HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix L e Er;��;tncsrtr��,Sr�rr�,���n�u��cl�r�nftsccc�ie�rcX�iicrctcar�,1?�: ;;:���canna4s� 'OQ��' '�`'v? . o .. . ��� � n .y;'���,t����� a � ,yz f o O (�i'� i �v P '��'�i��°�/�^'p7 P�u'l��Y Q � � .. A�, . �7 ` . ' ��Wrh,rs��"t�;.,,�'� y� . n �� ' t }•{' c` 7 ;2 7 `�� r, ^ �"rLae'�I,. t�1�' '� ° ..._._,........,,...,..u�.�.P...,,...,..,....,r..t..,.s�,�,.,.,.,_,,,...,M.=.,,...r,,.z.,�.�Rn,,.�...r.�,,..,..,..m.�.,,...,�..,.�.-��—�,.,. '' ^__.._ , � �'::::�',�:,n: '.b.,' °+Y CO�PlSIiLTI6d4'v��9GBfi4�Ei2 �., � S ::� � -,.t;� . i � — f 4 j , yy5i:".v,v^.�` i � 'i a } .. . � : June 15,2008 f { : 1 ' Mr. Dino Kontokosta i € Kace Development, LLC F � P.O. Box 67 � Greenport,New York 11946 � � : , � Re: Route 25 (North Road) t � Greenport,New York ` ,,� _ ; _ ; � Dear Mr. Kontokosta: � � . � E � � We provide Professional Engineeri�ng services and participate with the field � { personnel of Land,Air, Water Environxriental Services,Inc. in renderi.ng 3 � geotechnical evaluation and judgment�associated with their subsoil test boring � ! assignme�ts. Our contribution is enhanced by our experience and � � participation in the activities of the Geotechnical an.d Geoenviranmental � ;. � Engineering Section or the American Socieiy of Civil Engineers(ASCE),and � ` our awareness of the guidelines of the Association of Engineering Firms ' } Practicing in the Geosciences(ASFE). � # . ; � . : � SCOIs�+ �I+"6�t71tI� � � ; � The purpose of this assigmment was to abtain preliminary information ; � regardi.ng the general subsurFace conditians at the subject site. The subsurface s ; materials encountered were evaluated in relatian to the available project � � characteristics. Engineeri.ng assessments of the following items have been i � formulated: i 1 t r l. Perform standard penetration test(STP) and determine the � j resistance (N). � � � � 2. Determine the soil stratigraphy a.nd the relevant geotechnical ; � engineeri.ng properties of the encountered so31s. ' 1 } � 3. Visually classify representa.tive soils. ; : j e 4. Preliminary design parameters required for the foundation system, ? ( iucluding allowable soil bearing pressures at foundation levels. � � , . .. �..� ._.._._._._._,._._...._._._.__..__.,_._.__..__._.__._....,�,_._...._.._,___.._._.___._._.._____�_..___��....._.:...___..v�..._.. .... .. ... ........ I� ...,._...._._.. E . .-- ---'-^- ---- �� � � ......___.....,. ._ ... ._ � . .._........._...,...._...._...__...,_.._.............._.: P.O. BOX B4� KtNGS F'ARK� l..�.y{VE1N 1f�3RK 917'64 p TEL (631/234-3592) �� (63�(234-�#38J1 �^- n.�,.�... ._,_.M..-- �_ �_ Proposed Development Route 48(North Road),Greenport,New York PaSe 2 I � 5. Estixnate the post-construction settlement of the foundation system. 6. Construction consideration for foundation excavation, surface and groundwater management. 7. Establish the feasibility of utilizing a shallow foundation system for support of the presumed loads and encountered sub-surface conditians. The general subsurface conditions encountered during the field exploration program are shown on the soil bori.ng logs. Soxl stratification is based on the examination af recovered soil samples and field measurements. Stratification li.nes,dimensions, as well as reported values in this report represent the approximate horizons between soil classifications. The actual transitions and dimensions may be more gradua.l. While the borings are representative of the subsurface cond.itions at their respective locations, and within their respective vertical reaches,variations over the site may be encountered. Laboratory testing may be performed on selected samples as deemed necessary in order to define soil classification and to further identify the engineering praperties of the soils. E�LO�'I'IO�T P'IZOGT2� - A irained and experienced geotechnical technician canducted the boring tests and has completed a subsurface exploration at the site. Samples recovered during the performance of the test were evalua.ted,identified and the ASTM Standard Penetration Test(SP'1�values recorded. � � Representative samples of the soil were retained and iransported to our facility for further examination. This report contains the results of our exploration and geatechnical evalua.tion. I The field explaration prograrn consisted of five(5)Boring Tests which were conducted at the site on March 20,2008 and were extended to respective depths of 27.0+/-feet below grade. 'The borings were performed to determine the depths and horizons of the various strata below the existing ground surface. The number of borings, depth and location were developed by, or in consulta.tion with,the client. The selected boring depths comply wit�::a:�� ''�i;�:��-�=�:�. minimum depth indicated by the Building Code of the State of New Yor,��'_:�;��' m��tk�� �:, ��°����;-a �C) Section 1802.2.3. �� „ f ��,� � . � L,�<<��-< � ��';��= :;;;�;;. ;_�„�. COtd8ULT1NQ EN�INEER ��' �- — �. `,-x��:rd, - - Proposed Development Route 4�(North Road),Greenport,New York Page 3 I �. S�Tl@�1V��Y This report was developed from conventional soil testing procedures and engineering analysis. The exploration revealed quality soil conditions which are judged as well suited to standard conshuction procedures. Sub-surface water was encountered and is at levels significantly below the anticipated depth of construction and need not be considered a project issue. A xni.nor surface fill candition was detected;however, it is not considered a , major site factor but should be evaluated in conjunction with the proposed development of the site. In accordance with the BC, Seismic components are exempt for the anticipated project and have not been applied. 14�'TIiODOI.,OGY Conventional 3"rods were utilized to advance the bore hole and to facilitate subsurface testing and sampling. Representative samples were routinely obtained during the drilling process��at selected intervals by applyiug a two inch diameter split spoon sampling tube. The sampler was first seated at - grade. T'he sampler was then driven by the 30 inch fall of a 140 pound hammer. The number of blows required to drive the sampler the final foot represents the standard penetration resistance(N), and is an indicator of the safe sustaining pawer of the soil. , Th�drilling and testing procedures were perfarmed applyi.ng the guidelines and procedures of ASTM designations: D1S86 Penetration Test and Split Barrel Sampling of Soils D1587 Thin Walled Tube Sampli.ng of Soils D2488 Recommended Practice for Descriptian of Soils D2937 Test for Density of Soil in Place Sectianallinear samples were also secured in canjunction with the performance of the standard penetration and densil.y test. The soil profiles reported by the boring logs should be reviewed for specific i.nformation at the individuallZoring locations and test depths. �-� _ =:�*;�`�a:;'; . yR1"�'� � ' �G� ^.N�{�'`��i.�- � '. ����?�la �. '�5?!'3�'v��v�� , ,�h , - � � ,�� _. ��'� �:�yt=:. COttlBULTiN6 ENOINEER i`"'� `� ����: u 5c;,.;Uyn�,. .zh� . - 32E Proposed Development Route 48(North Raad),Greenport,New York Page 4 i � ������.�;�����+��;�������� The groundwater data.presented herein was measured at the time of the field activities and immecliately after completion of drilling procedures. They were also corroborated through a visual examination of the retrieved soil samples. Soil staining and other seasonal high groundwater i.ndicators were not noted. Actual groundwater elevation was encountered at a depth of 24.0+/-feet below grade. The upper moist soil condition at the location of BT#3 is representa.tive of perched ar trapped water condition. � � A fluctuation of the subsurface water level could be expected throughout the year due to seasonal variations and weather events,tidal variations and other factors that may vary from the ti.me the borings were conducted. � If the presents of subsurface water could be critical to the design or � construction af the project, groundwater observation wells could be installed ta monitor fluctuations over a period of time. ��S�RVA�'IOl�S �D�T�.,�'SIS A surface fill condition was detected. The materials are related to clearing and grubbing and are marginally consolidated. However,the soils are suitably graded and could be excavated,rendered free of organic, deleterious and reactive materials and replaced as engineered fill. The in situ soils encountered are typical of the area and are non-reactive, dense and rnaderately consolidated. Soil bearing capacity is estimated fram results of in situ tests using empirical correlation factars. The anticipated zone of significant stress possesses sufficient soil bearing value(SBV) and a SBV i.n ' tons per square foot is an acceptable application to-the soils encountered as � indicated below: �oriaag IVo. 1 2 � 4 5 Fill Depth (ft) 2.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 Soil Bearing Values: 1.5 TSF/SBV(ft) --- --- --- --- 3.0 � 2.0 TSF/SBV (ft) 3.0 5.0 --- 3.0 5.0 3.0 TSF/SBV (ft) --- --- 3.0 5.0 ___ _ -.;�.,...,;=., , e�:. l,,r t .!a .'� y t'� . .clS�'�'ix{u, . ��U:�n �, �a°9i����'� . f ,�Y : `� _ �._,.�,,._.�+�,E '��;.': CONSUITING EHQINEER ''I�j`;4, ;��uq—q x 1;: . :,a�,_ . �,-`i5 Propased Development Route 48(North Road),Greenport,New York Page 5 i 0 This report is fu.rther valued si.nce it certifies a SBV that exceeds tlie minimum presumptive 1.0 TSF l�.]lowable Soil Pressure permitted by BC Table 1804.2, SEISlYIIC C6�ld�'°Ol'�1�1T The 2003 Building Code of New Y�ork State(BC) contains a requarement that � every structure be designed to resist the effect of earthquake motion and be assigned a seismic Design Category. However, Sec. 1614.1 also deli.neates and exempts"...detached one and two family dwellings...": Based on the available information,the planned subject site activity is exempt and no fia.rth.er seismic investigation is required. Moreover,the project locatian would result in a win.d design component that would exceed the anticipated effect of seismic action and would,therefare, govern the structural integrity of the design. �COI��1�A"�"IO1�T The field exploration revealed quality sub-surface conditions. Attention should be given during excavation to assure that the supporting soils have not beeri disturbed or have been sta.bilized. The structurally rated soils will perform well as a bearing material and a standard shallow foundation could be applied. � Soil supported concrete ground slabs could be consixucted on the undisturbed soils after proper site preparation which is free or organic and reactive materials. The presents of the granular soils preclude the concern of supporting grade shrinkage. Undercut material should be replaced as engineered fill. Do not commence backfill un].ess e�sting sub-grade is undisturbed or has been compacted. Fill should be placed in uniform lif�s with clean, granular soils with a particle size distribution of 85%.passing a No. 4 sieve and less than 5%passing a No. 200 sieve. The material should be compacted in accordance with an Engineered Fill Specificafiion. Each lift should be placed ii� a maxiynum loose lift. :,: �� thickness of approximately twelve(12)inches aud be compacted to t`lie .;;,�`_`{,°,'°w���,� materials maximum dry density,determined by a Proctor Density Test( � �. � ��1�qr s'�,--.. '�'�°��i R����h : � `fif .'.� � • � 155'7 at o timum moisture content or as re uired. �.. �5 � � '✓� �3 � ��'i��� �r�,r��` CONSULTINR ENOiNEER . ��S fr' `�f•.f� . , ,. ::n,l'3'. ^^ 4.'`f ��=71. - � Proposed Development Route 4�(North Road),Greenport,New York Page 6 _ � � APPLICATION %1VIAX I3ENSITY Under Slabs on Cnade 9S Under paved areas 95 � Under structural members 98 Unpaved areas 90 General grading -85 � Foundations constructed on the final bearing soils which are firm, sta.ble and free of organic or reactive materials, mud,water or frost, could experience a one time elastic consolidation of less than one half(0.5") inch. Consolidation would be apportioned with the applicatian of construction with negligible post construction stress under full load. ' The analysis and recommendations are based on the data.obtained from the widely spaced test borings performed for this report. The na.ture and e�ent of variatians may not become evident until open excavation is initiated. Variations should be noted and their impact evaluated with respect to the necessity to modify the recommendations of this report. I�/IISCEI�I����TS Limitatians: It must be noted that no structure or slab should be expected to remain totally free of cracks and minor signs of stress. The flexible nature of structures , allows them to respond to movements resulting from minor settlement of fill � or nature soils. In addition,�roducts containing cement also shrink during natural curing. All of the above can induce stresses that frequently result in cosmetic cracking of rigid surfaces. The recammendations in this report are based on our experience in conjunction with the limited soils exposed at the site. We believe that this information gives an acceptable degree of reliability for anticipating behavior of the proposed improvement,however, our recommendations are professianal opinions and cannot assure accuracy beyond the limits of the obtained data.of the soil profile. This report is based on the evaluation at the described site and on the:sp��ci:f�i��:.F.a�;::� anticipated construction. `� '� , ' =;,' ;��-;�_:�'+�;- ����"alE.�l�J �, 'a3��¢"���id'�6 . , y a ,c �.� �h�;°�� , .. �C..er�`� �� q..l:: CONBUI.TIH6EHOINSER +"`;'�`��^ '�� �.n.�1.. ' uln ;'i:5 F�L 5:^wb.� . . c��lc r.^., ���-: Proposed Development ' Route 48(North Road),Greenport,New York Page 7 � ,. The field reports,bori.ng logs and the vertical boring plan are hereby made part of this report. If you have any questions regarding this report, or if we can be of fiu�ther servica,please do not hesita.te to contact our office. We hope this report provides you with the necessary information to conti.nue with development of th �ec�,�w _ �,p . Ve truly yo s���J�P• w�Nc� �� .�•W e� ���� `� � Paul A. Win ler P.E. ' i"��` � � ���`�'�sF �a' 38�y�' `yc,��� �p'���ESSIO�P�"� � •� s , ' �.;;:�: -.-•-. ,,��,�,�u� � ,� �'��'-`�.,s,:,: • �3�$_�0 �< �o�a R��.va . � �; d�- a �x�4. - - - '�:-��� - consu�nNc�eoitaeee -�i� • _ ,�:�� ,._�= - ���u _ - -'�.�,,.,, 1� ' �� 9 �� � I "TAL I , I Ce 32 CHICHESTER AVE. PO BOX 372 CEtdTER�flORICHES,iVY 11434 (631)874-211Z FAX(631)874-4547 � � � � � ��l. �� � ��� a) r�er�p�r�, Y ��h 2 0 ��� � � ' � � � g - Page# 'i of 1 w � DATE: March 20, 2008 SITE: Route 48 (North Rd.) CONSULTANT: Q�ace Development, LLC. Greenport, NY Greenport, NY DEPTH DRILLED: 27 fieet DEPTH TO WATER: 20 fest CORING DEVICE: 2"K 24�" HAMMER WEIGHT: 140 Ibs. HAMMER DROP: 30 inches WELUBORING GROUTED : NO DRILLING METHOD: 3" Rods and SPT Hammer DEPTH TO BOTTOM TAPED: 27 feet DRiLLER: S. Pedersen HELPER: K. McGourty bEi?TI� BLOINS:/6 ; FROM,:: :. . TO : ., . R�COUERY. :, .tNCHEs: .:.: :. ;;.. SANIPLE DESCFtIPTlUN . . . . . Reddish brown�grey silty sand & silts, fine, trace of 0 ft 2 ft 20 inches 1-2-3-3 gravel, (SM) / (SL) 2 ft 4 ft 98 inches 6-8-9-11 Reddish brown silty sands, fine, trace of gravel, (SM) , 4 ft 6 ft 17 inch�s 9-11-15-18 Reddish brown si[ty sand/sarrd/silty sand, frne/medium to fine/fine, trace of gravel, (SM) i (5V1/) / (SM); moist 6 ft 10 ft Advance 3" Rods �lo Sampies Taken, No Classificafion �0 ft 12 ft 22 incties 4-f`r6-8 Gre�r clay, very fine, (C�) 12 ft 15 ft Advance 3" Rods I�o Sampi�s Taken, No Classification 15 ft 17 ft 24 inches 3-4-6-7 Grey clay, very fine, (CL} 17 ft 20 ft Advance 3" Rods IUo Samp(es Taken, No Classifiication 20 ft 22 ft 24 inches 47-8-8 Tan/grey fine sand/clay, fine/very fine, (SU1n / (CL), wet, 14" sand�0 1 Q" clay 22 ft 25 ft Advance 3" Rods No Samples Taken, No Classification 25 ft 27 ft 24 inches 45-8-'f 0 Grey clay, very fine, frace of gravel, (CL), wet, end of baring as per client � � � L.and, Air, VUate� Envaronmenta! Services, Inc. ��� � � p � � . a a Page# 1 of 1 DATE: March 20, 2008 SITE: Route 48 (iVorth Rd.) �(3NSULTANT: Kace Deve{opment, LLC. Greenport, NY Greenport, NY DEPTH DRILLED: 27 feet DEPTH TO WATER: 25 feet CORING DEVICE: 2"X 24" HAMII�ER WEIGHT: 140 Ibs. HAMMER DROP: 30 inches WELUBORING GROUTED : NO DRILLING iVIETHOD: 3" Rods and SPT Hammer DEPTH 70 BOTTOM TAPED: 27 feet DRILLER: S. Pedersen HELPER: K. McGourty DEPTH BLOUVS;/6 ` FROM. . T(O ; :; .REC:O�!ERY.: , :;.. INGHES.: . ,,. ..:..:. SAMPLE.DE�Gl�IPTlC)N;. 0 ft 2 ft 6 inches 1-1-2-2 Brown siity sanc�, fine, (Stvf}, trace of woad or roats 2 ft q tt 5 inches 2_2_2_3 ��g�t brown silty sand, medium to fine, trace of gravel, . (SM), moist Reddish brawn siity sand, medium fo fine, trace of gravel, 4 ft 6 ft 13 inches �-8-8-9 �5�� . 6 ft 10 ft Advance 3" Rods No Samples Taken, No Ciassification 10 ft 12 ft 24 inches 10-13-15-18 Redc�ish brovim silfy clay, very fine, (SC} 12 ft 15 ft Advance 3" Rods No Sampies Taken, No Classification 15 ff 17 ft 24 inches 9-13-18-17 Redd'tsh bro�rrn siity clay, fine, trace of gravei, (SC) 17 ft 20 ft Advance 3" Rocis No Samples Taken, fVo Ciassification 20 ft 22 ft 20 inches 7-11-11-15 Reddish bravrm sikfy c(ay, fine, trace of gravel, (SC) 22 ft 25 ft Advance 3" Rods No Samples Taken, No Classification 25 ft 27 ft '19 inch�s 9-11-13-14 Brownitan sand, medium, trace af gravel, (SVin; wet, end of baring � � � � L,�rad, Air, VUater Environmental Servaces, Inc. ��� � � � �,�� ,� � � � _ � _ Page# 1of1 DATE: March 21, 2008 SITE: Route 48 (iVorth Rd.) CO�ISULTANT: Kace Developmenf, L�C. Greenport, NY Greenport, fVY DEPTH DRILLED: 27 feet DEPTH TO WATER: 5 feet CORING DEVICE: 2"X 24" HAMMER WEIGHT: 140 Ibs. HAMMER DROP: 30 inches WELUBORING GROUTED : NO DRILLING IVi�THOD: 3" Rods and SPT Hammer DEPTH TO BOTTO(1� TAPED: 27 feet DRiLLER: S. Pedersen HELPER: D. Bengel DEPTH. BLOWS/.6. : .FR011� ;. , TQ . REGOVEI�Y ;. I{`�ICHES . ;;. . _ : ;..�SAMPLE.DE�CRlPTION. ... - Weighfi of 0 ft 2 ft 18 inches Hammer-2 Brawn sanci, fine to medium, (SM), damp/moist 2 ft 4 ft 22 inches 7-11-15-12 Brown silt/sand, fine to medium, (SM), damp/moist 4 ft 6 ft 21 inches 9-11-11-13 BrQwn sa�dlsfit, fine fo medium, 5% gravel, (SM), wet 6 ft 10 ft Advance 3" Rods �Io Samples Taken, No Classification 10 ft 12 ft 16 inches 5Q-16-15-16 BrQwn clayfsilty, fine, %% gravei, (SM), rock at head of shoe (frst b{ow caunt} 12 ft 15 ft Advance 3" Rods No Sampies Taken, IVo Classification 15 ft 17 ft 18 inches 26-7-8-10 Brawn clay silty, fine, trace of gravel, (ML) 17 ft 20 ft Advance 3" Rods No Samples Taken, No Ciassification 20 ft 22 ft 19 inches 5-9-15-14 grown clay/sand, medium to fine, 5% gravel, (CL), wet through cfay into sand. 22 ft 25 ft Advance 3" Rods No Samples Taken, No Classification 25 ft 27 ft 21 inches 6-10-11-11 Bro�vn clay/silt, fine, (CL), wef � � � I.and, P�ir, Watex Envixo�mental Services, Inc. ��� _ - �� � � � �`� � _ � E Page# 1 of 1 DATE: March 21, 2008 SITE: Route 4�8 (North Rd.) CGNSU�TANT: Kace Deve(opment, LLC. Greenport, NY Greenport, NY DEPTH DRILLED: 27 feet DEPTH TO WATER: 20 feet CORING DEVICE: 2"X 24" HAMMER WEIGHT: 140 Ibs. HAMMER DROP: 30 inches WELUBORING GROUTED : NO DRILLING IVIETHOD: 3" Rods and SPT Hammer �EPTH TO B(3TTONt TAPED: 27 feet DRILLER: S. Pedersen HEL.PER: D. Bengel . DEPTH BLQVVS!'6 : ; FROM, ; T�. . ,; REC01lERY .. ._:._. t[�1CHES : . . . '... . ': SAMR;LE,.D,ESCRIPTIQN a ft 2 ft 16 inches Weight of Brown sand, fine, trace of grave(, (OL), 4" sand bottom of Hammer-'i-2 spoon Bro�uvn sand/silt, medium to fine, trace of gravel, (SM}, dry 2 ft 4 ft 20 inches �-�$-�-'�2 to wef at top of spoon Brvwn sandfs�lt, medium fa fine, trace of gravel, (SM), dry 4 ft 6 ft 21 inches 13-15-18-�1 at top of shoe to wet at top of spoon 6 ft 10 ft Advance 3" Rods No Samples Taken, No Classifcafion 10 ft 12 ft 20 inches 8-�(411-'!4 Brawn sand/cl�y, �nedium, 5% gravel, (CL) 12 ft 15 ft Advance 3" Rods No Samples Taken, No Classification 15 ft 17 ft 19 inches 6-9-10-14 Brown clay, fine, (CL) 17 ft 20 ft Advance 3" Rods f�o Samples Taken, No Classification 20 ft 22 ft 15 inches 17-17-1&19 Tan sand, caarse to fine; (SV1(�, wet 22 ft 25 ft Advance 3" Rods No Samples Taken, No Classification 25 ft 27 ft 22 inches 46-7-1'[ Brown clay, fine, (CL) � � � L,and, Aar, V�ater Environmental Services, Inc. � ��� �� ���� ��:���n6� � � � �° Page# 1of1 DATE: �liarch 21, 2QQ$ ' SITE: Route 48 {hJorth Rd.} G(?NSU�TafVT: Kace Development, LLC. Greenport, NY Greenport, NY DEPTH DRILLED: 27 feet DEPTH TO WATER: 20 feet CORING DEVICE: 2"X 24" HAMMER WEIGHT: 140 ibs. HAMMER DROP: 30 inches WELUBORING GROUTED : NO DRILLING METH�D: 3" Rods and SPT Hammer DEPTH TO B4TTOM TAPED: 27 feet DRILLER: S. Pedersen HELPER: D. Bengei . DEPTH BLOINS/6 ` . FROM.-..: �Q...: ....., . REGOl1ERY ` ;. IN�HES. :.. . SAMPLE LDE�CRIPTION .. Weight of 0 ft 2 ft 15 inches Hammer-1-'I growri sand, fine to coarse, trace of gravei, (SM) 2 �t 4 ft 21 inches 3-7-&6 Brown sand, fine to medium, trace of gravel, (SM) 4 ft 6 ft 22 inches 4-9-11-10 Brouvn clay/sand, fine to medium, (CL), wet 6 ft 10 ft Advance 3" Rods No Samples Taken, Na Classification 10 ft 12 ft 19 inches 15-9-9-11 Brawrrt cfay/sand, fine, trace of gravel, (CL) 12 ft 15 ft Advance 3" Rads No Samples Taken, No Classificafion 15 ft 17 ft 21 inches 6-8-12-13 Brown clay, frne, trace of gravel, (ML) 17 ft 20 . ft Advance 3" Rods fVo Samples Taken, No Classification 2� ft 22 ft 22 inches 5-9-1 C}-11 Grey clay, fine, trace of gravel, (CL) 22 ft 25 ft Advance 3" Rods f�o Samples Taken, No Classification 25 ft 27 ft 22 inches 6-8-9-11 Grey clay sand, fi�e, trace of gravel, (CL) � � � I.��d, Air, t�llater Environmental Services, Ine.