HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-10/29/2009 Hearing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Southold Town Hall Southold, New York October 29, 2009 9:46 a.m. Board Members Present: GERARD P. GOEHRINGER - Chairman/Member MICHAEL A. SIMON - Member LESLIE KANES WEISMAN - Member KENNETH SCHNEIDER - Member GEORGE HORNING - Member (Start - 1:38 p.m.) JENNIFER ANDALORO - Assistant Town Attorney LINDA KOWALSKI Board Assistant LUCILLE CAPPABIANCA - Legal Secretary Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 INDEX OF HEARINGS Hearing: BABS Corp. %6284 Kevin and Betty Ann Morris %6328 Kathryn Ferrand-Mooney %6325 Lorraine ?arra %6324 Jon and Jennifer Shipman %6327 Steve and Olga Tenedios %6323 Chris Meskouris %6326 Louis and Luba Corso %6316 Barbara Shinn %6308 Page: 3-3 4-11 12-28 29-43 44-48 49-159 160-179 180-194 195-239 Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: order. Motion? BOARD MEMBER: BOARD MEMBER: Call meeting to So moved. Second. HEARING #6284 - BABS Corp. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Is there any discussion on BABS Corporation and the documentation that you received? BOARD ASST.: No. We'll just open the hearing and (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We're opening the hearing and I am offering a resolution to recess this hearing without a date. MEMBER WEISMAN: I'll second. (See Minutes for Resolution.) Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 HEARING %6328 - Kevin and Betty Ann Morris MEMBER SCHNEIDER: "Request for a Variance under Section 280-124 based on the Building Inspector's May 27, 2009 Notice of Disapproval concerning additions and alterations (to the existing single-family dwelling) which will be less than the code-required minimum setback of 10 feet on a single side yard, at 435 Oak Street, Cutchogue; CTM 136-1-27." CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Who would like to be heard? Would you kindly state your name for the record? MS. MORRIS: Yes, good morning members of the board. I'm Betty Ann Morris. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Pleasure to meet you. What would you like to tell us? MS. MORRIS: We'd like to tell you that what we're proposing to do is just to make the back of a very small existing cottage, which when purchased we realized was inadequate (inaudible) does not require moving the existing structure. The other thing to mention is that the neighbor most immediately PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 5 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 impacted by this setback minimum variance that we're requesting is actually here to speak to you today. So she would like to speak as well. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, the question I have is you were not denied for lot coverage based upon the proposed addition. MS. MORRIS: Correct. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: the garage, is that what's With the removal of actually going to keep the lot coverage down? MS. MORRIS: Correct. Actually the addition itself is only approximately 12 feet on the rear of the structure -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Correct. MS. MORRIS: -- and I believe that the square footage of the garage is actually more than the addition being added to the house. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, so you will be within the lot coverage of 20 percent? MS. MORRIS: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Do you have any questions? MEMBER SCHNEIDER: No. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Excuse me for PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 6 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 jumping in. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: No problem. MS. MORRIS: I don't know if it's relevant to your application, but I also have some letters of support -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Definitely. Oh, yeah. Sure. MS. MORRIS: -- from the neighbors and {inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Great. Thank you very much. BOARD ASST.: I'm going to read the names of the letters that we're receiving. Signed by (Inaudible), Ann Cooper and Neil Cooper, (inaudible), James Barry and Catherine Barry. MEMBER SIMON: Can we read that letter? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Some of them are in script and sometimes we have a little difficulty reading them. Why don't are you today? the record? you use the mike, ma'am? How Could you state your name for MS. COSELL: I would be the neighbor of the Morris' I live at 485 Oak Street, Mr. and Mrs. Cosell and we would be very happy to PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-83S5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 have this building proceed and we are very happy that it's going to be done in a very legal way. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. MEMBER WEISMAN: Excuse me. Could I just ask you -- ma'am? I just want to ask you you're the neighbor on which side of the house are you the neighbor? MS. COSELL: The right. MEMBER WEISMAN: Facing the front of the house on the right? MS. COSELL: Yes. Facing the front of the house. MEMBER WEISMAN: You have the gray house. MS. COSELL: I'm the one that has the least property on that side there. MEMBER WEISMAN: So they will be the -- you will be the closest. MS. COSELL: We'll be very close to them, yes . MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay and you have no problem with that? MS. COSELL: No, we have no problem whatsoever. Pugliese Cou~ Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 8 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay good, thank you. MEMBER SIMON: I guess my question has been answered because in looking at this I agree that replacement of the garage with the addition to the house makes all kind of sense and as far as the affect on the environment. My only question was since this is a side where there's a nonconforming setback the only possible objection I can anticipate has already been answered namely by the neighbor who is on that side, the woman we've just heard from, would be the only property that might be affected and given that there is no unhappiness expressed by that neighbor, I have no questions. MEMBER WEISMAN: I think maybe the only thing I want to enter into the record is the question of the maintenance of the preexisting nonconforming setbacks. There will be no change according to this survey and I just want to confirm with your testimony that the intent is to maintain the existing nonconforming setback with the new addition; is that correct? MS. MORRIS: In other words (inaudible). Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You have to use the mike. We don't know if we took that testimony down from her. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah, would you just come back up to the mike for a second? MS. MORRIS: There's no intent to move the existing structure or to expand the side setback any further than it is already. The only expansion would be toward the rear of the property. MEMBER WEISMAN: Along the existing nonconforming, in other words, you're keeping it at 2 foot 9 inches all the way? MS. MORRIS: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Together with that situation these are -- the existing structure is a one-story dwelling and the addition is a one-story? MS. MORRIS: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. MEMBER WEISMAN: Thank you very much. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Just a minute, George has a question. MEMBER HORNING: Noting on your site survey here fuel tanks, what becomes of those? PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 10 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 Are those propane gas fuel tanks, something else? MEMBER SCHNEIDER: propane. fuel oil or I believe they're MEMBER HORNING: Are they going to stay in place there then or are you going to relocate those? MS. MORRIS: currently are. Yeah, that's where they I think that may actually be incorrect. That's the current location of the tanks and that is not correct where they're going to be positioned after the addition at the rear. They'll be on the rear of the addition. MEMBER HORNING: Okay. That's what I was asking. MS. MORRIS: Yeah, that's the current location. MEMBER HORNING: Yeah, it just seems like you'd be blocking them in if they stayed there. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ms. Morris, looking at the rear of the property, rear of the proposed new building adjacent to the proposed deck, what is that area that's shown as 7.3 PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 feet by the 8.7 feet, closest to your neighbor that just spoke? MS. MORRIS: Yes, it's an indoor storage area, like a shed basically. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Oh, it's a shed. Is it attached to the dwelling itself? MS. MORRIS: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So it's an external shed attached to the dwelling. MS. MORRIS: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. I'm glad you explained that. I just realized that I had a question on that when I first looked at it. Thank you. Any further questions, Ken? MEMBER SCHNEIDER: No, sir. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, anybody in the audience like to speak for or against, other than the nice lady that spoke before? Hearing no further comments, I'll make a motion closing the hearing, reserving decision until later. MEMBER WEISMAN: Second. (See Minutes for Resolution.) Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 12 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 HEARING %6325 Kathryn Farrand-Mooney MEMBER SIMON: "Request for a Variance under Section 280-122A and ZBA Zoning Interpretation # 5039, based on the Building Inspector's July 9, 2009 Notice of Disapproval concerning an application for a building permit to construct renovations and additions to the existing dwelling, for the reasons that the new construction will create a new nonconformance with regard to a single side yard at less than 15 feet, and total side yards at less than 35 feet. (Note: This lot appears to be between 20,000 and 30,000 square feet after deleting the land below the bluff or bank of Little Peconic Bay.) Location of Property: 1769 Smith Road, Peconic; CTM 1000-98-4-20." MRS. MOORE: I have Mr. Mooney here with me. So if there are any issues that come up I can (inaudible). This application is taking the existing house and (inaudible) space over the existing. The majority of the addition is over the first floor. There is a (inaudible) which (inaudible) to the house, entrance way, but otherwise Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 13 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 the existing setbacks are being maintained and my client (inaudible) it's nonconforming. So if there are any questions, it's a pretty straightforward application? MEMBER SIMON: I don't have any questions. Just a point of information, that sunken area that is behind the house, what exactly is going to happen to that? MRS. MOORE: That is -- well, right now there are two, what looks like old garage bays. MEMBER SIMON: Yes. MRS. MOORE: It's a retaining wall. When this house was renovated, I believe, the first time FEMA issues were addressed and I believe that elevations were corrected at that time. So we have a current FEMA compliant first floor. They didn't want to seal up the access way because it provided storage area. It's not usable space, but there is a garage door in there that allows access. So that retaining wall was created at that time is going to be maintained. Part -- one of the bays though if you see that there is a little proposed described as Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 14 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 the proposed addition for a stairwell within that area there is a staircase to the second floor and the choice for the owner was either use one of the bedrooms as an access way for stairs or build out a staircase on the outside of the building. So what they did is that little box is creating a stairway access to the second floor and it's positioned within that alcove that's already in existence. It's all landward, on the landward side of the house. MEMBER SIMON: Okay. I have no further questions. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So Pat what you're telling me is the greatest volume is on the west side of the house, cause we have a straight wall which extends all the up on that side. MRS. MOORE: Let me look at where you're -- yes. Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: that's why it's -- MRS. MOORE: Well, it's sort of tapered, Is that correct and Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 but the greatest volume is actually in the center of the house. It's -- I tried -- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 15 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 thought it would be helpful on the elevation to show where the roofline is versus where it's going and you can see that the center point for the existing roofline, that is where the roof is tapered more. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MRS. MOORE: It's a series of -- I'm not the architect -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Gabled peaks. MRS. MOORE: Gabled peaks, thank you. I knew you'd have the right terminology. So it is an effort to cut the roofline so that it is not voluminous. That's -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, actually it's almost -- it's not a mansard, it's just -- it's chamford, the peak is a flat roof. MRS. MOORE: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: chamford to create Now, let's go back to the opposite of the house, which is the easterly side. You're showing a side yard there of 8.4. MRS. MOORE: The east side. Okay. That is the shed (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionSe~ice (63~)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Now, I have a particular problem in general and that is that I have not gone on this property because the two times that I was down there there were security -- MRS. MOORE: (Inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes. It depends upon how it motivates me. Of course, we were discussing Takaposha Road I was down on Sunday morning when I put the dent in the truck. MRS. MOORE: Oh, yeah. Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The last hearing. In this particular one when I see security statements on fences, okay, I think of two things, cameras, security statements. You know, people coming and -- MRS. MOORE: Yeah. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: MRS. MOORE: G-So but I -- D-O-G-S. Well, there are two big D-O- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MRS. MOORE: Well, they're very sweet, I wouldn't go in there if they were there. don't know if they were there at that time Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 or not, but you're certainly welcome to come and (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So I'm going to have to go down this weekend. MRS. MOORE: Sure. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Weather permitting, walk around, understand the whole layout because this is a difficult one to penetrate from any other way unless you have a helicopter and then we have trees. Okay, so that's the situation. So I will be back down to see that again. MRS. MOORE: That's fine. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So going back to that easterly side yard. That easterly side yard is shown at its widest point at 8 feet 4 inches and 7.7 feet at its narrowest. MRS. MOORE: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Now, is that side yard going to remain open? MRS. MOORE: Yes. It has a -- I have a photograph actually of it. If you look at the photos that I've provided on the east side there is a gate there now, but aside from the gate it remains open. Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I MRS. MOORE: As I said, existing setback already. will -- that is an CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. I will hold the rest of my comments and go down the line. George? MEMBER HORNING: Who maintains the fence on the east property line? MRS. MOORE: Let's see. MEMBER HORNING: The split rail fence. MRS. MOORE: Oh, the split rail, okay. Yeah, there's split rail and then there's some larger kind of overgrown cedar trees. The cedar trees are, yes, that's the neighbors'. BOARD ASST.: that. MRS. MOORE: We can't hear the answer to I'm sorry, on the east side the cedar trees belong to the neighbor and the split rail fence belongs to my client. BOARD ASST.: Thank you. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Is there a new septic system required or in addition to? MRS. MOORE: Yeah, it's -- I don't remember. Yes. They are actually all compliant at this time, so they would meet PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-835S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 current standards. This house was renovated three years ago, the first floor. At that time, it would have been upgraded before the building would have been allowed a building permit. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: So it's compliant for the proposed -- MRS. MOORE: For the number of bedrooms, yes. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Okay. Thank you. MEMBER WEISMAN: I think I don't -- you're not changing the preexisting nonconforming setbacks in any way and the house is -- it would have been a lot more open had the house not been sited at an angle to the property line instead of parallel to the property line. I don't think a second story addition is going to create any additional obstacles. They are what they are and they're going to remain the same. The houses on either side of your clients' are both historic and so the character of the neighborhood is essentially in keeping with that addition and it's consistent with the LWRP. Ail work is going PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 to be landward of the existing house and I don't see any adverse impacts on the environment as a consequence of building that second floor. So it's really maintaining what's there and improving the house and expanding its size. I don't see any real consequences in any adverse way. The setbacks are small, but the setbacks of the houses on the neighboring properties are much farther away. So even though there's a bit of a narrow situation for emergency access there's nothing we can do about that anyway, that's what the existing house has, but the impact is not terribly great because the neighbors' properties and the neighbors' houses are both setback substantially on their side yards. It looks as though the setback from -- well, it's really the beach because there isn't any kind of a bulkheading or whatever -- it's about the same as everybody else's in the area and there's a very nice native vegetative buffer that's, you know, grasses and so that's installed. So I think it seems to me like a straightforward application. PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 Yeah, the road itself is setback substantially from this very small -- Smith Road is really a very small sort of a private right-of-way in a sense. It probably won't affect that in any way either because the house is quite a bit away from that access road. So those are my comments and observations. I don't have any questions. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: What happens sometimes, Ms. Moore, during -- sometimes, I'm not saying it's going to happen this time, is that when we talk about volume and we talk about Walz in a pragmatic sense, sometimes under the democratic way of voting of three people, some of us are not willing to grant the volume on the westerly side. The question then comes in, what do we do, and if you know the history of Walz that was the issue in Gardners Bay Estates going back to that situation. Do we reopen the hearing or do we just cut it back? And so those are the issues that I'm just throwing out to you. MRS. MOORE: Okay. I appreciate you asking because my client's here. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Well, that was one Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-835S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 22 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 of the greatest thoughts about it. I am looking at the original plan and I'm seeing that possibly the proposed library or the den or either bedrooms, okay, and so I'm looking presently at the proposed plan and looking at a massive master bedroom on the second story - MRS. MOORE: Which side, the east or west? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Both sides. MRS. MOORE: Both sides? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yeah, the existing plan, excuse me, proposed plan -- BOARD ASST.: Second plan, the next page. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, no. I'm looking at the existing plan first, okay. I don't know how many bedrooms are in the house in the existing plans. MRS. MOORE: The bedrooms are all on the first floor (inaudible). There are three bedrooms on the first floor now. So it's staying as the three bedrooms. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It's stay as a three bedroom? BOARD ASST.: On the first floor? Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 23 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: I apologize. Well, three bedrooms, a den and library. BOARD ASST.: On the first floor? MRS. MOORE: Yes. The master bedroom is relocated to the second floor. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Second floor, right. BOARD ASST.: Oh, The whole both sides? the whole second floor. MRS. MOORE: Yeah, there's like a sitting area and a master bedroom suite. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. So in effect -- MRS. MOORE: I mean I would actually invite you to go inside this house because if you were to -- the house looks large from the outside, but actually inside it's very tight and I happened to be there one weekend when the kids had friends over and they were on top of each other. So if you want to come inside and take a look, it is -- it's a challenge now for the family with the two kids and this would be a nice renovation and gives them the space that they need. So, please, go in. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, so the point PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 in question, when is your client available to show it to us on the weekend? MR. MOONEY: Possibly, Mr. Chairman, next weekend. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: MEMBER SIMON: State CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: your name for the record. Next weekend? your name. Yeah, just state MR. MOONEY: With soccer and with (inaudible) the kids are playing, it's kind of hard. We haven't been out here. You do have access to the property without the dogs and without the -- the reason the surveillance is there we unfortunately had several attempted break-ins over the last two years. So we need to protect ourselves there because we are basically there seven months, eight months out of the year. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MR. MOONEY: And we've taken every consideration to just be compliant with the two neighbors on each side what they have just to afford ourselves -- the house is very small on the inside. One bedroom used to be a maid's quarters. It's probably 8 by 8 and my Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 mother-in-law who's 82 and my aunt 82, when they're all there we're sleeping on the floor. So -- it looks like it's massive, but if you really please you really need to eyeball it to get a better idea of the easements on each side and whatnot. We've taken everything into consideration with environmental impact to do this in the right way, you know, having Pat with her expertise and leadership. We're here not to offend anyone, just to afford us what we love. We love the town, it's our second home out here and it is going to probably be my retirement home and we do need this space, but we're willing to work with anybody and everybody to make it suitable for everyone. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's why I asked the question. Okay and in the Walz situation we had a very similar situation except it was a front to back ranch. A little narrower lot and the Board was not willing to grant the volume on that side. Meaning -- in your case it's on the west side, in that case it was on the east side. So I'm just throwing it out and where we are. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 So why don't you let us know if you're available a week -- MRS. MOORE: Yeah, we'll confirm that next weekend is available. So right now can we say next weekend? MR. MOONEY: I'll call my boss when I leave and -- MRS. MOORE: His wife. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: 9:30, 10:00 or something like that in the morning? MR. MOONEY: Yeah, my wife and we'll know CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Oh, that's the boss? MR. MOONEY: That's the boss. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Wonderful. Thank yOU. MEMBER SIMON: Just one question. I am tied up on Saturday morning, could it possibly be Saturday afternoon? MR. MOONEY: We'll be here all day, just let me know. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's fine. MRS. MOORE: Does everyone prefer afternoon? Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 27 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MEMBER WEISMAN: I don't need to go see the house, I mean the interior is not the relevant issue and I've seen the exterior completely and I've got lots and lots of notes and I think the biggest concern would be the impact on the side yards and, having seen it, I think there's enough open space between you and your neighbors to consider granting something that is a pretty substantial variance from Walz. Just so that your client's clear, what the Chairman is really referring to is that in some situations where second stories are added on preexisting nonconforming side yards, the intent is not to deny particularly, but to step the addition back a little bit. Narrow it a little so that the second story side yard is expanded. That's what we're really talking about. We're talking about a possible alternate design. We're talking about a second story that doesn't go right straight up from the existing walls, but is set in a little bit farther. That's typically what kind of alternatives have been discussed with the Board. I'm not sure that that, you know, Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 until they all have a chance to see it what they're going to say. MRS. MOORE: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Alright, but in all -- for all indications, Mr. Mooney, the entire proposed second floor is a master bedroom? MR. MOONEY: Yes, sir. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: One single master bedroom? MR. MOONEY: Correct. MRS. MOORE: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. Okay, is there anybody in the audience who'd like to speak for or against this application? Seeing no hands, closing the hearing, I'll make a motion pending the receipt of any information that we may need from the client or the attorney for the client, Ms. Moore, after the inspection. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: make that as a resolution. MEMBER HORNING: I'll (See Minutes for We thank you. I'll second. Resolution.) Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 HEARING %6324 - Lorraine Parra MEMBER SCHNEIDER: "Requests for Variances under Section 280-124 based on the Building Inspector's July 8, 2009 Notice of Disapproval which states that the new addition/alteration (to the existing single family dwelling) will be less than the code-required minimum of 35 feet and will exceed the maximum lot coverage of 20%, after creating new habitable floor space on this +/- 2,475 square foot lot at 970 Seventh Street, Greenport; CTM 1000-48-2-19." MS. DWYER: I'm Nancy Dwyer on behalf of Lorraine Parra. The latest intention is to build over the existing deck (inaudible) she's looking to basically expand (inaudible) area out to give herself a little bit of a dining area and extend the living room. There's one (inaudible) in 2006 as far as setback and lot coverage and (inaudible) and maintain those existing setbacks and lot coverage that exists. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Can I ask a question? Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 30 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MS. DWYER: Sure. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ken, okay? MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Yeah, go right ahead. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, so you're going to remove the deck? MS. DWYER: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You're going to excavate a crawl space? MS. DWYER: Correct and pour foundations walls. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: And there will remain one-story (inaudible) plans? MS. DWYER: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Some Board members may not be aware of the fact that we've had some relatively small lots like this. We've had a garden variety of variances on parcels in this particular area, but we've also had some on Peconic Bay Boulevard in Laurel, the majority of which tend to be, you would think, in areas of described property. This is really like a subdivision, an old subdivision, and I think the smallest one we ever had was a 1800 square foot lot. This one, you said, was how big? PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 31 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MS. DWYER: This one is (inaudible) 2400 square feet. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, alright. So this is -- this tends to be a little interesting. One of the questions that came up in a discussion with the Board members, where is the sanitary system? MS. DWYER: To be honest, I don't know. I don't know if it's part of {inaudible) or if it exists on the property. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, could you let us know that? MS. DWYER: Yes. It's actually a question that came up before. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, so you may find it. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Yeah, in the front yard. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: what usually happens with situations this? MS. DWYER: As far as CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: know, when you're excavating for the deck or excavating for the foundation. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 In your experience like If you find it, you 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 32 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MS. DWYER: What we would have to do is rethink the location of the addition because it's not worth getting into the Health Department relocating the sanitary system. Those houses are so close to one another that we have to contend with all of their wells, all of their septic systems that it's easier to leave it where it is and to refigure the addition. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: So there's no chance that there's a sewer there in that street? MS. DWYER: What was that? MEMBER SCHNEIDER: street. MS. system. Seventh A sewer in that DWYER: Well, Greenport has the sewer I don't know if it continues onto Street. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: the incorporated village, it is. It is not within so I don't know if MS. DWYER: Yeah, I don't know. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Let me ask you another question. MS. DWYER: Sure. PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-83S5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 33 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Would you cantilever over the top of the sanitary system? MS. DWYER: We can't. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, you can't do that. MEMBER WEISMAN: No, you've gotta have access. MS. DWYER: You have to keep 10 feet clear of the sanitary system. You know, if anything should ever happen to that system, you need access. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You need access. Okay. MS. DWYER: Exactly. MEMBER HORNING: What kind of basement does the existing building have? MS. DWYER: The existing is a full basement with concrete walls. MEMBER HORNING: So you could very easily access the basement and look at the pipes and see where they were leaving, what end of the house. MS. DWYER: Yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: So then I suspect the PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 34 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 first thing to do is do a little research on this and find out exactly mechanically what's going on underground and let us know because we want to be deliberating on this as proposed on the assumption that it is doable. MS. DWYER: Yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: Otherwise, you know, then we need to -- you need to provide us with an alternate layout. MS. DWYER: Layout. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: then goes, what do we do? Right. So the question Do you want us to postpone the hearing after you investigate it or do you want us to close the hearing? I mean we could adjourn it to another date. MS. DWYER: Yeah, let's do that. If it's a matter of me going into look and seeing where the of {inaudible). the house taking a pipes are coming out MEMBER WEISMAN: Hopefully it's in the backyard under the patio. MS. DWYER: That would be nice. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The problem is we have only one more public hearing in the year 2009 and that is on December 3rd and we are Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 35 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 just inundated on that particular calendar. So I'm throwing out to you, Nancy, what do you suggest we do? MEMBER WEISMAN: Can we put it on for January? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Oh, we can. MS. DWYER: If we close it, what are we doing if we close it? Are we (inaudible) and starting over and picking up where (inaudible} CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Well, we could reopen it again. MS. DWYER: Okay. BOARD ASST.: I wouldn't recommend that because -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No. BOARD ASST.: -- then there are too many decisions that have to be made at the staff level. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. BOARD ASST.: It's better to do it through the Board if you want to keep it on the Board's review level, at this point, otherwise you may have to re-file and start over cause it has to be readvertised once you PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 36 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 close it anyway. If you're amending your plan, you might as well start with a new application. MS. DWYER: I don't know that we're necessarily amending the plan because -- BOARD ASST.: Well, I mean if you're going to demolish, you'd have to show that on the plans and then show the new areas that you're reconstructing. So that's why -- MS. DWYER: Okay. BOARD ASST.: -- you haven't shown that on this plan yet, right? MS. DWYER: Well, I do believe the foundation plan does show the existing structure being removed and the foundation walls and structure -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I don't know about that. BOARD ASST.: I don't think we have that plan. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: There might be a note somewhere. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah, it's noted I think on the plan, but we don't have -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes, it does. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 37 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 BOARD ASST.: Yeah -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah, we have a foundation plan. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Yeah. BOARD ASST.: So Leslie, what was it you were asking for then? I walked in while you were talking, so were you asking for something else? MEMBER WEISMAN: Me? BOARD ASST.: Yeah. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, no crawl space. BOARD ASST.: Something you were asking her for something because we're on an assumption. MEMBER WEISMAN: Oh, what I was saying was that we need to know for a fact what they're proposing to us now is buildable because the septic is not located where the proposed addition is. If that's the case, we just deliberate. You know, if that's not the case, then clearly they have to go back and reconsider where they're going to propose an addition and that would be dramatically different than what you -- what is before us. So perhaps the best way to do this is -- cause PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 38 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 that would have to be -- either that's going to have to be radically amended plan -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It may have to go to a second story. MS. DWYER: It would entertain a second story, which honestly I don't know that she would even (inaudible). MEMBER WEISMAN: Contemplate, yeah, cause then you have a stairwell and all that other stuff and it's getting to be more costly. MS. DWYER: Exactly, yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: And so on. So I guess the thing is we can close it subject to receipt of that information, which means we can deliberate on this or you can withdraw the application based upon the fact that this isn't doable and then take your time to consider what your client wants to do. MS. DWYER: I don't believe that the septic is located in the front yard, being that the deck is there. The deck has footings. So somewhere along the way when they were digging the footings for this deck - MEMBER WEISMAN: They would have probably PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 39 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 found it. MS. DWYER: So I don't believe that it's located in the front yard. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MEMBER SIMON: From a procedural point of view, would it -- if it turns out, if we close the hearing, subject to the receipt of information, if the information is that the septic system is not a problem, then we don't have to have another hearing, and if it is a problem then you can either, you know, withdraw the application or do something else. So I'm not sure what advantage is gotten by leaving the hearing open since we're really not -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Since you have to readvertise anyway for new construction. MEMBER WEISMAN: That's right. I mean if it's going to be substantially different then it's a new application. MEMBER SIMON: MEMBER WEISMAN: an amended plan. Right. So that's much more than CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. I have to tell you in all true candor, I enjoy this soul Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 40 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 searching of what to do with the Board members so that everybody is pretty much in sync to what we're doing. So it's good. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, maybe we should take some questions or comments on the application as applied for in case anybody has any questions, assuming that's the one we'll deliberate on. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Okay. Yeah, sure. Well, that was the question for me. MEMBER SIMON: My only question, just a comment I noticed that some of us remember the previous application and it's an interesting puzzle because here we have a recognized lot and it was arithmetically impossible to satisfy both the minimum size of the house and the setbacks unless the house went to a second floor, which was not -- it's a very strong and expensive recommendation. So what the applicant got was, the previous owner, I guess, was kind of frugal for the house with the -- nonconforming in this way and understanding that there was a shortage of living space. Now, one modest way of improving that problem would be, of course, to PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 41 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 use part of the existing footprint for more living space and that seems to be what the plan is and it makes perfectly good sense subject, of course, to there not being a problem with the septic system. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, if you look at the neighborhood nothing is consistent. I mean every setback and every house is a different size. The lots are primarily differently sized. The addition is, you know, it's very close to the road. The deck is, I mean, it's like sitting on it practically, but the proposed addition is so small and the house is so small and it has pretty generous side yards and rear yards that I think that normally I would say that something that close to the road, you know, adding bulk to it would be problematic, but because of the uniqueness of this lot in that area and the small size of the house and proposed addition that I'm prepared to really take that into consideration. There is no consistency that I could see. The house across the street is set way back. The house diagonally is much bigger and also quite close to the road. The house PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 42 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 to the other side has a greater setback, but, you know, it's also fairly small and a little taller. So there really isn't something that -- there is no street wall in other words, there just simply isn't. MS. DWYER: No, absolutely. The other house on the other side is on the corner of (inaudible). MEMBER WEISMAN: Yes. Yeah, that one is the closest thing to mimicking what Ms. Parra's property looks like. So I think that's a chief consideration for me anyway in reviewing this. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's basically what the past in this area these extremely small Alright, thank you. the Board has done in and particularly on lots. Is there anybody else on the Board that would like to say anything? Hearing no comment, is there anybody in the audience would like to speak for or against this application, Appeal %6324? Seeing no hands, I'll make a motion closing the hearing in receipt of the information from Ms. Dwyer regarding the Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 43 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 septic system and its position on this property. MEMBER WEISMAN: I'll second it. (See Minutes for Resolution.) Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 44 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 HEARING %6327 -Jon and Jennifer Shipman MEMBER HORNING: "Request for a Variance under Section 280-124 based on the Building Inspector's June 17, 2009 Notice of Disapproval concerning an addition to the existing single-family dwelling with a front yard setback at less than the code-required 50 feet, at 4745 Elijahs Lane, Mattituck; CTM 1000-100-4-11." CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You need to state your name for the record, both of your names. MR. SHIPMAN: I'm Jonathan Shipman. MS. SHIPMAN: Jennifer Shipman. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: How do you do? Okay, what would you like to tell us? MR. SHIPMAN: We didn't get all the return receipts from all the letters. We tracked the one that we didn't get and we have a copy from the Post Office. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. BOARD ASST.: Do you have that with you? MR. SHIPMAN: We do. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Do you want to bring that up here, sir? PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 45 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 BOARD ASST.: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, what would you like to tell us on your request, what are you looking for? MR. SHIPMAN: The front porch is going to be a little bit over the setback requirements. The neighbor to the south is (inaudible) 300 feet away. They're a little closer to the road than we are and as far as I understood it it was less than 300 feet and they were closer to the road they would set precedent for us, but they're over that (inaudible) and we just want a front porch that we're able to get out (inaudible) out and (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Very good. MEMBER HORNING: I saw the site yesterday in the pouring rain and Mr. Shipman showed me around and I really don't have any questions at the moment. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: MEMBER WEISMAN: No questions. No questions. You're right next to an open corral area of woods and farm fields across the street. I don't think that small addition is going to have an impact Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 46 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 on anybody except the two of you who will be able to enjoy a little more space on your house. has CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: questions. MEMBER SIMON: Short I'll bet Michael questions, comment. After I saw it I went back and looked to see whether the decorated part, the part with the shrubbery on to the south of where the porch is going to be is going to be removed, apparently it isn't. In other words, the porch is not going to run the entire length of the front of the house, just part of it. Then I thought looking at this, I mean this really is pretty unproblematic. The reason you're subject to a 50-foot setback rather than a 35- foot, why you're here has to do merely with the fact that you've got a lot of land behind the house and that doesn't have much affect on the purpose of this setback requirement in this particular case. So, you know, given the smallness of the setback asked for, and the whole general nature of the neighborhood there I don't have any questions other than the one I just asked. PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 47 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I just want to review the numbers with you, Jonathan. Is -- you're showing the porch at 29 feet 1 inch; is that correct? MR. SHIPMAN: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Wide, right? MR. SHIPMAN: Yes, (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right and 8 feet in width or depth. Okay, based upon the plan you have specific pillars out there holding the overhang up? MR. SHIPMAN: Correct. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, it is -- it's going to be poured cement? MR. SHIPMAN: The pillars? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, the porch. MR. SHIPMAN: The porch is not going to be poured cement. It's going to be -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It's going to be a wood porch. MR. SHIPMAN: Correct, on footings. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. Does anybody have any other question of the Shipmans at this time? Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 48 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 Okay, before you in the audience would this hearing? leave, is there anybody like to speak regarding Hearing no further questions, I'll reserving Okay. make a motion closing the hearing, the decision until later. MEMBER WEISMAN: Second. (See Minutes for Resolution.) Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 49 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 HEARING %6323 Olga Tenedios MEMBER HORNING: "Location of Property: Steve and 17327 Main Road (private right-of-way), Lot 6 on a Map of Brionn Gloid By the Sea, East Marion; CTM 1000-23-1-14.10 adjacent to the Long Island Sound. Requested are Variances under Sections 280-15(C and F), based on a building permit application and the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval dated July 7, 2009 concerning the following proposed new construction: A) The proposed garage with pergola structure is not permitted: 1) with a setback less than 55 feet from the front yard line along the right-of-way; 2) in a side yard when a front yard or rear yard location is code- required on a waterfront parcel; Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5O ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 3) with a size that exceeds the code limitation of 750 square feet; The proposed accessory pool building is not permitted; 1) with a size that exceeds the code limitation of 750 square feet; 2) with dormers proposed in excess of the code limitation of 40% of roof width; C) The proposed swimming pool is not permitted in a side yard when a front yard or rear yard location is code-required. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ms. Moore, give us your appearance, please. MRS. MOORE: Yes. Patricia Moore on behalf of the Tenedios. I have Mr. Tenedios here with me and Mark Schwartz, the architect on the house and similarly designed the garage {inaudible) house (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: What would you like to start with first? MRS. MOORE: Well, why don't we start in the order -- let me just explain a little bit Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 51 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 of the circumstances that create the difficulty. The property, while it's quite large, is bisected along the waterfront by the Coastal Erosion Line and the environmental regulations requiring us to move away from the water. We have compliance with respect to setbacks from the water, which is a very important part of this project and the difficulty is that the filed map shows the right-of-way that runs -- the 25-foot right-of-way runs along the whole front of the parcel and it dead ends on what is owned by State of New York. At the time the subdivision was created, the State of New York did not own the adjacent property. So it's possible that that right- of-way may have been considered for future connection, curb cut for future development on the east, but in any case, it is an access way that when we asked Mr. Stankevich, who owns the land to the south, whether or not we can modify, rework that 25-foot right-of-way since the reality is that we prefer not to have it opened up and keep it as natural as possible, plus also the fact that we would then be able PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 52 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 to move the structures closer to the property line. That was rejected so we designed or set the structures to as close compliant as we could. The garage is 50 feet from the property line, but 25 feet from the edge of the right- of-way. You're seeing this more often now with waterfront properties that most accessory structures end up going into a side yard. There are a few -- there's little room for accessory structures in a rear yard on a waterfront piece of property and in this case moving the structures even further towards the street and towards the right-of-way line creates this necessity for variance as well. We have -- the structures that are proposed and with respect to the garage, as I explained in my application, my client has an extensive car collection and rather than build a house with a huge oversized garage that would kind of detract from the architecture, it is believed that a detached separate garage could be placed on the property in such a way that it is -- it adds to the property value but (inaudible) from the property. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 53 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Could I ask you a question at that point? MRS. MOORE: Yeah, sure. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: On these lot mergers, which has nothing to do with this application, you are kindly supplying to the Board vacant lots in the area. Would you kindly supply to the Board a search of the surrounding properties and tell us what kind of garages that exist on the improvements within this immediate area? MRS. MOORE: I -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So we could possibly or attempt to -- and I don't mean that in a sarcastic way. MRS. MOORE: Sure. I -- whatever you would like I can certainly provide. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: There -- MRS. MOORE: Keeping in mind this piece of property is very isolated. It is along the water and -- but we have no neighbors on the east, obviously it is state land. The land, I can tell you, to the south is vacant. It's for sale right now, I believe I saw a for sale sign there. Mr. Stankevich has it for sale. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 54 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Which pieces does Mr. Stankevich own? MRS. MOORE: Right directly to the -- on the right. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, both parcels MRS. MOORE: There's two lots. Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Does he own both of those lots? MRS. MOORE: Yes. He is actually here today so you can ask him. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MRS. MOORE: But the property (inaudible) he still owns the two lots. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: What we've seen in this area, there are estate-type houses as your client is building. MRS. MOORE: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. Some of which have attached garages, some of which have detached garages. MRS. MOORE: Right. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Since it's very difficult for the Board to go into these estates and to view them, maybe from the PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 55 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 Assessor's records you could give us what the accessory structures look like. MRS. MOORE: Sure. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Their approximate size. MRS. MOORE: What I can do is I'll get Google Earth to give me an aerial and then I can check the property cards to see to the extent that the records reflect (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Would you do that for us, please? MRS. MOORE: Sure. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I appreciate that. Thank you. MRS. MOORE: Sure. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stop you -- MRS. MOORE: No, (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I don't know what we ever did when we didn't have Google. MRS. MOORE: That is (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: MRS. MOORE: Yes, clients -- one of the amazing. Okay. actually one of the property owners to the Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 56 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 west is Ianu (sic) and he has what you described, a very large estate home and a very large garage. I've been on the property. I can actually (inaudible} -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Cause only recently we've done or had applications to redo one rather nice house that overlooks the Sound. I suspect it was on the Sound, my recollection is not -- it's an approximation of how far it overlooks the Sound, but the unique turrets that ~hey were requesting and observation towers that they were requesting. MRS. MOORE: I remember that. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You remember that one? MRS. MOORE: I do. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: About four years ago. MRS. MOORE: It's on the other side, it's on the east side of (Inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes. On the west side of this house, this proposed house. MRS. MOORE: Yes. Not a problem, I can provide that for you. Pug[iese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 57 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 Anyway, we're continuing on. With respect to the garage, as I said, it is for his car collection. He also wanted the bay so it can allow for his boat to be able to be stored inside rather than in the yard so the property remains orderly. The square footage, the additional square footage was for the pergola, which is an open -- it's a trellis structure and that just provides architectural interest and is something that I guess it's up to the Board whether we consider it lot coverage or not. It is unroofed in the sense that it's a pervious lattice material. So it's nonhabitable but it is -- we would also provide it here. With respect to the pool house and the pool, as I pointed out, they don't have an ability to put the pool on the water side of the house nor would anyone be interested in having us do that. While we could ask for a permit from the Southold Town Trustees to do it, it's just not environmentally appropriate and there's certainly adequate room in the side yard for a pool and a pool house. The pool house similarly -- the size of the pool PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 58 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 house is under the required accessory size. It's 729 square feet, but the Building Department increased it over the 750 by adding the pergola that is providing shading right in the area of the pool and patio area. So that pergola area is actually very helpful in the hot sun and -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: But it does have a second story? MRS. MOORE: It -- actually we were just talking about that. My client would actually like to open up the roof. It was designed so that it all matches the architectural style of the house. It originally had been proposed with a second floor space, second story storage only. Storage only, of course, but he would actually, we were talking in the hallway, and there'd be no issue with actually opening it up and doing it as a cathedral open ceiling. So, again, the rooflines and the pitches of the roof are attractive and match the architectural style of the house, but as far as the second floor storage space -- MEMBER WEISMAN: This is on the garage you're talking about? PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 59 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: No, I'm talking about the pool house. I apologize. MEMBER WEISMAN: Just making sure. MRS. MOORE: We're talking about the pool house and originally there was going to be a ceiling and storage space in the pool house. MEMBER WEISMAN: I see it. MRS. MOORE: to -- BOARD ASST.: to get his answer, Thank you. MRS. MOORE: clarify the -- BOARD ASST.: But he actually would like Excuse me, if you want me he does have to come up. Okay. I needed him to That is not on the record, only your answers. Okay? MRS. MOORE: Yes. The opening of the ceiling is something that would be -- Mr. Tenedios would have no objection to if the Board wants to eliminate that storage area on the second floor. What is important to him is the architectural style of the pool house again to match the house. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 60 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 BOARD ASST.: We're just trying to locate the pergola on the site plan. Is it labeled somewhere on the site plan, Si? MRS. MOORE: You know, actually it's not showing on the -- MEMBER WEISMAN: It's not on the site plan. It's on the floor plan. MRS. MOORE: It's on the floor plan, yes. Yes. BOARD ASST.: Okay. MRS. MOORE: Floor plan, yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: Where is it located on the site plan? MRS. MOORE: On the site plan it's over the patio area facing the pool. BOARD ASST.: Over the patio area. What are the dimensions of it? MRS. MOORE: you right now. BOARD ASST.: MRS. MOORE: architect actually MR. SCHWARTZ: (inaudible}. I'm going to get that for Oh, alright. I'm going to have the (inaudible). Mark Schwartz, I'm That trellis is proposed to be Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 61 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 approximately 6 feet over the pool house (inaudible) so about 27 feet by 6 feet. BOARD ASST.: So it's 27 feet by 6 feet? MRS. MOORE: Right. MEMBER HORNING: On the east side of the MRS. MOORE: On the west side. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: West side of the pool. MEMBER HORNING: West side, pardon me. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Mark, can I ask you another question? MR. SCHWARTZ: Sure CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You're removing the second floor on the pool house. What are we going to see when we walk in there? Are we going to see heavy timber structurally and looking through heavy timber are we going to see a complete open vaulted ceiling with no timber at all? MR. SCHWARTZ: We were just talking about that. With the open ceiling I would probably expose the roof rafters so you would see roof rafters of the ceiling pitch. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 62 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: With no floor beams at all in there? MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, so you're just going to see a significantly vaulted ceiling as anybody would do even in a house, assuming it was sheet rocked, but this won't be. MRS. MOORE: Yes. MR. SCHWARTZ: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. Okay, thank you. Okay, do we know how far the pergola is from the top of the bluff? MRS. MOORE: It would be the same distance of the -- well, there's no bluff. It is 131 feet from the spring high water, which the measurement. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. Thank you. What are you going to do now, Pat? MRS. MOORE: Well, let's answer whatever questions that -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Let me just -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah, one part at a time if we could, while we're on that subject. So PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 63 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 the proposed pool house is -- what is the size without the trellis? MRS. MOORE: 27 by 27, 729 square feet. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Two story, but no second story. MEMBER WEISMAN: Right. Alright, well this would be a redesign or whatever. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Before you get into that, let's talk about the height of it. Does it exceed 18 feet? MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, it's 22 feet. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It's 22 feet. Okay, so it's 18 feet to the mean, 22 feet to the ridge? MR. SCHWARTZ: The mean I don't have, only to the ridge. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: Is it going to need a height variance for that? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's my question. MEMBER WEISMAN: Depending on the size of the lot, which will be based on buildable area not deed -- Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 64 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: Right and the buildable area is (inaudible). MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah. I'm trying to remember what the new accessory structure code is and whether or not that -- on a lot that size. MR. SCHWARTZ: side yard setback. (Inaudible) setback, the So (inaudible) setback on side yard (inaudible). MEMBER WEISMAN: Alright, so what we're talking about is 729-square-foot pergola -- pool house structure with an additional 6 by 27-foot approximately pergola for sun -- sunscreening sort of thing. Let me ask you about the positioning of those two structures, the pool in the -- I don't really have a problem with the pool in the side yard. Your septic system is in your front yard and you're really kind of boxed in and there's certainly enough room for a pool on this property. Have you considered the possibility of simply cranking the pool and pool house -- cranking the pool at a 90 degree angle from how you're proposing it and bringing the pool house over the way you have PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 65 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 it now so that it would be -- increase the setback from 42.3 feet? MRS. MOORE: I'm not sure -- oh -- MEMBER WEISMAN: this way now. if I understood Well, the pool is like MRS. MOORE: Okay, just switch -- MEMBER WEISMAN: If you go this way and then move the pool house over, you would be increasing that setback. the are MRS. MOORE: Well, separation from the MEMBER WEI SMAN: I we have to maintain sanitary rings that think you could almost squish it -- you might have to make the pool little bit shorter, but you could -- MRS. MOORE: I'm not sure -- I guess I don't understand the reason for that. MEMBER WEISMAN: The reason. MRS. MOORE: Yeah. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, isn't that 42.3- foot setback an issue? MRS. MOORE: No, I don't believe it is. MEMBER WEISMAN: No? MR. SCHWARTZ: No, it's not. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 66 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MRS. MOORE: No. MR. SCHWARTZ: Ail that (inaudible I think a 20-foot setback. MRS. MOORE: Yes. BOARD ASST.: It's location in a side yard, so it includes everything. MRS. MOORE: Yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. MRS. MOORE: Okay, if the location is in the side yard the setback of the structures is MEMBER WEISMAN: Is acceptable. MRS. MOORE: Yes. BOARD ASST.: Which is conforming when it's in a rear yard. MEMBER WEISMAN: Right, right. BOARD ASST.: Or a front yard. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, there really isn't any other place for you to put it, if you're going to put a pool. It has to be in your side yard, there's no other place to do it. Alright, do you want to go on to the garage or are there other questions on that? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I'm going to ask a question. You have a green stamp from the PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 67 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 Health Department regarding the septic system at this time? I mean you probably wouldn't have gotten a building permit and you wouldn't have gotten this far if you didn't. MR. SCHWARTZ: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: And there was no attempt to make this -- put the septic system any closer to the house? This is where they wanted it and that MR. SCHWARTZ: pretty much. It's was pretty much it? Well, it is installed there now, but -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MRS. MOORE: We had setbacks to wells, potential wells for lots particularly the undeveloped on the south. There is usually an interest in trying to keep -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I understand. Right. MRS. MOORE: -- distance. The Health Department directed where (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: So let's just look, while we're at it, at the proposed dormer of more than 40% of the roof width. What exactly Pugliese Court Repo~ing and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 68 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 percentage is it? doesn't say. MR. SCHWARTZ: The Notice of Disapproval We have dormers on both sides. not sure (inaudible) pool house elevation (inaudible). MEMBER WEISMAN: Gable end dormers on both sides. I'm but if you look at the (inaudible) direction of Well, I guess the nonconformity had to do with them being more than 40% of the -- MRS. MOORE: Yeah, because the design is not a typical (inaudible) roofline (inaudible). MEMBER WEISMAN: Yes. Ail I'm suggesting is, number one, we need to know what percentage you're proposing, if it's more than 40%, and, number two, while you're in the process of redesigning the pool house relative to the elimination of the second story, might you at the same time consider reducing that variance to the size of the dormers and so on and balancing them a little bit differently. What we're looking for is the smallest variance that we can grant that's acceptable mutually all the way around. So since you're PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 69 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 doing that anyway, let us know what you're proposing in the way of percentage of dormer and see if that can be reduced somewhat. MR. SCHWARTZ: Certainly. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: What is the size of -- now are we on to the garage? MRS. MOORE: I don't know. MEMBER SIMON: I want to continue with questions on the dormers. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, go ahead. MEMBER SIMON: Following up on what Leslie said is if we are asked, among the things we are asked, to give a variance for the dormers, we are going to need information as to some -- give us a basis for making such a variance. If we don't even know how big they are or where they are, we can't -- we couldn't recognize -- I don't think we can make an alternative recommendation that they should be shorter by whatever, 7 feet or something like that, unless we know what we're doing. MRS. MOORE: Right. MEMBER SIMON: This is, I think, a general comment which may apply also the, what PuglieseCourtReportin§andTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 7O ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 you call a garage, the larger building, this is a project, pretty impressive guided by, what we're not supposed to say, aesthetics, but an architectural vision and the architectural vision is essentially to build something as high and grand as the house, which is the reason for the appeals to the architectural coherence. So the dormers are presumably contributing to this or whatever these second floor things are. The idea of having a very large, now I'm mentioning the other building, the large garage has to do with possibly how -- is it that it has to be that big in order to make the dormers look right, which are, after all, aesthetically pleasing height, or is it the other way around? So the idea of this -- and it only affects us. We don't make judgments on aesthetics so far as you're asking for a variance from the rules that have to do not with height, but do have to do with dormers and do have to do with building size and if there -- I hope there'll be arguments other than aesthetics that will explain why we have to have such a large garage and pool house PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 71 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 given, of course, that there's a two-car garage already under the house. MRS. MOORE: Do you want to go to the pool house architecture? MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, well we could certainly look at this and rework the roof ends so they're at 40% dormer. MEMBER SIMON: Right. MEMBER WEISMAN: That makes sense to just eliminate that variance. MEMBER SIMON: To eliminate that variance, that's fine. MR. SCHWARTZ: We can do that, we'll find a way to do that. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. MR. SCHWARTZ: As far as the overall size of the pool house, we had intended to stay under the 750 square feet, which it is now. The pool house itself, the Building Department, I assume, determined that they wanted to add the area of the trellis as part of the lot coverage for the pool house. So that's why -- that's the only reason we're over 750 for the pool house. MEMBER WEISMAN: Right. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 72 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MEMBER SIMON: Right. the Building Department, as wasn't being arbitrary. We You mentioned -- far as I can see, have a lot of applications that have to do with pergolas and they do count and we can't very well expect the Building Department to say pergolas don't count -- MR. SCHWARTZ: (Inaudible) I didn't know that. MEMBER SIMON: Okay. So that's -- okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: But the fact of the matter is that while it covers -- lot coverage is not an issue on this property. MRS. MOORE: No. MEMBER WEISMAN: It is it to calculate the overall -- they're using size cause it's a vertical structure, even though it's not habitable, they used it to calculate the size of the proposed accessory structure. MRS. MOORE: Well, I just -- MEMBER SIMON: Yeah, we can (inaudible) that. MRS. MOORE: (Inaudible) is that maybe some guidance from the Building Department would be helpful because when you get in -- PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 73 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 what the Board worked on with the Town Board (inaudible) structures, they were looking at things that we could discuss, dormers, building size, habitable space. Pergola is an architectural feature, really no different than other typical architectural features that are listed as exempt from lot and area requirements. So it may be helpful if the Building Department at one point -- I think it's a matter of interpretation that if the Zoning Board says that, no, when you're dealing with accessory structures you're actually measuring the habitable space, not architectural features attached to it, it would be certainly helpful, but that would be up to the Board. But, in either case, giving us the additional square footage for the garage because of the pergola is really something that would be -- provide additional comfortable shade for next to the pool. It is a feature not only architecturally makes the building look attractive, it is a useful feature no different than a canopy or a tent or whatever non-attractive feature might provide. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (63~)878-8355 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 74 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MEMBER WEISMAN: Are you talking about the pool house or the garage or both? MRS. MOORE: No, we're talking about just the pool house right now. MEMBER WEISMAN: The pool house, fine. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Just remember that the pool house is the minimum size of a habitable dwelling that's two-story in the Town of Southold. MRS. MOORE: No, 650 I think it is. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, that's for a one-story. For a two-story, it's 750 okay for a two-story -- MRS. MOORE: For a habitable dwelling? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Correct, for a two- story habitable dwelling in the Town of Southold. MRS. MOORE: that, but okay. Okay, I didn't remember This is not planned as a habitable dwelling, this is a pool house. MEMBER WEISMAN: It will remain unheated? MRS. MOORE: It'll -- Okay, so there is intention to make it -- BOARD ASST.: I didn't hear his answer, I'm sorry. PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 75 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: No, I'm just repeating. Heating and air conditioning would be preferred. BOARD ASST.: In the pool house, but not the garage. MRS. MOORE: In the pool house. We didn't answer that, but yes. Not in the garage, but I'll make (inaudible). MEMBER SIMON: I sure that we just have a question specifically because while we're not here to interpret the code, we're here to read the code and it's an interesting question as to whether the area of the size of a pergola counts with respect to the size of the building to which it's attached as opposed to Right. And I don't know the lot coverage. MRS. MOORE: MEMBER SIMON: answer to that. Maybe we can't decide -- let me just ask a question, theoretical, but if a person does not have a problem with lot coverage they would be free to put 12 pergolas scattered throughout their land. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 76 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: As long as they met setback requirements for structures, yes. MEMBER SIMON: Okay, so they are structures? MEMBER WEISMAN: And lot coverage. MRS. MOORE: The Building Department -- MEMBER SIMON: Right. MRS. MOORE: -- well, he said (inaudible). The Building Department has always considered it a structure because it is made of wood. MEMBER SIMON: Okay, then the question would be and maybe this would be useful, is if that structure is put in such a way that it is connected to the pool house structure then, of course, it increases the size of that structure, but if it were 6 inches away or something like that, or what is -- MRS. MOORE: If it, yeah, independent -- Yes, I guess we could design -- MEMBER SIMON: That would be one way of solving the logical problems at least. MEMBER WEISMAN: Excuse me, I need to go back to something here. Pat? Pugliese Cou~ Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 77 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: Yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: you've submitted here The, Mark, the plan that says unheated storage and unheated pool house on these plans. MRS. MOORE: Okay, unheated. Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: But your client just said the intent was to heat -- MRS. MOORE: Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: You said your intent was to heat and air condition this. MRS. MOORE: Well, then we -- MEMBER WEISMAN: That's why I asked because here it says unheated storage and unheated pool house. MRS. MOORE: (Inaudible) what was requested. MEMBER WEISMAN: Now if this is a seasonal use -- MRS. MOORE: Yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: -- we could assume that it should remain unheated and un-air- conditioned. You have an outdoor shower, which is fine. MRS. MOORE: Yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: That's compliant. Pugliese Cou~ Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 78 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: Right, it's -- MEMBER WEISMAN: And you are permitted to have a half-bath as proposed in an accessory structure. So all that's kosher. I just want to make all this consistent. MRS. MOORE: Yes. Let's be consistent, yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay, so that you are not proposing to heat or air-conditioning? MRS. MOORE: No, we'll keep as it is proposed. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay, thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, are we now on the garage? MRS. MOORE: Just one thing -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You just need to state your name for the record, sir. MR. TENEDIOS: Mr. Tenedios, I'm the homeowner. I will readily give up the second The gables, the -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The dormers. MR. TENEDIOS: The dormers, I think, a role architecturally. story. play I realize you guys Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 79 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 don't care that much about architecture. You really care -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Now, wait a minute. That's not necessarily true. MR. TENEDIOS: I would gladly give up the pergola and the second story to keep the structure and the dormers. I believe the dormers add and enhance the structure. It would be a shame for us to redraw, represent. If we could get beyond this point, today, like I said, I would give up the pergola. I'll take the heat and the sun, but I'd like to keep the dormers, if at all possible. And the second story, I don't need the storage. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, I think that would be entirely up to you and your architect to work out. Come back with a proposal, you're going to do that anyway. If aesthetically you can eliminate a variance and still satisfy the client, that's most desirable, but you have to see it and you have to like it and want to build it. MR. TENEDIOS: And I'm saying I would like it and I was hoping to get beyond this Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 8O ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 point to come to some agreement today so we're not spinning our wheels. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I have to tell you that the uniqueness of this Board -- MEMBER SIMON: That's very helpful. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: -- has really never been to eliminate a pergola. This is not a tremendous -- MEMBER WEISMAN: A big issue. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: -- sized pergola. It's a very tastefully done pergola and we go back now to something other than architectural. It's a nicely done pergola, I'd hate to see you give that up. Okay, because I think it's necessary, but the law is the law regarding the issue of dormers and the interpretation of dormers. MRS. MOORE: I think that (inaudible) of the Building Department is that a dormer because -- BOARD ASST.: They've already denied it. It's over 40%. They've made that decision. MRS. MOORE: But all because it was a second floor at the time, if you open up the ceiling -- PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 81 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's why I think Mark needs to go back to them and discuss it further. MRS. MOORE: Yes. BOARD ASST.: Yes, when Mark filed with us he told us that this plan was shown to the Building Department. So that's why we're using this Disapproval because Mark said they denied this plan. MRS. MOORE: No, I agree with you. BOARD ASST.: Okay. MRS. MOORE: What we are going to go back an double check is that if you take out -- if you open up a cathedral ceiling, now is it a dormer or isn't it? BOARD ASST.: That's inside. Yeah. MRS. MOORE: Because now it's not a -- dormer implies a ceiling height, correct? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: One at a time, please. MRS. MOORE: It's that you don't need it if you're not doing a ceiling with this. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yeah, that's what I was -- that's what we're basically saying. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 82 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MEMBER WEISMAN: The point is if you -- in the process of redesigning this to eliminate the second floor, yeah, go and talk to Mike and find out -- MRS. MOORE: Yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: -- how -- if you need another updated Notice of Disapproval because it might change. MRS. MOORE: Right or it may be that there is no variance -- MEMBER WEISMAN: That's what I'm saying. It may be redefined. So just cooperate and work that stuff out and get back to us. MRS. MOORE: Yes. BOARD ASST.: We would need an amended disapproval, obviously, and that takes time. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yes. MEMBER SIMON: I would say today's remarks are very helpful because and relevant because one of the considerations is whether the benefit that is sought can be achieved without various variances. It helps us focus in on what the benefits are and how serious they are and I think it's very, very helpful to understanding how to apply this. The Pugliese Cou~ Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 83 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 language of the State Code is pretty general and it's hard to interpret, you've helped us. MRS. MOORE: Okay, are we ready to move on to the garage? MEMBER WEISMAN: Um-hmm. Yup. MRS. MOORE: Okay. Well, as I stated before, the garage is oversized and it is again (inaudible) house and he is trying to provide adequate space for (Inaudible) store his boat. on the southeast corner of cars and a boat. (Inaudible) put the property to try to keep it somewhat out of sight and it is using -- it is taking the right-of-way, the 25-foot right-of-way and using that as the access point. The right-of-way has to be shared one way or another it would provide the access point for the garage. The garage, the short view of the garage is the (inaudible) from the State -- from the parking lot. It is also the short distance that is (inaudible) house. The -- my client does intend to landscape the property and create a screen at the property line. So we will keep the property screened and private in Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 84 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 order to protect surrounding properties including the (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Quick question. What is the surface of the pavement in the rear of the garage? BOARD ASST.: Facing the water. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Facing the water. MRS. MOORE: Oh, under the pergola? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, no. Facing the garage. BOARD ASST.: Is that a pergola off the garage? MRS. MOORE: Yes, yes. Off the garage is the pergola. That's 640 square feet of hash marks, that's the pergola that was added or that is part of the garage. That we talked about, that can certainly be reduced. That is, again, my client is more concerned about the usefulness of the garage and the pergola can be reduced down in size and you can eliminate it, I guess, if it's a question of having a garage versus having a pergola. The garage is the useful portion of the structure. MEMBER WEISMAN: What is the size of the proposed garage without the pergola? PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-835S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 85 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: 1,120 square feet. It's three bays, two cars and a large -- the boat bay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Is that the purpose of making it 28-feet deep? MRS. MOORE: Yes. Yeah, boat and trailer. Again, it keeps it safe and secure and it's not a -- (inaudible). MEMBER SIMON: Question. Terminology, maybe it wouldn't make a difference, would it make any difference if the building that is housing the classic cars and the boat were called a boathouse or a storage house? I don't know. Maybe the word garage has a kind of suggestion because it suggests that's where you keep your cars rather than where you keep your hobby. It legally may not make any difference. MRS. MOORE: No, legally it doesn't because it's all accessory structure. MEMBER WEISMAN: It doesn't, it's still an accessory structure. MEMBER SIMON: Yeah. Right, okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, I have to say that the largest accessory structure that this Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 86 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 Board has granted since the accessory code was -- structure code was changed is 850 square feet. MRS. MOORE: I think down in Nassau Point you may have approved other garages of similar size. MEMBER WEISMAN: We did approve -- MRS. MOORE: We'll check the date. I thought it was after the code. MEMBER WEISMAN: We did look at one for antique cars that was impossibly large. MRS. MOORE: Yeah. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: But they were significantly -- the reason why I asked the question for significant garages in the area they were actually barns in the area that housed horses. MRS. MOORE: Oh yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: That's true. MRS. MOORE: Yes, I will give you the information with respect to the garages of similar size and character and the location and the ZBA decision is %6240, Phyllis Kaufer at 3175 Nassau Point Road in Cutchogue. So -- and that decision was March 5, 2008. Pugliese Cou~ Reporting and Transcription Se~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 87 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: And what was the size of that garage? MRS. MOORE: 1,440, so larger. BOARD ASST.: One story? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: One story. MRS. MOORE: Two story, okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, no, it was one story. MEMBER WEISMAN: No, it was one-story. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, the garage doors in order to get the square footage -- MRS. MOORE: Oh, needed to go up higher? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: They needed to go up. Okay. MRS. MOORE: Oh, okay. This is described as (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, he was using jacks to jack the cars up. MR. TENEDIOS: Okay. MRS. MOORE: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, Mrs. Kaufer was in that business and they were jacking them up. He is also an avid car buff. MEMBER WEISMAN: The size and its location will have potentially significant Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 88 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 visual impacts on the road, on adjacent properties because of its height. The previous variance, that particular garage was in a kettle hole as I recall. It was quite suppressed. It would have absolutely no impact on the neighbor who had no objection or the road for that matter. MRS. MOORE: Well, we are -- MEMBER WEISMAN: And I don't know that we can really compare those two applications particularly. I think -- MRS. MOORE: Well, actually I would point out that we have no objection to put -- we have a vegetative buffer, but we could plant trees on the east side of the property, which would, you know, grow and cover the structure. Right now I know that when you're coming -- when you're driving west on Sound Avenue from the ferry, you see the tip of this house, but that's it. You see some activity, but the property is still heavily vegetated. From the neighbor's property, again, our plan is to screen it so we could put in significant screening. That is his plan, so we have no problem with that. We could also -- well, Pugliese CourtReportingand TranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 89 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 vegetation would be the best way to screen this. It's not as high as the house, put it that way. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well sure. MRS. MOORE: You only see the tip of the house when you're coming -- when you're driving on the North Road from the ferry. I don't know that you really will see the tip of this garage. Yeah. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: time on the State property Well, I spent some Saturday morning when I was out there and you get a pretty good view from the State property into the -- MRS. MOORE: Of the house? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Into the entire piece of -- oh, the house is extremely high so you would get that anyway. MRS. MOORE: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: And I would probably do the same thing. I mean, it's a beautiful, beautiful structure, it will be. But, in general, you really should give us a landscaping plan so we can look at it, number one, in reference to that side. Secondly, we really need to address these Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 90 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 overly large square footages, in general. Anything that you can do to minimize those would be greatly appreciated, basically, what my colleague Leslie has said. MRS. MOORE: Well, you know, something to keep in mind is that the alternative is to build multiple garages and I don't know that that's really something that would enhance the property or, in fact, it creates more visible clutter for neighbors and for anyone including the property owner. So we did discuss that, you know, as we considered, you know, having to come in for variances. I always discuss the clients' alternatives and multiple garages were certainly discussed, but it just -- including combining the pool house and the garage, but it really didn't -- it didn't lend to a nice design and it, again, it just really didn't enhance the property. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, the only thing that I would say about that is that when you're designing from scratch as is the case here, you already have multiple garages, one is attached. MRS. MOORE: Yes. Pugliese Cou~ Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-835S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 91 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MEMBER WEISMAN: I mean you have one attached to the dwelling, which would -- MRS. MOORE: Yeah, well that's for their own personal (inaudible). MEMBER WEISMAN: I understand. Right, I understand that, but knowing fully well this is not like a new situation where you suddenly went out and bought cars, you had them. MRS. MOORE: Yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: And you needed to house them and Mark and Pat are both very familiar with these codes and so on. There may have been, knowing that full well, an alternative to proposing such a large accessory structure given the awareness of the need to house these cars that you have. The other thing is, do you, given the size of this house, do you really need a second story? Do you need to have storage above, do you need maybe a story and a half for the height something like that? MR. TENEDIOS: Well, of your boat or storage is important because there's no basement in the house, there's no way to store anything. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. Pug[iese Cou~ Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 92 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MR. TENEDIOS: MRS. MOORE: the second floor, MR. TENEDIOS: MRS. MOORE: (Inaudible). We can reduce the storage on is that -- I need the storage. You need the storage, okay. There is no storage in the house. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Be right with you. MR. STANKEVICH: Do you have any speakers or microphones that goes into the record so that a court understands what -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Mr. Stankevich, we are asking for the agent for the applicant, who is an attorney, to rephrase that each time. I can't force the speaker to speak. If Mr. Tenedios wants to speak, okay, we will ask him to speak, but normally that's the situation. I have to tell you, yes, it's a little unconventional, okay, but -- MR. STANKEVICH: I appreciate what he's saying, I just want it in the record. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I understand. MR. STANKEVICH: Yeah. MRS. MOORE: He can speak for himself, then. He's -- the storage, I just wanted to Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 93 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 defer to him if there was any possibility of - MEMBER SIMON: BOARD ASST.: Then let him speak. I would suggest that he use another speaker, too. If you want to ask him questions, he can answer you. MRS. MOORE: (Inaudible) because I don't want to volunteer something that's not (inaudible). MEMBER SIMON: Okay. Alright, I don't want to intervene at the time you're about to say something so I'll -- my question really had to do with the consideration of the size of the structure and we have heard -- it's a very familiar argument is that by the technicalities of the code if you think of one building as too large, we can always build several small ones, which means that you can build something we and you would like less, which is not exactly right on point. What I am concerned though more talking about impacts of among the considerations substantively is in a very large building are the property as yet undeveloped and so that at the moment -- maybe there is someone to speak for the as yet Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 94 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 undeveloped property, but the idea is that this will have very little impact if we do this, or the other thing. That is in part because there are no neighbors on the other side. I would like that on the record, notice that has to be taken into consideration if we are talking about impact at all in the surrounding areas. That's all. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: BOARD ASST.: Well, there are no houses. MEMBER SIMON: That's neighbors are those people. Go ahead. Mr. Tenedios -- there are neighbors, what I mean, the BOARD ASST.: Oh, okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I suspect you have relatively high groundwater here; is that -- MR. TENEDIOS: My original intent, sir, was to have a full basement here. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MR. TENEDIOS: We found during the design process, the approval process that we could not have a basement because of the water table. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 95 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MR. TENEDIOS: I do need the second story storage space for that. I would consider the alternative, which is to build a two-car garage and separate boathouse if that would make the Board happy. I also would like you to consider that we're considerably undersized given the lot coverage that we have here. So my alternative, yes, would have been a longer house with a four- or five-car garage or double decks, whatever. I chose not to do that, to keep a smaller footprint on a relatively large structure and have ancillary space for the other vehicles that I own. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: There's no chance of putting, making the garage one-story and putting a basement in the garage and raising it out of the ground to the maximum allowable level so that you could utilize the 850 on both levels? MRS. MOORE: MR. SCHWARTZ: (Inaudible). I don't know what -- you lost me on that one. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Grading a little more topography on that side with some maybe Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 96 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 some retaining walls and possibly putting a lower level in the garage -- MR. SCHWARTZ: I see what you're saying. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: -- okay, thereby utilizing it on two separate sides? One side -- doors on one side and one door on the other side. The way they've done on these multiple barns that we've seen all throughout the country and in New England and down here also. MRS. MOORE: (Inaudible) water table, that's the problem. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Well, that's why I asked the question. MR. SCHWARTZ: That the -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Is that the lowest portion of the property, okay. BOARD ASST.: It's only 7-foot contour. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah, I would not suggest excavation in that area. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I wasn't really suggesting excavation, I was suggesting filling on the outside. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 is the lowest part of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 97 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MR. TENEDIOS: To address-- I'm sorry, I don't know your name. MEMBER SIMON: Simon. MR. TENEDIOS: To address Mr. Simon's concern about the neighbors and what else is going on in the neighborhood. There are other homes on Main Road there where they're built a home on the Sound side and a home on the roadside. So we're doing this either. lots will be built, not setting a precedent by Eventually, I'm sure these but we're on the Sound side not the road side. MEMBER WEISMAN: Why don't we address the setback? MRS. MOORE: From the right-of-way? Yes. Well, again the right-of-way is a mapped right-of-way with dead end access. The access really is for my client. The road-front property owners would, if they went up the right-of-way would dead end and there would be nowhere for them to go. The purpose of moving the garage 25 feet from the edge of the right- of-way is rather than keep pushing more structures towards the water, keeping the garage closer to the property line and at 25 Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Se~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 98 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 feet with the additional 25-foot right-of-way, we are 51 feet from the property line, which is a comfortable setback for both turning radius as well as privacy from the southerly property line. We thought it was a good compromise. We would certainly, if the Board wanted us to, move it closer to the road, we could. We might be able to pergola, I think we want to separation between the pool -- well, the keep some house and the garage (inaudible). I think if we had to there is some flexibility in the area that is now shown as the pergola for the garage so it could be shifted back and forth in that area without any difficulty. MEMBER WEISMAN: So you could increase that setback from the roadway -- MRS. MOORE: We could -- MEMBER WEISMAN: -- by the reduction or the elimination of the pergola on the garage, you could -- MRS. MOORE: garage was more Yeah. The pergola on the of a design element, not -- it's purely design element here. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 99 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: plumbing in the garage? MRS. MOORE: memory, no. MR. SCHWARTZ: exterior? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, facilities? MRS. MOORE: No bathroom. show anything. Okay, is there any I'll double check, but by (Inaudible) on the sanitary No, it doesn't CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MRS. MOORE: It's unheated actually. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, the second issue is is the square footage on the second floor -- I realize that it is a sloping roof - - the same as the square footage on the first floor? MR. SCHWARTZ: Its less. (Inaudible) calculate the area. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Could you give us that some time? MR. SCHWARTZ: Sure. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. BOARD ASST.: Do you have that number? Oh, alright. I can't hear you. PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 100 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: (inaudible) where the boat is going to be is probably unusable, so -- BOARD ASST.: That's the first floor you're talking about. MR. SCHWARTZ: There's dormers on the other side also. MRS. MOORE: No, I think the question was on the second floor where (inaudible) on the second floor. BOARD ASST.: Yeah. Oh, alright. So let me see where the boat was. MRS. MOORE: Oh, okay. [Everyone talking at the same time, indiscernible.] MRS. MOORE: Here I'll show you on this, you can look at the plans (inaudible). MR. SCHWARTZ: On the east side of the garage this roofline comes way down to the top plate. So you're really, although this may look like it's usable space, there's no headroom here. MEMBER WEISMAN: You can slide boxes in there. MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It's a knee wall. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 101 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, for storage, not standing. So as far as usable space, I'd have to do a calculation if you wanted that information. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yeah, give us a calculation on that. MRS. MOORE: There's another slope here and here (inaudible). BOARD ASST.: Cause you said you needed it for storage. MRS. MOORE: It's storage there, yes. MEMBER SIMON: I'd like to ask a question further about the right-of-way, the one to the south. It dead ends to State property, correct? MRS. MOORE: Yes. MEMBER SIMON: Who shares the right-of- way? MRS. MOORE: Well, on the map I have the right-of-way, my memory is that it's not -- there's a deeded right-of-way, but it's not a documented, there's not a separate road maintenance agreement. Mr. Stankevich is here and he would know best if -- MEMBER SIMON: But I mean who gets to use Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Se~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 102 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 the right-of-way besides the owner of -- Tenedios? MRS. MOORE: Well, arguably the right-of- way is for purposes of access for each lot to the road, to the Main Road. So I think legally that the southerly property would have -- their right-of-way goes from their property to the Main Road. Most of the -- the southerly property owners should not have reason or be permitted, I think, to go north to a plot north of the property line because again the access road is an access right-of- way to the Main Road, but, again, there's nothing in writing. It's just showing on the filed map without further explanation. MEMBER SIMON: This could help because if, in fact, de facto the right-of-way is really the property of the Tenedios and no one else uses it, then it wouldn't be -- then there would or shouldn't be any problem about the setback to a right-of-way because if after all nobody else is really supposed to use it, why does it count. It would be nice to have documents that show that it wasn't a right-of- way, but I -- PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 103 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: Yeah, unfortunately in doing the title search, I haven't found an actual document explaining what that right-of-way is for. I'm relying on common law principles of access. MEMBER SIMON: Right. Could Mr. Tenedios purchase the other part of that right-of-way so it becomes his property? MRS. MOORE: We offered. We offered and Mr. Stankevich was not interested. MEMBER SIMON: Which means he maintains a property interest in that right-of-way, essentially. I mean it's -- MRS. MOORE: Arguably, but I think the issue might only come up if we were to put a gate at the entrance. MEMBER SIMON: I know, but the argument for the variance depends in part on the essential uselessness to anybody else of that right-of-way. MRS. MOORE: Right, let's argue that even worse case scenario the southerly property owners drive up, to where? Ail they'll be doing is coming up and -- to his property with no purpose or invitation. There is a beach, Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tl 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 104 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 but there is a right-of-way access to that beach that runs along the south, excuse me, the east property line. There is a 5-foot wide right-of-way per filed map that goes to the south and it connects to the southerly property. So each one of the southerly properties have access to the beach along this 5-foot wide path. MEMBER WEISMAN: Pedestrian access, that's all. MRS. MOORE: Pardon me? MEMBER WEISMAN: Pedestrian access. MEMBER SIMON: I'm interested in hearing why the neighbors aren't interested in selling their share of the right-of-way. MRS. MOORE: Cause I can't force somebody to do what they really don't want to. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Mike, what does that really have to this point? MEMBER SIMON: do with the application at It has to do with the argument is that this isn't kind of really a right-of-way, I mean it's a dead end and it's hardly used and it seems to be an obstacle. I mean if we could -- Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 105 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: of -- we wouldn't MEMBER SIMON: variance. MRS. MOORE: (inaudible). MEMBER SIMON: Well, it's only the purpose need a variance, well -- You're asking for a I think we still need You're asking for a variance over a right-of-way which you're arguing isn't really a right-of-way. MRS. MOORE: (inaudible) dead end and our client is the one who would be the one entitled to (inaudible). MEMBER HORNING: Now, you're saying that the State has no either? MRS. MOORE: interest in this right-of-way I don't believe so. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No. MRS. MOORE: I don't think, one, they would want to come into private property. MEMBER HORNING: Is there any portion of the right-of-way on any other properties, looking at the one that goes parallel to the applicant's southerly property line? Not the driveway right-of-way, but the one -- the right-of-way for the garage, let's say. Is Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 106 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 there any -- it's not showing on this map, but is it like perhaps a 50-foot right-of-way or something that has -- is there any portion on the other property? MRS. MOORE: No. It's a filed map that shows an access from the North Road up along the -- I will find it and I thought I had given it to you in the packet, but if not I will double check. It's a typical Old File Map that shows the right-of-way going along the west side of the southerly properties and then it dead ends on my client's property to the -- until it ends at the easterly line. MEMBER HORNING: May I rephrase it then, the 25-foot right-of-way which is providing access as a driveway to your client -- MRS. MOORE: For us right now, yes. MEMBER HORNING: -- when it dead ends at your client's property but continues as a right-of-way, is that right-of-way exclusively on your client's property or is it elsewhere? MRS. MOORE: I believe it's exclusive, yeah. Are you asking -- there's another 25 feet to the south -- MEMBER HORNING: Or any portion of it? Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 107 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: No, map shows the 25 feet MEMBER HORNING: no. Nothing. The filed dead ends there. And that portion of the right-of-way is exclusively on your client's property at that point? MRS. MOORE: Yes, at that point. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, so where do we go from here after we take testimony? MRS. MOORE: I'm sure that there are comments and -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Well, after the comments, I'm only throwing this out. You're going to have some redesigning -- MRS. MOORE: Yes. Well, we have to talk to the Building Department. I'll get you the research on the garage. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Here's the situation you may not have heard it, this is not a sarcastic statement, we have one more public hearing in the great year of 2009. We do not have room for you at that public hearing. The next public hearing is January 14tn, that is the best we can do is to recess this hearing until January 14th -- MRS. MOORE: Well, why don't we do this, PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 108 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 why don't we let -- let's see what the comments are because what you're asking of us could be accomplished without having to come back. So, but that's up to the Board whether or not you want to reopen it and have us talk about what we submitted. I think that the two things that we're submitting are mostly dealing with the pool house is right now what you've asked for is we're going to talk to the Building Department about dormers and technically whether it's a dormer or not a dormer and I think that was it. We'll show -- well if the Board wants to move the garage slightly to the north versus the south, we've given you the green light that there's room for movement. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You're giving us the green light? MRS. MOORE: Giving you the green light that the area where the pergola is there is -- well the pergola is 16 feet. Let's say that there is probably room for 5 to 8 feet movement towards the pool house for the existing garage, err, the proposed, pardon me, for the proposed garage. Pugliese Cou~ RepoSing and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 109 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We now have a sloping property line or a diagonal property line in that area so we can't make a decision because we don't know what the setback would be there. MRS. MOORE: Well -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Cause it's going to push it more to the west as the farther you go MRS. MOORE: No, because the pergola is measured at 20 at the closest point. So I think you're okay because we're not pushing -- if we pushed the garage back, you're going to be at greater than the 20. 20 is the closest point if you look at the survey. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You're giving us permission -- we don't need permission. Are you giving us -- MRS. MOORE: My client is here and he is CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: -- no, that's not even the proper phrase. me rephrase it again. Are you accepting alternate relief? MR. TENEDIOS: Yes. Are you allowing us Let Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 110 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MEMBER SCHNEIDER: There you go. MRS. MOORE: There you go. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MRS. MOORE: (Inaudible) Mr. Stankevich (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: George has a couple of more questions and then -- MEMBER HORNING: Pat, briefly could you take us through the last -- the history of the building permitting and the ownership? I'm a little bit confused as to I see Stegel sold it. He bought it -- Stegel bought it in 1999. Can you sort of -- and then there's some permit -- building permits from then on. Can you sort of brief us on what happened -- MRS. MOORE: Oh, okay. MEMBER HORNING: -- in terms of the building permits? MRS. MOORE: Stegel owned this -- MR. TENEDIOS: Mr. Stegel had his own permits, his own plans. We didn't choose to use any of that. We went through the whole process ourselves. So we have nothing to do with Stegel's permit. MEMBER HORNING: So I'm looking at a Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 111 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 building permit dated July 9, 2008 issued to Mr. Stegel, apparently, and then he sold it a month later. MR. TENEDIOS: A month later is correct. MEMBER HORNING: And then the new building permit is not listed even as the number here. MRS. MOORE: Yeah, it's an open permit right now. So the house that's under construction right now wouldn't be listed yet probably until the CO is issued. MEMBER HORNING: Okay, so -- MR. TENEDIOS: We have a permit. MEMBER WEISMAN: MEMBER HORNING: MEMBER WEISMAN: Right, for the house. Right. I doubt that you'd be building it without one. MEMBER HORNING: And so under this concept of a brand new building permit, brand new designs, new construction, all of a sudden you're applying for another building permit, at least one more for this two-story framed garage, a pool and etc. within x-amount of time from being issued brand new building permit for a brand new construction. Where's Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 112 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 the consolidation or whatever, the master plan of the property? I mean it's hard for me to conceptualize that within a year's time all of these designs have come up, been altered, changed, new plans, new buildings -- MRS. MOORE: Well, I don't know about Mr. Stegel's work because that was before my client purchased the property. It's all a question of timing as far as this Board has no -- there's usually a three or fourth month backlog to get a variance heard. So the house -- there was a master plan actually with everything as is shown here or close to it, I think that was shown to the Building Department early on, but it was taken -- since these are accessory structures, the house could be started and well into the process. I'm hopeful, timing-wise, it would work out that if the Board, you know, saw fit to grant these variances by the time the house was nearly to the point of end of construction, the contractors could continue on with the next accessory structure. So there is -- it's just a typical construction schedule and because you're Pugliese CourtRepo~ingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 113 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 dealing with a waterfront house where all of these structures are in a side yard, everything requires a variance. If we didn't have this right-of-way to deal with, some of the structures could have been yard and be in conformity, but way I think throws the project variance situation. in the front that right-of- into an area MEMBER HORNING: Okay, a couple of more brief questions to -- go ahead. Go ahead. MR. TENEDIOS: I'd like to address your question in a different way and that is to remind the Board I built a much smaller house than the law would have allowed. I understand what you're saying about these ancillary structures. I don't think it would have been better to have a 40-foot longer house with a 6-car garage and that's part of the reason. The home could have been placed in the center of this property and been much longer, much larger in size. MEMBER HORNING: Why would that be detrimental? MR. TENEDIOS: Detrimental to who? MEMBER HORNING: Yourself or the PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 114 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 neighborhood? MR. TENEDIOS: I'm trying to keep the neighborhood and the environment in mind throughout this whole process. MEMBER HORNING: Well, it seems like one building is better than several. MR. TENEDIOS: One large building? MEMBER HORNING: Sure, why not? If, as you say, you would be permitted to do that. MRS. MOORE: I think you're affecting the coverage very differently at that point, lot but that's a matter of -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Anything else, George? MEMBER HORNING: Yeah, and Pat I just -- technical notes here. Looking at the local waterfront notice here. MRS. MOORE: Okay. MEMBER HORNING: The form, doesn't seem to be filled out at all. no yes or nos checked. MRS. MOORE: Oh? MEMBER HORNING: the one I have There's It's basically blank. MRS. MOORE: (Inaudible). Okay, oh, that's weird. I entered it, but when I Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 115 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 checked in my computer it didn't -- thank you for catching that. I answered it and highlighted -- the yes or bold, but for some reason checkmark. MEMBER HORNING: Oh, MRS. MOORE: So I'll I'll give you a clean copy. MEMBER HORNING: Please, this -- MRS. 100 feet no is highlighted in it didn't get the okay. happily, you know, right. Because MOORE: Everything here is more than from the Sound. So everything should be consistent since we are complying with setbacks. MEMBER HORNING: Right and just a note then too on the State Environmental Quality Form, the short form on question 10, 10 and 10 affects 11, but the question being, "Does the action involve a permit approval finding now or ultimately from any other governmental agency being federal, state or local?" And the answer is no. Just explain how the answer is no if this action doesn't involve a permit approval. MRS. MOORE: No, it's any other agency. Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 116 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 So the SEQRA application is you, so -- but is there another entity that we need permission MEMBER HORNING: Trustees or -- MRS. MOORE: MEMBER HORNING: MRS. MOORE: No, Right, like a Board of And the answer is no because -- anything like that. because everything was more than 100 feet from their jurisdiction. MEMBER HORNING: Okay. Okay, got it. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, what else? Anything else from you, Pat? MRS. MOORE: Oh, okay. I'm going to look through my papers for the filed map. I think that someone was asking if we -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: This was a minor subdivision, was it not? MRS. MOORE: Yeah, Brionn Gloid was a major where two homeowners got together and they combined their properties and ended up with a major subdivision. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, thank you. MRS. MOORE: I actually, yes. I have -- well it's in pieces because that's the way I PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 117 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 got it from the title company, but I have -- I can give you a copy of the file map -- You have the complete map? Okay, I'll let Mr. Stankevich do that, I guess. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, Mr. Stankevich we are requesting you use the mike over there and address the Board and give us your appearance. couple of minutes about two minutes call, but I won't I will tell you in the next I will have to leave for to make a quick telephone hold the Board up. Is the mike not working? BOARD ASST.: It was working earlier but -- there we go. MR. STANKEVICH: Working? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yeah. BOARD ASST.: Yeah. MR. STANKEVICH: Good morning. MEMBER WEISMAN: Good morning. MR. STANKEVICH: Thank you for being here. My name is George Stakavich of the firm of George Cochran Stakavich and Associates representing my good wife Peggy and myself who are the owners of the property to the south of that which is in question. Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 118 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 I think what we've witnessed here today is a performance of creative ambiguity. In Brooklyn they call it a con job and this is largely produced by self-inflicted problems of this applicant. They went ahead and barged in and built their house and gave no notice to any authority as to their future plans and now we end up being asked to sweep up these supposed problems. We have a piece of property in question here of over 72,000 square feet and we need 5 variances? In thinking ahead, master planning with a good architect, which has been present here today, couldn't most if not all of these issues been dealt with at the beginning? It's not that the proposed that's been built doesn't have a garage, it does have a garage. Could have been made bigger. We're told, oh, there's a water table problem. where's the test well drilling what that alleged problem is. it up as we go. Well, I say log to show us Let's not make The fact is, I think, that you and I have not been given a complete picture of what is being attempted and we've had to pull out this Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 119 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 morning bits and pieces as we go along and that's really not the way it should be. For instance, a simple thing. What is the nature and extent of this 25-foot right- of-way? It's been there for 40 years. When Charlie Ran did the major subdivision of Brionn Gloid he provided for a access right- of-way coming up between the two lots Peggy and I own to the applicant's property and then turning to the right to the east a 20-foot right-of-way. You've been repeatedly told that it's a dead end. Well, maybe a dead end for the applicant, but not a dead end for the owners of my property because at the end of that 20-foot right-of-way is a 5-foot footpath easement down to a beach on the Sound. A very valuable and useful asset for my property, something that I thought would be pretty obvious from the filed maps, that's what it says. Now, one of the interesting things is that on the applications that were sent to the Trustees and to you, you look at those maps and on nowhere does it show the beach, my beach. In fact, these applicants in their Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 120 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 maps include it within their building envelope. After you approve this application are they going to go tell their gardener, "dump all your junk there", and when I complain or some future property owner complains, ia some unknowing Building Inspector going to say, well, the ZBA had this as a building envelope. They approved all of this. So bits and pieces have been left out in this process. At this time I'd ask the architect to produce the application for the Health Department for this property. Do you have it with you? MR. SCHWARTZ: I do not. MR. STANKEVICH: Okay, did you provide it to the Board? MR. SCHWARTZ: I did. MR. STANKEVICH: Okay -- MRS. MOORE: It would be a public record at the Building Department. MR. STANKEVICH: That's true. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yeah, we'd kinda like you to use this mike, please. It's very rare, Mr. Stankevich, that you PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 121 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 request You request it to the take it down and that Board is so inclined, MR. STANKEVICH: anything of anybody in the audience. Board so that we can person then, if the reacts to that. Well, in parlance of a lawyer it's called, request to produce and it's done all the time in quasi-judicial proceedings, particularly when the people often have these things at hand and can, you know, speed up the process. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Normally what you, I would have thought you would have done was to send a letter or fax to Ms. Moore requesting that to be present at the hearing if she had it in her possession. MR. STANKEVICH: Well, as you know, I asked yesterday for your office to ask them to bring the file over and you apparently denied that request, but we'll take it in due course. I'd like to introduce at this point -- BOARD ASST.: Actually, I think, Mr. Stankevich, you asked a question and the staff told you you could ask through the Board today at the hearing if you needed files. MR. STANKEVICH: I'd like -- Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 122 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 BOARD ASST.: that. MR. STANKEVICH: this time -- Af There was no denial done on I'd like to introduce at BOARD ASST.: Thank you. MR. STANKEVICH: -- Stankevich's Exhibit which is the application by Tenedios to the Trustees. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. BOARD ASST.: Okay, for the record I want to mention that there are two pages being added to the record, Notice to Adjacent Property Owner that the Trustees have on file together with the map that was included, map SI, prepared by Mark Schwartz is attached to that notice. Thank you. MR. STANKEVICH: Now, you'll notice that on Exhibit A that was the site plan dated September 30, 2008 the beach parcel, the beach for my two lots is omitted. Not identified and, in fact, it is at the northeast corner of that map and the building envelope as drawn by the applicant substantially encroaches on that beach parcel. So that is a grievous error and it's grievous because you brought it up in Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 123 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 your proceedings as to what's the status of this 25-foot right-of-way. Is it dead ended or does it have some other purpose? Well, it certainly does have another purpose and that purpose is to provide beach access for my lot owners and that's a valuable enjoyable item. Now, the second item I'd like to draw your attention to in this Trustees' application is that it does show the house and it does show the two-story proposed frame garage, but where is the pool, where is the pergola and where is the beach house? It seems to me that any action taken by the Trustees was in the dark with regard to these items. So I don't think we, you, should place any weight whatsoever as to the previous action of the Trustees in this matter because it looks to me as they might have been misinformed and there should be no mystery about this misinformation because the applicant's attorney says that she has in her possession or had in her possession the filed map and I'll present the filed map to you know as my Exhibit B to show you wherefrom I'm talking. PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 124 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 So what are we going to do here? Are we going to make it up as we go along? When you ask a legitimate question, people are going to say, I don't know or that's not the way it is or I don't know about this beach. Well, we do know about this beach and we're bound to know about it and it's been there for 30 years or more and the beach brings up another issue here. You know, if we're dealing with simple area variances here, according to your rules you know better than I, it's a weighing process. The importance of the issue to the property owner and the importance of an issue to the applicant and I say if we deal with an area variance here, who are the interested parties? It's just not this applicant and it's just not my family or my future lot owners. It's certainly the people who use Stevenson's Beach, the Town Beach. They are located at the east end of this application and they will be seeing these rather large structures and they have an interest in that and I'm sure they'll be notified or should have been notified. There is another party in interest here and it's Suffolk County. Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 125 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 Suffolk County for a number of reasons, but primarily to me, is that this property, when I say this property, our property, the Stankevich property, has been selected for possible acquisition by the County for open space and I think that these large structures that are going up impact the value of our property and certainly the open space aesthetics of the County and Town's people who will use the properties to the south at a future date. So there are stakeholders here other than the applicant and myself. I think one of the most beautiful vistas and rides in America happens to be driving from East Marion to Orient across that causeway. You see Orient Harbor to the south. You see Connecticut to the north, Long Island Sound and what the applicant has done here and is proposing to do in a segmented fashion a little bit at a time not giving you or any other Board the overall plan, is that they're going to build a Chinese wall of huge structures along the bluffs and I think that changes the aesthetics of driving from East Marion to Orient. Maybe we should Pugliese CourtRepo~ingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 126 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 call it instead of a Chinese Wall a Greek wall and what we're going to end up here is with the Acropolis blocking our views. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yeah, let's keep it in a more general sense, please, Mr. Stankevich. MR. STANKEVICH: Now we have an applicant that obviously -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Excuse -- I apologize. MR. TENEDIOS: That's terrible. MR. STANKEVICH: He -- he's sensitive to the truth. He's a major developer in New York -- Brooklyn who knows well the rules. MRS. MOORE: I object to the (inaudible) and the comments as irrelevant -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That has nothing to do with this hearing. MR. STANKEVICH: It does. Let me explain. MRS. MOORE: -- to this application. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It has nothing to do with this hearing. with this hearing. MR. STANKEVICH: It has nothing to do We are stumbling through Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 127 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 a series of self-inflicted problems and that should not be the basis for asking for relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals. We're dealing with people that are very knowledgeable about building codes and they've built themselves into a problem they say and they want you to get them out of it. I don't think you should do that at the expense of my property owners or the public or the County. MEMBER WEISMAN: Can I ask a question at this point? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Sure. MEMBER WEISMAN: Sir, it's very clear that there is value in a pedestrian footpath to a beach for anybody. There would be no reason or need, I think to drive a car along the right-of-way from the Main Road making a right turn and driving to the footpath because there would be no ability to drive a car along this 5, what is really a footpath. My question to you is in order to maintain the value of your beach access or the property, your property with beach access, could there be some sort of consideration of an in perpetuity 5-foot wide right-of-way for PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 128 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 pedestrian access along the existing 25-foot right-of-way that then becomes, you know, a perpetual access to the beach by anyone on the southerly property. In other words, it is potentially possible to have both Mr. Tenedios and have his home there and some accessory structures, but not block -- you know, it could be a split rail fence, it could be some graveled area. It could be something separated from the proposed driveway so that there is a permanent pedestrian access for those southerly properties to the beach. MR. STANKEVICH: It's already there. Maybe we don't want (inaudible) feet. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yes, but what I'm talking about -- MRS. MOORE: How much? 5 feet. MR. STANKEVICH: Well, down to the beach. MEMBER WEISMAN: No, 5 feet -- MRS. MOORE: No, what I thought you were pointing out is that the 5 feet extends down to and bisects the State (inaudible). So if you see that that beach parcel that area on the filed map it then gets access down all the way to the state road. Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 129 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 No, where's the big one? MEMBER WEISMAN: MR. STANKEVICH: I think the answer is simply two-fold. First, this applicant is asking you to ameliorate their self-inflicted problems, self-created problems. Now the hypothetical is that I should throw something into the pot to ameliorate their problems, but you omitted another stakeholder. I could visualize quite easily owners of these southerly adjoining property wanting to go down and have a beach party and drive their car or trunk full of soda or sandwiches down to the 5-foot right-of-way without walking up the hill with all of that stuff. MRS. MOORE: And, quite frankly, Mr. Stankevich knows that as a matter of law that would be trespassing. So I do not believe that this -- given the fact that there's a 5- foot pedestrian access that goes to the State Road, that is why it is my opinion that no one from the south would have permission to drive their car onto the Tenedios property to access the 5-foot path when the 5-foot path continues through Lot 5, that's the Stankevich southerly property, to the State Road. That is the PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 130 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 purpose that it was created. My point when I was asked was this -- can we -- does the southerly property owner have a right to enter onto the Tenedios property, I believe that, as a matter of common law, when there is nothing in writing that sets forth what the terms of this right-of-way are, that common law would dictate and common law tells you that an access is from your private property to a public throughway. So the Tenedios property has a right of access through Lot 4 and 5 to the road and 4 and 5 have that 25-foot right-of-way that runs from their parcel, their driveway to the State Road. There is nothing on record in any of the covenants that allow Lot 4 and 5 to get access to the beach via the 25-foot right-of- way that runs along the south end of the Tenedios property and Mr. Stankevich has been saying a lot that has not actually responded to that -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I'm going to say something to Mr. Stankevich right now. You've given me one copy of both of these things. I am going to submit to the Board as we sit Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 131 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 right here that we are not discussing anything with you. You can submit anything you want today because I am not able to pass this around to my colleagues as we have done while you are giving us testimony. When you give us copies for every Board member so that we understand what you're talking about, including the copy of A, alright, then we will discuss it. That will be discussed on January 14th and that's the story. Okay? So you may continue your testimony, but don't direct us to anything until you've given us that information. MR. STANKEVICH: Thank you. I direct you to the startling competency of my opposing counsel as to rights-of-way that, in fact, didn't even show up on their applications to this Board and the Trustees, and the 5-foot right-of-way. MRS. MOORE: I'm sorry, namely the beach unless we see a site plan that is different than the one that the Board has and I have in front of me, both the right-of-way, the 5-foot path and the beach parcel per filed map is all shown on the site plan. It can't be any clearer. Ail of PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 132 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 these structures have no impact or interfere with any of the amenities, the 5-foot path or the beach parcel. In fact, my client's clearing of the driveway is -- that's what he's permitted to do. So I think he's misstating or misrepresenting what the Board has in front of them. You have clearly what - there's no dispute that there's a 5-foot wide right-of-way on a filed map and there's a beach parcel, but building envelope is nowhere near or could it be in the beach parcel because the regulations would never allow us to develop south of the Coastal Erosion Line when we have a large, you know, over an acre to develop in an environmentally compatible manner. MR. STANKEVICH: Yeah, I think all you have to do is go to look at the map that's presented to the Trustees and it clearly shows that the claimed building envelope cuts right across our beach. Now, I'd like to submit a copy of Exhibit it. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I can't even read It's stapled. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 133 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MR. STANKEVICH: Excuse me? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I can't even read it, it's stapled. MR. STANKEVICH: Well, unstaple it. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It is. Now I have this. MR. STANKEVICH: Wonderful. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Would you like me to look through it with this for you? MR. STANKEVICH: I'm not going to comment CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I hope you don't. MR. STANKEVICH: -- on your shenanigans. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: your shenanigans, sir. MR. STANKEVICH: Now, Not my shenanigans, Exhibit C is a certified survey of Lot 5 where in the 20-fOot (sic) right-of-way is shown, the 5-foot right- of-way and the community beach. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I submit again, for the record, I have one copy -- BOARD ASST.: An original. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: This is original. It could be copied so that we could understand and each board member could understand. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 134 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MR. STANKEVICH: (Inaudible) supply a copy. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: like me to look at, sir? Now, what would yo~ MR. STANKEVICH: Well, it clearly shows the beach that is omitted from the applicant's site plans. MRS. MOORE: It's not omitted. Do you have our site plan that's identified as S1- July 1, 2009? MR. STANKEVICH: I have a site plan dated September 30, 2008 that was submitted to the Trustees. MRS. MOORE: But I would say that that is irrelevant to what we are discussing today because the Trustees' permit was in order to demolish the existing house that had been there and for the activity of the house under construction. The Trustees may or may not have jurisdiction over the pool and pool house. Certainly they would have no jurisdiction with regard to the garage. So I don't believe that any of this is relevant to this Board's consideration. MEMBER HORNING: If I may, I think Mr. Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 135 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 Simon was the legal that goes asking quite a while back to clarify status of the 25-foot right-of-way parallel to the southern boundary and that's of utmost importance in a way because the question becomes why could not whoever has access, legal access to this right-of-way, why could they not drive a car up there and park and walk down the 5-foot path to the beach? MRS. MOORE: I that because -- MEMBER HORNING: commonly do if -- MRS. MOORE: -- That's -- actually tried to answer -- what people would it is -- if there was a written document in my client's title and I read it a long time ago and my memory is there was no description of what that 25-foot right- of-way, the purpose of it, was. MEMBER HORNING: Right, well then the purpose -- MRS. MOORE: So then the purpose, I revert to common law purpose of a right-of-way and the common law purpose of a right-of-way is to get access from the house to a public road. That's what this would be -- this would PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 136 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 (inaudible). right-of-ways right-of-ways. The Brionn Gloid subdivision has all throughout that show similar In fact, I am working on a subdivision to the west, which the Planning Board is having us eliminate the use of the right-of-way and creating our own access point. MEMBER HORNING: would suggest, Pat, no purpose applicant, it so that at -- MRS. MOORE: How -- MEMBER HORNING: -- Well, that's what I in a way is if it served for anybody else except the then you should seek to eliminate it's less confusing because I look I don't -- this thing and I would say, oh, I'm a fisherman or whatever and if I had legal access to this right-of-way, being not the applicant but an adjacent neighbor, let's say, I would drive up there and park the car and walk down to the beach and -- MRS. MOORE: But MEMBER HORNING: a driveway for the applicant, on here? you'd only -- -- if it only serves as then why is it Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 137 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: I have to show what is on the filed map. MEMBER HORNING: He doesn't need to have that right-of-way, he already has one. MRS. MOORE: The only one -- the only way that that could ultimately be determined may be through a court action and it is unfair to my client to bring a court action to determine the use of the right-of-way when, in fact, there -- our variances are standard variances with this Board. It is -- they are reasonable variances and we are not building inside -- if the only place we could put a garage would be on the right-of-way, then I would certainly say yes, we'd have an issue because we'd have to have a court determine whether or not the right-of-way could be encumbered, it could be blocked. That's not the issue here so it really is -- would it be -- we tried to work with Mr. Stankevich to buy the right-of-way or eliminate the right-of-way because in our opinion there was no purpose for it. Again, the Brionn Gloid subdivision anticipated further development of properties and in the 70s the Planning Board often times created Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Semite (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 138 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 spur roads. So it is likely that the Planning Board was considering this as a potential through road, yes, but given that the State now owns the property to the east, it's a right-of-way I continue and have to show it on the map, but its practical use is limited. So even if you -- the person who buys Lot 5 and Mr. Stankevich does not sell it to the County as he claims he might because the price could be quite different than what Mr. Stankevich would be willing to sell it for, so we can't count on that. Let's assume that the owner of Lot 5 comes in and loves to fish and decides that he's going to use this 25-foot right-of-way for purposes of a car and park. And where is he going to park? In the right- of-way? I'm not sure that that is legal because a right-of-way is for access only. MEMBER HORNING: Well, vehicle access. MRS. MOORE: Exactly. So we could be looking at somebody that drives their car, unloads their equipment and has to drive off the right-of-way. MEMBER HORNING: Look, Pat, if the intent was to have a path then the 5-foot right-of- Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Se~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 139 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 way serves as a path. MRS. MOORE: But to -- MEMBER HORNING: the 5-foot path extends There much be some historic rationale or legal reason why that right-of-way is there and that's what we're asking you to give us more information on. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: is what -- MRS. MOORE: I can't that doesn't exist. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It is because that create something -- the Planning Board required at the time. MRS. MOORE: Correct. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: They had certain nuances that they required during the process of developing minor subdivisions and subdivisions in general. MRS. MOORE: In fact, for the record, I did go through the entire transcripts of the Planning Board records when they approved this subdivision to look to see if there was any guidance in any of the resolutions as to what the purpose of this right-of-way was and I didn't find anything. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 140 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So -- MEMBER HORNING: Okay and then the final question becomes who has legal -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Just hold one second. MEMBER HORNING: -- access to the right- of-way. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I need to ask a question. MRS. MOORE: Well, the only people that would have potentially an argument for legal access would be Lot 4 and 5, potentially. MEMBER HORNING: And if you could give us some information to substantiate that -- MRS. MOORE: I can't. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Doesn't exist. MRS. MOORE: I can't give it, no offense -- I don't want to say no offense because my husband hates it when I say that. It is not relevant to this application. It is requested -- whether or not Lot 4 and 5 have a legal right to use it and to what degree is a matter of hypothetical, at this point, because there's no document, no documentation that can give us guidance on that. So assuming the PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 141 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 worst case scenario that the State and Lot 4 and 5 decide to bulldoze their way, and I would ask you to go the property and look at the topography, the reality is that there are huge boulders that block the access way in any case. So assuming you can get past that and somebody to spend the money to remove those boulders and provide access to the State, we're asking for variances that are, again, 25 feet from the right-of-way that is a reasonable distance for a garage that is, again, it's storage. So it's not a lot of activity. It's storing of a car and a boat. You store, you take it out and that's about it and as far as access of that right-of-way the extent of its use, if the County buys Lot 4 and 5 clearly that's -- the right-of-way is eliminated. MEMBER HORNING: Well, Pat, alright, I'll just make one final comment because -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Can I just -- MEMBER HORNING: -- you know, it -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We need to keep on going here. MEMBER HORNING: Right. If I came over Pugliese CourtRepo~ingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 142 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 from some other portion of the Town of Southold and had a beach permit, you're leaving it wide open that, in fact, I could possibly -- MRS. MOORE: No, you have no right. illegal. It's MEMBER HORNING: Why are you saying that? MRS. MOORE: It is a private right-of- The only people that could potentially way. use -- that have permission to use this right- of-way or potentially could use it, as a matter of -- MEMBER HORNING: But you're saying you have no way to prove that. That's what you're telling -- that's what you said previously. MRS. MOORE: (inaudible}. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: George, the right to utilize the right-of-way -- MEMBER HORNING: Yes? ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: -- its origin is in the subdivision map. So those lots indicated on the subdivision map as part of the subdivision are the only ones that have the right to utilize it. MRS. MOORE: Right. PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - 143 October 29, 2009 ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: That's refers to common law, that's -- MEMBER HORNING: Thank you. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: -- the MEMBER HORNING: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: what -- she Thank you. common law. The question I have, Mrs. Moore, regardless of what was submitted to the Trustees at the time that you were seeking approval for construction of this house, was there at any time -- let me rephrase the question. Is your client paying the taxes on this beach area that Mr. Stankevich has raised? MRS. MOORE: I believe so. I don't think that the Town has deducted any amount of taxes for this public amenity or this subdivision amenity. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Has your client, who is presently sitting in back of you, at any time attempted to block this right-of-way to cause anybody to realize that this right- of-way doesn't exist or access to this beach? MRS. MOORE: I'll let him -- MR. TENEDIOS: Absolutely not. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. So the Pugliese Cou~ Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 144 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 question I have, Mr. Stankevich, at this time is, and please in most cases we do not swear attorneys in as a matter of fact because you're officers of the court, tell us where you're going. Tell us what you want us to understand, okay, and please give us six copies of anything that you submit so that we may review them prior to the hearing and/or don't ask us questions at the hearing until we have time to study them. Now where are we going from here? MR. STANKEVICH: Our position is that we want the applicant to obey the law. The maps that they even filed show a 25-foot right-of- way. It has to be respected unless -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MR. STANKEVICH: Unless, they carry the burden of proof, there is some unique or unusual circumstance that relieves them from their self-inflicted problems. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Now, tell me how that affects the area variances that we have before us. MR. STANKEVICH: Well, certain of those variances are triggered by having structures Pugliese CourtReportingand TranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tl 12 13 14 15 !6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 145 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 within a certain distance from the right-of- way and I'm saying there's no need to give a variance. There's plenty of room on this lot and there would have been plenty of room to locate the house and the ancillary structures within the code. Within the code, but they chose to go ahead, put this monstrous house, beautiful house, whatever you term it, where it is now and they said well we can't move that because there are cesspools and we can't move the pool and we can't move various other structures because we're blocked in. Well, they blocked themselves in. problem or yours. MEMBER WEISMAN: MR. STANKEVICH: MEMBER WEISMAN: to interrupt. MR. STANKEVICH: place the Board in. That's not my May I suggest something? That's an unfair -- I'm sorry, I didn't mean -- unfair position to You're not in the business of solving all the world's problems, particularly the ones that are self-inflicted. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, we do have a balancing test, as I'm sure you know. MR. ST~NKEVICH: Yes, you do. I PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tl 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 146 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 mentioned it. MEMBER WEISMAN: And there are six criteria to be examined. We've discussed a lot of alternatives with the applicant including increasing that setback from the right-of-way. We've heard, I think, a great deal of testimony. We have some new documents that we need to be taking a look at. I believe we've already agreed we will be adjourning this until -- to receive updated information and an amended plan in January and I think we should probably just see what happens with the reduction of the variances as applied for in the amended application, which may mitigate some of your concerns and ours and we'll have a chance then to review the material you've submitted and be better informed for doing a better job of adjudicating the outcome. So I mean I think that we've -- I certainly have no questions left and I don't see what else we need to be talking about since it would be a continuing conversation in January. MEMBER SIMON: I would like to ask one Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 147 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 question of Mr. Stankevich. If they were not seeking the variance with respect to the right-of-way, would you have other reasons for being here today? MR. STANKEVICH: Of course, I would object to all the variances. MEMBER SIMON: Okay, alright. MR. STANKEVICH: And I object to them because they are totally unnecessary. MEMBER SIMON: question. MR. STANKEVICH: (inaudible). MEMBER SIMON: Okay, you've answered my -- balancing No -- okay. Just one comment, the balancing test doesn't apply to whether we have enough information or not to consider something and that's really (inaudible). We don't know what the status of the right-of-way is, we are told by the attorney that clarified it in the record. That might be a blocker to any serious consideration we might have on that specific variance itself. MRS. MOORE: I would -- I'm sorry, I don't believe that that's legally accurate. PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 148 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 We have taken this application presuming that the 25-foot right-of-way is an access point for someone; therefore, we have created a 25- foot setback from the right-of-way to keep the access open regardless of its use. When you asked about whether or not somebody can use it or not, that may be an issue in the court someday, whether or not the southerly properties can, but at this time we have-- we the person has a right to can only assume that use it and -- MEMBER SIMON: irrelevant. You' re right. It's also MRS. MOORE: -- our setback is based on the -- it's not that we are asking to be in the right-of-way, we're asking to be'outside the right-of-way at a reasonable distance. MEMBER SIMON: Fair enough and you could say then that we also can take your answers or inability to answer certain questions regarding the importance of this right-Of-way to be relevant at least in our use of the balancing Test. MRS. MOORE: I -- MEMBER SIMON: We want to -- Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 149 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: I can only answer what's the use of the right-of-way based on documentary evidence, I can't tell you beyond that. MEMBER SIMON: You don't know -- no, what I'm saying is when I asked the question of tell me more about who uses the right-of-way and part of your answer was we don't know, but we've done our best to find out, that may be enough for us, some of us, and may not be enough for others. MRS. MOORE: Well, then let me clarify. The only people that would legally have a right to use this, assuming the worst case scenario that they have a right to access our property all the way to the end of the right- of-way, would be Lot 4 and 5. Those are the two lots on the south. That is it, that is the extent of the use of the right-of-way. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, now are we done? Alright, now Mr. Stankevich, in January you're going to submit to us 7 sets of the 3 things -- I apologize, it was 7 sets not 6. MRS. MOORE: And would you also provide them to me as well? MR. STANKEVICH: Of course. PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 150 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: Thank you. MR. STANKEVICH: We don't want to hide the facts when they're in our favor. BOARD ASST.: By January 4. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We need them by January 4th, okay. MR. STANKEVICH: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. BOARD ASST.: And also -- MRS. MOORE: I will similarly provide what we submit to you to Mr. Stankevich. So BOARD ASST.: It's revised plans and site plans that show everything accurately. MRS. MOORE: Whatever ultimately -- BOARD ASST.: You're removing pergolas. You're removing things and adding things and whatever -- MEMBER SIMON: What is the date for the receipt of those papers? BOARD ASST.: MEMBER SIMON: MRS. MOORE: We said January 4. Prior to the hearing date. The only change on the site plan that I think is with the pergola over by the pool. That's the only thing (inaudible) Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 151 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 to be showing up on our site plan. Otherwise we have to -- BOARD ASST.: Oh, well I believe the pergola of the garage is not shown on the site plan. MRS. MOORE: No, that is. BOARD ASST.: The square footage, is that in the lot coverage calculation of square footage. MRS. MOORE: Oh, okay. Square footage, I will give you. BOARD ASST.: Thank you. MRS. MOORE: Okay. MR. STANKEVICH: May I, just for the record, request that the applicant provide, or the Board, all documents submitted to the Suffolk County Health Department so we know what was told to the Health Department, all documents presented to the Building Department, so we know what was told to the Building Department. The documents presented the Trustees so that we know what was told to the Trustees and I would like copies of any other documents counsel is going to supply or has supplied to this Board on this application Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 152 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 and to ease the burden, I'll pay for all of that. Just give me a copy, so I'll help, but I'd like to have a decision made on the full facts and I think that you want it that way, also. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We will request that, as you have just requested, to the agent for the applicants. I have no idea what their opinion is. MRS. MOORE: Do you need to have -- we're not dealing with the house, but do you want me to give you a copy of the plans -- I'm not sure that there's any relevance. I'm not -- I just need to clarify what he -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Excluding anything that has to do with the house. We would like to see at least whatever you have -- MRS. MOORE: Well, beyond the site plan? What -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yeah, within the site plan aspect of what's in front of us. BOARD ASST.: Where the variances are requested mainly and how they relate to the surrounding area. MRS. MOORE: Oh, no, no, no. I know what Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 153 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 you asked of me. BOARD ASST.: MRS. MOORE: Okay. He's asking for things related to the house that have nothing to do with this application. BOARD ASST.: He's asking of you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: He's asking MRS. MOORE: Yeah, of me, but -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ail we want anything that relates to the variances are before us and that, encompass the Trustees' encompass -- of you. MRS. MOORE: I can give you a copy of the Trustees' approval. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yeah, and it would be nice to see the green stamp subdivision, excuse me, the green stamp survey indicating from the Health Department -- MRS. MOORE: That's fine. I would have to get that at the Health Department. that CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: is involved in this. BOARD ASST.: Yeah, And anything else there's the one open ceiling area that you were changing on the Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 that of course, would approval. It would 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 154 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 garage -- MRS. MOORE: Well, that, yes. Right. BOARD ASST.: -- we need an amended disapproval. Yeah, but I just want to clarify it for the tape recording. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes. BOARD ASST.: Ail of the items, amended disapproval, if there's no longer a variance for dormers on there and if you're redesigning the building we will need the new diagrams, 7 sets of those also. MRS. MOORE: Yes. BOARD ASST.: And then if you could send out the courtesy copy to Mr. Stankevich. MRS. MOORE: Right. MR. SCHWARTZ: I just want to say one thing about the previous -- before I got involved with this project, I did submit to the Trustees for the house and I believe the garage was on there in a different location. That's probably what you're looking at. UNIDENTIFIED: MR. SCHWARTZ: does get approved, No pool, no pool house. If this does -- if this we certainly have to go back to the Trustees to amend any permit that Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 155 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 we have now from the Trustees. MR. STANKEVICH: Uh-huh. MR. TENEDIOS: {Inaudible) the garage, for the garages also, beyond 100 feet from the wetland so it's not their jurisdiction anyway. MEMBER WEISMAN: Not their jurisdiction. MRS. MOORE: Right and typically the Trustees ask that we get the variances before we go to them because if we don't get the variances we don't have a permit with them. So it's not -- MR. STANKEVICH: That's why they went to them first rather than to you. Okay, we always have an answer here. MOORE: But that is the standard MRS. process. MR. STANKEVICH: I think what we have is a standard process of creative obfuscation here and I think it's worthy that the Board is going to meet again and get all the documents in so we can hash this out on the facts. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Very good. MR. STANKEVICH: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I'm offering that as a resolution. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 156 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 BOARD ASST.: Do you want to repeat the resolution adjourning to a date of January 14 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I'm going to, yeah. I'm going to. We'll adjourn it to a date of January 14th inclusive of all the documents that were requested by Mr. Stankevich that are germane to the variance applications that are before us for the sole purpose of getting the proper documentation so the Board has that. Mr. Stankevich has -- BOARD ASST.: I can't hear, there's noise both ways. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Mr. Stankevich is going to submit to us everything that he has submitted today in 7 copies and that is 6 copies for the board, 1 doing that unilaterally, BOARD ASST.: Yeah, copy for -- no, she's not through us. what he requests of you is between the two of you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You're submitting that between you. with him. Okay. MRS. MOORE: So whatever the copies are Okay. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 157 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, 1 copy for the Town Attorney, Assistant Town Attorney. Yes, sir? MR. STANKEVICH: During the months of January and February I'm going to be in California doing business (inaudible). I don't think there's going to be construction going on during the winter, could we have our next meeting after February? MRS. MOORE: That's really a hardship for my client. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We'll collect the information and give it to you and if need be and if it is needed, we'll have another hearing. Is there anyone that can come on your behalf? MR. STANKEVICH: that's for sure, but I'm not indispensible, (inaudible) -- BOARD ASST.: Right now we don't have a - MR. STANKEVICH: -- what went on I'm sure today, I'm not so sure (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Well, we'd be very happy, as long as you're willing to pay for it, to give you the -- a copy of the PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 158 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 transcript that went on today as soon as it's done. BOARD ASST.: Can you send us your email, we'll email it over to you. It takes about two weeks. MEMBER WEISMAN: Also, there's no -- MR. STANKEVICH: Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: Also, if, you know, there's no reason why you and enter into the record, physically present, you comments you have after alternate proposal is. MR. STANKEVICH: MEMBER WEISMAN: can't put in writing if you can't be know, whatever you've seen what the Right. You know, we'd welcome, you know, in writing comments from you if you can't be physically here. MR. STANKEVICH: So do you have a date by which any alternate proposals would be distributed? MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah, we just said material needed to be in by January 4th. BOARD ASST.: Yeah, for the January 14th meeting. MR. STANKEVICH: I'll make a written Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 159 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 proposal or request for further adjournment (inaudible) my engagements. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Sure. Very good. MR. STANKEVICH: Thank you for your hospitality. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You're welcome. Good to see you. I haven't seen you in 20- something years. MR. STANKEVICH: (Inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: (Inaudible), it's just very difficult to keep everything straight with everything (inaudible) -- BOARD ASST.: You didn't finish the motion. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes. So that is what I am requesting. BOARD ASST.: Motion is on the floor. Who would like to second it? MEMBER HORNING: I'll second it. (See Minutes for Resolution.) Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 160 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 HEARING %6326 Chris Meskouris MEMBER WEISMAN: "Request for Variances under Section 280- 124 based on the Building Inspector's revised July 16, 2009 Notice of Disapproval concerning a new pergola and new patio (after removal of deck) with a setback at less than 10 feet on a single side yard, less than 25 feet on total side yards, and exceeding the code limitation of 20% lot coverage on this 6,045 square feet lot (measured from the Coastal Erosion Line), at 1400 Sound Beach Drive, Mattituck adjacent to Long Island Sound; CTM 1000-105-1-35.1." MR. NOTARO: Frank Notaro, I'm the architect -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Is that working? BOARD ASST.: I can't hear you, I'm sorry. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You need to move that up a little, MR. NOTARO: the last hearing. Frank. Maybe it got worn out from CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: questions of Mr. Notaro? MEMBER WEISMAN: Oh, Do you have I just want to Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 161 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 clarify that your proposal is to remove the existing deck and to construct a smaller patio area at grade. MR. NOTARO: Correct. MEMBER WEISMAN: It's a wood deck right now. With a pergola, which is a vertical structure that is not habitable, which is creating the -- let's see the existing lot coverage is now 45.5 percent, typical of that -- those whole series of houses on small lots that are cheek to jowl in terms of lot coverage, but you will be creating a lot coverage that will actually be reducing that to 43.6 percent. MR. NOTARO: That is also correct. MEMBER WEISMAN: You have side yard setbacks. One side yard is 0.5 inches -- well a foot, total requires 10 feet. Total side yard is 1 foot. Code requires 25. The pergola is detached open-air structure, just rafters open to the sky. Now, the only thing that I would like you to address is because when you look at the seaward side of all those houses all up and down Sound Beach. It is a flat beach, there Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 162 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 is no bulkheading, there is none of that. MR. NOTARO: Actually there is bulkheading. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Excuse me. This was the highest erosion area that existed anywhere in Southold Town in the 70s. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah, I know that's why CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: One would not even know that, I am not bringing this to the hearing for anybody to say this okay. They drove 14-foot pilings. I don't know how far you have to go down to get to that bulkhead, but there was a bulkhead there. MEMBER WEISMAN: Alright. Now covered by sand. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank the Lord, okay, cause the Lord replenished the sand, okay, but there is a bulkhead there. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay, but there is not a visible bulkhead. Well, there is -- MR. NOTARO: Partially visible. MEMBER WEISMAN: Depending, but the point I'm trying to make is there is a fairly reasonable consistency in terms of the PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 163 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 setback, let's call it -- it isn't a street wall -- but let's just call it a continuous row of houses pretty much in the same parallel line. Most of them, all of them, in fact, looking in either direction, are pretty much open decks. Some of them, like your applicants, have second story decks with pergola in this case. The addition of a pergola, which would be a very nice architectural amenity, creates a rather large vertical structure that will certainly impinge upon that open feeling when you look this way and that way. It will be the only house that will have a substantial vertical structure beyond the wall of the house itself. Could you please, you know, give us some comments on that? MR. NOTARO: Well, the pergola that was requested is slightly reduced from the original request. We actually moved things backwards a little bit towards the house, away from the waterside. MEMBER WEISMAN: Is that the plan we have before us, though? MR. NOTARO: Yes. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 164 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MEMBER WEISMAN: That is the second plan in other words, that is a reduced -- MR. NOTARO: You're correct in the fact that most of the line of homes that are there are pretty much in line right now, but I mean the pergola as designed is a fairly open structure. I mean the only thing that would really be in any kind of view to the neighbors on either side are the columns holding it up. You know, its not like we're trying to build any kind of screening or anything there. It is basically an open element, visually, and just again looking at the houses since the houses are so closely packed together the view is primarily about maybe a little beyond 90 degrees per home there. So at one point they're basically looking at the other house. The pergola again you're looking through the columns, you're not looking at a solid structure. Yes, I mean it does -- it is an architectural element that we're proposing to be added on. We did try to keep the columns down to a minimum. You get pretty large (inaudible). MEMBER SIMON: Now, one quick point -- Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 165 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: still presenting. MEMBER SIMON: MEMBER WEISMAN: Mike, Leslie is I'm sorry. That's okay. Let me see what the size of the pergola is. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: While you're looking at that, may I ask a question? MEMBER WEISMAN: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Is there any particular reason why the sitting area of the pergola is standing in front of the property on the waterside on the left hand side, which shows the seating area and the table, couldn't it be moved back into the normal setting that exists rather than having it protruding out into the area which again creates a different vista? MR. NOTARO: Well, again, the initial idea that was presented to me by the client (inaudible) deck is now. This is where I enjoy the deck space and I'm looking to do a pergola here. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MR. NOTARO: So I mean it's kind of hypothetical, I mean, could it be moved back, PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 166 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 of course, anything can be done, but he's assuming that he gave up some parts of his deck. I understand your question. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. Is there a wood deck over the entire right hand side, which would be the west side, where this pergola is or is that wood deck just going to remain and be scalloped out where there'll be new piles placed in to take away the wood effect? MR. NOTARO: No, the wood deck was proposed to be completely removed. MEMBER WEISMAN: It's all pavers now. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: marks on the west side are totally? MR. NOTARO: Right, that used to be -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, thank you. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah. So the diagonal just eliminated that shows the area Used to be deck. Well, my question is is it necessary to have this pergola all across and beyond, you know, from side yard to side yard on the seaward side? Can it not be reduced? You know, its really a shade device Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 167 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 in some respects, but does it need to be over the entire deck? I mean there are such things as awnings if you need shade. I mean, not as attractive as a pergola, in my opinion, but nevertheless I'm really trying to look at creating the least vertical mass even though it is an open and airy kind of structure there's still a whole series of columns here, fairly substantial columns and I understand it from a design perspective, but from a variance perspective, is there anyway you would consider alternate relief of some sort, which is to reduce the overall size of that proposed pergola? MR. NOTARO: I may, but the Board and ask were there I would address specific areas -- my client was unable to attend today so I cant really answer for my client at the moment, but is there a -- are you referring to primarily the north side, west, east side that I can go back to the client on it? You know, again, this is -- this was their dream, their concept is being presented here. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, we have 24 feet just along the house, then we have another 6 PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 168 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 foot 4 on one side and you've got another 19.5 feet -- no, it's 13.6 feet on the other side yard, 6.4 on the other side yard, 24 along the house. I mean it really wraps the whole house. It's just going to embrace the whole house this way and that way. So I'm asking to see whether or not just can we do something to possibly lighten it. Not to reduce deck size, that's fine. It's open to the sky and I'm just exploring that option with you because it is a substantial structure. MR. NOTARO: I guess my question again is is there any specific area in general? I mean we can address the one on the right hand side, the west side. Are we objecting to that, as you said before that is set further in than the deck {inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I'm not objecting to it at all. Michael does have a question, though, Leslie. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. MR. NOTARO: What I'd like is to have something specific that I can go back to them with. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Se~ice (631)878-8355 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 169 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MEMBER SIMON: My question goes beyond the specifics. I look at the history of this and these cottages are pretty much the same and they all have comparable lot coverage. I did notice in 1987 this Board didn't seem to have a problem with granting 45 percent lot coverage, okay, and the neighbors have the same thing. They did it with these decks that they have around them and that's what the Meskouris have. What concerns me is not what happened then, but the incrementalism problem is that if -- given that those decks are there, nobody's going to make them tear it down, but its already way out there and I assume that what happened was that when somebody built one of those {inaudible) decks for increased lot coverage and got it, neighbors said how about me too, and that's probably how this thing got started. Now, we're seeing the next step. We're seeing somebody putting up a building which pushes the envelope just a little bit further. We've already got a deck, could we have something that's really attractive and comfortable and so for and in the line of that PuglJese Cou~ Reporting and Transcription Se~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 170 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 I wonder if -- I don't have numbers and such, but with respect to Jerry's suggestion and in light of my remarks, do think your client might consider seriously putting the pergola in a place where it could be enjoyed, but not by extending the effective (inaudible) direction of the house toward the water? I see the houses, all of them collectively one after another getting closer and closer to the water and then maybe from the pergola we'll go, you know, enclosed porch. From enclosed porch we'll go to addition and then suddenly we're going to see in another 10 or 15 years the houses all moved to where the edge of their decks now sit. That's -- I don't know how to stop this except to look at the merits of a case that comes before us. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, for a second because my -- was trying to make is that let me continue the point that I you're reducing lot coverage, but you're doing so by removing the wood deck, which is considered lot coverage whereas pavers are not, and replacing it with a vertical structure for lot coverage. MEMBER SIMON: Right. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 171 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay, now one option would be you see where you have the seating area along the northerly and I'm looking now at the plan -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It's on the left hand side standing in front of the property looking at the water. MEMBER WEISMAN: The east side, okay, on the east side. If that could be scooted back under the pergola part that is within the setback of the house, okay, and then -- along the side of the house in other words, and then the actual pergola that runs along from side yard to side yard could be reduced in depth so that it continues to wrap, I don't mind it going beyond in the other side yard, but it would just lighten the whole thing and it wouldn't be so far away from the house and then some of the deck would just be open -- the patio rather be open to the sky. Are you following what I'm saying? MR. NOTARO: I followed it, CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Well, come up and let Leslie show you, to see it too. almost. why don't you cause I want Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 172 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MEMBER WEISMAN: here. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: speak one at a time. MR. NOTARO: Okay, seating area here. Here, I'll show you Okay, we need to you're saying put the MEMBER WEISMAN: Correct. MR. NOTARO: And you're saying like pergola here. MEMBER WEISMAN: Right, this can wrap like so where you want it like that and -- MR. NOTARO: Okay. Purpose they have big windows there, it is a sunscreen. MEMBER WEISMAN: That's fine. MR. NOTARO: So there is some (inaudible). MEMBER WEISMAN: That's absolutely fine. You can do that, but then this part becomes open, just patio. MR. NOTARO: Okay, now how far is this pergola -- how far to the east? MEMBER WEISMAN: I don't care if it goes from side yard to side yard, exactly the way you're proposing it. I'm just saying -- MR. NOTARO: Okay, something Pugliese Cou~ Repo~ingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 173 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 like this -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Yes, but I'm saying reduce the, no, reduce the depth here to here, alright? MR. NOTARO: Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: To maybe around like so and then you have that there and have that there. MR. NOTARO: Well -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, tell me what you need. MR. NOTARO: Well, in others words right now we have 9.7. MEMBER WEISMAN: Right. MR. NOTARO: It really should provide (inaudible) as a walkway, so you need approximately 4 feet, column, column here. (inaudible), you know, basically (inaudible) - MEMBER WEISMAN: Right. MR. NOTARO: (Inaudible) here so we would be moving that back approximately 2 feet then. You know, right now we're at 9.4 and -- MEMBER WEISMAN: So you don't -- you don't -- PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 174 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MR. NOTARO: In other words just at least to have a -- it's going to look very awkward to have it -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Slammed up against the house. MR. NOTARO: Yeah. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You need it for sun. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, what I want to know is what the maximum depth you need for the functionality of the (inaudible). MR. NOTARO: I'm suggesting 6 feet from the outside of the column to the house. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay, so that the rafters run this way. MR. NOTARO: Correct. MEMBER WEISMAN: So then what you would see is a row of -- you're going to see a row of -- there's going to be what, just a cap with just a little overhang on that? MR. NOTARO: Just a (inaudible). MEMBER WEISMAN: Because that -- what I'm trying to do is keep this alignment as much as possible with the other houses, allow you to go ahead and put this sunscreening in, create Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Semite (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 175 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 some open patio area. MR. NOTARO: Yeah. MEMBER WEISMAN: Move this thing from back here cause then this thing would be open. MR. NOTARO: Right. Well, this would still be the proposed patio. MEMBER WEISMAN: Right. Oh, yeah, yeah, but I mean it's open to the sky and then that seating area just gets pulled back to here. It doesn't obstruct views or anything. It's just a way of lightening the impact. MR. NOTARO: I don't see that as a problem. I can -- I mean I would say we're 80 percent there. MEMBER WEISMAN: You need to talk to your clients. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MR. NOTARO: I mean can I speak to him and get back to you folks? MEMBER WEISMAN: Yes, of course. MR. NOTARO: In the next day or so. MEMBER WEISMAN: Sure. MR. NOTARO: I don't see -- I think it still accomplishes what he wants to do in terms of the seating area covered. I PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 176 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 understand and I will address the concerns you have about this outgrowth. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. MEMBER SIMON: In an amended application essentially, it could be if your client agrees. BOARD ASST.: alternative plan, MEMBER WEISMAN: plan. (Inaudible) plan, an not an amended plan. Right, it's an amended CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You need to recalculate the lot coverage based upon that amended plan. MR. NOTARO: Well, let's back up a second. The lot coverage would be the same because they're putting stone pavers the same everywhere. MEMBER WEISMAN: No, they don't -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, but the pavers aren't lot coverage. MEMBER WEISMAN: No, they don't count. Pavers aren't going to count. MR. NOTARO: Oh, that's right. BOARD ASST.: Only the pergola part. MEMBER WEISMAN: It's just the pergola. PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 177 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 So if you're reducing the size of the pergola, you're going to have a reduced lot coverage. MR. NOTARO: Alright, now if I submit, are we talking about another meeting or submit MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I don't think you really need another meeting as long as we know what you're doing. MEMBER WEISMAN: Not really. I think we would close the hearing subject -- unless there's other people who want to comment, but subject to receipt of an -- MR. NOTARO: Now there's a lot more people here, so -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yeah, but I'm not MEMBER WEISMAN: I don't think they're for you. MR. NOTARO: Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: We'll just close it subject to receipt of an amended plan. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MR. NOTARO: Thank you very much. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The pergola was Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 178 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 included in the Notaro? MR. NOTARO: BOARD ASST.: to the pergola -- lot coverage, was it not, Mr. Yes. Okay, so the new revision there's still a pergola, right, with the revisions or not? MR. NOTARO: Yes. (Inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Wait a minute, don't leave. We didn't close the hearing yet. Is there anybody else would like to speak for or against this application? Seeing no hands, I'll make a motion closing the hearing, reserving decision and also receiving from the architect the amended plan including the lot coverage, including the new Notice of Disapproval which will reduce the -- should reduce the lot coverage significantly. Okay? MR. NOTARO: I have (inaudible) a new Notice of Disapproval? MEMBER WEISMAN: I don't know that he needs a new notice if we're going to give him alternate relief. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I don't think we really need a new Notice of Disapproval -- PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 179 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MEMBER WEISMAN: No, we're going to do alternate relief. BOARD ASST.: It's up to the Board. I leave that totally up to the Board. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yeah, I don't think we need a new -- we just need a new lot coverage. MR. NOTARO: The survey changed and I'll (inaudible) lot coverage. BOARD ASST.: If the lot coverage were going up, we would require it. MEMBER WEISMAN: going to be reduced, variance. Yeah, but it's only so it's a lesser CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It's going to be reduced. Listen, you have time to do this okay, remember from the close of the hearing we have 62 days or whenever you can get it in we'll address it at the next meeting. Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: Thank you, Frank. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That is what I offer as a resolution. MEMBER WEISMAN: I'll second it. (See Minutes for Resolution.) Pugliese Court Repo~ing and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 180 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 HEARING #6316 - Louis and Luba Corso CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Corso versus Steele and it is appeal %6316. The culmination of this hearing will be an adjournment until January 14, 2010 at which time Mr. Steele and/or his representative will be given a chance to submit testimony either verbally or in writing and the purpose of opening this hearing, okay, is to accelerate the hearing to that particular point. Mrs. Moore you, of course, will also have the right to continue the hearing. So what we're asking you to do at this point when this is read is to just give us your opinion so that we can proceed with it. As you know these tend to be a little difficult at times and -- for me in any case and so that's the story. Is there anybody would like me to read this or whose is this Okay. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: "13451 Oregon Road, one? This is Ken's. Cutchogue, appealing Building Permit #34590 dated 4/8/09 and CO# Z- Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (63]) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 181 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 33674 dated 4/27/09 concerning an as-built agricultural hoop house for storage on property owned by Timothy and Jeanne Steele at 13795 Oregon Road, Cutchogue; CTM 1000-83-2- 10.16. "Letter submitted 10/27 by property owner T. Steele for adjournment to obtain counsel instead of closing the hearing. Resolution to adjourn to January 14, 2010." MRS. MOORE: Thank you. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Sure. MRS. MOORE: Patricia Moore on behalf of the Corsos as well as the other entities that are known at this time the surrounding properties. I gave you a letter with the respective entitled owners so it would be clear. There was some estate planning and property (inaudible) made. I'd like to begin -- to me it seems like a very straightforward issue and I was quite surprised by the Building Department when they issued a building permit and a CO for the structure because it started out that this building had been in violation and back in -- starting in 2003 Mr. Goehringer's familiar PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (63])878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 182 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 with it, came in around -- MEMBER WEISMAN: MRS. MOORE: Oh, that helps because there's been a but I don't -- I think everyone else I was on board. you were onboard, well little bit of history there. In '03 Mr. a building in his side yard, without benefit of permits. Steele installed front yard and The Building Department issued a violation. The Code Enforcement issues a violation and he was directed to the Zoning Board for variances. The Zoning Board, and I attached the decision to my exhibit, in the decision %5618 granted certain variances and denied certain variances. They granted the construction of an as- built accessory barn in the -- on the east side of the property and in recognition I guess at the time his counsel alleged that he had a agricultural operation there and he needed a barn. Similarly, he asked for a variance for other accessory structures. One of which was a metal storage container which the Board told him no, that he was not granted a variance for any kind of storage container. Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 183 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 As a matter of record and when you go to the property to inspect, you will see that that metal storage container is still there. It was in the transcript they offered to paint it green. Well, they painted it green. They -- I don't want to say relocated it because all they did was, it used to run parallel to the property line, it got slung around so it's now perpendicular to the property line. Nonetheless, it's still there and it's still a violation. It is beyond me why the Building Department allowed it to remain there and he hasn't been directed to remove it. So that is it, historically. It is upsetting to me when an applicant goes for a variance, is told no and then the structure remains there. There's some problems with that enforcement. Similarly he built this, the subject of this application is a professed hoop house. When he used the plans that were submitted originally for a much larger 80-foot hoop house, the barn that is on the east side of the property they seem to be identical plans with a different dimension. So the hoop house now that he has and again if I go back PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-83S5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 184 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 to my '03, if I look at photographs from '03, I see the same hoop house that was there in approximately the same location. Sometime after '03 that hoop house ended up getting a permanent foundation and got built out and is now currently in what we believe is the side yard. Somehow his attorney convinced the Building Department that the code did not apply to that structure and that is why I'm here today because I strenuously disagree with the interpretation of the Building Department. So I'll start with the code, which is 280-13, speaks in terms of what uses are permitted in what zoning district and 280-15, which deals with accessory buildings. So what I did is I copied -- I'm sure you're all familiar with it, but I want to be sure you have it in front of it. (Inaudible) is you when I'm going over in that (inaudible) zoning district and you can see that of the permitted uses you have agricultural operations is a permitted use. Mr. Steele has a house. He has a pool, he has a garage. He has a patio all in the area where -- all is part of this Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 185 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 parcel and it is on the north side of the property. He then built this, what he alleges to be ag structures, what he alleges to be ag structures on his side yard and if I look at - - here's my problem. I've always followed how the Building Department made their decisions, but I was trying to read from their permit issuance how they read this and when you're dealing with agricultural operations I'm assuming that the Building Department considered that there are two principle uses here. We have agricultural, which is the farm, the growing of things and you have the dwelling. You have the house that's there. Where it speaks in terms of that associated with this agricultural operation you can have barns, storage buildings and so on "that conform to yard requirements for principle dwellings." Not that it is that the added structure is a principle structure, but it is only that you're going to apply the yard requirements for principle structures; therefore, instead of using accessory structure setbacks that are smaller, 10 feet or 20 feet from the property line, if you have PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 186 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 a large piece of property, you're going to (inaudible) the principle setback, which is that a large piece of property might be as much as 40 feet from property line. There is some logic to that because agricultural operations tend to be -- they're aggressive operations and don't always coincide with residences. So the legislative body, the Town, when they adopted this code said we recognize there's a need for agriculture there are agricultural operations (inaudible), but in fairness so that there's compatibility between agriculture and residences we will apply principle yard setbacks. Okay. Again, I emphasize it is not a principle structure and I think that's where there is a misunderstanding on the issuance of this permit. So when we go to secondary analysis, which is, okay you have to have proper setbacks of a principle structure. Now, where can they go? Under 280-15 -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You ready? BOARD ASST.: Yeah, they have prisoners coming in and they need the courtroom for a PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 187 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 while. MRS. MOORE: Are we going to be interrupted or can we keep going? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes. No, we're going to be interrupted. BOARD ASST.: We have to leave the room for the court. MRS. MOORE: No, I know. Is it five minutes or is it now? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Minutes. MRS. MOORE: Alright (inaudible) 280-15 accessory buildings and structures specifically it says "in [Inaudible] accessory buildings and structures or other accessory structures shall be located in the required rear yard subject to the following requirements", blah, blah, blah. Well, it seems very straightforward in our code that even assuming it's an ag building and I question its legitimacy as an ag building because of Mr. Steele's activities with his residence and other things are -- Alright, we're going to take a little break? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 188 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: BOARD ASST.: Continue. MRS. MOORE: Oh, not yet. They're just looking in. So we're looking at 280-15 and were looking at structures have to be in a rear yard. Okay, it seems to be consistent with every application I've been here with this Board on today, it is consistent with all of the way the code has always been interpreted and more importantly it is consistent with a permit that was issued on 10/10/07 -- I'm sorry, that's the CO. The building permit was issued on 5/21/07 for this property and it's when he built the barn. It is the permit for the as-built structure and the building permit, which is # -- let me give it to you because I have made copies of it. Permit #33052 dated May 21, 2007, it was a permit for Timothy Steele, as-built construction of an accessory building in the required rear yard as applied for. The Building Department got it right then. Then they got a C O 10/10/07 for the barn, which was an as-built accessory building in the required rear yard as applied for. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 189 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 Again, I am dumbfounded at why all of a sudden -- the code hasn't changed. There is no new interpretation, there's nothing. How (inaudible) accessory structure and hoop house is a misnomer here because what we kind of visualize as a hoop house in the ag community could be like plastic tarp with posts, non- permanent temporary structure. Here we are talking about a structure with a full wood foundation, wood side walls, a full gate door and -- MEMBER SIMON: Excuse me. You're going to have to make this testimony in front of the Building Department because they're going to have to answer. MRS. MOORE: Well, I'm doing it -- the process is appealing the Building Department's issuance of the permit. I can't direct the Building Department to be here, but I would certainly welcome you to ask them to be here for the next meeting because I am providing you with the documentation -- MEMBER SIMON: The question is whether this testimony could be postponed until the later meeting. Pugliese CourtRepo~ingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 190 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: I -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Pardon me, Michael. This has nothing to do with the Building Department, okay, with them actually being here, okay. We are hearing testimony which they can very simply listen to or not listen to. We can't force the Building Inspector -- the only right that we have to do is to subpoena the Building have done that in the it since then. If we Inspector, okay, and we 80s. We have not done so choose and counsel thinks we should subpoena him, or ask him or them to voluntarily come here -- ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: I do think that would be permitted. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: Just to the extent that we can hear their side of the story and also -- MRS. MOORE: (Inaudible). ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: And ultimately you decide who's right and who's wrong. MRS. MOORE: Well, I was just presenting at this point documents. I assume that -- certainly if I debated whether or not to Pugliese Cou~ Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 191 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 postpone because the applicant will have a chance to read the transcript and be here, I would prefer to have the applicant here -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Well, that -- and so is the case, okay, with the Building Department. They can read your presentation prior to coming here and make a determination at those particular -- and that is the reason why we're taking testimony. MRS. MOORE: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We realize it's taken a little while to get this on. As you know, this has been a ridiculous schedule this summer. MRS. MOORE: It has. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay it has been extremely busy. We're having 7 hearings on here starting at 9:40 this morning, we're still here at 1:30 with no breaks. Okay. MRS. MOORE: Right. No, I assumed you wanted me to get started so I {inaudible) this on the record and -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's what the purpose of it is. MEMBER WEISMAN: Just proceed. Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 192 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MRS. MOORE: Okay, sorry. Again, we were repeating that the Building Department recognized the need for an accessory building in a rear yard when they issued this permit on the same property. Beyond that, I have additional paperwork, but I think it would depend on what Mr. Steele has to say about this as far as his uses of the property, but I thought that these documents were -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The uses of -- MRS. MOORE: As far as the use of the structure -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Of the structure. Okay. MRS. MOORE: In fact, I don't have the benefit of going on this property to look. Ail I can tell you is that he has a combination of uses, a mixed use property where he may in fact grow some plants and nursery stock and he certainly has the residential nature of that property, but I'm assuming even for the sake of factual assumption that he has a legitimate ag building there that he uses it strictly and Pugliese CourtRepo~ingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 193 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 solely for his agricultural operation, going beyond that it still requires compliance with the code. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: My question to you is would your opinion change if this was a residential property? MRS. MOORE: No, it's the same code conditions. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Correct. I was thinking you were going to say that. MRS. MOORE: Yeah. Any questions you have for me cause I don't want to prolong this hearing, this has been a long day. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Anybody have anything they want to say at this particular time? MEMBER WEISMAN: No, it has been continued so -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, so we thank you for the presentation. MRS. MOORE: Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, it will be reduced to writing and we will see you on this hearing at a specific time on January 14. MRS. MOORE: Okay, there wont be a need Pugliese Cou~ Repo~ingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 194 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 to notice because the applicant (inaudible). BOARD ASST.: Just check with our office for the time it's probably going to be early afternoon. MRS. MOORE: Yes, okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I offer that as a resolution. MEMBER WEISMAN: Second. (See Minutes for Resolution.) Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 195 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 HEARING #6308 - Barbara Shinn CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Mr. Page I just want to caution you on two issues and that is, number one, we have take significant testimony from you, okay, at the last hearing. We have concerns specifically about what has happened between then and now, okay, number one. Number two, we will take short testimony from anybody that is in your favor concerning this wonderful application that you have before us and I say wonderfully because it was the same situation that existed when Alex Hargrave came before us and applications that he had for his barns in the 80s. Okay. I am not here to hear, I am not here, I don't know if the Board is here, to hear extensive testimony on anything that is not germane to this particular hearing and to the changes that may have occurred. Okay, so that's basically -- I'm just throwing out for some ground rules. I'm ready for you. MR. PAGE: Sure. I'd like to introduce John Rocchetta and he is here to help us address safety issues that came up and I was PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 196 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 unable to answer, unfortunately, unable to do that. There were significant questions from the Board related to those issues. So if it's alright with the Board I would ask John to come up. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Do you want to use that mike, John? MR. ROCCHETTA: Sure. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Just state your appearance, please. MR. ROCCHETTA: I'm sorry? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: What is your appearance, what are you -- are you an engineer? MR. ROCCHETTA: I'm a certified (Inaudible) wind turbine installer. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Wonderful. MR. ROCCHETTA: I'm (inaudible) consultant for Green Logic and contracted to install a wind turbine at Shinn Vineyards. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: And how do you spell your last name, sir? MR. ROCCHETTA: R-O-C-C-H-E-T-T-A. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. It's a pleasure. What would you like to tell us? Pugliese CourtRepo~ingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 197 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MR. ROCCHETTA: I wasn't here for the other discussions. I'd like to know what your concerns are and hopefully I can answer with my experience. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I will only answer to the degree of my concern and that was that wind velocity the ability of this particular - - to what maximum amount we think -- we were shown pictures or had the discussion regarding issues that concern the fact that even through specific huge windstorms, hurricanes that this structure still stayed intact. One of the concerns that I had had was the ability of understanding that, but not the ability of having surrounding structures hitting this and taking it down. Okay, alright, and that's the concern that I had. That's been one of the concerns I have had regarding any structure of this nature. I don't care if it's a monopole with a, you know, any type of transmission tower on it or a wind generator or anything of this nature. That's my concern and this is a democratic board, they can say whatever they want. MR. ROCCHETTA: Sure. It sounds like Pugliese Cou~ RepoSing and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 198 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 your concerns are if something is blowing across the vineyard and it bumped into the side of the wind turbine would it knock the turbine down. Okay. I can tell you Long Island is not very familiar with these turbines. So we're kind of seeing it for the first time. Other areas in the country, they've put this exact turbine as it's exactly designed here in the middle of parking lots in Walmart, in car dealerships and things like that and this is in tornado alley. The concerns there would be a lot higher than they would be here. Their sustainable winds in tornados are much higher. So we designed for that 140 mile an hour sustainable winds. Here we only need to design to one point, but we're going to use the same manufacturing standards that wouldn't reduce it in anyway. Could I tell you that a barn couldn't get rolled over by a tornado and blow into this wind turbine? I couldn't tell you that nor could I tell you would that bump into power lines that sit on the back of a lot of our houses here. I can tell you that the foundation is stamped by a New York State Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 199 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 Engineer as the structure is. I know the structure itself will not fall based on the way we design it. What the materials are on the property, they're built to code at 120 miles an hour. If they do come apart (inaudible) 2 by 4s, maybe some roofing material. Is there anything else that you think that would bump into the side of those? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, we have to stop you at this point. We apologize. You're welcome to stay or vacate the -- I don't know what the people will ask you to do. BOARD ASST.: We'll be reconvening in approximately half an hour. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We'll be reconvening in approximately 20 minutes or so. BOARD ASST.: Half hour, 45 minutes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Half hour, okay. (HEARING IN TEMPORARY RECESS.) CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Sir, you were speaking. MR. ROCCHETTA: Yes. We were speaking of if anything had bumped into the turbine and just to let you know they're designed similarly to a cell tower or other towers that PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionService (63])878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 200 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 you see in these towns where if those towers were also hit, they would land on the structures or property line. So we would meet engineering standards at that (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, we thank you. I don't think there's any other questions at this point. Thank you. Mr. Page? MR. PAGE: Yes, I'd like to introduce Chris Baez, Ag Advisory Committee and he would like to address the Board. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: your name for the record, MR. BAEZ: Yes, sir. Could you state sir? It's Christian Baez, resident of the Village of Southold. I've been chairman of the town's Ag Advisory Committee for about a year and three-quarters. The Ag Advisory Committee meets regularly, monthly made up of nine residents of the town who are involved in various aspects of agriculture in the Town of Southold and we discuss and work on relevant issues to agricultural on behalf of the Town and the Town Board. Certainly I have personally been acquainted with the wind energy code going PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 201 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 back to believe, hearing its public hearing in April of '07, I and we have certainly, in that public that was published in the paper and the text of the law, certainly noticed that there was considerably more general or generous language than there was in the final law that was adopted in August -- MR. PAGE: If you don't mind I can hand out to you that information. MR. BAEZ: Okay, fine. Where we're coming in at the Ag Advisory Committee because we have been reviewing this as a group of agricultural industry operators is the impact that the law as written has on the viability of the agricultural industry in this town being able to use the law as written and when we started looking at tax maps and the shape of farm properties out here, which as you all know are mostly long and narrow, and which have euphemistically over the years been referred to as bowling alley farms, with regard to the 300-foot setback that was introduced sometime after the public hearing was closed on this proposed wind energy code so we started looking at the 300-foot setback PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-83S5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 202 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 to a property line and started looking by mapping on the various properties how many properties would qualify as of right without having to get a variance and while that work is still in process right now and in progress, because we hope to have a complete report to be able to report to the town and the Town Board that an amendment is necessary in order to make the wind energy code effective for agriculture without having to go through an additionally protracted and expensive procedure and process. We do and the Committee has voted unanimously to at this time recommend that the law be amended to the tower height of the wind tower plus 10 feet as the distance from any property line. We feel that that's justified because of all the other current towers and what have you that run across all of our farms especially up on the Oregon Road area and down across some of my farmland that I have here in the east end of Southold that doesn't necessarily warrant a setback on that part. The other aspect that does concern us is that we do see a contradiction between the Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2O3 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 wind energy code as written and the Town's right to farm law, which considerably predates the wind energy code. Our principle concern for the agricultural industry here in the Town of Southold is that we recognize that when the land preservation dollars have dried up and they will, that much of Southold's agricultural lands will still be unprotected and our principle concern is that by that time that we have a very strong and economically viable agricultural industry here in the town because that is what's going to keep the lands open and not put us into the final crop, which is housing, and I mean it's really an issue of is this what the town wants. If the town wants the open farmlands and wants to have an active viable agricultural industry, then I think we have to move forward on these things. Certainly once the mapping work has been done to the satisfaction of the Agricultural Advisory Committee we will put the report up to the Town and the Town Board and will be making a recommendation to amend the current law as it is presently written to reduce that setback and significantly so. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 204 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 If you have any questions, I'm at your disposal, otherwise I'd like to get back to my farming. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you very much. Pleasure meeting you. MR. BAEZ: You're very welcome. Thank yOU. MR. is that PAGE: Okay, (inaudible) from Chris' in fact on April 17, 2007 a legal notice was posted in a local newspaper regarding the proposed wind energy code that legal notice did not, in fact, have a 300-foot setback, but only had the height of the tower plus 10 feet as is quite clear by the copy from the newspaper that I've given to you. Between the time of the public notice there was a hearing on April 24th, again on April 24th of 2007 the wind energy code was presented to the public as the height of the tower plus 10 feet and at no time between that public hearing and the adoption of the law on July 17th was there a new public hearing to address the substantial change that had been made to the code by someone. Whether it happened at the Town Attorney level, the Town Board level, Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 205 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 there is no record to show exactly when that occurred nor was there ever an opportunity for the farming community or the Agricultural Advisory Committee to weigh in on this new setback virtually rendering the law, in my view, illegal. This is the code that was~ finally adopted and printed on August (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I guess the proverbial question I have to ask you is are you anticipating moving this tower at all from your proposed location? MR. PAGE: That's I think what we're here to discuss. We've just in the last two weeks received confirmation from the USDA that we have been granted a nearly $25,000.00 grant (inaudible). One of the stipulations of that grant is that we site it exactly where we represented to them. The thing that makes alternative energy viable today in our community is the eff6rts that have been made by the FDA {inaudible) regulates the LIPA in this town, which also required to give us a rebate. We're at a place where we can now finally afford to'do PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 206 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 this and we are citing it in a location that has been subject to much scrutiny by other agencies, by the Long Island Power Authority, by the USDA and certainly by us (inaudible) interests. So we have gone to great lengths to assure that the safety issues are addressed and I think that we were able to do that today with Mr. Rocchetta's testimony. The cost to move it, quite clearly, is significant, in the neighborhood of $10,000.00 and there is no real reasonable reason to do that other than a faulty code, which was passed without legal notice, without public hearing. In addition to that, in this Town we do have a right to undertake protective farm practices code, which in my view gives us the right to put up structures that facilitate the processing of our crops as well as the irrigation of our land as long as, as it says in the code, that there's no substantial adverse affect to the public health, safety and welfare. None can be shown. Looking at this structure, this wind turbine has met all of that scrutiny to the degree that any structure (inaudible). Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 207 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 Are there any questions that I can answer? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Well, I wasn't prepared to say this, I was hoping that you would come to an alternate site, but I have to tell you in all true fairness I work primarily in liability in things that I do both in my life here and both what I do in the west end and in doing that I have to ask you the question, what is the maximum amount of liability insurance that you hold on your property at this time? Are you familiar with that figure? MR. PAGE: $2 Million. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, so it's $1 million on aggregate and $2 Million total? Okay. I don't know if that's enough based upon the permit that we have granted you for the bed and breakfast and that's something that someone may want to look at, okay, that's an issue. Okay. MR. PAGE: I don't understand your question. (Inaudible) -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Well, we directed you at the last hearing -- we didn't direct PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 208 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 you, we told you at the last hearing that one of the concerns that I have, okay, is that we granted a permit for a bed and breakfast, okay, I have also signed a permit which happily I signed for a wedding at your establishment and I understand they're wonderful, okay. One of the great concerns that I had was the possibility of something happening to this wind generator during an event that may or may not occur in anybody's winery or anybody's farm. Okay. I assure you that you spent a lot of time yourself and with the gentleman in the back of the room indicating to us that nothing's going to happen. Okay. MR. PAGE: As is the case with the shingles on my roof or cars in the parking lot CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: barn. MR. PAGE: -- or 100 different freak accidents Or the roof on your if not a 1000 that could happen, quite frankly, and one of the things that we have discovered through all of this research is that one of the safest structures, the Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 209 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 safest structure on our property given the way that it is required to be constructed will be this wind turbine. It's not the least safe, it's the most safe. It's the one that has to meet the highest standard. So therefore, to question to the safety would be to question the safety of anything that could fly through the air from anywhere. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MR. PAGE: If it's just a question of liability insurance and we've met that standard. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. Okay, I'm just throwing it out to you, that's all I could say. MR. PAGE: No, I understand that it is quite important to meet that standard. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I understand that notwithstanding that fact. I understand that. Is there anything else that you'd like to present? MR. PAGE: Well, just in relationship to the right to undertake protective farm practices code and how that relates there's been some concern that the variance that we're Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 210 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 asking for is substantial at over 50 percent. It is my view, my personal view, that when we are talking about farms, farm structures, farmland that as a community that supports the preservation of farming that we need to be very careful of how we weigh those percentages against a structure like this. This structure will be nearly 500 feet from the nearest residential building adjoining on the property next to us. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Does that include the tent, too, sir? MR. PAGE: I'm sorry? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The tent, the tent that you have up? That you usually put up for these functions. MR. PAGE: I don't know how the tent's weighed in on this issue. Quite frankly, I've never understood your position on that. It doesn't follow the same kind of logic that I follow when I think about what would happen to a tent -- tents in Southold Town, I think, are required to withstand winds of up to about 60 miles an hour. Any tent that would be on this property would be devastated, gone, blown PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 211 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29~ 2009 away, you know, many, many hours before the wind speed would get to the point where it could affect a wind turbine. Those two are so unrelated it's beyond my ability to comprehend how the tents would stand and be hit by a wind turbine. The tent would be standing or could potentially be standing with people in it while a wind turbine is falling (inaudible) to withstand up to 120-140 miles an hour. The tent would never be there and, quite frankly, with the wind that you have described and that you feel we might need to be wary of not much of Southold Town would be here, but it's more than likely that wind turbine would be standing. You had previously, Mr. Goehringer, asked that we find a way and I think that maybe (inaudible) your concern is that the wind turbine could fall in the direction of another building. Guide wires can be attached, we could easily do that. We could also easily, if it is your concern, I think FAA rules are 300 feet before lights are required, but if this Board decides that regardless of that, we could install lights on the tower as well. Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 212 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Could I just -- could you just rephrase for me because there was -- the total height of the unit is always considered to be 120 feet; is that correct? Is that to the top of the blades? MR. PAGE: (Inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Could you tell us either at this mike MR. ROCCHETTA: turbine is 120 feet meters to the hub. starts from. The about 11 feet. or the one Mr. Page is at? This particular wind tall, approximately 40 The hub is where the blade blades on this turbine are CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MR. ROCCHETTA: Which they stop slightly below the hub, so it would be 120, plus 10 is logical and is common on a lot of the (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Very good. Mr. Page was discussing the issue of the FAA. We've had significant hearings on cell towers here. They are, of course, monopoles, the majority of them. We have as a Board, I'm not speaking, required that the majority of them be lighted, okay, and he has offered that and Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 213 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 I appreciate that, I have to tell you. Okay. Mattituck has, basically, an airport that's not really an airport, okay, but that's a generous offer. So I thank you. Anything else, Mr. Page? MR. PAGE: I have nothing else at this time except to express my thanks to the Board for opening -- reopening this hearing and allowing us to enter this new information. I think (inaudible) greatly alter the way that you look at this application. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I was corrected by saying that one of the reasons at the special meeting for wanting to open the hearing or reopen the hearing was for the sole purpose of asking you what you were going to do with the electricity. Okay, but I'm still -- MR. PAGE: The electricity goes into the grid. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MR. PAGE: Our electricity is directed straight back into the grid. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The grid itself. MR. PAGE: Yeah, we don't use it for one single purpose. It goes through the grid and Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 214 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 offsets our electric bill, our meter. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MR. PAGE: It turns backwards. So it's not used to power the irrigation or power anything in particular, it just goes straight to the grid. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Sure. Thank you. BOARD ASST.: Also I'd just like to mention that all of the testimony that was at the prior hearing is also being entered into the same record of this hearing. MR. PAGE: Thank you. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yes, a couple of things, please. Do you have something that you can received MR. course. submit in writing about the grant that you've from the USDA? PAGE: Not with me today, but of US? MEMBER WEISMAN: You can provide that for MR. PAGE: I can provide you with the confirmation of that grant, a letter from the folks over at (inaudible). MEMBER WEISMAN: That would be great. That would be very helpful if you can provide PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 215 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 that indicating what the terms of the grant are so that we're clear that they want it where you're proposing it now and no other place where agriculturally productive land is MR. PAGE: Sure. MEMBER WEISMAN: -- okay, cause that was something we talked about in the previous hearing. The other thing is that -- there's two other questions. One is that you have presented us, which is now part of the record, with a letter from -- addressed to you from the Land Preservation Committee in which -- this is dated September 30, 2009, indicating that they have reviewed the proposed wind turbine on property on which the Town owns the development right easements. Can you -- we have the documentation, but would you please tell us in your own words what that's all about? MR. PAGE: We went before the Land Preservation Committee to speak to them about an alternate location, which would require us to (inaudible) an additional over 1000 feet and the cost of that is $10,000.00 locating PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 216 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 the wind turbine a great distance from the building where the meter is. Traditionally, and I think that John can testify, that (inaudible) traditionally has been sited 1300 feet away -- MR. ROCCHETTA: You have reduced output. MR. PAGE: You've got reduced output. We've got reduced upfront -- MR. ROCHETTA: Return on investment. MR. PAGE: It really changes the equation quite dramatically and makes -- so the question is where to find $10,000.00 at that point. It increases the costs directly to our farm by nearly 75 percent after the rebate from LIPA and the grant money, its (inaudible) lump of money. We worked so hard to get the number down to a place where the technology is affordable and that's one of the crucial things about bringing this kind of technology to Southold Town where we have so much wind. Once people start to see this and embrace it, I think (inaudible) very, very progressive step forward, will then ultimately create an atmosphere where the cost of putting up wind turbines will be greatly decreased so that the PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 217 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 (inaudible) grants will no longer be necessary and the rebates from LIPA will no longer be necessary. That is -- we've seen that happen with solar over the years where the costs just keep coming down. Even the solar now, they're' thinking that within 4 or 5 years the grant money will (inaudible) no longer be needed. So it's been a good program and one that has clearly benefitted all of us and that's the great thing about putting up wind energy systems is that we take our usage and reduce it so dramatically so that there's more energy available to everyone else. So, in fact, we keep the price of energy down -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Let me continue to just follow up on that. From the letter that we received that you submitted to us that you got from Land Preservation Committee they have granted you the exercise it, to option number 3, right, should you choose to locate a wind turbine in which is your preferred, if you need to do it, option it would cost you considerably more and be out in the middle of your field, nevertheless, they have approved, based upon your requesting them to review it. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service {631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 218 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 "The Committee is permitting the structure within the development rights easement on the condition that it is compatible with the purpose of the development right easement and subordinate to the agricultural use of the property." There is, therefore, some option within that easement. The question I actually have is should you -- what would be involved, is it feasible to examine the possibility of a location within that easement that is not nearly that far out, that would not cause you to trench that far out into the field, that would allow us to provide an alternate relief, you know, than the one currently being proposed where you move it slightly over. MR. PAGE: The only -- the only way to do that would be to reduce the trenching, instead of having it 300 feet from the property line at this new location to have it at some number that you decide. So then I would say 100 feet of trenching or if its 150, then we're back to the first location as opposed to -- right now it's over 1000. So you could save me $7- 800.00, but I still would have to do all of the other trenching along the eastern side of PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 219 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 my property to get it in an open area, otherwise I'm removing vines. As soon as I start removing vines from the vineyard the project becomes completely (inaudible), undoable. MEMBER WEISMAN: So let me sure I understand -- MR. PAGE: Those vines are removed permanently. Every vine is a bottle and a half of -- a bottle and a half of wine every year for the next 40 years. MEMBER WEISMAN: Is there any place -- MR. PAGE: The cost of that is just -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. Is there any other -- I just want to enter all this into the record so that the Board has every possible option to consider. MR. PAGE: I appreciate it, thank you. MEMBER WEISMAN: within the easement lest distance, less Should you locate it area and that requires trenching, less cost, but some removal of vines, is there another location on your property where those vines could be replanted? MR. PAGE: No. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 220 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay, would that affect the grant that you have, if you locate it anywhere within the easement other than the one that option 3 is proposing, which is in an area that is open, would that -- MR. PAGE: That's not currently -- the area where we have located it is not under cultivation. It's not -- it's a road. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's correct. it's not MR. PAGE: It's a farm road, under cultivation. MEMBER WEISMAN: No, you're -- let me clarify, proposing -- MR. PAGE: To the no, no. Where the area that you're Preservation Committee MEMBER WEISMAN: -- is within an open area, not under cultivation. MR. PAGE: That's correct. That area does not affect -- MEMBER WEISMAN: The grant. MR. PAGE: -- the grant. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay, thank you. Okay, one other question just again to clarify, the use of the energy generated by PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 221 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 the wind turbine I believe you stated would be for crop production and land irrigation. MR. PAGE: No, that was a misstatement and I counseled with it goes to the grid. MEMBER WEISMAN: it (inaudible), it's not -- So it's -- So you're not sure how comes back because -- MR. ROCCHETTA: I could comment on that. MR. PAGE: Sure. MEMBER WEISMAN: Please. MR. ROCCHETTA: Whether it be solar system, whether it be wind turbine, that feeds back into the dwellings and when the dwellings don't need that power it gets fed back onto the grid so people in the area can use it. It's exactly the same as LIPA as far as power. So when you need it, it's there. When you don't need it, it will get fed onto the grid reducing the overall load that LIPA sees in that area. MR. PAGE: But to answer your question further, all of that uses for that power, I think probably the biggest draw on that power, the absolute biggest draw on that power is irrigation as far as (inaudible and the PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-835S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 222 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 second draw is winery. Yeah, temperature. MEMBER WEISMAN: temperature. heating and cooling of our just keeping the wine at At a particular CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I just have one question of this gentleman over here. The engineered guide wires that we were discussing, that you were as an option. MR. ROCCHETTA: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: discussing with us How far out from the actual be? MR. ROCCHETTA: tower. stanchion would they be required to This tower is not guided CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I know it's not. MR. ROCCHETTA: So that actual engineering would not be done because it's not a guided tower. It has a base. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: triangle-shaped Right. MR. ROCCHETTA: And when you put guide wires on a guided tower there's guides on three sides of it and two different tiers. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 So 223 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 it's something like this. You wouldn't want to pull directly from a guide wire on a tower that's evenly based. So what we would do is we put a guide wire down to a cement block that's approximately 6 square feet and you wouldn't make it very -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, it's not taught. MR. ROCCHETTA: It wouldn't be taught. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No. MR. ROCCHETTA: You'd have a -- you wouldn't have a turnbuckle on it, but you wouldn't tighten it up so it would be pulling the tower. You would just protect it from going in one direction, if some catastrophic accident did happen. That's the way I would design it and I would confer with the engineers at (Inaudible) and with the New York State Engineer that we're using to stamp the project. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: phrase as engineered guide what? MR. ROCCHETTA: I would say it would be safety wire. PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 So using the proper wires or engineered 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 224 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Safety wire, okay. MR. ROCCHETTA: Yeah, it wouldn't be a guide wire cause you're not guiding the tower, it's just to prevent it from going in one direction. Similar to if you're holding a rope on a tree that's being cut. It has to go the direction you're telling it to go. MR. PAGE: I don't think that it's (inaudible) you know, I'm not engineer (inaudible) but I think it's your opinion that it's absolutely not needed, but it is something that is possible. MR. ROCCHETTA: It is my opinion, however, if this is what makes people feel comfortable and it does add some safety to it, I'm not opposed to it. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Well, the purpose of my asking that question is the majority of the storm action that we have that would take this down, God -- whatever happened, okay, primarily comes from the west. Okay, and usually from the southwest, okay, so I mean it Is that side that is of great concern so that if the tower was faulted in some way it would fall back on the vines and not on the Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 225 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 building, anything path. MR. not on a parking lot, not on else that was within its immediate ROCCHETTA: When you -- it's pretty hard to comment on which way towers fall. When a hurricane comes you have a low pressure system, it actually pulls from the northeast CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I understand that. MR. ROCCHETTA: -- so it could pull any direction depending on where the hurricane is, whether it's in New York City, whether it's out in Block Island. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: But even if it was on -- if the guide wires were in that direction and it turned around like that, it would still fall down primarily on the vies? MR. ROCCHETTA: That's pretty hard for me to comment on. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MR. ROCCHETTA: If we have guide wires in the direction we want to prevent we want to prevent it from falling, on this side, and the cement block is properly weighted, I would assume -- I've never done guide wires on a Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 226 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 tower such as this, I don't know if anyone ever has, but it would have to be assumed that it would fall not in the direction that the guide wires are pulling against. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: One last question, please. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Surely. MEMBER WEISMAN: I'd like to give you an opportunity to address a letter that we've gotten from the Planning Board office so that you can make some comments on that. This letter is dated August 24, 2009. I'll paraphrase that -- simply that the -- your property is before the Planning Board with a site plan application. Progress has been slow on this because you're apparently appealing the Town site plan process with New York State Department of Ag and Markets and so it's still in process. I won't go through all the details, but the final sentence is the Planning Bcard feels that locating the structure within the area that is currently going through site plan review will reduce the options open to the PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 227 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 applicant and the Planning Board to successfully complete the site plan application. Since we have to consider this letter, I would like to hear your comments about it. MR. PAGE: I thought we had addressed this previously. I would be happy to address it again. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. MR. PAGE; It's an 8 by 8 foot base and in no way will affect the location of any -- parking. Parking is the only thing that's left to work out and I'm not sure if -- maybe Jennifer knows if you guys met with (Inaudible) this week or not. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: It's probably going to be scheduled for next Thursday. So -- but he is correct. I believe the parking is the only issue that we have to discuss. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. No, I really wanted to have you have an opportunity to address this so that we can take your testimony -- MR. PAGE: Yeah, we've gone to great lengths to -- Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 228 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MEMBER WEISMAN: Since they made a comment, I'd like you to comment. MR. PAGE: -- to work with the Planning Board on this issue. There have been gigantic changes within the Planning Board since we first applied for our permits related the use of our property. So -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. MR. PAGE: -- it has been a long and difficult process, but we're really close to a resolution now. MEMBER WEISMAN: Good. Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you very much. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Quick question. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Oh, sorry. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Just back to the USDA grant that you may receive, did you contact them and talk to them about the zoning issue that we have here before us that if you needed to install this wind turbine on your or within your vineyard that you would actually lose that grant? Did they actually stipulate that or -- I see in this letter it says that they recommend that it not be in that, which is Pugliese Cou~ Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 229 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 obvious, I can understand why they recommend that, but -- MR. PAGE: This is a point system that is set up and points are lost by locating a wind energy system on agriculturally productive land. As a town that supports agriculture, I think that all of you can understand exactly why we wouldn't want to do that and we'd want to site these towers on the parts of our property that are not in active agricultural use. So I agree with them and yes, in fact, we did speak with them about that. Barbara has been speaking with them about this grant for many months. There were something in the neighborhood of 80 hours was it or -- yeah, maybe 100 hours of work was done on this. More importantly as to the citing, as soon as you start removing grape vines, we're dead in the water. There's no reason to do the project at all. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: My question is did they actually say that you would be denied the grant if you had to install the wind turbine within your vineyards? Pugliese Cou~ RepoSing and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 230 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MR. PAGE: Maybe Barbara can better answer that question. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Okay. MS. SHINN: I'm Barbara Shinn, I'm David's wife and co-owner. I did work for a long time directly with the USDA. This is a federal grant program. Iowa took up most of the grant money. We all know why that is, but it was highly recommended to me that we do not site the wind turbine on viable agricultural land. It was part of the application. You actually had to check a box whether it was or not and give 360 degree photographs of it not being put there. So I would say, yes, my answer would be yes, that I was counseled by our representative in Bath, New York, Tom Herisky, that we should not site it on viable agricultural land. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Right, but would you be denied that grant or any grant? MS. SHINN: We -- it was -- MEMBER SCHNEIDER: I don't think I -- See did the USDA say, sorry, you will not get a grant if you put this wind turbine in your vineyard? PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 231 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MS. SHINN: It was implied in the application and -- MEMBER SCHNEIDER: It was implied, okay. MS. SHINN: -- in their counseling of me and I had to answer no it would not be put on viable agricultural land. So the grant would be, I would see it as being forfeited, yes. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Okay, alright. MS. SHINN: It's part of the stipulation of the grant. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: little hard to believe, I just find that a but I'm not saying anybody is misrepresenting this issue here. MS. SHINN: It's a point system and everybody is rated. You're rated according to how you can fit within their stipulations. It should not be put in a riparian habitat. So we, in all probability, would not have been given this grant if it would have been put on viable agricultural land. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Okay, net 100 percent positive that get a grant? MS. SHINN: I would say -- I answer would be yes. so it's still you would not would say my Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 232 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MR. PAGE: (Inaudible) -- MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Oh, I don't think so. MR. PAGE: -- deal because we can't answer that question what is 100 percent or what is 99 or what is 110. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Okay. MR. PAGE: Sometimes you're looking for us to be 110 percent right, we can only be as right as we can be and knowing what's in the minds of the United States Department of Agriculture when they give out grants is not within our ability. MEMBER WEISMAN: But you will be submitting a letter indicating that you have been given this grant. Secondly, is it possible to submit the grant application? MS. SHINN: Absolutely. MEMBER WEISMAN: That way we can look at what that point system is and we can, you know, make that part of our deliberation. MS. SHINN: It's this thick. I will -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, you can give us the classic comic version. You know. MS. SHINN: Unfortunately there is not, but I will give you the application. PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 233 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MEMBER WEISMAN: Is there a way -- Usually there is an abstract on a grant or, you know, a summation of some sort or perhaps you can just let us know what those points are in the system so that Ken's question can be followed up on. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Well, my question is pretty simple. Would their grant be denied if they did not get the variance and decided to put the wind turbine in their vineyard and I think the USDA might have some leniency into that if they're trying to promote agricultural lands. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, usually when a grant is given, and I've done as an academic I've written and received a number of grants, it's based upon the application as submitted and whether or not one changing that application would result in the same outcome is theoretical. I mean you -- MEMBER SCHNEIDER: Sure. MEMBER WEISMAN: -- just don't really know. One thing you might do is talk to them again and say that this came up and see if they would put something in writing -- PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 234 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 MR. PAGE: I'm not sure why we'd do -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. MR. PAGE: Let me explain why, as soon as we start moving this wind turbine into the agricultural land, we begin removing grape vines. MS. SHINN: Which no longer makes the turbine economically feasible. MR. PAGE: To get to the point where we have a 300-foot setback and I think that we've entered this into testimony previously, we would need to remove nearly 200 grape vines. That's about 300 bottles of wine per year at 15 bucks, that's $4500.00 of lost revenue per year because of where we have sited it. The wind turbine is only going to produce $36-4000.00 worth of electricity. Why would we be spending -- MEMBER SIMON: I -- MEMBER SCHNEIDER: I see your point. MEMBER SIMON: I think you said it clearly at the beginning. Of course, you're right. Grants are considered individually, but they're also competitive with each other and that's why they use a point system, but PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 235 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 you can't talk about certainty, you can only talk about the probability. The probability of getting the grant if you get fewer points for your application in consequence of the placement is less than it would be if you didn't have to do that, but you cannot give a definite answer. MEMBER WEISMAN: That's right. MEMBER SIMON: So clearly it's a material consideration and could have an affect, but you can't whether it will or will not. MS. SHINN: That's right. MEMBER SIMON: It could be punitive if you decide at the last minute to try to drastically weaken your grant application by making some kind of change, but that's not the point. The point I think you've addressed correctly was that it is a point system and therefore we're talking about the probabilities of having a winning score and you don't want to injure your winning score by doing something that will have that affect. MEMBER WEISMAN: Finally, what it comes down to is there are two options before us that you've presented. One is as proposed, PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 236 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 the other would be option 3 in the Town's easement where there are no -- where it is not planted. MR. PAGE: We wouldn't need the ZBA for that. MEMBER WEISMAN: That's what I'm saying. Okay, but that's really -- those are the two options from your point of view to move it partially into the easement may jeopardize the grant and secondly it will cost you because you will have to take vines out of production. Okay, so from your point of view, the two options would be withdraw the application, you don't need the variance. You're putting it way out in the field in the easement or we need to consider it the way you're proposing. MR. PAGE: At a considerable cost, which would result in us having to reconsider -- MEMBER WEISMAN: The whole project. MR. PAGE: -- (Inaudible) at all. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay, I understand. MR. PAGE: We're just not in a position to write checks for -- MEMBER WEISMAN: I understand. MR. PAGE: -- I mean we both feel very Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 237 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 passionate about conservation and (inaudible) to alternative energy, but it has to be within a budget that we can afford. MEMBER WEISMAN: Of course. MR. PAGE: And the federal government, Long Island Power Authority, has made this possible and we would be -- it would be very sad to see local government, you know, put a monkey wrench in it and stop something like this from happening. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: Before you close the hearing, may I just make a suggestion to the Board. If you're asking the applicant to submit a copy of the grant completed as completed by them you may want to suggest and/or permit that they be allowed to redact certain personal information because it will be part of a public record. MEMBER WEISMAN: Oh, Certainly. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: certainly. Social Security numbers, those types of things. MS. SHINN: Do you actually still want Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 238 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 that since we've and having it be be put on viable already said that this grant -- this turbine and having it agricultural land is no longer an issue here? MEMBER WEISMAN: I suspect not. MEMBER SCHNEIDER: me. MS. SHINN: But the -- Well, no, I suspect not. It's not necessary for if you'd like a copy of MEMBER WEISMAN: I want a copy of the letter saying that you've received the grant. MS. SHINN: Absolutely. I don't think you want the whole application. MEMBER WEISMAN: Probably not given what we've just discussed, I would say I don't need to see it, but I do want to see that letter that verifies that you're a grant recipient. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's a good point, counsel. MR. PAGE: (Inaudible) -- MEMBER WEISMAN: The small -- MR. PAGE: -- less than (inaudible) where we would be removing more grapevines or any grapevines. PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 239 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We thank you also for your presentation and the gentlemen that are here with you. MS. SHINN: Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, you have a great day. Hearing no further comment, I make a motion closing except for the receipt of the letter mentioned. MEMBER WEISMAN: Letter from the USDA. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Letter from the USDA. MEMBER WEISMAN: I'll second it. (OFF THE RECORD) Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 240 ZBA Town of Southold - October 29, 2009 I, Denise Gasowski, certify that the foregoing transcript of tape recorded Public Hearings was prepared using four-track electronic transcription a true and accurate record of the equipment and is Hearings. Signature Denise Gasowski Agency Name: Address of Agency: Pugliese's Court Reporting and Transcription Service 4 Saddlebrook Lane Manorville, New York 11949 Date: November 12, 2009 Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355