HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/08/2009RECEIVED AGENDA Mattituck Park District Board of Commissioners Meeting Thursday, October 8, 2009 PUBLIC COMMENT SESSION WILL BE HELD AT THE END OF THE MEETING In order to allow time for all residents please limit your comments to no more than 5 minutes Presiding Commissioners Call to Order Approval of Minutes Treasurer's Report Clerk's Report Maintenance Report Nicholas Deegan, Chairperson Thomas McCaffery Doris McGreevy Nicholas Deegan, Chairperson Presented via email John Cushman Lydia Tortora Ed Grohoski BUSINESS · New signs - Motion to spend up to $850.00 for signs · John Bradley - Eagle Scout Bluff Restoration Project · Pickleball Court - Jim Christy presentation · Adoption of Procurement Policy - Resolution 2009-31 Establishing and Adopting a Procurement Policy · Adoption of Investment Policy - Resolution 2009-32 Establishing and Adopting an Investment Policy · Notice of Election- Resolution 2009-33 Noticing November 12, 2009 Election of Commissioner · Election Workers - Resolution 2009-34 Appointing Election Inspectors for the November 12, 2009 Election · Town of Southold's support for our voting amendment PUBLIC COMMENT SESSION MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes Thursday, October 8, 2009 Attendance Nicholas Deegan, Chairperson Thomas McCaffery, Commissioner Doris McGreevy, Commissioner Eileen Powers, Legal Counsel John Cushman, Treasurer Beverly Vlcek, Secretary Lydia Tortora, District Clerk Call to Order Chairman Deegan called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. Approval of Minutes Motion made by N. Deegan, seconded by D. McGreevy, all in favor, and motion carried to approve the minutes of the September meeting. Clerk's Report L. Tortora submitted the Clerk's report showing total Lodge receipts and deposits in the amount of $1,380 for the period covering September 10-October 6, 2009. She reported that the Lodge is hooked for the month of January, and reported that the Girl Scouts from all over Southold Town have booked the Lodge for November 11 to hold a gathering. It is an outdoor campfire gathering from 3-7 p.m. Certified scout leaders will be present. The same gathering took place last year and the Park District allowed them to use the Lodge at no charge. She asked if the Board would permit the gathering again at no charge to the Girl Scouts. All Commissioners responded in the affirmative. Motion by N. Deegan, seconded by D. McGreevy, all in favor, and motion carried to accept the Clerk's report, as submitted. Maintenance Report E. Grohoski had previously submitted the maintenance report and it was reviewed by the Commissioners at the work session held on Monday, October 5, 2009. Motion by N. Deegan, seconded by D McGreevy, all in favor, and motion carried to accept the Maintenance Report, as submitted. New Signs N. Deegan reported that four MPD facilities presently have no signs. He would like the Park District to order four signs from Unique Signs in Aquebogue at an approximate cost of $850.00. Motion by N. Deegan, seconded by D. McGreevy, all in favor and motion carried to appropriate $850.00 for the purchase of four new signs. John Bradley's Eagle Scout Bluff Restoration Proiect J. Bradley updated the Commissioners in reference to the fence and replanting of the foot paths by the bluffat Bailie Beach. He stated that the fence is being donated by Peconic Fence; beach Page 1 of 4 grass is being purchased from Costello Marine at an approximate cost of $45; and signs reading "Keep offBlutY' are needed and can be purchased from Ink Spot at a discounted cost. He asked if the Park District will help pay for the signs and beach grass. D. McGreevy asked how many signs. J. Bradley responded there will be four or five 12"x12" signs. All Commissioners responded in the affirmative. Motion by N. Deegan, seconded by T. McCaffery, all in favor and motion carried to appropriate the money needed to purchase beach grass and the four or five 12"x12" signs necessary for the project. Pickleball Court Jim Christy was present along with Betty Christy, and Joe and Mary Ann Sieczka, all Pickleball players. He discussed that in Florida a town with a population of 70-75,000 has as many as 10,000 Pickleball players. It is a game enjoyed by many. It was started in Seattle and got its name from a dog named "Pickle," who would chase the balls. The game is also extremely popular in Schenectady and Scotia upstate. The court is 20' x 40' with a net that is 34" in the center, which is lower than a tennis court net. He presented the Board with diagrams and photos of various courts and explained that in Schenectady they took a tennis court and overlaid two Pickleball courts. The only cost is putting lines down and the court can be used for both tennis and Pickleball. The game is played with a wiffieball and paddle. The ball bounces, but not as high or with as much spin as a tennis ball. He feels it is a great physical exercise and one can quickly become proficient. It does not particularly attract tennis or squash or racquetball players, but anyone can become proficient at any age and it helps develop great eye/hand coordination. There is a unit in phys. ed. played at Mattituck HS for one month in May and kids love it. While good athletes usually dominate in most other sports, all can be equal players with Pickleball. It takes practice but anyone, including the older population, can become good players and find great enjoyment. It is played by doubles on a small court where not as much mobility is needed as in some other sports and families can play equally together with 17 year olds being beaten by 70 year olds. He offered to go to senior centers and teach seniors. It is played underhand with no mechanics or lessons necessary. One, two or four Picklehall Courts can be placed on one tennis court, therefore, Bay Avenue could have as many as eight Pickleball courts A net is needed and portable stands could be built He has a video he could show at Mattituck School or will demonstrate the game. The paddles the high school has are wood and cost about $15; state-of-the-art paddles are about $45. D. McGreevy asked how it's played. J. Christy stated the serve is cross-court. There is one underhand serve. Seven feet from the net is a no-volley zone. It has four boxes, similar to tennis and the server cannot move up until the ball bounces once. It is mainly eye/hand coordination. It is an 11-point game and takes about 10 minutes per set. It is not uncommon for people with hip or knee replacements to play. Joe Sieczka remarked it is a fun game that can be easy or very competitive, and that the scoring is the most difficult pan. N. Deegan hopes to get it offthe ground. Page 2 of 4 J. Christy proposed that he will give instructions and form leagues. All he needs is the lines. N. Deegan remarked that Seabreeze may be doing lines. P. Morgan believes condition of the existing court is a problem and that one can fall in the cracks in its present condition J. Christy says either nothing will happen or maybe it will be resurfaced and can use for Pickleball P. Morgan stated she is a tennis player and doesn't want to lose the courts to Pickleball. Now she can only play at Mattituck High School in July and August and has to drive 10 miles just to play. She would love to share the court with a new sport, but wouldn't want the lines to interfere with tennis. J. Christy stated the lines for Pickleball could be a different color, and mentioned that Southold did a great resurface job. They removed the old court and replaced it. The Commissioners thanked J. Christy for his presentation and will consider the possibilities. Treasurer's Report J. Cushman submitted treasury reports including the Bill Register for the month of October to which 7 items were added bringing the total to $37,161.90. He explained that a large payment in the amount of $24,933.10 was made to Roy H. Reeve Agency for insurance; the NYS MTA Tax was paid, which is a new tax payment; and the NYS Dept. of Labor Unemployment Insurance is a payment that had not been budgeted. Also included were the Balance Sheet as of October 7, 2009 and the Aldrich Lane Lighting Capital Project report. Our total assets are $471,610.98; liabilities are $16,121.95; leaving a fund balance of $455,489.03. Motion by N. Deegan, seconded by T. McCaffery, all in favor, and motion carried to accept the Treasurer's Reports and authorize the Treasurer to pay the current bills. Adoption of Procurement Policy Attorney Powers orally amended the Procurement Policy presented to reflect in Guideline 5 "Mattituck Park District" in place and in stead of"Town of Southold"; and "Town of Southold" in place and in stead of "County of Suffolk." The amended version is attached. Attorney Powers read the corrected paragraph into the record. N. Deegan explained that the Park District has never had a procurement policy in place and to abide by municipal laws and operate the Park District properly we are adopting a procurement policy similar to the Town of Southold's policy but which has been adapted to fit our needs. Resolution 2009-31 Establishing and Adopting a Procurement Policy was at this time read into the record by N. Deegan. Motion by D. McGreevy, seconded by T. McCaffery, all in favor, and motion carded to enact Resolution 2009-31. Adoption of Investment Policy N. Deegan explained that in order to abide by municipal laws and operate the Park District properly a Comprehensive Investment Policy is needed. We are again following the guidelines of the Town of Southold's Investment Policy and have adapted it to fit our needs. Resolution 2009-32 Establishing and Adopting a Comprehensive Investment Policy was at this time read into the record by N. Deegan. Motion by N. Deegan, seconded by D. McGreevy, all in favor and motion carried to enact Resolution 2009-32. Page 3 of 4 Notice of Election Resolution 2009-33 Noticing November 12, 2009 Election of Commissioner was at this time read into the record by D. McGreevy. Motion by D. McGreevy, seconded by T. McCaffery, all in favor, and motion carried to enact Resolution 2009-33. Election Workers Resolution 2009-34 Appointing Election Inspectors for the November 12, 2009 Election was at this time read into the record by N. Deegan. Motion by N. Deegan, seconded by D McGreevy, all in favor, and motion carried to enact Resolution 2009-34. Town of Southold's Support for our Voting Amendment A Resolution adopted by the Town of Southold on September 22, 2009 supporting Assembly Bill A-08368/Senate Bill 5899 and authorizing and directing Supervisor Russell to execute a letter in support was read into the record at this time by T. McCaffery. D. McGreevy explained that we wanted to note and incorporate into our minutes that the Town had supported the voting procedure amendment resolution that we had adopted in June. D. Goehringer asked if a voter had to be a taxpayer. E. Powers explained that the Town's resolution was simply authorizing the Town Board to tell the Assembly and Senate that they support it. D. Goehringer asked again if they had to be taxpayers. E. Powers responded no, just a resident. N. Deegan informed that the bill amending the law had been passed in the Senate and Assembly but not yet signed by the Governor. Public Comment R. Williamson questioned J. Cushman regarding the Fund balance of $455,000 and John Cushman explained that most of it is appropriated and used to reduce the tax rate. D. Goehringer asked about "site improvement" appropriations, and N. Deegan explained it is used for all infrastructure items in need of repair and update. There being no further business to come before the Commissioners, motion to adjourn made by N. Deegan, seconded by D. McGreevy, all in favor, and motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 p.m. Respect fully/s~ubmitted, ev !ly Secretly ~4~4 Check No. 21293 21300 21301 21302 21303 21304 21305 21306 21307 21308 21309 21310 21311 21312 21313 21314 21315 21316 21317 21318 21319 21320 21321 21322 21323 21324 21325 Bill Register October, 2009 Payee Date Amount The State Insurance Fund 9/21/2009 582.02 C. Martin Automotive Ent, Ltd. 10/6/2009 137.30 Bergo Janitorial Supply, Inc. 10/6/2009 392.58 BWP-Carquest Auto Parts 10/6/2009 17.86 Cablevision Riverhead 10/6/2009 99.85 CITGO Petroleum Corporation 10/6/2009 568.82 EmblemHealth Services Co., LLC 10/6/2009 1,102.15 EN-Consultants, Inc~ 10/6/2009 660.00 GNS Mermaid 10/6/2009 291.20 Island Portables 10/6/2009 356.00 Liberty Data Systems, Inc. 10/6/2009 57.51 Lou's Service Station Inc. 10/6/2009 321.95 Madam Supply Co. 10/6/2009 17.84 Mattituck Sanitation 10/6/2009 292.51 Mattituck Soccer Club 10/6/2009 603.00 Miller Environmental Group, Inc 10/6/2009 430.00 National Grid 10/6/2009 38.04 Northeastern Equipment Unlimite 10/6/2009 12.03 Orlowski Hardware Company, Inc. 10/6/2009 95.35 Eileen A. Powers 10/6/2009 500.00 Roy H. Reeve Agency Inc. 10/6/2009 24,933.10 Southold Town Dept Solid Waste 10/6/2009 71.00 Town of Southold 10/6/2009 56.86 Lou Samadtano, BST 566 10/6/2009 225.00 Vedzon 10/6/2009 30.40 NYS Dept of Labor-UI Division 10/7/2009 1,694.00 NYS Dept of Taxation (MTA Tax) 10/7/2009 335.34 33,921.71 I?a /I Oate: 10/07/2009 '~me: 6:12 PM Account Account Name Mattituck Park District P.O. Box 1413 Mattituck, New York 11952 Current Budg Month To Date Year TO Date Remaining Budg A.1001 Peal Property Taxes A, 1090 Pro~ty Tax Interest A,2401 Interest & Bamings A.2'~O Conca~Jon Rental A. 2590 Beach Permits A.2620 Fodeited ~d Deposl~ A.2655 R~mp Keys ,. A.2701 Refunds Pdor Year Ex~. A.2705 Gifts & DonaUons A.277! Omer Revenues A.599 Appropriated Fund Balance Total Revenues ExpendibJres A.5650.11 Ramp Attendant A.5650.12 Beech Attendants A.7110.12 Total Parking Attendants Parks Payroll Houdy Personnel Total Parks Payroll Capital OuUay A.7110.242 Site Improvements A.7110.243 Equipment Total Capital Outlay Conlractual Expenses A. 1980 MTA Payroll Tax A. 7110.411 Supplies & Materials A.7110.410 Prompt Payment Discounts A.7110.412 Of~ce Stationary A.7110,421 Telephone A.7110.422 Electric A.7110,423 Water A.7110,424 Gas(Propane) A.7110.431 Ins~Jrance ,~.7110.442 Site Maint~FacJllty Rpra A.7110.'~43 Equipment Repa[ra A,7110.451 Legal Council A.7110.452 Secretary A,7110.463 Treasurer A.7110.454 F-Jectlon Tellers A. 7110.455 Commissioner Fees A.7110.46! Postage A.7110,4&2 Permits Total Contractual Expense Beaches A.7180.11 Beach Manager A,7180.12 Ufeguards Employee Benefits ' A.9030.8 So, al Secudty A.9050.8 Unemployment Insurance A.9060.8 Medical Insurance Total Employee Benefi~ Debt Se~lce A.9~10.6 Debt Principal A.9310,7 Debt Service Inter%%l: Total Debt Service Total ~xpenditures 477,178.00 0.00 477,178.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 97.01 -97.01 15,000.00 0.00 3~170.17 11,829.83 250.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 8,000.00 0.00 10,450.00 -2,450.00 0.00 0.00 575.00 -575.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,360.00 140.00 0.00 0.00 1,447.42 -1,447.42 0.00 0.00 600,00 -600.00 7,000.00 295.00 10,828.25 -3,828.25 100,000.00 0,00 0.00 100,000.00 608,928.00 295.00 505,705.85 103,222.15 ~000.00 0.00 1,380.00 4,620.00 8,500.00 0.00 8,901.77 "401.77 14,500.00 0.00 10,281.77 4,218.23 115,000.00 3,652.00 70,401.71 44,598.29 115,000.00 3,652.00 70,401.71 44,598.29 85,000.00 1,090.00 39,115.00 45,885.00 7,000.00 0.00 456.34 6,543.66 92,000.00 1,090.00 39,571.34 52,428.66 0.00 335.34 335.34 -335.34 60,000.00 2,758.02 26,988.12 33,011.88 -100.00 -2.98 -10.83 -89.17 500.00 0.00 169.50 330.50 6,500.00 130.25 2,584.28 3,915.72 30,000.00 0.00 4,547.70 25,452.30 500.00 0.00 18.34 481.66 10,000.00 38.04 2,885.00 7,115.00 45,000.00 24,933.10 28,781.43 16,218.57 35,000.00 0.00 4,304.45 30,695.55 5,000.00 479.91 1,~43.12 3,556.88 · 12,000.00 556.86 5,056.86 6,943.14 ~000.00 173.08 3,461.60 2,538.40 6,000.00 222.12 4,442.40 1,557.60 250.00 0.00 90.00 160.00 500.00 0.00 224.90 275.10 450.00 0.00 276.35 173.65 60.00 0.00 70.00 -10,00 217,660.00 29,623.74 85,668.56 131,991.44 5,500.00 0.00 5,000.00 500.00 30,000.00 0.00 22,695.50 7,304.50 35,500.00 0.00 27,695.50 7,804.50 13,541.00 309.62 8,901.46 4,639.54 0.00 1,694.00 1,776.50 q 776.50 16,000.00 1,102.15 13,617.75 2,382.25 29,541.00 3,105,77 24,295.71 5,245.29 95,000.00 0.00 92,717.79 2,282.21 9,727.00 0.00 6,022.70 3,704.30 104,727.00 0.00 98,740.49 5,986.51 608,928.00 37,471.51 356,655.08 252,272.92 Page no. I Mattituck Park District Account A.200 A.201 A.205 A.210 BaJance Sheet As of 10/7/09 Assets Account Name Cash Cash in Time Cash in MBINCLASS Petty Cash Total Assets Balance 1,505.54 343,664.79 126,390.65 50.00 471 610.98 Account A.021 A.022 A.026 A.630 A.909 Liabilities & Fund Balance Account Name NYS Tax Payable Federal Witholding FICA Tax Payable Due to Capital Fund Total Liabilities Fund Balance Balance 125.75 185.86 619.24 15~191.10 16,121.95 455,48.903 Total Liabilities plus Fund Balance 471~610.98 Mattituck Park District Aldrich Lane Lighting Capital Project Revenues Bud~]et Actual Balance Description Date Transfers from General Fund 39,000.00 39,000.00 Transfer from Operating 11/13/2008 Serial Bond Proceeds 199,800.00 199,800.00 BAN Proceeds 12/16/2008 Town of Southold 100,000.00 100,000.00 Town Grant 2/25/2009 NYS Parks Department 50,000.00 Grant 3/12/2009 Town of Southo~d (72,082.21) Leftover bond proceeds 8/12/2009 Totals 338,800.00 316,717.79 22,082.21 _ Appropriations Bud~let Actual Balance Description Date Lights 338,800.00 Ward Associates #9 600.00 10% of Construction Admin 10/15/2008 Ward Associates #11 4,200.00 70% of Construction Admin 11/10/2008 Ward Associates #12 1,200.00 Final Construction Admin 12/10/2008 Welsbach #1 144,809.80 Payment Request #1 12/11/2008 Welsbach #1 (7,240.49) Retainage #1 12/11/2008 Welsbach #2 159,012.20 Payment Request ~2 12/15/2008 Welsbach #2 (7,950.61 ) Retainage ~2 12/15/2008 Wickham, Bressler, Gordon & Geasa, P 211.28 Services on Grant Contract 12/15/2008 Wickham, Bressler, Gordon & Geasa, P 3,196.58 Services on Lighting Contract 12/15/2008 Hawkins, Delafieid & Wood PC 3,437.93 Bond Counsel 2/12/2009 US Bank 50.00 Town of Southold - CIO 3/12/2009 Totals 338~800.00 301,526.69 37,273.31 Due from Operating Fund Retainage Due Welsbach 15,191.10 15,191.10 (0.00) 10/7/2009 October 2009 Period Covering September 10- October 6, 2009 Receipts SCOUT LODGE DATE BOOKED Oct. 18, 17 & 18 Oct. 9, 10 & 11 Oct. 9, 10 & 11 Nov. 20, 21 & 22 Sept. 25, 28 & 27 Sept. 25, 26 & 27 Oct. 16, 17 & 18 Oct. 3&4 ITEM G.S.S.C. Junior Troop 2422 S.C.G.S. Troop 167 S.C.G.S. Troop 167 B.S. Troop 197 Rocky Pt. GS, Service Unit 54 Rocky Pt. GS, Service Unit 54 G.S.S.C. Junior Troop 2422 Cub Scout Pack 294 RECEIPTS AMT. DEPOSITED $ 90 $180 $ 95 $320 DEPOSIT DATE for 6 ($100 deposit) 9/17/09 for 12 ($100 deposit) 9/17/09 heating surcharge 9/21/09 for 15 plus $95 htg.srg. 9/21/09 $400 for 16 ($100 deposit) 9/21/09 $ 50 for 2 additional 10/1/09 $ 95 heating surcharge 10/1/09 $150 for 10 additional 10/5/09 Total Lodge Receipts & Deposits .............. $1380 SCOUT LODGE Nov. ll Nov. 26 2010 Jan. 9 & 10 Jan. 15,16& 17 Jan. 22,23 & 24 Jan. 29, 30 & 31 Events Booked this Pedod GRATIS. Joann Showalter, Service Unit 60. 100 Girl Scouts. Troops from Mattituck, Southold and Greenport. Outdoor campfire gathering. Camping certified adults present. No cooking. 3p.m.- 7p.m. Use Lodge restrooms only. Mary Bertsch, Private. Thanksgiving Day family dinner Christine Jansson, West Babylon G.S. Troop 1820 Dennis Caruana, Shoreham B.S. Troop 94 Jason Klosowicz, Bayshore C.S.P. & B.S. Troop 371 Tom MacNamee, Ronkonkoma B.S. Troop 197 October Report Aldrich Cleaning main building. Cleaning outside storage area. Removed scrap metal for recycling. Aerate, and fertilize fields. Replaced 2 sprinkler heads, cleaned debris from one head. Cut Fence, north south fields. Installed opening. Replaced missing fence ties, north south fence. Remo'~ed deed tree, by electrical transformer in parking lot. Breakwaters Moved lifeguard stand to upper beach. Removed sand from parking lot brought to Aldrich. Yacht Club Cut grass. Bailey's Beach Lodge Cut grass Imt G&S Water Company in to service water conditioner equipment. Veterans Cut grass. Backflow preventer yearly test done passed. Love Lane Boat Ramp Cut grass 30 foot of floating dock washed up someone tied it to our walkway to floating dock. Painted new section of picket fence. Bay Avenue Ball Field Cut grass. Misc. Installed new overloed protector in table saw. Trouble shot small weed trimmer, did temp repair. Has worn clutch, and Drive shall. Brought leafVac to Malvese for est. on repair. RESOLUTION 2009-31 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING A PROCUREMENT POLICY WHEREAS, the Mattimck Park District enters into numerous contracts for significant amounts of money each year, and WHEREAS, the Park District is bound under New York State Municipal Law, Section 104-b, which requires the Park District to have a Procurement Policy for goods and services in effect; and WHEREAS, the Mattituck Park District at the present time has no such Procurement Policy in effect; now then BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mattimck Park District hereby establishes and adopts the following attached Procuremem Policy: October 8, 2009 RESOLUTION 2009-32 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE INVESTMENT POLICY WHEREAS, the Mattituck Park District has an obligation to invest, monitor and report its funds each year; and WHEREAS, the Park District is bound under New York State Municipal Law, Section 39, which requires the Park District to adopt a comprehensive Investment Policy; and WHEREAS, the Mattituck Park District at the present time has no such Investment Policy in effect; now then BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mattimck Park District hereby establishes and adopts the following attached comprehensive Investment Policy: October 8, 2009 RESOLUTION 2009-33 RESOLUTION NOTICING NOVEMBER 12, 2009 ELECTION OF COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the Mattituck Park District Commissioners are elected for a term of three years; and WHEREAS, the three-year term of Commissioner THOMAS MCCAFFERY expires on December 31, 2009; now then BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Chapter 924 of the Laws of New York, 1941, as amended, notice is hereby given of a meeting of the legal voters of the Mattimck Park District to be held on the 12th day of November, 2009. Voting will take place from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Mattituck Park District Office, Veterans Memorial Park, 11280 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Mattituck, New York for the purpose of electing a commissioner to succeed Thomas McCaffery. Such other business as may come before the meeting; regular meeting starting at 7:00 p.m. Nominations shall be submitted in petition form subscribed by 25 qualified voters and filed with the Clerk of the MPD at the Park District Office at least ten days (10) days prior to the date of such election. Petition forms are available for pick-up beginning October 12, 2009 at the Park District Office Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Applications for absentee ballots may be obtained at the same location and times on or after October 22, 2009. Every elector of the Town of Southold who shall have resided in the Matfituck Park District for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding the election for the Mattimck Park District shall be qualified to vote. Ref. October 8, 2009 RESOLUTION 2009-34 RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELECTION INSPECTORS FOR THE NOVEMBER 12, 2009 ELECTION /HEREAS, a meeting of the legal voters of the Mattit3tck Park District will take place on ~e 12th day of November, 2009 from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for the purpose of electing a ,mmissioner for a term of three years to succeed Thomas McCaffery, whose term ~pires on December 31, 2009; and ~'HEREAS, Election Inspectors are needed to manage and process voter registration, tlly the votes and record the results; now then ;E IT RESOLVED that the Mattituck Park District hereby appoints Diane Cotugno, Joan 'arney and Jane Kropp as Election Inspectors for the November 12th election to work 'om 3:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at a pay rate of $10.00 per hour. ef. October 8, 2009 RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold supports Assembly Bill A-08368/Senate Bill 5895, which relates to the election of park commissioners of the Mattituck Park District by amending the law so that more than one woman can run or serve as park commissioner and permitting all resident taxp~ayers, regardless of property ownership, the fight to vote on matters concerning the Park District and hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute a letter in support, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney.