~ Avp{,
/ ~outhold. SCTM~51-1-2 / X ~~ ~[~,
/ / , ~ . .~ ~~,~
-,,, ~ InsPect the property of NI~RT h ~CORP. fo~ a jurisdictional de~
'~accordance with the application t ~?ision of the pmpe~. Lo~[~
~0o Coun~.~, Sou~o~ ~~~ , ~:
4. Peconic Permit Expediting on beh~NE DROEGE requests a Wetland
~ ~ Permit to ~nstruct e~erior stalin from the second floor deck to grade. Located:
~D 885 Re~'s Dr., Orient. SCTM~14-2-24 ~ ~X~ ~
~ C. Moore Esq. on behalf
t ~dministmtive Pe~it to selecti e y ' ' g ~e
~ line by removing the non-native plant species and replanting the area with n~i~
~ plants· Lo,ted: 2674 Grandview Dr., Orient. SCTM~14-2-3.6 - CE~~T?
~ MEET ~ITHDERE~ BOSSEN - ~-5253 OR 379-0S~ ~-X .~~
14.JOHN SEVERINI requests a~° add a second set of
,~ stairs to the retaining wall anu~~,,~--st'~r~:.= .-~rtT~G deck attached to the
dwelling. Located: 565 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport. SCTM#35-4-28.27
15. P f ANN MA~N requests the last One-Year
~ ~/.~~ued °n April 19' 2006' L°cated: 1420 otb st''
16 n-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of PHILIP STANTO,N, requests a Wetland Permit to
remove the existing dock and construct approx 35 to the east a new fixed timber
~.~e~!onsisting of a 4'X ,53' fi,x, ed catwalk, 3'X 14' hinged ramp, and a 6'X 20' 'L"
· ~ shaped float secured by (2) 8 dia. pilings. Located: 302 Town Creek Lane,
· Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on beha f of,,,T,~"~& JOA. NTORKELSEN requests a
Transfer of Permit #2251 from J.~3~'~ph Gradowski to Tor & Joan Torkelsen, as
issued on January 29, l~A~cat~d_: 3_6_7_5_W..~IIs Ave., Sout~
18. Gian Mangiefi on beha~of RICHARD GREENE requests.an~
to re-plant area where vegetation was destroyed in order to prevent tan(]
and control water run-off into creek. Located: 3392 Oaklawn Ave., Southold.
. eats a mendm"ent to Pe~nit #51~ to install wooden
19 DOUGLAS ROSE, SR. requ mr~end.ff .... -~ ........ ~-~',~
bollards and decorative plantings in front of existing tence, Locatea. ~
Lane, Southold. SCTM#70-13-20.1
20. ary Steinfeld oj3J3eAag~-.~C~~AUMII690 BAYVlEW AS~'-OCIATESt,"~)
)~.~Creq~S~-erof pe~j.~2~f.r.o_m Roger and Dor°thY2_~a~9OsU; taOnJc~tYo ~.'J
/Maodel~/1690 Bayy. j~ociates, LLC, as issued on May , , , I to~
· ~h ~ I,,e e~n~it,~h .of the~ dock from one 6'X 20 floatinff'
;~. Gary Steinfeld on behalf~f~ _~~LBAUM/1690 BAYVlEW ASS(~II[TE$,
/ LLC requests' ~L.T. raf~ ~'lsermit #2..G4/0 from Roger Lamour to Jay
· / Mandelbau~""~90 Sa~~es: LLC, as iss..u._e_d .o_n ~A_ugust 28, 1~9~85.
~ ,l~ocated' 1690 North Bayy ew Rd., South01d. SCTM#~U-lZ-;~/ ~
/Creat ve Environmental Design on behalf of KEVlN BARR requests an
V Administrative Permit to construct.an 80'+/-long reta. inin.,g wall approx. 8' from
32. DEBORAH DO'DY requests an Administrative Permit to remove a diseased tree
adjacent to the wetlands, with the stump cut to grade. Located: 670 West Creek
Ave., Cutchogue. SCTM#103-13-5.3
33.Costello Marine Contracting Cor~ of JILL & CAROL RIDINI requests a
One-Year Extension to Perm. jJ,]~646, as issued on June 20, 2007. Located: 805
34. ERWIN & HEATHER GRUBER request an Administrative Permit for the clean-up
of the overgrown bushes, shrubs, removal of the small trees and one grown tree,
addition of top soil and seed for grass, add a post and rail fence along the street
~O~LI0.. and a privacy fence along the side yard bordering the golf course. Located: 4955
· i Moore's Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM#116-2-3
.\ [ ~ 35.JAMES B. GIVEN requests an Administrative Permit to tdm brush and maintain
(~E,~3n) . sight to water Located' 159 Old HarborRd., New Suffolk. SCTM#117-3-42
I ' ' ' r
/36. High Point Engineering on behalf of NEW SUFFOLK SHIPYARD, LLC equ
j' Wetland Permit to remove the existing (1) 4K gallon single wall fiberglass storage
\ J'L,.~,'~ tank; install (1) 4K gallon double wall steel above ground storage tank; and insta~-,~
/' ~,~.'~' ~)'~' ~ (2) 2' deep drywells and +/-153 If. roof gutters with downspouts. . to redirect roof _ru~
- off from draining into water beyond bulkhead into d~,wells. Lbcated: 6775 Ne,,~"~
Suffolk Rd., New Suffolk. SCTM#117-5,29.1_ ~r~-.. ~~/~"~,. ~(,~'~'~
37. Suffolk Environm~D~~~lf of ROBERTA JAKLEVIC
requests ~effdment to Permit/~~cUre a 30' section of the proposed
reconst cted ' u em wall of the existing boat basin using
_~ he,lJCal ~s, inste~ of the approved pilingsl in order to minimize the
i~pact tothe immediate i~r-tidal marsh. Located: 900 Old Harbor Rd., New.
,//~ uffolk. SCTM#117-5-21'.2 %
,~.Valerie Scopaz, AICP on behalf of PE~OI~LAND TRUST requests an
/' Administrative Permit to add topsoil and~ndscape an area approx. 500 sq.ft., add
i snow fenCing to improve site secudty,/r'el~lace travel lift with concrete blocks to
¢ iinmt~P~iorve site security, and place cor)c'rete ~locks to prevent vehicular access to
interior of site and improve secudxt~. I_ocat~d: 650 First St. New Suffolk.
- SCTM#117-8-18 ~/'...~
39.J.M.O~ Environmental Consu~DERE PROPERTY
MANAGEMENT LLC requ,,~~~._~,~'.~rmit #6565, as issued
_~(J~ on April 18, 2007, and ,~[~'~ ' ~2~,2. ~. L13~cated: Robins Island;
New Suffolk. ~-3-5
z~. Bay Constable Don Dzenkowski requ~an inspection of property owned by the
/ NATURE CONSERVANCY for a~x~'sible wetland code violation for clearing paths
.~,/through wetlands. Locate~,t~on Creek, Mattituck. 8CTm#126-2-4.2
50. F~hi~t on behalf of BRIAN FRAWLEY requests an
/4~dministratj~e Permit~o conduct construction activity within 100' from the top of the
(~ bluff~emolition of a single-family dwelling, construction of a new single-
,k,.~-~ dwelling w~th screened porch, front and rear porch and terrace, new
/L)~o~ detached garage,~driveway, paths and swimming pool, surrounding patio, and
reUse o~ reconstruct sanitary system. Located: 4545 Hallock Lane, Mattituck.
5~.dN.e,&J MANAGEMENT LLC Administrative Permit to install an high
er f~rce. Located: 4735 W~'~halia Rd., Mattituck. SCTM#113-13-1.4
5?_~Sroper-T Permit Services on behalf of DON JAYAMAHA requests an Amendment
~' to Permit #6437 to increase the length of the fixed open walkway from 55' to 83'.
~ Located: 243 Maiden Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#140-1-8 '
53.DIANA DELUClA request~~as-built replacement of
the windows and door with ~P~'~'7~'~ated: 4573 Wickham Ave.,
Mattitu~k. SCTM#107-4-5 .~
;~h~iine Mesiano Inc. on behalf o, HOPE~' ER'~h~quests 'a ~V~and'~
f Permit to construct a second-story addition to the existing dwelling, renovation o¢
/ existing first-floor, reduction and replacement of the existing deck, replacement an~"
extension of the front porch and installat~a of a new septic system_ Loca.t,e.d;-196~0 (
MillLane PeconicSCTM#67-7-11 ~ t~[~,,~ ["X~~'''''~- ~ ~'~
' - .......
' ~- --' Im
~'~ELA MAINO JOHNSON requests a~d ~_n~nistrative Pe~n~
phragmites to 12". Located: 7617 Soundvi~v A_~_ve., Southold. SCTM#59-6-9
'issued on April 28, 2008. Locate r., Southold. SCTM#59-1-21.9
57.v~LLIAM & MARY STEELE request a Wetland Permit to remove a portion of the
/existing rear deck and construct a 16'X 18' addition to the dwelling. Located: 1895
~// Leeton Dr., Southold. SCTM#58-2-10