HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 5309S Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 SPECIAL PERMIT In accordance with Chapter 27, Section 27.1.B of the Code of the Town of Southold, a permit is hereby granted to the Mattituck Lions Club to hold their 39th Annual Strawberry Festival on the Mattituck-Cutchogue School grounds on Saturday, June 20, 1992, from 10:00 a.m. to $:00 p.m., provided they secure and file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured. A special condition of this permit Department be notified when the tents be conducted before they are occupied. DATED: December 31, 1991. is that the Southold Town Building are erected so an inspection may / Judith T. Terry ~' Southold Town Clerk CC: Building Department Police Chief Droskoski Supt. of Highways Jacobs T~ Mattituck Lions Club's Annual Strawberry Festival and County Fair P.O. Box 46 Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 19 December 1991 DEC ~. ~ 1991 Judith Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mrs. Terry, On behalf of the Mattituck Lions Club, I would like to apply for the permit required to hold our 38th annual Strawberry Festival and Country Fair on Saturday June 20, 1992, at the Mattituck Cutchogue High School grounds, Main Road, Mattituck. The Festival Hours will be lOam to Opm. Set-up will begin the week of the 14th of June 1992. enclosing a copy of the current layout for 1992. I am As in the past we have a certificate of insurance in Southold Town's name, which I would like to enclose with this application. If you need any more information or would like to contact me, for any reason, feel free to do so at any time. My office phone number is 298-4667 and my home phone number is 369-9886. As always we appreciate again. Yours your time an consideration, thank you in the Lions Spirit of Community Service, Philip J. Centonze Festival Chairman 1992 PROD~...F.R ~'IIS CERTIFICATI~ IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOt. D~R. TH~ CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, T.J. Adams & Assoc. Inc. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. 2001 Spring Road Oak Brook, IL 60521 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE (?08)572-1550 (708)574-3278 FAX ~--r~.'~ A Royal Insurance Company of America COMPANY C ~al:l:~cuck L~ons Ne~ Yor'k co~.^.~ D THIS I$ TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POUCY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REI::~JIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY. CONTRACT OS OTHER OCX::~JMENT wrrH RESPECT TO W~ICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY P~RTAIN..THE INSURANCE AFFORCEO aY THE ~OLICIES OESORISED HEREIN IS SUeJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE SEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. GENERAL U&BIUTY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000 A iiii?ii:iiiiiili I C~A~US MAO~ CCCUa. PI-W 60 00 91 09/0]J9! 09/01/92 PERSON~. ~ ~OVEm~S~e ,NJU~Y S 1,000 F~GE O^~E ~ee) $ 1,000 MEDICAL EXPENSE (~r~o~pem~) $ 1 ~r AUTO u~rt In Above ....... ~ .......... A SC~EOULEO ~UTGE PIW 60 0O 91 09/01/91 09/01/92 (~, ~) .......... ~:~:~'~ ....... Not Covered ~'~ am No[ Covered s $ ! I~SE^~E~LIGY LIMI~ EMPLOY1ENS* U&~UI~ $ I (DISE~E--EAGH ~MPLOY~E Pmv~s~ons of policy apply t.o the AnDua~ St:~-aaberry Fes~c~va~ on ~une 20, 1992 sponsored by the NaU;~t. uck L~ons Club and ~nc~udes ~ntet'est: of the Plal:t~l:uck-Cub:hogue H~gh $chool, New Yor~ St:ate Rd. 25, Matt~tuck, NY 1195~, Coun~cy of Suffolk, dept. of Parks, Rec~eal;~on & Conservat:~on, N. $ayv~e, NY 11796 and the Town of SDutho~d, Ivla~n Road, Southo~d, NY 11971 as add~t:~onal ~nsured(s), but: only as tespecf, s ~ab~l:y arising out of use of theft ~rem~ses by the L~ons C~ub and not out of the so~e negligence of above-st, cYced additional ~nsumd(s). PROV[$[~$ OF POLI'CY DO NOT APPLY TO THE SOLE OF ~COHOL[C EEV~. ~tuck-Cutchogue High 5chool New Yo~k St:a~ Rd. 25 ~t~dl:ud(, NY 11952 Courtly of Suffolk Dept. of Parks, Recmal:~on & Conservation ........ ...................... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: · :: ,,t~:~ ~; '. ch:i .... --.. · '~ .................... ~ ~ ~:l~ ...... I"'~ .~::::~.. ................. ............................. ...... ~ ..~ .... ~ .... ~ i ..- .............. ~ .,.__... .~. ,~.~, ..... ,,..,.. . :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:. ...... · .~::: ...... ~ .......... ~ ........ , ......... , ~: ......... ~ , .............. ........ .. :~.. ........... ~...=.;~; ...... ~.... .... ...,.?.~,.,??....,......,..~.~ . .~ ~ ........... ~ , ~. ~ ~x ~ ~: ............................. ' i ::;; : : ~'~'''~:~'~':':::;:~ ~ ........ ;:''i ....... ~ :::;: ,.. ~ . . . ~ . . .., . . . ~ .. . . .... .; . ~ ................. ~-~ .gC:.~ OC..... :::::::::::::::::::::::: ......... ................. .. .......... ...... :::::::::::::::::::::::: JUN-lB-92 TU£ I0:03 LIONS CLUB INTERNATIONAL F~× NO, 7086718890 ?:02 T.J, Adams & Assoc. Inc. 2001 8prin$ Road Oak Brook, l~ 60~21 1708)$72.1550 lams Club PePS, n, C COMPANIE9 AFFORDING COVERAGE Royal Insurance Company of America TNIS IE TO CERTi~ THAT THE pOK~IE6 O; IId~UFW4C[ LIBTK BE~ ~VE sEEN Iliad ~ ~ INBURED ~M~ A~ FOR ~i ~ PE~ I UAILm P~W 60 00 91 09/01/91 09101J92 PI'W 60 00 91 Ownttd Automobiles Not Covered Not, Coverad 09/01/91 09/01~92