HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix P • i .�i�,�j,�xrc.�rt�2�,5i�re�e,�x�n;s,�rs�zci Lcanrdscrr�e�lrcl�ftEreC�ars,l?C: _ __ __ _ __ __. '� - ' ' G R O U ''P Constantin�E.Kont�kosfa re,n�cr PRINCIPAL July 12, 2008 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Ghief Cliff Narcis Greenport Fire Qepartment 236 Third Street Greenport, NY 11944 Re: KACE LI,.:,LLC Draft Environmental Impact Statement(DEIS) Proposed Annexation'by the Village bf Greenport of 17.2+/-Acres af Land in the Town of Southold and Subsequent Residential Workforce Housing Development North Road (CR 48) Greenport, New Yark ' Dear Chief Harris: This letter is to follow-up our meeting on February 17,2008,subsequent,phone conversation on or 'about March 2�,,20�8,;and Petter dated March 31,2008:We are stili awaiting a respon.se to our letter dated February 17,2008.We greatly appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. If for some reason ' you are unable to provide the inforrnation requested,kindly let us know so that we may pursue alternativ�saurees for abtaining any necessary information. If you should haue any questions concerning"this reguest, please do nat hesitate'to confiact me at 631- 477-0600: Sincerely, ' j� , .% ` 'w '= �; ' Constantine E. Kontokosta, PE,AICP, LEED AP Principal KACE LI, LLC 1'HE KACE GROUP 43 WEST 54TH STREET 1 NEW YORK, NY 10019 / TEL: 212.582.6100 ! FAX: 212.582.604Z' 755NORTN:R�AD, PiQ. BOX67 / 'GREENPORT, NY11944'1 TEL: 631.477:0600 / FAX: 631.477:0800 '; Annual Re�ort - 200� Clifford Harris, Chief Johrz Grilli, �'irst Assistant C`hief Kenneth Wliite, Second Assistant Chief Tlzornas LaMothe, Chaplain Claude Kuinjian, Assistant Chaplain Ja�nes Kalin, Secretary-Ti-easur-er Collee�a Hughes, Recording Secretary Karolyn Grim�n, Administratzve Assistant Board o f Wardens Joseph Barszczewski Gary Blaslzo George HubbaYd, Jr. Ja�nes Kalin David King Ja�nes A. Pirillo Jm�aes J. Pirillo Paul Quarty, Jr Lau��er2ce Tutlzill (deceasedDecember7,2007) Thomas Watkins 2007 Alarrr�s and Responses Signal Description Total 9 Standby-sporting events &fireworks 7 12 Brush fire 5 13 Structure fire -Automatic Alarm, misc. 96 13-35 Structure fire—working 0 14 Vehicle fire 3 15 Drill 1 16 Ambulance—EMS 526 . 16-23 Rescue—motor vehicle accident, water rescue,misc. 30 16-59 Ambulance—routine transport 6 23 Miscellaneous fire call-CO detector,fuel spill,odor of smoke or gas,etc 37 24/9 Mutual Aid-Stand by 3 24/13-35 Mutual Aid—working structure fire 7 24/15-23 Mutual Aid-Miscellaneous Drill 1 24-16 Mutual Aid-Ambulance—EMS 19 24/16-23 Mutual Aid—rescue (motor vehicle, water rescue, misc.) 3 24/23 Mutual Aid-Miscellaneous (CO det.,fuel spill,odor of smoke or gas,etc) 3 26 Boat Fire 2 Total Alarms in 2007 749 Recap of Alarms and Responses The volunteer members of the Greenport Fire Department responded to 749 ca11s during 2007. This was 43 calls more than in the previous year. Of these 749 total calls, the Department responded to 312 calls within the Incorporated Village of Greenport and 399 calls in the EastfWest Fire Protection District. In addition, neighboring Fire Departments were assisted on 38 occasions. In 2007, a total of 10,880 Members responded to the 749 calls. Each call had an average of over fourteen (14.66)responding Members. A total of 318.38 hours were spent on the 749 calls, at an average of 26.46 minutes per incident. This cumulative data calculates to just under three hundred thousand (295,626.56)personnel hours devoted to attendance at Fire and EMS calls. Review of Fire Department Alarms Total number of calls in 2007-749 Total number of calls in 2006—706 This equates to an increase of 5.74 percent. Total number of calls to Peconic Landing in 2007- 141 Total number of ca11s to Peconic Landing in 2006— 104 The 2007 number equates to 18.82 percent of total calls. Total number of calls to San Simeon Nursing Home in 2007—38 Total number of calls to San Simeon Nursing Home in 2006—24 - The 2007 number equates to 5.73 percent of total calls. Most ca11s per rr�onth—July(89.) Least calls per month—November(35) Most hours per month—October (43.78) Least hours per month—April (16.31) Most total personnel responding—July (1333) Least total personnel responding—April (583) Most Signal 13's—June (16) Most Signal 16's—August (63) Membership/Service Awards Program The service awards program was in its fourteenth year in 2007. Of the 109 Members eligible to receive points, 84 of those earned at least 50 points, qualifying for service credit for the year. Thirty retired Members are receiving pension benefits. - Two members are considered disabled. Ten new members joined the department this year, of the ten one joined as a member of the ' rescue squad. Three members transferred between companies. . Fireperson of the Year Antone Volinski III-2007 George Capon- 2006 7ohn Tamin—2005 Honorable Mention—Fireperson of the Year James Ka1in—2006 Wayde Manwaring - 2006 �MT of the Year Colleen Hughes - 2006 Edward Sieban- 2005 EMS Provider of the Year Sally Corwin-2007 Danielle Meraz- 2006 George.Pope- 2005 In Memoriam Sadly the following members answered their last alarm in 2007. Frank Corwin 2/07 George Hubbard Sr. 2/07 Gerald King 7/07 Lawrence Tuthill 12/07 Eugene Drum 12/07 Department Officers -The following held Officers' rank during 2007: Eagle Hose Company Captain George Van Etten First Lieutenant Susano Jimenez Second Lieutenant William Schneider Secretary/Treasurer Paul Quarty, Jr. Relief Hose Company Captain Antone Volinslci, III First Lieutenant Brian Staples Second Lieutenant Jeffrey Weingart Secretary Antone Volinski, Jr. Treasurer Gary Blasko Star�Iose Company Captain Henry Clark, III First Lieutenant William Bogardus Second Lieutenant Robert Jester Secretary/Treasurer Daniel Creedon Standard Hose Company Captain Brett Stephenson First Lieutenant Gary Detrick Second Lieutenant William McNeill Secretary/Treasurer William McNeill Phenix Hook &Ladder Company - - Captain Bruce Land First Lieutenant Al McMoore Second Lieutenant Jennifer Grilli Secretary William Nedoszytko Treasurer Peter Harris Rescue Squad Captain Wayde Manwaring First Lieutenant Alain DeKeri�lis Second Lieutenant Sally Corwin Secretary Karolyn Grimm Treasurer Michael Richter Fire Police Captain David Wallcer `- First Lieutenant Claude Kumjian Second Lieutenant George Capon Ladies Auxiliary President Colleen Hughes Training Innumerable hours are devoted to the increasingly difficult task of becoming and remaining a Firefighter and/or EMT. For a new Member to become a Firefighter,he or she must complete the Essentials of Firefighting I, a course given by the Suffolk County Fire Academy. In addition, completing and passing the NIMS course was an added requirement, starting in the year 2005. Another/separate requirement in the Depaxtment By-laws specifies that a Member must participate in a Hazmat Awareness class at least once per year. EMS personnel must obtain a minimum of EMT-B (Emergency Medical Technician) status, which requires classroom work and hands-on training, as well a,s clinical work.After completion of this course, an EMT may pursue additional training and obtain an even more advanced status EMT-CC. In addition, all EMT's are required to attend a refresher course or complete 72 hours of county approved continuing education every 3 years. FundraiserslEvents The Department held its well-attended annual Washington's Birthday Celebration,hosting numerous marching units from diverse locations. Hot dogs, home-made chowder and refreshments were enjoyed by all. As is customary, our Members also participated in many parades hosted by other Departments in Long Island and Connecticut. As usual, the majority of those took place during the spring and summer months. The Greenport Fire Department hosts many organizations throughout the year. Some of these include the Southold Tow.n Chiefs Council,the Southold Town Fire District Officers Association, the North Fork Volunteer Firefighters Association, the Nassau-Suffolk County Legislative Council and the North Fork Rescue Squad. Our Members fu1-ther volunteer their time and efforts by assisting with the various feed committees associated with this hosting. The following Companies also organized specific events; with each resulting in wide-scale participation and great success: • 8-3-2&8-3-5: 4�'of July Carnival • 8-3-3 : Memorial Day Carnival • 8-3-4 : Barbecue • Rescue: Chicken Dinner • Fire Prevention Week&Circus Additionally, our Members attended, and were of service during, the following events: e Chiefs' Elections • Fireworks Standby(May,July, September) • Departinent Picnic • Annual Christmas Parade • Peconic Landing May Mile Throughout numerous changes in our]ives, communities and larger world, it seems there is indeed a point of consistency-the unfailing dedication of our selfless volunteers. May our Department Members, their families and friends,be blessed in 2008 with safety, good health, harmony and continuous support. Thank you all for your time and efforts expended while serving our neighborhoods and loved ones. � 1 � R o u P Constantine E.'Kontokosta p�,a�ca �PRWCIPAL� July 12,200$ ' VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Mr.Carlisle Cochran,'Chief Town ofSauthold Police Department 51505 State Route 2S Peconic,',New York 11958 Re: KACE LI, LLC Draft Environmental Impact 5fiatemenfi(DEISj Proposed Annexation by the Village,of Greenport of 17.2+/-Acres of Land in the Town of Southold and Subsequent Residential Workforce Housing'Development ' Narth Road {CR 48} ' Greenport, New York ' Dear Chief Cochran: This letter is to follow-up our ietter dated February 17,2008, meeting on March 20,2008, and tetter dated March 31;2008.We are still awaiting a response to our letter dated February 17;2008.We greatly appreciate your prompt at�tention to this matter. If for some reason you are unable.to provide' the information requested, kindly let us know so that we may pursue alternative sources for obtaining any necessary information. If;you should have any,questions concerning;this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at 631= 477-0600. Sincerely; r`�.: -; ��' ��f' ',.� :G�'". , �, �' ��j Constantine E. Kbntokosta, PE;AICP, LEED AP' Principal' KACE LI;:LLC THE KACE GROUP 43 WEST 54TH STREET l NEW>YORK, NY 10019 / TEL• 21Z.582.6700 I FAX: 212.5$2.6047'. 755 NORTH RQAD,'P.O. BOX 67 ! GREENP�RT, NY 11944 / 7EL: 631.477:060Q / FAX: 631.477.0800 __ _ _ __ _ __ _ MAY-08-2008 10�30 P.01/01 _ y i7 poctors Pa#h Riverhead,NY 7 i90y ' Lanqi�zandirowerAuthori�y May',2, 2008 Kace Group c/a 'Con�tantirae Kontokosta ' PQ Box 67 , Greenport, NY �.1.9�4 Re: ' T;�I.C� �,LC-Affoxciale Housing ; Narth Ra�d, Greenpaxt -- LIPA Ref: # �100$'744Q2 Dear Mr. 'Kon�okosta: , As requested, 'please be advised tha� the LSPA wi].1 !pro�vide e2ectric serv�ce to the above-refer�nced proj�ct iri ac�ordarice � with oux filed �ariff and schedul�s in ef�ect �t the tirns service is r�quired. Please fee3. �ree to contact 'me at {631) 598-706'� i� 'y�u require any furthex info�mation. Uery truTy yours, ' ~ :_ ; _,.. :. .Steven Aylward . ..',' � ' ' Design SeGtion Manager � Electric Design & Construction SAIam . , TOTAL P.01` APR 29-2008 08�26 GA5 SALES PRTCHOGUE �3�?585182 P.01/01 ���S�I�II �ri�'�"��' 448 East tVlaln ST Patchogue,NY 11772 A�ril,28 2008 'i'he K.ace Group Cons#antine Kontokosta 755 North Road' Greenport,NY 11944 RE: 1�8:A.ffardable T�ousing Uevelopment,Greenport Dear Constantine, Please be advised that K.eysgan;Energy wi�su�►ply natwral gas servir,e tn t�he proposed praject site provided that all scheduled'main reinforcements far the north far:k area are completed priorto your'projects prajected start date. Keyspa:n Energywill provide natural gas service in�ccordance with the filed tariffs aiad scl�eduies in effect at the:time servics is requested. This request is valid for one year from the date of this let#er. ' Ifyou have any quesfions or require additional inforrnatian,please contact rne�t 531- 758-5157. Sincerely ii'��• Jnhn M.Metrill'' Nernr Construetion Representarive IGeyspan-Ener�y 448 Bast Main�treet Patahogue,NY 1'1772 TOTAL P.01