HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-26.-2-22APPLICANT: STEPHEN MATTEINI SCTM #: 1000-26-2-22 Policy 1 [] YES Policy 2 []YEs Policy 3 [] YEs LWRP CONSISTENCY)~SSESSMENT FORM. //' Foster a pa.em of development * the Town o~o~t~ that~ances mun,~ cha.cter, prese~es open space, m~ ~ffi~nt us~ ofi~stmcmre,, m~es ~nefic~l use of a co~tal locafi~*~d m~m~dve~e effects of ~c co~c~on of te~c~ st~ps to ~c on ~e l~dw~d side of ~ exi~g bulkhead is consistent with the character of the waterfront eommuniVd. The bulk- head has existed in its present location for many years and has served the property owners and the communi~ well, Because of the project's low profile and unobtru- sive appearance it is felt that ti)ere is no adverse impact on the desked preservation of open space. L ra mct is not a factor since the project appropriate developmem of ~fia existing priyg~ loco~l~la..The-pmJec"~['~e~ beneficial use of the coastal~ocation, and ~e~.~t be crease ,n development m tl~e area. ~. ~ Preserve historic resources of the Town of S0i~tl~bld. r~nnance visual quality and protect seeme resources throughout tl~'T~wn of Southold. [] NOT APPLICABLE The existing bulkhead is of low profile and will continue to be inconspicuous in its present location, and the existing natural buffer area landward of the bulkhead con- tributes to its suitability in this location. The addition of terraced steps to access the undeveloped area immediately landward of the bulkhead will not be visually intru- sive. It is compatible with other existing shoreline stmctares in the area, and will not adversely affect the dynamic landscape elements (tidal fluctuations, seasonal vegetation changes) which might contribute to ephemeral visual qualities. Policy 4 [] YES Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and ero- sion· ~NO [] NOT APPLICABLE It is unlikely that the proposed terraced steps would conlxibute to increased ba?~ards which could result in the losses listed. Natural protective features will not be ad- versely affected. The addition of walers as a bulkhead maintenance measure will constribute to the continued proper functioning of the structure. Policy 5 Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. [] YES ~O [] NOT APPLICABLE The proposed addition of terraced steps to access the area landward of the bulk- head will not have any effect upon water quality and supply. During construction liquid or solid wastes will not be discharged into the water or wetlands. Distur- bance of the shoreline during bulkhead maintenance will be minimal. Policy 6 Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold's ecosys- tem. [] YES ~O [] NOT APPLICABLE The project is located in or immediately adjacent to the Orient Harbor Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat. However, the entire shoreline in the area of the proposed project (650' northwest and 550' southeast) is hardened either by bulk- heading or by a single rock revetment (~300' northwest), and the entire northeast- em shore of Orient Harbor is developed. The main thrust of the NYSDOS narrative appears to be the protection of water quality in the area, and the proposed project will not have any lasting adverse impact on water quality in Orient Harbor. All statutory and regulatory requirements, at all levels of government, will bo strictly complied with. No dredging is proposed, and the minimal mount of con- struction required at grade level seaward of the bulkhead will be conducted in such a way, with the advice and consent of the Southold Trustees, as to minimize any impact upon the waters of Orient Harbor. P~licy 7 Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southoid. [] YES ~O [] NOT APPLICABLE The construction or future use &the project as proposed will not result in signifi- cant amounts of new air pollution. Policy 8 Minimize environmental degradation in the Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. [] YES ffNO [] NOT APPLICABLE The project as proposed will not result in the generation of any additional solid waste. The handling and storage of petroleum products during construction will be accomplished through the use of approved containers and facilities, and methods of handling and storage in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal regulations will be followed. Policy 9 Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. [] YES [] NO ~NOT APPLICABLE This policy is not applicable to the proposed project. Policy 10 Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water- dependent uses in suitable locations. [] YES [] NO ~OT APPLICABLE , This policy is not applicable to the proposed project. Policy 11 Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. [] YES [] NO ~OT APPLICABLE This policy is not applicable to the proposed project. Policy 12 Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. [] YES [] NO ~OT APPLICABLE This policy is not applicable to the proposed project. STREET ADDRESS OF PROJECT SITE: 1060 WILLOW TERRACE LANE ORIENT, NY 11957 1000-26-2-21 WILLIAM A. HANDS, JR, PO BOX 334 ORIENT, NY 11957 TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING 1000-26-~-~3 WILLIAM SEGALLIS 330 EAST 43P~ STREET NEW YORK, NY 10017 TOP OFBANK 100~2~2-22 STEPHEN MATTEINI 8FIRST STREET GARDEN CITY, NY11530 UJ LAWN LEVEL TO GRADE LAND- WARD OF BULKHEAD FOLLOW- ING EXISTING GRADE. , i /,.EXISTING BULKHEAD q - - .- fro' _ AND RUN 14'-0'+, WiTH HAND- . N ,, AHW IS AT BULKHEAD RAIL ON SEAWARD SIDE ~ 'X CANTILEVERED /~ .) PLATFORM 5' x 6' WiTH HAND- ~ ,FLOOD? RAILS ON,~O SIDES · ~'~ -" THERE ARE NO VEGETATED WETLANDS WITHIN THE PROJECT SITE PER J.E, FITZGERALD, JR. ORIENT HARBOR ON 3/11/07 SCALE: 1" = 30' CORPS OF ENGIIN'EERS DATA PURPOSE: Construct stairs for access to water on seaward side of existing bulkhead. IN: Orient Harbor COUNTY: Suffolk DATUM: MLW AT: Orient STATE: New York PROJECT PLAN Application regarding the property of Stephen Mattcinl, SCTM #1000-26-2-22 Represented by PROPER-T PERMIT SERVICES P.O. Box 617, Cutchogue, NY 11935 James E. Fitzgerald, Jr. 516-734-5800 Revised June 3. 2009 SURVEY OF P/O ~OT 3 & P/O LOT 4 ~P OF WILLOW TERRACE- S~CFION ON~ ORIENT TOWN OF $O~THOLD SLIF}'OLK COUNt(, hl~W ¥O~K