HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCWA - Dam Pond Channel OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Jim King, President Town of Southold Board of Trustee~/~ From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner ~ LWRP Coordinator Date: July 13, 2009 Re: Proposed Wetland Permit for SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY Located: Rt. 25, East Marion, over Dam Pond channel. James Wilson on behalf of the SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY requests an Administrative Permit for the installation of a 12" HDPE water main for the purpose of supplying drinking water and fire protection to the residents of East Marion residing east of Dam Pond channel. The grass area on the road's edge will contain all work pertaining to directional drilling (staging and receiving). The staging and receiving permits are to be approx. 300' east and west of the centerline. Depth of drill will be approx. 10' under the channel bottom. Hay bales and silt screen are to be installed to contain sediment laden run off. All excavation to be backfilled, stabilized and returned to the original condition. Excess fill to be removed and disposed of legally. Located: Rt. 25, East Marion, over Dam Pond channel. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney 16315677895 SUFFOLK COUNTY WATE 86./2g/2BOg 08:34 7656641 :Tewn 'of So.hold 10:34:45 06-29-2009 3/7 BO~D [3~ TRUSTEES PA~E 183 and other mint.~tal penn~ no~ located within the Co~al ~ 2. A copy of the LWRP is available in ~ follov~ places: w~bsite locnl lilnm'ies and the Town Cle~'k's office. X D'~BCRIFHON OF SFl'g AND PROI~SED A,_.',rlO~N ~_, .e~.. ~~ PO.D C.A,N~,, D,aECT,'ONA, , The Applleation'bs Btm-mlmtitted to Town Beard JUN 2 9 2OO9 Board of ~ of Town ofSoulhold zgem7 a~ion (dmck ~ (,) A~io~~yt~To,~,~.~(~S.~ ~'- ' [] Na~t~e aad exteat of a~jo~ SCWA TO OPEN DRILL HOLE ON ONE. SIDE OF BRIDGE A..ND RECEIVING HOLE ON THE OTHER SIDE, THAN DRILL A NEW WATER MAIN UNDER CHANNEL. 16315677895 SUFFOLK COUNTY WATE 10:35:13 06-29-2009 4/7 0~/29/2809 08:34 7656641 ~O~J~D JIF' ]~LISTEES P,e~E 04 Locationofaction: ON ROUTE 25 AT DAM POND CHANNELr EAST MARION Site em'eaSe: ON E l~m~!a~lu.~: PUBLI.C RIGHT OF WAY Pte~nt~J*~.~'~6c~gen: RIGHT OF WAY (a) ~e offS: N/~ (c) Telq~mc numbs=: Are~ ~ ( )- ' · (d) A~li~onauml:er, ff~.y: W'dl toe ac~io~ be di,'ectb' --a,'~ak~ ~p,~L~ ~ o~ ap~,~ b~ e ~ & federal ae~ 'Yes ~'~'No['~ Ifye%whJchstateorfech=ldaSmcy? STIMULUS MONEY C. F. vnhitte &e project to the followh~ polieles by snslyzlnE how the project will further support or not support the poltefeL l)rovJde oil pFopofed Best Menafemmt Proetfces that will further each poliLT. Incomplete muwer~ wig require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POUC~ Farley 1. Foster · pattern'of development in &e Town ~ Sou&old that euimnees community cliaroeter, preferves open q~.__~_~ makes efficient me o~intraatructure, mtkes beneficial use of · eoaml location, end mlnhnb~ fldyei~e L~ of development. See LWI~ Section !11_ Polieies; Page 2 fo~ evtluttJon criteria. [-~Yea. [] No [-~NotApplic~ble A~.~dl ~ ;.~i,~ if t,~u,ax PolJey 2. ~t end p~e~ bb~fic ~d ~~ ~u~ of ~e Town of ~u~old. ~ L~ ~flon ~ ~ POl~ P~ 3 ~ 6 for ~n ~ 1631567789S SUFFOLK COUNTY WATE 10:35:33 06-29-2009 5/7 PtEi/~'9/~'005 08:34 7656641 BOARD OF TRUSTE~ PAGE 95 toliey 3. EMmsce vbmd ,,udi", nd -to'-~-' ----' ...... _ . . ~t -; t, ~, ~ ruoun~, mroagton~ the Town or Sou(boM. See LWRP Seetbn ~- tolicks Pages 6 through 7 for ev~m(ion NATURAL COAST I~OLI~s t~:.q ~,~kn4~. ~MI~.,, ~ er life, m'u~res, nd nrta.rd ruource~ from flooding mtd ezo~ion. See LWRP tat - ;:'onc~s rifles $ ffJrour~ 16 for ev~duation eri~erla ~ Ye~ [] No [] Not Applkable 1)otky S. proted md improve miter quality and suppb, in fie Town of Sou&oM. See LWRI' Seeffon m - ~olk:ks Pssu 16 through 21 for e~duUon criterb [] Yes [] No /~qot Applicable Policy 6. Protect mud restore the qa~li(y smd function o! the T .......... ' · . ~n e~ aoumom amysmm hchdh St~nfflesnt Coasbd ~ nd Wikl~e lhbih~ tad wethnds. ~- ru~D e..~_ m ..... ~ through 32 for evalutflon criterbL ..... ~.~ ,.~----. m -.rouctel; l'flges ::2 163156778~5 SUFFOI~ COUNT~ WAT~ 10:35:57 06-29-2009 6/7 .66/99/2005 96:34 7656641 90~J~D ~ 'T~ P~ 96 Yes No XNot Applietble Policy 7. ~ mid b%nrove sir qulJl~ in the Tosra of Sou*boM. See LWRP Section .l~es 32 ~u~Va 34 for evdu~on criterh. Policy 8. MinimiZe envinmm~mtal degradation Jo Town of Souibold from MHd waste and ktmrdoas suhtoees tad wutes, b LWRP Section Ul - PolJcie~ Ptges 24 throuah 38 for evaJub cflterb. [] Yes [] No [] Not Atsp#cabk PUBLIC. COAST Poltq' 9. lSrevide for publk aeeess to, and reeretdbnal use of, costal waters, public Lmd8, mtd pubic reooarees of the Town of Sou~hold. See LWRIs Section !1I- lSolfdes; Pages 38 fbrouglt 46 for evohffon [] Y~ No[~No~Appncable 16315677895 SUFFOLK COUNTY WATE 10:36:14 06-29-2009 7/7 8.612912803 88:34 765664! ~ ~F' ~U~r-J:~ PAGi~ 87 WOI~kqNG COAST Polly 10. Protect SouthoJd's water-depcmdent uses ~! promote sitings er new wtter-depmdmt use8 bt sultdde kcttiom. See LWRF Sectiu ili ~ Polides~ Page 47 thresh S6 for evshx~ion cflterh, ~ 11. Promete susta~ble use of Esmmy T°wn watws. See LWRP ~ m- Polkfes~ Pqes S7 ~rog~h 62 fbr evtdutbn cri~e~h, Policy 12. Protect qFkuJtuml bnds in the Town of Southold. See LV~P Sectfon ~ - Policies; Pqes ~] Yes [] No [] Not Applksible Policy 13. Promote tpproprhte me and development ot energy and mineral ruour~s. See LWRP S~tion Fn- Po~icles~ lSqes 6S tbrough 68 For evaluation c~erb. [] Yes [] No [] Not Applfeable JAMES R WILSON T/TL]~ LIAISON DATE,. 06.29.09 ])EI~) (ANC) I~'45' )B~l) (ANC) ~ (~]UPL.L'R VALVE & ])QX / SITE PLAN FOR DIRECTIONAL DRILL AT ROUT 26 BRIDGE OVER ~ENTDN_TTE R[CDVERY P[]DL ~0 CU/FT ~ ~)P.I].LING RECI~XVXNG AREA LEGEN~ Proposed 12' H.D.P.E. Proposed 12~ D.I.P.(by Cont,) Water Level Line EXIST. WATER MAIN