HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Dept Visit 06/17&06/18/2009PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 To: From: Date: Re: MEMORANDUM Scott Russell, Town Supervisor Members of the Town Board Heather Lanza, AICP, Planning Director C)t~ ~ June 25, 2009 Planning Department visit to Fishers Island, June 17 & 18, 2009 In fulfillment of the promise to visit Fishers Island more than once a year, the planners (Heather Lanza, Mark Terry, Kdsty Winser, Tamara Sadoo) made the trip there, on Wednesday, June 17, and Thursday, June 18. We traveled by ferry, walking on to save the cost of taking a car over. We arrived at noon, and had a lunch meeting with the Island Community Board (ICB), where we discussed their list often priorities for the Town's 2010 budget (see attached). Most, if not all the issues have been discussed in the past, most recently as part of the Hamlet Stakeholders' work. As a result of that meeting, the Hamlet Implementation Panel will meet on June 30 to discuss Fishers Island priorities and the possibility of these priorities making it into the budget for 2010. The meeting with the ICB adjourned at 2:00pm. We next made several site visits to view some of the items on the priority list, as well as two Planning Board applications - a lot line change among lots in the FIDCO area of the island, and the new Community Center. The next moming we met with representatives of the Walsh Park Benevolent District, and the Fishers Island School Board to discuss affordable housing. The school district owns a parcel that has two duplexes and two single family homes. The very preliminary discussion centered on the possibility of Walsh Park becoming involved in creating more affordable housing on the parcel. We discussed the steps involved in moving forward with a plan, including establishing allowable yield on the parcel, and the importance of Walsh Park and the school district developing a clear vision for the property. ISLAND OOMMUNITY BOARD BOX 464 FISHERS IE~LAND, N,Y ~5390 Scott A. Russell ]'own Supervisor Southold Town flail 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Scott, June 5, 2009 Following up on our meeting with you and John Cushman at the end of April and on behalf of the residents and taxpayers of Fishers Island, we are submitting to you the. following list of requests for financial support covering needs within our hamlet. 1. Replacement/repair of Island sidewalks. 2. Resurface the basket-ball court by Community Center. 3. Improvement/resurthcing o.f Town roadways. 4. Permanent fix of "Lake Mobil". 5. Re-pave road to Transfer Station entrance. 6. Fowler culvert drainage repair. 7. West Harbor dredging. 8. Community Center Teleconfi/Video capability 9. Family counseling. 10. Beach maintenance Trash removal Jelly fish net for Dock Beach As the process moves along, we can provide fuller details On each item to the appropriate individual(s). Fishers Island looks forward to your support of Southold's services to our Hamlet within the Town of Southold. Yours truly, John S. W. Spofford President Island Community Board