HomeMy WebLinkAboutPolice Dept Uniforms, purchasem FFiCIAL USE · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: 2. Article Number 3. Sen/ice Type ~,eHJf~ed Mall [] Express Mall [] Registered [] Return Re(=alpt for Merchandise [] Insured Mall [] C.O.D. 7003 3110 0001 8549 2853 ! PS Form 3811, Febrtla~ ~ ~ ~ I~ 10~SSS-0~M-1540 [ ELIZABETH A. NEV~,!,E, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 26, 2009 Matthew Greenblatt Charles Greenblatt, Inc. 34-36 Cain Drive Brentwood, NY 11717 Dear Mr. Greenblatt: Congratulations. At the regular Town Board meeting held on December 16, 2008, the Town Board accepted the bid of Charles Greenblatt, Inc. for supplying the Police Uniforms for the 2009 Calendar year. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. This year's bid deposit will be returned to you at the end of the contract. Enclosed please find last year's bid deposit. Thank you for your bid. Very truly yours, Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Ens. Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of Dec~e~m~b~'r% 6, 2008 RESOLUTION 2008-1084 ADOPTED Item # 5.29 DOC II): 4543 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2008-1084 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DECEMBER 16, 2008: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Charles Greenblath Inc.~ to supply the town with Police Uniforms for 2009 in the amounts indicated on the bid submitted, all in accordance with the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ruland, Councilman SECONDER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans, Russell Generated December 22, 2008 Page 41 ELIZABETH A. NEVH~I.E, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BID OPENING Police Uniform Suoolvim, 2009 Bid Opening 12/4/08 10:00 A.M. Matt Grcenblatt Charles Greenblatt lnc 34-36 Cain Drive Brentwood. NY 11717 631-231-4010 See Bid Attached LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11972, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, December 4, 2008, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud, for furnishing to the Town of Southold Police Department Uniform Cleaning for calendar year 2009. Specifications for the Police Department Uniform Clothing may be obtained at the Office of the Southold Town Clerk. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be submitted on the per item price list, and must be accompanied by a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and bank draft or certified check the amount of $100.00. All bids must be marked "Bid on Police Department Uniform Cleaning", and must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: October 21, 2008 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON November 13, 2008, AND FORWARD ONE '(1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: Suffolk Times Chief Cochran Burrelle's Information Services Town Board Members Town Attorney Dodge Reports Browns Letters Town Clerk's Bulletin Board ~ SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT UNIFORM CLOTHING - PER ITEM PRICE SHEET Spring/Fall Jacket Duty Jacket - Dark Navy Winter Gloves Overshoe Boots Commando Sweater Survivor Raincoat and Cap Cover 8-Point Summer & Winter Caps Long Sleeved Shirt - Male - EIbeco Duty Max Dark Navy, Light Blue, White and Silver Tan Long Sleeved Shirt - Female - EIbeco Duty Max Dark Navy, Light Blue, White & Silver Tan Short Sleeved Shirt - Male - EIbeco Duty Max Dark Navy, Light Blue, White & Silver Tan Short Sleeved Shirt - Female - EIbeco Duty Max Dark Navy, Light Blue, White & Silver Tan Long Sleeve - Female - EIbeco Paragon Plus w/Nano Dark Navy, Light Blue, White & Silver Tan Short Sleeve - Female - Elbeco Paragon Plus w/Nano Dark Navy, Light Blue, White & Silver Tan Long Sleeve - Male - Elbeco Paragon Plus w/Nano Dark Navy, Light Blue, White & Silver Tan Short Sleeve - Male - EIbeco Paragon Plus w/Nano Dark Navy, Light Blue, White & Silver Tan Uniform Trousers Male - Tek Twill Cargo Pocket Trouser Female - Tek Twill Cargo Pocket Trouser 5.11 Tactical Pants Holster Brentwood N.Y. 11717 Fmc: 631-231-4024 Phone: 631-231-4010 Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price PerItem Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price ~ ~L,/~f~- Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price ~'~//~ Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price ,/ 54 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. Signed: ~~ Corporate Title (if any) Company Name Mailing Address Phone Number ~ ~ ~/~ BID ON SUPPLYING POLICE UNIFORMS FOR 2009 #9098 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1__ week(s), successively, commencing on the 13th day of November1 2008. day of Sworn to before me this P ri~r~cipal Clerk /~' 2008 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE I~ I~,IM~Y GIVEN, in ac- cordance ~ ~ ~ ~ ~tion 103 of~ ~ral M~ ~w, ~at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~ ~ ~Town ~k of ~e ~ ~ ~, Suffolk Clerk's Offi~.Town Hall, PO Box i 179, mm~r ~ ~ at which ~e they ~1 be pubficly o~ned ~d r~d aloud, for c~ar year 2~. T~ ~erk. any and all bids ~d to ~ive an~ defect of Sou~old to do so. by a Non-Collusive Bid ~ificate, and bank dra~ or cer~ed check the amount of $1~.~. All bids must ~ marked "Bid envelopes plainly addressed to the Town Da~:~ 21, ~ ~~RK NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 01.V06105050 Quallfiecl in Suffolk County My Commission Ex~lre~ FlDfuary 28, 2012 BankofAmerica ~ Cashier's Check ~o. 1662265 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11972, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, December 4, 2008, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud, for furnishing to the Town of Southold Police Department Uniform Clothing for calendar year 2009. Specifications for the Police Department Uniform Clothing may be obtained at the Office of the Southold Town Clerk. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be submitted on the per item price list, and must be accompanied by a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and bank draft or certified check the amount of $100.00. All bids must be marked "Bid on Police Department Uniform Clothing", and must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: October 21, 2008. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON November 13, 2008 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDA IT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN ItALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Attorney Dodge Reports Burrelle's Information Services Town Board Members Chief Cochran Browns Letters Town Clerk's Bulletin Board POLICE DEPARTMENT~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT UNIFORM CLOTHING 11. III. IV. GENERAL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: A. No bids will be considered from individuals, firms or corporations in bankruptcy or in the hands of a receiver. B. A substitute for the product specified will be considered when the terms "or equal" arc used. The bidder must submit with the bid satisfactory proof that any substitute offered is equal to the standard specified. C. All bids will be F.O.B. destination and include inside delivery. D. No charge shall be made for boxing or packing. E. If any bidder does not fully understand the specifications or conditions here, or is in doubt as to the intention of the same, he shall satisfy himself by inquiry in writing before bidding. After the contract has been entered into, the interpretations of the specifications by the Town of Southold shall be binding. SUBMITTAL OF BID: Thc bidder shall furnish all the data required on the quantity and specification sheets The bid shall be submitted sealed, clearly marked, "POLICE UNIFORM BID" on the outside of the container. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any or all bids which do not comply with the invitation to bidders, the specifications, instructions to bidders, or other herein contained requirements to waive any informality in bids, and to accept the bid which it deems most favorable to the interests of the Town of Southold. It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of the foregoing bid by the Town of Southold shall thereby constitute a contract between the Town of Southold and the bidder, comprising in its entirety the invitation to bidders, the specifications, the requirements, the instructions to bidders, the terms and conditions, the bid and the acceptance of the bid by the Town of Southold. The prices herein should not include any excise taxes and/or sales taxes imposed by any state or municipal government. The bidder hereby proposes to furnish all the necessary uniforms, clothes, linings, buttons, braids and all other materials and labor to complete the unifbrm requirements at and tbr the price named, according to the specifications that are contained herein and F. G. H. as required by the Town of Southold. All bids will be submitted as per "Unit Price", per shirt, trousers, etc. All garments shall be tailored to each individual to insure proper fit. The necessary measurements and fittings as required are to be made at the time and place as designated by the Chief of Police. Any and all necessary adjustments and alterations shall be made within one week as not to inconvenience the Town of Southotd Police Department. Delivery of all items shall be made within 30 days after receipt of the measurements. The finished garment shall be clean, well made and tailored, pressed, and be free of any defect which may affect appearance or serviceability. The contractor shall thoroughly inspect the finished garment, etc., for compliance with the lown of Southold specifications prior to inspection by the chief of Police, and prior to delivery to the Town of Southold Police Department for final inspection. All materials and workmanship contracted for and ordered under this bid will be subject to acceptance or rejection by the Town of Southold after inspection and/or tests to determine whether or not the materials and work performed by the contractor meet the requirements set forth in the invitation and specifications. The Town of Southold will furnish an official emblem to be sewn on both shoulders of each winter shirt, summer shirt, blouses, jackets, etc. Rank insignia, when required, will be furnished and sewn on by the successful bidder. Delivery will be a major factor as consideration in award of this bid. Failure of the contractor to supply uniforms as stated within the conditions herein shall result in procurement of items from another source with the additional monies incurred by the Town of Southold charged back to the contractor. Primary consideration to awards will be given to bidder's ability to complete all orders within specified time periods. Vendors are cautioned to note the conditions herein and their ability to fulfill this contract. Period of contract: January 1,2009 to December 31,2009 Female garments must be made on a female pattern for shirts and trousers. Male trousers altered to fit females will not be acceptable. Failure to submit samples of all items with bid proposal shall be cause for rejection. GENERAL TRIM INSTRUCTIONS E,,~~,pl~i~lll~ll jackets, sw~.~ Departrn'~l,vI~ t111~!~ to the above the f~ REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS LI EUqtlbl'~II~ OFFiSh%Il wear on the pr~s~ FREEDOM OF INFORMATI~COKF'~ ' lnc .Wl~ a0ove the bottom sleev~ waistband. SERGEANT 3 % ~,.liignblems are to bq'fitlq?~lJ, ~_'~ons apply: P.O. Box 1179 ]1~ Southold, New York 11971 ~)rcscribcd band of' l~s~6~1) 765-6145 · one (631) 765-1800 ~wer edge 3-1/2 i'~2~8~', :tg~seam of trousers ~r~mUmc°~lS°;"'~n'n°rtm°r~'n*t OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK Shall wear on eacl~e,~ 01~ g6~0-~,.61~f~ow the shoulder seam a three (3) stripe prescribed chevron on both sleeves to be in line with the center lower part of the departmental insignia. On the trousers on the outside vertical seam, a black 1/2 inch wide braid, from cuff to waistband. POLICE OFFICER EMBLEM JACKETS SHIRTS SWEATERS Trousers to have a black 1/4 inch soutache cord on the vertical seam from cuffs to bottom of pocket. Department emblems are to be sewn on both sleeves 3/4 inch below shoulder seam. Department emblems are to be sewn on both sleeves 1/2 inch below shoulder seam 3 SPRING/FALL JACKET FABRIC: Content 100% nylon oxford weave, water repellent BASIC DESIGN: Jacket shall be a windbreaker style with a zipper front closure to the neck and plain back. BODY DETAIL: The front shall be constructed of two pieces on each side reaching from the bottom of the jack to the shoulder seam. These two pieces shall be joined with welt-stitched seams. Shirred elastic each side at waist for neat fit. The inside facing of the jacke! shall extend from each bottom of jacket around neck, whereby a zip-in liner can bc attached. POCKETS/CUFFS: Cuffs and pocket flaps to be interlined with a non-woven material. There shall be vertical front panels that form utility side pockets. The pockets shall be caught into the zipper front facing to insure strength and placement stability. The openings shall be bar tacked at tip and button for extra strength. Two (2) breast pleated patch pockcts with flaps to button. The cuffs are to be pointed with two (2) buttons for cuff adjustment. COLLAR: The collar shall be top stitched with collar points long enough for a neat appearance. Shall be interlined with a non-woven material. ZIPPER: The jacket shall be closed with a//5 metal style zipper with automatic lock and pre- shrunk tape. The zipper tape shall be compatible with outer fabric color. FINISHING/PRESSING: Entire jacket must be made in a first class manner. Work clothing type jacket will not be acceptable. All loose threads must be removed. Jacket must be pressed with proper pressing equipment and must be properly shaped. LABELS: There shall be permanently affixed size labels and care instruction labels. COLOR: Navy Blue 5 DUTY JACKET - Dark Navy Shell Fabric The shell shall be 100% TactelTM 2-ply air texturized nylon with a durable water repellant finish and back coating. The yarn size shall be N/F 70 D/FD x N/ATY 240 D/FD. The density shall be 156 x 52, and the weight shall be 168 g/yd. The fabric shall have a polyurethane coating tested w/p to a minimum of 600mm. The color shall be dark navy. The Manufacturer must supply a certificate of compliance that the shell fabric is constructed from genuine TactelTM yarns. Shell Linings The shell lower body and upper yoke lining fabric shall be a WeatherTechTM performance fabric of 100% polyester with a waterproof, windproof and breathable 100% polyester laminate or equal. All lining joining seams shall be 5-needle sal'cty stitched and then sealed with 1" compatible sealing tape to prevent leakage. The tape shall be applied by hot air method. All stitching through the lining shall also be sealed with waterproof tape. The label shall be sewn on a separate label carrier approximately 3-3/4" x 3-3/4". There shall be a hanger loop of shell material ccntercd at the neckline. There shall be a 24 Iigne female snap on the label carrier to secure the removable liner. The top collar of the shell garment shall be lined with the lining fabric to form a waterproof barrier. There shall be two 24 ligne female snaps approximately 2-1/4" from the sleeve bottoms on each side, to attach the removablc liner cuffs. There shall be 2 inside storage pockets of shell material, with coil zipper closures, one on each side, measuring approximately 9-1/2" deep by 6-1/2" wide. The upper portion of the shell lining shall be 100% polyester mesh knit to allow maximum ventilation through the rain shed yoke openings. The mesh lining shall be approximately 7" high running through the entire upper portion of the shell lining corresponding to the rain shed yoke. Facings There shall be inside facings of shell material with a non-woven interlining (120 g/y. 100% Polyester) approximately 1" wide on each side. There shall be a #5 18" YKK VisionTM zipper with an over the top slider set between the facings and the lining to attach the removable liner. The slider shall correspond to the matching side on the removable liner. The facing shall be backed with lining material and the seams taped to prevent leakage. Front There shall be a double storm flap over the front zipper to create a waterproof tly down the front of the jacket extending into the collar. The outside fly shall measure 26-1/2" long by 2-1/2" wide. It shall be set double needle on the left side from the under collar to the jacket bottom. The storm flap shall be interlined and lined with lining material to prevent leakage. There shall be six hidden 24 ligne brass oxidized female snaps on the inner storm fly. The inner storm fly shall measure approximately 26-1/4" long by approximately I-1/2" wide. The inner storm flap shall be interlined and set down the front double needle. The front zipper shall be a #5 two way YKK VisionTM zipper 25-l/2" long. There shall be 2 rain-shed yokes, one on each side of the zipper. The yokes shall measure approximately 9-1/4" in length from the high point shoulder by 9-1/2" in width and are designed to allow ventilation through the mesh lining as well as conceal "on demand" Hidden AgendaTM, or equal, pull down flaps. There shall be a #3 - 7" YKK VisionTM interchangeable zipper set into the yoke on each side to attach the corresponding Hidden AgendaTM front panel (see panel spec). The yokes shall close with 3 pieces of YKKTM Powerhook SA200 Nylon, or equal, hook and loop fasteners sewn vertically. Each piece of power hook shall measure approximately 2" horizontally and 5/8" vertically and shall be spaced for a Back Badge Tab Emblems High Visibility Pull Down Panels clean and neat appearance. The mesh shall extend the entire side of each yoke. The back shall have a rain shed yoke with a 2" turn up designed to conceal the Hidden AgendaTM I.D. flap system. The yoke shall be fully lined with waterproof/breathable WeatherTech® nylon and faced with breathable mesh to allow ventilation. There shall be three YKKTM Powerhook SA200 Nylon, or equal, hook and loop fastener closures measuring 2" x 5/8" set equidistant on the yoke facing. There shall be a #3 16" YKK VisionTM interchangeable zipper set into the yoke to attach the corresponding Hidden AgendaTM back panel. The badge tab shall be 2-1/4" in length and 1" in width when sewn down. The eyelets shall be 1-1/4" from the center of one eyelet to the center of the other eyelet. Thc tab shall be sewn centered on the left front with the bottom of the tab 1/2" above the bottom of the front yoke. The tab shall be sewn 4-3/4" from outer edge of storm flap on size large. Badge tab shall be moved 1/4" from outer edge, graded per size. There will be two emblems sewn. One sewn on each shoulder approximately 3/4" from the shoulder seam. The emblems will be provided by the department. Thc high visibility pull down panels described in this specification are an integral part of the SH3465 duty jacket. The panels shall conform to the technical specifications provided and no substitutions shall be allowed. The high visibility pull down panels shall be constructed from high performance retro-reflective material in high visibility yellow fluorescent color for both the front and rear of the jacket. The panels shall provide enhanced personnel conspicuity and insure immediate recognition as a member of the department on demand and provide a positive community image. Panel: The base panel shall be fabricated from a tough weather and solvent resistant fabric backed tape that will be sewn on to the Panel Carriers that zip on/offthe jacket (see sections on Back and Front). Base Panel: The base panel shall be composed of silver cube comer (microprism) retro-refiective elements integrally bonded to a flexible, smooth surfaced tough and weather resistant UV stabilized polymeric film. The prism surfaces shall be coated with a vacuum deposition of aluminum to provide a mirror surface to the prism facets. A knit fabric backing shall be provided to facilitate sewing. Materials utilizing "glass-bead" or other similar retro-reflective technologies shall not be acceptable under this specification. The base panel shall be constructed of a primary base and a color layer. The silver primary base shall be constructed of the following layers (frnm top to bottom): · Microprism Structures · Metallization · PSA then Knit Fabric Table 1: lypical Values for Silver Primary Base Observation: Entrance Angle Angel 5° 20° 30° 40° 0.2° 1000 950 800 400 0.33° 400 375 325 250 1° 35 33 30 20 (All values in cd\luxLm^2) On top of the silver primary base there shall be a color layer. The color layer shall bc constructed of the following layers of material (fi'om top to bottom): · Enhanced Surface Protection · 6mil Fluorescent Yellow-Green Vinyl The finished base panel shall be lime-green and screen processed using a custom- shade grey. Table 1: Finished Base Panel Fluorescent yellow-green chromaticity coordinates (from ANSI/ISEA 107-1999) x y 1 0.387,0.610 2 0.356, 0.494 3 0.398, 0.452 4 0.460, 0.540 Table 2: Typical Values for Fluorescent Yellow-Green Finished Base Panel Observation Entrance Angle Angle 5° 20° 30° 40° 0.2° 800 760 640 320 0.33° 320 556 260 200 1° 28 26.4 24 16 (All values in cd\lux\m^2) Titles: The title laminated on the panel must utilize the Euro-style fond, be CAD-cut for uniform consistency and fabricated from GP430 (or approved equal) Blue material, a tough weather and solvent resistant tape designed to be fused on to high visibility base panels. The GP430 shall be composed of cube corner (microprism) retro-reflective elements integrally bonded to a flexible, smooth-surfaced tough and weather resistant UV stabilized polymeric film. The prism surfaces shall be coated with a vacuum deposition of aluminum to provide a mirror surface to the prism facets. Materials utilizing "glass-bead" or other similar retro-reflective technologies shall not be acceptable under this specification. All titles and lettering must be sized per the dimensions given below. Standard Graphic: The standard graphic shall conform to the following dimensions/sizes and lettering: 1) Rear Panel: Overall size - 4.626" x16" "POLICE" - 3.375" x 14.25" 2) Front Panels: Overall size - 3" x 7" Both Left and Right shall read: "POLICE" - 1.78" x 6.5" Panel Carrier: The front panel carriers shall measure approximately 7.5" wide x 4" long. the panel carrier shall be constructed of 2 layers of shell fabric (color black or matching) sewn together with properly finished edges and a non-woven inter-lining. The panel carrier shall have the slide fastener side of a 7.5" #3 YKK interchangeable VisionTM zipper sewn onto top seam so that the zipper can be used to zip on to the other side of the zipper track on the,iacket 7 Collar Sleeves Cuffs Epaulets Pockets Bottom Band (see section on jacket FRONT and BACK). The lower back corners shall have an approximately l inch square piece of YKK Power Hook (or equal), hook side, sewn approximately 1/4 inch from the edges. The Power Hook squares shall match corresponding Power Hook loop pieces on the yoke linings of the jacket (see section FRONT and BACK). The front base panels (figure B) shall be sewn to the front panel carriers with a stitch line going all the way around the base panel approximately 1/4 to 1/8 inch from the edge ol'thc base panel. The base panel should be positioned as far down on the panel carrier as practical. The back panel carrier shall be constructed like the front carrier panels but shall measure approximately 16" long x 5" wide and using a 16" #3 YKK interchangeable VisionTM zipper. The back base panel (figure A) shall be sewn to the back panel carrier with a stitch linc going all the way around the base panel approximately 1/4 to 1/8 inch from the edge of the base panel. The base panel should be positioned as far down on the panel carrier as practical. The collar shall be made of 2 piles of the shell material with an interlining sewn to the top collar for stability and measure 3-3/4" high. The collar points shall be well shaped and symmetrical. There shall be a 7" nylon coil zipper opening on the under collar centered approximately 1" from the neckline and 2-1/2" from the collar edge for the drop in hood. The sleeves shall be two-piece, semi-modified dolman construction for complete freedom movement. There shall be a black enameled eyelet located approximately 1/2" up/'rom each cuffto allow for drainage. There shall be a 9" #3 nylon coil access zippers at the joining seams of the 2 under-sleeves located approximately 10" (size large) from the underarm seam to allow interior access to sew on patches without perforating the waterproof liner. The should seams shall have an inside facing on the sleeve side, 1-1/2" wide, of WeatherTcchTM waterproof/breathable material, or equal, and taped with sealing tape to prevent leakage. There shall be a cuff formed of 2 pieces of shell material approximately 1-5/8" wide at the bottom. Half of the cuff shall be heavy-duty elastic stretched and sewn with 2 threads. There shall be a cuff tab adjustment approximately 1-1/4" side tapering to approximately 3/4" wide by 3" long with a female snap. The top half of the cuff shall be interlined and shall have 3 male snaps for cuff adjustment. There shall be an epaulet centered on each shoulder starting approximately 1" from the neckline. The Epaulets shall measure 7" long by 2" wide at the shoulder point graduating to 1-3/4" side at the narrow end. The epaulet shall be set with a cross-stitch 2" ,,vide and shall have a 24 ligne enameled snap closure at the point. There shall be 2-way hand warmer patch front pockets with inverted pleats, measuring approximately 7-1/4" long by 6-1/2" wide with flap closures. The pocket shall be interlined with a non-woven material. The hand warmer pocket shall be lined with a non-pill micro fleece for warmth and comfort. The pocket flaps shall be attached to the front joining seam and shall measure 3-1/4" long by 7" wide and shall have mitered comers. There shall be 2 ligne 24 snap flap closures. The pockets shall be bar tacked at both thc topsides and at the hand warmer opening. There shall be an 8" x 3/4" set in bag security pocket with a YKK Visloffm zipper closure set 3/4" from the storm flap and 3/4" t'rom thc hand warmer pocket on both sides. The pocket shall be approximately 6-3/4" deep. The front bottom band shall be constructed of 2 piles of shell material, finishing 2" wide and lined with a non-woven interlining for stability and a clean appearance. There shall be 2 ligne 24 oxidized male snaps on each side, spaced approximately 1-1/2" apart, to attach the side vent closure tab when the zipper vent is worn open. The back band shall be constructed with heavy-duty elastic inserted between the folded shell fabric, stretched and stitched with 2 threads. A 4" by 1-5/8" tab of 2 plies of shell material with a ligne 24 female snap (enameled cap) shall be provided to close the zipper vent when worn open. A corresponding brass oxidized ligne 24 male snap shall be provided to fold the tab back when not in use. Side Vents There shall be two 10" side vents with nylon coil zipper closures to allow access to guns aod equipment on either side with a snap/tab closure (see bottom band). There shall be 2 brass enameled eyelets located above the side vents on each side to allow for water drainage. 'l'he side vents shall be backed on the inside by a double fly closure of shell good. The closure shall start at the top of the zipper and each piece shall measure approximately 8-I/4" long x 2-1/4" side. The flaps shall be held together by 2 VelcroTM power hook and loop squares placed at the tope and the bottom of the double fly. Each square shall measure approximately l"x 1". Hood fhere shall be a 3-piece hood constructed of shell material and lined with a Weather TcchTM waterproof/breathable lining that shall drop in between the shell and lining at the collar. Thc hood shall be attached to the bottom of the zipper opening on the under collar. The under collar opening shall be approximately 1" from the neckline and 2-1/2" from end of the collar and close with a 7" nylon coil zipper. Ali hood lining joining seams shall be taped with a 1" waterproof tape applied by the hot air method to prevent leakage. There shall be an elasticized draw cord barrel locks and capped ends for hood adjustment inserted into thc front of the hood. Removable Liner The liner shall be a full body zip in/zip out liner. The lining color shall be black. The liner body shall be constructed of down proof 100% nylon quilted to insulation batting. The body shall be lined with a 100% micro fleece (non pill fleece 420 g/y, 100% Polyester) for maximum warmth and comfort. The insulation batting shall be comprised of thermally bonded polyester/olefin or thermally bonded 100% polyester staple fiber. The olefin composition, if used, shall be no more than 28%. The insulation batting blend shall consist of fibers sizes in the following proportions: Fiber Bi-component Binder [<3 denier] Finer Fiber [<3 denier] Fine Fiber [3.1-6 denier] Blend Properties 20-50% 50-80% 0-20% The staple fiber insulation should have a minimum warmth to weight ratio of 0.85 cio per oz/ydz when tested in accordance with ASTM C518 at a thickness corresponding to a pressure of 0.002 psi. The staple fiber insulation shall absorb no more than 35% of its ,~eighl in water when tested using the Hohenstein Institute of Germany's Procedure 1.1.4 to measttre water uptake (delta G): the batting is placed in a water permeable woven ticking, conditioned for 24 hours at 20°C 65% relative humidity and weighed, then submerged into room temperature distilled water twice for 5 minutes each with excess water removed each time via rotation in a centrifuge for 23 seconds with approximately 1500 tums per minute, then weighed gain to determine percent increase. The finished bonded batting shall conform to the following requirements: Characteristics Requirement A. Weight (oz/yd2) - For heavyweight jacket/liner For detachable thermal hood 2.9 (+/- 0.29) 1.8 (+/- 0.18) A 12 inch by 12 inch specimen shall be used for each weight determination. Three specimens shall be tested and averaged. The evenness of the finished bonded batting shall be such that the average weight determination shall not deviate more than 10% from the target specified above. B. Thickness (measured at 0.002 psi) For heavyweight jacket/liner: lnitial After laundering (AATCC135(2)IIAii) For detachable thermal hood: Initial After laundering (AATCC 135(2)llAii) 0.60 inches minimum 0.54 inches minimum 0.40 inches minimum 0.36 inches minimum To measure batting thickness, a 12 inch by 12 inch square pressure foot shall be uscd to apply a total load of 0.0002 psi on the test specimen. The specimens shall be tested and averaged. The laundered batting shall show no greater batting separation, thick or thin spots, or curling than the batting be/bre laundering. The laundered batting shall not demonstrate a thickness reduction greater than 10% of its measured thickness belbrc laundering when tested. Three specimens shall be tested and averaged. C. Dimensional Stability (maximum % change) Length and width 10.0% The procedure for laundering requires a 24 inch by 24 inch batting specimen be sewn between two pieces of scrim such that a one inch seam line is formed around thc perimeter of the specimen. The specimen shall be subjected to three laundering cycles in accordance with AATCCI35(2)IIAii. The laundered specimens shall be used determination of launderability and thickness a/~er laundering. Only one type of insulation batting shall be used throughout the liner. The mixture insulation batting types is prohibited. Construction using insulation must include quilt lines at a minimum of every 24 inches. Backing Material: To keep the hollow cut staple fibers from migrating through the basic shell fabric or through fleece and lining materials, a 0.5-I .0 oz/yd2 non-woven material such as Remay or equal scrim shall be used. The shell fabric, fleece and lining materials shall all be tested with the insulation manufacturer against the insulation used to determine the exact amount of such backing material required in order to ensure there is no problem with fiber migration. There shall be a collar of 100% I x 1 nylon stretch knit. There shall be a male snap centered at the neckline to attach the liner to the shell garment. There shall be 2 male snaps locatcd in l0 the bottom of the liner on each side with corresponding snaps sewn into the shell lining. There shall be two #5 YKK VisionTM 17" zippers with over the top sliders that correspond to the facing zippers in the shell garment. The sleeves shall be constructed of 100% down proof nylon quilted back to back in a 6" diamond pattern to insulation batting. There shall be a knit gusset located under each arm approximately 4" by 7-1/4" to allow for freedom of movement. There shall be two male 24 ligne oxidized snaps at each sleeve bottom to correspond with the female snaps of the shell garment. The sleeves shall be shaped properly to fit into the shell garment. There shall be two vents approximately 4" long to accommodatc the side vents of the shell garment. All seams shall be sewn with a 5-needle safety stitch. Thc bottom and cuffs shall be finished with 100% nylon binding. There shall be two inside pockets of shell material, one on each side measuring approximately 7" deep and 5-1/2" wide. Waterproof/breathable Barrier Membrane MUST MEET OR EXCEED THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATION Property Nominal Values Nominal Values (U.S.Units) (SI units) Finished 2.67-3.5 92-120 Fabric Wt. (o~yd squared) (g/m squared) D3776-96 ASTM Tensile Strength Warp 30 (lbf) 135N Fill 30 (lbf) 135N Trap Tear Warp 8 lbf 36N Fill 8 lbf 36N Barrier Membrane Material The barrier membrane shall be 2 layers: The top layer shall be 100% polyester 50 denier micro-fiber cloth, 72 filament warp and fill, with a nominal weight of 2.7 oz/yd2. The yarn count shall be 104 x 62 +/- 2 yarns per inch. The bottom layer shall be 100% polyester non- porous film with built in hydrophilic molecular zones. Lining shall have the following minimum physical properties: Characteristic Requirement Test Method Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate (g/m squared/24 hr) 500 minimum ASTM E 96-93 1/ Procedure B 4000 minimum ASTM E 96-93 2/ Procedure BW ltydrostatic 100 Minimum FED-STD-191A 5512 3/ Resistance (psi) After 10 Laundry Cycles No leakage FED-STD-191A 5516 4/ 11 12 After 10 Laundry Cycles No Leakage FED-STD-191A 5516 5/ After 10 Laundry Cycles No Leakage FED-STD-191A 5516 After 10 Laundry Cycles No Leakage FED-STD 19lA 5516 Snaps All snaps used throughout this garment shall be high compression nipple snaps. No exceptions will be accepted. Stock Sizes S-6XL - Regular S-6XL - Long S-6XL - Short Determination of Specifications The purpose of these specifications is to insure a minimal level of performance and quality as well as strict uniform appearance. In all details not specifically described herein including tailoring, styling, and construction, and components shall conform to the standard sample on file. All measurements contained herein based on stock size large. The Department shall be the final judge regarding compliance by any manufacturer with these specifications. Manufacturer Requirements The manufacturer must be ISO 9000/9001 Certified at the time of the bid opening. The manufacturer must be pre-authorized by the department to determine that the manufacturer is capable of providing the garment as specified. The manufacturer shall supply the namc and contact information (name and phone number) for 12 US law enforcement agencies currently using the specified product for references. 12 13 WINTER GLOVES Black leather with Thinsulate liner permanently sewn into gloves. OVERSHOE BOOTS 17 inch mud/slush overshoe-full cut, pull-over boot. Fully lined, adjustable buckle strap. Sure-grip knurled sole, heel. COLOR: Black. 13 12 COMMANDO SWEATER -LONG SLEEVE FABRIC: The yarn shall be of 70% Acrylic Pil-TrolTM and 30% wool, long staple fibers. Color: Navy KNIT: The component parts of body, sleeves and collar shall be knitted with a 2x2 rib knit with 6 Wales and 10-11 Courses per inch. The cuffs and skirt will be a 2x2 rib knit with 8 Wales and 11 Courses per inch. CONSTRUCTION: The sweater is have a straight body and set-in sleeves. The body and skirt shall be knit in one continuous piece to the required body width. The sleeves and cuffs shall be knit in one continuous piece. The skirt and cuffs shall be finished with a non- raveling bottom edge. A matching cotton 5/8" reinforcement tape shall be sewn into the shoulders and underarm. DESIGN: The sweater is a pullover type with a "V" neck opening, long sleeves with shoulder patches, elbow patches, badge tab, and shoulder loops with hook and pile fasteners. CLOTH PATCHES AND LOOPS: The cloth used for making the shoulder patches, shoulder straps, elbow patches and badge tabs shall be a matching cloth. BADGETAB: The badge patch will be 3" x 4-1/2" and have metal eyelets spaced 1-1/2" apart. Badge tab is to be sewn on the left front of the sweater chest. MICROPHONE TAB: There shall be a microphone tab centered under each shoulder strap. The tabs shall bc attached to the shoulder fabric, and shall measure approximately 2" long by 3/4" wide. FINISHING & PACKAGING: Sweaters shall be constructed in a first class manner with patches, thread used throughout. All exposed inside edges must be serged and all loose threads to be thoroughly trimmed. Sweaters to be individually bagged in clear plastic. LABELS: There shall be permanently affixed content and size labels. CARE: Washable. SIZES: XS (30-32), S (34-36), M (38-40), L (42-44), XL (46-48), XXL (50-52), XXXL (54-56) 12 RAINCOAT SURVIVOR RAINCOAT - ANSI 107: CLASS 111 GENERAL DESIGN WATERPROOF/BREATHABLE Full length lightweight raincoat that reverses from black to lime-yellow that is waterproof/breathable. Thc waterproof/breathable weather system is based upon tri-laminate technology with the weather barrier in the inner layer. Raglan shoulder sleeves, front storm placket with snap closure, slash-through side openings. regular shirt style color, and adjustable cuffs. Plain hems on sleeve cuffand bottom. 3M Scotchlite relro- reflective package, 2" wide arranged to conform to ANSI 107, 2004 Class Ill protection. ANSI 107 CLASS 111. Color in Black/Lime-Yellow. FABRIC & MATERIALS Total Composite Shell: Stedfast StedAIR fabric #211 or equivalent. Type: 100% Nylon Supplex 70 Denier in the warp and the filling, plain weave, 3 ply thread construction. Thread Count: Warp 154 pics, Filling 62 (+/- 5%) Weight Coated 4.4 ounces per square yard (+/- 4%) The resulting material shall have the minimum properties: Characteristic Requirement Waterproofness Durability of Waterproofness Original After dry cleaning After 100 hrs flex Breathability Thermal Heat Loss (Watts) Resistant to common chemicals Documented quality system Test Method FED STD191A 5512 120psi FED STD 191 A 5516 Pass FED STD 191 A 5516 Pass FED STD 191 A 5516 Pass ASTM E 96-93 Procedure B 700 ASTM E 96-93 Procedure BW 7000 620 Pass ISO 9001:2000 Pass SNAPS: The snaps shall be universal prong snaps that have been oxidized to prevent rusting. REFLECTION TAPE: #8725. Silver, 2" wide, 3M SCOTCHLITE retro-reflective. SEAM TAPE: Composite seam sealing tape that is compatible to the composite fabric, 7/8" wide. VELCRO: Black, 5/8" wide hook and loop. THREAD: All thread shall be polyester thread with a wrap with 36 strength in a 50 size or better. II. DESIGN FEATURES FRONT There shall be double placket storm fronts with six oxidized, gypsy snaps for closure. 13 ~4 The front double plackets shall measure 2-3/8" wide and run the entire length of the raincoat. The sleeve cuffs and bottom hem shall be plain and measure 3/4" wide. COLLAR The shell fabric collar shall measure 3-1/2" at the points and 3-3/4" at the center. Collar to be black on both sides. The collar shall be constructed so that the collar to back seam can be properly seam sealed. BACK IMPRINT: On the lime-yellow side of the raincoat POLICE shall be screened in 3" black block lettering centered on the upper back. BADGE HOLDER: A badge holder shall be applied on the left breast on the black side and on the lime yellow side. The badge tab shall be made out of shell fabric with two black metal eyelets that are spaced 1-1/8" apart. The badge holder is to measure 1" by 2-1/4". REFLECTION TAPE: On the fluorescent side of the raincoat there will be a 2" wide 3M SCOTCHLITE retro-reflective tape heat-set across the chest, plackets and across the back approximately 2" under the armhole seam. A second stripe shall be set on the lower front, across the plackets and back. There shall be an upper and lower stripe set on each sleeve. These stripes shall align with the body stripes. SIDE OPENINGS: There shall be slash-through side openings 11-1/2" long for access to equipment, weapons, or trouser pockets and shall have a Velcro closure. On the dark side there shall be welts that cover the slash-through side openings. The welts shall measure 1 - 1/2" x 12" long. On the underside center of the welts there shall be a Velcro hook, 5/8" x 4" that shall anchor to a Velcro loop 5/8" x 4" that is set at the center of the slash-through side opening. SLEEVES: The sleeves are to be a one -piece raglan design. The sleeve cuff hem shall be 3/4" wide. The sleeve cuffs shall be adjustable with two oxidized snaps. SEAM SEALING: All external seams and sewing are to be seam sealed with a 7/8" side seam sealing tape that is set with a hot air seam sealing machine. Seams are to be randomly tested with a sutor tester at 3 psi for 3 minutes. A log shall be maintained to record thc testing results. LABELS: There shall be a permanent brand label, care instructions, permanent size labels, an 1D label and an ANS1 107:2004 Class III label. HANGTAGS: Each garment will have a Factory Warranty Tag, and a 3M SCOTCHLITE hangtag. GUARANTEE: Each garment shall be guaranteed to be free from defects and the factory workmanship for five years and shall be evidenced by a hangtag on each garment. SILENCE OF SPECIFICATION: The apparent silence of this specification as to any details or the omission from it ora detail description concerning any point shall be interpreted as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail and the materials and workmanship of first quality to be used. 111. MEASUREMENTS 14 SIZING: The manufacturer shall be capable of providing all sizes for men and women, including special size requirements. The manufacturer shall have a company representative or authorized dealer/distributor available to assist with the fittings of the garments at no additional charge. REVERSIBLE CAPCOVER GENERAL DESIGN Reversible ultra-lightweight cap cover that is reversible to fluorescent lime-yellow. The waterproof/breathable weather system is based upon tri-laminent technology with the weather barrier in the inner layer. Constructed in such a manner as to allow coverage of the standard Deluxe Military Style A5-Star cap, and should fit the cap snugly without bearing down on the crown of the cap. The rain cap cover shall be "one size fits all." Color in Black/Lime-yellow. 1. FABRIC/MATERIALS Total Composite Shell: Stedfast StedAIR fabric #211 or equivalent. Type: 100% nylon Supplex 70 Denier in the warp and the filling, plain weave, 3-ply thread construction. Thread Count: Warp 154 pics, Filling 62 (+/- 5%) Weight Coated: 4.4 ounces per square yard (+/- 4%) The resulting material shall have the minimum properties: Characteristic Waterproof ness Durability of waterproofness Original After dry cleaning After 100 hours flex Breathability Thermal Heat Loss (Watts) Resistant to common chemicals Documented quality system Test Method FED STD 191 A 5512 120 psi FED STD 191 A 5516 FED STD 191 A 5516 FED STD 191 A 5516 ASTM E 96-93 Procedure B ASTM E 96-93 Procedure BW ISO 900I :2000 Pass Pass Pass 700 7000 620 Pass Pass Thread: All thread shall be polyester threat with a wrap with a 36 strength in a 50 size or better. Elastic: Black, 3/4" wide, dry-clean and washable. Labels: Each cap cover shall have a care instruction label, an ID label. Hangtags: None. Guarantee: Each cap cover shall be guaranteed to be free from defects and the factory workmanship shall be guaranteed for five years. I1. MEASUREMENTS One size fits all. 8 PT SUMMER POLICE CAP DESIGN/ STYLE: The crown shall be cut in one piece, 8 pt police style, and shall measure approximately 10" point to point. Front seam to measure 2-3/8", side seams to measure 1-7/8" and rear seam to measure 1-3/4". These measurements will vary slightly according to cap size. OUTERBAND: Shall measure 1-3/4". To be finished in a black nylon perforated braid for ventilation. The bottom of the band to be bound in the same material as the body of the cap. INNER BAND: To be 2". Black plastic open cane. VISOR: To be made in 3 sections, center of which shall be. 085 compressed fibre. The top shall be .020 latex impregnated compressed alpha cellulose fibre (DuPont Texon or equal) with high gloss proxylin coating free of pimples, blemishes and other imperfections. The lining shall be a green proxylin coated sheeting in a diced grain securely bonded to the center section. The outer edge of the visor shall be bound with non-rigid black vinyl plastic. Finished visor to be molded under heat and pressure. Depending on the location of the police department intending to use this cap, the length and shape of the visor may vary from 1-5/8" to 2-1/4" and sharp droop to slight droop respectively. STRAP: To be 1/2" wide single (black) cut from the same materials specified for the top section of the visor with pointed loops centered approximately 2-1/2" from the ends. SWEATBAND: To be I-1/4" wide brown vinyl foamback. Finished sweatband shall have a smooth comfortable cushion effect. The sweatband is to have perforations for ventilation. A brown nylon bow is to be attached to the rear of the s~veatband where the ends meet. FRONT SUPPORT: To be a .030 black poly stay. Support to be 2-1/8" high, curved at top and sewn securely to body of cap. LINING: Good quality last dye black satin or taffeta cut on a 8pt one piece pattern. A 3-3/4" x 3-3/4" clear plastic diamond shaped sweat protector shall be sewn in center of crown through lining of cap. WIRE: To be #2 galvanized spring steel wire cut to proper size and joined with a galvanized union securely clamped. BUTTONS: Gold New York State seal button. EYELETS: MATERIAL: SIZES: Two black japanned brass eyelets on each side of cap approximately one inch from side seams for ventilation. One front eyelet 3/4" up from the top of the band shall be put in for badge cap device. M. J. Cahn style #8790-T298 100% polyester P&F dark navy tropical. Material to have a zepel or visa finish for water and stain resistance. This style cap to be made in regular cap sizes: 7, 7-1/8, 7-1/4, etc .... 17 8 PT WINTER POLICE CAP DESIGN/ STYLE: The crown shall be cut in one piece, 8pt police style, and shall measure approximately 10" point to point. Front seam to measure 2-3/8", side seams to measure 1-7/8" and the rear seam to measure 1-3/4". These measurements will vary slightly according to cap size. OUTER BAND: Shall measure 1-3/4" wide with 2 rows of black soutache 1" apart. The bottom row of soutache to be approximately 1/2" up from the bottom of the band. INNER BAND: To be 2" wide black Foamex of .065 thickness. VISOR: To be made in 3 sections, center of which shall be. 085 compressed fiber. The top shall be a. 020 latex impregnated compressed alpha cellulose fiber (DuPont Texon or equal) with high gloss proxylin coating free of pimples, blemishes and other imperfections. The lining shall be a green proxylin coated sheeting in a diced grain securely bonded to the center section. The outer edge of the visor shall be bound with non-rigid black vinyl plastic. Finished visor to be molded under heat and pressure. Depending on the location of the police department intending to use this cap, the length and shape of the visor may vary from 1-5/8" to 2-1/4" and sharp droop to slight droop respectively. STRAP: To be 1/2" wide single (black) cut from the same materials specified for the top section of the visor with pointed loops centered approximately 2-1/2" from the ends. SWEATBAND: To be 1-l/4" wide brown vinyl foamback. Finished sweatband shall have a smooth comfortable cushion effect. The sweatband is to have perforations for ventilation. A brown rayon bow is to be attached' to the rear of the sweatband where the ends meet. FRONT SUPPORT: To be a. 030 black poly stay. Support to be 2-1/8" high, curved at top and sewn securely to body of cap. LINING: Good quality fast dyed black satin or taffeta cut on a 8pt one piece pattern. A 3-3/4"x3-3/4" clear plastic diamond shaped sweat protector shall be sewn in center of crown through lining of cap. WIRE: To be a #2 galvanized spring steel wire cut to proper size and joined with a galvanized union securely clamped. BUTTONS: Gold New York State seal button. EYELETS: Two black japanned brass eyelets on each side of cap approximately one inch from side seams for ventilation. One front eyelet 3/4" up from the top of thc band shall be put in for badge cap device. MATERIAl,: Hamburger style #420-57 or M. J. Cahn style #1933-0376 100% polyester P&F dark navy serge. Material to have a zepel or visa finish for water and stain resistance. SIZES: This style cap to be made in the regular cap sizes: 7, 7-1/8, 7-1/4, etc. 18 LONG SLEEVED SHIRT - MALE - ELBECO DUTY MAX COLORS: DARK NAVY, LIGHT BLUE, WHITE & SILVER TAN. STYLE: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample Shirts will be cut on a form-fitting line, and the shape of the pockets and general style will conform to this sample. Shirts to have permanent military creases using the CreasetTM method. No substitutes will be accepted. TAILORING: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance. All sewing shall be with Dacron core thread to match shirt fabric. The collar and cuffs are to be single stitched 1/4" from edge. The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge. FABRIC: Burlington 5073 or U8126 - 65% Polyester/35% Rayon, Tropical Weave Weight: 6.75 - 7.25 oz per square yard / 11.5 - 12.5 oz. per linear yard Construction: 41 picks x 49 ends per inch 4 - 8% inherent fill stretch Enhanced for permanent moisture management, wickability, breathability, soil release and UPF protection through Nano-tex "Coolest Comfort" technology. CREASING: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size. COLLAR: The shape and style of both leaf and stand shall conform to the TT89 Collar. Thc points, medium spread; are to be approximately 3" in length. The back of the stand is to measure 1-1/2". The leaf shall be made of three pieces; two pieces of self cloth and one whole lining, which is to be fused to the top collar. Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-1/2" in length and 3/8" wide and be attached to the bottom ply of the collar. The stand shall fasten with one button. There shall be on horizontal buttonhole. lnnerstand and inner yoke to be made ora compatible Combed Cotton blended poplin fabric for additional comfort. SLEEVES: To be straight and whole. The cuffs are to be 2-7/8" in width and to fasten ~vith two buttons. There is to be a single stitch 7/16" from top of cuff. The sleeve opening shall measure 4-7/8" from top of cuff. The top facing for this opening is to be 1-1/4" wide, and the bottom facing to finish about 1/2" wide. Button is to be placed on sleeve opening with corresponding buttonhole. The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means ora merrow stitch x~ith a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on 2O the side closing seams as well. FRONT: The front shall have a center facing 1-1/2" wide extending from the collar stand to bottom of shirt and be made of the same material as shirt fabric with two rows of stitching 7/8" apart. The center front shall contain six (6) vertical Reece buttonholes placed 3/4" from edge and 3-1/2" apart. The button stand, 7/8" wide, shall be self-lined and placed on right side extending from collar stand to bottom of shirt. Buttons shall be securely attached to the button stand and shall correspond to the buttonholes on the center facing. BACK: There is to be yoke composed of an outer piece of the same material as the basic shirt, and an inner piece of cotton blended poplin. There shall be a top stitch along thc entire bottom of outside yoke for additional stability. POCKETS: To have two breast pockets with mitred comers to finish 5-5/8" wide and 6" long. l'hc left breast pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4" wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/2" box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading. FLAPS: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-3/4" in length, 2-3/4" in width at center, and 2-1/2" in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately l/4" above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/2" in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a non-functional matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap. FLAP CLOSURE: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets. BADGETAB: To be reinforced on inside of the shirt by means ora strip of material 1-1/2" wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. To have two small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4" apart with the bottom buttonhole 1 - 1/2" aboxc top of left flap. SHOULDER STRAPS: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2" at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8". Straps to be set about 1/2" from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2" from sleeve head seam. PERMANENT CREASES: Shirt to have five (5) permanent military creases, which are to be applied via a pneumatically controlled application of silicon sealant, so as to give permanency to the creases for the life of the garment. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back linc; side back creases spaced equally from center crease. INTERLINING: Top center to be lined with 505 Viltec. Band and Flaps to be EZ crease, and tack. Cuffs to be 3.75 weight Durapress. (Navy and brown shades to have Dacron lining in 2O 2~ collar). Collar to be built-up top fuse. UPC IDENTIFICATION: A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information. LABELS: DutyMax woven label to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care and content label to be sewn in bottom hem. Descriptive product hang tag to be attached to front of shin. BUTTONS: All buttons shall be made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric. PRESSING AND PACKING: Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be packed two to a box with the sizes marked on the outside of the box at the one end. CODE OF CONDUCT: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection. FINISHED DIMENS'I~Y~] ................................................................ Neck Size: 1_~4 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 Chest: 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 Waist: 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 49 52 54 57 Bk Length: 32'/2 32Y8 32'A 32Y8 33'A 33'/2 33Y8 35 35¼ 35¥a 36'A Note: Navy shirts to be made to accommodate removable metal buttons on shoulder straps and pocket flaps. 21 22 SHORT SLEEVE SHIRT - MALE - ELBECO DUTY MAX COLORS: DARK NAVY~ LIGHT BLUEt WHITE~ AND SILVER TAN. STYLE: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in qualit3 of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Shins will be cut on a form-fitting line, and the shape of the pockets and general style will conform to this sample. Shirts to have permanent military creases using the CreasetTM method. No substitutes will be accepted. TAILORING: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set fi~rth in the specifications. All stitches must be of proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance. All sewing shall be with Dacron core thread to match shirt fabric. The collar shall be single stitched 1/4" from edge. The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge. FABRIC: Burlington 5073 or U8126 - 65% Polyester/35% Rayon, Tropical Weave Weight: 6.75 - 7.25 oz. per squad yard / 11.5 - 12.5 oz per linear yard Construction: 41 picks x 49 ends per inch 4 - 9% inherent fill stretch Enhanced for permanent moisture management, wickability, breathability, soil release and UPF protection through Nano-tex "Coolest Comfort" technology. CREASING: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size. COLLAR: Convertible collar shall be one piece and to measure 3-1/4" long at points and 1-5/8" wide at back. The collar shall be made with permanent collar stays. The collar is to be constructed of two plies of basic material and one ply of D331 top fuse lining. (Navy blue and brown shades to have Dacron lining.) Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-1/2" in length and 3/8" wide and be attached to the bottom ply of the collar. There shall be one horizontal buttonhole. The collar and inner yoke to be lined with a compatible Combed Cotton blended poplin fabric for comtbrt. The collar lining shall be a banana shaped. SLEEVES: Sleeves are to be straight and whole and have a 1" hem. These shall be graded in length so as to finish from the shoulder seam as lbllows: Size Finished Length 14 and 14-1/2 9-1/2" 15, 15-1/2 and 16 10" 16-1/2 and above 10-1/2" 22 23 The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means ora merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the seam. This same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well. FRONT: Each front shall have a facing 3" in width extending from the neckline to bottom of shin provided by a tumunder of material. The left front shall also have a lined box pleat 1-1/2" wide finished, running tull length of the shin and shall be topstitched 1/4" from both edges. The center front shall contain six (6) vertical buttonholes placed 3/4" from edge and 3-1/2" apart. BACK: There is to be a yoke composed of an outer piece of the same material as the basic shin, and an inner piece of cotton blended poplin for additional comfort. There shall be a top stitch along the entire bottom of outside yoke for additional stability. POCKETS: To have two breast pockets with mitred corners to finish 5-5/8" wide and 6" long. The left breast pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4" wide. Both pockets to be pleated and to have 1-1/2" box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading. FLAPS: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-3/4" in length, 2-3/4" in width at center mad 2-1/2" in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately 1/4" above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/2" in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a non- functional matching button and buttonhole sewn on the flap. FLAP CLOSURE: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets. BADGE TAB: To be reinforced on the inside of the shin by means ora strip of material 1-1/2" wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. To have two small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4" apart with the bottom buttonhole 1-1/2" above top of left flap. SHOULDER STRAPS: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2" at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8". Straps to be set about 1/2" from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2" from sleeve head seam. PERMANENT CREASES: Shin to have five (5) permanent military creases, which are to be applied via a pneumatically controlled application of silicon sealant, so as to give permanency to the creases for the life of the garment. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back creases spaced equally from center crease. INTERLINING: Top center to be lined with 505 Viltec. Flaps to be EZ crease. Collar to be lined with fusible interlining. (Navy and brown shades to have Dacron lining in collar.) 23 24 UPC IDENTIFICATION: A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information. LABELS: DutyMax woven label to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care anti content label to be sewn in bottom hem. Descriptive product hang tag to be attached to front of shirt. BUTTONS: All buttons shall be made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric. PRESSING AND PACKING: Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to bc damaged in shipment. Shirts to be packed two to a box with the sizes marked on iht outside of the box at the one end. CODE OF CONDUCT: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. ]'his document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom ot' association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection. FINISHED DIMENSIONS: Size 1_44 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 Chest: 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 Waist: 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 49 52 54 57 Bk Length: 32t/2 32Y, 32~A 327/8 33'/8 33~/2 337A 35 35~/8 35'A 36~¼ Note: Navy shirt to be made to accommodate removable metal buttons throughout. 24 25 LONG SLEEVE UNIFORM SHIRT - FEMALE - ELBECO DUTY MAX COLORS: DARK NAVY, LIGHT BLUE, WHITE, SILVER TAN. STYLE: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Shirts will be cut on a form-fitting line, and the shape of the pockets and general style will conform to this sample. Shirts to have permanent military creases using the CreasetTM method. No substitutes will be accepted. TAILORING: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance. All sewing shall be with Dacron core thread to match shirt fabric. The collar and cuffs shall be single stitched l/4" from edge. The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge. FABRIC: Burlington 5073 or U8126 - 65% Polyester/35% Rayon, Tropical Weave Weight: 6.75 - 7.25 oz per square yard / 11.5 - 12.5 oz per linear yard Construction: 41 picks x 49 ends per inch 4 - 8% inherent fill stretch Enhanced for permanent moisture management, wickability, breathability, soil release and UPF protection through Nano-tex "Coolest Comfort" technology. CREASING: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give unilbrm shape and size. COLLAR: The shape and style of both leaf and stand shall conform to the TT89 Collar. Thc points, medium spread; are to be approximately 3" in length. The back ot'the stand is to measure 1-1/2". The leaf shall be made of three pieces, two pieces of self cloth and one whole lining, which is to be fused to the top collar. Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-1/2" in length and 3/8" wide and be attached to the bottom ply of the collar. The stand shall fasten with on button. There shall be one horizontal buttonhole. Innerstand and inner yoke to be made of a compatible Combed Cotton blended poplin fabric for additional comfort. SLEEVES: To be straight and whole. The cuffs are to be 2-5/8" in width and to fasten with two buttons. There is to be a single stitch 7/16" from top of cuff. The sleeve opening shall measure 3-7/8" from top ofcuftk The top facing for this opening is to be 1-1/4" wide and the bottom facing to finish about 1/2" wide. Button is to be placed on sleeve opening with corresponding buttonhole. 25 26 The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means ofa merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well. FRONT: The front shall have a facing 1-1/2" wide extending from the collar stand to bottom of shirt and be made of the same material as shirt fabric with two rows of stitching 7/8" apart. The center front shall contain six (6) vertical buttonholes placed 3/4" from edge and 3-1/2" apart. The button stand, 7/8" wide, shall be self-lined and placed on left side extending from collar stand to bottom of shirt. Buttons shall be securely attached to the button stand and shall correspond to the buttonholes on the center facing. BACK: There is to be yoke composed of an outer piece of the same material as the basic shirt, and an inner piece of cotton blended poplin for additional comfort. There shall be a top stitch along the entire bottom of outside yoke for additional stability. POCKETS: To have two breast pockets with mitred comers to finish 5" wide and 5-1/2" long. The left breast pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4" wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/4" box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading. FLAPS: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-1/4" in length, 2-3/8" in width at center, and 2-1/8" in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately 1/4" above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/2" in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a non- functional matching button and buttonhole sewn on the flap. FLAP CLOSURE: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets. BADGETAB: To be reinforced on inside of the shirt by means ora strip of material 1-1/2" wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. To have two small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1 - 1/4" apart with the bottom buttonhole 1 - 1/2" above top of left flap. SHOULDER STRAPS: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2" at sleeve and tapcr to 1-3/8". Straps to be set about 1/2" from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2" from sleeve head seam. PERMANENT CREASES: Shirt to have five (5) permanent military creases, which are to be applied via a pneumatically controlled application of silicon sealant, so as to give permanency to the creases tbr the life of the garment. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line. side back creases spaced equally from center crease. 26 27 INTERLINING: Top center to be lined with 505 Viltec. Band and Flap to be EZ crease. Cuff's to be 3.75 weight Durapress. (Navy and brown shades to have Dacron lining in collar.) Collar to be built-up top fuse. UPC IDENTIFICATION: A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information, 111 LABELS: DutyMax woven label to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care and content label to be sewn in bottom hem. Descriptive product hang tag to be attached to front of shirt.. BUTTONS: All buttons shall be made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric. PRESSING AND PACKING: Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to bc damaged in shipment. Shirts to be packed two to a box with the sizes marked on thc outside of the box at the one end. CODE OF CONDUCT: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection. FINISHED DIMENSIONS: Neck Size: 3~0 32 3~4 3~6 38 4~0 42 4~4 46 _4_8 Bust: 37 38 39.5 41 42.5 43.5 45.5 47.5 49.5 51.5 Waist: 32 33 34.5 36 37.5 38.5 40.5 42.5 44.5 46.5 Back: 29V4 29V4 29~A 29~ 293A 30½ 30'/2 31lA 3I~A 31~A Sleeve Length: 313/8 313/, 31V~ 32'/2 32½ 33½ 33½ 34 34 34½ Note: Navy shirts to be made to accommodate removable metal buttons on shoulder straps, cuffs and pocket tlaps. 27 SHORT SLEEVE SHIRT - FEMALE- ELBECO DUTY MAX COLORS: DARK NAVY, LIGHT BLUE, WHITE & SILVER TAN. 28 STYLE: TAILORING: FABRIC: CREASING: COLLAR: SLEEVES: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Shirts will be cut on a form-fitting line, and the shape of the pockets and general style will conform to this sample. Shirts to have permanent military creases using the CreaserTM method. No substitutes will be accepted. It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance. All sewing shall be with Dacron core thread to match shirt fabric. The collar is to be single stitched l/4" from edge. The pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge. Burlington 5073 or U8126 - 65% Polyester/35% Rayon, Tropical Weave Weight: 6.75 - 7.25 oz pet' square yard / 11.5 - 12.5 oz. linear yard Construction: 41 picks x 49 ends per inch 4 - 8% inherent fill stretch Enhanced for permanent moisture management, wickability, breathability, soil release and UPF protection through Nano-tex "Coolest Comfort" technology. Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size. Convertible collar shall be one piece and to measure 3-1/8" long at points and 1-5/8" wide at back. The collar shall be made with permanent collar stays. The collar is to be constructed of two plies of basic material and one ply of D331 top fuse lining. (Navy and brown shades to have Dacron lining.) Collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-1/2" in length and 3/8" wide and be attached to the bottom ply of the collar. There shall be one horizontal button. The collar and inner yoke to be lined with a compatible Combed Cotton blended poplin fabric for comfort. The collar lining shall be banana shaped. To be straight and whole with 1" hem. The finish shall be 9" long from shoulder seam. The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means ofa merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well. 28 FRONT: 29 Each front shall have a facing 3" in width extending from the neckline to bottom of shirt provided by a turnunder of material. The right front shall also have a lined box pleat 1-1/2" wide finished, running full length of the shirt and shall be topstitched 1/4" from both edges. The center front shall contain six (6) vertical buttonholes placed 3/4" from edge, first 2-1/2" down from neck, balance 3-1/2" apart. BACK: There is to be a yoke composed of an outer piece of the same material as the basic shirt, and an inner piece of cotton blended poplin for additional comfort. There shall be a top stitch along the entire bottom of outside yoke for additional stability. POCKETS: To have two breast pockets with mitred comers to finish 5" wide and 5-1/2" long. The left breast pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4" wide. Both pockets to have 1-1/4" box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading. FLAPS: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-1/4" in length, 2-3/8" in width at center and 2-1/8" in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately 1/4" above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/2" in width. Flaps to be interlined. There ~vill be a non-functional matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap. FLAP CLOSURE: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means ofvelcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets. BADGETAB: To be reinforced on inside of the shirt by means ora strip of material 1-1/2" wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges are show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. 1'o have two small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4" apart with the bottom buttonhole 1-1/2" above top of left flap. SHOULDER STRAPS: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end towards the neck of the shirt. 3'he other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2" at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8". Straps to be set about 1/2" from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2" from sleeve head seam. PERMANENT CREASES: Shirt to have five (5) permanent military creases, which are to be applied via a pneumatically controlled application of silicon sealant, so as to give permanency to the creases for the life of the garment. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line: side back creases spaced equally from center crease. INTERLINING: Top center to be lined with 505 Viltec. Flaps to be EZ crease. Collar to be lined with fusible interlining. (Navy and brown shades to have Dacron lining in collar.) UPC IDENTIFICATION: A printed UPC bar code tag much be attached to every garment so as to be visible in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color and size intbrmation so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support 29 3O documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information. LABELS: DutyMax woven label to be sewn in yoke, with size label sewn next to it. Care and content label to be sewn in bottom hem. Descriptive product hang tag to be attached to front of shirt. BUTTONS: All buttons shall be made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric. PRESSING AND PACKING: Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be packed two to a box with the sizes marked on the outside of thc box at the one end. CODE OF CONDUCT: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. ]'his document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination. and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection. FINISHED DIMENSIONS Size: 31) 3~2 3_~4 31) 3~8 41) 4~2 4~4 4_~6 4_~8 Bust: 37 38 39'/2 41 42'/2 43'/2 45½ 47'/2 49½ 51'/2 Waist: 32 33 34'/2 36 37'/2 38'/2 40'/2 42'/2 44'/2 46'/2 Back: 29'/~ 29'/4 29¼ 293/4 293A 30½ 30'/2 31 ¼ 31 '/~ 31 ¼ NOTE: Navy shirts to be made to accommodate removable metal buttons throughout. 3O LONG SLEEVED SHIRT - MALE - ELBECO PARAGON PLUS W/NANO COLORS: DARK NAVY, LIGHT BLUE, WHITE & SILVER TAN. STYLE: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Shirts will be cut on a form-fitting line, and the shape of the pockets and general style will conIbrm to this sample. Shirts to have permanent sewn- in military creases. TAILORING: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance. All sewing shall be with Dacron core thread to match shirt fabric. The collar and cuffs are to be single stitched 1/4" from edge. The back yoke, pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge. FABRIC: Fabric to be SwiftGaley 51185 Plain Weave Poplin, 65% Dacron Polyester/35% Cotton, 4.25 - 4.75 oz/square yard, with vat dyed color and a comfort touch finish. The minimum construction to be 104 warp x 52 filling yearns. Must be treated at thc fiber level with NANOtexTM "Resist Spills" technology (Nano PeI) for permanem superior fluid resistance, fabric appearance and durability, while maintaining original fabric breathability. CREASING: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size. COLLAR: The shape and style of both leaf and stand shall conform to the TT89 Collar. Thc points, medium spread; are to be approximately 3" in length. The back of the stand is to measure 1-1/2". The stand shall fasten with one button. There shall be one horizontal button hole. The leaf shall be made of three pieces; two pieces of self cloth and one whole lining, which is to be fused to the top collar. Permanent collar stays to be secured to bottom ply. The collar stays shall bc of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-3/4" in length and 3/8" wide and attached to the bottom collar. SLEEVES: To be straight and whole. The cuffs are to be 2-5/8" in width and to fasten with two buttons. There is to be a single stitch 7/16" from top of cuff: The sleeve opening shall measure 4-7/8" from top of cuff. The top facing for this opening is to be 1-1/4" wide, and the bottom facing to finish about 1/2" wide. Button is to be placed on sleeve opening with corresponding buttonhole. The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means ofa merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well. FRONT: The front shall have a center facing 1-l/2" wide extending from the collar stand to bottom of shirt and be made of the same material as shirt fabric with two rows of stitching 7/8" apart. The center front shall contain six (6) vertical buttonholes placed 3/4" from edge and 3-1/2" apart. 31 32 The button stand, 7/8" wide, shall be self-lined and placed on right side extending from collar stand to bottom of shirt. Buttons shall be securely attached to the button stand and shall correspond to the buttonholes on the center facing. BACK: To have double yoke of basic shirt material, top stitched along edge for added image and performance. POCKETS: To have two breast pockets with mitred corners to finish 5-5/8" wide and 6" long. ]'he left breast pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4" wide. Both pockets to be pleated and to have 1-1/4" box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading. FLAPS: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-3/4" in length, 2-3/4" in width at center, and 2-1/2" in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately 1/4" above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/2" in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap. FLAP CLOSURE: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of Velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets. BADGETAB: To be reinforced on inside of the shirt by means ora strip of material I-1/2" wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. To have two small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4" apart with the bottom buttonhole 1 - 1/2" above top of left flap. SHOULDER STRAPS: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2" at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8". Straps to be set about 1/2" from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2" from sleeve head seam. PERMANENT CREASES: Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only, not thru pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back creases spaced equally from center crease. INTERLINING: Flaps to be EZ crease. Top center to be lined with EC253. Bands and cuffs to be 37 Durapress. LABELS: Size shall be marked with a woven size loop attached to brand and content label in yoke. Care label to be placed in bottom hem. BUTTONS: All buttons shall be 20L and made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric. UPC IDENTIFICATION: A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color and size information so as 32 33 to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information. PRESSING AND PACKING: Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be packed four to a box with the sizes marked on the outside of the box at the one end. CODE OF CONDUCT: Ail garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a complctcd Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection. FINISHED ......................... ' ............................................ DIMENSIONS: Neck Size: 1~4 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 Chest: 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 Waist: 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 53 55 Bk Length: 3272 32~/s 323A 32V~ 33¼ 33'/2 33¥8 35 3578 35V8 33 34 SHORT SLEEVE SHIRT - MALE - ELBECO PARAGON PLUS W/NANO COLORS: DARK NAVY~ LIGHT BLUET WHITE~ AND SILVER TAN. STYLE: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shin equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Shirts will be cut on a Ibrm-fitting line, and the shape of the pockets and general style will conform to this sample. Shirts to have permanent sewn-in military creases. TAILORING: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set l~>rth in the specifications. All stitches must be of proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press performance. All sewing shall be with Dacron core thread to match shirt fabric. The collar shall be single stitched 1/4" from edge. The back yoke, pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge. FABRIC: Fabric to be SwiftGaley 51185 Plain Weave Poplin, 65% Dacron Polyester/35% Cotton, 4.25 - 4.75 oz./square yard, with vat dyed color and a comfort touch tinish. The minimum construction to be 104 warp x 52 filling yams. Must be treated at the fiber level with NANOtexTM "Resist Spills" technology (Nano Pel) for permanent superior fluid resistance, fabric appearance and durability, while maintaining original fabric breathability. CREASING: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give unitbrm shape and size. COLLAR: Convertible collar shall be one piece and to measure 3-1/4" long at points and 1-5/8" wide at back. Collar to be lined with 100% Dacron. The collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-1/2" in length and 3/8" wide and be attached to the bottom collar. SLEEVES: Sleeves are to be straight and whole and have a 1" hem. These shall be graded in length so as to finish from the shoulder seam as follows: Size 14 and 14-1/2 9~1/2" 15, 15-1/2 and 16 10" 16-1/2 through 18-1/2 10-I/2" 19 and up 11" Finished Length 34 35 The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means ofa merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the seam. This same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well. FRONT: Each front shall have a facing 3" in width extending from the neckline to bottom of shirt provided by a tumunder of material. The left front shall also have a lined box pleat 1-1/2" wide finished, running full length of the shirt and shall be topstitched 1/4" from both edges. The center front shall contain seven (7) vertical buttonholes placed 3/4" from edge and 3-1/2" apart. Buttons shall be securely attached to the button stand on the right front, and shall correspond to the buttonholes on the center facing. BACK: To have double yoke of basic shirt material, top stitched along edge for added image and performance. POCKETS: To have two breast pockets with mitred corners to finish 5-5/8" wide and 6" long. The left breast pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4" wide. Both pockets to be pleated and to have 1-1/2" box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading. FLAPS: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-3/4" in length, 2-3/4" in width at center and 2-1/2" in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately 1/4" above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/2" in width. There will be a matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap. FLAP CLOSURE: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets. BADGETAB: To be reinforced on the inside of the shirt by means ora strip of material 1-1/2" wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of thc yoke. have two small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4" apart with the bottom buttonhole 1-1/2" above top of left flap. SHOULDER STRAPS: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2" at sleeve and taper to I-3/8". Straps to be set about 1/2" from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2" from sleeve head seam. INTERLINING: Flaps to be EZ Crease. Top center to be lined with EC253. LABELS: Size shall be marked with a woven size loop attached to brand and content label in yoke. Care label to be placed in bottom hem. PERMANENT CREASES: Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only. not 35 36 through pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line: side back creases spaced equally from center crease. BUTTONS: All buttons shall be 20L and made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric. UPC IDENTIFICATION: A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information. PRESSING AND PACKING: Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to bc damaged in shipment. Shirts to be packed four to a box with the sizes marked on the outside of the box at the one end. CODE OF CONDUCT: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection. FINISHED DIMENSIONS: Size Small Medium Large Xlarge XXLarge Chest: 42 46 50 54 58 Waist: 38 42 46 50 55 Bk Length: 32s/8 32V~ 33½ 35 357/, 36 37 LONG SLEEVE UNIFORM SHIRT - FEMALE - ELBECO PARAGON PLUS W/NANO COLORS: DARK NAVY, LIGHT BLUE, WHITE, SILVER TAN. STYLE: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Shirts will be cut on a form-fitting line, and the shape of the pockets and general style will conform to this sample. Shirts to have permanent sewn in military creases. TAILORING: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set kmh in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press perlbrmance. All sewing shall be with Dacron core thread to match shirt fabric. The collar and cuffs shall be single stitched 1/4" from edge. The back yoke, pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge. FABRIC: Fabric to be Swift Galey 51185 Plain Weave Poplin, 65% Dacron Polyester/35% Cotton, 4.25 - 4.75 oz/square yard, with vat dyed color and a comfort touch finish. The minimum construction to be 104 warp x 52 filling yarns. Must be treated at the fiber level with NANOtexTM "Resist Spills" technology (Nano Pel) for permanent superior fluid resistance, fabric appearance and durability, while maintaining original fabric breathability. CREASING: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give unitbrm shape and size. COLLAR: The shape and style of both leaf and stand shall conform to thc T'1'89 Collar. Thc points, medium spread; are to be approximately 3" in length. The back of the stand is to measure 1-1/2". The stand shall fasten with one button. There shall be one horizontal button hole. The leaf shall be made of three pieces, two pieces of self cloth and one whole lining, which is to be fused to the top collar. Permanent collar stays to be secured to bottom ply. The collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-3/4" in length and 3/8" wide and attached to the botlom collar. SLEEVES: To be straight and whole. The cuffs are to be 2-5/8" in width and to have two buttons on one end, and one buttonhole on the other to allow for ac[justing thc cuff size. The sleeve opening shall measure 3-7/8" from top of cuft2 The top facing for this opening is to be 1-1/4" wide and the bottom facing to finish about 1/2" wide. Button is to be placed on sleeve opening with corresponding buttonhole. The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means ora merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must be used on the side closing seams as well. 37 FRONT: 38 The front shall have a facing 1-1/2" wide extending from the collar stand to bottom of the shirt and be made of the same material as shirt fabric with two rows of stitching 7/8" apart. The right front shall contain six (6) vertical buttonholes placed 3/4" from edge and 3-1/2" apart. The button stand, 1" wide, shall be self-lined and placed on left side extending from collar stand to bottom of shirt. Buttons shall be securely attached to the butlon stand and shall correspond to the buttonholes on the center facing. BACK: To have a double yoke of basic shirt material, top stitched along edge for added image and performance. POCKETS: To have two breast pockets with mitred comers to finish 5" wide and 5-1/2" long. The left breast pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4" wide. Both pockets to be pleated and to have a 1-1/4" box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading. FLAPS: To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-1/4" in length, 2-3/8" in width at center, and 2-1/8" in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately 1/4" above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/2" in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a matching button and buttonhole sewn on the flap. FLAP CLOSURE: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means of velcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets. BADGE TAB: To be reinforced on inside of the shirt by means of a strip of material 1-1/2" wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. To have two small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4" apart with the bottom buttonhole 1-1/2" above top of left flap. SHOULDER STRAPS: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2" at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8". Straps to be set about 1/2" from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross stitching 2" from sleeve head seam. PERMANENT CREASES: Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shin only, not through pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to ,joining seam. Three (3) vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line, side back creases spaced equally from center crease. INTERLINING: Flaps and band to be EZ crease. 'Fop center to be lined with EC253. Cufl~ to be 37 Durapress. LABELS: Size shall be marked with a woven size loop attached to brand and content label in yoke. Care label to be placed in bottom hem. 39 BUTTONS: All buttons shall be 20L and made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric. UPC IDENTIFICATION: A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information. PRESSING AND PACKING: Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to be damaged in shipment. Shirts to be packed four to a box with the sizes marked on the outside of the box at the one end. CODE OF CONDUCT: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection. FINISHED DIMENSIONS: Neck Size: 30 32 34 36 38 40 4~2 4~44 4~6 4~8 Bust: 39 40 41.5 43 44.5 46 48 50 52 54 Waist: 32 33 34.5 36 37.5 39 41 43 45 47 Back: 31 29~A 29~A 293A 293A 30~/2 30~/: 31~A 31~A 31~A Sleeve Length: 31~A 31~/3 31~A 32'/4 32~/4 33V~ 333A 34 34 34V2 Note: Navy shirts to be made to accommodate removable metal buttons on shoulder straps, cuffs and pocket flaps. 39 SHORT SLEEVE SHIRT - FEMALE - ELBECO PARAGON PLUS W/NANO COLORS: DARK NAVY, LIGHT BLUE, WHITE, SILVER TAN STYLE: It is the intention of this department to secure a tailored shirt equal in quality of workmanship and style to the shirt now on display as a sample. Shirts will be cut on a form-fitting line, and the shape of the pockets and general style will conform to this sample Shirts to have permanent sewn in creases. TAILORING: It is imperative that this garment be constructed according to the principles set forth in the specifications. All stitches must be of the proper tension and size so as to avoid puckering after the shirt has been laundered and to give best durable press perlbrmance. All sewing shall be with Dacron core thread to match shirt fabric. The collar is to be single stitched 1/4" from edge. The back yoke, pockets and flaps shall be single stitched on the edge. FABRIC: Fabric to be SwiftGaley 51185 Plain Weave Poplin, 65% Dacron Polyester/35% Cotton, 4.25 - 4.75 oWsquare yard, with vat dyed color and a comfort-touch finish. The minimum construction to be 104 warp x 52 filling yams. Must be treated at the fiber level with NANOtexTM "Resists Spills" technology (NanoPel) for permanent superior fluid resistance, fabric appearance and durability, while maintaining original fabric breathability. CREASING: Pockets and pocket flaps to be die creased to give uniform shape and size. COLLAR: Convertible collar shall be one piece and to measure 3-1/8" long at the points and 1-5/8" wide at back. Collar to be lined with 100% Dacron. The collar stays shall be of good quality Stalar vinyl, 2-3/4" in length and 3/8" wide and be attached to the bottom collar. SLEEVES: To be straight and whole with 1" hem. The finish shall be 9" long from shoulder seam. The sleeves must be secured to the body of the shirt by means ofa merrow stitch with a safety stitch so as to properly strengthen the stitch. The same stitch must bc used on the side closing seams as well. FRONT: The front shall have a center lacing 3" in width extending from neckline to bottom of shirt provided by a turnunder of material. The right front shall also have a lined box pleat 1-1/2" wide finished, running full length of the shirt and shall be topstitched 1/4" from both edges. The right front shall contain seven vertical buttonholes placed 3/4" from edge, first 2-1/2" down from neck, balance 3-1/2" apart. Buttons shall be securely attached to the button stand on the left front, and shall correspond to the buttonholes on the center facing. 40 BACK: To have a double yoke of basic shirt material, top stitched along edge for added image and performance. POCKETS: To have two breast pockets with mitred comers to finish 5" wide and 5-1/2" long. The left breast pocket to have a pencil compartment about 1-1/4" wide. Both pockets to be plated and to have 1-1/4" box stitching top and bottom to prevent spreading. FLAPS To have two scalloped flaps to finish 5-1/4" in length, 2-3/8" in width at center, and 2-1/8" in width at sides. Flaps to be secured to front of shirt with two rows of stitching approximately 1/4" above top of pocket. The left flap to have a pencil opening about 1-1/2" in width. Flaps to be interlined. There will be a matching button and a buttonhole sewn on the flap. Fl, AP CLOSURE: The side points of the flaps are to be secured to the pockets by means ofvelcro fasteners sewn onto the flaps and pockets. BADGE TAB: To be reinforced on inside of the shirt by means ora strip of material 1-1/2" wide stitched and folded so that no raw edges show. The reinforcement strip is to extend from the flap setting stitch to the joining seam at the front of the yoke. To have two small (horizontal) buttonholes, 1-1/4" apart with the bottom buttonhole 1-1/2" above top of left flap. SHOULDER STRAPS: The shoulder straps shall be pointed at the end toward the neck of the shirt. The other end shall be sewn in sleeve head seam. The pointed ends shall be fastened with one matching button. The straps shall measure 2" at sleeve and taper to 1-3/8". Straps to be set about 1/2" from the collar. Shoulder straps shall be box stitched to shoulders with row of cross-stitching 2" from sleeve head seam. INTERLINING: Flaps to be EZ Crease. Top center to be lined with EC253. LABELS: Size shall be marked with a woven size loop attached to brand and content label in yoke. Care label to be placed in bottom hem. PERMANENT CREASES: Shirt to have permanent military creases. Creases to be stitched in shirt only. not through pockets and flaps. One crease in each front extending from hem to joining seam. Three vertical creases in back; middle crease on center back line; side back creases spaced equally from center crease. BUTTON: All buttons shall be 20L and made from melamine material for durability and must match fabric. UPC IDENTIFICATION: A printed UPC bar code tag must be attached to every garment so as to be visible in the package. The UPC bar code must identify style, color and size information so as to be incorporated into an inventory management system. Appropriate support documentation must be available to assist Agency in encoding UPC information. 4q 42 PRESSING & PACKAGING: Shirts shall be carefully pressed by hand in first class manner and individually packed in polyethylene bags. Shirts to be shipped in strong boxes so as not to bc damaged in shipment. Shirts to be packed four to a box with the sizes marked on the outside of the box at the one end. CODE OF CONDUCT: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of associ- ation, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination. and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause for rejection. Finished Dimensions S~ze. 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 Bust: 39 40 4172 43 44V2 46 48 50 52 54 Waist: 32 33 34V2 36 37Vz 39 41 43 45 47 42 UNIFORM TROUSERS FABRIC: DESIGN: POCKETING: POCKET DESIGN: Raeford 32030-30 Navy Stretch, Serge, 74% Polyester, 25% wool, 1% Lycra Trouser shall be manufactured from a men's uniform trouser pattern. The trouser styling shall incorporate a plain front and straight leg bottoms. The trouser will have two straight side pockets, two hip pockets, a watch pocket and two club pockets, one below each hip pocket. The pocketing shall be 70% Polyester/30% Cotton, 2.9 oz. per square yard ( 60" width) with a minimum 78x64 count. Pocketing must have durable press finish and the color of the pocketing must be black. The two side pockets will have a minimum opening of 6-1/2" and a minimum depth of 5-3/4" measured from the bottom of the pocket opening. Side pockets shall have triangle bartacks at top and bottom pocket openings. Pockets shall be constructed using the stitch, turn, and topstitch method. Pocket facings shall be made of the basic fabric and measure a minimum of 1-1/2" from the bottom of the pocket opening. The two hip pockets shall have a minimum opening of 5-1/2" and a minimum depth of 7-1/2" measured from the bottom of the pocket opening. Hip pockets shall be constructed using the double welt method on a REECE PW machine and the welts shall be finished in such a manner that there is no topstitching (topstitched hip pocket welts shall be cause tbr rejection).The corners of the hip pockets shall have triangle barracks for reinforcing strength. The watch pocket shall be located on the right front at the waistband. This pocket shall have a minimum opening and depth of 2-3/4". The front of the pocket shall be made of pocketing fabric and the back of the pocket shall be made of basic fabric and the two pieces are securely stitched together. Each corner of the pocket opening shall have firm straight barracks. There shall be club pockets located 3-1/4" below each hip pocket. The club pocket shall be 1-1/4" from the side seam with a minimum opening of 3-1/2" and a minimum depth of 8-1/2". Pocketing material to be the same as side and hip pockets. Club pockets shall be constructed using the double welt method on a REECE PW machine and finished in such a manner that there is no topstitching (topstitched club pockets shall be cause for rejection). The comers of the club pockets shall have triangle barracks for reinforcing strength. WAISTBAND: The trouser will be made with the Freedom Fit II® waistband system, which is designed to provide the wearer with a more comfortable and better fitting trouser. Freedom Fit 11® waistband lining is constructed using the "closed method" and shall measure 2" wide when finished. The waistband closure shall be accomplished with a crush proof hook and eye. The hook and eye shall be reinforced with stays made ora non-woven fabric that is anchored by the topstitching for the fly facing 43 FLY: and curtain. This topstitching must be to the top of the waistband. The waistband must be topstitched 1/I 6" below the waistband seam for added strength. The top portion of the inside waistband is to consist of the same fabric as used for pocketing (70% polyester 30% cotton - minimum 80x62 (+/-) 2 count). The fabric is to be cut on the bias for maximum comfort. To be 1-3/4" wide and to finish 1-I/8" wide alter construction. Upper waistband curtain to be inner lined with stretch Ban-Roi canvas. The waistband lining is composed of which give it a two zone comfort fit and breathability. The top part of the waistband has two functions, it stabilizes the waistband and prevents waistband rollover and allows for a comfort stretch when thc wearer bends or sits. This elastic is constructed with an open weave to allow lbr breathability around the waist. The specifications for the upper elastic are as follows: Width: Overall Content: Stretch: 1-1/2" 38%Polyester, 45%Nylon, 17%Spandex 20% The lower part of the waistband is designed to stretch over the hips for comlbrt and also aid in keeping the slack positioned properly on the waist. This elastic is woven with an open weave for maximum breathability around the lower waist. Thc lower elastic portion of the band has an area of exposed Neoprene rubber which acts as a shirt keeper. The specifications for the lower elastic are as fbllows: Width: Overall Content: Stretch: 1-3/4" 13% Polyester, 49% Nylon, 16% Spandex, 22% Rubber 5O% Note: In a performance stretch waistband, the upper and lower portion of the band will perform different functions. The upper portion should allow a comfort fit at the waist when bending or sitting, and must maintain a crisp, clean appearance at the outer waistband. This part of the band will stretch 20% and be firm enough to prevent waistband rollover. The bottom portion of the waistband stretches over the hip to give support to the lower back and abdomen. In addition, this high stretch portion of the band should constantly be pressed up by the hips, preventing the slack from slipping down while being worn, even if heavy keys, change, or other items are carried in the pockets or on the belt. The three (3) rubberized strands ensure that shirts stay tucked in for neat appearance. Trouser shall have a metal memory lock zipper. There shall be a French Fly tab closure on the inside of the right fly. The tab shall be double ply made of the basic 44 BELT LOOPS: BRAID: of HEMMING: STITCHING, PRESSING & FINISHING: LABELS: STOCK SIZES: 45 cloth (tabs made of pocketing material or a "grown on" French Fly will be cause for rejection).The right fly shall be lined with the same fabric as the waistband curtain and pocketing. The fly lining shall be sewn to left fly below the zipper in a neat durable manner. A button shall be located on the left fly corresponding with the French Fly tab to provide a clean and comfortable closure. There shall be a firm straight bartack at the bottom of lly going through the zipper tape. The crotch shah be lined in the front. There shall be a minimum of seven 1" wide interlined belt loops. All loops (except for back center loop) must be sewn into the bottom of the waistband ("dropped" belt loops are cause for rejection) and the top of the belt loops shall be caught into the waistband curtain seam with a Rocap machine. The bottom of the center back loop shall be tacked to the trouser and the top of the loop tacked to the outside of the waistband. The trouser shall have 1/4" black tubular braid on the side seams from the bottom the side pockets to the bottom of the trouser legs. All other uniform braid shall bc commensurate with rank. All trousers to have finished (hemmed) bottoms. Trouser must be stitched with matching thread and all stitching to show must bc 10-11 stitches per inch. Trouser must be neatly pressed on Hothead Presses and properly shaped. Out seams and inseams must be pressed open. Trouser must be cleaned and finished to eliminate loose threads. Trouser must have a care label permanently affixed that also indicates the size. A paper ticket showing the size, fabric content, cut number, and WPL number must be on the outside of the waistband. Trouser must be available in the following stock sizes: REGULAR RISE: SHORT RISE: 28 - 50 (EVEN ONLY OVER 38) 28 - 40 (EVEN ONLY) 45 MALE TEK-TWILL CARGO POCKET TROUSER FABRIC: Elbeco TekTwillTM (Galey and Lord style//I906), 65% Fortel Polyester/35% vat dyed Combed Cotton two ply twill weave, weighing 7 oz. per square yard with 6- 8% engineered filling stretch. Minimum construction: 92 warp x 56 filling yarns per square inch. Comtbrt-Touch finishing to be incorporated for increased comtbrt and had of fabric. Must be treated at the fiber level with NANOtexTM "Resist Spills" technology (Nano Pel) for permanent superior fluid resistance, fabric appearance and durability, while maintaining original fabric breathability. Color: Midnight Navy STYLE: Shall be made on a uniform pattern, having a plain front with quarter top front pockets, two back pockets and two double entry cargo pockets positioned on each leg out seam. POCKETS FRONT/BACK: The front pocket opening will be a minimum of 6-1/2" and be 6" deep from the bottom of the opening. Pockets shall be stitched, turned, and re-stitched. The inside front pocket lacing shall be a separate piece of self material finishing no less than 1-1/4" wide. The back pockets will have a minimum opening of 5-1/2" and be 6" deep. They shall be made with a Reese PW automatic machine and finished on thc outside with an exposed top and bottom cord. The left pocket shall have a tab and button. The front pockets shall each have a straight barrack and each back pocket shall be bartacked with a triangular bartack. SIDE: There shall be two double entry side pockets sewn to each outside leg seam so that the pocket flap is centered 10-1/2" below the bottom of the waistband. The pocket shall be constructed of shell fabric with the top edge bound with a 100% polyester black binding. The pocket shall measure 7" in width and 8-1/2" in length and feature an inverted center pleat measuring one inch in width. The pocket flap shall be made of two plies of shell fabric and one ply of interlining. The top edge of the flap shall be sewn across the top of the outer pocket with its sides secured to the pocket with two soft velcro strips sewn to the outside of pocket. There shall be a zipper sewn behind the inner pocket and to the trouser Icg, positioned one inch below the top of the flap to create a concealed pocket. POCKETING: All pocketing shall be black 65% polyester/35% cotton with a minimum thread count to 68 x 54, the weight shall be 2.60 yards. INNER FLY/CROTCH: The right fly and front crotch linings shall be the same fabric and color as the waistband curtain. There shall be a non-woven interlining sewn to the fly to give additional stability and strength to the fly. The right fly lining shall be sewn to the left fly below the zipper and continue centered on the join seam across the inseam and end one (1) inch onto the back seam. A separate french fly made of the outer fabric shall be sewn to the inside right fly. 46 WAISTBAND: 47 There shall be a triple strength crotch reinforcement to prevent seam failure in the crotch and inseam area. The crotch shall be secured with two rows of stitching. One row is to be on the inside of the trouser, then turned and an additional row to be sewn on the outside of trouser. Must be of ComfortStretch 2000 construction for superior comfort and performance. The curtain, attached with a rocap machine, shall be made of black. bias-cut, cotton blended twill and shall have two continuous parallel 3/16" wide silicone bands lbr shirt retention. The inside of the waistband shall be made from a stretch, breathable non-woven material for support. A 3/4" strip of a similar breathable stretch material shall be sewn into the waistband along the tope for non- roll edge control. The finished waistband shall be 2" wide and shall be closed with a crush~proof hook and eye, the eye being bartacked for stability. The finished waistband shall be set on and shall be stitched below the lower edge through the outer fabric and the waistband curtain. No alternative waistband will be acceptable. BELT LOOPS: ZIPPERS: CREASING: SEAMING: LABELS: FINISHING & PRESSING: There should be a minimum of 5 lined belt loops on waist sizes 28, 29, 30, and a minimum of 7 lined loops on all sizes over 30. Each loop is to be 7/8" wide of double thickness, with stitching on a face side 3/8" from each edge. Except lbr the back loop which shall be tacked on, all loops shall be sewn into the bottom of the waistband and into the rocap. They shall accommodate a 1-5/8" belt. The trousers shall be closed with a brass zipper and have a brass bottom stop at the base of the zipper chain. A straight bartack shall be sewn through the outside of thc garment to the inside at the bottom of the fly. It shall be sewn through the zipper tape, the right and left fly and the right fly lining. The right and left fly shall be joined by an additional bartack located below the bottom zipper stop on the inside of the trouser. Additional zippers shall be sewn behind each side pocket flap per specification. The front and back crease in both trouser legs must be applied via a pneumatically controlled application of UltraCreaseTM silicone sealant, specially formulated for technologically enhanced fabrics, so as to give permanency to the creases for thc life of the garment. The entire trouser is to be seamed with Polyester core or 100% Polyester spun thread. The seat seam shall be stitched with a tandem needle seat seaming machine. There shall be a TekTwill woven label sewn-in the left hip pocket bag. A woven size label shall be sewn next to the main label, with a care and content label sewn below that label. An outside waistband label shall be marked with lot number, size, fiber content, cut number and UPC identification. All loose threads shall be removed. Trousers must be pressed completely and properly with side seam, inseam, and seat seam pressed open. There must be a Jetclip attached to the top fly of the finished trouser. 47 CODE OF CONDUCT: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manufacturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, nondiscrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause tbr rejection. FINISHED DIMENSIONS: Size/ ~,~ aist 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 IhiRh 26/~ 26/2 27 27% 27V~ 2873 28V~ 29¼ 29V~ 30 30½ 3IY, 32¼ 33¼ 34 347~ 353A 36Y~ 37'/2 Knee 19~/4 2{I 20¼ 20½ 203/4 21 21¼ 21½ 21'h 22 22¼ 22~A 2YA 23'/4 24¼ 24~A 25/~ 25~4 26¼ 48 FEMALE TEK-TWILL CARGO POCKET TROUSER FABRIC: Elbeco TekTwillTM (Galey and Lord style #1906), 65% Fortrel Polyester/35% vat dyed Combed Cotton two ply twill weave, weighing 7 oz. per square yard with 6- 8% engineered filling stretch. Minimum construction: 92 warp x 56 filling yarns per square inch. Comfort-Touch finishing to be incorporated for increased comfi~n and hand of fabric. Must be treated at the fiber level with NANOtexTM "Resists Spills" technology (Nano Pel) for permanent superior fluid resistance, fabric appearance and durability, while maintaining original fabric breathability. Color: Midnight navy. STYLE: Shall be made on a modified ladies uniform pattern, having a plain front with quarter top front pockets, two back pockets and two double entry cargo pockets positioned on each leg seam. POCKETS: FRONT/BACK: The front pocket opening will be a minimum 6 1/2" and be 6" deep from the bottom of the opening. Pockets shall be stitched, turned, and re-stitched. The inside front pocket facing shall be a separate piece of self material finishing no less than 1-1/4" wide. The back pockets will have a minimum opening of 5-1/2" and be 6" deep. They shall be made with a Reese PW automatic machine and finished on the outside with an exposed top and bottom cord. The left pocket shall have a tab and button. The front pockets shall each have a straight bartack and each back pocket shall be bartacked with a triangular bartacking machine. SIDE: There shall be two double entry side pockets sewn to each outside leg seam so that the pocket flap is centered 10-1/2 inches below the bottom of the waistband. Thc pocket shall be constructed of shell fabric with the top edge bound with a 100% polyester black binding. The pocket shall measure 7" in width and 8-1/2" in length and feature an inverted center pleat measuring one inch in width. The pocket flap shall be made of two plies of shell fabric and one ply of interlining. The top edge of the flap shall be sewn across the top of the outer pocket with its sides secured to the pocket with two soft velcro strips sewn to the inner ply of flap and corresponding hard velcro strips sewn to the outside of the pocket. There shall be a zipper sewn behind the inner pocket and to the trouscr leg, positioned one inch below the top of the flap to create a concealed pocket. POCKETING: All pocketing shall be black 65% polyester/35% cotton with a minimum thread count to 68 x 54, the weight shall be 2.60 yards/lb. INSIDE TRIM: The right fly and double plied crotch linings shall be the same fabric and color as the waistband curtain. There shall be a non-woven interlining sewn to the fly to give additional stability and strength to the fly. The right fly lining shall be sewn to the left fly below the zipper. The crotch lining shall be serged to each front. A separate french fly made of the outer fabric shall be sewn to the inside right fly. WAISTBAND: Must be of ComfortStretch 2000 construction for superior comfort and performance. The curtain, attached with a rocap machine, shall be made of black. bias -cut, cotton blended twill and shall have two continuous parallel 3/16" wide 49 50 silicone bands for shirt retention. The inside of the waistband shall be made from a stretch, breathable non-woven material for support. A 3/4" strip of similar breathable stretch material shall be sewn into the waistband along the top for non- roll edge control. The finished waistband shall be 2" wide and shall be closed with a crush-proof hooked and eye, the eye being bartacked for stability. The finished waistband shall be set on and shall be stitched below the lower edge through thc outer fabric and the waistband curtain. No alternative waistband will be acceptable. BELT LOOPS: There should be a minimum of 5 lined belt loops on waist sizes 8 and under and a minimum of 7 lined loops on all sizes 10 and over. Each loop is to be 7/8" wide of double thickness, with stitching on a face side 3/8" from each edge. Except tbr the back loop, which shall be tacked on, all loops shall be sewn into the bottom of the waistband and into the rocap. They shall accommodate a 1-5/8" belt. ZIPPERS: The trousers shall be closed with a brass zipper and have a brass bottom stop at thc base of the zipper chain. A straight bartack shall be sewn through the outside of the garment to the inside at the bottom of the fly. It shall be sewn through the zipper tape, the right and left fly and the right fly lining. The right and left fly shall be joined by an additional bartack located below the bottom zipper stop on the inside of the trouser. Additional zippers shall be sewn behind each side pocket flap per specification. CREASING: The front and back crease in both trouser legs must be applied via a pneumatically controlled application of UltraCreaseTM silicone sealant, specially formulated for technologically enhanced fabrics, so as to give permanency to the creases for thc life of the garment. SEAMING: The entire trouser is to be seamed with Polyester core or 100% Polyester spun thread. The seat seam shall be stitched with a tandem needle seat seaming machine. LABELS: There shall be a TekTwill woven label sewn-in the left hip pocket bag. A woven size label shall be sewn next to the main label, with a care and content label sewn below that label. An outside waistband label shall be marked with lot number, size, fiber content, cut number and UPC Identification. FINISHING & PRESSING: All loose threads shall be removed. Trousers must be pressed completely and properly with side seam, inseam, and seat seam pressed open. There must be a Jetclip attached to the top fly of the finished trouser. CODE OF CONDUCT: All garments must be produced in acceptable non-sweatshop working conditions. Verification of acceptable working conditions will be made through a completed Code of Conduct document that must be made available to the department. This document should list the location of the manuthcturing companies/facilities and address child labor, wage and benefits, overtime, forced labor, freedom of association, harassment or abuse, health and safety, hours of work, non discrimination, and no retaliation guidelines. Noncompliance of this clause is cause tbr rejection. 5O Size v 4 6 8 l0 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Waist 25½ 26½ 27½ 28'/2 291/2 31 32½ 34 36 38 40 42 44 Front Rise 10 [0~A 10½ 10V8 107/~ 11 11% 11~/2 117/8 12~A 12½ 17/8 13% Seat 38~/4 39~A 40% 4I~A 42~/4 43~/2 443/4 46 47Ya 493/4 515/8 53V2 555A Thigh 265/8 27'/4 27Y~ 28½ 29~/~ 30 30Y8 313/~ 32V8 33% 34'A 35½ 36[/2 Knee 18% 183A 19V4 193A 20~A 20V4 21% 213A 22~/~ 22~/~ 23~/~ 23V~ 24¥4 Bottom 16~/2 16V4 17 17% 1772 17V~ 18 18% 18~A 18~A 19 19~A 19½ 52 5.11 Tactical Pants Specifications GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Special purpose pant made to carry bulky and heavy items while being very durable. Pant has a neat professional appearance. Pant has 7 roomy pockets, action waistband; reinforced knee and seat and utility strap. Fifty-nine bar tacks at stress points. COI, OR: Black POCKETS: Two front slash pockets, which start at waistline and end at side seam These pockets have a 7" opening with self-fabric facing reinforcement. Pocket bag is 13" long. Two bellow patch pockets centered on side leg seam, set on mid-thigh. Finished size of pockets is 7-1/2" long by 7-1/2" wide. Pockets have inverted pleats that will allow pockets to bellow out for carrying bulky equipment. Flaps have two hook and loop fasteners x-stitched on for durability. All stress points are bar tacked. One additional pocket on right thigh. Finished size 3" wide by 6-1/2" high, bellow on each side allows 1" expansion or lies flat when not in use. Flap has hook and loop fastener x-stitched for durability. All stress points are bar tacked. Two back pockets which start at waistline and end at side seam. These pockets have an 8-1/2" opening and a depth of 11" at deepest point. Opening has hook and loop fastener x-stitched on. All stress points are bar tacked. DOUBLE WALL CONSTRUCTION: Seat and knee are double fabric. Knee has opening on inside for padding (pad not provided). UTILITY STRAP: Heavy-duty cotton webbing tool strap mounted over right back pocket. Bar tacked at stress points. D-RING: Pant has a black D-ring on right side below right belt loop. FLY OPENING: Concealed YKK brass zipper with reinforced covering. Prim snap at center front waistband closure. Inside fly extension with backer button. All stress points arc bar tacked. WAISTBAND: Action waistband - spot elastic at side waist. Five extra wide belt loops. All stress points on waistband are bar tacked. FABRIC: 100% Cotton Tactical Canvas. 13.7 ounces per linear yard (8.5 oz. per square yard) SEWING CONSTRUCTION: All intern al seams 3-needle safety stitched. Outside stitching is 1/4" double needle. Ten stitches per inch + or - 1 stitch. Heavy duty cotton thread (606 20/3). 52 HOLSTER DESCRIPTION: 53 Duty Holster for Glock model 19. Designed for use with a Safariland Sam Browne or 2-1/4" (58mm) Uniform Reinforced Belt. PRODUCT FUNCTION: Maintains handgun in a stable, tactically ready configuration. Front unlocking design utilizes wraparound retraining flap with conventional snap assembly with stiff socket. Internal trigger guard lock holds weapon on each side of trigger guard. Medium height ride and straight drop carry. Belt loop tension device. Covered trigger guard. Weatherproof. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS: Lamination of engineered materials, polyrurethane and Orthopedic grade suede leather.//207 and #277 nylon cord stitching. Case hardened nylon screws and T- nuts. Aeron 120 and Engineered Synthetics as reinforcement in strategic areas. Conventional snap assembly with stiff socket. Injection molded, 3 piece trigger guard lock mechanism FINISH: Plain, black. MANUFACTURING PROCESS: Holster body heat and pressure molded to specified gun with wraparound, weltless construction. Sight channel molded in. Belt shank heat and pressure molded for body curvature. Shank is bolted onto holster body with case hardened hardware. INSURANCE COVERAGE: $21,000,000 USD Product Liability coverage. Manufacturer must maintain. 53 SOUTHOLD TOWN POLICE 1 TOWN CLERK Sorin~/Fall Jacket REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER ~d~.r~ ~;~OFFICE R FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Winter Gloves Overshoe Boots Commando Sweater Survivor Raincoat and Cap Cover 8-Point Summer & Winter Caps Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Per Item Pri~~ 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Per Item Pricq.,~l?h,,,,~ (~al) ~5-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net Per Item Price OFFICE OF THE TOWN CI~R~TM Price TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Per Item Price Long Sleeved Shirt - Male- Elbeco Duty Max Dark Navy, Light Blue, White and Silver Tan Long Sleeved Shirt - Female- Elbeco Duty Max Dark Navy, Light Blue, White & Silver Tan Short Sleeved Shirt - Male - Elbeco Duty Max Dark Navy, Light Blue, White & Silver Tan Short Sleeved Shirt - Female - Elbeco Duty Max Dark Navy, Light Blue, White & Silver Tan Long Sleeve - Female - Elbeco Paragon Plus w/Nano Dark Navy, Light Blue, White & Silver Tan Short Sleeve - Female - Elbeco Paragon Plus w/Nano Dark Navy, Light Blue, White & Silver Tan Long Sleeve - Male - Elbeco Paragon Plus w/Nano Dark Navy, Light Blue, White & Silver Tan ShorI Sleeve - Male - EIbeco Paragon Plus w/Nano Dark Navy, Light Blue, White & Silver Tan Uniform Trousers Male - Tek Twill Cargo Pocket Trouser 54 Female - Tek Twill Cargo Pocket Trouser 5.11 Tactical Pants ltolster Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price Per Item Price 54 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE Thc undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of thc type described in the invitation tbr bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. Signed: Print name Corporate Title (if any) Company Name Mailing Address Phone Number BID ON SUPPLYING POLICE UNIFORMS FOR 2009 STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the ~ day of_~:~.}[l~, 2008, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Bid on Supplying Police Uniforms opening 12/5/08 10:00 a.m. ~-lizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Sworn before me this ~o day of~.,g' , 2008. '"" '- [I;qotary Public LYNDA M. BOHN NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 01BO6020932 Qualified in Suffolk County Term Expires March 8, 20 ~ Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of October 21, 2008 RESOLUTION 2008-951 ADOPTED Item # DOC ID: 4267 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2008-951 WAS ADOPTED AT TIlE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON OCTOBER 21, 2008: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the following items for 2009: Milk for the Ifuman Resource Center Purchase of Police Department Uniform Clothing Cleaning of Police Department Unitbrm Clothing Gaso}ine fbr Town Vehicles Heating Fuel Oil for Town Buildings Diesel Fuel Oil for Highway Department and Transfer Station Bulk }ce Control Sand for the Highway Department Removal of Scrap Tires from the Transfer Station Town Brown Leaf Bags Town Yellow Garbage Bags Motor Oil and Grease Removal of Electronic Waste (E-Waste) Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vincent Orlando, Councilman SECONDER: Albert KrupskiJr., Councilman AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans, Russell Generated October 22. 2008 Page I d