HomeMy WebLinkAbout4918 Office Location: Town Annex/First Floor, Capital One Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 Mailing Address: 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 http://southoldtown, northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax (631) 765-9064 ZBA# /7~/g Tax Map#: /Ooo- 3 COVER SHEET WITH ZBA FILE STATUS OF FILE Location: 13~,30 C~ q~ [ ~ Ref~d issued: C~OT activate or reactivate file (Applic~t h~ withdra~ application). [ ~,(] NO REFUND DUE, based on time spent for Town to process application and heatings. [ ~ ] Obsolete & expired; CANNOT reactivate this file: NEW APPLICATION NECESSARY: Extensive time has passed; Zoning Code changes are now in effect and this application expired. NOTE: Applicant may apply for a new application with Building Inspector for a new Notice of Disapproval and submit NEW application with all documents and current maps to ZBA, or modify plan to conform to the current code. This Town file based on applicant's previous year requests has expired. [ ] No forms to be scanned; FILE # VOD: APPLICATION RETURNED. (All forms were returned., to applicant early in process, as requested by applicant.) Lee H. Skoinick Architecture + Design Partnership FEB 8 Lee H. Skulnick Paul S. Alter Jo Ann Secor Principals · February 23, 2001 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Attn.: Ms. Linda Kowalski Re; Ackermann Residence / Manor Hill Vineyard 13936 County Road 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935-1044 County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 108, Block 3, Lot 7 Dear Ms Kowalski: This letter is to inform you that Lee H. Skolnick Architecture + Design Partnership, acting as Architect of Record, is hereby officially withdrawing our certification and our drawings from the application which is before the Zoning Board of Appeals for the above referenced project. Due to unforeseen events, we cannot give the Owner permission to use our drawings. At this time we ask that the Board refrain from voting and/or acting on this application. As per our conversation it is our understanding that you will collect the drawings from each board member before the meeting. Someone representing this office will come to the office of the ZBA on Wednesday to retrieve the drawings. Thank Y~SYp very much for your consideration of this matter. Lee H. Skolnick Principal 7 West 22 Street New York, NY 10010 FILE: 010223withdrawalflnal.doc 2 I 2 9 8 9 2 6 2 4 sentbyfax631-7650064 FAX7271702 From: William C. & Theresa A. Ackermann Manor Hill Vineyard, LLC 14035 Rt. 48, P.O. Box 487 Cutchogue, NY 11935 To~ Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Township Southold, NY 11934 Attn: Linda Kowalski :F~.bruary 23, 2001 Dear Ms. Kowalski, Please be advised that we would like to postpone the Zoning Board of Appeal's review of our house plans on Tuesday evening, February 27, 2001. We would like to know when the next Zoning Board appeal meeting would be held so we can plan to present our plans then. Thank you in advance. Bill & Theresa?ckermann 5~ Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman to James Dinizio, Jr. ~ 'x Lydia A. Tortora '~'? J Lora S. Collins George Horning BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 26, 2001 Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 ZBA Fax (631) 765-9064 Telephone (631) 765-1809 Fax Transmission 2f2-72?-f702 Mr. Lee H. Skolnick, Principal Lee H. Skolnick Architecture 7 West 22"a St. New York, NY 10010 Re: Appl. No. 4918 -Variance Application (Ackerman) Dear Mr. Skolnick: We are in receipt of your letter dated February 23, 2001. Counsel has indicated to us that the plans are not to be removed from the files at this time. Very truly yours, Gerard P. Goehringer ~;~ - Chairman TIME 02/~6/2001 16:41 DATE,TIME FA× NO./M~ME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 02/26 16:40 12127271702 00:00:2? 01 OK STANDARD EgM DETAIL MAP OF PROPERTY SITUATED AT CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF sOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK AREA = 55.995 + ACRES BUILDIN, BURTON BEHRENDT SMITH SURVIrY~(D: MARCH 21, 1997 ~'? TYPICAL RECTANGULAR SEPTIC TANK r I ICAL EACHI 00~ ,' '" " MAP OF: DESCRIBED PROPERTY , . ,~ ,, ,,,!'~,,~.~,,- - SITUATEAT: CUTCHOGUE r---r~ ....... F,-]--- ...... I' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CHlUNEY ~ :' W ' ~' '" S.G~M NO. fOOO- f08-3-07 " .-' -- - ,'. ,, // . ',, 6 ---, . :---~ ....... ~ ............ (~ R. 97) AR~ = 2439f42 sq. ~. = 55.99 +/- ACRES ~l~ ~: ~ , , ~ ,' ~,~,.,, ' " CERTIFIED TO: .... ~ ' ' . ....~,~.. WILLIAM C. ACKERMAN '.: ~ ~ LEA~H~NG THERESA ANN BOYLE-ACKERMAN , ~ "C' ., ~ ~ ~ " ~ , ~~MAIN ' ~ ~:~u~ / ,', , a~'~--E~vu~-O-E- ~ ~ ' ~TING WA ~ERVICE " 1.2) ' ':'''"" ..... ':::',~'q ~ ~ , P SED DWELLING ' EREC~ON OF FENCE~, ~NING WALLS, ~OLS, ~ ', ~ PA~OS, P~TING ~S, ~DITION ~ BUI~INGS ] ,, ,, . ' THIS~~ SECTION :' ' ,' .N:rs. ' "' . " ':' ."7 z ]' -- ~sTING ELEVAWoN8 ( ) ', ' TE~ FIE~): ~p THE O~ ~ PE~ ' ~ (CU~VA, ~, ~1 GRINr ~ ' ' ' ' '4 ' II ~ rl'I J : ':, NOTE A~LE~vATIO~S~NGVD~92: 9 V' ~ ' ~ s~Uv~HOJuL TE ~1 ~; " (CUL~IVAT~FIE~)': , ~,~--~UR~DORE~~LNOTBE , ~ ~ ~) , ,' ,, ., , .~,. :~, , , 81DER~ALIDCOPY, '~" '~ '"'~ " ' , ~.~, / ,', .. 'DANIEL P, JEDL ' '"" '"'~, ....... , '. ............ '- : :-,.. :.,....,,. ~,: PRoFEsSIONAL~ND sURVEYOR ' ~'' ''"_ ' '~ ,._DA-'TE: ~000 BAYPORT, " "' :' ' ' ~ ~i'; -,: :SCALE: ~" 200~" ' ~ ,,,, '"' ' , ' ' 144 OAKWOOD AVENUE "'' ' , ' ' FILE NO, '000' ':~,. , ?" " , ,:',:'::' ' ' .... , , - : ,.'.,,. ,] .:` :::, '~ : : , . , ff705LiC. NO , , , .. . . ~, . ...... . ~. , ,: ',,. ....... ~.:~ ..... ,._~, ~, ~.~__ .. , .... ~ , ~__ ~ .... 19'-0" 17'-4' ,/ / / / / / / FINISH GRADE BOOKSHELVES UP FINISH BOOKSHELVES PAINT MILLWORK, AUDIO CABINET STONE ~5'-o 1/2" & STONE HEARTfH SHELVES FOR WD DRYING ~ FIREPLACE, BOTH StDE:S FINISH BOOKSHELVE:S STONE COUNTERTOP W,/ CUSTOM FINISH GRADE WOOD MILLWORK BELOW GRAOE BOOKSHELVES // // // II 1>' FIRST FLOOR PLAN ~ ' 1/4"' i'-0" 3'-3" 7'-4, 5/4' FINISH GRADE WD. CABINETRY BELOW 9'-4. T-4 3/4' L 29'-4" IO'-O" F-I II LOG BUILT-IN'B STORAGE W/ BUILT-tN'S ABOVE )NE JNTERTOP N 8'-7" GR~T ROOM T .. /1 ~ / / ~ I --3 COUNTERTOP w/CUSTOM F1NISH GRADE WD. ~INE]RY BELOW COUNTEI~FOP w/custom RNISH GRADE WD, MILLWORK 22'-6 1/2' PTD, GRADE SEAT - ~'~ I .. I ® ® II COAT CLO. POWDER ROOM _~_ EN]RY (D 25'-I0 1/2" I PORTE C0CHERE I ] II II II 3'-6 3/,¢ 11 21'-2 1/4' -11 1/4" \ 29'-4' 27'-0" ST ST. 7'-5" 5'-6" BA1HROOM 36" REF. W/ TRAYS 4/-1 1/4" ,,~ 7'-¢ 1 3'-I1 1/2' I,, 3'-10 2'-10 // / / // ® \\ // // // / / 20'-7 1/2" IMDtCAIES UNE OF DRIVEWAY conmu[tmntS: . . PRICING SET Revisions: Seal: / / NORTH Drawing title: FIRST FLOOR pLAN O~ERSHIP AND USE 0~ ~)OOUWENTS, Date: 10-20-200D Scale: ' ' ' 1~4" - 1 '-0" Drawn by: SK, DR, LLT ' ,'; I ,SEATING BEOW / j / .~ /./ ! ?, //// 1gR07,58" 5'-11 II Il 5'-3 3/¢" 6'-2' RECESSE~ -27 ~'~'¢' 1/2"' ¢.'10' :l CLOSET NICHE N~HE CLOSET r 1/4-" 13'-t CLOSET -- ?'-0 1/2" 1T-7 3/4' 4'-2" 11 '-0" OPEN BELOW / / / / ,NORTH ~,, , 1 ~4'-4' Consultants~ ', ~ ;I ~ , ,' .8' ~ 1/ 16'~7 3/4" 19'--8' 30' I ~ -8' :,., 'r' :". : ~,'' . 29'--4'" 29'--¢" . ....... " "'"" , ' 10'--0" 9'--8" 15'--4" ' ~'}" ' ' "3'-3" 7'-4 3/4" 9'-4 1/4" 1'-2" ' ~'~ :~ i- 27'-0" 1'- ' , , EQ, (2) EO. OR~ ,RO0~ EQ. EQ. (2) , ,, , SE 3E ~ .. I J ~ J / 5" RDNF. CONC. S~B ~ ' ' ", ' ~ ~ G~B ON GRADE ~ I / ON GRAVEL DR~NAGE " ' ] -~ // EL~' TO S~B TBD, ] ~ COURSE ~PICAL AT ,, ~ / SEE 'D~Ak ' ' ' / ~ARAOE)PORCHES EL~, '; :: " o I ' i I I T,O, FINISHED S~B -7 ~.- -' . ./~ ~ I ~ ~ / I I .~ ~:",/ ' ' ',I . /~ // /SEE D~AIL I ~ r ~: '1 , . ' //~/ , ~ I .? , , I I I i . ~ 3.1 , ,' - ~ //~' ,///~%~_ i ~ , -- - ~ ~ ~ ~ :-: -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '.' //// :77' ~ %:-- ~ i , ~ , :~ ~f __ _: E: :': L~:J ~ :~: A°A~:'~--- '~- _ ~ ~ ~ .,. '.. ~.-.::1 ., /1 Ii /1// ~ m : m -' ACCES; TO CRAWL~ --~ 1 F ., ............. I~ STEPPED FOUND~N .... , , ~ r " 1 COICR~E ~T / ~ / I '~ I~/, flY~ ~ ~ I ..... ~ / ~.. o. ~,,~..o. J ~ L ~ ~.w...-..a,~~ ~ ' " ~ ' ~ ~/ ,. /~ ~ ~ ; . m I .m / SAND )N MOSTURE , K ~ --~ · ~ ~ ' ' m/_.L~'._.~'22.'~'~~ ~ I~ ,I 2~R~i~ ~/~//~1 - :' ,l' I ~ BARRIE ~ AND 4 ~ . I I FINe'ROOMS ~ ~U x ' ' , ::,'~'-~ ! /' ' ~.~o. . I ~ ~.~ c,.w. ~.~. , ~ ..... ~'~ v-: - , ::4 i' . ' ,- ........ ' ~ R . I ~o, ~,,,~,~ ~ .. · '~ L_ ~ ~. ~A Y. ] ~ , / X , I ~ I -' II I WA~PR~MEM~RAaE ON~X~/ - ~ ~ X~ ~X I I / ~ , I Z , ~ II I SUBS~ON SUBS~ DRANAG~/ - ' ~ ~/// I ' , / , , X%'~3 X~~% . ALL ~OU.~AT.O.i~s ~ I , ~ L ..................... IL I /~ I J /% . %%. o ' ' -- ,, , : / ' ---,, .............. n ,,~ F~ ........ ~ ~--' ~~s,,o.r ~_¢ ~, ~ . ~ "~ ~ ~ 8 X8 REINF CONC = [ s~a I ~ / ~ / I - ......... ' - '-" I ......... --- .... ,,"; ' " ~;' . ' ' . ~ WD COLUMN ABOVE. ~P. , = ~ ~ x ~/////~/~ ~....', . , . , I r .... . [ ----~ I ,o.,,o. ,,~, o ' . - , - ,, NORT~ ' EQ. EO. CONCR~E ~ ~ Date ' I:')' ', ; / ~ 10-20-2000 I'", ' ' ' ' ,25'-I01/2" B' ~P, U.O,N. ' ' k -- i __ -- -- ,.~. ,. , ~, BASE~ENTI FOUNDATION PLAN ~ ~,_~ ,~,, . ' . , ? Ee. [~. . , ' ' ,r'~:~ HATCH CUPOLA SLOPE SLOPE GUEST ROOM #2 BELOW / GUEST ROOM #1 BELOW / / / / / / / SLOPE 29'-¢" II I OFR BELOW / I II Ill BELOW // 4'-~- 1/2' SLOPE SPACE FALSE OF SLOPE I ~o'-i 2/4' SLOPE SLOPE I SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE NORTH ' PRICING S~ R,visions: Seal: O~'awingtitle: ~: :_ .,' ATTIC PLAN:. O~ER~ ~ID ~, i ] I [ PRICING SET , ~ [ ! ~ , ,~, - - Revisions: , , ,, , ~ I1 SLOPE ~ .~ ~ ~ : SLOPE ~ , ......... i ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ + SI OPE /SLOPE SLOPEx ....... , . . ..r.... . ------~ ,------ S~' . 7 . , I/' I ' CH MNEY · CLAD~ CASEMENT . ~N~WS W/'. ' S,O,b, 'ANG~ . ~NSULATED bLAZ~Ne F1X~I) CLAD "EYEBROW"~ WINDOW W/ INSULATED GU(ZING PTD. WO. TRIM AND SHINGLE . cLAD ROOF ABO~~ " "' DORMER , PIG. CEDAR GRID CLAD CASEMENT WINROWS W/ 5.D.L AND ,INSULATED COPPER CLAD COPPER DUI LEADER, IYP. 1¸2 :.,.. 3e~-~' FLASi-ilNO- CEDAR SHINGLE ROORNG. COPPER CL~ ' CUPOLA EAVE UNE T.O. FIELDSTO~IE CHNNE~ ~._ CL~O CAS~ENT. WINDOWS W/ TRANSOM S.D.b AND CEDAR SHINGLE' ROORNG' . J,2'~'~ ' LNERTOME 'CAP ON 18 RANDOM AT POm~ VENEER, WD OVER ROUGH'LUMBER COLUMNS ' WITH Wl]. CAP AND BA~E STD'G. SEAM : ROOF AT CUPOLA CEDAR 'SHINGLE RELDSTONE CHIMN~ WITH CUT UMESTI~flE DETAIL COPPER CLAD DORMER PTO. Wq. PANEL E;YS'TE~ AT WINDOW SEATS. GROUND RIDGE ITR~MING ~Lr 56'-5' ' fi' YELLOW CEDAR SHINGLE ('ri U.O:N,) CEDAR FASCIA COPPER ~UTI~R CLAD CASEMENT Wl W w/ SN, DN1DED LITER AND INSULATED GLAZING WROUCHT IRON HAND -RAIL, EXACT PATrERN TOD, 'TO. CEDAR 'TRIM FIELDSTONE BRICK VE)IEER W/ RANDOM PA1TERN, 1YP. --EXAOT MATERIAL AND MOCK-UP TO. BE APPVD. BY ARCH. ,. 1BxlB 'FiEL~TONE COLUMN W/ LI~ESTOflE ' CAP AT PORTE COCHERE F_AVE UNE T.O., PLAI~.._~ 21'-1" r SEDOI~O FLOOR T.O. S(~BFLOOR ,d 12'-0' __T,O,, SUBFLOOR MASi'U~ BEDROOM._,, 10'-1 1/4' ' DECK N~OV~ P~R~.__DO~HEREj 8'-9 3/4' INSET UI~ESTONE BRACKET, 17P. AT PORTE COCHERE FIRST FLOO~ T.O. S[~BFL~R._~L;~' , -0'-0' WINDOWS W/SIM. LITES AND INSULATED. GLAZING, Tm. U,O.N. 6X6 DOUBLE COLUMNS IVITH ~NGLE WD. CAP CUT UMESTONE CAP ON RANDOM N RELD'- __ STONE BASE, 1YP. PRICING SET-,.-. Driwind :- . ' WEST ELEVATION.,,':: ' S~ale: 114',.'-* 1 !:0;: r ' r Drbwn bY: r DR-: '~r ~ . ~ : ~ ,,~:,'z~, ~ , ~ , ~ Iit I ~ Y ,~ ...... ~ , , , ', % ', :';',; ' ':' ' ' ' ' ~ , - ~ ~ I- - ' - ~ / ' ~ , ' - ,'-'~"; . ' , '. r , ~ ,, .... ~ ~OOF , ,,, ,,~ c .,,,., ', ,~ , ~ ' ~ ' ////~-- ~ L ME~ONE UNTEL ~ ~ ' /~~~ F~T ~- ~-~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ WITH c~ ,', ,'; ;''",, ' ' ' ~ ~l //~/~ ~---~ ' ~mB SILL ~ ~ ~~~'~~ ~ / ~ ~~LIMESTONE "'1' ' '~ ' r~( ~//~ ~ ' , // ' / ~ COPPER C~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ / ~ / ~~ ~ D~NL , ~ [) ~ ~ - . , , ? __ ~ ~ I H~~ ~j~~ ~Jt~ ~~9~ ~ ,, ;(~, ,, ,, t . , , * PD. ~9, P~EL C~ WD. FRENCH ER ~ FIELDSTONE ,, ~ LI~E~ONE B~E NORTH '1 ELEVATION ' ~ 1/4"- 1'.0" . ' , ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~-~/ UNN VOLU~E CNNN~ ~D : , ~ ~ / / , ~ ~_~--~ __ ,~ ~-]~~ ~ -- __ T.O. RIDGE ~ING -. . . , OOPPER ROOF ~-~ ~ - - . . . , "' * "'" ~ ' ' ' ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ C USTOU COPPER G U~ER ..; : . "... ' '., ' ' ~ ~ ~ - ~ . ~ ~ ..... -~ -' ,~o~ ~ NORTH ELEVATION,' ~ a L ~,' ",~, ' ' EAST ELEVATION , : OOO~ W S.D.L - - ~ ~ -' ~ :" '":'" ' ~ ' , --i ~ -' , CUSTOM PT GR~E' * , , . ~ '~ -, . ~, ~%~.~-~: ~ ~ ~J~lllld, /~ , 4:111B~%~ ~~~/F ~/~ i~- N. / -~ ~ ~~RP~EL 'x, ~ ~----~ '~ AFl ,': , ' ,~, , ~: ,,,.'.'"" , , ' - ' ' , , : VEtoED mROUGH ~ [ 1% .... '-- "' ~ '"" - "" - ON - ' ' "' . ...; ., , ; . .~ ' , . . . . . . . . '., ? D-D 3/4' C,,~E LEVEL FIELDSTONE -VENEER WALL PTD, WD. STD'D. SeAM ROOF AT CUPOkA CLAD REMOTE OPERATED WINDOWS W/ S.D.L AND INSULATED GLAZING T,O, DOME FRNdlNO ,~ 26'-7' ATtiC T.O. DECK CUSTOM COPPER DU]TER AND DOWNSPOUT 12 8 3X3 METAL COLUMN SECOND LEVEL T,O. DECK 1" AIR SPACE AND 16X16 RELDSTONE VENEER i 12'-0~ SURROUND ,! 6" O. NICHE W/ LIMESTONE CUT HEADER AND SILL SOUD WD. PTD, GARAGE WEST ELEVATION 114" = 1'-0" BREAKFAST NOOK WEST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" T.O. CHIMNEY 43'-1 1/2' e T.O. RIDGE F'RA~INO 36'-5' " ...... COPPER FLASHING T,O, RIDGE FRAMING ,16'-5' SHINGLE COVERED "EYEBROW" 12 8 PTD. CEDAR FASCIA COPPER GUT[ER T.O. DECKOAI~IC ~. EAVE UNE T.O. PLATE AND LEADER, TYP. 22'-2' 21'-1" SECOND FLOOR T.O. SUBFLOOR 12'-0" T.O. SUBFLDOR, UASIr~ BEDROOM 10'-1 DECK ABOVE ,PORTE COCHERE 8'~9 3/,¢ CLAD CASEMENT WINDOW W/ j i SIM. DIVIDED AND INSULATED GLAZING - ., , WROUGHT IRON HAND RAIL, E. XACT PATTERN TBD. PTD. CEDAR TRIM · Ill 'ii ......... i ~ I i ii INSET LIMESTONE BRACKET, lh'P. IL~ . AT PORTE COCHERE h 18x18 FIELDSTONE COLUMN W/ LIMESTONE '~'~ ~D LEVEL T.O. SUBFLOOR CAP AT PORTE COCHERE CLEFT SLATE PORCH ON FIELDSTONE BASE, ~P. ELEVATION ~ 114" - 1 '-0" SECOND I F~'L T.D. DECK 12'-O' WD. TRELLIS, PTD. PTD, WD. COLUMN w/ CAP AND BASE Consultants; '~,.;, ' - ,0 PRICING SET Revisions: Seal: Drawing title: EAST & WEST INNER COURT ELEVATIONS OY~ERSHIP AND USE OF DO~UI/ENTS ' ' ~ Date: 10-20,2000 Scale: 114" - 1 '-0" Drawn by: DR ' ' FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT " SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL ~' DATE; December 26, 2000 TO Lee Skolnick Architecture A/C Theresa Ackerman 7 West 22 Street NYNY 10010 Please take notice that your application dated October 6, 2000 For permit for one family dwelling at Location of property 14035 Middle Road Cutchogue County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 108 Block 3 Lot 7 Subdivision Filed Map # Lot # Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds proposed construction not permitted pursuant to Article III Section 100-32 which states; No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the A-C, R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts unless the same conforms to the Bulk Schedule and parking ScheduleEN incorporated into this chapter with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein full. Bulk schedule restricts the height ofa bui ding to 35 (thirty five) feet,maximum. Proposed structure calculated to be 39 (thirty nine) feet. FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILD1NG DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE; November 30, 2000 TO Lee Skolnick Architecture A/C Theresa Ackerman 7 West 22 Street NYNY 10010 Please take notice that your application dated October 6, 2000 For permit for reconstruction of non-conforming dwelling Location of property 14035 Middle Road Cutchogue at County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 108 Block 3 Lot 7 Subdivision Filed Map # Lot # Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds proposed reconstruction and enlargement of non-conforming dwelling not permitted pursuant to Article XX1V Section 100-241A which states; Shall not be enlarged, altered, extended, reconstructed or restored or placed on a different portion of the lot or parcel of land occupied by such use on the effective date of this chapter, nor shall any external evidence of such use be increased by any means whatsoever. Proposed structure is second dwelling on lot, a non-conformity, it is proposed to replace a smaller non- conforming dwelling that has been demolished. For Office U;e Only: F ~UTHOLD, NEW YORK DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR . J --'~ ,/~.~:~' APPEAL FROM ~L _j.~,. ~ ~. DATE OF BmLOm msee oe's DECiSiONAPPEALED: .~e.V:.~ .................. '~'~ '~ TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: I (We) ..~I~.I~B ....... , ..... , .......................... ~c~~ A~ ~ (Appellant) ..................................... ' ) HEREBY APPEAL THE OECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED ..~Rg~P/~o~ WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED...~/~.~.. FOR: (~Permit to Build ~CEIVED ( ) Permit for Occupancy ( )Permltfo Use DEC 2 7 2090 { ) Permit for ~-Bullt ( ) Othe~ / ~ . o~0l Town Clerk ....... ....... ..... ~. ~oca,on or rrope~ ................. ~...; ........... :~ ....... ~ ...... Dlstric~ 1000 Section..J~..Block~.~.Lo~(s) ....... ~.:~ .......... Current Owner ......................... 2. Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appea ed (Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning.Ordnance ,b.y numbers. Do not quote the 1~3w.) Article~'~$.~.. Section 100 9,-:~')~..Sub Section .............. : ~yAPe of Appeal. Appeal is made herewith for: Variance to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map A Variance due to lack of access as required by New York Town Law Chap. 62, Cons. Laws Art. 16, Section 280-A. Interpretation of AHicle .......... Section 100-. ................. Reversal or Other: ................................................................................................ 4. Previous Appeal. A previous appeal ~ h~s not~'~been made with respect to this properly or with respect to thls decision of the Bu]lclltrg~spector (Appeal # ...... Year ....... ). REASONS FOR APPEAL (Additional sheets may be used with al3olicanrs slanaturel: AREA VARIANCE REASONS: l~)~--e~e~r F~. H~&~rl'- '~,~,~ (1) An undesirable change will not be produced In the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a det~ment to nearby propedles, Jf granted, because: {2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: (8) The ~mount of relict requeded Is not subsl=nfi=l because: (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or ImpaCt on the physical or environmental ¢on~ilions In the neighborhood or dlslrlct because: H~s the ~llege~ dl~c~l~ been selt-creoted? ( ) Yes, or (~) No. . Thls is the ~INI~U~ that is neeess~ ~nd ~dequ~te, rind ~t the s~me ~me prese~e ~nd protect the ehm~eter ol the neighborhood ~nd the health, s~le~, ~nd welf~re of the eommuni~. ( ) Check this box if USE VARIANCE STANDARDS are cort~lete~and attached. Sworn to before me this (Signature of ~l~-~llant or Authorized Agent) ~ day of...~ ......... 20~. (Agent must submit Au~o~zafion ~om Owner) ~A App ~/00 ~~r~te of New York No. ~-4862039 Qualified in Nassau Coun~ ~ cate Filed in New York Cou~ ~mmission Expires June 16, 2~2 Appeal Application, Continued BOARD OF APPEALS: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SL~FFOLK:STATE OF NEW YORK Application of .~ ..................................... Property ID # ........................................ Appeal Application (Continued) REASONS FOR USE VARIANCE Continuation of Appeal Application for a Use Variance (when applloable): For Each and Every Permitted Use under the Zonina Reaulations for the particular Dls~flet Where fhe Prale,qf II Located t'l~lec~se ,~ofllulf your attorney bef,.re eam,~letinal: (1) The appllcant CANNOT realize a REASONABLE RETURN because: (2) The HARDSHIP relates to the property and does not apply to a substantial portion of the distflct or neighborhood because: (3) The rellef requested will not alter the essential CHARACTER of the neighborhood because: (4) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( ) Yes, or ( ) No. ($) This Is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time wlll preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community because: (6) The splrlf of the zoning ordlnance wlll be observed. (7) The public safety and Welfare will be secured and substantial Justice done. Sworn fo before me thls day of .................... 20 (Slgnafure of Appellant or Authorized Agent) (Notary Public) ZBA App 08/O0 Town Of Southold, New'York Variance Application Supplemental Explanation Sheet ^REA VARIANCE REASONS: (" 0teCl' (see original application sheet for subject of explanation) 1. The architectural character of the proposed construction is similar to much of the residential buildings in the area. 2. The original building was unstable and unsafe, and after a portion of it collapsed, the owner found it necessary to demolish the remainder of the structure. Therefore, a new structure is proposed to replace it. 3. The total area of the proposed construction and existing accessory buildings occupies 0.76% of the area of the lot. This percentage is substantially less than the 20% maximum allowable area as stated in the zoning code. 4. The proposed construction will be located approximately 300 ft. from the south property line of a 56 +/- acre lot and is not easily visible from the highway. The proposed construction is near the location of the original building and existing accessory farm buildings. This placement will not block views from neighbors' buildings. 5. Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( ) Yes, or (X) No. Sworn to before me this day of 1)LL ,200'0. Notary Public William C. Ackermann President, Manor Hill Vinyards IlK;HARD 0. FIALKOW Notary Public, Stale of NewYork No. 30-4862039 Qualified in Nassau County Certificate Filed in New York Count~ Commission Expires June 16, 2002 ~UESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. kPPLICATION A. Please disclose ~he names of the owner(s) and any other individuals (and entities) having a financial interest in the subject premises and a description of their inte=ests: (Separate sheet may be attached.} B. Is the subject ~r~m~ ses listed on the real estate m~rket for sale or being shown to prospective buyers? { } Xes ~No. (If Yes, pleaSe attach cody of "conditions" of sale.) C. Are there any proposals to cb~-ge or alter land contours? } Yes { } No D. 1. Are there any areas which con~n wee]~n4 grasses?. 2. Are the wetla/ld areas show~ on the' map S,,hm~ tted with tb~ s application? 3. Is the prope~ ~ulkheaded between the wetlands a~ea and the ~Pland bui]~-g area? 4. If your proper~y cont~n~ wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the T~R T.~?. tees for its determination of jurisdiction? E. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? ~.~-. (If not applicable, state "N.A.") F. Are there any pat/os, concrete barriers, b,~kheads or fences which exist and are not show~ o~ the s%~-vey map eh~t yo~ aze submitting? ~0~ If none .~st, please state "none." G. Do ~ou have any constr%zction taking place at eh~-~ time concerning your pr-m~ses? ~0~- If yes, please ~,~!t a copy of your buil~ng permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none, please state. H. Do you or any co-owner ~)~o ~ other land close to ~h(s parcel? ~O If yes, please explain where or ~,hm~t copies of deeds. I. Please list present use or operations conducted at eh~s parcel ~/I M ~YA~--K~ and proposed use V I ~ ~.- ~'~--~) Date 3187, IO/gOIk 12/11/2800 13:47 · ' I PROJECt I,O- NUMBER 6317659884 ZONINGAPPEALSBOARD : P/~GE 617.21 C Appendix C State Environmental Qualily Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM · For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only 82 SEQR PART I--PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Aopllcsnt or ProJecl sponsor) 1. APPLICANT/SPONSOR I 2. PROJECT NAME 3. PR~E~ LO~TIO~ ?. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED;' ~' ictea UIHmatel¥ ~ .. acte~ ' a. WILL PROPOSEDrD.~JON CO~LY WIT~ ~IST]~ ZONING OR OTHER ~IS~NG ~NO USE R~TRi~IONS7 .... ODES ACTION inVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL. ~fl FUNDING. NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL. STATE OR LOCAL,)? /. I'-] Yes [~No If yel, Ils! agency(s) and permlvlpl)roval$ D,.~D/~E." ANY A~SP~.'r OF THE AGTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? L~rYe~ II. 12:. AS RESULT OF PROPOSEO ACTION WILL ~y~ I~1 No EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REOUIglE MODI~iC~'~ION? I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROV/DEO ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE If Ihe action is In the Coastal Area. and you are a state agency, complete (he Coastal Assessment Form beiore proceeding with this assessment ,j /o ~-/; J_ ~ N OF SOUTHOLD~ROPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER J STREET/~) ~, VILLAGE RES. SEAS. IMP. COMM. CB, MICS. Mk DIST,J SUB. LOT TYPE OF BUILDING / . ' ~]~ ~r',' TOTAL aa DATE REMARKS /7/ / sT', ~.oo t.{'.~ o~ IF,Z*~ 7000 FARM BUILDING CONDITION NORMAL BELOW ABOVE Acre Value Per Value Ac re Tillable Woodland Meadowla~d DEPTH / / ~ ~ o BULKHEAD House.. ~let ·. FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD DOCK M. Bldg. ,Z I -~3 ~ ~ ?/~- ~. '/'3" /'{)Z~,4/ Foundation cl Bath Dinette FU .L Extension / 5 ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q~ ~ Basement stsC' ,wu Floors Kit. ~ /~ ~o = ~O /, oo 3 ~O Ext. Walls Interior Finish ER  ~ / o o Fire Place Heat D.R. ~ ~lio, ~ Woodstove BR. ~/~ ~ ?= ~ ~.0o ~ Dormer ~in. B. D~k Attic Br~zeway Rooms 1st Floor Garage Driveway Rooms 2nd Floor TRIM Bldg. xtension i. <tension ]rch ~rch 'eezeway 3rage ltio i Foundation I Bosement Ext. Walls Fire Place iType Roof Recreation Room Dorme~ Bath i / Dinette, Interior Finish i Heat Rooms 1st Floor I Rooms 2nd Floor i ' ' FIN. B j Driveway i j ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A. Neville DATED: December 28, 2000 Zoning Appeal No. 4918 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 4918 - William Ackermann - Zoning Board of Appeals application for variance. Also included is SEQR form, ZBA questionnaire, three letters from Lee H. Skolnick Architecture & Design, two Notices of Disapprovals, four color photos, two building permit applications, a copy of the receipt from building permit, a copy of the demolition permit, a copy of the receipt for demolition permit, a copy of the property card, a copy of the certificate of occupancy application, a copy of the Pre-existing Certificate of Occupancy, here housing inspection reports, and a property survey. oTown Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 12/27/00 Transaction(s): Application Fees Receipt: 20989 Subtotal $600.00 Check#: 20989 Total Paid: $600.00 Name: Ackermann, William 13936 Cr 48 Southold, N.y. 11971 Clerk ID: LYNDAB Internal ID: 21951 TOWN'of SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR Town Hall Receipt ~T,O 58823 Southold, New York 11971 Fee for Fee for Fee for lq Sign Iq Flood Development Pmt. F'I rq Cash Fee for Cerliflcate Building Permit lq of Occupancy I~ ~ Building Department ~1~ FORM NO. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DBPARTHENT TO~t HALL SOIJTHOLD, TEL: 765- 1802 Approved ................. ,.... Pemit No ............. . . .. Disapproved a/c .................................. ~.aOAaD 0~' H~A,.T, ............ ~7-_ 3 SZTS oj/~,~A?s ~//~,r~d .'.~,~'w ~ [HgCK ......................... SEPTIC FO~ ................... NOTIFY: 2/~ - ¢~ -~ CAL~~~' ~]~. TO: ~--~' ' ' (Building Irk~ector) I' Q('i, B ~ ' : APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT a.~]~ti~ ~t ~ ~letely fill~ in ~ ~iter or (Si~ture of State ~r ~lic~t is ~r, les~ ~t, ait~t, ~iar, ~ral cmtractor, (am a t~ mi1 or latest a~) If a~lic~r is ~ ~rati~, si~ of ~ly ~t~ri~ offi~r. (~ ~ title of ~rate offi~r) Builders Lieens~ No Pl~r~ Li~ No. Zl.q~ T. Electricians License ..~.~?.~. .......... Other Trade's License No ..................... .............. ~ ~r st~t ~;i ........................ ~ T= ~ NO. ,~0 ~,i~ .... {.015 ..... B~oa..C>i .......... ~ot ..~.~ ....... ~ivisi~ ...................... · --.... · ... ..... Film ~ ~ ................ l~t ............... (~) 2. State aisti~ ~ ~ ~ of ~s ~ inte~ ~ ~ ~ of pro~ construct ion: a. F~isti~ ~ ~ ~ ...~~ ........................................................ b. lnte~ ~oY N~ture o~ ~ork (ct~ck whid~ appli( O: New ~ildi~ .......... ~iti~ Alteration .......... ' . l~]r ............ ~al ............. l~liti~ ..... ' :~... OClmr ~ (to ~ ~id ~ fili~ ~his a~li~i~) If ~llin~, ~]t~r of ~lli~ onits ...[ ........ ~r of ~lling ~i~s ~ e~ ~r ................ 1 f garage, tn~i~r of cars ...................................... If lx~siness, ~rcial or mi~ ~, s~i~ ~ture ~ ~Lent of e~ ~ of ~ ...................... l)i~nsi~m of ~iscin~ sr~s, if a~: ~E ................ ~ar ............... ~pth ................. Ik, i~c ......................... ~r al Stories ...................... Di~nsions of ~ stnt~re ~ith alterati~s or ~itions: ~pth ............. ~i~t ............... ~ar ....... ' ................... ~r of Stories ............... ' .............. Dh~nsi~s of entire ~ ~st~ti~: ~t ... ~ ......... ~ar t~O~ ~' I~i~t ~ ................ ~P~ ......................... ~r o~ S~ories ~ .............. Si~ of ]o~ Fret .... ~---~ .......... ~ar .................... ~prh ................ or u~ dis~ri ' · ' ..... ~'~'~ .... . .... ~s pro~ c~t~t~ violate ~ ~i~ 1~, o~i~r ~la~im: ..~ Will loc I~ r~r~ ~ ~ill m ' -- "' ~"~ ........... ~ riu ~ ~ ~ ~s: ~ ........ . ....· Is gals p~r~y wiUdn ~ f~t of a ti&l mtl~? ~ ~ ~ ~ ............. ~ .......... · r~ ~, ~ ~ ~m~ ~ m .......... ~ .......... PLOT DIAGRAM It~cate clearly m~d distinctly all buildings, ~aerher existing or pm~_~-,d, ~nfl indicate all set-hack dimensions rrr~ property lines. Giv~ street m~d block n~nher or description nccordlng to fl~---,~, m~l sho~ street ram~s and indicate rather interior or corner lot. ='~ of ir~ividt~l signing c~tr~ct) agent~ cor~r~te officer, etc.) ............................ ~id ~r or ~rs, and i~ duly ~tl~rlz~ to ~rfom or t~ ~rfo~ tim ~id ~ ~ to ~ ~ file this l icatimH tim{: MI state.nfs c~ta[~ in this a~licati~ are t~ to ~e ~st o[ his ~l~ n~ ~llef~ a~ the ~rk will I~ ~rfon~l in tl~ ~n~wr ~t forth in ~e a~li~ti~ fil~ ~. m Lo ~ftre ~ this · t .......... ~ ~.~.~ .... ~0~... Term ~ir. ~ 8~ ,FOP, I! NO. TO~{ OF SOUTBOLD BUILDING DEPARTI~NT T0~{ HALL SOUTBOLD, N.Y. ] ]97 I TRL; 765-1802 Disapproved a/c ........................... ....... I. r' ~. ,, ,, -.~--~, (Buildi~ ~nsl~ctor) i APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERHIT sARD OF HEAl,TH ............... ETS OF PLANS ............... SURVEY ........................ CHECK ......................... SEPTIC FORN ................... , ,~,Y - I ~ Dare............ 20~.~. L ~_ INSTRUCTIONS This application ~st be c[~pletely filled in by type. triter or in ink and sul~itted to the I~filding Inspecto~ 3 sets of pl~s, accurate plot plm to scale. Fee ~rding to schedule. b. Plot plas st~r~ng location of lot and of buildings on pr~xises, relationship to adjoining pre~ni.~s or puhl it' streets or areas, and giving a deailed deseripl:ion of layout of property trust be dra~m on the diagran Chis application. c. The ~ork co.red by this application my not be c~,~nced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Ulam arrival of this ~pplieation. the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the appl leant. permit shall be kept on the' p~,.:~ee *~mllable for ic~pection throughout the ~ork. e. No building shall be ore.led or used in ~hole or in part for any purpose ~aatever until a Certificate of APPLI~Clt IS I~ ~ to ~ Building ~nt for l~e ism of a Building Pemi c purs~ani to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Toga of 8outhold. Suffolk County, I~* York, and other applicable l~s, Ordinances Regulatiorm, for the eonstraetlon of buildir~ } additions or alterations, or for removal or deml ition, as herein described. Toe applicant agrees to e.-~21y with ali ~licable l~s, ordinances, building code, housing code, ami regulations, and to adnait authorized inspectors on praises and in building for necessary inspections. ..... (Signature of applicant, or ~a~e, if a corpora[ion State ~d~ether applicant ia c~a~er, lessee, a~,~mt, archit~t, englt-~'er, ~ral contractor, electrician, pl~nber or b~i .~).~~ ..... ~ o~ ~ o~ ~s..U%.~...~...~.~..T~C-¢~ ..... ~wTn~.~.~ ............ (as on tt~ t~J[ roll or latest d~) If applicant is a ~ration, ${~t~Jl~ of duly nul:i~i~(I offi~r. (N~e and title of corporate officer) Builders License txb .... Pl~ubera Liceuse lqo ............. Electriciaus Lieeuze ~ ........ ~r ~'s ~ ~ .......... 1. l~rim of 1~ ~ ~i~ p~o~ ~ ~11 ~ ~ ............................................................ ...... .......... ............ .................................. ~ ~r St~t ~et T~ .. J.~ ........ ~ .~ ........... ~ ....~ ....... ~ivi~im ....................... ---- · · -- · ·· ... . Fil~ ~ ~ ................ l~t ............... (~) 2. State ~isci~ m ~ ~f ~s ~ int~ m ~ m~ of pro~ construct ion: lO. II. 13. 14. 15. Nz]t.re of ~ork (ct~.ck sddch appl e): Nc~ Building ~iti~ .......... Alteration .......... Est in~t~l ~st ......................... f~ .............................................. garage, tx~t~r o~ cars ....... ~ .......................... I~mis~ss, ~x~m~rcial or mi~ ~, s~ci~ mture ~ ~tent of e~ ~ of ~ ...................... Din~nsi~s of ~ stricture vitl~ alteratims or ~itions: ~t ............... ~ar ...~ ........... ~pth .................... ~i~t ................... :. ~r of Stories ............... Di,~nsi~s of entire ~ cmst~tim: ~t ................ ~ar ............... ~p~ .............. I~i~t ......................... ~r of Stories ..................... Si~ of lot: Frc~t . ................... ~ar ................. ~pth ..................... ................................... ~ress ............................... ~ ~ .............. PI.OT DIAGRAH l~cate clearly and distinctly all L~ildings, ~he~er existing or pro~sed, and indicate all set-back dimensions frc~ properly l~nes. Giv~ street and block m~ber or descriptlo~ according to ~1, and ~ street nan, s a~xl indicate ~4~etber interior or comer lot, TAW, OF ~i..~4 YO~K, S~ ........ :":': ........................................... ' duly s~om, clepo~es and ~ys that he is t!~ avplicant I~-*~e of ]l~dtvlch~l signing ~"Ontraet) b~lng e i~ the ((k~lLr~ctor, agent, corJ~orat(~ o£~icer~ etc,) ............. f ~id (~r or ~rs, nnd is duty ~Lhori~ to ~rfo~ or h~ ~rfo~ ~ ~id ~ ~ to ~ ~ file ~1 icatic~j; thai nil statam,ts cmtai~ in this ~licati~i are t~ to ~ ~st of his ~1~ a~fl ~lief~ hat the ~)rk ~i11 I~ I~rfon~l in tl~ mm~r ~t forth in ~e a~li~tim fil~ ~. ~ EUZABETH A BTATHIS NOTARY PUBLIC. State of New No. O1STG008173, Suffolk _C(~Lnty Term E,q:dr~ June 8. 20,..~'" (sJgnatur~ ol~pplq*can~ ~-~. LOCATION: SUBDIVISION~ 13936 CR4S NA~ OF OW~ (S): ACF. ERMAM ACRES. LLC OCCUPANCY: RESIDENTIAL ADMITTED BY: K~Y AVAILABLE: SOURCE OF REQUEST: WM.ACKEP. MAN BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HOUSING CODE INSPECTION REPORT -- LOT {S) -- ACKERMAM ACRES. LUG ACCOMPANIED BY: BUFF. CO. TAX MAP NO.: 108.-3-7 ~ (A) # STORIES: CELLAR: 9,Q # EXITS: CRAWL SPACE: UTILITY ROOM(S): PATIO TYPE: STORAGE, TYPE CONST,: 2 BAR~S & 1 WORE SHED. GUEST, TYPE CONST.: VIOLATIONS: LOCATION CHAPTER 45 N.Y. STATE UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION & BUILDING CODE NOTE: SEE ATTACHED SURVEY BUILDINGS MARKED (A) THROUGH (C). SEC. REMAI~KS: (A)- 1 FAMILY D'6RLY.T~G BEING DEMOLISHED. DEMO PERMIT ~26520Z ISSUED. INSPirED BY: DATE ON INSPE~ION: 05/05/00 // / ~. ~ISH / TI~ ST~T: 9:40. B~: 10:40 TOWN OF SOUTSOLD HOUSING CODE INSPECTION REPORT LOCATION: 13936 CR 48 SUBDIVISION: OCCUPANCY: P~SIDF~IAL ADMI'r£~D BY: SOURCE OF E~QUEST: WM.ACKEP3~ MAP NO.: -- LOT (S) -- ACKER~ACRES. L~Q ACCOMPANIED BY: SUFF. CO. TAX MAP NO.: 108.-3-7 }4;%¥ 1. 2000 DATE: 06/27/00 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: pOU~ATION: BReEZeWAY 1 WOOD FP3~ # STORIES: 1.0 # EXITS: _~ CELLAR: -- CRAWL SPACE: -- TOILET ROOM(S): 0,{) UTILITY ROOM(S): -- DECK TYPE, PATIO TYPE: TYPE HEATER: AIRCONDITIONING: EOTWATER: STORAGE, TYPE CONST.: GUEST, TYPE CONST.: VIOLATIONS: LOCATION CHAPTER 45 N.Y. STATE UNIFORM FIP~ PP.~VSNTION & BUILDING CODS D~SCRIPTION { ART. NOTE: SEE A~WPACEED SURVEY BUILDINGS (A) TEROUGH (C). SEC. DATE ON INSPECTION: 05/05/00 TIME START: 9:40 AM END: 10:40 A~ TOWN OF SOU~HOLD LOCATION~ 13936 CR 48 SUBDIVISION ~ NA~ OF OW~R (S): ACKERMAM ACRES. LLC MAP NO.: __ LOT (S) -- ACKEP~ ACRES. LLC ACCO~pANI ED BY: SUFF. CO. TA/( MAP NO.: 108. '3-? MAY 1. 2000 DATE: 06/27/00 ~ (c) TYPE OF CONS~UCTION: WOOD FRA~ # STORIES: 1.0 # EXITS: ~ CELLAR: -- CRAWL SPACE: __ 2ND FLR.: ._~ 3RD FLR.: ~ TOILET ROOM{S): 0,0 UTILITY ROOM(S): -- DECK TYPE: PATIO TYPE: STORAGE, TYPE CONST.: GUEST, TYPE CONST.: VIOLATIONS: LOCATION CHAPTER 45 N.Y. STATE UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION & BUILDING CODE NOTE: SEE A~'~ACHED SURVEy BUILDINGS MARKED (A) THROUGH (C). SEC. P~mP~s: NOTE: DWELLIN~ (C) IS NON-HABITABLE DATE ON INSPECTION: 05/05/00 TIME START: 9:40 AM END: 10:40 AM FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 26520 Z Date MAY 24,. 2000 Permission is hereby granted to: for : WILLIAM ACKERMANN & ORS. PO BOX 487 CUTCHOGUE~NY 11935 TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING TWO STORY SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR. at premises located at 13936 County Tax Map No. 473889 Section pursuant to application dated MAY Building Inspector. CR 48 108 CUTCHOGUE Block 0003 Lot No. 007 1~ 2000 and approved by the Fee $ 271.00 / ~iz~ Sig~nature COPY Rev. 2/19/98 ISSUED TO~ DATE .cons TOWN of~UTHOLD OFFICE OF BUIIL~ING INSPECTOR Town Hall Receipt ~1'? 57 ~J 0 2 Southold, New York 11971 ~...~..= .............................................. ' ........................ For.....~_. ........................................................... &..~......~...,.~....~...~....~iii ..................... '.i'.....iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ................................ Fee for Fee for Fee for .L Fee for Certificate Sign l-I Flood Development Pmt. L~BuildingPermit CJ of Occupancy Cl Cash Building Department TONN OF SOU'I'ItOI.D BUILDING I)EPARTHENT TOWN I~LL 765-1802 APPLICATION IgOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled in by typewriter OR ink and sttbmil iaspector with the following: for new building or new use: l. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildi~ Stl'eet~, ~l~d ~lnuslla] tlatura] or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage- Is,~p_roperty lines, 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contaias less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate o! Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and a consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Alterations to dwelling $25.00, Swimming pool $25.00, Accessory building $25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00. Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Buildin~ - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 New Construction ........... Old Or Pre-existing Building.G~. ............. Location of Property... ~ ............ ~}~~ ............. .~.~J~ ........ House No. Street Hamlet Onwer or O=ers of Froperty. . County Tax Map No 1000, Section..l. ).. . ...... nlock... .......... not..O. . ............... Subdivision.. ~ .... Filed Map ............. Lot ...................... Permit No ................ Date Of Permit ................ Applicant ............................. Health Dept. Approval ......................... Underwriters Approval ......................... Planning Board Approval ........................ Request for: Temporary Certificate ........... Final Certicate ........... .................. ~2~._. ~f APPLICANT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. PRE EXISTING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z- 27160 Date= 06/27/00 THIS CERTIFIES that the building Location of Property 13936 CR 48 (HOUSE NO.) County Tax Map No. 4738B9 Section Subdivision DWELLINGS CUTCHOGUE (STREET) (HAMLET) Block 0003 Lot 007 Filed Map No. __ Lot No. -- conforms substantially to the Requirements for a ONE FAMILY DWELLING built prior to APRIL 9¢ 1957 pursuant to which CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NUMBER Z- 27160 dated JUNE 27~ 2000 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is 2 ONE FAMILY DWELLINGS & ACCESSORY BARN & WORK SHED-SEE ATTACHED SURVEY STRUCTURES MARKED (A)THROUGR(C)- NOTE: DWELLING (C) IS NON-HABITam?.~.* The certificate is issued to ACKERMAM ACRES, LLC (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED *PLEASE SEE ATTACHED INSPECTION REPORT. N/A N/A N/A Rev. 1/81 Receipt N°· 58089 TOWN of SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dollor~ ,,,.~.- ..,..........-..~ ~ ~-----~'~ "~ .' ~"x.~;v~........~'~c~.'~ ................ .....::z.z::.:.:.:..:z::.....:..::....::.z=:.::.:.:. .................... ~..~.:..~..... Fo~.~',~....c.0....C__....2..?.d.~.O........-.. .................. ~.~...~......~.5..~ .................................................................... Fee for Fee for Fee for lq Sign lq Flood Development Pmt. F1 Cash ~' ~/~ 7 $ ........ L~...~ .................................... Fee for /C~rtificat~ Iq Building Permit El' of Occupancy Iq Lee H. Skolnick Architecture + Design Partnership December 21, 2000 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Attn.: Ms. Linda Kowalski Manor Hill Residence 13936 County Road 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935-1044 Lee H. Skolnick Paul S. Alter Jo Ann Secor Principals Dear Ms Kowalski: Enclosed please a copy of the cover letter which I had sent yesterday pertaining to the application for ZBA review. Also included is the check for filing fees in the amount of $600.00 according to the list of fees on the variance application instructions. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you require any further information or documents to complete this package, please do not hesitate to call. , RA Project iVFanager 7 West 22 Street New York, NY 10010 2129892624 FAX7271702 File: 00122 IZBAcheck.doc Lee H. Skolnick Architecture + Design Partnership December 20, 2000 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Attn.: Ms. Linda Kowalski Re: Manor Hill Residence 13936 County Road 48 Cutchogue, NY 11935-1044 Lee H. Skolnick Paul S. Alter Jo Ann Secor Principals 7 West 22 Street NewYork, NYl0010 2129892624 FAX7271702 Dear Ms Kowalski: On behalf of our client, we are preparing the necessary documentation for obtaining approvals and a building permit from the Town of Southold for the proposed above referenced project. We have already applied for building permit through the Building Department and have received Notice of Disapproval. Enclosed please find the documentation as presented and corresponded with the Building Department for this and previous permits and Certificates of Occupancy and as listed below: · Application for Building Permit · Receipt from the Building Department for Application for Building Permit · Town of Southold Record Card · Application for demolition permit for existing dwelling · Demolition permit · Receipt from the Building Department for demolition permit · Four (4) photographs of the original dwelling that was demolished · Application for Certificate of Occupancy · Housing Code Inspection Report (A) · Housing Code Inspection Report (B) · Housing Code Inspection Report (C) · Receipt from the Building Department for Pre-existing Certificate of Occupancy · Copy of survey dated March 21, 1997 Manor Hill Vineyar~ Cover Letter to ZBA · L H Sk lnl~A h't t +~ ' P ' ee . onc rc ~ecure t~esgn artnersnp Page 2 Also enclosed herein is the documentation hereby presented to the Zoning Board of Appeals for consideration of zoning variances and as listed below: · Notice of Disapproval for reconstruction of non-conforming dwelling · Application for appeal from decision of building inspector · Additional variance reasons sheet (request for reconstruction) · Environmental assessment form · ZBA questionnaire · Seven (7) sets of building plans, elevations, sections Please note that the Building Department is preparing the Notice of Disapproval for the height restriction right now. Mr. Bruno Semone has indicated to us that he will forward this Notice to your office as soon as he completes it. We are awaiting the surveyor to complete his work on the survey and expect that to arrive within a few days. Upon receipt of these copies of the survey, we will forward the one original and six copies to your office. The contractor will be flagging the outline of the proposed new construction. Once this is done, we will have photographs taken and will submit them as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you require any further information or documents to complete this package, please do not hesitate to call. File: 001220ZBAcover.doc H.-S olnick Architecture + O ign Partnership Lee H. Skolnick Paul S. Alter Jo Aah Secor Princl/~h · December 27, 2000 John Lee & Son, Inc. 136 Oakwood Avenue Bayport, NY 11705 Dear John, Dan Jedlicka should be dropping his revised survey off to you either tonight or tomorrow. This information should be sent FedEx or hand delivered to... zTMS. Linda Kowalski own of $outhold oning Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 7 West 22 Street New York, NY 10010 2129892624 FAX7271702 The survey is the only item missing from our file for it to be considered complete for February's review date. As Ms. Kowalski has informed us, the February schedule is filling up fast, and they cannot place us on it until the survey is received. Please forward the survey on as soon as you receive it, and apply whatever pull you have to ensure that we don't miss this important deadline. In the coming weeks, the Zoning Board will also be visiting the site to see the location of the residence. When the site survey is finished, it will be necessar~ for you to flag the projects location so that they can see its size and relationships to adjacent buildings and property lines. As I am out of the office through the New Year, please contact Margaret with any questions you have about these issues. Project Architect TOTAL P.02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 2001 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be heard at a public hearing by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 2001, at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 7:40 p.m. Appl. No. 4918 - WILLIAM and THERESA ACKERMANN. This is a request for a Vadance under Article III, Section 100-32 to construct a new second dwelling as a principal building, replacing a dwelling. Also requested is a variance for a height of the new dwelling above the code limitation of 35 feet, and/or 2-1/2 stories. Location of Property: 14035 and 13936 Middle Road, Cutchogue, at Manor Hill. 108-3-7. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representative, desiring to be heard at the hearing, or desidng to submit written statements before the conclusion of the above hearing. This hearing will not start eadier than designated. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall business hours (8-4 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: March 8, 2001. GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 LEE H. SKOLNICK ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN PARTNERSHIP Date: 12/21/2000 Amount: $600.00 Payee: Southold Town Clerk Address: Check # 20988 0 FOR BOARD AND STAFF USE Upda_tod _ New Information NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2001 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following applications will be heard by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2001, at the times noted below, or as soon thereafter as may be possible: 6:30 p.m. Appl. No. 4917 - ROBERT H. CHILTON. A Variance under Article XXIV, Section 100-239.4B is requested to locate a dwelling at less than 75 feet from the existing bulkhead. Location of Property: 1165 Blue Madin Ddve, Southold; 1000-57-1-13. 6:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4908 - CHESTER CIAGLO, JR. A Vadance under Article III, Section 100- 33 to locate a proposed deck addition at the rear of the existing dwelling, which deck will place an existing accessory building in the side yard. Location of Property: 1825 Main Bayview Road, Southold; 1000-70-8-54. 6:40 p.m. Appl. No. 4911 - MANOR GROVE CORP., Owner~ and MARY OLIVIA MOT'r, Contract Vendees. A Variance under Article XXIV, Section 100-244-B is requested to locate a dwelling with a rear yard setback at less than 35 feet. Location of Property: 1380 East Gillette Drive, East Marion; 1000-38-3-26. 6:50 p.m. Appl. No. 4896 - STEPHEN SCHOTT. This is a request for a Variance under Article III, Section 100-33, and Article XXIV, Section 100-244B, based on the Building Department's October 30, 2000 Notice of Disapproval for a deck addition to existing one-family dwelling with a rear yard setback at less than 50 feet, and an accessory building in a side yard location with the new deck addition. Location of Property: 1235 Cedar Drive, East Marion; Aquaview Park Lot 11; 1000-22-2-44. 6:55 p.m. Appl. No. 4900 - MARTIN AND JACQUELINE TAESCHER. This is a request for a Vadance under Article III, Section 100-33 to locate an accessory shed in an area other than a rear yard. Location of Property: 985 Boisseau Avenue, Southold; 1000-63-2-27. 7:05 p.m. Appl. No. 4913 - LEONARDO TIRADO. This is a request for a Variance under Article III, Section 100-33 for permission to locate an accessory swimming pool in an area other than a designated rear yard. Property Location: 3850 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue; 1000-111-8-1. 7:10 p.m. Appl. No. 4914 - OWEN MORREL. This is a request for a Vadance under Article III, Section 100-33 to locate an accessory swimming pool in an area other than a permitted rear yard or front yard on this waterfront parcel. Location of Property: 3945 Soundview Avenue, Peconic; 1000-68- 1-15.1. Page 2 - Legal Notice February 27, 2001 Public Hearings Southold Town Board of Appeals 7:15 p.m. Appl. No. 4915 - MANOR GROVE CORP. and PETER DENICOLA. This is a request for a Variance under Article XXIV, Section 100-244B to locate a new dwelling with a minimum rear yard of less than 35 feet. Location of Property: 2205 Gillette Ddve, East Marion; 1000-38-3-14. 7:25 p.m. Appl. No. 4916 - CHARLES MILLMAN. This is a request for a Variance under Article XXIV, Section 100-244B to locate a new dwelling with combined sideyards of less than 35 feet. Location of Property: 2670 Deep Hole Road, Mattituck; 1000-123-4-10. 7:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4910- NICHOLAS BUBANY. This is a request for a Vadanca under Article III, Section 100-33, for an as-built garage in an area other than a rear yard. Location of Property: 160 Shipyard Lane, Southold; 1000-64-2-51. 7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 4837 - H. CASHY. (Continued Hearing). This is a request for a Vadance under Article XXIV, Section 100-239.4A.1 to locate an accessory swimming pool and hot tub construction at less than 100 feet from the bluff of the Long Island Sound. Location of Property: 1900 Hyatt Road, Southold; 1000-50-1-3 8:10 p.m. Appl. No. 4918 - WlLL._~]IA._.M an__.~d TH___E_RESA ACKERMANN This is a request for a ance under Article III, Section 100-32 to construct a new second dwelling as a principal building, replacing a dwelling. Also requested is a vadance for a height of the new dwelling above the code limitation of 35 feet, and/or 2-1/2 stodes. Location of Property: 14035 and 13936 Middle Road, Cutchogue, at Manor Hill. 108-3-7. 8:25 p.m. Appl. No. 4876 - GORDON and MADELEINE SCHLAEFER (1670 House of Furniture). This is a request for a Variance under Article X, Section 100-103C, based on the Building Inspector's September 14, 2000 Notice of Disapproval. Applicants are proposing an addition to an existing commercial building which would have a building frontage of 103 feet facing C.R. 48. Project Location: 47025 C.R. 48 (a/k/a Middle Road), Southold; 1000-55-2-23. 8:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4909 -JAMES AND PATRICIA McNAMARA. This is a request for Reversal of Building Permit No. 26821-Z issued concerning new construction at 3705 Alvah's Lane, Cutchogue, property owned by Paulette Satur Mueller and Eberhard Mueller; Parcel No. 1000-101-2-24.5 and 24.6 (combined as one lot). The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representative, desidng to be heard at the hearing, or desidng to submit wdtten statements before the conclusion of the above headng. This hearing will not start eadier than designated. Files are available for review dudng regular Town Hall Page 3 - Legal Notice February 27, 2001 Public Hearings Southold Town Board of Appeals business hours (8-4 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: February 1, 2001. GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 LE:GALS .. I~-F;'0m orevious ~a~e LEGAL ~OTI~E NOTIEE OF~IC:~GS SOU~O~ ~ BOA~OYAP~LS ~RSDAY, ~L 5 NO~ 'IS ~BY G~N, pursuit to S~n 2~ ~ t~ T~n- Law and Cha~ter ~de of ~e ~ of~d, the by the $O~H~LD TO~N BOA~ OF AP~ at tbe To~ H~I. 53~5 MaM R~ad. Sbu~old, New York 11971. on~A~ beMw (or ~n ~er hie): Pool M side y~d ~d prop~ed a~it~n to dwe~g yard at less ~an 20 feet. Avenue B and Cr~t Awnue, *AppL ~o, 4~'- M~R~ of ~ ~ ~ ~g 985 Bois~au 'Aveau~ ~old ~. ~ ~ a request Section ~-3~ ~ ~ct anew se~nd dwe~g ~ a p~n~pal b~dMg, replacing ~ dweliMg. A~' r~sted ~ a quest variants under ArticleX~v,.IH, S~:tion I00-239.4A3., based'on'the 2B~lditlg ~pa~mon~rs December : 2000 / Notice. xff. Disapproval` Applicants plti2kgo~ ~:ne~ dwelling from the toper the bluff, less than 30 :~c /~ :- _''1 : ~ .Ap- bet 26, 2000 Notic~ of Disapproval M. AND MAOREEN STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ~ of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, pub- lished at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a pdnted copy, has been regularly pub- lished in said Newspaper once each week for ~ weeks successively, commencing on the [?-~ day of .k.L(xf'cY~ 20~. ~ CHRISTtNAT. WEBER Co~,dosioa Exp~esDec, em~'13, O ( ~. I-'nnclpa. bule~ \% JoHNi 7:50 p.m. Appl. No. 4929 - GRACE quests a variance t: South side ~of North property line. Article XI~, Section XXIV, Section 100-239.4A, based on Road (a/Fda C.R. 48). Project 100-142, and (b) for a building length the Building Department's January ~eferred lo as~"Northwmd Villaee" greater than the mammum permitted 18 2001 Notice of Disa,,-rovo~ ~ ........ ' '~ ~ - ~ , ~ ' XIV,~;;;"o'~ t~0~r~t~C.K~t~otnlCol~ accessory swimmlr~g PO01 st~flle~' ~nport; Parcel #1000M0-3-L ....... ' proPOsed at less than 100 feet .frofil ~ The Board of Anneals will hear .u _ ~ persons, or the r representative, · ~. · re ....... -'~ _'".' Road, GreenPOrt; Parcel #1 ~.~Ot44-1- or desirin'g to submit written state- LEDDY. Applicant requ~s~ts.a, van- 27. ' ~ ancei00.244B.underhasedArtidgon~the Section 8:20 gan. Appl. N~:,~.3 - E and ments before the conclusion of the above hearing. This heating will not Building ~..{~pplicants re- start earlier than designated. Files Dega~traent's .December 27, 2000 quest a variance tgader Article III, are available for review during regu- Notice of Disapproval. for a pro- Section 100-33C/ based on the lar Town Hall business hours (8-4 POsed alteration and addition to an existing dwelling which will be less than 35 feet from the front property line. at 5700 Pequash Avenue, Cutchogue: 1000-110-5-36. 7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 4930 -JANE ROSS and JOHN SCHRIBER. ~gpfi. c~.~ r~eXlU~t a.?..an~.._c¢ ~ndcr. T.T tnt Anniie.nnt r~a.~ataaa lntt~r. Building DepartMent's January 3, p,m.). If you have questions, please 2001 Notice of 'Disapproval for an do not.hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. accessory garage proposed at less Dat~ March 8, 2001 than 40 feet from the front property GERARD E GOEHRINGER, line, at 1125 North Sea Drive, CHAIRMAN Southold; 1000-54-4-13. SOUTHOLD TOWN 8:25 pan. Appl. No. 4927 -KA~ BOARD OF APPEALS FEB 2 3 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLO:NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of (Name of Applicants) CTM Parce, g AFFIDAVIT OF MAILINGS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) CLx~.~w~ New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: ' d at the On the ~ ~ dav of C~¢~'~.~-~ ,2000, I personally ma e ....... s ~ost Offi~,e' n ~_,~-,N-~A,.,~ , New York, by CERTIFIED UnlleO ~tate I ,'--'~'!TM . - , MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTEI~a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the ( ) Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office for every properly which abuts and is across a public or pdvate street, or vehicular right-of- way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. (Signature) Swo, m to beJore me this~:~'''~'' oay of 200 . (Notary Public) HELENE D. HORNE N~ Public, State of New York No. 4951364 _ Qualified In Suffolk CounJ~ , ~l~mis~on Expires May 22,~.O rJ / PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers. next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. Thank' you. · ;Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · ;3rint your name and address on the reveme $o that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mai[piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: DOD ~,DOO Received by (P/ease Print Clearly) [] Agent [] Addressee D. Isdelivery lite,n1? []Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: [] No 3. Service Type [] Certified Mail [] Express Mail [] Registered [] Return Receipt for Merchandise [] Insured Mail [] C.O.D. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) [] Yes 2. Nticle Numpe~ (Copy from service label) PS Fond 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-00-M-0952 CUTCHDGUE, NY 11935 ~ Tots~ POMaGe & Fees (Endorsement Required) 3. $ 0.;~ 1.90 ~-.-.~ - 3.74 m [ HATTITUCK, NY 11952 NOTICE IS'HEREBY G1VEN, pur~ sun, at to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 tZoning) Code of th~ Town of Soothold the'following a~plica, tlon wlll be heard at a pal61k:~heafil~g by the SOUTHOLD TOJvVN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Ma}r, Road, Southold. NeW York 1197.1~ o~ after as:may be possthlet:: 6:30 p-m. AppL-No. 4917'- ]l.~!~p~ ~, A Variance und~Article ,'Section 100-339.4Bis requested to loeine a dwelling at less than 75 feet from the ex~sting bulkhead. Location of Property: 1165 Blue Marlin Drive. 6:35 p.m. Al~pk No, '}908 - CHES-~ Article ~I, Section 100-33 to locale a proposed deck addition.at ti~ mar of the an ex~st~ aecaaso~ b~g, in thg~ide yard. Location of~Properrj: t823 Main Bayview Road. Soud~M; 100~70-8-54. 6:40p. m. AppL No. 491t GRoVI~ CORP. Owner! WA~ Veddees- A Variance under Article XXiXL Section 10OOA4-B is requ~tad to locate a dwelling'wi~h a mar yard aCthack at tha~ 35 ,fpet. Locafio~ of-Property: 1380 East Gille~e DriOe. East Marion: 1000- 38-3-26, 6:50 p.m. Appl. No. 48~6 - fora Vaaanc.* under Article I1~; Se~don 100-33. and ~ XXIV, ~ ~Spction 1O0~ 244B. bared on the Building Department's October 30, 2000 Notice of Disapproval for a deck addition ta~:xist- lng one-family d',velli~g wit) a rear yard setback at less than 50~feet, and an arees- sory buildingin a side yard location wi~ the new deck addition Locabon of Property: 1235 Cedar Drive. 6:55 p.m. Appl No. 4900 - ~ 111, Section 100-33 to locate an accessory shed in an area. other than a rear yard. Location of property 985 Boisseau Avenue, SouthOld] 1000-63-2-27. ' 7:05 p.m. ~Appl. No. 4913 - for a Vafianc~ under Article [IL SeCtion 100-33 for permission to locate an acces- sory swimming poolin an ajrea other than a designated rear y0rd. Property Lochtion: 3850 Nassau Point Road. Cuteh6gue; 1000.111-8-1. 7:}0 p.m, Appl. No. 4914 - ~ MORRPJ. 'This is a request for a 33 to locate an accessory swirmmng pool or front yard 0n thi~ waterfront parcel. Location of Property: 3945 Sonadview Avenue, Peconie;~[000.68~l.15.1. '7:25 p.m. Appl. No. 4916 ES MILLMAN. This is a request ~ariance under Article XXIV, dwelling with combined sideyards of less than 35 feet. Location of Property: 2670 Deep Hole Road, Mathtuck; i000-123-4- 7:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4910 - NICHQ: *~[/~5~. This is a request for a 33, for an as-built garage in an area other than a rear yard. Location of Property: 160 ShipTard Lane, S~uthold; 1000-64- 7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 4837 - 1~ !7.ASHY~. (Confirme~ ~ng) Th s s a XXIV. Section 100-239.4A. 1 to locate an accessoly swin'dning pool'and hot tub the bluff of the Long Island Sound. Location of Pr%r~eny: 1900 Hyatt Road. Southold; 1000~50- } -~. - ' ' under Amcle I1/, Section 100-32 to con. street a new se~ond~ d~e~ling as a lffinci- pal building, replacing a dwelling, Also reqeested is a v/~iancefor a height of the new dwetling above th~ code limitation of 35 feet. and/or 2-1/2 stories. Lgc~ auon 0f Property: 14035 and t39363vfiddle Road, Catchogue, at Manor Hill. I08-3- : 8:25 p.m. AppL No. 4876 - GOR- DON and MADELEINE SCHLAEFER (11~70 House of Fumitare~ This ~s a req~.s~- for a Varlgnce under Axticie X. Section 100- 103C, based on the ~uilding [nspegtor's September 14, ,20~ N~tiee df Disapproval. ~i~licants are proposing ~n . mo~t tg~ an erastmg commercial building '~h ch~vouid have a building fi'6nt~ge of 103 fee} f~ing C.R. 4t~. Project Lix;ation: 47025 C.R. 48 (a,nda Middle Road), Southold; 1000-55-2-23. 8:35 p.m, Appl. No. 4909 - IAIVIF_~ AND PATRICIA McNAMARA. This is 5 .~u~s~ for ,.Reversal of Builthng Permit Nb~ 2~ .2I-z ~sa~f¢oncerni~g stmqt{on at 370~ Alval~'s Lan~ Cuteh _og_ue, property owned by Paul~ Satur Mu¢ller~nd l~e~-hard Mue0er. Parcel No. 1000-~01-2-24,5 and 24.6 ~ 2the Board Of Appends will hear all persona, o~theb reprer, en~mve, desiring ¢lu$ion of the abov~ hearing, Tlha hear_ l~iles ~e available for review dunng reg- ular Town Hall hasm~ss hoars 18 p,m.). If yo~ have ,qu~ionS, please do not hesita~ to ca}t~$31)-765-1809. Dated:~ebmary 1. 2001 GERARD R GOEHRINGER. CHAIRMAN SOD'THOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS TowuH~I 53095 Main Road EO. Box 1179 Sonthold, NY 119714)959 17424T~ ~2'~ of Mattituck, ir county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Pr clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIM ES, a weekly newspape lished at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Co~ Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice the annexed is a pdnted copy, has been regulad~ lished in said Newspaper once each for ~[ weeks successiVe.r~y, corem, on the Notary Public, Stale of New Yo~ / ] No 01W~6034554 Go~,,'nission E~i~es Decembe~ 13, ~- \~' Pfincil:)~_LClerk Swom to before me this day of '~ ~, 20 O[ W. and T. ACKERMAN VARIANCES FOR HEIGHT OF PRINCIPAL BUILDING NEW SECOND DWELLING 1000-108-3-7 TUES., FEB. 27, '01- 8:10 PM ZO NG BOARD OF APPE S ~ITowN OF SOUTHOLD~L (631) 765-t809 FAX (63t) 765-9064 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD~ NY 11971-0959 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMPANY: DATE: ZBA OFFICE STAFF 765-1809 FAX NUMBER: TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: [] URGENT [] FOR REVIEW [] PLEASE COMMENT[] PLEASE REPLY[-I PLEASE RECYCLE NOTES/COMMENTS: OFFICE OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 53095 Main Road $outhold, NY 11971 (631) 765-1809 fax (631) 765-9064 January 30,2001 Re: Chapter 58 - Public Notice for Tuesday1 February 27, 2001 Hearing-~~[ ) Dear Applicant (or Agent): Please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice describing the recent application. The Notice will be published in the next issue of the Suffolk Times. Pursuant to Chapter 58 of the Southold Town Code (copy enclosed), formal notice of your application and hearing must be now mailed with a map or sketch showing the construction area or variance being considered. Send the enclosed Notice CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, on or before Friday, February 16th, or as soon as possible, including a copy of a map showing your project area, to alii owners of land (vacant or improved) surrounding yours, including land across any street or right-of-way that borders your property. Use the current addresses shown on the assessment rolls maintained by the Town Assessors' Office (765-1937) or the County Real Property Office in Riverhead. If you know of another address for a neighbor, you may want to send the notice to that address as well. By Friday, February 23rd1 please submit to our office your Affidavit of Mailing (copy enclosed) with parcel numbers noted for each, and return it with the white receipts postmarked by the Post Office. Later, when the green signature cards are returned to you by the Post Office, please mail or deliver them to us (but not later than February 27th). If any signature card is not returned, please advise the Board at the hearing. When picking up the sign, a $15 check will be requested for each sign as a deposit. Please post the Town's official poster/siqn no later than 2/20101. Securely place the sign on your property facing the street, no more than 10 feet from the front property line bordering the street. (If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sign is furnished for each front yard.) The sign(s) must remain in place for at least seven (7) days, and should remain posted through the day of the hearing. If you need a replacement sign, please contact us. After the signs have been in place for seven (7) days, please submit your Affidavit of Posting to us for the permanent file. Within 20 days after the hearing, the sign and stand should be returned to us. The $15 deposit will then be returned to you. If the sign and stand are not returned within this 20-day period, the deposit will be non-refundable. If you do not meet the deadlines stated in this letter, please contact us promptly. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, ZBA Board Members and Staff Enclosures TIME : 01/30/2001 12:28 DATE,TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 01/30 12:25 12127271702 00:02:40 06 OK STANDARD ECM