HomeMy WebLinkAboutKatz, Harryl~j~ Lighthouse Rd.
Be~net Or!owski
Southo!d Town Planning Board
P.O. Box 1179
SoutholD,New York 11071
Dear .~,Ir. Bennet,
T just wanted to red, eat my offer to buy from the Town the property it owns
just north of me on Lighthouse Rd~ I would disturb no trees or frontage and
would siffn covenents restricting me from putting up structures of any size
or tyoe. I could pay as much as $~0,000 for this. The Town could use the
proceeds for whatever pur~ose, Fort Corchau~ inc!u~ed(I k~uow it's just a
~ro? in the bucket
if -ou a~?e ever interested call or write me. The Town would certainly
~eal~6 some small financial benefits from havin~ this property on the
tax ral! ~;lus the [;nediate cash Oayment.
Thank you.
LFEB 2 6 199"f
P[AS,, ,D
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-3136
Telephone (516) 765-1938
Supervisor Jean W. Cochran
MeHssa Spiro, Planner~/~
January 22, 1997
Correspondence from Harry Katz
SCTM# 1000-50-6-5.8
As per your request, I reviewed the above mentioned correspondence with
the Planning Board at yesterday's work session.
The Planning Board approved the Too Bee Realty Corp. subdivision on
June 14, 1993. A wetland area was indicated by the surveyor on the north
side of the pond and the area was reviewed by the Town Trustees during
the subdivision review. The subdivision was designed with building
envelopes set back 75 feet from the designated wetland area. As shown on
the enclosed map, the surveyor did not indicate any wetland area on Mr.
Katz's lot (subdivision lot #2).
Please let me know if you require any additional information.
~ m
~g ~,~ 1"/5.0
-~ .04
ighthouse Rd.
AS per previous letter I am reltteratlq~ my request to oDtaln town land
ad3acent to mine. I naQ asked to purcnase%~Dut ± ~-~lnK it is also reasonable to
request an exchange ot my wetlands ~or your dry land.
TRe encloseQ minor suDdlVlSlOn survey clearly shows t~at my land is nut
"wetlands". T~e Flannlng Dept erred as I Rave suDsequently experienced Dy
vlrtue ot t~e ~lOOdlng ~rom Hummel's Fond.l spent yUD,OUU on a piece ol land on
W~lCn a DullGlng lot s~oulG never nave Peen permitted. Intact tRe Dulld~ng
envelope doesn't even take into consideration "wetlands". ± could Rave Deen in
Di~ trouble it I'd set my Rouse ~urtRer DacK.
It appears TOO see Realty Rad a great deal ot influence ~ere in tRat you not
only approved a llawed Dulldlng lOt Dut purchased ~rom t~lS company an
additional parcel ot lanG. I need rectlslcatlon here Dy way o~ a
land where you get the wet lands in the DacK o~ my house in exchange ~or the
~lgR dry land t~e town currently owns or Z.) an outrlg~t purchase ota part
the town land{or all o~ it). ± try to De annonest person In my lite and I do
not expect to De deceived Dy a wealtRy out o~ town developer w~o somehow got
the town to do wRat H5 wanted at the buyers expense.
Flease let me Know now we can Dest deal with tn~s request. And I GO tRanK
you tor giving it the attention it deserves.
F.5. ~y lot is ~2 on the map. clearly you gave approval ~or
subdivision WltROUt s~owlng "wetlands" or "wetland" on my property.