HomeMy WebLinkAboutMS4 Notice of Intent 09/16/2009 , ~ `OgUFFOC,~C ~ °~r~ wn Board -Letter Boazd Meeting of September 8, 2009 ©a~ ~ 7 RESOLUTION 2009-744 Item # 5.13 ~®"'I ADOPTED DOC ID: 5266 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION N0.2009-744 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON SEPTEMBER 8, 2009: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute the Town's Notice of Intent to comply with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Phase II SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharees from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) (GP-0-08-002), subject to the approval of the Town~Att~o/rn~ey. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman SECONDER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Krupski ]r., Wickham, Evans, Russell Generated September 10, 2009 Page 17 MARTIN D. FINNEGAN SCOTT A. RUSSELL TOWN ATTORNEY O~ pF SO(/j~o Supervisor martin.finnegan@town.southold.ny.us JENNIFER ANDALORO ~ ~ Town Hall Annex, 54375 RAUte 25 ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY ~ ~ P.O. Box 1179 Jennifer.andaloro@town.southold.ny.us Southold, New York 11971-0959 G • LORI M. HULSE Face mile (63 )1765-6639 ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY ~y~~UNf'1,~ lori.hulse@town. southold.ny.ua OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RvC~11r•%I) September 17, 2009 r P 2 1 <^009 , Notice of Intent out=~~(~ Tat~r~ ~~~rk New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Bureau of Water Permits 625 Broadway, 4'" Floor Albany, NY 12233-3505 RE: Town of Southold Notice of Intent, GP-0-08-002 Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed for filing please find the completed Notice of Intent for the Town of Southold duly executed by Supervisor Scott A. Russell. Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact this office. Very ours, artin D. ~ vegan Town omey MDF/Ik Enclosure cc: Members of the Town Board (w/o encl.) Ms. Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk (w/encl.) Mr. James Richter, Town Engineering Inspector (w/encl.) 2399396023 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation _ Phase II SPDES General Permit forStorm Water Discharges from Municipal a v Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), GP-0-OS-002 - Notice of intent (NOI) r Submission of this Notice of intent (NOI) constitutes notice that the entity identified in Section A of this form intends to be authorized by the NYS DEC SPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), GP-0--OS-002. Submission of the NOI also constitutes notice [hat the party identified in Section A of this form has read, understands, and meets the eligibility conditions of Part I.A. of GP-0-08-002; agrees [o comply with all applicable terms and conditions of GP-0-08-002; and understands that continued authorization under the SPDES MS4 General Permit GP-O-OS-002 is contingent on maintaining eligibility for coverage. In order to be granted coverage, all information required on this form must be completed. Please read GP-O-OS-002 and make sure you comply with all permit requirements including the requirement to develop, document, and implement a Storm Water Management Plan. SECTION A. MS4 INFORMATION A. Munici ali S4 Phone T o w n o f S o u t h o l d 6 3 1- 7 6 5- 1 5 6 0 Mailin Address 5 3 0 9 5 M a i n R o a d P O B o x 1 1 7 9 Ct State Zi S o u t h o l d N Y 1 1 9 7 1- B. MS4 Type Traditloaal Laad Use Traditional Nos-Lead Use Noo-TradLitl_oLaa_IW Control Control ® Town O County O Federal O Village O State O City O School District O Fire District O: Other C. Principal Executive Officer or Ranking Elected Official: First Name Last Name S c o t t A R u s s e l l Title Phone S u p e r v i s o r 6 3 1- 7 6 5- 1 6 8 9 entail s cot t r u s s e 1 1@ town sou t h o l d n y u s D. Stormwater Program Coordinator: First Name Last Name Jam e s R i c h t e r Title Phone E n g i n e e r 6 3 1- 7 6 5- 1 5 6 0 entail j a m i e r i c h t e r Q town sou t h o l d n y u s L Page 1 of 12 I 9959396027 E. NOI Preparers First Name Last Name J a m e s R i c h t e r Title Phone E n g i n e e r 6 3 1- 7 6 5- 1 5 6 0 D artment O f f i c e o f the E n g i n e e r entail j a m i e r i c h t e r@ t own sou t h o l d n y u s F. Cooperating Partners (Identify contractors/partners that will be assisting with and/or imptementing any aspect of your Stormwater Management Program): Contractor/Partner Name P e c o n i c E s t u a r y P r o g r a m Contact First Name Contact Last Name L a u r a B S t e p h e n s o n Address N Y S D E C 2 0 5 N B e l l e M e a d e R o a d S 1 Cit State Zi E a s t S e t q u k e t N Y 1 1 7 3 3 Phone 6 3 1- 4 4 4- 0 8 7 1 entail l b s t e p h e@ g w d e c s t a t e n y u s Contractor/Partner Name G r o u p f o r the E a s t E n d Contact First Name Contac[ Last Name R o b e r t S D e l u c a Address P 0 B o x 1 7 9 2 Cit State Zi S o u t h o l d N Y 1 1 9 7 1 Phone 6 3 1- 7 6 5- 6 4 5 0 entail b d e l u c a@ e a s tend env i r o n m e n t o r g L Page 2 of 12 I 7697396029 F. Cooperating Partners (continued): Contractor/Partner Name S o u t h o 1 d V 0 I C E Contact First Name Contact Last Name J o h n B e t s c h Address P O B o x 9 9 6 Cit State Zi S o u t h o l d N Y 1 1 9 7 1 Phone 6 3 1- 7 6 5- 1 2 3 5 entail s o u t h o 1 d V O 2 C E@ g m a i l c o m Contractor/Partner Name V i l l a g e o f G r e e n p o r t Contact First Name Contact Last Name J a c k N a y l o r Address 2 3 6 T h i r d S t r e e t Cit Stale Zi G r e e n p o r t N Y 1 1 9 4 4 Phone 6 3 1- 4 7 7- 0 2 4 8 entail j nay l o r p e Q g r e e n p o r t v i l l a g e o r g Contractor/PartnerNarne Contact First Name Contact Last Name Address Ci Slate Zi m Phone entail L Page 3 of 12 2420396026 SECTION B. LOCAL WATER QUALITY INFORMATION Does the MS4 discharee to Impaired Waters as listed in GP-O-OS-002, Apra 3? ~ Yes GAatliWck InletlCr, Low, and tidal tribe Caoldsmith Mlet O No Beach/Island Ponds, Fishers Island Name of Im aired Waters to which the MS4 dischar es: We6t Harbor, Fishers Island ~lFrting Creek and Basin S e e A t t a c h e d Bttdds pond Town/Jockey Creeks and tidal tribe tioese Creek Maahamomuck Pond INshmond Creek and tidal tribe T1Aa1 firths to Gr Poconic Bay, Northshr INatMtttck (Marratooka) Pond Does the MS4 discharee to/within an Improvement Strateev Watershed? (See GP-O-tl$-002 Part III B.21 • Yes O No Name of Improvement Strateev Watershed to/within which the MS4 dischareaa~ O New York City East of Hudson River Watershed O Onondaga Lake Watershed O Greenwood Lake Watershed O Oyster Bay Watershed ® Peconic Estuary Pathogen Watershed ® Peconic EstuaryNitrogen Watershed SECTION C. INTTIAL IDENTIFICATION OF MANAGEMENT PRACTICES I. Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts Outreach Techntaues Manaeement PrarYices ro Enmuraee • Identity POCa, waterbodies of coneerq geographc cress of concern ~ proper lawn and geographic areas of coaceru, target audiences (required) garden care (femltzer and pervade use, sweeping, etc.) ~ Low impaU development ~ DeveWp and Implement an oogolug public education and outreach pet waste tnamgement program (required) O Pollution prevention fm businesses ® Evrnts and Programs ®Proper disposal of household hazardous wastes O Outreach to crommercial entities ~ Trash management O Media campaign O Water conservation practices • Presentations to community groups O Others... O Ewnomic incentives ® Webpage ~ Printed maceriai ~ lTSplays • Posters and signs of varying sizes (magnets to billboards) O Classroom education/school programs O Library of educational materials O Prottwtionai giveaways O Other... Page 4 of 12 I 2770396026 2. Public Involvement and Involvement Technioues Participatipn Activities ~ Comply with State Opeo Meetings law and local public notke requiremepts OAdopts-stream (requGed) O Reforestation ~ Develop avd implement a public involvemenf/participation program ®Smm, drain stenciling (required) ~ Stream, beach, roadway cleanup O Volunteer moniroring ~ Identify a local s[ormwater public contach, pubVsh in ~ Wetiaztd pianfin outreacb/participation materials (required) n e o p c a c r e a k ~ Others... e? Present annual report publicly, provide public notice (required) ® Include responses to comments with annual report [o NYS DEC (required) • Ensure that annual report and SWMP Plan are available for public inspection (required) ® Advisory/partner wmmittas O Watershed organizations O Attitude Surveys O Community hot lines O Stakeholder meetings O Malting list developmet and use DIhCL.. s cak eno ltle croup e 3. Illicit Discharee Detection and Elimination Detection and Elimination Acdvitles Types o(Discharees to Tareet ® Deveop, implement and enforce a program to detect ®Failing septic systans and eliminate ilicit discharges m the MS4 (required) ®lllegal dumping ® IndustriaVresidemiaUbusiness wnnections Outiall and storm sewershed boundary mapping (required) ~ Recreational sewage ® }tiehl verVy aut(slls (required) O Sanitary sewer overflows ~ Oulfsll reconnaissance Inventory (required) ~ Wastew^ater cmurections to the storm sews tern O Other... ~ Prohibit illicit discharges (requked) ~ Pubtiq employees, businesses informed of hazards of iltidt discharge (requ'ved) 4? Adopt and eptorce local law [o prohibit iWcit discharges (required for tradi[ioml MS4s) ~ Adopt available mechanisms to prohibit Jlicit discharges (required) • System mapping ~ Address exempt non-stormwaler discharges (See GP-0-0g-002 Part LA2) as necessary O Dye testing ® Shoroline surveys ® System inspections O aner... Program Criteria ~ NYS DEC Outiall and System Mapping Requiremepts for Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) assistance document 4? [Ilkit Discharge De[ec[iop and Elimination: A Guidance Mmual for Program Development and Technical Assessment (EPA/Center for Watershed Protection) Page 5 of 12 f 3268396021 4. Construction Site Runoff Control Construction Proeram Reauiremertts Proeram Criteria ~ Devebp, implemeut, and enforce a program that provides protection ~ New York Smte Standards and Specificatiom for Erosion and equivalent to GP-0-08-0O1 or GP-02-01 (required Cor traditional land use Sediment Control control MS4s) O Otlter.,, e Local kw/regulatory mechanism equivaent to NYS DEC Sample Local Law Cor Stormwater Management and Eroson and Sediment Control (required for traditional land use control M54s) e Documeof/certify equivalence of local law (required for traditional land use control MS4s) ~ Require SWPPPs that meet up4o-0ate NYS DEC erosion and sediment control technical standards (required for traditional land use control MS4s) ~ Require construction site operators to implement erosion and sediment controls as per up-to-0ate NYS DEC technical standards (required Cor Vaditioaal land use control MS4s) ~ Procedures for SWPPP review and issuance of SWPPP Acceptance Form (requved for traditional land use control MS4s) ~ Site tmpections and enforcement (required for traditlooal land use control MS4s) ~ Require overall coostructba site waste management (required for traditional land nse control MS4s) ® Procedures for receipt/follow-up on bfo submitted by the public regarding construction site runoff (required for traditional land use control MS4s) ~ Edunte wmtruction site owver/operators about the MS4s construction atormwater requirements (required) ~ Ensure construction site operators receive erosion and sediment control trafaiog (required) ~ Inventory of olive comtructbn sites (required) O Other... L Paga 6 of 12 6801396025 5. Post-Construction Stormwater Manaeement Post-Conslruckan Proeram Reouirements Praeram Criteria Devebp, implemeaq and enforce a program that provides protection ~ New York State Stormwater Managemem Design Manual equivaeot to GP-0-08-001 or GP-02-01 (required for traditional land use control MS4s) ~ Better Site Design Document ~ Local law/regulatory mechanism equivalent to NYS DEC Sample Local Law for Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sedinxnt Control (required Q ~ Ripping and Decempaction for traditional land use control MS4s) Q Credits Document/certify equivalence of bcal law (required for traditional laud use Q Other... control MS4s) ~ Struchral and nonstructural management practices (required for traditional land use control MS4s) ~ Procedures for SWPPP review and issuance of SWPPP Acceptance Form (required for traditional land use control MS4s) ® Inventory of post<mstruction stormwater management practices (required) t! Ensure brag-term operatloo and maintenance of poatKOmtruction atormwater management practices (requwed) ~ Provide adequate resources for inspection and enforcement (required for traditional land use control MS4s} O Other... 6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeepint for Municipal Operations Proemm Criteria ® Devebp and implement a pollution prevention program that ~ NYS Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping addresses operations and facilities that contribute Pollumnts Assistance Document of Concern to the MS4 (required) Q Other... ~ Assess all operations addressed by the SWMP every three years (required) ® Employee pollution prevention Veining (required) ~ Require third party contractors m certify that the servlces/activlties they perform meet GP-0-08-002 requirements (required) ® Require operatom and facilities otherwise subject to the NYS Multisector General Permit(MSGP, GP-0-06-002) to prepare and Implement provhiom in the SWMP tiro[ comply with PARTS IH.A, C, D, J, K, L and Part IV of the MSGP (required) ® Street Maintenance ~ Bridge Mainteuance ~ Winter Road Mainteuance ® Salt Sbrage ~ SoOd Waste Management ~ New Municipal Comtruction and Land Disturbance ® Right of Way Maintenance . Marine Operations ~ Hydraulic Habitat Medi(icatbn ® Parks and Open Space ~ Municipal BuOdiug ~ Stormwater System Mainteuance ® Vehicle and Flee[ Maintenance Q Other L Page 7 of 12 4155396025 SECTION D. INITIAL IDENTIFICATION OF OF ADDITIONAL WATERSHED IMPROVEMENT STRATEGY BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) (See GP-0-08-002 Part III.B.2.A-D, and Appendices 3-8) NEW YORK CITY EAST OF HUDSON WATERSHED MS4s ~ Educational program concerning [he Impacts of phosphorm on waterbodies (required) ~ Map of entire M54 conveyance system (required) O Program to ensure that on-site wsstewatertreatment systems are inspected and maintained once every three years (required for traditional MS4s) ~ Develep, Implement, and enforce a program, equivalent to GP-0-08-001, to reduce po8utants in stormwaler runoR m the MS4 from mmtrucdou acttvities that result in a land disturbance of five thousand square feet (required tar traditional land use control MS4s) ~ Eusurq through local law or other regulatory mechanism, that post-coustructiou stormwater managemeo[ wntrols are in accordance with the New York State Stormwater Design Manual and the Enhanced Phosphorus Removal Design Standards (required for traditional land use control MS4s) ~ Retrofit Program to corrector reduce ezisdog erosion and/or pollutant loading problems, with emphasis on phosphorus (required) Q Stormwater Conveynce System Inspectao and Maintenance Program (required) O Turf management practices and procedures policy (required) OTHER PHOSPHORUS WATERSHED MS4s ~ Eduutional program concerning the Impacts of phosphorus on waterbodles (required) ~ Program m ensure [hat weite wastewater treatment systems are inspected and maintained once every three years (required for traditional MS4s in the Greenwood Lake Watershed) ~ Require the ase of the Eohauced Phosphorus Removal Design Standards in accordance with the New York State Stormssater Deslgo Manual (required tar traditional land use control MS4s) Q Retrofit Program m correct or reduce existing erosion and/or pollutant loading problems, with emphssis on phosphorus (required) ~ Turf management practices and procedures policy (required) PATHOGEN IMPA[RED WATERSHED MS4s ® Educatonal program concerning the Impacts o[ pathogen on waterbodies (required) ® Progrsm to ensure that on~ite wastewater treatment systems are inspected wd maintained once every three years (required for [raditknal MS4s) ® Retrofit Program to correct or reduce polluant loading problems, with emphssis on pathogens (requtred) ® Local law prohibiting pet waste on municipal properties and prohibiting goose feeding (required) e Pet wsste bag program (required) ® Program [o manage goose populations (required) NITROGEN IMPAIRED WATERSHED MS4s ~ Educational program concerning the impacts of nitrogen on wa[erbodies (required) ~ Program to ensure that on-site wastewater treatment systems are suspected and maintained once every three years (required (or traditioml MS4s) ~ Retrofit Progrsm to corrector reduce existing erosion and/or pollutant boding problems, with emphasis on nitrogen (required) ~ Turf management practices and procedures policy (requ'ned) L Page 8 of 12 I I 8583396024 SECTION E. INITIAL IDENTIFICATION OF MEASURABLE GOALS 1. Public Eduction and Outreach measurable goals, start and eod dates, include work to be done by partners See Attached: 2. Public lovolvement/Participation measurable goals, start and eod dates, include work to be done by partners See Attached: 3. Dlicil Discharge Detection and Eliminal'mn measurable goals, start and end dates, include work to be done by partners See Attached: L Page 9 of 12 5190396025 SECTION E. INITIAL IDENTIFICATION OF MEASURABLE GOALS 4. Conrtruction Site RunoR Control measurable goals, start and and dates, fodicate work [o be done by partners See Attached: 5. PosbConstruction Stormwater Management measurable goals, start and end dates, include work to be done by parNers See Attached: 6. Pollution Prevention/Good Houaekeeping measurable goak, start and end dates, include work m be done by partnera See Attached: L Page 10 of 12 SECTION E. INITIAL IDENTIFICATION OF MEASURABLE GOALS 1. Public Education and Outreach measurable goals, start and end dates, include work to be done by partners. The Town of Southold is and has always been committed to the implementation of any and all strategies that would lead to the improvement of water quality and the wetland habitat which exists throughout the Town in our Creeks and Bays. An informed and knowledgeable community is crucial to the success of our storm water management program since it helps to ensure greater support for the program as the public gains a greater understanding of the reasons why it is necessary and important. Development of Educational Resources related to Storm Water Impacts: First Year (Startinn October. 2009 -Ending October. 20101: 1. Research and Investigate existing Resources including Web Pages, Brochures &CommunityActivities. 2. Research and Investigate the formation of an East End Coalition between the East End Towns to facilitate Public Education & Outreach and achieve common measurable goals of the MS4 Program. 3. Working with the Town Storm Water Committee to Support a Public Education & Outreach Program. 4. Identify existing Programs, public & private, that could be used for Public Education & Outreach. 5. Identify Target Audiences and interested Citizen Groups. 6. Continued advertisement of the Town STOP Program. (Stop Throwing Out Pollutants) 7. Identify appropriate forum for discussion of Annual MS4 Report. 8. Continued. effort of Storm Drain. Stenciling Program initiated. by SoutholdVOICE "Only Rain in the Drain". Second Year tStartino October. 2010 -Ending October. 20111: 1. Continue to Research & Investigate MS4 Resources including Web Pages, Brochures &CommunityActivities. 2. Continuation the Investigation related to the formation of an East End Coalition between the East End Towns to facilitate Public Education & Outreach that could achieve common measurable goals for the MS4 Program. 3. Continue working with the Town Storm Water Committee to Support a Public Education & Outreach Program. 4. Continue to identify existing Programs, public & private, that could be used for Public Education & OuVeach. 5. Continue to identify Target Audiences and interested Citizen Groups, update lists as needed. 6. Continued advertisement of the Town STOP Program. (Stop Throwing Out Pollutants) 7. Evaluate Media /Forum location used for the discussion of Annual MS4 Report. Make changes as needed. 8. Continued effort of Storm Drain Stenciling Program. initiated by SoutholdVOICE "Only Rain. in the Drain". 9. Evaluate current Pet Waste Management Program & provide appropriate Local Laws. 10. Evaluate Failing Septic Systems and Prepare literature and Printed Materials for Public Distribution. 11. Expansion. of Southold Town. Web Site to include a link to Storm. Water Management BMP's. Third Year tStartino October. 2011 -Ending October, zot 2t: 1. Continue to Research & Investigate MS4 Resources including Web Pages, Brochures &CommunityActivities. 2. Continuation the Investigation related to the formation of an East End Coalition between the East End Towns to facilitate Public Education & Outreach that could achieve common measurable goals for the MS4 Program. 3. Continue working with the Town Storm Water Committee to Support a Public Education & Outreach Program. 4. Continue to identify existing Programs, public & private, that could be used for Public Education & Outreach. 5. Continue to identify Target Audiences and interested Citizen Groups, update lists as needed. 6. Continued advertisement of the Town STOP Program. (Stop Throwing Out Pollutants) 7. Evaluate Media /Forum location used for the discussion of Annual MS4 Report. Make changes as needed. 8. Continue & Up-Date effort of Drain Stenciling. Program initiated by SoutholdVOICE "Only Rain in the Drain°. 9. Re-Evaluate Pet Waste Management Program & up-date appropriate Local Laws where needed. 10. Continue to Evaluate Failing Septic Systems & Prepare literature & Printed Materials for Public Distribution. 11. Review Southold Town Web Site for Storm Water Management BMP's and up-grade site as needed. 12. Evaluate Current Lawn Care practices and establish. requirements for proper BMP's. 13. Distribute Storm Water Information with Tax Bills, News Letters & Town Permitting/Licensing Processes. 14. Begin Training all appropriate Municipal Personnel on General Requirements of the Phase II Program. 15. Develop programming for Local Public Access Television. SECTION E. INITIAL IDENTIFICATION OF MEASURABLE GOALS 2. Public Involvemerd/Participation measureble goals, start and end dates, include work to be done by partners. The Town of Southold understands that the public can. provide valuable input and. assistance to a regulated small MS4's municipal storm water management program and will be given the opportunity to play an active role in both the development and implementation of the program. Creation of Volunteer Network to assist in the implementation of Storm. Water BMP's: First Year (Startino October. zoos -Endino October. 20101: 1. Utilizing Existing Storm Water Committee, Volunteer programs or newly created networks to; Assist in the; Identification of Outfalls, Finding illicit Discharges and Stenciling of Storm Drains. 2. On-going efforts of the Storm Water Committee with the discussion of various viewpoints and providing input conceming appropriate storm water management policies and. BMP's. 3. Utilize existing Hamlet Stakeholder Groups to review and discuss Storm Water issues for their Hamlet. 4. Expand upon existing Storm Drain Stenciling Program. 5. Inventory existing and Develop New Mailing Lists for distribution of Public Educational Materials. 6. Develop & Implement Volunteer Programs for restoration of Creek habitat & Beach Clean-Up Programs. Second Year (Startino October. 2010 -Endino October. 20111: 1. Continue to utilize Existing Storm Water Committee & Volunteer programs or newly created networks to; Assist in the; Identification of Outfalls, Finding illicit Discharges and Stenciling of Storm Drains. 2. Continue the on-going efforts of the Storm Water Committee with the discussion of various viewpoints and providing. input conceming. appropriate storm water management policies and BMP's. 3. Continue to utilize existing Stakeholder Groups to review & discuss Storm Water issues for their Hamlet. 4. Continue to expand upon existing Storm Drain Stenciling Program. 5. Up-Date existing Inventory existing & Develop New Mailing Lists for distribution of Public Educational Materials. 6. Continue Volunteer Programs for restoration of Creek habitat & Beach Clean-Up Programs. 7. Identify existing Water Quality Monitoring Efforts by Local Government and Private Entities. 8. Coordinate the use of Volunteers with other Agencies and Private Entities to supplement the existing Data Collection Effort. 9. Continue to work with Watershed Based Organizations, Hamlet Stakeholder Groups and Communities that are not currently involved in the MS4 program tojoin a Committee that exists within there Respective Watershed. 10. Develop. parameters for a Contest to Create a LOGO for the. Southold. Town. "Phase II" Program. 11. Develop aHomeAssessment /Attitude Survey regarding Household Pollutants and the Home Owners General Knowledge of the Watershed in which they live. 12. Develop & Implement a Deer & Goose Management Program for the Town of Southold. Third Year (Starting October. 2011 -Endino October. 2012): 1. Continue to utilize Existing Storm Water Committee & Volunteer programs or newly created networks to; Assist in the; Identification of Ouffalls, Finding illicit Discharges and Stenciling of Storm Drains: 2. Continue the on-going efforts of the Storm Water Committee with the discussion of various viewpoints and providing input concerning. appropriate. storm water management policies and. BMP's. 3. Continue to utilize existing Stakeholder Groups to review & discuss Storm Water issues for their Hamlet. 4. Continue to expand upon existing Storm Drain Stenciling Program. 5. Up-Date existing Inventory existing & Develop New Mailing Lists for disVibution of Public Educational Materials. 6. Continue Volunteer Programs for restoration of Creek habitat & Beach Clean-Up Programs. 7. Continue to review 8 accelerate Water Quality Monitoring Efforts by Local Government and Private Entities. 8. Continue to coordinate the use of Volunteers with other Agencies & Private Entities to supplement the existing Data Collection Effort. 9. Step-up effort to continue working with Watershed Based Organizations, Stakeholder Groups & Communities that are not involved in the MS4 program to join a Committee that exists within there Respective Watershed. 10. Initiate a Contest with guidelines to Create a LOGO for the Southold Town. "Phase II" MS4 Program. 11. Implement a Home Assessment /Attitude Survey regarding Household Pollutants and the Home Owners General Knowledge of the Watershed in which they live. 12. Continue to develop and Implement a Deer & Goose Management Program for the Town of Southold. 13. Develop Procedures for the Public to Access Documents, Plans, Program Information & Annual MS4 Reports. 14. Implement ways to Advertise Public Meetings and Forums by the use of Flyers, Newsletters and Mass Mailings in Target Communities. 15. Develop Procedures for notification of Public Meetings utilizing Print Media & Flyers. SECTION E. INITIAL IDENTIFICATION OF MEASURABLE GOALS 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination measurable goals, start and end dates, Include work to be done by partners. The Town. of Southold. recognizes that discharges from MS4's often include wastes and wastewaterfrom non-storm water sources. Illicit discharges enter the system through either direct connections (e.g., wastewater piping either mistakenly or deliberately connected to the storm drains) or indirect connections (e.g., infiltration into the MS4 from cracked sanitary systems, spills collected by drain outlets, or paint or used oil dumped directly into a drain). The result is untreated discharges that contribute high levels of pollutants, including heavy metals, toxics, oil and grease, solvents, nutrients, viruses, and bacteria to receiving water-bodies. Pollutant levels from these illicit discharges have been shown in EPA studies to be high enough to significantly degrade receiving water quality and threaten aquatic habitat, wildlife, and human health. Implementation of an Information Management System to Detect, Document and Eliminate illicit Discharges: FIrSt Year (Starting October. 2009 -Ending October. 20101: 1. Continue to work with Solid Waste Management Department to support Recycling & S.T.O.P. Programs. 2. Evaluate Current Regulations 8 Inspection Practices with Respect to illicit Discharges 8 illegal Dumping. Modify Town Code, Rules, Regulations and Ordinances as needed or required. 3. Provide Training for Municipal Employees related to the Detection of illicit Discharges. 4. Establish a Program to Remove & Eliminate illicit Discharges that have been Detected & Documented. 5. Coordination of Complaints made by the General Public to the Town /Code Enforcement Officer and Establish Protocols for the Elimination & Removal of illicit Discharges. 6. Continue Ongoing Effort related to the Collection of Data and the Preparation of GIS Mapping thatwill indicate the location and Ownership of Storm Water Ouffalls and illicit Discharges. 7. Continue Ongoing Effort related to the Preparation of a Storm Sewer Drainage System GIS Mapping that will demonstrate a basic awareness of the intake and discharge of Storm Water throughout the Town. SeCOnd Yeaf (Starting October. 2010 -Ending October. 20111: 1. Continue to work with Solid Waste Management Department to support Recycling & S.T.O.P. Programs. 2. Re-evaluate Regulations & Inspection Practices with Respect to illicit Discharges & illegal Dumping. Modify Town Code, Rules, Regulations and Ordinances as needed or required. 3. Provide second round of Training for Municipal Employees related to the Detection of illicit Discharges. 4. Up-date Town Program to Remove & Eliminate illicit Discharges. Provide complete record of all illicit discharges that have been Detected, Documented and Eliminated. 5. Coordination of Complaints made by the General Public to the Town /Code Enforcement Officer and Establish Protocols for the Elimination & Removal of illicit Discharges. 6. Continue Ongoing Effort related to the Collection of storm water Data. Up-date the comprehensive preparation of GIS Mapping that will indicate the location and Ownership of Storm Water Ouffalls and illicit Discharges. 7. Continue On-going Effort related to the Preparation of a Storm Sewer Drainage System GIS Mapping. Provide documentation to demonstrate a basic awareness df the intake & discharge of Storm Water within the Town. 8. Establish Inspection Procedures for identification & documentation of Dry Weather Flow in High Priority Areas. 9. Establish Baseline of Water Quality for Priority Creeks & inspect for Dry Weather Flow in priority areas. 10. Perform Additional Inspections for the Detection & Documentation of illicit Connections to Catch Basins & Town Drainage Structures when Performing Routine Cleaning & Maintenance. 11. Coordinate with the Suffolk County Health Department to upgrade & Implement a Local Certification Program for Aging Septic Systems. SECTION E. INITIAL IDENTIFICATION OF MEASURABLE GOALS 3. Illicft Discharge Detection and Elimination measurable goals, start and end dates, include work to be done by partners. Continued: Implementation of an Information Management System to Detect, Document and Eliminate illicit Discharges: Third Year (Startinn October. 2011 -Endino October 20121: 1. Continue to work with Solid Waste Management Department to support Recycling & S.T.O.P. Programs. 2. Re-evaluate Regulations & Inspection Practices with Respect to illicit Discharges & illegal Dumping. Modify Town Code, Rules, Reguaations and Ordinances as needed or required. 3. Provide second round of Training for Municipal Employees related to the Detection of illicit Discharges. 4. Up-date Town Program to Remove & Eliminate illicit Discharges. Provide complete record of all illicit discharges that have been Detected, Documented and Eliminated to date. 5. Coordination of Complaints made by the General Public to the Town /Code Enforcement Officer and Establish Protocols for the Elimination & Removal of illicit Discharges. 6. Continue Ongoing Effort related to the Collection of storm water Data. Up-date the comprehensive preparation of GIS Mapping that will indicate the location and Ownership of Storm Water Ouffalls and illicit Discharges. 7. Continue On-going Effort related to the Preparation of a Storm Sewer Drainage System GIS Mapping. Provide documentation to demonstrate a basic awareness of the intake & discharge of Storm Water within the Town. 8. Up-date Inspection Procedures for identification & documentation of Dry Weather Flow in High Priority Areas. 9. Establish Baseline of Water Quality for Priority Creeks. Provide inspection procedures for Dry Weather Flow in priority areas. 10. Continue to pertorm Additional Inspections for the Detection & Documentation of illicit Connections to Catch Basins & Town Drainage Structures. Establish inspection procedures for Town Personnel when pertorming routine Cleaning & Maintenance of Municipally Owned Storm Water Facilities. 11. Coordinate with the Suffolk County Health Department to upgrade inspection procedures for Aging Septic Systems. Preparation & Implementation of a Local Certification Program to Up-grade Aging Septic Systems. 12. Evaluate Current Inspection Practices and provide Training for Town Highway Department & Building Department Personnel Regarding Hazards from illicit Discharges. 13. Establish Schedules for Inspection, Maintenance & Cleaning Storm Water Catch Basins and Drainage Structures on an Annual Basis. 14. Intensify Code Enforcement related to illicit Discharges and illegal Dumping. SECTION E. INITIAL IDENTIFICATION OF MEASURABLE GOALS 4. Construction Site Runoff Control measurable goals, start and end dates, include work to be done by partners. The Town of Southold recognizes that polluted storm water runoff form construction sites may flow to MS4's and may ultimately be discharged into local Creeks & Bays. Sediment runoff rates from Construction Sites are considerably greater than those of vegetated or forested lands. During a short period of time, construction sites can contribute more sediment to creeks & bays than can be deposited naturally during several decades. The resulting silting, and the contribution of other pollutants from construction sites, can cause physical, chemical 8 biological harm. to our nation's waters. Implementation of Protocols for Inspection Programs and Staff Training: FIrSt Year (Starting October. 2009 -Ending October 20101' 1. Site Plan Review- Review and draft recommendations to the Planning Board for modified procedures related to the Site Plan Review process to include MS4 Regulations for sediment and erosion control and construction waste management. 2. Provide Training for SW PPP Review and Develop Guidelines & Report Forms for Construction Site Inspection Practices for Municipal Personnel. 3. Develop Training Program and/or Informational Brochures to Provide Contractors, Developers and inspectors with Information on Regulations and Acceptable Practices. 4. Town Code Chapter 236 - Stormwater Management is known as the "Stormwater, Grading and. Drainage Control. Law" for the Town. of Southold.. This Chapter shall be reviewed and evaluated. to determine its consistency with MS4 Local Law Requirements. 5. Develop and Implement a Certification Page to Signify that an NOI and SW PPP Shall be Prepared & Submitted with all Applications to the Town where New Construction is Authorized. Second Year (starting odober. 2019 -Ending october 20111• 1. Site Plan Review - Up-Date recommendations to the Planning Board for procedures related to the Site Plan Review process to inGude MS4 Regulations for sediment & erosion control & construction waste management. 2. Up-date Training for SWPPP Review. Provide new and up-dated Guidelines & Report Forms related to Construction Site Inspection Practices for Municipal Personnel. 3. Continue to develop Training Programs and/or Informational Brochures to Provide Contractors, Developers and inspectors with Information on Regulations and Acceptable Practices. 4. Town Code Chapter 236 -Storm Water Management is known. as the "Storm Water, Grading and Drainage Control Law". for the Town. of Southold.. This Chapter shall be amended, modified or replaced to ensure consistency with MS4 Local Law Requirements. 5. Require the use of a Certification Page to declare that an NOI and. SW PPP will be Prepared & Submitted with all Applications to the Town where New Construction is Authorized. 6. Review and Evaluate Current Ordinances & Procedures Pertaining to Erosion & Sediment Control and Construction Waste Management Practices for the Building Department Permit Process, Highway Department Activities and Public Works Projects. 7. Establish Water Quality Bench Marks for Selected Water Bodies impacted by Construction Site Activities. 8. Develop and Implement aContractor/ Developer Certification Page to Ensure that Proper Erosion & Sediment Control Training has been completed by all Construction Site Operators. 9. Review and evaluate current Town Code "Chapter 236" regarding Procedures on Erosion & Sediment Control and Construction Waste Management Practices for Compliance with MS4 Regulations. SECTION E. INITIAL IDENTIFICATION OF MEASURABLE GOALS 4. Construction Site Runoff Control measurable goals, start and end dates, include work to be done by partners. Continued: Implementation of Protocols for Inspection Programs and Staff Training: Third Year (Starting October. 2011 -Ending October. 2012): 1. Site Plan Review- Continue to Up-Date recommendations tothe Planning Board for procedures related to the Site Plan Review process to include MS4 Regulations for sediment & erosion control 8 construction waste management. 2. Continue to Up-date Training for SWPPP Review. Provide new and up-dated Guidelines & Report Forms related to Construction Site Inspection Practices for Municipal Personnel. 3. Continue to develop Training Programs and/or Informational Brochures to Provide Contractors, Developers and inspectors with Information on Regulations and Acceptable Practices. 4. Town Code Chapter 236 -Storm. Water Management is known. as the "Storm Water, Grading. and Drainage Control Law". for the Town. of Southold. This Chapter shall. be amended,. modified or replaced to ensure consistency with MS4 Local Law Requirements. 5. Require the use of a Certification Page to declare that an NOI and SWPPP will be Prepared & Submitted with all Applications to the Town where New Construction is Authorized. Up-grade Certification Page as needed. 6. Review and Evaluate Current Ordinances & Procedures Pertaining to Erosion & Sediment Control and Construction Waste Management Practices. Coordinate & up-date evaluation procedures far the Building Department Permit Process, Highway Department Activities and Public Works Projects. 7. Continue to establish, document and up-date Water Quality Bench Marks for Selected Water Bodies impacted by Construction Site Activities. 8. Require the use of a Contractor /Developer Certification Page to Ensure that Proper Erosion & Sediment Control Training has been completed by all Construction Site Operators. 9. Continue to review and evaluate current Town. Code "Chapter 236" regarding Procedures on Erosion & Sediment Control and Construction Waste Management Practices for Compliance with MS4 Regulations. 10. Develop BMP's and. Inspection Report Forms to Attain. Measurable Goals. for the Purpose of Evaluating Construction Activities in the Town of Southold. 11. Review Existing Procedures for Receiving Inquires from the Public. Modify Procedures, if Necessary. SECTION E. INITIAL IDENTIFICATION OF MEASURABLE GOALS 5. Post-Construction Stormwater Management measurable goals, start and end dates, Include work to be done by partners. The Town of Southold recognizes that Post-Construction Storm Water Management in areas undergoing new development or redevelopment is necessary. Runoff from these areas has been shown to significantly effect receiving waterbodies. Many studies indicate that prior planning and design for the minimization of pollutants in Post-Construction storm water discharges is the most cost-effective approach to storm water quality management. Review & Evaluate Existing Codes & Ordinances on Stormwater Management for Post-Construction Activities: First Year IStartina October. 2009 -Ending October 20101' 1. Development and. Identification of approved BMP's for the Town of Southold related to Post-Construction Activities. BMP's shall. include a mix of structural and. non-structural strategies that will be suited for both redevelopment and new development. 2. Codify the BMP's, as Identified herein, through regulatory or other appropriate mechanism and Publish the list of BMP's. This list shall be made readily available to Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Developers, Private Citizens and Municipal Staff. 3. Provide Policy Statements to Architects, Engineers & Developers on Water Quality Improvements to be Recommended at all Development and/or Re-Development. Second Year (Starting October. 2010 -Ending October 20111' 1. Continued. Development and. Identification of approved BMP's for the Town. of Southold. related. to Post- Construction. Activities.. BMP's shall include a mix of structural and non-structural strategies that will be suited for both redevelopment and new development. 2. Up-date and codify the BMP's, as Identified. herein,. through regulatory or other appropriate mechanism. and. Publish the. list of BMP's. This list shall be made readily available to Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Developers, Private Citizens and Municipal Staff. 3. Evaluate, Up-date and Provide new Policy Statements to Architects, Engineers & Developers on Water Quality Improvements to be Recommended at all Development and/or Re-Development. 4. Review and evaluate existing Town Code & Ordinances pertaining to Storm Water Management in New Development and Re-Development. 5. Implement changes as needed to existing Town Codes & Ordinances pertaining to Storm Water Management in New Development and Re-Development. ThIM Year fStartinc October. 2011 -Ending October 20121' 1. Continued Development and Identification of approved. BMP's for the Town of Southold related to Post- Construction Activities. BMP's shall include a mix of structural. and non-structural strategies that will be suited for both redevelopment and new development. 2. Up-date and. codify the BMP's, as Identified herein,. through regulatory or other appropriate mechanism and Publish the list of BMP's. This. list shall be made readily available to Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Developers, Private Citizens and Municipal Staff. 3. Evaluate, Up-date and Provide new Policy Statements to Architects, Engineers & Developers on Water Quality Improvements to be Recommended at ail Development and/or Re-Development. 4. Continue to review & evaluate existing Town Codes & Ordinances pertaining to Storm Water Management in New Development and Re-Development. 5. Continue to up-date and Implement new changes as needed to existing Town Code & Ordinances pertaining to Storm Water Management in New Development and Re-Development. 6. Identify Appropriate Best Management Practices to Reduce and/or Eliminate Pollutant Discharges. 7. Coordinate with Code Enforcement Office & Implement Town Code to the Maximum Extent Practicable. 8. Review Water Quality Bench Marks for Selected Water Bodies and Determine Level of Improvement. Use the information collected in the "Improved Water Quality" Goal for the minimum control measure "Construction. Site Runoff Control" and determine the effectiveness of the BMP's that were developed. SECTION E. INITIAL IDENTIFICATION OF MEASURABLE GOALS 6. Pollution Prevention /Good Housekeeping measurable goals, start and end dates, include work to be done by partners. The Town of Southold recognizes that Pollution Prevention /Good Housekeeping for municipal operations minimum control measure is a key element of the small MS4 Storm Water Management Program. This measure requires the small MS4 operator to examine and subsequently alter their own actions to help ensure a reduction in the amount and type of pollution that: (1) collects on streets, parking lots, open spaces, and storage and vehicle maintenance areas and is discharged into local wetlands; and (2) results from actions such as environmentally damaging land development and flood management practices or poor maintenance of a storm drainage system. Development of a Comprehensive Pollution Prevention Control Plan: Fifst Year (Startino October. 2009 -Ending October. 20101: 1. Develop a collection of training materials that will be used to educate staff about pollution prevention and good housekeeping. These resources will come from applicable external sources, such as the EPA, and may be supplemented with materials developed by the Town of Southold. 2. Development of an information management system that will be put in place which can be used to track the inventory of storm water facilities and ouffalls. This system will be used by maintenance staff to schedule and perform inspections, maintenance activities and document any other actions taken on these inventory items. 3. Train Municipal Staff on pollution prevention and good housekeeping using the materials collected and developed in the Employee Training Materials Goal. Second Year tStartino October 2010 -Endino October 2011): 1. Continue to develop training materials that will be used to educate staff about pollution prevention and good housekeeping. These resources will came from applicable extemal sources, such as the EPA, and may be supplemented with materials developed by the Town of Southold. 2. Continue the development of an information management system that will be put in place to track the inventory of storm water facilities and ouffalls. This system will be used by maintenance staff to schedule and perform inspections, maintenance activities and document any other actions taken on these inventory items. 3. Continue to train Municipal Staff on pollution prevention and good housekeeping using the materials collected and developed in the Employee Training Materials Goal 4. Identify the number of facilities and controls that have received maintenance as a result of the "Maintenance Schedule" goal. in the Annual. Report. Document the overall compliance with. the schedule and explain any discrepancies in the Annual Report. 5. Compare data from current edition of Priority Water Bodies List with future editions to realize water quality improvement on local water bodies. Third Year (Startino October. 2011 -Endino October 2012)' 1. Continue to develop and up-date training materials that will be used to educate staff about pollution prevention and good housekeeping. These resources will come from applicable external sources, such as the EPA, and may be supplemented with materials developed by the Town of Southold. 2. Continue the development of an information management system that will be put in place to track the inventory of storm water facilities and outfalls. This system will be used by maintenance staff to schedule and perform inspections, maintenance activities and document any other actions taken on these inventory items. 3. Continue to train Municipal Staff on pollution prevention and good housekeeping using the materials collected and developed in the Employee Training Materials Goal. 4. Continue to identify and record the number of facilities and controls that have received maintenance as a result of the "Maintenance Schedule" goal in the Annual Report. Document the overall compliance with. the schedule and explain any discrepancies in the Annual Report. 5. Continue to compare data from current edition of Priority Water Bodies List with future editions to realize water quality improvement on local water bodies. 6. Develop a comprehensive Pollution Prevention Plan that identifies items such as BMP's, Southold Town Management Practices, Maintenance Schedules, Recycling efforts, waste disposal guidelines and areas of concern. 8613396028 SECTION F. CERTIFICATION I certify under penalty of law that [his document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assrne that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage [he system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, I certify that the information submitted is, to the best of my Imowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for (mowing violations. FSrst Name MI S c o t t Last Name Title R u s s e l l S u p e r v i s o r Si nature Date ~ 09/6/ o0 L Page 11 of 12