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RE, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP bL.U- ATTORNEYS AT LAW :36 NORTH NEW YORK AVENIIF. HL*NTINGTON, NEW TORR 11743 TELEPHONE: (631) 425-4100 FACSIMILE: (631) 425-4104 Or COUNSEL WILLIAM .J. NIFT.SP.N VIA FIRST CLASS MAIL Town Of Southold Planning Board NOV 2 2 2311 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 RE: T-Mobile Northeast LLC at Orient Fire District Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application Premises: 23300 Main Rd., Orient SCTM #: District 1000, Section 18, Block 5, Lot 13.8 Dear Sir or Madam: As you are aware, our office represents T-Mobile Northeast LLC with respect to the captioned matter. On behalf of our client, we hereby respectfully request the withdrawal of this Application for a proposed public utility wireless telecommunications facility, as depicted in the plans previously submitted. Should you have any questions with regard to the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Vcry truly yours, RF, NIELSEN, HUBER & CO GHLIN, LLP B _ Bailey C. rkin - !bl 0 ! P OFFICE LOCATION: �� SOply� MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex Y.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 # # Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) 00 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 I' � i� Fax: 631765-3136 00UrfT'1,� LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Martin Sidor, Chair Town of Southold Planning Board From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner - LWRP Coordinator JUN - 4 2010 Date: June 4, 2010 Re: T-Mobile NE Co-location of Internally Mounted Antenna Located on the s/s/o Main Road at the s/e intersection of Main Road and Tabor Road in Orient. SCTM# 1000-18-5-13.8 The applicant proposes co-location of internally mounted antenna to an existing 90-foot monopole structure by adding a 10-foot extension (total 100 feet) and related equipment area on a 4.4-acre parcel in the R-80 Zone The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP, provided that the below recommendations are required in the site plan approval. 3.1 Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold a. The proposed action is visible from SR 25: a New York Scenic Byway. Pursuant to § 280-76. Removal: height reduction: it is recommended that the Planning Board removal of all structures if/when the technology becomes obsolete Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Kristy Winsor, Senior Planner AGREEMENT This agreement made and entered into this day of 2010 by and between RICHARD A. COMI d/b/a THE CENTER FOR MUNICIPAL SOLUTIONS(herein after referred to as Consultant)(mailing address:70 Cambridge Drive, Glenmont, New York 12077)party of the first part,and THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NY 11971 (hereinafter referred to as Client)(mailing address;Town Hall Annex 54375 SR 25 Southold, NY 11971)party of the second part. Consultant and Client,for the consideration named,hereby agree as follows: 1. PURPOSE Client hereby retains Consultant for the purpose of assisting,advising and representing the Client on matters relating to reviewing and analyzing a wireless application for T-Mobile for a proposed facility at 23300 Main Road, Orient, received by client for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities. 2. SPECIFIC SERVICES:SERVICES DURING PROCESSING OF THE APPLICATION The Consultant shall furnish appropriate Wireless Telecommunications Facilities siting assistance and advice to the Client and Client officials involved in the processing of the T-Mobile application for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities,and, in connection therewith, shall: a)review the application filed with the Client for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities, b)assist and advise the Client in the analysis of the application,to include attending meetings with the Applicants and/or Client officials as required, c) recommend in writing to the Client whether the application should be approved or disapproved, and set forth in writing the reasons for such approval or disapproval,d)inspect the construction of the facility and in writing recommend when/if the certificate of compliance should be issued. 3. TIMES AND ATTENDANCE: COOPERATION BY CLIENT Consultant shall perform the services described herein in as expeditious a manner as is reasonably possible and with due consideration of the time requirements of Client. Client recognizes that the timing of the performance of Consultant's services may be affected by previous commitments to other clients(including the delivery of promised services and work product and previously scheduled meetings), and situations normally and traditionally deemed to be matters of a force majeure nature, including those influenced by the weather, strikes, or power outages. Client agrees to cooperate with Consultant, as needed, and to provide Consultant with copies of any records, documents and other information needed for the fulfillment of this agreement on a timely basis. Client further agrees to provide Consultant with access to appropriate officials and/or employees of Client,as may be needed in the fulfillment of the agreement. Moreover, both parties understand and agree that mutual accountability and responsiveness is critical to the successful completion of the project, and therefore both shall always make their best faith efforts to be accountable and promptly responsive to each other. 4. COMPENSATION In payment for the services to be performed hereunder by Consultant, Client shall make payments to the Consultant as follows: A) The Client shall pay Consultant its normal published hourly rate(which at the date of this agreement is$250.00 per hour)for each hour of time devoted by Consultant to the performance of such services, provided, however,that for time traveling by Consultant in conjunction with the performance of such services,the Client shall pay Consultant 50%of the Consultants normal published rate. It is understood that the costs for all services, including expenses as covered below,will not exceed $8,500.00 for the primary carrier on the new facility,without additional approval from the Client. B) Consultant shall invoice the Client regularly, but no less frequently than monthly,after services have been performed,for any compensation payable. Such invoices shall be due and payable upon receipt, but in no case later than thirty(30)days. C) In the event that the Client disputes or objects to any portion of any invoice submitted by Consultant pursuant to this agreement, Client shall,within fifteen(15)days of the receipt of such invoice, notify Consultant in writing of such dispute or objection. D) Payments made by the Client more than thirty(30)days following the date of submission of an invoice shall incur a charge of one and one-half percent(1-1/2%)of the amount thereby deemed late, compounded monthly, until the amount due and owing by the Client is paid in full. 5. REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES For services performed hereunder,Client shall reimburse Consultant,for out-of-pocket expenses for the following items: (a)Travel-related costs such as airfare, car rental, night lodging accommodations and meals consumed while on-site or enroute;(b)Expedited or overnight delivery service;(c)Any other reasonably necessary expenses directly related and attributable to the fulfillment of this agreement. 1 Consultant's requests for expense reimbursement shall be included in Consultant's invoice at actual cost,with no markup. 6. STATUS OF CONSULTANT Consultant and Client agree that in the performance of Consultant's services hereunder, Consultant shall not be deemed to be an employee of Client for any purpose whatsoever, nor act under Color of State. 7. NOTICES Any and all notices, invoices, and payments required hereunder shall be addressed to the parties at their respective addresses set forth in page 1 hereof,or to such other address as may hereafter be designated in writing by either party hereto. 8. CONSTRUCTION OF AGREEMENT This agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of the State of New York. 9. COMPLETE AGREEMENT: MODIFICATION There are no terms,conditions or obligations other than those contained herein,and there are no written or verbal statements or representations,warranties or agreements with respect to this Agreement that have not been embodied herein. This agreement constitutes the complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. No modification or amendment of any provisions of this agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by both parties. IN WITNESS THEREOF,the Consultant and Client by individuals duly authorized to do so, have signed this agreement,the day and year first above written. CONSULTANT CLIENT By: P-.C.i(electronic signature) By: R.A.Comi The Center for Municipal Solutions ?.a l ei L lc, 7� (printed) Title: JUN - 1 2010 2 0 0 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��Of so P.O.P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H.SIDOR �Q l� Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS H Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS G �O 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON N �� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWSEND yCOUNTY Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 25, 2010 Re, Nielsen, Huber&Coughlin, LLP All: John Coughlin 36 North New York Avenue Huntington NY 11743 Re: T-mobile Northeast LLC, at Orient Fire District Located at 23300 Main Road SCTM#1000-18-5-13.8 Dear Mr. Coughlin: As you know we have received many applications in recent months, and have limited staff to review them. We are doing everything we can to expedite these reviews. One step we have taken is to switch to a new technical consultant, Center for Municipal Solutions, to assist the Planning Board. We expect this will help us process the applications in a timely manner, as we realize is required by the FCC. To transition to the new technical consultant, the Planning Board requires an escrow deposit of$8,500 for the new consultant to continue the review. Your client already has a credit of$1,900 (we will not expect payment for the prior technical consultant's work), thus the balance of$6,600 is all that is required to be remitted at this time. As always, any unused portion of the escrow amount will be returned to your client at the end of the application process. Preliminary review of the application by the Planning Board found the application to be incomplete. Upon receipt of the $6,600 escrow amount, our new consultant will promptly review the pending application and provide details on what further information is needed to complete the application. Please take no further action on the report from Mr. Cooper, the former consultant. 0 0 Application for T-mobile Orient FD p.2 We are committed to processing the application in a timely manner and will do everything we can to make the process go as quickly as possible. Thank you in advance for your prompt payment and we look forward to the continued review of this application. Please do not hesitate to call the Planning Department with any questions. Sincerely, Martin H. Sidor Planning Board Chair Cc: Southold Town Planning Board Center for Municipal Solutions Martin Finnegan, Town Attorney, Heather Lanza, Planning Director Kristy Winser, Senior Planner MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS OF so P.O.P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H.SIDOR �Q l0 Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS en Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS G �O 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND yCOW, Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1935 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 21, 2010 Ms. Denise S. Benun 16 Drake Lane Manhasset, NY 11030 Re: Proposed Site Plan for T-Mobile NE, LLC at Orient Fire District Located on the s/s/o Main Rd., at the intersection of Main and Tabor Rds., Orient SCTM#1000-18-5-13.8 Zoning District: R-40 Dear Ms. Benun: Enclosed herewith please find an application package and CD regarding the above- referenced site plan/special exception proposal. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, / ' 1 w&4�-t Kristy Winser Senior Planner Encls. cc: Richard Comi (cover letter) WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, May 17, 2010 4:00 p.m. Site Plans Project name: 1 JEMCO Winer ry _ _—I SCTM#: 1000-35_1_24 Location: 1 825 Route 2_5, Greenport _ _ Description. This site plan is for construction of an 8,419 s.f. building with associated parking for the purposes of a retail winery on 60.33 acres located in the _.- R-80_ Zoning District. ....... .. ... .... L ...._..... -._---. ------------..__..-.. ......-..-.-. .... _ - ..-.-.-.-. Status: New Site Plan Action. j Review Staff Report and site plan materials. Recommend that the j Planning Board accepts the application for review and begins the SEQR - - --- ---... ---� process. [Atta - -- -- ------ --.__.. ----._.. ---- ----- chments: I Staff Report --- - - ---._..----------------- -- -- ---- - -- - - - -- i Project name_ I T-Mobile Northeast TSCTM#: ! 1000-109-2-17.1 ! [Location: ! The Presbyterian Church or Society of Cutchogue, 27245 Main Road Description: 11 The applicant requests co-location of a public utility wireless communication facility having interior mounted antennae within an I existing church steeple and a related storage equipment area screened i from view. As part of the application, the applicant proposes to remove and replace a portion of an existing church steeple to match the existing -1 church building on-a 0.91_acre site located in the R-40 Zoning District, a Status: Site Plan Review - -- - -- - --- --- --- - ------------- Action: 1 Review new submission - - -- --- -- - ----- --- --- --- Attachments_- Staff Report, Letter from Applicant ----- ------------__..........—---- --— ---- --- -T ---- - Pro'ect name: -Mobile NE at Orient Fire Distric SCTM#- 1000-18-5-13.8 -�-- ---- -- _100 --- ---- --- Location: ; s/s/o Main Road a_t the s/e intersection of Main and Tabor Roads Orient Description: 1 Wireless Facility. Proposed co-location of internally mounted antenna to I an existing 90-foot monopole structure by adding a 10-foot extension (total 100 feet) and related equipment area on a 4.4-acre parcel in the R- 80 Zone. `Status Amended Site Plan & Special Exception 1 - men - -- - Action: Review draft ZBA comments. -- ------- --- ----- Attachments I Draft Comments ----- ---- - -- ----- _......... ------------- . -- _Project name Barb's Veggies SCTM# 1000 86-1-15 Location: 4195 SR 25 Peconic - - . _ .. - Description Hoophouse/Greenhouse -- - --- .. .--------. ..._. . .------ ------- Status: Oe pn _ ...._ Action Accept for review begin referral process _ - Attachments - i Staff Report ! � Ku Office Location: DF $Q(�� Mailine Address: Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank 53095 Main Road 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) 4 4 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Southold, NY 11971-0959 i http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax (631) 765-9064 MEMO Date: April 26, 2010 TO: Kristy Winser APq Zn,� FROM: Vicki Toth RE: Orient Fire District& T-Mobile Kristy: The Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled the above noted application for a Public Hearing on May 20, 2010 at 9:30AM. We are requesting comments from the Planning Board prior to our hearing, if possible. Thank you, Vicki MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS pF so P.O.P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H.SIDOR yl0 Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS H Q 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND DONALD J.WILCENSKI ��� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) CQ� Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 17, 2010 Re,Nielsen,Huber&Coughlin, LLP Att: John Coughlin 36 North New York Avenue Huntington NY 11743 Re: T-mobile Northeast LLC, at Orient Fire District Located at 23300 Main Road SCTM#1000-18-5-13.8 Dear Mr. Re': I'm writing as a follow up to the Planning Board work session held on February 16, 2009 where your site plan was accepted for review with revisions for the above referenced application. As you are aware your submission has been reviewed and corroborated with an independent radio frequency engineer retained by the Town to assist in the review process whereas the following is provided for your information and additional information has been requested to be submitted for review and consideration by the Planning Board: 1. The proposed facility would exceed the max height restriction of 45 feet for antenna structures located in Residential Zoning districts as prescribed by§280-70I(2). The existing monole is 90 feet having a proposed I0-foot extension(100 foot total). While the proposed installation complies with the Towns goal to co-locate, a variance is necessary. 2. As mentioned above, the proposed facility would exceed the maximum height restriction of 45 feet for antenna structures in R-80. The existing monopole already far exceeds the limit,but its internally mounted antennas help to reduce visual impact, it calls for a 10-foot extension,apparently to provide vertical separation from the existing antennas in the structure. Studies have shown that antenna separation can often be reduced substantially without ill effects(See for example, "Electrical Isolation of Co-located Horizontally and Vertically Stacked Antennas,"EMS Wireless Technical Support Department, 1999). Your site plans do not show complete antenna mounting details or the spatial relationships between the existing and proposed antennas. Thus it is unclear how much antenna spacing is being provided. Has the applicant reduced the vertical antenna spacing as much as Application for T-mobile Northeast, Cutchogue p.2 feasible,consistent with performance objectives?Can the 10-foot extension be eliminated or reduced by reducing antenna separation? Provide a brief report, including any required intermodulation studies,addressing the minimum vertical separation required for its proposed antennas as well as revised site plan elevations showing specific antenna mounting details and vertical separation from other carriers' antennas. 3. The existing and proposed structures do not meet the fall zone criteria of§280-70E. No structural engineer's report was found in the application justifying a reduced fall zone. Please provide the required report and have it reviewed by a qualified structural consultant. 4. The application does not appear to include any provisions or specifications for safety signage as required by§280-70M(1)b. Therefore,please submit the required signage specifications. 5. The"Professional Engineering Report—Radio Frequency Exposure Levels"prepared by Skyblue Engineering, dated September 22,2009 appears to comply fully with the Town's requirements. It should be noted that any minor modifications to antenna locations or spacing would slightly change some of the values in the report,but not likely its conclusions.The report should be briefly re-evaluated should any changes be made to the proposed layout. 6. The site plans indicate that there will be a battery cabinet in the outdoor equipment area,but the types of batteries are not identified. Are these wet cell batteries?Will they produce fumes or the risk of chemical spills?Will containment measures and/or special ventilation be required? Please provide a more complete description of the battery plant and provide assurances acceptable to the Town that the installation will not create any unacceptable hazards. 7. The application does not appear to demonstrate that the sound levels the facility will produce do not exceed the standard of 45 dB called out in §280-701(5). Therefore,provide the required sound level information and, if necessary,propose mitigation measures to meet the maximum sound level requirements and/or demonstrate to that satisfaction of the Town that the sound levels produced will not be objectionable. 8. The Affidavit of Radio Frequency Engineer dated September 3,2009("Nieto Affidavit") includes propagation maps showing existing and proposed coverage patterns from existing sites and the proposed site for"in-vehicle" and "in-building"conditions. No signal strength values were specified. Are they the in-vehicle and inbuilding(residential) signal strength levels of-84.4 and-76.0 dBm called out in the Cosgrove Affidavit dated January 23, 2006? The Nieto Affidavit further does not identify the applicant's signal strength objectives for the Town of Southold,however the Cosgrove Affidavit states"Omnipoint [now T- Mobile] utilizes the In-Vehicle coverage design in low population density areas..." Application for T-mobile Northeast, Cutchogue p.3 Therefore, is T-Mobile's signal strength objective for Southold-84.4 dBm?No maps were provided for coverage at-75dBm, -85dBm and-95dBm(plus any other signal strength levels deemed appropriate by the applicant),and no search ring map was provided as required by§280-74B(1)d. Assuming for the moment that the-84 dBm objective is applicable in this case,it appears that a gap will remain east of the proposed site. Will another facility be required to fill this gap?The Town requires these maps and information so that it can understand what signal strength objectives apply and why they are appropriate for the Town of Southold. This also provides a basis for comparison of various siting and tower height alternatives and for judging the potential need for additional"fill-in"sites. Provide the required propagation maps and search ring map and a clear explanation of their coverage objectives and criteria for the Town of Southold as required by the Town Code. Please let me know if there are any questions or comments,or I have missed anything else that needs to be addressed. I trust that this provides the information sought to process this application further. Additional comments will be provided following review by staff,the Town departments and involved/ interested agencies. Should you have any question or need clarification on the above matter, please contact me anytime to discuss the matter. Sincerely, Kristy Winser, Senior Planner cc: Planning Board Heather Lanza, Planning Director Walter A. Cooper Radio Frequency Planning& Consultation 117 Walnut Hills Drive Williamsburg,VA 23185 757-220-9442 February 10,2010 Ms.Kristy Winser Senior Planner Town of Southold Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Via e-mail RE: Town of Southold—T-Mobile Northeast LLC (FKA Omnipoint) at Orient Fire District, 23300 Main Road, SCTM#1000-18-5-13.8 Dear Ms. Winser: I have reviewed the T-Mobile application package submitted with your letter dated December 9, 2009. The following comments and recommendations are provided for your consideration. General Comment: The application proposes to increase the height of an existing 90 foot slender monopole structure and add ground-mounted equipment. While this proposal would only minimally change the appearance of the existing facility, it does not appear to meet all requirements of the Town Code and will require site plan review and special exception. Additional information and clarification are required from the applicant in order for the Town to make a determination in this case. Specific Comments: 1. The proposed facility would exceed the maximum height restriction of 45 feet for antenna structures in R-80 zones as prescribed by §280-70I(2). The existing monopole already far exceeds the limit,but its internally mounted antennas help to reduce visual impact. While the proposed installation would comply with the Town's goal of encouraging co-location, it calls for a 10 foot extension, apparently to provide vertical separation from the existing antennas in the structure. Studies have shown that antenna separation can often be reduced substantially without ill effects. (See for example, "Electrical Isolation of Co-located Horizontally and Vertically Stacked Antennas," EMS Wireless Technical Support Department, 1999). Unfortunately, the applicant's site plans do not show complete antenna mounting details or the spatial Ms. Kristy Winser Town of Southold February 10, 2010 Page 2 relationships between the existing and proposed antennas. Thus it is unclear how much antenna spacing is being provided. Has the applicant reduced the vertical antenna spacing as much as feasible, consistent with performance objectives? Can the 10 foot extension be eliminated or reduced by reducing antenna separation? Recommendation: Before deciding on any height waivers, the Town should request that the applicant justify the need for the 10 foot extension. This justification should include a brief report, including any required intermodulation studies,addressing the minimum vertical separation required for its proposed antennas as well as revised site plan elevations showing specific antenna mounting details and vertical separation from other carvers' antennas. 2. The site plans indicate that the proposed facility would be less than 500 feet from adjacent residential property lines in violation of§280-701(6). Since the proposed installation would only minimally change the existing facility, this may not be a major concern. Assuming the Town is satisfied regarding the other environmental impacts(such as noise, electromagnetic radiation and fall zone requirements, further discussed below), the Town may want to consider waiving the requirement. 3. The existing and proposed structures do not meet the fall zone criteria of§280-70E. No structural engineer's was found in the application justifying a reduced fall zone. Recommendation: The Town should request that the applicant provide the required report and have it reviewed by a qualified structural consultant. 4. The application does not appear to include any provisions or specifications for safety signage as required by §280-70M(1)b. Recommendation: The Town should request that the applicant provide the required signage specifications. 5. The"Professional Engineering Report—Radio Frequency Exposure Levels"prepared by Skyblue Engineering, dated September 22, 2009 appears to comply fully with the Town's requirements. It should be noted that any minor modifications to antenna locations or spacing would slightly change some of the values in the report, but not likely its conclusions. The report should be briefly re-evaluated if any changes are made to the proposed layout. 6. The site plans indicate that there will be a battery cabinet in the outdoor equipment area,but the types of batteries are not identified. Are these wet cell batteries? Will Ms. Kristy Winser Town of Southold February 10, 2010 Page 3 they produce fumes or the risk of chemical spills? Will containment measures and/or special ventilation be required? Recommendation: The Town should request that the applicant provide a more complete description of the battery plant and provide assurances acceptable to the Town that the installation will not create any unacceptable hazards. 7. The application does not appear to demonstrate that the sound levels the facility will produce do not exceed the standard of 45 dB called out in §280-701(5). Recommendation: The Town should request that the applicant provide the required sound level information and, if necessary,propose mitigation measures to meet the maximum sound level requirements and/or demonstrate to that satisfaction of the Town that the sound levels produced will not be objectionable. 8. The Affidavit of Radio Frequency Engineer dated September 3, 2009 ("Nieto Affidavit") includes propagation maps showing existing and proposed coverage patterns from existing sites and the proposed site for"in-vehicle" and"in-building" conditions. No signal strength values were specified. Are they the in-vehicle and in- building(residential) signal strength levels of-84.4 and -76.0 dBm called out in the Cosgrove Affidavit dated January 23, 2006? The Nieto Affidavit further does not identify the applicant's signal strength objectives for the Town of Southold,however the Cosgrove Affidavit states that"...Omnipoint [now T-Mobile] utilizes the In- Vehicle coverage design in low population density areas..." Therefore, is T-Mobile's signal strength objective for Southold -84.4 dBm? No maps were provided for coverage at-75dBm, -85dBm and-95dBm (plus any other signal strength levels deemed appropriate by the applicant), and no search ring map was provided as required by §280-74B(1)d. Assuming for the moment that the-84 dBm objective is applicable in this case, it appears that a gap will remain east of the proposed site. Will another facility be required to fill this gap? The Town requires these maps and information so that it can understand what signal strength objectives apply and why they are appropriate for the Town of Southold. This also provides a basis for comparison of various siting and tower height alternatives and for judging the potential need for additional"fill-in" sites. Recommendation: The Town should request that the applicant provide the required propagation maps and search ring map and a clear explanation of their coverage objectives and criteria for the Town of Southold as required by the Town Code. Please let me know if there are any questions or comments, or I have missed anything else that needs to be addressed. Ms. Kristy Winser Town of Southold February 10, 2010 Page 4 Very truly yours, Walter A. Cooper Southold Town PlanniriBoard -Work Session Agenda -2*010 - Page Two Project name:— TT-Mobile NE at Orient Fire District, SCTM#: i 1000-18-5-13.8 Location_ I s/s/o Main Road at the s/e intersection of Main and Tabor Roads, Orient 7 Description: Wireless Facility. Proposed co-location of internally mounted antenna to an existing 90-foot monopole structure by adding a 10-foot extension (total 100 feet) and related equipment area on a 4.4-acre parcel in the R- _ 80 Zone. _ Status: Amended Site Plan & Special Exception _— Action: Consider accepting the application for review with revisions and review draft letter to applicant_ f ----- Attachments: LStaff amort and draft letter _ — Pro'ect name_: Fischer, Daniel SCTM#:f 1000- Location: — 38785 NYS Rt. 25, Orient Description: proposed Not standard subdivision of a _1.6682_-acre parcel where Lot 1 would total 36,333 sq. ft. and Lot 2 would total 36,332 sq. ft. in the R-40 Zoning District. ZBA approvals (area and setback) have been granted for _ this property. Status: Reviewin for sketch approval _ _ _ Atta Action: Schedule site---- visit per NYS DOT_review -__ -- ----chments: StaffReport Project name: Briarcliff Sod., Inc. j SCTM#: 1000-97-10-1, 85-3-12.1 i -- --� - - - - _& 12.2 Location: s/s/o NYS Route 25 and the n/s/o Leslie's Road, approximately 1,500' _ __— e/o Bay Avenue, Peconic __ Description: Proposed conservation subdivision of---a--2--4—.9 ------ 7-acre parcel into three lots where Lot 1 equals 1.71 acres, Lot 2 equals 1.71 acres and Lot 3 equals 21.55 acres from which the Development Rights to 21.22 acres have been purchased by The County of Suffolk for the purpose of farmland reservaon.ti -- -------------------- -- - Status: _ Conditional Final Approval Action: Review Final Access Easement for drainage -- -- LAttachments: Easement _e- --.................._............. _--.- 2 Winser, Kristy From: Winser, Kristy Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:31 PM To: 'Walter Cooper' Subject: RE: orient FD Hi Walter Just wanted to let you know that we are in receipt of the consulting fee for Orient FD and that you may proceed with the review of this application. You should have everything you need but let me know if you need anything further. Will you be sending an invoice for this at this time or verify how you will proceed? At this point Im trying to square away what Purchase Orders we have from you. Can you please sent copies of what you have at this time or can think of anything else we have that is outstanding? Thank you. Kristy Winser Senior Planner Town of Southold Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, New York Phone: (631) 765-1938 Fax: (631) 765-3136 Kristy.Winser@town.southold.ny.us -----Original Message----- From: Walter Cooper [mailto:waltercooper94@msn.com] Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 11:50 AM To: Winser, Kristy Subject: RE: orient FD Thank you. -----Original Message----- From: Winser, Kristy [mailto:kristy.winser@town.southold.ny.us] Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 10:28 AM To: Walter Cooper Subject: RE: orient FD No problem Walter. Since we are scanning the file anyway, I will have Carol put the file on a CD and send it along with hard copies for your convenience. Kristy -----Original Message----- From: Walter Cooper [mailto:waltercooper94@msn.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 5:09 PM To: Winser, Kristy Subject: RE: orient FD Kristy, I really hate to say it in this age of technology, but paper files would be best for me. Pages often tend to get misplaced or lost with large scanned files. 1 Walter 0 0 -----Original Message----- From: Winser, Kristy [mailto:kristy.winser@town.southold.ny.us] Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 1:59 PM To: Walter Cooper Subject: RE: orient FD Walter Thank you. I have another application here a collocation at the Orient FD. I was going to request an estimate of your services but wanted to know how you would prefer the file? Paper copies, a CD or emailed? see below Thanks Kristy Winser Senior Planner Town of Southold Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, New York Phone: (631) 765-1938 Fax: (631) 765-3136 Kristy.Winser@town.southold.ny.us -----Original Message----- From: Walter Cooper [mailto:waltercooper94@msn.com] Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 5:11 PM To: Winser, Kristy Subject: Omnipoint at Presbyterian Church Report 1 Dear Kristy, Here is a preliminary report, subject to change as more information is received from the applicant. We may want to discuss among ourselves before you send it to Omnipoint to ensure that I haven't missed or misunderstood anything. Regards, Walter 2 RE, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 NORTH NEW YORK AVENUE HUNTINGTON. NEW YORK 11743 TELEPHONE: (631) 425-4100 FACSIMILE: (631) 425-4104 OF COUNSEL q WILLIA J. NIELSEN January 14, 2010 By Hand Ms. Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Town of Southold Planning Board I + 2010 Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 RE: T-Mobile Northeast LLC Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility at Premises: Orient Fire District 23300 Main Road, Orient,New York SCTM#: 1000-18-5-13.8 Dear Ms. Winser: We are the attorneys for T-Mobile Northeast LLC (`T-Mobile') with respect to the captioned application, which was submitted on September 24, 2009. In furtherance of your correspondence of December 28, 2009 (copy attached hereto), enclosed please find T-Mobile Check Number 1670757 in the sun of $1,900.00, which sum represents the review fee for the technical consultant retained by the Town Planning Board. Should you have any questions with regard to the foregoing, please communicate with the undersigned. Thanking you for you courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RE,NIELSEN, HUBER& COUGHLIN, LLP By: 16hn J. Coughlin JJC:mk Enclosures 0 0 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��OF so P.O.Southold,Box 1179 11971 MARTIN H.SIDOR h0 Chair # OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS N Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS % �O 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON �� (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND ��ouMv, Southold,NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 28, 2009 Mr. John Coughlin Re, Nielsen, Huber& Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington NY 11743 Re: T-Mobile Northeast LLC, at Orient Fire District Located at 23300 Main Road, Orient, NY SCTM#1000-18-5-13.8 Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Planning Department is conducting a review of the above application. Pursuant to §280-74 of the Town Code, the Planning Board has determined to hire a technical consultant to review the application and to require the submission of$1,900 into an escrow account with the Town Comptroller's office to cover the cost of the technical consultant's review. As such please remit a check in the amount of$1,900 payable to the Town of Southold, as soon as possible. Receipt of this fee is a condition to a determination that your application is complete. Thank you. Sincerely, Kristy Winser Senior Planner Walter A. Cooper Radio Frequency Planning & Consultation 117 Walnut Hills Drive _ A� Williamsburg,VA 23,J85 757-220-9442 December 14,2009 r Ms. Kristy Winser Senior Planner Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 _ viae-mail, _ RE: Town of Southold—T-Mobile Northeast, at Orient Fire District, 23300 Main Road, SCTM#1000-18-5-13.8 Dear Ms. Winser: I have reviewed the material regarding the T-Mobile application. It appears that some additional information may be needed from the applicant in order to ensure that the application is complete and that the Town has all the reasonably available information needed in order to reach an informed decision on the application. Following are the services I can provide to assist the Town in acting on this application. • Prepare questions and comments to solicit the information required to act on the application. • Review, comment on and verify as necessary, the additional information provided by the applicant, including applicant's calculations and technical (radio frequency related) submissions regarding demonstration of need,proposed coverage, capacity, non-ionizing radiation exposure compliance, equipment and material choices and compliance with FAA hazard/obstruction criteria. • If required, recommend facility design changes to minimize visual or environmental impact or to otherwise comply with Town regulations. • Provide the Town with a report and recommendations regarding the disposition of the application. Any additional tasks will be performed only after your written authorization by e-mail or otherwise. My fee for the above services will be calculated at an hourly rate of$100.00,which will be invoiced monthly. I will also be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses for authorized travel and living costs, express postage, printing and copies. Travel by private vehicle will be reimbursed at the then-current IRS private vehicle rate. Ms. Kristy Winser Town of Southold,NY December 14, 2009 Page 2 Based on my understanding of this application, and assuming it will not be necessary to attend public hearings, I estimate that the total fee will not exceed $ 1,900.00, including expenses. Please note that I am not able to provide a technical evaluation of the structural engineering report submitted with the application. If the Town requires assistance in this area, you should consider engaging the services of a qualified structural engineer If you find this arrangement satisfactory,please provide an e-mail or other written authorization to proceed. Meanwhile, thank you again for requesting this proposal. Very truly yours, Walter A. Cooper PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND December 9, 2009 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mr. Walter A. Cooper 117 Walnut Hills Drive Williamsburg, VA 23185 Re: T-mobile Northeast LLC, at Orient Fire District Located at 23300 Main Road SCTM#1000-18-5-13.8 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OlflflCE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 Dear Mr. Cooper, The Planning Department is in receipt of an application to co-locate a wireless facility on an existing tower located at the Orient Fire District. For your convenience the applicant's submission is being scanned and will be forwarded to you by email once complete. Please provide an estimate to me for the cost of your consulting services to determine the completeness of the application and assist with the review as we move forward. The report I would like to have on the project should include whether the application includes all the reasonably available information that will be needed in order to reach an informed decision. If you have any question or comment, please contact me. Bestj~//~regardsi~ Kristy Winser Senior Planner Cc: Planning Board Heather Lanza, Planning Director P~G BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 December 8, 2009 Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP Att: John Coughlin 36 North New York Avenue Huntington NY 11743 Re: T-mobile Northeast LLC, at Orient Fire District Located at 23300 Main Road SCTM#1000-18-5-13,8 Dear Mr. Coughlin; The Planning Department is conducting a review of the above application. Due to the complex nature of the application, the Planning Board pursuant to §280-74 of the Town Code has decided to hire a technical consultant to assist in the review of this application. Once an estimate for the cost of consulting services has been determined, a letter will be sent with the amount to be paid by your client. If you have any question or comment, please contact me. Thank you. Sincerely, Kristy Winser Senior Planner Cc: Planning Board Heather Lanza, Planning Director PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 October 7, 2009 Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP Att: Lawrence C. Re 36 North New York Avenue Huntington NY 11743 Re: T-mobile Northeast LLC, At Orient Fire District 23300 Main Road SCTM#1000-18-05-013 Dear Mr. Re; The Planning Department is conducting a review for completeness for the above mentioned site plan application received September 24, 2009. Once it has been determined that your file is complete, you will be notified of when the application will be scheduled for a work session. Thankyou. CC: Planning Board Heather Lanza, Planning Director dP& C Communications, Inc. 3 Sturbridge Court Shoreham, NY 11786 September 24, 2009 By Hand Ms. Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 T-Mobile Northeast LLC (f/k/a Omnipoint Communications, Inc.) Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility at Premises: Orient Fire District 23300 Main Road, Orient, New York SCTM#: 1000-18-5-13.8 Dear Ms. Winser: On behalf of T-Mobile Northeast LLC ('T-Mobile'), submitted herewith are the captioned Applications as follows: With respect to the Site Plan Application, enclosed are the following documents: 1. Original and one (1) copy of Town of Southold Planning Board Site Plan Application; 2. Original and one (1) copy of Applicant's Affidavit; 3. Original and one (1) copy of Applicant's Transactional Disclosure Form; 4. Original and one (1) copy of Owner's Transactional Disclosure Form; 5. Original and one (1) copy of Owner's Authorization Affidavit; 6. Original and one (1) copy of Environmental Assessment Form, prepared by DMS Consulting Services, Inc., dated September 3, 2009, pursuant to Town Code Section 280- 133A(3); 7. Original and one (1) copy of LWRP Consistency Assessment Form, prepared by DMS Consulting Services, Inc.; 8. T-Mobile Check No. 1475026 in the sum of $1,000.00, which sum represents the fee for major modification, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74A(2)(a); 9. Seven (7) counterparts of Professional Engineering Report prepared by Skyblue Engineering, PLLC, dated September 22, 2009, demonstrating the project's compliance with the Maximum Permissible Exposure regulations and providing information on the Town of Southold Planning Board T-Mobile Site Plan/Special Exception Applications September 24, 2009 Page 2 of 2 other carriers already located on the facility in accordance with Town Code Sections 280- 74C(1), 280-74C(6), 280-74B(1)(a) and 280-71H. (Please note that said reports have been revised from those filed with the Building Permit Application for Denial, which were dated June 29, 2009. The enclosed 9/22/09 reports should be referenced and used going forward as they include the total cumulative emissions of all existing, approved and proposed carriers located at the facility); 10. Seven (7) counterparts of Structural Analysis prepared by DaVinci Engineering, Inc., dated 5/27/09, documenting the facility's structural compliance with local, state and federal codes in accordance with Town Code Sections 280-74C(1) and 280-74B(l)(b); 11. Seven copies of T-Mobile's FCC License pursuant to Town Code Sections 280-74C(1) and 280-74B(1)(c). 12. Two (2) counterparts of an aeronautical study of public airports in proximity to the premises, dated August 12, 2009, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74C(2); 13. Two (2) counterparts of Visual Resource Evaluation, prepared by DMS Consulting Services, Inc., dated September 18, 2009, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74C(3); 14. Nine (9) sets of Zoning Drawings, including Site Plan, Vicinity Plan and Elevation Drawings, prepared by William F. Collins, AIA, dated September 22, 2009, addressing Town Code Sections 280-74C(4), 280-74C(5), 280-74C(9), 280-74C(10), 280-74C(11), 280-74C(12), 280-74C(13) and 280-133A(4); 15. One (1) CD Rom containing search ring of the proposed facility, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74C(7); 16. Two (2) sets of Photos of Existing Structures, prepared by DMS Consulting Services, Inc., dated September 10, 2009, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74C(8); and 17. Four (4) copies of Property Survey, prepared by PJM Land Surveying, PLLC, dated December 27, 2006, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-133A(5). With regard to the Special Exception PermitApplicatiom enclosed are the following documents: 1. Original and one (1) copy of Town of Southold Planning Board Wireless Facility Special Exception Application; 2. T-Mobile Check No. 1574524 in the sum orS1,000.00, which sum represents the Special Exception Application fee, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74A(3); 3. Two (2) copies of Building Department Notice of Disapproval, dated August 13, 2009, and Building Permit Application, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74D(1 )(a); 4. Two (2) copies of Site Plan Application, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74D(1)(b); 5. Original and one (1) copy of Affidavit of John McAuliffe addressing Alternative Sites Considered and Good Faith Effort to colocate on existing towers, pursuant to Town Code Sections 280-74D(1)(c) and 280-74D(2); 6. Two (2) two counterparts of Inventory Table and Map of existing T-Mobile wireless telecommunication facility locations within Town of Southold and abutting towns, which provide service to areas within the Town of Southold, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74D(3); 7. Two (2) copies of Memorandum of Lease between Affordable Housing Associates, Inc. d/b/a Beacon Wireless (i.e. tower owner) and Omnipoint Communications, Inc. (n/k/a T- Town of Southold Planning Board T-Mobile Site Plan/Special Exception Applications September 24, 2009 Page 3 of 3 Mobile), pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74D(5); 8. Two (2) sets of Propagation Maps depicting existing, proposed and composite coverage afforded by the proposed extension for in-building and in-vehicle levels, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74D(6) and prior communications with your office; and 9. Original and one (1) copy of Affidavit of Radio Frequency Engineer addressing the existing service gap and demonstrating the need for the proposed facility, including search ring and propagation maps, in accordance with Town Code Sections 280-74D(6), 280-74D(7) and 280-74D(8). Please communicate with T-Mobile's counsel, R6, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP at 36 North New York Avenue, Huntington, New York 11743, (631) 425-4100, regarding the scheduling of the public hearing and be sure to copy that office on all related correspondence for this project. Thank you. Very truly yours, By:JP&C~' C.~_~ ~~Co ulti rou-- nc. ~/J~hn McAuliffe /m"k Enclosures Proposed Site Existing Sites ~ Reliable Coverage Map: In-Building Existing Coverage Site Number: LII3-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 · ..Mobile, Map Scale lin = 0,7 miles Prepared: 09~23~09 Prepared by: Mariana Nieto RF Engineer for T-Mobile · Proposed Site · Existing Sites ~ Reliable Coverage Map: In-Building Proposed Coverage Site Number: LI13-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 .MObile Map Scale lin = 0.7 miles Prepared: 09/23109 Prepared by: Mariana Nieto RF Engineer for T-Mobile ® Proposed Site · Existing Sites Reliable Coverage Map: In-Building Composite Coverage Site Number: LI13-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 · ..MObile Map Scale lin -- 0.7 miles Prepared: 09/23/09 Prepared by: Mariana Nieto RF Engineer for T-Mobile Proposed Sites Existing Sites ~ Reliable Coverage Map: In-Vehicle Existing Coverage Site Number: LII3-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 .'I:..Mobile, AM~RIT Map Scale lin -- 0.7 miles Prepared: 09123/09 Prepared by: Mariana Nieto RF Engineer for T-Mobile ® Proposed Sites · Existing Sites ~ Reliable Coverage Map: In-Vehicle Proposed Coverage Site Number: LI13-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 · Mobile Map Scale lin = 0.7 miles Prepared: 09/23/09 Prepared by: Mariana Nieto RF Engineer for T-Mobile ~ Proposed Sites · Existing Sites I Reliable Coverage Map: In-Vehicle Composite Coverage Site Number: LI13-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 Map Scale lin -- 0.7 miles Prepared: 09~23~09 Prepared by: Mariana Nieto RF Engineer for T-Mobile LI13883A LI13345A )24~ Main Rd. Southold ~Y 87 Fla§pole 2.30 LI13883A LI13162C Washin§ton Ave Greenport NY 275 GuyedTower 4.17 LI13883A LI13058A Main Road Southold NY 84 Utility Wooden Pole 5.81 LI13883A .113546A 19 Bowditch Rd Shelter Island NY 170 Utility Lattice Towe~ 5.85 LI13883A LI13412B Route2S Southold NY 60 ~lonopole 8.31 LI13883A LI13281A 41405 Highway25 Peconic NY 115 Self Support Tower 10.72 LI13883A LI13544A 71855 Country Road Cutchoi~ue ~IY 90 ~lonopole 12.87 L1~.3883A LI13158C Elijah's Lane & Route 25 Southold ~IY 65 ~lonopole 14.76 LI13883A LI13411B 12585 Sound Ave. Mattituck NY 97 Fla§pole 16.25 LI13883A LI13053A SOUNDAVENUE Jamesport NY 197 SuyedTower 18.32 LI13883A LI13590A 25 Manor Lane Jamesport NY 5~ Monopole 19.74 Site Number: LI13-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 Prepared:09/23/2009 · ..Mobile.' F_-~ of the Town of Southold Boundary ® Proposed Site · Existing Sites Future Sites Inventory: Existing Sites within the Town of Southold and the abutting towns Site Number: LI13-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 -Mobile Map Scale lin = 2.321 miles Prepared: 09~23~09 Prepared by: Mariana Nieto RF Engineer for T-Mobile TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD SITE PLAN APPLICATION ~ ................. · SECTION A: Site Plan Name and Location Application Date: September /__/20 09 Site Plan Name: T-Mobile Northeast LLC at Orient Fire District Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000 - 18.00 -05.00 - 013.008 Other SCTM#'s: .~:?,= , · Street Address: 23300 Main Road Hamlet: Orient Distance to nearest intersection: R~e/c ef Main Road and Tabor Road. 0r~nt Type of Site Plan: New X Amended Residential If Amended, last approval date: __/__/__ SECTION B: Owner/A.qent Contact Information Please list name, mailing address and phone number for each contact: Property Owner Orient Fire District Street 23300 l~in Road City Orient State NY Zip Home Telephone Other Applicant T-Mobile Northeast LLC Street 3500 Sunrise Hi,qhwa~'~ Suite D203 City Great River State NY Zip kl~m~a(Telephone 631-224-6651 Other 11739 Applicant's Agent or Representative Conta~Pemon(s)* Rev' Nielsen~ Huber & Cqpqhlinr ~LP Lawrence C. Re Street 36 North New York Avenue City Huntin§ton State NY Zip 11743 Office Telephone 631-425-4100 Other *Unless otherwise requested, correspondence will be sent only to this person. 3/19/2008 1 /r. ~ ECTION C: Site Data Proposed construction type: New Property total acreage or square footage: X Modification of Existing Structure Change of use /oa~ ~'[~, ac./sq, fi. Site Plan build-out acreage or square footage: 430+ ~0~/sq. ft. Agricultural Is there an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on the property? Yes __ If yes, explain: No Property Zoning District(s): Residenti al R-80 Building Department Notice of Disapproval Date: 08 / 13 / 2009 Is an application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals required? Yes __ If yes, have you submitted an application to the ZBA? Yes __ No __ If yes, attach a copy of the application packet. No X Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more then one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area per use. List all existing property uses: Fi rehouse, Publ i c Safety. and PUblic Uti 1 i ty Wi tel ess Tel e- communications Facility List all proposed property uses: Same as Existing Other accessory uses: ~q~.-7 Proposed lot covarage'~-~ ~ % Existing lot coverage: - % Gross floor area of existing structure(s):_ N/A sq. ft. Gross floor area of proposed structure(s): N/A Parking Space Data: # of existing spaces:~/- # of proposed spaces: O Loading Berth: Yes__ No Landscaping Details: Existing landscape coverage:~/~- 7fl % Proposed landscape coverage:. I Waterfront Data: Is this property within 500" of a wetland area? Yes __ No X If yes explain: I, the undersigned, certify that all the above information is tree. T- .Mob i 1 e~]~_~tor~th e a s t kkC Signature of Preparer: By, ~ -Date: 2 3/19/2008 APPUCAN~ AFFIDAVIT :'STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK j~/~ Z~3)~)¢~ being duty sworn, deposes and says that he resides at ' c/o 3500 Sunrise Highway, Suite D203, Great River~ NY I1739 In ~e S~ ~ New Y°rk, and ~a~ he Is ~e owner ~ ~e. above properW, or ~aC he is ~e ~c~ HA~A~ ~e Lessee~ ~.-Mobile N~he~.StmLLC..; , roue) (Sp~ ~er ~mhip or Corp.) which is hereby maldng application; that there are no existing structures or Improvements on the land which are not shown on' the Site Plan; that the tit~e to the entire parcel, Including all r ghts-of-way, has been clearly established and is shown on said Plan; that no pa~ of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots andes to roads;'that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be altered or changed In any manner without the approval of' the Planning Board; and that the actual physical Improvements will be Installed In strict accordance With the · plans submit%ed, / Signed (Owner) · Signed B.y.~.,~'~,.,~,~"'~.," --~.. (Partner or Co~ora~ O~r a~ ~e) ~om ~ me LYNANNE HUERTAS NOTARY PUBUC - STATE OF NEW YORK NO. 01HU6203459 QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 06, 20_L~' APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The 1 ow-n of Southold's ('ode ot Ethics or)h b s confl c s of n eros on (he omi of town officers and Crop o¥¢¢$ this form is to vrovidc information which can alert the toxin of ~ossible conflicts of interest an6 allow itto talte whatever a&[~'~'~' '~ '~" Orien$-.~i re Di s<_~rict ( Last name, first name. middle initial, unless you are applying in the name ot NAME OF' APPLICATION: (Check all that appl3 ) Tax grievance _ _ Building Variance /ruslee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (lf"Othcr". name the actMw. I _X- $j~e Plan Approval Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or childl have a relationship with any officer or employee of the ]'own of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the Iovm officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by) a corporalion in which the to~ officer or emplo5 cc ou tls more than 5% of the shares. YES NI ) ~ If you answered "YES" complete the ba ante o ' his lbrm and da e and sign where indicated. Name of parson employed b) the Foam of Southold ....... Thle or position of that per,on Descrihe the relationship between yourself (/he applicant'agent~ represemative) and the town officer or emplo) ec I-;ither check the appropriale line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock oflhe applicant (when the applicant is a corporation): .... B) the legal or beneficial oyster of:my Lnterest in a non-corporate entit) (when the applicant is not a corporalion}: ...... CI an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicanl: or D) the actual applicant. DESCRIP I'ION OF REI..a, I'IONSttll' Fomn TS I Subminedthis m'j'~'4 dayof ~',K,'( 200q~ Signature By~' ~i ~,~- PrintNam¢ 2~"-0-~C'~L~ /.4)t',/.~Sil~_:i~ APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM: The Town of Southold's Code ofEthins orohlbits conflicts of interest on the oert of town officers and employees. The vurvnse of this form is to orovida information which can alert the town of ~nssible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same ..... ....... (Last name, fn~t~n'n'n'n'n'n'n'n'n~, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF A~PLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Vmiance Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map planning Other (If "Other', name the activity.) X - Site Plan Approval Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a paxt~ership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in wlfich the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO If you answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourseff (the apphcent/agant/represontative) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); __.C) ma officer, director, par~er, or employee of the applicant; or __~)) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Form TS 1 Submitted this ~ay of Signature Bv :J~'~ ~ Print Name ~ ' /.a~,~o~ s~ ' 200 APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics orohibits conflicts of interest on the hart of town officers and emnlovees. The vuroose of this form is to vrovide information which can alert the tom of oossible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Orien~-~i re .Di stri ct ~ (Last nome, fn'st name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's nme.) Ng_ME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map planning Other (If"Other", name the activity.) .X -~T~e Plan Approval Do you ~rsoo~aly (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interesf' means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO ~/ If you answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant/agent/representative) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check oll that apply): A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); ___B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); ___C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or ___D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Form TS 1 Submitted this ~_.~day ot --~-. 200 ~_ Signature B.y~c3~ ~,,,~'~"-- PLANNING BOARD: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of OMNIPO1NT COMMUNICATIONS, 1NC. For Site Plan Approval to collocate public utility wireless telecommunications antennas within proposed 10' extension on existing pole and install related equipment at the premises 23300 Main Road Orient, New York District 1000 Section 18.00, Block 05.00, Lot 013.008 STATE OF NEW YORK ) )SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER ' t""* ~'~hOt-dk,~- , being duly swom, deposes and says: I am the COPt ~_¢1 ~ON£fi of Orient Fire Dis~ct, owner in fee of m~icipal approvals as may be necess~ for constructing or installing on the Premises such antennas, support structures, ~d related equipment ~ O~point Co~ications, hc. mayrequire for the establishment of its public utility wireless telecommunication faciliW. As such, I will full, cooperate with Omnipoint Co~ications, hc., ~d its agents in obtaining ~y r~uired Approvals. Sworn to before me this ~-~day of ~-'-Ot3~ ,2009. ~_~OTAR~,I~I-~LIC ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT . Commission r..xp,fas MarCh ~, ~/c~ PLANN1NG BOARD: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of T-Mobile Northeast LLC For Site Plan Approval to collocate public utility wireless telecommunications antennas within proposed 10' extension on existing pole and install related equipment at the premises 23300 Main Road Orient, New York District 1000 Section 18.00, Block 05.00, Lot 013.008 AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER STATE OF NEW YORK ) )SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ~ h ~ g ~'~a~na ~.[ , being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the -~C'¢f~/-t~'~ j 7'-ttoc.c~.,-,, ,t_ /, the premises known as Section 18.00, Block 05.00, Lot 013.008 (the "Premises" hereafter), and do of Orient Fire District, owner in fee of hereby authorize T-Mobile Northeast LLC ("T-Mobile") and its representatives to bring such applications for municipal approvals as may be necessary for constructing or installing on the Premises such antennas, support structures, and related equipment as T-Mobile may require for the establishment of its public utility wireless telecommunication facility. As such, I will fully cooperate with T-Mobile and its agents in obtaining any required Approvals. Sworn to before me this ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT day of ,2009. OTARY PUBLIC ANDREW MORSE NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW'YORK QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY NO, 01M06199759 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 01/19/20 PLANNlNG BOARD: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the application of proposal ofT-Mobile Northeast LLC (f/k/a Omnipoint Communications, Inc.) For Special Exception Permit Approval to collocate public utility wireless telecommunications antennas within a proposed 10' extension on an existing pole and install related equipment at the premises ("Premises"): 23300 Main Road, Orient, New York District 1000 Section 18.00, Block 05.00, Lot 013.008 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) AFFIDAVIT OF GOOD FAITH EFFORT AND SITE ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED PURSUANT TO TOWN CODE SECTIONS 280-74D(1)(c) and 280-.74D(2) JOHN MCAULIFFE, being duly sworn, deposes and says: ...... ~ 1. I am a Site Acquisition Consultant representin~ -T;Mob'tl'cr'Nm'theast- t:,L~obi?' herea~er) in the Long Island market. T-Mobile is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to construct, operate and maintain a personal wireless telecommunications system in Suffolk County and throughout much of the United States. 2. In my capacity as Site Acquisition Consultant, I was tasked with finding a suitable location for a public utility wireless telecommunications facility within an area in Southold def'med by T- Mobile's radio frequency engineers. 3. In keeping with the purpose and intent of Chapter 280 of the Code of the Town of Southold, T-Mobile seeks to locate its facility on an existing building or structure located within an area of Southold, in which there is a significant service gap. 4. I have exercised a good faith effort to secure a lease agreement for T-Mobile In the Town of Southold to locate or co-locate on an existing tower or other available and appropriate buildings or structures, pursuant to Southold Code Sections 280-74D(1)(c) and 280-74D(2). 5. T-Mobile's radio frequency engineers determined that none of the existing buildings or structures lying in the subject search area would be suitable for a facility that would be capable of eliminating the coverage gap in the area because each fails to meet the minimum height requirement. 6. T-Mobile's engineers ascertained that the installation of public utility wireless telecommunications antennas within a ten-foot extension on the existing pole at the Premises would serve to eliminate the coverage gap in the area. 7. The only alternative to the instant proposal would be the construction of a new structure, such as a monopole. Sworn to before me this 7~ day of Septej~,x~ 2009. ..?' JOHN MCAULI~FE /,~-/ 2 TO: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL Re: Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin LLC for Omnipoint Comm., Inc. 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, New York 11743 DATE: August 13, 2009 *Amended: 12-08-09 Please take notice that your application dated July 9, 2009 For permit to locate a wireless facility & install equipment at Location of property: 23300 Main Road, Orient, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 18 Block 5 Lot 13.8 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed co-location in the R80 District is not permitted pursuant to Article XVll Section 280-70(i), which states: "antenna support structures permitted in ... R80 zoning Districts, are subject to the following conditions:" (2) Maximum height 45'. The proposed height is indicated as 100'. The proposed construction requires Planning Board site plan review & special exception approval per Section 280-71B & C and Section 280-72 & 73 of the Town Code. Authorized Signature CC: file, Planning Board *Amended to reflect code revisions of 10-20-09 Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. TO: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: August 13, 2009 Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin LLC for Omnipoint Comm., Inc. 36 N. New York Ave. Huntington, N.Y. 11743 Please take notice that your application dated July 9, 2009 For permit to co-locate a wireless facility & install equipment at Location of property: 23300 Main Road, Orient, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 18 Block 5 Lot 13.8 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed co-location in the R80 District is not permitted pursuant to Article XVII Section 280- 71(G), which states: "Antenna support structures permitted in ...R80 zoning districts, are subject to the following conditions:" (2) Maximum height 45'. The proposed height is indicated as 100'. The proposed construction requires Planning Board site plan review & special exception approval per Section 280-70(E) & Section 280-72 of the Town Code. [ Authorized Signature CC: file, ZBA, Planning Board Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 www. northfork.net/Southold/ Examined. ,20 . App?oved ,20 Disapproved'a/o .,0~0,,~ r]/~,~..'~ Expi trion ,20.__ PERMIT NO. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applying? Board of Health 4 sets of Building Plans Planning Board approval Survey Check Septic Form N.Y.S~D.E.C. Trustees Contact: Attorneys for Applicant: Mailto:Munley, Meade, Nielsen & RE ~6 I~ortb New ¥or~_¥ue un~n~ntnn= NY l//~J Phone: ·631-425-4100 Building Inspector PPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MusT be completdy filled in by typewriter or in ink and sufimitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of glans, ageurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing'location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or 'areas, and waterways. ¢. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. UpOn approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept.on, the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until tile Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall eXPire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months fi.om such dote. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the B~lding Inspector may authorize, in writing the extension of the Permit for an addition s x months. Thereafterr a new permit shail be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construntion of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein desnribed. Tho applicant agrees, to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspedtors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. Omnipoint Communications~ Inc. (Signature of applicant or name, ifa corporation) 3500 Sunrise Highway, Suite 0203, Great Rivel (Mailing address of applicant)' NY 11739 State whether applicant is owner, lesgee, agent, architect, engineer, general c.ontractor, electrician, plumber or builder Lessee Nameofownerofpremises Orient Fire ,District (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applica~corpor~ion, s~nat_ure of_d, uly aut~rizedoffiqer. · (Name and title ofcorporat~o~e0 Builders License No. Plumbers License No, N[A Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 'hp~ d' k ilibed 1. Location of land on whic opose Wor w one: 23300 Maio Road Orient' House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section Subdivision (Name) 18.00 Block 05.00 Lot 013.008 Filed Map No. :.. . Lot State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use dna oecul~ancy of proposed oonstruct~on. a. Existing use and oceupancy Firehouse~ Pub!it Safety and Publ.i~ utility wireless tel ecommunicatl ons faci 1 ity b. Intended use and occupancy Same as Existin.q Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building Addition -~ _ .Alteration. . Repair Removal Deraolition ,Qther Work~7:u_ stall guhl±e ut±]-tt~ v±reless telecO~.pmun$cat~ons antennas w±th±n propose~l 10' exteng±on on ex±sting pole aV./tllas~rlptio, n) t~sta~,~,~:exat, e.c[ equ±p~enl: as depicted xn the pla~ suomitted herew±ta. 4. Estimated t, ost ,~ff,,O~P tee (Tobe paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number ofdwel'ling units N/A Number of dwelling units on each floor N/A If garage, number of cars N/A 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. N/A 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front Rear Depth ~ Dimensions of same structure With alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories '"~ l~t ~,~ 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Rear [ I D~pth ~ Height Number of Stories ~' ~_2;m.¢~.~_.. 9. Size of lot:Front 226' Rear 570' Depth 458_*+ irregular shaped I0. Date of Purchase Nov. 14, 1985 NameofFormerOwner Barbara Dwight Schriever 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated ResSdenti al R-80 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES NO 7{ 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES NO X Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES __ Orient Fire 23300 Main Road 14:NamesofOwnerofpremises District .. · Address O.~ie.n.t,. NV_ _ PhoneNo. Name of Architect Wilt i am F. Collins, AIA Addrcss'_~u~t~t,~e~n.n~{°~l~7~.~Phone No Name of Contractor Address Phone No. NO X 631-689-8450 15 a. Is this prOperty within 100 feet of a tidal' wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES__NO __ * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOVV2q TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERlvlITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet ofatidal Wetland? * YES NO × * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. X 16. Piovide survey, to scale, With accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) e'~, ~,Je~," being duly swom, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual s-il~q~ng contract) above named, (S)He is the (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.)' Lessee-Authorized Age!it of said owner or owners, and is duly authoriz_ed~9 peffo~ 9~zhgve p~fformed.lhe s. ai4~.workand to.make an<le this ~pplicafion; that all statements~ont~tti~d th thid~/pplifiafion ti~e tree to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this ON R. GOLDFARI Notary Public, State Of New Yorl · No. 02G05039790 Qualified In Kings County Commission EXpires Feb 27 20-~ Om '~,~tr~9~i c~til~ns, Ir)c. 'Fteral. Communications Comn ion Wireless TelecOmmunications Bureau .. Radio Stati,o.n Authorization LICENSEE NAME: T-I~bt l e Ltcen~le .LL~.. '* ."...... '.. :-:" "' ' '"' DAN )~ENSER *' " : .... ' T-IVlOBTLE LICENSE LLC :. '.:. '. .* :' : ..' ':. 12920 SE ~ST~ STREET*. .' -- -. ' -'.. . .: ' ' ' " BELLEVUE WA 98006 '. FCC ReglV~fllon Number (FRN) 0001565449 "' CaR Sign . Rte Number '.~QGB263 0002769270 Radio gewloe AW - AW$, 1710-1755/2110-2'155 MHz banc~ · Granf. Date .. ~ffe~ilve Date t ~ -29-2006 t · Marke:~ Number cM~0ol Expiration Date ~ ~[-29~.2021 Chan~el~lock' .: 0 PHnt Date Sulk-Market Designator Market Nan~ Ne~ YoPk,. NY-Nd/Nassau-$ul=l~olk . · 1st BL~ild-o~rt Date 2nd Build-out Dale 3rcl Sugd.~)ut Date 4~ Build-out Date" SPECIAL CONDmONS OR WAIVERS/CONDITIONS be affected by the proposed operations. See, e.g., FCC &nd NTIA Coordination ProoeduPe~ ~n the 171~-t755, MHz Band, Publlc NotJee~ FCC b6-EO, WTB Docket No; 02-353, Pal. April'20, 2006. Th~ 11c~nse Is Sub~act to complfance ~tth the provts~ons of the danuaPy 12, 200t AgPeement (*Spe=tal Oonc~ltl6ns oP Watve~e/co~c~tttone~ =onttnued on next page Conditions: Pursuant tq. Section 309(h) ct the Communlcatlans Act of 193~ as amended, 47 U.$.~, Section 309(h), this ilcen.$e Is subject to' the follbwlng OOndlflons: Thb ilcenSe shall not Vest in the Itoensee any right to'operate the station nor any ~ght in ~e ute ct the frequencte~ dei!gnated tn the ll~e~ie.b~yo['t~l ihe term thei'eof nor in any other rnanner'lh~.' authorized herein. Neither the. ilcense ~er the right granted the~und~r shall be asflgr~ed or cthenvl~e, tramr~erred in vtolation ct the Communtea~om Act.of 1934, a~ amended. See 47 U.S.C. Sect~n $10(d), .lhb iloenie b su .bjeof In terms to the right of use or conffol obr~ferted by ~e~oi~ 706 ct'theComtnun|c;aflonl Aofof 1954. els amended. $ee'47 U.$.C. Section 606. To view the'geographio areas ass~te~ed'wlth the ilcen~e, go to the Universal LIc~ming System (UL$) homepage at hh'p://wirete$$.too.gov/ub and *ete~t "Uoenie S~aroh". F~I~ow the Instructions on-how to searoh for ilaense intomnctlon. FCC 601 -MB Februa~/2006 Call Sign Rl~Number ' PflntD~te ' · 0002769270 ~1-30-2006 Special ComlttJons or Waivers/Conditions · Deutsche Teleko~ AG, VotceS~reem .WireleSs CorpoPetton. VotceStPe~m w~reless Holding Corporation end the Dep&rt=ent of dustlce (~d) a~ the F~ePal BuPeau o" ' ' ' aut~Pity.gPantad by thts '~cense. ~tht~ tn the AgPae~nt ts ~nt~ to ~tt any ob~fgatt~n or Pe~la~fon Including, ~t not lfmtted to, 47 U.S.C. Section 222(a) ~nd (c)(1) a~ t~ FCC's ~mp~en~ng regu~at~ons~ The AgP~nt Is ~ub]~s~d at Vo~ceS~P~m-DT Or.r; ~B Docket No. ~-~7, FCC 0J-t42, 16 ~CC Red 9779, 9853 (2~). FCC 501 - MB TOWN OF $OUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 www. northfork.net/Southold/ Examined ~ 20. Approved ,20 Disapproved'a/eiCOn,n PERMIT NO. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applyln~? Board of Health 4 sets of Building Plans_ Planning Board approval Survey_ Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Contact: Attorneys for Applicant: Ma~Ito:Munley, Meade, Nielsen.~Re -6 ort New o en Phone: 631-425-4100 Building Inspector 'PLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely'filled in by typewriter or in ink and su6mitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of glans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept.on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zuning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extensio addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit sh~ll be required n of the permit for an APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance cfa Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or altemtioas or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on preanses and in building for necessary inspections. Omnipoint Communications~ Inc. (Signature of applicast or name, ifa corporation) 3500 Sunrise Highway, Suite D203, Great River (Mallingaddress°fapplicanO NY 11739 State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Lessee Nameofownerofpremises_. Orient Fire District (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of .d, uly authorized offiozr (Name and title df co~po~at~r~r) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. N/A Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. Location of land on which proposed. ~ork will be done: 23300 Main R_oad House Number Street County Tax Map No. 1000 Section Subdivision 18.00 (Name) Orient Hamlet Block 05.00 Filed Map No. Lot 013.008 Lot State existing use and occupancy ofpremisesandin~nded use anil"6'cc~lSancy ofproposed construction: a. Existinguseandoccupancy Firehouse, Public Safety and Public utility wireless telecommunications facility b. Intendeduseand occupancy Same as Existin§ 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building. Addition __Alteration Repair Removal Demolition .Qther Work.I?stall lauhlic utiJ~tz wLr_eless l;elecglpmun;~cat~ons antennas w~.thin pr. opose~l 10~ exten~ign on, existin~ pole aizitFlas~cr~ptirlIfi t~sta4~t,~e±a~e~ equipment as uepicteu mn the p±ar~ suomxttea herewith. 4. Estimated tzost ~<'.,~o~ v er - (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units N/A Number of dwelling units on each floor N/A If garage, number of cars a/A 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of'each type of use. N/A 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front Rear Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Height Nu,,mber of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Rear [ [ D~pth Height Number of Stories ! PZ~a$~.. 9. Size oflot: Front 226' Rear 570' Depth 458_~+ irregular shaped 10. Date of Purchase NOv. 14. 1985 Name of Former Owner Barbara Dwight Schriever 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated Res~denti al R-80 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES NO X 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES NO X Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES__ Orient Fire 23300 Main Road 14. NamesofOwnerofpremises District Address Orient,. NY_ _ PhoneNo. ess' u-~ e nn o - NameofArchitect~illiam F. Collins, AIA Addr ~oneNo Name of Contractor Address Phone No. NO X 631-689-8450 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES NO __ * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES NO X * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on ie at 10 feet or below, must provide t0p0grapBisal 0ata on STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) ~, /~/t~t',,trt~-- being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual s-il~tu~fig contract) above named, (S)He is the (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) Lessee-Authori zed Agent of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or.have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this Notary Public, S~te ~ New York No. 02G05039790 Qualified In Kings Coun¢ Commi~ion ~pims Feb 27 20-~ /~ S i g~a~a~e of Applicant /// ORll~'qT TO: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: August 13, 2009 Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin LLC for Omnipoint Comm., Inc. 36 N. New York Ave. Huntington, N.Y. 11743 Please take notice that your application dated July 9, 2009 For permit to co-locate a wireless facility & install equipment at Location of property: 23300 Main Road, Orient, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 18 Block 5 Lot 13.8 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed co-location in the R80 District is not p~mdtted pursuant to Axticle XVII Section 280- 71{G), which states: "Antenna support structures permitted in ...R80 zoning districts, are subject to the following conditions:" (2) Maximum height 45'. The proposed height is indicated as 100'. r uthorized Signature The proposed construction requires Planning Board site plan review & special exception approval per Section 280-70(E) & Section 280-72 of the Town Code. CC: file, ZBA, Planning Board Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southoid Town Building Department. 'Federal Communications Commission Wireless Telecommunications Bureau 'Rad o Station Au horiz ffion LICENSEE NAME: T-M~bJle L~(~ense I. LC '. ". .. ' :. :.', "· ' - ''' c,~ENSER ' ' " ' DAN T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC i. *':* '. ** :* : *** '**' *" 12920 SE ~$~H STREET* * -* '. '* - . .: ' "' Call Sign BELLEVUE 18A 98006 ~ · :. - '. * ' '. ?0GB263 FCC Registration Numl~r ~FRN) 0001565449 file Number 00027692~0 Radio Service Grant-Date Effeotlve Date 1 t-29-2006 Explratien Date · t1[-29:-~021 P~int Date 1 1-30-2006 - Marke! Number ' ' CM~O0t Chan~el.~tock ' Sulk-Market Designator Market Nan~e: Nan Yet'k,. NY-N~J/Nass&u-Su~efolk lad Build-out Date 2nd Build-out Date SPEC AL CONDmONS OR WAIVERS/CONDITIONS 3rd Sufld-~>ut Date 4~ Build-out Date Conditions: Pursuant to Section 309(h) of the Communications Aat of 195z as amended, 47 U.S.~. Section $09(h), this lleeqse Is subject to the fo bwl~g COnditions: This license shall not Ved in the Ileensee any right to'operate the ~t.ation nor any right in lhe use of the frequencies designated n the licenie b~yo~d the term thereof nor in any other man~er'th~,' au~norized herein. N~lther the . license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise, transferred in violation of the Communications Act.of 1934, a~'amended. See 47 U.S.C. Seatf~n $10(c0..1his lioen~e Is sub, eof Jn torres to the right of use or control cbnfer~ed by ~eofion 706 of'thelComm~ni~atk~ns Aat of 1934. as amended. See'47 U.$.C. Seoflon 606. To view the'geographic amos ass~ofa~edlwlth the llcenie, go to the Universal Uc~nsing System (Ul~ll) hornepage at hffp://wirel~ss.foo.gov/ub and ~ele~ "Uoen~e Seo~'oh". Fol~Ow the ~nrltueflons on.how to search for license information. '. FCC 601 - MB February 2006 Call Sign Fil~ Nullr~ · wQc=B2ea 00027Bg270 Page 2 o~ 2 · P~ntDate ' Spectal Conditions or Weavers/Conditions ' Deutsche Teleko~ AG, VoioeStresm .~ireless Corporation, vq.iceStream ~ireless Holding Corporation and the Department of dustlce ([:)Od) and the Federal Bureau o f Investigation (FBI), Which'addresses . national security, law enforcement, and p~blto ·safety issues of the FSI and the hod ~egardtng the authority.granted by this 'license. Nothing in the Agreement is tnten~e~ to li~it any obligation . or re~lulstion ~noludtng, I:~Jt not limited ~o, 47 U.S.C. Section 222(a) and (c)(1) and the FCC's tmplemen.ting regulations. The Agreement is published ~t VotoeStream-DT Order; ~B Docket No. O0-t~?, FCC 0t-~42, 16 ~CC Rod 97?9, 9853 (2001). AppU~ANI~ AI~DAVIT "-STATE OF NEW YORE COUNtrY OF SUFFOI~ ~, /f~.//¢~,¢~ being dUly sworn, deposes and says thai~ he resides at · c/o 3500 Sunrise Highway, Suite D203, Great Rivers NY 11739 In the state of New York, and ~llat he is the owner of the above property, or that he is the ~,~ /~/'~xf ofthe LesseeZ Omnineint C, nmm~Jn~cmt~nn~; Thc. (TILle) (Specify whether Partnership or corp,) which is hereby making application; that there are no existing sb-Uctures or Improvements on the land which are not shown on'the SILe Plan; that the ULle to the enLIre parcel, including all rlghLs-of-way, has been cleady estebllshed and is shown on said Plan; that no psrL of the Plan Infringes upon any duly flied plan which has not been abandoned both as ~o Io~s and.~s Lo roads[that he has examined all rules and regulaUons adopted by the Planning Board for the fillng of $1~e plans and will comply with same; that the plans submlL-ted, as approved, will not be altered or changed In any manner without the approval of bhe Planning Board; and that [:he acLual physlca mprovement~ will be Installed in strict accordance With l~e · plans su/~d. S lgne~1~ner~]~'~ : . .... · IOmn~pojnt Comm,unica, tions, Inc. · Slgned~ ' ,~'~ '~1/'~¢l~r~ · (Partner or Corporate Officer and · -? / Sworn to me this _ .... ~o¢~ Public, S~te ~ Ne~Y~rk M No. 02G05039790 Qualified In Kinss Coun~ Commission ~pires Feb 27 20-~ PLANNING BOARD: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COLrNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YOt~ In the Matter of the Application of OMNIPOINT : COMMUNICATIONS, INC. : For Site Plan Approval to collocate public utility wireless : telecommunications antennas within proposed 10' extension on : existing pole and install related equipment at the premises : : 23300 Main Road : Orient, New York : Dislrict 1000 Section 18.00, Block 05.00, Lot 013.008 : AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) I am the C._F) ~4 r~-~-~-O 1~/~ ~[ the premises known as Section 18, Block 5, Lot 13.8 (the "Premises" hereafter), and do hereby authorize Omnipoint Communications, Inc. and its representatives to bring such applications for , being duly sworn, deposes and says: o f Orient Fire Disthct, owner in fee of municipal approvals as may be necessary for constructing or installing on the Premises such antennas, support structures, and related equipment as Omnipoint Communications, Inc. may require for the establishment of its public utility wireless telecommunication facility. As such, I will fully cooperate with Omnipoint Communications, Inc., and its agents in obtaining any required Approvals. Sworn to before me this ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT Corn Qualify. inSuffolk County mission Expires March 3, ~o/o APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics orohibits conflicts of interest on the Dart of town officers and emnlnvees. The numnse of this form is to nrovide information which can alert the tow~ of ~nssible conflicts of interest and allow it to teke whatever action is neoe to avoi same. .Ol~!~loint Communications~ Inc. YOL~NAM~: Ur: Tami Nvstrom. Area D~rector {Last name, fLrst name, middle initial, unless you a~ applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Variance Change of Zone Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map Other (If '~ther", name the activity.) Building Trustee Coastal Erosion Mooring Planning X - Site Plan Approval Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "lRelatinnshlp" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a pminershlp, in wlfich the tewa officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the sIfares. YES NO X If you answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Nurse of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicautYugent/representat~ve) sad the town offieer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) lhrough D) sad/or describe in the space provide& The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check ali that apply): A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); __.C) ~n officer, director, parteer, or employee of the applicant; or __~D) the ac4ua] applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Foma TS 1 S u b miO~__d~i~?~ U/!~/ 200 PrintNam~-~/a/~i-Nvstrom, Area Director ~ ~ GENERAL NOTES ~ ~ iNFORMATION SHOWN HEREIN IS BASED UPON THE REGULATIONS WHEREVER APPLICABLE / LATEST TOWN APPROVED SITE PLANS PREPARED BY: 2 EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD TO HAVE VISITED THE SITE AND TO HAVE VERIFIED ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO MICHAEL WALKER DESIGN/BUILDER LLC, 500 HORSENECK SUBMISSION OF BID ROAD, OARTMOUTH, MA 02748 PHONE: (508) 287-4313 5 IN ALL EASES, DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE SCALED FOR INFORMATION. FIGURED DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS MUST BE VERIFIED IN PROJECT NO. MWDB.ORIENT, DATED JUNE 1, 2005 THE FIELD. 1 4 CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL FIELD DIMENSIONS AND JOB CONDITIONS, AND SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICT, AND/OR OMISSIONS WHICH WOULD INTERFERE WITH THE SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF THE WORK. SHOULD HE FAIL TO FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE AND CONTINUE WITH THE WORK, HE SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY AB~SING THEREFROM EXISTING BUILD~NG 5 ALL ITEMS OF WORK IDENTiFiED ON THE DRAWINGS BY NAME. NOTE. OR MATERIAL DESIGNATION ARE NEW. UNLESg OTHERWISE A ~ C ~ I T B C T ~ REMOVAL SHALL BE DONE IN A DUST INHIBITIVE FASHION. AND THE JOB S~TE SHALL BE FREE OF ALL DEBRIS AND BROOM CLEAN I ~ ~ I ~ / ~ (3) N~ OMNIPOI~ ~N~ UPON COMPLETION. ~ ~ ~ ATOP ~I~NG 90'-0" R.F. COMPLETION. ~ ~.~l ~ *~ PROJECT SCHEDULE. 'F WORK IS TO BE SUSPENDED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL L~VE THE WORK SITE IN A SAFE. SECURE MANNER ~ CODE, AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE CODES AND REGU~TIONS. ~ I I ~ ~ %.~ I I I ~ ~ -- 17. ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL Be INSTALLED BY AN ELECTRICIAN LICENSED tN NEW YORK STATE AND SUFFOLK COUNt. WORK SHALL ~i / , ~, % ~. CERTIFICATE SHALL BE OBTAINED FOR ALL ELECTRICAL WORK. AND SUPPLED TO THE OWNER AND ARCHITECT. ~ / ,~_ GENERAL S~ NO~S ~U~lpOl~[ MONOPO~ ~M~CK~ 5. ALL BUILDING OR POLE MOUNTED LIGHTING SHALL BE DIRECTED TO ILLUMINATE SUBJECT PROPER~ AND SHALL NOT PROJECT 28 DAYS. ~ GENERAL NOTES ~ ~. A,, A,~,s ~,~[D W~ S,,U,S ~O ~E ~U~C~ W,~, ~,;E CED*~ ~*,~ C,~,S. ~ ARCHI~CTURAL SITE PLAN o' 25' 50' 1~c 15. iF EXrSTING GRAVEL BEDDING IS REMOVED. STOCKPILe. AND R~SPREAD AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE NEW WORK RESTORE SCALE: 1"=100'-0" 1,*=100, NORTH A-- 1 /~/ / TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 www. northfork.net/Southold/ Examined ,20.__ Approved ,20 Disapproved' a/e J¥.~ Expiration ,20__ , TOWN OF SOUT~bLD PERMIT NO. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applying? Board of Health 4 sets of Building Plans Planning Board approval . Survey. Cheek Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Contact: Attorneys for Applicant: Mailto:Munley, Meade, Nielsen & R6 ~6 [~ortb New .York Avenue L!n'rqng'rnn; NY 1T7;~.':J Phone: 631-425-4100 Building Inspector ?PLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MusT be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of glans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or · areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept .on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Bu'.~.ding Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shrill be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessapg inspections. Omnipoint Communications, Inc. (Signature of applicant or name, ifa corporation) 3500 Sunrise Highway, Suite D203, Great Rive (Mailing address ofapplieant) NY 11739 State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Lessee Nameofownerofpmmises Orient Fire District (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is ~corpor~ion, signature of duly au~_rized officpr. (Name and title of corporatf~xCicer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed'work will be done: 23300 Main Road Orient House Number Street County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 18.00 Subdivision (Name) Hamlet Block 05.00 Filed Map No. Lot 013.008 Lot State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and obdupancy of proposed, construction: a. Existing use and occupancy Firehouse, Public Safety and Publi~ utility wireless tel ecommuni cations faci 1 i ty b. Intended use and occupancy Same as Existing 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building_ Addition .Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work~r~n~s'~'~-~i .uh/ic uttLt-tz wireless ~elecommunSeations antennas within proposed 10' extension on existSng pole ail~f)~s~riptk~) install relatej equipment as depicted Tn the plar~ submitted herewith. 4. Estimated (Jest ~_-~,~, ,O~O vee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units N!A Number of dwelling units on each floor N/A If garage, number of cars N/A 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. N/A 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front Rear Depth ,, . Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories q~. J~ i~ ~, .- 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Rear [ I D.~pth.~ Height Number of Stories ~~.¢,i~;-~g,*4t~ .' 9. Size of tot: Front 226' Rear 570' Depth 458.*_+ irregular shaped lot 10. DateofPurchase NOV, 14, 1985 Name ofFormer Owner Barbara Dwioht Schriever 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated Resa~denti al R-80 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES NO X 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES NO ~ Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES__ Orient Fire 23300 Main Road 14. Names of Owner of premises District Address 0riet!t,. NY_ _ PhoneNo. Name of Architect Wi 11 i am F. Col 1 i ns, AIA Address~one No Name of Contractor. Address Phone No. NO X 631-689-8450 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES NO * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PEILMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES__NO X * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. X 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) (Name of individual s'i~g contract) being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant above named, (S)He is the (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) Lessee-Authorized Agent of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform_ or have performed the said_work and to make and f'ge this application; that all statements-6ofitained in this'appiicati0n aTre true t6 the best of his knowledge and bel el; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. · Sworn to before me this,,~, ~"~ day,~f ~,~-/~/'~ ~ASON R. GOLDFA~ No~ P~lic, S~te ~ New York No, 02G05039790 Qualified In Kin~ Coun¢ Commi~ion Expires Feb 27 20-Ii /J Sign"'at~ of Applicant FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY SITE PLAN USE DETERMINATION Initial Determination Date: '~ / ? / ~ ,A. Project Name: Project Address: Date Sent: 7 I ~'/~/ Suffolk County Tax Map No.:lO00, /~' - 5- -/c3 ,,c. Zoning District: ~o Request: ~-~'/~-~r~ ¢- .~¢...~z:~.~.¢ ~ .z¢^l O~'.~-,J-,~ (Note: Copy of Building Permit Application and supporting documentation as to proposed use or uses should be submitted.) Initial Determination as to whether use is permitted: Initial Determination as to whether site plan is required: Sig'~a't~Jre of Building Inspector Planning Department (P.D.) Referral: P.D. Date Received: Comments: --~' . I._~__1 ~¢ DateofComment: 8 Final Determination Date: / / Decision: Signature of Planning Dept. Staff Reviewer Sianature of Buildin~ Ins0e~;tor PLA~qI~G BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hail Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 MEMORANDUM To: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector From: HeatherLanza, Planning Director 0~ Date: August 11, 2009 Re: Wireless Facilities Building Permit Application Omnipoint Communications at Orient Fire District, Orient NY 1000-18-5-138 The Planning Department has reviewed the Site Plan Use Determination and associated information regarding the above application. Based on our review of the General Requirements (§280-71) and Requirements for Permitted Uses (§280-72) of the Southold Town Code it would appear that the proposed does not conform to the requirements for a Permitted Use requiring only a building permit. Based on the following information it is our determination that this application will require: 1. Site plan approval and special exception by the Planning Board. The proposed is considered a major modification based on the applicants submission in that the proposed will cause a visible change to the exterior of the wireless facility. a. The base equipment area will be expanded more than 10% of its existing floor area. It would seem that in addition to site plan and special exception approval, a variance might also be required for the height of the support structure and fall zone. a. The max permitted height for a support structure is 80 feet. Although the odginal structure was approved at 90 feet the collocation of antenna will be proposed at a height of 100 feet high 20 feet beyond the maximum permitted height for a support structure of 80 feet in height. b. An antenna support structure must include an area surrounding it that is free of other structures and uses, expect the base equipment, with a radius equal to a distance of two times the height of the structure. As proposed, the structure is 30 feet from the firehouse building where 200 feet is required. It should be noted that a vadance may not be required if the applicant can provided documentation from an engineer that certifies a shorter fall zone distance as being acceptable. PLANNING BOARD: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the application of proposal of T-Mobile Northeast LLC (f/k/a Omnipoint Communications, Inc.) For Special Exception Permit Approval to collocate public utility wireless telecommunications antennas within a proposed 10' extension on an existing pole and install related equipment at the premises ("Premises"): 23300 Main Road, Orient, New York District 1000 Section 18.00, Block 05.00, Lot 013.008 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) MARIANA NIETO, being duly sworn, deposes and says: AFFIDAVIT OF RADIO FREQUENCY 1. 1 am a radio frequency engineer for T~Mobile Northeast LLC (hereinafter "T-Mobile"). As a radio frequency engineer, I am trained to identify service deficiencies in wireless telecommunications networks and to evaluate the ability of proposed antenna sites to remedy these service deficiencies. 1 am fully familiar with T-Mobile's wireless telecommunications network in Suffolk County. 2. I submit this affidavit in support of T-Mobile's proposal to install a wireless telecommunications facility at the Premises. T-Mobile proposes to install public utility wireless telecommunications antennas within a 10' proposed extension of the existing monopoie at the premises and install related equipment on the ground adjacent thereto, as depicted in the plans submitted to the Board. 3. T-Mobile is considered a public utility for zoning purposes under the laws of the State of New York and is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to serve the public on Long Island and throughout much of the United States. T-Mobile strives to provide reliable service throughout its licensed coverage areas. 4. At present, there is a substantial service gap in T-Mobile's wireless telephone coverage in the vicinity of the Premises. A service gap exists if the user of a T-Mobile mobile telephone cannot reliably transmit, receive or maintain a voice or data connection. The service gap in coverage that now exists in the vicinity of the proposed site prevents T-Mobile from providing reliable service in the area. This unreliability represents an inconvenience to users of T-Mobile's services and can have serious consequences during times of emergency or disaster. 5. In order to understand why the proposed antenna site is needed, it is necessary to understand how T-Mobile's system works from an engineering standpoint. T-Mobile's wireless telecommunications system is designed so that low powered base stations are strategically located at determined distances apart and at predetermined heights. Due to such factors as hills, valleys, trees, buildings, and other physical obstructions and due to the nature of radio waves, each coverage area or "cell" is irregularly shaped. These coverage areas, therefore, have some overlap to ensure "seamless" coverage. With some overlap and sufficient signal strength from each base station, the T-Mobile user can move through these cells and reliably transmit, receive or maintain voice or data connections. Each facility is engineered to cover a limited area so that an antenna facility will cover only the area surrounding it but will not interfere with other sites in the system. 6. T-Mobile performs signal propagation studies to determine the height and location of the needed cell site. Based on its studies, T-Mobile determined that an antenna facility would have to be established within a narrowly defined search area. In this case, we determined that the installation of the proposed facility will allow T-Mobile to provide reliable service in the vicinity of the Premises. 7. The proposed antennas must be affixed at least as high as those depicted on the plans previously submitted to the Board in order to ensure that reliable service can be afforded to T-Mobile users in the vicinity of the site. The location and height of the antennas is determined by some or all of the following factors: availability of existing structures, drive test data, location of existing antenna sites in the area, topography in the surrounding area, land cover features in the area such as buildings and foliage, and the results provided by computer propagation sol%rare that enables radio frequency engineers to predict the anticipated signal propagation at a given height and location. 8. In order to illustrate the effect that the proposed site would have on coverage in its vicinity, maps have been prepared to accompany this Affidavit, and are attached hereto as Exhibit A. The maps depict the area to be served by the proposed site. As the maps indicate, the proposed facility is of vital importance to T-Mobile's efforts to establish a wireless telecommunications network and provide reliable service to the area in question. Unless this application is granted, T-Mobile will be unable to provide reliable service in the vicinity of the Premises. 9. Mark Cosgrove, the National Director of Radio Frequency Engineering for T-Mobile has previously prepared in in-depth explanation of T-Mobile's design standards and criteria in the form of an Affidavit, prepared on January 23, 2006 ("Cosgrove Affidavit"). 10. I have reviewed the Cosgrove Affidavit, which is attached hereto as Exhibit B, and am in agreement with all of its contents. 11. In addition, the antennas proposed will not interfere with radio or television service or public safety telecommunications in the surrounding area. Sworn ~ before me this day of ~'~ ~L. ,2009. Radio Frequency Engineer Glo~la Mercy Notary Public, State of No. 01GA605392! Qualified in New York County Commission Expires January 22~ In the matter of OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Affidavit State of New Jersey County of Morris SS.' MARK COSGROVE, being duly sworn, does depose and say: 1. I am a national Director of Radio Frequency Engineering for Omnipoint Communications, Inc. (the "Applicant" or "Omnipoint"). I submit this affidavit in support of the application by Omnipoint for approval for the installation of a wireless communication public utility facility ("Facility"). 2. I am a qualified radio frequency engineer. I have been trained to identify gaps in reliable service in wireless communications systems and to assess the ability of proposed antenna sites to remedy gaps in signal coverage. I have extensive training and experience with respect to Omnipoint's wireless system and technology, as detailed by my cun'iculum vitae, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. 3. I have 15 years experience designing, implementing and operating wireless networks, specifically Global System for Mobile communications technology' ("GSM") based networks. GSM technology is a second generation digital technology originally developed for use in Europe and which is now used by more than seventy-one percent (71%) of the world market. GSM technology is, therefore, a very common mobile technol%-q~. 4. The purpose of this affidavit is to establish the technical and scientific basis for Omnipoint's design criteria as it relates to signal level. Omnipoint's Design Criteria 5. By way of background, Omnipoint has established design criteria so that its wireless network will provide reliable wireless service to its customers, whether those customers are on the street, in a vehicle, or in a building. Providing reliable service to Omnipoint's customers within vehicles and buildings is critical for Omnipoint to provide the quality of wireless service that customers demand and successfully compete with other wireless providers, such as Sprint Nextel, Cingular and Verizon Wireless. To meet customer demands, there are three levels of coverage that Omnipoint strives to provide: In-Vehicle coverage, in-Building Residential coverage, and In-Building Commercial coverage. It is important to understand that the levels of coverage do not represent an objective to achieve a higher level of call quality but to maintain a minimum signal strength and hence reliability of service al the mobile handset as the environment changes. As further detailed below, the signal is, by its nature, subject to attenuation depending upon the conditions and characteristics of the area. The following is a brief description of each level of coverage. 6. In-Vehicle Coverage: To successfully provide reliable In-Vehicle coverage, an Omnipoint customer should be able to place or receive a call within a vehicle successfully across 95% of a site's coverage area. In-Vehicle coverage is the minimum level of acceptable coverage within the Omnipoint network in areas with low population and along major highways covering rural areas. One must bear in mind that designing for only the In-Vehicle coverage threshold will typically result in unreliable in- building coverage, and hence customer dissatisfaction. However, since the signal level is stronger closer to the antenna site than further away from the antenna site, there will be some coverage within buildings close to the site. At this time, Omnipoint utilizes the In- 2 Vehicle coverage design in low population density areas within Omnipoint's licensed coverage area. 7. In-Building Residential Coverage: To successfully provide reliable In- Building Residential coverage, an Omnipoint customer should be able to place or receive a call on the ground floor of a building that is three stories or less in height successfully across 95% of the site's coverage area. In-Building Residential coverage is the mid-level of coverage within Omnipoint's network. In-Building Residential coverage is targeted for residential areas and low-rise commercial districts with building heights of three stories or less. This type of coverage will typically provide reliable coverage over the majority of the cell coverage area; however in some areas, and specifically at the outer geographic boundaries of the cell sites' coverage area, coverage will be restricted only to rooms with windows and will likely lead to customer dissatisfaction if customers try to place or receive a call inside a windowless room, cellar or emergency shelter. 8. In-Building Commercial Coverage: To successfully provide reliable In- Building Commercial coverage, an Omnipoint customer should be able to place or receive a call on the ground floor of a building that is greater than three stories in height successfully across 95% of a site's coverage area. In-Building Commercial coverage is the top level of coverage within the Omnipoint network at this time. In-Building Commemial coverage is targeted for urban residential centers (high-rise buildings), urban business districts and suburban business centers. Coverage issues may still occur in hard to serve locations such as within elevators and parking structures. 9. Signal Strength: To provide these levels of coverage, Omnipoint has scientifically deternfined the strength of the wireless signal ("signal strength") necessary to provide .In-Vehicle coverage, In-Building Residential coverage, or In-Building Commercial coverage. Because wireless signals are attenuated (i.e. degraded or partially blocked) by obstructions such as trees, automobile windows, automobile sheet metal, and building materials such as wood, brick and metal, a wireless signal must be of sufficient strength in the ambient environment (i.e. outside with no obstructions) to reliably penetrate into automobiles and buildings. 10. Assume for example that a homeowner placed a radio on the front lawn of his house and played a song. The sound level would be louder closer to the radio than farther away because audio sound waves weaken as they travel farther away from their source. The song will be clearly audible to a person with average hearing capaci~ sitting on the front lawn next to the radio. Another person may be able to hear the song within her car parked in the driveway a short distance away from the radio, although she may have difficulty deciphering the words. Still another person within the house may not be able to hear the song at all. For the person within the house to hear the song, the radio must be moved closer to the house. The song cannot simply be made louder within the house by turning up the volume, as there is a practical limit to how much sound (power) the loudspeakers can produce without physically damaging the radio, or introducing distortion into the sound. Similarly, a cell site's transmission power is limited by the physical output power capabilities of the amplifiers and the legal restrictions of the licenses Omnipoint operates under. It is also important to understand that unlike this simple radio analogy, a wireless telecommunication system is a two-way system. The signal is transmitted from the antenna site to the receiver in the wireless phone. The wireless phone transmits a signal back to a receiver at the antenna site. Each signal link must work for reliable two-way communication. Therefore, Omnipoint cannot simply mm up the power on its antenna site to provide a stronger signal level because doing this has no impact on the ability of the mobile phone to transmit a signal back to the receiver at the antenna site. The radio frequency power output of mobile phones is far less than the typical output power at the cell site. Although the cell site has some techniques to redress this power imbalance, the link must remain balanced. Accordingly, the relevant question is as follows: How close must the radio be to the house so that the radio waves are strong enough for the person in the house to clearly hear the song? In like manner, Omnipoint's design criteria reflect the need to provide a wireless signal strong enough to provide reliable service within a vehicle or building. 1 I. Required Si?qnal Strength Levels: Wireless signal strength is measured on a logarithmic power scale referenced to 1 milli-watt of power. Signal stren~h levels less than lmitli-watt being negative. The smaller the negative dBm number, the stronger the 4 signal. For example, -76dBm is a stronger signal level than -84dBm. Omnipoint's system requires an ambient signal level of-84dBm to provide reliable In-Vehicle coverage, and an ambient signal level of-76dBm to provide reliable In-Building Residential coverage. An ambient signal level of-71dBm is required to provide reliable In-Building Commercial coverage. These signal level requirements provide the basis for Omnipoint's design criteria. The Technical Basis for Omnipoint's Design Criteria 12. At present Omnipoint's design criteria for wireless facilities serving an area are based upon providing 95% reliable signal over a site's coverage area to ensure reliable service for customers. This standard reflects a business judgment that 100% reliability is an unrealistic goal at this time due to financial, technical and environmental constraints. A 95% level of reliability is consistent with the level of service provided by Omnipoint's competitors. Providing service at this level allows Omnipoint to satisfy customers' demands and compete on an equal footing with competitors serving this market. 13. To achieve the 95% reliable design goal, maximum path loss values are derived based upon Omnipoint's technology and the area served. Path loss means the amount the Omnipoint signal is degraded from the point at which the signal leaves the Omnipoint antenna site until it reaches the Omnipoint customer's mobile device or telephone. The equation is as follows: In-Building coverage = Receiver Sensitivity + Body Loss + In Building Loss with Standard Deviation + Fade Margin. Each component of this equation is described below. 14. Returning to our earlier example of the radio on the lawn, we must first determine the minimum song volume for a typical person to hear the song. This is the equivalent to the Receiver Sensitivity. We must then determine the degree to which the vehicle, the building and other obstructions in the environment obstruct the song, which is the equivalent to the path loss. Finally we need to introduce the concept of probability. As we do not know the exact location or direction of the listener, we need to make some adjustments for known variances to provide us with a 95% success target, this is the Fade Margin. These radio frequency engineering concepts are explained in more detail below. 15. Receiver Sensitivity: We start with the minimum signal level necessary for a common Omnipoint telephone or wireless device to reliably operate. This minimum signal level is known as the receiver sensitivity, or RX sensitivity. Using the prior example, the minimum signal level is the minimum volume level the radio must be set to enable a typical person to hear and understand the lyrics of the song. 16. Omnipoint's technology is defined by the PCS 1900 Specification, "Radio Transmission and Reception", J-STD 007 Air Interface: Volume I, 1998, which is based on the European Teleconununication Standards Institute (ETSI) GSM recommendations (05.05: ETSI EN 300 910 V8.5.0 (2000-07)). Both technical documents specify a Receiver Sensitivity value of-102dBm for mobiles operating in the United States. In these independent technical specifications the Receiver Sensitivity is referenced to certain Bit Error Rates ("BER"). The BER limits the speech quality of the call. Receiver Sensitivity refers to the practical limit at which speech quality of a wireless call starts to be severely impacted. The actual BER attained by a mobile device is dependent on a number of factors, including the build quality of the mobile device, the environment the mobile device is operating in (whether in a City or rural area), the speed the mobile user is traveling (slow moving mobile devices suffer extreme variations in performance), the type of radio carrier carrying the mobile call (GSM uses different types of carriers, each having differing performance characteristics) and finally the amount of interference present from other Omnipoint mobile users and other external sources. 17. Real world Receiver Sensitivities (the true limit of acceptable speech) can vary between -93dBm and -108dBm depending on the above factors. ETSI Technical Report 03.30 (GSM Planning Aspects) recommends Receiver Sensitivity of-102dBm. In addition, this Technical Report also recommends the use of an Interference Margin of 3dB. This is due to the manner in which Receiver Sensitivity is specified in GSM Receiver Sensitivity is specified as the performance limit in a purely noise limited 6 environment (a single radio carrier). Mobile handset receivers in real world uses operate in the presence of interference as carder frequencies are re-used. To account for this additional signal degradation an additional allowance of 3dB is made at the receiver due to the presence of these multiple interfering sources. This reduces the Receiver Sensitivity to -99dBm. GSM interference performance is only guaranteed at signal strengths above Receiver Sensitivity. See GSM Recommendations 05.05. 18. Onmipoint has opted not to expressly highlight this Interference Margin in our design guideline calculation since our practical experience has been that the mobile devices have achieved slightly better performance than that originally specified in the GSM Recommendations. Omnipoint effectively uses a design level of the Receiver Sensitivity of-105dBm plus the 3dB Interference Margin. This design level also matches the output power of 1W maximum available power from the mobile device, i.e. a lower assumption on the Receiver Sensitivity would only make the link limited by the mobile to cell site transmission path. 19. Next, we must factor in the signal path losses relative to the receiver sensitivity. Such signal path losses include the body loss, vehicle or building loss, the standard deviation and fade margin as explained below. To return to the analogy by considering these factors we are addressing, to what extent does the car, building or other variables in the environment obstruct the song? 20. Body Loss: Since the mobile device or phone is carried and used by a person, the position of the mobile device or phone with respect to the user's body has an effect on the received radio signal. When the user's body is situated between the mobile telephone's antenna and the antenna site, the user's body will absorb some of the radio energy. Omnipoint customers do not ordinarily position the telephone so that the antenna on the mobile telephone directly faces the antenna site. Therefore, the customers' bodies often partially block the signal. Additional factors can influence Body Loss. For example, in New York State it is illegal for a customer to use a mobile device while driving, and hence customers use either wired or remote headsets. Customers now generally keep the mobile devices clipped to a belt or in a breast pocket. Studies have 7 produced detailed measurements of the effect of body shielding with respect to mobile device position for different radio environments. See Sakamoto M. et al: "Basic Study on Portable Radio Telephone System Design" IEEE VTC Conference 1982. For mobile devices held vertically, the body loss varies from 1.5dB for the head to 4.9dB for the trunk (a mobile device clipped to a belt or placed in a jacket pocket for example). For a mobile device held horizontally, the loss due to the head increases to 5.SdB, with the loss due to the mink being 4.2dB. ETSI Technical Report 03.30 GSM Planning Aspects recommends use of a body loss of 3dB. Based on the foregoing, Omnipoint uses an average body loss of 3dB. 21. Building Loss: The concept of building attenuation, commonly referred to as building loss, has long been defined as the difference between the median field strength intensity at street level averaged around the exterior of. the building, and the median field strength intensity at a location on the first floor inside the building. This difference is known as the building loss. See Rice LP: "Radio Transmission into buildings on 35 and 150 MHz" Bell Systems Technical Journal 1959. Many measurements have been performed to derive values of the mean building loss for different types of buildings and environments. One researcher found mean losses of approximately 27dB for downtown Tokyo. See Kozono et al: "Influence of Environmental Buildings on UHF Land Mobile Radio Propagation" IEEE Transactions on communications October 1977. Another researcher has described losses of 15dB for downtown Chicago. See Walker E H: "Penetration of radio signals in to buildings in a Cellular Environment" Bell Systems Technical Journal 1983. Extensive measurements were performed at 900MHz in New York and determined that the median value of loss is 20dB. See Durante J: "Building Penetration loss at 900MHz" iEEE VTG Conference 1973. Researchers in Philadelphia, measured building losses averaging 16dB at 1900Mhz and 19dB at 800MHz for a range of buildings in urban, suburban and rural areas. See Tanis W and Pilato G: "Building penetration characteristics of 880MHz and 1922MHz Radio Waves" IEEE Journal 1993. Measurements in Liverpool, UK, showed losses averaging 13.4dB for measurements made at the ground floor of buildings. See Turkmani A and Toledo A: Radio Transmission at 1800MHz in to and within multistory buildings", iEEE Proceedings-l, vol 138, No 6 December 1991. Further measurements within Liverpool showed losses of between 24dB and 9dB for buildings in the City center and losses on the University campus of between 14 and 18dB. See Toledo A, Turkmani A and Parsons J, IEEE Personal Communications, April 1998. The ETSI Technical Report 03.30 (GSM Planning Aspects) uses building losses of 15dB for urban and 10dB for rural areas. Based on the foregoing, and as further described below, Omnipoint uses an 11 dB loss for In-Building Residential and a 16dB loss for In-Building Commercial. 22. In addition to the "static" loss of 11 and 16dB, Omnipoint uses the reported "Standard Deviation" of building loss of 6.5dB and 7.0dB as reported in the references above. Durante and Rice compiled the largest set of measurement results in order to extract the standard deviation of the building loss. Rice quoted a deviation of 12 to 14dB around the mean loss and Durante reported 5 to 7.5dB deviation for ground floor measurements. Turkmani et. al. reported a standard deviation of 7.2dB for the buildings in the Liverpool measurement study. Standard Deviation is used to ovemome the statistical distributions of building losses in an area. For example, the average loss for Residential buildings may be 1 IdB. However, some buildings made of brick or with aluminum siding, for example, may have much greater losses as high as 25dB or more. The standard deviation of the building loss is used in a calculation to ensure that 95% of buildings are covered and not just 50% of buildings if only the mean loss was taken into account. 23. Vehicle Loss: With respect to vehicle loss, it is important to note that the majority of customers use hand portable devices without exterior antennas on the vehicle. The signal strength loss due to the need to penetrate the vehicle to reach the handset must be taken into account when designing RF coverage for highways using the In- Vehicle coverage criteria. Extensive measurements have been performed at 900 MHz in three vehicle types; minivan, full sized car and small sports car. See Ivica Kostanic, Chris Hall and John McCarthy, TEC CELLULAR, Inc., VTC IEEE Conference 1997. Measurements were made with the mobile phone adjacent to the driver's head, with the mobile phone on the dashboard and with the mobile phone on the passenger seat. It was determined that for a minivan, losses (including body losses) were between 8 and 9dB with a standard deviation of 2 to 3dB. Losses tbr a full sized car were between 7.25 and 9dB (including body losses). Due to size of the windows in the small sports car, losses were found to be higher at between 9 and 14dB. ETSI Technical Report 03.30 (GSM Planning Aspects) recommends a vehicle loss of 6dB. Based on the foregoing, Omnipoint utilizes a figure of 6dB for vehicle losses. 24. Fade Mar~4n and Standard Deviation: The standard deviation is a mathematical expression of how a set of data samples varies from the mean value. For example, if an observer was to measure the speeds of cars passing a point and plot the number of cars observed at each speed the graph would probably resembles a "Bell" curve. One speed will be the mean or average speed and represent the top of the Bell. On either side of this mean, fewer and fewer cars will have higher or lower speeds, forming the sloping sides of the Bell. The Standard Deviation is a measure of the width of the Bell. A low Standard Deviation would represent a narrow Bell. A large standard deviation would represent a wide Bell. In a mobile radio environment the observed signal strength varies at any point due to the radio waves taking numerous different paths from the transmit antenna to the receiver antenna and the minute variations in /he surrotmdings (moving objects, vibrations, temperature effects, and local obslxuctions such as cars and trees). These effects produce "Fast" changing signal strengths at the mobile device. These effects are generally overcome by system features such as "Frequency Hopping", where the radio frequency is changed many times a second. Terrain obstacles, trees, and buildings, produce "Slow" changing effects, where the signal strength at the mobile device can change as the user moves a short distance. All of us will experience these effects if we talk on a wireless handset while walking. The observed signal strength will change as we move along. Slow fading effects result in a margin of error between the propagation tools used to prepare the coverage maps, and the mean signal at the mobile device. These Slow or Shadow fading effects must be compensated for in the design of the system. 25. Digital planning tools try to match a model of the propagation environment to known measurements in an area. If the model is successful then the accuracy of the model will approach the slow fading levels encountered in the field. A good model will estimate the long-term average mean of the signal over the prediction 10 square or bin (generally a 100 meter or 25 meter square). The slow fading and any additional model errors will be seen as a standard deviation of the tool when compared to known measurements. The planning tool that Omnipoint employs uses industry leading digital terrain and environmental databases and uses advanced calculations to produce an accurate estimation of the signal strength on the ground. The accuracy of the tool is better than 8 to 12dB Standard Deviation depending on environment as quoted by the manufacturer Aircom and verified by field measurements. The tool uses the European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research Subgroup on Propagation (Cost 231) Model. This is an extended version of the industry standard Okumura-Hata model. 26. Slow fading measurements in the field show a typical range of between 4 and 6 dB for non line of sight environments and between 6 and 9dB where a dominant propagation path exists. See Turkmani A and Toledo A: Estimating Coverage of Radio Transmission in to and within Buildings at 900, 1800 and 2300MHz, IEEE Personal Communications, April 1998. Based on the accuracy of the tool in resolving shadowing errors and the residual slow fading error inherent in radio transmissions, Omnipoint utilizes a slow/shadow fading standard deviation of 8dB. It is important to understand that the published measurements of slow fading relate to measurements at a single point whereas Omnipoint is setting a compensation figure for the variance in predicted signal over a wider 100m bin. 27. The building losses also include a measure of variance with the Standard Deviation of the building losses being between 6.5dB and 7.0dB. The slow fading Standard Deviation and the in-building loss Standard Deviation are statistically independent and hence can be combined in to a single distribution using the following formula: ~ ----xJ(G2slowfadingq- O' 2building loss) 28. The computer software-planning tool creates a propagation map by predicting the average signal strength for a small area (e.g. a 100m by 100m square), based on a digital terrain database and a computer model that predicts the mean signal for 11 each small area. A margin of error due to the Standard Deviation of the slow fading and building losses exists between the tool's prediction and the expected mean signal level. 29. The expected signal strength forms a lognormal distribution (a "bell" curve) around the predicted local mean. In other words, due to the variation in the environment across the predicted area, an additional margin is needed such that a certain probability of coverage is attained. This margin is deemed the Fade Margin. 30. Two methods may be used to calculate the Fade Margin. The first method uses the probability of a detected signal strength exceeding a defined threshold across a single prediction square (edge probability). The second method uses the probability across many squares to provide a wide area probability (cell area probability). Both probabilities are interlinked and depend on the variation in signal strength across the small prediction area, i.e. the standard deviation ("(~"). 31. Determination of the fade margin and associated area cell reliability figures are calculated using the lognormal fading equations and methodology. See W.C. Jakes, Jr., "Microwave Mobile Communications," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974 (p. 126). This is the standard recommended methodology as described by the ETSI Technical Report of GSM Planning Aspects. The appropriate fade margin for 95% reliability employs the following equation: Given th~ Xo-X 10nlog(e) Where Fu represents the fraction of useful area for which the signal strength x exceeds a given threshold Xo (the wanted fade margin), o' is the combined standard deviation and n represents the distance/power law relationship. "n" is the rate at which radio waves 12 decrease with the Log of distance. It has been shown to be between 2 and 6, see Turkmani A and Toledo A: Radio transmission at 1800MHz into and within multistory buildings, IEE Proceedings vol 138, No6 Dec 1991. The value of "n' depends on the environment and propagation conditions. Ornnipoint uses a value of 3.5 as recommended in ETSI Technical Report 03.30 (GSM Planning Aspects). For example, in a suburban environment, design levels for In-Vehicle would be calculated by the following: ~ = 8dB Body Loss = 3dB In vehicle loss = 6dB Receiver Sensitivity = -102dBm Path loss n =.3.5 Reliability = 95% The required signal on the street outside the vehicle would be: Xo = Receiver Sensitivity + body loss + In-Vehicle loss = -102dBm + 3dB + 6dB = -93dBm Setting Fu= 0.95, n=3.5 Xo=-93dBm and o=SdB and solving for X in the equation above gives X= -84.4dBm, i.e. a total fade margin of 17.6dB. 32. The appropriate signal strength planning levels for all area types are shown in the table below. MS (Rx Fade Margin Planning Area Sensitivity) and losses Level In-Vehicle - 102 dBm 17.6 -84.4 dBm In-Building -102 dBm 26.0 -76.0 dBm (residential) In-Building -102 dBm 31.4 -70.6 dBm (commercial) 13 Bas~ on the foregoing, Omnipoint's design criteria are factually ~nd statistically justified. Conclusion Based on the foregoing, I respectfully request that the application by Omnipoint be favorably considerexi and thc re'quested approval be granted forthwith. R~ffully ~mitt~l, MARXCOSORO~ Sworn to befor~ me this day of January, 2006 - Notary Public // Z:~ SDATA\WPDATA~.I~t ~*DG~voioa-~m~ ~ro~ e Aflld~ttd~ ' RO8ERTAS. BORNSTEIN · Notary Public o_.f Ne~ Jersey ~v~y uommision ~xoir6., 7/03110 14 Mark Cosgrove 21 Clinton Ave, Map]ewood NJ 07040 Mark. Cosgrove~t-mobile.eom SUMMARY More than 20 years of experience in the telecommunications field, with more than 15 years in wireless RF engineering. Experience with GSM, PDC, GPRS, EDGE, and CDMA technology. Proven track record of managing major projects, large departments, and complex development issues. Experienced in all aspects of technology development, network operation, planning and deployment, having managed R&D activities in several major companies and built and operated Cellular networks in the world's largest markets. US Green card holder, British Citizenship. EDUCATION University of Essex, England, B. Eng (Hens) Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Telecommunications) 1984-1987 EMPLOYMENT T-Mobile USA 2000 - present Director RF Engineering New York Metro, Parsippan); Nd, USA 2004 - Providing leadership and strategic management to the RF Optimization and Planning departments for New York Metro area, a department of over 100 engineers. Ensuring the smooth day-to-day running ora 2200 site market, carrying over I million Erlangs of traffic per day, with a development budget in excess of $550 million, and over 600 site per annum build plan. Tasks include setting the technical strategy and vision for the market, distilling this strategy to the departments and ensuring goals and objectives support a enmmon development path. Development of work procedures, process improvement and documentation to improve efficiency. Directly involved in the training of engineering staff. Director RF System Engineering, Bellevue, WA, USA 2000 - 2004 Managing a department of 50 people, with responsible for all aspects of RF planning (planning guidelines, documentation, planning tools, capacity roadmap and features); RF performance (statistical tool development, forecasting tools, network enhancement task force, GPRS performance); and BSS engineering (technical vendor management, new feature testing and implementation, hardware and software development). Major projects include development, standardization, and initial deployment of GPRS, EDGE, AMR, TI'Y, and E911 (phase 2 soflware, hardware, and functionality), development of company s~'ategies and business eases. Responsible for developing T-Mobile's 3G strategy, based on W-CDMA, CDMA2000, EDGE, 802.1 lb, OFDM, and other emerging technologies. Main technical representative for T-Mobile when dealing with FCC, authoring T-Mobile's technical waivers for E911 and TTY and presenting progress reports direct to FCC Commissioners and Wireless Bureau Executive Staff. Omnipoint Communication Services 1998 - 2000 Principle Engineer/RF Manger New Jersey, NYMTA Engineering Dept, Wayne, Nd, USA As sole Principal Engineer for Omnipoint corporate, responsible for defining and implementing technical and managerial standards in the areas of: RF Planning and design, RF Performance and Optimization, traffic forecasting and prediction methodologies, and EME safety standards. Managed Ericsson and other ancillary equipment vendors, responsible for technical assessment and approval. Brought in to NJ to revive poor performing market; reduced the drop call rate in New Jersey to less than 1.5% from more than 4.0% in the first three months of taking responsibility for the performance of the system. Took rellli~sibility for planning and optimization, mnl~l~aging a team of t I engineers, building nearly 300 sites in 18 months. Managed technology change out from Ericsson to Siemens. Airtouch International 1994 - 1998 Technical Director, Technical Engineering Dept. Walnut Creek, Cd, USA 1997-1998 Managed the technical program of R&D in the areas of CDMA, GSM, PCS, mobile satellite, wireless data, WLL, advanced intelligent networks, and enhanced services. Working directly with ail international markets, external organiz0tions, and vendors to set Airtouch's technology strategy, introduce new technologies in to the market place and develop new business applications and opportunities. International RF Manager, Tokyo Digital J~hone Group, Tokyo, Japan 1994-1997 Managed a staff of ten engineers in this Airtoueh joint venture. Responsible for radio cell planning and the design and development ora PDC system in Tokyo. Major achievements included revamping the planning process, resulting in more than 200 new sites planned for central Tokyo in eight months, accelerating the cell build program ahead of schedule. Managed a radio capital budget of more than US$300 million. Personal initiatives during commercial negotiations resulted in capex savings of more than US$50 million. Authored technical reports on capacity options, network architecture, new technology, cost analysis of cell design, system quality, and half-rate coding. British Telecom 1980 - 1994 GSM RF Manager, Cellnet, Slough, England ]990- ]994 Project manager for the development and introduction of GSM radio, with additional responsibility for research management. Major achievements included authoring sections of GSM air interface specification through the ETSI committee, negotiating technical contracts with Motorola and Nokia, successfully managing the approval process for vendors, identifying design problems and improvements in performance, and producing radio planning and design rules for GSM. PIanned and introduced the first two GSM networks for BT Cellnet in the UK Computer Systems Manager, BT, London, England 1990 Responsible for supporting and developing project management tools and databases used by a team delivering a US$750-million microwave radio-based communication network to the British Ministry of Defense. Designed and developed a secure computer system, providing centralized database and management tools. Developed training packages and courses for users. Microwave Development Manager, BT, London, England 1987 - 1990 Responsible for managing the specifieation~ desigu, development, vendor negotiation, and type- approval of fixed-link microwave radio systems in the 6GHz, 1 IGH~ and ISGHz bands. Responsible for developing computer prediction tools and performance monitoring equipment. Personal achievements included successfully managing a new 18GHz vendor for 2Mbit systems. Engineering Technician, BT, Manchester, England 1980-1987 Entered BT as an Apprentice Engineer, working in all aspects of the fixed line business before specializing in transmission system construction. Work areas include digital and analogue transmission system construction, optical fiber installation and jointing. Award scholarship to attend University of Essex in 1984. ® · Proposed Site Existing Sites Search Area Map: Search Area Site Number: LI13-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 Map Scale lin = 0.7 miles Prepared: 09~23~09 · ..MObile, AM~IT Prepared by: Mariana Nieto RF Engineer for T-Mobile Proposed Site Existing Sites ~ Reliable Coverage Map: In-Building Existing Coverage Site Number: LI13-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 · 'I:..Mobile Map Scale lin = 0.7 miles Prepared: 09/23109 Prepared by: Mariana Nieto RF Engineer for T-Mobile ® Proposed Site · Existing Sites Reliable Coverage Map: In-Building Proposed Coverage Site Number: LI13-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 · ..Mobile, Map Scale 1 in = 0.7 miles Prepared: 09123/09 Prepared by: Mariana Nieto RF Engineer for T-Mobile ® Proposed Site · Existing Sites Reliable Coverage Map: In-Building Composite Coverage Site Number: LI13-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 · ..Mobile- Map Scale lin -- 0.7 miles Prepared: 09/23/09 Prepared by: Mariana Nieto RF Engineer for T-Mobile · Proposed Sites · Existing Sites ~ Reliable Coverage Map: In-Vehicle Existing Coverage Site Number: LIJ3-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 · ' ..lVlobile, Map Scale lin = 0.7 miles Prepared: 09/23/09 Prepared by: Mariana Nieto RF Engineer for T-Mobile · Proposed Sites · Existing Sites I Reliable Coverage Map: In-Vehicle Proposed Coverage Site Number: LI13-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 · 'F..Mobile, Map Scale 1 in = 0.7 miles Prepared: 09/23/09 Prepared by: Mariana Nieto RF Engineer for T-Mobile ® Proposed Sites · Existing Sites ~ Reliable Coverage Map: In-Vehicle Composite Coverage Site Number: LI13-883A Site Name: Orient Fire Department Site Address: 23300 Main Rd Orient, NY 11957 · ..Mobde. Map Scale 1 in = 0.7 miles Prepared: 09/23/09 Prepared by: Mariana Nieto RF Engineer for T-Mobile Application Name (use same name as Site Plan Application TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD WIRELESS FACILITY SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION T-Mobile Northeast LLC at Orient Fire District Application Date: September /__/20 09 Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000 - 18~00 - 05.00 - 013.008 Other SCTM#'s: Street Address: 23300 Main Road Hamlet: Orient Checklist of application materials required to be submitted (see special Exception Application Requirements Handout or §280-74 D. of the Southold Town Code for details) / One copy of the building permit application materials Complete site plan application submission ?' One copy of the deed or lease agreement for the use of the property Analysis of site location alternatives //Effort to co-locate documentation (if this is not a co-location) Propagation maps showing existing facilities and service in the town Evidence supporting existence of inadequate service v/Special Exception Application Fee form updated 5/4/2009 Federal Communications Commission Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Radio Station Authorization Page 1 of 2 169 LICENSEE NAME: T-Mobile License LLC DAN ~ENSER T-MOBILE LICENSE LLC 12920 SE 3BTH STREET BELLEVUE WA 98006 Grant Date Effective Date Expiration Date 11-29-2006 11-29-2021 FCC Registration Number (FRN) 0001565449 Call Sign Fill Number WQGEI2B3 0002769270 Radio Service PflntDate tl-30-2006 Market Number Channel Block Sub-Market Designator Cr~AO01 s 0 IMarket Name: NeW YoPk. NY-Nd/Nassau-Suffolk 1st Build -out Date 2nd Build-out Dote 3rd Build-out Date 4th Build-out Date SPECIAl. CONDITIONS OR WAIVERS/CONDITIONS Conditions: Pursuant to Section 309(h) of the Communications A~t of 1934, as amended, 47 U.$.C. Section 309(h), thi: license is subject to Ihs following oondittons: This license shall not vest in the licensee any ~tght to operate the station nor any right in the use of the l'requencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor Jn any other manner'than authorized herein. Neither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or ofherwise, transferred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. See 47 U.S.C: Section 310(d). '~hls license is subject in terms to Ihs fight of use or control conferred by Section 706 of Ihs Communications Act of 1934. as amended. See 47 U.S.C. section 606. To view the geographic areas associated with the license, go to the Universal Ucensing System (UI~S) hamepage at http://wire ess too.gov/uls and sellof "License Search". Follow the instructions on how to seamh for license information. FCC 601 - MB FebruaFf 2006 Call Sign Page 2 of 2 File Number Pdnt Date 0002769270 11-30-2006 Docket NO, 00-187. FCC 0t-142, t6 FCC Rcd 9779, 9853 (2001). FCC 601 - MB PUBLIC AIRPORTS IN PROXIMITY OF CASE File: LI13883A OVERALL ELEVATION (AMSL): LATITUDE: 41°-08'-33.5" LONGITUDE: 72°-17'-58.1TM 115 FACIL BEARING DISTANCE DELTA ARP FAR IDENT TYP NAME TO FACIL IN N.M. ELEVATIO~ ~77 NK48 HEL EASTERN LONG ISLAND 234.26 3.381 +109 ~ ~ES~,~ ~ Your structure DOES NOT EXCEED FAR 77.13{a)(2) Notice Criteria for this heliport. You are not locating within 5,000 feet of facility. You are beyond limit by: 15543.29 feet. EACIL BEARING DISTANCE DELTA ARP FAR IDENT TYP NAME TO FACIL IN N.M. ELEVATION P77 CT99 HEL OLD SAYBROOK POLICE 337.96 9.571 +99 YES Your structure DOES NOT EXCEED FAR 77.13(a) (2) Notice Criteria for this heliport. You are not locating within 5,000 feet of facility. You are beyond limit by: 53154.35 feet. FACIL BEARING DISTANCE DELTA ARP FAR IDENT TYP NAME To FACIL IN N.M. ELEVATION P77 HTO AIR EAST HAMPTON 168.89 11.179 +60 YES This facility has at least one runway over 3,200 feet in length. Your structure DNE FAR 77.13(a)(1) or 77.13(a)(2) Notice Criteria for this airport. However, you may EXCEED other Notice Standards. As a minimum, please review reports for FAR Part 77 Obstruction Surfaces, Air Navigation and Communication facilities. You are 66814 feet from the nearest runway threshold and the threshold elevation is 41 feet. Please review runway analysis for remaining airport surfaces. No Circling or Straight-In Instrument Approach Procedures were found for this landing facility or your proposed location is greater than 10 nautical miles from the airport. No Expected TERPS® impact. FACIL BEARING DISTANCE DELTA ARP FAR IDENT TYP NAME To FACIL IN N.M. ELEVATION P77 CT97 HEL SHORELINE CLINIC 332.52 12.594 +56 YES Your structure DOES NOT EXCEED FAR 77.13(a)(2) Notice Criteria for this heliport, You are not locating within 5,000 feet of facility. You are beyond limit by: 71522.41 feet. FACIL BEARING DISTANCE DELTA ARP FAR IDENT TYP NAME TO FACIL IN N.M. ELEVATION P77 21N AIR MATTITUCK 226.88 13.627 +85 YES This facility does not have a runway over 3,200 feet in length. Your structure DNE FAR 77.13(a)(1) or 77.13(a)(2) Notice Criteria for this airport. However, you may EXCEED other Notice Standards. As a minimum, please review reports for FAR Part 77 Obstruction Surfaces, Air Navigation and Communication facilities. You are 82239 feet from the nearest runway threshold and the threshold elevation is 22 feet. Please review runway analysis for remaining airport surfaces. No Circling or Straight-In Instrument Approach Procedures were found for this landing facility or your proposed location is greater than 10 nautical miles from the airport. No Expected TERPS® impact. FACIL BEARING DISTANCE DELTA ARP FAR IDENT TYP NAME TO FACIL IN N.M. ELEVATION P77 0B8 AIR ELIZABETH FIELD 61.65 13.772 +106 YES This facility does not have a runway over 3,200 feet in length. Your structure DNE FAR 77.13(a)(1) or 77.13(a)(2) Notice Criteria for this airport. However, you may EXCEED other Notice Standards. As a minimum, please review reports for FAR Part 77 Obstruction Surfaces, Air Navigation and Communication facilities. You are 82729 feet from the nearest runway threshold and the threshold elevation is 7 feet. Please review runway analysis for remaining airport surfaces. No Circling or Straight-In Instrument Approach Procedures were found for this landing facility or your proposed location is greater than 10 nautical miles from the airport. No Expected TERPS® impact. FACIL BEARING DISTANCE DELTA ARP FAR IDENT TYP NAME To FACIL IN N.M. ELEVATION P77 GON AIR GROTON-NEW LONDON 45.6 16.082 +106 YES This facility has at least one runway over 3,200 feet in length. Your structure DNE FAR 77.13(a)(1) or 77.13(a)(2) Notice Criteria for this airport. However, you may EXCEED other Notice Standards. AS a minimum, please review reports for FAR Part 77 Obstruction Surfaces, Air Navigation and Co~unication facilities. You are 95916 feet from the nearest runway threshold and the threshold elevation is 5 feet. Please review runway analysis for remaining airport surfaces. No Circling or Straight-In Instrument Approach Procedures were found for this landing facility or your proposed location is greater than 10 nautical miles from the airport. No Expected TERPS® impact. FACIL BEARING DISTANCE DELTA ARP FAR IDENT TYP N~tME To FACIL IN N.M. ELEVATION P77 SNC AIR CHESTER 327.23 17.219 -301 YES This facility does not have a runway over 3,200 feet in length. Your structure DNE FAR 77.13(a)(1) or 77.13(a)(2) Notice Criteria for this airport. However, you may EXCEED other Notice Standards. AS a minimum, please review reports for FAR Part 77 Obstruction Surfaces, Air Navigation and Communication facilities. You are 103391 feet from the nearest runway threshold and the threshold elevation is 408 feet. Please review runway analysis for remaining airport surfaces. NO Circling or Straight In Instrument Approach Procedures were found for this landing facility or your proposed location is greater than 10 nautical miles from the airport. No Expected TERPS® impact. FACIL BEARING DISTANCE DELTA ARP FAR IDENT TYP NAME TO FACIL IN N.M. ELEVATION P77 MTP AIR MONTAUK 103.15 17.627 +109 YES This facility has at least one runway over 3,200 feet in length. Your structure DNE FAR 77.13(a)(1) or 77.13(a)(2) Notice Criteria for this airport. However, you may EXCEED other Notice Standards. As a minimum, please review reports for FAR Part 77 Obstruction Surfaces, Air Navigation and Communication facilities. You are 106152 feet from the nearest runway threshold and the threshold elevation is 7 feet. Please review runway analysis for remaining airport surfaces. No Circling or Straight-In Instrument Approach Procedures were found for this landing facility or your proposed location is greater than 10 nautical miles from the airport. No Expected TERPS® impact. FACIL BEARING DISTANCE DELTA ARP FAR IDENT TYP NAME To FACIL IN N.M. ELEVATION P77 87N HEL SOUTHAMPTON 202.81 19.225 +110 YES Your structure DOES NOT EXCEED FAR 77.13(a)(2) Notice Criteria for this heliport. You are not locating within 5,000 feet of facility. You are beyond limit by: 111813 feet. FACIL BEARING DISTANCE DELTA ARP FAR IDENT TYP NAME TO FACIL IN N.M. ELEVATION P77 42B AIR GOODSPEED 338.81 19.488 +106 YES This facility has at least one runway over 3,200 feet in length. Your structure DNE FAR 77.13(a)(1) or 77.13(a)(2) Notice Criteria for this airport. However, you may EXCEED other Notice Standards. As a minimum, please review reports for FAR Part 77 Obstruction Surfaces, Air Navigation and Conununication facilities. You are 116104 feet from the nearest runway threshold and the threshold elevation is 7 feet. Please review runway analysis for remaining airport surfaces. No Circling or Straight-In Instrument Approach Procedures were found for this landing facility or your proposed location is greater than 10 nautical miles from the airport. No Expected TERPS® impact. FACIL BEARING DISTANCE DELTA ARP FAR IDENT TYP NAME To FACIL IN N.M, ELEVATION P77 FOK AIR FRANCIS S GABRESKI 219.98 23.437 +48 YES This facility has at least one runway over 3,200 feet in length. Your structure DNE FAR 77.13(a)(1) or 77.13(a)(2) Notice Criteria for this airport. However, you may EXCEED other Notice Standards. As a minimum, please review reports for FAR Part 77 Obstruction Surfaces, Air Navigation and Communication facilities. You are 136782 feet from the nearest runway threshold and the threshold elevation is 67 feet. Please review runway analysis for remaining airport surfaces. No Circling or Straight In Instrument Approach Procedures were found for this landing facility or your proposed location is greater than 10 nautical miles from the airport. NO Expected TERPS® impact. THE NEAREST AIRPORT TO CASE COORDINATES IS: NK48 EASTERN LONG ISLAND is a Heliport type landing facility and is associated with the city of GREENPORT, NY. The facility is eligible for Study under FAR Part 77 sub-Part C. Its Reference Point (ARP) elevation is: 6 feet AMSL and you are locating 20541 feet from this landing facility. Airspace® Version 2009.7 AIRSPACE® and TERPS® are registered ® trademarks of Federal Airways & Airspace® Copyright ® 1989 - 2009 08 12-2009 12:38:36 The mathematical algorithms used by this program are derived directly from Federal Aviation Regulations Part 77, sub-part C. MEMORANDUM OF LEASE Pm'eel Block Lot BelweenAffordableHousingAssociatos, lne. 6/b/a Beacon Wireless ("Landlord") and Omnlpolnt Communications, lnc. ('q'enanf') NAME AND ADDRESS OF LANDLORD: Affordable Housing Associates, Inc. d/b/a Beaenn Wireless 27 Oak Lane Hampton Bays, NY 11946 NAME AND ADDRESS OF TENANT: Omnipoint Communications, Inc~ 4 Sylvan Way Paralppany, NJ 07054 Attn: Lease Administration Manager LEASE DATE OF EXECUTION: SITE LEASE WITH OPTION: A Site Lease with Option (the "Lease") by and between Affordable Housing Associates, Inc. d/b/a Beacon Wireless ("Landlord") and Omnipolnt Communications, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Tenant") was made regarding a portion of the property described below (the "Leased Premises"). DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PREMSIES: The Leased Premises consists of a portion of the property (the "Property") known by the street address 23330 Main Road, Orient, State of New York, which is sufficient for the placement of Antanna Facilities together with easements for access and utilities. A metes end bounds description of the Property is incorporated herein as Exhibit "A." TERM OF THE LEASE: The term of the Lease is for five (5) y~ars, commencing on the date of the exercise of the Option (file "Commencement Dale") and expiring on midnight on the last day of file Initial or Renewal Term (the"Explration Date"). OPTION TO EXTEND: Tenant has an option to extend the term of file Lease for five (5) successive periods of five (5) years [enoh]. This Lease shall automatically renew for each successive Renewal Term, unless Tenant notifies Landlord, in writing, of Tenant's intention not to renew this Lease, at least fillrg, (30) days prior to the expiration of file Initial Term or any Renewal Term.. TERMS OF THE LEASE GOVERN: The rights, obligations and remedies of Landlord and Tenant, respectively, wifil reference to each other and the Leased Premises shall be fixed, determined and governed solely by the terms of file Lease, this being a Memorandum of Lease executed by file parties hereto for the purpose of providing an iusm~ment pursuant to Section 29142 of tho Real Property Law of the State of New York, in lieu of ~ecording the Lease. The parties hereto have executed and delivered this Memorandum of Lease for file purpose of giving notice of the Lease to whomever it may concern. For a statement of the rights, privileges and obligations created under the Lease and of the options, terms, eovenents and conditions contained therein, reference should be made to the Lease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have raspealively executed this memorandum effective as of the date of the last party to sign. LANDLORD: Affordable Housing Associates, Ine, dFo/a Beacon Wireless Printed Name: Title: Date: TENANT: By: Printed Name: Title: Date: [LANDLORD NOTARY BLOCK ~FOR ACKNOWI~EDGMENT WITHIN NEW YORK STATEI STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss. 05 COUNTY OF ~"~0 1 ~e~ ) .[~ ~ ,ne on tbOen thba.~d;~th~vYiec'er caer c~e te toef°b~ethr~e'Jrt~:,U~udealr;!i~'nwe~;sP;e rS°nnamaell~)aipf(e~e~![b'sP~:rsbe°;al~Yti'.kene°wwn ti;m:s~ P~:Vnr:: ac~owledged to me ~at h~she/~ey exerted ~e s~e ~ his~e~ capacity(les), ~d ~ by hi~er/the~ si~es on ~e ~s~ent, ~e ~dividual(s), or ~e ~rson ~on ~half of~ich ~e ~di~dufl(s) a~ed, execut~ ~e ~sment. My commission exph'es 69/I//,~1) 1 i (Use this space for notary stump/seal) Site[ease - version 3.29,06 [TENANT NOTAR¥ BLOC]~ FOR ACKNOWLEDGMENT OUT$ITE NEW YORK STA TEl STATE OF N~ COUNTYOF~(~(~r~i,5 On the day of in the year before me personally appeared , personally l~own to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and aclmowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(les), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrun~nt, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument, Notary Public My commission' expkes (Use this space for notary stamp/seal) Memorandum of Lease Exhibit A Legal Description The Prope~:y is legally described a~ follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southerly line of Main Road, with the easterly line of Tabor Road and runninG along said southerly line of Main Road, North 80 degrees 31 minutes 30 seconds East 226.0 feet to a monument and lands now or formerly Ferreira; thence alonG land of Ferreira South 9 degrees 28 mfnutes 30 seconds East 169.30 feet; thence North 87 de§tees 47 minutes 30 seconds East along said lands of'Ferreira and later along land of Gloria and alonG land of Wernikowski 224.52 feet to a monument and' land of William Terry, Jr.; thence along said land of Terry 21 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East 288.04 feet; thence alonG other land of Schriever South 83 degrees 03 minutes 50 seconds West 570.83 feet to the easterly side of Tabor Road; t'hence along said line of Tabor Road two courses: (1) North 0 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds West 342.05 fet; (2) north 4 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds West 116.75 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. $i~e Lease - '~rsion 3,29.06 FRED A. NUDD CORPORATION 1743 ROUTE ]04, BOX 577 ONTARIO, NY 14519 (315) 524-4249 FAX(315) 524~4249 www nuddtowers.com AnaJysis of: 90' Monopole Tower PROJECT #: 209-13115 LOCATION: ORIENT, SUFFOLK CO., NY / SITE No.: WILLIAM F. COLLINS AIA 10-1 TECHNOLOGY DR. SETAUKET, NY 11733 5/27/09 Structural Analysis Report 90-Ft. Pole (Prop. 100-ft) Prepared for: Fred A. Nudd Coq)oration 1743 Roule 1114 Ot~lario, NY 14519 Site Location: Suffolk Co., Ne~ York Site Name: Oricn( Calculations Prepared by: ~>~Vinci t~.n~in~rin~, Inc. DaVinci Job #09243-1378 rl Client Reference #209-13115 Date: 5/27/2009 Reviewing Engineer: Michael F. Plahovinsak, P.E. PO Box 1966 PO Box 66 Santa Maria, California 9.'t456 t10 W, Main St. Unionville Center, OH 43077 Ph: 805-922-5221 Fax: 80~880-~q402 Ph: 614-937-4922 Fax: 614-413-2887 www. davinci-¢ngtneering~com Pa~c 2 of $ 5/27/2009 Project Sunm~m3': 1)aVinci I n~inecring, inc. has cmnpleted a structural analbsis o1' thc cxislin~ m~mopolc fi~r the addition * Nc',',' lO* I,nn~,\nlem~a ('onccalmcnl Cylinder, IX-Sided. ~0,> I -x" ', ,*, lilt pole Ires bccn anal.',zcd itl accordance with the requirements of tile International Building Code per IBC section 108.4. and the recommendations of II~e I'elecommunications lndustD' Association "~'lrllt'/llra/,gt{lllthll't//Ol 3'tet~[ ,'llzten.tt ,g'tlpporl[;?g S'lrtlt'ltlre,~" ANS1/l'IA-222-(;. Ihis analysis ma? hc cm~sidcrcd at ~'Rigmxms Slructura[ Anal>sis" as defined (i 1. ,> As indicated in the conclusions of this analysis, we ha',¢ determined that tile existing pole and lbundation have .~ttfficieltt capacity to support the existing alld prop~scd antenna luads its detailed herein. Based on the results of our analysis, smtctural modifications will not be required at this time. Source of Data: Resource Source Job Number Date Pole and Foundati{m Drawings Fred A. Nudd I06-12149-1 08/15/06 Soils Report Slacke Test Boring 05-074 05/02/05 Existing and Proposed Antenna Listing, Williatn F. Collin 07-7315 08/I 7/07 Structure Specifics: · Manufacturer: [:redA, Nudd Corporation · Manufacturer File ti: 106-12149-1 · Year Built: 2006 ~vww. dariltci-et~gi, eerittg, co.t Page 3 of 5 5/27/2009 Analysis ('riteria: International Btfildhl~ ('ode (All Versions) Section 3108.4 Structural ~qlandards Iht Y, tccl Antenna Supporting Structures ANSI fi'lA-222-(; 2007 · Basic Wind Speed · Basic Wind Speed x~ ? I Icc · ()pcrational Wind :';peed 1211 mph (~-Scc C}usl) 5 ) mph (3-Sec (lust) 60 mph (3-Sec Gust) L._ Structure Class [ Esp,?sur,~ ,Category Topngraphlc Categ°ry} .AL Z j c Appurtenance I ,isling: Status Elev. Antenna / Mounting Internal Paoel Antennas Proposed 95 18-Sided 30.5"-31,5" - 10' Lon~ Radom¢ Internal Panel Antennas Existing 75 18-Sided 31.5"-34:~,i'' - 30' Lon~ Radome Existing 70 (4) Whip Antennas Stand-Off Mounts All antenna lines assumed internally mounted, not exposed to the wind. Foundation Analysis: The existing monopole [bundation design was analyzed in conjunctkm with site specific gcotechnical report, Fhe existing foundation has sufficient capacity to support the pole with the proposed antenna configuration. Pa~e 4 iff 5 $/2712009 (Yonclusion: l)aVinci Engineering has completed a smlctural analysis of iJ~c existing monopoJc and lbundatim~ in accordance with thc project specifics outlined above. Our analysis indicates that Ibc existing monopole and tbundation is strcssed to a maxinmm of 70% of its usable capacity when considering thc existing plus pmp,~sed loading. Please rei~r to the auached calculations fi~r an ilemizcd listing of all mcmbcr su'css ratios. I'hc existing pole and fimndation have sufficienl capacity to support l}~c loads from this analysis and modificalions arc nol required at this time. any qucstions abou! thc contcnls o{' lhis slructura} rcpm'i or require an> additiollal please t;zel free to contucl our Sincerel3, I)AVIN(!i ENGINEERING, IN(;. Michael F. Plahovinsak. P.E. talk e. lfa da vinci-engineering. I)age $ of 5 5/27/2t}1}9 Standard ('onditimis h)r I'rovidin~ Structural Consulting Services .n ExistinR Struelures thc I'tdlo/~.ing ,,tandard conditi~ms arc a genera/ o%crx lex% rd' kc) iSSLICS ~egarding thc v, ork product supplied h5 i)aVinci J.nginecring, II't lc cx st ng ctmdilitms are not as rcprcsenlcd in this stl'uclttral rcpt~rl or attached sketches, I)aVinci }.ngincct'ing should be ctmtactcd tt* evaluate thc significance ~)t' thc dcxiation and rc~isc the slruclurat assessment accordingl5. Ibc structural atlalysis has hccn pcrf~)rmcd assuming that the structure is in "like condition. No alloxxancc v, as made for excessive corrosigm, damaged or missing straclural members, loose Bolts. cie Il'there arc any ktiown deficiencies ill the structure that potentially compromise struclural intcgrity~ I)aVinci l(ngilleering should bc made aware !ff thc dcficic~lcic:,, Il' I)aVinci ILnginccring is aware oJ'a deficiency that exisls in a structure at thc time oFour analysis, a general cxpJanali[m ol' thc structm'al cmlcern due to the deficiency will bc included in thc structural report, but Ihe deficiency will not be rcllcctcd in capacity calculation'q The structural anal>sis provided by DaVinci Engineering is an assessment o1: thc primary load can34ng capacity of Iht structure. DaVinci Engineering provides a limited scope of service in that ~.c }lave not verified the capacity of eyeD, weld, plate, connection detail, etc, tn most cases, structural fabrication details arc unknown at the time ol'oar analysis, and tile detailed field measurement of this information is beyond the scope of our services, In instances whcm DaVinci Engineering has not performed connection capacity calculations, it is assumed that existing manufactured cmmections develop the tull capacity of the primary' members being connected. The structural integrity of the cxisting fnundation system can only be verified if exact tbundation sizes and soils conditions are known, DaVinci Engineering will not accept any responsibility for the adequacy of the existing fonndations unless this site-specific data is supplied. Miscellaneous items such as antenna mounts, coax supports, etc. have not been designed, detailed, or specified as part of our work. It is assumed that material of adequate size and strength will be pumhascd from a reputable component manuhcturer, The attached report and sketches are schematic in nature and should not be used to thbricate or pumhase hardware and accessories to be attached to the structure. DaVinci Engineering recommends field measurement of the structure belbm t'abricating or purchasing new hardware and accessories. DaVinci Engineering is not responsible for proper fit and clearance of hardware and accessory items in the field. I'he structural analysis has been perfn:med considering minimum code requirements or recommendations. Il~ alternate wind, ice, or deflection criteria are to be considered, then DaVinci Engineering shall be made aware of the alternate criteria. a, v v da ,ittci-ettl~itteerittg. cottt 8 DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING MATERIAL STRENGTH TOWER DESIGN NOTES ! Tower is Iocate;t i~ Suffolk County, New York 2 Tower designed for Exposure C !o the TIA*222~G Stenda~d~ TORQUE o ~t ~o ~ W~NO . o. 7,~o ~ iCE 70RQUE f k~p-ft D#Vincl Engineering, Inc. ~ 904t Pole (Prop. fOO.ft) - DaVinci t/O9243.f378 rf P.o. sox~ I'"~ o,~,. o~,~ I Hnnn ' .. ~ 77 IC~'~ Fr~iA NuddCo~ ft209-'1311~a'"~mq'MFPAm~ --.i..,vlll. Cen.er~ OH 430 ~ i--. -.~. · Phone6149374922 Icm~ TiA-222-G ~"~/27~~'~ NT$ RISA Tower Job .., g0-ft Pole (Prop. 100-ft) - DaVinci ~-09243-1378 r l I of 6 Da Vinci E#glneertng, htc. Project Date /'0 Bos ~ Odent Fire District 14:34:41 05/27/09 Phone: ~t4957.i¢22 Fred A Nudd Corp #209-13115 MFP P;~t,Y, mtke ~davmc~-en~t,~e~rmg. cam Tower Input Data There is a pole section. This tower is designed using the T1A-222-G standard, The following design criteria apply: Tower is located in Suffolk County, New York, ~ Basic wind speed of t20 mph. -~ Structure Class 11. ~ Exposure Category C. Topographic Category, 1. Crest Height 0.00 fl. Nominal ice thickness o1'0.7500 in. Ice thickness is considered to increase with height. Ice density of 56 pc[ A wind speed orS0 mph is used in combination with ice. Temperature drop of 50 °F, Deflections calculated using a wind speed of 60 mph. A non-linear (P-delta) analysis was used. Pressures are calculated at each section. Stress ratio used in pole design is I. Local bending stresses due to climbing loads, feedline supports, and appurtenanCe mounts are not considered. Tapered Pole Section Geometry length Length of Drafter Dian~ter 17t~ctn~ 16altu~ LI 100.00-gO.O0 10.00 000 Round IZ~ 12.0~00 0.$000 A$724~ (6~ L2 90.00-60~50 29~0 0.00 8 -t, {~ 120000 120000 L3 60. S0.60.00 050'a 0.00 18 12~0000 34.~000 0.5000 20000 AS72-6S (6S ks~) L4 60,00-45.00 15.00 5.00 18 34.5000 36.0000 0.2500 1.0000 A~72,65 (65 ksi) LS 45,00-0.00 50.00 18 350000 400000 0312~ 1.25(10 A572-6~ Tapered Pole Properties LI 1210000 18.0~S0 298.8519 49710 60000 49~8087 ~96.8897 9.026'/ 0.0000 0 12.0000 18.0550 298 8~19 40710 60000 49.8087 $96.8897 9.0267 0.0000 O L2 12.0887 19,0900 J~33.0716 4.1860 6A920 $13049 682.2490 93042 2.8980 5.796 L3 12,185~ 182505 304.93~4 4.082~ 6~0960 ~0.0222 6102721 91270 1.2320 2.464 350322 53.9580 7880.4520 1Z0700 17.~260 449.6435 15771.2733 26.9841 ~.1920 10.384 L4 35.0322 27.1'/74 4027.7834 12.1~88 173260 229,8176 8060 86~7 ILY~gt3 5.6320 22.528 RISA Tower Job P,.e 90-ft Pole (Prop. 100-ft) - DaVinci #09243-1378 rl 2 of 6 DttFIncl Engineering, Inc Project Date P,o aos ~ Orient Fire District 14:34:41 05/27/09 Unionvdl¢ ('e#ter, OH 43077 Client Designed by P~: ~14,9J? ,~22 Fred A. Nudd Corp. #209-13115 MFP F&¥' mtl~,~dm'Inct-en~ermg ¢~mt As Al:ea I I" Ice 0,00 0 92 Discrete Tower Loads Fac* Off*et Off*ete: /J:tmuth Placement Type Lateral RadO'lt~ cylinder OilY'- C No~ ~13" Igi~ x I0' Lon0} R~ Cylin~ {31.5" - C No~ ~43" 18-Si~ x ~' Long) 10 fl X 3" din whip C From I 0 flx Y' din whip A From 10 flx 3" din~ip B From F~ l0 ~ x 3' din whip B From F~ (4) ~ff M~ C None 00000 05,00 No Ice 16.25 ,/ 16.25 0.80 I~'lm 17.~ 17,ffi 0.~ I" I~ 1775 1775 I,~ 0,~ 75,~ Nol~ 53,13 / 53.13 1.20 1" I~ 56.~ 5688 2,62 $.00 0,0000 70.00 No Ice 3,00 .10{~ 0.1}4 0,00 I" Ice 5,03 5 03 ~.00 300000 70,00 No Ice 3.00 3.00 0.04 0.00 J/2" Ice 4.03 4,03 0.06 0,00 I" 1~ 5.03 ~,03 5.00 600000 70.00 No Ice ~.00 3,00 0.04 0.00 I/2" Ice 4.03 403 0.06 0,00 I' Ice $03 5.02t 500 -30,0000 70.00 Ne Ice 3.00 300 0.04 0,00 I/2" Ice 4.03 403 0.116 0 00 I" Ice $,03 .1.03 0 0000 6500 No Ice ZOO ?.O0 0 I0 IFI" Ice 800 8 O0 0.12 I"lce 9,00 000 0,14 Load Combinations Dead Only 2 I 2 Dead-l,h Wind 0 deg- No I¢¢ De$cr~otton RISA Tower Job .e., 90-ft Pole (Prop~ 100-ft) - DaVinci #09243-1378 ri 3 of 6 Da Vinci Engineering, hw. Project Date PO t~,,~ ~ Orient Fire District 1434:41 05/27/09 Uniom,dk, Center, OH 4,~077 Client Designed by pho,w 614qSZ4922 Fred A Nudd Corp #209-13115 8 1,2 l~ad~ 1,0 lc~+ 1,0'r~mp 14 Dcad*Wind 180 ~g, Scfvic~ Maximum Member Forces Moment Moment OOO .OOO .9,06 41,00 906 -9.06 O,OO O.OO O.OO 4).71 -~7330 0.13 -0.22 173.41 -173.~0 0.13 4).22 173.41 1.03 O.OO O.OO 4).71 0,41 -178.49 0.13 · 0,22 178,40 -I 78.49 0.1.t -0.22 I '/8.40 1.03 O,OO O, OO -0.70 0.41 -0~ 28:~ -28~,10 013 -022 285.10 1.0.1 O~OO 0.00 -0.69 0,40 o100~.02 0,!4 -023 I00~ 94 -IOOSAY2 014 -023 100494 J RISA To wer J°" 90-ft Pole (Prop. 100-ft) - DaVinci #09243-1378 rl 4 of 6 Project Date OaYtnci Engineering, Inc. Odent Fire District t4:34:41 05/27/09 P O. Box 6~ Umom'dle Ce,t~r. Oil 43077 Client ~ig~d ~ ~o.~ ~14 ~J~ 4~;'2 Fred A Nudd Corp, ~209-13115 MFP Maximum Tower Deflections - Service Wind .¥ec.o. Elemtlo~ th>r: G~v ?'ih I I lO0 * 90 4 6% 13 04377 0 0020 12 90 - 60 5 3781 13 0 4]44 0 0020 I~ (mS- 60 1520 13 0 2025 0~5 14 {~- 45 L499 13 0.2021 0 15 50-0 1097 13 O 1803 Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Service Wind 951~ Radome Cylinder (305" - t~Slde x 10' Long) 7500 Radome Cylinder (3 lS"- Ig-Side x 3ff Loog) 70 ~ I0 fl ~ 3" dia Load C#rw~ture 13 4240 0,4425 0~20 132~5 13 2,~9 03059 00012 ~ 13 2.~9 025~ 0~ Sl62 Maximum Tower Deflections - Design Wind No D~ectton L~d t,I Iffi -~ 33.~ 4 3.1339 00143 L2 ~ - ~.5 27058 4 3 1103 0,0143 L3 ~5 * ~ 10~ 4 1 Al01 0~37 L4 ~- 45 10.7~ 4 1,4469 0~37 13 50 - 0 7.859 4 12913 0~28 Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Design Wind 9soo g~on~ C~Unde* 0o.~< ~ Ls" 4 3o~1 18-Side x Iff Lm18) 7500 R~ Cyli~r (31 Y' - 34~" 4 t 7.531 2.1~ !8~i~ x 30' Long) 70~ 10 flx 3" dig whip 4 14814 I 8333 0,0085 992 00062 725 Pole Design Data LI 100-900) 'rPI2xl2xO 5 i0,00 000 00 L2 90- 60.5 (2) TPI2xl2x0 5 2950 0.00 00 1.3 60,5- 60 (3) 'FP34 5x12x0.5 0.50 000 00 180550 -170 105622 0.002 19,0900 -6,26 1116.77 0~ 18,2505 ~28 1~765 0,~ R/SA To wer ~0~ P'~' 90-ff Pole (Prop. 100-ft) - DaVinci #09243-1378 r l 5 of 6 DaFInct Engineering, hw. Project Date Po/~ox 6~ Orient Fire District 14:34:41 05/27/09 Umom,tlle Cc#ret, {)tt $$077 Client Designed by Phone ~/4937.4~22 Fred A. Nudd Corp. #209-13115 Pole Bending Design Data LI 100-O0 ti) TPI2xl2x0 5 9,06 L2 90- 60.5 (2) TPI2xl2x0.5 173.50 L3 60,5-OO (3) 'I'P34rSX 12X0 5 173,50 L4 60 - 45 (4) IP36xM 5x025 285.19 15 45 - 015) TP40x35 xO.3125 1005.02 242 82 0037 OOO 24282 O.OOO 250 11 0694 000 250 11 O.OOO Pole Shear Design Data LI 100-90 (I) TPI 2x 12x0.5 1.81 L2 90-60.5 (2) TPI 2x12x0.5 9.97 L3 60.5- 60(3) TP34 5x12x0.$ 10.0! L4 60 - 45 (4) TP36x34. SxO,25 I I .,~4 L5 45 -0(5) TP40x35xO,3125 17,1'/ 316.84 0.~ 6.~ 303.63 326.58 0.031 0.59 578,43 0.~1 ~7,14 0.0H 0.59 5t7~ 0.~1 4~.98 0,0~ 0.59 24~,65 0.~ ~ 0,025 0.59 3851.43 0,~ Pole Interaction Design Data P. ~i~-~(n o.oo2 0.037 Ra~o Ratio Ratio Ratio Comb A/Io'a, Crtterta M,~ ~; r. Stress L2 90 - 60.5 (2) 0.006 0.694 L3 60,5- 60(3) 0,006 O,71t L4 60 - 45 t47 0005 0,240 L$ 45 - 0 (5) 0OO8 0 53~; 0,0~0 0006 0000 0,031 OOOO 0.011 0000 0,023 0,0OO 0 02~ RISA Tower Job ,.~, 90Jr Pole (Prop 100-ft) - DaVinci #09243-I 378 rl 6 of 6 DaVinci Engineering, Inc. projaet Date t'O/~o~ 66 Orient Fire District 14:34:41 05~27~09 t'mo;~v~lle ('enter OH 45077 client ~ Designed by I'ho~ 6/49J74922 Fred A, Nudd Corp #209-13115 Section Capacity Table No. 3 13~ Lt lO0- O0 Pole 'rPl2xl2xO $ 12 90 · 60 5 Pole TPl2xl2xO 5 L3 605 - 60 Pole TP343X 12xO 5 L4 ~ - 45 Pole rP36x]4 5x0 25 RATING '~ 71.7 Pass Town of Southold A. INSTRUCTIONS LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold ager~,ies,~,shall~ complete, lhis~gGAF,,for' proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building £ermits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area· Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town). If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southolcltown.nortlffork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the planning Deparanent, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM#~- 18 q 53 8 The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): TownBoard [] PlanningOept. [] BuildingDepL [] Board ofTrustees [] Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) ActiOn Undertaken directly by ToWn agency (e.g. capital. [] construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) [] (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: [] Nature and extent of action: Location of action: Site acreage: 23300 Main Road, Orient, New York 11957 N/A - affected area is ± 435 square feet ~esent[anduse: primary use - municipal - Orient Fire District; passive use - wireless communications Present zoning classification: R-80 If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: T-Mob,.i_le. Northeast LLC. (b) Mailing address: 3500 Sunrise Highway - Suite D203 Great River, New York 11739 facility (c) Telephone nmnber: Area Code ( ) {631) 224-6600 (d) Application number, if any:. Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes [] No[] Ifyes, which state or federal agency? Apl>ticant has an existing FCC license DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Towa of Southold that eahance~ communi~ character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III - Policiesl Page 2 for evaluation criteria. []Ye~ [] No [] (Not Applicable- please explain) See attached sheets. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section IH - Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] (Not Applicable - please explain) See attached sheets. A~ach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. Sec LWRP Section III -Policies Pages 6 through ? for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] (Not Applicable - please explain) See attached sheets Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ~ Yes ~ No ~ (Not Applicable - please explain) $~e attached sheets Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section m - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No ~ (Not Applicable- please explain) The proposed ~c~ion ~s an unmanned wireless communications facility and does not require any water usage nor will it generate sewage, effluent or trash. ARaCh additional sh~ts if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and WildIife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section HI - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes [] No~. (Not Applicable - please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section HI - Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. See Section HI - Policies Pages; 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes [] No[] (Not Applicable - please explain) Attach additional sheets if necessapy Policy 8. Minlmlze environmental degradation in ToWn of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. [] yes [] No [] (Not Applicable - please explain) offln~nt nr trash PUBLIC COAST POLICIIgS Policy 9, Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section IH - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evalnation criteria. [] Ye~ No [] (Not Applicable- please explain) Aliach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. Yes [] No ~ (Not Applicable - please explain) Se~ att=-ched -=beet-® Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and TOwn waters. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes [-~ No [] Not Applicable - please explain See attached ~b~.~ Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes [] No~ Not Applicable - please explain Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and develOpment of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section m - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes [~ NO [] Not Applicable - please explain See attached sheets The following information is offered as supporting criteria for the proposed improvements and collocation of the proposed action upon an existing communications structure. To assist in the review of the information, it should be noted that there are Policies under which the proposed action is not applicable. However, within these categories the proposed action would not hinder or interfere with the management of those resources within the Town of Southold. Nature of Action The proposed action is the collocation of a wireless communications facility which is located within the parcel grounds of the Orient Fire District, 23300 Main Street, Orient, NY. In order for this Applicant to collocate onto the existing =t:90'0" AGL communications structure, the existing height would need to be modified. This minor alteration would require a 10-foot increase in height and will remain in keeping with the current stealth design. The supporting ground based equipment would occupy ±435 square feet adjacent to the existing monopole along the southern elevation of the existing building. Developed Coast Policies: Policy 1: The proposed action would be consistent with the intent of this policy as the proposed modification would be in keeping with the existing mitigated design not introducing or altering the current visual conditions. The ground based enhancements remain within the immediate vicinity of the free-standing structure and in keeping with the existing development. No change to the existing agricultural lands within the Town of Southold would occur due to this minor modification. The action is fully contained within the subject parcel and is not located in or adjacent to any body of water nor would it disturb any sensitive coastal resources. The proposed action is unmanned and would not alter the level of traffic currently along Tabor Road or Main Road, nor create a change in the existing transportation routes. The proposed action does not require either water or refuse services nor have any affect upon the socioeconomic conditions as they currently exist, nor hinder future opportunities. The proposed modification would not alter the developed character of the subject parcel or the surrounding development. Policy 2: Although the proposed modifications would not directly alter any existing historic parcel, the proposed action is a federal Undertaking that would trigger a Section 106 review in accordance with the Collocation Agreement and Nationwide Programmatic Agreement. The subject parcel and existing structure is located within the visual area of potential effect of the Orient Point Historic District which resides on the National Register. The extension of the height of this tower and new ground disturbance would require a review by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation to further ensure compliance with NEPA. Policy 3: The proposed action would be consistent with the intent of this policy as it would not alter or infringe upon the visual quality or characteristics of the subject parcel or surrounding parcels. The modification proposed would remain consistent with the 1 LI13883A mitigation measures initially designed and implemented at the subject site. The 10-foot extension in height would be a di minimus visual change along the existing horizon. The proposed ground based compound is located inland and would not hinder the public's enjoyment of the shoreline or maritime activities, nor alter the views from any of the surrounding roadways. Natural Coast Policies Policy 4: The proposed action is not located within either a 100 or 500-year flood plain nor is it located within any of the Common Management Units identified under this policy. According to FEMA panel 36103C0068 G, the subject parcel is located within Zone X. Furthermore, the subject parcel is not located along the shoreline, a jetty or any existing body of water. The modifications proposed to an existing structure within an improved parcel would not result in the loss of public resources, wetland habitats or any of the maritime habitats. Policy 5: This policy is not applicable to this action as it is unmanned and does not require any water usage and will not generate sewage, effluent, or trash. Policy 6: The proposed action would not locate within or adjacent to any of the physical components as listed as part of the ecosystem under this policy. Furthermore the proposed action is fully contained within a landward parcel that is not located near nor contains either tidal or freshwater wetlands. This action would not have an effect upon coastal fish or wildlife habitats within Reach 5. For the above ruasons, the criteria within this policy aru not applicable to this action. Policy 7: This policy is not applicable to this action, as the proposed modifications and related components do not emit fumes or odors. The existence of this proposed facility, within the Town of Southold would not contribute to or alter the current levels of air quality. Policy 8: This policy is not applicable to this action as the proposed modifications are for an unmanned facility that does not generate sewage, effluent, or trash. Policy 9: This policy is not applicable to this action. The proposed modifications to the existing structure and the addition of a small ground based compound within the subject parcel would not hinder the use of or access to the subject parcel, coastal waters, public lands or public resources of the Town of Southold. Policy 10: This policy is not applicable to this action. The proposed modifications and associated ground based compound would be located within an improved landward parcel primarily developed as a municipal use servicing the surrounding community. The modifications to the passive use of the existing communications facility within the improved municipal parcel would not prohibit or hinder any existing or future recreational water dependant uses within the Town of Southold. 2 LI13883A Policy 11: This policy is not applicable to this action. The proposed modifications to the existing communications structure and ground based compound would not have an affect upon the living marine resources or the associated social and economic well being of the community within the Town of Southold. Policy 12: This policy is not applicable to this action. The existing use of the subject parcel is municipal. The buildings and present development of the parcel is for the Orient Fire District. The proposed modification to the existing passive use of a communications facility would not hinder the existing agricultural lands within the Town of Southold nor convert any existing farmlands to any other use. The proposed action would be a minor addition within an existing improved parcel. Policy 13: The proposed action would be consistent with this policy. Each of the existing and the proposed compound is supplied with 200 amps of electrical power. The systems are stationary and would not interfere with coastal resources, migratory birds, wetland and woodland habitats, scenic resources and coastal processes. 3 LII3883A · 14-16-2 (9/95)- 7c 617.20 Appendix A State Environment Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT FORM I : !i ] ~oI pr Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, iT.~ an o'rderly manner; wh~t~er a ect or action may be significant.Thee question of whether an action may be signiflcant~s not always easy~ to?nswer. Freq~lently, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also ~nderstood that those wh$ determine significance may have liRle or no formal knowledge &the environment or~a'p~¢lmically expen~i~nvironmenta analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible enough to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially-large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE - Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: [] Part I [] Part 2 [] Part3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts land 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magnitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: [] A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. [] B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared. * [] C. The project may result in one more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. · A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions T-Mobile Northeast LLC~ wireless communications facility Name of Action Town of Southold Planning Board Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Preparer (If different from responsible officer) Date LI13883A PART 1 - PROJECT INFORMATIOIW Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and specify each instance. NAME OF ACTION T-Mobile Northeast LLC~ wireless communications facility LOCATION OF ACTION (include Street Address, Municipality and County) 23300 Main Road, Town of Southold, Suffolk County NAME OF APPLICANT/SPONSER BUSINESS TELEPHONE T-Mobile Northeast LLC 631-224-6600 ADDRESS 3500 Sunrise Highway - Suite D203 CITY/PO STATE ZIP CODE Great River NY 11739 NAME OF OWNER (if different) BUSINESS TELEPHONE Orient Fire District ADDRESS 23300 Main Road CITY/PO STATE ZIP CODE Orient NY 11957 DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: The proposed action is the collocation of a wireless communications facility which would require a ten (10) foot extension in height raising the existing 90'0" stealth monopole to a new finished height of 100'0" AGL. The facility would primarily consist of three (3) panel antennas mounted within the interior cavity of the new stealth extension supported by ground based equipment. The proposed seven (7) equipment cabinets would be located on the south side of the existing building expanding the existing compound by -~:391'6"square feet and further enclosing the new area by a 6-foot high chain link fence to match the existing fencing. The installation would require power and telephone supplied by local providers. Please complete Each Question -Indicate N.A if not applicable. A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: [] Urban [] Industrial [] Commercial [] Residential (suburban) [--]Forest [] Agriculture [5~ Other municipal 2. Total acreage of project area: N/A- see attachedl Approximate Acreage Presently Meadow or Brushland (Non-agriculture) __ acres Forested __ acres Agriculture (includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) __ acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) acres Water Surface Area __ acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) __ acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces __ acres Other (Indicate type) __ acres What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? HaA-Haven Ioam~ 0 to 2 percent slopes [] Rural (non-farm) After Completion acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres a. Soil drainage: [] Well drained 100% of site [] Moderately well drained ~o~ o f site [] Poorly drained % of site b. If any agriculture land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System? N/A acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370) Are there bedrock outcropping on project site? [] Yes [] No a. What is the depth to bedrock? (In feet) 2 Ll13883A 5. P~pproximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: [] 0-10% 10~0% [] 10-15% [] 15% or greater 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places: [] Yes2 [] No 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? [] Yes [] No 8. What is the depth of the water table? >4 (in feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? [] Yes [] No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? [] Yes [] No 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? [] Yes [] No3 According to see attached Identify each species __ 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) [] Yes [] No Describe __ 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? [] Yes [] No If yes, explain __ 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? [] Yes [] No 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: N/A a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary __ 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: N/A a. Name: 17. ls the site served by existing public utilities? [] Yes [] No a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? [] Yes [] No b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? [] Yes [] No 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? [] Yes [] No 19. ls the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? [] Yes [] Non 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? [] Yes [] No B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor 4-435 square feet. b. Project acreage to be developed. 4-391'6" square feet initially; 4-391'6" square feet ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped __ acres. d. Length of project, in miles: N/A (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed N/A %; f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing N/A; proposed 0 g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour 1 monthly (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type ofhousing units: N/A One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially Ultimately i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structurel0' height; __ width, __ length. (proposed extension) j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 0 ft. 3 Ll13883A 2. Flow much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site? N/A tons/cubic yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? [] Yes [] No [] N/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? __ b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? [] Yes [] No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? [] Yes [] No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? 0 acres. 5. Will any nature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? [] Yes [] No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction 1 months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased: N/A a. Total number ofphases anticipated (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 month __ year, (including demolition). c. Approximate completion date of final phase month __ year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? [] Yes [] No Will blasting occur during construction? [] Yes [] No Number of jobs generated: during construction 5__; after project is complete O. [] Yes [] No [] No [] Yes 9. 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 0_.. 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? [] Yes [] No If yes, explain __ 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? [] Yes [] No a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount __ b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged __ 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? [] Yes [] No Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? Explain __ 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? [] Yes 16. Will the project generate solid waste? [] Yes [] No a. If yes, what is the amount per month __ tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? [] Yes [] No c. If yes, give name__; location__ d. Will any waste not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? e. lfyes, explain__ 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? [] Yes [] No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? __ tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? __ years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? [] Yes [] No 19. Will project routinely produce orders (more than one hour per day)? [] Yes 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? [] Yes [] No If yes, indicate type(s) Electrical 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity 0 gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day _0 gallons/day. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? [] Yes [] No If yes, explain __ [] No [] Yes [] No [] No 4 LII3883A 25. Approvals Required: Type Submittal Date City, Town, Village Board [] Yes [] No City, Town, Village Planning Board [] Yes [] No City, Town Zoning Board [] Yes [] No City, County Health Department [] Yes [] No Other Local Agencies [] Yes [] No Other Regional Agencies [] Yes [] No State Agencies [] Yes [] No Federal Agencies [] Yes [] No Special Exception Permit & Site Plan Buildin~ permit GML 239m referral C. Zoning and Planning Information I. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? If yes, indicate decision required: [] zoning amendment [] zoning variance [] special use permit [] new/revision of master plan [] resource management plan 2. What is the zoning classification(s) of the site? R-80 [] Yes [] No [] subdivision [] other__ [] site plan 3. What is the maximum potential development ofthe site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? Parcel is currently developed for municipal use 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? None proposed 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? None proposed 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? [] Yes [] No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a ¼ mile radius of proposed action? Residential~ municipal~ house of worship 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within ~A mile? [] Yes [] No 9. If thc proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? N/A a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? __ 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? [] Yes [] No 1 I. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? [] Yes [] No a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? [] Yes [] No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? [] Yes [] No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? [] Yes [] No D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification l certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name T-Mobile Northeast LLC Date 09/3/09 Signature , 0 fit DMS Consulting Services~ Inc. Title Planner If the action is in the Coast~.Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. 5 LI13883A , 1D Informational Details ~ The proposed action is the collocation of a provider or equivalent services. The existing ±90'0" AGL stealth monopole would require a 10-foot extension for a revised height of±t00'0" AGL. Each facility requires equipment to support the functions of the facility. According to the Construction Drawings prepared by William F. Collins Amhitects, LLP dated June 4, 2009 the proposed action would require ±188'6" square feet of existing space within the compound and further expand the compound by ±391 '6" square feet. This would expand the initial fenced compound existing at the base of the tower into an area that is currently an impervious parking surface. Matching chain link fencing would enclose the proposed expansion. The area leased and occupied by the provider would be limited to ±435 square feet. No other alteration to the existing parcel development is proposed. 2 Review of the National Register This office undertook a reasonable and good faith effort in its review of existing listed historic properties on the National Register as well as local significant sites. Upon a review by this office of the New York State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) data on historic and archaeological properties in New York, contained within the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Online Resoume the Orient Point historic District is within the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for visual effects in accordance with the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement. The Collocation Agreement with respect to tower expansions notes that should the collocation substantially increase the height of the tower by 10% or greater, the project would require consultation as set forth under Subpart B of 36 CFR Part 800. Additionally the expansion of the initial tower area would also trigger the Section 106 review process. A review and determination from NY SHPO is required and underway at the time preparation. This office prepared the initial review and has attached the original determination dated November 23, 2003. 3 United States Department of the Interior, letter dated April 18, 2001 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, July 6, 2007 Letters issued by these departments address the presence of endangered or threatened species in the vicinity of telecommunications facilities located within pre-determined types of installations. The project is the installation of a facility placed within previously disturbed areas and categorically would not disturb listed or proposed endangered species. The nearest CEA is the Orient Point County Park. 6 LI13883A PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOVFN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFVICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: September 24, 2009 Re: Payments Please deposit the attached checks into a deferred account. Fees are for a site plan application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Applicant/Project Name & Tax Map Amount Check bate/No. Type # Authorization Code T-Mobile Orient Site Plan App. fee 18-5-13.8 $1,000 5/11/09 - 1475026 T-Mobile Odent Special Exception fee 18-5-13.8 $1,000 9/15/09 - 1574524 LR Atts. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OVvICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: September 24, 2009 Re: Payments Please deposit the attached checks into a deferred account. Fees are for a site plan application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Applicant/Project Name & Tax Map Amount Check Date/No. Type ~ Author'ization Code T-Mobile Orient Site Plan App. fee 18-5-13.8 $1,000 5/11/09 - 1475026 T-Mobile Orient Special Exception fee 18-5-13.8 $1,000 9/15/09 - 1574524 LR Atts. .Mobile', BELLEVUE, WA 98006 (425) 378-4000 Invoice Number Inv. Date Description 1475026 5/t 1/2009 2000019929 Deductions Voucher Amount Paid CK81258 5/7/2009 LS SITE LI 13-883 SITE pLAN AP 0.00 1100689586 1000.00 53095 MAIN RD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 ,"000 ~ ? S0 8&," ':0~550 ~&0 ~': 0 ~ 5,,,B~ 50," · ' .T...Mobile'. (425) 378-4000 Invoice Number Inv. Date Description 1574524 9/15/2009 2000019929 Deductions Voucher Amount Paid CKLI00089 9/10/2009 LS LI13883 SEAF 0.00 1101390027 1000.00 ~ Z Omnipoint COMMUNICATIONS INC. 3500 SUNRISE HWY., SUITE D-203, GREAT RIVER, NY 11739 CELLULAR COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT SITE NO. £I-13-853-A EOf?lENT FIf?E DEPAf?TMENT] 23300 MAIN f?OAD, Of?lENT. NY 1 ! 957 WILLIAM E COLLIN~ AIA A R C H I T E C T ~, L LI~ htCp://www.wfcaia.com WFO PROJECT NO. 07-7315 RAWLAND, CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE 430 SQ.FT.:k (2) 12000 CAglN[IS, (2) BOOSTER CABINUS. (1) U~ITS RABINEI, VINCE CANNUSClO (631)728-2086 ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT (631) 545-2242 LIPA OMNI/~INT COMMUNICATION INC., 02tS944 oint DIRECTIONS: START OUT GOING NORTH EAST (RIGHT OUT OF DRIVEWAY) ON NEW ST. TOWARD WOODHOLLQW RD. TURN LEFT ONTO WOODHOLLOW RD. TURN LEFT ONTO GREAT RIVER RD. GREAT RIVER RD TURNS INTO COONFTOUOT AVE. TAKE EXiT TOWARD RT 27E/MONTAUK. TURN RIGHT ONTO SUNRISE RWY/POW/MIA MEMORIAL HVC¢. MERGE ONTO CR--51 N VIA EXIT 61 TOWARD RrVERHEAD. TURN RIGHT ONTO CR-63 N / LAKE AVE/EMORICHES RIVERHEAD RD ENTER NEXT ROUNDABOUT AND TAKE 2ND EXiT ONTO NY-24 E /FLANDERS RD TURN LEFT ONTO CR-105 N /CROSS RIVER RD TURN RIGHT ONTO NORTHVlLLE TURNPIKE/CR-43 TURN RIGHT ONTO SOUND AVE STAY STRAIGHT TO GO ONTO CR-48 E /MIDDLE RD CONTINUE TO FOLLOW CR 48 E CR 48 E BECOMES NY-25/MAIN RD. END AT 23,300 MAIN RD ORIENT, NY 11957 PAUL LAPASOTA NAMIT SHARMA RHOAN GORDON STEPHEN LUISE JR, JOHN MCAULIFFE 3500 SUNRISE HWY. SUITE D-203, GREAT RIVER, NY 11739 SITE INFORMATION ORieNT F/RE DEPARTMENT 23300 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 Zl- I3-883-A DF3IGN TYPE P,~VLAN D CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE TITLE SHEET T-1 GENERAL NOTES NOT_Ei 1 ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL, LAWS, ORDINANCES, AND INFORMATION SHOWN HEREIN IS BASED UPON THE REGULATIONS WHEREVER APPLICABLE LATEST TOWN APPROVED SITE PLANS PREPARED BY: 2 EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD TO HAVE VISITED THE SITE AND TO HAVE VERIFIED ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO MICHAEL WALKER DESIGN/BUILDER LLC, 500 HORSENECK SUBMISSION OF BID. ROAD, DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 PHONE: (508) 287-4313 .3 IN ALL CASES, DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE SCALED FOR INFORMATION FIGURED DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS MUST BE VERIFIED IN PROdECT NO MWOB.ORIENT, DATED JUNE 1, 2005 THE FIELD 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL FIELD DIMENSIONS AND JOB CONDITIONS, AND SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICT, AND/OR OMISSIONS WHICH WOULD INTERFERE WITH THE SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF THE WORK. SHOULD HE FAIL TO FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE AND CONTINUE WITH THE WORK, HE SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY ~ o // PROPERTY UNE 7. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH BEST STANDARD TRADE PRACTICES EACH TRADE SHALL COOPERATE WITH e~oo~ WFC ]~OJ~"T ~O. 07-7315 ~ 11. AT THE COMPLETION OF EACH WORKDAY. EACH TRADE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING UP THEIR WORK. RUBBISH REMOVAL SHALL BE DONE IN A DUST iNHIBITIVE FASHION. AND THE JOB SITE SHALL BE FREE OF ALL DEBRIS AND BROOM CLEAN (~) NB OMNIPOI~ ~N~ UPON COMPLETION. :~ ~ ¢} F ~ COMPA''LE CONO~'E' ~R~ 13. EXISTING EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS TO BE REMOVED. WHICH ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE RELOCATED OR RETAINED BY THE L ~ ~ ~. PROJECT SCHEDULE. IF WORK IS TO BE SUSPENDED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LEAVE THE WORK SITE IN A SAFE, SECURE MANNER >"l' 0~ ~1/ ', CONDUITs,WHERE APPLICABLE)ETC. OF VARIOUS ITEMS INCLUDING, BUT NOT NECESSARILY LIMITED ,0. HANDRAILS, SHELVING. CABLE TRAYS. ¢ii / ~ ~ 19+ ADA COMPLIANCE: THE FAOIL'~ IS A NORMALLY UNOCCUPIED MOBILE RADIO FACILITY' ~1, / ~ ~ ~--~-- GENERAL 81~ NOTES ;U ~8~¢--/-- -570.70' 2. 'DEWATER' ALL TRENCHES AS REQUIRED DURING INSTAL~TION OF ALL FOOTtNG AND FOUNDATION TO ENSURE PROPER DEPTH AND "ONOPO~ ~cKJ ASTM D 1557 COMPACTION UNDER ~WNS OR IN UNPAVED AREAS, 85% MAXIMUM DRY DENS,~, ASTM D 1557. ~0~ 5 ALL BUILDING OR POLE MOUNTED LIGHTING SHALL BE DIRECTED TO ILLUMINATE SUBJECT PROPER~ AND SHALL NOT PROJECT UPON ADdOINING ROADS OR PROPERTIES. 7. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO TONE PATH OF EXISTING CABLE AND PROWDE MARK-OUTS HAND EXCAVATE NEAR ANY ORIENT, NY 11957 UNDERGROUND PIPES, UTILITIES, OR STRUCTURES. COMMERCIALLY ACCEPTABLE UTILI~ LOCATOR SERVICE IN ORDER TO VERI~ THE LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTIUTIES W~THIN AREAS OF WORK. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY MEANS OF PROTECTION OF SAID EXISTING UTILITIES AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE NEW WORK COORDINATE ALL REQUIRED RELOCATION WORK WITH THE AFFECTED UTILITY PROVIDER. ~ND CONCEALMENT 9. ALL WASTE MATERIAL INCLUDING RUBBISH, STUMPS, DEBRIS. ETC, SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND BE MONOPOL[ REMOVED FROM THE PREMISES 10. CONTRACTOR TO MINIMIZE THE DISTURBANCE TO EXISTING SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, IF REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION, SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE LOCAL GUIDELINES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT. 11. ALL CONCRETE USED FOR ON-SITE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AIR ENTRAINED AND SHALL ACHIEVE A MINIMUM OF 4,000 PSI AT ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN I~ 28 DAYS. ~ GENERAL NOTES :~ ~2. A~ AR~S ~.~ED W.. SH.UaS ~0 BE ~U[C.~D W~*H ~E CEDA. eA.X C~.S. ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN O' ~' ~0' ~00~~ i~;. ~r ,X~ST,.O ¢.*V~ .,OO,.O ~S .,.OV~. S~OC~, *~ .~S~.~. *S EO.~.,~ ~0 *CCO.~O~*T, .,W WO...SSTO., .O.T. A- 1 NEw(l) NEWCHAiNFLOOD LIGHTFENcE.ATrACHEDNEw FLOODTO MICROFLECT B3013 PIPE CAP (1) NEw PPC CABINET ATOP NEw CONCRETE f U~K (1) NEw BATFEEY CABINET ATOP NEW ~ ~- / SEE DETAIL 3/A-3 MICROFLECT B301 24' BRIDGE CONCRETE PAD. SEE DETNL 5/A-5 MICROFLECT B2734 GRATING 1YPE 24'X10' BRIDGE CHANNEL SECURE TO SUPPORT AARM "q, ~ (1) NEW GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO NEw ~ / ~ / ~ I ~ / WITH MANUF. RECOMMENDED HARDWARE EQUIPMENT CABINET. SEE DETAIL 1/A-5 -~ ~ / ~ 50'-~'' / ~ ~ ~ ~-' MICROFLECT TRIPLE TRAPEZE SUPPORT NE~ ~SE ~RE~ KIT PROV1DES SUPPORT FOR (24) CONCRETE PAD TO BE REMOVED '-8 ~, 3 SNAP-IN HANGERS ~ / MICROFLECT B130 3 1/2' GAl-V. (2) NEW EQUIPMENT CABINETS AT / STEEL SCHEDULE 40 PIPE MOUNT SET CONCRETE PAD. SEE DETAIL 1/A-5 -,,~-~-~.~~ ~ I / - \~× IN CONCRETE BASE AS INDICA3'ED. SEE _z .Ew oO.CR~ PAD (~ONO). ~ ~ ~~?/~5.: ~ ~ / / ' X ~ ~ ~ .Ew OM.,PO,NT ~O~R / < ATOP NEw CO" RETE PAD. SEE DETAIL 4/A-5 .ou o co.cRETE AD. co.c. PAD3 ATOP ~x,s~.G .o ~~ ~-~'~..~ ,. SEE DET~ ~/^-~ .... / X ~~- ~ wm .Ew(~) 4'-o' W,DE EXlSTNG 90'-0' HI~~ ~ / / ~ L(~C _K~BLE SW~NG GATE AND (1) .ou.~. TO ...~~ // X ,,, .Ew u..s ~.,.ET ' X.~ -'-~X / '.. -.-,.., tmuzm fOR .Ew Oa.~PO~NT ~NSTALL. X' X /~----I~'.~2'.S/S' G~-V. STEEL PUm~ S~CU"E~ ( 1~. i~)_ENLARGED EOUIPMENT PLAN ~"~TYP. ICE BRIDGE DETAIL ) j~ /~END CLAMP WITH 5/8" 1. FURNISH AND INSTALL A COMPLETE CHAIN42Q~-~ x/_.,~ ........ '~5~,~-,...-] ] 1~_~~ STEE' .o~ .NN FENCE ~M AB . ~-- --~:z:,~,--~ 1 5/8" O.D. TOP RAIL DRAWINGS. //Q~ /~,~,'~'" ,h. "f'~ '~;]\:~'-~" ~- ~ ~\~ · ~T~.NSION BAR 2. FENCE POSTS SHALL BE 2 ~ ~)~4 ~w,z~o ~ mn,point ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~. .~ co"c.~ ~...[~ .~ ~ ~o. - __ P~TE F~ IN-LINE PO~ ~ , ORIENT. NY 1 I ~57 ~ 1'-0" W~ ~UNCH AT PERIM~ER ~-- o RAW.ND CONCEALMENT ~ ~CHORS. 3-1/2' MIN. ~ ~- ENLARGED EQUIPMENT PLAN v [MBEDMEm (WP.)~ ~ ~ SiTE DETAILS CONCRetE PAD DETAIL ~P. CHAINLINK FENCE AND GATE DETAIL ~c~: SURFACING AT AREAS DISTURBED BY TRENCHING, TO MATCH EXISTING --~~ / 6"tWIDE M~¢AL CORE UNDERGROUND WARNING TAPE ~ ~99'--6 AGL~ PAINTED RED. NUMBER OF P~NKS AS ~ ~ N0.07-7315 (3) N~ OMNIPOINT ~N~ MOUNTED WITHIN ~ ~ ~ ~ REQUIRED WIDTH OF TRENCH. N~ 10'-0" ~ ATOP EXI~NG 90'-0" R.F. ~ ~ ~ ~97'-3" AGL~ WASHED SAND COMPACTED IN 6" L ~. ~/~ SI[ ~kS ~.2,~ ~/~--~ IHI ~ ~go'-o" AGL~ AND NUMBER OF CONDUITS W~/H ~NFORMATION~ .~ ,c~ ..,~ *~o..~ co.c.~~ ~ ~P. U~LI~ TBENCH D~AIL (a) .~ o~s u.~ ~ou~D TO .~ X ~ IIII CONCR~ P~. s~ D~L 2/~-S ~ X X X X IIII 0'-o"~ ORIENT, NY 11957 (1) NEW PPC CABIN~ MOUSED ATOP N~ /~'~ D~ FENCE RAILING ~ - , RAW'ND CONCEALMENT F D ~- ~ ~ - 7~ MONOPOLE NORTH ELEVATION A DETAILS ~ NO.TH ELEVATION ~ ~P. FLOODLIGHT DETAIL A- ANTENNA MODEL INFO: :: T OTHERS (WP.) ~ , ,/,.,.,..~---~-,~,~ .~1'-4" DIA. x 1 1/2" THICK ~_ MOUNTING HARDWARE APM40-2 ~NEW A~ENNA MOUSING D~AIL ~ou~) ~ Xx ~ SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0" A~ACH UNISTRUT TO POST ' __ 2'¢ GALVANIZED SCHEDULE PROPER ~NSTAL~TION ~ x ~ ~ , ~~ 12"~ POU~ED C0NC~ ~ ' ~ . ~ L ..~q 23300 MAIN ROAD SONOTUB[ TOOTING ~ ' -. ~ ' .. ~: ORIENT, NY 11957 ~OU~D w~..~ ~0'-o" c~ ~ ~ ~ - / / . ~ COMPAqBL[ CONC~ME~ MAT[R~ / ~ ~_ / BE EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE~ ~ ~ND CONCEALMENT ~O~OPOLE. SEE D~A~[S ~,~,~ ~/A-~X. ~ $~$ / W~H CUT-BACX ASPHAUT~C / PAINT (~p.) MONOPOLE ~// / UNISTRUT PLO00 EQUIPMENT RACK TO BE H~GH / ~ / ~ ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAILS '~ /~ & ANTENNA DETAILS PLAN AT NEW ANTENNA MOUNTING ~ ~ - - ~ ~ SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" ~P. UNISTRUT M~ER BANK C.T ~w~ 3 ANTENNA TECHNICAL FEATURES MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIMENSIONS H x W x D - (INCHES) 55.9" x 15" x 5.15" WEIGHT EXL. MOUNTING HARDWARE (LB) 40.7 WEIGHT MOUNTING HARDWARE (LB) 47.7 SURVIVAL WIND SPEED (M/HR) 125 FRONTAL THRUST ((MAX) @ 160KM/H) 170 RADIATING ELEMENT MATERIAL BRASS RADOME MATERIAL FIBERGLASS MOUNTING HARDWARE APM40-2 CONNECTOR ~(PE /4/ 7(/16 LONG NECK FEMALE ITEM QP(. NAME 1 1 POLE 2 1 TOP CAP 3 1 BULKHEAD 4 1 SPIDER FLANGE 5 12 ANT. MOUNT CABINET SUPPLIED BY CARRIER, - 5'-6" 2'-6" iNSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR (2) CABINETS TO BE NORTEL S12000 EQUIPMENT B' 5,, ~ 7" 4'-5" CABINETS SUPPLIED BY OMNIPOINT, AND INSTALLED BY ~' ~b CONTRACTOR. REFER TO CABINET MANUFACTURER z~ ~_ , , , SPECIFICATtONB AND DRAWINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION. ~ SPECIFICATIONS: / 75 1/8" TALL x 53" WIDE x 27-1/2" DEEP - ~ ' k k CELL CAPACITY: 12 TRX CALLS PER UNIT ~ ' I i ~ ~ ~ WILLIAM E COLLIN~ AIA : X / ~ '~ ~ ~ ~-~ , ~ ~ NO. 07-7315 4' 5" P~N~SUB-BASE / I: ' :-' : .' ¢ ' ~ "~~ ¢~.~ ' ~; P~N * EOUIPME~ CAB. ~~ [[ II ' NEW REINFORCED POURED SECURE NEW OMNIPOINT BAKERY ~ , o,,~o,m ~r ~.o,.~. % ~P. BAKERY CABINET DETAIL A,c,o~s. SEE POU"ED SUB-BAsECONCRETE ToEQUIPMENTNEw ~**~E¢ ~C*~.S/S Ee~'e %~% EL'" e Ee~'e EOUlPME CABINET D AIL I % O.N,,O,,, CA ,N T TO MINIMUM ;--'/2~UB~--~--~-,'~u ~P BOOS~R CAB N~ DETAIL~ CHEMfOAL ANCHORS. MINIMUM 3-1/2" EMBEDMENT. (~P.) NOTE: SEE POURED CONCR.E EQUIPMENT PAD D~AIL 2/A--2 ~XnOmnipoint ~ T/0'625 INCHES 200 AMP 200 AMP 3500 SUNRISE H~. SUITE ~ OUTtET~ 2 ~, ~OTE~T~ ~ ~ ~, : ~.orgcT~e ~ ~n~ ~ON ~ % ~ OUTLET .I OUTLET~ O~ ~ D~~ 23300 MAIN ROAD .... 6" ¢~ ~NEW ' . ~ ~ -' ., ~ ~a / / I SERIES OVER/UNDER - '" ' _ ~% .u. ~ ORIENT, NY 1 ~957 , 200 AMP / POWER PROTECTON ~ · J -- SCREENED ~ ~ L/-I3~g3-A ~ / ~ ~ ; ~ CA.~.~ (~C) ~ ~ .OUVE~S . ~ 1 -~0 ~ SCREENED ff/~ NEW PPC MOUNTING ~ '~ ~ 2' 0" LOUVERS --~ BRACKET SHALL BE : o ~W~ND CONCEALMENT ~' "%~' " PLAN O" COMPARTMENT~FOR TELCO ~ ORDERED SEPARATELY.~ ~ .... X ~ ~' ~ONOPOLE E RENFOROED POURED CONCRETE S~B /=~X ~MP~ -- ~ ~ ~ ~'~0~.. ----G--------~_. POURED CONCRETE TYPICAL EQUIPMENT DETAILS %~y,,~Zf%,:3 ~,,, ~x,-~ -- ~ ~o.~ ~w O..,.O,~T ..~ .OU.T,~ ~ .~ ~,.~O.~ P. U~8 CABIN~ s[cu~ NEW OMNIPOINT BASE STATION CABINET ~ ~ ~P. MARCONI PPC DETAIL ~*~T ~o ~w 0ONO.~ PAD WITH (4 POURED CONCRETE D~A'L SUB-~ASE TO NEW CONCRETE PAD WITH 1/2" S/S J ~ ' .......... ~ /2 S/S RODS SE' IN HILf~;;) / ® S~'%EE SCALE: 1/2":1'-0' RODS SET [N HILT, HIT HY 150 CHEMICAL ANCHORS ~ ~ bUALE: 5/~ =1 --0 -- / CONCRETE EQU'PMENT ~ A--~ 3 LEGEND NEW ANTENNA SCHEDULE CABLE SCHEDULE SECTOR MDT RX TX MANUF - MODEL# CABLE LENGTH DIA LABEL TX TX 135' 1-1/4" 1 RED RX RX 115' ]-1/4" 2 RED IA 50 O' RFS: APX16DWV-16-DWVS C TX TX 115' 1-1/4" 3 RED RX RX 115' 1-1/4" 4 RED TX TX 115' 1--1/4" 1 WHITE RX RX 1~5' 1-1/4" 2 WHITE ANTENNA SCHEDULE SCALE: BILL OF MATERIALS NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER PART I 2 NORTEL S12000 BTS NORTEL 2 BB 1-1/4" GROUND NITS CABLEWAVE 3 36 WEATHERPROOFING KITS ~c.~4 CABLEWAVE 4 12 DIN(Mi-DIN(M) 1/2" - 8'-0" SUPERFLEX JUMPERS CABLEWAVE 5 I2 DIN(M)-D~N(M) 1/2"- 6' 0" JUMPERS CABLEWAVE 6 24 1-1/4" DIN(F) CONNECTORS ~z.~c~3 CABLEWAVE 7 5 ANTENNA MODEL NO, APX16-DWV-16DWVS-C RFS WIRELESS 8 3 ANDREW ETW190US12UB (TMA) ANDREW 9 5 RFS ATMAA-1412D 1A20 (TMA) RFS WIRELESS 10 1 BATTERY CABINET MAGNETEK MPE5566 11 2 BOOSTER CABINET CCI 12 1 PPG CABINET MARCONI 13 1 UMTS CABINET ERICSSON BILL OF MATERIALS SCALE: N.1.S. EXISTING FUTURE b__J TYP. SECTOR CABLE ROUTING POL ANTENNA (TYP 1 PER SECTOR) STD JUMPERS CABLES 8'-0" SUPERFLEX JUMPERS NORTEL l S12000 BTS (TYP OF 2) GENERAL NOTES 1.ALL INDICATIONS OF NORTH ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY IN FIELD TRUE NORTH PRIOR TO SECTOR ANTENNA INSTALLATION. 2. CABLE LENGTHS LISTED ARE APPROXIMATIONS BASED ON THESE PLANS AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE USED FOR ORDERING CABLE. ALL CABLE LENGTHS MUST BE V.I.F. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ~NSTALL BRASS TAGS (SUPPLIED BY OMNIPOINT) AT EACH END OF ALL ANTENNA CABLES DENOTING THE NUMBER OF TAPE MARKING BANDS AND COLOR OF TAPE MARKING BANDS. 4. ANTENNA CABLES WILL BE COLOR CODED AT THE ANTENNA, FILTER INJECTION CABINET, JUMPER CONNECTIONS AND THE BTS CABINET 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL DRiP LOOPS ON ALL ANTENNA AND JUMPER CABLES, 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL CABLE SUPPORTS AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM SPACING OF B'-0" ON CENTER. 7. THE CONTRACTOR WILL RECORD THE LOCATION AND SERIAL NUMBERS OF ALL ANTENNAS, ANTENNA CONTROLLER MOTORS, AND THEIR CORRESPONDING ~NSTALLED LOCATION AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. 8. ALL ANDREWS MOTORS ARE GENDER SPECIFIC, AND WILL BE WIRED STARTING WITH THE MALE END OF THE CABLE AT THE BTS AND CONTINUE ALONG THE RUN FOLLOWING THE 'FEMALE UP RULE'. MIN, CABLE BENDING RADIUS CABLE SIZES/LENGTHS SUPERFLEX JUMPER (TYP) /~1/2" SECTOR 'A' DIN (F)/ DIN (F) 1-I/4"¢ CABLE (TYP FOR ALL SECT RS) DIN Hs __H U __ REMEC, R~8.~ SECTOR 'B' DIN (Fi DiN (F) 1~1/4"¢ CABLE (TYP FOR CALL DIN (Mi HZ REMEC, R1850 60 485 1-23 DIN (r) SECTOR 'C' JUMPER (TYP) QUAD POL QUAD POL QUAD POL WILLIAM ~ COLLIN& AIA A R C H I T E C T ~ LLP http:/Iwww.wf cala.cem ~ 1~.~ NO. 07-73J5 5500 SUNRISE HWY. SUITE D-203, GREAT RIVER, NY 11739 ~a'TE A~ORMAI']ON ORE~/T F/RE DEPARTMENT 23300 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY ! 1957 LA I B-,88B-A ILA~X/LAND CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE ANTENNA SCHEDULE, B.O.M., & ROUTING SCHEMATIC ABBREVIATIONS AND LABELS = 1, ELECTRIC: NEW 2OOAMP SERVICE WITH 208V OR 24OV, 2P, 3 WIRE FEEDER FROM A RELIABLE SOURCE TO THE COMMUNICATION AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR '",'/' ~E CABINET. THIS SOURCE SHALL BE LOCKED ON WITH A CB LOCK THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 20 SPARE FUSES WHEREVER A-- IS BETWEEN 20BV AND 240V LINE TO LINE IF IT IS NOT BETWEEN THE SPECIFIED VOLTAGE, THEN CALL THE ARCHITECT. (ALL -- ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LABELED WITH BLACK PLASTIC TAGS BEARING "OMPT" WHITE LE~ER ENGRAVING) AWG AMERICAN W~RE GAUGE C CONDUIT 2. UTILITY METER: IF A UTILITY METER IS SPECIFIED ON THE DRAWINGS, IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN ALL CB CIRCUIT BREAKER -- WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA NECESSARY INSPECTfONS, CUT 4N CARDS, ETD, THAT ARE REQUIRED TO SET THE METER THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET WITH THE EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING UTIUTY COMPANY TO VERIFY METER AND TAP LOCATION PRIOR TO INSTALLATION THE ARCHITECT BEGINS THE PAPERWORK WITH THE __ A R C VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES AND CAN PROVIDE THE ELECTRICAL DESIGNER'S NAME AND PHONE NUMBER CONTACT THE ARCHITECT FOR DND GROUND LINE TYPES UTILITY RELATED QUESTIONS. IF TEMPORARY POWER IS REQUIRED, ALL NEC AND/OR LOCAL ELECTRIC CODES SHALL BE ADHERED TO. CONTACT OMNIPOINT PRIOR TO MAKING TEMPORARY POWER CONNECTIONS MC METAL CLAD CABLE NE NEW ELECTRIC ~ PRO~ NO. 07-7315 ~ DESIGN CRITERIA ~ ABBREVIATIONS ,~--- ... 1. GENERAL: ALL WIRING IN FINISHED AREAS SHALL BE CONCEALED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. IN UNFINISHED AREAS SUCH AS ABBREVIATIONS AND LABELS AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR AFG ABOVE FINISHED GRADE AWG AMERICAN W~RE GAUGE C CONDUIT CB CIRCUIT BREAKER EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING DND GROUND MC METAL CLAD CABLE MDB MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER MDR MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL MGB MASTER GROUND BAR MLO MAIN LUGS ONLY N NEUTRAL NEC NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE DEN OMNIPOINT FACILITIES NETWORK RNL PANEL PP POWER PANEL PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RA RIGID ALUMINUM RGB RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL WP WEATHERPROOF 2. BELOW GRADE (UNDERGROUND IN EARTH OR FILL): ALL CONDUITS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM BURIAL DEPTH OF 24". BRANCH ~ DISCONNECT SWITCH (~ RECEPTACLE CIRCUITS SHALL CONSIST OF PULLED CONDUCTORS IN D~RECT BURIED SCHEDULE 40 PVC CONDUITS. WHERE HEAVY VEHICLE TRAFFIC ~- .---_~ · OVER CONDUIT RUNS ANTICIPATED THE CONDUIT SHALL BE ALL AROUND AND BETWEEN CONDUITS ALL ELBOWS USED WITH PVC CONDUIT SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 PVC ALL CONDUIT INSTALLED ~ ELECTRIC METER _~ NEW UTILITY POLE~ ~'~ --~ COMMUNICATIONSINC, ABOVE FINISHED GRADE SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 PVC UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED BY PREVAILING CODE. PRIOR TO EXCAVATION, A UTILITY 'MARK OUT' SHALL BE DONE TO LOCATE EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. PHOTOGRAPHS FOR ALL PUNDHLIST PURPOSES SHALL BE TAKEN OF ALL UNDERGROUND WORK PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. 23300 MAIN ROAD ~-~ ORIENT, NY 11957 CONDUCTORS IN LIQUID TIGHT FLEXIBLE STEEL CONDUIT, MAXIMUM .3' IN LENGTH. , , BACKBOARD ~3) GROUND TEST WELL RA~VLAND CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE GENERAL ELECTRIC NOTES & SYMBOLS E-1 REFER TO DETAIL 2/A-5 FOR ELECTRIC AND TELCO CONDUIT TRENCHING NEW ELEC/TELCO ROUTED TO NEAREST VIABLE SOURCE AS DETERMINED BY LIPA, WILLIAM F, COLLIN~ AIA ~ RISER DIAGRAM LIPA CONTACT NAME: WARREN STOKER (XXX) XXX-XXXX COMPOUND, SEE P~ 1/A--2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [ KEY NOTES ~ ~ CO~MUNICA~ONS INC. (3) N~ OMN~POI~ ~N~ MOU~D W~T.IH / ~ ~ROUND W~RE ~0 NEW MCB W~TH (2) BELDEN W~RES 23300 MAIN ROAD COMPAnBLE CONC~LM[~ ~Rl~ MON~P~ / ~ ~2 AWG SO~LD T~NNED COPPER ~ COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES. TYPICAL OF (32). ORIENT, NY 11957 RAW'ND CONCEALMENT (2) NOTg; RISER DIAGRAM SCALE: 1"=1OO'-0" SHALL BE COORDINATED W~TH THE BUILDtNG'S MANAGEMENT. NORTH BTS RISER DIAGRAM GROUNDING KEY NOTES EOUIPMENT GROUNDING PLAN SCALE: 3/16"= 1 '-0" GROUNDING LEGEND: i I NOTE: · GROUNDI~ SYSTEM CONNECTIONS REFER TO GROUNDING SCHEMATIC (~) COPPER GROUND RODS AND GROUNDING NOTES ~/E 4 FOR (~ COPPER GROUND ROD IN TEST WELL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. (~) NORTEL GROUND BAR (NGB) (~) SECTOR CABLE GROUND BAR (SCGB) (~) #6 AWG STRANDED GREEN THWN iNSULATED COPPER WIRE FROM COAXIAL GROUND KITS (COB) AT COMMUNICATIONS CABINET ENTRY, TO SCGB. (TYPICAL FOR EACH ANTENNA CABLE) (~) #2/0 AWD SOLID TINNED COPPER WIRE FROM EACH SCGB TO EQUIPMENT OROUND RING (EGR) (~) #2/0 AWG SOLID TINNED COPPER WiRE FROM EACH NGB TO EGR (~ #2 AWG SOLID TINNED COPPER WIRE FROM FLOODLIOHT FIXTURE AND MOUNTING TO NEW EGR (~) #2 AWD SOLID TINNED COPPER WIRE FROM ICE BRIDGE TO EGR ~) #6 AWD STRANDED GREEN THWN INSULATED COPPER WIRE BOND JUMPERS AT ALL ICE BRIDGE CONNECTIONS (~ COAXIAL GROUND KiT (COB) BO NOT iNSTALL ON BENDS (SEE DETAILS 2 & 5/E-4 ) (~ #6 AWG STRANDED GREEN THWN INSULATED COPPER WIRE FROM CGK TO SECTOR ANTENNA GROUND BAR (SAGB) (~) #2 AWG SOLID TINNED COPPER WIRE FROM ANTENNA MOUNT TO SAGB. CAD WELD TO MOUNT (TYP *'0 M PT*') I~ SECTOR ANTENNA GROUND BAR. (SAOB) ONE BAR PER SECTOR. (~) #2 AWG SOLID TINNED COPPER WIRE FROM SAGB TO MONOPOLE GROUND BAR. (~) STANDARD BARREL HYDRAULICALLY COMPRESSED LUG CONNECTION (PANDUIT CATALOG # LCAN 6-6-L ) (~ STANDARD BARREL HYDRAULICALLY COMPRESSED LUG CONNECTION (PANDUIT CATALOG # LCAN 2 14 Q) (~) NEW MONOPOLE GROUND BAR (MOB) (~) #2/0 AWO SOLID TINNED COPPER WIRE FROM MONOPOLE LUGS TO EGR (TYp. @ 2) (~) #2/0 AWG SOLID TINNED COPPER WIRE FROM MOB TO NEW EQUIPMENT GROUND RING. (EOR) (~) #2/0 AWG SOLID TINNED COPPER WIRE FROM BATIERY CABINET TO EGR (~) #2/0 AWG SOLID TINNED COPPER WIRE EQUIPMENT GROUND RiNG (EGR) BURIED 42" MIN BELOW GRADE, CONNECTED TO GROUND RODS THAT ARE INCORPORATED INTO EXTERIOR GROUND RING. ALL CONNECTIONS ARE TO BE CAD WELDED AND SPRAYED WITH COLD GALVANIZED PAINT (~ #2 AWG SOLID TINNED COPPER WIRE FROM GPS COB TO EGR. (~) 5/8" X 10'-0" LONG COPPER CLAD STEEL VERTICAL GROUND ROD BURIED 36" BELOW FIN. GRADE. RODS SHALL BE PLACED NOT MORE THAN 15' AND NOT LESS THAN 6' APART FROM ADJACENT GROUND RODS (SEE DETAIL 2/E-5.) (~) 5/8" X 10' 0" LONG COPPER CLAD STEEL VERTICAL GROUND ROD IN INSPECTION TEST WELL BURIED 36" BELOW FIN GRADE. (SEE DETAIL (~ #6 AWG STRANDED COPPER WIRE JUMPERS CONNECTED FROM FENCE SECTIONS TO FENCE POSTS (CAD WELD ALL CONNECTIONS.) (~ #2 AWG STRANDED TINNED COPPER WIRE FROM FENCE POSTS TO EGR. (MULTIPLE LEADS REQUIRED, SEE PLAN FOR LOCATIONS,) (~) #2 AWG STRANDED TINNED COPPER WIRE FROM EACH BOOSTER CABINET GROUND BAR TO EGR. (MULTIPLE LEADS REQUIRED. SEE PLAN FOR LOCATIONS,) ~#2 AWG SOLID TINNED COPPER WiRE FROM ELEC PANEL GROUND BAR TO EGR. O #2 AWG SOLID TINNED COPPER WIRE FROM TELCO PANEL GROUND BAR TO EGR. (~ #2 AWG SOLID TINNED COPPER WiRE FROM UMTS CABINET TO EGR. ® TYP. PANEL ANTENNA (SEE ANTENNA SCHEDULE DWG A-6) MOUNTING PIPE AND RELATED MOUNTING HARDWARE 1/2" COAXIAL JUMPERS CABLES )TYP. NOTE: THIS DETAIL DEPICTS GENERAL GROUNDING METHODOLOGY FOR TYP. ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS, SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR SPECIFIC ANTENNA MOUNTING --ANTENNA COAXIAL CABLE TO COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT GROUND LEAD TO MASTER GROUND BAR 'P(P. ANTENNA GROUNDING DETAIL SCALE: NO SCALE WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA A R C H I T E C T ~, LLP WFC PRO,~F~r~T NO. 07-7315 5500 SUNRISE HWY, SUITE D-203, GREAT RIVER, NY 11739 ~i~ INFORMATION OR/EVT ~ DEPARTM/~/T 23300 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 LI- I ~W~ND CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE EQUIPMENT GROUNDING PLAN & DETAILS [-3 (SECTOR 'A')~MULTIPLE (SECTOR 'B') (SECTOR 'C') GROUNDING NOTES: MULTIPLE ANTENNA GROUND ASSEMBLIES 1. ALL GROUNDING SHALL COMPLY WITH THE MOST RECENT 8 ALL BENDS, CURVES, AND CONDUCTOR SPLICES SHALL BE i REQUIREMENTS OF NEC ARTICLES 250 AND 810 AND TOWARDS THE GROUND LOCATION (GROUNDED END) OF THE ~YP OMNiPOiNT STANDARDS AND NYS BUILDING CODE CONDUCTOR AND SHALL MEET OR EXCEED MINIMUM (~ 2 ALL DETAILS ARE SHOWN IN GENERAL TERMS. ACTUAL BENDING RADII. GROUNDING CONDUCTORS #6 AND ~RGER TYP. GROUNDING INSTALLATION AND CONSTRUCTION MAY VARY DUE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM BENDING RADIUS OF ' TO SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. IT IS NOT THE INTENT OF THE GROUNDING CONDUCTORS ~6 AND SMALLER SHALL HAVE A DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS TO DEPICT EVERY PIECE OF MINIMUM BENDING RADIUS OF 8" EQUIPMENT AND DETArL BUT RATHER TO SHOW SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED PROVIDE SYSTEMS WITH ALL APPURTENANT 9 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED GROUNDING CONDUCTORS ~ NOffE 2 ~ 5--~~ ~ ISLET' 'C' CABal ~ 5 SEE GROUNDING SCHEMATIC FOR ANTENNA GROUND,NGREQUiREMENTS. 12. ALL ANTENNA MOUNTING HARDWARE TO BE GROUNDED TOAPPROPRiATE ANTENNA GROUND BARS. ~ ~ EQUAL) ON CONTACT SURFACES OF ALL CONNECTIONS. ALL 14. FOR DISSIMI~R METALS, USE CONDUCTORS WITH THE ~ BELOW GROUND CONNECTIONS AND EXTERIOR CONNECTIONS PROPER BIM~ALLIC TRANSITION CONNECTOR BETWEEN MULTIPLE TO EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CAD WELDED AND SPRAYED WITH THE TWO COLD GALVANIZED PAINT. ABOVE GROUND CONNECTIONS ~GROUND : ~ SHALL BE CAD WELDED, GROUND LUG, OR COMPRESSION 15. METALUC CONDUIT SHALL BE GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE CONDUITS (SEE GROUNDING NOTE ~15) COAXIAL CABLE ~E~EEN "~ ~ ANTENNA dUMPERS'J "UMPER C CONNECTO COAX,AL ~ ~)::I~ ~/ r ~Pg TAPE (1 LAYER) / '- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / , 2.3300 MAIN ROAD TAPE (ALSO CALLED MASTIC OR MOVE WATER AWAY FROM CABLE GROUND WIRE TO BEI= ~ [ ~"~ TAFFY TAPE) CONNECTION. GROUND WIRE TO ~ ~ ~ ~W~ND CONCEALMENT GROUND BAR- ~ NOTE: MONOPOLE / ALL CABLE CONNECTIONS TO BE : ~ ~ NOTE: ~P4 AND ~ LAYERS 3/4" TAPE, ALL TAPE TAPE), THREE LAYERS OF ELECTRICAL GROUNDING SCHEMATIC ~ CABLE GROUNDING KIT DETAIL9 ~ ANTENNA CABLE WATERPROOFING DETAIL L THERE ARE ADDITIONAL CONNECTIONS TO THE MASTER GROUND BAR THAT ARE NOT SHOWN IN THIS DETAIL. ] ~ 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ GRADE PROTECT THREADED AREA ~ (2) INSULATORS FROM DAMAGE DURING AND I ~ ~2 AWG SOLID OR STRANDED COPPER CA~L~ ~o "OD C*D ~ ~ ~////~//// //////~ ~//~ (FOLLOW MANUFACTURER'S SeECS. ANB ~ ~ON ORIENT, NY ~ U- 13-883-~ P~N PLAN ~ GROUNDING DETAILS ~ ~ 1'=1'-0"' ~ ~A:: ':'="-0" E-5 NEW 120/240 V, 1¢ POWER DISTRIBUTION PANEL. *PROVIDE (1) 60A. (DEPENDING ON OPTION USED)t 2 POLE CIROUfT BREAKER FOR BAKERY BACKUP CABINET. TABLE OF RECOMMENDED DC CABLE SIZES MANUFACTURER: MAGNETEK 3#6 AWG & 1#6 GND IN 1" CONDUIT (60A OPTION) ~0 AMP DC LOAD @ 50 F7 USE #1 CABLE MODEL #: N3R48-6XG170MESOB6 CONTACT INFO: 5#4 AWG & 1#4 GND IN 1" CONDUIT (80A OPTION) 70 AMP DC LOAD @ 25 F7 USE ~4 CABLE 2025 ROYAL LANE 70 AMP DC LOAD ~ 15 ~ USE ~5 CABLE SUITE 310 DALES, TX 75229 MAGNETEK MODEL ~ N3R48-CXG170MESOB6 WWWMAGNETEKIELECOMCOM FROM DC LOAD BREAKERS TO EACH CUSTOMER EQUIPMENT 7 1/4',' 5' 6" -- CABINET (SEE TABLE FOR CABLE SIZE) (~PICAL OF 5) - / ~2 AWO, TINNED, SOLID COPPER WIRE TO MAIN GROUND BAR ~~ OR BURIED GROUND RING (ALL GROUND CONNECTIONS MUST BE MADE BY COMPRESSION FI~1NOS PER NEC) SCALE: SCALE: NOT TO SCALE ~FOR EXISTING SITE UPGRADES, CONTACTOR TO PERFORM SERVICE AMP TEST/CALCU~TION TO VERI~ IF ENOUGH SPARE ~ _ / ~ , CAPACI~ EXISTS FOR ADDITIONAL 240V, 60 A. CIRCUIT BREAKER, IF CAPACI~ IS NOT AVAI~BLE ON EXISTING SERVICE, CONT~CTOR TO COORDINATE THE APPROPRIATE SE~ICE UPGRADE WITH THE UTILI~ COMPANY. ~PEND~ A: ~STALLATION MOP . HOC NETWORK OPERAT,N~ CENTE~ AC D,S~R,BU~,ON ~:~ Gl ~ ~ 1. LOCATE THE AR" TO INS'ALL THE CABINET THAT DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH FUTURE CEC INSTAL~TIONS ~ ,,RUN MINIMUM 1" EMT FROM THE SDPP TO THE BAKERY CABINET. ~, 4. RUN MINIMUM 1" EMT FROM THE DA"CRY CABINET '0 "CH CEe AT THE SITE. AC "*'"' ' ' , 8. LOAD I IS FOR CCC ,1 (MAIN). LOAD 2 IS FOR CEC ,2 AND LOAD 3 IS FOR CEC ~3. PANEL ~ ~ ~0 TAPE OR WIRE NUT THE BATTERY CABINET SIDE OF THE ~6 BAKERY LEADS TO PREVENT SPARKING ONCE IHEY ARE DC BiS LOAD /~ i1~ ~ 17 OPEN OR TURN OFF THE MAiN AC BREAKER IN THE BAKERY CABINET CONNECTIONS- ~ ~. ~,~, ~,~ so~ ~ow~ .~c~ o.. ~ BAKERY BACKUP ELECTRICAL DETAILS ~. __ 28 CLOSE ALL CABINETS AND LOCK APPROPRIATELY t N 87°4T30'* E FINAL SURVEY TOWER m~ ORII~f'F Fl), FRED A. NUDD CORPORATION 1743 ROUTE 104, BOX 577 ONTARIO, NY 145:19 (315) 524-4249 FAX (3:15) 524-4249 www. nuddtowers.com I I I I I Analysis of: 90' Monopole Tower PROJECT #: 209-13115 LOCATION: ORIENT, SUFFOLK CO., NY / SITE No.: WILLIAM F. COLLINS AIA :10-:1 TECHNOLOGY DR. SETAUKE~ NY :11733 5/27/09 I I I I I Structural Analysis Report 90-Ft. Pole (Prop. 100-ft) Prepared for: Fred A. Nudd Corporation 1743 Route 104 Ontario, NY 14519 Site Location: Suffolk Co., New York Site Name: Orient ~alculations Prepared by: :~ ~Vinci Zn~ineerin~, Inc. DaVinci Job #09243-1378 rl Client Reference #209-13115 Date: 5/27/2009 ~ .~'~ . Reviewing Engineer: P.E. Michael F. Plahovinsak, I I I ~Vinci Zn~ineerin~, Inc. PO Box 1966 PO Box 66 Santa Maria, California 93456 110 W. Main St. Unionville Center, OH 43077 Ph: 80~-922-5221 Fax: 80~880-0402 Ph: 614-937-4922 Fax: 614-413-2887 I I I I I I I I I I Page 2 of 5 5/27/2009 Project Summary: DaVinci Engineering, Inc. has completed a structural analysis of the existing monopole for the addition of: · New 10' Long Antenna Concealment Cylinder. 18-Sided, 30.5" - 31.5" Tapered. The pole has been analyzed in accordance with the requirements of the International Building Code per IBC section 3108.4, and the recommendations of the Telecommunications Industry Association Structural Standard for Steel Antenna Supportmg Structures ANSI/TIA-222-G. This analysis may be considered a "Rigorous Structural Analysis" as defined in ANSI/TIA-222- G 15.5.2. As indicated in the conclusions of this analysis, we have determined that the existing pole and foundation have sufficient capacity to support the existing and proposed antenna loads as detailed herein. Based on the results of our analysis, structural modifications will not be required at this time. Source of Data: Resource Source Job Number Date Pole and Foundation Drawings Fred A. Nudd 106-12149-1 08/15/06 Soils Report Slacke Test Boring 05-074 05/02/05 Existing and Proposed Antenna Listing William F. Collin 07-7315 08/17/07 I I I I I I I I Structure Specifics: · Manufacturer: · Manufacturer File #: · Year Built: FredA. Nudd Corporation 106-12149~1 2006 ~t~ Vinci Zn~in~rlng, Inc. ZO0~ www. dav#tci-engineering, coln I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 3 of 5 5/27/2009 Analysis Criteria: International Building Code (All Versions) Section 3108.4 Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Supporting Structures ANSI/TIA-222-G 2007 · Basic Wind Speed · Basic Wind Speed w/3/4 Ice · Operational Wind Speed 120 mph (3-Sec Gust) 50 mph (3-Sec Gust) 60 mph (3-Sec Gust) Structure Class II (I = 1.0) Exposure Category C Topographic Category I Appurtenance Listing: Status Elev. Antenna / Mounting Internal Panel Antennas Proposed 95 18-Sided 30.5"-31.5" - 10' Long Radome Internal Panel Antennas Existing 75 18-Sided 31.5"-34.5" - 30' Long Radome Existing 70 (4) Whip Antennas Stand-Off Mounts All antenna lines assumed internally mounted, not exposed to the wind. Foundation Analysis: The existing monopole foundation design was analyzed in conjunction with site specific geotechnical report. The existing foundation has sufficient capacity to support the pole with the proposed antenna configuration. f> ~ ~/ inc i ~.n~ ineerin~, Inc. ZO0¢ www. davinci-engineering, com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 4 of 5 5/27/2009 Conclusion: DaVinci Engineering has completed a structural analysis of the existing monopole and foundation in accordance with the project specifics outlined above. Our analysis indicates that the existing monopole and foundation is stressed to a maximum of 70% of its usable capacity when considering the existing plus proposed loading. Please refer to the attached calculations for an itemized listing of all member stress ratios. The existing pole and foundation have sufficient capacity to support the loads from this analysis and modifications are not required at this time. If you have any questions about the contents of this structural report or require any additional information, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, DAVINCI ENGINEERING, INC. Michael F. Plahovinsak, P.E. mi~e.p(d~/lavinci-engineering, corn ~Vinci Zn~ine~rin~, ~c. ZOOq www. davinci-engineering, com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 5 of 5 5/27/2009 Standard Conditions for Providing Structural Consulting Services on Existing Structures The following standard conditions are a general overview of key issues regarding the work product supplied by DaVinci Engineering. If the existing conditions are not as represented in this structural report or attached sketches, DaVinci Engineering should be contacted to evaluate the significance of the deviation and revise the structural assessment accordingly. The structural analysis has been performed assuming that the structure is in "like new" condition. No allowance was made for excessive corrosion, damaged or missing structural members, loose bolts, etc. If there are any known deficiencies in the structure that potentially compromise structural integrity, DaVinci Engineering should be made aware of the deficiencies. If DaVinci Engineering is aware ora deficiency that exists in a structure at the time of our analysis, a general explanation of the structural concern due to the deficiency will be included in the structural report, but the deficiency will not be reflected in capacity calculations. The structural analysis provided by DaVinci Engineering is an assessment of the primary load carrying capacity of the structure. DaVinci Engineering provides a limited scope of service in that we have not verified the capacity of every weld, plate, connection detail, etc. In most cases, structural fabrication details are unknown at the time of our analysis, and the detailed field measurement of this information is beyond the scope of our services. In instances where DaVinci Engineering has not performed connection capacity calculations, it is assumed that existing manufactured connections develop the full capacity of the primary members being connected. The structural integrity of the existing foundation system can only be verified if exact foundation sizes and soils conditions are known. DaVinci Engineering will not accept any responsibility for the adequacy of the existing foundations unless this site-specific data is supplied. Miscellaneous items such as antenna mounts, coax supports, etc. have not been designed, detailed, or specified as part of our work. It is assumed that material of adequate size and strength will be purchased from a reputable component manufacturer. The attached report and sketches are schematic in nature and should not be used to fabricate or purchase hardware and accessories to be attached to the structure. DaVinci Engineering recommends field measurement of the structure before fabricating or purchasing new hardware and accessories. DaVinci Engineering is not responsible for proper fit and clearance of hardware and accessory items in the field. The structural analysis has been performed considering minimum code requirements or recommendations. If alternate wind, ice, or deflection criteria are to be considered, then DaVinci Engineering shall be made aware of the alternate criteria. P~Vinci Zn~ineerin~, Inc. ZOO¢ www. dav#lci-engineering, conl DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING TYPE ~ ELEVATION ' TYPE ' ELEVATION Radome Cylinder (305" - 315" 95 10 ff · 3" dJa whip .70 (41 MATERIAL STRENGTH GRADE i Fy Fu I GRADE i Fy I Fu TOWER DESIGN NOTES 1. Tower is located in Suffolk County, New York. 2 Tower designed for Exposure C to the TIA-222-G Standard. 3. Tower designed for a 120 mph basic wind in accordance with the TIA-222-G Standard. 4. Tower is also designed for a 50 mph basic wind with 0.75 in ice. Ice is considered to increase in thickness with height. 5. Deflections are based upon a 60 mph wind 6 TOWER RATING: 71.7% AXIAL 24 K SHEAR MOMENT TORQUE 1 kil~ft I I Da Vinci Engineering, Inc. l°b: 90-ft P~e (Prop. fO0.ft) - DaVinci #09243-1378 ri P.O. Box 66 I~r°~"~: Orient Fire Distri~ Unionville Center, OH 43077 ~' ~redA Nudd C0rP~09d3115' MFP ' Phone 614 937 4922 TIA-222-G : 05/27/09 NTS FAX: m~ke p~,,dav~nc~ enclmeerm,q.com - I I I RISA To wer Job Page 90-ft Pole (Prop. 100-ft) - DaVinci #09243-1378 rl 1 of 6 Project Date Da Vinci Engineering, PO. Bo.,:66 Orient Fire District 14:34:41 05/27/09 Unionville Center, OH 43077 Client Designed by Phone: 614.937.4922 Fred A. Nudd Corp. #209-13115 M FP F/tX: mike.p(~davinct-engmeering, com Tower Input Data I I I I I I There is a pole section. This tower is designed using the TIA-222-G standard. The following design criteria apply: Tower is located in Suffolk County, New York. ~/ Basic wind speed of 120 mph. / Structure Class 1I. ~ ~ I ~ Exposure Category C. Topographic Category 1. Crest Height 0.00 ft. Nominal ice thickness of 0.7500 in. Ice thickness is considered to increase with height. Ice density of 56 pcf. A wind speed of 50 mph is used in combination with ice. Temperature drop of 50 °F. Deflections calculated using a wind speed of 60 mph. A non-linear (P-delta) analysis was used. Pressures are calculated at each section. Stress ratio used in pole design is 1. Local bending stresses due to climbing loads, feedline supports, and appurtenance mounts are not considered. Tapered Pole Section Geometry I I I I I I I I Section Elevation Section Splice Number Top Bottotn Wall Bend Pole Grade Length Length of Diameter Diameter Thickness Radius ft ft ft Sides in in in in Ll 100.00-90.00 10.00 000 Round 12.0000 12.0000 0.5000 A572-65 (65 ksi) L2 90.00-60.50 29.50 0.00 8 "~'/, 12.0000 12.0000 0.5000 2.0000 A572-65 (65 ksi) L3 60.50-60.00 0.50A 0.00 18 12.0000 34.5000 0.5000 2.0000 A572-65 (65 ksi) L4 60.00-45.00 15.00 5.00 18 34.5000 36.0000 02500 1.0000 A572-65 (65 ksi) L5 45.00-0.00 5000 18 35.0000 40.0000 0.3125 1.2500 A572-65 (65 ksi) I Tapered Pole Properties Section Tip Dia. /Irea I r C I/C J It~Q, w w/t LI 1210000 18.0550 298.8519 4.0710 6.0000 49.8087 596.8897 9.0267 0.0000 0 12.0000 18.0550 298.8519 4.0710 6.0000 49.8087 596.8897 9.0267 0.0000 0 E2 12.9887 19.0900 333.0716 4.1860 6.4920 51.3049 682.2499 9.3042 2.8980 5.796 12.9887 19.0900 333.0716 4.1860 6.4920 51.3049 682.2499 9.3042 2 8980 5.796 L3 12.1851 182505 304.9354 4.0825 60960 50.0222 610.2721 9.1270 1.2320 2.464 35.0322 53.9580 7880.4520 12.0700 17.5260 449.6435 157712733 26.9841 5.1920 10.384 L4 35.0322 271774 40277834 12.1588 17.5260 229.8176 80608667 13.5913 5.6320 22528 36.5554 28.3676 4580.4961 12.6913 18.2880 250.4646 9167.0194 14.1865 5.8960 23.584 L5 36.0476 34.4057 5230.1410 12.3141 17.7800 294.1587 10467.1639 17.2061 5.6100 17.952 40.6171 39.3650 78334959 14.0891 20.3200 385.5067 15677.2994 19.6863 6.4900 20768 I I I I RISA Tower Job 904t Pole (Prop. 100-ft) - DaVinci #09243-1378 rl 2 of 6 Da Vinci Engineering, Inc. Project Date po Box66 Orient Fire District 14:34:41 05/27/09 Untonville Center. OH 43077 Client Designed by Phone: 614.9374922 Fred A. Nudd Corp. #209-13115 MFP FAX: mike.p~dawnci-engineermg com Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances - Entered As Area ] I I I I I De$crtption Face Allow Component Placement or Shield T)pe Leg ft I 518" C No Inside Pole 100.00 - 0.00 I 5/8" C No Inside Pole 95.00 - 0.00 I 5/8" C No Inside Pole 85.00 - 0.00 I 5/$" C No Inside Pole 75.00 - 0.00 I 5/8" C No Inside Pole 65.00 - 0.00 To~al Number No Icc No No Ice No Ice No Ice 1/2" Ice Weight f~ p~f 000 0.92 0.00 092 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.92 000 0.92 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.92 Discrete Tower Loads I I I I I I I Leg Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement C~A.~ C iA.~ Wetgbt Radomc Cyiinder (305" - C None 31.5" 18-Side x 10'Long) Radome Cylinder (3 L 5" - C None 34.5" 18~Side x 30' Long) 10 flx 3" dia whip C From Face 10 fix Y' dia whip A From Face 10 ftx Y' dia whip B From Face I 0 flx 3" dia whip B From Face (4) Stand-Off Mounts C None Type Horz Adjustment Lateral Vert 0.0000 0.0000 Front Side 95.00 No Ice 16.25 ~' 16.25 0180 1/2" Ice 17.00 17.00 0.90 1" Ice 17.75 17.75 1.00 75.00 No Ice 53.13 ,/ 53.13 1.20 1/2" Ice 55.00 55.00 1.90 I" Ice 56.88 56.88 2.62 5.00 0.0000 70.00 No 1ce 300 3.00 0.04 0.00 I/2" Icc 4.03 4.03 0.06 0.00 I" Ice 5.03 503 0.09 500 30.0000 70.00 No Ice 3.00 3.00 0.04 000 1/2" Ice 4.03 4.03 0.06 0.00 1" Icc 5~03 5.03 0.09 5.00 60.0000 70.00 No Icc 3.00 3.00 0.04 0.00 I/2" Ice 4.03 4.03 0.06 0.00 1" Ice 503 5.03 0.09 5.00 -30.0000 70.00 No Ice 300 3.00 0.04 0.00 1/2" Ice 4.03 403 0.06 000 1" Ice 5.03 5.03 0.09 0.0000 65.00 No Ice 7.00 7.00 0.10 I/2" Ice 8.00 8.00 0.12 1" Ice 900 900 0.14 I [ Load Combinations I Dead Only 2 12 Dead+l.6 Wind 0 deg - No Icc Description I RISA To wer Job P.ga 90-ft Pole (Prop. 100-ft) - DaVinci #09243-1378 rl 3 of 6 Project Date Da Vinci Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box66 Orient Fire District 14:34:41 05/27/09 Unionville Center, OH 43077 Client Designed by Phone: 614.9374922 Fred A. Nudd Corp. #209-13115 M FP FAX: mike.p~davinci-engineering com I I I I Comb. Description No. 3 0.9 Dead+Ii6 Wind 0 deg - No Icc 4 12 Dead+ 1.6 Wind 90 deg - No Ice 5 0.9 Dead+ 1.6 Wind 90 deg - No Ice 6 1.2 Dead+l.6 Wind 180 deg- No Ice 7 0.9 Dead+l.6 Wind 180 deg - No Ice 8 1.2 Dead+l.0 lee+ 1.0 Temp 9 1.2 Dcad+l.0 Wind 0 deg+l.0 Ice+l,0 Tcmp I 0 1.2 Dead+ 1.0 Wind 90 dcg+l.0 Ice+ 1,0 Temp I 1 1.2 Dead+ 1.0 Wind 180 deg+ 1.0 [ce+l.0 Temp 12 D~ad+Wind 0 dog - Service 13 Dead+Wind 90 deg - Service L Maximum Member Forces Component No ft I LI 100-90 ! L2 90 - 60.5 ! I L3 60.5 - 60 ! L4 60 - 45 ! I L5 45 -0 I I Type Load Moment Moment Comb. K kip-fi kip-ft Pole Max Tension 13 0.00 0.00 -0.00 Max. Compression 8 -2.25 -0.00 0.00 Max. Mx 4 -1.70 -9.06 0.00 Max. My 2 -I.70 -0.00 9.06 Max. Vy 4 1.81 -9.06 0.00 Max. Vx 2 -1.81 -0.00 9.06 ~ Max. Torque 6 -0.00 Pole Max Tension I 0.00 0.00 0.00 Max. Compression 8 -10.16 -0~71 0.41 Max. Mx 4 -6.26 - 173.50 0.13 Max. My 2 -6.26 -0.22 173,41 Minx. Vy 4 9.97 -173.50 0,13 Max. Vx 2 -9.97 -0.22 173.41 Max. Torque 7 1.03 Pole Max Tension I 0.00 0.00 0.00 Max. Compression 8 -10.27 -0.71 0.41 Max. Mx 4 -6.37 -178.49 0.13 Max. My 2 -6.37 -0.22 178,40 Max. Vy 4 10.01 -178.49 0.13 Max. Vx 2 -10.01 -0.22 178.40 Max. Torque 7 1.03 Pole Max Tension I 0.00 0.00 0.00 Max. Compression 8 -12.06 -070 0.41 Max. Mx 4 -7.82 -285.19 0.13 M~x. My 2 -7.82 ~0.22 285.10 Max. Vy 4 11.34 -285.19 0.13 Max. Vx 2 -11.34 -0.22 285.10 Max. Torque 7 1.03 Pole Max Tension I 0.00 0.00 0.00 Max. Compression 8 -23.77 -0.69 0.40 Max. Mx 4 -1782 -1005.02 0.14 Max. My 2 - 17 82 -0 23 1004.94 Max. Vy 4 17 17 -1005 02 0.14 Max. Vx 2 -17A7 -0.23 100494 Max. Torque 7 1.03 qO'- O" I I I I RISA To wer Job Page 90-ft Pole (Prop. 100-ft) - DaVinci #09243-1378 rl 4 of 6 DaVinci Eng#teering, Inc. Project Date PO. Box66 Orient Fire District 14:34:41 05127/09 Unionvdle Center, OH 43077 Client Designed by Phone: 614.937.4922 Fred A. Nudd Corp. #209-13115 MFP FA,'(: mike.p~davinci-engineering, com Maximum Tower Deflections - Service Wind I I I Section Elevation Ho~ Gev. Tilt Twist No. Deflection Load ft in Colnb. L 1 100 - 90 4,696 13 0.4377 0.0020 L2 90 - 60,5 3.781 13 0.4344 0.0020 L3 60.5 - 60 1.520 13 0.2025 0.0005 L4 60 - 45 1499 13 0.2021 0,0005 L5 50 - 0 1.097 13 0.1803 0.0004 L Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Service Wind J I I I Elevation Appurtenance Gev. Deflection Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature ft Comb. in fi 95.00 Radome C~lh~der (5(15" 25i.5" 13 4.540 0.4425 0.0020 132735 18-Side x 10' Long) 75,00 Radome Cylinder (31.5" - 34.5" 13 2.449 0.3059 0.0012 7066 18-Side x 30' Long) 70,00 l0 flx 3" dis whip 13 2,069 0.2560 0.0009 5162 65,00 (4) Stand-Off Mounts [3 .... !.!~7 0-~183 ,0:~ ........... 4q?a~_ ~ Maximum Tower Deflections - Design Wind I I I Section Elevation Ho~. Gev. Tilt Twist No. Deflection Load ft in Comb. Ll 100 ~ 90 33,608 4 3.1339 0.0143 L2 90-60.5 27.058 4 31103 0.0143 L3 60.5- 60 10.888 4 1,4501 0.0037 L4 60- 45 10.736 4 1.4469 0.0037 L5 50 - 0 7.859 4 1.2913 0.0028 Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Design Wind I I I Elevation Appurtenance Gov. Deflection Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature ft Co~t~. in ~ 95.00 Radome Cylinder (30.5" - 31,5" 4 30.341 3.1678 0.0145 19261 18-Side x 10' Long) 75.00 Radome Cylinder (31.5" - 34.5" 4 17.531 2.1906 0,0085 992 18-Side x 30' Long) 70.00 10 ftx 3" dis whip 4 14.814 18333 0.0062 725 65.00 (4) Stand-OffMounts 4~ ~ 12.512 1.5631 , 0.~.075 ..... 5~2 I I Pole Design Data fi ft fi in: K K Ll 100-90(1) TP12xl2x0 5 ' 10.00 0.00 00 18.0550 -I.70 1056.22 0.002 L2 90 - 60.5 (2) T?I2x 12x0.5 29.50 0.00 0 0 19.0900 -6.26 1116.77 0006 L3 605 - 60 (3) TP34.5X12X0,5 0.50 0 00 00 182505 -6.28 106765 0006 I I I I I RISA Tower Job Page 90-ft Pole (Prop. 100-ft) - DaVinci #09243-1378 rl 5 of 6 Project Date Da Vinci Engineering, Inc. Po ~w:6o Orient Fire District 14:34:41 05/27~09 Unionville Center. OH 43077 Client Designed by Phone: 614.9374922 Fred A. Nudd Corp. #209-13115 M FP FA~' mike.p~davinci-engineering, com Section Elevation Size L L, KI/? A No. ft ft ft ,n: L4 60 - 45 (4) TP36x34.sx0.25 15.00 0.00 0.0 27.9709 L5 45 - 0 (5) TP40x35x0.3125 50.00 0.00 0.0 39.3650 -7.82 1636.30 0.005 -1782 2302.85 0.008 I Pole Bending Design Data I I I Section Elevation Size M,~ OM~ Ratio M,,, ~M,, Ratio No, ft ' El i66:66(i) TP i~X i'2X0.~5 L2 90 - 60.5 (2) TP12x12x0.5 L3 60.5 - 60 (3) TP34.Sx12x0.5 L4 60 - 45 (4) TP36x34.Sx0.25 L5 45 - 0 (5) TP40x35x0.3125 9.06 242.82 0.037 0.00 242.82 0.000 173.50 25011 0~694 0.00 250.11 0.000 173.50 243,86 0.711 0.00 243.86 0.000 285,19 1186.98 0.240 0.00 1186.98 0.000 1005.02 187934 0.535 0.00 1879.34 0.000 Pole Shear Design Data I I I Section Elevation Size Actual LI 100-90(1) L2 90 - 60.5 (2) L3 60.5 - 60 (3) L4 60 - 45 (4) L5 45 - 0 (5) Ratio Actual ?OT~ Ratio gV~ 2~i~5X6~5 i.81 3ig.84 0.006 0.00 303.63 0.0~ TP12xl2x0.5 9.97 326.58 0.031 0.59 578.43 0.001 TP34.Sx 12x0.5 10.01 947.14 0.011 0.59 517.40 0.001 TP36x34.Sx0.25 11.34 490.98 0.023 0.59 2430.65 0.000 TP40x35x0.3125 17.17 690.99 0.025 059 3851.43 0.000 Pole Interaction Design Data I I I I I I No P. M~ M.~ f2 L1 100- 90 (1) 0.002 0.037 0.000 0006 T~ Stress Stress {T. Ratio Ratio 0.000 01039 1'006~ 4.10-la ~ O.OOI 0.700 1.000 4.10-la I'/ 0.001 0.717 I000 4.10-la l'~ 0.000 0246 1.000 4.10-la 1/ 0.000 0.543 1.000 4.10-la ~r L2 90- 60.5 (2) 0.006 0.694 0.000 0.031 L3 60.5 - 60 (3) 0.006 0.711 0.000 0011 L4 60 - 45 (4) 0.005 0.240 0.000 0.023 L5 45- 0 (5) 0.008 0.535 0.000 0.025 I I I I RISA Tower Job Pege 90-ft Pole (Prop. 100-ft) - DaVinci #09243-1378 rl 6 of 6 Project Date Da Vinci Engineering, htc, P.O. Box66 Orient Fire District 14:34:41 05/27/09 Unionville Center, OH 43077 Client Designed by Phone: 614937.4922 Fred A. Nudd Corp. #209-13115 FAX: mike.t~davinci-engineering com MFP Section Capacity Table I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section Elevation Component Sixe Critical P oPo.o. % Pass Element K K Capacity Fail i -1.70 1056.22 3.9 Pass 2 -6.26 1116.77 70.0 Pass 3 -6.28 1067.65 71.7 Pass 4 -7.82 1636.30 24.6 Pass 5 -17.82 2302.85 54.3 Pass Summary Pole (L3) 71.7 Pass RATING = 71.7 Pass No. ft type LI 100 -90 Pole TPI2xl2x0.5 L2 90 - 60.5 Pole TP 12x 12x0 5 L3 60.5 - 60 Pole TP34.Sx12x0.5 L4 60 - 45 Pole TP36x34.5x0.25 L5 45 - 0 Pole TP40x35x0.3125 I Monopol¢ Pbnqe Connection Calculation ANSI~ YIA-22~-~ 200S Pla~e Pla~: _ -A~Z; .... ~£,,p._, ...... ~ ~,o~_:._ .................. !~..,,~_~_, £ ~,_.o ,~_ _ . I C&cula~d Mome~ vs ~actore& Res~s'~nce I I I I I I Monopole Anc¼or Rod and I~ase Plate Calculation ANSI/TIA-222% 200S ~ase ~ac~io~: Pole Shape: ~h~ ~o~: Base Pla~e: ¼e~: 17 bps Pole Pla, ( I2r}: Meter Rods ~venlq ~paced M?b ~ Calculated Momerrc cs Pacf~red Resis~rlCe I I IAnchor Rods Are Mequ2~e Base Pla~e is ,t~lequ2~e I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Monopole Spread 8ooNnq 6alcd~lon ~oundaf, ion W¢iqhf~ Overf, urni~ P~esisf, ance: OverLurnino, ~omCrrL ( M,p [099 M , ¢5,0Z OK 477 252i 6000 I0985 fk,-k:p¢ / 2~0.~ klps 40,¢x OF, Cedinq Momer$ in Pier: Z'~,b m2 '~o.Ot¢t' ?~:PCD ~ OX2 2'/.. Over{urnlnq Momerff, ~ol Dearlnq Pressure · · Skyblue 'm" .Mobile. · Fnnine ,rinn Northeast. LLC · PL~.C PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING REPORT Radio Frequency Exposure Levels Prepared for T-Mobile Northeast LLC. for a review of a proposed new wireless facility for T-Mobile, a.k.a. "LI-13-883-A Orient Fire Department" September 22, 2009 David J. Evans, P.E. President Skyblue Engineering, PLLC Syosset, NY An evaluation of radio frequency emissions from a proposed facility at 23300 Main Road, Orient, NY 11957, with 3 cellular antennas and associated radio equipment, for the purpose of providing wireless voice and data services within the Town of Southold. Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 i 516.250.4580 ! www. SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 1 CONCLUSIONS: The radio fiequency (RF) emissions from the proposed cell site will NOT exceed the FCC limits for the general public anywhere accessible by the general public. Power density levels from the proposed cell site will be considerably less than the maximum allowed. In fact, the T-Mobile proposed installation will contribute only 0.014% of the maximum level to the community. Including the existing Orient Fire Depa~hnent antennas, and the co-located cellular carriers, the maximum cumulative RF exposure will be less than 5.82% of the general public limit at the base of the monopole. This proposed installation is fully compliant with all RF exposure requirements. No mitigating measures are needed to protect either workers or the general public from this proposed facility. SUMMARY: This Engineering study was done for a proposed wireless facility at 23300 Main Road, Orient, New York 11957. The calculations performed are for worst-case circumstances, i.e., power density levels will be less than what the calculations show in this report. The facility includes the three (3) proposed T-Mobile cellular antennas, in addition to the four (4) existing antennas operated by the Orient Fire Department, and the co-located cellular antennas operated by Sprint Nextel, Verizon, and AT&T. Sprint Nextel, Verizon, and AT&T, for the purpose of this study are calculated at a radiation center of 65 feet. This is a worst-case assumption, but was this most appropriate way to perform this study with the data available. The calculated signal levels from these co-located cellular carriers will be less than the figures presented in this report. Radio Frequency exposure limits are regulated by the FCC, and any local regulations related to exposure limits are pre-empted by the federal government. In addition, as long as the applicant has demonstrated compliance with FCC exposure limits, municipal governments are not able to consider health concerns as a reason for denying an application for a new wireless facility. In other words, concerns about the potential health effects on the community cannot be a reason for denying an application if the proposed facility does not exceed FCC exposure limits. This proposed installation meets those requirements. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 states that "No State or local government or instrumentality thereof, may regulate the placement, construction and modification of personal wireless services facilities on the basis of environmental effects of radio frequencies emissions to the extent that such Facilities comply with the Commissions (FCC) Regulations concerning such emissions". Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 [ 516.250.4580 I www.SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 2 As an FCC licensed operator, T-Mobile has exclusive rights to their frequencies. T- Mobile will not interfere with nor will experience interference from other cellular carriers. In addition, T-Mobile will not interfere with television, cordless telephones, radio, or any other licensed operator's reception within the site's coverage area. ENGINEERING ANALYSIS: The proposed antenna installation is for the purpose of providing 2-way voice and data wireless services. This means that the proposed cell tower must communicate with low- power, hand-held devices. As such, link budgets are limited by the power of the handsets used by people in the community. So, power emitted by the radio equipment at the proposed facility will be very low. Typically, this will be at an order-of-magnitude of 1 watt per channel. Facilities located within more urban, dense areas will have more channels, and facilities located in more rural, less-dense areas will have few. For the purposes of this analysis, a very high number of channels is assumed to be present. This represents a worst-case scenario for exposure levels. This Engineering calculation is based on "OET Bulletin No. 65 -Edition 97-01" [1 ] published by the FCC, and the data provided by the applicant which includes sketches and specifications provided by T-Mobile. The details for all calculations performed are provided in appendix A. The proposal is for 3 panel antennas concealed within monopole at a height of 97.25 feet above ground level. The closest possible distance that a person from the general public could be to these new antennas is 97.25 fi. Accounting for the height ora random person [2], the distance from the proposed antennas is 91.475 feet. Calculations The method of calculating theoretical exposure limits is described in detail in the FCC's OET Bulletin No. 65 -Edition 97-01. The calculations predict the power density of RF signals in the environment based on the power injected into the antenna, the antenna pattern, and the distance from the antenna at the point of interest. There are two models used to predict RF exposure levels. They are the near field or cylindrical model, and the far field or spherical model. The appropriate model is used depending how close the point-of-interest is to the antenna. This analysis was performed at the closest distance a person from the general public can physically get to the antennas, out to 600 feet in the horizontal direction of the main beam. In this case, minimum distance from T-Mobile's antennas is 91.475fi. The analysis for any one sector is equivalent to the others. Therefore, this calculation was done for one sector, with all antennas at the same azimuth. This is worst-case, as any deviation between carders' sector azimuths would produce lower exposure levels as compared with aligned sectors. Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lone, Syosset, NY 11791 i 516.250.4580 I www.SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold The power density calculations are presented in units of gW / cm2, and also in "% of MPE" (Maximum Permissible Exposure) limits for the general public. Tables of all calculations are provided in appendix A. Spherical Model: In free space (i.e., tower structures), a simple spherical model can be used to calculate the power density at any distance from the antenna. 1.64ERP Sv = 4r~R2 OET Bulletin 65, page 20 equation (5) Where: Sffis the power density at distance R from the antenna, and ERP is the effective radiated power relative to a dipole antenna. For rooftop analysis, we assume 100% reflection, and a doubling of exposure. This changes the spherical model to: (2)2 · 1.64ERP Ss - 4~R2 OET Bulletin 65, page 20 equation (6) In order to factor for the gain of the antenna relative to the main beam, we use: 1.64 · G. ERP S~ - 4~rR2 OET Bulletin 65, page 23 equation (I0) Where G is the gain factor in the direction of interest, relative to the main beam. Cylindrical Model: When very close to the antenna, power density reduces at a rote of 1/R rather than 1/R2. Since this can result in higher predicted values when R is small, we use the cylindrical model for points of interest in the near field of the antenna. Simple cylindrical model 1.64ERP 2~rRh OET Bulletin 65, page 32 equation (20) Snfis the power density at distance R from the antenna, ERP is the effective radiated power relative to a dipole antenna, and h is the length of the antenna from tip to tail. Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lone, Syossel, NY 11791 i 516.250.4580 I www. SkyblueEngineering,com Town of $outhold 4 In order to factor for the gain of the antenna relative to the main beam, we use: 1.64.G. ERP 2xffh Cylindrical model with relative gain factor To determine the boundary between the near field and the far field we use: h2 OET Bulletin 65, page 27 equation (12) Where: R is the distance from the antenna where the regions converge h is the vertical length of the antenna ~ is the wavelength of the RF emissions To determine the wavelength of the emissions, we use: c Engineering Electromagnetics, W. Hayt, Jr., McGraw-Hill 1989, page 341 Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY !1791 i 516.250.4580 i www. SRyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold Table 1. CALCULATED CUMMULATIVE MPE LEVELS Nextel, Vefizon, Sprint, Verizon, Horizontal T-Mobile % of T-Mobile % of AT&T % of MPE AT&T % of MPE Orient FD % of Distance from MPE Limit in MPE Limit in Total T-Mobile % Limit in 850MHz. Limit in MPE Limit in Cumulative % of Tower (feet) 1900MHz. Band 2200MHz. Band of MPE Limit Band 1900MHz. Band 40MHz. Band MPE Limit 1 0.0001 0,0076 0.0076 0.0201 0.0207 5.7672 $.8156 10 0.0005 0.0078 0.0083 0.0245 0.0312 5.3126 5.3766 20 0.0017 0.0076 0.0092 0.0435 0.0172 4.2883 4.3583 30 0.0032 0.0029 0.0062 0.0278 0.0722 3.2454 3.3516 40 0.0065 0.0019 0.0084 0.0422 0.0359 2.4211 2.5075 50 0.0036 0.0008 0.0044 0.4066 O. 1517 1.8251 2,3879 60 0.0001 0.0025 0.0026 0.6051 0.0270 1.4030 2.0377 70 0.0023 0.0026 0.0049 0.3513 0.0314 1.1018 1.4895 80 0.0033 0.0003 0.0036 0.0637 O. 1679 0.8831 1.1183 90 0.0094 0.0010 0.0104 0.0056 0.2355 0.7209 0.9725 1 O0 O. 0103 O. 0004 0.0107 0.0743 O. 1578 0.5981 O. 8410 110 0.0044 0.0002 0.0047 0.2853 0.0624 0.5034 0.8557 120 0.0011 0.0034 0,0045 0.3895 0.0591 0.4289 0.8821 130 0.0085 0.0025 0.0110 0.4062 0.0426 0.3696 0.8294 140 0.0129 0.5006 0.0135 0.3537 0.0208 0.3215 0.7095 1 56 0.0074 0.0023 0.0097 0.2389 0.0009 0,2821 0.5316 160 0.0031 0.0039 0.0070 O. 1586 0.0124 0,2494 0.4273 170 0.0012 0.0042 0.0054 0.0848 0.0304 0.2220 0.3426 180 0.0033 0.0024 0.0057 0.0322 0.0413 O. 1989 0.2780 190 0,0053 0.0008 0.0061 0.0030 0.0392 O. 1791 0.2274 200 0.0059 0.0003 0.0062 0,0065 0.0241 O. 1621 O. 1989 210 0.0046 0.0012 0.0058 0.0059 0.0220 O. 1474 O. 1812 220 0.0024 0.0028 0.0052 0.0411 0.0056 O. 1346 O. 1866 230 0.0011 0.0037 0.0048 0.0986 0.0009 0.1234 0.2278 240 0.0021 0.0032 0.0053 0.0910 0.0009 O. 1136 0.2107 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 516.250.4580 ! www.Sk:yblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 6 250 0.0054 0.0018 0.0072 0.2121 0.0155 O. 1048 0.3396 260 0.0095 0.0007 0.0102 O. 1969 0.0144 0.0970 0.3185 270 0.0089 0.0006 0.0095 0.3184 0.0376 0.0901 0.4556 280 0.0114 0.0006 O. 0120 0.2970 0.0350 0.0839 0.4279 290 0.0107 0.0006 0.0113 0.4330 0.0536 0.0783 0.5762 300 0.0105 0.0016 0.0121 0.4057 0.0502 0.0732 0,5412 310 0.0082 0.0027 0.0109 0.3808 0.0472 0.0686 0.5075 320 0.0077 0,0026 0.0103 0.5322 0.0502 0.0644 0.6572 330 0.0053 0.0029 0.0082 0.5015 0,0473 0,0606 0.6176 340 0.0050 0.0028 0.0078 0.4732 0.0447 0,0572 0,5828 350 0.0047 0.0026 0.0074 0.4473 0.0422 0.0540 0.5509 360 0.0040 0.0022 0.0062 0.5765 0.0302 0.0510 0.6639 370 0.0038 0.0021 0.0059 0.5465 0.0286 0.0483 0.6294 380 0.0037 0.0020 0.5056 0.5188 0.0272 0.0456 0.5974 390 0.0051 0.0014 0.0065 0.4931 0.0258 0.0435 0.5690 400 0.0049 0.0013 0.0062 0.6201 0.0104 0.0414 0.6780 410 0.0046 0.0012 0.0059 0.5908 0.0089 0.0394 0.6460 420 O. 0073 0.0013 0.0086 0.5636 0.0094 0.0376 0.6192 430 0.0070 0.0812 0.0082 0.5381 0.0090 0.0359 0.5912 440 0.0087 0.0012 0,0079 0,5144 0.0086 0.0343 0.5651 450 0.0085 0.0020 0.0104 0.5866 0.0065 0.0328 0.6363 460 0.0081 0.0019 0.01 O0 0.6125 0.0068 0.0314 0.6607 470 0.0078 0.0018 0.0096 0.5623 0.0063 0.0300 0.6082 480 0,0075 0.0017 0.0092 0.5394 0.0080 0.0288 0.5835 490 0.0072 0.0017 0,0089 0.4977 0.0055 0.0277 0.5398 500 0.0067 0.0025 0.0093 0.5179 0.0058 0.0266 0.5595 510 0.0065 0,0024 0.0089 0.4786 0.0053 0.0255 O. 5184 520 0.0062 0.0023 0.0086 0.5538 0.0275 0.0246 0,6145 530 0.0060 0,0023 0.0083 0.5334 0.0265 0.0237 0.5918 540 0.0058 0,0022 0.0080 0.5140 0.0255 0.0228 0.5703 550 0.0036 0,0022 0.0057 0.4957 0.0246 0.0220 0.5480 560 0.0034 0.0021 0.0055 0.4784 0,0237 0,0212 0.5289 m · 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 516.250.4580 ! www.SkyblueEngineering.com mmmmmmmmmm,mmmmmmmmm mmm Town of Southold 7 0,0033 570 0.0020 0.0054 0.4619 0.0229 0.0205 0.5107 580 0.0032 0.0020 0.0052 0.4463 0.0222 0.0198 0.4934 590 0.0031 0.0019 0.0050 0.4314 0.0214 0.0191 0.4770 600 0.0030 0.0018 0.0048 0.4173 0.0207 0.0185 0.4613 Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 i 516.250.4580 I www.SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 8 TOWN CODE SECTION 280-71 H: The Southold Town Code specifies five requirements for the Maximum Permissible Exposure compliance exhibit. They are: A power density analysis of thc radio emissions for the proposed wireless communication facility must be provided by the applicant. The power density analysis shall be prepared and signed by a qualified professional specializing in radio communication facilities. This report has been prepared by a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of New York with over 10 years of experience in radio frequency engineering. A summary of experience and qualifications is included. (2) The results from the analysis must clearly show that the power density levels of the electromagnetic energy generated from the proposed facility at the nearest point(s) of public access and the point(s) of greatest power density (if other than the nearest point of public access) are within the maximum permissible exposure (MI?E) limits established by the FCC, which are in effect at the time of the application. The nearest point of public access is at the base of the tower. This point was analyzed. In addition, the maximum power density from T-Mobile's antennas was calculated to occur at a distance of l4O feet from the base of the tower, in the direction of the main beam, which will be 50, 150, and270 degrees from true north for each sector, respectively. All four points analyzed are within maximum permissible exposure limits currently in effect. (3) The power density analysis must be based on the most recent edition of FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin No. 65, must cite the specific formulas and assumptions used and must show all calculations and must include simple sketches showing spatial relationships between the facility and the point of interest. If the wireless communication facility would be co-located with an existing facility, or is designed for future expansion or co-location, the cumulative effects of all emitters now on, or likely to be on, the facility in the future must be analyzed. All calculations are based of the OET Bulletin No. 65 edition 97-01 dated August 1997. This is the latest version, and citations to this bulletin are included in this report for all calculations used. A simple sketch is included No future antennas are planned other than the proposed T-Mobile antennas analyzed in this report. Cumulative effects of all emitters are calculated. Skyblue Engineering. PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 [ 516.250.4580 I www. SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 9 (4) The Power density analysis shall be based on the assumption that all antennas mounted on the proposed facility are simultaneously transmitting radio energy on all channels at a power level equal to the maximum transmitter power rating specified by the manufacturer. For the Fire Department antennas, all FCC licensed channels are assumed to be transmitting simultaneously and with 100°4 duty cycle at the ERP limit of the license. The ERP calculation is included in this report. For the T-Mobile antennas and the co-located cellular carriers, a very high number of channels is assumed to be present, transmitting at maximum PA power and with 100% duty cycle. The ERP calculation is included in this report. (5) The conclusion of the power density analysis must be corroborated by an independent radio frequency engineer retained by the Town to provide such determinations. This is assumed to be the responsibility of the Town of Southold. Skyblue Engineering. PLLC 70 Lewis Lone, Syosset, NY 11791 i 516.250.4580 I www.SkyDlueEngineering.com · · Town of Southold 10 · BACKGROUND~ · The FCC's MPE limits are based on exposure limits recommended by the National · Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) [3] and, over a wide range of frequencies, the exposure limits developed by the Institute of Electrical and · Electronics Engineers, Inc., (IEEE) and adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to replace the 1982 ANSI guidelines. Limits for localized absorption are · based on recommendations of both ANSFIEEE and NCRP. · The FCC's limits, and the NCRP and ANSI/IEEE limits on which they are based, are · derived from exposure criteria quantified in terms of specific absorption rate (SAR)*. · The basis for these limits is a whole-body averaged SAR threshold level of 4 watts per kilogxam (4 W/kg), as averaged over the entire mass of the body, above which expert · organizations have determined that potentially hazardous exposures may occur. · Figure 1. FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) Plane-wave Equivalent · Power Density (mW / cm2) · 1,000 · ~ -- - General Population/Uncontrolled Exposurel 0.1 0.03 0.3 [3 30 300 13,000 30,000i300,000 ~. ~t 1,5oo 100,000 Frequency (MHz) * Specific absorption rate is a measure of the rate of energy absorption by the body. SAR limits am specified for both whole-body exposure and for partial-body or localized exposure (generally specified in terms of spatial peak values). Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 i 5}6.250.4580 I www.SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 11 Table 2. LIMITS FOR MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE) (A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure Frequency Electric Field Magnetic Field Power Density Averaging Time Range Strength (E) Strength (H) (S) lEI2, IHI2 or S (MHz) (V/m) (A/m) (mW/em2) (minutes) 0.3-3.0 614 1.63 (100)* 6 3.0-30 1842# 4.89# (900/0* 6 30-300 61.4 0.163 1.0 6 300-1500 - -- fl300 6 1500-100,000 -- - 5 6 (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure Frequency Electdc Field Magnetic Field Power Density Averaging Time Range Strength (E) Strength (H) (S) lEI~, IHI= or S (MHz) (V/m) (A/m) (mW/em2) (minutes) 0.3-1.34 614 1.63 (100)* 30 1.34-30 824/f 2.19/f (180/f)* 30 30-300 27.5 0.073 0.2 30 300-1500 .... fl1500 30 1500-100,000 -- - 1.0 30 f -- frequency in MHz *Plane-wave equivalent power density NOTE 1: Occupational/controlled limits apply in situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment provided those persons are fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure. Limits for occupational/controlled exposure also apply in situations when an individual is transient through a location where occupational/controlled limits apply provided he or she is made aware of the potential for exposure. NOTE 2: General population/uncontrolled exposures apply in situations in which the general public may be exposed, or in which persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not b~ fully aware of the potential for exposure or can not exercise control over their exposure. Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 i 516.250.4580 i www. SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 12 Definitions and Glossary of Terms The following specific words and terms are used in this bulletin. These definitions are adapted from those included in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 1992 RF exposure standard [4], from NCRP Report No. 67 [5] and from the FCC's Rules (47 CFR § 2.1 and § 1.1310). Average (temporal) power. The time-averaged rate of energy transfer. Averaging time. The appropriate time period over which exposure is averaged for purposes of determining compliance with RF exposure limits. Continuous exposure. Exposure for durations exceeding the corresponding averaging time. Decibel (dB). Ten times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of two power levels. Duty factor. The ratio of pulse duration to the pulse period of a periodic pulse train. Also, may be a measure of the temporal transmission characteristic of an intermittently transmitting RF source such as a paging antenna by dividing average transmission duration by the average period for transmissions. A duty factor of 1.0 corresponds to continuous operation. Effective radiated power (ERP) (in a given direction). The product of the power supplied to the antenna and its gain relative to a half-wave dipole in a given direction. Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP). The product of the power supplied to the antenna and the antenna gain in a given direction relative to an isotropic antenna. Electric field strength (E). A field vector quantity that represents the fome (F) on an infinitesimal unit positive test charge (q) at a point divided by that charge. Electric field strength is expressed in units of volts per meter (V/m). Energy density (electromagnetic field). The electromagnetic energy contained in an infinitesimal volume divided by that volume. Exposure. Exposure occurs whenever and wherever a person is subjected to electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields other than those originating from physiological processes in the body and other natural phenomena. Exposure, partial-body. Partial-body exposure results when RF fields are substantially nonuniform over the body. Fields that are nonuniform over volumes comparable to the human body may occur due to highly directional sources, standing-waves, re-radiating sources or in the near field. See RF "hot spot". 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 516.250.4580 [ www.SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 13 Far-field region. That region of the field of an antenna where the angular field distribution is essentially independent of the distance from the antenna. In this region (also called the free space region), the field has a predominantly plane-wave character, i.e., locally uniform distribution of electric field strength and magnetic field strength in planes transverse to the direction of propagation. Gain (of an antenna). The ratio, usually expressed in decibels, of the power required at the input of a loss-free reference antenna to the power supplied to the input of the given antenna to produce, in a given direction, the same field strength or the same power density at the same distance. When not specified otherwise, the gain refers to the direction of maximum radiation. Gain may be considered for a specified polarization. Gain may be referenced to an isotropic antenna (dBi) or a half-wave dipole (dBd). General population/uncontrolled exposure. For FCC purposes, applies to human exposure to RF fields when the general public is exposed or in which persons who are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be made fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. Therefore, members of the general public always fall under this category when exposure is not employment- related. Hertz (Hz). The unit for expressing frequency, (f). One hertz equals one cycle per second. Magnetic field strength (lt). A field vector that is equal to the magnetic flux density divided by the permeability of the medium. Magnetic field strength is expressed in units of amperes per meter (A/m). Maximum permissible exposure (MPE). The rms and peak electric and magnetic field strength, their squares, or the plane-wave equivalent power densities associated with these fields to which a person may be exposed without harmful effect and with an acceptable safety factor. Near-field region. A region generally in proximity to an antenna or other radiating structure, in which the electric and magnetic fields do not have a substantially plane-wave character, but vary considerably from point to point. The near-field region is further subdivided into the reactive near-field region, which is closest to the radiating structure and that contains most or nearly all of the stored energy, and the radiating near-field region where the radiation field predominates over the reactive field, but lacks substantial plane-wave character and is complicated in structure. For most antennas, the outer boundary of the reactive near field region is commonly taken to exist at a distance of one- half wavelength from the antenna surface. Occupational/controlled exposure. For FCC purposes, applies to human exposure to RF fields when persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment and in which those persons who are exposed have been made fully aware of the potential for exposure Skyblue Engineering. PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 j 516.250.4580 j www. SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 14 and can exercise control over their exposure. Occupational/controlled exposure limits also apply where exposure is of a transient nature as a result of incidental passage through a location where exposure levels may be above general population/uncontrolled limits (see definition above), as long as the exposed person has been made fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exemise control over his or her exposure by leaving the area or by some other appropriate means. Peak Envelope Power (PEP). The average power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a radio transmitter during one radiofrequency cycle at the crest of the modulation envelope taken under normal operating conditions. Power density, average (temporal). The instantaneous power density integrated over a source repetition period. Power density (S). Power per unit area normal to the direction of propagation, usually expressed in units of watts per square meter (W/nn) or, for convenience, units such as milliwatts per square centimeter (mW/cnn) or microwatts per square centimeter (taW/cnn). For plane waves, power density, electric field strength (E) and magnetic field strength (H) are related by the impedance of free space, i.e., 377 ohms, as discussed in Section 1 of OET bulletin No. 65. Although many survey instruments indicate power density units ("far-field equivalent" power density), the actual quantities measured are E or E2 or H or Ha. Power density, peak. The maximum instantaneous power density occumng when power is transmitted. Power density, plane-wave equivalent or far-field equivalent. A commonly-used terms associated with any electromagnetic wave, equal in magnitude to the power density of a plane wave having the same electric (E) or magnetic (H) field strength. Radiofrequency (RF) spectrum. Although the RF spectrum is formally defined in terms of frequency as extending from 0 to 3000 GHz, for purposes of the FCC's exposure guidelines, the frequency range of interest in 300 kHz to 100 GHz. Re-radiated field. An electromagnetic field resulting from currents induced in a secondary, predominantly conducting, object by electromagnetic waves incident on that object from one or more primary radiating structures or antennas. Re-radiated fields are sometimes called "reflected" or more correctly "scattered fields." The scattering object is sometimes called a "reradiator" or "secondary radiator". RF "hot spot." A highly localized area of relatively more intense radio-frequency radiation that manifests itself in two principal ways: (1) The presence of intense electric or magnetic fields immediately adjacent to conductive objects that are immersed in lower intensity ambient fields (often referred to as re-radiation), and Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 j 516.250.4580 J www.SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold (2) Localized areas, not necessarily immediately close to conductive objects, in which there exists a concentration of RF fields caused by reflections and/or narrow beams produced by high-gain radiating antennas or other highly directional sources. In both cases, the fields are characterized by very rapid changes in field strength with distance. RF hot spots are normally associated with very nonumform exposure of the body (partial body exposure). This is not to be confused with an actual thermal hot spot within the absorbing body. Root-mean-square (rms). The effective value, or the value associated with joule heating, of a periodic electromagnetic wave. The rms value is obtained by taking the square root of the mean of the squared value of a function. Scattered radiation. An electromagnetic field resulting from currents induced in a secondary, conducting or dielectric object by electromagnetic waves incident on that object from one or more primary sources. Short-term exposure. Exposure for durations less than the corresponding averaging time. Specific absorption rate (SAR). A measure of the rate of energy absorbed by (dissipated in) an incremental mass contained in a volume element of dielectric materials such as biological tissues. SAR is usually expressed in terms of watts per kilogram (W/kg) or milliwatts per gram (mW/g). Guidelines for human exposure to RF fields are based on SAR thresholds where adverse biological effects may occur. When the human body is exposed to an RF field, the SAR experienced is proportional to the squared value of the electric field strength induced in the body. Wavelength (_). The wavelength O of an electromagnetic wave is related to the frequency (jr) and velocity (v) by the expression v =f_.. In free space the velocity of an electromagnetic wave is equal to the speed of light, i.e., approximately 3 x 108 m/s. Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 i 516.250.4580 t www.SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southoid 16 REFERENCES: [1] FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Bulletin 65, "Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields", Edition 97-01, August 1997. [2] CDC Vital and Health Statistics, No. 361, July 7 2005. Summarized here: http://www.cdc, gov/nchs/fastatsPoodymeas.htm [3] "Biological Effects and Exposure Criteria for Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields", NCRP Report No. 86 (1986), National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), Bethesda, MD. The NCRP is a non-profit corporation chartered by the U.S. Congress to develop information and recommendations concerning radiation protection. [4] American National Standards Institute (ANSI), "Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz," ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 (previously issued as IEEE C95.1-1991). Copyright 1992 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE), New York, N.Y. 10017. For copies contact the IEEE: 1-800-678-4333 or 1-908-981-1393. [5] National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), "Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields; Properties, Quantities and Units, Biophysical Interaction, and Measurements," NCRP Report No. 67, 1981. Copyright NCRP, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA. For copies contact: NCRP Publications at 1-800-229-2652. [6] FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Bulletin 56, "Questions and Answers about Biological Effects and Potential Hazards of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields", Fourth Edition, August 1999. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: American Cancer Society, Prevention and Early Detection, Cellular Phone Towers: http://www.cancer.org/docrootYPED/content/PED l 3X Cellular Phone Towers.asp Health Physics Society, risk for health with the installation of a cellular tower near a community: http://www, hps.org/publicinformation/ate/q79.html World Health Organization, Electromagnetic fields and public health: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs304/en/index.html Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 j 516.250.4580 I www. SkyblueEngineering,com Town of Southold 17 spectrum of electromagnetic waves. Wavelength (m) Freqneney (Hz) Clasaifieatto~ Al~dieations (A) 10-~°' (ran) 10 9. (~n) 10-~ (mm) 10-~ (em) 10-z- 10-~. (m) I - 10' 102 - (km) 103 - 104- 10~ . {Mm) I0~- 10~ . 10~ ~ .10z4 X-rays I0~s (EHz) / Ultraviolet1 I $tcrili~ltion 10~s (PHz) __yktt~ li~,! ___ Infrared Night vi{ion 10~: (THz) ~ EHF (30-300 GHz) SHF (3-30 GHz) "10~ (GHz) UHF (~ MHz) VHF (30-3~ MHz) HF (3-30 MHz) eiti~.'~ band 106 (MHz) MF (300-3000 kHz) AM.m~in~r~Uo, LF (30-300 kHz) Na'apiion. VLF (3-30 kHz) Na~i~.~ior, ~ 10a (kHz) ULF (300-3000 Hz) xm¢,o~ audio r~n~ '- 60 (Hz) SLF (30-300 Hz) Communica~n *ith ,u~:~ergut ELF (3-30 Hz) ,,~ua o~m', I {Hz) Wavelength range of human vision: 720(nm)--380(nm) (Deep red) (Violet) Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 i 516.250.4580 [ www.SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 18 * NON- IONIZING "I ~ IONIZING I · I-~ ~,,~u,~.,d.. 41 I © I (HI~lZ) 10 11~ 10TM 1~ I0e 10~ 10~ 10I 10' lO~°ld~ lO~'1d3 lO~1d, lO" 1oV'1o~1o"1o~ lO='1oalo~1o'~1o~- lo= FIGURE 2. The Electromagnetic Spectrum [6] Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lone, Syosset, NY 11791 i 516.250.4580 I www.SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold David J. Evans, P.E. 19 EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: SUMMARY Seasoned and successful engineering professional with over 14 years of experience leading complex technical projects, developing strategic and creative engineering solutions, and designing and improving networks for major wireless communications organizations and a transportation facilities operator. Leverage technical, business, and communication expertise to strengthen teams, enhance performance, and drive project execution. EXPERIENCE Led the development of over 600 cell site facilities for Nextel in New York City, Long Island, Upstate NY, Connecticut, and New England, and spearheaded new site build plans to enhance coverage and service. Served on the national RF standards committee developing company-wide wireless technical standards. Led the design of Sprint's wireless network and cell site facilities in Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties. Responsible for FCC exposure compliance at all cell sites in service or planned for Sprmt's and Nextel's wireless networks. Designed over 40 cell sites facilities for T-Mobile in the Long Island market. Lead all design engineering services for turn-key AT&T project in the New York/New Jersey market. Responsible for all civil, electrical, and RF engineering. Responsible for the design over 80 cell site facilities for AT&T in the New York and New Jersey markets, and in charge of certifying all planned site are in compliance with FCC exposure limits. Designed communication, power distribution, and lighting systems for Port Authority facilities including the George Washington Bridge, Lincoln and Holland Tunnels, and JFK Airport. EDUCATION Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York State University of New York, Licensed Professional Engineer New Jersey Office of the Attorney General, Licensed Professional Engineer EXPERT TESTIMONY EXPERIENCE Recognized as an expert witness in many jurisdictions in the New York area. Some examples include: Town of Hempstead, Town of Oyster Bay, Village of Munsey Park, Town of Islip, Town of Brookhaven, Village of Freeport AFFILIATIONS Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lone, Syosset, NY 11791 i 516.250.4580 I www.SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 20 APPENDIX A - Calculation Details Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lc]ne, Syosset, NY 11791 i 516.250.4580 I www. SkyblueEngineering.com NOTES: 1. ELEVATION DATA TAKEN FROM A DRAWING BY WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA ARCHITECTS, LLP ENTITILED "NORTH ELEVATION & DETAILS" 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. GOEMETRY SHOWN IS TYPICAL FOR ALL SECTORS IN THE DIRECTION OF THE ANTENNA MAIN BEAM ............ BASE OF TOWER ~- 140 FEET ~- HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM TOWER -~100'-0' AC.L ,4, T.O. lCD, .ONOPOLE ADDITION''~ ~'97'-3' A~L(_h RA~,--~ OF NEW OMNIPOINT ,~ITENNAS'~ ±go'-0" T,O. EXISTING POLE~' EXISTING ORIENT FD ANTENNAS GRADE SKYBLUE ENGINEERING, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane Syosset, NY 11791 · 1:--Mobile- Northeast. LLC 3500 SUNRISE HWY, D-203 GREAT RIVER, NY 11739 Site Information: Orient Fire Department 23300 Main Road Odent, NY 11957 LI-13-883-A Sketch of Site Elevation and MPE Geometry Sheet Rev. SK-1 1 LI-13-883-A Per Sector ERP Calculation Channels Planned: 5 1900 GSM Max PA settings: 20 Watts 43dBm Antenna Gain 16.3dBd ERP 43dBm + 16.3dB = 59.3dBm = 851.14 W per channel X 5 channels = 4,255.70 Wafts ERP per sector = 4,255.70 Watts LI-13-883-A Horizontal Main Beam Calculation Refer to full report for explaination of all calculations Spherical Model: 1.64 · G · ERP S~ = 4~R2 Cylindrical Model: 1.64 · G · ERP S ,¢ = 2 n'Rh MPE Limit at 1900 MHz.: SL -- 1 mW / cm2 T-Mobile t 900MHz. Analysis Service: CW- PCS Calculation Details: Antenna Model ERP per sector Antenna Hei~lht Vertical Distance to nearest general mblic access MPE limit for general public at 1900 MHz. RFS APX16DWV-16DWVS-E-A20 Horizontal BW = 65 degrees Vertical BW = 6.5 decjrees 4,255.70 Watts 55.90 Inches base of tower 91.48 Feet 1000.00 ~W/cm2 1 · · · · · · Near Field I Far Field Boundary: ~= 3x 106/1900x 106 0.1579 meters or 15.79 cm h~ R - 4A 17.98429386 meters 59 feet 1 1 · · 1 · · · · · · · i Spherical Model I Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to ~Power Density I Power Density General Public in feet Antennas uW ! cm2 i uW ! cm2 Limit 1 91.51 0.000866799~* not necessary 8.86799E-05 '-- 10 92.0i 0.000918253 ~ince minimum ~i0004~1825 20 93.6 0.016507853 distance is 0.001650785 30 96.3 0.032404419~greater than 0.003240042 40 99.8 0.064860631 ~boundary 0.006486063 50 104.2~ 0.036260885" 0.003626088 60i 109.4 0.001356954 0.000135695 70~ 115.2t~ 0.023162222~ 0.002316222 80~ 121.5i 0.032980932: 0.003298093 - 90i 128.31 0.0939599461 0.009395995 1001 135.51 0.1031622641 0.010316226 110[ 143.1T 0.0444126351 0.000441263 12_0~ 150.91 0.010920848~ 0.001092085 130i ..... ~59.0~ 0.0853119311 0.00853i1~3 Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/22/2009 Verified by:. R.M. Date:9/22/2009 ISpherical Model !Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density :Power Density General Public in feet Antennas ~JW / cm2 pW / cm= Limit 140 167.2! 0.129097755 0.012909776 150! 17517? 0.0741431681 11101007414317 160 184.31 0.031369618' 0.00313696~ 170 193.0 0.01~0570971 0.00120571 180 201.9; 0.032904789~ 0.003~90479 190, 210.91 0.053153349' 0.005315335 200: 219.91 0.058751621 0.005875162 210 229.1 0.0459921~ 0.004~9921 220 238.3- 0.024069881 ' ~ 0.00240698~ 230 247~5~ 0.0107980081 ~ 01001079801 - 240 256.8~ 0.020856618' 0.00208566'2 250 266.2~ 0.053718871' 0.005371887 260 275.6 0.0954874351 0.009548743 270 285.1' 0.0892600717 0.008926007 280 294.61 0.113819612~ 0.011381961 290 ~04.1~ 0.106803411 0.010680341 - 300 313.6 0.104887239- 0.010488724 310 323.2 0.081958336; 0.008195834 ' 320 33'218~ 0.07729689~ 0.007729689 330 34~L 0.05'2892823; 0.005289282 340 352.1 0.050034159 0.005003416 350 361.8! 01047396107! 0.004739611 360 371.4! 0.040438749' 0.004043875 370 381.11 0.038406619' 0.003840662 - ~ 380 390.91 0.038521078' 0.003652108 390~ 400.61 0.050955082' 0.005095508 400~ 410.3; 0.0485642121 0.004~56421 -- 410 420.1~ 0.046335078 ~ 0.00463350~ 420 429.8~ 0.073105335~ ~ 0.007310533 430 439.6~ 0.0698901291 0.00698901~ 440 449.4t 0.066879~28~ 0.006687953 450 459.2 0.064637934' 0.008463793 460 4(~9.0 0.081136487 0.00811364~ 470 478.8 0.077645271 0.007764527 -- 480 488.6 ~.074747992 0.00747479~ 490 ~98.51 0.071829884, 0.00718~988 -- 500 508.3 0.067349889 0.00673498~ ' 510 - ~ 518.~ 0.064816125T 0.006481612 520 528.0 0.062421277~ 0.00624212~ 530 537.8i 0.0601554751 0.006015547 ~ ~0~ 547.7~ 0.058009698 0.00580097 0.00357272~ 550 557.61 0.035727'2431 560 567.4 0.0344955281 0.003449553 570 577.3 0.0333258991 0.00333259 580 587.21 0.032214287~ 0.0032'21~29 590 597.0~ 0.031156948' 0.003115695 ~' "600 606.91 0.0301504331 0.003015043 · · · · · · · · · · · I I I Calculated by: D.E. Verified by:. R.M. Date:9/2212009 Date:9/22/2009 LI-13~8~A Per Sector ERP Calculation Channels Planned: 2 2200 UMTS Max PA settings: 20 Watts 43dBm Antenna Gain 16.3dBd ERP 43dBm + 16.3dB = 59.3dBm = 851.14 W per channel X 2 channels = 1,702.28 Watts ERP per sector = 1,702.28 Watts LI-13-883-A Horizontal Main Beam Calculation Refer to full ~ep~t for exp~ainalJon of all calculations Spherical Model: 1.64 · G · ERP S~ = 4zcR2 Cylindrical Model: 1.64 · G · ERP S ./ = 2 n'R h MPE Limit at 2200 MHz.: SL =1 mW / cm2 T-Mobile 2200MHz. Analysis Service: AWS Calculation Details: Antenna Model ERP per sector Antenna Hei~lht Vertical Distance to nearest general )ublic access MPE limit for general public at 2200 MHz. :RFS APX16DWV-16DWVS-E-A20 Horizontal BW = 65 degrees Vertical BW = 6.5 degrees 1,702.28 Watts 55.90 Inches base of tower 91.48 Feet 1000,00 pW/cm2 Near Field / Far Field Boundary: A=3x 10812200x 10s 0.1365 meters or 13.65 cm h~ R - 8.520012001 meters 28 feet Radial Distance to I Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance i Power Density Power Density General Public in feet Antennas ~JW/cm2 pW/cm2 Limit I 91.5 0.075505454 * not necessary 0,007550545 10 92.0i 0.07778052 is~nce m~n~mum 0.007778052 20 93.6~ 0.075639836 distance is 0.007563984 30 9(~3~ 0.029286281 greater than 0.002928628 ,~0 99.~ 0.018794949 bOundary 0~001879495 50 104.2~ 0.008007527 ,- 0.000800753 - 60 109~4~ 0.024525917! 0.002452592 ~ ~ 15.2~ ~.0261'12004! 0.0026112 80 121.5 0.003306153 0.000330615 90 128.3 0~0103~i487' 0.001035149 100 135,5 0.004281351' 0.000428135 110 !43.1i 0.00210168 0.000210168 !2© 150.9/ 0.034460086' 0.003446009 . !30~ ~59.0i 0.024892571 0.002489257 Calculated by:. D.E. Date:9/22/2009 Verified by: R.M. Date:9122/2009 I Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to !Power Density Power Density General Public in feet Antennas ~W /cm2 ~JW /cm2 Limit 140 167.2~ 0,005623137~' 0.000562314 ~150 175.7' 0.023074438! 0.002307444 160 184.31 0.038509619 0.003850962 170 193.0 0.041620064~ 0.004162006 180 201,9 0.023676587 0.002367659 190 210.9 0.007972428~ 0.000797243 2~)(~ 219.9 0.003311921 0.00033119~ 210 ~91i 0.01~437797 0,001243779 220 ~38.3 ~.02~8954871 0.002789549 230 -- 247,5 0.0371025411 0.003710254 - 2-~0 256.8 ~.03;~159099~ - 0.00321591 250 ~66.2! 0.01828887i 0.001828-88'~ 26_0 -~ ~75.~ 0.0065163771 ~ 0,00065163~ 270 285.1 0.006091401 0.00060914 280 294.6~ 0.0060992591 0,000609926 290 304.1i 0.005723282' 0.000572328 300 313.6 0.015659671 0.001565967 310 3~3.~ 0.027080278 0.002708028 320i 332.8i 0.02~540066~ 0.002~54007 330 342.4~ 0.029407407 0.002940741 340 352,1 0.027818044~ 0,002781804 35--0 361.81 0.0263513381 0.002635134 360 371.4 0.021669941 0.002166994 370 381.1' 0.020580981 0.002058098 380 390.9~ 0.019570575' 0.001957057 390 400.6i 0.013622208 0.001362221 400 410.3~ 0.012983038' 0.001298304 410 420.i 0.012387107'~ 0.001238711 420 429~8~ 0.012942228 0.001294223 430 439.6~ 0.0123730231 0.00~237302 440'~ 449.4 0.0i 18400411 0.00i 184004 450~ 459.2 0.019798171 0.001979817 4601 469.0! 0.0189791251 0.001897913 -- 470 478.81 0.0i 8209257~ 0.001820926 480 488~ 0.017484754? 0.001748475 490 498.5 0.016802162+ 0,001680216 500 508.3~ 0.025199787? 0.002519979 510 ~8.i ~ 0.024251748~ 0.002425175 ~ 520 ~8.0 0.023355687 0.002335569 53(3 537.8 0.022507909~ 0.002250791 540 547.7~ 0.02170504 0.002170504 550~ 557.6: 0.021729988 0.002172999 56~ 567.4' 0.020980836' 0.002098084 570~I 577.3' 0.020269445: 0.002026945 580 587.2' 0.019593342~ 0.001959334 590 597.0 0,018950248; 0,001895025 600 606.9i 0.018338066 0.001833807 Calculated by:. D.E. Verified by: R.M. Date:9122/2009 Date:9/22/2009 LI-13-883-A FD ERP Calculation Licensed Channels: 46.34 30 Watts ERP 46.38 30 Watts ERP 46.46 30 Watts ERP 46.30 5 Watts ERP Antenna Gain 0dBd ERP 30+30+30+5 = 95 Watts Total ERP = 95.00 Watts LI-13-883-A Omni-Directional Calculation FD Refer to full report for explaination of all calculations Spherical Model: 1.64 · G · ERP Sff = 4 n-R~ Cylindrical Model: 1.64 · G · ERP S .~ = 2 ~rRh MPE Limit at 46 MHz.: SL =0.2 mW/cm2 Orient FD 46MHz. Analysis Service: PW- Public Safety Pool, Conventional Calculation Details: Antenna Model Genedc, Unity Gain Omni Horizontal BW = N/A Vertical BW = NIA 95.00 Watts 63.00 Inches ERP per sector Antenna Hei~lht Vertical Distance to nearest general )ublic access MPE limit for general public at 46 MHz. base of tower 40.00 Feet 200.00 ~JW / cm2 Near Field / Far Field Boundary: ~= 3x 108/46x 106 6.5 meters or 650 cm R h 2 3.877407692 meters 13 feet · · · · · · · · I · · · !Spherical Model 'Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to I Power Density Power Density General Public in feet , Antennas uW / cm2 ~W / cm2 L mit 1 34.0r' 11.53438133 * not necessary 5.767190663 ~' 10 35.41 10.62522229~since minimum 5.312611144 20 39.41 8.576657579Tdistance is 4.28832879 30 45.31 6.490894549igreater than 3.245447275 40 52. ST 4.842263858i boundary 2.4:2i 13i 929 50 60.5! 3.65024048 i 1.82512024 60 69.0~~ 2.805988056! 1.402994028~ 70 77.8i 2.203645838~ 1110182291 ~ 80 86.9 1.766183059 0.883091529 90 96.2 1.441797666; 0.720898833 100 105.6 1.1962423081 0.598121154 110 ~'15.11 1.006735002! 0.503367501 120 1~4.T 0.857886294' 0.428943147 130, 134.4 0.739104962~ 10.369552481 Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/2212009 Verified by: R.M. Date:9/22/2009 i Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to I Power Density Power Density General Public in feet Antennas ~JW /cm2 i~W !cm2 Limit 140 144.1 ~ 0.642960069 0.321480035 - 150 153.81 0.564139296' 0.282069648 160' 163.61 0.498777067' 0.249388533 170 ~3.4~ 0.444013814' 0.222006907 180 183.21 0.39770! 728~ 0.198850864 190 i93.01 0.358204831; 0,1791024i~ 200 20~.9i 01324260642! 0,1621~0421 210 212.7~ 0.294864i96~ 0.147442098 220 ~22.6 0.269296941~ 01.13464847 230 232.5T 0.246878777T 0.12343938~ 240 ' 242.4r 0.227130492! 0,113565246 250 252.3; 0.2096468391 0.10482342 260 262.2' 0.194096213' 0,09704~10~ 2'/01 272.1' 0.180205239' 0.09010262 280; 282.1' 0.167746986' 0.083873493 290~ 292,0~ 0.156531848' 0.078265924 0.073200224 300 301.9 0.146400448;110,068609028 310 311.91 0.137218055 320 321.8'~ 0.128870169 0.064435084 330 331.7 0.1212589881 0.060629494 340r 341.71 0.1143005861 0.057150293 350 351.6~ ~.107922618' 0.053961309 -- 360 36'1.61 0.102062461 0.051031231 370 371.65 0.096665695 0.048332848 380 381:51 0.0~84844 0.045642422 390 391.~i 0.(:)87078347! 0.043539174 400 401 4i 0.08280969~i 0.041404847 410 411,4~i i 0.078846713i 0,039423356 420 421.41 0.075160959i 0.037580479 430 431.3 01071'/27218~ 0,035863609 440 441.3~ 0.068523071 0,034261535 450 451.3? 0.065528534~ 0.032764267 460 461~3~ 0.062725748' 0.031362874 47(3- 471,2i 0.06009871 0.030049355 480 481.2T~T 0.057633053} 0.028816526 490! 491.2 0,055315844i 0.027657922 500 501.2~ 0.0~3i35419 0.026567709 510 5i1.11 0,051081235~ 0.025540618 ' 520 521.11 0.049143746- 0.0245718'/3 530 531 .i~ 0.047314289; 0.023657145 540~ 541.1 ! 0.04556499; 0.022792495 550 ~51.01 0.0439486761 0.021974338 560 561.0 0.042398808 0.021199404 570 57i .0i 0.040929408 0.020464704 580 581.0i 0.039535008 0.019767504 590 591.01 0.0382105941 0.01910529~ 600' 601,01 0.0369515641 0.018475782 Calculated by: D.E. Verified by:. R.M. Date:9/22/2009 Date:9/22/2009 Co-located 1900MHz. PCS Carriers Sprint, Vedzon, AT&T Per Sector ERP Calculation Channels Planned: 5 Sprint CDMA 2 Sprint EVDO 4 Vedzon CDMA 5 AT&T GSM 5 AT&T UMTS 21 Total Max PA settings: 16 Watts 42dBm Antenna Gain 14.7dBd ERP 42dBm + 14.7dB = 56.7dBm = 467.74 W per channel X 21 channels = 9,822.54 Watts ERP per sector = 9,822.54 Watts Co-located 1900MHz. Horizontal Main Beam Calculation Sprint, Verizon, AT&T Refer to full report for exp~ainafion of ali calculations Spherical Model: 1.64 · G · ERP $~r = 4~rR~ Cylindrical Model: 1.64 · G · ERP S.~ = 2 ;rrRh MPE Limit at 1920 MHz.: SL = 1 mW / cm2 SL = 1,000 pW/cm2 1900MHz. Analysis Service: CW- PCS Calculation Details: Antenna Model !Generic 65 degree panel !Horizontal BW = 63 degrees iVertical BW = 6.8 dec,,Irees ERP per sector 9,822.54 Watts 47.00 inches Antenna Height Vertical Distance to nearest general )ublic access MPE limit for general public at 1900 MHz. J Ground Level 59.00 Feet 1000.000 ~JW / cm2 · · · · ! ! · Near Field / Far Field Boundary: /~ = 3 x 108/1900 x 106 0.1579 meters or 15.79 cm h~ R - 2.256425649 meters 7 feet I · · l I ! l · ! · Spherical Model C lindrical Model Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Dens ty Power Density in feet i Antennas !pW / cm2 IW / cm2 1 59.0!, 0.206537587~ not necessary 10 59.8 0.311762262 since minimum 20' 62.3 0.172140961 distance is 30 66.2? 0.721530363 greater than % of MPE General Public Limit 0.020653'?59 0.031176226 0.017214096 0.072153036 40 71.31 0.358821676 boundary 50 77.31 1.517239226 601 8411Y 0.270229819, 70~ 91.5' 0.314435827 §9~[ 99.4~ 1.678908259i 9~ 107.6~ 2.35549292~ 124.8 0.624068895 i 110J 133.7~. 0.~90~9398~ 120 0.035882168 0.151723923 0.027022982 0.031443583 0.167890826 0.~35649292 0.157799548 0.059079398 Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/22/2009 I Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to iPower Density Power Dens ty General Public in feet Antennas ~JW / cm2 i pW / cm2 Limit 130 142.8 0.426189137 0.042618914 140 151.9 0:208~443581 0.020824436 150 161.2~ 0.008633204; 0,00086332 160 170.5' 0.123656949[ 0.012365695 1701 i79.9~ 0.303784913 0.030378491 18~ 189.4! 0.413012624' 0.04 i 301262 190 ~98.9! 0,392049679 0.039204968 200 208.5' 0.240728961~ 0.024072896 210 218.1~ 0.219985623; 0.021998562 220 227.8 0,056340348 0,005634035 230 237.4 0.0094993761 0.000949938 240 24711 0.008768428~ 0.000876843 250 256.9 0.155384957' 0.015538496 260 266.6i 0.144236221~ ~ 0.014423622 270 276.4? 0.37570115~ 0.037570115 280 286.1 0.35046506~ 0.035046506 290 - ~95,9 0.530312557~ 0.053631256 300 305.~ 0.50'~46349~i 0.05024635 310 31~.6 0.471084~57~ 01047168426 320 325.4~ 0.50235396 0.050235396 330 335.2 0.47329833 0.047329833 340 345.1[ 0.4406685671 0,044666857 ~ 4 7~ 350 354.9 0.422204 5 ~ 0.042~20446 360 364~8' 0.30i 7948391 0.030179484 370 374171 0.:)861~i1041 0,02861011 380 384.~1 0.27159107' 0.0~71591~ 394.4! 0.2581495111 0.025814951 390 404,3 0.103839021 0.010383902 400! ~ t 410 ~14.2 0.0989369851 0.009893698 420 424,1~ 0.094371872 0.00943716'/ 430 ~1434.0 0.090113689' 0.009011369 440~ 443.9 0.086135684~ 0.008613568 450 453.9 0.06823398i L 0.006823398 460 463,8~ 0.065347025[ 0.006534702 470 473.7~ 0,062638563 0.00626385~ 480 483.6i 0.060094251 0.006009425 490 493.51 0.0577011481 0.00577011 ,~ 500 503.51 0.055447562i 0.005544756~ 510 513.4~ 0.0533229[ 0.00533229 520 523.3 0.274957747 0.027495775 530 533.3 0.284805675, 01028480567 540 543.2 0.255203495! 0.02552035 550 553.2? 0.246112349; 0.02461 i235 560 563.1' 0.2374967361 0.02;3749674 570 ~ 573.0~i 0.229324177~ 0.022932418 580 58;3:0~ 0.221584908~ 0.022158491 590 592.~ 0.214191616 0.021419162 600 602.9' 0.207179199: 0.02071792 · · · · ! · · I ! ! · ! I · Calculated by:. D.E. Date:9/22/2009 Co-located 850MHz. Cellular Carriers Per Sector ERP Calculation Channels Assumed: 10 iDEN 5 AT&T GSM 5 AT&T UMTS 7 Vedzon CDMA 4 Verizon EVDO 31 Total Max PA settings: 20 Wafts 43dBm Antenna Gain 11.9dBd ERP 43dBm + 11.9dB = 54.9dBm = 309 W per channel X 31 channels = 9579 Watts ERP per sector = 9,579.00 Watts Co-located 850MHz. Horizontal Main Beam Calculation Nextel, Verizon, AT&T Refer to full report for exp~aination of all calculations Spherical Model: 1.64 · G · ERP S~. = 4~rR: Cylinddcal Model: 1.64 · O · ERP S.~ = 2 n'Rh MPE Limit at 850 MHz.: SL = f/1500 in mW/cm2 SL = 533 pW / cm2 Near Field ! Far Field Boundary: ,~ = 3 x 10el 900 x 106 0.3333 meters or 33.33 cm h~ R - 4g 1.068975728 meters 4 feet 850 MHz. Analysis Service: SMR, Cellular Calculation Details: Antenna Model !Generic 65 degree panel i Horizontal BW = 68 degrees iVertical BW = 16 de~lrees ERP per sector 9,579.00 Watts Antenna Hei~lht Vertical Distance to nearest general ~ublic access MPE limit for general public at 1900 MHz. 47.00 Inches Ground Level 59.00 Feet 533,333 pW/cm2 !Spherical Model rCylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public in feet Antennas~ pW / cm2 ~W / cm2 Limit 1 59.0J 0.107175487~* not necessary 0.020095404 10 59.8~ 0.130894052 since minimum 0.024542635 20 62.31 0.232263298~distance is 0.04354936~ 30 66.21 0.1483716681greater than 0.027819688 40 71.3! 0.224892534,boundary 0.04216735 - - - 50 77.3! 2.168455077 0.406585327 60 84.1? 3.227227916~ 0.605105234 70 9i .51 1.8733908351 0.351260782 80 99.41 0.339721734 0.063697825 90 107.61 0.029797386' 0.00558701 .... 700 116.1[ 0,396462507' 0.07433672 110 124.8 1.5216995231~ 0.28531866 1~20 13:3.'/ 2.077458844 0.389523533 Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/22/2009 ~ I Spherical Model 'Cylindrical Modei % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to IPower Density i Power Density General Public in feet Antennas ~JW/cm2 pW/cm2 Limit 130 142.8 2.166200955 0.40616267S 140 151.9 1.886555608! 0.353729176 150 161.2 1.274290276 0.238929427 ' 160~ 170.5J 0.845891957~ 0.158604742 170 179.9! 0.452516037' 0.084846757 180 189 4 0 171814453~ 0.03221521 190 - 198.9! 0.015755692 0.002954192 200 208.5 0.034564057 0.006480761 210 218.1~ 0.031585712 0.005922321 220' 227.81 0.219238031. 0.041107131 230 237.4! 0.525764741 0.098580889 240 247.1~ 0.485308718~ 0.090995385 -~ 250 2~9~ ~ i'131111~937 0.212083368 -- 260 266.6 1.049955041~ 0.19686~57 270 276.4 1.698004715~ 0.318375884 280 2§6.1, 1.5839486351 0.296990369 290 295.9! 2.309480674! 0.433027626 300 305.7 2.163719118 0.405697335 310 315.61 2.0311769~ 0.380845669 320 325.4 2.838613067' 0.53223995 330 335.2~ 2.674430643 0.501455746 ' ' 0.473241~27 3407 345.1 2.52395588 I 0.447322201 350 354.9~ 2.385718403! · 360 364.8, 3.074738433 0.576513456 370 374 7~ 2.9.146479171 0.546533984 -380 384.61 2.76701716~ 0.518815718 390 394.41 2.630072216~ 0.49313854 t 400 494.3, 3.307173249 0.620094984 410 ~14.2' ~]151048134 0.5908215~ 420 424.1 3.005653682 0.563560065 430 434.0 2.87003461! 0.53813148{~ - 440 443.9 2.743338982~ 0.514376059 450 453.9 3.266608364~ 0.61248906~ 460 463:8! 3.128399335~ 0.586574875 470 473.7 ~.99~'/'35443 0.562262896 480 483.~t ~.8769299661 0.539424369 490 493.5~ 2.762363474~ 0.517943151 500 503.5~ 2.654476104 0.49771427 510 513.4i 2 552760649 0.47864~65g - 520! 523.31 2.953672415~ 0.553813578 530 533.3 2.644616042i 0.533365508 540 543.21 2.7414667661 0.514025019 550 5~ 2.643807i47~ 0.49571384 560 56371~ 2.551255845' 0.478360471 570 573.0! 2.463463948i 0.4618994~ 580 583.0' 2.380111729 0.44627094S 590, 592.91 2.3009057791 0.431419834 ~ 602.9] 2.225576453~ 0.417295585 · · · I I · · ! Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/22/2009 ■ T a mMobilen ■ Enm in e er ni Northeast, LLC ■ ■ ■ PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING REPORT ■ ■ Radio Frequency Exposure Levels ■ Prepared for T-Mobile Northeast LLC. ■ for a review of a proposed new wireless facility for T-Mobile, a.k.a. "LI-13-883-A Orient Fire Department" ■ ■ ■ September 22, 2009 ■ David J. Evans, P.E. ■ President ■ Skyblue Engineering, PLLC ■ Syosset, NY ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ An evaluation of radio frequency emissions from a proposed facility at 23300 ■ Main Road, Orient, NY 11957, with 3 cellular antennas and associated radio equipment, for the purpose of providing wireless voice and data services ■ within the Town of Southold. ■ ■ ■ '�iy�elh=' f" aserdt't,C`a's'i�x"p. t�rlx �: ■ 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com ■ ■ Town of Southold 1 ■ ■ CONCLUSIONS: ■ The radio frequency (RF)emissions from the proposed cell site will NOT exceed the ■ FCC limits for the general public anywhere accessible by the general public. Power density levels from the proposed cell site will be considerably less than the maximum ■ allowed. In fact,the T-Mobile proposed installation will contribute only 0.014% of the ■ maximum level to the community. Including the existing Orient Fire Department antennas, and the co-located cellular carriers,the maximum cumulative RF exposure will ■ be less than 5.82% of the general public limit at the base of the monopole. This proposed installation is fully compliant with all RF exposure requirements. ■ No mitigating measures are needed to protect either workers or the general public from ■ this proposed facility. ■ ■ SUMMARY: ■ This Engineering study was done for a proposed wireless facility at 23300 Main Road, Orient, New York 11957. ■ ■ The calculations performed are for worst-case circumstances, i.e., power density levels will be less than what the calculations show in this report. ■ The facility includes the three(3) proposed T-Mobile cellular antennas, in addition to the ■ four(4) existing antennas operated by the Orient Fire Department, and the co-located cellular antennas operated by Sprint Nextel, Verizon, and AT&T. Sprint Nextel, ■ Verizon, and AT&T, for the purpose of this study are calculated at a radiation center of ■ 65 feet. This is a worst-case assumption, but was this most appropriate way to perform this study with the data available. The calculated signal levels from these co-located ■ cellular carriers will be less than the figures presented in this report. Radio Frequency exposure limits are regulated by the FCC, and any local regulations related to exposure limits are pre-empted by the federal government. In addition, as long ■ as the applicant has demonstrated compliance with FCC exposure limits, municipal ■ governments are not able to consider health concerns as a reason for denying an application for a new wireless facility. In other words, concerns about the potential ■ health effects on the community cannot be a reason for denying an application if the proposed facility does not exceed FCC exposure limits. This proposed installation meets ■ those requirements. ■ The Telecommunications Act of 1996 states that "No State or local government or ■ instrumentality thereof, may regulate the placement, construction and modification of personal wireless services facilities on the basis of environmental effects of radio ■ frequencies emissions to the extent that such Facilities comply with the Commissions (FCC)Regulations concerning such emissions". ■ ■ msv`iYtn,.x ,'' �,a6 ''�a'..`,. 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com ■ ■ ■ Town of Southold 2 ■ ■ As an FCC licensed operator, T-Mobile has exclusive rights to their frequencies. T- ■ Mobile will not interfere with nor will experience interference from other cellular carriers. In addition, T-Mobile will not interfere with television, cordless telephones, ■ radio, or any other licensed operator's reception within the site's coverage area. ■ ENGINEERING ANALYSIS: ■ The proposed antenna installation is for the purpose of providing 2-way voice and data ■ wireless services. This means that the proposed cell tower must communicate with low- power, hand-held devices. As such, link budgets are limited by the power of the handsets ■ used by people in the community. So, power emitted by the radio equipment at the proposed facility will be very low. Typically, this will be at an order-of-magnitude of 1 ■ watt per channel. Facilities located within more urban, dense areas will have more ■ channels, and facilities located in more rural, less-dense areas will have few. For the purposes of this analysis, a very high number of channels is assumed to be present. This ■ represents a worst-case scenario for exposure levels. ■ This Engineering calculation is based on"OET Bulletin No. 65 -Edition 97-01" [1] published by the FCC, and the data provided by the applicant which includes sketches ■ and specifications provided by T-Mobile. The details for all calculations performed are ■ provided in appendix A. ■ The proposal is for 3 panel antennas concealed within monopole at a height of 97.25 feet above ground level. The closest possible distance that a person from the general public ■ could be to these new antennas is 97.25 ft. Accounting for the height of a random person [2], the distance from the proposed antennas is 91.475 feet. ■ ■ Calculations ■ The method of calculating theoretical exposure limits is described in detail in the FCC's OET Bulletin No. 65 -Edition 97-01. The calculations predict the power density of RF ■ signals in the environment based on the power injected into the antenna,the antenna pattern, and the distance from the antenna at the point of interest. There are two models ■ used to predict RF exposure levels. They are the near field or cylindrical model, and the ■ far field or spherical model. The appropriate model is used depending how close the point-of-interest is to the antenna. ■ This analysis was performed at the closest distance a person from the general public can ■ physically get to the antennas, out to 600 feet in the horizontal direction of the main beam. In this case, minimum distance from T-Mobile's antennas is 91.475ft. The ■ analysis for any one sector is equivalent to the others. Therefore, this calculation was ■ done for one sector, with all antennas at the same azimuth. This is worst-case, as any deviation between carriers' sector azimuths would produce lower exposure levels as ■ compared with aligned sectors. ■ ■ 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com ■ ■ ■ Town of Southold 3 ■ ■ The power density calculations are presented in units of gW/cm2, and also in"%of ■ MPE" (Maximum Permissible Exposure) limits for the general public. Tables of all calculations are provided in appendix A. ■ Spherical Model: ■ In free space (i.e., tower structures), a simple spherical model can be used to calculate the power density at any distance from the antenna. ■ ■ 1.64ERP Sf = 41rR2 OET Bulletin 65, page 20 equation (5) ■ ■ Where: Sg is the power density at distance R from the antenna, and ERP is the effective radiated ■ power relative to a dipole antenna. ■ For rooftop analysis, we assume 100% reflection, and a doubling of exposure. This ■ changes the spherical model to: ■ (2)2 . 1.64ERP S�. = 4)cR2 OET Bulletin 65, page 20 equation(6) ■ ■ In order to factor for the gain of the antenna relative to the main beam, we use: ■ ■ S _ 1.64 . G. ERP OET Bulletin 65, 10 a e 23 equation 4)rR2 P g q ( ) ■ ■ Where G is the gain factor in the direction of interest, relative to the main beam. ■ Cylindrical Model: ■ When very close to the antenna, power density reduces at a rate of 1/R rather than 1/R2. ■ Since this can result in higher predicted values when R is small, we use the cylindrical model for points of interest in the near field of the antenna. ■ Simple cylindrical model ■ 1.64ERP■ S,f = 1664EOET Bulletin 65, page 32 equation(20) ■ S„fis the power density at distance R from the antenna,ERP is the effective radiated ■ power relative to a dipole antenna, and h is the length of the antenna from tip to tail. ■ ■ Sleetlue Engineering, i LLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com ■ ■ ■ Town of Southold 4 ■ ■ ■ In order to factor for the gain of the antenna relative to the main beam, we use: ■ 1.64.G . ERP S,� = Cylindrical model with relative gain factor ■ 2)rRh ■ To determine the boundary between the near field and the far field we use: ■ z ■ R = hOET Bulletin 65, page 27 equation(12) ■ ■ Where: R is the distance from the antenna where the regions converge ■ h is the vertical length of the antenna . is the wavelength of the RF emissions ■ ■ To determine the wavelength of the emissions, we use: ■ C Engineering Electromagnetics, W. Hayt, Jr., McGraw-Hill 1989, A = f page 341 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ pp µ y q y r 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 1 1 791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com ■ Town of Southold 5 Table 1. CALCULATED CUMMULATIVE MPE LEVELS Nextel, Verizon, Sprint, Verizon, Horizontal T-Mobile%of T-Mobile%of AT&T %of MPE AT&T%of MPE Orient FD % of Distance from MPE Limit in MPE Limit in Total T-Mobile% Limit in 850MHz. Limit in MPE Limit in Cumulative % of Tower feet 1900MHz. Band 2200MHz. Band of MPE Limit Band 1900MHz. Band 46MHz. Band MPE Limit 1 0.0001 0.0076 0.0076 0.0201 0.0207 5.7672 5.8156 10 0.0005 0.0078 0.0083 0.0245 0.0312 5.3126 5.3766 20 0.0017 0.0076 0.0092 0.0435 0.0172 4.2883 4.3583 30 0.0032 0.0029 0.0062 0.0278 0.0722 3.2454 3.3516 40 0.0065 0.0019 0.0084 0.0422 0.0359 2.4211 2.5075 50 0.0036 0.0008 0.0044 0.4066 0.1517 1.8251 2.3879 60 0.0001 0.0025 0.0026 0.6051 0.0270 1.4030 2.0377 70 0.0023 0.0026 0.0049 0.3513 0.0314 1.1018 1.4895 80 0.0033 0.0003 0.0036 0.0637 0.1679 0.8831 1.1183 90 0.0094 0.0010 0.0104 0.0056 0.2355 0.7209 0.9725 100 0.0103 0.0004 0.0107 0.0743 0.1578 0.5981 0.8410 110 0.0044 0.0002 0.0047 0.2853 0.0624 0.5034 0.8557 120 0.0011 0.0034 0.0045 0.3895 0.0591 0.4289 0.8821 130 0.0085 0.0025 0.0110 0.4062 0.0426 0.3696 0.8294 140 0.0129 0.0006 0.0135 0.3537 0.0208 0.3215 0.7095 150 0.0074 0.0023 0.0097 0.2389 0.0009 0.2821 0.5316 160 0.0031 0.0039 0.0070 0.1586 0.0124 0.2494 0.4273 170 0.0012 0.0042 0.0054 0.0848 0.0304 0.2220 0.3426 180 0.0033 0.0024 0.0057 0.0322 0.0413 0.1989 0.2780 190 0.0053 0.0008 0.0061 0.0030 0.0392 0.1791 0.2274 200 0.0059 0.0003 0.0062 0.0065 0.0241 0.1621 0.1989 210 0.0046 0.0012 0.0058 0.0059 0.0220 0.1474 0.1812 220 0.0024 0.0028 0.0052 0.0411 0.0056 0.1346 0.1866 230 0.0011 0.0037 0.0048 0.0986 0.0009 0.1234 0.2278 240 0.0021 0.0032 0.0053 0.0910 0.0009 0.1136 0.2107 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ t 0 ■ 0 ■ 0 ■ ■ 0 ■ ■ 0 0 ■ 0 IN 0 ■ 0 ■ 0 ■ ■ 0 Town of Southold 6 250 0.0054 0.0018 0.0072 0.2121 0.0155 0.1048 0.3396 260 0.0095 0.0007 0.0102 0.1969 0.0144 0.0970 0.3185 270 0.0089 0.0006 0.0095 0.3184 0.0376 0.0901 0.4556 280 0.0114 0.0006 0.0120 0.2970 0.0350 0.0839 0.4279 290 0.0107 0.0006 0.0113 0.4330 0.0536 0.0783 0.5762 300 0.0105 0.0016 0.0121 0.4057 0.0502 0.0732 0.5412 310 0.0082 0.0027 0.0109 0.3808 0.0472 0.0686 0.5075 320 0.0077 0.0026 0.0103 0.5322 0.0502 0.0644 0.6572 330 0.0053 0.0029 0.0082 0.5015 0.0473 0.0606 0.6176 340 0.0050 0.0028 0.0078 0.4732 0.0447 0,0572 0.5828 350 0.0047 0.0026 0.0074 0.4473 0.0422 0.0540 0.5509 360 0.0040 0.0022 0.0062 0.5765 0.0302 0.0510 0.6639 370 0.0038 0.0021 0.0059 0.5465 0.0286 0.0483 0.6294 380 0.0037 0.0020 0.0056 0.5188 0.0272 0.0458 0.5974 390 0.0051 0.0014 0.0065 0.4931 0.0258 0.0435 0.5690 400 0.0049 0.0013 0.0062 0.6201 0.0104 0.0414 0.6780 410 0.0046 0.0012 0.0059 0.5908 0.0099 0.0394 0.6460 420 0.0073 0.0013 0.0086 0.5636 0.0094 0.0376 0.6192 430 0.0070 0.0012 0.0082 0.5381 0.0090 0.0359 0.5912 440 0.0067 0.0012 0.0079 0.5144 0.0086 0.0343 0.5651 450 0.0085 0.0020 0.0104 0.5866 0.0065 0.0328 0.6363 460 0.0081 0.0019 0.0100 0.6125 0.0068 0.0314 0.6607 470 0.0078 0.0018 0.0096 0.5623 0.0063 0.0300 0.6082 480 0.0075 0.0017 0.0092 0.5394 0.0060 0.0288 0.5835 490 0.0072 0.0017 0.0089 0.4977 0.0055 0.0277 0.5398 500 0.0067 0.0025 0.0093 0.5179 0.0058 0.0266 0.5595 510 0.0065 0.0024 0.0089 0.4786 0.0053 0.0255 0.5184 520 0.0062 0.0023 0.0086 0.5538 0.0275 0.0246 0.6145 530 0.0060 0.0023 0.0083 0.5334 0.0265 0.0237 0.5918 540 0.0058 0.0022 0.0080 0.5140 0.0255 0.0228 0.5703 550 0.0036 0.0022 0.0057 0.4957 0.0246 0.0220 0.5480 560 0.0034 0.0021 0.0055 0.4784 0.0237 0.0212 0.5289 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com 0 0 m m W 0 0 m 0 a m IN IN 0 • ■i W n m w a IN! ■ IN W m ■ ■ Town of Southold 7 570 0.0033 0.0020 0.0054 0.4619 0.0229 0.0205 0.5107 580 0.0032 0.0020 0.0052 0.4463 0.0222 0.0198 0.4934 590 0.0031 0.0019 0.0050 0.4314 0.0214 0.0191 0.4770 600 0.0030 0.0018 0.0048 0.4173 0.0207 0.0185 0.4613 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 1 1 791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ N 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ w M ■ ■ ■ ■ Town of Southold 8 i i TOWN CODE SECTION 280-71H: ■ The Southold Town Code specifies five requirements for the Maximum Permissible i Exposure compliance exhibit. They are: ■ (1) A power density analysis of the radio emissions for the proposed wireless communication facility must be provided by the applicant. The power density i analysis shall be prepared and signed by a qualified professional specializing in ■ radio communication facilities. ■ This report has been prepared by a licensed professional Engineer in the State of New York with over 10 years of experience in radio frequency engineering. A ■ summary of experience and qualifications is included. ■ (2) The results from the analysis must clearly show that the power density levels of i the electromagnetic energy generated from the proposed facility at the nearest point(s) of public access and the point(s) of greatest power density(if other than ■ the nearest point of public access) are within the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limits established by the FCC, which are in effect at the time of the ■ application. ■ The nearest point ofpublic access is at the base of the tower. This point was analyzed In addition, the maximum power densityfrom T Mobile's antennas was calculated to occur at a distance of 140 feet from the base of the tower, in the ■ direction of the main beam, which will be 50, 150, and 270 degrees from true north for each sector, respectively. All four points analyzed are within maximum ■ permissible exposure limits currently in effect. i (3) The power density analysis must be based on the most recent edition of FCC i Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin No. 65, must cite the specific formulas and assumptions used and must show all calculations and must include i simple sketches showing spatial relationships between the facility and the point of interest. If the wireless communication facility would be co-located with an i existing facility, or is designed for future expansion or co-location,the cumulative- effects of all emitters now on, or likely to be on, the facility in the future must be analyzed. i All calculations are based of the OET Bulletin No. 65 edition 97-01 dated August ■ 1997. This is the latest version, and citations to this bulletin are included in this report for all calculations used. A simple sketch is included. No future antennas ■ are planned other than the proposed T-Mobile antennas analyzed in this report. i Cumulative effects of all emitters are calculated i F P i ■ 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com i ■ ■ ■ Town of Southold 9 ■ ■ (4) The Power density analysis shall be based on the assumption that all antennas ■ mounted on the proposed facility are simultaneously transmitting radio energy on all channels at a power level equal to the maximum transmitter power rating ■ specified by the manufacturer. ■ For the Fire Department antennas, all FCC licensed channels are assumed to be transmitting simultaneously and with 100% duty cycle at the FRP limit of the ■ license. The ERP calculation is included in this report. For the T-Mobile ■ antennas and the co-located cellular carriers, a very high number of channels is assumed to be present, transmitting at maximum PA power and with 100%duty ■ cycle. The ERP calculation is included in this report. ■ (5) The conclusion of the power density analysis must be corroborated by an independent radio frequency engineer retained by the Town to provide such ■ determinations. ■ This is assumed to be the responsibility ofthe Town of Southold. ■ ■ ■ ■ i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 1 1791 51 6.250 4580 www SkyblueEngineering.com ■ ■ ■ Town of Southold 10 ■ ■ BACKGROUND: ■ The FCC's MPE limits are based on exposure limits recommended by the National ■ Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) [3] and, over a wide range of frequencies, the exposure limits developed by the Institute of Electrical and ■ Electronics Engineers, Inc., (IEEE) and adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)to replace the 1982 ANSI guidelines. Limits for localized absorption are ■ based on recommendations of both ANSUIEEE and NCRP. ■ The FCC's limits, and the NCRP and ANSI/IEEE limits on which they are based, are ■ derived from exposure criteria quantified in terms of specific absorption rate (SAR)*. ■ The basis for these limits is a whole-body averaged SAR threshold level of 4 watts per ■ kilogram (4 W/kg), as averaged over the entire mass of the body, above which expert organizations have determined that potentially hazardous exposures may occur. ■ Figure 1. FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)Plane-wave Equivalent ■ Power Density(mW/cm2) ■ 1.000 ■ OccupationaVControlled Exposure ■ --- General Population'Uncontrolled Exposure 100 \ 10 \ 02 - 0 1 2 01 ■ 003 0.3 3 30 300 j 3.000 30,000 " 300.000 1.34 1500 100,000 ■ Frequency (MHz) ■ * Specific absorption rate is a measure of the rate of energy absorption by the body. SAR ■ limits are specified for both whole-body exposure and for partial-body or localized ■ exposure(generally specified in terms of spatial peak values). ■ y ■ 5•. 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4 580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com I ■ ■ ■ Town of Southold 11 ■ ■ Table 2. LIMITS FOR MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE(N/IPE) ■ (A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure ■ Frequency Electric Field Magnetic Field Power Density Averaging Time Range Strength (E) Strength (H) (S) JE 12, IH 12 or S ■ (MHz) (V/m) (Alm) (mW/cm2) (minutes) ■ 0.3-3.0 614 1.63 (100)* 6 3.0-30 1842/f 4.89/f (900/f)* 6 ■ 30-300 61.4 0.163 1.0 6 300-1500 -- -- f/300 6 ■ 1500-100,000 5 6 ■ (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure ■ Frequency Electric Field Magnetic Field Power Density Averaging Time ■ Range Strength (E) Strength (H) (S) JE12, IH 12 or S (MHz) (V/m) (Alm) (mW/cm2) (minutes) ■ 0.3-1.34 614 1.63 (100)* 30 ■ 1.34-30 824/f 2.19/f (180/f)* 30 30-300 27.5 0.073 0.2 30 ■ 300-1500 -- -- f/1500 30 1500-100,000 1.0 30 ■ ■ f=frequency in MHz *Plane-wave equivalent power density ■ NOTE 1: Occupational/controlled limits apply in situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment provided those persons are fully aware of the ■ potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure. Limits for occupational/controlled exposure also apply in situations when an individual is transient ■ through a location where occupational/controlled limits apply provided he or she is made ■ aware of the potential for exposure. NOTE 2: General population/uncontrolled exposures apply in situations in which the ■ general public may be exposed, or in which persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be fully aware of the potential for exposure or can not exercise ■ control over their exposure. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www.SkybiueEngineering.com ■ ■ ■ Town of Southold 12 ■ ■ Definitions and Glossary of"Perms ■ The following specific words and terms are used in this bulletin. These definitions are ■ adapted from those included in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 1992 RF exposure standard [4], from NCRP Report No. 67 [5] and from the FCC's Rules (47 ■ CFR § 2.1 and § 1.1310). ■ Average(temporal) power. The time-averaged rate of energy transfer. ■ Averaging time. The appropriate time period over which exposure is averaged for ■ purposes of determining compliance with RF exposure limits. ■ Continuous exposure. Exposure for durations exceeding the corresponding averaging time. ■ ■ Decibel (dB). Ten times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of two power levels. ■ Duty factor. The ratio of pulse duration to the pulse period of a periodic pulse train. Also, may be a measure of the temporal transmission characteristic of an intermittently ■ transmitting RF source such as a paging antenna by dividing average transmission duration by the average period for transmissions. A duty factor of 1.0 corresponds to ■ continuous operation. ■ Effective radiated power (ERP) (in a given direction). The product of the power ■ supplied to the antenna and its gain relative to a half-wave dipole in a given direction. ■ Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power(EIRP). The product of the power supplied ■ to the antenna and the antenna gain in a given direction relative to an isotropic antenna. ■ Electric field strength (E). A field vector quantity that represents the force(F) on an infinitesimal unit positive test charge (q) at a point divided by that charge. Electric field ■ strength is expressed in units of volts per meter(V/m). ■ Energy density (electromagnetic field). The electromagnetic energy contained in an ■ infinitesimal volume divided by that volume. ■ Exposure. Exposure occurs whenever and wherever a person is subjected to electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields other than those originating from physiological ■ processes in the body and other natural phenomena. ■ Exposure, partial-body. Partial-body exposure results when RF fields are substantially ■ nonuniform over the body. Fields that are nonuniform over volumes comparable to the human body may occur due to highly directional sources, standing-waves, re-radiating ■ sources or in the near field. See RF "hot spot". ■ ■ 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 1 ]791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com i ■ ■ ■ Town of Southold 13 ■ ■ Far-field region. That region of the field of an antenna where the angular field ■ distribution is essentially independent of the distance from the antenna. In this region (also called the free space region), the field has a predominantly plane-wave character, ■ i.e., locally uniform distribution of electric field strength and magnetic field strength in planes transverse to the direction of propagation. ■ Gain (of an antenna). The ratio, usually expressed in decibels, of the power required at ■ the input of a loss-free reference antenna to the power supplied to the input of the given ■ antenna to produce, in a given direction, the same field strength or the same power density at the same distance. When not specified otherwise, the gain refers to the direction of maximum radiation. Gain may be considered for a specified polarization. Gain may be referenced to an isotropic antenna(dBi)or a half-wave dipole (dBd). ■ General population/uncontrolled exposure. For FCC purposes, applies to human ■ exposure to RF fields when the general public is exposed or in which persons who are ■ exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be made fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. Therefore, members ■ of the general public always fall under this category when exposure is not employment- related. ■ ■ Hertz(Hz). The unit for expressing frequency, (f). One hertz equals one cycle per second. ■ Magnetic field strength (H). A field vector that is equal to the magnetic flux density ■ divided by the permeability of the medium. Magnetic field strength is expressed in units of amperes per meter(A/m). ■ ■ Maximum permissible exposure(MPE). The rms and peak electric and magnetic field strength, their squares, or the plane-wave equivalent power densities associated with ■ these fields to which a person may be exposed without harmful effect and with an acceptable safety factor. ■ Near-field region. A region generally in proximity to an antenna or other radiating ■ structure, in which the electric and magnetic fields do not have a substantially plane-wave ■ character, but vary considerably from point to point. The near-field region is further subdivided into the reactive near-field region, which is closest to the radiating structure ■ and that contains most or nearly all of the stored energy, and the radiating near-field region where the radiation field predominates over the reactive field, but lacks substantial ■ plane-wave character and is complicated in structure. For most antennas, the outer boundary of the reactive near field region is commonly taken to exist at a distance of one- half wavelength from the antenna surface. ■ Occupational/controlled exposure.For FCC purposes, applies to human exposure to RF fields when persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment and in which those persons who are exposed have been made fully aware of the potential for exposure ■ kybiaukt£ F'rtc at .,s atas h 1.1 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com ■ ■ ■ Town of Southold 14 ■ ■ and can exercise control over their exposure. Occupational/controlled exposure limits ■ also apply where exposure is of a transient nature as a result of incidental passage through a location where exposure levels may be above general population/uncontrolled ■ limits (see definition above), as long as the exposed person has been made fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over his or her exposure by leaving ■ the area or by some other appropriate means. ■ Peak Envelope Power(PEP). The average power supplied to the antenna transmission ■ line by a radio transmitter during one radiofrequency cycle at the crest of the modulation envelope taken under normal operating conditions. ■ Power density, average(temporal). The instantaneous power density integrated over a in source repetition period. ■ Power density (S). Power per unit area normal to the direction of propagation, usually ■ expressed in units of watts per square meter(W/m2) or, for convenience, units such as milliwatts per square centimeter(mW/cm2) or microwatts per square centimeter ■ (µW/cm2). For plane waves, power density, electric field strength (E) and magnetic field strength(H) are related by the impedance of free space, i.e., 377 ohms, as discussed in ■ Section 1 of OET bulletin No. 65. Although many survey instruments indicate power ■ density units ("far-field equivalent" power density), the actual quantities measured are E or E2 or H or H2. ■ Power density, peak. The maximum instantaneous power density occurring when power ■ is transmitted. ■ Power density, plane-wave equivalent or far-field equivalent. A commonly-used ■ terms associated with any electromagnetic wave, equal in magnitude to the power density of a plane wave having the same electric (E) or magnetic (H) field strength. ■ Radiofrequency (RF)spectrum. Although the RF spectrum is formally defined in terms ■ of frequency as extending from 0 to 3000 GHz, for purposes of the FCC's exposure guidelines,the frequency range of interest in 300 kHz to 100 GHz. ■ ■ Re-radiated field. An electromagnetic field resulting from currents induced in a secondary, predominantly conducting, object by electromagnetic waves incident on that ■ object from one or more primary radiating structures or antennas. Re-radiated fields are sometimes called "reflected" or more correctly "scattered fields." The scattering object is ■ sometimes called a "reradiator" or "secondary radiator". ■ RF "hot spot." A highly localized area of relatively more intense radio-frequency ■ radiation that manifests itself in two principal ways: (1) The presence of intense electric or magnetic fields immediately adjacent to ■ conductive objects that are immersed in lower intensity ambient fields (often referred to as re-radiation), and I' ■ ■ 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 1 179 1 516.250.4580 www.SkybIueEngineering.com L ■ i . . Town of Southold 15 (2) Localized areas, not necessarily immediately close to conductive objects, in which . there exists a concentration of RF fields caused by reflections and/or narrow beams produced by high-gain radiating antennas or other highly directional sources. In both cases, the fields are characterized by very rapid changes in field strength with distance. RF hot spots are normally associated with very nonuniform exposure of the body (partial body exposure). This is not to be confused with an actual thermal hot spot within the absorbing body. Root-mean-square(rms). The effective value, or the value associated with joule heating, of a periodic electromagnetic wave. The rms value is obtained by taking the square root of the mean of the squared value of a function. Scattered radiation. An electromagnetic field resulting from currents induced in a secondary, conducting or dielectric object by electromagnetic waves incident on that object from one or more primary sources. Short-term exposure. Exposure for durations less than the corresponding averaging time. Specific absorption rate(SAR). A measure of the rate of energy absorbed by (dissipated in) an incremental mass contained in a volume element of dielectric materials such as biological tissues. SAR is usually expressed in terms of watts per kilogram(W/kg) or . milliwatts per gram (mW/g). Guidelines for human exposure to RF fields are based on SAR thresholds where adverse biological effects may occur. When the human body is exposed to an RF field, the SAR experienced is proportional to the squared value of the electric field strength induced in the body. . Wavelength O. The wavelength (_) of an electromagnetic wave is related to the frequency(n and velocity(v)by the expression v=f.. In free space the velocity of an . electromagnetic wave is equal to the speed of light, i.e., approximately 3 x 108 m/s. f f 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com ! Town of Southold 16 ! ! REFERENCES: ! [1] FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Bulletin 65, "Evaluating ! Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields", Edition 97-01, August 1997. ! [2] CDC Vital and Health Statistics,No. 361, July 7 2005. Summarized here: ! http://www.cdc.,gov/nchs/fastats,bodvmeas.htm [3] 'Biological Effects and Exposure Criteria for Radiofrequency Electromagnetic ! Fields", NCRP Report No. 86 (1986),National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), Bethesda, MD. The NCRP is a non-profit corporation chartered ! by the U.S. Congress to develop information and recommendations concerning radiation ! protection. ! [4] American National Standards Institute(ANSI), "Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz," ! ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 (previously issued as IEEE C95.1-1991). Copyright 1992 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE), New York,N.Y. 10017. ! For copies contact the IEEE: 1-800-678-4333 or 1-908-981-1393. ! [5] National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), ! 'Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields; Properties, Quantities and Units,Biophysical Interaction, and Measurements," NCRP Report No. 67, 198 1. Copyright NCRP, ! Bethesda, MD 20814, USA. For copies contact: NCRP Publications at 1-800-229-2652. ! [6] FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET)Bulletin 56, "Questions and = Answers about Biological Effects and Potential Hazards of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields", Fourth Edition,August 1999. ! ! ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: ! American Cancer Society, Prevention and Early Detection, Cellular Phone Towers: ! http:/Avwv.cancer.org/doeroot/PED/content/PED 1 3X Cellular Phone Towers.asp ! Health Physics Society, risk for health with the installation of a cellular tower near a community: ! http://Nvww.hps.org/publicinformation/ate/q79.hti-nl ! World Health Organization, Electromagnetic fields and public health: ! http:/,www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets,ifs304/en/index.html ! ! k t 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 1 1 791 51 6.250.4580 www,SkyblueEngineering.com ! ■ ■ Town of Southold 17 ■ s Spectrum of electromagnetic waves. s Wavelength(m) Frequency(Hz) Classification Applications fpr+ ■ 10-1s . Y-raYs Food irradiation, 1021 cancenherapy 10-22 ■ f ■ (A) 10-10 10'8(EHz) X-rays Medical diagnosis (nm) 10' - Ultraviolet I sterilivuan ■ 10" (PHz) Visible tight (Nm) 10-6 ■ Infrared Night vision ■ IV (THz) mm wave (mm) 10_3 ---._ ------ ------__ ( ) lp_2 EHF(30 300 GHz) Radar,space exploration cm ■ SHF(3-30 GHz) Radar.xatclhtc )0-1 - commun=tvon ■ (m) 1 10'(GHz) UHF(300-3000 MHz) Radar Tv,navigation VHF(30 300 MHz) TV FM,police,moble 10 _- radio air Ira1RC control ■ HF(3-30 MHz) citizen. e, d radio, 102 _ attsn a band 106 (MHz) MF(300-3000 kHz) AM,maritime radio, (km) 102 ) ( _ _ dnaYton finding _ ■ 10a LF(30-300 kHz) Navigabramn ■ 10s _._ VLF(3-30 kHz) Na tgation,sonar (Mm) 106 10' (kHz) ULF (300-3000 Hz) Telephone audio range ■ - — -- 60(HZ) SLF(30-300 Hz) (.omnarim to i wnh submerged 10� _-_ snbmarina electric power ELF(3-30 Hz) ■ log mew objects I (Hz) ■ Wavelength range of human vision: 720(nm)-380(nm) (Deep red) (Violet) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ c' ■ 4: h," .T(c 8° L. I.,.i.1 i'@:.'r let t a.Yg-(. 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 1 1 791 516.250.4580 www.S.kyblueEngineering.com ■ ■ r Town of Southold 18 ■ ■ ■ NON- IONIZING m I < -- IONIZING I ■ f-ra.aor,�v,ars� I visibo ■ ✓ i Light/ / i I ■ Fowey-Ips R5C00 and Tawskx, Miaowetgs Infra-rodUlt %-rays Gemma Reqs ■ CWlulslIr peEle rFrequency (11en>) 101d 1010' 10' 10' to' 10' 10' 10°td' 10�ld' d'10' 10' 10'10"10°10i010'1010"10d610, 10'° ■ EnwW(ev) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 10 "10' tb''10'1c? tb' 10' 16' 10' 1e 10 10 0.1 1 10 10 10 10' 10' 10° 10' 10' td 1d' 10" ■ FIGURE 2. The Electromagnetic Spectrum [6] ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r ■ ■ ■ 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com ■ ■ ■ Town of Southold David J. Evans, P.E. 19 ■ ■ EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: ■ SUMMARY ■ Seasoned and successful engineering professional with over 14 years of experience leading complex technical projects, developing strategic and creative engineering ■ solutions, and designing and improving networks for major wireless communications organizations and a transportation facilities operator. Leverage technical, business, and ■ communication expertise to strengthen teams, enhance performance, and drive project ■ execution. ■ EXPERIENCE Led the development of over 600 cell site facilities for Nextel in New York City, Long ■ Island, Upstate NY, Connecticut, and New England, and spearheaded new site build plans to enhance coverage and service. Served on the national RF standards committee ■ developing company-wide wireless technical standards. Led the design of Sprint's ■ wireless network and cell site facilities in Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties. Responsible for FCC exposure compliance at all cell sites in service or ■ planned for Sprint's and Nextel's wireless networks. ■ Designed over 40 cell sites facilities for T-Mobile in the Long Island market. ■ Lead all design engineering services for turn-key AT&T project in the New York/New ■ Jersey market. Responsible for all civil, electrical, and RF engineering. Responsible for the design over 80 cell site facilities for AT&T in the New York and New Jersey markets, ■ and in charge of certifying all planned site are in compliance with FCC exposure limits. ■ Designed communication, power distribution, and lighting systems for Port Authority ■ facilities including the George Washington Bridge, Lincoln and Holland Tunnels, and JFK Airport. ■ EDUCATION ■ Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering ■ Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York ■ State University of New York, Licensed Professional Engineer ■ New Jersey Office of the Attorney General, Licensed Professional Engineer ■ EXPERT TESTIMONY EXPERIENCE Recognized as an expert witness in many jurisdictions in the New York area. Some ■ examples include: Town of Hempstead, Town of Oyster Bay, Village of Munsey Park, ■ Town of Islip, Town of Brookhaven, Village of Freeport ■ AFFILIATIONS Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) ■ ry,$$ gg yy. gg K]AT ryry le �ldS bS� RIIE�.^.L.YR�55 `^be SII 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com ■ . Town of Southold 20 APPENDIX A— Calculation Details 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com ■ "no 11 gg gr im nP 2 'Y a£ it ,per "4 i v. ff & c Z Tj9 U, �'?s AFTf NOTES: ■ 1. ELEVATION DATA TAKEN FROM A DRAWING BY WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA ARCHITECTS, LLP ■ ENTITILED"NORTH ELEVATION & DETAILS" �_ ___...____ __ _ _ 1100'-0' AGLry� SKYBLUE ENGINEERING, PLLC 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE \ T.0 NEN MONOPOLE ADOTION4 70 Lewis Lane ■ 3. GOEMETRY SHOWN IS TYPICAL FOR ALL SECTORS --- t99_8. AGL Syosset, NY 11791 IN THE DIRECTION OF THE ANTENNA MAIN BEAM r0:-FEW tMFWFORT�A ■ —� t97'-3' AGL,ti - - -- Date Eng RAO. OF' NEW OMNtPOiNT ANTENNAS No. W1/ Fb9v0 tion IMt DE AGI .� o enlrzoos Peva RM of T.O. EXISTING POLE ■ ■ i ■ ■ ■ i I I ■ a�� Nc>rtt»ast,. LLC 3500 SUNRISE HWY, D-203 GREAT RIVER, NY 11739 ■ — -- EXISTING ORIENT FD I ANTENNAS ■ Site Information: ■ Orient Department 3300 Main Road 2 ■ I Orient, NY 11957 I ■ ! LI-13-883-A ■ ■ Sketch of Site Elevation and MPE Geometry ■ ■ BASE OF TOWER GRADESheet Rev. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I ........................................................................................_ ............ _ ■ 140 FEET E HORIZONTAL DISTANCE FROM TOWER : . SK- 1 1 ■ ■ ■ LI-13-883-A ■ ■ ■ ■ Per Sector ERP Calculation ■ Channels Planned: 5 1900 GSM ■ ■ ■ ■ Max PA settings: 20 Watts 43dBm ■ ■ Antenna Gain ■ 16.3dBd ■ ■ ERP ■ 43dBm + 16.3dB = 59.3dBm = 851.14 W per channel X 5 channels= 4,255.70 Watts ■ ■ ERP per sector= 4,255.70 Watts ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ LI-13-883-A Horizontal Main Beam Calculation ■ T-Mobile 1900MHz. Analysis ■ Service: CW- PCS Refer to full report for explaination of all calculations ■ Spherical Model: Calculation Details: ■ S _ 1 .64 Ci • ERP Antenna Model :RFS APXI6DWV-16DWVS-E-A20 1,Horizontal BW= 65 degrees ■ 41IR z ;Vertical BW=6.5 degrees ERP per sector : 4,255.70 Watts ■ Antenna Height : 55.90 Inches Cylindrical Model: Vertical Distance to ■ _ 1 .64 • G • ERP nearest general base of tower public access 91.48 Feet ■ S"f 2,TRh MPE limit for I general public at ' ■ 1900 MHz. 1000.00 W I cm2 ■ MPE Limit at 1900 MHz.: SL = 1 mW/cm2 ■ Near Field / Far Field Boundary: ■ A = 3x108/ 1900x106 ■ 0.1579 meters or 15.79 cm ■ R _ h 2 ■ 4A ■ 17.98429386 meters 59 feet ■ ■ Spherical Model Cylindrical Model ,% of MPE Horizontal Distance i Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public in feet Antennas PW/cm2 PW/ cm2 Limit ■ _ _ 1 91.5 0.000866799 ' not necessary 8.66799E-05 _ 10 92.0 0.004918253 since minimum 0.000491825 ■ 20 93.6 0.016507853 distance is 0.001650785 30 96.3 0.032404419 greater than 0.003240442 ■ 40 99.8 0.064860631 boundary 0.006486063 _ 50 104.2 0.036260885 0.003626088 ■ _ 60 109.4 0.001356954 0.000135695 70' 115.2 0.023162222 0.002316222 ■ 80 121.5 0.032980932 0.003298093 90 128.3 0.093959946 0.009395995 ■ _ 1100; 135.5 0.103162264 0.010316226 ■ 1101 143.1 0.044412635 0.004441263 120'_ 150.9 0.010920848 0.001092085 ■ 13.0; 159.0 0.085311931 j 0.008531193 Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/22/2009 ■ Verified by: R.M. Date:9/22/2009 ■ ■ ■ Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public ■ in feet Antennas PW/cmZ pW/ cmZ Limit 140 167.2 0.129097755 0.012909776 ■ 1501 175.7 0.074143168 0.007414317 160, 184.3 0.031369618 0.003136962 ■ 170 193.0 0.012057097 0.00120571 180 201.9 0.032904789 0.003290479 ■ 190 210.9 0.053153349 0.005315335 200 219.9 0.05875162 0.005875162 ■ 210, 229.1 0.0459921 0.00459921 220 238.3 0.024069881 0.002406988 ■ 230 247.5 0.010798008 0.001079801 2401 256.8 0.020856618 0.002085662 ■ 25 266.2 0.053718871 0.005371887 260 275.6 0.095487435 0.009548743 ■ 270, 285.1i 0.089260071 0.008926007 2_80 294.6 0.113819612 0.011381961 ■ 2901 304.1 0.106803411 0.010680341 ■ 3000 _ 313.6 0.104887239 0.010488724 310' 323.2 0.081958336 0.008195834 ■ 320 332.8 0.07729689 0.007729689 -- - - 330 342.4 0.052892823 0.005289282 ■ 3401 352.1 0.050034159 0.005003416 350 361.8 0.047396107' 0.004739611 ■ _ __ 360 371.4 0.040438749 0.004043875 370 381.1 0.038406619 0.003840662 ■ 3801 390.9 0.036521078 0.003652108 _ 390 400.6 0.050955082 0.005095508 ■ 400 410.3 0.048564212 0.004856421 410 420.1 0.046335078 0.004633508 ■ __ 420' 429.8 0.073105335 0.007310533 430+ 439.6 0.069890129 0.006989013 ■ 440 449.4 0.066879528 0.006687953 450 _ 459.2 0.084637934 0.008463793 ■ 460 469.0' 0.081136487 0.008113649 _ 470 478.8 0.077845271 0.007784527 ■ 480 488.6 0.074747992 0.007474799 490 498.5 0.071829884 0.007182988 500 508.3 0.067349889 0.006734989 5_10' 518.1 0.064816125 0.006481612 ■ - -- 52 528.0 0.062421277 0.006242128 ■ 530 537.8 0.060155475 0.006015547 540 547.7 0.058009698 0.00580097 550 557.6 0.035727243 560 567.4 0.033325528 0.003572724 ■ 5701 577.3 0.034495528 0.003449553 ■ 0.00333259 580 _ 587.2 0.032214287 0.003221429 ■ _ 5904 597.0 0.031156948 0.003115695 600 606.9 0.030150433 0.003015043 ■ ■ ■ Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/22/2009 ■ Verified by: R.M. Date:9/22/2009 ■ ■ ■ LI-1 3-883-A ■ ■ ■ ■ Per Sector ERP Calculation ■ Channels Planned: 2 2200 UMTS ■ ■ ■ Max PA settings: ■ 20 Watts 43dBm ■ ■ Antenna Gain ■ 16.3dBd ■ ■ ERP ■ 43dBm + 16.3dB = 59.3dBm = 851.14 W per channel X 2 channels = 1,702.28 Watts ■ ■ ERP per sector= 1,702.28 Watts ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ LI-13-883-A Horizontal Main Beam Calculation ■ T-Mobile 2200MHz. Analysis ■ Service: AWS Refer to full report for explaination of all calculations ■ Spherical Model: Calculation Details: ■ 1 .64 G . ERP Antenna Model :RFS APXI6DWV-16DWVS-E-A20 S _ :Horizontal BW=65 degrees ■ 4TcR 2 :Vertical BW= 6.5 degrees ERP per sector I 1,702.28 Watts ■ Antenna Height I 55.90 Inches Cylindrical Model: Vertical Distance to I ■ 1 .64 . G . ERP nearest general base of tower ,S public access I 91.48 Feet ■ of 21rRh MPE limit for I general public at I ■ 2200 MHz. 1000.00 PW/cm2 ■ MPE Limit at 2200 MHz.: SL =1 mW/cm2 ■ ■ ■ Near Field/ Far Field Boundary: A = 3x108/2200x106 ■ 0.1365 meters or 13.65 cm ■ R _ h 2 ■ 4 /1 ■ 8.520012001 meters 28 feet ■ ■ Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE ■ Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public in feet Antennas PW/cm2 PW/cm2 Limit ■ 1 91.5 0.075505454,* not necessary 0.007550545 10 92.0 0.07778052 since minimum 0.007778052 ■ 20- 93.6 0.075639836 distance is 0.007563984 30 96.3 0.029286281 greater than 0.002928628 ■ 40r 99.8 0.018794949 boundary 0.001879495 5C 104.2 0.008007527 0.000800753 60 109.4 0.024525917 0.002452592 70 115.2 0.026112004 0.0026112 ■ 80 121.5 0.003306153 0.000330615 _ 90i 128.3 0.010351487 0.001035149 ■ 100- 135.5 0.004281351 0.000428135 ■ 110 143.1 0.00210168 0.000210168 120 _ 150.9 0.034460086 0.003446009 ■ 130 159.0 0.024892571 0.002489257 Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/22/2009 ■ Verified by: R.M. Date:9/22/2009 ■ ■ ■ Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public ■ in feet Antennas PW/cmZ W/cm2 Limit 140 167.2 0.005623137 0.000562314 ■ 150 175.7 0.023074438 0.002307444 160 184.3 0.038509619 0.003850962 ■ 170 193.0 0.041620064 0.004162006 180 201.9 0.023676587 0.002367659 ■ 190 210.9 0.007972428 0.000797243 200 219.9 0.00331192 0.000331192 ■ 210 229.1 0.01243779 0.001243779 220 238.3 0.027895487 0.002789549 ■ 2X 247.5 0.037102541 0.003710254 2401 256.8 0.032159099 0.00321591 ■ _ _ 250 266.2 0.01828887 0.001828887 260- 275.6 0.006516377 0.000651638 ■ 270t 285.1 0.006091401 0.00060914 280 294.6 0.006099259 0.000609926 ■ 290 _ 304.1 0.005723282 0.000572328 3000 313.6 0.015659671 I 0.001565967 ■ 310( 323.2 0.027080278 0.002708028 320 332.8 0.025540066 0.002554007 ■ 330 342.4 0.029407407 0.002940741 340 352.1 0.027818044 0.002781804 ■ 350 361.8 0.026351338 0.002635134 ■ 360. 371.4 0.02166994 0.002166994 3701 381.1 0.020580981 0.002058098 ■ 38_0 _ 390.9 0.019570575 0.001957057 390 400.6 0.013622208 0.001362221 ■ _ 400' _ 410.3 0.012983038 1 0.001298304 410 420.1 0.012387107 0.001238711 ■ 420 - 429.8 0.012942228 0.001294223 43_0 439.6 0.012373023 0.001237302 ■ -440 449.4 0.011840041 0.001184004 450 459.2 0.01979817 0.001979817 ■ 460 469.0 0.018979125 0.001897913 4+ - 478.8, 0.018209257 0.001820926 ■ 4801 488.6 0.017484754' 0.001748475 490 498.5 0.016802162 0.001680216 ■ 50e 508.3 0.025199787 0.002519979 5101 518.1 0.024251748 0.002425175 ■ - 520T 528.0 0.023355687 0.002335569 _ 530+_ 537.8 0.022507909 0.002250791 ■ - 540 547.7 0.02170504 j 0.002170504 550 557.6 0.021729988 0.002172999 ■ 5601 _ 567.4 0.020980836 0.002098084 570 577.3 0.020269445 0.002026945 ■ _ 580' 587.2 0.019593342 0.001959334 ■ 590 597.0 0.018950248 0.001895025 600 606.9 0.018338066 0.001833807 ■ ■ ■ Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/22/2009 ■ Verified by: R.M. Date:9/22/2009 ■ ■ ■ ■ LI-13-883-A i ■ s ■ FD ERP Calculation i Licensed Channels: 46.34 30 Watts ERP i 46.38 30 Watts ERP 46.46 30 Watts ERP ■ 46.30 5 Watts ERP ■ ■ ■ ■ Antenna Gain ■ Od Bd ■ ■ ERP ■ 30+30+30+5 = 95 Watts ■ ■ Total ERP = 95.00 Watts ■ s ■ s ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ LI-13-883-A Omni-Directional Calculation FD ■ Orient FD 46MHz. Analysis ■ Service: PW- Public Safety Pool, Conventional Refer to full report for explaination of all calculations ■ Spherical Model: Calculation Details: ■ _ 1 .64 . G • ERP Antenna Model :Generic, Unity Gain Omni _ :Horizontal BW= N/A ■ s ff 4/TR 2 ;Vertical BW= N/A ERP per sector I 95.00 Watts ■ Antenna Height I 63.00 Inches Cylindrical Model: Vertical Distance to ■ _ 1 .64 - G • ERP nearest general j base of tower _ 40.00 Feet public access ■ S"f 2ITRh MPE limit for ■ general public at j 46 MHz. I 200.00 W/ cm2 ■ MPE Limit at 46 MHz.: St.=0.2 mW/cm2 ■ ■ ■ Near Field/ Far Field Boundary: A = 3x108/46x106 ■ 6.5 meters or 650 cm ■ h2 R = ■ 4 A ■ 3.877407692 meters 13 feet ■ ■ Spherical Model Cylindrical Model %of MPE ■ Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public in feet Antennas PW/cm 2 W/cm2 Limit ■ 1 34.0 11.53438133 * not necessary 5.767190663 10i 35.4 10.62522229 since minimum 5.312611144 ■ 20 t 39.4 8.576657579 distance is 4.28832879 304 45.3 6.490894549 greater than 3.245447275 ■ 40 52.5 4.842263858 boundary 2.421131929 50 _ 60.51 3.65024048 1.82512024 ■ 60 69.0! 2.805988056 1.402994028 70 77.8 2.203645838 1.101822919 ■ 80 86.9 1.766183059' 0.883091529 ■ 90' 96.2 1.441797666' 0.720898833 100' 105.6 1.196242308 0.598121154 110 115.1 1.006735002 0.503367501 ■ 1201 124.7 0.857886294 0.428943147 ■ 130 134.4 0.739104962 0.369552481 Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/22/2009 ■ Verified by: R.M. Date:9/22/2009 ■ ■ ■ Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public ■ in feet Antennas PWLc mz W/ cm Limit 140 144.1 0.642960069 0.321480035 ■ 150 153.8 0.564139296 0.282069648 70 1 11 163.6 3.4 0.498777067 0.249388533 1 ■ 190 193.0 0180 183.21 .8204831 0.17910024106 2001 202.9' 0.3242608421 0.162177017281 830421 ■ ■ 2101 212.7 0.294884196 0.147442098 - 220 0.13464847 222.6. 0.269296941 ■ 230 232.5, 0.246878777 0.123439389 2401242.4 0.227130492 0.113565246 ■ � 25 252.3, 0.209646839 0.10482342 2601 262.2 0.194096213 0.097048106 ■ 270` 272.1 0.180205239 0.09010262 2801 282.1 0.167746986 0.083873493 310 311.9 0.137218055 0.078265924 ■ - 290 292.0 0.156531848' ■ _ 3001 301.9 0.146400448 0.073200224 330 331.7 0.068609028 0.128870169 ■ 320 321.8 1 0.064435084 0.121258988 0.060629494 3401 341.7 0.114300586 0.057150293 ■ 3501 351.6 0.107922618' 0.053961309 ■ 360i 361.6 0.102062461 0.051031231 r 370'1 371.6 0.096665695 0.048332848 ■ 380' 381.5 0.091684844 0.045842422 0.078846713 4100 4101,4, 0.087078347, 0.043539174 390 391.5 ■ t 0.082809695 0.041404847 0.039423356 -- -■ 420 421.4 0.075160959 0.037580479 430 431.3' 0.071727218 0.035863609 ■ 440 441.3 0.068523071 0.034261535 _450 451.3 0.065528534 0.032764267 460 461.3, 0.062725748 0.031362874 470 471.2 0.06009871 0.030049355 ■ 480 481.2 0.057633053 � 0.028816526 490 491.2 0.055315844 0.027657922 0.026567709 0.053135419 500 501.2 , 510 511.1 0.051081235 0.025540618 ■ 520' 521.1 0.049143746 0.024571873 530' 531.1 0.047314289 0.023657145 ■ 5401 541.1 0.04558499 0.022792495 ■ 5501 551.0 0.043948676 0.021974338 - 560 561.0 0.042398808 0.021199404 ■ 570 571.0 0.040929408 0.020464704 580 581.0 0.039535008 0.019767504 - 590 591.0 r ■ 600 601.0 0.038210594' 0.019105297 0.036951564 0.018475782 ■ ■ ■ Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/22/2009 ■ Verified by: R.M. Date:9/22/2009 ■ ■ ■ Co-located 1900MHz. ■ PCS Carriers Sprint, Verizon, AT&T ■ ■ ■ Per Sector ERP Calculation ■ Channels Planned: 5 Sprint CDMA ■ 2 Sprint EVDO 4 Verizon CDMA ■ 5 AT&T GSM 5 AT&T UMTS ■ 21 Total ■ ■ Max PA settings: ■ 16 Watts 42dBm ■ ■ Antenna Gain 14.7dBd i ■ ■ ■ ERP 42cIBm + 14.7dB = 56.7dBm =467.74 W per channel X 21 channels = 9,822.54 Watts ■ ■ ■ ERP per sector= 9,822.54 Watts ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ ■ Co-located 1900MHz. Horizontal Main Beam Calculation Sprint, Verizon, AT&T ■ 1900MHz. Analysis ■ Service: CW- PCS Refer to full report for explaination of all calculations ■ Spherical Model: Calculation Details: ■ 1 .64 . G • ERP Antenna Model :Generic 65 degree panel ,S = :Horizontal BW= 63 degrees ■ 4TcR z ;Vertical BW= 6.8 degrees ERP per sector 9,822.54 Watts ■ Antenna Height : 47.00 Inches Cylindrical Model: Vertical Distance to : ■ _ 1 .64 - G • ERP nearest general ! Ground Level 59.00 Feet public access ■ Snl 2;irRh MPE limit for : general public at ■ 1900 MHz. ! 1000.000 W/cmZ ■ MPE Limit at 1920 MHz.: SL = 1 mW/cmZ ■ SL= 1,000 PW/CM2 ■ ■ Near Field/ Far Field Boundary: A = 3 x 108/ 1900 x 106 ■ 0.1579 meters or 15.79 cm ■ h Z ■ R - 4A ■ 2.256425649 meters 7 feet ■ ■ Spherical Model Cylindrical Model 1%of MPE ■ Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public in feet AntennasNW/cmZ NW/ cmZ Limit ■ 1 59.0 0.206537587 ' not necessary 0.020653759 10 59.8■ 20 62.3' 0.311762262 since minimum 0.031176226 0.172140961 distance is 0.017214096 ■ _ 30 _ 66.2 0.721530363 greater than 0.072153036 40--- 71.3 0.358821676,boundary 0.035882168 ■ 50 77.3 1.517239226 0.151723923 60 84.1 0.2702298191 0.027022982 ■ 70. 91.5 0.314435827 0.031443583 80 99.4 1.678908259 0.167890826 ■ 90 107.6 2.35549292 0.235549292 100 116.1 1.577995484 0.157799548 ■ 110 124.8 0.624068895 0.06240689 120 133.7 0.59079398 0.059079398 ■ Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/22/2009 ■ ■ ■ Spherical Model Cylindrical Model '%of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public ■ in feet Antennas PW/cmZ W/ cmZ Limit 130 142.8 0.426189137 0.042618914 ■ 140 151.9 0.208244358 0.020824436 150 161.2 0.008633204 0.00086332 ■ 160 170.5 0.123656949 0.012365695 170 179.9 0.303764913 0.030376491 180 189.4 0.413012624 0.041301262 ■ 1901 198.9 0.392049679 0.039204968 ■ 20.0 208.5 0.240728961 0.024072896 210 218.1 0.219985623 0.021998562 ■ 220 227.8 0.056340348 0.005634035 230 237.4 0.009499376 0.000949938 ■ 240 247.1 0.008768428 0.000876843 250 256.9 0.155384957 0.015538496 ■ 260 266.6 0.144236221 0.014423622 270 276.4 0.37570115 0.037570115 ■ 280? 286.1 0.35046506 0.035046506 ■ 290 300` 295.9 0.536312557' 0.053631256 305.7 0.502463495 0.05024635 ■ 3101 315.61, 0.4716842571 0.047168426 320 325.4 0.50235396 0.050235396 ■ 330 335.2 0.47329833 0.047329833 340 345.1 0.446668567 0.044666857 ■ 350 354.9 0.422204457 0.042220446 360 364.8 0.301794839 0.030179484 ■ 370 374.7 0.286101104 i 0.02861011 380' 384.6 0.27159107 0.027159107 ■ 390 394.4 0.258149511 0.025814951 400 404.3 0.10383902 0.010383902 ■ 4101 414.2 0.098936985 0.009893698 420+ 424.1 0.094371872 0.009437187 ■ 4301 434.0 0.090113689 0.009011369 440 443.9 0.086135684 0.008613568 ■ 450, 453.9 0.06823398 0.006823398 460T 463.8 0.065347025 0.006534702 ■ 4701 473.7 0.062638563 0.006263856 480 483.6 0.06009425 0.006009425 ■ 490 493.5 0.057701148 0.005770115 500 503.5 0.055447562 0.005544756 ■ 510!, 513.4 0.0533229 0.00533229 _ 520 523.3 0.274957747 0.027495775 ■ 530 533.3 0.264805675 0.026480567 ■ 540543.2 0.255203495 0.02552035 550 560 563.1 0.237496736 0.023749635 _ ' 553.2 0.246112349 0.023749674 570 573.0 0.229324177 ■ I 0.022932418 5W 583.0 0.221564908' 590 592.9 0.2141916 0 .022156491 0.021419162 ■ 600 602.9 0.207179199 0.02071792 i ■ ■ Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/22/2009 ■ ■ ■ ■ Co-located 850MHz. ■ Cellular Carriers ■ ■ ■ Per Sector ERP Calculation ■ Channels Assumed: 10 DEN ■ 5 AT&T GSM 5 AT&T UMTS ■ 7 Verizon CDMA 4 Verizon EVDO ■ 31 Total ■ ■ Max PA settings: ■ 20 Watts 43dBm ■ ■ Antenna Gain 11.9dBd ■ ■ ■ ERP 43dBm + 11.9dB = 54.9dBm = 309 W per channel X 31 channels = 9579 Watts ■ ■ ERP per sector= 9,579.00 Watts ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ s ■ ■ Co-located 850MHz. Horizontal Main Beam Calculation Nextel, Verizon, AT&T ■ 850 MHz. Analysis ■ Service: SMR, Cellular Refer to full report for explanation of all calculations ■ Spherical Model: Calculation Details: ■ _ 1 .64 G . ERP Antenna Model :Generic 65 degree panel S Horizontal BW= 68 degrees ■ B - 4;TR 2 :Vertical BW= 16 degrees ERP per sector i 9,579.00 Watts ■ Antenna Height i 47.00 Inches Cylindrical Model: Vertical Distance to j ■ _ 1 .64 • G . ERP S nearest general I Ground Level public access : 59.00 Feet ■ nJ 2nRh MPE limit for : general public at : 1900 MHz. 533.333 pW I cm2 ■ MPE Limit at 850 MHz.: SL= f/ 1500inmW/CM2 ■ SL= 533 NW/cm2 ■ ■ Near Field/ Far Field Boundary: A = 3 x 108/ 900 x 106 ■ 0.3333 meters or 33.33 cm ■ R _ h 2 ■ 4A ■ 1.068975728 meters 4 feet ■ Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE ■ Horizontal Distance j Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public in feet lAntennas PW/cm2 NW/cm2 Limit ■ 1 59.0 0.107175487 ' not necessary 0.020095404 10 59.8 0.130894052 since minimum 0.024542635 ■ 20L 62.3 0.232263298 distance is 0.043549368 301 66.2 0.148371668 greater than 0.027819688 40 71.3 0.224892534 boundary 0.04216735 50 77.3 2.168455077 0.406585327 60 84.1 3.227227916 0.605105234 70 91.5 1.873390835 0.351260782 ■ 80 99.4 0.339721734 0.063697825 . 90 107.6 0.029797386 0.00558701 100 116.1 0.396462507 0.07433672 ■ 110 124.8 1.521699523 0.28531866 120 133.7 2.077458844 0.389523533 ■ ■ Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/22/2009 ■ ■ Spherical Model Cylindrical Model '%of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public ■ in feet Antennas PW/cm2 PW/ cm2 Limit 130 142.8 2.166200955 0.406162679 ■ 1401 151.9 1.886555608 0.353729176 150, 161.2 1.274290276 0.238929427 ■ 160i 170.5 0.845891957 0.158604742 170 179.9 0.452516037 0.084846757 ■ 180 189.4 0.171814453 0.03221521 190' 198.9 0.015755692 0.002954192 ■ 200 208.5 0.034564057 0.006480761 210 218.1 0.031585712 0.005922321 ■ - - 220 227.8 0.219238031 0.041107131 _ 230 237.4 0.52576474 0.098580889 ■ 240 247.1 0.485308718 0.090995385 250 256.9 1.131111293 0.212083368 ■ 260 266.6 1.049955041 0.19686657 270 276.4_ 1.698004715 0.318375884 ■ 280 286.1 1.583948635 0.296990369 290 295.9 2.309480674 0.433027626 300 305.7 2.163719118 0.405697335 ' 310 315.6 2.0311769 0.380845669 320 325.4 2.838613067 0.53223995 ■ 330 335.2 2.674430643 '0 501455746 340' 345.1 2.52395588 0.473241727 s 350 354.9 2.385718403 0.447322201 360' 364.8 3.074738433 0.576513456 ■ 370 374.7 2.914847917 0.546533984 380 384.6 2.767017165 0.518815718 ■ 390 394.4 2.630072216 0.49313854 400 404.3 3.307173249 0.620094984 . 410, 414.2 3.151048134 0.590821525 420' 424.1 3.005653682 0.563560065 430 434.0 2.87003461 0.538131489 4401 443.9 2.743338982 0.514376059 s -- 450 453.9 3.266608364 0.612489068 460 463.8 3.128399335 0.586574875 ■ - 470 473.7 2.998735443 0.562262896 480 483.6 2.876929966 0.539424369 ■ - 490 493.5 2.762363474 0.517943151 500 503.5 2.654476104 0.49771427 - - 510_ 513.4 2.552760849 0.478642659 520 523.3 2.953672415 0.553813578 530 533.3 2.844616042 0.533365508 540 543.2 2.741466766 0.514025019 ■ 550 553.2 2.643807147 0.49571384 i 560'. 563.1 2.551255845 0.478360471 570' 573.0 2.463463948 0.46189949 . 5804 583.0 2.380111729 0.446270949 5901 592.9_ 2.300905779 0.431419834 ■ 600 602.9 2.225576453 0.417295585 ■ ■ ■ Calculated by: D.E. Date:9/22/2009 · Skyblue · Engineering PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING REPORT Radio Frequency Exposure Levels Prepared for Omnipoint Communications, Inc. for a review of a proposed new wireless facility for T-Mobile, a.k.a. "LI-13-883-A Orient Fire Department" June 1,2009 David J. Evans, P.E. President Skyblue Engineering, PLLC Syosset, NY An evaluation of radio frequency emissions from a proposed facility at 23300 Main Road, Orient, NY 11957, with 3 cellular antennas and associated radio equipment, for the purpose of providing wireless voice and data services within the Town of Southold. Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 1 CONCLUSIONS: The radio frequency (RF) emissions from the proposed cell site will NOT exceed the FCC limits for the general public anywhere accessible by the general public. Power density levels from the proposed cell site will be considerably less than the maximum allowed. In fact, the T-Mobile proposed installation will contribute only 0.014% of the maximum level to the community. Including the existing Orient Fire Department antennas, the maximum, cumulative RF exposure will be no more than 5.78% of the general public limit at the base of the monopole. This proposed installation is fully compliant with all RF exposure requirements. The RF exposure signage recommended for the facility are the "blue" general public warning signs, indicating that there is RF energy in the vicinity. No mitigating measures are needed to protect either workers or the general public from this proposed facility. SUMMARY: This Engineering study was done for a proposed wireless facility at 23300 Main Road, Orient, New York 11957. The calculations performed are for worst-case circumstances, i.e., power density levels will be less than what the calculations show in this report. The proposed facility includes three (3) cellular antennas, in addition to the two (2) existing antennas operated by the Orient Fire Department. Radio Frequency exposure limits are regulated by the FCC, and any local regulations related to exposure limits are pre-empted by the federal government. In addition, as long as the applicant has demonstrated compliance with FCC exposure limits, municipal governments are not able to consider health concerns as a reason for denying an application for a new wireless facility. In other words, concerns about the potential health effects on the community cannot be a reason for denying an application if the proposed facility does not exceed FCC exposure limits. This proposed installation meets those requirements. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 states that "No State or local government or instrumentality thereof, may regulate the placement, construction and modification of personal wireless services facilities on the basis of environmental effects of radio frequencies emissions to the extent that such Facilities comply with the Commissions (FCC) Regulations concerning such emissions". As an FCC licensed operator, T-Mobile has exclusive rights to their frequencies. T- Mobile will not interfere with nor will experience interference from other cellular Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewfs Lane, Syossef. NY 1 t791 516.250,4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.corn Town of Southoid 2 carriers. In addition, T-Mobile will not interfere with television, cordless telephones, radio, or any other licensed operator's reception within the site's coverage area. ENGINEERING ANALYSIS: The proposed antenna installation is for the purpose of providing 2-way voice and data wireless services. This means that the proposed cell tower must communicate with low- power, hand-held devices. As such, link budgets are limited by the power of the handsets used by people in the community. So, power emitted by the radio equipment at the proposed facility will be very low. Typically, this will be at an order-of-magnitude of 1 watt per channel. Facilities located within more urban, dense areas will have more channels, and facilities located in more rural, less-dense areas will have few. For the purposes of this analysis, a very high number of channels is assumed to be present. This represents a worst-ease scenario for exposure levels. This Engineering calculation is based on "OET Bulletin No. 65 -Edition 97-01" [1] published by the FCC, and the data provided by the applicant which includes sketches and specifications provided by T-Mobile. The details for all calculations performed are provided in appendix A. The proposal is for 3 panel antennas concealed within monopole at a height of 97.25 feet above ground level. The closest possible distance that a person from the general public could be to these new antennas is 97.25 fl. Accounting for the height of a random person [2], the distance from the proposed antennas is 91.475 feet. Calculations The method of calculating theoretical exposure limits is described in detail in the FCC's OET Bulletin No. 65 -Edition 97-01. The calculations predict the power density of RF signals in the environment based on the power injected into the antenna, the antenna pattern, and the distance from the antenna at the point of interest. There are two models used to predict RF exposure levels. They are the near field or cylindrical model, and the far field or spherical model. The appropriate model is used depending how close the point-of-interest is to the antenna. This analysis was performed at the closest distance a person from the general public can physically get to the antennas, out to 600 feet in the horizontal direction of the main beam. In this case, minimum distance is 91.475fi. The analysis for any one sector is equivalent to the others. Therefore, this calculation was done for one sector, with all antennas at the same azimuth. This is worst-case, as any deviation between carriers' sector azimuths would produce lower exposure levels as compared with aligned sectors. Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lalle. Syo~set NY 11791 516.250.4580 www. SkyblueEr~gineerir/g.cocn Town of Southold $ The power density calculations are presented in units of gW / cm2, and also in "% of MPE" (Maximum Permissible Exposure) limits for the general public. Tables of all calculations are provided in appendix A. Spherical Model: In free space (i.e., tower structures), a simple spherical model can be used to calculate the power density at any distance from the antenna. Sff- 1.64ERP 4n:R2 OET Bulletin 65, page 20 equation (5) $ffis the power density at distance R from the antenna, and £RP is the effective radiated power relative to a dipole antenna. For rooftop analysis, we assume 100% reflection, and a doubling of exposure. This changes the spherical model to: S fl- (2)2 · 1.64ERP OET Bulletin 65, page 20 equation (6) In order to factor for the gain of the antenna relative to the main beam, we use: 1.64 .G · ERP S~ - OET Bulletin 65, page 23 equation (10) 4hR2 Where G is the gain factor in the direction of interest, relative to the main beam. Cylindrical Model: When very close to the antenna, power density reduces at a rate of 1/R rather than 1/R2. Since this can result in higher predicted values when R is small, we use the cylindrical model for points of interest in the near field of the antenna. Simple cylindrical model 1.64ERP S~- 2n~h OET Bulletin 65, page 32 equation (20) S,fis the power density at distance R from the antenna, ERP is the effective radiated power relative to a dipole antenna, and h is the length of the antenna from tip to tail. Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516,250.4580 www. SkyblueEngir~eerin,c].corT/ Town of Southold 4 In order to factor for the gain of the antenna relative to the main beam, we use: 1.64 · G · ERP S.~ - 2~h Cylindrical model with relative gain factor To determine the boundary between the near field and the far field we use: h2 R= 42 OET Bulletin 65, page 27 equation (12) Where: R is the distance from the antenna where the regions converge h is the vertical length of the antenna ~ is the wavelength of the RF emissions To determine the wavelength of the emissions, we use: c Engineering Electromagnetic& W. Hayt, Jr., McGraw-Hill 1989, page 341 Table 1. CALCULATED CUMMULATIVE NIPE LEVELS Horizontal T-Mobile % of T-Mobile % of Total T- Orient FD % Cumulative Distance MPE Limit in MPE Limit in Mobile % of of MPE Limit % of MPE from Tower 1900MHz. Band 2200MHz, Band MPE Limit in 46MHz. Limit (feet) Band 1 0.0001 0.0076 O. 0076 5.7672 6.7748 10 O. 0005 O. 0078 O. 0083 5.3126 5,3209 20 0.0017 00076 0.0092 4.2883 4.2975 30 0.0032 Q0029 0.0062 3.2454 3.2516 40 0,0065 0.0019 0.0084 2,4211 2,4295 50 0.0036 0.0008 0.0044 1,8251 1.8295 60 0.0001 0.0025 0.0026 1.4030 1.4056 70 0.0023 0.0026 0.0049 1.1018 1,1068 80 0.0033 0.0003 0.0036 0,8831 0.8867 90 0,0094 O. 0010 O. 0104 0.7209 0.7313 100 0.0103 0.0004 0,0107 0,5981 0.6089 110 0.0044 0,0002 0.0047 0,5034 0,5080 120 0,0011 0,0034 0.0045 0,4289 0.4335 130 0.0085 0.0025 0.0110 0.3696 0.3806 140 0.0129 0,0006 0.0t35 0,3215 0.3350 150 0.0074 0.0023 0.0097 0,2821 0.2918 160 0.0031 0.0039 0.0070 0.2494 0.2564 70 Lewis Lane, Syo$$et NY 11791 Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 5]6.25014580 www. SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 170 0.0012 0.0042 0.0054 0.2220 0.2274 180 0.0033 0.0024 0.0057 0.1989 0.2045 190 0.0053 0.0008 0.0061 0.1791 0.1852 200 0.0059 0.0003 0.0062 0.1621 0.1683 210 0.0046 0.0012 0.0058 0.1474 0.1533 220 0.0024 0.0028 0.0052 0.1346 0.1398 230 0.0011 0.0037 0.0048 0.1234 0.1282 240 0.0021 0.0032 0,0053 0.1136 0.1189 250 0.0054 0.0018 0.0072 0.1048 0.1120 260 0.0095 0.0007 0,0102 0.0970 0.1072 270 0,0089 0,0006 0.0095 0.0901 0,0996 280 0.0114 0.00(36 0,0120 0,0839 0.0959 290 0.0107 0.0006 0.0113 0.0783 0.0895 300 0.0105 0.0016 0.0121 0.0732 0.0853 310 0.0082 0.0027 0.0109 0.0686 0.0795 320 0.0077 0.0026 0.0103 0.0644 0.0747 330 0.0053 0.0029 0.0082 0.0606 0.0689 340 0.0050 0.0028 0.0078 0.0572 0.0649 350 0.0047 0.0026 0.0074 0.0540 0.0613 360 0.0040 0.0022 0,0062 0.0510 0.0572 370 0,0038 0,0021 0.0059 0,0483 0.0542 380 0.0037 0.0020 0.0056 0.0458 0.0515 390 0.0051 0.0014 0.0065 0.0435 0.0500 400 0.0049 0,0013 0.0062 0,0414 0.0476 410 0.0046 0.0012 0.0059 0.0394 0.0453 420 0.0073 0.0013 0.0086 0.0376 0,0462 430 0.0070 0.0012 0.0082 0.0350 0.0441 440 0,0067 0.0012 0.0079 0,0343 0.0421 460 0.0081 0.0019 0.0100 0.0314 0.0414 450 0.0085 0.0020 0,0104 0.0328 0.0432 470 0,0078 0.0018 0.0096 0.0300 0.0397 480 0.0075 0.0017 0.0092 0,0288 0.0380 500 0.0067 0.0025 0.0093 0.0266 0,0358 490 0.0072 0.0017 0.0089 0.0277 0.0365 510 0.0065 0.0024 0.0089 0.0255 0.0344 520 0.0062 0.0023 0.0086 0.0246 0.0331 530 0.0060 0.0023 0.0083 0,0237 0.0319 540 0.0058 0,0022 0.0080 0.0228 0.0308 550 0.0036 0.0022 0,0057 0.0220 0.0277 500 0.0034 0.0021 0,0055 0.0212 0.0267 570 0,0033 0,0020 0,0054 0.0205 0.0258 580 0.0032 0.0020 0,0052 0,0198 0.0249 590 0.0031 0.0019 0, 0050 0,0191 0.0241 600 0,0030 0,0018 0.0048 0,0185 0.0233 $1(yblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis katie, Syosset, NY 11791 516,250.4580 www. SkyblueEr]gineering.com · · Town of Southold · BACKG~OUND~ · The FCC s MPE limits are based on exposure limits recommended by the National I Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) [3] and, over a wide range of frequencies, the exposure limits developed by the Institute of Electrical and · Electronics Engineers, Inc., (IEEE) and adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to replace the 1982 ANSI guidelines. Limits for localized absorption are · based on recommendations of both ANSI/IEEE and NCRP. · The FCC's limits, and the NCRP and ANSI/IEEE limits on which they are based, are · derived from exposure criteria quantified in terms of specific absorption rate (SAR)*. · The basis for these limits is a whole-body averaged SAR threshold level of 4 watts per kilogram (4 W/kg), as averaged over the entire mass of the body, above which expert · organizations have determined that potentially hazardous exposures may occur. · Figure 1. FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) Plane-wave Equivalent · Power Density (mW / em2) · 1,000 I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ }, · to · 01 0 03 0.3 T 3 30 300 13, ooo 30,000 ~. 300,000 I I r 34 I, 500 100, 000 Frequency (MHz) * Specific absorption rate is a measure of the rate of energy absorption by the body. SAR limits are specified for both whole-body exposure and for partial-body or localized exposure (generally specified in terms of spatial peak values). Slcyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset NY 11791 516.250.4580 www. SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 7 Table 2. LIMITS FOR MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE) (A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure Frequency Electric Field Magnetic Field Power Density Averaging Time Range Strength (E) Strength (H) (S) lEI2, IHI2 or S (MHz) (V/m) (A/m) (mW/cm2) (minutes) 0.3-3.0 614 1.63 (100)* 6 3.0-30 1842/f 4.89/f (900/f)* 6 30-300 61.4 0.163 1.0 6 300-1500 .... f/300 6 1500-100,000 .... 5 6 (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure Frequency Electric Field Magnetic Field Power Density Averaging Time Range Strength (E) Strength (H) (S) lEI2, IHI2 or S (MHz) (V/m) (A/m) (mW/cm2 (minutes) 0.3-1.34 614 1.63 (100)* 30 1.34-30 824# 2.19/f ( 180/f)* 30 30-300 27.5 0.073 0.2 30 300-1500 .... fl1500 30 1500-100,000 .... 1.0 30 f = frequency in MHz *Plane-wave equivalent power density NOTE 1: Occupational/controlled limits apply in situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment provided those persons are fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure. Limits for occupational/controlled exposure also apply in situations when an individual is transient through a location where occupational/controlled limits apply provided he or she is made aware of the potential for exposure. NOTE 2: General population/uncontrolled exposures apply in situations in which the general public may be exposed, or in which persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be fully aware of the potential for exposure or can not exercise control over their exposure. Sl(yblue Engineering, PI. LC 70 Lewis Lal~e Syosset NY 11791 516.250.4580 www. SkyblueEngirleerir~g.com I ! ! Town of Southold 8 Definitions and Glossary of Terms The following specific words and terms are used in this bulletin. These definitions are adapted from those included in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 1992 RF exposure standard [4], from NCRP Report No. 67 [5] and from the FCC's Rules (47 CFR § 2.1 and § 1.1310). Average (temporal) power. The time-averaged rate of energy transfer. Averaging time. The appropriate time period over which exposure is averaged for purposes of determining compliance with RF exposure limits. Continuous exposure. Exposure for durations exceeding the corresponding averaging time. Decibel (dB). Ten times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of two power levels. Duty factor. The ratio of pulse duration to the pulse period of a periodic pulse train. Also, may be a measure of the temporal transmission characteristic of an intermittently transmitting RF soume such as a paging antenna by dividing average transmission duration by the average period for transmissions. A duty factor of 1.0 corresponds to continuous operation. Effective radiated power (ERP) (in a given direction). The product of the power supplied to the antenna and its gain relative to a half-wave dipole in a given direction. Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP). The product of the power supplied to the antenna and the antenna gain in a given direction relative to an isotropic antenna. Electric field strength (E). A field vector quantity that represents the force (F) on an infinitesimal unit positive test charge (q) at a point divided by that charge. Electric field strength is expressed in units of volts per meter (V/m). Energy density (electromagnetic field). The electromagnetic energy contained in an infinitesimal volume divided by that volume. Exposure. Exposure occurs whenever and wherever a person is subjected to electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields other than those originating from physiological processes in the body and other natural phenomena. Exposure, partial-body. Partial-body exposure results when RF fields are substantially nonuniform over the body. Fields that are nonuniform over volumes comparable to the human body may occur due to highly directional sources, standing-waves, re-radiating sources or in the near field. See RF "hot spot". Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www. SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 9 Far-field region. That region of the field of an antenna where the angular field distribution is essentially independent of the distance from the antenna. In this region (also called the free space region), the field has a predominantly plane-wave character, i.e., locally uniform distribution of electric field strength and magnetic field strength in planes transverse to the direction of propagation. Gain (of an antenna). The ratio, usually expressed in decibels, of the power required at the input of a loss-f~ee reference antenna to the power supplied to the input of the given antenna to produce, in a given direction, the same field strength or the same power density at the same distance. When not specified othe~vise, the gain refers to the direction of max/mum radiation. Gain may be considered for a specified polarization. Gain may be referenced to an isotropic antenna (dBi) or a half-wave dipole (dBd). General population/uncontrolled exposure. For FCC purposes, applies to human exposure to RF fields when the general public is exposed or in which persons who are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be made fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. Therefore, members of the general public always fall under this category when exposure is not employment- related. Hem (Hz). The unit for expressing frequency, (f). One hertz equals one cycle per second. Magnetic field strength (H). A field vector that is equal to the magnetic flux density divided by the permeability of the medium. Magnetic field strength is expressed in units of amperes per meter (A/m). Maximum permissible exposure (MPE). The rms and peak electric and magnetic field strength, their squares, or the plane-wave equivalent power densities associated with these fields to which a person may be exposed without harmful effect and with an acceptable safety factor. Near-field region. A region generally in proximity to an antenna or other radiating structure, in which the electric and magnetic fields do not have a substantially plane-wave character, but vary considerably from point to point. The near-field region is further subdivided into the reactive near-field region, which is closest to the radiating structure and that contains most or nearly all of the stored energy, and the radiating near-field region where the radiation field predominates over the reactive field, but lacks substantial plane-wave character and is complicated in structure. For most antennas, the outer boundary of the reactive near field region is commonly taken to exist at a distance of one- half wavelength from the antenna surface. Occupational/controlled exposure. For FCC purposes, applies to human exposure to RF fields when persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment and in which those persons who are exposed have been made fully aware of the potential for exposure 70 Lewis Lone. Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www. SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold lO and can exercise control over their exposure. Occupational/controlled exposure limits also apply where exposure is of a transient nature as a result of incidental passage through a location where exposure levels may be above general population/uncontrolled limits (see definition above), as long as the exposed person has been made fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over his or her exposure by leaving the area or by some other appropriate means. Peak Envelope Power (PEP). The average power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a radio transmitter during one radiofrequency cycle at the crest of the modulation envelope taken under normal operating conditions. Power density, average (temporal). The instantaneous power density integrated over a source repetition period. Power density (S). Power per unit area normal to the direction of propagation, usually expressed in units of watts per square meter (W/mo or, for convenience, units such as milliwatts per square centimeter (mW/cmO or microwatts per square centimeter (IxW/cm2). For plane waves, power density, electric field strength (E) and magnetic field strength (H) are related by the impedance of free space, i.e., 377 ohms, as discussed in Section 1 of OET bulletin No. 65. Although many survey instruments indicate power density units ("far-field equivalent" power density), the actual quantities measured are E or Ezor H or H2. Power density, peak. The maximum instantaneous power density occurring when power is transmitted. Power density, plane-wave equivalent or far-field equivalent. A commonly-used terms associated with any electromagnetic wave, equal in magnitude to the power density of a plane wave having the same electric (E) or magnetic (H) field strength. Radiofrequency (RF) spectrum. Although the RF spectrum is formally defined in terms of frequency as extending from 0 to 3000 GHz, for proposes of the FCC's exposure guidelines, the frequency range of interest in 300 kHz to 100 GHz. Re-radiated field. An electromagnetic field resulting from currents induced in a secondary, predominantly conducting, object by electromagnetic waves incident on that object from one or more primary radiating structures or antennas. Re-radiated fields are sometimes called "reflected" or more correctly "scattered fields." The scattering object is sometimes called a "reradiator" or "secondary radiator". RF "hot spot." A highly localized area of relatively more intense radio-frequency radiation that manifests itself in two principal ways: (1) The presence of intense electric or magnetic fields immediately adjacent to conductive objects that are immersed in lower intensity ambient fields (oflen referred to as re-radiation), and Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 516.250,4580 www.SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 11 (2) Localized areas, not necessarily immediately close to conductive objects, in which there exists a concentration of RF fields caused by reflections and/or narrow beams produced by high-gain radiating antennas or other highly directional sources. In both cases, the fields are characterized by very rapid changes in field strength with distance. RF hot spots are normally associated with very nonuniform exposure of the body (partial body exposure). This is not to be confused with an actual thermal hot spot within the absorbing body. Root-mean-square (rms). The effective value, or the value associated with joule heating, of a periodic electromagnetic wave. The rms value is obtained by taking the square root of the mean of the squared value ora function. Scattered radiation. An electromagnetic field resulting from currents induced in a secondary, conducting or dielectric object by electromagnetic waves incident on that object from one or more primary sources. Short-term exposure. Exposure for durations less than the corresponding averaging time. Specific absorption rate (SAR). A measure of the rate of energy absorbed by (dissipated in) ma incremental mass contained in a volume element of dielectric materials such as biological tissues. SAR is usually expressed in terms of watts per kilogram (W/kg) or milliwatts per gram (mW/g). Guidelines for human exposure to RF fields are based on SAR thresholds where adverse biological effects may occur. When the human body is exposed to an RF field, the SAR experienced is proportional to the squared value of the electric field strength induced in the body. Wavelength (_). The wavelength (_) of an electromagnetic wave is related to the frequency 0') and velocity (v) by the expression v =f._.. In free space the velocity of an electromagnetic wave is equal to the speed of light, i.e., approximately 3 x 108m/s. 70 Lewis Lar~e, Syos~et. NY 11791 Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueFngineelir~g.com Town of Southold 12 REFERENCES: [1 ] FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Bulletin 65, "Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields", Edition 97-01, August 1997. [2] CDC Vital andHealth Statistics, No. 361, July 7 2005. Summarized here: http://www.cdc, gov/nch s/fastat s/bodymeas.htm [3] "Biological Effects and Exposure Criteria for Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields", NCRP Report No. 86 (1986), National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), Bethesda, MD. The NCRP is a non-profit corporation chartered by the U.S. Congress to develop information and recommendations concerning radiation protection. [4] American National Standards Institute (ANSI), "Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz," ANSI/IEEE C95.1 - 1992 (previously issued as IEEE C95.1 - 1991 ). Copyright 1992 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE), New York, N.Y. 10017. For copies contact the IEEE: 1-800-678-4333 or 1-908-981-1393. [5] National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), "Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields; Properties, Quantities and Units, Biophysical Interaction, and Measurements," NCRP Report No. 67, t981. Copyright NCRP, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA. For copies contact: NCRP Publications at 1-800-229-2652. [6] FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Bulletin 56, "Questions and Answers about Biological Effects and Potential Hazards of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields", Fourth Edition, August 1999. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: American Cancer Society, Prevention and Early Detection, Cellular Phone Towers: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/PED/contenffPED I 3X Celhflar Phone Towers.asp Health Physics Society, risk for health with the installation of a cellular tower near a community: htlp://www.hps.org/publici nformation/ate/q79.html World Health Organization, Electromagnetic fields and public health: http ://www. who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs304/en/index.html Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane, Syossel, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www. SkyblueEngineering.cor'n Town of Southold Spectrum of electromagnetic waves. Wavek~gth (m) Freq~mcy (Hz) Chu~eati~ A~lkaue~ · lO~ 1~) I0-~° I0~s (EHz) T X-rays / (nm) I0 ~' Ultraviolct ~ I0.s (PHz} gm) 10 ~ - EHF (30-~ GHz) a~. I0~ iGHz) UHF (3~-3~ MHz) a~at. (m) I - VHF (30-~ MHz) ~'r~FM'~r ~1~, HF (3-~ MHz} ~t~'~ 10z -. -~ ~ ~.. (kin) I0~ - I0 (MHz) MF (~-~ kHz) di~__~.~ 1~- LF (~3~ kHz) ~ ~. VLF (3-~ kHz) sa~t~ ~r I0s 10~ (kHz} ULF (~-~ Hz) ~o~ {Mm) 10s- I0~ . ~ ~ {Hz) SLF {~-3~ Hz) co~ ELF {3-30 Hz) ~ I0s (Hz) Wavelength ran~ of human vision: 720(nm~3~(nm) (~p r~) {Violet) Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lame, Syosset. NY II 791 516.250.4580 www.SkyblueEr~gineering.com · · · · Town of Southoid 14 NON - IONIZING "I ~ IONIZING . F~ I I I I I t I I ~1 I [ [ I I i I r I I r t I I I I (He.z) tO 1~ 10' 10~ 10* 10~ 10' 10* 10' ~0'010 TM ~d~ld'~d'~ld' IO~ ld'1o"1o"1o;0 lo='1o= tom~(~1o~ lOm FIGURE 2. The Electromagnetic Spectrum [6] Skyblue Engineering, PLLC 70 Lewis Lane. Syosset NY 1 ~79! 516.250.4580 www. SkyblueEngineering.com Town of Southold 15 APPENDIX A - Calculation Details Skyblue En§ineering~ PLLC 70 Lewis Lane. Syosset, NY 11791 516.250.4580 www. SkyblueEngineerir~g.com LI-13-883-A Per Sector ERP Calculation Channels Planned: Max PA settings: Antenna Gain ERP 5 1900 GSM 20 Watts 43dBm 16.3dBd 43dBm + 16.3dB = 59.3dBm = 851.14 W per channel X 5 channels = 4,255.70 Watts ERP per sector = 4,255.70 Watts LI-13-883-A Horizontal Main Beam Calculation Refer to full report for explaination of a~l calculations Spherical Model: 1.64 · G · ERP S~ = 4~cR~ Cylindrical Model: 1.64 · G. ERP 2 zrRh MPE Limit at 1900 MHz.: SL = 1 mW/cm2 Calculation Details: IAntenna Model ERP per sector Antenna Hei~lht Vertical Distance to nearest general ~ublic access MPE limit for general public at 1900 MHz. T-Mobile 190~MHz. Analysis Service: CW- PCS iRFS APX16DWV-16DWVS-E-A20 !Horizontal BW = 65 degrees IVertical BW = 6.5 de~rees 4,255.70 Watts I 55.90 Inches base of tower 91.48 Feet 1000.00 pW/cm2 Near Field / Far Field Boundary: A = 3x 108/1900x 10s 0.1579 meters or 15.79 cm R - 4~ 3.191897434 meters 10 feet I Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public in feet Antennas JW /cm~ JW /cm2 Limit 191.5 0.000866799 * not necessary 8.66799E-05 10 92.0 0,004918253 since minimum 0.000491825 20 93.6 0.016507853 distance is 0.001650785 30 96.,'. 0.032404419 greater than 0.003240442 40 99.8 0.064860631 boundary 0.006486063 _ 50 104.2 0.036260885 0.003626088 60 109.4 0.001356954 0.000135695 70 115.2 0.023162222 0.002316222 80 121.5 0.032980932 0.00329809a 90 128.3 0.093959946 0.009395995 100 135.5 0.103162264 0,010316226 110 143.1 0.04441263~ 0.004441263 120 150.9 0.01092084~ 0.001092085 __ 130 159.0 0.085311931 0.008531193 Calculated by: D.E. Date:6/1/2009 Vedfied by:. R.M. Date:6/1/2009 Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public in feet Antennas ~W /cm2 JW /cm2 Limit 140 167.2 0.129097755 0,012909778 150 175.~ 0.074143168 0.007414317 160 184.3 0.031369618 0.00313696.c 170 193.( 0.012057097 0.00120571 180 201.9 0.032904789 0.00329047~ 190 210.9 0.053153349 0.00531533~ 200 219.9 0.05875162 0.005875162 21(~ 229/ 0.0459921 0,00459921 226 238.3 0.024069881 0.002406988 230 247.5 0.010798008 0.001079801 240 256.8 0.020856618 0.002085662 250 266.2 0.053718871 0.005371887 _ 260 275.6 0.095487435 0.00954874: 270 285.1 0.089260071 0.008926007 280 294.6 0.113819612 0.011381961 290 304.1 0.106803411 0.010680341 300 313.6 0.104887239 0.010488724 310 323.2 0.081958336 0.00819563~ 320 332.8 0.07729689 0.007729689 330 342.4 0.052892823 0.0052892~ 340 352.1 0.050034159 0.005003416 350 361.8 0.047396107 0.004739611 360 371.4 0.04043874S 0.004043875 370 381.1 0,03840661 S 0.003840662 380 390,9 0.036521078 0.003652108 390 400,6 0.050955082 0.005095508 400 410.3 0.04856421; 0.004856421 410 420.1 0,04633507~ 0.004633508 420 429.8 0.073105335 0.007310533 430 439.6 0.069890129 0.006989013 440 449,4, 0.066879528 0.006687953 450 459.', 0.084637934 0.006463793 460 469.(~ 0.081136487 0.00811364c, 470 478.8 0.077845271 0.007764527 480 488.6 0.074747992 0.00747479~c 490 498.5 0.071829884 0.007182981~ 500 508.3 0.067349889 0.00673498~ 510 518.1 0.064816125 0.006481612 520 528.0 0.062421277 0.006242128 53(~ 537.8 0.060155475 0.006015547 64C 547.7 0.058009698 0.00580097 550 557.6 0.035727243 0,003572724 560 567.4 0.034495528 0.00344955: 570 577.3 0.033325899 0.00333259 580 587.2 0.032214287 0.003221429 590 597.0 0.031156948 0.00311569! 600 606.9 0.030150433 0.003015043 Calculated by: D.E Vedfied by: R.M. Date:6/1/2009 Date:6/1/2009 LI-13-883-A Per Sector ERP Calculation Channels Planned: Max PA settings: Antenna Gain ERP 2 2200 UMTS 20 Watts 43dBm 16.3dBd 43dBm + 16.3dB = 59.3dBm = 851.14 W per channel X 2 channels = 1,702.28 Wafts ERP per sector = 1,702.28 Watts I LI-13-883-A Horizontal Main Beam Calculation Refer to full report for explaination of all calculations Spherical Model: 1.64 · G · ERP S~ = 4~rR~ Cylindrical Model: 1.64 · G. ERP ~' "~2 n'Rh MPE Limit at 2200 MHz.: SL=I mW/cm2 T-Mobile 2200MHz. Analysis Service: AWS Calculation Details: Antenna Model ERP per sector Antenna Hei~lht IRFS APX 16DWV-16DWVS-E-A20 !Horizontal BW = 65 degrees !Vertical BW = 6.5 de~lrees 1,702.28 Watts 55.90 Inches Vertical Distance to nearest general )ublic access MPE limit for general public at 2200 MHz. base of tower 91.48 Feet 1000.00 ~JW /cm2 Near Field / Far Field Boundary: X= 3x 10s/2200x 10s 0.1365 meters or 13.65 cm R - 4~!. 3.692312124 meters 12 feet Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public' in feet Antennas ~W / crn2 JW / crn~ Limit 1 91.5 0.075505454 * not necessary 0.007550545 10 92.0 0.07778052 since minimum 0.007778052 20 93.6 0.075639836 distance is 0.00756398zl 30 96.3 0.029286281 greater than 0.002928628 40 99.1 0.018794949 boundary 0.001879495 5(~ 104.2 0.008007527 0.000800753 6C 109,4 0.024525917 0.002452592 70 115.2 0.026112004 0.0026112 80 121.5 0.003306153 0.000330615 90 128.3 0.010351487 0.001035149 100 135.5 0.004281351 0.009428135 110 143.1 0.00210168 0.000210168 120 150.9 0.034460086 0.003446009 130 1590 0.024892571 0.002489257 Calculated by:. D.E. Date:6/1/2009 Verified by: R.M. Date:6/1/2009 Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public in feet Antennas JW/crn2 JW/cm2 Limit 140 167.2 0.005623137 0.00056231, 150 175.7 0.023074438 0.002307444 160 184.3 0.038509619 0.003850982 170 193,0 0.041620064 0.004162006 180 201.9 0,023676587 0.002367659 190 210.9 0.007972428 0.000797243 200 219.9 0.00331192 0.000331192 210 229.1 0.01243779 0.001243779 220 238.3 0.027895487 0,002789549 230 247.5 0.037102541 0,003710254 240 256.8 0.032159099 0,00321591 250 266.2 0.01828887 0.001828887 260 275.6 0,006516377 0.000651638 270 285.1 0.006091401 0.00060914 280 294.6 0.006099259 0.000609926 290 304.1 0.00572328: 0.000572328 300 313.6 0.015659671 0.001565967 310 323.2 0.027080278 0.002708028 320 332.8 0.025540061 0.002554007 330 342.4 0.029407407 0.002940741 340 352.1 0.02781804, 0.002781804 350 361.8 0.026351338 0.002635134 560 371.4 0.02166994 0.002166994 370 381.1 0.020580981 0.002058098 380 390?; 0.019570575 0.001957057 390 400.6 0.015622208 0.001562221 400 410.3 0.012983038 0.0012983041 410 420.1 0.012387107 0.0012387111 420 429.~ 0.012942228 0.001294222 430 439.6 0.012373023 0.001237302 440 449.4 0.01184004' 0.00118400~ 450 459.2 0.01979817 0.001979817 46C 469.0 0.018979125 0.001897913 470 478.8 0.018209257 0.001820926 480 488.6 0.01748475z 0.001748475 490 498.5 0.016802162 0.001680216 500 508.3 0.025199787 0.002519979 510 518.1 0.024251748 0.002425175 520 528.0 0.023355687 0.002335569 530 537.8 0.022507909 0.002250791 540 547.7 0.02170504 0.002170504 550 557.6 0.021729988 0.002172999 560 567.4 0.020980836 0.002098054 570 577.3 0.020269445 0.002026945 580 587.2 0.019593342 0.001959334 590 597.0 0.018950248 0.001895025 600 606.9 0.018338066 0.001833807 Calculated by: D.E. Vedfied by:. R.M Date:6/1/2009 Date:61112009 LI-13-883-A FD ERP Calculation Licensed Channels: Antenna Gain ERP 46.34 30 Watts ERP 46,38 30 Watts ERP 46.46 30 Watts ERP 46.30 5 Watts ERP 0dBd 30+30+30+5 = 95 Watts Total ERP = 95.00 Watts · LI-13-883-A Omni-Directional Calculation Refer to full report for explaination of all calculations Spherical Model: 1.64 · G · ERP S~ = 4n'R~ Cylindrical Model: 1.64. G · ERP S~ = 2 ~Rh MPE Limit at 46 MHz.: SL =0.2 mW/cm2 Orient FD 46MHz. Analysis Service: PW - Public Safety Pool, Conventional Calculation Details: IAntenna Model ERP per sector Antenna Height Vertical Distance to nearest general ~ublic access MPE limit for general public at 46 MHz. Generic, Unity Gain Omni Horizontal BW = N/A Vertical BW = N/A 95.00 Watts 63.00 Inches base of tower 40.00 Feet I 200.00 IJW /cm2 Near Field / Far Field Boundary: ~= 3x 108/46x 106 6.5 meters or 650 cm h2 R - 0.098486155 meters 0 feet Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public in feet Antennas JW / crn2 iW /cm2 Limit 1 34.0 11.53438133 not necessary 5.767190663 10 35.4 10.62522229 since minimum 5.312611144 20 39.4 8.576657579 ~listance is 4~28832879 30 45.3 6.490894549 greater than 3.245447275 40 ___ 52.5 4.842263858 ~)oundaq/_ 2.421131929 50 60.5 3.65024048 1.82512024 60 69.0 2.805988056 1.402994028 70 77.8 2.203645838 1.101822919 80 86.9 1.766183059 0.883091529 90 96.2 1.441797666 0.720898833 100 105.6 1.196242308 0.598121154 110 115.1 1.006735002 0.503367501 120 124.7 0.857886294 0.428943147 130 134.4 0.739104962 0.369552481 Calculated by: D.E. Date:6/1/2009 Verified by:. R.M Date:6/1/2009 Spherical Model Cylindrical Model % of MPE Horizontal Distance Radial Distance to Power Density Power Density General Public in feet Antennas JW/cm2 JW/crn2 Limit 14(3 144,1 0,642960069 0.321480035 150 153.8 0.564139296 0.282069648 160 163.6 0.498777067 0.249388533 17(} 173.4 0.444013814 0.222006907 18(} 183.2 0.397701728 0.198850864 19(} 193.0 0.358204831 0.17910241~ 20(} 202.9 0.324260842 0.162130421 21(} 212.7 0.294884196 0.147442098 22(} 222.6 0.269296941 0.13464847 23(} 232.5 0.246878777 0.123439389 24(} 242.4 0.227130492 0.113565248 25~ 252.3 0.209646839 0.1048234; 26(} 262.2 0.194096213 0.09704810(~ 27(} 272.1 0.180205239 0.09010262 28(} 282.1 0.167746986 0.083873493 29(} 292.0 0.156531648 0.078265924 30(} 301.9 0.146400448 0.073200224 31(} 311.9 0.137218055 0.068609028 320 321.8 0.128870169 0.064435064 33(} 331.7 0.121258988 0.060629494 34(} 341.7 0.114300586 0.057150293 35(} 351.6 0.107922618 0.053961309 360 361.6 0.102062461 0.051031231 370 371.6 0.096665695 0.048332848 380 381.5 0.091684844 0.045842422 390 391.5 0.087078347 0.043539174 400 401.4 0.08280969,~ 0.041404847 410 411.4 0.078846713 0.039423356 420 421.4 0.075160959 0.037580479 430 431.3 0.071727218 0.035863609 440 441.3 0.068523071 0.034261535 450 451.3 0.065528534 0.032764267 460 461.,' 0.062725748 0.031362874 470 471.2 0.06009871 0.030049355 480 481.2 0.057633053 0.028816526 490 491.2 0.055315844 0.027657922 500 501.2 0.053135419 0.026567709 510 511.1 0.051081235 0.025540618 520 521.1 0.049143746 0.024571873 530 531.1 0.047314289 0.023657145 540 541.1 0.04558499 0.022792495 550 551.0 0.943948676 0.02197433t 560 561.( 0.042398808 0.021199404 570 571.0 0.040929408 0.020464704 580 581.0 0.039535008 0.019767504 590 591.0 0.038210594 0.019105297 600 601,0 0,036951564 I 0.018475782 Calculated by:. D.E. Verified by: R.M Date:6/1/~009 Date:6/1/2009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VISUAL RESOURCE EVALUATION FOR A PROPOSED COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY AT Orient Fire Department 23300 Main Road Orient, New York 11957 Town of Southold Suffolk County Prepared for: T-Mobile Northeast LLC 3500 Sunrise Highway Suite D 203 Great River, New York 11789 Prepared by: DMS Consulting Services, Inc. 65 Ramapo Valley Road Suite 4 Mahwah, New Jersey 07430 September 18, 2009 I DMS CONSULTING SERVICES, INC, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION T-Mobile Northeast LLC ("T-Mobile") seeks approval for the collocation of a public utility wireless communications facility located at The Orient Fire Department, 23300 Main Road, Orient, New York within the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. The proposed installation is the modification of an existing 4-90 foot stealth monopole located within a fenced telecommunications compound placed along the southern side of the main fire department building. The proposed action would require a 10-foot addition to the height of the existing structure as well an easterly expansion of the current compound in order to accommodate the requested collocation of this provider. The modification proposed would be in keeping with the existing approved design and general layout of the facility within the subject parcel. The addition of this provider would not alter, modify, or change the footprint of the existing building or future development of the subject parcel. The proposed project is limited to minor modifications to the existing facility and minimal changes within the subject parcel. A site visit and windshield analysis was conducted by DMS Consulting Services, Inc. ("DMS Consulting") on September 2, 2009 to assess the existing conditions of the subject parcel and surrounding area and to determine the possible visual changes from within the surrounding community due to the modification proposed. LI13833A I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project is a wireless communication facility. Drawings prepared by William F. Collins, Architects with a revision date of September 18, 2009, indicate that the existing stealth monopole stands at a height of+90'0" Above Ground Level ("AGL"). The proposed action would collocate by way of a I O-foot stealth extension to the top of the structure for a finished height of±100'0" AGL. All existing antenna are located within the interior cavity of this monopole. The proposed addition would remain in keeping with the current design and place three (3) panel antenna within the 10-foot cylindrical extension. Each antenna is positioned to provide service within a specific sector or direction. The directional coverage being provided is: 50, 150 and 270 degrees from North. Supporting equipment would be ground based. The current facility compound is situated along the southern exterior of the fire department and includes the monopole and all supporting equipment and shelters of the existing providers. Currently some additional space is available within the northeast section of the existing compound. T-Mobile would occupy this available area as well as expand the compound out to the east by additional +391.5 square feet for a total of±430 square feet. This would allow for the proposed equipment, consisting of two (2) equipment cabinets, one (1) PPC cabinet, two (2) booster cabinets, one (1) UMTS cabinet and (1) battery cabinet. A "dark sky" compliant light fixture would locate northeast of the equipment within the compound. Matching chain link fencing and privacy slats consistent with the existing fencing would enclose the expanded area. This expansion would occupy the existing parking spots that currently exist. The antenna cables connecting the supporting equipment to the stealth structure would be routed within a new ice bridge. Telephone and power demarcations are standard equipment supporting the functions of the facility and would be required for this installation. 2 LII3833A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LAND USE EXISTING CONDITIONS The subject property is relatively L -shaped and is improved with two (2) building structures, on site parking, minimal landscaping and the telecommunications facility. Remaining lands are grassy lawn, primarily undeveloped. The parcel lies at the southwest comer of the intersection of Main Road (NYS Route 25) and Tabor Road. Parcel frontage and signage is along Main Road, although access to this parcel is available from either roadway. Uses within the immediate vicinity are residential, educational, a cemetery and open undeveloped lands. The Orient Historic District lies directly to the west. Further east is the Orient County Park, which is a designated Critical Environmental Area. Above ground utilities are located throughout the community. The overall development and setting is rural, except for the quaint historic district which is essentially comprised of single family residential structures and uses, local retail shops, post office and places of worship all characteristic ora self-contained community. The historic district borders the waters of the Orient Harbor which flows into Gardiners Bay. 3 LII3833A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I METHODOLOGY FIELD ANALYSIS A site visit and windshield analysis was conducted on September 2, 2009 from approximately I:00PM to 2:30PM. The subject parcel and immediate vicinity was reviewed on foot, with the remaining area from within the vehicle. The weather conditions provided ten (10) miles of visibility with sunny skies, approximately 69° F. The existing structure provided the necessary control point at the subject parcel for the analysis conducted. Photographs were taken from viewpoints located in publicly accessible areas. Photo renderings from eight (8) different locations are provided to illustrate the visual changes of the proposed installation to the existing property and surrounding environs. The analysis comprised ora half-mile radius from the subject property. VISUAL ANALYSIS An analysis was performed to review and estimate the visual changes that the proposed facility would have on the surrounding area and the subsequent visual impacts the changes may cause. The potential impacts investigated include both visual and non- visual impacts such as those related to municipal utilities, noise and vibrations, land use and transportation. Non-Visual Impacts T-Mobile's drawings indicate that the proposed facility will be unmanned. The project does not require any water usage and will not generate sewage, effluent, or trash. The proposed project will not generate vibrations, fumes or odors during its normal operation. Because the facility will be unoccupied, there will be no increase in traffic and no need for additional parking spaces. The installation of the proposed facility will not alter the use of land adjacent to or in the surrounding areas or require any change in transportation routes. The existing environs would have minimal change with the location of this facility. Ingress and egress to the property will not be affected. Thus, non-visual impacts to the surrounding area are likely to be minimal during construction and negligible during regular operation of the facility. 4 LII3833A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Visual Impacts A visual evaluation was conducted and considered along public rights-of-way only. The study area considered visibility from within a half-mile radius of the subject parcel. The existing monopole and activity within the subject parcel are currently visible from within the immediate vicinity. The proposed modification at ground level would require a nominal change within the subject parcel that would not alter the view shed or activities from within the immediate vicinity. The minor increase in height of the existing stealth monopole would remain in keeping with the existing view shed, although would not dramatically alter the current level of visibility from within the surrounding area. CONCLUSION The proposed action is a collocation on an existing structure that was specifically built for telecommunication services. This allows T-Mobile to make use of an existing structure with limited visual changes to an essentially rural community. The proposed modifications are in keeping with the existing stealth design as well as the development at ground level. In order for T-Mobile to collocate, the structure would require a 10-foot extension, which would be a di minimus change to the existing view shed. Visual changes that would be experienced are limited to within the subject parcel, with no change to the existing character of the neighborhood or existing visual environs. There are no non-visual impacts associated with the proposed installation, as it would not alter the existing level of noise, vibrations or traffic that currently exists. The proposed facility does not emit fumes, odors or vibrations. The facility will be unmanned and does not require parking. The installation as proposed would not alter or impede the current development of the parcel, neighborhood or future development. 5 LII3833A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROCESS The photographs were taken with a Nikon N60 Camera. A Normal Lens was used for all view points. The lens was set on 50mm auto focus to match the human eye's focal view.~ Kodak Gold 200 print film was used for the negatives for this project. All photos were developed in a 4x6 size print and then scanned into digital format at 300 dpi. The images are directly imported into the Adobe Photoshop CS software program in the scanning process. The equipment was built in a 3D program, Autodesk Discreet 3D Studio Max 9.0 ("3ds Max") based on the Auto CAD drawing provided by William F. Collins, Architects dated September 18, 2009. 3ds Max is a modeling program used for architectural, engineering and landscape visualization renderings. Heights and distance are factors of line of sight perspectives that are used in the scaling of the project. A view point is a specific sight line illustrated on a photograph incorporating all objects between two (2) points within a scaled environment. Bringing a rendered model into a "real time" image requires lighting in accordance with the time of day and existing lighting conditions within the photo itself. The photographs are imported into the perspective view port where the build out of the model is aligned with the existing photograph in accordance with the angle taken. The 3ds Max program establishes the visual perspective based on the angle, lens and height used when taking the photograph. Once the model is set into the footprints of the Auto Cad file and aligned with the existing photograph, it is then rendered with the Photometric lighting parameters and exported into Photoshop. This process is required for each individual view point. The Auto Cad drawing allows for the ability to obtain actual measurements of the proposed project within the subject parcel. G1S mapping and aerial views provide the relative distance from the primary control point to the view point. Additional measurements are taken in the field. Lighting and colors are matched and applied to the model. The final rendering is imported into Adobe Photoshop CS3 ("Photoshop") where film grain is matched and final details are added in layers. Photoshop is a painting and finishing program. The blending of these layers will create the final image. The final image is exported to post-production software, Adobe Illustrator CS3, and scaled to page size using its Vector Based scaling engine to ensure zero percent distortion in final print. Text additions and final prints are run from Illustrator with Pantone Color Matching on all colors. Final images are printed on photo paper to maximize contrast, brightness and attention to detail for each image. ~ For the 35mm camera format, the normal focal length is about 50mm. (Warren Bruce, Photography 2, Glossary Normal lens: pageA41-A42. (Delmar Thomas Learning, Inc. 2002) LII3833A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VIEWS AND DISTANCES The eight (8) views that are provided here were assessed for visual impact and are described below. A yellow star icon notes the location of the proposed structure. Distances from which the views were taken were measured from a scaled aerial view provided by New York State GIS: Google Earth mapping. View Point Key View 1 View 2 View 3 View 4 View 5 View 6 View 7 View 8 View taken from the entrance to Central Cemetary on Tabor Road, looking North Simulation of Before and After View taken between 845 and 675 Orchard Street, looking Northeast. Simulation of Before and After View taken from I Old Farm Road, looking North. Simulation of Before and After View taken from 850 King Street, looking North Simulation of Before and After View taken from 1340 Platt Road, looking Northwest Simulation of Before and After View taken from 22842 Main Road, across from Orient Congregational Church, looking East Simulation of Before and After View taken from egress driveway of Oysterpond Elementary School on Main Road, looking Southeast Simulation of Before and After View of the equipment compound taken from the rear of the property, looking West Simulation of Before and After. Distance ± 557 feet 4- 1340 feet ± 2337 feet + 2615 feet ± 1716 feet ± 600 feet + 356 feet ± 108 feet LII3833A I 1 No~-t~ ~ea~t LLC ~View point Site Location .~.~_~0(} Main Road Orient, NY 11957 CONSULTING SERV CE$, INC //-/.~-,s's~ 23300 Main Road ~ CONSULTING SERVICES,, INC, Orient. NY I 1957 I I CONSULTING SERVICES, INC, ...:,.~ 0 Mare Road (.llt~llt. NY 11957 CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. I I I I CONSULT NG SERV CES, NC CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. ~,.> 00 Mare Road Oricnt. NY 11957 m m m m m mm m P--J c~ r t ~' '~ (d*~ s t LLC mm m mm m m m fTen 3a. /~ropo.~ed v/em' iake'n ~horn / ()/d lq,w~ R~cld. /ookinIX 23300 Main Road (~¢nL NY 11957 CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. m m m m m m m P~4 c~r t ~e~ st LLC l~cnL NY 11957 CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. 300 Main Road Oriem~ NY 119~7 CONSULTING SERVICES, tNC. ..~ 3 .... ~ ~S CONSULT NG SERVICES, INC. ( l~cnt. N~ 11057 r,~,,,~, ~o~,~o mm m m m ,,~ m m m m m m m m m I ~ ~.~( ( Main Road I ~$~ CONSULT NG SERVICES, INC. Main Road NY 11957 I I I I CONSULT NG SERV CES, NC m m m m m m m m m m m m ~-J~3~ t~' ~ e~st LLC m //~ /3. ,~;3 I ..$ CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. Main Road NY 11957 ~ ~ob~e I I I I m m m _~00 Main Rob:Id Oricnt, NY 11957 SERVICES, INC. ~ ,Mob~e~ CONSULTING SERVICES, tNC, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PHOTOS OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AT Orient Fire Department 23300 Main Road Orient, New York 11957 Town of Southold Suffolk County Prepared for: T-Mobile Northeast LLC 3500 Sunrise Highway Suite D 203 Great River, New York 11789 Prepared by: DMS Consulting Services, Inc. 65 Ramapo Valley Road Suite 4 Mahwah, New Jersey 07430 September 10, 2009 I DMS CONSULTIN~ SERVICES, INC, I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 LLC ~View point Site Location 23300 Main Road Orient, NY 11957 CONSULTING SERVICES INC. Prt~ect Number LI-13-883-A Project A ddrexs : 23300 Main Road, Orient, New York CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. Photo .4: Flew off'Fire [touse./bom Main Road entrance drivewoy, looking ~outhwest. 35mm Photo B: l/ie~v od"garage bays takendS'om Tabor Road, looking Northeast. 28mm ! 23300 Main Road ~ 65 RamapoValleyRoad I Ll-13~883-A Orient, New York M~hwah, NJ 07430 I I I I I I I I I I I Photo D: View c~'equipment compound taken.fi'om the side yard on Tabor Road, looking North-J¥orthwe.gt. 3gram Photo C: View qf detached double garage iS. om Tabor Road driveway, looking East-Northeast. 35mm Project Number Project A ctclress' LI-13-883~A 23300 Main Road, Orient, New York CONSULT NG SERVICES, INC, Photo E: I'~ew c¢'the equiprnen! compound taken from the rear (?/'the property, looking West. 50mm Photo F: ~'ew of the equipment compound taken,fi~om the rear c~f the property, looking West-Southwest, 50mm I I I I I I I I I I I I Project Number LI-13-883-A Prpiec! Address: 23300 Main Road, Orient, New York CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. 65 Ramapo Valley Road Mahwah, NJ 07430 Photo G: Flew of the detached double garage.from the side yard on Tabor Rd, looking North, 28mm Photo H: View el'the gas pump at the rea/' of the proper(v, looking North. 50mm I I I I I I I I Project Number Project Address: ~$? CONSULTING SERVICES, tNC. 23300 Main Road, ~ 6$ttam~poVa{tey Road £1-13-$83-A Orient, New York Mahwah, NJ 07430 Photo I: giew qf the western Darking area taken.fi'om the eastern driveway, looking Southwest. Northeast LLC 3500 SUNRISE HIGHWAY GREAT RIVER, NY 11739 WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA A R C H I T E C T S, LLP 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DR1VE SETAUKET, NY 11733 VOICE: 631-689-8450 FAX: 631-689-8459 http://www.wfeaia.com CELLULAR COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT SITE NO. 1 -13-$$3-A [ORIENT FII?E DEPARTMENT] 23300 MAIN ROAD. ORIENT. NY ! ! 957 PAUL LAPASOTA RHOAN GORDON NORTH JOHN MCAULIFFE STEPHEN LUISE JR. NORTH SECTION: 018 ZONING: ZONING DISTRICT: BLOCK: 5 LOT: 13.8 RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY R-80 LATITUDE: 41' 8' 31.4556" LONGITUDE: 72' 18' 1.2960" NAD B3 LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT: EQUIPMENT SQUARE FOOTAGE: RAWLAND 430 SQ.ET.+ EQUIPMENT: ANTENNA: (2) S12000 CABINETS, (2) BOOSTER CABINETS, (1) BATI'ERY CABINET & (1) PPC (3) APX16DWV- 16DWVS-C (1) UMTS CABINET, PROPERTY CONTACT: BUILDING OWNER: (631) 728-2086 VINCE CANNUSCIO UTILITY CONTACT: APPLICANT: (631) 545-2242 LIPA T-MOBILE NORTHEAST LLC T-MOBILE NORTHEAST LLC PROJECT MANAGER: RF ENGINEER: 3500 SUNRISE HWY., SUITE D-205, GREAT RIVER, PAUL LAPASOTA (631) 224-6651 RHOAN GORDON (631) 224-8655 NY 11739 TITLE SHEET 05/20/09 09/18/09 SITE pLAN 05/20/09 09/18/09 VICINITY PLAN 05/20/09 09/18/09 EQUIPMENT PLAN, ANTENNA DETAILS, TYPICAL BA]TERY AND EQUIPMENT CABINET DETAILS 05/20/09 09/18/09 NORTH AND SOUTH ELEVATLONS 05/20/09 09/18/09 EAST AND WEST ELEVATIONS KEY PLAN: A~A · 'F- -Mobile-I Northeast LI C 5500 SUNRISE HIGHWAY SUITE D-205, GREAT RIVER, NY 11759 ORIENT FIRE DEPARTMENT ~, o:r,,, 2 4 --[ - ''"' SHEET MAIN EOAD NY 11957 DATE: 05/01/09 SCALE: AS NOTED ~tlEET NO,: PROJECT NO.: 07-7315 DRAWING NO.: 1 OF6 LEGEND CONCRETE CURB // / ~' ~ / /~'/~ \\ --:----x a----x-- STOCKADEWIREEDOE FENcEOF PAVEMENTFENC o ~-- PICKET FENCE ~ / ~ ~ I:~:~:~:!:~:~1 CONCRETE ~ ~ TREE LINE - ~ o / (,KING ' ~26'( > ~X I MONUMENT / ~ ~ / X[ THE PROPOSED PUBLIC U AND WILL BE VISITED APP THEREFORE ~T IS NOT AN' VIBRATIONS, DUST, ODORS z C) NO ADDiTiONAL PARKING UNMANNED SITE. ~ D) NO EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING PARKING ~SECTOR 'C' t 87'47'50" STOCKADE FENCE DRAINAGE INLET / STRUCTURE DRAINAGE INLET / STRUCTURE SIGN o LIGHT POLE (~ STRUCTURE - DRAINAGE [] ELECTRIC CONTROL BOX [] TELEPHONE CONTROL BOX ® WATER VALVE '0' FIRE HYDRANT rc 5~oo/ TOP / BO'FFOM OF CURB ss. 4.~ SPOT ELEVATION A) PROPOSED FEATURES LABELED AS SUCH; ALL ELSE EXISTING OR FUTURE BY OTHERS. B) THE PROPOSED PUBLIC UTILITY WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY IS UNMANNED WILL BE VISITED APPROXIMATELY ONCE A MONTH FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES; THEREFORE IT IS NOT ANTICIPATED TO GENERATE ADDITIONAL NOISE, FUMES, OR TRAFFIC. SITE PLAN SCALE: 1 "=35'-0" IS REQUIRED FOR THE PROPOSED USE, AS THIS IS AN SOLID OR LIQUID WASTE WILL BE PRODUCED BY THE PROPOSED USE, AS THIS IS ~ ~ AN UNMANNED SITE, 224-.52' ROAD 1/94,_3,' 211'-8" (1) STORY BUILDING 1 EXI~ MONOPOLE PROPOSED T-MOBILE EQUIPMENT AREA, SEE 1/SP-3 FOR MORE INFORMATION E) F) G) H) l) J} NO ~ATER OR SEWAGE FACILITIES ARE REQUIRED FOR THE PROPOSED USE. THER~E WILL BE NO COMMERCIAL OR RETAIL SIGNS FOR THE PROPOSED SITE. FIRE PROTECTION AND SECURII~ PROVISIONS W~LL INCLUDE REMOTE MONITORING OF THE SUBJECT SITE. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS FACILITY SHALL ALSO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 27 OF THE BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE AND NFPA 70, FOR ELECTRICAL WORK AND GROUNDING. ANTENNAS WILL BE PAINTED TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE EXISTING BUILDING. THE ANTENNA AND ANTENNA MOUNT STRUCTURAL DESIGN BY OTHERS SHALL INCOIRPORATE CONSIDERATION OF ICING. FURTHER, THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 16, CHAPTER 17, CHAPTER 18, CHAPTER 19 AND SECTION ~108 OF THE BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. PROPOSED T-MOB,LE MOUNTED WITHIN PROPOSED 10'-0" CAVITY ATOP EXISTING 90'-0' R.F. COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MATERIAL MONOPOLE. SEE DETAIL 2/SP-3 EXISTING 90'-0" HIGH RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT Q ~, MATERIALPOLE %~WITH RADIUS OF 110'-0" }-0 PROPERTY LINE INFORMATION SHOWN HEREIN IS BASED UPON THE LATEST TOWN APPROVED SITE PLANS PREPARED BY: MICHAEL WALKER DESIGN/BUILDER LLC, 500 HORSENECK ROAD, DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 PHONE: (508} 287-4~1~ PROJECT NO. MWDB.ORIENT, BATED dUNE 1, 2005 NOTE: PJM LAND SURVEYING. PLLC 97 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST SAYVlLLE, NY 11796 TEL: 6.31-563-5280 FAX:651-536-0400 PJMSURVEYING©AOL.COM LATITUDE: N 41'08'31.4556" LONGITUDE: W 72'18'1,2960" 0 8.75' 17.5' 35 ~ 1 "=35' NORTH WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA A R C H I T E C T S, LLP 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE SETA1JKET, N¥ 11733 VOICE: 631-689-8450 FAX: 631-689-8459 http://www,wfcaia.com KEY PLAN: · · ...Mobile. Northeast LLC 5500 SUNRISE HIGHWAY SUITE G-205, GREAT RIVER, NY 11759 ORIENT FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ '~ ......... : 23300' M¢IN ROAD ' ~--" r, I' ~ ORIENT NY 11957 iii/I,~,. ~, !I~_~ /,~%,,~ !, LH3-883-A TITLE: :{ DATE: 05/01/09 AS NOTED RT SHEET NO,: 2 OF 6 DRAWlNG NO.: 07-7315 SP-1 _.--- x 500' OWNER'S LIST ~ ~--~ ~ 1000--18--2--24 N X x. WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA '~ / / ~'~ \ FLOOD CONTROL '~ "x. ~ ~40NOcO~"-d¢'~cS"~'IE~SE 1000--18--5--13.7 1000--15--2--20.1 A R C H I T E C T S, LLP ~ ~.~ ROUTE 25 M UCARTHUR ~ 250 YOUNGS ROAO ( 1 } nr~,~,Y ~,v *.m~;"/ ~ 233 TABOR ROAD [ ~n ~ ORIENT NY 11957 ~ i'h"721~diTY-Tr~,,,~ ~ MAILING ADDRESS ~ 124 ~ST 79~ ~ ~ ~v ~a 225 KING S~EET TREET APT 27C VOICE:631-689-8450 F~:6~1-689-8459 ~ ~ http://www.wfca~a.eom ~ o~nn ~H~ o. COHAB REALTY CORP ORIENT CONGREGA~ONAL ~~:.'~'.~' SUl~ 25 BOX 425 / I - 7 t I I J k''J / / ~nnn--,~o ox ~ ~ ~'~rJ* ;[~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~1000--~8--5--18 3 / X ~ ~ ~-'~'~; .... k '~ J ORIENT NY 11957 k" ] 23405 ROU~ 25 --__ ' [~"~.'r, '1 ~'~ ' lnnn--~ m ~ o MIDLAND PARK NJ 07432 ROU~ 25 CA~ERINE A LOPER · 2 GD ~ o~=~ ~H~ ~= ~ ROBERT ~ RACHEL I000--18--2--2~ -----~ L ~;~ ',~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /' ~ X ~ ~'~,'[~'~'n~ [ ~ J 300 TABOR ROAD [ 25 ~23695 ROUTE 25 ~ ~r~¢~¢%~o~ MAILING ADDRESS ~ MAILING ADDRESS / ~ I ~ RESIDE~ ~ 1090--1~--5--11 - / ~t o~ o~ m~ ~ ~ ~ /~ . ~ ............. P 0 BOX 253 DEPAR~ENT OF .... --'~--~-- .... ALBANY NY 12200 z~n ~/~ ?~%~ MAILING ADDRESS ORIENT NY 11957 /100 0--18 5--9.2 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"~,7,~'~ ~o 2790 PETERS NECK ROAD MAILING ADDRESS ' ~ ~ 1000-18-5-18.4 ................ ''~'~ ORIENT NY 11957 825 S~PHENSONS ROAD ~ u } ~;~%%'~ ~'~a~% v ORIENT NY 11957 v RUROEDE ORENT NY 11957 ORIENT NY 11957 ORJENT NY 11957 ~ I I ,, i , I -I"~ /// ~ --' '? .......~1 ,.~ ,~ ~ ,.. ~ ,ooo-,~-~-,o ,ooo-,~-~-~ ~ ' I I 1000--25--2--20.18 ~ /// ~ x I 5 55Y~F~L°%-7:n=___ t ~e I JOSE · IVONNE GOEFFREY PROUD / ~ ~n ~.~ o. 22950 ROU~ 25 { 26 } ORIENT NY 11957 ~ / ~ ORIENT NY 11957 Z~ ~ ~ 1000--27--1--~1 ~ X 205 ~LLETS AVENUE 0 ......................... THEODORE CHADICK r ~ ~ ............. APT ~8J ORIENT NY 11957 ~ ~aum~ am~ NEW YORK NY 10016 ADDRESS ~ / ORIENT NY 11957 " MAILING .................. 24065 ROU~ 25 29 BELMONT A~NUE ~nnn ~ ~ o ~ P 0 BO .... --.------~,. X 246 PLAIN~EW NY 11803 ~ EDMOND L · BEA~tCE ORIENT NY 11957 t 1000-25-2-20.20~ ~ ' f/ ~ ~ ~ t '~ I A PAPANTONIO 1000--27--1--1 ~r~t ~a/ 55 VILLAGE LANE [ . ~ ;~-'~;~a~n ~rrt MAILING ADDRESS A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / X / 5500 SUNRISE HIGHWAY SUITE D-205, ' --- -- -- ~-- ~ -- -- -- -- -- -- ~ /// ~ / 6R.TRIVER, NY 117~9 ~ ' DASHED LINE INDICATES 500' RADIUS x, ~ / ORIENT FIRE DEP TMENT ~ DASHED LINE iNDiCATES 300' RADIUS / - , 'L '~ v a~o".~..O*D Z~ ~ ZONED RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY AA / 05/fiVe9 07-7315 SCALE: D~G NO.: Z~ ~-~ ZONED RESIDENIALE LOW DENSI~ A ~ AS ROTED ~VICINIW MAP ~ ~~S N~H NM SP-2 (1) PROPOSED BATTERY CABINET SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD. SEE DETAIL 3/SP-3. -- PROPOSED POURED CONCRETE PAD (2) PROPOSED T-MOBILE EQUIPMENT CABINETS SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCEb~ PAD. SEE DETNL 5/SP-3. PROPOSED 6'-0' HIGH CHAIN UNK FENCE WITH PROPOSED 4'-0' WIDE LOCI(ABLE SWING GATE PROPOSED TO MATCH EXISTING FENCE HATCHED AREA REPRESENTS EXISTING CONCRETE PAD TO BE REMOVED (1) PROPOSED PPC CABINET MOUNTED ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD (1) PROPOSED GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO PROPOSED EQUIPMENT CABINET. SEE DETAIL 4/SP-3 PROPOSED ICE BRIDGE ATOP PROPOSED CONCR~ PAD TO ROUTE PROPOSED COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES TO EXISTING POLE (3) PROPOSED T-MOBILE ANTENNAS MOUNTED WITHIN PROPOSED 10'-0' CAVITY ATOP EXISTING 90'-0' R.F. COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MATERIAL MONOPOLE. SEE DETAIL EXISTING 90'-0" HIGH RF COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MATERIAL POLE pRoPOSED PROPOSED 'DARK SKY' COMPL~NT UGHT RXTURE MOUNTED TO PROPOSED 6'-0" HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE (1) PROPOSED UMTS CABINET SET ON PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD (2) PROPOSED BOOSTER CABINETS SET ON PROPOSED CONCRblb PAD (BEYOND) EXISTING METER BANK AND DISCONNECT MOUNTED TO UNISTRUT RACK TO BE UTILIZED FOR PROPOSED T--MOBILE INSTALL 0 4' EQUIPMENT PLAN 8' 16' NORTH ANTENNA TECHNICAL FEATURES MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIMENSIONS H x W x O - (INCHES) 53" x 13" x 3.15" WEIGHT EXL. MOUNTING HARDWARE (LB) 39.60 WEIGHT MOUNTING HARDWARE (LB) 45.7 SURVIVAL WIND SPEED (M/HR) 125 FRONTAL THRUST ((MAX) © 160KM/H) 177 RADIATING ELEMENT MATERIAL BRASS RADOME MATERIAL FIBERGLASS MOUNTING HARDWARE APM40-2 CONNECTOR TYPE I41 7(/16-DIN FEMALE ANTENNA MODEL INFO: MANUFACTURER: RFS MODEL NO.: APX16DWV-16BWVL-C MOUNTING BRACKETS O~,'p.) RF CONNECTORS ANTENNA DETAILS SCALE: 1"=1'-0" -- NORTEL 5'12000 EQUIPMENT CABINET SUPPLIED BY CARRIER, INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. PLAN · EQUIPMENT CAB. 42 NOTE' (2) CABINETS TO BE NORTEL S12000 EQUIPMENT CABINETS SUPPLIED BY T-MOBILE, AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR, REFER TO CABINET MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION. SPECIFICATIONS: 75-1/8" TALL x 53" WIDE x 27-1/2" DEEP CELL CAPACITY: 12 TRX CALLS PER UNIT WEIGHT: 1212 LBS ELECTRIC REQUIRED: 230V TO 240V GPS UNIT BY NAIS MODEL VIC-lO0 ATTACHED TO BTS CABINET. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH T-MOBILE RF ENGrNEER, --GPS L ADAPTER BRACKET AND GASKET. 30AXIAL GPS UNIT CABLE io AI~ACH CABINET TO SUB-BASE SUP,PLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH 1/2" ¢ HIGH STRENGTH PROPOSED REINFORCED POURED CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE. SECURE PROPOSED T-MOBILE EQUIPMENT CABINET SUB-BASE TO PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD WITH 1/2" S/S RODS SET IN HILTI HIT HY-150 CHEMICAL ANCHORS. MINIMUM 5-1/2" EMBEDMENT. OD(P.) TYPICAL cA : ;,,¢"= EQo''UIPMENT- CABINET DETAILS WILLIAM F. ARCHIT COLLINS, AIA ECTS, LLP 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DPdVE SETAUKET, NY 11733 VOICE: 631-689-8450 FAX: 631-689-8459 http://www.wfcaia.com KEY PLAN: · -Mobile- Northeast LLC 3500 SUNRISE HIGHWAY SUITE D-205, GREAT RIVER, NY 11739 ,,,<.,.';',P:;;,;;'""~ . 7, ', OR 'DEPArtMENT ~ ~._.~; _z ,, _., .,~,1713)883_A TITLE: EOUPMEN~'~LAN, A~IENNA DETAILS, IYPICAL BAI~RY AND EO~IPMENI CABINEI DETAILS DATE: PROJECT NO.: 05/01/09 07-7315 SCALE: DRA~FQqG NO.: SP-3 4 OF6 AS NOTED SHEET NO.: (3) PROPOSED T-MOBILE ANTENNAS MOUNTED WITHIN PROPOSED 10'-0' CAVrlY ATOP EXISTING 90'-0" R,F, COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MATERIAL MONOPOLE, SEE BE'TAIL 2/SP-3 EXISTING 90'-0" HIGH R.F. COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MATERIAL POLE, BO'FrOM DIAMETER = 42" TOP DIAMETER = 26,625" EXISTING ANTENNA BY OTHERS TO REMAINed. EXISTING FIREHOUSE .... PROPOSED ICE BRIDGE ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD TO ROUTE PROPOSED COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES TO EXISTING POLE -~--~~ (1) PROPOSED GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO PROPOSED T-MOBILE EOUIPMENT CABINET,~ SEE DETNL 3/SP-3 PROPOSED 'DARK SKY' COMPUANT UGHT FIXTURE MOUNTED TO PROPOSED 6'-0" HIGH CHAIN UNK FENCE (1) PROPOSED UMTS CABINET SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD --- PROPOSED 6'-0" HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH PROPOSED 4.'-0" WIDE LOCK, ABLE SWING GATE PROPOSED TO MATCH EXISTING FENCE EXISTING RELOCATED DUMPSTER (2) PROPOSED T-MOBILE EQUIPMENT C~INETS SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD. SEE DETNL 3/SP-3. (1) PROPOSED BATTERY CABINET SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD (1) PROPOSED PPC CABINET MOUNTED ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE EXISTING POLE FOUNDATION NORTH ELEVATION = ±100'-0" AOL~ T.O. PROPOSED MONOPOLE ADDITION-/ ±99'-6" AGLrk T,O, PROPOSED T-MOBILE ANTENNAS~/ ±97'-3" AGL~ RAD. ~. OF PROPOSED T-MOBILE ANTENNAS~' T.O. EXISTING POLE ±7'-5" AGLrk PROPOSED EQUIPMENT CABINETS~ ~'6'-0" AGL~ T.O. PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCE"K ~±100'-0" AGL ~'T.O. PROPOSED MONOPOLE ADDITION ~)±99'-6" AGL T.O. PROPOSED T-MOBILE ANTENNAS ~+97'-3" AGL RAD. ~ OF PROPOSED T-MOBILE ANTENNAS ~)T.0. EXISTING POLE ~7'-5" AGL .0. PROPOSED EQUIPMENT ~'~0" AGL ~O~SED CHAIN LINK FENCE SOUTH ELEVATION (3) PROPOSED T-MOBILE ANTENNAS MOUNTED WITHIN PROPOSED 10'-0" CAVIS~' ATOP EXISTING 90'-0" R.F, COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MATERIAL MONOPOLE. SEE DETAIL 2/SP-3 EXISTING 90'-0" HIGH R.F. COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MATERIAL POLE. BoTroM DIAMETER = 42" TOP DIAMETER = 26.625" EXISTING ANTENNA BY OTHERS TO REMAIN EXISTING FIREHOUSE PROPOSED ICE BRIDGE ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD TO ROUTE PROPOSED COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES TO EXISTING POLE (2) PROPOSED T-MOBILE EQUIPMENT CABINETS SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD. SEE DETAIL 3/SP-3. · PROPOSED 'DARK SKY' COMPLIANT LIGHT FIXTURE MOUNTED TO PROPOSED 6'-0" HIGH CHNN LINK FENCE (1) PROPOSED UMTE CABINET SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD EXISTING RELOCATED DUMPSTER EXISTING METER BANK AND DISCONNECT MOUNTED TO UNISTRUT RACK TO BE UTILIZED FOR PROPOSED T-MOBILE INSTALL (2) PROPOSED BOOSTER CABINETS SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD (1) PROPOSED BATIERY CABINET SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD (1) PROPOSED PPC CABINET MOUNTED ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD EXISTING POLE FOUNDATION WILLIAM F. COLLINS, AIA A R C H I T E C T S, LLP 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DR1VE SETAUKET, NY 11733 'VOICE: 631-689-8450 FAX: 631-689-8459 http://www.wfeaia.com NO DATE DESCRIPTION DRW] CI~ BY BY I 05/20/09 FORREVE~/ IM GD 2 08/20/09 FORRDAEW IM GD 3 09/10/09 FORREVIE~F IM GD 4 09/18/09 SITEPLANAPPUCATIONFILING IM GD KEY PLAN: · T...Mobile.I Northeast LLC 3500 SUNRISE HIGHWAY SUITE D-205, GREAT RIVER, NY 11759 DATE: PROJECT NO.: 05/01/09 07-7315 SCALE: DRAWING NO.: AS NOTED RT NM 50F SHEET NO.: SP-4 (3) PROPOSED T-MOBILE ANTENNAS MOUNTED WIn-lIN PROPOSED 10'-0" CAVITY ATOP EXISTING 90'-0' R.F'. COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT UATERIAL MONOPOLE. SEE DETAIL 2/SP-3 EXISTING 90'-0" HIGH R.F. COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MATERIAL POLE. BOTFOM DIAMETER = 42" TOP DIAMETER = 26.625" EXISTING ANTENNA BY OTHERS TO PROPOSED 'DARK SKY' COMPLIANT UDHT FIX~tJRE MOUNTED TO PROPOSED 6'-0' HIGH CHAIN UNK FENCE PROPOSED 6'-0" HIGH cHNN LINK FENCE Wffifl PROPOSED 4'-0" WIDE LOCKABLE SWING GATE PROPOSED TO MATCH EXISTING FENCE (1) PROPOSED CPS UNIT MOUNTED TO ~ PROPOSED T-MOBiLE EQUIPMENT CABINET. (2) PROPOSED T-MOBILE EQUIPMENT CABINETS SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD. SEE DETNL 3/SP-3 (1) PROPOSED UMTS CABINET SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD PROPOSED ICE BRIDGE ATOP PROPOSED CONCR~i= PAD TO ROUTE PROPOSED COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLES TO EXISTING POLE EXISTING METER BANK AND DISCONNECT MOUNTED TO UNISTRUT RACK TO BE UTILIZED FOR PROPOSED T-MOBILE INSTALL (1) PROPOSED B~imRY CABINET SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD EXISTING POLE FOUNDATION EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8"= 1 '-0" +100'-0' AGL~ T.O. PROPOSED MONOPOLE ADDITION-/ _ ~'g9"-6" AGLrk T.O. PROPOSED T-MOBILE ANTENNAS~ +g7'-3" AGL~ RAD. ~. OF PROPOSED T-MOBILE ANTENNASTM T,O. EXISTING POLE '7'-5" AGLr~ T.O. PROPOSED EQUIPMENT CABINETS'~ +6'-o" AGL4, T,O, PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCE~' 0'-0"~ GRADE (3) PROPOSED T-MOBILE ANTENNAS MOUNTED WITHIN PROPOSED 10'-0" CArl3'( ATOP EXISTING 90'-0" R.F, COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MATERIAL MONOPOLE. SEE DETNL 2/SP-3 ~±100'-0" AGL ~T.O. PROPOSED MONOPOLE ADDITION ~'g9'-6' AGL T,O. PROPOSED T-MOBILE ANTENNAS ~:E97'-3# AGL RAD. ~. OF PROPOSED T-MOBILE ANTENNAS T.O. EXISTING POLE EXISTING 90'-0" HIGH R,F, COMPATIBLE CONCEALMENT MATERIAL POLE. BOTFOM DIAMETER = 42" TOP DIAMETER = 26,625" EXISTING ANTENNA BY OTHERS TO REMAIN PROPOSED 'DARK SKY' COMPUANT UGHT FIXTURE MOUNTED TO PROPOSED 6'-0' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE (1) PROPOSED CPS UNIT MOUNTED TO PROPOSED T-MOBILE EQUIPMENT CABINET. SEE DETNL 3/SP-3 (2) PROPOSED T-MOBILE EQUIPMENT CABINETS SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD. SEE DETAIL 3/SP-3. (1) PROPOSED UMTS CABINET SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCREIE PAD PROPOSED ICE BRIDGE ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD TO ROUTE PROPOSED COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLESTO EXISTING POLE ~7'-5' AGL .0. PROPOSED EQUIPMENT CABINETS ~ EXIST[NO METER BANK AND DISCONNECT MOUNTED TO UNISTRUT RACK TO RE UTILIZED FOR ~c~6'--0' AGL / PROPOSED T-MOBILE INSTALL '¢T.O. PROPOSED CHAIN UNK FENCE EXISTING POLE FOUNDATION (2) PROPOSED BOOSTER CABINETS SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD EXISTING POLE FOUNDATION (1) PROPOSED BATTERY CABINET SET ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD (1) PROPOSED PPC CABINET MOUNTED ATOP PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD WEST ELEVATION is7 WILLIAM F, COLLINS, AIA A R C H I T E C T S, LLP 12-1 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE SETAUKET, NY 11733 VOICE: 631-689-8450 FAX: 631-689-8459 http://www.wfcaia.com KEY PLAN: AI~A · ']:- -Mobile- Northeast LI C 3500 SUNRISE HIGHWAY SUITE D-205, GREAT RIVER, NY 11759 TITLE: 11957 EAST'AND WI ST ELEVATIONS DATE: PROJECT NO.: 05/01/09 07-7315 SCALE: DRAVqlNG NO.: RT SP-5 6 OF6 AS NOTED ~HEET NO.: