HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER OFFICE OF ~'HE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 SPECIAL PERMIT In accordance with Chapter 27, Section 27.1.B of the Code of the Town o_f Southold, a Special Permit is hereby granted to Corneil Cooperative Extension/Marine Program, in cooperation with the Group for the South Fork, Peconic Land Trust, Peconic Bay Brown Tide Citizen Task Force, and L.I. Baymens Alliance, and Sponsored by Fish Unlimited, North Fork Environmental Council, and Save the Peconic Bays, Inc., to hold a "Celebrate The Bays" event, with beach picnic, clambake, and auction, to benefit the Marine Environmental Learning Center, at Cedar Beach, Southold, New York,, on Saturday, August 3, 1991, from 1:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M., provided they secure and file with the Town Clerk a Certificate of Liability Insurance for at least One Million Dollars, naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured. Dated: July 23, 1991. CC: Police Chief Droskoski Supt. of Hwys. Jacobs Southold Town Bldg. Dept. JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 FAX (516) 765-1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 July 23, 1991 Dear Chris: Thank you for sending all the required information and insurance certificate. The Building Department is being notified of this event, due to the erection of a tent, which they are required to inspect. Best wishes for a successful event. Cornell . Cooperative Extension Suffolk County Marine Education Cen~r 39 Sound Avenue Riverhead, NY 11901-1098 516-727-3910 FAX 516-369-5944 91-C-71 16 July 1991 Ms. Judith Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold PO Box 1179 - Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RECEIVED JUL i 9 199! 5o,,thola 'r ..... Dear Ms. Terry: Attached please find a Certificate of Insurance that lists the Town of Southold as the certificate holder for $1 million insurance coverage during the Clambake at Cedar Beach on 8/3/91. Also attached is a sketch of the event structured locations. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need more information. Sincerely, /2 Christopher F. Smith COOPERATIVE EXTENSION AGENT Marine Program CFS:jdc Attachment Helping You Put Knowledge to Work Corne[I Cooperative Extension provides equal program and employment opportunities NYS College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NYS College of Human Ecology, and NYS College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, Cooperative Extension associations, county governing bodies, and US Department of Agriculture, ( ooperatmg (~IERTIF[C:~TIF-. OF INfSURI:tNCE. (:0Gl&Ii, TIrE [XTENSI~ RSS0ClRIIGNS INS~l~D~,ell~o~ratt~ £xte~lo~ ~sociationof 2~6 C~t£~-~ Ava. Riverheed, NY 11901 ~t~eobile Liabilltyt 8~s~a~husetts ~ay ln~ur&nceCo, [xcet$ Liability~ The ~nov~r CiRIIFIC~TE HD~iR: To~n of $outhold Office of the Town Clerk P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 II6[NT~ P. W. ~OOD t ~, l~. BOX ~0 ~7 ~ ~73~3303 i~dicet~. ~t.ithsta~ing mr, y tequ:r~nt, te~ o~ ~ition of any ~ntract de other ~nt with ~soect to whi~ this certificate may ~ issu~ or ~rtain~ t~e i~u~an~e afford~ by the ~licies Oesc~ibed herein Is ~ubJect to all the te~s, exclu~io~ a~ ~n~itions of ~u~ ~liel~, Policy Num~r~ Z~ 071 ~ 8q ~I I PO LI~II Expieation 0ate: per occur~nee ~eneral aggregate BI & PD COt4B1N[I): $1~000,000 per accident [~SCRIPTIOW Or O~IliY~ Clam Bake on 8/3/91 at Cedar Beach Contractual Liability applies only to lease of preelses or tort liability because of {~lily Injury or Property Oaae{e to a third pe~sor, or organization to the extent that liability would be imp~e~ by law in the abseree of any contract or agreement. [] If check~, ~rtificate Holder is add~ as an 'ad~itional iMm'ed" solely to the extent of liability for bodily injury or property da~aoe as a result of re{{ligence on the peet of ~)operativo ExteneiO% Its employees or agents in the perfortla~t'e of the cone-att or agreement ~et.e~n Cooperative Extension ara the Certificate Hol~er. CAN~LLRTION:I~ould any of the above p~liclt~ be cancelled before the expleation date thereof, the issuing ceepany .ill e~esvor to mail 30 days ~ritten notice tO the certificate holder nam~ herein, but failure to mail I~uch notice r~all i,*pose no obligation or haetlity of any kind upon the ooepany, its agents Or rept'eeentetives. llqT~ ~ I~IlLEt 7/10/91 BY: AUGUST 3,1 1 Marine Environmental Learning Center CEDAR BEACH, SOUTHOLD - ON THE BAY · OPEN HOUSE · BEACH PICNIC 1 TO 4 PM Tours, beach walks, exhibits, events... Refreshments available or bring your own picnic · CELEBRITY GUESTS 6TO 10 PM Clambake produced by and benefi~ L,I, Baymens Alliance BENEFIT FOR THE MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL LEARNING C~NTER Sponsored by Fish Unlimited, North Fork Environmental Council, and Save the Peconic Bays, Inc. IN COOPERA310N WTIH: · CORNELL COOPERATN[ EXTENSION / MARINE PROGRAM · GROUP FOR 11'1E soUTH FORK · PECONIC LAND TRUST · PECONIC BAY BROWN 'nDE CmZEN TASK FORCE · · L.L IAYMEN$ ALLLANCE · RESERVATIONS NECES.~IiRY BY JULY ~! RESERVATION FORM: Celea)rllte the Bayl I-I Open House 1-6 p.m. No fee # [~ Clam Bake 6-10 p.m. $75* per person #. *$45 IS TAX DEDU~I'IBLE Address; Phone 71p:. Mall and make chec~ payable to: ~11VE EXTENSION MARINE PROGRAM 39 Sound Avenue * Riverhead, New York 11901 For directions and information contact: Comell Cooperative Extension's Marine Program ofr~e at $1&-727-3~10 CERTIFICATE DF INSURANCE C00PE~TIVE EXTENSION P,,~IATION~ INSIJ;~I):Co~nell~be~ative Extenoion ~sociation of Suffolk County 246 Griffing Ave. Riverhead, NY 11901 ~RTIFI~TEH~R: Town of Southold Office of the Town Clerk P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 · CO~P~f ~FFO~ING General Liability: Massachusetts Bay Inerua~ce Co. Automobile Liability: Massachusetts Day Insurance Co. Ex~ess Liability: The Hanover Insurance CO. AGENT: P. W. WOOD & S[~, I~. ~ BOX 520 124 E. Court S~. Ithaca~ NY 14851 607 + 273-~03 ~S: This is to certify that ~licies of insuranoe have been issued to the inou~o named a~ove for t~e ~olicy indicated. Notwithsta~ing any ~oui~nt, tere or co~ition of any contract or other m~nt with resbect to wmic~ this certificate may be issued or pertain, the inourance affo~e~ by the ~olicies described herein is subject to all the te~s? exclumio~, a~ conditions of such LIMITS ~qY ~qVE BEE)~ REDUCED BY PAID CLqI~S BENERA~ LI~ILITY: (Dccur~ence Form) PREM/DPER, PROD/CON~. OPS, I~. CDNTRACTDRS PERS(]NPi INJURY, CD~TRACTUAL CDMBINE]) S1NS-E Policy Number: ZDS 071 B5 04 BI & PD LI~IIT Effective Date: 5/Z4/91 E~piration Date: 5/24/~ $~,000,000 general aggregate P~O~OBILE LIP~ILIT~: HUED NON-O~ P~OS Policy Number: P~S 31~0~93 Effective Date: 5/24/91 Expiration Date: 5/24/92 BI & PD per accident EXQESBLIABILITY: Dther than umbrella form Policy Number: UHSO691PP7 Effective Date: 5/24/91 Expiration Date: 5/24/92 BI & PD CO~INED: $ I~.¢~RIPTI~ ~ OPERATIONS: Clam Bake on 8/3/91 at Cedar Beach Contractual Liability applies only to lease of premises or tort liability because of Bodily Injury or Property Damage to a third person or organization to the extent that liability would be imposed by law in the absence of any contra~t or agreement. ] If Certificate Holder is added "additional insured" to the extent of an solely liability for bedily p~operty damage as a result of negligence on the part of Cooperative Extension, its employees op agents in the berfo~manoe of the contract or agreement between Cooperative Extension aF~ the Certificate Holder. ~E1.LqTION:Bhoold any of the above ~olicies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing c~pany will endeavor to mail 30 da~ written notice to the certificate holder named herein, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, its agents or representatives. ~)V~CD P. W. WOOD &, SON, I~./'~ / JUL 1 6 1991 AUT~DRIZED REPRES(~ITATIVE / 7/9/91 - Chris Smith of the Cooperative Extension (727-3910) called to say that he is still waiting for the certificate of insurance from the insurance company for the special permit for the Aucjust 3, 1991 Bay Celebration at Cedar Beach beach. He just wanted to be certain that no other special permits are granted for the beach on this date. (looking on the side of your desk, I see correspondence that mentions) the date of July 27th for this event??? JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 4, 1991 Bill Smith, President Sport Fishing Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 900 Shelter Island, New York 11964 Dear Mr. Smith: Supervisor Harris referred your letter to me concerning your proposed New England Clam Bake on the grounds of the SCCC Marine Sciences property at Cedar Beach on July 27th. A permit, along with insurance coverage, is required. Please submit to me a detailed description of the proposed event, a diagram of the premises and the area you intend to utilize, as well as the location of any temporary structures (tents, etc.). We will also need, prior to the event, a certificate of liability insurance for at least One Million Dollars naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured. Once I am in receipt of the above information I will be happy to issue a Special Permit for the event. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk SPORT FISHING UNLIMITED, INC. P.O. BOX 900 SHELTER ISLAND, NEW YORK 11964 .... U . h.)±.~ l()k4h no ]. ?,?' o~<fanizatx, n FIEq', ;~ I -rMTTFD in :.~opc~ra .,~ ~A~ ~ a/id ~ ORNELL. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION aq~.~a~.?LJlfu~epro,je,(~ts'" - , as ~-'J, ar': a mariY~ lnabitet F3;~ilding. evenkuaiiy tuna an<~ bi!!fish ~e a}e also interested ~n propagating mus:f:e]s~ clams arid scailops~ again for Ihhe :-L. ~?t i.O/:~.: yOU i',',~!]}nt 'CR~\/e .