HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnd of the Road LLCELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork, net TO: FROM: DATED: OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Building Depm'tment Carol Hydell, Southold Town Clerk's Office November 18, 2009 NOV 1 7 2009 BLDG. BEPT. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RE: Cesspool Construction Application Transmitted herewith is a copy of application No. Permit submitted by: End of the Road LLC 3913 for a Cesspool/Septic Tank Construction Please review the application and location map and advise if this office may issue the permit. Please complete the form below and return it to me. Thank you. Carol Hydell ation map o ect cited abo llowing recommendations: ~ APPROVE DISAPPROVE Comments: Final approval required from the Suffolk County Health Department TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS 1J-AB, RIAGE OFFICER RECORDS M-2d'IAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOILMATION OFFICER .ffewn Hall, 63095 Main P, oa P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NewYOrk 11971 Fax (631) 765-61415 Telephone (681) 765-1800 soul;holdtown.nor~hfork.nel OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISTRICT APPLICATION CONSTRUCTION or ALTERATION PERMIT CESSPOOL or SEPTIC TANK Residential ~ $1 O__ or Non-Residential ~ $25 /// Application No. _~'~C~ (3 Permit No. ApplicantMailingAddtess ~ 0 ('6Ox q 3i tff ~rT ts4gfd, o~ .,bz.~/ tlq3q Septic Tank or Cesspool Brief Description of Proposed Construction or Alteration Location of Proposed Construction/Alteration: Owner of Property:. g~tv O~ Owner Mailing Address: "/o Owner Property Address: Name and phone number of contact person J)~/~r/~t~,o Tax Map No: Section / 2. 2 ~ Block Cross Street ~s-o /~ ,?t~$w- O~ NOTE: LOCATION MAP MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION, NEW CONSTRUCTION REQUlltES SURVEY WITH It~ALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL ~.eceiwd gy: ~ Lot /7, f , Signature of Applicant Date APPROVED BY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNTI4G BOARD ~NOTE: The approved site development plan shall be valid a period of three (3) years fiom the date of approval as per code section 100-255. Su/tblk County Department of Health Services Approval for Construction-Other Than Reference No.c/O~c~g*,~°°-~'- Design Flow These plans have been reviewed for general conformance with County Department of Health Sen'ices standards, rela~g to water supply and sewage disposal. Regardless of any omissions, inconsistencies or lack of detail, construction is required to b~ in accordance with the attached permit conditions and applicable standards, unless speci~cally waived by the Department. This approval expires 3 years from the approval date, unless extended or renewed, Approval Date Review( NOT C GE(S) BY THE TO ~CH~DULE SEPTIC & DRAINAGE SITUA TED A T MATTITUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK REVISED SITE PLAN PLAN COUNTY, S.C. TAX No. S.C. TAX No. S.C. TAX No. S.C. TAX No. NEW YORK 1000-122-05-1.2 1000-122-05-02 1000-122-05-5.1 1000-122-03-17 " 20' SCALE 1 = JULY 12, 2006 DECEMBER 22, 2006 ADDED SITE PLAN JUNE 27, 2007 ADDED TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY AUGUST 27, 2007 ADDED SITE PLAN OCTOBER 19, 2007 ADDED DRAINAGE & SEWER dANUARY 24, 2008 REVISED AS PER NYSDOT LETTER FEBRUARY 29, 2008 RE'VISED SITE PLAN APRIL 2, 2008 REVISED SITE PLAN APRIL 9, 2008 REVISED SITE PLAN SEPTEMBER 12, 2008 REVISED SITE PLAN NOVEMBER 6, 2008 REVISED SITE PLAN JANUARY 23, 2009 REVISED SITE PLAN AREA DA TA S.C. TAX No. 10,140 sq. ff. 1000-122-03-1.2 0.233 ac. S.C. TAX No. 13,346 sq. ft. t000-122-03-02 0.306 ac. S.C. TAX No. 40,618 sq. ft. 1000-122-03-5.1 0.932 ac. S.C. TAX No. 20,058 sq. fl. 1000-122-03-17 0.460 ac.